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Chapter 1 Introduction to the Oracle Solaris

Link Editors
This manual describes the operations oI the Oracle Solaris link-editor and runtime linker,
together with the objects on which these utilities operate. The basic operation oI the Oracle
Solaris link-editor and runtime linker involve the combination oI objects. This combination
results in the symbolic reIerences Irom one object being connected to the symbolic deIinitions
within another object.
This manual expands the Iollowing areas.
The link-editor, ld(1), concatenates and interprets data Irom one or more input Iiles.
These Iiles can be relocatable objects, shared objects, or archive libraries. From these
input Iiles, one output Iile is created. This Iile is either a relocatable object, dynamic
executable, or a shared object. The link-editor is most commonly invoked as part oI the
compilation environment.
Runtime Linker
The runtime linker,, processes dynamic executables and shared objects at
runtime, binding the executable and shared objects together to create a runnable process.
Shared Objects
Shared objects are one Iorm oI output Irom the link-edit phase. Shared objects are
sometimes reIerred to as Shared Libraries. Shared objects are importance in creating a
powerIul, Ilexible runtime environment.
Object Files
The Oracle Solaris link-editor, runtime linker, and related tools, work with Iiles that
conIorm to the executable and linking Iormat, otherwise reIerred to as ELF.
These areas, although separable into individual topics, have a great deal oI overlap. While
explaining each area, this document brings together the connecting principles.
Link-editing takes a variety oI input Iiles, typically generated Irom compilers, assemblers, or
ld(1). The link-editor concatenates and interprets the data within these input Iiles to Iorm a single
output Iile. Although the link-editor provides numerous options, the output Iile that is produced
is one oI Iour basic types.
O Relocatable object A concatenation oI input relocatable objects that can be used in
subsequent link-edit phases.
O Static executable A concatenation oI input relocatable objects that have all symbolic
reIerences resolved. This executable represents a ready-to-run process. See Static
O namic executable A concatenation oI input relocatable objects that requires
intervention by the runtime linker to produce a runnable process. A dynamic executable
might still need symbolic reIerences bound at runtime. Dynamic executables typically
have one or more dependencies in the Iorm oI shared objects.
O Shared object A concatenation oI input relocatable objects that provide services that
might be bound to a dynamic executable at runtime. The shared object can have
dependencies on other shared objects.
These output Iiles, and the key link-editor options used in their creation, are shown in Figure 1
namic executables and shared objects are oIten reIerred to jointly as dnamic objects.
Dynamic objects are the main Iocus oI this document.
Figure 1-1 Static or namic Link-Editing

Static Executables
The creation oI static executables has been discouraged Ior many releases. In Iact, 64bit system
archive libraries have never been provided. Because a static executable is built against system
archive libraries, the executable contains system implementation details. This selI-containment
has a number oI drawbacks.
O The executable is immune to the beneIits oI system patches delivered as shared objects.
The executable thereIore, must be rebuilt to take advantage oI many system
O The ability oI the executable to run on Iuture releases can be compromised.
O The duplication oI system implementation details negatively aIIects system perIormance.
Beginning with the Solaris 10 release, the OS no longer includes 32bit system archive libraries.
Without these libraries, speciIically libc.a, the creation oI a static executable is no longer
achievable without specialized system knowledge. Note, that the link-editors ability to process
static linking options, and the processing oI archive libraries, remains unchanged.
Runtime Linking
#untime linking involves the binding oI objects, usually generated Irom one or more previous
link-edits, to generate a runnable process. During the generation oI these objects by the link-
editor, appropriate bookkeeping inIormation is produced to represent the veriIied binding
requirements. This inIormation enables the runtime linker to load, relocate, and complete the
binding process.
During process execution, the Iacilities oI the runtime linker are made available. These Iacilities
can be used to extend the process' address space by adding additional shared objects on demand.
The two most common components involved in runtime linking are dnamic executables and
shared objects.
Dynamic executables are applications that are executed under the control oI a runtime linker.
These applications usually have dependencies in the Iorm oI shared objects, which are located,
and bound by the runtime linker to create a runnable process. Dynamic executables are the
deIault output Iile generated by the link-editor.
Shared objects provide the key building-block to a dynamically linked system. A shared object is
similar to a dynamic executable, however, shared objects have not yet been assigned a virtual
Dynamic executables usually have dependencies on one or more shared objects. Typically, one
or more shared objects must be bound to the dynamic executable to produce a runnable process.
Because shared objects can be used by many applications, aspects oI their construction directly
aIIect shareability, versioning, and perIormance.
Shared object processing by the link-editor or the runtime linker can be distinguished by the
environment in which the shared object is used.
compilation environment
Shared objects are processed by the link-editor to generate dynamic executables or other
shared objects. The shared objects become dependencies oI the output Iile being
runtime environment
Shared objects are processed by the runtime linker, together with a dynamic executable,
to produce a runnable process.
Related Topics
namic Linking
Dynamic linking is a term oIten used to embrace a number oI linking concepts. Dynamic linking
reIers to those portions oI the link-editing process that generate dynamic executables and shared
objects. Dynamic linking also reIers to the runtime linking oI these objects to generate a runnable
process. Dynamic linking enables multiple applications to use the code provided by a shared
object by binding the application to the shared object at runtime.
By separating an application Irom the services oI standard libraries, dynamic linking also
increases the portability and extensibility oI an application. This separation between the interIace
oI a service and its implementation enables the system to evolve while maintaining application
stability. Dynamic linking is a crucial Iactor in providing an application binar interface
(ABI), and is the preIerred compilation method Ior Oracle Solaris applications.
Application Binar Interfaces
Binary interIaces between system and application components are deIined to enable the
asynchronous evolution oI these Iacilities. The Oracle Solaris link-editor and runtime linker
operate upon these interIaces to assemble applications Ior execution. Although all components
handled by the Oracle Solaris link-editor and runtime linker have binary interIaces, the whole set
oI interIaces provided by the system is reIerred to as the Oracle Solaris ABI.
The Oracle Solaris ABI is a technological descendent Ior work on ABI's that started with the
Sstem V Application Binar Interface. This work evolved with additions perIormed by
SPA# International, Inc. Ior SPA# processors, called the SPARC Compliance efinition
32-Bit Environments and 64-Bit Environments
The link-editor is provided as a 32bit application and a 64bit application. Each link-editor can
operate on 32bit objects and 64bit objects. On systems that are running a 64bit environment,
both versions oI the link-editor can be executed. On systems that are running a 32bit
environment, only the 32bit version oI the link-editor can be executed.
The runtime linker is provided as a 32bit object and a 64bit object. The 32bit object is used to
execute 32bit processes, and the 64bit object is used to execute 64bit processes.
The operations oI the link-editor and runtime linker on 32bit objects and 64bit objects are
identical. This document typically uses 32bit examples. ases where 64bit processing diIIers
Irom the 32bit processing are highlighted.
For more inIormation on 64bit applications, reIer to the Oracle Solaris 64-bit Developers
Environment Variables
The link-editor and runtime linker support a number oI environment variables that begin with the
characters LD_, Ior example LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Each environment variable can exist in its
generic Iorm, or can be speciIied with a _32 or _64 suIIix, Ior example LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64.
This suIIix makes the environment variable speciIic, respectively, to 32bit or 64bit processes.
This suIIix also overrides any generic, non-suIIixed, version oI the environment variable that
might be in eIIect.

ote -
Prior to the Solaris 10 release, the link-editor and runtime linker ignored environment variables
that were speciIied without a value. ThereIore, in the Iollowing example, the generic
environment variable setting, /opt/lib, would have been used to search Ior the dependencies oI
the 32bit application prog.

Beginning with the Solaris 10 release, environment variables speciIied without a value that have
a _32 or _64 suIIix are processed. These environment variables eIIectively cancel any associated
generic environment variable setting. Thus in the previous example, /opt/lib will not be used
to search Ior the dependencies oI the 32bit application prog.

Throughout this document, any reIerence to link-editor environment variables uses the generic,
non-suIIixed, variant. All supported environment variables are deIined in ld(1) and
Support Tools
The Oracle Solaris OS also provides several support tools and libraries. These tools provide Ior
the analysis and inspection oI these objects and the linking processes. These tools include
elIdump(1), lari(1), nm(1), dump(1), ldd(1), pvs(1), elI(3ELF), and a linker debugging support
library. Throughout this document, many discussions are augmented with examples oI these
Chapter 2 Link-Editor
The link-editing process creates an output Iile Irom one or more input Iiles. Output Iile creation
is directed by the options that are supplied to the link-editor and the input sections provided by
the input Iiles.
All Iiles are represented in the executable and linking format (ELF). For a complete
description oI the ELF Iormat see hapter 7, Object File Format. For this introduction, two ELF
structures are introduced, sections and segments.
Sections are the smallest indivisible units that can be processed within an ELF Iile. Segments are
a collection oI sections that represent the smallest individual units that can be mapped to a
memory image by exec(2) or by the runtime linker
Although many types oI ELF section exist, sections Iall into two categories with respect to the
link-editing phase.
O Sections that contain program data, whose interpretation is meaningIul only to the
application, such as the program instructions .text and the associated data .data and
O Sections that contain link-editing information, such as the symbol table inIormation
Iound Irom .symtab and .strtab, and relocation inIormation such as .rela.text.
Basically, the link-editor concatenates the program data sections into the output Iile. The link-
editing information sections are interpreted by the link-editor to modiIy other sections. The
inIormation sections are also used to generate new output inIormation sections used in later
processing oI the output Iile.
The Iollowing simple breakdown oI link-editor Iunctionality introduces the topics that are
covered in this chapter.
O The veriIication and consistency checking oI all options provided.
O The concatenation oI sections oI the same characteristics Irom the input relocatable
objects to Iorm new sections within the output Iile. The concatenated sections can in turn
be associated to output segments.
O The processing oI symbol table inIormation Irom both relocatable objects and shared
objects to veriIy and unite reIerences with deIinitions. The generation oI a new symbol
table, or tables, within the output Iile.
O The processing oI relocation inIormation Irom the input relocatable objects, and the
application oI this inIormation to sections that compose the output Iile. In addition,
output relocation sections might be generated Ior use by the runtime linker.
O The generation oI program headers that describe all the segments that are created.
O The generation oI dynamic linking inIormation sections iI necessary, which provide
inIormation such as shared object dependencies and symbol bindings to the runtime
The process oI concatenating like sections and associating sections to segments is carried out
using deIault inIormation within the link-editor. The deIault section and segment handling
provided by the link-editor is usually suIIicient Ior most link-edits. However, these deIaults can
be manipulated using the option with an associated mapfile. See Appendix E, System V
#elease 4 (Version 1) MapIiles.
Invoking the Link-Editor
ou can either run the link-editor directly Irom the command line or have a compiler driver
invoke the link-editor Ior you. In the Iollowing two sections the description oI both methods are
expanded. However, using the compiler driver is the preIerred choice. The compilation
environment is oIten the consequence oI a complex and occasionally changing series oI
operations known only to compiler drivers.

Starting with Oracle Solaris 11 Express, various compilation components have been moved Irom
/usr/ccs/bin and /usr/ccs/lib, to /usr/bin and /usr/lib. However, applications exist that
reIer to the original ccs names. Symbolic links have been used to maintain compatibility.

irect Invocation
When you invoke the link-editor directly, you have to supply every object Iile and library
required to create the intended output. The link-editor makes no assumptions about the object
modules or libraries that you meant to use in creating the output. For example, the Iollowing
command instructs the link-editor to create a dynamic executable that is named a.out using only
the input Iile test.o.

$ ld test.o
Typically, a dynamic executable requires specialized startup code and exit processing code. This
code can be language or operating system speciIic, and is usually provided through Iiles supplied
by the compiler drivers.
Additionally, you can also supply your own initialization code and termination code. This code
must be encapsulated and be labeled correctly Ior the code to be correctly recognized and made
available to the runtime linker. This encapsulation and labeling can also be provided through
Iiles supplied by the compiler drivers.
When creating runtime objects such as executables and shared objects, you should use a
compiler driver to invoke the link-editor. Direct invocation oI the link-editor is recommended
only when creating intermediate relocatable objects when using the r option.
&sing a Compiler river
The conventional way to use the link-editor is through a language-speciIic compiler driver. ou
supply the compiler driver, cc(1), (1), and so Iorth, with the input Iiles that make up your
application. The compiler driver adds additional Iiles and deIault libraries to complete the link-
edit. These additional Iiles can be seen by expanding the compilation invocation.

$ .. o prog main.o
/usr/bin/ld -dy /opt/CJMPILER/crti.o /opt/CJMPILER/crt1.o \
/usr/lib/values-Xt.o -o prog main.o \
-YP,/opt/CJMPILER/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib -Qy -lc \

The actual Iiles included by your compiler driver and the mechanism used to display the link-
editor invocation might diIIer.

Cross Link-Editing
The link-editor is a cross link-editor, able to link 32bit objects or 64bit objects, Ior SPA# or
x86 targets. The mixing oI 32bit objects and 64bit objects is not permitted. Similarly, only
objects oI a single machine type are allowed.
Typically, no command line option is required to distinguish the link-edit target. The link-editor
uses the ELF machine type oI the Iirst relocatable object on the command line to govern the
mode in which to operate. Specialized link-edits, such as linking solely Irom a mapfile or an
archive library, are uninIluenced by the command line object. These link-edits deIault to a 32bit
native target. To explicitly deIine the link-edit target use the target option.
Specifing the Link-Editor Options
Most options to the link-editor can be passed through the compiler driver command line. For the
most part, the compiler and the link-editor options do not conIlict. Where a conIlict arises, the
compiler drivers usually provide a command line syntax that you can use to pass speciIic options
to the link-editor. ou can also provide options to the link-editor by setting the LD_JPTIJNS
environment variable.

$ LD_OPTIONS="R /home/me/libs L /home/me/libs" .. o prog main.. lfoo
The R and L options are interpreted by the link-editor. These options precede any command
line options that are received Irom the compiler driver.
The link-editor parses the entire option list Ior any invalid options or any options with invalid
associated arguments. When either oI these cases are Iound, a suitable error message is
generated. II the error is deemed Iatal, the link-edit terminates. In the Iollowing example, the
illegal option , and the illegal argument to the option, are caught by the link-editor's

$ ld sillydefs main.o
ld: illegal option -- X
ld: fatal: option -z has illegal argument `sillydefs'
II an option that requires an associated argument is speciIied twice, the link-editor produces a
suitable warning and continue with the link-edit.

ld e foo .... e bar main.o
ld: warning: option -e appears more than once, first setting taken
The link-editor also checks the option list Ior any Iatal inconsistencies.

$ ld dy a main.o
ld: fatal: option -dy and -a are incompatible
AIter processing all options, iI no Iatal error conditions have been detected, the link-editor
proceeds to process the input Iiles.
See Appendix A, Link-Editor Quick #eIerence Ior the most commonly used link-editor options,
and ld(1) Ior a complete description oI all link-editor options.
Input File Processing
The link-editor reads input Iiles in the order in which the Iiles appear on the command line. Each
Iile is opened and inspected to determine the Iiles ELF type, and thereIore determine how the Iile
must be processed. The Iile types that apply as input Ior the link-edit are determined by the
binding mode oI the link-edit, either static or dnamic.
Under static mode, the link-editor accepts only relocatable objects or archive libraries as input
Iiles. Under dnamic mode, the link-editor also accepts shared objects.
#elocatable objects represent the most basic input Iile type to the link-editing process. The
program data sections within these Iiles are concatenated into the output Iile image being
generated. The link-edit information sections are organized Ior later use. InIormation sections
do not become part oI the output Iile image, as new inIormation sections are generated to take
their place. Symbols are gathered into an internal symbol table Ior veriIication and resolution.
This table is then used to create one or more symbol tables in the output image.
Although input Iiles can be speciIied directly on the link-edit command line, archive libraries
and shared objects are commonly speciIied using the l option. See Linking With Additional
Libraries. During a link-edit, the interpretation oI archive libraries and shared objects are quite
diIIerent. The next two sections expand upon these diIIerences.
Archive Processing
Archives are built using ar(1). Archives usually consist oI a collection oI relocatable objects with
an archive symbol table. This symbol table provides an association oI symbol deIinitions with
the objects that supply these deIinitions. By deIault, the link-editor provides selective extraction
oI archive members. The link-editor uses unresolved symbolic reIerences to select objects Irom
the archive that are required to complete the binding process. ou can also explicitly extract all
members oI an archive.
The link-editor extracts a relocatable object Irom an archive under the Iollowing conditions.
O The archive member contains a symbol deIinition that satisIies a symbol reIerence,
presently held in the link-editor's internal symbol table. This reIerence is sometimes
reIerred to as an undefined symbol.
O The archive member contains a data symbol deIinition that satisIies a tentative symbol
deIinition presently held in the link-editor's internal symbol table. An example is a
JRTRAN CJMMJN block deIinition, which causes the extraction oI a relocatable object that
deIines the same DATA symbol.
O The archive member contains a symbol deIinition that matches a reIerence that requires
hidden visibility or protected visibility. See Table 720.
O The link-editors allextra.t is in eIIect. This option suspends selective archive
extraction and causes all archive members to be extracted Irom the archive being
Under selective archive extraction, a weak symbol reIerence does not extract an object Irom an
archive unless the weakextra.t option is in eIIect. See Simple #esolutions Ior more

The options weakextra.t, allextra.t, and defaultextra.t enable you to toggle
the archive extraction mechanism among multiple archives.

With selective archive extraction, the link-editor makes multiple passes through an archive.
#elocatable objects are extracted as needed to satisIy the symbol inIormation being accumulated
in the link-editor internal symbol table. AIter the link-editor has made a complete pass through
the archive without extracting any relocatable objects, the next input Iile is processed.
By extracting only the relocatable objects needed when an archive is encountered, the position oI
the archive on the command line can be signiIicant. See Position oI an Archive on the ommand

Although the link-editor makes multiple passes through an archive to resolve symbols, this
mechanism can be quite costly. Especially, Ior large archives that contain random organizations
oI relocatable objects. In these cases, you should use tools like lorder(1) and tsort(1) to order the
relocatable objects within the archive. This ordering reduces the number oI passes the link-editor
must carry out.

Shared Object Processing
Shared objects are indivisible whole units that have been generated by a previous link-edit oI one
or more input Iiles. When the link-editor processes a shared object, the entire contents oI the
shared object become a logical part oI the resulting output Iile image. This logical inclusion
means that all symbol entries deIined in the shared object are made available to the link-editing
The shared object's program data sections and most oI the link-editing inIormation sections are
unused by the link-editor. These sections are interpreted by the runtime linker when the shared
object is bound to generate a runnable process. However, the occurrence oI a shared object is
remembered. InIormation is stored in the output Iile image to indicate that this object is a
dependency that must be made available at runtime.
By deIault, all shared objects speciIied as part oI a link-edit are recorded as dependencies in the
object being built. This recording is made regardless oI whether the object being built actually
reIerences symbols oIIered by the shared object. To minimize the overhead oI runtime linking,
only speciIy those dependencies that resolve symbol reIerences Irom the object being built. The
link-editor's debugging Iacility, and ldd(1) with the u option, can be used to determine unused
dependencies. The link-editor's ignore option can be used to suppress the dependency
recording oI any unused shared objects.
II a shared object has dependencies on other shared objects, these dependencies can also be
processed. This processing occurs aIter all command line input Iiles have been processed, to
complete the symbol resolution process. However, the shared object names are not recorded as
dependencies in the output Iile image being generated.
Although the position oI a shared object on the command line has less signiIicance than archive
processing, the position can have a global eIIect. Multiple symbols oI the same name are allowed
to occur between relocatable objects and shared objects, and between multiple shared objects.
See Symbol #esolution.
The order oI shared objects processed by the link-editor is maintained in the dependency
inIormation that is stored in the output Iile image. In the absence oI lazy loading, the runtime
linker loads the speciIied shared objects in the same order. ThereIore, the link-editor and the
runtime linker select the Iirst occurrence oI a symbol oI a multiply-deIined series oI symbols.

Multiple symbol deIinitions, are reported in the load map output generated using the m option.

Linking With Additional Libraries
Although the compiler drivers oIten ensure that appropriate libraries are speciIied to the link-
editor, Irequently you must supply your own. Shared objects and archives can be speciIied by
explicitly naming the input Iiles required to the link-editor. However, a more common and more
Ilexible method involves using the link-editor's l option.
Library Naming Conventions
By convention, shared objects are usually designated by the preIix lib and the suIIix .so.
Archives are designated by the preIix lib and the suIIix .a. For example, is the
shared object version oI the 'Ioo implementation that is made available to the compilation
environment. libfoo.a is the library's archive version.
These conventions are recognized by the l option oI the link-editor. This option is commonly
used to supply additional libraries to a link-edit. The Iollowing example directs the link-editor to
search Ior II the link-editor does not Iind, a search Ior libfoo.a is made
beIore moving on to the next directory to be searched.

$ .. o prog file1.. file2.. lfoo

A naming convention exists regarding the compilation environment and the runtime environment
use oI shared objects. The compilation environment uses the simple .so suIIix, whereas the
runtime environment commonly uses the suIIix with an additional version number. See Naming
onventions and oordination oI Versioned Filenames.

When link-editing in dynamic mode, you can choose to link with a mix oI shared objects and
archives. When link-editing in static mode, only archive libraries are acceptable Ior input.
In dynamic mode, when using the l option, the link-editor Iirst searches the given directory Ior
a shared object that matches the speciIied name. II no match is Iound, the link-editor looks Ior an
archive library in the same directory. In static mode, when using the l option, only archive
libraries are sought.
Linking Witb a Mix of Sbared Ub|ects and Arcbives
The library search mechanism in dynamic mode searches a given directory Ior a shared object,
and then searches Ior an archive library. Finer control oI the search is possible through the B
By speciIying the B dynami. and B stati. options on the command line, you can toggle the
library search between shared objects or archives respectively. For example, to link an
application with the archive libfoo.a and the shared object, issue the Iollowing

$ .. o prog main.o file1.. Bstati. lfoo Bdynami. lbar
The B stati. and B dynami. options are not exactly symmetrical. When you speciIy B
stati., the link-editor does not accept shared objects as input until the next occurrence oI B
dynami.. However, when you speciIy B dynami., the link-editor Iirst looks Ior shared objects
and then archive library's in any given directory.
The precise description oI the previous example is that the link-editor Iirst searches Ior
libfoo.a. The link-editor then searches Ior, and iI that search Iails, searches Ior
Position of an Arcbive on tbe Command Line
The position oI an archive on the command line can aIIect the output Iile being produced. The
link-editor searches an archive only to resolve undeIined or tentative external reIerences that
have previously been encountered. AIter this search is completed and any required members
have been extracted, the link-editor moves onto the next input Iile on the command line.
ThereIore by deIault, the archive is not available to resolve any new reIerences Irom the input
Iiles that Iollow the archive on the command line. For example, the Iollowing command directs
the link-editor to search libfoo.a only to resolve symbol reIerences that have been obtained
Irom file1.c. The libfoo.a archive is not available to resolve symbol reIerences Irom
file2.c or file3.c.

$ .. o prog file1.. Bstati. lfoo file2.. file3.. Bdynami.
Interdependencies between archives can exist, such that the extraction oI members Irom one
archive must be resolved by extracting members Irom another archive. II these dependencies are
cyclic, the archives must be speciIied repeatedly on the command line to satisIy previous

$ .. o prog .... lA lB lC lA lB lC lA
The determination, and maintenance, oI repeated archive speciIications can be tedious. The
res.annow option makes this process simpler. The res.annow option is processed by the
link-editor immediately when the option is encountered on the command line. All archives that
have been processed Irom the command line prior to this option are immediately reprocessed.
This processing attempts to locate additional archive members that resolve symbol reIerences.
This archive rescanning continues until a pass over the archive list occurs in which no new
members are extracted. The previous example can be simpliIied as Iollows.

$ .. o prog .... lA lB lC res.annow
Alternatively, the res.anstart and res.anend options can be used to group mutually
dependent archives together into an archive group. These groups are reprocessed by the link-
editor immediately when the closing delimiter is encountered on the command line. Archives
Iound within the group are reprocessed in an attempt to locate additional archive members that
resolve symbol reIerences. This archive rescanning continues until a pass over the archive group
occurs in which no new members are extracted. Using archive groups, the previous example can
be written as Iollows.

$ .. o prog .... res.anstart lA lB lC res.anend

ou should speciIy any archives at the end oI the command line unless multiple-deIinition
conIlicts require you to do otherwise.

Directories Searcbed by tbe Link-Editor
All previous examples assume the link-editor knows where to search Ior the libraries listed on
the command line. By deIault, when linking 32bit objects, the link-editor knows oI only three
standard directories in which to look Ior libraries, /usr/ccs/lib, Iollowed by /lib, and Iinally
/usr/lib. When linking 64bit objects, only two standard directories are used, /lib/64
Iollowed by /usr/lib/64. All other directories to be searched must be added to the link-editor's
search path explicitly.
ou can change the link-editor search path by using a command line option, or by using an
environment variable.
Uxlng u CommunJ-Ilne Optlon
ou can use the L option to add a new path name to the library search path. This option alters
the search path at the point the option is encountered on the command line. For example, the
Iollowing command searches path1, Iollowed by /usr/ccs/lib, /lib, and Iinally /usr/lib, to
Iind libfoo. The command searches path1 and then path2, Iollowed by /usr/ccs/lib, /lib,
and /usr/lib, to Iind libbar.

$ .. o prog main.o Lpath1 file1.. lfoo file2.. Lpath2 lbar
Path names that are deIined by using the L option are used only by the link-editor. These path
names are not recorded in the output Iile image being created. ThereIore, these path names are
not available Ior use by the runtime linker.

ou must speciIy L iI you want the link-editor to search Ior libraries in your current directory.
ou can use a period (.) to represent the current directory.

ou can use the Y option to change the deIault directories searched by the link-editor. The
argument supplied with this option takes the Iorm oI a colon separated list oI directories. For
example, the Iollowing command searches Ior libfoo only in the directories
/opt/CJMPILER/lib and /home/me/lib.

$ .. o prog main.. YP,/opt/COPILER/lib:/home/me/lib lfoo
The directories that are speciIied by using the Y option can be supplemented by using the L
option. ompiler drivers oIten use the Y option to provide compiler speciIic search paths.
Uxlng un Fnvlronment Vurluble
ou can also use the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to add to the link-editor's library
search path. Typically, LD_LIBRARY_PATH takes a colon-separated list oI directories. In its most
general Iorm, LD_LIBRARY_PATH can also take two directory lists separated by a semicolon.
These lists are searched beIore and aIter the Y lists supplied on the command line.
The Iollowing example shows the combined eIIect oI setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and calling the
link-editor with several L occurrences.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dir1:dir2;dir3
$ .. o prog main.. Lpath1 .... Lpath2 .... Lpathn lfoo
The eIIective search path is dir1:dir2:path1:path2....
II no semicolon is speciIied as part oI the LD_LIBRARY_PATH deIinition, the speciIied directory
list is interpreted after any L options. In the Iollowing example, the eIIective search path is
path1:path2.... pathn:dir1:dir2:/usr/ccs/lib:/lib:/usr/lib.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dir1:dir2
$ .. o prog main.. Lpath1 .... Lpath2 .... Lpathn lfoo

This environment variable can also be used to augment the search path oI the runtime linker. See
Directories Searched by the #untime Linker. To prevent this environment variable Irom
inIluencing the link-editor, use the i option.

Directories Searcbed by tbe Runtime Linker
The runtime linker looks in two deIault locations Ior dependencies. When processing 32bit
objects, the deIault locations are /lib and /usr/lib. When processing 64bit objects, the
deIault locations are /lib/64 and /usr/lib/64. All other directories to be searched must be
added to the runtime linker's search path explicitly.
When a dynamic executable or shared object is linked with additional shared objects, the shared
objects are recorded as dependencies. These dependencies must be located during process
execution by the runtime linker. When linking a dynamic object, one or more search paths can be
recorded in the output Iile. These search paths are reIerred to as a runpath. The runtime linker
uses the runpath oI an object to locate the dependencies oI that object.
Specialized objects can be built with the nodefaultlib option to suppress any search oI the
deIault location at runtime. Use oI this option implies that all the dependencies oI an object can
be located using its runpaths. Without this option, no matter how you augment the runtime
linker's search path, the last search paths used are always the deIault locations.

The deIault search path can be administrated by using a runtime conIiguration Iile. See
onIiguring the DeIault Search Paths. However, the creator oI a dynamic object should not rely
on the existence oI this Iile. ou should always ensure that an object can locate its dependencies
with only its runpaths or the deIault locations.

ou can use the R option, which takes a colon-separated list oI directories, to record a runpath
in a dynamic executable or shared object. The Iollowing example records the runpath
/home/me/lib:/home/you/lib in the dynamic executable prog.

$ .. o prog main.. R/home/me/lib:/home/you/lib Lpath1 \
Lpath2 file1.. file2.. lfoo lbar
The runtime linker uses these paths, Iollowed by the deIault location, to obtain any shared object
dependencies. In this case, this runpath is used to locate and
The link-editor accepts multiple R options. These multiple speciIications are concatenate
together, separated by a colon. Thus, the previous example can also be expressed as Iollows.

$ .. o prog main.. R/home/me/lib Lpath1 R/home/you/lib \
Lpath2 file1.. file2.. lfoo lbar
For objects that can be installed in various locations, the $JRIGIN dynamic string token provides
a Ilexible means oI recording a runpath. See Locating Associated Dependencies.

A historic alternative to speciIying the R option is to set the environment variable LD_RUN_PATH,
and make this available to the link-editor. The scope and Iunction oI LD_RUN_PATH and R are
identical, but when both are speciIied, R supersedes LD_RUN_PATH.

Initialization and Termination Sections
Dynamic objects can supply code that provides Ior runtime initialization and termination
processing. The initialization code oI a dynamic object is executed once each time the dynamic
object is loaded in a process. The termination code oI a dynamic object is executed once each
time the dynamic object is unloaded Irom a process or at process termination. This code can be
encapsulated in one oI two section types, either an array oI Iunction pointers or a single code
block. Each oI these section types is built Irom a concatenation oI like sections Irom the input
relocatable objects.
The sections .pre_initarray, .init_array and .fini_array provide arrays oI runtime pre-
initialization, initialization, and termination Iunctions, respectively. When creating a dynamic
object, the link-editor identiIies these arrays with the .dynamic tag pairs
accordingly. These tags identiIy the associated sections so that the sections can be called by the
runtime linker. A pre-initialization array is applicable to dynamic executables only.

Functions that are assigned to these arrays must be provided Irom the object that is being built.

The sections .init and .fini provide a runtime initialization and termination code block,
respectively. The compiler drivers typically supply .init and .fini sections with Iiles they add
to the beginning and end oI your input Iile list. These compiler provided Iiles have the eIIect oI
encapsulating the .init and .fini code Irom your relocatable objects into individual Iunctions.
These Iunctions are identiIied by the reserved symbol names _init and _fini respectively.
When creating a dynamic object, the link-editor identiIies these symbols with the .dynamic tags
DT_INIT and DT_INI accordingly. These tags identiIy the associated sections so they can be
called by the runtime linker.
For more inIormation about the execution oI initialization and termination code at runtime see
Initialization and Termination #outines.
The registration oI initialization and termination Iunctions can be carried out directly by the link-
editor by using the initarray and finiarray options. For example, the Iollowing
command places the address oI foo() in an .init_array element, and the address oI bar() in a
.fini_array element.

$ .at main..
#include <stdio.h

void foo()
(void) printf("initializing: foo()\n");

void bar()
(void) printf("finalizing: bar()\n");

void main()
(void) printf("main()\n");

$ .. o main initarray=foo finiarray=bar main..
$ main
initializing: foo()
finalizing: bar()
The creation oI initialization and termination sections can be carried out directly using an
assembler. However, most compilers oIIer special primitives to simpliIy their declaration. For
example, the previous code example can be rewritten using the Iollowing #pragma deIinitions.
These deIinitions result in a call to foo() being placed in an .init section, and a call to bar()
being placed in a .fini section.

$ .at main..
#include <stdio.h

#pragma init (foo)
#pragma fini (bar)

$ .. o main main..
$ main
initializing: foo()
finalizing: bar()
Initialization and termination code, spread throughout several relocatable objects, can result in
diIIerent behavior when included in an archive library or shared object. The link-edit oI an
application that uses this archive might extract only a Iraction oI the objects contained in the
archive. These objects might provide only a portion oI the initialization and termination code
spread throughout the members oI the archive. At runtime, only this portion oI code is executed.
The same application built against the shared object will have all the accumulated initialization
and termination code executed when the dependency is loaded at runtime.
To determine the order oI executing initialization and termination code within a process at
runtime is a complex issue that involves dependency analysis. Limit the content oI initialization
and termination code to simpliIy this analysis. SimpliIied, selI contained, initialization and
termination code provides predictable runtime behavior. See Initialization and Termination
Order Ior more details.
Data initialization should be independent iI the initialization code is involved with a dynamic
object whose memory can be dumped using dldump(3).
Smbol Processing
During input Iile processing, all local symbols Irom the input relocatable objects are passed
through to the output Iile image. All global symbols Irom the input relocatable objects, together
with globals symbols Irom shared object dependencies, are accumulated internally within the
Each global symbol supplied by an input Iile is searched Ior within this internal symbol table. II
a symbol with the same name has already been encountered Irom a previous input Iile, a symbol
resolution process is called. This resolution process determines which oI two entries Irom
relocatable objects are kept. This resolution process also determines how external reIerences to
shared object dependencies are established.
On completion oI input Iile processing, and providing no Iatal symbol resolution errors have
occurred, the link-editor determines iI any unresolved symbol reIerences remain. Unresolved
symbol reIerences can cause the link-edit to terminate.
Finally, the link-editor's internal symbol table is added to the symbol tables oI the image being
The Iollowing sections expand upon symbol resolution and undeIined symbol processing.
Smbol Resolution
Symbol resolution runs the entire spectrum, Irom simple and intuitive to complex and
perplexing. Most resolutions are carried out silently by the link-editor. However, some
relocations can be accompanied by warning diagnostics, while others can result in a Iatal error
The most common simple resolutions involve binding symbol reIerences Irom one object to
symbol deIinitions within another object. This binding can occur between two relocatable
objects, or between a relocatable object and the Iirst deIinition Iound in a shared object
dependency. omplex resolutions typically occur between two or more relocatable objects.
The resolution oI two symbols depends on their attributes, the type oI Iile that provides the
symbol, and the type oI Iile being generated. For a complete description oI symbol attributes, see
Symbol Table Section. For the Iollowing discussions, however, three basic symbol types are
O &ndefined Symbols that have been reIerenced in a Iile but have not been assigned a
storage address.
O Tentative Symbols that have been created within a Iile but have not yet been sized, or
allocated in storage. These symbols appear as uninitialized symbols, or JRTRAN
CJMMJN blocks within the Iile.
O efined Symbols that have been created, and assigned storage addresses and space
within the Iile.
In its simplest Iorm, symbol resolution involves the use oI a precedence relationship. This
relationship has defined symbols dominate tentative symbols, which in turn dominate
undefined symbols.
The Iollowing example oI code shows how these symbol types can be generated. UndeIined
symbols are preIixed with u_. Tentative symbols are preIixed with t_. DeIined symbols are
preIixed with d_.

$ .at main..
extern int u_bar;
extern int u_foo();

int t_bar;
int d_bar = 1;

int d_foo()
return (u_foo(u_bar, t_bar, d_bar));
$ .. o main.o . main..
$ elfdump s main.o

Symbol Table Section: .symtab
index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
7, 0x00000000 0x00000000 UNC GLJB D 0 UNDE u_foo
8, 0x00000010 0x00000040 UNC GLJB D 0 .text d_foo
9, 0x00000004 0x00000004 JBJT GLJB D 0 CJMMJN t_bar
10, 0x00000000 0x00000004 NJTY GLJB D 0 UNDE u_bar
11, 0x00000000 0x00000004 JBJT GLJB D 0 .data d_bar
Simple Resolutions
Simple symbol resolutions are by Iar the most common. In this case, two symbols with similar
characteristics are detected, with one symbol taking precedence over the other. This symbol
resolution is carried out silently by the link-editor. For example, with symbols oI the same
binding, a symbol reIerence Irom one Iile is bound to a deIined, or tentative symbol deIinition,
Irom another Iile. Or, a tentative symbol deIinition Irom one Iile is bound to a deIined symbol
deIinition Irom another Iile. This resolution can occur between two relocatable objects, or
between a relocatable object and the Iirst deIinition Iound in a shared object dependency.
Symbols that undergo resolution can have either a global or weak binding. Within relocatable
objects, weak bindings have lower precedence than global binding. #elocatable object symbols
with diIIerent bindings are resolved according to a slight alteration oI the basic rules.
Weak symbols can usually be deIined through the compiler, either individually or as aliases to
global symbols. One mechanism uses a #pragma deIinition.

$ .at main..
#pragma weak bar
#pragma weak foo = _foo

int bar = 1;

int _foo()
return (bar);
$ .. o main.o . main..
$ elfdump s main.o
Symbol Table Section: .symtab
index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
7, 0x00000010 0x00000018 UNC GLJB D 0 .text _foo
8, 0x00000010 0x00000018 UNC WEAK D 0 .text foo
9, 0x00000000 0x00000004 JBJT WEAK D 0 .data bar
Notice that the weak alias foo is assigned the same attributes as the global symbol _foo. This
relationship is maintained by the link-editor and results in the symbols being assigned the same
value in the output image. In symbol resolution, weak deIined symbols are silently overridden by
any global deIinition oI the same name.
Another Iorm oI simple symbol resolution, interposition, occurs between relocatable objects and
shared objects, or between multiple shared objects. In these cases, when a symbol is multiply-
deIined, the relocatable object, or the Iirst deIinition between multiple shared objects, is silently
taken by the link-editor. The relocatable object's deIinition, or the Iirst shared object's deIinition,
is said to interpose on all other deIinitions. This interposition can be used to override the
Iunctionality provided by another shared object. Multiply-deIined symbols that occur between
relocatable objects and shared objects, or between multiple shared objects, are treated identically.
A symbols weak binding or global binding is irrelevant. By resolving to the Iirst deIinition,
regardless oI the symbols binding, both the link-editor and runtime linker behave consistently.
The combination oI weak symbols deIined within a shared object together with symbol
interposition over the same shared object, can provide a useIul programming technique. For
example, the standard library provides several services that you are allowed to redeIine.
However, ANSI deIines a set oI standard services that must be present on the system. These
services cannot be replaced in a strictly conIorming program.
The Iunction Iread(3), Ior example, is an ANSI library Iunction. The system Iunction read(2)
is not an ANSI library Iunction. A conIorming ANSI program must be able to redeIine
read(2) and still use Iread(3) in a predictable way.
The problem here is that read(2) underlies the Iread(3) implementation in the standard
library. ThereIore, a program that redeIines read(2) might conIuse the Iread(3) implementation.
To guard against this occurrence, ANSI states that an implementation cannot use a name that
is not reserved Ior the implementation. Use the Iollowing #pragma directive to deIine just such a
reserved name. Use this name to generate an alias Ior the Iunction read(2).

#pragma weak read = _read
Thus, you can quite Ireely deIine your own read() Iunction without compromising the
Iread(3) implementation, which in turn is implemented to use the _read() Iunction.
The link-editor has no diIIiculty with this redeIinition oI read(), either when linking against the
shared object or archive version oI the standard library. In the Iormer case, interposition takes
its course. In the latter case, the Iact that the library's deIinition oI read(2) is weak allows that
deIinition to be quietly overridden.
Use the link-editor's m option to write a list oI all interposed symbol reIerences, along with
section load address inIormation, to the standard output.
Complex Resolutions
omplex resolutions occur when two symbols oI the same name are Iound with diIIering
attributes. In these cases, the link-editor generates a warning message, while selecting the most
appropriate symbol. This message indicates the symbol, the attributes that conIlict, and the
identity oI the Iile Irom which the symbol deIinition is taken. In the Iollowing example, two Iiles
with a deIinition oI the data item array have diIIerent size requirements.

$ .at foo..
int array1,;

$ .at bar..
int array2, = , 1, 2 ,;

$ ld r o temp.o foo.. bar..
ld: warning: symbol `array' has differing sizes:
(file foo.o value=0x4; file bar.o value=0x8);
bar.o definition taken
A similar diagnostic is produced iI the symbol's alignment requirements diIIer. In both oI these
cases, the diagnostic can be suppressed by using the link-editor's t option.
Another Iorm oI attribute diIIerence is the symbol's type. In the Iollowing example, the symbol
bar() has been deIined as both a data item and a Iunction.

$ .at foo..
int bar()
return (0);
$ .. o pi. foo..
$ .at main..
int bar = 1;

int main()
return (bar);
$ .. o main main.. L. lfoo
ld: warning: symbol `bar' has differing types:
(file main.o type=JBJT; file ./ type=UNC);
main.o definition taken

Symbol types in this context are classiIications that can be expressed in ELF. These symbol
types are not related to the data types as employed by the programming language, except in the
crudest Iashion.

In cases like the previous example, the relocatable object deIinition is taken when the resolution
occurs between a relocatable object and a shared object. Or, the Iirst deIinition is taken when the
resolution occurs between two shared objects. When such resolutions occur between symbols oI
weak or global binding, a warning is also produced.
Inconsistencies between symbol types are not suppressed by the link-editor's t option.
Fatal Resolutions
Symbol conIlicts that cannot be resolved result in a Iatal error condition and an appropriate error
message. This message indicates the symbol name together with the names oI the Iiles that
provided the symbols. No output Iile is generated. Although the Iatal condition is suIIicient to
terminate the link-edit, all input Iile processing is Iirst completed. In this manner, all Iatal
resolution errors can be identiIied.
The most common Iatal error condition exists when two relocatable objects both deIine non-
weak symbols oI the same name.

$ .at foo..
int bar = 1;

$ .at bar..
int bar()
return (0);

$ ld r o temp.o foo.. bar..
ld: fatal: symbol `bar' is multiply-defined:
(file foo.o and file bar.o);
ld: fatal: ile processing errors. No output written to int.o
foo.c and bar.c have conIlicting deIinitions Ior the symbol bar. Because the link-editor cannot
determine which should dominate, the link-edit usually terminates with an error message. ou
can use the link-editor's muldefs option to suppress this error condition. This option allows
the Iirst symbol deIinition to be taken.
&ndefined Smbols
AIter all oI the input Iiles have been read and all symbol resolution is complete, the link-editor
searches the internal symbol table Ior any symbol reIerences that have not been bound to symbol
deIinitions. These symbol reIerences are reIerred to as undefined symbols. UndeIined symbols
can aIIect the link-edit process according to the type oI symbol, together with the type oI output
Iile being generated.
Cenerating an Executable Uutput File
When generating an executable output Iile, the link-editor's deIault behavior is to terminate with
an appropriate error message should any symbols remain undeIined. A symbol remains
undeIined when a symbol reIerence in a relocatable object is never matched to a symbol

$ .at main..
extern int foo();

int main()
return (foo());
$ .. o prog main..
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
foo main.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to prog
Similarly, iI a shared object is used to create a dynamic executable and leaves an unresolved
symbol deIinition, an undeIined symbol error results.

$ .at foo..
extern int bar;
int foo()
return (bar);

$ .. o pi. foo..
$ .. o prog main.. L. lfoo
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
bar ./
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to prog
To allow undeIined symbols, as in the previous example, use the link-editor's nodefs option
to suppress the deIault error condition.

Take care when using the nodefs option. II an unavailable symbol reIerence is required
during the execution oI a process, a Iatal runtime relocation error occurs. This error might be
detected during the initial execution and testing oI an application. However, more complex
execution paths can result in this error condition taking much longer to detect, which can be time
consuming and costly.

Symbols can also remain undeIined when a symbol reIerence in a relocatable object is bound to a
symbol deIinition in an implicitly deIined shared object. For example, continuing with the Iiles
main.c and foo.c used in the previous example.

$ .at bar..
int bar = 1;

$ .. o R. pi. bar.. L. lfoo
$ ldd = ./

$ .. o prog main.. L. lbar
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
foo main.o (symbol belongs to implicit \
dependency ./
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to prog
prog is built with an explicit reIerence to has a dependency on ThereIore, an implicit reIerence to Irom prog is established.
Because main.c made a speciIic reIerence to the interIace provided by, prog really
has a dependency on However, only explicit shared object dependencies are
recorded in the output Iile being generated. Thus, prog Iails to run iI a new version oI is developed that no longer has a dependency on
For this reason, bindings oI this type are deemed Iatal. The implicit reIerence must be made
explicit by reIerencing the library directly during the link-edit oI prog. The required reIerence is
hinted at in the Iatal error message that is shown in the preceding example.
Cenerating a Sbared Ub|ect Uutput File
When the link-editor is generating a shared object output Iile, undeIined symbols are allowed to
remain at the end oI the link-edit. This deIault behavior allows the shared object to import
symbols Irom a dynamic executable that deIines the shared object as a dependency.
The link-editor's defs option can be used to Iorce a Iatal error iI any undeIined symbols
remain. This option is recommended when creating any shared objects. Shared objects that
reIerence symbols Irom an application can use the defs option, together with deIining the
symbols by using an extern mapfile directive. See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION
A selI-contained shared object, in which all reIerences to external symbols are satisIied by
named dependencies, provides maximum Ilexibility. The shared object can be employed by
many users without those users having to determine and establish dependencies to satisIy the
shared object's requirements.
Weak Symbols
Weak symbol reIerences that remain unresolved, do not result in a Iatal error condition, no
matter what output Iile type is being generated.
II a static executable is being generated, the symbol is converted to an absolute symbol with an
assigned value oI zero.
II a dynamic executable or shared object is being produced, the symbol is leIt as an undeIined
weak reIerence with an assigned value oI zero. During process execution, the runtime linker
searches Ior this symbol. II the runtime linker does not Iind a match, the reIerence is bound to an
address oI zero instead oI generating a Iatal relocation error.
Historically, these undeIined weak reIerenced symbols have been employed as a mechanism to
test Ior the existence oI Iunctionality. For example, the Iollowing code Iragment might have
been used in the shared object

#pragma weak foo

extern void foo(char );

void bar(char path)
void (fptr)(char );

if ((fptr = foo) != 0)
When building an application that reIerences, the link-edit completes successIully
regardless oI whether a deIinition Ior the symbol foo is Iound. II during execution oI the
application the Iunction address tests nonzero, the Iunction is called. However, iI the symbol
deIinition is not Iound, the Iunction address tests zero and thereIore is not called.
ompilation systems view this address comparison technique as having undeIined semantics,
which can result in the test statement being removed under optimization. In addition, the runtime
symbol binding mechanism places other restrictions on the use oI this technique. These
restrictions prevent a consistent model Irom being made available Ior all dynamic objects.

UndeIined weak reIerences in this manner are discouraged. Instead, you should use dlsym(3)
with the RTLD_DEAULT, or RTLD_PRJBE handles as a means oI testing Ior a symbol's existence.
See Testing Ior Functionality.

Tentative Smbol Order Within the Output File
ontributions Irom input Iiles usually appear in the output Iile in the order oI their contribution.
Tentative symbols are an exception to this rule, as these symbols are not Iully deIined until their
resolution is complete. The order oI tentative symbols within the output Iile might not Iollow the
order oI their contribution.
II you need to control the ordering oI a group oI symbols, then any tentative deIinition should be
redeIined to a zero-initialized data item. For example, the Iollowing tentative deIinitions result in
a reordering oI the data items within the output Iile, as compared to the original order described
in the source Iile foo.c.

$ .at foo..
char Jne_array0x10,;
char Two_array0x20,;
char Three_array0x30,;

$ .. o pi. foo..
$ elfdump sN.dynsym | grep array | sort k 2,2
11, 0x00010614 0x00000020 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss Two_array
3, 0x00010634 0x00000030 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss
4, 0x00010664 0x00000010 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss Jne_array
Sorting the symbols based on their address shows that their output order is diIIerent than the
order they were deIined in the source. In contrast, deIining these symbols as initialized data
items ensures that the relative ordering oI these symbols within the input Iile is carried over to
the output Iile.

$ .at foo..
char A_array0x10, = , 0 ,;
char B_array0x20, = , 0 ,;
char C_array0x30, = , 0 ,;

$ .. o pi. foo..
$ elfdump sN.dynsym | grep array | sort k 2,2
4, 0x00010614 0x00000010 JBJT GLJB D 0 .data Jne_array
11, 0x00010624 0x00000020 JBJT GLJB D 0 .data Two_array
3, 0x00010644 0x00000030 JBJT GLJB D 0 .data
efining Additional Smbols
Besides the symbols provided Irom input Iiles, you can supply additional global symbol
reIerences or global symbol deIinitions to a link-edit. In the simplest Iorm, symbol reIerences
can be generated using the link-editor's u option. Greater Ilexibility is provided with the link-
editor's option and an associated mapfile. This mapIile enables you to deIine global symbol
reIerences and a variety oI global symbol deIinitions. Attributes oI the symbol such as visibility
and type can be speciIied, See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives Ior a
complete description oI the available options.
Defining Additional Symbols witb tbe u option
The u option provides a mechanism Ior generating a global symbol reIerence Irom the link-edit
command line. This option can be used to perIorm a link-edit entirely Irom archives. This option
can also provide additional Ilexibility in selecting the objects to extract Irom multiple archives.
See section Archive Processing Ior an overview oI archive extraction.
For example, perhaps you want to generate a dynamic executable Irom the relocatable object
main.o, which reIers to the symbols foo and bar. ou want to obtain the symbol deIinition foo
Irom the relocatable object foo.o contained in lib1.a, and the symbol deIinition bar Irom the
relocatable object bar.o, contained in lib2.a.
However, the archive lib1.a also contains a relocatable object that deIines the symbol bar. This
relocatable object is presumably oI diIIering Iunctionality to the relocatable object that is
provided in lib2.a. To speciIy the required archive extraction, you can use the Iollowing link-

$ .. o prog L. u foo l1 main.o l2
The u option generates a reIerence to the symbol foo. This reIerence causes extraction oI the
relocatable object foo.o Irom the archive lib1.a. The Iirst reIerence to the symbol bar occurs
in main.o, which is encountered aIter lib1.a has been processed. ThereIore, the relocatable
object bar.o is obtained Irom the archive lib2.a.

This simple example assumes that the relocatable object foo.o Irom lib1.a does not directly or
indirectly reIerence the symbol bar. II lib1.a does reIerence bar, then the relocatable object
bar.o is also extracted Irom lib1.a during its processing. See Archive Processing Ior a
discussion oI the link-editor's multi-pass processing oI an archive.

Defining Symbol References
The Iollowing example shows how three symbol reIerences can be deIined. These reIerences are
then used to extract members oI an archive. Although this archive extraction can be achieved by
speciIying multiple u options to the link-edit, this example also shows how the eventual scope
oI a symbol can be reduced to local.

$ .at foo..
#include <stdio.h
void foo()
(void) printf("foo: called from lib.a\n");
$ .at bar..
#include <stdio.h
void bar()
(void) printf("bar: called from lib.a\n");
$ .at main..
extern void foo(), bar();

void main()
$ .. . foo.. bar.. main..
$ ar r. lib.a foo.o bar.o main.o
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o prog mapfile lib.a
$ prog
foo: called from lib.a
bar: called from lib.a
$ elfdump sN.symtab prog | egrep 'main|foo|bar'
29, 0x00010f30 0x00000024 UNC LJCL H 0 .text bar
30, 0x00010ef8 0x00000024 UNC LJCL H 0 .text foo
55, 0x00010f68 0x00000024 UNC GLJB D 0 .text main
The signiIicance oI reducing symbol scope Irom global to local is covered in more detail in the
section #educing Symbol Scope.
Defining Absolute Symbols
The Iollowing example shows how two absolute symbol deIinitions can be deIined. These
deIinitions are then used to resolve the reIerences Irom the input Iile main.c.

$ .at main..
#include <stdio.h
extern int foo();
extern int bar;

void main()
(void) printf("&foo = 0x%p\n", &foo);
(void) printf("&bar = 0x%p\n", &bar);
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
foo , TYPE=UNCTIJN; VALUE=0x400 ,;
bar , TYPE=DATA; VALUE=0x800 ,;
$ .. o prog mapfile main..
$ prog
&foo = 0x400
&bar = 0x800
$ elfdump sN.symtab prog | egrep 'foo|bar'
45, 0x00000800 0x00000000 JBJT GLJB D 0 ABS bar
69, 0x00000400 0x00000000 UNC GLJB D 0 ABS foo
When obtained Irom an input Iile, symbol deIinitions Ior Iunctions or data items are usually
associated with elements oI data storage. A mapfile deIinition is insuIIicient to be able to
construct this data storage, so these symbols must remain as absolute values. A simple mapfile
deIinition that is associated with a size, but no value results in the creation oI data storage. In
this case, the symbol deIinition is accompanied with a section index. However, a mapfile
deIinition that is accompanied with a value results in the creation oI an absolute symbol. II a
symbol is deIined in a shared object, an absolute deIinition should be avoided. See Augmenting a
Symbol DeIinition.
Defining Tentative Symbols
A mapfile can also be used to deIine a CJMMJN, or tentative, symbol. Unlike other types oI
symbol deIinition, tentative symbols do not occupy storage within a Iile, but deIine storage that
must be allocated at runtime. ThereIore, symbol deIinitions oI this kind can contribute to the
storage allocation oI the output Iile being generated.
A Ieature oI tentative symbols that diIIers Irom other symbol types is that their value attribute
indicates their alignment requirement. A mapfile deIinition can thereIore be used to realign
tentative deIinitions that are obtained Irom the input Iiles oI a link-edit.
The Iollowing example shows the deIinition oI two tentative symbols. The symbol foo deIines a
new storage region whereas the symbol bar is actually used to change the alignment oI the same
tentative deIinition within the Iile main.c.

$ .at main..
#include <stdio.h
extern int foo;
int bar0x10,;

void main()
(void) printf("&foo = 0x%p\n", &foo);
(void) printf("&bar = 0x%p\n", &bar);
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
foo , TYPE=CJMMJN; VALUE=0x4; SIZE=0x200 ,;
bar , TYPE=CJMMJN; VALUE=0x102; SIZE=0x40 ,;
$ .. o prog mapfile main..
ld: warning: symbol 'bar' has differing alignments:
(file mapfile value=0x102; file main.o value=0x4);
largest value applied
$ prog
&foo = 0x21264
&bar = 0x21224
$ elfdump sN.symtab prog | egrep 'foo|bar'
45, 0x00021224 0x00000040 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss bar
69, 0x00021264 0x00000200 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss foo

This symbol resolution diagnostic can be suppressed by using the link-editor's t option.

Augmenting a Symbol Definition
The creation oI an absolute data symbol within a shared object should be avoided. An external
reIerence Irom a dynamic executable to a data item within a shared object typically requires the
creation oI a copy relocation. See opy #elocations. To provide Ior this relocation, the data item
should be associated with data storage. This association can be produced by deIining the symbol
within a relocatable object Iile. This association can also be produced by deIining the symbol
within a mapfile together with a size declaration and no value declaration. See
A data symbol can be Iiltered. See Shared Objects as Filters. To provide this Iiltering, an object
Iile deIinition can be augmented with a mapfile deIinition. The Iollowing example creates a
Iilter containing a Iunction and data deIinition.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
foo , TYPE=UNCTIJN; ,;
bar , TYPE=DATA; SIZE=0x4; ,;
$ .. o pi. h mapfile R.
$ elfdump sN.dynsym | egrep 'foo|bar'
1, 0x000105f8 0x00000004 JBJT GLJB D 1 .data bar
7, 0x00000000 0x00000000 UNC GLJB D 1 ABS foo
$ elfdump y | egrep 'foo|bar'
1, 0, bar
7, 0, foo
At runtime, a reIerence Irom an external object to either oI these symbols is resolved to the
deIinition within the Iiltee.
Reducing Smbol Scope
Symbol deIinitions that are deIined to have local scope within a mapfile can be used to reduce
the symbol's eventual binding. This mechanism removes the symbol's visibility to Iuture link-
edits which use the generated Iile as part oI their input. In Iact, this mechanism can provide Ior
the precise deIinition oI a Iile's interIace, and so restrict the Iunctionality made available to
For example, say you want to generate a simple shared object Irom the Iiles foo.c and bar.c.
The Iile foo.c contains the global symbol foo, which provides the service that you want to make
available to others. The Iile bar.c contains the symbols bar and str, which provide the
underlying implementation oI the shared object. A shared object created with these Iiles,
typically results in the creation oI three symbols with global scope.

$ .at foo..
extern const char bar();

const char foo()
return (bar());
$ .at bar..
const char str = "returned from bar.c";

const char bar()
return (str);
$ .. o foo.. bar..
$ elfdump sN.symtab | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
41, 0x00000560 0x00000018 UNC GLJB D 0 .text bar
44, 0x00000520 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
45, 0x000106b8 0x00000004 JBJT GLJB D 0 .data str
ou can now use the Iunctionality oIIered by as part oI the link-edit oI another
application. #eIerences to the symbol foo are bound to the implementation provided by the
shared object.
Because oI their global binding, direct reIerence to the symbols bar and str is also possible.
This visibility can have dangerous consequences, as you might later change the implementation
that underlies the Iunction foo. In so doing, you could unintentionally cause an existing
application that had bound to bar or str to Iail or misbehave.
Another consequence oI the global binding oI the symbols bar and str is that these symbols can
be interposed upon by symbols oI the same name. The interposition oI symbols within shared
objects is covered in section Simple #esolutions. This interposition can be intentional and be
used as a means oI circumventing the intended Iunctionality oIIered by the shared object. On the
other hand, this interposition can be unintentional, the result oI the same common symbol name
used Ior both the application and the shared object.
When developing the shared object, you can protect against these scenarios by reducing the
scope oI the symbols bar and str to a local binding. In the Iollowing example, the symbols bar
and str are no longer available as part oI the shared object's interIace. Thus, these symbols
cannot be reIerenced, or interposed upon, by an external object. ou have eIIectively deIined an
interIace Ior the shared object. This interIace can be managed while hiding the details oI the
underlying implementation.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o mapfile foo.. bar..
$ elfdump sN.symtab | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
24, 0x00000548 0x00000018 UNC LJCL H 0 .text bar
25, 0x000106a0 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data str
45, 0x00000508 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
This symbol scope reduction has an additional perIormance advantage. The symbolic relocations
against the symbols bar and str that would have been necessary at runtime are now reduced to
relative relocations. See When #elocations are PerIormed Ior details oI symbolic relocation
As the number oI symbols that are processed during a link-edit increases, deIining local scope
reduction within a mapfile becomes harder to maintain. An alternative and more Ilexible
mechanism enables you to deIine the shared object's interIace in terms oI the global symbols that
should be maintained. Global symbol deIinitions allow the link-editor to reduce all other symbols
to local binding. This mechanism is achieved using the special auto-reduction directive '*. For
example, the previous mapfile deIinition can be rewritten to deIine foo as the only global
symbol required in the output Iile generated.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o mapfile foo.. bar..
$ elfdump sN.symtab | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
26, 0x00000570 0x00000018 UNC LJCL H 0 .text bar
27, 0x000106d8 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data str
50, 0x00000530 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
This example also deIines a version name,, as part oI the mapfile directive.
This version name establishes an internal version deIinition that deIines the Iile's symbolic
interIace. The creation oI a version deIinition is recommended. The deIinition Iorms the
Ioundation oI an internal versioning mechanism that can be used throughout the evolution oI the
Iile. See hapter 5, Application Binary InterIaces and Versioning.

II a version name is not supplied, the output Iile name is used to label the version deIinition. The
versioning inIormation that is created within the output Iile can be suppressed using the link-
editor's noversion option.

Whenever a version name is speciIied, all global symbols must be assigned to a version
deIinition. II any global symbols remain unassigned to a version deIinition, the link-editor
generates a Iatal error condition.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o mapfile foo.. bar..
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
str bar.o (symbol has no version assigned)
bar bar.o (symbol has no version assigned)
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to
The B option can be used to assert the auto-reduction directive '* Irom the command
line. The previous example an be compiled successIully as Iollows.

$ .. o mapfile B foo.. bar..
When generating an executable or shared object, any symbol reduction results in the recording oI
version deIinitions within the output image. When generating a relocatable object, the version
deIinitions are created but the symbol reductions are not processed. The result is that the symbol
entries Ior any symbol reductions still remain global. For example, using the previous mapfile
with the auto-reduction directive and associated relocatable objects, an intermediate relocatable
object is created with no symbol reduction.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ ld o libfoo.o mapfile r foo.o bar.o
$ elfdump s libfoo.o | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
28, 0x00000050 0x00000018 UNC GLJB H 0 .text bar
29, 0x00000010 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 2 .text foo
30, 0x00000000 0x00000004 JBJT GLJB H 0 .data str
The version deIinitions created within this image show that symbol reductions are required.
When the relocatable object is used eventually to generate an executable or shared object, the
symbol reductions occur. In other words, the link-editor reads and interprets symbol reduction
inIormation that is contained in the relocatable objects in the same manner as versioning data is
processed Irom a mapfile.
Thus, the intermediate relocatable object produced in the previous example can now be used to
generate a shared object.

$ ld o libfoo.o
$ elfdump sN.symtab | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
24, 0x00000508 0x00000018 UNC LJCL H 0 .text bar
25, 0x00010644 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data str
42, 0x000004c8 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
Symbol reduction at the point at which an executable or shared object is created is typically the
most common requirement. However, symbol reductions can be Iorced to occur when creating a
relocatable object by using the link-editor's B redu.e option.

$ ld o libfoo.o mapfile B redu.e r foo.o bar.o
$ elfdump sN.symtab libfoo.o | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
20, 0x00000050 0x00000018 UNC LJCL H 0 .text bar
21, 0x00000000 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data str
30, 0x00000010 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 2 .text foo
Symbol Elimination
An extension to symbol reduction is the elimination oI a symbol entry Irom an object's symbol
table. Local symbols are only maintained in an object's .symtab symbol table. This entire table
can be removed Irom the object by using the link-editor's s option, or strip(1). On occasion, you
might want to maintain the .symtab symbol table but remove selected local symbol deIinitions.
Symbol elimination can be carried out using the mapfile keyword ELIMINATE. As with the
local directive, symbols can be individually deIined, or the symbol name can be deIined as the
special auto-elimination directive '*. The Iollowing example shows the elimination oI the
symbol bar Ior the previous symbol reduction example.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o mapfile foo.. bar..
$ elfdump sN.symtab | egrep 'foo|bar|str'
26, 0x00010690 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data str
44, 0x000004e8 0x0000002c UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
The B eliminate option can be used to assert the auto-elimination directive '* Irom the
command line.
External Bindings
When a symbol reIerence Irom the object being created is satisIied by a deIinition within a
shared object, the symbol remains undeIined. The relocation inIormation that is associated with
the symbol provides Ior its lookup at runtime. The shared object that provided the deIinition
typically becomes a dependency.
The runtime linker employs a deIault search model to locate this deIinition at runtime. Typically,
each object is searched, starting with the dynamic executable, and progressing through each
dependency in the same order in which the objects were loaded.
Objects can also be created to use direct bindings. With this technique, the relationship between
the symbol reIerence and the object that provides the symbol deIinition is maintained within the
object being created. The runtime linker uses this inIormation to directly bind the reIerence to the
object that deIines the symbol, thus bypassing the deIault symbol search model. See
Appendix D, Direct Bindings.
String Table Compression
String tables are compressed by the link-editor by removing duplicate entries, together with tail
substrings. This compression can signiIicantly reduce the size oI any string tables. For example,
a compressed .dynstr table results in a smaller text segment and hence reduced runtime paging
activity. Because oI these beneIits, string table compression is enabled by deIault.
Objects that contribute a very large number oI symbols can increase the link-edit time due to the
string table compression. To avoid this cost during development use the link-editors
no.ompstrtab option. Any string table compression perIormed during a link-edit can be
displayed using the link-editors debugging tokens D strtab,detail.
enerating the Output File
AIter input Iile processing and symbol resolution has completed with no Iatal errors, the link-
editor generates the output Iile. The link-editor Iirst generates the additional sections necessary to
complete the output Iile. These sections include the symbol tables, which contain local symbol
deIinitions together with resolved global symbol and weak symbol inIormation, Irom all the
input Iiles.
Also included are any output relocation and dynamic inIormation sections required by the
runtime linker. AIter all the output section inIormation has been established, the total output Iile
size is calculated. The output Iile image is then created accordingly.
When creating a dynamic executable or shared object, two symbol tables are usually generated.
The .dynsym table and its associated string table .dynstr contain register, global, weak, and
section symbols. These sections become part oI the text segment that is mapped as part oI the
process image at runtime. See mmapobj(2). This mapping enables the runtime linker to read
these sections to perIorm any necessary relocations.
The .symtab table, and its associated string table .strtab contain all the symbols collected
Irom the input Iile processing. These sections are not mapped as part oI the process image. These
sections can even be stripped Irom the image by using the link-editor's s option, or aIter the
link-edit by using strip(1).
During the generation oI the symbol tables, reserved symbols are created. These symbols have
special meaning to the linking process. These symbols should not be deIined in your code.
The Iirst location aIter all read-only inIormation, typically reIerred to as the text segment.
The Iirst location aIter initialized data.
The Iirst location aIter all data.
The address oI the .dynamic inIormation section.
The same as _end. The symbol has local scope and, together with the _START_ symbol,
provides a simple means oI establishing an object's address range.
The position-independent reIerence to a link-editor supplied table oI addresses, the .got
section. This table is constructed Irom position-independent data reIerences that occur in
objects that have been compiled with the pi. option. See Position-Independent ode.
The position-independent reIerence to a link-editor supplied table oI addresses, the .plt
section. This table is constructed Irom position-independent Iunction reIerences that
occur in objects that have been compiled with the pi. option. See Position-
Independent ode.
The Iirst location within the text segment. The symbol has local scope and, together with
the _END_ symbol, provides a simple means oI establishing an object's address range.
When generating an executable, the link-editor looks Ior additional symbols to deIine the
executable's entry point. II a symbol was speciIied using the link-editor's e option, that symbol
is used. Otherwise the link-editor looks Ior the reserved symbol names _start, and then main.
Identifing Capabilit Requirements
apabilities identiIy the attributes oI a system that are required to allow code to execute. The
Iollowing capabilities, in their order oI precedence, are available.
O A platform capability - identiIies a speciIic platIorm by name.
O A machine capability - identiIies a speciIic machine hardware by name.
O ardware capabilities - identiIy instruction set extensions and other hardware details
with capabilities Ilags.
O Software capabilities - reIlect attributes oI the soItware environment with capabilities
Each oI these capabilities can be deIined individually, or combined to produce a capabilities
ode that can only be executed when certain capabilities are available should identiIy these
requirements by means oI a capabilities section within the associated ELF object. #ecording
capability requirements within an object allows the system to validate the object beIore
attempting to execute the associated code. These requirements can also provide a Iramework
where the system can select the most appropriate object Irom a Iamily oI objects. A Iamily
consists oI variants oI the same object, where each variant requires diIIerent capabilities.
Dynamic objects, as well as individual Iunctions or initialized data items within an object, can be
associated with capability requirements. Ideally, capability requirements are recorded in the
relocatable objects that are produced by the compiler, and reIlect the options or optimization that
was speciIied at compile time. The link-editor combines the capabilities oI any input relocatable
objects to create a Iinal capabilities section Ior the output Iile. See apabilities Section.
In addition, capabilities can be deIined when the link-editor creates an output Iile. These
capabilities are identiIied using a mapfile and the link-editor's option. apabilities that are
deIined by using a mapfile can augment, or override, the capabilities that are speciIied within
any input relocatable objects. Mapfiles are usually used to augment compilers that do not
generate the necessary capability inIormation.
Sstem capabilities are the capabilities that describe a running system. The platIorm name, and
machine hardware name can be displayed with uname(1) using the i option and m option
respectively. The system hardware capabilities can be displayed with isainIo(1) using the v
option. At runtime, the capability requirements oI an object are compared against the system
capabilities to determine whether the object can be loaded, or a symbol within the object can be
Object capabilities are capabilities that are associated with an object. These capabilities deIine
the requirements oI the entire object, and control whether the object can be loaded at runtime. II
an object requires capabilities that can not be satisIied by the system, then the object can not be
loaded at runtime. apabilities can be used to provide more than one instance oI a given object,
each optimized Ior systems that match the objects requirements. The runtime linker can
transparently select the best instance Irom such a Iamily oI object instances by comparing the
objects capability requirements to the capabilities provided by the system.
Smbol capabilities are capabilities that are associated with individual Iunctions, or initialized
data items, within an object. These capabilities deIine the requirements oI one or more symbols
within an object, and control whether the symbol can be used at runtime. Symbol capabilities
allow Ior the presence oI multiple instances oI a Iunction within a single object. Each instance oI
the Iunction can be optimized Ior a system with diIIerent capabilities. Symbol capabilities also
allow Ior the presence oI multiple instances oI an initialized data item within an object. Each
instance oI the data can deIine system speciIic data. II a symbol instance requires capabilities
that can not be satisIied by the system, then that symbol instance can not be used at runtime.
Instead, an alternative instance oI the same symbol name must be used. Symbol capabilities oIIer
the ability to construct a single object that can be used on systems oI varying abilities. A Iamily
oI Iunctions can provide optimized instances Ior systems that can support the capabilities, and
more generic instances Ior other, less capable systems. A Iamily oI initialized data items can
provide system speciIic data. The runtime linker transparently selects the best instance Irom such
a Iamily oI symbol instances by comparing the symbols capability requirements to the
capabilities provided by the system.
Object and symbol capabilities provide Ior selecting the best object, and the best symbol within
an object, Ior the currently running system. Object and symbol capabilities are optional Ieatures,
both independent oI each other. However, an object that deIines symbol capabilities may also
deIine object capabilities. In this case, any Iamily oI capabilities symbols should be accompanied
with one instance oI the symbol that satisIies the object capabilities. II no object capabilities
exist, any Iamily oI capability symbols should be accompanied with one instance oI the symbol
that requires no capabilities. This symbol instance provides the deIault implementation, should
no capability instance be applicable Ior a given system.
The Iollowing x86 example displays the object capabilities oI foo.o. These capabilities apply to
the entire object. In this example, no symbol capabilities exist.

