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function y=ChnlGen(x, snr, chnl_mode, multipath_mode,JR,Fs,Fm)

%==== Author: WirelessDream ====%
%==== Ref:IEEE 802.16.3c-01 ====%
% x: input signal
% snr: signal to noise ratio
% chnl_mode: channel types
% 0: AWGN
% 1~6:SUI 1~6
% 7:GSM Hilly
% 8:GSM urban
% 9:ITU-PA
% 10:ITU-PB
% 11:ITU-VA
% 12:ITU-VB
% multipath_mode: multipath generation method
% 0:static multipath
% 1:dynamic multipath
% JR: observation rate in Hz
% Fs: sampling rate in Hz
% Fm: maximum doppler frequency shift in Hz

M=1024;%256; %number of taps of the Doppler filter
Dop_res=0.1; %Doppler resolution of SUI parameter in Hz (used in
res_accu=20; %accuracy of resampling process
N = length(x);%No. of independent random realizations

switch chnl_mode
case 0
tau = 0;
pwr = 0.0,;
phase = 0;
case 1 % SUI 1
tau = 0 0.4 0.9,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -15 -20,; % tap power in dB
K = 4 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.4 0.3 0.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -0.1771; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 2 % SUI 2
tau = 0 0.4 1.1,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -12 -15,; % tap power in dB
K = 2 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.2 0.15 0.25,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -0.3930; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 3 % SUI 3
tau = 0 0.4 0.9,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -5 -10,; % tap power in dB
K = 1 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.4 0.3 0.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -1.5113; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 4 % SUI 4
tau = 0 1.5 4,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -4 -8,; % tap power in dB
K = 0 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.2 0.15 0.25,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -1.9218; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 5 % SUI 5
tau = 0 4 10,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -5 -10,; % tap power in dB
K = 0 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 2 1.5 2.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -1.5113; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 6 % SUI 6
tau = 0 14 20,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -10 -14,; % tap power in dB
K = 0 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.4 0.3 0.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -0.5683; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 7 %GSM Hilly
tau = 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 15.0 15.2 15.7 17.2 20.0,;
pwr = 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 0 0 4.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0,;
phase = zeros(1,length(tau));
case 8 %GSM Urban
tau = 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.3 3.1 3.2 5.0,;
pwr = 4.0 3.0 0.0 2.6 3.0 5.0 7.0 5.0 6.5 8.6 11.0 10.0,;
phase = zeros(1,length(tau));
case 9 %ITU-PA
tau = 0 0.11 0.19 0.41,;
pwr = 0 -9.7 -19.2 -22.8,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;
case 10 %ITU-PB
tau = 0 0.2 0.8 1.2 2.3 3.7,;
pwr = 0 -0.9 -4.9 -8.0 -7.8 -23.9,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;
case 11 %ITU-VA
tau = 0 0.31 0.71 1.09 1.73 2.51,;
pwr = 0 -1 -9 -10 -15 -20,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;
case 12 %ITU-VB
tau = 0 0.3 8.9 12.9 17.1 20,;
pwr = -2.5 0 -12.8 -10 -25.2 -16,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;

y_noisefree = x;

tau_nor = tau1e-6JR; % Normalized delay time
tau_nor_min = floor(min(tau_nor));
tau2 = tau_nor-tau_nor_min;
L = length(tau); % No. of taps

Lx = length(x);
x1 = zeros(L,Lx);
for i=1:L
if mod(tau2(i),1)==0
x1(i,:)=cshift(x,tau2(i)); %%circular right shift

if (multipath_mode == 0) %static multipath
P = 10.^(pwr/10);
if (0)
paths = sqrt(P);
s2 = P./(K+1);
m2 = P.K./(K+1);
m = sqrt(m2);

paths_r = sqrt(1/2)(randn(1,L)+jrandn(1,L)).(sqrt(s2));
%paths_r = sqrt(1/2)randn_complex.(sqrt(pwr_r)); %shaoxun
paths_c = m.ones(1,L);
paths = paths_r + paths_c;
paths = paths10^(Fnorm/20);
elseif (multipath_mode == 1) % dynamic multipath
if (1)%JnlineGen==1
P = 10.^(pwr/10); % calculate linear power
s2 = P./(K+1); % calculate variance
m2 = P.(K./(K+1)); % calculate constant power
m = sqrt(m2);

