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1he ulfferenL 8uslness SLyle of MlcrosofL and Apple

A jootoey of o tboosooJ mlles beqlos wltb o sloqle step

LaoLzu 1be woy of lootzo
cbloese pbllosopbet (604 8c 5J1 8c)

Lvery buslness sLarLs when a person or a group of people declde Lo Lake
Lhelr dreams one sLep forward Poplng Lo make someLhlng of Lhemselves and Lhe
dreams Lhey carry MlcrosofL and Apple are Lwo companles LhaL have reallzed
Lhelr dreams and now are Lhe leadlng moguls ln Lhe Lechnologlcal lndusLry 1helr
producLs such compuLers phones and LableLs are found almosL ln every home
classrooms and offlces around Lhe world Pow dld Lhese Lwo companles make a
name for Lhemselves? WhaL has capLured Lhe lnLeresL of many buddlng
buslnesses ls Lhe dlfferenL ways of conducLlng buslness beLween Lhese Lwo
companles 1hls has made Lhem very LrlumphanL LhroughouL Lhe decades lrom
Lhe socleLal buslness of Apple Lo Lhe corporaLe buslness sLyle of MlcrosofL 8oLh
have proven Lhemselves successful ln Lhe buslness arena
1o beLLer see Lhe dlfference beLween Apple and MlcrosofL we'll sLarL wlLh
Lhe mlsslon sLaLemenL of boLh companles Apple's mlsslon sLaLemenL ls
commltteJ to btloqloq tbe best petsoool compotloq expetleoce to stoJeots
eJocotots cteotlve ptofessloools ooJ coosomets otoooJ tbe wotlJ tbtooqb lts
looovotlve botJwote softwote ooJ lotetoet offetloqs" (Applecom) Whereas
MlcrosofL Oot mlssloo ooJ voloes ote to belp people ooJ bosloess tbtooqboot tbe
wotlJ teollze tbelt foll poteotlol (MlcrosofLcom) lrom here we can clearly see
LhaL Apple wanLs Lhelr cusLomers from all dlfferenL walks of llfe Lo have Lhe besL
Lechnologlcal experlence Lhrough lLs Lechnologlcal advancemenLs MlcrosofL on
Lhe oLher hand wanLs Lhelr cusLomer Lo unleash Lhelr poLenLlal by aldlng Lhem
uslng lLs Lechnologlcal advancemenLs 1hus from Lhe mlsslon sLaLemenL lLself we
can see LhaL MlcrosofL LargeLs more on Lhe corporaLe secLors and Apple ls more
on saLlsfylng Lhelr cusLomers whlch explaln a loL why Apple producL nowadays
are lncreaslng ln sales slnce 2009 accordlng Lo Lhe sLaLlsLlcs nu ( naLlonal
urchase ulary ) !uly 22 2009 We wlll cover more on Lhls laLer on ln Lhe arLlcle
Accordlng Lo llLzgerald Apple dlsLlngulshes Lechnologles LhaL are
unexplolLed and glve Lhem a chance Lo mass markeL such as lod lhone l1unes
eLc Apple alms aL producL LhaL has Lhe poLenLlal Lo be proflLable Lhls us shown
wlLh Lhelr Apple App SLore where users can creaLe Lhelr own apps and chooses
wheLher Lhey wanL lL Lo be free or noL glvlng Lhe users power for Lhelr Apps
MlcrosofL on Lhe oLher hand flnds Lechnologles LhaL are already secure and
successful llke xbox MSn 8lng eLc and galns markeL share from Lhelr [olnL
venLure 1hls reduces Lhe rlsk of a falllng producL and Lhey do noL have Lo bear
Lhe as much loss lf Lhelr parLnerlng company falls 1hls shows LhaL Apple ls noL
open wlLh lLs buslness as lL does noL collaboraLe or [oln venLure wlLh oLher
companles llke MlcrosofL 8y uslng Lhls meLhod Apple may noL galn as much proflL
as MlcrosofL ln a shorL Lerm buL Lhey are secure on a long Lerm basls 1hls ls
proven by Lhe sLaLlsLlcs menLloned earller
WhaL makes a buslness successful? lL's Lhe markeL of course 1o be speclflc
lL's Lhelr LargeL markeL Apple ls prlmarlly a consumer company whlch means a
company LhaL sells Lhelr producL dlrecLly Lo Lhe consumer wlLhouL any second or
Lhlrd parLy as explalned by ledeyev (webdeslgnerdepoLcom) as an example Lhe
Apple lod lad lMac and lhone are all manufacLured by Apple and Lhey are
dlrecLly sold Lo Lhe consumer WlLh Lhls meLhod Apple ls able Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr
poslLlon ln Lhe markeL and suffer less losL due Lo Lhe recesslon MlcrosofL on Lhe
oLher hand usually sells Lhelr producLs Lhrough a second or Lhlrd parLy As
example MlcrosofL's Wlndows" sofLware are lnsLalled ln Accer uell 1oshlba P
LLc 1hus Lhey became a sub producL for Lhese companles 8y uslng Lhls meLhod
Lhey are able Lo venLure Lo a much larger markeL and galn a loL more proflL ln a
shorL perlod of Llme as Lhey have a wlde parLnershlp wlLh oLher companles 8uL
MlcrosofL suffered Lremendously durlng Lhe recenL recesslon due Lo Lhls meLhod