$ elfdump H foo.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x840 SSE MMX ,
The Iollowing x86 example displays the symbol capabilities oI bar.o. These capabilities apply
to the individual Iunctions foo and bar. Two instances oI each symbol exist, each instance being
assigned to a diIIerent set oI capabilities. In this example, no object capabilities exist.

$ elfdump H bar.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x40 MMX ,

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
25, 0x00000000 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%mmx
26, 0x00000024 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%mmx

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
3, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x800 SSE ,

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
33, 0x00000044 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%sse
34, 0x00000068 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sse

In this example, the capability symbols Iollow a naming convention that appends a capability
identiIier to the generic symbol name. This convention can be produced by the link-editor when
object capabilities are converted to symbol capabilities, and is discussed later in onverting
Object apabilities to Symbol apabilities.

apability deIinitions provide Ior many combinations that allow you to identiIy the requirements
oI an object, or oI individual symbols within an object. Hardware capabilities provide the
greatest Ilexibility. Hardware capabilities deIine hardware requirements without dictating a
speciIic machine hardware name, or platIorm name. However, sometimes there are attributes oI
an underlying system that can only be determined Irom the machine hardware name, or platIorm
name. IdentiIying a capability name can allow you to code to very speciIic system capabilities,
but the use oI the identiIied object can be restrictive. Should a new machine hardware name or
platIorm name become applicable Ior the object, the object must be rebuilt to identiIy the new
capability name.
The Iollowing sections describe how capabilities can be deIined, and used by the link-editor.
Identifying a Platform Capability
A platIorm capability oI an object identiIies the platIorm name oI the systems that the object, or
speciIic symbols within the object, can execute upon. Multiple platIorm capabilities can be
deIined. This identiIication is very speciIic, and takes precedence over any other capability types.
The platIorm name oI a system can be displayed by the utility uname(1) with the i option.
A platIorm capability requirement can be deIined using the Iollowing mapfile syntax.
$mapfile_version 2
PLATJRM = platform_name...;
PLATJRM += platform_name...;
PLATJRM -= platform_name...;
The PLATJRM attribute is qualiIied with one or more platIorm names. The '+= Iorm oI
assignment augments the platIorm capabilities speciIied by the input objects, while the '= Iorm
overrides them. The '-=" Iorm oI assignment is used to exclude platIorm capabilities Irom the
output object. The Iollowing SPA# example identiIies the object as being speciIic to
the SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise platIorm.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
PLATJRM = 'SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise';
$ .. o pi. mapfile foo.. l.
$ elfdump H

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
#elocatable objects can deIine platIorm capabilities. These capabilities are gathered together to
deIine the Iinal capability requirements oI the object being built.
The platIorm capability oI an object can be controlled explicitly Irom a mapfile by using the '=
Iorm oI assignment to override any platIorm capabilities that might be provided Irom any input
relocatable objects. An empty PLATJRM attribute used with the '= Iorm oI assignment
eIIectively removes any platIorm capabilities requirement Irom the object being built.
A platIorm capability requirement deIined in a dynamic object is validated by the runtime linker
against the platIorm name oI the system. The object is only used iI one oI the platIorm names
recorded in the object match the platIorm name oI the system.
Targeting code to a speciIic platIorm can be useIul in some instances, however the development
oI a hardware capabilities Iamily can provide greater Ilexibility, and is recommended. Hardware
capabilities Iamilies can provide Ior optimized code to be exercised on a broader range oI
Identifying a Macbine Capability
A machine capability oI an object identiIies the machine hardware name oI the systems that the
object, or speciIic symbols within the object, can execute upon. Multiple machine capabilities
can be deIined. This identiIication carries less precedence than platIorm capability deIinitions,
but takes precedence over any other capability types.
The machine hardware name oI a system can be displayed by the utility uname(1) with the m
A machine capability requirement can be deIined using the Iollowing mapfile syntax.
$mapfile_version 2
MACHINE = machine_name...;
MACHINE += machine_name...;
MACHINE -= machine_name...;
The MACHINE attribute is qualiIied with one or more machine hardware names. The '+= Iorm oI
assignment augments the machine capabilities speciIied by the input objects, while the '= Iorm
overrides them. The '-=" Iorm oI assignment is used to exclude machine capabilities Irom the
output object. The Iollowing SPA# example identiIies the object as being speciIic to
the sun4u machine hardware name.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
MACHINE = sun4u;
$ .. o pi. mapfile foo.. l.
$ elfdump H

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_MACH sun4u
#elocatable objects can deIine machine capabilities. These capabilities are gathered together to
deIine the Iinal capability requirements oI the object being built.
The machine capability oI an object can be controlled explicitly Irom a mapfile by using the '=
Iorm oI assignment to override any machine capabilities that might be provided Irom any input
relocatable objects. An empty MACHINE attribute used with the '= Iorm oI assignment
eIIectively removes any machine capabilities requirement Irom the object being built.
A machine capability requirement deIined in a dynamic object is validated by the runtime linker
against the machine hardware name oI the system. The object is only used iI one oI the machine
names recorded in the object match the machine name oI the system.
Targeting code to a speciIic machine can be useIul in some instances, however the development
oI a hardware capabilities Iamily can provide greater Ilexibility, and is recommended. Hardware
capabilities Iamilies can provide Ior optimized code to be exercised on a broader range oI
Identifying Hardware Capabilities
The hardware capabilities oI an object identiIy the hardware requirements oI a system necessary
Ior the object, or speciIic symbol, to execute correctly. An example oI this requirement might be
the identiIication oI code that requires the MMX or SSE Ieatures that are available on some x86
Hardware capability requirements can be identiIied using the Iollowing mapfile syntax.
$mapfile_version 2
HW = hwcap_flag...;
HW += hwcap_flag...;
HW -= hwcap_flag...;
The HW attribute to the CAPABILITY directive is qualiIied with one or more tokens, which are
symbolic representations oI hardware capabilities. The '+= Iorm oI assignment augments the
hardware capabilities speciIied by the input objects, while the '= Iorm overrides them. The '-="
Iorm oI assignment is used to exclude hardware capabilities Irom the output object.
For SPA# systems, hardware capabilities are deIined as AV_ values in sys/auxv_SPARC.h. For
x86 systems, hardware capabilities are deIined as AV_ values in sys/auxv_386.h.
The Iollowing x86 example shows the declaration oI MMX and SSE as hardware capabilities
required by the object

$ egrep "|SSE" /usr/in.lude/sys/auxv_386.h
#define AV_386_MMX 0x0040
#define AV_386_SSE 0x0800
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o pi. mapfile foo.. l.
$ elfdump H

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x840 SSE MMX ,
#elocatable objects can contain hardware capabilities values. The link-editor combines any
hardware capabilities values Irom multiple input relocatable objects. The resulting
CA_SUNW_HW_1 value is a bitwise-inclusive O# oI the associated input values. By deIault, these
values are combined with the hardware capabilities speciIied by a mapfile.
The hardware capability requirements oI an object can be controlled explicitly Irom a mapfile
by using the '= Iorm oI assignment to override any hardware capabilities that might be provided
Irom any input relocatable objects. An empty HW attribute used with the '= Iorm oI assignment
eIIectively removes any hardware capabilities requirement Irom the object being built.
The Iollowing example suppresses any hardware capabilities data deIined by the input
relocatable object foo.o Irom being included in the output Iile, bar.o.

$ elfdump H foo.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x840 SSE MMX ,
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
HW = ;
$ ld o bar.o r mapfile foo.o
$ elfdump H bar.o
Any hardware capability requirements deIined by a dynamic object are validated by the runtime
linker against the hardware capabilities that are provided by the system. II any oI the hardware
capability requirements can not be satisIied, the object is not loaded at runtime. For example, iI
the SSE Ieature is not available to a process, ldd(1) indicates the Iollowing error.

$ ldd prog = ./ - hardware capability unsupported: \
0x800 SSE ,
Multiple variants oI a dynamic object that exploit diIIerent hardware capabilities can provide a
Ilexible runtime environment using Iilters. See apability SpeciIic Shared Objects.
Hardware capabilities can also be used to identiIy the capabilities oI individual Iunctions within
a single object. In this case, the runtime linker can select the most appropriate Iunction instance
to use based upon the current system capabilities. See reating a Family oI Symbol apabilities
Identifying Software Capabilities
The soItware capabilities oI an object identiIy characteristics oI the soItware that might be
important Ior debugging or monitoring processes. SoItware capabilities can also inIluence
process execution. Presently, the only soItware capabilities that are recognized relate to Irame
pointer usage by the object, and process address space restrictions.
Objects can indicate that their Irame pointer use is known. This state is then qualiIied by
declaring the Irame pointer as being used or not.
64bit objects can indicate that at runtime they must be exercised within a 32bit address space.
SoItware capabilities Ilags are deIined in sys/elf.h.
#define S1_SUNW_PKNWN 0x001
#define S1_SUNW_PUSED 0x002
#define S1_SUNW_ADDR32 0x004
These soItware capability requirements can be identiIied using the Iollowing mapfile syntax.
$mapfile_version 2
S = 8fcap_flag8...;
S += 8fcap_flag8...;
S -= 8fcap_flag8...;
The S attribute to the CAPABILITY directive can be assigned any oI the tokens PKNWN, PUSED
and ADDR32.
#elocatable objects can contain soItware capabilities values. The link-editor combines the
soItware capabilities values Irom multiple input relocatable objects. SoItware capabilities can
also be supplied with a mapfile. By deIault, any mapfile values are combined with the values
supplied by relocatable objects.
The soItware capability requirements oI an object can be controlled explicitly Irom a mapfile by
using the '= Iorm oI assignment to override any soItware capabilities that might be provided
Irom any input relocatable objects. An empty S attribute used with the '= Iorm oI assignment
eIIectively removes any soItware capabilities requirement Irom the object being built.
The Iollowing example suppresses any soItware capabilities data deIined by the input relocatable
object foo.o Irom being included in the output Iile, bar.o.

$ elfdump H foo.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
S = ;
$ ld o bar.o r mapfile foo.o
$ elfdump H bar.o
oftwure Cupublllty Frume Polnter Procexxlng
The computation oI a CA_SUNW_S_1 value Irom two Irame pointer input values is as Iollows.
1able 21 CA_SUNW_S_1 lrame olnLer llag ComblnaLlon SLaLe 1able
Input file 1 Input file 2

SF1_SUNW_FPNWN <unknown>
<unknown> S1_SUNW_PKNWN
S1_SUNW_PKNWN <unknown
This computation is applied to each relocatable object value and mapfile value. The Irame
pointer soItware capabilities oI an object are unknown iI no .SUNW_cap section exists, or iI the
section contains no CA_SUNW_S_1 value, or iI neither the S1_SUNW_PKNW or
S1_SUNW_PUSED Ilags are set.
oftwure Cupublllty AJJrexx puce Rextrlctlon Procexxlng
64bit objects that are identiIied with the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 soItware capabilities Ilag can
contain optimized code that requires a 32bit address space. 64bit objects that are identiIied in
this manner can interoperate with any other 64bit objects whether they are identiIied with the
S1_SUNW_ADDR32 Ilag or not. An occurrence oI the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 Ilag within a 64bit input
relocatable object is propagated to the CA_SUNW_S_1 value that is created Ior the output Iile
being created by the link-editor.
The existence oI the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 Ilag within a 64bit executable ensures that the
associated process is restricted to the lower 32bit address space. This restricted address space
includes the process stack and all process dependencies. Within such a process, all objects,
whether they are identiIied with the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 Ilag or not, are loaded within the
restricted 32bit address space.
64bit shared objects can contain the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 Ilag. However, the restricted address
space requirement can only be established by a 64bit executable containing the
S1_SUNW_ADDR32 Ilag. ThereIore, a 64bit S1_SUNW_ADDR32 shared object must be a
dependency oI a 64bit S1_SUNW_ADDR32 executable.
A 64bit S1_SUNW_ADDR32 shared object that is encountered by the link-editor when building
an unrestricted 64bit executable results in a warning.

$ .. m64 o main main.. lfoo
ld: warning: file section .SUNW_cap: software capability ADDR32: \
requires executable be built with ADDR32 capability
A 64bit S1_SUNW_ADDR32 shared object that is encountered at runtime by a process that is
created Irom an unrestricted 64bit executable, results in a Iatal error.

$ ldd main = ./ - software capability unsupported: \
0x4 ADDR32 ,
$ main main: fatal: ./ software capability unsupported: 0x4
ADDR32 ,
An executable can be seeded with the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 using a mapfile.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
S += ADDR32;
$ .. m64 o main main.. mapfile lfoo
$ elfdump H main

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_S_1 0x4 S1_SUNW_ADDR32 ,
Creating a Family of Symbol Capabilities Functions
Developers oIten desire to provide multiple instances oI Iunctions, each optimized Ior a
particular set oI capabilities, within a single object. It is desirable Ior the selection and use oI
these instances to be transparent to any consumers. A generic, Iront-end Iunction can be created
to provide an external interIace. This generic instance, together with the optimized instances, can
be combined into one object. The generic instance might use getisax(2) to determine the systems
capabilities and then call the appropriate optimized Iunction instance to handle a task. Although
this model works, it suIIers Irom a lack oI generality, and incurs a runtime overhead.
Symbol capabilities oIIer an alternative mechanism to construct such an object. This mechanism
is simpler, more eIIicient, and does not require you to write additional Iront-end code. Multiple
instances oI a Iunction can be created and associated with diIIerent capabilities. These instances,
together with a deIault instance oI the Iunction that is suitable Ior any system, can be combined
into a single dynamic object. The selection oI the most appropriate member Irom this Iamily oI
symbols is carried out by the runtime linker using the symbol capabilities inIormation.
In the Iollowing example, the x86 objects foobar.mmx.o and foobar.sse.o, contain the same
Iunction foo() and bar(), that have been compiled to use the MMX and SSE instructions

$ elfdump H foobar.mmx.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_ID mmx
2, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x40 MMX ,

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
10, 0x00000000 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%mmx
16, 0x00000024 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%mmx

$ elfdump H foobar.sse.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_ID sse
2, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x800 SSE ,

Capabilities symbols:
index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
16, 0x00000000 0x0000002f UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%sse
18, 0x00000048 0x00000030 UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sse
Each oI these objects contain a local symbol identiIying the capabilities Iunction foo%*() and
bar%*(). In addition, each object also deIines a global reIerence to the Iunction foo() and
bar(). Any internal reIerences to foo() or bar() are relocated through these global reIerences,
as are any external interIaces.
These two objects can now be combined with a deIault instance oI foo() and bar(). These
deIault instances satisIy the global reIerences, and provide an implementation that is compatible
with any object capabilities. These deIault instances are said to lead each capabilities Iamily. II
no object capabilities exist, this deIault instance should also require no capabilities. EIIectively,
three instances oI foo() and bar() exist, the global instance provides the deIault, and the local
instances provide implementations that are used at runtime iI the associated capabilities are

$ .. o foobar.o foobar.sse.o foobar.mmx.o
$ elfdump sN.dynsym | egrep "foo|bar"
2, 0x00000700 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%mmx
4, 0x00000750 0x0000002f UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%sse
8, 0x00000784 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%mmx
9, 0x000007b0 0x00000030 UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sse
15, 0x000007a0 0x00000014 UNC GLJB D 1 .text foo
17, 0x000007c0 0x00000014 UNC GLJB D 1 .text bar
The capabilities inIormation Ior a dynamic object displays the capabilities symbols, and reveals
the capabilities Iamilies that are available.

$ elfdump H

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_ID mmx
2, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x40 MMX ,

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
2, 0x00000700 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%mmx
8, 0x00000784 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%mmx

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
4, CA_SUNW_ID sse
5, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x800 SSE ,

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
4, 0x00000750 0x0000002f UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%sse
9, 0x000007b0 0x00000030 UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sse

Capabilities Chain Section: .SUNW_capchain

Capabilities family: foo
chainndx symndx name
1 15, foo
2 2, foo%mmx
3 4, foo%sse

Capabilities family: bar
chainndx symndx name
5 17, bar
6 8, bar%mmx
7 9, bar%sse
At runtime, all reIerences to foo() and bar() are initially bound to the global symbols.
However, the runtime linker recognizes that these Iunctions are the lead instance oI a capabilities
Iamily. The runtime linker inspects each Iamily member to determine iI a better capability
Iunction is available. There is a one time cost to this operation, which occurs on the Iirst call to
the Iunction. Subsequent calls to foo() and bar() are bound directly to the Iunction instance
selected by the Iirst call. This Iunction selection can be observed by using the runtime linkers
debugging capabilities.
In the Iollowing example, the underlying system does not provide MMX or SSE support. The lead
instance oI foo() requires no special capabilities support, and thus satisIies any relocation

$ LD_DEBU=symbols main
debug: symbol=foo; lookup in file=./ EL ,
debug: symbol=foo15,: capability family default
debug: symbol=foo%mmx2,: capability specific (CA_SUNW_HW_1): 0x40
MMX , ,
debug: symbol=foo%mmx2,: capability rejected
debug: symbol=foo%sse4,: capability specific (CA_SUNW_HW_1): 0x800
SSE , ,
debug: symbol=foo%sse4,: capability rejected
debug: symbol=foo15,: used
In the Iollowing example, MMX is available, but SSE is not. The MMX capable instance oI foo()
satisIies any relocation reIerence.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols main
debug: symbol=foo; lookup in file=./ EL ,
debug: symbol=foo15,: capability family default
debug: symbol=foo2,: capability specific (CA_SUNW_HW_1): 0x40 MMX ,
debug: symbol=foo2,: capability candidate
debug: symbol=foo4,: capability specific (CA_SUNW_HW_1): 0x800 SSE
, ,
debug: symbol=foo4,: capability rejected
debug: symbol=foo2,: used
When more than one capability instance can be exercised on the same system, a set oI precedent
rules are used to select one instance.
O A capability group that deIines a platIorm name takes precedent over a group that does
not deIine a platIorm name.
O A capability group that deIines a machine hardware name takes precedent over a group
that does not deIine a machine hardware name.
O A larger hardware capabilities value takes precedent over a smaller hardware capabilities
A Iamily oI capabilities Iunction instances must be accessed Irom a procedure linkage table
entry. See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic). This procedure linkage reIerence
requires the runtime linker to resolve the Iunction. During this process, the runtime linker can
process the associated symbol capabilities inIormation, and select the best Iunction Irom the
available Iamily oI Iunction instances.
When symbol capabilities are not used, there are cases where the link-editor can resolve
reIerences to code without the need oI a procedure linkage table entry. For example, within a
dynamic executable, a reIerence to a Iunction that exists within the executable can be bound
internally at link-edit time. Hidden and protected Iunctions within shared objects can also be
bound internally at link-edit time. In these cases, there is normally no need Ior the runtime linker
to be involved in resolving a reIerence to these Iunctions.
However, when symbol capabilities are used, the Iunction must be resolved Irom a procedure
linkage table entry. This entry is necessary in order Ior the runtime linker to be involved in
selecting the appropriate Iunction, while maintaining a read-only text segment. This mechanism
results in an indirection through a procedure linkage table entry Ior all calls to a capability
Iunction. This indirection might not be necessary iI symbol capabilities are not used. ThereIore,
there is a small trade oII between the cost oI calling the capability Iunction, and any perIormance
improvement gained Irom using the capability Iunction over its deIault counterpart.

Although a capability Iunction must be accessed through a procedure linkage table entry, the
Iunction can still be deIined as hidden or protected. The runtime linker honors these visibility
states and restricts any binding to these Iunctions. This behavior results in the same bindings as
are produced when symbol capabilities are not associated with the Iunction. A hidden Iunction
can not be bound to Irom an external object. A reIerence to a protected Iunction Irom within an
object will only be bound to within the same object.

Creating a Family of Symbol Capabilities Data Items
Multiple instances oI initialized data, where each instance is speciIic to a system, can be
provided within the same object. However, providing such data through Iunctional interIaces iI
oIten simpler, and is recommended. See reating a Family oI Symbol apabilities Functions.
Special care is required to provide multiple instances oI initialized data within an executable.
The Iollowing example initializes a data item 1oo within foo.c, to point to a machine name
string. This Iile can be compiled Ior various machines, and each instance is identiIied with a
machine capability. A reIerence to this data item is made Irom bar() Irom the Iile bar.c. A
shared object is then created by combining bar() with two capabilities instances
oI 1oo.

$ .at foo..
char foo = MACHINE;
$ .at bar..
#include <stdio.h

extern char foo = MACHINE;

void bar()
(void) printf("machine: %s\n", foo);

$ elfdump H

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_ID sun4u
2, CA_SUNW_MACH sun4u

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
1, 0x000108d4 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL D 0 .data foo%sun4u

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
4, CA_SUNW_ID sun4v
5, CA_SUNW_MACH sun4v

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
2, 0x000108d8 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL D 0 .data foo%sun4v
An application can reIerence bar(), and the runtime linker binds to the instance oI 1oo that is
associated with the underlying system.

$ uname m
$ main
machine: sun4u
The proper operation oI this code depends on the code having been compiled to be position-
independent, as is normally the case Ior code in sharable objects. See Position-Independent
ode. Position-independent data reIerences are indirect reIerences, which allow the runtime
linker to locate the required reIerence and update elements oI the data segment. This relocation
update oI the data segment preserves the text segment as read-only.
However, the code within an executable is typically position-dependent. In addition, data
reIerences within an executable are bound at link-edit time. Within an executable, a symbol
capabilities data reIerence must remain unresolved through a global data item, so that the
runtime linker can select Irom the symbol capabilities Iamily. II the reIerence Irom bar() in the
previous example bar.c is compiled as position-dependent code, then the text segment oI the
executable must be relocated at runtime. By deIault, this condition results in a Iatal link-time

$ .. o main main.. bar.. foo.o foo.1.o foo.2.o ...
warning: Text relocation remains referenced
against symbol offset in file
foo 0x0 bar.o
foo 0x8 bar.o
One approach to solve this error condition is to compile bar.c as position-independent. Note
however, that all reIerences to any symbol capabilities data items Irom within the executable
must be compiled position-independent Ior this technique to work.
Although data can be accessed using the symbol capabilities mechanism, making data items a
part oI the public interIace to an object can be problematic. An alternative, and more Ilexible
model, is to encapsulate each data item within a symbol capabilities Iunction. This Iunction
provides the sole means oI access to the data. Hiding data behind a symbol capabilities Iunction
has the important beneIit oI allowing the data to be deIined static and kept private. The previous
example can be coded to use symbol capabilities Iunctions.

$ .at foobar..
.at bar..
#include <stdio.h

static char foo = MACHINE;

void bar()
(void) printf("machine: %s\n", foo);
$ elfdump H main

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_ID sun4u
2, CA_SUNW_MACH sun4u

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
1, 0x0001111c 0x0000001c UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sun4u

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
4, CA_SUNW_ID sun4v
5, CA_SUNW_MACH sun4v

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
2, 0x00011138 0x0000001c UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sun4v

$ uname m
$ main
machine: sun4u
Converting Ub|ect Capabilities to Symbol Capabilities
Ideally, the compiler can generate objects that are identiIied with symbol capabilities. II the
compiler can not create symbol capabilities, the link-editor oIIers a solution.
A relocatable object that deIines object capabilities can be transIormed into a relocatable object
that deIines symbol capabilities using the link-editor. Using the link-editor symbol.ap
option, any capability data section is converted to deIine symbol capabilities. All global
Iunctions within the object are converted into local Iunctions, and are associated with symbol
capabilities. All global initialized data items are converted to local data items, and are associated
with symbol capabilities. These transIormed symbols are appended with any capability identiIier
speciIied as part oI the object capabilities group. II a capability identiIier is not deIined, a deIault
group name is appended.
For each original global Iunction or initialized data item, a global reIerence is created. This
reIerence is associated to any relocation requirements, and provides Ior binding to a deIault,
global symbol when this object is Iinally combined to create a dynamic executable or shared

The symbol.ap option applies to objects that contain an object capabilities section. The
option has no aIIect upon relocatable objects that already contain symbol capabilities, or
relocatable objects that contain both object and symbol capabilities. This design allows multiple
objects to be combined by the link-editor, with only those objects that contain object capabilities
being aIIected by the option.

In the Iollowing example, a x86 relocatable object contains two global Iunctions foo() and
bar(). This object has been compiled to require the MMX and SSE hardware capabilities. In these
examples, the capabilities group has been named with a capabilities identiIier entry. This
identiIier name is appended to the transIormed symbol names. Without this explicit identiIier,
the link-editor appends a deIault capabilities group name.

$ elfdump H foo.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_ID sse,mmx
1, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x840 SSE MMX ,

$ elfdump s foo.o | egrep "foo|bar"
25, 0x00000000 0x00000021 UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
26, 0x00000024 0x0000001e UNC GLJB D 0 .text bar

$ elfdump r foo.o | fgrep foo
R_386_PLT32 0x38 .rel.text foo
This relocatable object can now be transIormed into a symbols capabilities relocatable object.

$ ld r o foo.1.o symbol.ap foo.o
$ elfdump H foo.1.o

Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap

Symbol Capabilities:
index tag value
1, CA_SUNW_ID sse,mmx
2, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x840 SSE MMX ,

index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
25, 0x00000000 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%sse,mmx
26, 0x00000024 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sse,mmx

$ elfdump s foo.1.o | egrep "foo|bar"
25, 0x00000000 0x00000021 UNC LJCL D 0 .text foo%sse,mmx
26, 0x00000024 0x0000001e UNC LJCL D 0 .text bar%sse,mmx
37, 0x00000000 0x00000000 UNC GLJB D 0 UNDE foo
38, 0x00000000 0x00000000 UNC GLJB D 0 UNDE bar

$ elfdump r foo.1.o | fgrep foo
R_386_PLT32 0x38 .rel.text foo
This object can now be combined with other objects containing instances oI the same Iunctions,
associated with diIIerent symbol capabilities, to produce an executable or shared object. In
addition, a deIault instance oI each Iunction, one that is not associated with any symbol
capabilities, should be provided to lead each capabilities Iamily. This deIault instance provides
Ior all external reIerences, and ensures that an instance oI the Iunction is available on any
At runtime, any reIerences to foo() and bar() are directed to the lead instances. However, the
runtime linker selects the best symbol capabilities instance iI the system accommodates the
appropriate capabilities.
Exercising a Capabilit Famil
Objects are normally designed and built so that they can execute on all systems oI a given
architecture. However, individual systems, with special capabilities, are oIten targeted Ior
optimization. Optimized code can be identiIied with the capabilities that the code requires to
execute, using the mechanisms described in the previous sections.
To exercise and test optimized instances it is necessary to use a system that provides the required
capabilities. For each system, the runtime linker determines the capabilities that are available,
and then chooses the most capable instances. To aid testing and experimentation, the runtime
linker can be told to use an alternative set oI capabilities than those provided by the system. In
addition, you can speciIy that only speciIic Iiles should be validated against these alternative
An alternative set oI capabilities is derived Irom the system capabilities, and can be re-initialized
or have capabilities added or removed.
A Iamily oI environment variables is available to create and target the use oI an alternative set oI
IdentiIies an alternative platIorm name.
IdentiIies an alternative machine hardware name.
LD_HWCAP=+-,,token | number,,....
IdentiIies an alternative hardware capabilities value.
LD_SCAP=+-,,token | number,,....
IdentiIies an alternative soItware capabilities value.
IdentiIies the Iiles that should be validated against the alternative capabilities.
The capabilities environment variables LD_PLATCAP and LD_MACHCAP accept a string that deIines
the platIorm name and machine hardware names respectively. See IdentiIying a PlatIorm
apability, and IdentiIying a Machine apability.
The capabilities environment variables LD_HWCAP and LD_SCAP accept a comma separated list oI
tokens as a symbolic representation oI capabilities. See IdentiIying Hardware apabilities, and
IdentiIying SoItware apabilities. A token can also be a numeric value.
A '+ preIix results in the capabilities that Iollow being added to the alternative capabilities. A
'- preIix results in the capabilities that Iollow being removed Irom the alternative capabilities.
The lack oI '+- result in the capabilities that Iollow replacing the alternative capabilities.
The removal oI a capability results in a more restricted capabilities environment being emulated.
Normally, when a Iamily oI capabilities instances is available, a generic, non-capabilities
speciIic instance is also provided. A more restricted capabilities environment can thereIore be
used to Iorce the use oI less capable, or generic code instances.
The addition oI a capability results in a more enhanced capabilities environment being emulated.
This environment should be created with caution, but can be used to exercise the Iramework oI a
capabilities Iamily. For example, a Iamily oI Iunctions can be created that deIine their expected
capabilities using mapIiles. These Iunctions can use printI(3) to conIirm their execution. The
creation oI the associated objects can then be validated and exercised with various capability
combinations. This prototyping oI a capabilities Iamily can prove useIul beIore the real
capabilities requirements oI the Iunctions are coded. However, iI the code within a Iamily
instance requires a speciIic capability to execute correctly, and this capability is not provided by
the system, but is set as an alternative capability, the code instance will Iail to execute correctly.
Establishing a set oI alternative capabilities without also using LD_CAP_ILES results in all oI the
capabilities speciIic objects oI a process being validated against the alternative capabilities. This
approach should also be exercised with caution, as many system objects require system
capabilities to execute correctly. Any alteration oI capabilities can cause system objects to Iail to
execute correctly.
A best environment Ior capabilities experimentation is to use a system that provides all the
capabilities your objects are targeted to use. LD_CAP_ILES should also be used to isolate the
objects you wish to experiment with. apabilities can then be disabled, using the '- syntax, so
that the various instances oI your capabilities Iamily can be exercised. Each instance is Iully
supported by the true capabilities oI the system.
For example, suppose you have two x86 capabilities objects, and These
objects contain capability Iunctions optimized to use SSE2 instructions, Iunctions optimized to
use MMX instructions, and generic Iunctions that require no capabilities. The underlying system
provides both SSE2 and MMX. By deIault, the Iully optimized SSE2 Iunctions are used. and can be restricted to use the Iunctions optimized Ior MMX instructions
by removing the SSE2 capability by using a LD_HWCAP deIinition. The most Ilexible means oI
deIining LD_CAP_ILES is to use the base name oI the required Iiles.

$ LD_HWCAP=sse2, ./main and can be Iurther restricted to use only generic Iunctions by removing
the SSE2 and MMX capabilities.

$ LD_HWCAP=sse2,mmx, ./main

The capabilities available Ior an application, and any alternative capabilities that have been set,
can be observed using the runtime linkers diagnostics.

$ LD_DEBU=basi. LD_HWCAP=sse2,mmx,.x8 ./main
02328: hardware capabilities (CA_SUNW_HW_1) - 0x5c6f \
02328: alternative hardware capabilities (CA_SUNW_HW_1) - 0x4c2b \

Relocation Processing
AIter you have created the output Iile, all data sections Irom the input Iiles are copied to the new
image. Any relocations speciIied by the input Iiles are applied to the output image. Any
additional relocation inIormation that must be generated is also written to the new image.
#elocation processing is normally uneventIul, although error conditions might arise that are
accompanied by speciIic error messages. Two conditions are worth more discussion. The Iirst
condition involves text relocations that result Irom position-dependent code. This condition is
covered in more detail in Position-Independent ode. The second condition can arise Irom
displacement relocations, which is described more Iully in the next section.
isplacement Relocations
Error conditions might occur iI displacement relocations are applied to a data item, which can be
used in a copy relocation. The details oI copy relocations are covered in opy #elocations.
A displacement relocation remains valid when both the relocated oIIset and the relocation target
remain separated by the same displacement. A copy relocation is where a global data item within
a shared object is copied to the .bss oI an executable. This copy preserves the executable's read-
only text segment. II the copied data has a displacement relocation applied to the data, or an
external relocation is a displacement into the copied data, the displacement relocation becomes
Two areas oI validation attempt to catch displacement relocation problems.
O The Iirst occurs when generating a shared object. Any potential copy relocatable data
items that can be problematic iI the copied data is involved in a displacement relocation
are Ilagged. During construction oI a shared object, the link-editor has no knowledge oI
what external reIerences might be made to a data item. Thus, all that can be Ilagged are
potential problems.
O The second occurs when generating an executable. The creation oI a copy relocation
whose data is known to be involved in a displacement relocation is Ilagged.
However, displacement relocations applied to a shared object might be completed during
the shared objects creation at link-edit time. These displacement relocations might not
have been Ilagged. The link-edit oI an executable that reIerences an unIlagged shared
object has no knowledge oI a displacement being in eIIect in any copy-relocated data.
To help diagnose these problem areas, the link-editor indicates the displacement relocation use oI
a dynamic object with one or more dynamic DT_LAGS_1 Ilags, as shown in Table 734. In
addition, the link-editor's verbose option can be used to display suspicious relocations.
For example, say you create a shared object with a global data item, bar,, to which a
displacement relocation is applied. This item could be copy-relocated iI reIerenced Irom a
dynamic executable. The link-editor warns oI this condition.

$ .. o verbose pi. foo.o
ld: warning: relocation warning: R_SPARC_DISP32: file foo.o: symbol foo: \
displacement relocation to be applied to the symbol bar: at 0x194: \
displacement relocation will be visible in output image
II you now create an application that reIerences the data item bar,, a copy relocation is created.
This copy results in the displacement relocation being invalidated. Because the link-editor can
explicitly discover this situation, an error message is generated regardless oI the use oI the
verbose option.

$ .. o prog prog.o L. lfoo
ld: warning: relocation error: R_SPARC_DISP32: file symbol foo: \
displacement relocation applied to the symbol bar at: 0x194: \
the symbol bar is a copy relocated symbol

ldd(1), when used with either the d or r options, uses the displacement dynamic Ilags to
generate similar relocation warnings.

These error conditions can be avoided by ensuring that the symbol deIinition being relocated
(oIIset) and the symbol target oI the relocation are both local. Use static deIinitions or the link-
editor's scoping technology. See #educing Symbol Scope. #elocation problems oI this type can
be avoided by accessing data within shared objects by using Iunctional interIaces.
ebugging Aids
The link-editor provides a debugging Iacility that allows you to trace the link-editing process in
detail. This Iacility can help you understand and debug the link-edit oI your applications and
libraries. The type oI inIormation that is displayed by using this Iacility is expected to remain
constant. However, the exact Iormat oI the inIormation might change slightly Irom release to
Some oI the debugging output might be unIamiliar iI you do not have an intimate knowledge oI
the ELF Iormat. However, many aspects might be oI general interest to you.
Debugging is enabled by using the D option. This option must be augmented with one or more
tokens to indicate the type oI debugging that is required.
The tokens that are available with D can be displayed by typing D help at the command line.

$ ld Dhelp
By deIault, all debug output is sent to stderr, the standard error output Iile. Debug output can be
directed to a Iile instead, using the output token. For example, the help text can be captured in a
Iile named ld-debug.txt.

$ ld Dhelp,output=lddebug.txt
Most compiler drivers assign the D option a diIIerent meaning, oIten to deIine preprocessing
macros. The LD_JPTIJNS environment variable can be used to bypass the compiler driver, and
supply the D option directly to the link-editor.
The Iollowing example shows how input Iiles can be traced. This syntax can be useIul to
determine what libraries are used as part oI a link-edit. Objects that are extracted Irom an archive
are also displayed with this syntax.

$ LD_OPTIONS=Dfiles .. o prog main.o L. lfoo
debug: file=main.o ET_REL ,
debug: file=./libfoo.a archive ,
debug: file=./libfoo.a(foo.o) ET_REL ,
debug: file=./libfoo.a archive , (again)
Here, the member foo.o is extracted Irom the archive library libfoo.a to satisIy the link-edit oI
prog. Notice that the archive is searched twice to veriIy that the extraction oI foo.o did not
warrant the extraction oI additional relocatable objects. Multiple '(again) diagnostics indicates
that the archive is a candidate Ior ordering using lorder(1) and tsort(1).
By using the symbols token, you can determine which symbol caused an archive member to be
extracted, and which object made the initial symbol reIerence.

$ LD_OPTIONS=Dsymbols .. o prog main.o L. lfoo
debug: symbol table processing; input file=main.o ET_REL ,
debug: symbol7,=foo (global); adding
debug: symbol table processing; input file=./libfoo.a archive ,
debug: archive0,=bar
debug: archive1,=foo (foo.o) resolves undefined or tentative symbol
debug: symbol table processing; input file=./libfoo(foo.o) ET_REL ,
The symbol foo is reIerenced by main.o. This symbol is added to the link-editor's internal
symbol table. This symbol reIerence causes the extraction oI the relocatable object foo.o Irom
the archive libfoo.a.

This output has been simpliIied Ior this document.

By using the detail token together with the symbols token, the details oI symbol resolution
during input Iile processing can be observed.

$ LD_OPTIONS=Dsymbols,detail .. o prog main.o L. lfoo
debug: symbol table processing; input file=main.o ET_REL ,
debug: symbol7,=foo (global); adding
debug: entered 0x000000 0x000000 NJTY GLJB UNDE RE_REL_NEED
debug: symbol table processing; input file=./libfoo.a archive ,
debug: archive0,=bar
debug: archive1,=foo (foo.o) resolves undefined or tentative symbol
debug: symbol table processing; input file=./libfoo.a(foo.o) ET_REL ,
debug: symbol1,=foo.c
debug: symbol7,=bar (global); adding
debug: entered 0x000000 0x000004 JBJT GLJB 3 RE_REL_NEED
debug: symbol8,=foo (global); resolving 7,0,
debug: old 0x000000 0x000000 NJTY GLJB UNDE main.o
debug: new 0x000000 0x000024 UNC GLJB 2 ./libfoo.a(foo.o)
debug: resolved 0x000000 0x000024 UNC GLJB 2 RE_REL_NEED
The original undeIined symbol foo Irom main.o has been overridden with the symbol deIinition
Irom the extracted archive member foo.o. The detailed symbol inIormation reIlects the
attributes oI each symbol.
In the previous example, you can see that using some oI the debugging tokens can produce a
wealth oI output. To monitor the activity around a subset oI the input Iiles, place the D option
directly in the link-edit command line. This option can be toggled on and toggled oII. In the
Iollowing example, the display oI symbol processing is switched on only during the processing
oI the library libbar.

$ ld .... o prog main.o L. Dsymbols lbar D!symbols ....

To obtain the link-edit command line, you might have to expand the compilation line Irom any
driver being used. See Using a ompiler Driver.
Chapter 3 Runtime Linker
As part oI the initialization and execution oI a dnamic executable, an interpreter is called to
complete the binding oI the application to its dependencies. In the Oracle Solaris OS, this
interpreter is reIerred to as the runtime linker.
During the link-editing oI a dynamic executable, a special .interp section, together with an
associated program header, are created. This section contains a path name speciIying the
program's interpreter. The deIault name supplied by the link-editor is the name oI the runtime
linker: /usr/lib/ Ior a 32bit executable and /usr/lib/64/ Ior a 64bit

Note is a special case oI a shared object. Here, a version number oI 1 is used. However, later
Oracle Solaris OS releases might provide higher version numbers.

During the process oI executing a dynamic object, the kernel loads the Iile and reads the program
header inIormation. See Program Header. From this inIormation, the kernel locates the name oI
the required interpreter. The kernel loads, and transIers control to this interpreter, passing
suIIicient inIormation to enable the interpreter to continue executing the application.
In addition to initializing an application, the runtime linker provides services that enable the
application to extend its address space. This process involves loading additional objects and
binding to symbols provided by these objects.
The runtime linker perIorms the Iollowing actions.
O Analyzes the executable's dynamic inIormation section (.dynamic) and determines what
dependencies are required.
O Locates and loads these dependencies, analyzing their dynamic inIormation sections to
determine iI any additional dependencies are required.
O PerIorms any necessary relocations to bind these objects in preparation Ior process
O alls any initialization Iunctions provided by the dependencies.
O Passes control to the application.
O an be called upon during the application's execution, to perIorm any delayed Iunction
O an be called upon by the application to acquire additional objects with dlopen(3), and
bind to symbols within these objects with dlsym(3).
Shared Object ependencies
When the runtime linker creates the memory segments Ior a program, the dependencies tell what
shared objects are needed to supply the program's services. By repeatedly connecting reIerenced
shared objects and their dependencies, the runtime linker generates a complete process image.

Even when a shared object is reIerenced multiple times in the dependency list, the runtime linker
connects the object only once to the process.

Locating Shared Object ependencies
When linking a dynamic executable, one or more shared objects are explicitly reIerenced. These
objects are recorded as dependencies within the dynamic executable.
The runtime linker uses this dependency inIormation to locate, and load, the associated objects.
These dependencies are processed in the same order as the dependencies were reIerenced during
the link-edit oI the executable.
Once all the dynamic executable's dependencies are loaded, each dependency is inspected, in the
order the dependency is loaded, to locate any additional dependencies. This process continues
until all dependencies are located and loaded. This technique results in a breadth-Iirst ordering oI
all dependencies.
irectories Searched b the Runtime Linker
The runtime linker looks in two deIault locations Ior dependencies. When processing 32bit
objects, the deIault locations are /lib and /usr/lib. When processing 64bit objects, the
deIault locations are /lib/64 and /usr/lib/64. Any dependency speciIied as a simple Iile
name is preIixed with these deIault directory names. The resulting path name is used to locate
the actual Iile.
The dependencies oI a dynamic executable or shared object can be displayed using ldd(1). For
example, the Iile /usr/bin/cat has the Iollowing dependencies:

$ ldd /usr/bin/.at = /lib/ = /lib/
The Iile /usr/bin/cat has a dependency, or needs, the Iiles and
The dependencies recorded in an object can be inspected using elIdump(1). Use this command to
display the Iile's .dynamic section, and look Ior entries that have a NEEDED tag. In the Iollowing
example, the dependency, displayed in the previous ldd(1) example, is not recorded
in the Iile /usr/bin/cat. ldd(1) shows the total dependencies oI the speciIied Iile, and is actually a dependency oI /lib/

$ elfdump d /usr/bin/.at

Dynamic Section: .dynamic:
index tag value
0, NEEDED 0x211
In the previous elIdump(1) example, the dependencies are expressed as simple Iile names. In
other words, there is no `/' in the name. The use oI a simple Iile name requires the runtime linker
to generate the path name Irom a set oI deIault search rules. File names that contain an embedded
`/', are used as provided.
The simple Iile name recording is the standard, most Ilexible mechanism oI recording
dependencies. The h option oI the link-editor records a simple name within the dependency. See
Naming onventions and #ecording a Shared Object Name.
Frequently, dependencies are distributed in directories other than /lib and /usr/lib, or
/lib/64 and /usr/lib/64. II a dynamic executable or shared object needs to locate
dependencies in another directory, the runtime linker must explicitly be told to search this
ou can speciIy additional search path, on a per-object basis, by recording a runpath during the
link-edit oI an object. See Directories Searched by the #untime Linker Ior details on recording
this inIormation.
A runpath recording can be displayed using elIdump(1). #eIerence the .dynamic entry that has
the RUNPATH tag. In the Iollowing example, prog has a dependency on The
runtime linker must search directories /home/me/lib and /home/you/lib beIore it looks in the
deIault location.

$ elfdump d prog | egrep "NEEDED|RUNPATH"
1, NEEDED 0x4ce
3, NEEDED 0x4f6
21, RUNPATH 0x210e /home/me/lib:/home/you/lib
Another way to add to the runtime linker's search path is to set one oI the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Iamily oI environment variables. This environment variable, which is analyzed once at process
startup, can be set to a colon-separated list oI directories. These directories are searched by the
runtime linker beIore any runpath speciIication or deIault directory.
These environment variables are well suited to debugging purposes, such as Iorcing an
application to bind to a local dependency. In the Iollowing example, the Iile prog Irom the
previous example is bound to, Iound in the present working directory.

Although useIul as a temporary mechanism oI inIluencing the runtime linker's search path, the
use oI LD_LIBRARY_PATH is strongly discouraged in production soItware. Any dynamic
executables that can reIerence this environment variable will have their search paths augmented.
This augmentation can result in an overall degradation in perIormance. Also, as pointed out in
Using an Environment Variable and Directories Searched by the #untime Linker,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH aIIects the link-editor.
Environmental search paths can result in a 64bit executable searching a path that contains a 32
bit library that matches the name being looked Ior. Or, the other way around. The runtime linker
rejects the mismatched 32bit library and continues its search looking Ior a valid 64bit match. II
no match is Iound, an error message is generated. This rejection can be observed in detail by
setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable to include the files token. See Debugging Facility.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib/64 LD_DEBU=files /usr/bin/ls
00283:; needed by /usr/bin/ls
00283: file=/lib/64/ rejected: EL class mismatch: 32-bit/64-bit
00283: file=/lib/ EL ,; generating link map
00283: dynamic: 0xef631180 base: 0xef580000 size: 0xb8000
00283: entry: 0xef5a1240 phdr: 0xef580034 phnum: 3
00283: lmid: 0x0
00283: file=/lib/; analyzing RTLD_GLJBAL RTLD_LAZY ,
II a dependency cannot be located, ldd(1) indicates that the object cannot be Iound. Any attempt
to execute the application results in an appropriate error message Irom the runtime linker.

$ ldd prog = (file not found) = /lib/ = /lib/
$ prog prog: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
Configuring the efault Search Paths
The deIault search paths used by the runtime linker are /lib and /usr/lib Ior 32bit
application. For 64bit applications, the deIault search paths are /lib/64 and /usr/lib/64.
These search paths can be administered using a runtime conIiguration Iile created by the crle(1)
utility. This Iile is oIten a useIul aid Ior establishing search paths Ior applications that have not
been built with the correct runpaths.
A conIiguration Iile can be constructed in the deIault location /var/ld/ld.config, Ior 32bit
applications, or /var/ld/64/ld.config, Ior 64bit applications. This Iile aIIects all
applications oI the respective type on a system. onIiguration Iiles can also be created in other
locations, and the runtime linker's LD_CJNIG environment variable used to select these Iiles.
This latter method is useIul Ior testing a conIiguration Iile beIore installing the Iile in the deIault
namic String Tokens
The runtime linker allows Ior the expansion oI various dynamic string tokens. These tokens are
applicable Ior Iilter, runpath and dependency deIinitions.
O $CAPABILITY Indicates a directory in which objects oIIering diIIering capabilities can
be located. See apability SpeciIic Shared Objects.
O $ISALIST Expands to the native instruction sets executable on this platIorm. See
Instruction Set SpeciIic Shared Objects.
O $JRIGIN Provides the directory location oI the current object. See Locating Associated
O $JSNAME Expands to the name oI the operating system. See System SpeciIic Shared
O $JSREL Expands to the operating system release level. See System SpeciIic Shared
O $PLATJRM Expands to the processor type oI the current machine. See System SpeciIic
Shared Objects.
Relocation Processing
AIter the runtime linker has loaded all the dependencies required by an application, the linker
processes each object and perIorms all necessary relocations.
During the link-editing oI an object, any relocation inIormation supplied with the input
relocatable objects is applied to the output Iile. However, when creating a dynamic executable or
shared object, many oI the relocations cannot be completed at link-edit time. These relocations
require logical addresses that are known only when the objects are loaded into memory. In these
cases, the link-editor generates new relocation records as part oI the output Iile image. The
runtime linker must then process these new relocation records.
For a more detailed description oI the many relocation types, see #elocation Types (Processor-
SpeciIic). Two basic types oI relocation exist.
O Non-symbolic relocations
O Symbolic relocations
The relocation records Ior an object can be displayed by using elIdump(1). In the Iollowing
example, the Iile contains two relocation records that indicate that the global
offset table, or .got section, must be updated.

$ elfdump r

Relocation Section:
type offset section
R_SPARC_GLJB_DAT 0x1043c foo
The Iirst relocation is a simple relative relocation that can be seen Irom its relocation type and
the that no symbol is reIerenced. This relocation needs to use the base address at which the
object is loaded into memory to update the associated .got oIIset.
The second relocation requires the address oI the symbol foo. To complete this relocation, the
runtime linker must locate this symbol Irom either the dynamic executable or Irom one oI its
Relocation Smbol Lookup
The runtime linker is responsible Ior searching Ior symbols that are required by objects at
runtime. Typically, users become Iamiliar with the deIault search model that is applied to a
dynamic executable and its dependencies, and to the objects obtained through dlopen(3).
However, more complex Ilavors oI symbol lookup can result because oI the symbol attributes oI
an object, or through speciIic binding requirements.
Two attributes oI an object aIIect symbol lookup. The Iirst attribute is the requesting object's
symbol search scope. The second attribute is the symbol visibilit oIIered by each object within
the process.
These attributes can be applied as deIaults at the time the object is loaded. These attributes can
also be supplied as speciIic modes to dlopen(3). In some cases, these attributes can be recorded
within the object at the time the object is built.
An object can deIine a world search scope, and/or a group search scope.
The object can search Ior symbols in any other global object within the process.
The object can search Ior symbols in any object oI the same group. The dependency tree
created Irom an object obtained with dlopen(3), or Irom an object built using the link-
editor's B group option, Iorms a unique group.
An object can deIine that any oI the object's exported symbols are globall visible or locall
The object's exported symbols can be reIerenced Irom any object that has world search
The object's exported symbols can be reIerenced only Irom other objects that make up the
same group.
The runtime symbol search can also be dictated by a symbols visibility. Symbols assigned the
STV_SINGLETJN visibility are not aIIected by any symbol search scope. All reIerences to a
singleton symbol are bound to the Iirst occurrence oI a singleton deIinition within the process.
See Table 720.
The simplest Iorm oI symbol lookup is outlined in the next section DeIault Symbol Lookup.
Typically, symbol attributes are exploited by various Iorms oI dlopen(3). These scenarios are
discussed in Symbol Lookup.
An alternative model Ior symbol lookup is provided when a dynamic object employes direct
bindings. This model directs the runtime linker to search Ior a symbol directly in the object that
provided the symbol at link-edit time. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings.
Default Symbol Lookup
A dynamic executable and all the dependencies loaded with the executable are assigned world
search scope, and global symbol visibility. A deIault symbol lookup Ior a dynamic executable or
Ior any oI the dependencies loaded with the executable, results in a search oI each object. The
runtime linker starts with the dynamic executable, and progresses through each dependency in
the same order in which the objects were loaded.
ldd(1) lists the dependencies oI a dynamic executable in the order in which the dependencies are
loaded. For example, suppose the dynamic executable prog speciIies and as its dependencies.

$ ldd prog = /home/me/lib/ = /home/me/lib/
Should the symbol bar be required to perIorm a relocation, the runtime linker Iirst looks Ior bar
in the dynamic executable prog II the symbol is not Iound, the runtime linker then searches in
the shared object /home/me/lib/, and Iinally in the shared object

Symbol lookup can be an expensive operation, especially when the size oI symbol names
increases and the number oI dependencies increases. This aspect oI perIormance is discussed in
more detail in PerIormance onsiderations. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings Ior an alternative
lookup model.

The deIault relocation processing model also provides Ior a transition into a lazy loading
environment. II a symbol can not be Iound in the presently loaded objects, any pending lazy
loaded objects are processed in an attempt to locate the symbol. This loading compensates Ior
objects that have not Iully deIined their dependencies. However, this compensation can
undermine the advantages oI a lazy loading.
Runtime Interposition
By deIault, the runtime linker searches Ior a symbol Iirst in the dynamic executable and then in
each dependency. With this model, the Iirst occurrence oI the required symbol satisIies the
search. ThereIore, iI more than one instance oI the same symbol exists, the Iirst instance
interposes on all others.
An overview oI how symbol resolution is aIIected by interposition is provided in Simple
#esolutions. A mechanism Ior changing symbol visibility, and hence reducing the chance oI
accidental interposition is provided in #educing Symbol Scope.

Symbols assigned the STV_SINGLETJN visibility provide a Iorm oI interposition. All reIerences to
a singleton symbol are bound to the Iirst occurrence oI a singleton deIinition within the process.
See Table 720.

Interposition can be enIorced, on a per-object basis, iI an object is explicitly identiIied as an
interposer. Any object loaded using the environment variable LD_PRELJAD or created with the
link-editor's interpose option, is identiIied as an interposer. When the runtime linker
searches Ior a symbol, any object identiIied as an interposer is searched aIter the application, but
beIore any other dependencies.
The use oI all oI the interIaces oIIered by an interposer can only be guaranteed iI the interposer is
loaded beIore any process relocation has occurred. Interposers provided using the environment
variable LD_PRELJAD, or established as non-lazy loaded dependencies oI the application, are
loaded beIore relocation processing starts. Interposers that are brought into a process aIter
relocation has started are demoted to normal dependencies. Interposers can be demoted iI the
interposer is lazy loaded, or loaded as a consequence oI using dlopen(3). The Iormer category
can be detected using ldd(1).

$ ldd Lr prog = /lib/ = ./ = /usr/lib/
loading after relocation has started: interposition request \
(D_1_INTERPJSE) ignored: /usr/lib/

II the link-editor encounters an explicitly deIined interposer while processing dependencies Ior
lazy loading, the interposer is recorded as a non-lazy loadable dependency.

Individual symbols within a dynamic executable can be deIined as interposers using the
INTERPJSE mapfile keyword. This mechanism is more selective that using the interpose
option, and provides better insulation over adverse interposition that can occur as dependencies
evolve. See DeIining Explicit Interposition.
When Relocations Are Performed
#elocations can be separated into two types dependent upon when the relocation is perIormed.
This distinction arises due to the type oI reference being made to the relocated oIIset.
O An immediate reIerence
O A lazy reIerence
An immediate reference reIers to a relocation that must be determined immediately when an
object is loaded. These reIerences are typically to data items used by the object code, pointers to
Iunctions, and even calls to Iunctions made Irom position-dependent shared objects. These
relocations cannot provide the runtime linker with knowledge oI when the relocated item is
reIerenced. ThereIore, all immediate relocations must be carried out when an object is loaded,
and beIore the application gains, or regains, control.
A laz reference reIers to a relocation that can be determined as an object executes. These
reIerences are typically calls to global Iunctions made Irom position-independent shared objects,
or calls to external Iunctions made Irom a dynamic executable. During the compilation and link-
editing oI any dynamic module that provide these reIerences, the associated Iunction calls
become calls to a procedure linkage table entry. These entries make up the .plt section. Each
procedure linkage table entry becomes a lazy reIerence with an associated relocation.
As part oI the Iirst call to a procedure linkage table entry, control is passed to the runtime linker.
The runtime linker looks up the required symbol and rewrites the entry inIormation in the
associated object. Future calls to this procedure linkage table entry go directly to the Iunction.
This mechanism enables relocations oI this type to be deIerred until the Iirst instance oI a
Iunction is called. This process is sometimes reIerred to as laz binding.
The runtime linker's deIault mode is to perIorm lazy binding whenever procedure linkage table
relocations are provided. This deIault can be overridden by setting the environment variable
LD_BIND_NJW to any non-null value. This environment variable setting causes the runtime linker
to perIorm both immediate reIerence and lazy reIerence relocations when an object is loaded.
These relocations are perIormed beIore the application gains, or regains, control. For example,
all relocations within the Iile prog together within its dependencies are processed under the
Iollowing environment variable. These relocations are processed beIore control is transIerred to
the application.

$ LD_BIND_NOW=1 prog
Objects can also be accessed with dlopen(3) with the mode deIined as RTLD_NJW. Objects can
also be built using the link-editor's now option to indicate that the object requires complete
relocation processing at the time the object is loaded. This relocation requirement is also
propagated to any dependencies oI the marked object at runtime.

The preceding examples oI immediate reIerences and lazy reIerences are typical. However, the
creation oI procedure linkage table entries is ultimately controlled by the relocation inIormation
provided by the relocatable object Iiles used as input to a link-edit. #elocation records such as
R_SPARC_WPLT30 and R_386_PLT32 instruct the link-editor to create a procedure linkage table
entry. These relocations are common Ior position-independent code.
However, a dynamic executable is typically created Irom position dependent code, which might
not indicate that a procedure linkage table entry is required. Because a dynamic executable has a
Iixed location, the link-editor can create a procedure linkage table entry when a reIerence is
bound to an external Iunction deIinition. This procedure linkage table entry creation occurs
regardless oI the original relocation records.

Relocation Errors
The most common relocation error occurs when a symbol cannot be Iound. This condition results
in an appropriate runtime linker error message together with the termination oI the application.
In the Iollowing example, the symbol bar, which is reIerenced in the Iile, cannot
be located.

$ ldd prog = ./ = /lib/ = ./ = /lib/
$ prog prog: fatal: relocation error: file ./ \
symbol bar: referenced symbol not found
During the link-edit oI a dynamic executable, any potential relocation errors oI this sort are
Ilagged as Iatal undeIined symbols. See Generating an Executable Output File Ior examples.
However, a runtime relocation error can occur iI a dependency located at runtime is incompatible
with the original dependency reIerenced as part oI the link-edit. In the previous example, prog
was built against a version oI the shared object that contained a symbol deIinition
Ior bar.
The use oI the nodefs option during a link-edit suppresses the validation oI an objects
runtime relocation requirements. This suppression can also lead to runtime relocation errors.
II a relocation error occurs because a symbol used as an immediate reIerence cannot be Iound,
the error condition occurs immediately during process initialization. With the deIault mode oI
lazy binding, iI a symbol used as a lazy reIerence cannot be Iound, the error condition occurs
aIter the application has gained control. This latter case can take minutes or months, or might
never occur, depending on the execution paths exercised throughout the code.
To guard against errors oI this kind, the relocation requirements oI any dynamic executable or
shared object can be validated using ldd(1).
When the d option is speciIied with ldd(1), every dependency is printed and all immediate
reIerence relocations are processed. II a reIerence cannot be resolved, a diagnostic message is
produced. From the previous example, the d option would result in the Iollowing error

$ ldd d prog = ./ = /lib/ = ./ = /lib/
symbol not found: bar (./
When the r option is speciIied with ldd(1), all immediate reIerence and lazy reIerence
relocations are processed. II either type oI relocation cannot be resolved, a diagnostic message is
Loading Additional Objects
The runtime linker provides an additional level oI Ilexibility by enabling you to introduce new
objects during process initialization by using the environment variable LD_PRELJAD. This
environment variable can be initialized to a shared object or relocatable object Iile name, or a
string oI Iile names separated by white space. These objects are loaded aIter the dynamic
executable and beIore any dependencies. These objects are assigned world search scope, and
global symbol visibility.
In the Iollowing example, the dynamic executable prog is loaded, Iollowed by the shared object The dependencies deIined within prog are then loaded.

$ LD_PRELOAD=./ prog
The order in which these objects are processed can be displayed using ldd(1).

$ ldd e LD_PRELOAD=./ prog
./ = ./ = /lib/
In the Iollowing example, the preloading is a little more complex and time consuming.

$ LD_PRELOAD="./foo.o ./bar.o" prog
The runtime linker Iirst link-edits the relocatable objects foo.o and bar.o to generate a shared
object that is maintained in memory. This memory image is then inserted between the dynamic
executable and its dependencies in the same manner as the shared object was
preloaded in the previous example. Again, the order in which these objects are processed can be
displayed with ldd(1).

$ ldd e LD_PRELOAD="./foo.o ./bar.o" ldd prog
./foo.o = ./foo.o
./bar.o = ./bar.o = /lib/
These mechanisms oI inserting an object aIter a dynamic executable provide Ior interposition.
ou can use these mechanisms to experiment with a new implementation oI a Iunction that
resides in a standard shared object. II you preload an object containing this Iunction, the object
interposes on the original. Thus, the original Iunctionality can be completely hidden with the new
preloaded version.
Another use oI preloading is to augment a Iunction that resides in a standard shared object. The
interposition oI the new symbol on the original symbol enables the new Iunction to carry out
additional processing. The new Iunction can also call through to the original Iunction. This
mechanism typically obtains the original symbol's address using dlsym(3) with the special
handle RTLD_NEXT.
Laz Loading of namic ependencies
When a dynamic object is loaded into memory, the object is examined Ior any additional
dependencies. By deIault, any dependencies that exist are immediately loaded. This cycle
continues until the Iull dependency tree is exhausted. Finally, all inter-object data reIerences that
are speciIied by relocations, are resolved. These operations are perIormed regardless oI whether
the code in these dependencies is reIerenced by the application during its execution.
Under a lazy loading model, any dependencies that are labeled Ior lazy loading are loaded only
when explicitly reIerenced. By taking advantage oI the lazy binding oI a Iunction call, the
loading oI a dependency is delayed until the Iunction is Iirst reIerenced. As a result, objects that
are never reIerenced are never loaded.
A relocation reIerence can be immediate or lazy. Because immediate reIerences must be resolved
when an object is initialized, any dependency that satisIies this reIerence must be immediately
loaded. ThereIore, identiIying such a dependency as lazy loadable has little eIIect. See When
#elocations Are PerIormed. Immediate reIerences between dynamic objects are generally
Lazy loading is used by the link-editors reIerence to a debugging library, liblddbg. As
debugging is only called upon inIrequently, loading this library every time that the link-editor is
invoked is unnecessary and expensive. By indicating that this library can be lazily loaded, the
expense oI processing the library is moved to those invocations that ask Ior debugging output.
The alternate method oI achieving a lazy loading model is to use dlopen() and dlsym() to load
and bind to a dependency when needed. This model is ideal iI the number oI dlsym() reIerences
is small. This model also works well iI the dependency name or location is not known at link-edit
time. For more complex interactions with known dependencies, coding to normal symbol
reIerences and designating the dependency to be lazily loaded is simpler.
An object is designated as lazily or normally loaded through the link-editor options
layload and nolayload respectIully. These options are position-dependent on the link-
edit command line. Any dependency that Iollows the option takes on the loading attribute
speciIied by the option. By deIault, the nolayload option is in eIIect.
The Iollowing simple program has a dependency on The dynamic section,
.dynamic, shows is marked Ior lazy loading. The symbol inIormation section,
.SUNW_syminfo, shows the symbol reIerence that triggers loading.

$ .. o prog prog.. L. layload ldebug nolayload lelf R'ORIIN'
$ elfdump d prog

Dynamic Section: .dynamic
index tag value
0, PJSLAG_1 0x1 LAZY ,
1, NEEDED 0x123
2, NEEDED 0x131
3, NEEDED 0x13d
$ elfdump y prog

Syminfo section: .SUNW_syminfo
index flgs bound to symbol
52, DL 1, debug
The PJSLAG_1 with the value oI LAZY designates that the Iollowing NEEDED entry,, should be lazily loaded. As has no preceding LAZY Ilag, this
library is loaded at the initial startup oI the program.

Note has special system requirements, that require the Iile not be lazy loaded. II
layload is in eIIect when is processed, the Ilag is eIIectively ignored.

The use oI lazy loading can require a precise declaration oI dependencies and runpaths through
out the objects used by an application. For example, suppose two objects, and,
both make reIerence to symbols in declares as a dependency, but does not. Typically, when and are used together, can
reIerence because made this dependency available. But, iI declares to be lazy loaded, it is possible that might not be loaded when makes
reIerence to this dependency. A similar Iailure can occur iI declares as a
dependency but Iails to provide a runpath necessary to locate the dependency.
#egardless oI lazy loading, dynamic objects should declare all their dependencies and how to
locate the dependencies. With lazy loading, this dependency inIormation becomes even more

Lazy loading can be disabled at runtime by setting the environment variable LD_NJLAZYLJAD to a
non-null value.