%Additional Info: RMS delay spread
Chnl.rmsdel = sqrt( sum(P.(tau.^2))/sum(P) -
(sum(P.tau)/sum(P))^2 );
fprintf('rms delay spread %6.3f s\n',

%create the Ricean channel coefficients with the
specified powers.
L = length(P); % number of taps
paths_r = sqrt(1/2)(randn(L,N) +
jrandn(L,N)).((sqrt(s2))' ones(1,N));%LxN
paths_c = m' ones(1,N);
save paths_r paths_r paths_c;
paths_r = sqrt(1/2)(randn(L,M) +
jrandn(L,M)).((sqrt(s2))' ones(1,M));%LxM
paths_c = m' ones(1,M);

% white spectrum is shaped according to the Doppler PSD
%Calculate time-domain filter coefficients first. The
filter is then normalized in time-domain.
SR = max(Dop)4; % implicit sample
for p = 1:L
D = Dop(p) / SR; % Doppler freq. normalized to
sampling rate (4highest Doppler)
f0 = 0:MD,/(MD)-eps; % frequency vector
if (0)
PSD = 0.785f0.^4 - 1.72f0.^2 + 1.0; % PSD
approximation %1x513
PSD = 1./sqrt(1-f0.^2);%JAKE's model
filt = PSD(1:end-1) zeros(1,M-2floor(MD))
PSD(end:-1:2) ,; %S(f) 1xM
filt = sqrt(filt); % from S(f) to |H(f)|
if (0)
load paths_r;%%LxN
filt = ifftshift(ifft(filt)); % get time domain
impulse response
filt = real(filt); %get real-valued filter
filt = filt / sqrt(sum(filt.^2)); % normalize
path = fftfilt(filt, paths_r(p,:) zeros(1,M)
,);%filters paths_r(p,:) zeros(1,M) , with the FIR filter filt using the
overlap/add method.
paths_r(p,:) = path(1+M/2:end-M/2);%!! paths_r
filt = filt / sqrt(sum(filt.^2));%get frequency
domain transfer function

paths_r(p,:)=ifft(fft(paths_r(p,:)).(filt))sqrt(M); %!! paths_r LM
paths = paths_r + paths_c;%paths LM

%apply the normalization factor
paths = paths 10^(Fnorm/20); % multiply all
coefficients with F

%average total tap power
Chnl.AverTapPwr = 10log10(mean(abs(paths).^2, 2));
Chnl.PSD=psd(paths(1,:), 512, max(Dop));
fprintf('tap mean power level: %0.2f dB\n',
%spectral power distribution
figure, Chnl.PSD;
% interpolate the current rate to the specified
observation rate. In order to use the Matlab polyphase
% implementation resample, we need the resampling
factor F specified as a fraction F = P/Q.
m = lcm(SR/Dop_res, JR/Dop_res);
P = m/SRDop_res; % find nominator (JR/Dop_res)
Q = m/JRDop_res; % find denominator (SR/Dop_res)
paths_JR = zeros(L,N);
for p=1:L
if (1)
path_re= resample(paths(p,PathIdx), P, Q,
path_re= resample(paths(p,:), P, Q,
res_accu);%1(NP/Q) %resamples the sequencepaths(p,:) at P/Q times the
original sample rate using a polyphase implementation
L1 = floor(length(path_re)/2-N/2);
paths_JR(p,:) = path_re(L1+1:L1+N);%LN
save paths_JR_10dB_ITUVA_100Hz2 paths_JR;
load paths_JR_10dB_ITUVA_100Hz2
end %end of "elseif (multipath_mode == 1)"

ly = length(y_noisefree);
Ey = norm(y_noisefree)^2 / ly;
Noise_sigma = sqrt(Ey/(10^(snr/10))/2);
%sgma = sqrt(1/(10^(snr/10))/2);
noise = Noise_sigma (randn(1,ly) + sqrt(-1)randn(1,ly));
y = y_noisefree + noise;

raylelgh kanal generaLor
function y=ChnlGen(x, snr, chnl_mode, multipath_mode,JR,Fs,Fm)
%==== Author: WirelessDream ====%
%==== Ref:IEEE 802.16.3c-01 ====%
% x: input signal
% snr: signal to noise ratio
% chnl_mode: channel types
% 0: AWGN
% 1~6:SUI 1~6
% 7:GSM Hilly
% 8:GSM urban
% 9:ITU-PA
% 10:ITU-PB
% 11:ITU-VA
% 12:ITU-VB
% multipath_mode: multipath generation method
% 0:static multipath
% 1:dynamic multipath
% JR: observation rate in Hz
% Fs: sampling rate in Hz
% Fm: maximum doppler frequency shift in Hz