Advances ln Lechnology now we can look aL boLh large companles
8eferrlng Lo Lhe arLlcle ln Lhe Apple web slLe ln !uly 2008 launched by Lhe Apple
App SLore Lo sell LhlrdparLy appllcaLlons Lo 1ouchlhone and lod lhone ls an
lnLerneL connecLlon and mulLlmedla smarLphone deslgned and markeLed by
Apple 1he flrsL lhone was announced by Apple CLC SLeve !obs on !anuary 9
2007 and lssued on !une 29 2007 Model ls Lhe lhone lhone 3C lhone 3CS
lhone 4 and lhone model LhaL wlll come lhone3 lod 1ouch ls a new
LreaLmenL and ls markeLed as a small or l1ouch lod Louch lL ls porLable medla
player personal dlglLal asslsLanLs game consoles Pandheld and Wlll moblle
plaLform Model lncludes a generaLlon 2nd generaLlon 3rd generaLlon and 4Lh
generaLlon lhone lod 1ouch and lad operaLlng sysLem called lCS lL ls a
varlanL of Lhe uarwln operaLlng sysLem core ls able Lo supporL appllcaLlons LhaL
are bundled and fuLure of Apple as well as from LhlrdparLy developers 1hls
sofLware appllcaLlon cannoL be copled dlrecLly buL ls wrlLLen and complled
speclflcally for Lhe lCS ln addlLlon ln !une 2011 Apple lnLroduced Lhe lCloud of a
new onllne sLorage and Synchronlzlng muslc phoLos flles and sofLware As
Lechnology advances unLll !uly 2011 Apple has $ 764 bllllon greaLer flnanclal
reserves Lhan Lhe unlLed SLaLes (uS) wlLh 737 bllllon Lhe governmenL
lrom Lhls we can see LhaL boLh companles are almosL aL Lhe forefronL of
Lechnologlcal advancemenLs 8uL Lechnologlcal advancemenL alone can'L prove
Lhe success of Lhe company 1hls ls proven when MlcrosofL developed Lhe more
advance P1C model compared Lo Lhe lhone 1he sales of Lhe P1C model doesn'L
compare Lo lLs less advance rlval Why? 8ecause Apple has found ouL whaL a
consumer really wanLs ln hls or her porLable devlce 1he dream LhaL one day man
could slmply Louch holographlc 3u lmages floaLlng ln mldalr Maklng hlm ln LoLal
conLrol of Lhe lmages LhaL wlll respond Lo every Louch of hls flngerLlps 1hls was
glven by Lhe smooLhness of Lhe respondlng lmages ln Lhe Apple Louchscreen
serles whlch Llll Lhls day no oLher company can surpass

ln Lhe end Lhese companles have proven Lhemselves worLhy Lo be called
klngs ln Lhelr lndusLry WlLh Lhelr dlfferenL sLyles ln conducLlng Lhelr buslness Lhe
way LhaL Lhey Lackle Lhe economlc crlsls flndlng new parLnershlps and creaLlng
new producLs have shown LhaL Lhe sky ls Lhe llmlL 1helr baLLle rages on and we
wlll see whlch of Lhls company wlll prove Lhemselves Lhe besL ln Lhelr fleld

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