Providing an Alternative to dlopen()
Lazy loading can provide an alternative to dlopen(3) and dlsym(3) use. See #untime Linking
Programming InterIace. For example, the Iollowing code Irom veriIies an object is
loaded, and then calls interIaces provided by that object.

void foo()
void handle;

if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) != NULL) ,
int (fptr)();

if ((fptr = (int ()())dlsym(handle, "bar1")) != NULL)
if ((fptr = (int ()())dlsym(handle, "bar2")) != NULL)
Although very Ilexible, this model oI using dlopen() and dlsym() is an unnatural coding style,
and has some drawbacks.
O The object in which the symbols are expected to exit must be known.
O The calls through Iunction pointers provide no means oI veriIication by either the
compiler, or lint(1).
This code can be simpliIied iI the object that supplies the required interIaces satisIies the
Iollowing conditions.
O The object can be established as a dependency at link-edit time.
O The object is always available.
By exploiting that a Iunction reIerence can trigger lazy loading, the same deIerred loading oI can be achieved. In this case, the reIerence to the Iunction bar1() results in lazy
loading the associated dependency. This coding is Iar more natural, and the use oI standard
Iunction calls provides Ior compiler, or lint(1) validation.

void foo()
$ .. o foo.. L. defs layload lbar R'ORIIN'
However, this model Iails iI the object that provides the required interIaces is not always
available. In this case, the ability to test Ior the existence oI the dependency, without having to
know the dependency name, is desirable. A means oI testing Ior the availability oI a dependency
that satisIies a Iunction reIerence is required.
A robust model Ior testing Ior the existence oI a Iunction can be achieved with explicitly deIined
deferred dependencies, and use oI dlsym(3) with the RTLD_PRJBE handle.
An explicitly deIined deIerred dependency is an extension to a lazy loadable dependency. A
symbol reIerence that is associated to a deIerred dependency is reIerred to as a deIerred symbol.
A relocation against this symbol is only processed when the symbol is Iirst reIerenced. These
relocations are not processed as part oI LD_BIND_NJW processing, or through dlsym(3) with the
DeIerred dependencies are established as link-edit time using the link-editors deferred

$ .. o foo.. L. defs deferred lbar R'ORIIN'
Having established as a deIerred dependency, a reIerence to bar1() can veriIy that
the dependency is available. This test can be used to control the reIerence to Iunctions provided
by the dependency in the same manner as dlsym(3) had been used. This code can then make
natural calls to bar1() and bar2(). These calls are much more legible and easier to write, and
allow the compiler to catch errors in their calling sequences.
void foo()
if (dlsym(RTLD_PRJBE, "bar1")) ,
DeIerred dependencies oIIer an additional level oI Ilexibility. Provided the dependency has not
already been loaded, the dependency can be changed at runtime. This mechanism oIIers a level
oI Ilexibility similar to dlopen(3), where diIIerent objects can be loaded and bound to by the
II the original dependency name is known, then the original dependency can be exchanged Ior a
new dependency using dlinIo(3) with the RTLD_DI_DEERRED argument. Alternatively, a
deIerred symbol that is associated with the dependency can be used to identiIy the deIerred
dependency using dlinIo(3) with the RTLD_DI_DEERRED_SYM argument.
Initialization and Termination Routines
Dynamic objects can supply code that provides Ior runtime initialization and termination
processing. The initialization code oI a dynamic object is executed once each time the dynamic
object is loaded in a process. The termination code oI a dynamic object is executed once each
time the dynamic object is unloaded Irom a process or at process termination.
BeIore transIerring control to an application, the runtime linker processes any initialization
sections Iound in the application and any loaded dependencies. II new dynamic objects are
loaded during process execution, their initialization sections are processed as part oI loading the
object. The initialization sections .preinit_array, .init_array, and .init are created by the
link-editor when a dynamic object is built.
The runtime linker executes Iunctions whose addresses are contained in the .preinit_array
and .init_array sections. These Iunctions are executed in the same order in which their
addresses appear in the array. The runtime linker executes an .init section as an individual
Iunction. II an object contains both .init and .init_array sections, the .init section is
processed beIore the Iunctions deIined by the .init_array section Ior that object.
A dynamic executable can provide pre-initialization Iunctions in a .preinit_array section.
These Iunctions are executed aIter the runtime linker has built the process image and perIormed
relocations but beIore any other initialization Iunctions. Pre-initialization Iunctions are not
permitted in shared objects.

Any .init section within the dynamic executable is called Irom the application by the process
startup mechanism supplied by the compiler driver. The .init section within the dynamic
executable is called last, aIter all dependency initialization sections are executed.

Dynamic objects can also provide termination sections. The termination sections .fini_array
and .fini are created by the link-editor when a dynamic object is built.
Any termination sections are passed to atexit(3). These termination routines are called when the
process calls exit(2). Termination sections are also called when objects are removed Irom the
running process with dlclose(3).
The runtime linker executes Iunctions whose addresses are contained in the .fini_array
section. These Iunctions are executed in the reverse order in which their addresses appear in the
array. The runtime linker executes a .fini section as an individual Iunction. II an object
contains both .fini and .fini_array sections, the Iunctions deIined by the .fini_array
section are processed beIore the .fini section Ior that object.

Any .fini section within the dynamic executable is called Irom the application by the process
termination mechanism supplied by the compiler driver. The .fini section oI the dynamic
executable is called Iirst, beIore all dependency termination sections are executed.

For more inIormation on the creation oI initialization and termination sections by the link-editor
see Initialization and Termination Sections.
Initialization and Termination Order
To determine the order oI executing initialization and termination code within a process at
runtime is a complex procedure that involves dependency analysis. This procedure has evolved
substantially Irom the original inception oI initialization and termination sections. This procedure
attempts to IulIill the expectations oI modern languages and current programming techniques.
However, scenarios can exist, where user expectations are hard to meet. Flexible, predictable
runtime behavior can be achieved by understanding these scenarios together with limiting the
content oI initialization code and termination code.
The goal oI an initialization section is to execute a small piece oI code beIore any other code
within the same object is reIerenced. The goal oI a termination section is to execute a small piece
oI code aIter an object has Iinished executing. SelI contained initialization sections and
termination sections can easily satisIy these requirements.
However, initialization sections are typically more complex and make reIerence to external
interIaces that are provided by other objects. ThereIore, a dependency is established where the
initialization section oI one object must be executed beIore reIerences are made Irom other
objects. Applications can establish an extensive dependency hierarchy. In addition, dependencies
can creating cycles within their hierarchies. The situation can be Iurther complicated by
initialization sections that load additional objects, or change the relocation mode oI objects that
are already loaded. These issues have resulted in various sorting and execution techniques that
attempt to satisIy the original goal oI these sections.
Prior to the Solaris 2.6 release, dependency initialization routines were called in reverse load
order, which is the reverse order oI the dependencies displayed with ldd(1). Similarly,
dependency termination routines were called in load order. However, as dependency hierarchies
became more complex, this simple ordering approach became inadequate.
With the Solaris 2.6 release, the runtime linker constructs a topologically sorted list oI objects
that have been loaded. This list is built Irom the dependency relationship expressed by each
object, together with any symbol bindings that occur outside oI the expressed dependencies.

Prior to the Solaris 8 10/00 release, the environment variable LD_BREADTH could be set to a
non-null value. This setting Iorced the runtime linker to execute initialization and termination
sections in pre-Solaris 2.6 release order. This Iunctionality has since been disabled, as the
initialization dependencies oI many applications have become complex and mandate topological
sorting. Any LD_BREADTH setting is now silently ignored.

Initialization sections are executed in the reverse topological order oI the dependencies. II cyclic
dependencies are Iound, the objects that Iorm the cycle cannot be topologically sorted. The
initialization sections oI any cyclic dependencies are executed in their reverse load order.
Similarly, termination sections are called in the topological order oI the dependencies. The
termination sections oI any cyclic dependencies are executed in their load order.
A static analysis oI the initialization order oI an object's dependencies can be obtained by using
ldd(1) with the i option. For example, the Iollowing dynamic executable and its dependencies
exhibit a cyclic dependency.

$ elfdump d | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0xa9
$ elfdump d | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0xc4
$ elfdump d main | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0xd6
2, NEEDED 0xc8
3, NEEDED 0xe4
$ ldd i main = ./ = ./ = /lib/ = ./ = /lib/

cyclic dependencies detected, group1,:

init object=/lib/
init object=./
init object=./ - cyclic group 1,, referenced by:
init object=./ - cyclic group 1,, referenced by:
The previous analysis resulted solely Irom the topological sorting oI the explicit dependency
relationships. However, objects are Irequently created that do not deIine their required
dependencies. For this reason, symbol bindings are also incorporated as part oI dependency
analysis. The incorporation oI symbol bindings with explicit dependencies can help produce a
more accurate dependency relationship. A more accurate static analysis oI initialization order can
be obtained by using ldd(1) with the i and d options.
The most common model oI loading objects uses lazy binding. With this model, only immediate
reference symbol bindings are processed beIore initialization processing. Symbol bindings Irom
laz references might still be pending. These bindings can extend the dependency relationships
so Iar established. A static analysis oI the initialization order that incorporates all symbol binding
can be obtained by using ldd(1) with the i and r options.
In practice, most applications use lazy binding. ThereIore, the dependency analysis achieved
beIore computing the initialization order Iollows the static analysis using ldd id. However,
because this dependency analysis can be incomplete, and because cyclic dependencies can exist,
the runtime linker provides Ior dynamic initialization.
Dynamic initialization attempts to execute the initialization section oI an object beIore any
Iunctions in the same object are called. During lazy symbol binding, the runtime linker
determines whether the initialization section oI the object being bound to has been called. II not,
the runtime linker executes the initialization section beIore returning Irom the symbol binding
Dynamic initialization can not be revealed with ldd(1). However, the exact sequence oI
initialization calls can be observed at runtime by setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable to
include the token init. See Debugging Facility. Extensive runtime initialization inIormation and
termination inIormation can be captured by adding the debugging token detail. This
inIormation includes dependency listings, topological processing, and the identiIication oI cyclic
Dynamic initialization is only available when processing lazy reIerences. This dynamic
initialization is circumvented by the Iollowing.
O Use oI the environment variable LD_BIND_NJW.
O Objects that have been built with the now option.
O Objects that are loaded by dlopen(3) with the mode RTLD_NJW.
The initialization techniques that have been described so Iar might still be insuIIicient to cope
with some dynamic activities. Initialization sections can load additional objects, either explicitly
using dlopen(3), or implicitly through lazy loading and the use oI Iilters. Initialization sections
can also promote the relocations oI existing objects. Objects that have been loaded to employ
lazy binding have these bindings resolved iI the same object is reIerenced using dlopen(3) with
the mode RTLD_NJW. This relocation promotion eIIectively suppresses the dynamic initialization
Iacility that is available when resolving a Iunction call dynamically.
Whenever new objects are loaded, or existing objects have their relocations promoted, a
topological sort oI these objects is initiated. EIIectively, the original initialization execution is
suspended while the new initialization requirements are established and the associated
initialization sections executed. This model attempts to insure that the newly reIerenced objects
are suitably initialized Ior the original initialization section to use. However, this parallization
can be the cause oI unwanted recursion.
While processing objects that employ lazy binding, the runtime linker can detect certain levels oI
recursion. This recursion can be displayed by setting LD_DEBUG=init. For example, the
execution oI the initialization section oI might result in calling another object. II this
object then reIerences an interIace in then a cycle is created. The runtime linker can
detect this recursion as part oI binding the lazy Iunction reIerence to

$ LD_DEBU=init prog
00905: .......
00905: warning: calling whose init has not completed
00905: .......
#ecursion that occurs through reIerences that have already been relocated can not be detected by
the runtime linker.
#ecursion can be expensive and problematic. #educe the number oI external reIerences and
dynamic loading activities that can be triggered by an initialization section so as to eliminate
Initialization processing is repeated Ior any objects that are added to the running process with
dlopen(3). Termination processing is also carried out Ior any objects that are unloaded Irom the
process as a result oI a call to dlclose(3).
The preceding sections describe the various techniques that are employed to execute
initialization and termination sections in a manner that attempts to meet user expectations.
However, coding style and link-editing practices should also be employed to simpliIy the
initialization and termination relationships between dependencies. This simpliIication helps
make initialization processing and termination processing that is predictable, while less prone to
any side aIIects oI unexpected dependency ordering.
Keep the content oI initialization and termination sections to a minimum. Avoid global
constructors by initializing objects at runtime. #educe the dependency oI initialization and
termination code on other dependencies. DeIine the dependency requirements oI all dynamic
objects. See Generating a Shared Object Output File. Do not express dependencies that are not
required. See Shared Object Processing. Avoid cyclic dependencies. Do not depend on the order
oI an initialization or termination sequence. The ordering oI objects can be aIIected by both
shared object and application development. See Dependency Ordering.
Secure processes have some restrictions applied to the evaluation oI their dependencies and
runpaths to prevent malicious dependency substitution or symbol interposition.
The runtime linker categorizes a process as secure iI the issetugid(2) system call returns true Ior
the process.
For 32bit objects, the deIault trusted directories that are known to the runtime linker are
/lib/secure and /usr/lib/secure. For 64bit objects, the deIault trusted directories that are
known to the runtime linker are /lib/secure/64 and /usr/lib/secure/64. The utility crle(1)
can be used to speciIy additional trusted directories that are applicable Ior secure applications.
Administrators who use this technique should ensure that the target directories are suitably
protected Irom malicious intrusion.
II an LD_LIBRARY_PATH Iamily environment variable is in eIIect Ior a secure process, only the
trusted directories speciIied by this variable are used to augment the runtime linker's search rules.
See Directories Searched by the #untime Linker.
In a secure process, any runpath speciIications provided by the application or any oI its
dependencies are used. However, the runpath must be a Iull path name, that is, the path name
must start with a `/'.
In a secure process, the expansion oI the $JRIGIN string is allowed only iI the string expands to a
trusted directory. See Security. However, should a $JRIGIN expansion match a directory that has
already provided dependencies, then the directory is implicitly secure. This directory can be used
to provide additional dependencies.
In a secure process, LD_CJNIG is ignored. However, a conIiguration Iile that is recorded in a
secure application is used. See the . option oI ld(1). A recorded conIiguration Iile must be a Iull
path name, that is, the path name starts with a `/'. A recorded conIiguration Iile that employs the
$JRIGIN string is restricted to known trusted directories. Developers who record a conIiguration
Iile within a secure application should ensure that the conIiguration Iile directory is suitably
protected Irom malicious intrusion. In the absence oI a recorded conIiguration Iile, a secure
process uses the deIault conIiguration Iile, iI the conIiguration Iile exists. See crle(1).
In a secure process, LD_SIGNAL is ignored.
Additional objects can be loaded with a secure process using the LD_PRELJAD or LD_AUDIT
environment variables. These objects must be speciIied as Iull path names or simple Iile names.
Full path names are restricted to known trusted directories. Simple Iile names, in which no `/'
appears in the name, are located subject to the search path restrictions previously described.
Simple Iile names resolve only to known trusted directories.
In a secure process, any dependencies that consist oI simple Iile names are processed using the
path name restrictions previously described. Dependencies expressed as Iull path names or
relative path names are used as is. ThereIore, the developer oI a secure process should ensure
that the target directory reIerenced as one oI these dependencies is suitably protected Irom
malicious intrusion.
When creating a secure process, do not use relative path names to express dependencies or to
construct dlopen(3) path names. This restriction applies to the application and to all
Runtime Linking Programming Interface
Dependencies speciIied during the link-edit oI an application are processed by the runtime linker
during process initialization. In addition to this mechanism, the application can extend its address
space during its execution by binding to additional objects. The application eIIectively uses the
same services oI the runtime linker that are used to process the applications standard
Delayed object binding has several advantages.
O By processing an object when the object is required rather than during the initialization oI
an application, startup time can be greatly reduced. II the services provided by an object
are not needed during a particular run oI the application, the object is not required. This
scenario can occur Ior objects that provide help or debugging inIormation.
O The application can choose between several diIIerent objects, depending on the exact
services required, such as Ior a networking protocol.
O Any objects added to the process address space during execution can be Ireed aIter use.
An application can use the Iollowing typical scenario to access an additional shared object.
O A shared object is located and added to the address space oI a running application using
dlopen(3). Any dependencies oI this shared object are located and added at this time.
O The added shared object and its dependencies are relocated. Any initialization sections
within these objects are called.
O The application locates symbols within the added objects using dlsym(3). The
application can then reIerence the data or call the Iunctions deIined by these new
O AIter the application has Iinished with the objects, the address space can be Ireed using
dlclose(3). Any termination sections that exist within the objects that are being Ireed are
called at this time.
O Any error conditions that occur as a result oI using the runtime linker interIace routines
can be displayed using dlerror(3).
The services oI the runtime linker are deIined in the header Iile dlfcn.h and are made available
to an application by the shared object In the Iollowing example, the Iile main.c can
make reIerence to any oI the dlopen(3) Iamily oI routines, and the application prog can bind to
these routines at runtime.

$ .. o prog main..

In previous releases oI the Oracle Solaris OS, the dynamic linking interIaces were made
available by the shared object remains available to support any
existing dependencies. However, the dynamic linking interIaces oIIered by are now
available Irom Linking with -ldl is no longer necessary.

Loading Additional Objects
Additional objects can be added to a running process's address space by using dlopen(3). This
Iunction takes a path name and a binding mode as arguments, and returns a handle to the
application. This handle can be used to locate symbols Ior use by the application using
II the path name is speciIied as a simple Iile name, one with no `/' in the name, then the runtime
linker uses a set oI rules to generate an appropriate path name. Path names that contain a `/' are
used as provided.
These search path rules are exactly the same as are used to locate any initial dependencies. See
Directories Searched by the #untime Linker. For example, the Iile main.c contains the Iollowing
code Iragment.

#include <stdio.h
#include <dlfcn.h

int main(int argc, char argv)
void handle;

if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) ,
(void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
return (1);
To locate the shared object, the runtime linker uses any LD_LIBRARY_PATH deIinition
that is present at process initialization. Next, the runtime linker uses any runpath speciIied during
the link-edit oI prog. Finally, the runtime linker uses the deIault locations /lib and /usr/lib
Ior 32bit objects, or /lib/64 and /usr/lib/64 Ior 64bit objects.
II the path name is speciIied as:

if ((handle = dlopen("./", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) ,
then the runtime linker searches Ior the Iile only in the current working directory oI the process.

Any shared object that is speciIied using dlopen(3) should be reIerenced by its versioned Iile
name. For more inIormation on versioning, see oordination oI Versioned Filenames.

II the required object cannot be located, dlopen(3) returns a NULL handle. In this case
dlerror(3) can be used to display the true reason Ior the Iailure. For example.

$ .. o prog main..
$ prog
dlopen: prog: fatal: open failed: No such \
file or directory
II the object being added by dlopen(3) has dependencies on other objects, they too are brought
into the process's address space. This process continues until all the dependencies oI the
speciIied object are loaded. This dependency tree is reIerred to as a group.
II the object speciIied by dlopen(3), or any oI its dependencies, are already part oI the process
image, then the objects are not processed any Iurther. A valid handle is returned to the
application. This mechanism prevents the same object Irom being loaded more than once, and
enables an application to obtain a handle to itselI. For example, Irom the previous example,
main.c can contain the Iollowing dlopen() call.

if ((handle = dlopen(0, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) ,
The handle returned Irom this dlopen(3) can be used to locate symbols within the application
itselI, within any oI the dependencies loaded as part oI the process's initialization, or within any
objects added to the process's address space, using a dlopen(3) that speciIied the RTLD_GLJBAL
Relocation Processing
AIter locating and loading any objects, the runtime linker must process each object and perIorm
any necessary relocations. Any objects that are brought into the process's address space with
dlopen(3) must also be relocated in the same manner.
For simple applications this process is straightIorward. However, Ior users who have more
complex applications with many dlopen(3) calls involving many objects, possibly with
common dependencies, this process can be quite important.
#elocations can be categorized according to when they occur. The deIault behavior oI the
runtime linker is to process all immediate reIerence relocations at initialization and all lazy
reIerences during process execution, a mechanism commonly reIerred to as lazy binding.
This same mechanism is applied to any objects added with dlopen(3) when the mode is deIined
as RTLD_LAZY. An alternative is to require all relocations oI an object to be perIormed
immediately when the object is added. ou can use a mode oI RTLD_NJW, or record this
requirement in the object when it is built using the link-editor's now option. This relocation
requirement is propagated to any dependencies oI the object being opened.
#elocations can also be categorized into non-symbolic and symbolic. The remainder oI this
section covers issues regarding symbolic relocations, regardless oI when these relocations occur,
with a Iocus on some oI the subtleties oI symbol lookup.
Symbol Lookup
II an object acquired by dlopen(3) reIers to a global symbol, the runtime linker must locate this
symbol Irom the pool oI objects that make up the process. In the absence oI direct binding, a
deIault symbol search model is applied to objects obtained by dlopen(). However, the mode oI
a dlopen() together with the attributes oI the objects that make up the process, provide Ior
alternative symbol search models.
Objects that required direct binding, although maintaining all the attributes described later,
search Ior symbols directly in the associated dependency. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings.

Symbols assigned the STV_SINGLETJN visibility are bound using the deIault symbol search,
regardless oI any dlopen(3) attributes. See Table 720.

By deIault, objects obtained with dlopen(3) are assigned world symbol search scope, and local
symbol visibility. The section, DeIault Symbol Lookup Model, uses this deIault model to
illustrate typical object group interactions. The sections DeIining a Global Object, Isolating a
Group, and Object Hierarchies show examples oI using dlopen(3) modes and Iile attributes to
extend the deIault symbol lookup model.
efuult ymbol Iookup MoJel
For each object added by a basic dlopen(3), the runtime linker Iirst looks Ior the symbol in the
dynamic executable. The runtime linker then looks in each oI the objects provided during the
initialization oI the process. II the symbol is still not Iound, the runtime linker continues the
search. The runtime linker next looks in the object acquired through the dlopen(3) and in any oI
its dependencies.
The deIault symbol lookup model provides Ior transitioning into a lazy loading environment. II a
symbol can not be Iound in the presently loaded objects, any pending lazy loaded objects are
processed in an attempt to locate the symbol. This loading compensates Ior objects that have not
Iully deIined their dependencies. However, this compensation can undermine the advantages oI a
lazy loading.
In the Iollowing example, the dynamic executable prog and the shared object have the
Iollowing dependencies.

$ ldd prog = ./
$ ldd = ./
II prog acquires the shared object by dlopen(3), then any symbol required to relocate
the shared objects and will Iirst be looked Ior in prog, Iollowed by,
Iollowed by, and Iinally in In this simple case, think oI the shared objects
acquired through the dlopen(3) as iI they had been added to the end oI the original link-edit oI
the application. For example, the objects reIerenced in the previous listing can be expressed
diagrammatically as shown in the Iollowing Iigure.
Figure 3-1 A Single dlopen() Request

Any symbol lookup required by the objects acquired Irom the dlopen(3), that is shown as
shaded blocks, proceeds Irom the dynamic executable prog through to the Iinal shared object
This symbol lookup is established by the attributes assigned to the objects as they were loaded.
#ecall that the dynamic executable and all the dependencies loaded with the executable are
assigned global symbol visibility, and that the new objects are assigned world symbol search
scope. ThereIore, the new objects are able to look Ior symbols in the original objects. The new
objects also Iorm a unique group in which each object has local symbol visibility. ThereIore,
each object within the group can look Ior symbols within the other group members.
These new objects do not aIIect the normal symbol lookup required by either the application or
the applications initial dependencies. For example, iI requires a Iunction relocation aIter
the previous dlopen(3) has occurred, the runtime linker's normal search Ior the relocation
symbol is to look in prog and then The runtime linker does not Iollow through and look
in or
This symbol lookup is again a result oI the attributes assigned to the objects as they were loaded.
The world symbol search scope is assigned to the dynamic executable and all the dependencies
loaded with it. This scope does not allow them to look Ior symbols in the new objects that only
oIIer local symbol visibility.
These symbol search and symbol visibility attributes maintain associations between objects.
These associations are based on their introduction into the process address space, and on any
dependency relationship between the objects. Assigning the objects associated with a given
dlopen(3) to a unique group ensures that only objects associated with the same dlopen(3) are
allowed to look up symbols within themselves and their related dependencies.
This concept oI deIining associations between objects becomes more clear in applications that
carry out more than one dlopen(3). For example, suppose the shared object has the
Iollowing dependency.

$ ldd = ./
and the prog application used dlopen(3) to load this shared object in addition to the shared
object The Iollowing Iigure illustrates the symbol lookup releationship between the
Figure 3-2 Multiple dlopen() Requests

Suppose that both and contain a deIinition Ior the symbol foo, and both
and contain a relocation that requires this symbol. Because oI the association oI objects
to a unique group, is bound to the deIinition in, and is bound to the
deIinition in This mechanism is intended to provide the most intuitive binding oI objects
that are obtained Irom multiple calls to dlopen(3).
When objects are used in the scenarios that have so Iar been described, the order in which each
dlopen(3) occurs has no eIIect on the resulting symbol binding. However, when objects have
common dependencies, the resultant bindings can be aIIected by the order in which the
dlopen(3) calls are made.
In the Iollowing example, the shared objects and have the same common

$ ldd = ./
$ ldd = ./
In this example, the prog application will dlopen(3) each oI these shared objects. Because the
shared object is a common dependency oI both and, is assigned
to both oI the groups that are associated with the two dlopen(3) calls. This relationship is
shown in the Iollowing Iigure.
Figure 3-3 Multiple dlopen() Requests With A Common ependenc is available Ior both and to look up symbols. More importantly, as Iar as
dlopen(3) ordering is concerned, is also be able to look up symbols in both and
ThereIore, iI both and contain a deIinition Ior the symbol foo, which is required
Ior a relocation, the actual binding that occurs is unpredictable because it is aIIected by
the order oI the dlopen(3) calls. II the Iunctionality oI symbol foo diIIers between the two
shared objects in which it is deIined, the overall outcome oI executing code within might
vary depending on the application's dlopen(3) ordering.
eflnlng u 0lobul Object
The deIault assignment oI local symbol visibility to the objects obtained by a dlopen(3) can be
promoted to global by augmenting the mode argument with the RTLD_GLJBAL Ilag. Under this
mode, any objects obtained through a dlopen(3) can be used by any other objects with world
symbol search scope to locate symbols.
In addition, any object obtained by dlopen(3) with the RTLD_GLJBAL Ilag is available Ior
symbol lookup using dlopen() with a path name whose value is 0.

II a member oI a group deIines local symbol visibility, and is reIerenced by another group that
deIines global symbol visibility, then the object's visibility becomes a concatenation oI both local
and global. This promotion oI attributes remains even iI the global group reIerence is later

xolutlng u 0roup
The deIault assignment oI world symbol search scope to the objects obtained by a dlopen(3)
can be reduced to group by augmenting the mode argument with the RTLD_GRJUP Ilag. Under
this mode, any objects obtained through a dlopen(3) will only be allowed to look Ior symbols
within their own group.
Using the link-editor's B group option, you can assign the group symbol search scope to
objects when they are built.

II a member oI a group deIines a group search requirement, and is reIerenced by another group
that deIines a world search requirement, then the object's search requirement becomes a
concatenation oI both group and world. This promotion oI attributes remains even iI the world
group reIerence is later removed.

Object Hlerurchlex
II an initial object is obtained Irom a dlopen(3), and uses dlopen() to open a secondary object,
both objects are assigned to a unique group. This situation can prevent either object Irom
locating symbols Irom the other.
In some implementations the initial object has to export symbols Ior the relocation oI the
secondary object. This requirement can be satisIied by one oI two mechanisms.
O Making the initial object an explicit dependency oI the second object.
O Use the RTLD_PARENT mode Ilag to dlopen(3) the secondary object.
II the initial object is an explicit dependency oI the secondary object, the initial object is assigned
to the secondary objects' group. The initial object is thereIore able to provide symbols Ior the
secondary objects' relocation.
II many objects can use dlopen(3) to open the secondary object, and each oI these initial
objects must export the same symbols to satisIy the secondary objects' relocation, then the
secondary object cannot be assigned an explicit dependency. In this case, the dlopen(3) mode
oI the secondary object can be augmented with the RTLD_PARENT Ilag. This Ilag causes the
propagation oI the secondary objects' group to the initial object in the same manner as an explicit
dependency would do.
There is one small diIIerence between these two techniques. II you speciIy an explicit
dependency, the dependency itselI becomes part oI the secondary objects' dlopen(3)
dependency tree, and thus becomes available Ior symbol lookup with dlsym(3). II you obtain
the secondary object with RTLD_PARENT, the initial object does not become available Ior symbol
lookup with dlsym(3).
When a secondary object is obtained by dlopen(3) Irom an initial object with global symbol
visibility, the RTLD_PARENT mode is both redundant and harmless. This case commonly occurs
when dlopen(3) is called Irom an application or Irom one oI the dependencies oI the
Obtaining ew Smbols
A process can obtain the address oI a speciIic symbol using dlsym(3). This Iunction takes a
handle and a smbol name, and returns the address oI the symbol to the caller. The handle
directs the search Ior the symbol in the Iollowing manner.
O A handle can be returned Irom a dlopen(3) oI a named object. The handle enables
symbols to be obtained Irom the named object and the objects that deIine its dependency
tree. A handle returned using the mode RTLD_IRST, enables symbols to be obtained only
Irom the named object.
O A handle can be returned Irom a dlopen(3) oI a path name whose value is 0. The handle
enables symbols to be obtained Irom the initiating object oI the associated link-map and
the objects that deIine its dependency tree. Typically, the initiating object is the dynamic
executable. This handle also enables symbols to be obtained Irom any object obtained by
a dlopen(3) with the RTLD_GLJBAL mode, on the associated link-map. A handle returned
using the mode RTLD_IRST, enables symbols to be obtained only Irom the initiating
object oI the associated link-map.
O The special handle RTLD_DEAULT, and RTLD_PRJBE enable symbols to be obtained Irom
the initiating object oI the associated link-map and objects that deIine its dependency
tree. This handle also enables symbols to be obtained Irom any object obtained by a
dlopen(3) that belongs to the same group as the caller. Use oI RTLD_DEAULT, or
RTLD_PRJBE Iollows the same model as used to resolve a symbolic relocation Irom the
calling object.
O The special handle RTLD_NEXT enables symbols to be obtained Irom the next associated
object on the callers link-map list.
In the Iollowing example, which is probably the most common, an application adds additional
objects to its address space. The application then uses dlsym(3) to locate Iunction or data
symbols. The application then uses these symbols to call upon services that are provided in these
new objects. The Iile main.c contains the Iollowing code.

#include <stdio.h
#include <dlfcn.h

int main()
void handle;
int dptr, (fptr)();

if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) ,
(void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
return (1);

if (((fptr = (int ()())dlsym(handle, "foo")) == NULL) ||
((dptr = (int )dlsym(handle, "bar")) == NULL)) ,
(void) printf("dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
return (1);

return ((fptr)(dptr));
The symbols foo and bar are searched Ior in the Iile, Iollowed by any dependencies
that are associated with this Iile. The Iunction foo is then called with the single argument bar as
part oI the return() statement.
The application prog, built using the previous Iile main.c, contains the Iollowing dependencies.

$ ldd prog = /lib/
II the Iile name speciIied in the dlopen(3) had the value 0, the symbols foo and bar are
searched Ior in prog, Iollowed by /lib/
The handle indicates the root at which to start a symbol search. From this root, the search
mechanism Iollows the same model as described in #elocation Symbol Lookup.
II the required symbol cannot be located, dlsym(3) returns a NULL value. In this case,
dlerror(3) can be used to indicate the true reason Ior the Iailure. In the Iollowing example, the
application prog is unable to locate the symbol bar.

$ prog
dlsym: main: fatal: bar: can't find symbol
Testing for Functionality
The special handles RTLD_DEAULT, and RTLD_PRJBE enable an application to test Ior the
existence oI a symbol.
The RTLD_DEAULT handle employes the same rules used by the runtime linker to resolve any
symbol reIerence Irom the calling object. See DeIault Symbol Lookup Model. Two aspects oI
this model should be noted.
O A symbol reIerence that matches the same symbol reIerence Irom the dynamic executable
is bound to the procedure linkage table entry associated with the reIerence Irom the
executable. See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic). This artiIact oI dynamic
linking ensures that all components within a process see a single address Ior a Iunction.
O II a symbol can not be Iound within the objects that are presently loaded in the process, a
lazy loading Iall back is initiated. This Iall back iterates through each loaded dynamic
object, and loads any pending lazy loadable objects in an attempt to resolve the symbol.
This model compensates Ior objects that have not Iully deIined their dependencies.
However, this compensation can undermine the advantages oI lazy loading. Unnecessary
objects can be loaded, or an exhaustive loading oI all lazy loadable objects can occur
should the relocation symbol not be Iound.
RTLD_PRJBE Iollows a similar model to RTLD_DEAULT, but diIIers in the two aspects noted with
RTLD_DEAULT. RTLD_PRJBE only binds to explicit symbol deIinitions, and is not bound to any
procedure linkage table entry within the executable. In addition, RTLD_PRJBE does not initiate an
exhaustive lazy loading Iall back. RTLD_PRJBE is the most appropriate Ilag to use to detect the
presence oI a symbol within an existing process.
RTLD_DEAULT and RTLD_PRJBE can both initiate an explicit lazy load. An object can make
reIerence to a Iunction, and that reIerence can be established through a lazy loadable
dependency. Prior to calling this Iunction, RTLD_DEAULT or RTLD_PRJBE can be used to test Ior
the existence oI the Iunction. Because the object makes reIerence to the Iunction, an attempt is
Iirst made to load the associated lazy dependency. The rules Ior RTLD_DEAULT and RTLD_PRJBE
are then Iollowed to bind to the Iunction. In the Iollowing example, an RTLD_PRJBE call is used
both to trigger a lazy load, and to bind to the loaded dependency iI the dependency exists.
void foo()
if (dlsym(RTLD_PRJBE, "foo1")) ,
To provide a robust and Ilexible model Ior testing Ior Iunctionally, the associated lazy
dependencies should be explicitly tagged as deferred. See Providing an Alternative to
dlopen(). This tagging also provides a means oI changing the deIerred dependency at runtime.
The use oI RTLD_DEAULT or RTLD_PRJBE provide a more robust alternative to the use oI
undeIined weak reIerences, as discussed in Weak Symbols.
Using Interposition
The special handle RTLD_NEXT enables an application to locate the next symbol in a symbol
scope. For example, the application prog can contain the Iollowing code Iragment.
if ((fptr = (int ()())dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "foo")) == NULL) ,
(void) printf("dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
return (1);

return ((fptr)());
In this case, foo is searched Ior in the shared objects associated with prog, which in this case is
/lib/ II this code Iragment was contained in the Iile Irom the example that
is shown in Figure 31, then foo is searched Ior in only.
Use oI RTLD_NEXT provides a means to exploit symbol interposition. For example, a Iunction
within an object can be interposed upon by a preceding object, which can then augment the
processing oI the original Iunction. For example, the Iollowing code Iragment can be placed in
the shared object
#include <sys/types.h
#include <dlfcn.h
#include <stdio.h

malloc(size_t size)
static void (fptr)() = 0;
char buffer50,;

if (fptr == 0) ,
fptr = (void ()())dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
if (fptr == NULL) ,
(void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
return (NULL);

(void) sprintf(buffer, "malloc: %#x bytes\n", size);
(void) write(1, buffer, strlen(buffer));
return ((fptr)(size));
, can be interposed beIore the system library /lib/ where malloc(3)
usually resides. Any calls to mallo.() are now interposed upon beIore the original Iunction is
called to complete the allocation.

$ .. o pi. mallo...
$ .. o prog file1.o file2.o ..... R.
$ prog
malloc: 0x32 bytes
malloc: 0x14 bytes
Alternatively, the same interposition can be achieved using the Iollowing commands.

$ .. o pi. mallo...
$ .. o prog main..
$ LD_PRELOAD=./ prog
malloc: 0x32 bytes
malloc: 0x14 bytes

Users oI any interposition technique must be careIul to handle any possibility oI recursion. The
previous example Iormats the diagnostic message using sprintI(3), instead oI using printI(3)
directly, to avoid any recursion caused by printI(3) possibly using malloc(3).

The use oI RTLD_NEXT within a dynamic executable or preloaded object, provides a predictable
interposition technique. Be careIul when using this technique in a generic object dependency, as
the actual load order oI objects is not always predictable.
ebugging Aids
A debugging library and a debugging mdb(1) module are provided with the Oracle Solaris
runtime linker. The debugging library enables you to trace the runtime linking process in more
detail. The mdb(1) module enables interactive process debugging.
ebugging Facilit
The runtime linker provides a debugging Iacility that allows you to trace the runtime linking oI
applications and their dependencies in detail. The type oI inIormation that is displayed by using
this Iacility is expected to remain constant. However, the exact Iormat oI the inIormation might
change slightly Irom release to release.
Some oI the debugging output might be unIamiliar to users who do not have an intimate
knowledge oI the runtime linker. However, many aspects might be oI general interest to you.
Debugging is enabled by using the environment variable LD_DEBUG. All debugging output is
preIixed with the process identiIier. This environment variable must be augmented with one or
more tokens to indicate the type oI debugging that is required.
The tokens that are available with LD_DEBUG can be displayed by using LD_DEBUG=help.

$ LD_DEBU=help prog
prog can be any dynamic executable. The process is terminated Iollowing the display oI the help
inIormation, beIore control transIers to prog. The choice oI executable is unimportant.
By deIault, all debug output is sent to stderr, the standard error output Iile. Debug output can be
directed to a Iile instead, using the output token. For example, the help text can be captured in a
Iile named rtld-debug.txt.

$ LD_DEBU=help,output=rtlddebug.txt prog
Alternatively, debug output can be redirected by setting the environment variable
LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT. When LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT is used, the process identiIier is added as a suIIix to
the output Iilename.
II LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT and the output token are both speciIied, LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT takes
precedence. II LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT and the output token are both speciIied, LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT
takes precedence. Use oI the output token with programs that call Iork(2) result in each process
writing debug output to the same Iile. The debug output will become jumbled and incomplete.
LD_DEBUG_JUTPUT should be used in such cases to direct debug output Ior each process to a
unique Iile.
The debugging oI secure applications is not allowed.
One oI the most useIul debugging options is to display the symbol bindings that occur at
runtime. The Iollowing example uses a very trivial dynamic executable that has a dependency on
two local shared objects.

$ .at bar..
int bar = 10;
$ .. o pi. bar..

$ .at foo..
int foo(int data)
return (data);
$ .. o pi. foo..

$ .at main..
extern int foo();
extern int bar;

int main()
return (foo(bar));
$ .. o prog main.. R/tmp:.
The runtime symbol bindings can be displayed by setting LD_DEBUG=bindings.

$ LD_DEBU=bindings prog
11753: .......
11753: binding file=prog to file=./ symbol bar
11753: .......
11753: transferring control: prog
11753: .......
11753: binding file=prog to file=./ symbol foo
11753: .......
The symbol bar, which is required by an immediate relocation, is bound before the application
gains control. Whereas the symbol foo, which is required by a lazy relocation, is bound after the
application gains control on the Iirst call to the Iunction. This relocation demonstrates the deIault
mode oI lazy binding. II the environment variable LD_BIND_NJW is set, all symbol bindings occur
beIore the application gains control.
By setting LD_DEBUG=bindings,detail, additional inIormation regarding the real and relative
addresses oI the actual binding locations is provided.
ou can use LD_DEBUG to display the various search paths used. For example, the search path
mechanism used to locate any dependencies can be displayed by setting LD_DEBUG=libs.

$ LD_DEBU=libs prog
11775: find; searching
11775: search path=/tmp:. (RUNPATH/RPATH from file prog)
11775: trying path=/tmp/
11775: trying path=./
11775: find; searching
11775: search path=/tmp:. (RUNPATH/RPATH from file prog)
11775: trying path=/tmp/
11775: trying path=./
11775: .......
The runpath recorded in the application prog aIIects the search Ior the two dependencies and
In a similar manner, the search paths oI each symbol lookup can be displayed by setting
LD_DEBUG=symbols. A combination oI symbols and bindings produces a complete picture oI
the symbol relocation process.

$ LD_DEBU=bindings,symbols prog
11782: .......
11782: symbol=bar; lookup in file=./ EL ,
11782: symbol=bar; lookup in file=./ EL ,
11782: binding file=prog to file=./ symbol bar
11782: .......
11782: transferring control: prog
11782: .......
11782: symbol=foo; lookup in file=prog EL ,
11782: symbol=foo; lookup in file=./ EL ,
11782: binding file=prog to file=./ symbol foo
11782: .......
In the previous example, the symbol bar is not searched Ior in the application prog. This
omission oI a data reIerence lookup is due to an optimization used when processing copy
relocations. See opy #elocations Ior more details oI this relocation type.
ebugger Module
The debugger module provides a set oI dcmds and walkers that can be loaded under mdb(1).
This module can be used to inspect various internal data structures oI the runtime linker. Much
oI the debugging inIormation requires Iamiliarity with the internals oI the runtime linker. These
internals can change Irom release to release. However, some elements oI these data structures
reveal the basic components oI a dynamically linked process and can aid general debugging.
The Iollowing examples show some simple scenarios oI using mdb(1) with the debugger module.

$ .at main..
#include <dlfnc.h

int main()
void handle;
void (fptr)();

if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL)
return (1);

if ((fptr = (void ()())dlsym(handle, "foo")) == NULL)
return (1);

return (0);
$ .. o main main.. R.
II mdb(1) has not automatically loaded the debugger module,, explicitly do so. The
Iacilities oI the debugger module can then be inspected.

$ mdb main
::dmods l
dcmd Bind - Display a Binding descriptor
dcmd Callers - Display Rt_map CALLERS binding descriptors
dcmd Depends - Display Rt_map DEPENDS binding descriptors
dcmd ElfDyn - Display Elf_Dyn entry
dcmd ElfEhdr - Display Elf_Ehdr entry
dcmd ElfPhdr - Display Elf_Phdr entry
dcmd Groups - Display Rt_map GRJUPS group handles
dcmd GrpDesc - Display a Group Descriptor
dcmd GrpHdl - Display a Group Handle
dcmd Handles - Display Rt_map HANDLES group descriptors
::bp main
Each dynamic object within a process is expressed as a link-map, Rt_map, which is maintained
on a link-map list. All link-maps Ior the process can be displayed with Rt_maps.

Link-map lists (dynlm_list): 0xffbfe0d0
Lm_list: 0xff3f6f60 (LM_ID_BASE)
lmco rtmap ADDR() NAME()
0xc, 0xff3f0fdc 0x00010000 main
0xc, 0xff3f1394 0xff280000 /lib/
Lm_list: 0xff3f6f88 (LM_ID_LDSJ)
0xc, 0xff3f0c78 0xff3b0000 /lib/
An individual link-map can be displayed with Rt_map.

Rt_map located at: 0xff3f9040
NAME: main
PATHNAME: /export/home/user/main
ADDR: 0x00010000 DYN: 0x000207bc
NEXT: 0xff3f9460 PREV: 0x00000000
CT: 0xff3f6f18 TLSMJDID: 0
INIT: 0x00010710 INI: 0x0001071c
GRJUPS: 0x00000000 HANDLES: 0x00000000
DEPENDS: 0xff3f96e8 CALLERS: 0x00000000
The object's .dynamic section can be displayed with the ElfDyn dcmd. The Iollowing example
shows the Iirst 4 entries.

Elf_Dyn located at: 0x207bc
0x207bc NEEDED 0x0000010f
Elf_Dyn located at: 0x207c4
0x207c4 NEEDED 0x00000124
Elf_Dyn located at: 0x207cc
0x207cc INIT 0x00010710
Elf_Dyn located at: 0x207d4
0x207d4 INI 0x0001071c
mdb(1) is also very useIul Ior setting deIerred break points. In this example, a break point on the
Iunction foo() might be useIul. However, until the dlopen(3) oI occurs, this symbol
isn't known to the debugger. A deIerred break point instructs the debugger to set a real
breakpoint when the dynamic object is loaded.

mdb: You've got symbols!
mdb: stop at`foo
mdb: target stopped at:`foo: save %sp, -0x68, %sp
At this point, new objects have been loaded.

lmco rtmap ADDR() NAME()
0xc, 0xff3f0fdc 0x00010000 main
0xc, 0xff3f1394 0xff280000 /lib/
0xc, 0xff3f9ca4 0xff380000 ./
0xc, 0xff37006c 0xff260000 ./
The link-map Ior shows the handle returned by dlopen(3). ou can expand this
structure using Handles.

xff3f9.a4::Handles v
HANDLES for ./
HANDLE: 0xff3f9f60 Alistused 1: total 1,
Group Handle located at: 0xff3f9f28
owner: ./
flags: 0x00000000 0 ,
refcnt: 1 depends: 0xff3f9fa0 Alistused 2: total 4,
Group Descriptor located at: 0xff3f9fac
depend: 0xff3f9ca4 ./
Group Descriptor located at: 0xff3f9fd8
depend: 0xff37006c ./
The dependencies oI a handle are a list oI link-maps that represent the objects oI the handle that
can satisIy a dlsym(3) request. In this case, the dependencies are and

The previous examples provide a basic guide to the debugger module Iacilities, but the exact
commands, usage, and output can change Irom release to release. #eIer to the usage and help
inIormation Irom mdb(1) Ior the exact Iacilities that are available on your system.
Chapter 4 Shared Objects
Shared objects are one Iorm oI output created by the link-editor and are generated by speciIying
the option. In the Iollowing example, the shared object is generated Irom the
input Iile foo.c.
$ .. o pi. foo..
A shared object is an indivisible unit that is generated Irom one or more relocatable objects.
Shared objects can be bound with dynamic executables to Iorm a runable process. As their name
implies, shared objects can be shared by more than one application. Because oI this potentially
Iar-reaching eIIect, this chapter describes this Iorm oI link-editor output in greater depth than has
been covered in previous chapters.
For a shared object to be bound to a dynamic executable or another shared object, it must Iirst be
available to the link-edit oI the required output Iile. During this link-edit, any input shared
objects are interpreted as iI they had been added to the logical address space oI the output Iile
being produced. All the Iunctionality oI the shared object is made available to the output Iile.
Any input shared objects become dependencies oI this output Iile. A small amount oI
bookkeeping inIormation is maintained within the output Iile to describe these dependencies.
The runtime linker interprets this inIormation and completes the processing oI these shared
objects as part oI creating a runable process.
The Iollowing sections expand upon the use oI shared objects within the compilation and runtime
environments. These environments are introduced in #untime Linking.
aming Conventions
Neither the link-editor nor the runtime linker interprets any Iile by virtue oI its Iile name. All
Iiles are inspected to determine their ELF type (see ELF Header). This inIormation enables the
link-editor to deduce the processing requirements oI the Iile. However, shared objects usually
Iollow one oI two naming conventions, depending on whether they are being used as part oI the
compilation environment or the runtime environment.
When used as part oI the compilation environment, shared objects are read and processed by the
link-editor. Although these shared objects can be speciIied by explicit Iile names as part oI the
command passed to the link-editor, the l option is usually used to take advantage oI the link-
editor's library search Iacilities. See Shared Object Processing.
A shared object that is applicable to this link-editor processing, should be designated with the
preIix lib and the suIIix .so. For example, /lib/ is the shared object representation oI
the standard library made available to the compilation environment. By convention, 64bit
shared objects are placed in a subdirectory oI the lib directory called 64. For example, the 64
bit counterpart oI /lib/, is /lib/64/
When used as part oI the runtime environment, shared objects are read and processed by the
runtime linker. To allow Ior change in the exported interIace oI the shared object over a series oI
soItware releases, provide the shared object as a versioned Iile name.
A versioned Iile name commonly takes the Iorm oI a .so suIIix Iollowed by a version number.
For example, /lib/ is the shared object representation oI version one oI the standard
library made available to the runtime environment.
II a shared object is never intended Ior use within a compilation environment, its name might
drop the conventional lib preIix. Examples oI shared objects that Iall into this category are those
used solely with dlopen(3). A suIIix oI .so is still recommended to indicate the actual Iile type.
In addition, a version number is strongly recommended to provide Ior the correct binding oI the
shared object across a series oI soItware releases. hapter 5, Application Binary InterIaces and
Versioning describes versioning in more detail.

The shared object name used in a dlopen(3) is usually represented as a simple Iile name, that
has no `/' in the name. The runtime linker can then use a set oI rules to locate the actual Iile. See
Loading Additional Objects Ior more details.

Recording a Shared Object ame
The recording oI a dependency in a dynamic executable or shared object will, by deIault, be the
Iile name oI the associated shared object as it is reIerenced by the link-editor. For example, the
Iollowing dynamic executables, that are built against the same shared object, result in
diIIerent interpretations oI the same dependency.

$ .. o ../tmp/ foo.o
$ .. o prog main.o L../tmp lfoo
$ elfdump d prog | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123

$ .. o prog main.o ../tmp/
$ elfdump d prog | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123 ../tmp/

$ .. o prog main.o /usr/tmp/
$ elfdump d prog | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123 /usr/tmp/
As these examples show, this mechanism oI recording dependencies can result in inconsistencies
due to diIIerent compilation techniques. Also, the location oI a shared object as reIerenced
during the link-edit might diIIer Irom the eventual location oI the shared object on an installed
system. To provide a more consistent means oI speciIying dependencies, shared objects can
record within themselves the Iile name by which they should be reIerenced at runtime.
During the link-edit oI a shared object, its runtime name can be recorded within the shared object
itselI by using the h option. In the Iollowing example, the shared object's runtime name, is recorded within the Iile itselI. This identiIication is known as an soname.

$ .. o ../tmp/ pi. h foo..
The Iollowing example shows how the soname recording can be displayed using elIdump(1) and
reIerring to the entry that has the SJNAME tag.

$ elfdump d ../tmp/ | grep SONAE
1, SJNAME 0x123
When the link-editor processes a shared object that contains an soname, this is the name that is
recorded as a dependency within the output Iile being generated.
II this new version oI is used during the creation oI the dynamic executable prog
Irom the previous example, all three methods oI creating the executable result in the same
dependency recording.

$ .. o prog main.o L../tmp lfoo
$ elfdump d prog | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123

$ .. o prog main.o ../tmp/
$ elfdump d prog | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123

$ .. o prog main.o /usr/tmp/
$ elfdump d prog | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123
In the previous examples, the h option is used to speciIy a simple Iile name, that has no `/' in the
name. This convention enables the runtime linker to use a set oI rules to locate the actual Iile.
See Locating Shared Object Dependencies Ior more details.
Inclusion of Sbared Ub|ects in Arcbives
The mechanism oI recording an soname within a shared object is essential iI the shared object is
ever processed Irom an archive library.
An archive can be built Irom one or more shared objects and then used to generate a dynamic
executable or shared object. Shared objects can be extracted Irom the archive to satisIy the
requirements oI the link-edit. Unlike the processing oI relocatable objects, which are
concatenated to the output Iile being created, any shared objects extracted Irom the archive are
recorded as dependencies. See Archive Processing Ior more details on the criteria Ior archive
The name oI an archive member is constructed by the link-editor and is a concatenation oI the
archive name and the object within the archive. For example.

$ .. o pi. foo..
$ ar r libfoo.a
$ .. o main main.o libfoo.a
$ elfdump d main | grep NEEDED
1, NEEDED 0x123 libfoo.a(
Because a Iile with this concatenated name is unlikely to exist at runtime, providing an soname
within the shared object is the only means oI generating a meaningIul runtime Iile name Ior the

The runtime linker does not extract objects Irom archives. ThereIore, in this example, the
required shared object dependencies must be extracted Irom the archive and made available to
the runtime environment.

Recorded Name Conflicts
When shared objects are used to create a dynamic executable or another shared object, the link-
editor perIorms several consistency checks. These checks ensure that any dependency names
recorded in the output Iile are unique.
onIlicts in dependency names can occur iI two shared objects used as input Iiles to a link-edit
both contain the same soname. For example.

$ .. o pi. h foo..
$ .. o pi. h bar..
$ .. o prog main.o L. lfoo lbar
ld: fatal: recording name conflict: file `./' and \
file `./' provide identical dependency names:
ld: fatal: ile processing errors. No output written to prog
A similar error condition occurs iI the Iile name oI a shared object that does not have a recorded
soname matches the soname oI another shared object used during the same link-edit.
II the runtime name oI a shared object being generated matches one oI its dependencies, the link-
editor also reports a name conIlict

$ .. o pi. h bar.. L. lfoo
ld: fatal: recording name conflict: file `./' and \
-h option provide identical dependency names:
ld: fatal: ile processing errors. No output written to
Shared Objects With ependencies
Shared objects can have their own dependencies. The search rules used by the runtime linker to
locate shared object dependencies are covered in Directories Searched by the #untime Linker. II
a shared object does not reside in one oI the deIault search directories, then the runtime linker
must explicitly be told where to look. For 32bit objects, the deIault search directories are /lib
and /usr/lib. For 64bit objects, the deIault search directories are /lib/64 and /usr/lib/64.
The preIerred mechanism oI indicating the requirement oI a non-deIault search path, is to record
a runpath in the object that has the dependencies. A runpath can be recorded by using the link-
editor's R option.
In the Iollowing example, the shared object has a dependency on, which
is expected to reside in the directory /home/me/lib at runtime or, Iailing that, in the deIault

$ .. o pi. bar..
$ .. o pi. foo.. R/home/me/lib L. lbar
$ elfdump d | egrep "NEEDED|RUNPATH"
1, NEEDED 0x123
2, RUNPATH 0x456 /home/me/lib
The shared object is responsible Ior speciIying all runpaths required to locate its dependencies.
Any runpaths speciIied in the dynamic executable are only used to locate the dependencies oI the
dynamic executable. These runpaths are not used to locate any dependencies oI the shared
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH Iamily oI environment variables have a more global scope. Any path
names speciIied using these variables are used by the runtime linker to search Ior any shared
object dependencies. Although useIul as a temporary mechanism that inIluences the runtime
linker's search path, the use oI these environment variables is strongly discouraged in production
soItware. See Directories Searched by the #untime Linker Ior a more extensive discussion.
ependenc Ordering
When dynamic executables and shared objects have dependencies on the same common shared
objects, the order in which the objects are processed can become less predictable.
For example, assume a shared object developer generates with the Iollowing

$ ldd = ./ = ./ = ./
II you create a dynamic executable prog, using this shared object, and deIine an explicit
dependency on, the resulting shared object order will be as Iollows.

$ .. o prog main.. R. L. lC lfoo
$ ldd prog = ./ = ./ = ./ = ./
Any requirement on the order oI processing the shared object dependencies would
be compromised by the construction oI the dynamic executable prog.
Developers who place special emphasis on symbol interposition and .init section processing
should be aware oI this potential change in shared object processing order.
Shared Objects as Filters
Shared objects can be deIined to act as filters. This technique involves associating the interIaces
that the Iilter provides with an alternative shared object. At runtime, the alternative shared object
supplies one or more oI the interIaces provided by the filter. This alternative shared object is
reIerred to as a filtee. A Iiltee is built in the same manner as any shared object is built.
Filtering provides a mechanism oI abstracting the compilation environment Irom the runtime
environment. At link-edit time, a symbol reIerence that binds to a Iilter interIace is resolved to
the Iilters symbol deIinition. At runtime, a symbol reIerence that binds to a Iilter interIace can be
redirected to an alternative shared object.
Individual interIaces that are deIined within a shared object can be deIined as Iilters by using the
mapfile keywords ILTER or AUXILIARY. Alternatively, a shared object can deIine all oI the
interIaces the shared object oIIers as Iilters by using the link-editor's F or f Ilag. These
techniques are typically used individually, but can also be combined within the same shared
Two Iorms oI Iiltering exist.
SLandard fllLerlng
This Iiltering requires only a symbol table entry Ior the interIace being Iiltered. At
runtime, the implementation oI a Iilter symbol deIinition must be provided Irom a Iiltee.
InterIaces are deIined to act as standard Iilters by using the link-editor's mapfile
keyword ILTER, or by using the link-editor's F Ilag. This mapfile keyword or Ilag, is
qualiIied with the name oI one or more Iiltees that must supply the symbol deIinition at
A Iiltee that cannot be processed at runtime is skipped. A standard Iilter symbol that
cannot be located within the Iiltee, also causes the Iiltee to be skipped. In both oI these
cases, the symbol deIinition provided by the Iilter is not used to satisIy this symbol
uxlllary fllLerlng
This Iiltering provides a similar mechanism to standard Iiltering, except the Iilter
provides a Iall back implementation corresponding to the auxiliary Iilter interIaces. At
runtime, the implementation oI the symbol deIinition can be provided Irom a Iiltee.
InterIaces are deIined to act as auxiliary Iilters by using the link-editor's mapfile
keyword AUXILIARY, or by using the link-editor's f Ilag. This mapfile keyword or Ilag,
is qualiIied with the name oI one or more Iiltees that can supply the symbol deIinition at
A Iiltee that cannot be processed at runtime is skipped. An auxiliary Iilter symbol that
cannot be located within the Iiltee, also causes the Iiltee to be skipped. In both oI these
cases, the symbol deIinition provided by the Iilter is used to satisIy this symbol lookup.
enerating Standard Filters
To generate a standard Iilter, you Iirst deIine a Iiltee on which the Iiltering is applied. The
Iollowing example builds a Iiltee, suppling the symbols foo and bar.

$ .at filtee..
char bar = "defined in filtee";

char foo()
return("defined in filtee");
$ .. o pi. filtee..
Standard Iiltering can be provided in one oI two ways. To declare all oI the interIaces oIIered by
a shared object to be Iilters, use the link-editor's F Ilag. To declare individual interIaces oI a
shared object to be Iilters, use a link-editor mapfile and the ILTER keyword.
In the Iollowing example, the shared object is deIined to be a Iilter.
oIIers the symbols foo and bar, and is a Iilter on the Iiltee In this example, the
environment variable LD_JPTIJNS is used to circumvent the compiler driver Irom interpreting
the F option.

$ .at filter..
char bar = NULL;

char foo()
return (NULL);
.. o pi. h R. filter..
$ elfdump d | egrep "SONAE|FILTER"
2, SJNAME 0xee
3, ILTER 0xfb
The link-editor can reIerence the standard Iilter as a dependency when creating a
dynamic executable or shared object. The link-editor uses inIormation Irom the symbol table oI
the Iilter to satisIy any symbol resolution. However, at runtime, any reIerence to the symbols oI
the Iilter result in the additional loading oI the Iiltee The runtime linker uses the
Iiltee to resolve any symbols deIined by II the Iiltee is not Iound, or a Iilter
symbol is not Iound in the Iiltee, the Iilter is skipped Ior this symbol lookup.
For example, the Iollowing dynamic executable prog, reIerences the symbols foo and bar,
which are resolved during link-edit Irom the Iilter The execution oI prog results
in foo and bar being obtained Irom the Iiltee, not Irom the Iilter

$ .at main..
extern char bar, foo();

void main()
(void) printf("foo is %s: bar is %s\n", foo(), bar);
$ .. o prog main.. R.
$ prog
foo is defined in filtee: bar is defined in filtee
In the Iollowing example, the shared object deIines one oI its interIaces, foo, to be
a Iilter on the Iiltee

As no source code is supplied Ior foo(), the mapfile keyword, UNCTIJN, is used to ensure a
symbol table entry Ior foo is created.

$ .at filter..
char bar = "defined in filter";
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
foo , TYPE=UNCTIJN; ,;
$ .. o pi. h mapfile R. filter..
$ elfdump d | egrep "SONAE|FILTER"
2, SJNAME 0xd8
3, SUNW_ILTER 0xfb
$ elfdump y | egrep "foo|bar"
1, 3, foo
10, D <self bar
At runtime, any reIerence to the symbol foo oI the Iilter, results in the additional loading oI the
Iiltee The runtime linker uses the Iiltee to resolve only the symbol foo deIined by #eIerence to the symbol bar always uses the symbol Irom, as no
Iiltee processing is deIined Ior this symbol.
For example, the Iollowing dynamic executable prog, reIerences the symbols foo and bar,
which are resolved during link-edit Irom the Iilter The execution oI prog results
in foo being obtained Irom the Iiltee, and bar being obtained Irom the Iilter

$ .. o prog main.. R.
$ prog
foo is defined in filtee: bar is defined in filter
In these examples, the Iiltee is uniquely associated to the Iilter. The Iiltee is not
available to satisIy symbol lookup Irom any other objects that might be loaded as a consequence
oI executing prog.
Standard Iilters provide a convenient mechanism Ior deIining a subset interIace oI an existing
shared object. Standard Iilters provide Ior the creation oI an interIace group spanning a number
oI existing shared objects. Standard Iilters also provide a means oI redirecting an interIace to its
implementation. Several standard Iilters are used in the Oracle Solaris OS.
The /usr/lib/ Iilter provides a subset oI the standard library
/usr/lib/ This subset represents the ABI-conIorming Iunctions and data items that
reside in the library that must be imported by a conIorming application.
The /lib/ Iilter uses multiple Iiltees. This library provides socket and XTI
interIaces Irom /lib/, /lib/, and /lib/ deIines interIace Iilters to the runtime linker. These interIaces provide an abstraction
between the symbols reIerenced in a compilation environment Irom, and the actual
implementation binding produced within the runtime environment to deIines the standard Iilter gethostname(3) against Historically, both and have provided the same implementation Ior this symbol. By
establishing as a Iilter, only one implementation oI gethostname() need exist. As continues to export gethostname(), the interIace oI this library continues to
remain compatible with previous releases.
Because the code in a standard Iilter is never reIerenced at runtime, adding content to any
Iunctions deIined as Iilters is redundant. Any Iilter code might require relocation, which would
result in an unnecessary overhead when processing the Iilter at runtime. Functions are best
deIined as empty routines, or directly Irom a mapfile. See SMBOLSOPE /
SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
When generating data symbols within a Iilter, always associate the data with a section. This
association can be produced by deIining the symbol within a relocatable object Iile. This
association can also be produced by deIining the symbol within a mapfile together with a size
declaration and no value declaration. See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION
Directives. The resulting data deIinition ensures that reIerences Irom a dynamic executable are
established correctly.
Some oI the more complex symbol resolutions carried out by the link-editor require knowledge
oI a symbol's attributes, including the symbol's size. ThereIore, you should generate the symbols
in the Iilter so that their attributes match the attributes oI the symbols in the Iiltee. Maintaining
attribute consistency ensures that the link-editing process analyzes the Iilter in a manner that is
compatible with the symbol deIinitions used at runtime. See Symbol #esolution.

The link-editor uses the ELF class oI the Iirst relocatable Iile that is processed to govern the class
oI object that is created. Use the link-editor's 64 option to create a 64bit Iilter solely Irom a

enerating Auxiliar Filters
To generate an auxiliary Iilter, you Iirst deIine a Iiltee on which the Iiltering is applied. The
Iollowing example builds a Iiltee, supplying the symbol foo.

$ .at filtee..
char foo()
return("defined in filtee");
$ .. o pi. filtee..
Auxiliary Iiltering can be provided in one oI two ways. To declare all oI the interIaces oIIered by
a shared object to be auxiliary Iilters, use the link-editor's f Ilag. To declare individual
interIaces oI a shared object to be auxiliary Iilters, use a link-editor mapfile and the AUXILIARY
In the Iollowing example, the shared object is deIined to be an auxiliary Iilter. oIIers the symbols foo and bar, and is an auxiliary Iilter on the Iiltee In this example, the environment variable LD_JPTIJNS is used to circumvent the
compiler driver Irom interpreting the f option.

$ .at filter..
char bar = "defined in filter";

char foo()
return ("defined in filter");
$ LD_OPTIONS='f' \
.. o pi. h R. filter..
$ elfdump d | egrep "SONAE|AUILIARY"
2, SJNAME 0xee
The link-editor can reIerence the auxiliary Iilter as a dependency when creating a
dynamic executable or shared object. The link-editor uses inIormation Irom the symbol table oI
the Iilter to satisIy any symbol resolution. However, at runtime, any reIerence to the symbols oI
the Iilter result in a search Ior the Iiltee II this Iiltee is Iound, the runtime linker
uses the Iiltee to resolve any symbols deIined by II the Iiltee is not Iound, or a
symbol Irom the Iilter is not Iound in the Iiltee, then the original symbol within the Iilter is used.
For example, the Iollowing dynamic executable prog, reIerences the symbols foo and bar,
which are resolved during link-edit Irom the Iilter The execution oI prog results
in foo being obtained Irom the Iiltee, not Irom the Iilter However,
bar is obtained Irom the Iilter, as this symbol has no alternative deIinition in the

$ .at main..
extern char bar, foo();

void main()
(void) printf("foo is %s: bar is %s\n", foo(), bar);
$ .. o prog main.. R.
$ prog
foo is defined in filtee: bar is defined in filter
In the Iollowing example, the shared object deIines the interIace foo, to be an
auxiliary Iilter on the Iiltee

$ .at filter..
char bar = "defined in filter";

char foo()
return ("defined in filter");
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
foo , ,;
$ .. o pi. h mapfile R. filter..
$ elfdump d | egrep "SONAE|AUILIARY"
2, SJNAME 0xd8
$ elfdump y | egrep "foo|bar"
1, A 3, foo
10, D <self bar
At runtime, any reIerence to the symbol foo oI the Iilter, results in a search Ior the Iiltee II the Iiltee is Iound, the Iiltee is loaded. The Iiltee is then used to resolve the
symbol foo deIined by II the Iiltee is not Iound, symbol foo deIined by is used. #eIerence to the symbol bar always uses the symbol Irom,
as no Iiltee processing is deIined Ior this symbol.
For example, the Iollowing dynamic executable prog, reIerences the symbols foo and bar,
which are resolved during link-edit Irom the Iilter II the Iiltee
exists, the execution oI prog results in foo being obtained Irom the Iiltee, and bar
being obtained Irom the Iilter

$ .. o prog main.. R.
$ prog
foo is defined in filtee: bar is defined in filter
II the Iiltee does not exist, the execution oI prog results in foo and bar being
obtained Irom the Iilter

$ prog
foo is defined in filter: bar is defined in filter
In these examples, the Iiltee is uniquely associated to the Iilter. The Iiltee is not
available to satisIy symbol lookup Irom any other objects that might be loaded as a consequence
oI executing prog.
Auxiliary Iilters provide a mechanism Ior deIining an alternative interIace oI an existing shared
object. This mechanism is used in the Oracle Solaris OS to provide optimized Iunctionality
within hardware capability, and platIorm speciIic shared objects. See apability SpeciIic Shared
Objects, Instruction Set SpeciIic Shared Objects, and System SpeciIic Shared Objects Ior

The environment variable LD_NJAUXLTR can be set to disable the runtime linkers auxiliary Iilter
processing. Because auxiliary Iilters are Irequently employed to provide platIorm speciIic
optimizations, this option can be useIul in evaluating Iiltee use and their perIormance impact.

Filtering Combinations
Individual interIaces that deIine standard Iilters, together with individual interIaces that deIine
auxiliary Iilters, can be deIined within the same shared object. This combination oI Iilter
deIinitions is achieved by using the mapfile keywords ILTER and AUXILIARY to assign the
required Iiltees.
A shared object that deIines all oI its interIaces to be Iilters by using the F, or f option, is
either a standard or auxiliary Iilter.
A shared object can deIine individual interIaces to act as Iilters, together with deIining all the
interIaces oI the object to act as a Iilters. In this case, the individual Iiltering deIined Ior an
interIace is processed Iirst. When a Iiltee Ior an individual interIace Iilter can not be established,
the Iiltee deIined Ior all the interIaces oI the Iilter provides a Iall back iI appropriate.
For example, consider the Iilter This Iilter deIines that all interIaces act as
auxiliary Iilters against the Iiltee using the link-editor's f Ilag. also
deIines the individual interIace foo to be a standard Iilter against the Iiltee using the
mapfile keyword ILTER. also deIines the individual interIace bar to be an
auxiliary Iilter against the Iiltee using the mapfile keyword AUXILIARY.
An external reIerence to foo results in processing the Iiltee II foo can not be Iound
Irom, then no Iurther processing oI the Iilter is carried out. In this case, no Iall back
processing is perIormed because foo is deIined to be a standard Iilter.
An external reIerence to bar results in processing the Iiltee II bar can not be Iound
Irom, then processing Ialls back to the Iiltee In this case, Iall back
processing is perIormed because bar is deIined to be an auxiliary Iilter. II bar can not be Iound
Irom, then the deIinition oI bar within the Iilter is Iinally used to
resolve the external reIerence.
Filtee Processing
The runtime linker's processing oI a Iilter deIers loading a Iiltee until a Iilter symbol is
reIerenced. This implementation is analogous to the Iilter perIorming a dlopen(3), using mode
RTLD_LJCAL, on each oI its Iiltees as the Iiltee is required. This implementation accounts Ior
diIIerences in dependency reporting that can be produced by tools such as ldd(1).
The link-editor's loadfltr option can be used when creating a Iilter to cause the immediate
processing oI its Iiltees at runtime. In addition, the immediate processing oI all Iiltees within a
process, can be triggered by setting the LD_LJADLTR environment variable to any value.
Performance Considerations
A shared object can be used by multiple applications within the same system. The perIormance
oI a shared object aIIects the applications that use the shared object, and the system as a whole.
Although the code within a shared object directly aIIects the perIormance oI a running process,
the perIormance issues discussed here relate to the runtime processing oI the shared object. The
Iollowing sections investigate this processing in more detail by looking at aspects such as text
size and purity, together with relocation overhead.
Analzing Files With elfdump
Various tools are available to analyze the contents oI an ELF Iile, including the standard Unix
utilities dump(1), nm(1), and size(1). Under Oracle Solaris, these tools have been largely
superseded by elIdump(1).
The ELF Iormat organizes data into sections. Sections are in turn allocated to units known as
segments. Some segments describe how portions oI a Iile are mapped into memory. See
mmapobj(2). These loadable segments can be displayed by using the elIdump(1) command and
examining the LJAD entries.