M=1024;%256; %number of taps of the Doppler filter
Dop_res=0.1; %Doppler resolution of SUI parameter in Hz (used in
res_accu=20; %accuracy of resampling process
N = length(x);%No. of independent random realizations

switch chnl_mode
case 0
tau = 0;
pwr = 0.0,;
phase = 0;
case 1 % SUI 1
tau = 0 0.4 0.9,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -15 -20,; % tap power in dB
K = 4 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.4 0.3 0.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -0.1771; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 2 % SUI 2
tau = 0 0.4 1.1,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -12 -15,; % tap power in dB
K = 2 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.2 0.15 0.25,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -0.3930; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 3 % SUI 3
tau = 0 0.4 0.9,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -5 -10,; % tap power in dB
K = 1 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.4 0.3 0.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -1.5113; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 4 % SUI 4
tau = 0 1.5 4,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -4 -8,; % tap power in dB
K = 0 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.2 0.15 0.25,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -1.9218; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 5 % SUI 5
tau = 0 4 10,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -5 -10,; % tap power in dB
K = 0 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 2 1.5 2.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -1.5113; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 6 % SUI 6
tau = 0 14 20,; % tap delay in \mu second
pwr = 0 -10 -14,; % tap power in dB
K = 0 0 0,; % ricean factor K (90%, omnidirectional antenna)
Dop = 0.4 0.3 0.5,; % Doppler maximal frequency in Hz
Fnorm = -0.5683; % gain normalization factor in dB (omnidirectional
case 7 %GSM Hilly
tau = 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.3 15.0 15.2 15.7 17.2 20.0,;
pwr = 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 0 0 4.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0,;
phase = zeros(1,length(tau));
case 8 %GSM Urban
tau = 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.3 3.1 3.2 5.0,;
pwr = 4.0 3.0 0.0 2.6 3.0 5.0 7.0 5.0 6.5 8.6 11.0 10.0,;
phase = zeros(1,length(tau));
case 9 %ITU-PA
tau = 0 0.11 0.19 0.41,;
pwr = 0 -9.7 -19.2 -22.8,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;
case 10 %ITU-PB
tau = 0 0.2 0.8 1.2 2.3 3.7,;
pwr = 0 -0.9 -4.9 -8.0 -7.8 -23.9,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;
case 11 %ITU-VA
tau = 0 0.31 0.71 1.09 1.73 2.51,;
pwr = 0 -1 -9 -10 -15 -20,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;
case 12 %ITU-VB
tau = 0 0.3 8.9 12.9 17.1 20,;
pwr = -2.5 0 -12.8 -10 -25.2 -16,;
K = zeros(1,length(tau));
Dop = Fmones(1,length(tau));
Fnorm = 0;

y_noisefree = x;

tau_nor = tau1e-6JR; % Normalized delay time
tau_nor_min = floor(min(tau_nor));
tau2 = tau_nor-tau_nor_min;
L = length(tau); % No. of taps

Lx = length(x);
x1 = zeros(L,Lx);
for i=1:L
if mod(tau2(i),1)==0
x1(i,:)=cshift(x,tau2(i)); %%circular right shift

if (multipath_mode == 0) %static multipath
P = 10.^(pwr/10);
if (0)
paths = sqrt(P);
s2 = P./(K+1);
m2 = P.K./(K+1);
m = sqrt(m2);

paths_r = sqrt(1/2)(randn(1,L)+jrandn(1,L)).(sqrt(s2));
%paths_r = sqrt(1/2)randn_complex.(sqrt(pwr_r)); %shaoxun
paths_c = m.ones(1,L);
paths = paths_r + paths_c;
paths = paths10^(Fnorm/20);
elseif (multipath_mode == 1) % dynamic multipath
if (1)%JnlineGen==1
P = 10.^(pwr/10); % calculate linear power
s2 = P./(K+1); % calculate variance
m2 = P.(K./(K+1)); % calculate constant power
m = sqrt(m2);