$ elfdump p NPT_LOAD
Program Header0,:
p_vaddr: 0 p_flags: P_X P_R ,
p_paddr: 0 p_type: PT_LJAD ,
p_filesz: 0x53c p_memsz: 0x53c
p_offset: 0 p_align: 0x10000

Program Header1,:
p_vaddr: 0x1053c p_flags: P_X P_W P_R ,
p_paddr: 0 p_type: PT_LJAD ,
p_filesz: 0x114 p_memsz: 0x13c
p_offset: 0x53c p_align: 0x10000
There are two loadable segments in the shared object, commonly reIerred to as the
text and data segments. The text segment is mapped to allow reading and execution oI its
contents, P_X P_R. The data segment is mapped to also allow its contents to be modiIied,
P_W. The memory size, p_memsz, oI the data segment diIIers Irom the Iile size, p_filesz. This
diIIerence accounts Ior the .bss section, which is part oI the data segment, and is dynamically
created when the segment is loaded.
Programmers usually think oI a Iile in terms oI the symbols that deIine the Iunctions and data
elements within their code. These symbols can be displayed using the s option to elfdump. For

$ elfdump sN.symtab
Symbol Table Section: .symtab
index value size type bind oth ver shndx name
36, 0x00010628 0x00000028 JBJT GLJB D 0 .data data
38, 0x00010650 0x00000028 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss bss

40, 0x00000520 0x0000000c UNC GLJB D 0 .init _init
44, 0x00000508 0x00000014 UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo
46, 0x0000052c 0x0000000c UNC GLJB D 0 .fini _fini
The symbol table inIormation displayed by elfdump includes the section the symbol is
associated with. The elfdump . option can be used to display inIormation about these sections.

$ elfdump .
Section Header6,: sh_name: .text
sh_addr: 0x4f8 sh_flags: SH_ALLJC SH_EXECINSTR ,
sh_size: 0x28 sh_type: SHT_PRJGBITS ,
sh_offset: 0x4f8 sh_entsize: 0
sh_link: 0 sh_info: 0
sh_addralign: 0x8

Section Header7,: sh_name: .init
sh_addr: 0x520 sh_flags: SH_ALLJC SH_EXECINSTR ,
sh_size: 0xc sh_type: SHT_PRJGBITS ,
sh_offset: 0x520 sh_entsize: 0
sh_link: 0 sh_info: 0
sh_addralign: 0x4

Section Header8,: sh_name: .fini
sh_addr: 0x52c sh_flags: SH_ALLJC SH_EXECINSTR ,
sh_size: 0xc sh_type: SHT_PRJGBITS ,
sh_offset: 0x52c sh_entsize: 0
sh_link: 0 sh_info: 0
sh_addralign: 0x4
Section Header12,: sh_name: .data
sh_addr: 0x10628 sh_flags: SH_WRITE SH_ALLJC ,
sh_size: 0x28 sh_type: SHT_PRJGBITS ,
sh_offset: 0x628 sh_entsize: 0
sh_link: 0 sh_info: 0
sh_addralign: 0x4
Section Header14,: sh_name: .bss
sh_addr: 0x10650 sh_flags: SH_WRITE SH_ALLJC ,
sh_size: 0x28 sh_type: SHT_NJBITS ,
sh_offset: 0x650 sh_entsize: 0
sh_link: 0 sh_info: 0
sh_addralign: 0x4
The output Irom elIdump(1) in the above example shows the association oI the Iunctions _init,
foo, and _fini to the sections .init, .text and .fini. These sections, because oI their read-
only nature, are part oI the text segment.
Similarly, the data arrays data, and bss are associated with the sections .data and .bss
respectively. These sections, because oI their writable nature, are part oI the data segment.
&nderling Sstem
When an application is built using a shared object, the entire loadable contents oI the object are
mapped into the virtual address space oI that process at runtime. Each process that uses a shared
object starts by reIerencing a single copy oI the shared object in memory.
#elocations within the shared object are processed to bind symbolic reIerences to their
appropriate deIinitions. This results in the calculation oI true virtual addresses that could not be
derived at the time the shared object was generated by the link-editor. These relocations usually
result in updates to entries within the process's data segments.
The memory management scheme underlying the dynamic linking oI shared objects shares
memory among processes at the granularity oI a page. Memory pages can be shared as long as
they are not modiIied at runtime. II a process writes to a page oI a shared object when writing a
data item, or relocating a reIerence to a shared object, it generates a private copy oI that page.
This private copy will have no eIIect on other users oI the shared object. However, this page has
lost any beneIit oI sharing between other processes. Text pages that become modiIied in this
manner are reIerred to as impure.
The segments oI a shared object that are mapped into memory Iall into two basic categories; the
text segment, which is read-only, and the data segment, which is read-write. See Analyzing
Files With elfdump on how to obtain this inIormation Irom an ELF Iile. An overriding goal
when developing a shared object is to maximize the text segment and minimize the data segment.
This optimizes the amount oI code sharing while reducing the amount oI processing needed to
initialize and use a shared object. The Iollowing sections present mechanisms that can help
achieve this goal.
Laz Loading of namic ependencies
ou can deIer the loading oI a shared object dependency until the dependencies Iirst reIerence,
by establishing the object as lazy loadable. See Lazy Loading oI Dynamic Dependencies.
For small applications, a typical thread oI execution can reIerence all the applications
dependencies. The application loads all oI its dependencies whether the dependencies are deIined
lazy loadable or not. However, under lazy loading, dependency processing can be deIerred Irom
process startup and spread throughout the process's execution.
For applications with many dependencies, lazy loading oIten results in some dependencies not
being loaded at all. Dependencies that are not reIerenced Ior a particular thread oI execution, are
not loaded.
Position-Independent Code
The code within a dynamic executable is typically position-dependent, and is tied to a Iixed
address in memory. Shared objects, on the other hand, can be loaded at diIIerent addresses in
diIIerent processes. Position-independent code is not tied to a speciIic address. This
independence allows the code to execute eIIiciently at a diIIerent address in each process that
uses the code. Position-independent code is recommended Ior the creation oI shared objects.
The compiler can generate position-independent code under the pi. option.
II a shared object is built Irom position-dependent code, the text segment can require
modiIication at runtime. This modiIication allows relocatable reIerences to be assigned to the
location that the object has been loaded. The relocation oI the text segment requires the segment
to be remapped as writable. This modiIication requires a swap space reservation, and results in a
private copy oI the text segment Ior the process. The text segment is no longer sharable between
multiple processes. Position-dependent code typically requires more runtime relocations than the
corresponding position-independent code. Overall, the overhead oI processing text relocations
can cause serious perIormance degradation.
When a shared object is built Irom position-independent code, relocatable reIerences are
generated as indirections through data in the shared object's data segment. The code within the
text segment requires no modiIication. All relocation updates are applied to corresponding
entries within the data segment. See Global OIIset Table (Processor-SpeciIic) and Procedure
Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic) Ior more details on the speciIic indirection techniques.
The runtime linker attempts to handle text relocations should these relocations exist. However,
some relocations can not be satisIied at runtime.
The x64 position-dependent code sequence typically generates code which can only be loaded
into the lower 32bits oI memory. The upper 32bits oI any address must all be zeros. Since
shared objects are typically loaded at the top oI memory, the upper 32bits oI an address are
required. Position-dependent code within an x64 shared object is thereIore insuIIicient to cope
with relocation requirements. Use oI such code within a shared object can result in runtime
relocation errors.

$ prog prog: fatal: relocation error: R_AMD64_32: file \ symbol (unknown): value 0xfffffd7fff0cd457 does not fit
Position-independent code can be loaded in any region in memory, and hence satisIies the
requirements oI shared objects Ior x64.
This situation diIIers Irom the deIault ABS64 mode that is used Ior 64bit SPA#V9 code. This
position-dependent code is typically compatible with the Iull 64bit address range. Thus,
position-dependent code sequences can exist within SPA#V9 shared objects. Use oI either the
ABS32 mode, or ABS44 mode Ior 64bit SPA#V9 code, can still result in relocations that can
not be resolved at runtime. However, each oI these modes require the runtime linker to relocate
the text segment.
#egardless oI the runtime linkers Iacilities, or diIIerences in relocation requirements, shared
objects should be built using position-independent code.
ou can identiIy a shared object that requires relocations against its text segment. The Iollowing
example uses elIdump(1) to determine whether a TEXTREL entry dynamic entry exists.

$ .. o R. foo..
$ elfdump d | grep TETREL

The value oI the TEXTREL entry is irrelevant. The presence oI this entry in a shared object
indicates that text relocations exist.

To prevent the creation oI a shared object that contains text relocations use the link-editor's
text Ilag. This Ilag causes the link-editor to generate diagnostics indicating the source oI any
position-dependent code used as input. The Iollowing example shows how position-dependent
code results in a Iailure to generate a shared object.

$ .. o text R. foo..
Text relocation remains referenced
against symbol offset in file
foo 0x0 foo.o
bar 0x8 foo.o
ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but \
non-writable sections
Two relocations are generated against the text segment because oI the position-dependent code
generated Irom the Iile foo.o. Where possible, these diagnostics indicate any symbolic
reIerences that are required to carry out the relocations. In this case, the relocations are against
the symbols foo and bar.
Text relocations within a shared object can also occur when hand written assembler code is
included and does not include the appropriate position-independent prototypes.

ou might want to experiment with some simple source Iiles to determine coding sequences that
enable position-independence. Use the compilers ability to generate intermediate assembler

SPARC: pi. and PIC Uptions
For SPA# binaries, a subtle diIIerence between the pi. option and an alternative PIC
option aIIects reIerences to global oIIset table entries. See Global OIIset Table (Processor-
The global oIIset table is an array oI pointers, the size oI whose entries are constant Ior 32bit
(4bytes) and 64bit (8bytes). The Iollowing code sequence makes reIerence to an entry under
ld %l7 + j,, %o0 ! load &j into %o0
Where %l7 is the precomputed value oI the symbol _GLJBAL_JSET_TABLE_ oI the object
making the reIerence.
This code sequence provides a 13bit displacement constant Ior the global oIIset table entry.
This displacement thereIore provides Ior 2048 unique entries Ior 32bit objects, and 1024 unique
entries Ior 64bit objects. II the creation oI an object requires more than the available number oI
entries, the link-editor produces a Iatal error.

$ .. pi. o a.o b.o ... .o
ld: fatal: too many symbols require `small' PIC references:
have 2050, maximum 2048 -- recompile some modules -K PIC.
To overcome this error condition, compile some oI the input relocatable objects with the PIC
option. This option provides a 32bit constant Ior the global oIIset table entry.
sethi %hi(j), %g1
or %g1, %lo(j), %g1 ! get 32-bit constant GJT offset
ld %l7 + %g1,, %o0 ! load &j into %o0
ou can investigate the global oIIset table requirements oI an object using elIdump(1) with the
option. ou can also examine the processing oI these entries during a link-edit using the link-
editors debugging tokens D got,detail.
Ideally, Irequently accessed data items beneIit Irom using the pi. model. ou can reIerence
a single entry using both models. However, determining which relocatable objects should be
compiled with either option can be time consuming, and the perIormance improvement realized
small. A recompilation oI all relocatable objects with the PIC option is typically easier.
Remove &nused Material
The inclusion oI Iunctions and data that are not used by the object being built, is wasteIul. This
material bloats the object, which can result in unnecessary relocation overhead and associated
paging activity. #eIerences to unused dependencies are also wasteIul. These reIerences result in
the unnecessary loading and processing oI other shared objects.
Unused sections are displayed during a link-edit when using the link-editors debugging token D
unused. Sections identiIied as unused should be removed Irom the link-edit. Unused sections can
be eliminated using the link-editors ignore option.
The link-editor identiIies a section Irom a relocatable object as unused under the Iollowing
O The section is allocatable
O No other sections bind to (relocate) to this section
O The section provides no global symbols
ou can improve the link-editor's ability to eliminate sections by deIining the shared object's
external interIaces. By deIining an interIace, global symbols that are not deIined as part oI the
interIace are reduced to locals. #educed symbols that are unreIerenced Irom other objects, are
now clearly identiIied as candidates Ior elimination.
Individual Iunctions and data variables can be eliminated by the link-editor iI these items are
assigned to their own sections. This section reIinement is achieved using compiler options such
as xF. Earlier compilers only provided Ior the assignment oI Iunctions to their own sections.
Newer compilers have extended the xF syntax to assign data variables to their own sections.
Earlier compilers required exception handling to be disabled when using xF. This
restriction has been dropped with later compilers.
II all allocatable sections Irom a relocatable object can be eliminated, the entire Iile is discarded
Irom the link-edit.
In addition to input Iile elimination, the link-editor also identiIies unused dependencies. A
dependency is deemed unused iI the dependency is not bound to by the object being produced.
An object can be built with the ignore option to eliminate the recording oI unused
The ignore option applies only to the Iiles that Iollow the option on the link-edit command
line. The ignore option is cancelled with re.ord.
Maximizing Shareabilit
As mentioned in Underlying System, only a shared object's text segment is shared by all
processes that use the object. The object's data segment typically is not shared. Each process
using a shared object, generates a private memory copy oI its entire data segment as data items
within the segment are written to. #educe the data segment, either by moving data elements that
are never written to the text segment, or by removing the data items completely.
The Iollowing sections describe several mechanisms that can be used to reduce the size oI the
data segment.
Move Read-Unly Data to Text
Data elements that are read-only should be moved into the text segment using const
declarations. For example, the Iollowing character string resides in the .data section, which is
part oI the writable data segment.

char rdstr = "this is a read-only string";
In contrast, the Iollowing character string resides in the .rodata section, which is the read-only
data section contained within the text segment.

const char rdstr = "this is a read-only string";
#educing the data segment by moving read-only elements into the text segment is admirable.
However, moving data elements that require relocations can be counterproductive. For example,
examine the Iollowing array oI strings.

char rdstrs, = , "this is a read-only string",
"this is another read-only string" ,;
A better deIinition might seem to be to use the Iollowing deIinition.

const char const rdstrs, = , ..... ,;
This deIinition ensures that the strings and the array oI pointers to these strings are placed in a
.rodata section. UnIortunately, although the user perceives the array oI addresses as read-only,
these addresses must be relocated at runtime. This deIinition thereIore results in the creation oI
text relocations. #epresenting the array as:

const char rdstrs, = , ..... ,;
ensures the array pointers are maintained in the writable data segment where they can be
relocated. The array strings are maintained in the read-only text segment.

Some compilers, when generating position-independent code, can detect read-only assignments
that result in runtime relocations. These compilers arrange Ior placing such items in writable
segments. For example, .picdata.

Collapse Multiply-Defined Data
Data can be reduced by collapsing multiply-deIined data. A program with multiple occurrences
oI the same error messages can be better oII by deIining one global datum, and have all other
instances reIerence this. For example.

const char Errmsg = "prog: error encountered: %d";

(void) fprintf(stderr, Errmsg, error);
The main candidates Ior this sort oI data reduction are strings. String usage in a shared object can
be investigated using strings(1). The Iollowing example generates a sorted list oI the data strings
within the Iile Each entry in the list is preIixed with the number oI occurrences oI
the string.

$ strings 1 | sort | uniq . | sort rn
Use Automatic Variables
Permanent storage Ior data items can be removed entirely iI the associated Iunctionality can be
designed to use automatic (stack) variables. Any removal oI permanent storage usually results in
a corresponding reduction in the number oI runtime relocations required.
Allocate Buffers Dynamically
Large data buIIers should usually be allocated dynamically rather than being deIined using
permanent storage. OIten this results in an overall saving in memory, as only those buIIers
needed by the present invocation oI an application are allocated. Dynamic allocation also
provides greater Ilexibility by enabling the buIIer's size to change without aIIecting
Minimizing Paging Activit
Any process that accesses a new page causes a page Iault, which is an expensive operation.
Because shared objects can be used by many processes, any reduction in the number oI page
Iaults that are generated by accessing a shared object can beneIit the process and the system as a
Organizing Irequently used routines and their data to an adjacent set oI pages Irequently
improves perIormance because it improves the locality oI reIerence. When a process calls one oI
these Iunctions, the Iunction might already be in memory because oI its proximity to the other
Irequently used Iunctions. Similarly, grouping interrelated Iunctions improves locality oI
reIerences. For example, iI every call to the Iunction foo() results in a call to the Iunction
bar(), place these Iunctions on the same page. Tools like cIlow(1), tcov(1), proI(1) and gproI(1)
are useIul in determining code coverage and proIiling.
Isolate related Iunctionality to its own shared object. The standard library has historically been
built containing many unrelated Iunctions. Only rarely, Ior example, will any single executable
use everything in this library. Because oI widespread use, determining what set oI Iunctions are
really the most Irequently used is also somewhat diIIicult. In contrast, when designing a shared
object Irom scratch, maintain only related Iunctions within the shared object. This improves
locality oI reIerence and has the side eIIect oI reducing the object's overall size.
In #elocation Processing, the mechanisms by which the runtime linker relocates dynamic
executables and shared objects to create a runable process was covered. #elocation Symbol
Lookup and When #elocations Are PerIormed categorized this relocation processing into two
areas to simpliIy and help illustrate the mechanisms involved. These same two categorizations
are also ideally suited Ior considering the perIormance impact oI relocations.
Symbol Lookup
When the runtime linker needs to look up a symbol, by deIault it does so by searching in each
object. The runtime linker starts with the dynamic executable, and progresses through each
shared object in the same order that the objects are loaded. In many instances, the shared object
that requires a symbolic relocation turns out to be the provider oI the symbol deIinition.
In this situation, iI the symbol used Ior this relocation is not required as part oI the shared
object's interIace, then this symbol is a strong candidate Ior conversion to a static or automatic
variable. A symbol reduction can also be applied to removed symbols Irom a shared objects
interIace. See #educing Symbol Scope Ior more details. By making these conversions, the link-
editor incurs the expense oI processing any symbolic relocation against these symbols during the
shared object's creation.
The only global data items that should be visible Irom a shared object are those that contribute to
its user interIace. Historically this has been a hard goal to accomplish, because global data are
oIten deIined to allow reIerence Irom two or more Iunctions located in diIIerent source Iiles. By
applying symbol reduction, unnecessary global symbols can be removed. See #educing Symbol
Scope. Any reduction in the number oI global symbols exported Irom a shared object results in
lower relocation costs and an overall perIormance improvement.
The use oI direct bindings can also signiIicantly reduce the symbol lookup overhead within a
dynamic process that has many symbolic relocations and many dependencies. See Appendix D,
Direct Bindings.
Wben Relocations are Performed
All immediate reIerence relocations must be carried out during process initialization beIore the
application gains control. However, any lazy reIerence relocations can be deIerred until the Iirst
instance oI a Iunction being called. Immediate relocations typically result Irom data reIerences.
ThereIore, reducing the number oI data reIerences also reduces the runtime initialization oI a
Initialization relocation costs can also be deIerred by converting data reIerences into Iunction
reIerences. For example, you can return data items by a Iunctional interIace. This conversion
usually results in a perceived perIormance improvement because the initialization relocation
costs are eIIectively spread throughout the process's execution. Some oI the Iunctional interIaces
might never be called by a particular invocation oI a process, thus removing their relocation
overhead altogether.
The advantage oI using a Iunctional interIace can be seen in the section, opy #elocations. This
section examines a special, and somewhat expensive, relocation mechanism employed between
dynamic executables and shared objects. It also provides an example oI how this relocation
overhead can be avoided.
Combined Relocation Sections
The relocation sections within relocatable objects are typically maintained in a one-to-one
relationship with the sections to which the relocations must be applied. However, when the linker
editor creates an executable or shared object, all but the procedure linkage table relocations are
placed into a single common section named .SUNW_reloc.
ombining relocation records in this manner enables all RELATIVE relocations to be grouped
together. All symbolic relocations are sorted by symbol name. The grouping oI RELATIVE
relocations permits optimized runtime processing using the DT_RELACJUNT/DT_RELCJUNT
.dynamic entries. Sorted symbolic entries help reduce runtime symbol lookup.
Copy Relocations
Shared objects are usually built with position-independent code. #eIerences to external data
items Irom code oI this type employs indirect addressing through a set oI tables. See Position-
Independent ode Ior more details. These tables are updated at runtime with the real address oI
the data items. These updated tables enable access to the data without the code itselI being
Dynamic executables, however, are generally not created Irom position-independent code. Any
reIerences to external data they make can seemingly only be achieved at runtime by modiIying
the code that makes the reIerence. ModiIying a read-only text segment is to be avoided. The
cop relocation technique can solve this reIerence.
Suppose the link-editor is used to create a dynamic executable, and a reIerence to a data item is
Iound to reside in one oI the dependent shared objects. Space is allocated in the dynamic
executable's .bss, equivalent in size to the data item Iound in the shared object. This space is
also assigned the same symbolic name as deIined in the shared object. Along with this data
allocation, the link-editor generates a special copy relocation record that instructs the runtime
linker to copy the data Irom the shared object to the allocated space within the dynamic
Because the symbol assigned to this space is global, it is used to satisIy any reIerences Irom any
shared objects. The dynamic executable inherits the data item. Any other objects within the
process that make reIerence to this item are bound to this copy. The original data Irom which the
copy is made eIIectively becomes unused.
The Iollowing example oI this mechanism uses an array oI system error messages that is
maintained within the standard library. In previous SunOS operating system releases, the
interIace to this inIormation was provided by two global variables, sys_errlist,, and
sys_nerr. The Iirst variable provided the array oI error message strings, while the second
conveyed the size oI the array itselI. These variables were commonly used within an application
in the Iollowing manner.

$ .at foo..
extern int sys_nerr;
extern char sys_errlist,;

error(int errnumb)
if ((errnumb < 0) || (errnumb = sys_nerr))
return (0);
return (sys_errlisterrnumb,);
The application uses the Iunction error to provide a Iocal point to obtain the system error
message associated with the number errnumb.
Examining a dynamic executable built using this code shows the implementation oI the copy
relocation in more detail.

$ .. o prog main.. foo..
$ elfdump sN.dynsym prog | grep ' sys_'
24, 0x00021240 0x00000260 JBJT GLJB D 1 .bss
39, 0x00021230 0x00000004 JBJT GLJB D 1 .bss sys_nerr
$ elfdump . prog
Section Header19,: sh_name: .bss
sh_addr: 0x21230 sh_flags: SH_WRITE SH_ALLJC ,
sh_size: 0x270 sh_type: SHT_NJBITS ,
sh_offset: 0x1230 sh_entsize: 0
sh_link: 0 sh_info: 0
sh_addralign: 0x8
$ elfdump r prog

Relocation Section: .SUNW_reloc
type offset addend section symbol
R_SPARC_CJPY 0x21240 0 .SUNW_reloc sys_errlist
R_SPARC_CJPY 0x21230 0 .SUNW_reloc sys_nerr
The link-editor has allocated space in the dynamic executable's .bss to receive the data
represented by sys_errlist and sys_nerr. These data are copied Irom the library by the
runtime linker at process initialization. Thus, each application that uses these data gets a private
copy oI the data in its own data segment.
There are two drawbacks to this technique. First, each application pays a perIormance penalty Ior
the overhead oI copying the data at runtime. Second, the size oI the data array sys_errlist has
now become part oI the library's interIace. Suppose the size oI this array were to change,
perhaps as new error messages are added. Any dynamic executables that reIerence this array
have to undergo a new link-edit to be able to access any oI the new error messages. Without this
new link-edit, the allocated space within the dynamic executable is insuIIicient to hold the new
These drawbacks can be eliminated iI the data required by a dynamic executable are provided by
a Iunctional interIace. The ANSI Iunction strerror(3) returns a pointer to the appropriate error
string, based on the error number supplied to it. One implementation oI this Iunction might be:

$ .at strerror..
static const char sys_errlist, = ,
"Error 0",
"Not owner",
"No such file or directory",
static const int sys_nerr =
sizeof (sys_errlist) / sizeof (char );

strerror(int errnum)
if ((errnum < 0) || (errnum = sys_nerr))
return (0);
return ((char )sys_errlisterrnum,);
The error routine in foo.c can now be simpliIied to use this Iunctional interIace. This
simpliIication in turn removes any need to perIorm the original copy relocations at process
Additionally, because the data are now local to the shared object, the data are no longer part oI
its interIace. The shared object thereIore has the Ilexibility oI changing the data without
adversely eIIecting any dynamic executables that use it. Eliminating data items Irom a shared
object's interIace generally improves perIormance while making the shared object's interIace and
code easier to maintain.
ldd(1), when used with either the d or r options, can veriIy any copy relocations that exist
within a dynamic executable.
For example, suppose the dynamic executable prog had originally been built against the shared
object and the Iollowing two copy relocations had been recorded.

$ .at foo..
int _size_gets_smaller16,;
int _size_gets_larger16,;
$ .. o foo..
$ .. o prog main.. L. R. lfoo
$ elfdump sN.symtab prog | grep _sie
49, 0x000211d0 0x00000040 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss
59, 0x00021190 0x00000040 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss
$ elfdump r prog | grep _sie
R_SPARC_CJPY 0x211d0 0 .SUNW_reloc
R_SPARC_CJPY 0x21190 0 .SUNW_reloc
A new version oI this shared object is supplied that contains diIIerent data sizes Ior these

$ .at foo2..
int _size_gets_smaller4,;
int _size_gets_larger32,;
$ .. o foo2..
$ elfdump sN.symtab | grep _sie
37, 0x000105cc 0x00000010 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss
41, 0x000105dc 0x00000080 JBJT GLJB D 0 .bss
#unning ldd(1) against the dynamic executable reveals the Iollowing.

$ ldd d prog = ./
relocation R_SPARC_CJPY sizes differ: _size_gets_larger
(file prog size=0x40; file ./ size=0x80)
prog size used; possible data truncation
relocation R_SPARC_CJPY sizes differ: _size_gets_smaller
(file prog size=0x40; file ./ size=0x10)
./ size used; possible insufficient data copied
ldd(1) shows that the dynamic executable will copy as much data as the shared object has to
oIIer, but only accepts as much as its allocated space allows.
opy relocations can be eliminated by building the application Irom position-independent code.
See Position-Independent ode.
&sing the B symboli. Option
The link-editor's B symboli. option enables you to bind symbol reIerences to their global
deIinitions within a shared object. This option is historic, in that it was designed Ior use in
creating the runtime linker itselI.
DeIining an object's interIace and reducing non-public symbols to local is preIerable to using the
B symboli. option. See #educing Symbol Scope. Using B symboli. can oIten result in some
non-intuitive side eIIects.
II a symbolically bound symbol is interposed upon, then reIerences to the symbol Irom outside oI
the symbolically bound object bind to the interposer. The object itselI is already bound
internally. Essentially, two symbols with the same name are now being reIerenced Irom within
the process. A symbolically bound data symbol that results in a copy relocation creates the same
interposition situation. See opy #elocations.

Symbolically bound shared objects are identiIied by the .dynamic Ilag D_SYMBJLIC. This Ilag
is inIormational only. The runtime linker processes symbol lookups Irom these objects in the
same manner as any other object. Any symbolic binding is assumed to have been created at the
link-edit phase.

Profiling Shared Objects
The runtime linker can generate proIiling inIormation Ior any shared objects that are processed
during the running oI an application. The runtime linker is responsible Ior binding shared objects
to an application and is thereIore able to intercept any global Iunction bindings. These bindings
take place through .plt entries. See When #elocations Are PerIormed Ior details oI this
The LD_PRJILE environment variable speciIies the name oI a shared object to proIile. ou can
analyze a single shared object using this environment variable. The setting oI the environment
variable can be used to analyze the use oI the shared object by one or more applications. In the
Iollowing example, the use oI libc by the single invocation oI the command ls(1) is analyzed.

$ ls l
In the Iollowing example, the environment variable setting is recorded in a conIiguration Iile.
This setting causes any application's use oI libc to accumulate the analyzed inIormation.

# .rle e
$ ls l
$ make
$ ...
When proIiling is enabled, a proIile data Iile is created, iI it does not already exist. The Iile is
mapped by the runtime linker. In the previous examples, this data Iile is
/var/tmp/ 64bit libraries require an extended proIile Iormat and are
written using the .profilex suIIix. ou can also speciIy an alternative directory to store the
proIile data using the LD_PRJILE_JUTPUT environment variable.
This proIile data Iile is used to deposit proIil(2) data and call count inIormation related to the use
oI the speciIied shared object. This proIiled data can be directly examined with gproI(1).

gproI(1) is most commonly used to analyze the gmon.out proIile data created by an executable
that has been compiled with the xpg option oI cc(1). The runtime linker's proIile analysis does
not require any code to be compiled with this option. Applications whose dependent shared
objects are being proIiled should not make calls to proIil(2), because this system call does not
provide Ior multiple invocations within the same process. For the same reason, these applications
must not be compiled with the xpg option oI cc(1). This compiler-generated mechanism oI
proIiling is also built on top oI proIil(2).

One oI the most powerIul Ieatures oI this proIiling mechanism is to enable the analysis oI a
shared object as used by multiple applications. Frequently, proIiling analysis is carried out using
one or two applications. However, a shared object, by its very nature, can be used by a multitude
oI applications. Analyzing how these applications use the shared object can oIIer insights into
where energy might be spent to improvement the overall perIormance oI the shared object.
The Iollowing example shows a perIormance analysis oI libc over a creation oI several
applications within a source hierarchy.

$ ; export LD_PROFILE
$ make
$ gprof b /lib/ /var/tmp/

granularity: each sample hit covers 4 byte(s) ....

called/total parents
index %time self descendents called+self name index
called/total children
0.33 0.00 52/29381 _gettxt 96,
1.12 0.00 174/29381 _tzload 54,
10.50 0.00 1634/29381 <external
16.14 0.00 2512/29381 _opendir 15,
160.65 0.00 25009/29381 _endopen 3,
2, 35.0 188.74 0.00 29381 _open 2,
granularity: each sample hit covers 4 byte(s) ....

% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name
35.0 188.74 188.74 29381 6.42 6.42 _open 2,
13.0 258.80 70.06 12094 5.79 5.79 _write 4,
9.9 312.32 53.52 34303 1.56 1.56 _read 6,
7.1 350.53 38.21 1177 32.46 32.46 _fork 9,
The special name external> indicates a reIerence Irom outside oI the address range oI the
shared object being proIiled. Thus, in the previous example, 1634 calls to the Iunction open(2)
within libc occurred Irom the dynamic executables, or Irom other shared objects, bound with
libc while the proIiling analysis was in progress.

The proIiling oI shared objects is multithread saIe, except in the case where one thread calls
Iork(2) while another thread is updating the proIile data inIormation. The use oI Iork(2) removes
this restriction.
Chapter 5 Application Binar Interfaces and
ELF objects processed by the link-editor and runtime linker provide many global symbols to
which other objects can bind. These symbols describe the object's application binary interIace
(ABI). During the evolution oI an object, this interIace can change due to the addition or deletion
oI global symbols. In addition, the object's evolution can involve internal implementation
Versioning reIers to several techniques that can be applied to an object to indicate interIace and
implementation changes. These techniques provide Ior controlled evolution oI the object, while
maintaining backward compatibility.
This chapter describes how to deIined an object's ABI. Also covered, are how changes to this
ABI interIace can aIIect backward compatibility. These concepts are explored with models that
convey how interIace, together with implementation changes, can be incorporated into a new
release oI an object.
The Iocus oI this chapter is on the runtime interIaces oI dynamic executables and shared objects.
The techniques used to describe and manage changes within these dynamic objects are presented
in generic terms. A common set oI naming conventions and versioning scenarios as applied to
shared objects can be Iound in Appendix B, Versioning Quick #eIerence.
Developers oI dynamic objects must be aware oI the ramiIications oI an interIace change and
understand how such changes can be managed, especially in regards to maintaining backward
compatibility with previously shipped objects.
The global symbols that are made available by any dynamic object represent the object's public
interIace. Frequently, the number oI global symbols that remain in an object aIter a link-edit are
more than you would like to make public. These global symbols stem Irom the symbol state that
is required between the relocatable objects used to create the object. These symbols represent
private interIaces within the object.
To deIine an object'sABI, you should Iirst determine those global symbols that you want to make
publicly available Irom the object. These public symbols can be established using the link-
editor's option and an associated mapfile as part oI the Iinal link-edit. This technique is
introduced in #educing Symbol Scope. This public interIace establishes one or more version
deIinitions within the object being created. These deIinitions Iorm the Ioundation Ior the addition
oI new interIaces as the object evolves.
The Iollowing sections build upon this initial public interIace. First though, you should
understand how various changes to an interIace can be categorized so that these interIaces can be
managed appropriately.
Interface Compatibilit
Many types oI change can be made to an object. In their simplest terms, these changes can be
categorized into one oI two groups.
O Compatible updates. These updates are additive. All previously available interIaces
remain intact.
O Incompatible updates. These updates change the existing interIace. Existing users oI the
interIace can Iail, or behave incorrectly.
The Iollowing table categorizes some common object changes.
1able 31 Lxamples of lnLerface CompaLlblllLy
Object Change &pdate
The addition oI a symbol ompatible
The removal oI a symbol Incompatible
Object Change &pdate
The addition oI an argument to a non-varargs(3EXT) Iunction Incompatible
The removal oI an argument Irom a Iunction Incompatible
The change oI size, or content, oI a data item to a Iunction or as an external
A bug Iix, or internal enhancement to a Iunction, providing the semantic
properties oI the object remain unchanged
A bug Iix, or internal enhancement to a Iunction when the semantic properties
oI the object change

Because oI interposition, the addition oI a symbol can constitute an incompatible update. The
new symbol might conIlict with an applications use oI that symbol. However, this Iorm oI
incompatibility does seem rare in practice as source-level namespace management is commonly

ompatible updates can be accommodated by maintaining version deIinitions that are internal to
the object being generated. Incompatible updates can be accommodated by producing a new
object with a new external versioned name. Both oI these versioning techniques enable the
selective binding oI applications. These techniques also enable veriIication oI correct version
binding at runtime. These two techniques are explored in more detail in the Iollowing sections.
Internal Versioning
A dynamic object can have one or more internal version deIinitions associated with the object.
Each version deIinition is commonly associated with one or more symbol names. A symbol
name can only be associated with one version deIinition. However, a version deIinition can
inherit the symbols Irom other version deIinitions. Thus, a structure exists to deIine one or more
independent, or related, version deIinitions within the object being created. As new changes are
made to the object, new version deIinitions can be added to express these changes.
Version deIinitions within a shared object provide two Iacilities.
O Dynamic objects that are built against a versioned shared object can record their
dependency on the version deIinitions bound to. These version dependencies are veriIied
at runtime to ensure that the appropriate interIaces, or Iunctionality, are available Ior the
correct execution oI an application.
O Dynamic objects can select the version deIinitions oI a shared object to bind to during
their link-edit. This mechanism enables developers to control their dependency on a
shared object to the interIaces, or Iunctionality, that provide the most Ilexibility.
Creating a Version efinition
Version deIinitions commonly consist oI an association oI symbol names to a unique version
name. These associations are established within a mapfile and supplied to the Iinal link-edit oI
an object using the link-editor's option. This technique is introduced in the section #educing
Symbol Scope.
A version deIinition is established whenever a version name is speciIied as part oI the mapfile
directive. In the Iollowing example, two source Iiles are combined, together with mapfile
directives, to produce an object with a deIined public interIace.

$ .at foo..
#include <stdio.h
extern const char _foo1;

void foo1()
(void) printf(_foo1);

$ .at data..
const char _foo1 = "string used by foo1()\n";

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. . pi. foo.. data..
$ .. o mapfile foo.o data.o
$ elfdump sN.symtab | grep 'foo.'
32, 0x0001074c 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data _foo1
53, 0x00000560 0x00000038 UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo1
The symbol foo1 is the only global symbol that is deIined to provide the shared object's public
interIace. The special auto-reduction directive '* causes the reduction oI all other global
symbols to have local binding within the object being generated. The auto-reduction directive is
described in SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives. The associated version
name, SUNW_1.1, causes the generation oI a version deIinition. Thus, the shared object's public
interIace consists oI the global symbol foo1 associated to the internal version deIinition
Whenever a version deIinition, or the auto-reduction directive, are used to generate an object, a
base version deIinition is also created. This base version is deIined using the name oI the object
being built. This base version is used to associate any reserved symbols generated by the link-
editor. See Generating the Output File Ior a list oI reserved symbols.
The version deIinitions that are contained within an object can be displayed using pvs(1) with the
d option.

$ pvs d;
The object has an internal version deIinition named SUNW_1.1, together with a
base version deIinition

The link-editor's noversion option allows symbol reduction to be directed by a mapfile but
suppresses the creation oI version deIinitions.

From this initial version deIinition, the object can evolve by adding new interIaces together with
updated Iunctionality. For example, a new Iunction, foo2, together with its supporting data
structures, can be added to the object by updating the source Iiles foo.c and data.c.

$ .at foo..
#include <stdio.h
extern const char _foo1;
extern const char _foo2;

void foo1()
(void) printf(_foo1);

void foo2()
(void) printf(_foo2);

$ .at data..
const char _foo1 = "string used by foo1()\n";
const char _foo2 = "string used by foo2()\n";
A new version deIinition, SUNW_1.2, can be created to deIine a new interIace representing the
symbol foo2. In addition, this new interIace can be deIined to inherit the original version
deIinition SUNW_1.1.
The creation oI this new interIace is important, as the interIace describes the evolution oI the
object. These interIaces enable users to veriIy and select the interIaces to bind with. These
concepts are covered in more detail in Binding to a Version DeIinition and in SpeciIying a
Version Binding.
The Iollowing example shows the mapfile directives that create these two interIaces.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2 , # Release X+1
, SUNW_1.1;

$ .. o mapfile foo.o data.o
$ elfdump sN.symtab | grep 'foo.'
28, 0x000107a4 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data _foo1
29, 0x000107a8 0x00000004 JBJT LJCL H 0 .data _foo2
48, 0x000005e8 0x00000020 UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo1
51, 0x00000618 0x00000020 UNC GLJB D 0 .text foo2
The symbols foo1 and foo2 are both deIined to be part oI the shared object's public interIace.
However, each oI these symbols is assigned to a diIIerent version deIinition. foo1 is assigned to
version SUNW_1.1. foo2 is assigned to version SUNW_1.2.
These version deIinitions, their inheritance, and their symbol association can be displayed using
pvs(1) together with the d, v and s options.

$ pvs dsv
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,:
The version deIinition SUNW_1.2 has a dependency on the version deIinition SUNW_1.1.
The inheritance oI one version deIinition by another version deIinition is a useIul technique. This
inheritance reduces the version inIormation that is eventually recorded by any object that binds
to a version dependency. Version inheritance is covered in more detail in the section Binding to a
Version DeIinition.
A version deIinition symbol is created and associated with a version deIinition. As shown in the
previous pvs(1) example, these symbols are displayed when using the v option.
Creating a Weak Version Definition
Internal changes to an object that do not require the introduction oI a new interIace deIinition can
be deIined by creating a weak version deIinition. Examples oI such changes are bug Iixes or
perIormance improvements. Such a version deIinition is empty. The version deIinition has no
global interIace symbols associated with the deIinition.
For example, suppose the data Iile data.c, used in the previous examples, is updated to provide
more detailed string deIinitions.

$ .at data..
const char _foo1 = "string used by function foo1()\n";
const char _foo2 = "string used by function foo2()\n";
A weak version deIinition can be introduced to identiIy this change.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2 , # Release X+1
, SUNW_1.1;

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2.1 , , SUNW_1.2; # Release X+2

$ .. o mapfile foo.o data.o
$ pvs dv;
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,;
SUNW_1.2.1 WEAK,: ,SUNW_1.2,;
The empty version deIinition is signiIied by the weak label. These weak version deIinitions
enable applications to veriIy the existence oI a particular implementation detail. An application
can bind to the version deIinition that is associated with an implementation detail that the
application requires. The section Binding to a Version DeIinition illustrates how these deIinitions
can be used in more detail.
Defining Unrelated Interfaces
The previous examples show how new version deIinitions added to an object inherit any existing
version deIinitions. ou can also create version deIinitions that are unique and independent. In
the Iollowing example, two new Iiles, bar1.c and bar2.c, are added to the object
These Iiles contribute two new symbols, bar1 and bar2, respectively.

$ .at bar1..
extern void foo1();

void bar1()
$ .at bar2..
extern void foo2();

void bar2()
These two symbols are intended to deIine two new public interIaces. Neither oI these new
interIaces are related to each other. However, each interIace expresses a dependency on the
original SUNW_1.2 interIace.
The Iollowing mapfile deIinition creates the required association.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2 , # Release X+1
, SUNW_1.1;

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2.1 , , SUNW_1.2; # Release X+2

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.3a , # Release X+3
, SUNW_1.2;

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.3b , # Release X+3
, SUNW_1.2;
The version deIinitions created in when using this mapfile, and their related
dependencies, can be inspected using pvs(1).

$ .. o mapfile foo.o bar1.o bar2.o data.o
$ pvs dv;
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,;
SUNW_1.2.1 WEAK,: ,SUNW_1.2,;
SUNW_1.3a: ,SUNW_1.2,;
SUNW_1.3b: ,SUNW_1.2,;
Version deIinitions can be used to veriIy runtime binding requirements. Version deIinitions can
also be used to control the binding oI an object during the objects creation. The Iollowing
sections explore these version deIinition usages in more detail.
Binding to a Version efinition
When a dynamic executable or shared object is built against other shared objects, these
dependencies are recorded in the resulting object. See Shared Object Processing and #ecording a
Shared Object Name Ior more details. II a dependency also contain version deIinitions, then an
associated version dependency is recorded in the object being built.
The Iollowing example uses the data Iiles Irom the previous section to generate a shared object,, which is suitable Ior a compile time environment.

$ .. o h mapfile foo.o bar.o \
$ ln s
$ pvs dsv
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,:
SUNW_1.2.1 WEAK,: ,SUNW_1.2,:
SUNW_1.3a: ,SUNW_1.2,:
SUNW_1.3b: ,SUNW_1.2,:
Six public interIaces are oIIered by the shared object Four oI these interIaces,
SUNW_1.1, SUNW_1.2, SUNW_1.3a, and SUNW_1.3b, deIine exported symbol names. One
interIace, SUNW_1.2.1, describes an internal implementation change to the object. One interIace,, deIines several reserved labels. Dynamic objects created with as a
dependency, record the version names oI the interIaces the dynamic object binds to.
The Iollowing example creates an application that reIerences symbols foo1 and foo2. The
versioning dependency inIormation that is recorded in the application can be examined using
pvs(1) with the r option.

$ .at prog..
extern void foo1();
extern void foo2();

$ .. o prog prog.. L. R. lfoo
$ pvs r prog (SUNW_1.2, SUNW_1.2.1);
In this example, the application prog has bound to the two interIaces SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.2.
These interIaces provided the global symbols foo1 and foo2 respectively.
Because version deIinition SUNW_1.1 is deIined within as being inherited by the
version deIinition SUNW_1.2, you only need to record the one dependency. This inheritance
provides Ior the normalization oI version deIinition dependencies. This normalization reduces
the amount oI version inIormation that is maintained within an object. This normalization also
reduces the version veriIication processing that is required at runtime.
Because the application prog was built against the shared object's implementation containing the
weak version deIinition SUNW_1.2.1, this dependency is also recorded. Even though this version
deIinition is deIined to inherit the version deIinition SUNW_1.2, the version's weak nature
precludes its normalization with SUNW_1.1. A weak version deIinition results in a separate
dependency recording.
Had there been multiple weak version deIinitions that inherited Irom each other, then these
deIinitions are normalized in the same manner as non-weak version deIinitions are.

The recording oI a version dependency can be suppressed by the link-editor's noversion

The runtime linker validates the existence oI any recorded version deIinitions Irom the objects
that are bound to when the application is executed. This validation can be displayed using ldd(1)
with the v option. For example, by running ldd(1) on the application prog, the version
deIinition dependencies are shown to be Iound correctly in the dependency

$ ldd v prog

find; required by prog = ./
find; (SUNW_1.2) = ./ (SUNW_1.2.1) = ./

ldd(1) with the v option implies verbose output. A recursive list oI all dependencies, together
with all versioning requirements, is generated.

II a non-weak version deIinition dependency cannot be Iound, a Iatal error occurs during
application initialization. Any weak version deIinition dependency that cannot be Iound is
silently ignored. For example, iI the application prog is run in an environment in which only contains the version deIinition SUNW_1.1, then the Iollowing Iatal error

$ pvs dv;
$ prog prog: fatal: version `SUNW_1.2' not \
found (required by file prog)
II prog had not recorded any version deIinition dependencies, the nonexistence oI the symbol
foo2 could result in a Iatal relocation error a runtime. This relocation error might occur at
process initialization, or during process execution. An error condition might not occur at all iI the
execution path oI the application did not call the Iunction foo2. See #elocation Errors.
A version deIinition dependency provides an alternative and immediate indication oI the
availability oI the interIaces required by the application.
For example, prog might run in an environment in which only contains the version
deIinitions SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.2. In this event, all non-weak version deIinition requirements
are satisIied. The absence oI the weak version deIinition SUNW_1.2.1 is deemed nonIatal. In this
case, no runtime error condition is generated.

$ pvs dv;
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,;
$ prog
string used by foo1()
string used by foo2()
ldd(1) can be used to display all version deIinitions that cannot be Iound.

$ ldd prog = ./ (SUNW_1.2.1) = (version not found)
At runtime, iI an implementation oI a dependency contains no version deIinition inIormation,
then any version veriIication oI the dependency is silently ignored. This policy provides a level
oI backward compatibility as a transition Irom non-versioned to versioned shared objects occurs.
ldd(1) can always be used to display any version requirement discrepancies.

The environment variable LD_NJVERSIJN can be used to suppress all runtime versioning

Verifying Versions in Additional Ub|ects
Version deIinition symbols also provide a mechanism Ior veriIying the version requirements oI
an object obtained by dlopen(3). An object that is added to the process's address space by using
dlopen(3) receives no automatic version dependency veriIication. Thus, the caller oI
dlopen(3) is responsible Ior veriIying that any versioning requirements are met.
The presence oI a required version deIinition can be veriIied by looking up the associated
version deIinition symbol using dlsym(3). The Iollowing example adds the shared object to a process using dlopen(3). The availability oI the interIace SUNW_1.2 is then

#include <stdio.h
#include <dlfcn.h

void handle;
const char file = "";
const char vers = "SUNW_1.2";

if ((handle = dlopen(file, (RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_IRST))) == NULL) ,
(void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
return (1);

if (dlsym(handle, vers) == NULL) ,
(void) printf("fatal: %s: version `%s' not found\n",
file, vers);
return (1);

The use oI the dlopen(3) Ilag RTLD_IRST ensures that the dlsym(3) search is restricted to

Specifing a Version Binding
When creating a dynamic object that is linked against a shared object containing version
deIinitions, you can instruct the link-editor to limit the binding to speciIic version deIinitions.
EIIectively, the link-editor enables you to control an object's binding to speciIic interIaces.
An object's binding requirements can be controlled using a DEPEND_VERSIJNS mapIile directive.
This directive is supplied using the link-editor's option and an associated mapfile. The
DEPEND_VERSIJNS directive uses the Iollowing syntax.
$mapfile_version 2
ALLJW = ver8ion_name;
REQUIRE = ver8ion_name;
O obfname represents the name oI the shared object dependency. This name should match
the shared object's compilation environment name as used by the link-editor. See Library
Naming onventions.
O The ALLJW attribute is used to speciIy version deIinition names within the shared object
that should be made available Ior binding. Multiple ALLJW attributes can be speciIied.
O The REQUIRE attribute allows additional version deIinitions to be recorded. Multiple
REQUIRE attributes can be speciIied.
The control oI version binding can be useIul in the Iollowing scenarios.
O When a shared object deIines independent, unique versions. This versioning is possible
when deIining diIIerent standards interIaces. An object can be built with binding controls
to ensure the object only binds to a speciIic interIace.
O When a shared object has been versioned over several soItware releases. An object can be
built with binding controls to restrict its binding to the interIaces that were available in a
previous soItware release. Thus, an object can run with an old release oI the shared object
dependency, aIter being built using the latest release oI the shared object.
The Iollowing example illustrates the use oI the version control mechanism. This example uses
the shared object containing the Iollowing version interIace deIinitions.

$ pvs dsv
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,:
The version deIinitions SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.2 represent interIaces within that
were made available in soItware Release X and Release X+1 respectively.
An application can be built to bind only to the interIaces available in Release X by using the
Iollowing version control mapfile directive.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
For example, suppose you develop an application, prog, and want to ensure that the application
can run on Release X. The application must only use the interIaces available in Release X. II
the application mistakenly reIerences the symbol bar, then the application is not compliant with
the required interIace. This condition is signalled by the link-editor as an undeIined symbol error.

$ .at prog..
extern void foo1();
extern void bar();

$ .. o prog prog.. mapfile L. R. lfoo
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
bar prog.o (symbol belongs to unavailable \
version ./ (SUNW_1.2))
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to prog
To be compliant with the SUNW_1.1 interIace, you must remove the reIerence to bar. ou can
either rework the application to remove the requirement on bar, or add an implementation oI bar
to the creation oI the application.

By deIault, shared object dependencies encountered as part oI a link-edit, are also veriIied
against any Iile control directives. Use the environment variable LD_NJVERSIJN to suppress the
version veriIication oI any shared object dependencies.

Binding to Additional Version Definitions
To record more version dependencies than would be produced Irom the normal symbol binding
oI an object, use the REQUIRE attribute to the DEPEND_VERSIJNS mapIiile directive. The
Iollowing sections describe scenarios where this additional binding can be useIul.
ReJeflnlng un nterfuce
One scenario is the consumption oI an ISV speciIic interIace into a public standard interIace.
From the previous example, assume that in Release X+2, the version deIinition
SUNW_1.1 is subdivided into two standard releases, STAND_A and STAND_B. To preserve
compatibility, the SUNW_1.1 version deIinition must be maintained. In this example, this version
deIinition is expressed as inheriting the two standard deIinitions.

$ pvs dsv
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,:
II the only requirement oI application prog is the interIace symbol foo1, the application will
have a single dependency on the version deIinition STAND_A. This precludes running prog on a
system where is less than Release X+2. The version deIinition STAND_A did not
exist in previous releases, even though the interIace foo1 did.
The application prog can be built to align its requirement with previous releases by creating a
dependency on SUNW_1.1.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .at prog
extern void foo1();

$ .. mapfile o prog prog.. L. R. lfoo
$ pvs r prog (SUNW_1.1);
This explicit dependency is suIIicient to encapsulate the true dependency requirements. This
dependency satisIies compatibility with older releases.
lnJlng to u Weuk Verxlon
reating a Weak Version DeIinition described how weak version deIinitions can be used to mark
an internal implementation change. These version deIinitions are well suited to indicate bug Iixes
and perIormance improvements made to an object. II the existence oI a weak version is required,
an explicit dependency on this version deIinition can be generated. The creation oI such a
dependency can be important when a bug Iix, or perIormance improvement, is critical Ior the
object to Iunction correctly.
From the previous example, assume a bug Iix is incorporated as the weak version
deIinition SUNW_1.2.1 in soItware Release X+3:

$ pvs dsv
SUNW_1.2: ,SUNW_1.1,:
SUNW_1.2.1 WEAK,: ,SUNW_1.2,:
Normally, iI an application is built against this, the application records a weak
dependency on the version deIinition SUNW_1.2.1. This dependency is inIormational only. This
dependency does not cause termination oI the application should the version deIinition not exist
in the implementation oI that is used at runtime.
The REQUIRE attribute to the DEPEND_VERSIJNS mapIile directive can be used to generate an
explicit dependency on a version deIinition. II this deIinition is weak, then this explicit reIerence
also the version deIinition to be promoted to a strong dependency.
The application prog can be built to enIorce the requirement that the SUNW_1.2.1 interIace be
available at runtime by using the Iollowing Iile control directive.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .at prog
extern void foo1();

$ .. mapfile o prog prog.. L. R. lfoo
$ pvs r prog (SUNW_1.2.1);
prog has an explicit dependency on the interIace STAND_A. Because the version deIinition
SUNW_1.2.1 is promoted to a strong version, the version SUNW_1.2.1 is normalized with the
dependency STAND_A. At runtime, iI the version deIinition SUNW_1.2.1 cannot be Iound, a Iatal
error is generated.

When working with a small number oI dependencies, you can use the link-editor's u option to
explicitly bind to a version deIinition. Use this option to reIerence the version deIinition symbol.
However, a symbol reIerence is nonselective. When working with multiple dependencies, that
contain similarly named version deIinitions, this technique might be insuIIicient to create explicit

Version Stabilit
Various models have been described that provide Ior binding to a version deIinition within an
object. These models allow Ior the runtime validation oI interIace requirements. This veriIication
only remains valid iI the individual version deIinitions remain constant over the liIe time oI the
A version deIinition Ior an object can be created Ior other objects to bind with. This version
deIinition must continue to exist in subsequent releases oI the object. Both the version name and
the symbols associated with the version must remain constant. To help enIorce these
requirements, wildcard expansion oI the symbol names deIined within a version deIinition is not
supported. The number oI symbols that can match a wildcard might diIIer over the course oI an
objects evolution. This diIIerence can lead to accidental interIace instability.
Relocatable Objects
The previous sections have described how version inIormation can be recorded within dynamic
objects. #elocatable objects can maintain versioning inIormation in a similar manner. However,
subtle diIIerences exist regarding how this inIormation is used.
Any version deIinitions supplied to the link-edit oI a relocatable object are recorded in the object.
These deIinitions Iollow the same Iormat as version deIinitions recorded in dynamic objects.
However, by deIault, symbol reduction is not carried out on the relocatable object being created.
Symbol reductions that are deIined by the versioning inIormation are applied to the relocatable
object when the object is used to create a dynamic object.
In addition, any version deIinition Iound in a relocatable object is propagated to the dynamic
object. For an example oI version processing in relocatable objects, see #educing Symbol Scope.

Symbol reduction that is implied by a version deIinition can be applied to a relocatable object by
using the link-editors B redu.e option.

External Versioning
#untime reIerences to a shared object should always reIer to the versioned Iile name. A
versioned Iile name is usually expressed as a Iile name with a version number suIIix.
Should a shared object's interIace changes in an incompatible manner, such a change can break
old applications. In this instance, a new shared object should be distributed with a new versioned
Iile name. In addition, the original versioned Iile name must still be distributed to provide the
interIaces required by the old applications.
ou should provide shared objects as separate versioned Iile names within the runtime
environment when building applications over a series oI soItware releases. ou can then
guarantee that the interIace against which the applications were built is available Ior the
application to bind during their execution.
The Iollowing section describes how to coordinate the binding oI an interIace between the
compilation and runtime environments.
Coordination of Versioned Filenames
A link-edit commonly reIerences shared object dependencies using the link-editors l option.
This option uses the link-editor's library search mechanism to locate shared objects that are
preIixed with lib and suIIixed with .so.
However, at runtime, any shared object dependencies should exist as a versioned Iile name.
Instead oI maintaining two distinct shared objects that Iollow two naming conventions, create
Iile system links between the two Iile names.
For example, the shared object can be made available to the compilation
environment by using a symbolic link. The compilation Iile name is a symbolic link to the
runtime Iile name.

$ .. o pi. foo..
$ ln s
$ ls l libfoo*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 usr grp 11 1991 -
-rwxrwxr-x 1 usr grp 3136 1991
Either a symbolic link or hard link can be used. However, as a documentation and diagnostic aid,
symbolic links are more useIul.
The shared object has been generated Ior the runtime environment. The symbolic
link, has also enabled this Iile's use in a compilation environment.

$ .. o prog main.o L. lfoo
The link-editor processes the relocatable object main.o with the interIace described by the
shared object, which is Iound by Iollowing the symbolic link
Over a series oI soItware releases, new versions oI can be distributed with changed
interIaces. The compilation environment can be constructed to use the interIace that is applicable
by changing the symbolic link.

$ ls l libfoo*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 usr grp 11 1993 -
-rwxrwxr-x 1 usr grp 3136 1991
-rwxrwxr-x 1 usr grp 3237 1992
-rwxrwxr-x 1 usr grp 3554 1993
In this example, three major versions oI the shared object are available. Two versions, and, provide the dependencies Ior existing applications. oIIers the latest major release Ior creating and running new applications.
The use oI this symbolic link mechanism solely is insuIIicient to coordinate the compilation
shared object with a runtime versioned Iile name. As the example presently stands, the link-
editor records in the dynamic executable prog the Iile name oI the shared object the link-editor
processes. In this case, that Iile name seen by the link-editor is the compilation environment Iile.

$ elfdump d prog | grep libfoo
0, NEEDED 0x1b7
When the application prog is executed, the runtime linker searches Ior the dependency prog binds to the Iile to which this symbolic link is pointing.
To ensure the correct runtime name is recorded as a dependency, the shared object
should be built with an soname deIinition. This deIinition identiIies the shared object's runtime
name. This name is used as the dependency name by any object that links against the shared
object. This deIinition can be provided using the h option during the creation oI the shared

$ .. o pi. h foo..
$ ln s
$ .. o prog main.o L. lfoo
$ elfdump d prog | grep libfoog
0, NEEDED 0x1b7
This symbolic link and the soname mechanism establish a robust coordination between the
shared-object naming conventions oI the compilation and runtime environment. The interIace
processed during the link-edit is accurately recorded in the output Iile generated. This recording
ensures that the intended interIace are Iurnished at runtime.
Multiple External Versioned Files in the Same Process
The creation oI a new externally versioned shared object is a major change. Be sure you
understand the complete dependencies oI any processes that use a member oI a Iamily oI
externally versioned shared objects.
For example, an application might have a dependency on and an externally
delivered object This latter object might also have a dependency on
The application might be redesigned to use the new interIaces in However, the
application might not change the use oI the external object Depending on the
scope oI visibility oI the implementations oI that get loaded at runtime, both major
versions oI the Iile can be brought into the running process. The only reason to change the
version oI is to mark an incompatible change. ThereIore, having both versions oI the
object within a process can lead to incorrect symbol binding and hence undesirable interactions.
The creation oI an incompatible interIace change should be avoided. Only iI you have Iull
control over the interIace deIinition, and all oI the objects that reIerence this deIinition, should an
incompatible change be considered.
Chapter 6 Support Interfaces
The link-editor and runtime linker provide support interIaces that enable the monitoring, and
modiIication, oI link-editor and runtime linker processing. These interIaces typically require a
more advanced understanding oI link-editing concepts than has been described in previous
chapters. The Iollowing interIaces are described in this chapter.
O ld-support Link-Editor Support InterIace
O rtld-audit #untime Linker Auditing InterIace
O rtld-debugger #untime Linker Debugger InterIace
Link-Editor Support Interface
The link-editor perIorms many operations including the opening oI Iiles and the concatenation oI
sections Irom these Iiles. Monitoring, and sometimes modiIying, these operations can oIten be
beneIicial to components oI a compilation system.
This section describes the ld-support interIace. This interIace provides Ior input Iile inspection,
and to some degree, input Iile data modiIication oI those Iiles that compose a link-edit. Two
applications that employ this interIace are the link-editor and the make(1S) utility. The link
editor uses the interIace to process debugging inIormation within relocatable objects. The make
utility uses the interIace to save state inIormation.
The ld-support interIace is composed oI a support library that oIIers one or more support
interIace routines. This library is loaded as part oI the link-edit process. Any support routines
that are Iound in the library are called at various stages oI link-editing.
ou should be Iamiliar with the elI(3ELF) structures and Iile Iormat when using this interIace.
Invoking the Support Interface
The link-editor accepts one or more support libraries provided by either the SGS_SUPPJRT
environment variable or with the link-editor's S option. The environment variable consists oI a
colon separated list oI support libraries.

$ .. ...
The S option speciIies a single support library. Multiple S options can be speciIied.

$ LD_OPTIONS="" .. ...
A support library is a shared object. The link-editor opens each support library, in the order the
libraries are speciIied, using dlopen(3). II both the environment variable and S option are
encountered, then the support libraries speciIied with the environment variable are processed
Iirst. Each support library is then searched, using dlsym(3), Ior any support interIace routines.
These support routines are then called at various stages oI link-editing.
A support library must be consistent with the ELF class oI the link-editor being invoked, either
32bit or 64bit. See 32Bit Environments and 64Bit Environments Ior more details.
-Bit Environments and -Bit Environments
As described in 32Bit Environments and 64Bit Environments, the 64bit link-editor, ld(1), is
capable oI generating 32bit objects. In addition, the 32bit link-editor is capable oI generating
64bit objects. Each oI these objects has an associated support interIace deIined.
The support interIace Ior 64bit objects is similar to the interIace oI 32bit objects, but ends in a
64 suIIix. For example ld_start() and ld_start64(). This convention allows both
implementations oI the support interIace to reside in a single shared object oI each class, 32bit
and 64bit.
The SGS_SUPPJRT environment variable can be speciIied with a _32 or _64 suIIix, and the link-
editor options ld32 and ld64 can be used to deIine S option requirements. These
deIinitions will only be interpreted, respectively, by the 32bit or 64bit class oI the link-editor.
This enables both classes oI support library to be speciIied when the class oI the link-editor
might not be known.
Support Interface Functions
All ld-support interIace are deIined in the header Iile link.h. All interIace arguments are basic
types or ELF types. The ELF data types can be examined with the ELF access library libelf.
See elI(3ELF) Ior a description oI libelf contents. The Iollowing interIace Iunctions are
provided by the ld-support interIace, and are described in their expected order oI use.
This Iunction provides the initial handshake between the link-editor and the support
uint_t ld_version(uint_t ver8ion);
The link-editor calls this interIace with the highest version oI the ld-support interIace that
the link-editor is capable oI supporting. The support library can veriIy this version is
suIIicient Ior its use. The support library can then return the version that the support
library expects to use. This version is normally LD_SUP_VCURRENT.
II the support library does not provide this interIace, the initial support level
LD_SUP_VERSIJN1 is assumed.
II the support library returns the version LD_SUP_VNJNE, the link-editor silently unloads
the support library, and proceeds without using it. II the returned version is greater than
the ld-support interIace the link-editor supports, a Iatal error is issued, and the link-editor
terminates execution. Otherwise, execution continues, using the support library at the
speciIied ld-support interIace version.
This Iunction is called aIter initial validation oI the link-editor command line. This
Iunction indicates the start oI input Iile processing.
void ld_start(const char name, const Elf32_Half type,
const char caller);

void ld_start64(const char name, const Elf64_Half type,
const char caller);
name is the output Iile name being created. type is the output Iile type, which is either
ET_DYN, ET_REL, or ET_EXEC, as deIined in sys/elf.h. caller is the application calling
the interIace, which is normally /usr/bin/ld, or /usr/ccs/bin/ld.
This Iunction is called Ior each Iile input to the link-edit. This Iunction, which was added
in version LD_SUP_VERSIJN3, provides greater Ilexibility than the ld_file() Iunction.
This Iunction allows the support library to replace the Iile descriptor, ELF descriptor,
together with the associated Iile names. This Iunction provides the Iollowing possible
usage scenarios.
O The addition oI new sections to an existing ELF Iile. In this case, the original ELF
descriptor should be replaced with a descriptor that allows the ELF Iile to be
updated. See the EL_C_RDWR argument oI elIbegin(3ELF).
O The entire input Iile can be replaced with an alternative. In this case, the original
Iile descriptor and ELF descriptor should be replaced with descriptors that are
associated with the new Iile.
In both scenarios the path name and Iile name can be replaced with alternative names that
indicate the input Iile has been modiIied.
void ld_open(const char pname, const char fname, int fd,
int flag8, Elf elf, Elf ref, size_t off, Elf_Kind kind);
void ld_open64(const char pname, const char fname, int fd,
int flag8, Elf elf, Elf ref, size_t off, Elf_Kind kind);
pname is the path name oI the input Iile about to be processed. 1name is the Iile name oI
the input Iile about to be processed. 1name is typically the base name oI the pname. Both
pname and 1name can be modiIied by the support library.
1d is the Iile descriptor oI the input Iile. This descriptor can be closed by the support
library, and a new Iile descriptor can be returned to the link-editor. A Iile descriptor with
the value -1 can be returned to indicate that the Iile should be ignored.

The 1d passed to ld_open() is set to the value -1 iI the link-editor is unable to allow
ld_open() to close the Iile descriptor. The most common reason where this can occur is
in the case oI processing an archive member. II a value oI -1 is passed to ld_open(), the
descriptor can not be closed, nor should a replacement descriptor be returned by the
support library.

The 1lags Iield indicates how the link-editor obtained the Iile. This Iield can be one or
more oI the Iollowing deIinitions.
O LD_SUP_DERIVED The Iile name was not explicitly named on the command line.
The Iile was derived Irom a l expansion. Or, the Iile identiIies an extracted
archive member.
O LD_SUP_EXTRACTED The Iile was extracted Irom an archive.
O LD_SUP_INHERITED The Iile was obtained as a dependency oI a command line
shared object.
II no 1lags values are speciIied, then the input Iile has been explicitly named on the
command line.
el1 is the ELF descriptor oI the input Iile. This descriptor can be closed by the support
library, and a new ELF descriptor can be returned to the link-editor. An ELF descriptor
with the value 0 can be returned to indicate that the Iile should be ignored. When the el1
descriptor is associated with a member oI an archive library, the re1 descriptor is the ELF
descriptor oI the underlying archive Iile. The o11 represents the oIIset oI the archive
member within the archive Iile.
ind indicates the input Iile type, which is either EL_K_AR, or EL_K_EL, as deIined in
This Iunction is called Ior each Iile input to the link-edit. This Iunction is called beIore
any processing oI the Iiles data is carried out.
void ld_file(const char name, const Elf_Kind kind, int flag8,
Elf elf);

void ld_file64(const char name, const Elf_Kind kind, int flag8,
Elf elf);
name is the input Iile about to be processed. ind indicates the input Iile type, which is
either EL_K_AR, or EL_K_EL, as deIined in libelf.h. The 1lags Iield indicates how
the link-editor obtained the Iile. This Iield can contain the same deIinitions as the 1lags
Iield Ior ld_open().
O LD_SUP_DERIVED The Iile name was not explicitly named on the command line.
The Iile was derived Irom a l expansion. Or, the Iile identiIies an extracted
archive member.
O LD_SUP_EXTRACTED The Iile was extracted Irom an archive.
O LD_SUP_INHERITED The Iile was obtained as a dependency oI a command line
shared object.
II no 1lags values are speciIied, then the input Iile has been explicitly named on the
command line.
el1 is the ELF descriptor oI the input Iile.
This Iunction is called Ior each section oI the input Iile. This Iunction, which was added
in version LD_SUP_VERSIJN2, is called beIore the link-editor has determined whether the
section should be propagated to the output Iile. This Iunction diIIers Irom ld_se.tion()
processing, which is only called Ior sections that contribute to the output Iile.
void ld_input_section(const char name, Elf32_Shdr 8hdr,
Elf32_Word 8ndx, Elf_Data data, Elf elf, unit_t flag8);

void ld_input_section64(const char name, Elf64_Shdr 8hdr,
Elf64_Word 8ndx, Elf_Data data, Elf elf, uint_t flag8);
name is the input section name. shdr is a pointer to the associated section header. sndx is
the section index within the input Iile. data is a pointer to the associated data buIIer. el1 is
a pointer to the Iile's ELF descriptor. 1lags is reserved Ior Iuture use.
ModiIication oI the section header is permitted by reallocating a section header and
reassigning the *shdr to the new header. The link-editor uses the section header
inIormation that *shdr points to upon return Irom ld_input_se.tion() to process the
ou can modiIy the data by reallocating the data and reassigning the Elf_Data buIIer's
d_buf pointer. Any modiIication to the data should ensure the correct setting oI the
Elf_Data buIIer's d_size element. For input sections that become part oI the output
image, setting the d_size element to zero eIIectively removes the data Irom the output
The 1lags Iield points to a uint_t data Iield that is initially zero Iilled. No Ilags are
currently assigned, although the ability to assign Ilags in Iuture updates, by the link-editor
or the support library, is provided.
This Iunction is called Ior each section oI the input Iile that is propagated to the output
Iile. This Iunction is called beIore any processing oI the section data is carried out.
void ld_section(const char name, Elf32_Shdr 8hdr,
Elf32_Word 8ndx, Elf_Data data, Elf elf);

void ld_section64(const char name, Elf64_Shdr 8hdr,
Elf64_Word 8ndx, Elf_Data data, Elf elf);
name is the input section name. shdr is a pointer to the associated section header. sndx is
the section index within the input Iile. data is a pointer to the associated data buIIer. el1 is
a pointer to the Iiles ELF descriptor.
ou can modiIy the data by reallocating the data and reassigning the Elf_Data buIIer's
d_buf pointer. Any modiIication to the data should ensure the correct setting oI the
Elf_Data buIIer's d_size element. For input sections that become part oI the output
image, setting the d_size element to zero eIIectively removes the data Irom the output

Sections that are removed Irom the output Iile are not reported to ld_se.tion().
Sections are stripped using the link-editor's s option. Sections are discarded due to
SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT processing or SH_EXCLUDE identiIication. See OMDAT Section,
and Table 78.

This Iunction, which was added in version LD_SUP_VERSIJN2, is called when input Iile
processing is complete, but beIore the output Iile is laid out.
void ld_input_done(uint_t flag8);
The 1lags Iield points to a uint_t data Iield that is initially zero Iilled. No Ilags are
currently assigned, although the ability to assign Ilags in Iuture updates, by the link-editor
or the support library, is provided.
This Iunction is called when the link-edit is complete.
void ld_atexit(int 8tatu8);

void ld_atexit64(int 8tatu8);
status is the exit(2) code that will be returned by the link-editor and is either
EXIT_AILURE or EXIT_SUCCESS, as deIined in stdlib.h.
Support Interface Example
The Iollowing example creates a support library that prints the section name oI any relocatable
object Iile processed as part oI a 32bit link-edit.

$ .at support..
#include <link.h
#include <stdio.h

static int indent = 0;

ld_start(const char name, const Elf32_Half type,
const char caller)
(void) printf("output image: %s\n", name);

ld_file(const char name, const Elf_Kind kind, int flags,
Elf elf)
if (flags & LD_SUP_EXTRACTED)
indent = 4;
indent = 2;

(void) printf("%sfile: %s\n", indent, "", name);

ld_section(const char name, Elf32_Shdr shdr, Elf32_Word sndx,
Elf_Data data, Elf elf)
Elf32_Ehdr ehdr = elf32_getehdr(elf);

if (ehdr-e_type == ET_REL)
(void) printf("%s section %ld,: %s\n", indent,
"", (long)sndx, name);
This support library is dependent upon libelf to provide the ELF access Iunction
elI32getehdr(3ELF) that is used to determine the input Iile type. The support library is built
using the Iollowing.

$ .. o pi. support.. lelf l.
The Iollowing example shows the section diagnostics resulting Irom the construction oI a trivial
application Irom a relocatable object and a local archive library. The invocation oI the support
library, in addition to deIault debugging inIormation processing, is brought about by the S
option usage.

$ LD_OPTIONS=S./ .. o prog main.. L. lfoo

output image: prog
file: /opt/CJMPILER/crti.o
section 1,: .shstrtab
section 2,: .text
file: /opt/CJMPILER/crt1.o
section 1,: .shstrtab
section 2,: .text
file: /opt/CJMPILER/values-xt.o
section 1,: .shstrtab
section 2,: .text
file: main.o
section 1,: .shstrtab
section 2,: .text
file: ./libfoo.a
file: ./libfoo.a(foo.o)
section 1,: .shstrtab
section 2,: .text
file: /lib/
file: /opt/CJMPILER/crtn.o
section 1,: .shstrtab
section 2,: .text

The number oI sections that are displayed in this example have been reduced to simpliIy the
output. Also, the Iiles included by the compiler driver can vary.

Runtime Linker Auditing Interface
The rtld-audit interIace enables you to access inIormation pertaining to the runtime linking oI a
process. The rtld-audit interIace is implemented as an audit library that oIIers one or more
auditing interIace routines. II this library is loaded as part oI a process, the audit routines are
called by the runtime linker at various stages oI process execution. These interIaces enable the
audit library to access the Iollowing inIormation.
O The search Ior dependencies. Search paths can be substituted by the audit library.
O InIormation regarding loaded objects.
O Symbol bindings that occur between loaded objects. These bindings can be altered by the
audit library.
O The lazy binding mechanism that is provided by procedure linkage table entries, allow
the auditing oI Iunction calls and their return values. See Procedure Linkage Table
(Processor-SpeciIic). The arguments to a Iunction and return value oI a Iunction can be
modiIied by the audit library.
Some oI this inIormation can be obtained by preloading specialized shared objects. However, a
preloaded object exists within the same namespace as the objects oI a application. This
preloading oIten restricts, or complicates the implementation oI the preloaded shared object. The
rtld-audit interIace oIIers you a unique namespace in which to execute audit libraries. This
namespace ensures that the audit library does not intrude upon the normal bindings that occur
within the application.
An example oI using the rtld-audit interIace is the runtime proIiling oI shared objects that is
described in ProIiling Shared Objects.
Establishing a amespace
When the runtime linker binds a dynamic executable with its dependencies, a linked list oI link-
maps is generated to describe the application. The link-map structure describes each object
within the application. The link-map structure is deIined in /usr/include/sys/link.h. The
symbol search mechanism that is required to bind together the objects oI an application traverse
this list oI link-maps. This link-map list is said to provide the namespace Ior the applications
symbol resolution.
The runtime linker is also described by a link-map. This link-map is maintained on a diIIerent
list Irom the list oI application objects. The runtime linker thereIore resides in its own unique
namespace, which prevents the application Irom seeing, or being able to directly access, any
services within the runtime linker. An application can thereIore only access the runtime linker
through the Iilters provided by, or
Two identiIiers are deIined in /usr/include/link.h to deIine the application and runtime
linker link-map lists.
#define LM_ID_BASE 0 / application link-map list /
#define LM_ID_LDSJ 1 / runtime linker link-map list /
In addition to these two standard link-map lists, the runtime linker allows the creation oI an
arbitrary number oI additional link-map lists. Each oI these additional link-map lists provides a
unique namespace. The rtld-audit interIace employs its own link-map list on which the audit
libraries are maintained. The audit libraries are thereIore isolated Irom the symbol binding
requirements oI the application. Every rtld-audit support library is assigned a unique new link-
map identiIier.
An audit library can inspect the application link-map list using dlmopen(3). When dlmopen()
is used with the RTLD_NJLJAD Ilag, the audit library can query the existence oI an object without
causing the object to be loaded.
Creating an Audit Librar
An audit library is built like any other shared object. However, the audit libraries unique
namespace within a process requires some additional care.
O The library must provide all dependency requirements.
O The library should not use system interIaces that do not provide Ior multiple instances oI
the interIace within a process.
II an audit library reIerences external interIaces, then the audit library must deIine the
dependency that provides the interIace deIinition. For example, iI the audit library calls
printI(3), then the audit library must deIine a dependency on libc. See Generating a Shared
Object Output File. Because the audit library has a unique namespace, symbol reIerences cannot
be satisIied by the libc that is present in the application being audited. II an audit library has a
dependency on libc, then two versions oI are loaded into the process. One version
satisIies the binding requirements oI the application link-map list. The other version satisIies the
binding requirements oI the audit link-map list.
To ensure that audit libraries are built with all dependencies recorded, use the link-editors
defs option.
Some system interIaces assume that the interIaces are the only instance oI their implementation
within a process. Examples oI such implementations are signals and malloc(3). Audit libraries
should avoid using such interIaces, as doing so can inadvertently alter the behavior oI the

An audit library can allocate memory using mapmalloc(3MALLO), as this allocation method
can exist with any allocation scheme normally employed by the application.

Invoking the Auditing Interface
The rtld-audit interIace is enabled by one oI two means. Each method implies a scope to the
objects that are audited.
O Local auditing is enabled by deIining one or more auditors at the time the object is built.
See #ecording Local Auditors. The audit libraries that are made available at runtime by
this method are provided with inIormation regarding the dynamic objects that have
requested local auditing.
O lobal auditing is enabled by deIining one or more auditors using the environment
variable LD_AUDIT. Global auditing can also be enabled Ior an application by combining
a local auditing deIinition with the globalaudit option. See #ecording Global
Auditors. The audit libraries that are made available at runtime by these methods are
provided with inIormation regarding all dynamic objects used by the application.
Both methods oI deIining auditors employ a string consisting oI a colon-separated list oI shared
objects that are loaded by dlmopen(3). Each object is loaded onto its own audit link-map list.
Each object is searched Ior audit routines using dlsym(3). Audit routines that are Iound are
called at various stages during the applications execution.
Secure applications can only obtain audit libraries Irom trusted directories. By deIault, the only
trusted directories that are known to the runtime linker Ior 32bit objects are/lib/secure and
/usr/lib/secure. For 64bit objects, the trusted directories are /lib/secure/64 and

Auditing can be disabled at runtime by setting the environment variable LD_NJAUDIT to a non-
null value.

Recording Local Auditors
Local auditing requirements can be established when an object is built using the link-editor
options p or P. For example, to audit, with the audit library, record
the requirement at link-edit time using the p option.

$ .. o Wl, pi. foo..
$ elfdump d | grep AUDIT
2, AUDIT 0x96
At runtime, the existence oI this audit identiIier results in the audit library being loaded.
InIormation is then passed to the audit library regarding the identiIying object.
With this mechanism alone, inIormation such as searching Ior the identiIying object occurs prior
to the audit library being loaded. To provide as much auditing inIormation as possible, the
existence oI an object requiring local auditing is propagated to users oI that object. For example,
iI an application is built with a dependency on, then the application is identiIied to
indicate its dependencies require auditing.

$ .. o main main..
$ elfdump d main | grep AUDIT
4, DEPAUDIT 0x1be
The auditing enabled through this mechanism results in the audit library being passed
inIormation regarding all oI the applications explicit dependencies. This dependency auditing
can also be recorded directly when creating an object by using the link-editor's P option.

$ .. o main main.. Wl,
$ elfdump d main | grep AUDIT
3, DEPAUDIT 0x1b2
Recording lobal Auditors
Global auditing requirements can be established by setting the environment variable LD_AUDIT.
For example, this environment variable can be used to audit the application main together with
all the dependencies oI the application, with the audit library

$ main
Global auditing can also be achieved by recording a local auditor in the application, together
with the globalaudit option. For example, the application main can be built to enable
global auditing by using the link-editor's P option and globalaudit option.

$ .. o main main.. Wl, globalaudit
$ elfdump d main | grep AUDIT
3, DEPAUDIT 0x1b2
26, LAGS_1 0x1000000 GLJBAL-AUDITING ,
The auditing enabled through either oI these mechanisms results in the audit library being passed
inIormation regarding all oI the dynamic objects oI the application.
Audit Interface Interactions
Audit routines are provided one or more cookies. A cookie is a data item that describes an
individual dynamic object. An initial cookie is provided to the la_objopen() routine when a
dynamic object is initially loaded. This cookie is a pointer to the associated Link_map oI the
loaded dynamic object. However, the la_objopen() routine is Iree to allocate, and return to the
runtime linker, an alternative cookie. This mechanism provides the auditor a means oI
maintaining their own data with each dynamic object, and receiving this data with all subsequent
audit routine calls.
The rtld-audit interIace enables multiple audit libraries to be supplied. In this case, the return
inIormation Irom one auditor is passed to the same audit routine oI the next auditor. Similarly, a
cookie that is established by one auditor is passed to the next auditor. are should be taken when
designing an audit library that expects to coexist with other audit libraries. A saIe approach
should not alter the bindings, or cookies, that would normally be returned by the runtime linker.
Alteration oI these data can produce unexpected results Irom audit libraries that Iollow.
Otherwise, all auditors should be designed to cooperate in saIely changing any binding or cookie
Audit Interface Functions
The Iollowing routines are provided by the rtld-audit interIace. The routines are described in
their expected order oI use.

#eIerences to architecture, or object class speciIic interIaces are reduced to their generic name to
simpliIy the discussions. For example, a reIerence to la_symbind32() and la_symbind64() is
speciIied as la_symbind().

This routine provides the initial handshake between the runtime linker and the audit
library. This interIace must be provided Ior the audit library to be loaded.
uint_t la_version(uint_t ver8ion);
The runtime linker calls this interIace with the highest version oI the rtld-audit interIace
the runtime linker is capable oI supporting. The audit library can veriIy this version is
suIIicient Ior its use, and return the version the audit library expects to use. This version
is normally LAV_CURRENT, which is deIined in /usr/include/link.h.
II the audit library return is zero, or a version that is greater than the rtld-audit interIace
the runtime linker supports, the audit library is discarded.
The remaining audit routines are provided one or more cookies. See Audit InterIace Interactions.
Following the la_version() call, two calls are made to the la_objopen() routine. The Iirst call
provides link-map inIormation Ior the dynamic executable, and the second call provides link-
map inIormation Ior the runtime linker.
This routine is called when a new object is loaded by the runtime linker.
uint_t la_objopen(Link_map lmp, Lmid_t lmid, uintptr_t cookie);
lmp provides the link-map structure that describes the new object. lmid identiIies the link-
map list to which the object has been added. cooie provides a pointer to an identiIier.
This identiIier is initialized to the objects lmp. This identiIier can be reassigned by the
audit library to better identiIy the object to other rtld-audit interIace routines.
The la_objopen() routine returns a value that indicates the symbol bindings oI interest
Ior this object. The return value is a mask oI the Iollowing values that are deIined
O LA_LG_BINDTJ Audit symbol bindings to this object.
O LA_LG_BINDRJM Audit symbol bindings from this object.
These values allow an auditor to select the objects to monitor with la_symbind(). A
return value oI zero indicates that binding inIormation is oI no interest Ior this object.
For example, an auditor can monitor the bindings Irom to
la_objopen() Ior should return LA_LG_BINDRJM. la_objopen() Ior should return LA_LG_BINDTJ.
An auditor can monitor all bindings between and la_objopen()
Ior both objects should return LA_LG_BINDRJM and LA_LG_BINDTJ.
An auditor can monitor all bindings to la_objopen() Ior should
return LA_LG_BINDTJ. All la_objopen() calls should return LA_LG_BINDRJM.
With the auditing version LAV_VERSIJN5, an la_objopen() call that represents the
dynamic executable is provided to a local auditor. In this case, the auditor should not
return a symbol binding Ilag, as the auditor may have been loaded too late to monitor any
symbol bindings associated with the dynamic executable. Any Ilags that are returned by
the auditor are ignored. The la_objopen() call provides the local auditor an initial
cookie which is required Ior any subsequent la_preinit() or la_a.tivity() calls.
This routine inIorms an auditor that link-map activity is occurring.
void la_activity(uintptr_t cookie, uint_t flag8);
cooie identiIies the object heading the link-map. 1lags indicates the type oI activity as
deIined in /usr/include/link.h.
O LA_ACT_ADD Objects are being added to the link-map list.
O LA_ACT_DELETE Objects are being deleted Irom the link-map list.
O LA_ACT_CJNSISTENT Object activity has been completed.
An LA_ACT_ADD activity is called on process start up, Iollowing the la_objopen() calls
Ior the dynamic executable and runtime linker, to indicate that new dependencies are
being added. This activity is also called Ior lazy loading and dlopen(3) events. An
LA_ACT_DELETE activity is also called when objects are deleted with dlclose(3).
Both the LA_ACT_ADD and LA_ACT_DELETE activities are a hint oI the events that are
expected to Iollow. There are a number oI scenarios where the events that unIold might
be diIIerent. For example, the addition oI new objects can result in some oI the new
objects being deleted should the objects Iail to relocate Iully. The deletion oI objects can
also result in new objects being added should .fini executions result in lazy loading new
objects. An LA_ACT_CJNSISTENT activity Iollows any object additions or object deletions,
and can be relied upon to indicate that the application link-map list is consistent. Auditors
should be careIul to veriIy actual results rather than blindly trusting the LA_ACT_ADD and
For auditing versions LAV_VERSIJN1 through LAV_VERSIJN4, la_a.tivity() was only
called Ior global auditors. With the auditing version LAV_VERSIJN5, activity events can
be obtained by local auditors. An activity event provides a cookie that represents the
application link-map. To prepare Ior this activity, and allow the auditor to control the
content oI this cookie, an la_objopen() call is Iirst made to the local auditor. The
la_objopen() call provides an initial cookie representing the application link-map. See
Audit InterIace Interactions.
This routine inIorms an auditor that an object is about to be searched Ior.
char la_objsearch(const char name, uintptr_t cookie, uint_t flag8);
name indicates the Iile or path name being searched Ior. cooie identiIies the object
initiating the search. 1lags identiIies the origin and creation oI name as deIined in
O LA_SER_JRIG The initial search name. Typically, this name indicates the Iile
name that is recorded as a DT_NEEDED entry, or the argument supplied to
O LA_SER_LIBPATH The path name has been created Irom a LD_LIBRARY_PATH
O LA_SER_RUNPATH The path name has been created Irom a runpath component.
O LA_SER_DEAULT The path name has been created Irom a deIault search path
O LA_SER_CJNIG The path component originated Irom a conIiguration Iile. See
O LA_SER_SECURE The path component is speciIic to secure objects.
The return value indicates the search path name that the runtime linker should continue to
process. A value oI zero indicates that this path should be ignored. An audit library that
monitors search paths should return name.
This routine is called when a Iilter loads a new Iiltee. See Shared Objects as Filters.
int la_objfilter(uintptr_t fltrcook, const char flte8tr,
uintptr_t fltecook, uint_t flag8);
1ltrcoo identiIies the Iilter. 1ltestr points to the Iiltee string. 1ltecoo identiIies the Iiltee.
1lags is presently unused. la_objfilter() is called aIter la_objopen() Ior both the
Iilter and Iiltee.
A return value oI zero indicates that this Iiltee should be ignored. An audit library that
monitors the use oI Iilters should return a non-zero value.
This routine is called once aIter all objects have been loaded Ior the application, but
beIore transIer oI control to the application occurs.
void la_preinit(uintptr_t cookie);
cooie identiIies the primary object that started the process, normally the dynamic
For auditing versions LAV_VERSIJN1 through LAV_VERSIJN4, la_preinit() was only
called Ior global auditors. With the auditing version LAV_VERSIJN5, a preinit event can
be obtained by local auditors. A preinit event provides a cookie that represents the
application link-map. To prepare Ior this preinit, and allow the auditor to control the
content oI this cookie, an la_objopen() call is Iirst made to the local auditor. The
la_objopen() call provides an initial cookie representing the application link-map. See
Audit InterIace Interactions.
This routine is called when a binding occurs between two objects that have been tagged
Ior binding notiIication Irom la_objopen().
uintptr_t la_symbind32(Elf32_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx,
uintptr_t refcook, uintptr_t defcook, uint_t flag8);

uintptr_t la_symbind64(Elf64_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx,
uintptr_t refcook, uintptr_t defcook, uint_t flag8,
const char 8ym_name);
sym is a constructed symbol structure, whose sym-st_value indicates the address oI the
symbol deIinition being bound. See /usr/include/sys/elf.h. la_symbind32()
adjusts the sym-st_name to point to the actual symbol name. la_symbind64() leaves
sym-st_name to be the index into the bound objects string table.
ndx indicates the symbol index within the bound object's dynamic symbol table. re1coo
identiIies the object making reIerence to this symbol. This identiIier is the same identiIier
as passed to the la_objopen() routine that returned LA_LG_BINDRJM. de1coo
identiIies the object deIining this symbol. This identiIier is the same as passed to the
la_objopen() that returned LA_LG_BINDTJ.
1lags points to a data item that can convey inIormation regarding the binding. This data
item can also be used to modiIy the continued auditing oI this procedure linkage table
entry. This value is a mask oI the symbol binding Ilags that are deIined in
The Iollowing Ilags can be supplied to la_symbind().
O LA_SYMB_DLSYM The symbol binding occurred as a result oI calling dlsym(3).
O LA_SYMB_ALTVALUE (LAV_VERSIJN2) An alternate value was returned Ior the
symbol value by a previous call to la_symbind().
II la_pltenter() or la_pltexit() routines exist, these routines are called aIter
la_symbind() Ior procedure linkage table entries. These routines are called each time
that the symbol is reIerenced. See also Audit InterIace Limitations.
The Iollowing Ilags can be supplied Irom la_symbind() to alter this deIault behavior.
These Ilags are applied as a bitwise-inclusive O# with the value pointed to by the 1lags
O LA_SYMB_NJPLTENTER Do not call the la_pltenter() routine Ior this symbol.
O LA_SYMB_NJPLTEXIT Do not call the la_pltexit() routine Ior this symbol.
The return value indicates the address to which control should be passed Iollowing this
call. An audit library that monitors symbol binding should return the value oI sym-
st_value so that control is passed to the bound symbol deIinition. An audit library can
intentionally redirect a symbol binding by returning a diIIerent value.
symname, which is applicable Ior la_symbind64() only, contains the name oI the
symbol being processed. This name is available in the sym-st_name Iield Ior the 32bit
These routines are system speciIic. These routines are called when a procedure linkage
table entry, between two objects that have been tagged Ior binding notiIication, is called.
uintptr_t la_sparcv8_pltenter(Elf32_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx,
uintptr_t refcook, uintptr_t defcook,
La_sparcv8_regs reg8, uint_t flag8);

uintptr_t la_sparcv9_pltenter(Elf64_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx,
uintptr_t refcook, uintptr_t defcook,
La_sparcv9_regs reg8, uint_t flag8,
const char 8ym_name);

uintptr_t la_i86_pltenter(Elf32_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx,
uintptr_t refcook, uintptr_t defcook,
La_i86_regs reg8, uint_t flag8);
uintptr_t la_amd64_pltenter(Elf64_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx,
uintptr_t refcook, uintptr_t defcook,
La_amd64_regs reg8, uint_t flag8, const char 8ym_name);
sym, ndx, re1coo, de1coo and symname provide the same inIormation as passed to
For la_spar.v8_pltenter() and la_spar.v9_pltenter(), regs points to the out
registers. For la_i86_pltenter(), regs points to the stack and Irame registers. For
la_amd64_pltenter(), regs points to the stack and Irame registers, and the registers
used in passing integer arguments. regs are deIined in /usr/include/link.h.
1lags points to a data item that can convey inIormation regarding the binding. This data
item can be used to modiIy the continued auditing oI this procedure linkage table entry.
This data item is the same as pointed to by the 1lags Irom la_symbind()
The Iollowing Ilags can be supplied Irom la_pltenter() to alter the present auditing
behavior. These Ilags are applied as a bitwise-inclusive O# with the value pointed to by
the 1lags argument.
O LA_SYMB_NJPLTENTER la_pltenter() is not be called again Ior this symbol.
O LA_SYMB_NJPLTEXIT la_pltexit() is not be called Ior this symbol.
The return value indicates the address to which control should be passed Iollowing this
call. An audit library that monitors symbol binding should return the value oI sym-
st_value so that control is passed to the bound symbol deIinition. An audit library can
intentionally redirect a symbol binding by returning a diIIerent value.
This routine is called when a procedure linkage table entry, between two objects that
have been tagged Ior binding notiIication, returns. This routine is called beIore control
reaches the caller.
uintptr_t la_pltexit(Elf32_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx, uintptr_t refcook,
uintptr_t defcook, uintptr_t retval);

uintptr_t la_pltexit64(Elf64_Sym 8ym, uint_t ndx, uintptr_t refcook,
uintptr_t defcook, uintptr_t retval, const char 8ym_name);
sym, ndx, re1coo, de1coo and symname provide the same inIormation as passed to
la_symbind(). retval is the return code Irom the bound Iunction. An audit library that
monitors symbol binding should return retval. An audit library can intentionally return a
diIIerent value.

The la_pltexit() interIace is experimental. See Audit InterIace Limitations.

This routine is called aIter any termination code Ior an object has been executed and prior
to the object being unloaded.
uint_t la_objclose(uintptr_t cookie);
cooie identiIies the object, and was obtained Irom a previous la_objopen(). Any return
value is presently ignored.
Audit Interface Example
The Iollowing simple example creates an audit library that prints the name oI each shared object
dependency loaded by the dynamic executable date(1).

$ .at audit..
#include <link.h
#include <stdio.h

la_version(uint_t version)
return (LAV_CURRENT);

la_objopen(Link_map lmp, Lmid_t lmid, uintptr_t cookie)
if (lmid == LM_ID_BASE)
(void) printf("file: %s loaded\n", lmp-l_name);
return (0);
$ .. o pi. defs audit.. lmapmallo. l.
$ LD_AUDIT=./ date
file: date loaded
file: /lib/ loaded
file: /lib/ loaded
file: /usr/lib/locale/en_US/ loaded
Thur Aug 10 17:03:55 PST 2000
Audit Interface emonstrations
A number oI demonstration applications that use the rtld-audit interIace are provided in the
SUNWosdem package under /usr/demo/link_audit.
This demo provides tracing oI procedure calls between the dynamic objects oI a named
This demo provides a stack trace Ior a speciIied Iunction whenever called by a named
This demo traces the amount oI time spent in each Iunction Ior a named application.
This demo reports all symbol bindings perIormed to load a named application.
sotruss(1) and whocalls(1) are included in the SUNWtoo package. perfcnt and symbindrep are
example programs. These applications are not intended Ior use in a production environment.
Audit Interface Limitations
Limitations exist within the rtld-audit implementation. Take care to understand these limitation
when designing an auditing library.
Exercising Application Code
An audit library receives inIormation as objects are added to a process. At the time the audit
library receives such inIormation, the object being monitored might not be ready to execute. For
example, an auditor can receive an la_objopen() call Ior a loaded object. However, the object
must load its own dependencies and be relocated beIore any code within the object can be
exercised. An audit library might want to inspect the loaded object by obtaining a handle using
dlopen(3). This handle can then be used to search Ior interIaces using dlsym(3). However,
interIaces obtained in this manner should not be called unless it is known that the initialization oI
the destination object has completed.
Use of la_pltexit()
There are some limitations to the use oI the la_pltexit() Iamily. These limitations stem Irom
the need to insert an extra stack Irame between the caller and callee to provide a la_pltexit()
return value. This requirement is not a problem when calling just the la_pltenter() routines,
as. In this case, any intervening stack can be cleaned up prior to transIerring control to the
destination Iunction.
Because oI these limitations, la_pltexit() should be considered an experimental interIace.
When in doubt, avoid the use oI the la_pltexit() routines.
Functions Tbat Directly Inspect tbe Stack
A small number oI Iunctions exist that directly inspect the stack or make assumptions oI its state.
Some examples oI these Iunctions are the setjmp(3) Iamily, vIork(2), and any Iunction that
returns a structure, not a pointer to a structure. These Iunctions are compromised by the extra
stack that is created to support la_pltexit().
The runtime linker cannot detect Iunctions oI this type, and thus the audit library creator is
responsible Ior disabling la_pltexit() Ior such routines.
Runtime Linker ebugger Interface
The runtime linker perIorms many operations including the mapping oI objects into memory and
the binding oI symbols. Debugging programs oIten need to access inIormation that describes
these runtime linker operations as part oI analyzing an application. These debugging programs
run as a separate process Irom the application the debugger is analyzing.
This section describes the rtld-debugger interIace Ior monitoring and modiIying a dynamically
linked application Irom another process. The architecture oI this interIace Iollows the model used
in libcdb(3LIB).
When using the rtld-debugger interIace, at least two processes are involved.
O One or more target processes. The target processes must be dynamically linked and use
the runtime linker /usr/lib/ Ior 32bit processes, or /usr/lib/64/
Ior 64bit processes.
O A controlling process links with the rtld-debugger interIace library and uses the interIace
to inspect the dynamic aspects oI the target processes. A 64bit controlling process can
debug both 64bit targets and 32bit targets. However, a 32bit controlling process is
limited to 32bit targets.
The most anticipated use oI the rtld-debugger interIace is when the controlling process is a
debugger and its target is a dynamic executable.
The rtld-debugger interIace enables the Iollowing activities with a target process.
O Initial rendezvous with the runtime linker.
O NotiIication oI the loading and unloading oI dynamic objects.
O #etrieval oI inIormation regarding any loaded objects.
O Stepping over procedure linkage table entries.
O Enabling object padding.
Interaction Between Controlling and Target Process
To be able to inspect and manipulate a target process, the rtld-debugger interIace employs an
exported interIace, an imported interIace, and agents Ior communicating between these
The controlling process is linked with the rtld-debugger interIace provided by, and makes requests oI the interIace exported Irom this library. This interIace
is deIined in /usr/include/rtld_db.h. In turn, makes requests oI the
interIace imported Irom the controlling process. This interaction allows the rtld-debugger
interIace to perIorm the Iollowing.
O Look up symbols in a target process.
O #ead and write memory in the target process.
The imported interIace consists oI a number oI proc_service routines that most debuggers
already employ to analyze processes. These routines are described in Debugger Import InterIace.
The rtld-debugger interIace assumes that the process being analyzed is stopped when requests
are made oI the rtld-debugger interIace. II this halt does not occur, data structures within the
runtime linker oI the target process might not be in a consistent state Ior examination.
The Ilow oI inIormation between, the controlling process (debugger) and the
target process (dynamic executable) is diagrammed in the Iollowing Iigure.
Figure 6-1 rtld-debugger Information Flow

The rtld-debugger interIace is dependent upon the proc_service interIace,
/usr/include/proc_service.h, which is considered experimental. The rtld-debugger interIace
might have to track changes in the proc_service interIace as it evolves.

A sample implementation oI a controlling process that uses the rtld-debugger interIace is
provided in the SUNWosdem package under /usr/demo/librtld_db. This debugger, rdb,
provides an example oI using the proc_service imported interIace, and shows the required
calling sequence Ior all exported interIaces. The Iollowing sections describe
the rtld-debugger interIaces. More detailed inIormation can be obtained by examining the sample
ebugger Interface Agents
An agent provides an opaque handle that can describe internal interIace structures. The agent
also provides a mechanism oI communication between the exported and imported interIaces. The
rtld-debugger interIace is intended to be used by a debugger which can manipulate several
processes at the same time, these agents are used to identiIy the process.
struct ps_prochandle
Is an opaque structure that is created by the controlling process to identiIy the target
process that is passed between the exported and imported interIace.
struct rd_agent
Is an opaque structure created by the rtld-debugger interIace that identiIies the target
process that is passed between the exported and imported interIace.
ebugger Exported Interface
This section describes the various interIaces exported by the /usr/lib/ audit
library. It is broken down into Iunctional groups.
Agent Manipulation Interfaces
This Iunction establishes the rtld-debugger version requirements. The base version is
deIined as RD_VERSIJN1. The current version is always deIined by RD_VERSIJN.
rd_err_e rd_init(int ver8ion);
Version RD_VERSIJN2, added in the Solaris 8 10/00 release, extends the rd_loadobj_t
structure. See the rl_flags, rl_bend and rl_dynamic Iields in Scanning Loadable
Version RD_VERSIJN3, added in the Solaris 8 01/01 release, extends the rd_plt_info_t
structure. See the pi_baddr and pi_flags Iields in Procedure Linkage Table Skipping.
II the version requirement oI the controlling process is greater than the rtld-debugger
interIace available, then RD_NJCAPAB is returned.
This Iunction creates a new exported interIace agent.
rd_agent_t rd_new(struct ps_prochandle php);
php is a cookie created by the controlling process to identiIy the target process. This
cookie is used by the imported interIace oIIered by the controlling process to maintain
context, and is opaque to the rtld-debugger interIace.
This Iunction resets the inIormation within the agent based oII the same psprochandle
structure given to rd_new().
rd_err_e rd_reset(struct rd_agent rdap);
This Iunction is called when a target process is restarted.
This Iunction deletes an agent and Irees any state associated with it.
void rd_delete(struct rd_agent rdap);
Error Handling
The Iollowing error states can be returned by the rtld-debugger interIace (deIined in rtld_db.h).
typedef enum ,
, rd_err_e;
The Iollowing interIaces can be used to gather the error inIormation.
This Iunction returns a descriptive error string describing the error code rderr.
char rd_errstr(rd_err_e rderr);
This Iunction turns logging on (1) or oII (0).

void rd_log(const int onoff);
When logging is turned on, the imported interIace Iunction ps_plog() provided by the
controlling process, is called with more detailed diagnostic inIormation.
Scanning Loadable Ub|ects
ou can obtain inIormation Ior each object maintained on the runtime linkers link-map is
achieved by using the Iollowing structure, deIined in rtld_db.h.
typedef struct rd_loadobj ,
psaddr_t rl_nameaddr;
unsigned rl_flags;
psaddr_t rl_base;
psaddr_t rl_data_base;
unsigned rl_lmident;
psaddr_t rl_refnameaddr;
psaddr_t rl_plt_base;
unsigned rl_plt_size;
psaddr_t rl_bend;
psaddr_t rl_padstart;
psaddr_t rl_padend;
psaddt_t rl_dynamic;
, rd_loadobj_t;
Notice that all addresses given in this structure, including string pointers, are addresses in the
target process and not in the address space oI the controlling process itselI.
A pointer to a string that contains the name oI the dynamic object.
With revision RD_VERSIJN2, dynamically loaded relocatable objects are identiIied with
The base address oI the dynamic object.
The base address oI the data segment oI the dynamic object.
The link-map identiIier (see Establishing a Namespace).
II the dynamic object is a standard Iilter, then this points to the name oI the Iiltees.
rl_plt_base rl_plt_size
These elements are present Ior backward compatibility and are currently unused.
The end address oI the object (text + data + bss). With revision RD_VERSIJN2, a
dynamically loaded relocatable object will cause this element to point to the end oI the
created object, which will include its section headers.
The base address oI the padding beIore the dynamic object (reIer to Dynamic Object
The base address oI the padding aIter the dynamic object (reIer to Dynamic Object
This Iield, added with RD_VERSIJN2, provides the base address oI the object's dynamic
section, which allows reIerence to such entries as DT_CHECKSUM (see Table 732).
The rd_loadobj_iter() routine uses this object data structure to access inIormation Irom the
runtime linker's link-map lists.
This Iunction iterates over all dynamic objects currently loaded in the target process.
typedef int rl_iter_f(const rd_loadobj_t , void );

rd_err_e rd_loadobj_iter(rd_agent_t rap, rl_iter_f cb,
void clnt_data);
On each iteration the imported Iunction speciIied by cb is called. clntdata can be used to
pass data to the cb call. InIormation about each object is returned by means oI a pointer to
a volatile (stack allocated) rd_loadobj_t structure.
#eturn codes Irom the cb routine are examined by rd_loadobj_iter() and have the
Iollowing meaning.
O 1 continue processing link-maps.
O 0 stop processing link-maps and return control to the controlling process.
rd_loadobj_iter() returns RD_JK on success. A return oI RD_NJMAPS indicates the
runtime linker has not yet loaded the initial link-maps.
Event Notification
A controlling process can track certain events that occur within the scope oI the runtime linker
that. These events are:
The runtime linker has loaded and relocated all the dynamic objects and is about to start
calling the .init sections oI each object loaded.
The runtime linker has Iinished calling all oI the .init sections and is about to transIer
control to the primary executable.
The runtime linker has been invoked to either load or unload a dynamic object.
These events can be monitored using the Iollowing interIace, deIined in sys/link.h and
typedef enum ,
RD_NJNE = 0,
, rd_event_e;

Ways that the event notification can take place:
typedef enum ,
, rd_notify_e;

Information on ways that the event notification can take place:
typedef struct rd_notify ,
rd_notify_e type;
union ,
psaddr_t bptaddr;
long syscallno;
, u;
, rd_notify_t;
The Iollowing Iunctions track events.
This Iunction enables (1) or disables (0) event monitoring.
rd_err_e rd_event_enable(struct rd_agent rdap, int onoff);

Presently, Ior perIormance reasons, the runtime linker ignores event disabling. The
controlling process should not assume that a given break-point can not be reached
because oI the last call to this routine.

This Iunction speciIies how the controlling program is notiIied oI a given event.
rd_err_e rd_event_addr(rd_agent_t rdap, rd_event_e event,
rd_notify_t notify);
Depending on the event type, the notiIication oI the controlling process takes place by
calling a benign, cheap system call that is identiIied by notify-u.syscallno, or
executing a break point at the address speciIied by notify-u.bptaddr. The controlling
process is responsible Ior tracing the system call or place the actual break-point.
When an event has occurred, additional inIormation can be obtained by this interIace, deIined in
typedef enum ,
, rd_state_e;

typedef struct rd_event_msg ,
rd_event_e type;
union ,
rd_state_e state;
, u;
, rd_event_msg_t;
The rd_state_e values are:
There is no additional state inIormation available.
The link-maps are in a stable state and can be examined.
A dynamic object is in the process oI being loaded and the link-maps are not in a stable
state. They should not be examined until the RD_CJNSISTANT state is reached.
A dynamic object is in the process oI being deleted and the link-maps are not in a stable
state. They should not be examined until the RD_CJNSISTANT state is reached.
The rd_event_getmsg() Iunction is used to obtain this event state inIormation.
This Iunction provides additional inIormation concerning an event.
rd_err_e rd_event_getmsg(struct rd_agent rdap, rd_event_msg_t m8g);
The Iollowing table shows the possible state Ior each oI the diIIerent event types.


Procedure Linkage Table Skipping
The rtld-debugger interIace enables a controlling process to skip over procedure linkage table
entries. When a controlling process, such as a debugger, is asked to step into a Iunction Ior the
Iirst time, the procedure linkage table processing, causes control to be passed to the runtime
linker to search Ior the Iunction deIinition.
The Iollowing interIace enables a controlling process to step over the runtime linker's procedure
linkage table processing. The controlling process can determine when a procedure linkage table
entry is encountered based on external inIormation provided in the ELF Iile.
Once a target process has stepped into a procedure linkage table entry, the process calls the
rd_plt_resolution() interIace.
This Iunction returns the resolution state oI the current procedure linkage table entry and
inIormation on how to skip it.

rd_err_e rd_plt_resolution(rd_agent_t rdap, paddr_t pc,
lwpid_t lwpid, paddr_t plt_ba8e, rd_plt_info_t rpi);
pc represents the Iirst instruction oI the procedure linkage table entry. lwpid provides the
lwp identiIier and pltbase provides the base address oI the procedure linkage table.
These three variables provide inIormation suIIicient Ior various architectures to process
the procedure linkage table.
rpi provides detailed inIormation regarding the procedure linkage table entry as deIined
in the Iollowing data structure, deIined in rtld_db.h.
typedef enum ,
, rd_skip_e;

typedef struct rd_plt_info ,
rd_skip_e pi_skip_method;
long pi_nstep;
psaddr_t pi_target;
psaddr_t pi_baddr;
unsigned int pi_flags;
, rd_plt_info_t;

#define RD_LG_PI_PLTBJUND 0x0001
The elements oI the rd_plt_info_tstructure are:
IdentiIies how the procedure linkage table entry can be traversed. This method is set to
one oI the rd_skip_e values.
IdentiIies how many instructions to step over when RD_RESJLVE_STEP or
SpeciIies the address at which to set a breakpoint when RD_RESJLVE_TARGET_STEP or
RD_RESJLVE_TARGET are returned.
The procedure linkage table destination address, added with RD_VERSIJN3. When the
RD_LG_PI_PLTBJUND Ilag oI the pi_flags Iield is set, this element identiIies the
resolved (bound) destination address.
A Ilags Iield, added with RD_VERSIJN3. The Ilag RD_LG_PI_PLTBJUND identiIies the
procedure linkage entry as having been resolved (bound) to its destination address, which
is available in the pi_baddr Iield.
The Iollowing scenarios are possible Irom the rd_plt_info_t return values.
O The Iirst call through this procedure linkage table must be resolved by the runtime linker.
In this case, the rd_plt_info_t contains:

O The controlling process sets a breakpoint at BREAK and continues the target process.
When the breakpoint is reached, the procedure linkage table entry processing has
Iinished. The controlling process can then step M instructions to the destination Iunction.
Notice that the bound address (pi_baddr) has not been set since this is the Iirst call
through a procedure linkage table entry.
O On the Nth time through this procedure linkage table, rd_plt_info_t contains:

O The procedure linkage table entry has already been resolved and the controlling process
can step M instructions to the destination Iunction. The address that the procedure linkage
table entry is bound to is <BoundAddr and the RD_LG_PI_PLTBJUND bit has been set in
the Ilags Iield.
Dynamic Ub|ect Padding
The deIault behavior oI the runtime linker relies on the operating system to load dynamic objects
where they can be most eIIiciently reIerenced. Some controlling processes beneIit Irom the
existence oI padding around the objects loaded into memory oI the target process. This interIace
enables a controlling process to request this padding.
This Iunction enables or disables the padding oI any subsequently loaded objects with the
target process. Padding occurs on both sides oI the loaded object.
rd_err_e rd_objpad_enable(struct rd_agent rdap, size_t pad8ize);
padsi:e speciIies the size oI the padding, in bytes, to be preserved both beIore and aIter
any objects loaded into memory. This padding is reserved as a memory mapping Irom a
mmapobj(2) request. EIIectively, an area oI the virtual address space oI the target
process, adjacent to any loaded objects, is reserved. These areas can later be used by the
controlling process.
A padsi:e oI 0 disables any object padding Ior later objects.

#eservations obtained using mmapobj(2) can be reported using the proc(1) Iacilities and by
reIerring to the link-map inIormation provided in rd_loadobj_t.

ebugger Import Interface
The imported interIace that a controlling process must provide to is deIined in
/usr/include/proc_service.h. A sample implementation oI these proc_service Iunctions
can be Iound in the rdb demonstration debugger. The rtld-debugger interIace uses only a subset
oI the proc_service interIaces available. Future versions oI the rtld-debugger interIace might
take advantage oI additional proc_service interIaces without creating an incompatible change.
The Iollowing interIaces are currently being used by the rtld-debugger interIace.
This Iunction returns a pointer to a copy oI the auxv vector.
ps_err_e ps_pauxv(const struct ps_prochandle ph, auxv_t aux);
Because the auxv vector inIormation is copied to an allocated structure, the pointer
remains as long as the psprochandle is valid.
This Iunction reads data Irom the target process.

ps_err_e ps_pread(const struct ps_prochandle ph, paddr_t addr,
char buf, int 8ize);
From address addr in the target process, si:e bytes are copied to bu1.
This Iunction writes data to the target process.
ps_err_e ps_pwrite(const struct ps_prochandle ph, paddr_t addr,
char buf, int 8ize);
si:e bytes Irom bu1 are copied into the target process at address addr.
This Iunction is called with additional diagnostic inIormation Irom the rtld-debugger
void ps_plog(const char fmt, ...);
The controlling process determines where, or iI, to log this diagnostic inIormation. The
arguments to ps_plog() Iollow the printI(3) Iormat.
This Iunction searches Ior the symbol in the target process.
ps_err_e ps_pglobal_lookup(const struct ps_prochandle ph,
const char obj, const char name, ulong_t 8ym_addr);
The symbol named name is searched Ior within the object named obf within the target
process ph. II the symbol is Iound, the symbol address is stored in symaddr.
This Iunction searches Ior the symbol in the target process.
ps_err_e ps_pglobal_sym(const struct ps_prochandle ph,
const char obj, const char name, ps_sym_t 8ym_de8c);
The symbol named name is searched Ior within the object named obf within the target
process ph. II the symbol is Iound, the symbol descriptor is stored in symdesc.
In the event that the rtld-debugger interIace needs to Iind symbols within the application or
runtime linker prior to any link-map creation, the Iollowing reserved values Ior obf are available.
#define PS_JBJ_EXEC ((const char )0x0) / application id /
#define PS_JBJ_LDSJ ((const char )0x1) / runtime linker id /
The controlling process can use the procfs Iile system Ior these objects, using the Iollowing
pseudo code.
ioctl(.., PIJCNAUXV, ...) - obtain AUX vectors
ldsoaddr = auxvAT_BASE,;
ldsofd = ioctl(..., PIJCJPENM, &ldsoaddr);

/ process elf information found in ldsofd ... /

execfd = ioctl(.., PIJCJPENM, 0);

/ process elf information found in execfd ... /
Once the Iile descriptors are Iound, the ELF Iiles can be examined Ior their symbol inIormation
by the controlling program.
Chapter 7 Object File Format
This chapter describes the executable and linking Iormat (ELF) oI the object Iiles produced by
the assembler and link-editor. Three signiIicant types oI object Iile exist.
O A relocatable object Iile holds sections containing code and data. This Iile is suitable to
be linked with other relocatable object Iiles to create dynamic executable Iiles, shared
object Iiles, or another relocatable object.
O A dnamic executable Iile holds a program that is ready to execute. The Iile speciIies
how exec(2) creates a program's process image. This Iile is typically bound to shared
object Iiles at runtime to create a process image.
O A shared object Iile holds code and data that is suitable Ior additional linking. The link-
editor can process this Iile with other relocatable object Iiles and shared object Iiles to
create other object Iiles. The runtime linker combines this Iile with a dynamic executable
Iile and other shared object Iiles to create a process image.
The Iirst section in this chapter, File Format, Iocuses on the Iormat oI object Iiles and how the
Iormat pertains to creating programs. The second section, Dynamic Linking, Iocuses on how the
Iormat pertains to loading programs.
Programs can manipulate object Iiles with the Iunctions that are provided by the ELF access
library, libelf. #eIer to elI(3ELF) Ior a description oI libelf contents. Sample source code
that uses libelf is provided in the SUNWosdem package under the /usr/demo/EL directory.
File Format
Object Iiles participate in both program linking and program execution. For convenience and
eIIiciency, the object Iile Iormat provides parallel views oI a Iile's contents, reIlecting the
diIIering needs oI these activities. The Iollowing Iigure shows an object Iile's organization.
Figure 7-1 Object File Format

An ELF header resides at the beginning oI an object Iile and holds a road map describing the
Iile's organization.

ote -
Only the ELF header has a Iixed position in the Iile. The Ilexibility oI the ELF Iormat requires
no speciIied order Ior header tables, sections or segments. However, this Iigure is typical oI the
layout used in the Oracle Solaris OS.

Sections represent the smallest indivisible units that can be processed within an ELF Iile.
Segments are a collection oI sections. Segments represent the smallest individual units that can
be mapped to a memory image by exec(2) or by the runtime linker.
Sections hold the bulk oI object Iile inIormation Ior the linking view. This data includes
instructions, data, symbol table, and relocation inIormation. Descriptions oI sections appear in
the Iirst part oI this chapter. The second part oI this chapter discusses segments and the program
execution view oI the Iile.
A program header table, iI present, tells the system how to create a process image. Files used to
generate a process image, executable Iiles and shared objects, must have a program header table.
#elocatable object Iiles do not need a program header table.
A section header table contains inIormation describing the Iile's sections. Every section has an
entry in the table. Each entry gives inIormation such as the section name and section size. Files
that are used in link-editing must have a section header table.
ata Representation
The object Iile Iormat supports various processors with 8-bit bytes, 32bit architectures and 64
bit architectures. Nevertheless, the data representation is intended to be extensible to larger, or
smaller, architectures. Table 71 and Table 72 list the 32bit data types and 64bit data types.
Object Iiles represent some control data with a machine-independent Iormat. This Iormat
provides Ior the common identiIication and interpretation oI object Iiles. The remaining data in
an object Iile use the encoding oI the target processor, regardless oI the machine on which the
Iile was created.
Table 71 ELF 32Bit Data Types
ame Size Alignment Purpose
Elf32_Addr 4 4
Unsigned program address
Elf32_Half 2 2
Unsigned medium integer
Elf32_Jff 4 4
Unsigned Iile oIIset
Elf32_Sword 4 4
Signed integer
Elf32_Word 4 4
Unsigned integer
unsigned char 1 1
Unsigned small integer
Table 72 ELF 64Bit Data Types
ame Size Alignment Purpose
Elf64_Addr 8 8
Unsigned program address
Elf64_Half 2 2
Unsigned medium integer
Elf64_Jff 8 8
Unsigned Iile oIIset
Elf64_Sword 4 4
Signed integer
Elf64_Word 4 4
Unsigned integer
Elf64_Xword 8 8
Unsigned long integer
Elf64_Sxword 8 8
Signed long integer
ame Size Alignment Purpose
unsigned char 1 1
Unsigned small integer
All data structures that the object Iile Iormat deIines Iollow the natural size and alignment
guidelines Ior the relevant class. Data structures can contain explicit padding to ensure 4-byte
alignment Ior 4-byte objects, to Iorce structure sizes to a multiple oI 4, and so Iorth. Data also
have suitable alignment Irom the beginning oI the Iile. Thus, Ior example, a structure containing
an Elf32_Addr member is aligned on a 4-byte boundary within the Iile. Similarly, a structure
containing an Elf64_Addr member is aligned on an 8byte boundary.

ote -
For portability, ELF uses no bit-Iields.

ELF eader
Some control structures within object Iiles can grow because the ELF header contains their
actual sizes. II the object Iile Iormat does change, a program can encounter control structures that
are larger or smaller than expected. Programs might thereIore ignore extra inIormation. The
treatment oI missing inIormation depends on context and is speciIied iI and when extensions are
The ELF header has the Iollowing structure. See sys/elf.h.
#define EI_NIDENT 16

typedef struct ,
unsigned char e_identEI_NIDENT,;
Elf32_Half e_type;
Elf32_Half e_machine;
Elf32_Word e_version;
Elf32_Addr e_entry;
Elf32_Jff e_phoff;
Elf32_Jff e_shoff;
Elf32_Word e_flags;
Elf32_Half e_ehsize;
Elf32_Half e_phentsize;
Elf32_Half e_phnum;
Elf32_Half e_shentsize;
Elf32_Half e_shnum;
Elf32_Half e_shstrndx;
, Elf32_Ehdr;

typedef struct ,
unsigned char e_identEI_NIDENT,;
Elf64_Half e_type;
Elf64_Half e_machine;
Elf64_Word e_version;
Elf64_Addr e_entry;
Elf64_Jff e_phoff;
Elf64_Jff e_shoff;
Elf64_Word e_flags;
Elf64_Half e_ehsize;
Elf64_Half e_phentsize;
Elf64_Half e_phnum;
Elf64_Half e_shentsize;
Elf64_Half e_shnum;
Elf64_Half e_shstrndx;
, Elf64_Ehdr;
The initial bytes mark the Iile as an object Iile. These bytes provide machine-independent
data with which to decode and interpret the Iile's contents. omplete descriptions appear
in ELF IdentiIication.
IdentiIies the object Iile type, as listed in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
No Iile type
#elocatable Iile
Executable Iile
Shared object Iile
ore Iile
ET_LJPRJC 0xff00
ET_HIPRJC 0xffff
Although the core Iile contents are unspeciIied, type ET_CJRE is reserved to mark the Iile.
Values Irom ET_LJPRJC through ET_HIPRJC (inclusive) are reserved Ior processor-
speciIic semantics. Other values are reserved Ior Iuture use.
SpeciIies the required architecture Ior an individual Iile. #elevant architectures are listed
in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
No machine
EM_386 3
Intel 80386
Sun SPA# 32
EM_AMD64 62
AMD 64
Other values are reserved Ior Iuture use. Processor-speciIic ELF names are distinguished
by using the machine name. For example, the Ilags deIined Ior e_flags use the preIix
E_. A Ilag that is named WIDGET Ior the EM_XYZ machine would be called
IdentiIies the object Iile version, as listed in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Invalid version
urrent version
The value 1 signiIies the original Iile Iormat. The value oI EV_CURRENT changes as
necessary to reIlect the current version number.
The virtual address to which the system Iirst transIers control, thus starting the process. II
the Iile has no associated entry point, this member holds zero.
The program header table's Iile oIIset in bytes. II the Iile has no program header table,
this member holds zero.
The section header table's Iile oIIset in bytes. II the Iile has no section header table, this
member holds zero.
Processor-speciIic Ilags associated with the Iile. Flag names take the Iorm
E_machine*flag. This member is presently zero Ior x86. The SPA# Ilags are listed in
the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Vendor Extension mask
E_SPARC_32PLUS 0x000100
Generic V8 Ieatures
E_SPARC_SUN_US1 0x000200
Sun UltraSPA# 1 Extensions
E_SPARC_HAL_R1 0x000400
HAL #1 Extensions
E_SPARC_SUN_US3 0x000800
Sun UltraSPA# 3 Extensions
Mask Ior Memory Model
Total Store Ordering
Partial Store Ordering
#elaxed Memory Ordering
The ELF header's size in bytes.
The size in bytes oI one entry in the Iile's program header table. All entries are the same
The number oI entries in the program header table. The product oI e_phentsize and
e_phnum gives the table's size in bytes. II a Iile has no program header table, e_phnum
holds the value zero.
II the number oI program headers is greater than or equal to PN_XNUM (0xffff), this
member has the value PN_XNUM (0xffff). The actual number oI program header table
entries is contained in the sh_info Iield oI the section header at index 0. Otherwise, the
sh_info member oI the initial section header entry contains the value zero. See Table 7
6 and Table 77.
A section header's size in bytes. A section header is one entry in the section header table.
All entries are the same size.
The number oI entries in the section header table. The product oI e_shentsize and
e_shnum gives the section header table's size in bytes. II a Iile has no section header
table, e_shnum holds the value zero.
II the number oI sections is greater than or equal to SHN_LJRESERVE (0xff00), e_shnum
has the value zero. The actual number oI section header table entries is contained in the
sh_size Iield oI the section header at index 0. Otherwise, the sh_size member oI the
initial section header entry contains the value zero. See Table 76 and Table 77.
The section header table index oI the entry that is associated with the section name string
table. II the Iile has no section name string table, this member holds the value SHN_UNDE.
II the section name string table section index is greater than or equal to SHN_LJRESERVE
(0xff00), this member has the value SHN_XINDEX (0xffff) and the actual index oI the
section name string table section is contained in the sh_link Iield oI the section header at
index 0. Otherwise, the sh_link member oI the initial section header entry contains the
value zero. See Table 76 and Table 77.
ELF Identification
ELF provides an object Iile Iramework to support multiple processors, multiple data encoding,
and multiple classes oI machines. To support this object Iile Iamily, the initial bytes oI the Iile
speciIy how to interpret the Iile. These bytes are independent oI the processor on which the
inquiry is made and independent oI the Iile's remaining contents.
The initial bytes oI an ELF header and an object Iile correspond to the e_ident member.
Table 73 ELF IdentiIication Index
ame Value Purpose
File identiIication
File identiIication
File identiIication
File identiIication
File class
Data encoding
File version
Operating system/ABI identiIication
ABI version
Start oI padding bytes
Size oI e_ident,
These indexes access bytes that hold the Iollowing values.
A 4byte magic number, identiIying the Iile as an ELF object Iile, as listed in the
Iollowing table.
ame Value Position
ELMAG0 0x7f e_identEI_MAG0,
ELMAG1 'E' e_identEI_MAG1,
ELMAG2 'L' e_identEI_MAG2,
ELMAG3 '' e_identEI_MAG3,
Byte e_identEI_CLASS, identiIies the Iile's class, or capacity, as listed in the Iollowing
ame Value Meaning
Invalid class
32bit objects
64bit objects
The Iile Iormat is designed to be portable among machines oI various sizes, without
imposing the sizes oI the largest machine on the smallest. The class oI the Iile deIines the
basic types used by the data structures oI the object Iile container. The data that is
contained in object Iile sections can Iollow a diIIerent programming model.
lass ELCLASS32 supports machines with Iiles and virtual address spaces up to 4
gigabytes. This class uses the basic types that are deIined in Table 71.
lass ELCLASS64 is reserved Ior 64bit architectures such as 64bit SPA# and x64.
This class uses the basic types that are deIined in Table 72.
Byte e_identEI_DATA, speciIies the data encoding oI the processor-speciIic data in the
object Iile, as listed in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Invalid data encoding
See Figure 72.
See Figure 73.
More inIormation on these encodings appears in the section Data Encoding. Other values
are reserved Ior Iuture use.
Byte e_identEI_VERSIJN, speciIies the ELF header version number. urrently, this
value must be EV_CURRENT.
Byte e_identEI_JSABI, identiIies the operating system together with the ABI to which
the object is targeted. Some Iields in other ELF structures have Ilags and values that have
operating system or ABI speciIic meanings. The interpretation oI those Iields is
determined by the value oI this byte.
Byte e_identEI_ABIVERSIJN, identiIies the version oI the ABI to which the object is
targeted. This Iield is used to distinguish among incompatible versions oI an ABI. The
interpretation oI this version number is dependent on the ABI identiIied by the EI_JSABI
Iield. II no values are speciIied Ior the EI_JSABI Iield Ior the processor, or no version
values are speciIied Ior the ABI determined by a particular value oI the EI_JSABI byte,
the value zero is used to indicate unspeciIied.
This value marks the beginning oI the unused bytes in e_ident. These bytes are reserved
and are set to zero. Programs that read object Iiles should ignore these values.
ata Encoding
A Iile's data encoding speciIies how to interpret the integer types in a Iile. lass ELCLASS32
Iiles and class ELCLASS64 Iiles use integers that occupy 1, 2, 4, and 8 bytes to represent oIIsets,
addresses and other inIormation. Under the deIined encodings, objects are represented as
described by the Iigures that Iollow. Byte numbers appear in the upper leIt corners.
ELDATA2LSB encoding speciIies 2's complement values, with the least signiIicant byte
occupying the lowest address. This encoding iI oIten reIerred to inIormally as little endian.
Figure 7-2 ata Encoding ELFDATA2LSB

ELDATA2MSB encoding speciIies 2's complement values, with the most signiIicant byte
occupying the lowest address. This encoding iI oIten reIerred to inIormally as big endian.
Figure 7-3 ata Encoding ELFDATA2SB

An object Iile's section header table allows you to locate all oI the sections oI the Iile. The
section header table is an array oI Elf32_Shdr or Elf64_Shdr structures. A section header table
index is a subscript into this array. The ELF header's e_shoff member indicates the byte oIIset
Irom the beginning oI the Iile to the section header table. The e_shnum member indicates how
many entries that the section header table contains. The e_shentsize member indicates the size
in bytes oI each entry.
II the number oI sections is greater than or equal to SHN_LJRESERVE (0xff00), e_shnum has the
value SHN_UNDE (0). The actual number oI section header table entries is contained in the
sh_size Iield oI the section header at index 0. Otherwise, the sh_size member oI the initial
entry contains the value zero.
Some section header table indexes are reserved in contexts where index size is restricted. For
example, the st_shndx member oI a symbol table entry and the e_shnum and e_shstrndx
members oI the ELF header. In such contexts, the reserved values do not represent actual
sections in the object Iile. Also in such contexts, an escape value indicates that the actual section
index is to be Iound elsewhere, in a larger Iield.
Table 74 ELF Special Section Indexes
ame Value
SHN_BEJRE 0xff00
SHN_ATER 0xff01
ame Value
SHN_LJJS 0xff20
SHN_HIJS 0xff3f
SHN_ABS 0xfff1

ote -
Although index 0 is reserved as the undeIined value, the section header table contains an entry
Ior index 0. That is, iI the e_shnum member oI the ELF header indicates a Iile has 6 entries in the
section header table, the sections have the indexes 0 through 5. The contents oI the initial entry
are speciIied later in this section.