%Additional Info: RMS delay spread
Chnl.rmsdel = sqrt( sum(P.(tau.^2))/sum(P) -
(sum(P.tau)/sum(P))^2 );
fprintf('rms delay spread %6.3f s\n',

%create the Ricean channel coefficients with the
specified powers.
L = length(P); % number of taps
paths_r = sqrt(1/2)(randn(L,N) +
jrandn(L,N)).((sqrt(s2))' ones(1,N));%LxN
paths_c = m' ones(1,N);
save paths_r paths_r paths_c;
paths_r = sqrt(1/2)(randn(L,M) +
jrandn(L,M)).((sqrt(s2))' ones(1,M));%LxM
paths_c = m' ones(1,M);

% white spectrum is shaped according to the Doppler PSD
%Calculate time-domain filter coefficients first. The
filter is then normalized in time-domain.
SR = max(Dop)4; % implicit sample
for p = 1:L
D = Dop(p) / SR; % Doppler freq. normalized to
sampling rate (4highest Doppler)
f0 = 0:MD,/(MD)-eps; % frequency vector
if (0)
PSD = 0.785f0.^4 - 1.72f0.^2 + 1.0; % PSD
approximation %1x513
PSD = 1./sqrt(1-f0.^2);%JAKE's model
filt = PSD(1:end-1) zeros(1,M-2floor(MD))
PSD(end:-1:2) ,; %S(f) 1xM
filt = sqrt(filt); % from S(f) to |H(f)|
if (0)
load paths_r;%%LxN
filt = ifftshift(ifft(filt)); % get time domain
impulse response
filt = real(filt); %get real-valued filter
filt = filt / sqrt(sum(filt.^2)); % normalize
path = fftfilt(filt, paths_r(p,:) zeros(1,M)
,);%filters paths_r(p,:) zeros(1,M) , with the FIR filter filt using the
overlap/add method.
paths_r(p,:) = path(1+M/2:end-M/2);%!! paths_r
filt = filt / sqrt(sum(filt.^2));%get frequency
domain transfer function

paths_r(p,:)=ifft(fft(paths_r(p,:)).(filt))sqrt(M); %!! paths_r LM
paths = paths_r + paths_c;%paths LM

%apply the normalization factor
paths = paths 10^(Fnorm/20); % multiply all
coefficients with F

%average total tap power
Chnl.AverTapPwr = 10log10(mean(abs(paths).^2, 2));
Chnl.PSD=psd(paths(1,:), 512, max(Dop));
fprintf('tap mean power level: %0.2f dB\n',
%spectral power distribution
figure, Chnl.PSD;
% interpolate the current rate to the specified
observation rate. In order to use the Matlab polyphase
% implementation resample, we need the resampling
factor F specified as a fraction F = P/Q.
m = lcm(SR/Dop_res, JR/Dop_res);
P = m/SRDop_res; % find nominator (JR/Dop_res)
Q = m/JRDop_res; % find denominator (SR/Dop_res)
paths_JR = zeros(L,N);
for p=1:L
if (1)
path_re= resample(paths(p,PathIdx), P, Q,
path_re= resample(paths(p,:), P, Q,
res_accu);%1(NP/Q) %resamples the sequencepaths(p,:) at P/Q times the
original sample rate using a polyphase implementation
L1 = floor(length(path_re)/2-N/2);
paths_JR(p,:) = path_re(L1+1:L1+N);%LN
save paths_JR_10dB_ITUVA_100Hz2 paths_JR;
load paths_JR_10dB_ITUVA_100Hz2
end %end of "elseif (multipath_mode == 1)"

ly = length(y_noisefree);
Ey = norm(y_noisefree)^2 / ly;
Noise_sigma = sqrt(Ey/(10^(snr/10))/2);
%sgma = sqrt(1/(10^(snr/10))/2);
noise = Noise_sigma (randn(1,ly) + sqrt(-1)randn(1,ly));
y = y_noisefree + noise;

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