An undeIined, missing, irrelevant, or otherwise meaningless section reIerence. For
example, a symbol defined relative to section number SHN_UNDE is an undeIined
The lower boundary oI the range oI reserved indexes.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior operating system-speciIic semantics.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior Sun-speciIic semantics.
This section index provides a temporary symbol deIinition within relocatable objects.
#eserved Ior internal use by dtrace(1M).
Provide Ior initial and Iinal section ordering in conjunction with the SH_LINK_JRDER
and SH_JRDERED section Ilags. See Table 78.
x64 speciIic common block label. This label is similar to SHN_CJMMJN, but provides Ior
identiIying a large common block.
Absolute values Ior the corresponding reIerence. For example, symbols deIined relative
to section number SHN_ABS have absolute values and are not aIIected by relocation.
Symbols deIined relative to this section are common symbols, such as FO#T#AN
CJMMJN or unallocated external variables. These symbols are sometimes reIerred to as
An escape value indicating that the actual section header index is too large to Iit in the
containing Iield. The header section index is Iound in another location speciIic to the
structure where the section index appears.
The upper boundary oI the range oI reserved indexes. The system reserves indexes
between SHN_LJRESERVE and SHN_HIRESERVE, inclusive. The values do not reIerence the
section header table. The section header table does not contain entries Ior the reserved
Sections contain all inIormation in an object Iile except the ELF header, the program header
table, and the section header table. Moreover, the sections in object Iiles satisIy several
O Every section in an object Iile has exactly one section header describing the section.
Section headers can exist that do not have a section.
O Each section occupies one contiguous, possibly empty, sequence oI bytes within a Iile.
O Sections in a Iile cannot overlap. No byte in a Iile resides in more than one section.
O An object Iile can have inactive space. The various headers and the sections might not
cover every byte in an object Iile. The contents oI the inactive data are unspeciIied.
A section header has the Iollowing structure. See sys/elf.h.
typedef struct ,
elf32_Word sh_name;
Elf32_Word sh_type;
Elf32_Word sh_flags;
Elf32_Addr sh_addr;
Elf32_Jff sh_offset;
Elf32_Word sh_size;
Elf32_Word sh_link;
Elf32_Word sh_info;
Elf32_Word sh_addralign;
Elf32_Word sh_entsize;
, Elf32_Shdr;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Word sh_name;
Elf64_Word sh_type;
Elf64_Xword sh_flags;
Elf64_Addr sh_addr;
Elf64_Jff sh_offset;
Elf64_Xword sh_size;
Elf64_Word sh_link;
Elf64_Word sh_info;
Elf64_Xword sh_addralign;
Elf64_Xword sh_entsize;
, Elf64_Shdr;
The name oI the section. This members value is an index into the section header string
table section giving the location oI a null-terminated string. Section names and their
descriptions are listed in Table 710.
ategorizes the section's contents and semantics. Section types and their descriptions are
listed in Table 75.
Sections support 1-bit Ilags that describe miscellaneous attributes. Flag deIinitions are
listed in Table 78.
II the section appears in the memory image oI a process, this member gives the address at
which the section's Iirst byte should reside. Otherwise, the member contains the value
The byte oIIset Irom the beginning oI the Iile to the Iirst byte in the section. For a
SHT_NJBITS section, this member indicates the conceptual oIIset in the Iile, as the section
occupies no space in the Iile.
The section's size in bytes. Unless the section type is SHT_NJBITS, the section occupies
sh_size bytes in the Iile. A section oI type SHT_NJBITS can have a nonzero size, but the
section occupies no space in the Iile.
A section header table index link, whose interpretation depends on the section type.
Table 79 describes the values.
Extra inIormation, whose interpretation depends on the section type. Table 79 describes
the values. II the sh_flags Iield Ior this section header includes the attribute
SH_INJ_LINK, then this member represents a section header table index.
Some sections have address alignment constraints. For example, iI a section holds a
double-word, the system must ensure double-word alignment Ior the entire section. In
this case, the value oI sh_addr must be congruent to 0, modulo the value oI
sh_addralign. urrently, only 0 and positive integral powers oI two are allowed. Values
0 and 1 mean the section has no alignment constraints.
Some sections hold a table oI Iixed-size entries, such as a symbol table. For such a
section, this member gives the size in bytes oI each entry. The member contains the value
zero iI the section does not hold a table oI Iixed-size entries.
A section header's sh_type member speciIies the section's semantics, as shown in the Iollowing
Table 75 ELF Section Types, shtype
ame Value
SHT_LJJS 0x60000000
SHT_LJSUNW 0x6ffffef
SHT_SUNW_capchain 0x6fffffef
ame Value
SHT_SUNW_capinfo 0x6ffffff0
SHT_SUNW_symsort 0x6ffffff1
SHT_SUNW_tlssort 0x6ffffff2
SHT_SUNW_dof 0x6ffffff4
SHT_SUNW_cap 0x6ffffff5
SHT_SUNW_DEBUG 0x6ffffff9
SHT_SUNW_move 0x6ffffffa
SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT 0x6ffffffb
SHT_SUNW_syminfo 0x6ffffffc
SHT_SUNW_verdef 0x6ffffffd
SHT_SUNW_verneed 0x6ffffffe
SHT_SUNW_versym 0x6fffffff
SHT_HISUNW 0x6fffffff
SHT_HIJS 0x6fffffff
SHT_LJPRJC 0x70000000
SHT_AMD64_UNWIND 0x70000001
SHT_HIPRJC 0x7fffffff
ame Value
SHT_LJUSER 0x80000000
SHT_HIUSER 0xffffffff
IdentiIies the section header as inactive. This section header does not have an associated
section. Other members oI the section header have undeIined values.
IdentiIies inIormation deIined by the program, whose Iormat and meaning are determined
solely by the program.
IdentiIies a symbol table. Typically, a SHT_SYMTAB section provides symbols Ior link-
editing. As a complete symbol table, the table can contain many symbols that are
unnecessary Ior dynamic linking. onsequently, an object Iile can also contain a
SHT_DYNSYM section, which holds a minimal set oI dynamic linking symbols, to save
SHT_DYNSYM can also be augmented with a SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM section. This additional
section provides local Iunction symbols to the runtime environment, but is not required
Ior dynamic linking. This section allows debuggers to produce accurate stack traces in
runtime contexts when the non-allocable SHT_SYMTAB is not available, or has been
stripped Irom the Iile. This section also provides the runtime environment with additional
symbolic inIormation Ior use with dladdr(3).
When both a SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM section and a SHT_DYNSYM section exist, the link-editor
places their data regions immediately adjacent to each other. The SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM
section precedes the SHT_DYNSYM section. This placement allows the two tables to be
viewed as a single larger contiguous symbol table, containing a reduced set oI symbols
See Symbol Table Section Ior details.
IdentiIies a string table. An object Iile can have multiple string table sections. See String
Table Section Ior details.
IdentiIies relocation entries with explicit addends, such as type Elf32_Rela Ior the 32
bit class oI object Iiles. An object Iile can have multiple relocation sections. See
#elocation Sections Ior details.
IdentiIies a symbol hash table. A dynamically linked object Iile must contain a symbol
hash table. urrently, an object Iile can have only one hash table, but this restriction
might be relaxed in the Iuture. See Hash Table Section Ior details.
IdentiIies inIormation Ior dynamic linking. urrently, an object Iile can have only one
dynamic section. See Dynamic Section Ior details.
IdentiIies inIormation that marks the Iile in some way. See Note Section Ior details.
IdentiIies a section that occupies no space in the Iile but otherwise resembles
SHT_PRJGBITS. Although this section contains no bytes, the sh_offset member contains
the conceptual Iile oIIset.
IdentiIies relocation entries without explicit addends, such as type Elf32_Rel Ior the 32
bit class oI object Iiles. An object Iile can have multiple relocation sections. See
#elocation Sections Ior details.
IdentiIies a reserved section which has unspeciIied semantics. Programs that contain a
section oI this type do not conIorm to the ABI.
IdentiIies a section containing an array oI pointers to initialization Iunctions. Each pointer
in the array is taken as a parameterless procedure with a void return. See Initialization
and Termination Sections Ior details.
IdentiIies a section containing an array oI pointers to termination Iunctions. Each pointer
in the array is taken as a parameterless procedure with a void return. See Initialization
and Termination Sections Ior details.
IdentiIies a section containing an array oI pointers to Iunctions that are invoked beIore all
other initialization Iunctions. Each pointer in the array is taken as a parameterless
procedure with a void return. See Initialization and Termination Sections Ior details.
IdentiIies a section group. A section group identiIies a set oI related sections that must be
treated as a unit by the link-editor. Sections oI type SHT_GRJUP can appear only in
relocatable objects. See Group Section Ior details.
IdentiIies a section containing extended section indexes, that are associated with a
symbol table. II any section header indexes reIerenced by a symbol table, contain the
escape value SHN_XINDEX, an associated SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX is required.
The SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX section is an array oI Elf32_Word values. This array contains
one entry Ior every entry in the associated symbol table entry. The values represent the
section header indexes against which the symbol table entries are deIined. Only iI
corresponding symbol table entry's st_shndx Iield contains the escape value SHN_XINDEX
will the matching Elf32_Word hold the actual section header index. Otherwise, the entry
must be SHN_UNDE (0).
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior operating system-speciIic semantics.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior Oracle Solaris OS semantics.
An array oI indices that collect capability Iamily members. The Iirst element oI the array
is the chain version number. Following this element are a chain oI 0 terminated capability
symbol indices. Each 0 terminated group oI indices represents a capabilities Iamily. The
Iirst element oI each Iamily is the capabilities lead symbol. The Iollowing elements point
to Iamily members. See apabilities Section Ior details.
An array oI indices that associate symbol table entries to capabilities requirements, and
their lead capabilities symbol. An object that deIines symbol capabilities contains a
SHT_SUNW_cap section. The SHT_SUNW_cap section header inIormation points to the
associated SHT_SUNW_capinfo section. The SHT_SUNW_capinfo section header
inIormation points to the associated symbol table section. See apabilities Section Ior
An array oI indices into the dynamic symbol table that is Iormed by the adjacent
SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM section and SHT_DYNSYM section. These indices are relative to the
start oI the SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM section. The indices reIerence those symbols that contain
memory addresses. The indices are sorted such that the indices reIerence the symbols by
increasing address.
An array oI indices into the dynamic symbol table that is Iormed by the adjacent
SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM section and SHT_DYNSYM section. These indices are relative to the
start oI the SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM section. The indices reIerence thread-local storage
symbols. See hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage. The indices are sorted such that the
indices reIerence the symbols by increasing oIIset.
Dynamic symbol table Ior non-global symbols. See previous SHT_SYMTAB, SHT_DYNSYM,
SHT_SUNW_LDYNSYM description.
#eserved Ior internal use by dtrace(1M).
SpeciIies capability requirements. See apabilities Section Ior details.
IdentiIies module veriIication signature.
The processing oI an annotate section Iollows all oI the deIault rules Ior processing a
section. The only exception occurs iI the annotate section is in non-allocatable memory.
II the section header Ilag SH_ALLJC is not set, the link-editor silently ignores any
unsatisIied relocations against this section.
IdentiIies debugging inIormation. Sections oI this type are stripped Irom the object using
the link-editor's s option, or aIter the link-edit using strip(1).
IdentiIies data to handle partially initialized symbols. See Move Section Ior details.
IdentiIies a section that allows multiple copies oI the same data to be reduced to a single
copy. See OMDAT Section Ior details.
IdentiIies additional symbol inIormation. See SyminIo Table Section Ior details.
IdentiIies Iine-grained versions deIined by this Iile. See Version DeIinition Section Ior
IdentiIies Iine-grained dependencies required by this Iile. See Version Dependency
Section Ior details.
IdentiIies a table describing the relationship oI symbols to the version deIinitions oIIered
by the Iile. See Version Symbol Section Ior details.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
IdentiIies SPA# speciIic data, reIerenced using GJT-relative addressing. That is, oIIsets
relative to the address assigned to the symbol _GLJBAL_JSET_TABLE_. For 64bit
SPA#, data in this section must be bound at link-edit time to locations within ,+-,
2^32 bytes oI the GJT address.
IdentiIies x64 speciIic data, containing unwind Iunction table entries Ior stack unwinding.
SpeciIies the lower boundary oI the range oI indexes that are reserved Ior application
SpeciIies the upper boundary oI the range oI indexes that are reserved Ior application
programs. Section types between SHT_LJUSER and SHT_HIUSER can be used by the
application without conIlicting with current or Iuture system-deIined section types.
Other section-type values are reserved. As mentioned beIore, the section header Ior index 0
(SHN_UNDE) exists, even though the index marks undeIined section reIerences. The Iollowing
table shows the values.
Table 76 ELF Section Header Table Entry: Index 0
ame Value ote
sh_name 0
No name
sh_type SHT_NULL
sh_flags 0
No Ilags
sh_addr 0
No address
sh_offset 0
No Iile oIIset
sh_size 0
No size
sh_link SHN_UNDE
No link inIormation
sh_info 0
No auxiliary inIormation
sh_addralign 0
No alignment
sh_entsize 0
No entries
Should the number oI sections or program headers exceed the ELF header data sizes, elements oI
section header 0 are used to deIine extended ELF header attributes. The Iollowing table shows
the values.
Table 77 ELF Extended Section Header Table Entry: Index 0
ame Value ote
sh_name 0
No name
ame Value ote
sh_type SHT_NULL
sh_flags 0
No Ilags
sh_addr 0
No address
sh_offset 0
No Iile oIIset
sh_size e_shnum
The number oI entries in the section header table
sh_link e_shstrndx
The section header index oI the entry that is associated with
the section name string table
sh_info e_phnum
The number oI entries in the program header table
sh_addralign 0
No alignment
sh_entsize 0
No entries
A section header's sh_flags member holds 1-bit Ilags that describe the section's attributes.
Table 78 ELF Section Attribute Flags
ame Value
ame Value
SH_GRJUP 0x200
SH_TLS 0x400
SH_MASKJS 0x0ff00000
SH_AMD64_LARGE 0x10000000
SH_JRDERED 0x40000000
SH_EXCLUDE 0x80000000
SH_MASKPRJC 0xf0000000
II a Ilag bit is set in sh_flags, the attribute is on Ior the section. Otherwise, the attribute is off,
or does not apply. UndeIined attributes are reserved and are set to zero.
IdentiIies a section that should be writable during process execution.
IdentiIies a section that occupies memory during process execution. Some control
sections do not reside in the memory image oI an object Iile. This attribute is oII Ior those
IdentiIies a section that contains executable machine instructions.
IdentiIies a section containing data that can be merged to eliminate duplication. Unless
the SH_STRINGS Ilag is also set, the data elements in the section are oI a uniIorm size.
The size oI each element is speciIied in the section header's sh_entsize Iield. II the
SH_STRINGS Ilag is also set, the data elements consist oI null-terminated character
strings. The size oI each character is speciIied in the section header's sh_entsize Iield.
IdentiIies a section that consists oI null-terminated character strings. The size oI each
character is speciIied in the section header's sh_entsize Iield.
This section headers sh_info Iield holds a section header table index.
This section adds special ordering requirements to the link-editor. The requirements
apply iI the sh_link Iield oI this section's header reIerences another section, the linked-
to section. II this section is combined with other sections in the output Iile, the section
appears in the same relative order with respect to those sections. Similarly the linked-to
section appears with respect to sections the linked-to section is combined with. The
linked-to section must be unordered, and cannot in turn speciIy SH_LINK_JRDER or
The special sh_link values SHN_BEJRE and SHN_ATER (see Table 74) imply that the
sorted section is to precede or Iollow, respectively, all other sections in the set being
ordered. Input Iile link-line order is preserved iI multiple sections in an ordered set have
one oI these special values.
A typical use oI this Ilag is to build a table that reIerences text or data sections in address
In the absence oI the sh_link ordering inIormation, sections Irom a single input Iile
combined within one section oI the output Iile are contiguous. These section have the
same relative ordering as the sections did in the input Iile. The contributions Irom
multiple input Iiles appear in link-line order.
This section requires special OS-speciIic processing beyond the standard linking rules to
avoid incorrect behavior. II this section has either an sh_type value or contains
sh_flags bits in the OS-speciIic ranges Ior those Iields, and the link-editor does not
recognize these values, then the object Iile containing this section is rejected with an
This section is a member, perhaps the only member, oI a section group. The section must
be reIerenced by a section oI type SHT_GRJUP. The SH_GRJUP Ilag can be set only Ior
sections that are contained in relocatable objects. See Group Section Ior details.
This section holds thread-local storage. Each thread within a process has a distinct
instance oI this data. See hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage Ior details.
All bits that are included in this mask are reserved Ior operating system-speciIic
The deIault compilation model Ior x64 only provides Ior 32bit displacements. This
displacement limits the size oI sections, and eventually segments, to 2 Gbytes. This
attribute Ilag identiIies a section that can hold more than 2 Gbyte. This Ilag allows the
linking oI object Iiles that use diIIerent code models.
An x64 object Iile section that does not contain the SH_AMD64_LARGE attribute Ilag can
be Ireely reIerenced by objects using small code models. A section that contains this Ilag
can only be reIerenced by objects that use larger code models. For example, an x64
medium code model object can reIer to data in sections that contain the attribute Ilag and
sections that do not contain the attribute Ilag. However, an x64 small code model object
can only reIer to data in a section that does not contain this Ilag.
SH_JRDERED is an older version oI the Iunctionality provided by SH_LINK_JRDER, and
has been superseded by SH_LINK_JRDER. SH_JRDERED oIIers two distinct and separate
abilities. First, an output section can be speciIied, and second, special ordering
requirements are required Irom the link-editor.
The sh_link Iield oI an SH_JRDERED section Iorms a linked list oI sections. This list is
terminated by a Iinal section with a sh_link that points at itselI. All sections in this list
are assigned to the output section with the name oI the Iinal section in the list.
II the sh_info entry oI the ordered section is a valid section within the same input Iile,
the ordered section is sorted based on the relative ordering within the output Iile oI the
section pointed to by the sh_info entry. The section pointed at by the sh_info entry
must be unordered, and cannot in turn speciIy SH_LINK_JRDER or SH_JRDERED.
The special sh_info values SHN_BEJRE and SHN_ATER (see Table 74) imply that the
sorted section is to precede or Iollow, respectively, all other sections in the set being
ordered. Input Iile link-line order is preserved iI multiple sections in an ordered set have
one oI these special values.
In the absence oI the sh_info ordering inIormation, sections Irom a single input Iile
combined within one section oI the output Iile are contiguous. These sections have the
same relative ordering as the sections appear in the input Iile. The contributions Irom
multiple input Iiles appear in link-line order.
This section is excluded Irom input to the link-edit oI an executable or shared object. This
Ilag is ignored iI the SH_ALLJC Ilag is also set, or iI relocations exist against the section.
All bits that are included in this mask are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
Two members in the section header, sh_link and sh_info, hold special inIormation, depending
on section type.
Table 79 ELF sh_link and sh_info Interpretation
sh_type sh_link sh_info
The section header index oI
the associated string table.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
II the sh_flags member contains the
SH_INJ_LINK Ilag, the section
header index oI the section to which
the relocation applies, otherwise 0. See
also Table 710 and #elocation
The section header index oI
the associated string table.
One greater than the symbol table
index oI the last local symbol,
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
The symbol table index oI an entry in
the associated symbol table. The name
oI the speciIied symbol table entry
provides a signature Ior the section
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
II symbol capabilities exist,
the section header index oI the
associated SHT_SUNW_capinfo
table, otherwise 0.
II any capabilities reIer to named
strings, the section header index oI the
associated string table, otherwise 0.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
For a dynamic object, the section
header index oI the associated
SHT_SUNW_capchain table, otherwise
sh_type sh_link sh_info
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
The section header index oI
the associated string table.
This index is the same string
table used by the SHT_DYNSYM
One greater than the symbol table
index oI the last local symbol,
only contains local symbols, sh_info
is equivalent to the number oI symbols
in the table.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
The section header index oI the
associated .dynamic section.
The section header index oI
the associated string table.
The number oI version deIinitions
within the section.
The section header index oI
the associated string table.
The number oI version dependencies
within the section.
The section header index oI
the associated symbol table.
Section Merging
The SH_MERGE section Ilag can be used to mark SHT_PRJGBITS sections within relocatable
objects. See Table 78. This Ilag indicates that the section can be merged with compatible
sections Irom other objects. Such merging has the potential to reduce the size oI any executable
or shared object that is built Irom these relocatable objects. This size reduction can also have a
positive eIIect on the runtime perIormance oI the resulting object.
A SH_MERGE Ilagged section indicates that the section adheres to the Iollowing characteristics.
O The section is read-only. It must not be possible Ior a program containing this section to
alter the section data at runtime.
O Every item in the section is accessed Irom an individual relocation record. The program
code must not make any assumptions about the relative position oI items in the section
when generating the code that accesses the items.
O II the section also has the SH_STRINGS Ilag set, then the section can only contain null
terminated strings. Null characters are only allowed as string terminators, and null
characters must not appear within the middle oI any string.
SH_MERGE is an optional Ilag indicating a possible optimization. The link-editor is allowed to
perIorm the optimization, or to ignore the optimization. The link-editor creates a valid output
object in either case. The link-editor presently implements section merging only Ior sections
containing string data marked with the SH_STRINGS Ilag.
When the SH_STRINGS section Ilag is set in conjunction with the SH_MERGE Ilag, the strings in
the section are available to be merged with strings Irom other compatible sections. The link-
editor merges such sections using the same string compression algorithm as used to compress the
SHT_STRTAB string tables, .strtab and .dynstr.
O Duplicate strings are reduced to a single copy.
O Tail strings are eliminated. For example, iI input sections contain the strings 'bigdog
and 'dog, then the smaller 'dog string is eliminated, and the tail oI the larger string is
used to represent the smaller string.
The link-editor currently implements string merging only Ior strings that consist oI byte sized
characters that do not have special alignment constraints. SpeciIically, the Iollowing section
characteristics are required.
O sh_entsize must be 0, or 1. Sections containing wide characters are not supported.
O Only sections with byte alignment, where sh_addralign is 0, or 1, are merged.

ote -
Any string table compression can be suppressed with the link-editors no.ompstrtab option.

Special Sections
Various sections hold program and control inIormation. Sections in the Iollowing table are used
by the system and have the indicated types and attributes.
Table 710 ELF Special Sections
ame Tpe Attribute
.data, .data1
.eh_frame_hdr SHT_AMD64_UNWIND SH_ALLJC
See Global OIIset Table (Processor-SpeciIic)
See Program Interpreter
.note SHT_NJTE
.ldata, .ldata1
See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-
ame Tpe Attribute
.rela SHT_RELA
See #elocation Sections
See #elocation Sections
.rodata, .rodata1
.shstrtab SHT_STRTAB
.strtab SHT_STRTAB
#eIer to the explanation Iollowing this table.
.symtab SHT_SYMTAB
See Symbol Table Section
.symtab_shndx SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX
See Symbol Table Section
.tdata, .tdata1
.SUNW_capchain SHT_SUNW_capchain SH_ALLJC
.SUNW_capinfo SHT_SUNW_capinfo SH_ALLJC
.SUNW_dynsymsort SHT_SUNW_symsort SH_ALLJC
.SUNW_dymtlssort SHT_SUNW_tlssort SH_ALLJC
ame Tpe Attribute
.SUNW_syminfo SHT_SUNW_syminfo SH_ALLJC
.SUNW_version SHT_SUNW_verdef
Uninitialized data that contribute to the program's memory image. By deIinition, the
system initializes the data with zeros when the program begins to run. The section
occupies no Iile space, as indicated by the section type SHT_NJBITS.
omment inIormation, typically contributed by the components oI the compilation
system. This section can be manipulated by mcs(1).
.data, .data1
Initialized data that contribute to the program's memory image.
Dynamic linking inIormation. See Dynamic Section Ior details.
Strings needed Ior dynamic linking, most commonly the strings that represent the names
associated with symbol table entries.
Dynamic linking symbol table. See Symbol Table Section Ior details.
.eh_frame_hdr, .eh_frame
all Irame inIormation used to unwind the stack.
Executable instructions that contribute to a single termination Iunction Ior the executable
or shared object containing the section. See Initialization and Termination #outines Ior
An array oI Iunction pointers that contribute to a single termination array Ior the
executable or shared object containing the section. See Initialization and Termination
#outines Ior details.
The global oIIset table. See Global OIIset Table (Processor-SpeciIic) Ior details.
Symbol hash table. See Hash Table Section Ior details.
Executable instructions that contribute to a single initialization Iunction Ior the
executable or shared object containing the section. See Initialization and Termination
#outines Ior details.
An array oI Iunction pointers that contributes to a single initialization array Ior the
executable or shared object containing the section. See Initialization and Termination
#outines Ior details.
The path name oI a program interpreter. See Program Interpreter Ior details.
x64 speciIic uninitialized data. This data is similar to .bss, but provides Ior a section that
is larger than 2 Gbytes.
.ldata, .ldata1
x64 speciIic initialized data. This data is similar to .data, but provides Ior a section that
is larger than 2 Gbytes.
.lrodata, .lrodata1
x64 speciIic read-only data. This data is similar to .rodata, but provides Ior a section
that is larger than 2 Gbytes.
InIormation in the Iormat described in Note Section.
The procedure linkage table. See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic) Ior
An array oI Iunction pointers that contribute to a single pre-initialization array Ior the
executable or shared object containing the section. See Initialization and Termination
#outines Ior details.
#elocations that do not apply to a particular section. One use oI this section is Ior register
relocations. See #egister Symbols Ior details.
.relname, .relaname
#elocation inIormation, as #elocation Sections describes. II the Iile has a loadable
segment that includes relocation, the sections' attributes include the SH_ALLJC bit.
Otherwise, that bit is oII. onventionally, name is supplied by the section to which the
relocations apply. Thus, a relocation section Ior .text normally will have the name
.rel.text or .rela.text.
.rodata, .rodata1
#ead-only data that typically contribute to a non-writable segment in the process image.
See Program Header Ior details.
Section names.
Strings, most commonly the strings that represent the names that are associated with
symbol table entries. II the Iile has a loadable segment that includes the symbol string
table, the section's attributes include the SH_ALLJC bit. Otherwise, that bit is turned oII.
Symbol table, as Symbol Table Section describes. II the Iile has a loadable segment that
includes the symbol table, the section's attributes include the SH_ALLJC bit. Otherwise,
that bit is turned oII.
This section holds the special symbol table section index array, as described by .symtab.
The section's attributes include the SH_ALLJC bit iI the associated symbol table section
does. Otherwise, that bit is turned oII.
This section holds uninitialized thread-local data that contribute to the program's memory
image. By deIinition, the system initializes the data with zeros when the data is
instantiated Ior each new execution Ilow. The section occupies no Iile space, as indicated
by the section type, SHT_NJBITS. See hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage Ior details.
.tdata, .tdata1
These sections hold initialized thread-local data that contribute to the program's memory
image. A copy oI its contents is instantiated by the system Ior each new execution Ilow.
See hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage Ior details.
The text or executable instructions oI a program.
Partially initialized data Ior shared objects that contribute to the program's memory
image. The data is initialized at runtime. The section occupies no Iile space, as indicated
by the section type SHT_NJBITS.
apability requirements. See apabilities Section Ior details.
apability chain table. See apabilities Section Ior details.
apability symbol inIormation. See apabilities Section Ior details.
The heap oI a dynamic executable created Irom dldump(3).
An array oI indices to symbols in the combined .SUNW_ldynsym .dynsym symbol table.
The indices are sorted to reIerence symbols in order oI increasing address. Symbols that
do not represent variables or do not represent Iunctions are not included. In the case oI
redundant global symbols and weak symbols, only the weak symbol is kept. See Symbol
Sort Sections Ior details.
An array oI indices to thread-local storage symbols in the combined .SUNW_ldynsym
.dynsym symbol table. The indices are sorted to reIerence symbols in order oI increasing
oIIset. Symbols that do not represent TLS variables are not included. In the case oI
redundant global symbols and weak symbols, only the weak symbol is kept. See Symbol
Sort Sections Ior details.
Augments the .dynsym section. This section contains local Iunction symbols, Ior use in
contexts where the Iull .symtab section is not available. The link-editor always places
the data Ior a .SUNW_ldynsym section immediately beIore, and adjacent to, the .dynsym
section. Both sections always use the same .dynstr string table section. This placement
and organization, allows both symbol tables to be treated as a single larger symbol table.
See Symbol Table Section.
Additional inIormation Ior partially initialized data. See Move Section Ior details.
#elocation inIormation, as #elocation Sections describes. This section is a concatenation
oI relocation sections that provides better locality oI reIerence oI the individual relocation
records. Only the oIIset oI the relocation record is meaningIul, thus the section sh_info
value is zero.
Additional symbol table inIormation. See SyminIo Table Section Ior details.
Versioning inIormation. See Versioning Sections Ior details.
Section names with a dot (.) preIix are reserved Ior the system, although applications can use
these sections iI their existing meanings are satisIactory. Applications can use names without the
preIix to avoid conIlicts with system sections. The object Iile Iormat enables you to deIine
sections that are not reserved. An object Iile can have more than one section with the same name.
Section names that are reserved Ior a processor architecture are Iormed by placing an
abbreviation oI the architecture name ahead oI the section name. The name should be taken Irom
the architecture names that are used Ior e_machine. For example, .oo.psect is the psect
section deIined by the JJ architecture.
Existing extensions use their historical names
COMAT Section
OMDAT sections are uniquely identiIied by their section name (sh_name). II the link-editor
encounters multiple sections oI type SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT, with the same section name, the Iirst
section is retained and the rest discarded. Any relocations that are applied to a discarded
SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT section are ignored. Any symbols that are deIined in a discarded section are
Additionally, the link-editor supports the section naming convention that is used Ior section
reordering when the compiler is invoked with the xF option. II a Iunction is placed in a
SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT section that is named .sectname%1uncname, the Iinal SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT
sections that are retained are coalesced into the section that is named .sectname. This method
can be used to place SHT_SUNW_CJMDAT sections into the .text, .data, or any other section as
their Iinal destination.
roup Section
Some sections occur in interrelated groups. For example, an out-oI-line deIinition oI an inline
Iunction might require additional inIormation besides the section containing executable
instructions. This additional inIormation can be a read-only data section containing literals
reIerenced, one or more debugging inIormation sections, or other inIormational sections.
There can be internal reIerences among group sections. However, these reIerences make no
sense iI one oI the sections were removed, or one oI the sections were replaced by a duplicate
Irom another object. ThereIore, these groups are included, or these groups are omitted, Irom the
linked object as a unit.
A section oI type SHT_GRJUP deIines such a grouping oI sections. The name oI a symbol Irom
one oI the containing object's symbol tables provides a signature Ior the section group. The
section header oI the SHT_GRJUP section speciIies the identiIying symbol entry. The sh_link
member contains the section header index oI the symbol table section that contains the entry. The
sh_info member contains the symbol table index oI the identiIying entry. The sh_flags
member oI the section header contains the value zero. The name oI the section (sh_name) is not
The section data oI a SHT_GRJUP section is an array oI Elf32_Word entries. The Iirst entry is a
Ilag word. The remaining entries are a sequence oI section header indices.
The Iollowing Ilag is currently deIined.
Table 711 ELF Group Section Flag
ame Value
GRP_CJMDAT is a CJMDAT group. This group can duplicate another CJMDAT group in
another object Iile, where duplication is deIined as having the same group signature. In
such cases, only one oI the duplicate groups is retained by the link-editor. The members
oI the remaining groups are discarded.
The section header indices in the SHT_GRJUP section, identiIy the sections that make up the
group. These sections must have the SH_GRJUP Ilag set in their sh_flags section header
member. II the link-editor decides to remove the section group, the link-editor removes all
members oI the group.
To Iacilitate removing a group without leaving dangling reIerences and with only minimal
processing oI the symbol table, the Iollowing rules are Iollowed.
O #eIerences to the sections comprising a group Irom sections outside oI the group must be
made through symbol table entries with STB_GLJBAL or STB_WEAK binding and section
index SHN_UNDE. A deIinition oI the same symbol in the object containing the reIerence
must have a separate symbol table entry Irom the reIerence. Sections outside oI the group
can not reIerence symbols with STB_LJCAL binding Ior addresses that are contained in the
group's sections, including symbols with type STT_SECTIJN.
O Non-symbol reIerences to the sections comprising a group are not allowed Irom outside
the group. For example, you cannot use a group member's section header index in an
sh_link or sh_info member.
O A symbol table entry deIined relative to one oI the group's sections can be removed iI the
group members are discarded. This removal occurs iI the symbol table entry is contained
in a symbol table section that is not part oI the group.
Capabilities Section
A SHT_SUNW_cap section identiIies the capability requirements oI an object. These capabilities
are reIerred to as object capabilities. This section can also identiIy the capability requirements oI
Iunctions, or initialized data items, within an object. These capabilities are reIerred to as smbol
capabilities. This section contains an array oI the Iollowing structures. See sys/elf.h.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Word c_tag;
union ,
Elf32_Word c_val;
Elf32_Addr c_ptr;
, c_un;
, Elf32_Cap;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Xword c_tag;
union ,
Elf64_Xword c_val;
Elf64_Addr c_ptr;
, c_un;
, Elf64_Cap;
For each object with this type, c_tag controls the interpretation oI c_un.
These objects represent integer values with various interpretations.
These objects represent program virtual addresses.
The Iollowing capabilities tags exist.
Table 712 ELF apability Array Tags
ame Value
CA_SUNW_HW_1 1 c_val
CA_SUNW_S_1 2 c_val
CA_SUNW_HW_2 3 c_val
CA_SUNW_PLAT 4 c_ptr
CA_SUNW_MACH 5 c_ptr
CA_SUNW_ID 6 c_ptr
Marks the end oI a group oI capabilities.
Indicates hardware capability values. The c_val element contains a value that represents
the associated hardware capabilities. On SPA# platIorms, hardware capabilities are
deIined in sys/auxv_SPARC.h. On x86 platIorms, hardware capabilities are deIined in
Indicates soItware capability values. The c_val element contains a value that represents
the associated soItware capabilities that are deIined in sys/elf.h.
SpeciIies a platIorm name. The c_ptr element contains the string table oIIset oI a null-
terminated string, that deIines a platIorm name.
SpeciIies a machine name. The c_ptr element contains the string table oIIset oI a null-
terminated string, that deIines a machine hardware name.
SpeciIies a capability identiIier name. The c_ptr element contains the string table oIIset
oI a null-terminated string, that deIines an identiIier name. This element does not deIine a
capability, but assigns a unique symbolic name to the capability group by which the
group can be reIerenced. This identiIier name is appended to any global symbol names
that are transIormed to local symbols as part oI the link-editors symbol.ap
processing. See onverting Object apabilities to Symbol apabilities.
#elocatable objects can contain a capabilities section. The link-editor combines any capabilities
sections Irom multiple input relocatable objects into a single capabilities section. The link-editor
also allows capabilities to be deIined at the time an object is built. See IdentiIying apability
Multiple CA_SUNW_NULL terminated groups oI capabilities can exist within an object. The Iirst
group, starting at index 0, identiIies the object capabilities. A dynamic object that deIines object
capabilities, has a PT_SUNWCAP program header associated to the section. This program header
allows the runtime linker to validate the object against the system capabilities that are available
to the process. Dynamic objects that use diIIerent object capabilities can provide a Ilexible
runtime environment using Iilters. See apability SpeciIic Shared Objects.
Additional groups oI capabilities identiIy symbol capabilities. Symbol capabilities allow multiple
instances oI the same symbol to exist within an object. Each instance is associated to a set oI
capabilities that must be available Ior the instance to be used. When symbol capabilities are
present, the sh_link element oI the SHT_SUNW_cap section points to the associated
SHT_SUNW_capinfo table. Dynamic objects that use symbol capabilities can provide a Ilexible
means oI enabling optimized Iunctions Ior speciIic systems. See reating a Family oI Symbol
apabilities Functions.
The SHT_SUNW_capinfo table parallels the associated symbol table. The sh_link element oI the
SHT_SUNW_capinfo section points to the associated symbol table. Functions that are associated
with capabilities, have indexes within the SHT_SUNW_capinfo table that identiIy the capabilities
group within the SHT_SUNW_cap section.
Within a dynamic object, the sh_info element oI the SHT_SUNW_capinfo section points to a
capabilities chain table, SHT_SUNW_capchain. This table is used by the runtime linker to locate
members oI a capabilities Iamily.
A SHT_SUNW_capinfo table entry has the Iollowing Iormat. See sys/elf.h.
typedef Elf32_Word Elf32_Capinfo;
typedef Elf64_Xword Elf64_Capinfo;
Elements within this table are interpreted using the Iollowing macros. See sys/elf.h.
#define EL32_C_SYM(info) ((info)8)
#define EL32_C_GRJUP(info) ((unsigned char)(info))
#define EL32_C_INJ(sym, grp) (((sym)<<8)+(unsigned char)(grp))

#define EL64_C_SYM(info) ((info)32)
#define EL64_C_GRJUP(info) ((Elf64_Word)(info))
#define EL64_C_INJ(sym, grp) (((Elf64_Xword)(sym)<<32)+(Elf64_Xword)(grp))
A SHT_SUNW_capinfo entry group element contains the index oI the SHT_SUNW_cap table that
this symbol is associated with. This element thus associates symbols to a capability group. A
reserved group index, CAPINJ_SUNW_GLJB, identiIies a lead symbol oI a Iamily oI capabilities
instances, that provides a deIault instance.
Name Value Meaning
IdentiIies a deIault symbol. This symbol is not associated with
any speciIic capabilities, but leads a symbol capabilities
A SHT_SUNW_capinfo entry symbol element contains the index oI the lead symbol associated
with this symbol. The group and symbol inIormation allow the link-editor to process Iamilies oI
capabilities symbols Irom relocatable objects, and construct the necessary capabilities
inIormation in any output object. Within a dynamic object, the symbol element oI a lead symbol,
one tagged with the group CAPINJ_SUNW_GLJB, is an index into the SHT_SUNW_capchain table.
This index allows the runtime linker to traverse the capabilities chain table, starting at this index,
and inspects each Iollowing entry until a 0 entry is Iound. The chain entries contain symbol
indices Ior each capabilities Iamily member.
A dynamic object that deIines symbol capabilities, has a DT_SUNW_CAP dynamic entry, and a
DT_SUNW_CAPINJ dynamic entry. These entries identiIy the SHT_SUNW_cap section, and
SHT_SUNW_capinfo section respectively. The object also contains DT_SUNW_CAPCHAIN,
DT_SUNW_CAPCHAINENT and DT_SUNW_CAPCHAINSZ entries that identiIy the SHT_SUNW_capchain
section, the sections entry size and total size. These entries allow the runtime linker to establish
the best symbol to use, Irom a Iamily oI symbol capability instances.
An object can deIine only object capabilities, or can deIine only symbol capabilities, or can
deIine both types oI capabilities. An object capabilities group starts at index 0. Symbol
capabilities groups start at any index other than 0. II an object deIines symbol capabilities, but no
object capabilities, then a single CA_SUNW_NULL entry must exist at index 0 to indicate the start oI
symbol capabilities.
ash Table Section
A hash table consists oI Elf32_Word or Elf64_Word objects that provide Ior symbol table
access. The SHT_HASH section provides this hash table. The symbol table to which the hashing is
associated is speciIied in the sh_link entry oI the hash table's section header. Labels are used in
the Iollowing Iigure to help explain the hash table organization, but these labels are not part oI
the speciIication.
Figure 7-4 Smbol ash Table

The bucket array contains nbucket entries, and the chain array contains nchain entries.
Indexes start at 0. Both bucket and chain hold symbol table indexes. hain table entries parallel
the symbol table. The number oI symbol table entries should equal nchain, so symbol table
indexes also select chain table entries.
A hashing Iunction that accepts a symbol name, returns a value to compute a bucket index.
onsequently, iI the hashing Iunction returns the value x Ior some name, bucket |x nbucket(
gives an index y. This index is an index into both the symbol table and the chain table. II the
symbol table entry is not the name desired, chain|y( gives the next symbol table entry with the
same hash value.
The chain links can be Iollowed until the selected symbol table entry holds the desired name, or
the chain entry contains the value STN_UNDE.
The hash Iunction is as Iollows.
unsigned long
elf_Hash(const unsigned char name)
unsigned long h = 0, g;

while (name)
h = (h << 4) + name++;
if (g = h & 0xf0000000)
h ^= g 24;
h &= ~g;
return h;
Move Section
Typically, within ELF Iiles, initialized data variables are maintained within the object Iile. II a
data variable is very large, and contains only a small number oI initialized (nonzero) elements,
the entire variable is still maintained in the object Iile.
Objects that contain large partially initialized data variables, such as JRTRAN CJMMJN blocks,
can result in a signiIicant disk space overhead. The SHT_SUNW_move section provides a
mechanism oI compressing these data variables. This compression reduces the disk size oI the
associated object.
The SHT_SUNW_move section contains multiple entries oI the type EL32_Move or Elf64_Move.
These entries allow data variables to be deIined as tentative items (.bss). These items occupy no
space in the object Iile, but contribute to the object's memory image at runtime. The move
records establish how the memory image is initialized with data to construct the complete data
EL32_Move and Elf64_Move entries are deIined as Iollows.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Lword m_value;
Elf32_Word m_info;
Elf32_Word m_poffset;
Elf32_Half m_repeat;
Elf32_Half m_stride;
, Elf32_Move;

#define EL32_M_SYM(info) ((info)8)
#define EL32_M_SIZE(info) ((unsigned char)(info))
#define EL32_M_INJ(sym, size) (((sym)<<8)+(unsigned char)(size))

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Lword m_value;
Elf64_Xword m_info;
Elf64_Xword m_poffset;
Elf64_Half m_repeat;
Elf64_Half m_stride;
, Elf64_Move;

#define EL64_M_SYM(info) ((info)8)
#define EL64_M_SIZE(info) ((unsigned char)(info))
#define EL64_M_INJ(sym, size) (((sym)<<8)+(unsigned char)(size))
The elements oI these structures are as Iollows.
The initialization value, which is the value that is moved into the memory image.
The symbol table index, with respect to which the initialization is applied, together with
the size, in bytes, oI the oIIset being initialized. The lower 8 bits oI the member deIine
the size, which can be 1, 2, 4 or 8. The upper bytes deIine the symbol index.
The oIIset relative to the associated symbol to which the initialization is applied.
A repetition count.
The stride count. This value indicates the number oI units that should be skipped when
perIorming a repetitive initialization. A unit is the size oI an initialization object as
deIined by m_info. An m_stride value oI zero indicates that the initialization be
perIormed contiguously Ior units.
The Iollowing data deIinition would traditionally consume 0x8000 bytes within an object Iile.
typedef struct ,
int one;
char two;
, Data;

Data move0x1000, = ,
,0, 0,, ,1, '1',, ,0, 0,,
,0xf, '',, ,0xf, '',, ,0, 0,,
,0xe, 'E',, ,0, 0,, ,0xe, 'E',
A SHT_SUNW_move section can be used to describe this data. The data item is deIined within the
.bss section. The non-zero elements oI the data item are initialized with the appropriate move

$ elfdump s data | fgrep move
17, 0x00020868 0x00008000 JBJT GLJB 0 .bss move
$ elfdump m data

Move Section: .SUNW_move
symndx offset size repeat stride value with respect to
17, 8 4 1 1 0x000000000000000001 move
17, 12 4 1 1 0x000000000031000000 move
17, 24 4 2 1 0x00000000000000000f move
17, 28 4 2 1 0x000000000046000000 move
17, 48 4 1 1 0x00000000000000000e move
17, 52 4 1 1 0x000000000045000000 move
17, 64 4 1 1 0x00000000000000000e move
17, 68 4 1 1 0x000000000045000000 move
Move sections that are supplied Irom relocatable objects are concatenated and output in the
object being created by the link-editor. However, the Iollowing conditions cause the link-editor
to process the move entries. This processing expands the move entry contents into a traditional
data item.
O The output Iile is a static executable.
O The size oI the move entries is greater than the size oI the symbol into which the move
data would be expanded.
O The nopartial option is in eIIect.
ote Section
A vendor or system engineer might need to mark an object Iile with special inIormation that
other programs can check Ior conIormance or compatibility. Sections oI type SHT_NJTE and
program header elements oI type PT_NJTE can be used Ior this purpose.
The note inIormation in sections and program header elements holds any number oI entries, as
shown in the Iollowing Iigure. For 64bit objects and 32bit objects, each entry is an array oI 4-
byte words in the Iormat oI the target processor. Labels are shown in Figure 76 to help explain
note inIormation organization, but are not part oI the speciIication.
Figure 7-5 ote Information

namesz and name
The Iirst namesz bytes in name contain a null-terminated character representation oI the
entry's owner or originator. No Iormal mechanism exists Ior avoiding name conIlicts. By
convention, vendors use their own name, such as 'X omputer ompany, as the
identiIier. II no name is present, namesz contains the value zero. Padding is present, iI
necessary, to ensure 4-byte alignment Ior the descriptor. Such padding is not included in
descsz and desc
The Iirst descsz bytes in desc hold the note descriptor. II no descriptor is present,
descsz contains the value zero. Padding is present, iI necessary, to ensure 4-byte
alignment Ior the next note entry. Such padding is not included in descsz.
Provides the interpretation oI the descriptor. Each originator controls its own types.
Multiple interpretations oI a single type value can exist. A program must recognize both
the name and the type to understand a descriptor. Types currently must be nonnegative.
The note segment that is shown in the Iollowing Iigure holds two entries.
Figure 7-6 Example ote Segment

ote -
The system reserves note inIormation with no name (namesz == 0) and with a zero-length name
(name0, == '\0'), but currently deIines no types. All other names must have at least one non-
null character.

Relocation Sections
#elocation is the process oI connecting symbolic reIerences with symbolic deIinitions. For
example, when a program calls a Iunction, the associated call instruction must transIer control to
the proper destination address at execution. #elocatable Iiles must have inIormation that
describes how to modiIy their section contents. This inIormation allows executable and shared
object Iiles to hold the right inIormation Ior a process's program image. #elocation entries are
these data.
#elocation entries can have the Iollowing structure. See sys/elf.h.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Addr r_offset;
Elf32_Word r_info;
, Elf32_Rel;

typedef struct ,
Elf32_Addr r_offset;
Elf32_Word r_info;
Elf32_Sword r_addend;
, Elf32_Rela;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Addr r_offset;
Elf64_Xword r_info;
, Elf64_Rel;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Addr r_offset;
Elf64_Xword r_info;
Elf64_Sxword r_addend;
, Elf64_Rela;
This member gives the location at which to apply the relocation action. DiIIerent object
Iiles have slightly diIIerent interpretations Ior this member.
For a relocatable Iile, the value indicates a section oIIset. The relocation section describes
how to modiIy another section in the Iile. #elocation oIIsets designate a storage unit
within the second section.
For an executable or shared object, the value indicates the virtual address oI the storage
unit aIIected by the relocation. This inIormation makes the relocation entries more useIul
Ior the runtime linker.
Although the interpretation oI the member changes Ior diIIerent object Iiles to allow
eIIicient access by the relevant programs, the meanings oI the relocation types stay the
This member gives both the symbol table index, with respect to which the relocation
must be made, and the type oI relocation to apply. For example, a call instruction's
relocation entry holds the symbol table index oI the Iunction being called. II the index is
STN_UNDE, the undeIined symbol index, the relocation uses zero as the symbol value.
#elocation types are processor-speciIic. A relocation entry's relocation type or symbol
table index is the result oI applying EL32_R_TYPE or EL32_R_SYM, respectively, to the
entry's r_info member.
#define EL32_R_SYM(info) ((info)8)
#define EL32_R_TYPE(info) ((unsigned char)(info))
#define EL32_R_INJ(sym, type) (((sym)<<8)+(unsigned

#define EL64_R_SYM(info) ((info)32)
#define EL64_R_TYPE(info) ((Elf64_Word)(info))
#define EL64_R_INJ(sym, type) (((Elf64_Xword)(sym)<<32)+ \
For 64bit SPA# Elf64_Rela structures, the r_info Iield is Iurther broken down into
an 8bit type identiIier and a 24bit type dependent data Iield. For the existing relocation
types, the data Iield is zero. New relocation types, however, might make use oI the data
#define EL64_R_TYPE_DATA(info) (((Elf64_Xword)(info)<<32)40)
#define EL64_R_TYPE_ID(info) (((Elf64_Xword)(info)<<56)56)
#define EL64_R_TYPE_INJ(data, type) (((Elf64_Xword)(data)<<8)+ \
This member speciIies a constant addend used to compute the value to be stored into the
relocatable Iield.
Rela entries contain an explicit addend. Entries oI type Rel store an implicit addend in the
location to be modiIied. 32bit SPA# use only Elf32_Rela relocation enteries. 64bit SPA#
and 64bit x86 use only Elf64_Rela relocation entries. Thus, the r_addend member serves as
the relocation addend. x86 uses only Elf32_Rel relocation entries. The Iield to be relocated
holds the addend. In all cases, the addend and the computed result use the same byte order.
A relocation section can reIerence two other sections: a symbol table, identiIied by the sh_link
section header entry, and a section to modiIy, identiIied by the sh_info section header entry.
Sections speciIies these relationships. A sh_info entry is required when a relocation section
exists in a relocatable object, but is optional Ior executables and shared objects. The relocation
oIIset is suIIicient to perIorm the relocation.
Relocation Tpes (Processor-Specific)
#elocation entries describe how to alter instruction and data Iields in the Iollowing Iigures. Bit
numbers appear in the lower box corners.
On the SPA# platIorm, relocation entries apply to bytes (byte8), halI-words (half16), or

On 64bit SPA# and x64, relocations also apply to extended-words (xword64).

On x86, relocation entries apply to words (word32).

word32 speciIies a 32bit Iield occupying 4 bytes with an arbitrary byte alignment. These values
use the same byte order as other word values in the x86 architecture.

In all cases, the r_offset value designates the oIIset or virtual address oI the Iirst byte oI the
aIIected storage unit. The relocation type speciIies which bits to change and how to calculate
their values.
alculations Ior the Iollowing relocation types assume the actions are transIorming a relocatable
Iile into either an executable or a shared object Iile. onceptually, the link-editor merges one or
more relocatable Iiles to Iorm the output. The link-editor Iirst decides how to combine and locate
the input Iiles. The link-editor then updates the symbol values and perIorms the relocation.
#elocations applied to executable or shared object Iiles are similar and accomplish the same
result. Descriptions in the tables in this section use the Iollowing notation.
The addend used to compute the value oI the relocatable Iield.
The base address at which a shared object is loaded into memory during execution.
Generally, a shared object Iile is built with a base virtual address oI 0. However, the
execution address oI the shared object is diIIerent. See Program Header.
The oIIset into the global oIIset table at which the address oI the relocation entry's
symbol resides during execution. See Global OIIset Table (Processor-SpeciIic).
The address oI the global oIIset table. See Global OIIset Table (Processor-SpeciIic).
The section oIIset or address oI the procedure linkage table entry Ior a symbol. See
Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic).
The section oIIset or address oI the storage unit being relocated, computed using
The value oI the symbol whose index resides in the relocation entry.
The size oI the symbol whose index resides in the relocation entry.
SPARC: Relocation Tpes
Field names in the Iollowing table tell whether the relocation type checks Ior overflow. A
calculated relocation value can be larger than the intended Iield, and a relocation type can veriIy
(V) the value Iits or truncate (T) the result. As an example, V-simm13 means that the computed
value can not have signiIicant, nonzero bits outside the simm13 Iield.
Table 713 SPA#: ELF #elocation Types
ame Value Field Calculation
None None
R_SPARC_8 1 V-byte8 S + A
R_SPARC_16 2 V-half16 S + A
R_SPARC_32 3 V-word32 S + A
R_SPARC_DISP8 4 V-byte8 S + A - P
R_SPARC_DISP16 5 V-half16 S + A - P
R_SPARC_DISP32 6 V-disp32 S + A - P
R_SPARC_WDISP30 7 V-disp30 (S + A - P) 2
R_SPARC_WDISP22 8 V-disp22 (S + A - P) 2
R_SPARC_HI22 9 T-imm22 (S + A) 10
R_SPARC_22 10 V-imm22 S + A
R_SPARC_13 11 V-simm13 S + A
R_SPARC_LJ10 12 T-simm13 (S + A) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_GJT10 13 T-simm13 G & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_GJT13 14 V-simm13 G
R_SPARC_GJT22 15 T-simm22 G 10
ame Value Field Calculation
R_SPARC_PC10 16 T-simm13 (S + A - P) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_PC22 17 V-disp22 (S + A - P) 10
R_SPARC_WPLT30 18 V-disp30 (L + A - P) 2
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing
this table.
R_SPARC_GLJB_DAT 20 V-word32 S + A
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing
this table.
R_SPARC_RELATIVE 22 V-word32 B + A
R_SPARC_UA32 23 V-word32 S + A
R_SPARC_PLT32 24 V-word32 L + A
R_SPARC_HIPLT22 25 T-imm22 (L + A) 10
R_SPARC_LJPLT10 26 T-simm13 (L + A) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_PCPLT32 27 V-word32 L + A - P
R_SPARC_PCPLT22 28 V-disp22 (L + A - P) 10
R_SPARC_PCPLT10 29 V-simm13 (L + A - P) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_10 30 V-simm10 S + A
R_SPARC_11 31 V-simm11 S + A
R_SPARC_HH22 34 V-imm22 (S + A) 42
R_SPARC_HM10 35 T-simm13 ((S + A) 32) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_LM22 36 T-imm22 (S + A) 10
R_SPARC_PC_HH22 37 V-imm22 (S + A - P) 42
ame Value Field Calculation
R_SPARC_PC_HM10 38 T-simm13 ((S + A - P) 32) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_PC_LM22 39 T-imm22 (S + A - P) 10
(S + A - P) 2
R_SPARC_WDISP19 41 V-disp19 (S + A - P) 2
R_SPARC_7 43 V-imm7 S + A
R_SPARC_5 44 V-imm5 S + A
R_SPARC_6 45 V-imm6 S + A
R_SPARC_HIX22 48 V-imm22 ((S + A) ^ 0xffffffffffffffff)
R_SPARC_LJX10 49 T-simm13 ((S + A) & 0x3ff) | 0x1c00
R_SPARC_H44 50 V-imm22 (S + A) 22
R_SPARC_M44 51 T-imm10 ((S + A) 12) & 0x3ff
R_SPARC_L44 52 T-imm13 (S + A) & 0xfff
R_SPARC_REGISTER 53 V-word32 S + A
R_SPARC_UA16 55 V-half16 S + A
R_SPARC_GJTDATA_HIX22 80 V-imm22 ((S + A - GJT) 10) ^ ((S +
A - GJT) 31)
R_SPARC_GJTDATA_LJX10 81 T-imm13 ((S + A - GJT) & 0x3ff) | (((S
+ A - GJT) 31) & 0x1c00)
R_SPARC_GJTDATA_JP_HIX22 82 T-imm22 (G 10) ^ (G 31)
R_SPARC_GJTDATA_JP_LJX10 83 T-imm13 (G & 0x3ff) | ((G 31) &
#eIer to the explanation Iollowing
this table.
ame Value Field Calculation
R_SPARC_SIZE32 86 V-word32 Z + A

ote -
Additional relocations are available Ior thread-local storage reIerences. These relocations are
covered in hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage.

Some relocation types have semantics beyond simple calculation.
#esembles R_SPARC_LJ10, except that the relocation reIers to the address oI the symbol's
GJT entry. Additionally, R_SPARC_GJT10 instructs the link-editor to create a global oIIset
#esembles R_SPARC_13, except that the relocation reIers to the address oI the symbol's
GJT entry. Additionally, R_SPARC_GJT13 instructs the link-editor to create a global oIIset
#esembles R_SPARC_22, except that the relocation reIers to the address oI the symbol's
GJT entry. Additionally, R_SPARC_GJT22 instructs the link-editor to create a global oIIset
#esembles R_SPARC_WDISP30, except that the relocation reIers to the address oI the
symbol's procedure linkage table entry. Additionally, R_SPARC_WPLT30 instructs the link-
editor to create a procedure linkage table.
reated by the link-editor Ior dynamic executables to preserve a read-only text segment.
The relocation oIIset member reIers to a location in a writable segment. The symbol table
index speciIies a symbol that should exist both in the current object Iile and in a shared
object. During execution, the runtime linker copies data associated with the shared
object's symbol to the location speciIied by the oIIset. See opy #elocations.
#esembles R_SPARC_32, except that the relocation sets a GJT entry to the address oI the
speciIied symbol. The special relocation type enables you to determine the
correspondence between symbols and GJT entries.
reated by the link-editor Ior dynamic objects to provide lazy binding. The relocation
oIIset member gives the location oI a procedure linkage table entry. The runtime linker
modiIies the procedure linkage table entry to transIer control to the designated symbol
reated by the link-editor Ior dynamic objects. The relocation oIIset member gives the
location within a shared object that contains a value representing a relative address. The
runtime linker computes the corresponding virtual address by adding the virtual address
at which the shared object is loaded to the relative address. #elocation entries Ior this
type must speciIy a value oI zero Ior the symbol table index.
#esembles R_SPARC_32, except that the relocation reIers to an unaligned word. The word
to be relocated must be treated as Iour separate bytes with arbitrary alignment, not as a
word aligned according to the architecture requirements.
#esembles R_SPARC_HI22, except that the relocation truncates rather than validates.
#esembles R_SPARC_PC22, except that the relocation truncates rather than validates.
Used with R_SPARC_LJX10 Ior executables that are conIined to the uppermost 4 gigabytes
oI the 64bit address space. Similar to R_SPARC_HI22, but supplies ones complement oI
linked value.
Used with R_SPARC_HIX22. Similar to R_SPARC_LJ10, but always sets bits 10 through 12
oI the linked value.
Used with the R_SPARC_H44 and R_SPARC_M44 relocation types to generate a 44-bit
absolute addressing model.
Used to initialize a register symbol. The relocation oIIset member contains the register
number to be initialized. A corresponding register symbol must exist Ior this register. The
symbol must be oI type SHN_ABS.
These relocations provide Ior code transIormations.
64-bit SPARC: Relocation Tpes
The Iollowing notation, used in relocation calculation, is unique to 64bit SPA#.
The secondary addend used to compute the value oI the relocation Iield. This addend is
extracted Irom the r_info Iield by applying the EL64_R_TYPE_DATA macro.
The relocations that are listed in the Iollowing table extend, or alter, the relocations deIined Ior
32bit SPA#. See SPA#: #elocation Types.
Table 714 64-bit SPA#: ELF #elocation Types
ame Value Field Calculation
R_SPARC_HI22 9 V-imm22 (S + A) 10
R_SPARC_GLJB_DAT 20 V-xword64 S + A
R_SPARC_RELATIVE 22 V-xword64 B + A
R_SPARC_64 32 V-xword64 S + A
R_SPARC_JLJ10 33 V-simm13 ((S + A) & 0x3ff) + J
R_SPARC_DISP64 46 V-xword64 S + A - P
R_SPARC_PLT64 47 V-xword64 L + A
R_SPARC_REGISTER 53 V-xword64 S + A
R_SPARC_UA64 54 V-xword64 S + A
ame Value Field Calculation
R_SPARC_H34 85 V-imm22 (S + A) 12
R_SPARC_SIZE64 87 V-xword64 Z + A
The Iollowing relocation type has semantics beyond simple calculation.
#esembles R_SPARC_LJ10, except that an extra oIIset is added to make Iull use oI the 13-
bit signed immediate Iield.
32-bit x86: Relocation Tpes
The relocations that are listed in the Iollowing table are deIined Ior 32bit x86.
Table 715 32-bit x86: ELF #elocation Types
ame Value Field Calculation
R_386_NJNE 0
None None
R_386_32 1 word32 S + A
R_386_PC32 2 word32 S + A - P
R_386_GJT32 3 word32 G + A
R_386_PLT32 4 word32 L + A - P
R_386_CJPY 5
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this table.
R_386_GLJB_DAT 6 word32 S
R_386_JMP_SLJT 7 word32 S
R_386_RELATIVE 8 word32 B + A
R_386_GJTJ 9 word32 S + A - GJT
R_386_GJTPC 10 word32 GJT + A - P
R_386_32PLT 11 word32 L + A
ame Value Field Calculation
R_386_16 20 word16 S + A
R_386_PC16 21 word16 S + A - P
R_386_8 22 word8 S + A
R_386_PC8 23 word8 S + A - P
R_386_SIZE32 38 word32 Z + A

ote -
Additional relocations are available Ior thread-local storage reIerences. These relocations are
covered in hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage.

Some relocation types have semantics beyond simple calculation.
omputes the distance Irom the base oI the GJT to the symbol's GJT entry. The relocation
also instructs the link-editor to create a global oIIset table.
omputes the address oI the symbol's procedure linkage table entry and instructs the link-
editor to create a procedure linkage table.
reated by the link-editor Ior dynamic executables to preserve a read-only text segment.
The relocation oIIset member reIers to a location in a writable segment. The symbol table
index speciIies a symbol that should exist both in the current object Iile and in a shared
object. During execution, the runtime linker copies data associated with the shared
object's symbol to the location speciIied by the oIIset. See opy #elocations.
Used to set a GJT entry to the address oI the speciIied symbol. The special relocation type
enable you to determine the correspondence between symbols and GJT entries.
reated by the link-editor Ior dynamic objects to provide lazy binding. The relocation
oIIset member gives the location oI a procedure linkage table entry. The runtime linker
modiIies the procedure linkage table entry to transIer control to the designated symbol
reated by the link-editor Ior dynamic objects. The relocation oIIset member gives the
location within a shared object that contains a value representing a relative address. The
runtime linker computes the corresponding virtual address by adding the virtual address
at which the shared object is loaded to the relative address. #elocation entries Ior this
type must speciIy a value oI zero Ior the symbol table index.
omputes the diIIerence between a symbol's value and the address oI the GJT. The
relocation also instructs the link-editor to create the global oIIset table.
#esembles R_386_PC32, except that it uses the address oI the GJT in its calculation. The
symbol reIerenced in this relocation normally is _GLJBAL_JSET_TABLE_, which also
instructs the link-editor to create the global oIIset table.
x64: Relocation Tpes
The relocations that are listed in the Iollowing table are deIined Ior x64.
Table 716 x64: ELF #elocation Types
ame Value Field Calculation
None None
R_AMD64_64 1 word64 S + A
R_AMD64_PC32 2 word32 S + A - P
R_AMD64_GJT32 3 word32 G + A
R_AMD64_PLT32 4 word32 L + A - P
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this table.
R_AMD64_GLJB_DAT 6 word64 S
ame Value Field Calculation
R_AMD64_JUMP_SLJT 7 word64 S
R_AMD64_RELATIVE 8 word64 B + A
R_AMD64_GJTPCREL 9 word32 G + GJT + A - P
R_AMD64_32 10 word32 S + A
R_AMD64_32S 11 word32 S + A
R_AMD64_16 12 word16 S + A
R_AMD64_PC16 13 word16 S + A - P
R_AMD64_8 14 word8 S + A
R_AMD64_PC8 15 word8 S + A - P
R_AMD64_PC64 24 word64 S + A - P
R_AMD64_GJTJ64 25 word64 S + A - GJT
R_AMD64_GJTPC32 26 word32 GJT + A + P
R_AMD64_SIZE32 32 word32 Z + A
R_AMD64_SIZE64 33 word64 Z + A

ote -
Additional relocations are available Ior thread-local storage reIerences. These relocations are
covered in hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage.

The special semantics Ior most oI these relocation types are identical to those used Ior x86. Some
relocation types have semantics beyond simple calculation.
This relocations has diIIerent semantics Irom the R_AMD64_GJT32 or equivalent
R_386_GJTPC relocation. The x64 architecture provides an addressing mode that is
relative to the instruction pointer. ThereIore, an address can be loaded Irom the GJT using
a single instruction.
The calculation Ior the R_AMD64_GJTPCREL relocation provides the diIIerence between
the location in the GJT where the symbol's address is given, and the location where the
relocation is applied.
The computed value is truncated to 32bits. The link-editor veriIies that the generated
value Ior the relocation zero-extends to the original 64bit value.
The computed value is truncated to 32bits. The link-editor veriIies that the generated
value Ior the relocation sign-extends to the original 64bit value.
R_AMD64_8, R_AMD64_16, R_AMD64_PC16, and R_AMD64_PC8
These relocations are not conIormant to the x64 ABI, but are added here Ior
documentation purposes. The R_AMD64_8 relocation truncates the computed value to 8-
bits. The R_AMD64_16 relocation truncates the computed value to 16-bits.
String Table Section
String table sections hold null-terminated character sequences, commonly called strings. The
object Iile uses these strings to represent symbol and section names. ou reIerence a string as an
index into the string table section.
The Iirst byte, which is index zero, holds a null character. Likewise, a string table's last byte
holds a null character, ensuring null termination Ior all strings. A string whose index is zero
speciIies either no name or a null name, depending on the context.
An empty string table section is permitted. The section header's sh_size member contains zero.
Nonzero indexes are invalid Ior an empty string table.
A section header's sh_name member holds an index into the section header string table section.
The section header string table is designated by the e_shstrndx member oI the ELF header. The
Iollowing Iigure shows a string table with 25 bytes and the strings associated with various
Figure 7-7 ELF String Table

The Iollowing table shows the strings oI the string table that are shown in the preceding Iigure.
Table 717 ELF String Table Indexes
Index String
1 name
7 Variable
11 able
16 able
null string
As the example shows, a string table index can reIer to any byte in the section. A string can
appear more than once. #eIerences to substrings can exist. A single string can be reIerenced
multiple times. UnreIerenced strings also are allowed.
Smbol Table Section
An object Iile's symbol table holds inIormation needed to locate and relocate a program's
symbolic deIinitions and symbolic reIerences. A symbol table index is a subscript into this array.
Index 0 both designates the Iirst entry in the table and serves as the undeIined symbol index. See
Table 721.
A symbol table entry has the Iollowing Iormat. See sys/elf.h.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Word st_name;
Elf32_Addr st_value;
Elf32_Word st_size;
unsigned char st_info;
unsigned char st_other;
Elf32_Half st_shndx;
, Elf32_Sym;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Word st_name;
unsigned char st_info;
unsigned char st_other;
Elf64_Half st_shndx;
Elf64_Addr st_value;
Elf64_Xword st_size;
, Elf64_Sym;
An index into the object Iile's symbol string table, which holds the character
representations oI the symbol names. II the value is nonzero, the value represents a string
table index that gives the symbol name. Otherwise, the symbol table entry has no name.
The value oI the associated symbol. The value can be an absolute value or an address,
depending on the context. See Symbol Values.
Many symbols have associated sizes. For example, a data object's size is the number oI
bytes that are contained in the object. This member holds the value zero iI the symbol has
no size or an unknown size.
The symbol's type and binding attributes. A list oI the values and meanings appears in
Table 718. The Iollowing code shows how to manipulate the values. See sys/elf.h.
#define EL32_ST_BIND(info) ((info) 4)
#define EL32_ST_TYPE(info) ((info) & 0xf)
#define EL32_ST_INJ(bind, type) (((bind)<<4)+((type)&0xf))

#define EL64_ST_BIND(info) ((info) 4)
#define EL64_ST_TYPE(info) ((info) & 0xf)
#define EL64_ST_INJ(bind, type) (((bind)<<4)+((type)&0xf))
A symbol's visibility. A list oI the values and meanings appears in Table 720. The
Iollowing code shows how to manipulate the values Ior both 32bit objects and 64bit
objects. Other bits are set to zero, and have no deIined meaning.
#define EL32_ST_VISIBILITY(o) ((o)&0x3)
#define EL64_ST_VISIBILITY(o) ((o)&0x3)
Every symbol table entry is deIined in relation to some section. This member holds the
relevant section header table index. Some section indexes indicate special meanings. See
Table 74.
II this member contains SHN_XINDEX, then the actual section header index is too large to
Iit in this Iield. The actual value is contained in the associated section oI type
A symbol's binding, determined Irom its st_info Iield, determines the linkage visibility and
Table 718 ELF Symbol Binding, EL32_ST_BIND and EL64_ST_BIND
ame Value
Local symbol. These symbols are not visible outside the object Iile containing their
deIinition. Local symbols oI the same name can exist in multiple Iiles without interIering
with each other.
Global symbols. These symbols are visible to all object Iiles being combined. One Iile's
deIinition oI a global symbol satisIies another Iile's undeIined reIerence to the same
global symbol.
Weak symbols. These symbols resemble global symbols, but their deIinitions have lower
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior operating system-speciIic semantics.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
Global symbols and weak symbols diIIer in two major ways.
O When the link-editor combines several relocatable object Iiles, multiple deIinitions oI
STB_GLJBAL symbols with the same name are not allowed. However, iI a deIined global
symbol exists, the appearance oI a weak symbol with the same name does not cause an
error. The link-editor honors the global deIinition and ignores the weak deIinitions.
Similarly, iI a common symbol exists, the appearance oI a weak symbol with the same
name does not cause an error. The link-editor uses the common deIinition and ignores the
weak deIinition. A common symbol has the st_shndx Iield holding SHN_CJMMJN. See
Symbol #esolution.
O When the link-editor searches archive libraries, archive members that contain deIinitions
oI undeIined or tentative global symbols are extracted. The member's deIinition can be
either a global or a weak symbol.
The link-editor, by deIault, does not extract archive members to resolve undeIined weak
symbols. Unresolved weak symbols have a zero value. The use oI weakextra.t
overrides this deIault behavior. This options enables weak reIerences to cause the
extraction oI archive members.

ote -
Weak symbols are intended primarily Ior use in system soItware. Their use in application
programs is discouraged.

In each symbol table, all symbols with STB_LJCAL binding precede the weak symbols and global
symbols. As Sections describes, a symbol table section's sh_info section header member holds
the symbol table index Ior the Iirst non-local symbol.
A symbol's type, as determined Irom its st_info Iield, provides a general classiIication Ior the
associated entity.
Table 719 ELF Symbol Types, EL32_ST_TYPE and EL64_ST_TYPE
ame Value
ame Value
The symbol type is not speciIied.
This symbol is associated with a data object, such as a variable, an array, and so Iorth.
This symbol is associated with a Iunction or other executable code.
This symbol is associated with a section. Symbol table entries oI this type exist primarily
Ior relocation and normally have STB_LJCAL binding.
onventionally, the symbol's name gives the name oI the source Iile that is associated
with the object Iile. A Iile symbol has STB_LJCAL binding and a section index oI
SHN_ABS. This symbol, iI present, precedes the other STB_LJCAL symbols Ior the Iile.
Symbol index 1 oI the SHT_SYMTAB is an STT_ILE symbol representing the object Iile.
onventionally, this symbol is Iollowed by the Iiles STT_SECTIJN symbols. These
section symbols are then Iollowed by any global symbols that have been reduced to
This symbol labels an uninitialized common block. This symbol is treated exactly the
same as STT_JBJECT.
The symbol speciIies a thread-local storage entity. When deIined, this symbol gives the
assigned oIIset Ior the symbol, not the actual address.
Thread-local storage relocations can only reIerence symbols with type STT_TLS. A
reIerence to a symbol oI type STT_TLS Irom an allocatable section, can only be achieved
by using special thread-local storage relocations. See hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage
Ior details. A reIerence to a symbol oI type STT_TLS Irom a non-allocatable section does
not have this restriction.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior operating system-speciIic semantics.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
A symbol's visibility is determined Irom its st_other Iield. This visibility can be speciIied in a
relocatable object. This visibility deIines how that symbol can be accessed once the symbol has
become part oI an executable or shared object.
Table 720 ELF Symbol Visibility
ame Value
ame Value
The visibility oI symbols with the STV_DEAULT attribute is as speciIied by the symbol's
binding type. Global symbols and weak symbols are visible outside oI their deIining
component, the executable Iile or shared object. Local symbols are hidden. Global
symbols and weak symbols can also be preempted. These symbols can by interposed by
deIinitions oI the same name in another component.
A symbol that is deIined in the current component is protected iI the symbol is visible in
other components, but cannot be preempted. Any reIerence to such a symbol Irom within
the deIining component must be resolved to the deIinition in that component. This
resolution must occur, even iI a symbol deIinition exists in another component that would
interpose by the deIault rules. A symbol with STB_LJCAL binding will not have
STV_PRJTECTED visibility.
A symbol that is deIined in the current component is hidden iI its name is not visible to
other components. Such a symbol is necessarily protected. This attribute is used to
control the external interIace oI a component. An object named by such a symbol can still
be reIerenced Irom another component iI its address is passed outside.
A hidden symbol contained in a relocatable object is either removed or converted to
STB_LJCAL binding when the object is included in an executable Iile or shared object.
This visibility attribute is currently reserved.
This visibility attribute ensures that a symbol remains global. This visibility can not be
demoted, or eliminated by any other symbol visibility technique. A symbol with
STB_LJCAL binding will not have STV_EXPJRTED visibility.
This visibility attribute ensures that a symbol remains global, and that a single instance oI
the symbol deIinition is bound to by all reIerences within a process. This visibility can
not be demoted, or eliminated by any other symbol visibility technique. A symbol with
STB_LJCAL binding will not have STV_SINGLETJN visibility. A STV_SINGLETJN can not
be directly bound to.
This visibility attribute extends STV_HIDDEN. A symbol that is deIined in the current
component as eliminate is not visible to other components. The symbol is not written to
any symbol table oI a dynamic executable or shared object Irom which the component is
The STV_SINGLETJN visibility attribute can aIIect the resolution oI symbols within an executable
or shared object during link-editing. Only one instance oI a singleton can be bound to Irom any
reIerence within a process.
A STV_SINGLETJN can be combined with a STV_DEAULT visibility attribute, with the
STV_SINGLETJN taking precedence. A STV_EXPJRT can be combined with a STV_DEAULT
visibility attribute, with the STV_EXPJRT taking precedence. A STV_SINGLETJN or STV_EXPJRT
visibility can not be combined with any other visibility attribute. Such an event is deemed Iatal to
the link-edit.
Other visibility attributes do not aIIect the resolution oI symbols within an executable or shared
object during link-editing. Such resolution is controlled by the binding type. Once the link-editor
has chosen its resolution, these attributes impose two requirements. Both requirements are based
on the Iact that reIerences in the code being linked might have been optimized to take advantage
oI the attributes.
O All oI the non-deIault visibility attributes, when applied to a symbol reIerence, imply that
a deIinition to satisIy that reIerence must be provided within the object being linked. II
this type oI symbol reIerence has no deIinition within the object being linked, then the
reIerence must have STB_WEAK binding. In this case, the reIerence is resolved to zero.
O II any reIerence to a name, or deIinition oI a name is a symbol with a non-deIault
visibility attribute, the visibility attribute is propagated to the resolving symbol in the
object being linked. II diIIerent visibility attributes are speciIied Ior distinct instances oI a
symbol, the most constraining visibility attribute is propagated to the resolving symbol in
the object being linked. The attributes, ordered Irom least to most constraining, are
II a symbol's value reIers to a speciIic location within a section, the symbols's section index
member, st_shndx, holds an index into the section header table. As the section moves during
relocation, the symbol's value changes as well. #eIerences to the symbol continue to point to the
same location in the program. Some special section index values give other semantics.
This symbol has an absolute value that does not change because oI relocation.
This symbol labels a common block that has not yet been allocated. The symbol's value
gives alignment constraints, similar to a section's sh_addralign member. The link-editor
allocates the storage Ior the symbol at an address that is a multiple oI st_value. The
symbol's size tells how many bytes are required.
This section table index indicates that the symbol is undeIined. When the link-editor
combines this object Iile with another object that deIines the indicated symbol, this Iile's
reIerences to the symbol is bound to the deIinition.
As mentioned previously, the symbol table entry Ior index 0 (STN_UNDE) is reserved. This entry
holds the values listed in the Iollowing table.
Table 721 ELF Symbol Table Entry: Index 0
ame Value ote
st_name 0
No name
st_value 0
ero value
st_size 0
No size
st_info 0
No type, local binding
st_other 0

st_shndx SHN_UNDE
No section
Smbol Values
Symbol table entries Ior diIIerent object Iile types have slightly diIIerent interpretations Ior the
st_value member.
O In relocatable Iiles, st_value holds alignment constraints Ior a symbol whose section
index is SHN_CJMMJN.
O In relocatable Iiles, st_value holds a section oIIset Ior a deIined symbol. st_value is an
oIIset Irom the beginning oI the section that st_shndx identiIies.
O In executable and shared object Iiles, st_value holds a virtual address. To make these
Iiles' symbols more useIul Ior the runtime linker, the section oIIset (Iile interpretation)
gives way to a virtual address (memory interpretation) Ior which the section number is
Although the symbol table values have similar meanings Ior diIIerent object Iiles, the data allow
eIIicient access by the appropriate programs.
Smbol Table Laout and Conventions
The symbols in a symbol table are written in the Iollowing order.
O Index 0 in any symbol table is used to represent undeIined symbols. This Iirst entry in a
symbol table is always completely zeroed. The symbol type is thereIore STT_NJTYPE.
O II the symbol table contains any local symbols, the second entry oI the symbol table is an
STT_ILE symbol giving the name oI the Iile.
O Section symbols oI type STT_SECTIJN.
O #egister symbols oI type STT_REGISTER.
O Global symbols that have been reduced to local scope.
O For each input Iile that supplies local symbols, a STT_ILE symbol giving the name oI
the input Iile, Iollowed by the symbols in question.
O The global symbols immediately Iollow the local symbols in the symbol table. The Iirst
global symbol is identiIied by the symbol table sh_info value. Local and global symbols
are always kept separate in this manner, and cannot be mixed together.
Three symbol tables are oI special interest in the Oracle Solaris OS.
.symtab (SHT_SYMTAB)
This symbol table contains every symbol that describes the associated ELF Iile. This
symbol table is typically non-allocable, and is thereIore not available in the memory
image oI the process.
Global symbols can be eliminated Irom the .symtab by using a mapfile together with
the ELIMINATE keyword. See Symbol Elimination, and SMBOLSOPE /
SMBOLVE#SION Directives. Local symbols can also be eliminated by using the
link-editor redlo.sym option.
.dynsym (SHT_DYNSYM)
This table contains a subset oI the symbols Irom the .symtab table that are needed to
support dynamic linking. This symbol table is allocable, and is thereIore available in the
memory image oI the process.
The .dynsym table begins with the standard NULL symbol, Iollowed by the Iiles global
symbols. STT_ILE symbols are typically not present in this symbol table. STT_SECTIJN
symbols might be present iI required by relocation entries.
An optional symbol table that augments the inIormation that is Iound in the .dynsym
table. The .SUNW_ldynsym table contains local Iunction symbols. This symbol table is
allocable, and is thereIore available in the memory image oI the process. This section
allows debuggers to produce accurate stack traces in runtime contexts when the non-
allocable .symtab is not available, or has been stripped Irom the Iile. This section also
provides the runtime environment with additional symbolic inIormation Ior use with
A .SUNW_ldynsym table only exists when a .dynsym table is present. When both a
.SUNW_ldynsym section and a .dynsym section exist, the link-editor places their data regions
directly adjacent to each other, with the .SUNW_ldynsym Iirst. This placement allows the two
tables to be viewed as a single larger contiguous symbol table. This symbol table Iollows the
standard layout rules that were enumerated previously.
The .SUNW_ldynsym table can be eliminated by using the link-editor noldynsym option.
Smbol Sort Sections
The dynamic symbol table Iormed by the adjacent .SUNW_ldynsym section and .dynsym section
can be used to map memory addresses to their corresponding symbol. This mapping can be used
to determine which Iunction or variable that a given address represents. However, analyzing the
symbol tables to determine a mapping is complicated by the order in which symbols are written
to symbol tables. See Symbol Table Layout and onventions. This layout complicates
associating an address to a symbol name in the Iollows ways.
O Symbols are not sorted by address, which Iorces an expensive linear search oI the entire
O More than one symbol can reIer to a given address. Although these symbols are valid and
correct, the choice oI which oI these equivalent names to use by a debugging tool might
not be obvious. DiIIerent tools might use diIIerent alternative names. These issues are
likely to lead to user conIusion.
O Many symbols provide non-address inIormation. These symbols should not be considered
as part oI such a search.
Symbol sort sections are used to solve these problems. A symbol sort section is an array oI
Elf32_Word or Elf64_Word objects. Each element oI this array is an index into the combined
.SUNW_ldynsym .dynsym symbol table. The elements oI the array are sorted so that the
symbols that are reIerence are provided in sorted order. Only symbols representing Iunctions or
variables are included. The symbols that are associated with a sort array can be displayed using
elIdump(1) with the S option.
#egular symbols and thread-local storage symbols can not be sorted together. The value oI a
regular symbol is the address oI the Iunction or the address oI the variable the symbol reIerences.
The value oI a thread-local storage symbol is the variable's thread oIIset. ThereIore, regular
symbols and thread-local storage symbols use two diIIerent sort sections.
A section oI type SHT_SUNW_SYMSJRT, containing indexes to regular symbols in the
combined .SUNW_ldynsym .dynsym symbol table, sorted by address. Symbols that do
not represent variables or Iunctions are not included.
A section oI type SHT_SUNW_TLSSJRT, containing indexes to TLS symbols in the
combined .SUNW_ldynsym .dynsym symbol table, sorted by oIIset. This section is only
produced iI the object Iile contains TLS symbols.
The link-editor uses the Iollowing rules, in the order that is shown, to select which symbols are
reIerenced by the sort sections.
O The symbol must have a Iunction or variable type: STT_UNC, STT_JBJECT, STT_CJMMJN,
O The Iollowing symbols are always included, iI present: _DYNAMIC, _end, _fini,
O II a global symbol and a weak symbol are Iound to reIerence the same item, the weak
symbol is included and the global symbol is excluded.
O The symbol must not be undeIined.
O The symbol must have a non-zero size.
These rules Iilter out automatically generated compiler and link-editor generated symbols. The
symbols that are selected are oI interest to the user. However, two cases exist where manual
intervention might be necessary to improve the selection process.
O The rules did not select a needed special symbol. For example, some special symbols
have a zero size.
O Unwanted extra symbols are selected. For example, shared objects can deIine multiple
symbols that reIerence the same address and have the same size. These alias symbols
eIIectively reIerence the same item. ou might preIer to include only one oI a multiple
symbol Iamily, within the sort section.
The mapfile keywords DYNSJRT and NJDYNSJRT provide Ior additional control over symbol
selection. See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
IdentiIies a symbol that should be included in a sort section. The symbol type must be
IdentiIies a symbol that should not be included in a sort section.
For example, an object might provide the Iollowing symbol table deIinitions.

$ elfdump sN.symtab | egrep "foo|bar"
37, 0x000004b0 0x0000001c UNC GLJB D 0 .text bar
38, 0x000004b0 0x0000001c UNC WEAK D 0 .text foo
The symbols foo and bar represent an aliases pair. By deIault, when creating a sorted array, only
the symbol foo is represented.

$ .. o foo..
$ elfdump S | egrep "foo|bar"
13, 0x000004b0 0x0000001c UNC WEAK D 0 .text foo
In the case where a global and a weak symbol are Iound by the link-editor to reIerence the same
item, the weak symbol is normally kept. The symbol bar is omitted Irom the sorted array
because oI the association to the weak symbol foo.
The Iollowing mapfile results in the symbol bar being represented in the sorted array. The
symbol foo is omitted.

$ .at mapfile
bar = DYNSJRT;
$ .. mapfile o pi. foo..
$ elfdump S | egrep "foo|bar"
13, 0x000004b0 0x0000001c UNC GLJB D 0 .text bar
The .SUNW_dynsymsort section and .SUNW_dyntlssort section, require that a .SUNW_ldynsym
section be present. ThereIore, use oI the noldynsym option also prevents the creation oI any
sort section.
Register Smbols
The SPA# architecture supports register symbols, which are symbols that initialize a global
register. A symbol table entry Ior a register symbol contains the entries that are listed in the
Iollowing table.
Table 722 SPA#: ELF Symbol Table Entry: #egister Symbol
Field Meaning
Index into the string table Ior the name oI the symbol, or the value 0 Ior a scratch
#egister number. See the ABI manual Ior integer register assignments.
Unused (0).
Bind is typically STB_GLJBAL, type must be STT_SPARC_REGISTER.
Unused (0).
SHN_ABS iI this object initializes this register symbol,SHN_UNDE otherwise.
The register values that are deIined Ior SPA# are listed in the Iollowing table.
Table 723 SPA#: ELF #egister Numbers
ame Value Meaning
Absence oI an entry Ior a particular global register means that the particular global register is not
used at all by the object.
Sminfo Table Section
The syminIo section contains multiple entries oI the type Elf32_Syminfo or Elf64_Syminfo.
The .SUNW_syminfo section contains one entry Ior every entry in the associated symbol table
II this section is present in an object, additional symbol inIormation is to be Iound by taking the
symbol index Irom the associated symbol table and using that to Iind the corresponding
Elf32_Syminfo entry or Elf64_Syminfo entry in this section. The associated symbol table and
the Syminfo table will always have the same number oI entries.
Index 0 is used to store the current version oI the Syminfo table, which is SYMINJ_CURRENT.
Since symbol table entry 0 is always reserved Ior the UNDE symbol table entry, this usage does
not pose any conIlicts.
An Syminfo entry has the Iollowing Iormat. See sys/link.h.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Half si_boundto;
Elf32_Half si_flags;
, Elf32_Syminfo;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Half si_boundto;
Elf64_Half si_flags;
, Elf64_Syminfo;
An index to an entry in the .dynamic section, identiIied by the sh_info Iield, which
augments the Syminfo Ilags. For example, a DT_NEEDED entry identiIies a dynamic object
associated with the Syminfo entry. The entries that Iollow are reserved values Ior
ame Value Meaning
Symbol bound to selI.
Symbol bound to parent. The parent is the Iirst object to
cause this dynamic object to be loaded.
Symbol has no special symbol binding.
0xfffc Symbol deIinition is external.
This bit-Iield can have Ilags set, as shown in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Symbol reIerence has a direct association to the object
containing the deIinition.
Symbol deIinition acts as a standard Iilter.
Symbol deIinition is the result oI a copy-relocation.
ame Value Meaning
Symbol reIerence is to an object that should be lazily
Symbol reIerence should be bound directly to the
Do not allow an external reIerence to directly bind to
this symbol deIinition.
Symbol deIinition acts as an auxiliary Iilter.
Symbol deIinition acts as an interposer. This attribute
is only applicable Ior dynamic executables.
Symbol is associated with capabilities.
Versioning Sections
Objects created by the link-editor can contain two types oI versioning inIormation.
O Version definitions provide associations oI global symbols and are implemented using
sections oI type SHT_SUNW_verdef and SHT_SUNW_versym.
O Version dependencies indicate the version deIinition requirements Irom other object
dependencies and are implemented using sections oI type SHT_SUNW_verneed and
The structures that Iorm these sections are deIined in sys/link.h. Sections that contain
versioning inIormation are named .SUNW_version.
Version efinition Section
This section is deIined by the type SHT_SUNW_verdef. II this section exists, a SHT_SUNW_versym
section must also exist. These two structures provide an association oI symbols to version
deIinitions within the Iile. See reating a Version DeIinition. Elements oI this section have the
Iollowing structure.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Half vd_version;
Elf32_Half vd_flags;
Elf32_Half vd_ndx;
Elf32_Half vd_cnt;
Elf32_Word vd_hash;
Elf32_Word vd_aux;
Elf32_Word vd_next;
, Elf32_Verdef;

typedef struct ,
Elf32_Word vda_name;
Elf32_Word vda_next;
, Elf32_Verdaux;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Half vd_version;
Elf64_Half vd_flags;
Elf64_Half vd_ndx;
Elf64_Half vd_cnt;
Elf64_Word vd_hash;
Elf64_Word vd_aux;
Elf64_Word vd_next;
, Elf64_Verdef;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Word vda_name;
Elf64_Word vda_next;
, Elf64_Verdaux;
This member identiIies the version oI the structure, as listed in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Invalid version.
urrent version.
The value 1 signiIies the original section Iormat. Extensions require new versions with
higher numbers. The value oI VER_DE_CURRENT changes as necessary to reIlect the
current version number.
This member holds version deIinition-speciIic inIormation, as listed in the Iollowing
ame Value Meaning
Version deIinition oI the Iile.
Weak version identiIier.
The base version deIinition is always present when version deIinitions, or symbol auto-
reduction, have been applied to the Iile. The base version provides a deIault version Ior
the Iiles reserved symbols. A weak version deIinition has no symbols associated with the
version. See reating a Weak Version DeIinition.
The version index. Each version deIinition has a unique index that is used to associate
SHT_SUNW_versym entries to the appropriate version deIinition.
The number oI elements in the Elf32_Verdaux array.
The hash value oI the version deIinition name. This value is generated using the same
hashing Iunction that is described in Hash Table Section.
The byte oIIset Irom the start oI this Elf32_Verdef entry to the Elf32_Verdaux array oI
version deIinition names. The Iirst element oI the array must exist. This element points to
the version deIinition string this structure deIines. Additional elements can be present.
The number oI elements is indicated by the vd_cnt value. These elements represent the
dependencies oI this version deIinition. Each oI these dependencies will have its own
version deIinition structure.
The byte oIIset Irom the start oI this Elf32_Verdef structure to the next Elf32_Verdef
The string table oIIset to a null-terminated string, giving the name oI the version
The byte oIIset Irom the start oI this Elf32_Verdaux entry to the next Elf32_Verdaux
Version ependenc Section
The version dependency section is deIined by the type SHT_SUNW_verneed. This section
complements the dynamic dependency requirements oI the Iile by indicating the version
deIinitions required Irom these dependencies. A recording is made in this section only iI a
dependency contains version deIinitions. Elements oI this section have the Iollowing structure.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Half vn_version;
Elf32_Half vn_cnt;
Elf32_Word vn_file;
Elf32_Word vn_aux;
Elf32_Word vn_next;
, Elf32_Verneed;

typedef struct ,
Elf32_Word vna_hash;
Elf32_Half vna_flags;
Elf32_Half vna_other;
Elf32_Word vna_name;
Elf32_Word vna_next;
, Elf32_Vernaux;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Half vn_version;
Elf64_Half vn_cnt;
Elf64_Word vn_file;
Elf64_Word vn_aux;
Elf64_Word vn_next;
, Elf64_Verneed;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Word vna_hash;
Elf64_Half vna_flags;
Elf64_Half vna_other;
Elf64_Word vna_name;
Elf64_Word vna_next;
, Elf64_Vernaux;
This member identiIies the version oI the structure, as listed in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Invalid version.
urrent version.
The value 1 signiIies the original section Iormat. Extensions require new versions with
higher numbers. The value oI VER_NEED_CURRENT changes as necessary to reIlect the
current version number.
The number oI elements in the Elf32_Vernaux array.
The string table oIIset to a null-terminated string, providing the Iile name oI a version
dependency. This name matches one oI the .dynamic dependencies Iound in the Iile. See
Dynamic Section.
The byte oIIset, Irom the start oI this Elf32_Verneed entry, to the Elf32_Vernaux array
oI version deIinitions that are required Irom the associated Iile dependency. At least one
version dependency must exist. Additional version dependencies can be present, the
number being indicated by the vn_cnt value.
The byte oIIset, Irom the start oI this Elf32_Verneed entry, to the next Elf32_Verneed
The hash value oI the version dependency name. This value is generated using the same
hashing Iunction that is described in Hash Table Section.
Version dependency speciIic inIormation, as listed in the Iollowing table.
ame Value Meaning
Weak version identiIier.
SHT_SUNW_versym reIerence exists Ior inIormational purposes, and
need not be validated at runtime.
A weak version dependency indicates an original binding to a weak version deIinition.
II non-zero, the version index assigned to this dependency version. This index is used
within the SHT_SUNW_versym to assign global symbol reIerences to this version.
Versions oI Solaris up to and including the Solaris 10 release, did not assign version
symbol indexes to dependency versions. In these objects, the value oI vna_other is 0.
The string table oIIset to a null-terminated string, giving the name oI the version
The byte oIIset Irom the start oI this Elf32_Vernaux entry to the next Elf32_Vernaux
Version Smbol Section
The version symbol section is deIined by the type SHT_SUNW_versym. This section consists oI an
array oI elements oI the Iollowing structure.
typedef Elf32_Half Elf32_Versym;
typedef Elf64_Half Elf64_Versym;
The number oI elements oI the array must equal the number oI symbol table entries that are
contained in the associated symbol table. This number is determined by the section's sh_link
value. Each element oI the array contains a single index that can have the values shown in the
Iollowing table.
Table 724 ELF Version Dependency Indexes
ame Value Meaning
Symbol has local scope.
Symbol has global scope and is assigned to the base version

Symbol has global scope and is assigned to a user-deIined version
deIinition, SHT_SUNW_verdef, or a version dependency,
A symbol may be assigned the special reserved index 0. This index can be assigned Ior any oI
the Iollowing reasons.
O A non-global symbol is always assigned VER_NDX_LJCAL. However, this is rare in
practice. Versioning sections are usually created only in conjunction with the dynamic
symbol table, .dynsym, which only contains global symbols.
O A global symbol deIined within an object that does not have a SHT_SUNW_verdef version
deIinition section.
O An undeIined global symbol deIined within an object that does not have a
SHT_SUNW_verneed version dependency section. Or, an undeIined global symbol deIined
within an object in which the version dependency section does not assign version
O The Iirst entry oI a symbol table is always NULL. This entry always receives
VER_NDX_LJCAL, however the value has no particular meaning.
Versions deIined by an object are assigned version indexes starting at 1 and incremented by 1 Ior
each version. Index 1 is reserved Ior the Iirst global version. II the object does not have a
SHT_SUNW_verdef version deIinition section, then all the global symbols deIined by the object
receive index 1. II the object does have a version deIinition section, then VER_NDX_GLJBAL
simply reIers to the Iirst such version.
Versions required by the object Irom other SHT_SUNW_verneed dependencies, are assigned
version indexes that start 1 past the Iinal version deIinition index. These indexes are also
incremented by 1 Ior each version. Since index 1 is always reserved Ior VER_NDX_GLJBAL, the
Iirst possible index Ior a dependency version is 2.
Versions oI Solaris up to and including the Solaris 10 release, did not assign a version index to a
SHT_SUNW_verneed dependency version. In such an object, any symbol reIerence had a version
index oI 0 indicating that no versioning inIormation is available Ior that symbol.
namic Linking
This section describes the object Iile inIormation and system actions that create running
programs. Most inIormation here applies to all systems. InIormation speciIic to one processor
resides in sections marked accordingly.
Executable and shared object Iiles statically represent application programs. To execute such
programs, the system uses the Iiles to create dynamic program representations, or process
images. A process image has segments that contain its text, data, stack, and so on. The Iollowing
major subsections are provided.
O Program Header describes object Iile structures that are directly involved in program
execution. The primary data structure, a program header table, locates segment images in
the Iile and contains other inIormation that is needed to create the memory image oI the
O Program Loading (Processor-SpeciIic) describes the inIormation used to load a program
into memory.
O #untime Linker describes the inIormation used to speciIy and resolve symbolic
reIerences among the object Iiles oI the process image.
Program eader
An executable or shared object Iile's program header table is an array oI structures. Each
structure describes a segment or other inIormation that the system needs to prepare the program
Ior execution. An object Iile segment contains one or more sections, as described in Segment
Program headers are meaningIul only Ior executable and shared object Iiles. A Iile speciIies its
own program header size with the ELF header's e_phentsize and e_phnum members.
A program header has the Iollowing structure. See sys/elf.h.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Word p_type;
Elf32_Jff p_offset;
Elf32_Addr p_vaddr;
Elf32_Addr p_paddr;
Elf32_Word p_filesz;
Elf32_Word p_memsz;
Elf32_Word p_flags;
Elf32_Word p_align;
, Elf32_Phdr;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Word p_type;
Elf64_Word p_flags;
Elf64_Jff p_offset;
Elf64_Addr p_vaddr;
Elf64_Addr p_paddr;
Elf64_Xword p_filesz;
Elf64_Xword p_memsz;
Elf64_Xword p_align;
, Elf64_Phdr;
The kind oI segment this array element describes or how to interpret the array element's
inIormation. Type values and their meanings are speciIied in Table 725.
The oIIset Irom the beginning oI the Iile at which the Iirst byte oI the segment resides.
The virtual address at which the Iirst byte oI the segment resides in memory.
The segment's physical address Ior systems in which physical addressing is relevant.
Because the system ignores physical addressing Ior application programs, this member
has unspeciIied contents Ior executable Iiles and shared objects.
The number oI bytes in the Iile image oI the segment, which can be zero.
The number oI bytes in the memory image oI the segment, which can be zero.
Flags that are relevant to the segment. Type values and their meanings are speciIied in
Table 726.
Loadable process segments must have congruent values Ior p_vaddr and p_offset,
modulo the page size. This member gives the value to which the segments are aligned in
memory and in the Iile. Values 0 and 1 mean no alignment is required. Otherwise,
p_align should be a positive, integral power oI 2, and p_vaddr should equal p_offset,
modulo p_align. See Program Loading (Processor-SpeciIic).
Some entries describe process segments. Other entries give supplementary inIormation and do
not contribute to the process image. Segment entries can appear in any order, except as explicitly
noted. DeIined type values are listed in the Iollowing table.
Table 725 ELF Segment Types
ame Value
PT_LJJS 0x60000000
PT_SUNW_UNWIND 0x6464e550
PT_SUNW_EH_RAME 0x6474e550
ame Value
PT_LJSUNW 0x6ffffffa
PT_SUNWBSS 0x6ffffffa
PT_SUNWSTACK 0x6ffffffb
PT_SUNWDTRACE 0x6ffffffc
PT_SUNWCAP 0x6ffffffd
PT_HISUNW 0x6fffffff
PT_HIJS 0x6fffffff
PT_LJPRJC 0x70000000
PT_HIPRJC 0x7fffffff
Unused. Member values are undeIined. This type enables the program header table to
contain ignored entries.
SpeciIies a loadable segment, described by p_filesz and p_memsz. The bytes Irom the
Iile are mapped to the beginning oI the memory segment. II the segment's memory size
(p_memsz) is larger than the Iile size (p_filesz), the extra bytes are deIined to hold the
value 0. These bytes Iollow the initialized area oI the segment. The Iile size can not be
larger than the memory size. Loadable segment entries in the program header table
appear in ascending order, and are sorted on the p_vaddr member.
SpeciIies dynamic linking inIormation. See Dynamic Section.
SpeciIies the location and size oI a null-terminated path name to invoke as an interpreter.
This type is mandatory Ior dynamic executable Iiles. This type can occur in shared
objects. This type cannot occur more than once in a Iile. This type, iI present, must
precede any loadable segment entries. See Program Interpreter Ior details.
SpeciIies the location and size oI auxiliary inIormation. See Note Section Ior details.
#eserved but has unspeciIied semantics.
SpeciIies the location and size oI the program header table, both in the Iile and in the
memory image oI the program. This segment type cannot occur more than once in a Iile.
Moreover, this segment can occur only iI the program header table is part oI the memory
image oI the program. This type, iI present, must precede any loadable segment entry.
See Program Interpreter Ior details.
SpeciIies a thread-local storage template. See Thread-Local Storage Section Ior details.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior OS-speciIic semantics.
This segment contains the stack unwind tables.
This segment contains the stack unwind table. PT_SUNW_EH_RAME is equivalent to
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior Sun-speciIic semantics.
The same attributes as a PT_LJAD element and used to describe a .SUNW_bss section.
Describes a process stack. Only one PT_SUNWSTACK element can exist. Only access
permissions, as deIined in the p_flags Iield, are meaningIul.
#eserved Ior internal use by dtrace(1M).
SpeciIies capability requirements. See apabilities Section Ior details.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.

ote -
Unless speciIically required elsewhere, all program header segment types are optional. A Iile's
program header table can contain only those elements that are relevant to its contents.

Base Address
Executable and shared object Iiles have a base address, which is the lowest virtual address
associated with the memory image oI the program's object Iile. One use oI the base address is to
relocate the memory image oI the program during dynamic linking.
An executable or shared object Iile's base address is calculated during execution Irom three
values: the memory load address, the maximum page size, and the lowest virtual address oI a
program's loadable segment. The virtual addresses in the program headers might not represent
the actual virtual addresses oI the program's memory image. See Program Loading (Processor-
To compute the base address, you determine the memory address that are associated with the
lowest p_vaddr value Ior a PT_LJAD segment. ou then obtain the base address by truncating the
memory address to the nearest multiple oI the maximum page size. Depending on the kind oI Iile
being loaded into memory, the memory address might not match the p_vaddr values.
Segment Permissions
A program to be loaded by the system must have at least one loadable segment, although this
restriction is not required by the Iile Iormat. When the system creates loadable segment memory
images, the system gives access permissions, as speciIied in the p_flags member. All bits that
are included in the P_MASKPRJC mask are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
Table 726 ELF Segment Flags
ame Value Meaning
P_X 0x1
ame Value Meaning
P_W 0x2
P_R 0x4
P_MASKPRJC 0xf0000000
II a permission bit is 0, that bit's type oI access is denied. Actual memory permissions depend on
the memory management unit, which can vary between systems. Although all Ilag combinations
are valid, the system can grant more access than requested. In no case, however, will a segment
have write permission unless this permission is speciIied explicitly. The Iollowing table lists both
the exact Ilag interpretation and the allowable Ilag interpretation.
Table 727 ELF Segment Permissions
Flags Value Exact Allowable
All access denied All access denied
P_X 1
Execute only #ead, execute
P_W 2
Write only #ead, write, execute
P_W + P_X 3
Write, execute #ead, write, execute
P_R 4
#ead only #ead, execute
P_R + P_X 5
#ead, execute #ead, execute
P_R + P_W 6
#ead, write #ead, write, execute
P_R + P_W + P_X 7
#ead, write, execute #ead, write, execute
For example, typical text segments have read and execute, but not write permissions. Data
segments normally have read, write, and execute permissions.
Segment Contents
An object Iile segment consists oI one or more sections, though this Iact is transparent to the
program header. Whether the Iile segment holds one section or many sections, is also immaterial
to program loading. Nonetheless, various data must be present Ior program execution, dynamic
linking, and so on. The Iollowing diagrams illustrate segment contents in general terms. The
order and membership oI sections within a segment can vary.
Text segments contain read-only instructions and data. Data segments contain writable-data and
instructions. See Table 710 Ior a list oI all special sections.
A PT_DYNAMIC program header element points at the .dynamic section. The .got and .plt
sections also hold inIormation related to position-independent code and dynamic linking.
The .plt can reside in a text or a data segment, depending on the processor. See Global OIIset
Table (Processor-SpeciIic) and Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic) Ior details.
Sections oI type SHT_NJBITS occupy no space in the Iile, but contribute to the segment's memory
image. Normally, these uninitialized data reside at the end oI the segment, thereby making
p_memsz larger than p_filesz in the associated program header element.
Program Loading (Processor-Specific)
As the system creates or augments a process image, the system logically copies a Iile's segment
to a virtual memory segment. When, and iI, the system physically reads the Iile depends on the
program's execution behavior, system load, and so Iorth.
A process does not require a physical page unless the process reIerences the logical page during
execution. Processes commonly leave many pages unreIerenced. ThereIore, delaying physical
reads can improve system perIormance. To obtain this eIIiciency in practice, executable Iiles and
shared object Iiles must have segment images whose Iile oIIsets and virtual addresses are
congruent, modulo the page size.
Virtual addresses and Iile oIIsets Ior 32bit segments are congruent modulo 64K (0x10000).
Virtual addresses and Iile oIIsets Ior 64bit segments are congruent modulo 1 megabyte
(0x100000). By aligning segments to the maximum page size, the Iiles are suitable Ior paging
regardless oI physical page size.
By deIault, 64bit SPA# programs are linked with a starting address oI 0x100000000. The
whole program is located above 4 gigabytes, including its text, data, heap, stack, and shared
object dependencies. This helps ensure that 64bit programs are correct because the program will
Iault in the least signiIicant 4 gigabytes oI its address space iI the program truncates any oI its
pointers. While 64bit programs are linked above 4 gigabytes, you can still link programs below
4 gigabytes by using a mapfile and the option to the link-editor. See
The Iollowing Iigure presents the SPA# version oI the executable Iile.
Figure 7-8 SPARC: Executable File (64K alignment)

The Iollowing table deIines the loadable segment elements Ior the previous Iigure.
Table 728 SPA#: ELF Program Header Segments (64K alignment)
Member Text ata
p_offset 0x0 0x4000
p_vaddr 0x10000 0x24000
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
p_filesize 0x3a82 0x4f5
p_memsz 0x3a82 0x10a4
p_flags P_R + P_X P_R + P_W + P_X
p_align 0x10000 0x10000
The Iollowing Iigure presents the x86 version oI the executable Iile.
Figure 7-9 32-bit x86: Executable File (64K alignment)

The Iollowing table deIines the loadable segment elements Ior the previous Iigure.
Table 729 32-bit x86: ELF Program Header Segments (64K alignment)
Member Text ata
p_offset 0x0 0x4000
p_vaddr 0x8050000 0x8064000
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
p_filesize 0x32fd 0x3a0
p_memsz 0x32fd 0xdc4
p_flags P_R + P_X P_R + P_W + P_X
p_align 0x10000 0x10000
The example's Iile oIIsets and virtual addresses are congruent modulo the maximum page size
Ior both text and data. Up to Iour Iile pages hold impure text or data depending on page size and
Iile system block size.
O The Iirst text page contains the ELF header, the program header table, and other
O The last text page holds a copy oI the beginning oI data.
O The Iirst data page has a copy oI the end oI text.
O The last data page can contain Iile inIormation not relevant to the running process.
Logically, the system enIorces the memory permissions as iI each segment were
complete and separate The segments addresses are adjusted to ensure that each logical
page in the address space has a single set oI permissions. In the previous examples, the
region oI the Iile holding the end oI text and the beginning oI data is mapped twice: at
one virtual address Ior text and at a diIIerent virtual address Ior data.

ote -
The previous examples reIlect typical Oracle Solaris OS binaries that have their text segments

The end oI the data segment requires special handling Ior uninitialized data, which the system
deIines to begin with zero values. II a Iile's last data page includes inIormation not in the logical
memory page, the extraneous data must be set to zero, not the unknown contents oI the
executable Iile.
Impurities in the other three pages are not logically part oI the process image. Whether the
system expunges these impurities is unspeciIied. The memory image Ior this program is shown
in the Iollowing Iigures, assuming 4 Kbyte (0x1000) pages. For simplicity, these Iigures
illustrate only one page size.
Figure 7-10 32-bit SPARC: Process Image Segments

Figure 7-11 x86: Process Image Segments

One aspect oI segment loading diIIers between executable Iiles and shared objects. Executable
Iile segments typically contain absolute code. For the process to execute correctly, the segments
must reside at the virtual addresses used to create the executable Iile. The system uses the
p_vaddr values unchanged as virtual addresses.
On the other hand, shared object segments typically contain position-independent code. This
code enables a segment's virtual address change between diIIerent processes, without
invalidating execution behavior.
Though the system chooses virtual addresses Ior individual processes, it maintains the relative
positions oI the segments. Because position-independent code uses relative addressing between
segments, the diIIerence between virtual addresses in memory must match the diIIerence
between virtual addresses in the Iile.
The Iollowing tables show possible shared object virtual address assignments Ior several
processes, illustrating constant relative positioning. The tables also include the base address
Table 730 32-bit SPA#: ELF Example Shared Object Segment Addresses
Source Text ata Base Address
0x0 0x4000 0x0
Process 1
0xc0000000 0xc0024000 0xc0000000
Process 2
0xc0010000 0xc0034000 0xc0010000
Process 3
0xd0020000 0xd0024000 0xd0020000
Process 4
0xd0030000 0xd0034000 0xd0030000
Table 731 32-bit x86: ELF Example Shared Object Segment Addresses
Source Text ata Base Address
0x0 0x4000 0x0
Process 1
0x8000000 0x8004000 0x80000000
Process 2
0x80081000 0x80085000 0x80081000
Process 3
0x900c0000 0x900c4000 0x900c0000
Process 4
0x900c6000 0x900ca000 0x900c6000
Program Interpreter
A dynamic executable or shared object that initiates dynamic linking can have one PT_INTERP
program header element. During exec(2), the system retrieves a path name Irom the PT_INTERP
segment and creates the initial process image Irom the interpreter Iile's segments. The interpreter
is responsible Ior receiving control Irom the system and providing an environment Ior the
application program.
In the Oracle Solaris OS, the interpreter is known as the runtime linker,
Runtime Linker
When creating a dynamic object that initiates dynamic linking, the link-editor adds a program
header element oI type PT_INTERP to an executable Iile. This element instructing the system to
invoke the runtime linker as the program interpreter. exec(2) and the runtime linker cooperate to
create the process image Ior the program.
The link-editor constructs various data Ior executable and shared object Iiles that assist the
runtime linker. These data reside in loadable segments, thus making the data available during
execution. These segments include.
O A .dynamic section with type SHT_DYNAMIC that holds various data. The structure
residing at the beginning oI the section holds the addresses oI other dynamic linking
O The .got and .plt sections with type SHT_PRJGBITS that hold two separate tables: the
global oIIset table and the procedure linkage table. Sections that Iollow, explain how the
runtime linker uses and changes the tables to create memory images Ior object Iiles.
O The .hash section with type SHT_HASH that holds a symbol hash table.
Shared objects can occupy virtual memory addresses that are diIIerent Irom the addresses that
are recorded in the Iile's program header table. The runtime linker relocates the memory image,
updating absolute addresses beIore the application gains control.
namic Section
II an object Iile participates in dynamic linking, its program header table will have an element oI
type PT_DYNAMIC. This segment contains the .dynamic section. A special symbol, _DYNAMIC,
labels the section, which contains an array oI the Iollowing structures. See sys/link.h.
typedef struct ,
Elf32_Sword d_tag;
union ,
Elf32_Word d_val;
Elf32_Addr d_ptr;
Elf32_Jff d_off;
, d_un;
, Elf32_Dyn;

typedef struct ,
Elf64_Xword d_tag;
union ,
Elf64_Xword d_val;
Elf64_Addr d_ptr;
, d_un;
, Elf64_Dyn;
For each object with this type, d_tag controls the interpretation oI d_un.
These objects represent integer values with various interpretations.
These objects represent program virtual addresses. A Iile's virtual addresses might not
match the memory virtual addresses during execution. When interpreting addresses
contained in the dynamic structure, the runtime linker computes actual addresses, based
on the original Iile value and the memory base address. For consistency, Iiles do not
contain relocation entries to correct addresses in the dynamic structure.
In general, the value oI each dynamic tag determines the interpretation oI the d_un union. This
convention provides Ior simpler interpretation oI dynamic tags by third party tools. A tag whose
value is an even number indicates a dynamic section entry that uses d_ptr. A tag whose value is
an odd number indicates a dynamic section entry that uses d_val, or that the tag uses neither
d_ptr nor d_val. Tags with values in the Iollowing special compatibility ranges do not Iollow
these rules. Third party tools must handle these exception ranges explicitly on an item by item
O Tags whose values are less than the special value DT_ENCJDING.
O Tags with values that Iall between DT_LJJS and DT_SUNW_ENCJDING.
O Tags with values that Iall between DT_HIJS and DT_LJPRJC.
The Iollowing table summarizes the tag requirements Ior executable and shared object Iiles. II a
tag is marked mandator, then the dynamic linking array must have an entry oI that type.
Likewise, optional means an entry Ior the tag can appear but is not required.
Table 732 ELF Dynamic Array Tags
ame Value
Executable Shared Object
Ignored Mandatory Mandatory
DT_NEEDED 1 d_val
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
DT_PLTGJT 3 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_HASH 4 d_ptr
Mandatory Mandatory
DT_STRTAB 5 d_ptr
Mandatory Mandatory
DT_SYMTAB 6 d_ptr
Mandatory Mandatory
DT_RELA 7 d_ptr
Mandatory Optional
DT_RELASZ 8 d_val
Mandatory Optional
DT_RELAENT 9 d_val
Mandatory Optional
ame Value
Executable Shared Object
DT_STRSZ 10 d_val
Mandatory Mandatory
DT_SYMENT 11 d_val
Mandatory Mandatory
DT_INIT 12 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_INI 13 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SJNAME 14 d_val
Ignored Optional
DT_RPATH 15 d_val
Optional Optional
Ignored Ignored Optional
DT_REL 17 d_ptr
Mandatory Optional
DT_RELSZ 18 d_val
Mandatory Optional
DT_RELENT 19 d_val
Mandatory Optional
DT_PLTREL 20 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_DEBUG 21 d_ptr
Optional Ignored
Ignored Optional Optional
DT_JMPREL 23 d_ptr
Optional Optional
Ignored Optional Optional
DT_INIT_ARRAY 25 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_INI_ARRAY 26 d_ptr
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
DT_RUNPATH 29 d_val
Optional Optional
ame Value
Executable Shared Object
DT_LAGS 30 d_val
Optional Optional
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
Optional Ignored
Optional Ignored
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_LJJS 0x6000000d
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_SUNW_AUXILIARY 0x6000000d d_ptr
UnspeciIied Optional
DT_SUNW_RTLDIN 0x6000000e d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_ILTER 0x6000000e d_ptr
UnspeciIied Optional
DT_SUNW_CAP 0x60000010 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_SYMTAB 0x60000011 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_SYMSZ 0x60000012 d_val
Optional Optional
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_SUNW_SJRTENT 0x60000013 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_SYMSJRT 0x60000014 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_SYMSJRTSZ 0x60000015 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_TLSSJRT 0x60000016 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_TLSSJRTSZ 0x60000017 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_CAPINJ 0x60000018 d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_STRPAD 0x60000019 d_val
Optional Optional
ame Value
Executable Shared Object
DT_SUNW_CAPCHAIN 0x6000001a d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_LDMACH 0x6000001b d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_CAPCHAINENT 0x6000001d d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SUNW_CAPCHAINSZ 0x6000001f d_val
Optional Optional
DT_HIJS 0x6ffff000
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_VALRNGLJ 0x6ffffd00
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_CHECKSUM 0x6ffffdf8 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_PLTPADSZ 0x6ffffdf9 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_MJVEENT 0x6ffffdfa d_val
Optional Optional
DT_MJVESZ 0x6ffffdfb d_val
Optional Optional
DT_PJSLAG_1 0x6ffffdfd d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SYMINSZ 0x6ffffdfe d_val
Optional Optional
DT_SYMINENT 0x6ffffdff d_val
Optional Optional
DT_VALRNGHI 0x6ffffdff
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_ADDRRNGLJ 0x6ffffe00
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_CJNIG 0x6ffffefa d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_DEPAUDIT 0x6ffffefb d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_AUDIT 0x6ffffefc d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_PLTPAD 0x6ffffefd d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_MJVETAB 0x6ffffefe d_ptr
Optional Optional
ame Value
Executable Shared Object
DT_SYMINJ 0x6ffffeff d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_ADDRRNGHI 0x6ffffeff
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_RELACJUNT 0x6ffffff9 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_RELCJUNT 0x6ffffffa d_val
Optional Optional
DT_LAGS_1 0x6ffffffb d_val
Optional Optional
DT_VERDE 0x6ffffffc d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_VERDENUM 0x6ffffffd d_val
Optional Optional
DT_VERNEED 0x6ffffffe d_ptr
Optional Optional
DT_VERNEEDNUM 0x6fffffff d_val
Optional Optional
DT_LJPRJC 0x70000000
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
DT_SPARC_REGISTER 0x70000001 d_val
Optional Optional
DT_AUXILIARY 0x7ffffffd d_val
UnspeciIied Optional
DT_USED 0x7ffffffe d_val
Optional Optional
DT_ILTER 0x7fffffff d_val
UnspeciIied Optional
DT_HIPRJC 0x7fffffff
UnspeciIied UnspeciIied UnspeciIied
Marks the end oI the _DYNAMIC array.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string, giving the name oI a
needed dependency. The dynamic array can contain multiple entries oI this type. The
relative order oI these entries is signiIicant, though their relation to entries oI other types
is not. See Shared Object Dependencies.
The total size, in bytes, oI the relocation entries associated with the procedure linkage
table. See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic).
An address associated with the procedure linkage table or the global oIIset table. See
Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic) and Global OIIset Table (Processor-
The address oI the symbol hash table. This table reIers to the symbol table indicated by
the DT_SYMTAB element. See Hash Table Section.
The address oI the string table. Symbol names, dependency names, and other strings
required by the runtime linker reside in this table. See String Table Section.
The address oI the symbol table. See Symbol Table Section.
The address oI a relocation table. See #elocation Sections.
An object Iile can have multiple relocation sections. When creating the relocation table
Ior an executable or shared object Iile, the link-editor catenates those sections to Iorm a
single table. Although the sections can remain independent in the object Iile, the runtime
linker sees a single table. When the runtime linker creates the process image Ior an
executable Iile or adds a shared object to the process image, the runtime linker reads the
relocation table and perIorms the associated actions.
This element requires the DT_RELASZ and DT_RELAENT elements also be present. When
relocation is mandatory Ior a Iile, either DT_RELA or DT_REL can occur.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_RELA relocation table.
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_RELA relocation entry.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_STRTAB string table.
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_SYMTAB symbol entry.
The address oI an initialization Iunction. See Initialization and Termination Sections.
The address oI a termination Iunction. See Initialization and Termination Sections.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string, identiIying the name oI the
shared object. See #ecording a Shared Object Name.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated library search path string. This
element's use has been superseded by DT_RUNPATH. See Directories Searched by the
#untime Linker.
Indicates the object contains symbolic bindings that were applied during its link-edit.
This elements use has been superseded by the D_SYMBJLIC Ilag. See Using the B
symboli. Option.
Similar to DT_RELA, except its table has implicit addends. This element requires that the
DT_RELSZ and DT_RELENT elements also be present.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_REL relocation table.
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_REL relocation entry.
Indicates the type oI relocation entry to which the procedure linkage table reIers, either
DT_REL or DT_RELA. All relocations in a procedure linkage table must use the same
relocation. See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic). This element requires a
DT_JMPREL element also be present.
Used Ior debugging.
Indicates that one or more relocation entries might request modiIications to a non-
writable segment, and the runtime linker can prepare accordingly. This element's use has
been superseded by the D_TEXTREL Ilag. See Position-Independent ode.
The address oI relocation entries that are associated solely with the procedure linkage
table. See Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-SpeciIic). The separation oI these
relocation entries enables the runtime linker to ignore these entries when the object is
loaded with lazy binding enabled. This element requires the DT_PLTRELSZ and
DT_PLTREL elements also be present.
Various state Ilags which are applied to the DT_ element immediately Iollowing. See
Table 735.
Indicates that all relocations Ior this object must be processed beIore returning control to
the program. The presence oI this entry takes precedence over a directive to use lazy
binding when speciIied through the environment or by means oI dlopen(3). This
element's use has been superseded by the D_BIND_NJW Ilag. See When #elocations Are
The address oI an array oI pointers to initialization Iunctions. This element requires that a
DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ element also be present. See Initialization and Termination Sections.
The address oI an array oI pointers to termination Iunctions. This element requires that a
DT_INI_ARRAYSZ element also be present. See Initialization and Termination Sections.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_INIT_ARRAY array.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_INI_ARRAY array.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated library search path string. See
Directories Searched by the #untime Linker.
Flag values speciIic to this object. See Table 733.
Dynamic tag values that are greater than or equal to DT_ENCJDING, and less than or equal
to DT_LJJS, Iollow the rules Ior the interpretation oI the d_un union.
The address oI an array oI pointers to pre-initialization Iunctions. This element requires
that a DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ element also be present. This array is processed only in an
executable Iile. This array is ignored iI contained in a shared object. See Initialization and
Termination Sections.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_PREINIT_ARRAY array.
The number oI positive dynamic array tag values.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior operating system-speciIic semantics. All
such values Iollow the rules Ior the interpretation oI the d_un union.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string that names one or more per-
symbol, auxiliary Iiltees. See Generating Auxiliary Filters.
#eserved Ior internal use by the runtime-linker.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string that names one or more per-
symbol, standard Iiltees. See Generating Standard Filters.
The address oI the capabilities section. See apabilities Section.
The address oI the symbol table containing local Iunction symbols that augment the
symbols provided by DT_SYMTAB. These symbols are always adjacent to, and immediately
precede the symbols provided by DT_SYMTAB. See Symbol Table Section.
The combined size oI the symbol tables given by DT_SUNW_SYMTAB and DT_SYMTAB.
Dynamic tag values that are greater than or equal to DT_SUNW_ENCJDING, and less than or
equal to DT_HIJS, Iollow the rules Ior the interpretation oI the d_un union.
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_SUNW_SYMSJRT and DT_SUNW_TLSSJRT symbol sort entries.
The address oI the array oI symbol table indices that provide sorted access to Iunction
and variable symbols in the symbol table reIerenced by DT_SUNW_SYMTAB. See Symbol
Sort Sections.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_SUNW_SYMSJRT array.
The address oI the array oI symbol table indices that provide sorted access to thread local
symbols in the symbol table reIerenced by DT_SUNW_SYMTAB. See Symbol Sort Sections.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_SUNW_TLSSJRT array.
The address oI the array oI symbol table indices that provide the association oI symbols
to their capability requirements. See apabilities Section.
The total size, in bytes, oI the unused reserved space at the end oI the dynamic string
table. II DT_SUNW_STRPAD is not present in an object, no reserved space is available.
The address oI the array oI capability Iamily indices. Each Iamily oI indices is terminated
with a 0 entry.
The machine architecture oI the link-editor that produced the object. DT_SUNW_LDMACH
uses the same EM_ integer values used Ior the e_machine Iield oI the ELF header. See
ELF Header. DT_SUNW_LDMACH is used to identiIy the class, 32bit or 64bit, and the
platIorm oI the link-editor that built the object. This inIormation is not used by the
runtime linker, but exists purely Ior documentation.
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_SUNW_CAPCHAIN entries.
The total size, in bytes, or the DT_SUNW_CAPCHAIN chain.
The address oI the symbol inIormation table. This element requires that the DT_SYMINENT
and DT_SYMINSZ elements also be present. See SyminIo Table Section.
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_SYMINJ inIormation entry.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_SYMINJ table.
The address oI the version deIinition table. Elements within this table contain indexes
into the string table DT_STRTAB. This element requires that the DT_VERDENUM element
also be present. See Version DeIinition Section.
The number oI entries in the DT_VERDE table.
The address oI the version dependency table. Elements within this table contain indexes
into the string table DT_STRTAB. This element requires that the DT_VERNEEDNUM element
also be present. See Version Dependency Section.
The number oI entries in the DT_VERNEEDNUM table.
Indicates the RELATIVE relocation count, which is produced Irom the concatenation oI all
Elf32_Rela, or Elf64_Rela relocations. See ombined #elocation Sections.
Indicates the RELATIVE relocation count, which is produced Irom the concatenation oI all
Elf32_Rel relocations. See ombined #elocation Sections.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string that names one or more
auxiliary Iiltees. See Generating Auxiliary Filters.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string that names one or more
standard Iiltees. See Generating Standard Filters.
A simple checksum oI selected sections oI the object. See gelIchecksum(3ELF).
The size, in bytes, oI the DT_MJVETAB move entries.
The total size, in bytes, oI the DT_MJVETAB table.
The address oI a move table. This element requires that the DT_MJVEENT and DT_MJVESZ
elements also be present. See Move Section.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string deIining a conIiguration
Iile. The conIiguration Iile is only meaningIul in an executable, and is typically unique to
this object. See onIiguring the DeIault Search Paths.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string deIining one or more audit
libraries. See #untime Linker Auditing InterIace.
The DT_STRTAB string table oIIset oI a null-terminated string deIining one or more audit
libraries. See #untime Linker Auditing InterIace.
Flag values speciIic to this object. See Table 734.
Values in this inclusive range use the d_un.d_val Iield oI the dynamic structure.
Values in this inclusive range use the d_un.d_ptr Iield oI the dynamic structure. II any
adjustment is made to the ELF object aIter the object has been built, these entries must be
updated accordingly.
The index oI an STT_SPARC_REGISTER symbol within the DT_SYMTAB symbol table. One
dynamic entry exists Ior every STT_SPARC_REGISTER symbol in the symbol table. See
#egister Symbols.
Values in this inclusive range are reserved Ior processor-speciIic semantics.
Except Ior the DT_NULL element at the end oI the dynamic array and the relative order oI
DT_NEEDED and DT_PJSLAG_1 elements, entries can appear in any order. Tag values not
appearing in the table are reserved.
Table 733 ELF Dynamic Flags, DT_LAGS
ame Value Meaning
$JRIGIN processing required
Symbolic symbol resolution required
Text relocations exist
Non-lazy binding required
Object uses static thread-local storage scheme
Indicates that the object requires $JRIGIN processing. See Locating Associated
Indicates that the object contains symbolic bindings that were applied during its link-edit.
See Using the B symboli. Option.
Indicates that one or more relocation entries might request modiIications to a non-
writable segment, and the runtime linker can prepare accordingly. See Position-
Independent ode.
Indicates that all relocations Ior this object must be processed beIore returning control to
the program. The presence oI this entry takes precedence over a directive to use lazy
binding when speciIied through the environment or by means oI dlopen(3). See When
#elocations Are PerIormed.
Indicates that the object contains code using a static thread-local storage scheme. Static
thread-local storage should not be used in objects that are dynamically loaded, either
using dlopen(3), or using lazy loading.
Table 734 ELF Dynamic Flags, DT_LAGS_1
ame Value Meaning
ame Value Meaning
D_1_NJW 0x1
PerIorm complete relocation processing.
D_1_GLJBAL 0x2
D_1_GRJUP 0x4
Indicate object is a member oI a group.
Object cannot be deleted Irom a process.
D_1_LJADLTR 0x10
Ensure immediate loading oI Iiltees.
Objects' initialization occurs Iirst.
D_1_NJJPEN 0x40
Object can not be used with dlopen(3).
D_1_JRIGIN 0x80
$JRIGIN processing required.
D_1_DIRECT 0x100
Direct bindings enabled.
Object is an interposer.
D_1_NJDELIB 0x800
Ignore the deIault library search path.
D_1_NJDUMP 0x1000
Object cannot be dumped with dldump(3).
D_1_CJNALT 0x2000
Object is a conIiguration alternative.
D_1_ENDILTEE 0x4000
Filtee terminates Iilter's search.
Displacement relocation has been carried out.
D_1_DISPRELPND 0x10000
Displacement relocation pending.
D_1_NJDIRECT 0x20000
Object contains non-direct bindings.
D_1_IGNMULDE 0x40000
Internal use.
D_1_NJKSYMS 0x80000
Internal use.
D_1_NJHDR 0x100000
Internal use.
ame Value Meaning
D_1_EDITED 0x200000
Object has been modiIied since originally built.
D_1_NJRELJC 0x400000
Internal use.
D_1_SYMINTPJSE 0x800000
Individual symbol interposers exist.
D_1_GLJBAUDIT 0x1000000
Establish global auditing.
D_1_SINGLETJN 0x2000000
Singleton symbols exist.
Indicates that all relocations Ior this object must be processed beIore returning control to
the program. The presence oI this Ilag takes precedence over a directive to use lazy
binding when speciIied through the environment or by means oI dlopen(3). See When
#elocations Are PerIormed.
Indicates that the object is a member oI a group. This Ilag is recorded in the object using
the link-editor's B group option. See Object Hierarchies.
Indicates that the object cannot be deleted Irom a process. II the object is loaded in a
process, either directly or as a dependency, with dlopen(3), the object cannot be
unloaded with dlclose(3). This Ilag is recorded in the object using the link-editor
nodelete option.
MeaningIul only Ior Iilters. Indicates that all associated Iiltees be processed immediately.
This Ilag is recorded in the object using the link-editor's loadfltr option. See Filtee
Indicates that this object's initialization section be run beIore any other objects loaded.
This Ilag is intended Ior specialized system libraries only, and is recorded in the object
using the link-editor's initfirst option.
Indicates that the object cannot be added to a running process with dlopen(3). This Ilag
is recorded in the object using the link-editor's nodlopen option.
Indicates that the object requires $JRIGIN processing. See Locating Associated
Indicates that the object should use direct binding inIormation. See Appendix D, Direct
Indicates that the objects symbol table is to interpose beIore all symbols except the
primary load object, which is typically the executable. This Ilag is recorded with the link-
editor's interpose option. See #untime Interposition.
Indicates that the search Ior dependencies oI this object ignores any deIault library search
paths. This Ilag is recorded in the object using the link-editor's nodefaultlib option.
See Directories Searched by the #untime Linker.
Indicates that this object is not dumped by dldump(3). andidates Ior this option
include objects with no relocations that might get included when generating alternative
objects using crle(1). This Ilag is recorded in the object using the link-editor's nodump
IdentiIies this object as a conIiguration alternative object generated by crle(1). This Ilag
triggers the runtime linker to search Ior a conIiguration Iile $JRIGIN/
MeaningIul only Ior Iiltees. Terminates a Iilters search Ior any Iurther Iiltees. This Ilag is
recorded in the object using the link-editor's endfiltee option. See #educing Filtee
Indicates that this object has displacement relocations applied. The displacement
relocation records no longer exist within the object as the records were discarded once the
relocation was applied. See Displacement #elocations.
Indicates that this object has displacement relocations pending. The displacement
relocations exits within the object so the relocation can be completed at runtime. See
Displacement #elocations.
Indicates that this object contains symbols that can not be directly bound to. See
#eserved Ior internal use by the kernel runtime-linker.
#eserved Ior internal use by the kernel runtime-linker.
#eserved Ior internal use by the kernel runtime-linker.
Indicates that this object has been edited or has been modiIied since the objects original
construction by the link-editor. This Ilag serves as a warning to debuggers that an object
might have had an arbitrary change made since the object was originally built.
#eserved Ior internal use by the kernel runtime-linker.
Indicates that the object contains individual symbols that should interpose beIore all
symbols except the primary load object, which is typically the executable. This Ilag is
recorded when the object is built using a mapfile and the INTERPJSE keyword. See
Indicates that the dynamic executable requires global auditing. See #ecording Global
Indicates that the object deIines, or makes reIerence to singleton symbols. See
Table 735 ELF Dynamic Position Flags, DT_PJSLAG_1
ame Value Meaning
IdentiIy lazy loaded dependency.
IdentiIy group dependency.
IdentiIies the Iollowing DT_NEEDED entry as an object to be lazy loaded. This Ilag is
recorded in the object using the link-editor's layload option. See Lazy Loading oI
Dynamic Dependencies.
IdentiIies the Iollowing DT_NEEDED entry as an object to be loaded as a group. This Ilag is
recorded in the object using the link-editor's groupperm option. See Isolating a
lobal Offset Table (Processor-Specific)
Position-independent code cannot, in general, contain absolute virtual addresses. Global oIIset
tables hold absolute addresses in private data. Addresses are thereIore available without
compromising the position-independence and shareability oI a program's text. A program
reIerences its GJT using position-independent addressing and extracts absolute values. This
technique redirects position-independent reIerences to absolute locations.
Initially, the GJT holds inIormation as required by its relocation entries. AIter the system creates
memory segments Ior a loadable object Iile, the runtime linker processes the relocation entries.
Some relocations can be oI type R_xxxx_GLJB_DAT, reIerring to the GJT.
The runtime linker determines the associated symbol values, calculates their absolute addresses,
and sets the appropriate memory table entries to the proper values. Although the absolute
addresses are unknown when the link-editor creates an object Iile, the runtime linker knows the
addresses oI all memory segments and can thus calculate the absolute addresses oI the symbols
contained therein.
II a program requires direct access to the absolute address oI a symbol, that symbol will have a
GJT entry. Because the executable Iile and shared objects have separate a GJT, a symbol's address
can appear in several tables. The runtime linker processes all the GJT relocations beIore giving
control to any code in the process image. This processing ensures that absolute addresses are
available during execution.
The table's entry zero is reserved to hold the address oI the dynamic structure, reIerenced with
the symbol _DYNAMIC. This symbol enables a program, such as the runtime linker, to Iind its own
dynamic structure without having yet processed its relocation entries. This method is especially
important Ior the runtime linker, because it must initialize itselI without relying on other
programs to relocate its memory image.
The system can choose diIIerent memory segment addresses Ior the same shared object in
diIIerent programs. The system can even choose diIIerent library addresses Ior diIIerent
executions oI the same program. Nonetheless, memory segments do not change addresses once
the process image is established. As long as a process exists, its memory segments reside at Iixed
virtual addresses.
A GJT Iormat and interpretation are processor-speciIic. The symbol _GLJBAL_JSET_TABLE_
can be used to access the table. This symbol can reside in the middle oI the .got section,
allowing both negative and nonnegative subscripts into the array oI addresses. The symbol type
is an array oI Elf32_Addr Ior 32bit code, and an array oI Elf64_Addr Ior 64bit code.
extern Elf32_Addr _GLJBAL_JSET_TABLE_,;
extern Elf64_Addr _GLJBAL_JSET_TABLE_,;
Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-Specific)
The global oIIset table converts position-independent address calculations to absolute locations.
Similarly the procedure linkage table converts position-independent Iunction calls to absolute
locations. The link-editor cannot resolve execution transIers such as Iunction calls between
diIIerent dynamic objects. So, the link-editor arranges to have the program transIer control to
entries in the procedure linkage table. The runtime linker thus redirects the entries without
compromising the position-independence and shareability oI the program's text. Executable Iiles
and shared object Iiles have separate procedure linkage tables.
32-bit SPARC: Procedure Linkage Table
For 32bit SPA# dynamic objects, the procedure linkage table resides in private data. The
runtime linker determines the absolute addresses oI the destinations and modiIies the procedure
linkage table's memory image accordingly.
The Iirst Iour procedure linkage table entries are reserved. The original contents oI these entries
are unspeciIied, despite the example that is shown in Table 736. Each entry in the table
occupies 3 words (12 bytes), and the last table entry is Iollowed by a nop instruction.
A relocation table is associated with the procedure linkage table. The DT_JMP_REL entry in the
_DYNAMIC array gives the location oI the Iirst relocation entry. The relocation table has one entry,
in the same sequence, Ior each non-reserved procedure linkage table entry. The relocation type oI
each oI these entries is R_SPARC_JMP_SLJT. The relocation oIIset speciIies the address oI the
Iirst byte oI the associated procedure linkage table entry. The symbol table index reIers to the
appropriate symbol.
To illustrate procedure linkage tables, Table 736 shows Iour entries. Two oI the Iour are initial
reserved entries. The third entry is a call to name101. The Iourth entry is a call to name102. The
example assumes that the entry Ior name102 is the table's last entry. A nop instruction Iollows
this last entry. The leIt column shows the instructions Irom the object Iile beIore dynamic
linking. The right column illustrates a possible instruction sequence that the runtime linker might
use to Iix the procedure linkage table entries.
Table 736 32-bit SPA#: Procedure Linkage Table Example
Object File Memory Segment
save %sp, -64, %sp
call runtime_linker
.word identification
sethi (.-.PLT0), %g1
ba,a .PLT0
sethi (.-.PLT0), %g1
ba,a .PLT0

ba,a name101
sethi (.-.PLT0), %g1
sethi %hi(name102), %g1
jmpl %g1+%lo(name102), %g0

The Iollowing steps describe how the runtime linker and program jointly resolve the symbolic
reIerences through the procedure linkage table. The steps that are described are Ior explanation
only. The precise execution-time behavior oI the runtime linker is not speciIied.
1. When the memory image oI the program is initially created, the runtime linker changes
the initial procedure linkage table entries. These entries are modiIied so that control can
be transIerred to one oI the runtime linker's own routines. The runtime linker also stores a
word oI identiIication inIormation in the second entry. When the runtime linker receives
control, this word is examined to identiIy the caller.
2. All other procedure linkage table entries initially transIer to the Iirst entry. Thus, the
runtime linker gains control at the Iirst execution oI a table entry. For example, the
program calls name101, which transIers control to the label .PLT101.
3. The sethi instruction computes the distance between the current and the initial
procedure linkage table entries, .PLT101 and .PLT0, respectively. This value occupies the
most signiIicant 22 bits oI the %g1 register.
4. Next, the ba,a instruction jumps to .PLT0, establishing a stack Irame, and calls the
runtime linker.
5. With the identiIication value, the runtime linker gets its data structures Ior the object,
including the relocation table.
6. By shiIting the %g1 value and dividing by the size oI the procedure linkage table entries,
the runtime linker calculates the index oI the relocation entry Ior name101. #elocation
entry 101 has type R_SPARC_JMP_SLJT. This relocation oIIset speciIies the address oI
.PLT101, and its symbol table index reIers to name101. Thus, the runtime linker gets the
symbol's real value, unwinds the stack, modiIies the procedure linkage table entry, and
transIers control to the desired destination.
The runtime linker does not have to create the instruction sequences under the memory segment
column. II the runtime linkers does, some points deserve more explanation.
O To make the code re-entrant, the procedure linkage table's instructions are changed in a
particular sequence. II the runtime linker is Iixing a Iunction's procedure linkage table
entry and a signal arrives, the signal handling code must be able to call the original
Iunction with predictable and correct results.
O The runtime linker changes three words to convert an entry. The runtime linker can
update only a single word atomically with regard to instruction execution. ThereIore, re-
entrancy is achieved by updating each word in reverse order. II a re-entrant Iunction call
occurs just prior to the last patch, the runtime linker gains control a second time.
Although both invocations oI the runtime linker modiIy the same procedure linkage table
entry, their changes do not interIere with each other.
O The Iirst sethi instruction oI a procedure linkage table entry can Iill the delay slot oI the
previous entry's jmp1 instruction. Although the sethi changes the value oI the %g1
register, the previous contents can be saIely discarded.
O AIter conversion, the last procedure linkage table entry, .PLT102, needs a delay
instruction Ior its jmp1. The required, trailing nop Iills this delay slot.

ote -
The diIIerent instruction sequences that are shown Ior .PLT101, and .PLT102 demonstrate how
the update can be optimized Ior the associated destination.

The LD_BIND_NJW environment variable changes dynamic linking behavior. II its value is non-
null, the runtime linker processes R_SPARC_JMP_SLJT relocation entries beIore transIerring
control to the program.
64-bit SPARC: Procedure Linkage Table
For 64bit SPA# dynamic objects, the procedure linkage table resides in private data. The
runtime linker determines the absolute addresses oI the destination and modiIies the procedure
linkage table's memory image accordingly.
The Iirst Iour procedure linkage table entries are reserved. The original contents oI these entries
are unspeciIied, despite the example that is shown in Table 737. Each oI the Iirst 32,768 entries
in the table occupies 8 words (32 bytes), and must be aligned on a 32byte boundary. The table
as a whole must be aligned on a 256byte boundary. II more than 32,768 entries are required, the
remaining entries consist oI 6 words (24 bytes) and 1 pointer (8 bytes). The instructions are
collected together in blocks oI 160 entries Iollowed by 160 pointers. The last group oI entries
and pointers can contain less than 160 items. No padding is required.

ote -
The numbers 32,768 and 160 are based on the limits oI branch and load displacements
respectively with the second rounded down to make the divisions between code and data Iall on
256byte boundaries so as to improve cache perIormance.

A relocation table is associated with the procedure linkage table. The DT_JMP_REL entry in the
_DYNAMIC array gives the location oI the Iirst relocation entry. The relocation table has one entry,
in the same sequence, Ior each non-reserved procedure linkage table entry. The relocation type oI
each oI these entries is R_SPARC_JMP_SLJT. For the Iirst 32,767 slots, the relocation oIIset
speciIies the address oI the Iirst byte oI the associated procedure linkage table entry, the addend
Iield is zero. The symbol table index reIers to the appropriate symbol. For slots 32,768 and
beyond, the relocation oIIset speciIies the address oI the Iirst byte oI the associated pointer. The
addend Iield is the unrelocated value -(.PLTN + 4). The symbol table index reIers to the
appropriate symbol.
To illustrate procedure linkage tables, Table 737 shows several entries. The Iirst three show
initial reserved entries. The Iollowing three show examples oI the initial 32,768 entries together
with possible resolved Iorms that might apply iI the target address was /- 2 Gbytes oI the entry,
within the lower 4 Gbytes oI the address space, or anywhere respectively. The Iinal two show
examples oI later entries, which consist oI instruction and pointer pairs. The leIt column shows
the instructions Irom the object Iile beIore dynamic linking. The right column demonstrates a
possible instruction sequence that the runtime linker might use to Iix the procedure linkage table
Table 737 64-bit SPA#: Procedure Linkage Table Example
Object File Memory Segment
save %sp, -176, %sp
Object File Memory Segment
sethi %hh(runtime_linker_0), %l0
sethi %lm(runtime_linker_0), %l1
or %l0, %hm(runtime_linker_0),
sllx %l0, 32, %l0
or %l0, %l1, %l0
jmpl %l0+%lo(runtime_linker_0), %o1
mov %g1, %o0
save %sp, -176, %sp
sethi %hh(runtime_linker_1), %l0
sethi %lm(runtime_linker_1), %l1
or %l0, %hm(runtime_linker_1),
sllx %l0, 32, %l0
or %l0, %l1, %l0
jmpl %l0+%lo(runtime_linker_0), %o1
mov %g1, %o0
.xword identification
sethi (.-.PLT0), %g1
ba,a %xcc, .PLT1
nop; nop
nop; nop
sethi (.-.PLT0), %g1
ba,a %xcc, .PLT1
nop; nop
nop; nop
sethi (.-.PLT0), %g1
ba,a %xcc, .PLT1
mov %o7, %g1
call name101
mov %g1, %o7
nop; nop
nop; nop
sethi %hi(name102), %g1
jmpl %g1+%lo(name102), %g0
nop; nop
nop; nop
sethi %hh(name103), %g1
sethi %lm(name103), %g5
or %hm(name103), %g1
sllx %g1, 32, %g1
or %g1, %g5, %g5
jmpl %g5+%lo(name103), %g0
mov %o7, %g5
call .+8
ldx %o7+.PLTP32768 -

Object File Memory Segment
jmpl %o7+%g1, %g1
mov %g5, %o7


mov %o7, %g5
call .+8
ldx %o7+.PLTP32927 -
jmpl %o7+%g1, %g1
mov %g5, %o7



.xword .PLT0 -

.xword .PLT0 -
.xword name32768 -

.xword name32927 -
The Iollowing steps describe how the runtime linker and program jointly resolve the symbolic
reIerences through the procedure linkage table. The steps that are described are Ior explanation
only. The precise execution-time behavior oI the runtime linker is not speciIied.
1. When the memory image oI the program is initially created, the runtime linker changes
the initial procedure linkage table entries. These entries are modiIied so that control is
transIer to the runtime linker's own routines. The runtime linker also stores an extended
word oI identiIication inIormation in the third entry. When the runtime linker receives
control, this word is examined to identiIy the caller.
2. All other procedure linkage table entries initially transIer to the Iirst or second entry.
These entries establish a stack Irame and call the runtime linker.
3. With the identiIication value, the runtime linker gets its data structures Ior the object,
including the relocation table.
4. The runtime linker computes the index oI the relocation entry Ior the table slot.
5. With the index inIormation, the runtime linker gets the symbol's real value, unwinds the
stack, modiIies the procedure linkage table entry, and transIers control to the desired
The runtime linker does not have to create the instruction sequences under the memory segment
column. II the runtime linker does, some points deserve more explanation.
O To make the code re-entrant, the procedure linkage table's instructions are changed in a
particular sequence. II the runtime linker is Iixing a Iunction's procedure linkage table
entry and a signal arrives, the signal handling code must be able to call the original
Iunction with predictable and correct results.
O The runtime linker can change up to eight words to convert an entry. The runtime linker
can update only a single word atomically with regard to instruction execution. ThereIore,
re-entrancy is achieved by Iirst overwriting the nop instructions with their replacement
instructions, and then patching the ba,a, and the sethi iI using a 64bit store. II a re-
entrant Iunction call occurs just prior to the last patch, the runtime linker gains control a
second time. Although both invocations oI the runtime linker modiIy the same procedure
linkage table entry, their changes do not interIere with each other.
O II the initial sethi instruction is changed, the instruction can only be replaced by a nop.
hanging the pointer as done Ior the second Iorm oI entry is done using a single atomic 64bit

ote -
The diIIerent instruction sequences that are shown Ior .PLT101, .PLT102, and .PLT103
demonstrate how the update can be optimized Ior the associated destination.

The LD_BIND_NJW environment variable changes dynamic linking behavior. II its value is non-
null, the runtime linker processes R_SPARC_JMP_SLJT relocation entries beIore transIerring
control to the program.
32-bit x86: Procedure Linkage Table
For 32bit x86 dynamic objects, the procedure linkage table resides in shared text but uses
addresses in the private global oIIset table. The runtime linker determines the absolute addresses
oI the destinations and modiIies the global oIIset table's memory image accordingly. The runtime
linker thus redirects the entries without compromising the position-independence and
shareability oI the program's text. Executable Iiles and shared object Iiles have separate
procedure linkage tables.
Table 738 32-bit x86: Absolute Procedure Linkage Table Example
pushl got_plus_4
jmp got_plus_8
nop; nop
nop; nop
jmp name1_in_GJT
pushl $offset
jmp .PLT0@PC
jmp name2_in_GJT
pushl $offset
jmp .PLT0@PC
Table 739 32-bit x86: Position-Independent Procedure Linkage Table Example
pushl 4(%ebx)
jmp 8(%ebx)
nop; nop
nop; nop
jmp name1@GJT(%ebx)
pushl $offset
jmp .PLT0@PC
jmp name2@GJT(%ebx)
pushl $offset
jmp .PLT0@PC

ote -
As the preceding examples show, the procedure linkage table instructions use diIIerent operand
addressing modes Ior absolute code and Ior position-independent code. Nonetheless, their
interIaces to the runtime linker are the same.

The Iollowing steps describe how the runtime linker and program cooperate to resolve the
symbolic reIerences through the procedure linkage table and the global oIIset table.
1. When the memory image oI the program is initially created, the runtime linker sets the
second and third entries in the global oIIset table to special values. The Iollowing steps
explain these values.
2. II the procedure linkage table is position-independent, the address oI the global oIIset
table must be in %ebx. Each shared object Iile in the process image has its own procedure
linkage table, and control transIers to a procedure linkage table entry only Irom within
the same object Iile. So, the calling Iunction must set the global oIIset table base register
beIore calling the procedure linkage table entry.
3. For example, the program calls name1, which transIers control to the label .PLT1.
4. The Iirst instruction jumps to the address in the global oIIset table entry Ior name1.
Initially, the global oIIset table holds the address oI the Iollowing pushl instruction, not
the real address oI name1.
5. The program pushes a relocation oIIset (offset) on the stack. The relocation oIIset is a
32bit, nonnegative byte oIIset into the relocation table. The designated relocation entry
has the type R_386_JMP_SLJT, and its oIIset speciIies the global oIIset table entry used in
the previous jmp instruction. The relocation entry also contains a symbol table index,
which the runtime linker uses to get the reIerenced symbol, name1.
6. AIter pushing the relocation oIIset, the program jumps to .PLT0, the Iirst entry in the
procedure linkage table. The pushl instruction pushes the value oI the second global
oIIset table entry (got_plus_4 or 4(%ebx)) on the stack, giving the runtime linker one
word oI identiIying inIormation. The program then jumps to the address in the third
global oIIset table entry (got_plus_8 or 8(%ebx)), to jump to the runtime linker.
7. The runtime linker unwinds the stack, checks the designated relocation entry, gets the
symbol's value, stores the actual address oI name1 in its global oIIset entry table, and
jumps to the destination.
8. Subsequent executions oI the procedure linkage table entry transIer directly to name1,
without calling the runtime linker again. The jmp instruction at .PLT1 jumps to name1
instead oI Ialling through to the pushl instruction.
The LD_BIND_NJW environment variable changes dynamic linking behavior. II its value is non-
null, the runtime linker processes R_386_JMP_SLJT relocation entries beIore transIerring control
to the program.
x64: Procedure Linkage Table
For x64 dynamic objects, the procedure linkage table resides in shared text but uses addresses in
the private global oIIset table. The runtime linker determines the absolute addresses oI the
destinations and modiIies the global oIIset table's memory image accordingly. The runtime linker
thus redirects the entries without compromising the position-independence and shareability oI
the program's text. Executable Iiles and shared object Iiles have separate procedure linkage
Table 740 x64: Procedure Linkage Table Example
pushq GJT+8(%rip) # GJT1,
jmp GJT+16(%rip) # GJT2,
nop; nop
nop; nop
jmp name1@GJTPCREL(%rip) # 16 bytes from .PLT0
pushq $index1
jmp .PLT0
jmp name2@GJTPCREL(%rip) # 16 bytes from .PLT1
pushl $index2
jmp .PLT0
The Iollowing steps describe how the runtime linker and program cooperate to resolve the
symbolic reIerences through the procedure linkage table and the global oIIset table.
1. When the memory image oI the program is initially created, the runtime linker sets the
second and third entries in the global oIIset table to special values. The Iollowing steps
explain these values.
2. Each shared object Iile in the process image has its own procedure linkage table, and
control transIers to a procedure linkage table entry only Irom within the same object Iile.
3. For example, the program calls name1, which transIers control to the label .PLT1.
4. The Iirst instruction jumps to the address in the global oIIset table entry Ior name1.
Initially, the global oIIset table holds the address oI the Iollowing pushq instruction, not
the real address oI name1.
5. The program pushes a relocation index (index1) on the stack. The relocation oIIset is a
32bit, nonnegative index into the relocation table. The relocation table is identiIied by
the DT_JUMPREL dynamic section entry. The designated relocation entry has the type
R_AMD64_JMP_SLJT, and its oIIset speciIies the global oIIset table entry used in the
previous jmp instruction. The relocation entry also contains a symbol table index, which
the runtime linker uses to get the reIerenced symbol, name1.
6. AIter pushing the relocation index, the program jumps to .PLT0, the Iirst entry in the
procedure linkage table. The pushq instruction pushes the value oI the second global
oIIset table entry (GJT+8) on the stack, giving the runtime linker one word oI identiIying
inIormation. The program then jumps to the address in the third global oIIset table entry
(GJT+16), to jump to the runtime linker.
7. The runtime linker unwinds the stack, checks the designated relocation entry, gets the
symbol's value, stores the actual address oI name1 in its global oIIset entry table, and
jumps to the destination.
8. Subsequent executions oI the procedure linkage table entry transIer directly to name1,
without calling the runtime linker again. The jmp instruction at .PLT1 jumps to name1
instead oI Ialling through to the pushq instruction.
The LD_BIND_NJW environment variable changes dynamic linking behavior. II its value is non-
null, the runtime linker processes R_AMD64_JMP_SLJT relocation entries beIore transIerring
control to the program.
Chapter 8 Thread-Local Storage
The compilation environment supports the declaration oI thread-local data. This data is
sometimes reIerred to as thread-speciIic, or thread-private data, but more typically by the
acronym TLS. By declaring variables to be thread-local, the compiler automatically arranges Ior
these variables to be allocated on a per-thread basis.
The built-in support Ior this Ieature serves three purposes.
O A Ioundation is provided upon which the POSIX interIaces Ior allocating thread speciIic
data are built.
O A convenient, and eIIicient mechanism Ior direct use oI thread local variables by
applications and libraries is provided.
O ompilers can allocate TLS as necessary when perIorming loop-parallelizing
C/C++ Programming Interface
Variables are declared thread-local using the __thread keyword, as in the Iollowing examples.
__thread int i;
__thread char p;
__thread struct state s;
During loop optimizations, the compiler can choose to create thread-local temporaries as needed.
The __thread keyword can be applied to any global, Iile-scoped static, or Iunction-
scoped static variable. It has no eIIect on automatic variables, which are always thread-
In , a thread-local variable can not be initialized iI the initialization requires a static
constructor. Otherwise, a thread-local variable can be initialized to any value that would
be legal Ior an ordinary static variable.
No variable, thread-local or otherwise, can be statically initialized to the address oI a
thread-local variable.
Thread-local variables can be declared externally and reIerenced externally. Thread-local
variables are subject to the same interposition rules as normal symbols.
yam|c |oa| restr|ct|os
Various TLS access models are available. See Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
Shared object developers should be aware oI the restrictions imposed by some oI these
access models in relation to object loading. A shared object can be dynamically loaded
during process startup, or aIter process startup by means oI lazy loading, Iilters, or
dlopen(3). At the completion oI process startup, the thread pointer Ior the main thread is
established. All static TLS storage requirements are calculated beIore the thread pointer
is established.
Shared objects that reIerence thread-local variables, should insure that every translation
unit containing the reIerence is compiled with a dynamic TLS model. This model oI
access provides the greatest Ilexibility Ior loading shared objects. However, static TLS
models can generate Iaster code. Shared objects that use a static TLS model can be
loaded as part oI process initialization. However, aIter process initialization, shared
objects that use a static TLS model can only be loaded iI suIIicient backup TLS storage is
available. See Program Startup.
Aressof operator
The address-oI operator, &, can be applied to a thread-local variable. This operator is
evaluated at runtime, and returns the address oI the variable within the current thread.
The address obtained by this operator can be used Ireely by any thread in the process as
long as the thread that evaluated the address remains in existence. When a thread
terminates, any pointers to thread-local variables in that thread become invalid.
When dlsym(3) is used to obtain the address oI a thread-local variable, the address that
is returned is the address oI the instance oI that variable in the thread that called dlsym().
Thread-Local Storage Section
Separate copies oI thread-local data that have been allocated at compile-time, must be associated
with individual threads oI execution. To provide this data, TLS sections are used to speciIy the
size and initial contents. The compilation environment allocates TLS in sections that are
identiIied with the SH_TLS Ilag. These sections provide initialized TLS and uninitialized TLS
based on how the storage is declared.
O An initialized thread-local variable is allocated in a .tdata, or .tdata1 section. This
initialization can require relocation.
O An uninitialized thread-local variable is deIined as a CJMMJN symbol. The resulting
allocation is made in a .tbss section.
The uninitialized section is allocated immediately Iollowing any initialized sections, subject to
padding Ior proper alignment. Together, the combined sections Iorm a TLS template that is used
to allocate TLS whenever a new thread is created. The initialized portion oI this template is
called the TLS initialization image. All relocations that are generated as a result oI initialized
thread-local variables are applied to this template. The relocated values are used when a new
thread requires the initial values.
TLS symbols have the symbol type STT_TLS. These symbols are assigned oIIsets relative to the
beginning oI the TLS template. The actual virtual address that is associated with these symbols is
irrelevant. The address reIers only to the template, and not to the per-thread copy oI each data
item. In dynamic executables and shared objects, the st_value Iield oI a STT_TLS symbol
contains the assigned TLS oIIset Ior deIined symbols. This Iield contains zero Ior undeIined
Several relocations are deIined to support access to TLS. See SPA#: Thread-Local Storage
#elocation Types, 32-bit x86: Thread-Local Storage #elocation Types and x64: Thread-Local
Storage #elocation Types. TLS relocations typically reIerence symbols oI type STT_TLS. TLS
relocations can also reIerence local section symbols in association with a GJT entry. In this case,
the assigned TLS oIIset is stored in the associated GJT entry.
For relocations against static TLS items, the relocation address is encoded as a negative oIIset
Irom the end oI the static TLS template. This oIIset is calculated by Iirst rounding the template
size to the nearest 8-byte boundary in a 32-bit object, and to the nearest 16-byte boundary in a
64-bit object. This rounding ensures that the static TLS template is suitably aligned Ior any use.
In dynamic executables and shared objects, a PT_TLS program entry describes a TLS template.
This template has the Iollowing members.
1able 81 LLl PT_TLS rogram Peader LnLry
Member Value
File oIIset oI the TLS initialization image
Virtual memory address oI the TLS initialization image
p_paddr 0
Size oI the TLS initialization image
Total size oI the TLS template
p_flags P_R
Alignment oI the TLS template
Runtime Allocation of Thread-Local Storage
TLS is created at three occasions during the liIetime oI a program.
O At program startup.
O When a new thread is created.
O When a thread reIerences a TLS block Ior the Iirst time aIter a shared object is loaded
Iollowing program startup.
Thread-local data storage is laid out at runtime as illustrated in Figure 81.
Figure 8-1 Runtime Storage Laout of Thread-Local Storage

Program Startup
At program startup, the runtime system creates TLS Ior the main thread.
First, the runtime linker logically combines the TLS templates Ior all loaded dynamic objects,
including the dynamic executable, into a single static template. Each dynamic objects's TLS
template is assigned an oIIset within the combined template, tlsoffset
, as Iollows.
O tlsoffset
= round(tlssize
, align
O tlsoffset
= round(tlsoffset
+ tlssize
, align
and align
are the size and alignment, respectively, Ior the allocation template Ior
dynamic object m. Where 1 <= m <= M, and M is the total number oI loaded dynamic objects.
The round(offset, align) Iunction returns an oIIset rounded up to the next multiple oI align.
Next, the runtime linker computes the allocation size that is required Ior the startup TLS,
. This size is equal to tlsoffset
, plus an additional 512 bytes. This addition provides
a backup reservation Ior static TLS reIerences. Shared objects that make static TLS reIerences,
and are loaded aIter process initialization, are assigned to this backup reservation. However, this
reservation is a Iixed, limited size. In addition, this reservation is only capable oI providing
storage Ior uninitialized TLS data items. For maximum Ilexibility, shared objects should
reIerence thread-local variables using a dynamic TLS model.
The static TLS arena associated with the calculated TLS size tlssize
, is placed immediately
preceding the thread pointer tp
. Accesses to this TLS data is based oII oI subtractions Irom tp
The static TLS arena is associated with a linked list oI initialization records. Each record in this
list describes the TLS initialization image Ior one loaded dynamic object. Each record contains
the Iollowing Iields.
O A pointer to the TLS initialization image.
O The size oI the TLS initialization image.
O The tlsoffset
oI the object.
O A Ilag indicating whether the object uses a static TLS model.
The thread library uses this inIormation to allocate storage Ior the initial thread. This storage is
initialized, and a dynamic TLS vector Ior the initial thread is created.
Thread Creation
For the initial thread, and Ior each new thread created, the thread library allocates a new TLS
block Ior each loaded dynamic object. Blocks can be allocated separately, or as a single
contiguous block.
Each thread t, has an associated thread pointer tp
, which points to the thread control block, TCB.
The thread pointer, tp, always contains the value oI tp
Ior the current running thread.
The thread library then creates a vector oI pointers, dtv
, Ior the current thread t. The Iirst
element oI each vector contains a generation number gen
, which is used to determine when the
vector needs to be extended. See DeIerred Allocation oI Thread-Local Storage Blocks.
Each element remaining in the vector dtv
, is a pointer to the block that is reserved Ior the TLS
belonging to the dynamic object m.
For dynamically loaded, post-startup objects, the thread library deIers the allocation oI TLS
blocks. Allocation occurs when the Iirst reIerence is made to a TLS variable within the loaded
object. For blocks whose allocation has been deIerred, the pointer dtv
is set to an
implementation-deIined special value.

The runtime linker can group TLS templates Ior all startup objects so as to share a single element
in the vector, dtv
. This grouping does not aIIect the oIIset calculations described previously or
the creation oI the list oI initialization records. For the Iollowing sections, however, the value oI
M, the total number oI objects, start with the value oI 1.

The thread library then copies the initialization images to the corresponding locations within the
new block oI storage.
Post-Startup namic Loading
A shared object containing only dynamic TLS can be loaded Iollowing process startup without
limitations. The runtime linker extends the list oI initialization records to include the
initialization template oI the new object. The new object is given an index oI m = M + 1. The
counter M is incremented by 1. However, the allocation oI new TLS blocks is deIerred until the
blocks are actually reIerenced.
When a shared object that contains only dynamic TLS is unloaded, the TLS blocks used by that
shared object are Ireed.
A shared object containing static TLS can be loaded Iollowing process startup with limitations.
Static TLS reIerences can only be satisIied Irom any remaining backup TLS reservation. See
Program Startup. This reservation is limited in size. In addition, this reservation can only provide
storage Ior uninitialized TLS data items.
A shared object that contains static TLS is never unloaded. The shared object is tagged as non-
deletable as a consequence oI processing the static TLS.
eferred Allocation of Thread-Local Storage Blocks
In a dynamic TLS model, when a thread t needs to access a TLS block Ior object m, the code
updates the dtv
and perIorms the initial allocation oI the TLS block. The thread library provides
the Iollowing interIace to provide Ior dynamic TLS allocation.
typedef struct ,
unsigned long ti_moduleid;
unsigned long ti_tlsoffset;
, TLS_index;

extern void __tls_get_addr(TLS_index ti); (SPARC and x64)
extern void ___tls_get_addr(TLS_index ti); (32-bit x86)

The SPA# and 64bit x86 deIinitions oI this Iunction have the same Iunction signature.
However, the 32bit x86 version does not use the deIault calling convention oI passing
arguments on the stack. Instead, the 32bit x86 version passes its arguments by means oI the
%eax register which is more eIIicient. To denote that this alternate calling method is used, the
32bit x86 Iunction name has three leading underscores in its name.

Both versions oI tls_get_addr() check the per-thread generation counter, gen
, to determine
whether the vector needs to be updated. II the vector dtv
is out oI date, the routine updates the
vector, possibly reallocating the vector to make room Ior more entries. The routine then checks
to see iI the TLS block corresponding to dtv
has been allocated. II the vector has not been
allocated, the routine allocates and initializes the block. The routine uses the inIormation in the
list oI initialization records provided by the runtime linker. The pointer dtv
is set to point to
the allocated block. The routine returns a pointer to the given oIIset within the block.
Thread-Local Storage Access Models
Each TLS reIerence Iollows one oI the Iollowing access models. These models are listed Irom
the most general, but least optimized, to the Iastest, but most restrictive.
eera| yam|c (% dynamlc 1LS
This model allows reIerence oI all TLS variables, Irom either a shared object or a
dynamic executable. This model also supports the deIerred allocation oI a TLS block
when the block is Iirst reIerenced Irom a speciIic thread.
oca| yam|c (% dynamlc 1LS of local symbols
This model is a optimization oI the model. The compiler might determine that a
variable is bound locally, or protected, within the object being built. In this case, the
compiler instructs the link-editor to statically bind the dynamic tlsoffset and use this
model. This model provides a perIormance beneIit over the model. Only one call to
tls_get_addr() is required per Iunction, to determine the address oI dtv
. The
dynamic TLS oIIset, bound at link-edit time, is added to the dtv
address Ior each
|t|a| Lxecutab|e (L% sLaLlc 1LS wlLh asslgned offseLs
This model can only reIerence TLS variables which are available as part oI the initial
static TLS template. This template is composed oI all TLS blocks that are available at
process startup, plus a small backup reservation. See Program Startup. In this model, the
thread pointer-relative oIIset Ior a given variable x is stored in the GJT entry Ior x.
This model can reIerence a limited number oI TLS variables Irom shared libraries loaded
aIter initial process startup, such as by means oI lazy loading, Iilters, or dlopen(3). This
access is satisIied Irom a Iixed backup reservation. This reservation can only provide
storage Ior uninitialized TLS data items. For maximum Ilexibility, shared objects should
reIerence thread-local variables using a dynamic TLS model.

Filters can be employed to dynamically select the use oI static TLS. A shared object can
be built to use dynamic TLS, and act as an auxiliary Iilter upon a counterpart built to use
static TLS. II resourses allow the static TLS object to be loaded, the object is used.
Otherwise, a Iall back to the dynamic TLS object insures that the Iunctionality provided
by the shared object is always available. For more inIormation on Iilters see Shared
Objects as Filters.

oca| Lxecutab|e (L% sLaLlc 1LS
This model can only reIerence TLS variables which are part oI the TLS block oI the
dynamic executable. The link-editor calculates the thread pointer-relative oIIsets
statically, without the need Ior dynamic relocations, or the extra reIerence to the GJT.
This model can not be used to reIerence variables outside oI the dynamic executable.
The link-editor can transition code Irom the more general access models to the more optimized
models, iI the transition is determined appropriate. This transitioning is achievable through the
use oI unique TLS relocations. These relocations, not only request updates be perIormed, but
identiIy which TLS access model is being used.
Knowledge oI the TLS access model, together with the type oI object being created, allows the
link-editor to perIorm translations. An example is iI a relocatable object using the access
model is being linked into a dynamic executable. In this case, the link-editor can transition the
reIerences using the IE or LE access models, as appropriate. The relocations that are required Ior
the model are then perIormed.
The Iollowing diagram illustrates the diIIerent access models, together with the transition oI one
model to another model.
Figure 8-2 Thread-Local Storage Access Models and Transitions

SPARC: Thread-Local Variable Access
On SPA#, the Iollowing code sequence models are available Ior accessing thread-local
SPARC: Ceneral Dynamic {CD]
This code sequence implements the GD model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 82 SC Ceneral uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
# %l7 - initialized to GJT pointer

0x00 sethi %hi(@dtlndx(x)), %o0
0x04 add %o0, %lo(@dtlndx(x)), %o0
0x08 add %l7, %o0, %o0


0x0c call x@TLSPLT

# %o0 - contains address of TLS
Outstanding Relocations: 32-
GJTn + 1,
Outstanding Relocations: 64-
GJTn + 1,
The sethi, and add instructions generate R_SPARC_TLS_GD_HI22 and R_SPARC_TLS_GD_LJ10
relocations respectively. These relocations instruct the link-editor to allocate space in the GJT to
hold a TLS_index structure Ior variable x. The link-editor processes this relocation by
substituting the GJT-relative oIIset Ior the new GJT entry.
The load object index and TLS block index Ior x are not known until runtime. ThereIore, the
link-editor places the R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMJD32 and R_SPARC_TLS_DPTJ32 relocations against
the GJT Ior processing by the runtime linker.
The second add instruction causes the generation oI the R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD relocation. This
relocation is used only iI the GD code sequence is changed to another sequence by the link-
The call instruction uses the special syntax, x@TLSPLT. This call reIerences the TLS variable
and generates the R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL relocation. This relocation instructs the link-editor to
bind the call to the __tls_get_addr() Iunction, and associates the call instruction with the GD
code sequence.

The add instruction must appear beIore the call instruction. The add instruction can not be
placed into the delay slot Ior the call. This requirement is necessary as the code-transIormations
that can occur later require a known order.
The register used as the GJT-pointer Ior the add instruction tagged by the R_SPARC_TLS_GD_ADD
relocation, must be the Iirst register in the add instruction. This requirement permits the link-
editor to identiIy the GJT-pointer register during a code transIormation.

SPARC: Local Dynamic {LD]
This code sequence implements the LD model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 83 SC Local uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
# %l7 - initialized to GJT pointer

0x00 sethi %hi(@tmndx(x1)), %o0
0x04 add %o0, %lo(@tmndx(x1)), %o0
0x08 add %l7, %o0, %o0
0x0c call x@TLSPLT

# %o0 - contains address of TLS block of
current object

0x10 sethi %hi(@dtpoff(x1)), %l1
0x14 xor %l1, %lo(@dtpoff(x1)), %l1
0x18 add %o0, %l1, %l1

# %l1 - contains address of local TLS
variable x1

0x20 sethi %hi(@dtpoff(x2)), %l2
0x24 xor %l2, %lo(@dtpoff(x2)), %l2
0x28 add %o0, %l2, %l2

# %l2 - contains address of local TLS
variable x2






Outstanding Relocations:
GJTn + 1,
Outstanding Relocations:
GJTn + 1,
The Iirst sethi instruction and add instruction generate R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_HI22 and
R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_LJ10 relocations respectively. These relocations instruct the link-editor to
allocate space in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure Ior the current object. The link-editor
processes this relocation by substituting the GJT -relative oIIset Ior the new GJT entry.
The load object index is not known until runtime. ThereIore, a R_SPARC_TLS_DTPMJD32
relocation is created, and the ti_tlsoffset Iield oI the TLS_index structure is zero Iilled.
The second add and the call instruction are tagged with the R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_ADD and
R_SPARC_TLS_LDM_CALL relocations respectively.
The Iollowing sethi instruction and xor instruction generate the R_SPARC_LDJ_HIX22 and
R_SPARC_TLS_LDJ_LJX10 relocations, respectively. The TLS oIIset Ior each local symbol is
known at link-edit time, thereIore these values are Iilled in directly. The add instruction is tagged
with the R_SPARC_TLS_LDJ_ADD relocation.
When a procedure reIerences more than one local symbol, the compiler generates code to obtain
the base address oI the TLS block once. This base address is then used to calculate the address oI
each symbol without a separate library call.

The register containing the TLS object address in the add instruction tagged by the
R_SPARC_TLS_LDJ_ADD must be the Iirst register in the instruction sequence. This requirement
permits the link-editor to identiIy the register during a code transIormation.

-bit SPARC: Initial Executable {IE]
This code sequence implements the IE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 84 32blL SC lnlLlal LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
# %l7 - initialized to GJT pointer, %g7 -
thread pointer

0x00 sethi %hi(@tpoff(x)), %o0
0x04 or %o0, %lo(@tpoff(x)), %o0
0x08 ld %l7 + %o0,, %o0
0x0c add %g7, %o0, %o0


# %o0 - contains address of TLS variable
The sethi instruction and or instruction generate R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22 and
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LJ10 relocations, respectively. These relocations instruct the link-editor to
create space in the GJT to store the static TLS oIIset Ior symbol x. An R_SPARC_TLS_TPJ32
relocation is leIt outstanding against the GJT Ior the runtime linker to Iill in with the negative
static TLS oIIset Ior symbol x. The ld and the add instructions are tagged with the
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_LD and R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD relocations respectively.

The register used as the GJT-pointer Ior the add instruction tagged by the R_SPARC_TLS_IE_ADD
relocation must be the Iirst register in the instruction. This requirement permits the link-editor to
identiIy the GJT-pointer register during a code transIormation.

-bit SPARC: Initial Executable {IE]
This code sequence implements the IE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 83 64blL SC lnlLlal LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
# %l7 - initialized to GJT pointer, %g7 -
thread pointer

0x00 sethi %hi(@tpoff(x)), %o0
0x04 or %o0, %lo(@tpoff(x)), %o0
0x08 ldx %l7 + %o0,, %o0
0x0c add %g7, %o0, %o0

# %o0 - contains address of TLS variable


SPARC: Local Executable {LE]
This code sequence implements the LE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 86 SC Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
# %g7 - thread pointer

0x00 sethi %hix(@tpoff(x)), %o0
0x04 xor %o0,%lo(@tpoff(x)),%o0
0x08 add %g7, %o0, %o0

# %o0 - contains address of TLS variable


The sethi and xor instructions generate R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22 and R_SPARC_TLS_LE_LJX10
relocations respectively. The link-editor binds these relocations directly to the static TLS oIIset
Ior the symbol deIined in the executable. No relocation processing is required at runtime.
SPARC: Thread-Local Storage Relocation Tpes
The TLS relocations that are listed in the Iollowing table are deIined Ior SPA#. Descriptions in
the table use the Iollowing notation.
Allocates two contiguous entries in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure. This
inIormation is passed to __tls_get_addr(). The instruction reIerencing this entry is
bound to the address oI the Iirst oI the two GJT entries.
Allocates two contiguous entries in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure. This
inIormation is passed to __tls_get_addr(). The ti_tlsoffset Iield oI this structure is
set to 0, and the ti_moduleid is Iilled in at runtime. The call to __tls_get_addr()
returns the starting oIIset oI the dynamic TLS block.
alculates the tlsoffset relative to the TLS block.
alculates the negative tlsoffset relative to the static TLS block. This value is added to
the thread-pointer to calculate the TLS address.
alculates the object identiIier oI the object containing a TLS symbol.
1able 87 SC 1hreadLocal SLorage elocaLlon 1ypes
ame Value Field Calculation
@dtlndx(S + A) 10
@dtlndx(S + A) & 0x3ff
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
#eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
@tmndx(S + A) 10
@tmndx(S + A) & 0x3ff
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
#eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
@dtpoff(S + A) 10
@dtpoff(S + A) & 0x3ff
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
R_SPARC_TLS_IE_HI22 67 T- @got(@tpoff(S + A)) 10
ame Value Field Calculation
@got(@tpoff(S + A)) & 0x3ff
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
None #eIer to the explanation Iollowing this
R_SPARC_TLS_LE_HIX22 72 T-imm22 (@tpoff(S + A) ^0xffffffffffffffff)
(@tpoff(S + A) & 0x3ff) | 0x1c00
@dtpmod(S + A)
@dtpmod(S + A)
@dtpoff(S + A)
@dtpoff(S + A)
@tpoff(S + A)
@tpoff(S + A)
Some relocation types have semantics beyond simple calculations.
This relocation tags the add instruction oI a GD code sequence. The register used Ior the
GJT-pointer is the Iirst register in the sequence. The instruction tagged by this relocation
comes beIore the call instruction tagged by the R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL relocation. This
relocation is used to transition between TLS models at link-edit time.
This relocation is handled as iI it were a R_SPARC_WPLT30 relocation reIerencing the
__tls_get_addr() Iunction. This relocation is part oI a GD code sequence.
This relocation tags the Iirst add instruction oI a LD code sequence. The register used Ior
the GJT-pointer is the Iirst register in the sequence. The instruction tagged by this
relocation comes beIore the call instruction tagged by the R_SPARC_TLS_GD_CALL
relocation. This relocation is used to transition between TLS models at link-edit time.
This relocation is handled as iI it were a R_SPARC_WPLT30 relocation reIerencing the
__tls_get_addr() Iunction. This relocation is part oI a LD code sequence.
This relocation tags the Iinal add instruction in a LD code sequence. The register which
contains the object address that is computed in the initial part oI the code sequence is the
Iirst register in this instruction. This relocation permits the link-editor to identiIy this
register Ior code transIormations.
This relocation tags the ld instruction in the 32bit IE code sequence. This relocation is
used to transition between TLS models at link-edit time.
This relocation tags the ldx instruction in the 64bit IE code sequence. This relocation is
used to transition between TLS models at link-edit time.
This relocation tags the add instruction in the IE code sequence. The register that is used
Ior the GJT-pointer is the Iirst register in the sequence.
32-bit x86: Thread-Local Variable Access
On x86, the Iollowing code sequence models are available Ior accessing TLS.
-bit x8: Ceneral Dynamic {CD]
This code sequence implements the GD model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 88 32blL x86 Ceneral uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 leal x@tlsgd(,%ebx,1), %eax
0x07 call x@tlsgdplt

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable
Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn + 1,
The leal instruction generates a R_386_TLS_GD relocation which instructs the link-editor to
allocate space in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure Ior variable x. The link-editor processes
this relocation by substituting the GJT-relative oIIset Ior the new GJT entry.
Since the load object index and TLS block index Ior x are not known until runtime, the link-
editor places the R_386_TLS_DTPMJD32 and R_386_TLS_DTPJ32 relocations against the GJT
Ior processing by the runtime linker. The address oI the generated GJT entry is loaded into
register %eax Ior the call to ___tls_get_addr().
The call instruction causes the generation oI the R_386_TLS_GD_PLT relocation. This instructs
the link-editor to bind the call to the ___tls_get_addr() Iunction and associates the call
instruction with the GD code sequence.
The call instruction must immediately Iollow the leal instruction. This requirement is
necessary to permit the code transIormations.
x8: Local Dynamic {LD]
This code sequence implements the LD model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 89 32blL x86 Local uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 leal x1@tlsldm(%ebx), %eax R_386_TLS_LDM x1
0x06 call x1@tlsldmplt

# %eax - contains address of TLS block of
current object

0x10 leal x1@dtpoff(%eax), %edx

# %edx - contains address of local TLS
variable x1

0x20 leal x2@dtpoff(%eax), %edx

# %edx - contains address of local TLS
variable x2




GJTn + 1,
The Iirst leal instruction generates a R_386_TLS_LDM relocation. This relocation instructs the
link-editor to allocate space in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure Ior the current object. The
link-editor process this relocation by substituting the GJT -relative oIIset Ior the new linkage
table entry.
The load object index is not known until runtime. ThereIore, a R_386_TLS_DTPMJD32 relocation
is created, and the ti_tlsoffset Iield oI the structure is zero Iilled. The call instruction is
tagged with the R_386_TLS_LDM_PLT relocation.
The TLS oIIset Ior each local symbol is known at link-edit time so the link-editor Iills these
values in directly.
When a procedure reIerences more than one local symbol, the compiler generates code to obtain
the base address oI the TLS block once. This base address is then used to calculate the address oI
each symbol without a separate library call.
-bit x8: Initial Executable {IE]
This code sequence implements the IE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
Two code-sequences Ior the IE model exist. One sequence is Ior position independent code
which uses a GJT-pointer. The other sequence is Ior position dependent code which does not use
a GJT-pointer.
1able 810 32blL x86 lnlLlal LxecuLable oslLlon lndependenL 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl %gs:0, %eax
0x06 addl x@gotntpoff(%ebx), %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable

Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn, R_386_TLS_TPJ x
The addl instruction generates a R_386_TLS_GJTIE relocation. This relocation instructs the link
editor to create space in the GJT to store the static TLS oIIset Ior symbol x. A R_386_TLS_TPJ
relocation is leIt outstanding against the GJT table Ior the runtime linker to Iill in with the static
TLS oIIset Ior symbol x.
1able 811 32blL x86 lnlLlal LxecuLable oslLlon uependenL 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl %gs:0, %eax
0x06 addl x@indntpoff, %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable

Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn, R_386_TLS_TPJ x
The addl instruction generates a R_386_TLS_IE relocation. This relocation instructs the link-
editor to create space in the GJT to store the static TLS oIIset Ior symbol x. The main diIIerence
between this sequence and the position independent Iorm, is that the instruction is bound directly
to the GJT entry created, instead oI using an oIIset oII oI the GJT-pointer register. A
R_386_TLS_TPJ relocation is leIt outstanding against the GJT Ior the runtime linker to Iill in
with the static TLS oIIset Ior symbol x.
The contents oI variable x, rather than the address, can be loaded by embedding the oIIset
directly into the memory reIerence as shown in the next two sequences.
1able 812 32blL x86 lnlLlal LxecuLable oslLlon lndependenL uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl x@gotntpoff(%ebx), %eax
0x06 movl %gs:(%eax), %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable
Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn, R_386_TLS_TPJ x
1able 813 32blL x86 lnlLlal LxecuLable oslLlon lndependenL 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl x@indntpoff, %ecx
0x06 movl %gs:(%ecx), %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable
Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn, R_386_TLS_TPJ x
In the last sequence, iI the %eax register is used instead oI the %ecx register, the Iirst instruction
can be either 5 or 6 bytes long.
-bit x8: Local Executable {LE]
This code sequence implements the LE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 814 32blL x86 Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl %gs:0, %eax
0x06 leal x@ntpoff(%eax), %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable

The movl instruction generates a R_386_TLS_LE_32 relocation. The link-editor binds this
relocation directly to the static TLS oIIset Ior the symbol deIined in the executable. No
processing is required at runtime.
The contents oI variable x, rather then the address, can be accessed with the same relocation by
using the Iollowing instruction sequence.
1able 813 32blL x86 Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl %gs:0, %eax
0x06 movl x@ntpoff(%eax), %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable

#ather than computing the address oI the variable, a load Irom the variable or store to the
variable can be accomplished using the Iollowing sequence. Note, the x@ntpoff expression is
not used as an immediate value, but as an absolute address.
1able 816 32blL x86 Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movl %gs:x@ntpoff, %eax

# %eax - contains address of TLS variable
R_386_TLS_LE x
32-bit x86: Thread-Local Storage Relocation Tpes
The TLS relocations that are listed in the Iollowing table are deIined Ior x86. Descriptions in the
table use the Iollowing notation.
Allocates two contiguous entries in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure. This structure
is passed to ___tls_get_addr(). The instruction reIerencing this entry will be bound to
the Iirst oI the two GJT entries.
This relocation is handled as iI it were a R_386_PLT32 relocation reIerencing the
___tls_get_addr() Iunction.
Allocates two contiguous entries in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure. This structure
is passed to the ___tls_get_addr(). The ti_tlsoffset Iield oI the TLS_index is set to
0, and the ti_moduleid is Iilled in at runtime. The call to ___tls_get_addr() returns
the starting oIIset oI the dynamic TLS block.
Allocates a entry in the GJT, and initializes the entry with the negative tlsoffset
relative to the static TLS block. This sequence is perIormed at runtime using the
R_386_TLS_TPJ relocation.
This expression is similar to @gotntpoff, but is used in position dependent code.
@gotntpoff resolves to a GJT slot address relative to the start oI the GJT in the movl or
addl instructions. @indntpoff resolves to the absolute GJT slot address.
alculates the negative tlsoffset relative to the static TLS block.
alculates the tlsoffset relative to the TLS block. The value is used as an immediate
value oI an addend and is not associated with a speciIic register.
alculates the object identiIier oI the object containing a TLS symbol.
1able 817 32blL x86 1hreadLocal SLorage elocaLlon 1ypes
ame Value Field Calculation
R_386_TLS_GD_PLT 12 Word32 @tlsgdplt
R_386_TLS_LDM_PLT 13 Word32 @tlsldmplt
R_386_TLS_TPJ 14 Word32 @ntpoff(S)
R_386_TLS_IE 15 Word32 @indntpoff(S)
R_386_TLS_GJTIE 16 Word32 @gotntpoff(S)
R_386_TLS_LE 17 Word32 @ntpoff(S)
R_386_TLS_GD 18 Word32 @tlsgd(S)
ame Value Field Calculation
R_386_TLS_LDM 19 Word32 @tlsldm(S)
R_386_TLS_LDJ_32 32 Word32 @dtpoff(S)
R_386_TLS_DTPMJD32 35 Word32 @dtpmod(S)
R_386_TLS_DTPJ32 36 Word32 @dtpoff(S)
x64: Thread-Local Variable Access
On x64, the Iollowing code sequence models are available Ior accessing TLS
x: Ceneral Dynamic {CD]
This code sequence implements the GD model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 818 x64 Ceneral uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 .byte 0x66
0x01 leaq x@tlsgd(%rip), %rdi
0x08 .word 0x666
0x0a rex64
0x0b call __tls_get_addr@plt

# %iax - contains address of TLS


GJTn + 1,
The __tls_get_addr() Iunction takes a single parameter, the address oI the tls_index
structure. The R_AMD64_TLSGD relocation that is associated with the x@tlsgd(%rip) expression,
instructs the link-editor to allocate a tls_index structure within the GJT. The two elements
required Ior the tls_index structure are maintained in consecutive GJT entries, GJTn, and
GJTn+1,. These GJT entries are associated to the R_AMD64_DTPMJD64 and R_AMD64_DTPJ64
The instruction at address 0x00 computes the address oI the Iirst GJT entry. This computation
adds the P relative address oI the beginning oI the GJT, which is known at link-edit time, to the
current instruction pointer. The result is passed using the %rdi register to the __tls_get_addr()

The leaq instruction computes the address oI the Iirst GJT entry. This computation is carried out
by adding the P-relative address oI the GJT, which was determined at link-edit time, to the
current instruction pointer. The .byte, .word, and .rex64 preIixes insure that the whole
instruction sequence occupies 16 bytes. PreIixes are employed, as preIixes have no negative
inpact on the code.

x: Local Dynamic {LD]
This code sequence implements the LD model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 819 x64 Local uynamlc 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 leaq x1@tlsld(%rip), %rdi
0x07 call __tls_get_addr@plt

# %rax - contains address of TLS block

0x10 leaq x1@dtpoff(%rax), %rcx

# %rcx - contains address of TLS
variable x1

0x20 leaq x2@dtpoff(%rax), %r9

# %rcx - contains address of TLS
variable x2




GJTn, R_AMD64_DTMJD64 x1
The Iirst two instructions are equivalent to the code sequence used Ior the general dynamic
model, although without any padding. The two instructions must be consecutive. The
x1@tlsld(%rip) sequence generates a the tls_index entry Ior symbol x1. This index reIers to
the current module that contains x1 with an oIIset oI zero. The link-editor creates one relocation
Ior the object, R_AMD64_DTMJD64.
The R_AMD64_DTJ32 relocation is unnecessary, because oIIsets are loaded separately. The
x1@dtpoff expression is used to access the oIIset oI the symbol x1. Using the instruction as
address 0x10, the complete oIIset is loaded and added to the result oI the __tls_get_addr()
call in %rax to produce the result in %rcx. The x1@dtpoff expression creates the
R_AMD64_DTPJ32 relocation.
Instead oI computing the address oI the variable, the value oI the variable can be loaded using
the Iollowing instruction. This instruction creates the same relocation as the original leaq

movq x1@dtpoff(%rax), %r11
Provided the base address oI a TLS block is maintained within a register, loading, storing or
computing the address oI a protected thread-local variable requires one instruction.
BeneIits exist in using the local dynamic model over the general dynamic model. Every
additional thread-local variable access only requires three new instructions. In addition, no
additional GJT entries, or runtime relocations are required.
x: Initial Executable {IE]
This code sequence implements the IE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 820 x64 lnlLlal LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movq %fs:0, %rax
0x09 addq x@gottpoff(%rip), %rax

# %rax - contains address of TLS variable

Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn, R_AMD64_TPJ64 x
The R_AMD64_GJTTPJ relocation Ior the symbol x requests the link-editor to generate a GJT
entry and an associated R_AMD64_TPJ64 relocation. The oIIset oI the GJT entry relative to the
end oI the x@gottpoff(%rip) instruction, is then used by the instruction. The
R_AMD64_TPJ64 relocation uses the value oI the symbol x that is determined Irom the
presently loaded modules. The oIIset is written in the GJT entry and later loaded by the addq
To load the contents oI x, rather than the address oI x, the Iollowing sequence is available.
1able 821 x64 lnlLlal LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes ll
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movq x@gottpoff(%rip), %rax
0x06 movq %fs:(%rax), %rax

# %rax - contains contents of TLS variable
Outstanding Relocations Smbol
GJTn, R_AMD64_TPJ64 x
x: Local Executable {LE]
This code sequence implements the LE model described in Thread-Local Storage Access Models.
1able 822 x64 Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movq %fs:0, %rax
0x06 leaq x@tpoff(%rax), %rax

# %rax - contains address of TLS variable
To load the contents oI a TLS variable instead oI the address oI a TLS variable, the Iollowing
sequence can be used.
1able 823 x64 Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes ll
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movq %fs:0, %rax
0x06 movq x@tpoff(%rax), %rax

# %rax - contains contents of TLS variable
The Iollowing sequence is even shorter.
1able 824 x64 Local LxecuLable 1hreadLocal varlable ccess Codes lll
Code Sequence Initial Relocations Smbol
0x00 movq %fs:x@tpoff, %rax

# %rax - contains contents of TLS variable
R_AMD64_TPJ32 x
x64: Thread-Local Storage Relocation Tpes
The TLS relocations that are listed in the Iollowing table are deIined Ior x64. Descriptions in the
table use the Iollowing notation.
Allocates two contiguous entries in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure. This structure
is passed to __tls_get_addr(). This instruction can only be used in the exact general
dynamic code sequence.
Allocates two contiguous entries in the GJT to hold a TLS_index structure. This structure
is passed to __tls_get_addr(). At runtime, the ti_offset oIIset Iield oI the object is
set to zero, and the ti_module oIIset is initialized. A call to the __tls_get_addr()
Iunction returns the starting oIIset iI the dynamic TLS block. This instruction can be used
in the exact code sequence.
alculates the oIIset oI the variable relative to the start oI the TLS block which contains
the variable. The computed value is used as an immediate value oI an addend, and is not
associated with a speciIic register.
alculates the object identiIier oI the object containing a TLS symbol.
Allocates a entry in the GJT, to hold a variable oIIset in the initial TLS block. This oIIset
is relative to the TLS blocks end, %fs:0. The operator can only be used with a movq or
addq instruction.
alculates the oIIset oI a variable relative to the TLS block end, %fs:0. No GJT entry is
1able 823 x64 1hreadLocal SLorage elocaLlon 1ypes
ame Value Field Calculation
R_AMD64_DPTMJD64 16 Word64 @dtpmod(s)
R_AMD64_DTPJ64 17 Word64 @dtpoff(s)
R_AMD64_TPJ64 18 Word64 @tpoff(s)
R_AMD64_TLSGD 19 Word32 @tlsgd(s)
R_AMD64_TLSLD 20 Word32 @tlsld(s)
R_AMD64_DTPJ32 21 Word32 @dtpoff(s)
R_AMD64_GJTTPJ 22 Word32 @gottpoff(s)
R_AMD64_TPJ32 23 Word32 @gottpoff(s)
Chapter 9 Mapfiles
MapIiles provide a large degree oI control over the operation oI the link-editor, and the resulting
output object.
O reate and/or modiIy output segments.
O DeIine how input sections are assigned to segments, and the relative order oI those
O SpeciIy symbol scope and/or versioning, creating stable backward compatible interIaces
Ior sharable objects.
O DeIine the versions to use Irom sharable object dependencies.
O Set header options in the output object.
O Set process stack attributes Ior a dynamic executable.
O Set or override hardware and soItware capabilities.

The link-editor used without a mapfile will always produce a valid ELF output Iile. The
mapfile option provides the user with a great deal oI Ilexibility and control over the output
object, some oI which has the potential to produce an invalid or unusable object. The user is
expected to have knowledge oI the rules and conventions that govern the ELF Iormat.

The command line option is used to speciIy the mapfile to be used. Multiple mapIiles can be
used in a single link operation. When more than one mapfile is speciIied, the link-editor
processes each one in the order given, as iI they represented a single logical mapfile. This
occurs beIore any input objects are processed.
The system provides sample mapIiles Ior solving common problems in the /usr/lib/ld
Mapfile Structure and Sntax
MapIile directives can span more than one line, and can have any amount oI white space,
including new lines.
For all syntax discussions, the Iollowing notations apply.
O Spaces, or newlines, can appear anywhere except in the middle oI a name or value.
O omments beginning with a hash character (#) and ending at a newline can appear
anywhere that a space can appear. omments are not interpreted by the link-editor, and
exist solely Ior documentation purposes.
O All directives are terminated by a semicolon (;). The Iinal semicolon within a ,...,
section can be omitted.
O All entries in constant width, all colons (:), semicolons (;), assignment (=, +=, -=), and
,..., brackets are typed in literally.
O All entries in italics are substitutable.
O ... , brackets are used to delineate optional syntax. The brackets are not literal, and
do not appear in the actual directives.
O Names are case sensitive strings. Table 92 contains a list oI names and other strings
commonly Iound in mapIiles. Names can be speciIied in three diIIerent Iorms.
o Unquoted
An unquoted name is a sequence oI letters and digits. The Iirst character must be a
letter, Iollowed by zero or more letters or digits. The characters percent (%), slash
(/), period (.), and underscore (_) count as a letter. The characters dollar ($), and
hyphen (-) count as a digit.
o Single Quotes
Within single quotes ('), a name can contain any character other than a single
quote, or newline. All characters are interpreted as literal characters. This Iorm oI
quoting is convenient when speciIying Iile paths, or other names that contain
normal printable characters that are not allowed in an unquoted name.
o Double Quotes
Within double quotes ("), a name can contain any character other than a double
quote, or newline. Backslash(\) is an escape character which operates similarly to
the way it is used in the programming language within a string literal.
haracters preIixed by a backslash are replaced by the character they represent, as
shown in Table 91. Any character Iollowing a backslash, other than the ones
shown in Table 91 is an error.
O value represents a numeric value, and can be hexadecimal, decimal, or octal, Iollowing
the rules used by the language Ior integer constants. All values are unsigned integer
values, and are 32-bit Ior 32-bit output objects, and 64-bit Ior 64-bit output objects.
O segment1lags speciIy memory access permissions as a space separated list oI one or
more oI the values given in Table 93, which correspond to the PF values deIined in
1able 91 uouble CuoLed 1exL Lscape Sequences
Escape Sequence Meaning
alert (bell)
horizontal tab
vertical tab
\\ backslash
Escape Sequence Meaning
\' single quote
\ double quote
\ooo An octal constant, where ooo is one to three octal digits (0...7)
1able 92 names nd CLher Wldely used SLrlngs lound ln Mapflles
ame Purpose
segmentname Name oI ELF segment
sectionname Name oI ELF section
symbolname Name oI ELF symbol
1ilepath A Unix Iile path oI slash (/) delimited names used to reIerence an
ELF object, or an archive that contains ELF objects
1ilebasename Final component (basename(1)) oI a 1ilepath
obfname Either a 1ilebasename or the name oI an object contained within an
soname Sharable object name, as used Ior the SONAME oI a sharable object
versionname Name oI a symbol version, as used within an ELF versioning section
inheritedversionname Name oI a symbol version inherited by another symbol version
1able 93 SegmenL llags
Value Meaning
Segment is readable
Segment is writable
Value Meaning
Segment is executable
All permission Ilags are cleared
The combination oI #EAD, W#ITE, and EXEUTE Ilags appropriate Ior a data
segment on the target platIorm
The combination oI #EAD, W#ITE, and EXEUTE Ilags appropriate Ior the
target platIorm, as deIined by the platIorm ABI
Mapfile Version
The Iirst non-comment, non-empty, line in a mapIile is expected to be a mapIile version
declaration. This declaration establishes the version oI the mapIile language used by the
remainder oI the Iile. The mapIile language documented in this manual is version 2.
$mapfile_version 2
A mapIile that does not begin with a version declaration is assumed to be written in the original
mapIile language deIined Ior System V #elease 4 Unix (SV#4) by AT&T. The link-editor
retains the ability to process such mapIiles. Their syntax is documented in Appendix E, System
V #elease 4 (Version 1) MapIiles.
Conditional Input
Lines within a mapIile can be conditionalized to only apply to a speciIic ELFLASS (32 or 64-
bit) or machine type.
$if expr
$elif expr,
A conditional input expression evaluates to a logical true or false value. Each oI the directives
($if, $elif, $else, and $endif) appear alone on a line. The expressions in $if and subsequent
$elif lines are evaluated in order until an expression that evaluates to true is Iound. Text
Iollowing a line with a false value is discarded. The text Iollowing a successIul directive line is
treated normally. Text here reIers to any material, that is not part oI the conditional structure.
Once a successIul $if or $elif has been Iound, and its text processed, succeeding $elif and
$else lines, together with their text, are discarded. II all the expressions are zero, and there is a
$else, the text Iollowing the $else is treated normally.
The scope oI an $if directive cannot extend across multiple mapIiles. An $if directive must be
terminated by a matching $endif within the mapfile that uses the $if directive, or the link-
editor issues an error.
The link-editor maintains an internal table oI names that can be used in the logical expressions
evaluated by $if and $elif. At startup, this table is initialized with each oI the names in the
Iollowing table that apply to the output object being created.
1able 94 redeflned CondlLlonal Lxpresslon names
ame Meaning
32bit object
64bit object
Sparc machine (32 or 64bit)
x86 machine (32 or 64bit)
Always deIined
The names are case sensitive, and must be used exactly as shown. For example, true is deIined,
but TRUE is not. Any oI these names can be used by themselves as a logical expression. For
$if _EL64
This example will evaluate to true, and allow the link-editor to process the enclosed text, when
the output object is 64-bit. Although numeric values are not allowed in these logical expressions,
a special exception is made Ior the value 1, which evaluates to true, and 0 Ior false.
Any undeIined name evaluates to false. It is common to use the undeIined name false to mark
lines oI input that should be unconditionally skipped.
$if false
More complex logical expressions can be written, using the operators shown in the Iollowing
1able 93 CondlLlonal Lxpresslon CperaLors
Operator Meaning
Logical AND
Logical O#
( expr )
Negate boolean value oI Iollowing expression
Expressions are evaluated Irom leIt to right. Sub-expressions are evaluated beIore enclosing
For example, the lines in the Iollowing construct will be evaluated when building 64-bit objects
Ior x86 platIorms.
$if _EL64 && _x86
The $add directive can be used to add a new name to the link-editor's table oI known names.
Using the previous example, it might be convenient to deIine the name amd64 to stand Ior 64-bit
x86 objects, in order to simpliIy $if directives.
$if _EL64 && _x86
$add amd64
This can be used to simpliIy the previous example.
$if amd64
The $clear directive is the reverse oI the $add directive. It is used to remove names Irom the
internal table.
$clear amd64
The eIIect oI the $add directive persists beyond the end oI the mapfile that uses $add, and is
visible to any subsequent mapfile that is processed by the link-editor in the same link operation.
II this is not desired, use $clear at the end oI the mapfile containing the $add to remove the
Finally, the $error directive causes the link-editor to print all remaining text on the line as a
Iatal error, and halt the link operation. The $error directive can be used to ensure that a
programmer porting an object to a new machine type will not be able to silently build an
incorrect object that is missing a necessary mapfile deIinition.
$if _sparc
$elif _x86
$error unknown machine type
language programmers will recognize that the syntax used Ior mapfile conditional input
resembles that oI the preprocessor macro language. This similarity is intentional. However,
mapfile conditional input directives are by design considerably less powerIul than those
provided by the preprocessor. They provide only the most basic Iacilities required to support
linking operations in a cross platIorm environment.
Among the signiIicant diIIerences between the two languages.
O The preprocessor deIines a Iull macro language, and the macros are applied to both the
source text, and to the expressions evaluated by the #if and #elif preprocessor
statements. Link-editor mapIiles do not implement a macro capability.
O The expressions evaluated by the preprocessor involve numeric types, and a rich set oI
operators. MapIile logical expressions involve boolean true and false values, and a
limited set oI operators.
O preprocessor expressions involve arbitrary numeric values, possibly deIined as macros,
and defined() is used to evaluate whether a given macro is deIined or not, yielding a
true (nonzero) or false (zero) value. MapIile logical expressions only manipulate boolean
values, and names are used directly without a defined() operation. The speciIied names
are considered to be true iI they exist in the link-editor's table oI known names, and false
Those requiring more sophisticated macro processing should consider using an external macro
processor, such as m4(1).
irective Sntax
MapIile directives exist to speciIy many aspects oI the output object. These directives share a
common syntax, using name value pairs Ior attributes, and ...} constructs to represent hierarchy
and grouping.
The syntax oI mapIile directives is based on the Iollowing generic Iorms.
The simplest Iorm is a directive name without a value.

The next Iorm is a directive name with a value, or a white space separated list oI values.

directive = value...;
In addition to the '= assignment operator shown, the '+= and '-= Iorms oI assignment are
allowed. The '= operator sets the given directive to the given value, or value list. The '+=
operator is used to add the value on the right hand side to the current value, and the '-= operator
is used to remove values.
More complex directives manipulate items that take multiple attributes enclosed within ...}
brackets to group the attributes together as a unit.

directive name, ,
attribute directive = value,;
, name,;
There can be a name beIore the opening brace (,), which is used to name the result oI the given
statement. Similarly, one or more optional names can Iollow the closing brace (,), prior to the
terminating semicolon (;). These names are used to express that the deIined item has a
relationship with other named items.
Note that the Iormat Ior attributes within a grouping use the same syntax described above Ior
simple directives with a value, with an assignment operator (=, +=, -=) Iollowed by a value, or
white space separated list oI values, terminated with a semicolon (;).
A directive can have attributes that in turn have sub-attributes. In such cases, the sub-attributes
are also grouped within nested ,..., brackets to reIlect this hierarchy.

directive name, ,
attribute ,
8ubatribute = value,;
, name...,;
The mapIile syntax grammar puts no limit on the depth to which such nesting is allowed. The
depth oI nesting depends solely on the requirements oI the directive.
Mapfile irectives
MapIile directives exist to speciIy many aspects oI the output object. These directives share a
common syntax, using name value pairs Ior attributes, and ...} constructs to represent hierarchy
and grouping. The Iollowing directives are accepted by the link-editor.
1able 96 Mapflle ulrecLlves
irective Purpose
Hardware, soItware, machine, and platIorm capabilities
SpeciIy allowed versions Irom sharable object dependencies
ELF header and program headers are not allocable
reate new loadable segment, or modiIy an existing load segment
reate note segment, or modiIy an existing note segment
reate null segment, or modiIy an existing null segment
Add Null Program Header Entries
SpeciIy the order oI segments in the output object and program header
Process Stack Attributes
Set symbol attributes and scope within the unnamed global version
Set symbol attributes and scope within an explicitly named version
The speciIic syntax Ior each supported mapIile directive is shown in the sections that Iollow.
The hardware, soItware, machine, and platIorm capabilities oI a relocatable object are typically
recorded within an object at compile time. The link-editor combines the capabilities oI any input
relocatable objects to create a Iinal capabilities section Ior the output Iile. apabilities can be
deIined within a mapfile, to augment, or completely replace, the capabilities that are supplied
Irom input relocatable objects.
HW = hwcap_flag...,;
HW += hwcap_flag...,;
HW -= hwcap_flag...,;

HW_1 = value...,;
HW_1 += value...,;
HW_1 -= value...,;

HW_2 = value...,;
HW_2 += value...,;
HW_2 -= value...,;

MACHINE = machine_name...,;
MACHINE += machine_name...,;
MACHINE -= machine_name...,;

PLATJRM = platform_name...,;
PLATJRM += platform_name...,;
PLATJRM -= platform_name...,;

S = 8fcap_flag...,;
S += 8fcap_flag...,;
S -= 8fcap_flag...,;

S_1 = value...,;
S_1 += value...,;
S_1 -= value...,;
II present, the optional capid name provides a symbolic name Ior the object capabilities,
resulting in a CA_SUNW_ID capability entry in the output object. II multiple CAPABILITY
directives are seen, the capid provided by the Iinal directive is used.
An empty CAPABILITY directive can be used to speciIy a capid Ior the object capabilities without
speciIying any capability values.
For each type oI capability, the link-editor maintains a current value (value), and a set oI values
to be excluded (exclude). For hardware and soItware capabilities, these values are bitmasks. For
machine and platIorm capabilities, they are lists oI names. Prior to processing mapIiles, the
value and exclude values Ior all capabilities are cleared. The assignment operators work as
O II the '+= operator is used, the value speciIied is added to the current value Ior that
capability, and removed Irom the exclude values Ior that capability.
O II the '-= operator is used, the value speciIied is added to the exclude values Ior that
capability, and removed Irom the current value Ior that capability.
O II the '= operator is used, the value speciIied replaces the previous value, and exclude is
reset to 0. In addition, the use oI '= overrides any capabilities that are collected Irom
input Iile processing.
Input objects are processed aIter mapIiles have been read. apability values speciIied by the
input objects are merged with those Irom the mapIiles, unless the '= operator was used, in
which case that capability is ignored when encountered in an input object. Hence, the '=
operator overrides the input objects, whereas the '+= operator is used to augment them.
Prior to writing the resulting capability value to the output object, the link-editor subtracts any
capability values speciIied with the '-= operator.
To completely eliminate a given capability Irom the output object, it suIIices to use the '=
operator and an empty value list. For example, the Iollowing suppresses any hardware
capabilities contributed by the input objects:
$mapfile_version 2
HW = ;
Within an ELF object, hardware and soItware capabilities are represented as bit assignments
within one or more bitmasks Iound in the capabilities section oI the object. The HW and S
mapfile attributes provide a more abstract view oI this implementation, accepting a space
separated list oI symbolic capability names that the link-editor translates to the appropriate mask
and bit. The numbered attributes (HW_1, HW_2, S_1) exist in order to allow direct numeric access
to the underlying capability bitmasks. They can be used to speciIy capability bits that have not
been oIIicially deIined. Where possible, use oI the HW and S attributes is recommended.
HW Attribute
Hardware capabilities are speciIied as a space separated list oI symbolic capability names. For
SPA# platIorms, hardware capabilities are deIined as AV_ values in <sys/auxv_SPARC.h. For
x86 platIorms, hardware capabilities are deIined as AV_ values in <sys/auxv_386.h. MapIiles
use the same names, without the AV_ preIix. For example, the x86 AV_SSE hardware capability is
called SSE within a mapfile. This list can contain any oI the capability names deIined Ior the
CA_SUNW_HW_ capability masks.
HW J HW Attributes
The HW_1 and HW_2 attributes allow the CA_SUNW_HW_1 and CA_SUNW_HW_2 capability masks to
be speciIied directly as numeric values, or as the symbolic hardware capability names that
correspond to that mask.
MACHINE Attribute
The MACHINE attribute speciIies the machine hardware names Ior the systems that the object can
execute upon. The machine hardware name oI a system can be displayed by the utility uname(1)
with the m option. A CAPABILITY directive can speciIy multiple machine names. Each name
results in a CA_SUNW_MACH capability entry in the output object.
PLATFURM Attribute
The PLATJRM attribute speciIies the platIorm names Ior the systems that the object can execute
upon. The platIorm name oI a system can be displayed by the utility uname(1) with the i
option. A CAPABILITY directive can speciIy multiple platIorm names. Each name results in a
CA_SUNW_PLAT capability entry in the output object.
SF Attribute
SoItware capabilities are speciIied as a space separated list oI symbolic capability names.
SoItware capabilities are deIined as S1_SUNW_ values in <sys/elf.h. MapIiles use the same
names, without the S1_SUNW_ preIix. For example, the S1_SUNW_ADDR32 soItware capability is
called ADDR32 in a mapfile. This list can contain any oI the capability names deIined Ior the
SF Attribute
The S_1 attribute allows the CA_SUNW_S_1 capability mask to be speciIied directly as a
numeric value, or as symbolic soItware capability names that correspond to that mask.
EPE*VERSIOS irective
When linking against a sharable object, the symbols Irom all versions exported by the object are
normally available Ior use by the link-editor. The DEPEND_VERSIJNS directive is used to limit
access to speciIied versions only. #estricting version access can be used to ensure that a given
output object does not use newer Ieatures that might not be available on an older version oI the
A DEPEND_VERSIJNS directive has the Iollowing syntax.
ALLJW = ver8ion_name;
REQUIRE = ver8ion_name;
obfname is the name oI the sharable object, as speciIied on the command line. In the common
case where the object is speciIied using the l command line option, this will be the speciIied
name with a lib preIix. For instance, libc is commonly reIerenced as l. on the command line,
and is thereIore speciIied as in a DEPEND_VERSIJNS directive.
ALLUW Attribute
The ALLJW attribute speciIies that the speciIied version, and versions inherited by that version,
are available to the link-editor Ior resolving symbols in the output object. The link-editor will
add a requirement Ior the highest version used in the inheritance chain containing this version to
the output object requirements.
REQUIRE Attribute
REQUIRE adds the speciIied version to the output object requirements, whether or not the version
is actually required to satisIy the link operation.
R*OALLOC irective
Every ELF object has an ELF header at oIIset 0 in the Iile. Executable and sharable objects also
contain program headers, which are accessed through the ELF header. The link-editor normally
arranges Ior these items to be included as part oI the Iirst loadable segment. The inIormation
contained in these headers is thereIore visible within the mapped image, and is typically used by
the runtime linker. The HDR_NJALLJC directive prevents this.
When HDR_NJALLJC is speciIied, the ELF header and program header array still appear at the
start oI the resulting output object Iile, but are not contained in a loadable segment, and virtual
address calculations Ior the image start at the Iirst section oI the Iirst segment rather than at the
base oI the ELF header.
PR*A*&LL irective
The PHDR_ADD_NULL directive causes the link-editor to add a speciIied number oI additional
program header entries oI type PT_NULL at the end oI the program header array. Extra PT_NULL
entries can be used by post processing utilities.
PHDR_ADD_NULL = value;
value must be a positive integer value, and gives the number oI extra PT_NULL entries to create.
All Iields oI the resulting program header entries will be set to 0.
&LL*SEMET irectives
A segment is a contiguous portion oI the output object that contains sections. The mapIile
segment directives allow the speciIication oI three diIIerent segment types.
A loadable segment contains code or data that is mapped into the address space oI a
process at runtime. The link-editor creates a PT_LJAD program header entry Ior each
allocable segment, which is used by the runtime linker to locate and map the segment.
A note segment contains note sections. The link-editor creates a PT_NJTE program header
entry that reIerences the segment. Note segments are not allocable.
A null segment holds sections that are included in the output object, but which are not
available to the object at runtime. ommon examples oI such sections are the .symtab
symbol table, and the various sections produced Ior the beneIit oI debuggers. No program
header is created Ior a null segment.
Segment directives are used to create new segments in the output Iile, or to change the attribute
values oI an existing segment. An existing segment is one that was previous deIined, or one oI
the built-in segments discussed in PredeIined Segments. Each new segment is added to the object
aIter the last such segment oI the same type. Loadable segments are added Iirst, then note
segments, and Iinally null segments. Any program headers associated with these segments are
placed in the program header array in the same relative order as the segments themselves. This
deIault placement can be altered by setting an explicit address in the case oI a loadable segment,
or using the SEGMENT_JRDER directive.
II segmentname is a preexisting segment, then the attributes speciIied modiIy the existing
segment. Otherwise, a new segment is created and the speciIied attributes are applied to the new
segment. The link-editor Iills in deIault values Ior attributes not explicitly supplied.

When selecting a segment name, bear in mind that a Iuture version oI the link-editor might add
new predeIined segments. II the name used in your segment directive matches this new name,
the new predeIined segment will alter the meaning oI your mapfile, Irom creating a new
segment to modiIying an existing one. The best way to prevent this situation is to avoid generic
names Ior segments, and give all oI your segment names a unique preIix, such as a
company/project identiIier, or even the name oI the program. For example, a program named
hello_world might use the segment name hello_world_data_segment.

All three segment directives share a common set oI core attributes. Substituting one oI
LJAD_SEGMENT, NJTE_SEGMENT, NULL_SEGMENT Ior directive, a segment declaration is as Iollows.

directive 8egment_name ,
ASSIGN_SECTIJN a88ign_name,;
ASSIGN_SECTIJN a88ign_name, ,
ILE_BASENAME = file_ba8ename;
ILE_JBJNAME = objname;
ILE_PATH = file_path;
LAGS = 8ection_flag8;
IS_NAME = 8ection_name;
TYPE = 8ection_type;


IS_JRDER = a88ign_name...;
IS_JRDER += a88ign_name...;

JS_JRDER = 8ection_name...;
JS_JRDER += 8ection_name...;
The LJAD_SEGMENT directive accepts an additional set oI attributes speciIic to loadable segments.
The syntax oI these additional attributes is as Iollows.
LJAD_SEGMENT 8egment_name ,
ALIGN = value;

LAGS = 8egment_flag8;
LAGS += 8egment_flag8;
LAGS -= 8egment_flag8;

MAX_SIZE = value;


PADDR = value;
RJUND = value;

SIZE_SYMBJL = 8ymbol_name...;
SIZE_SYMBJL += 8ymbol_name...;

VADDR = value;
Any oI the segment directives can be speciIied as an empty directive. When an empty segment
directive creates a new segment, deIault values are established Ior all segment attributes. Empty
segments are declared as Iollows.
LJAD_SEGMENT 8egment_name;

NJTE_SEGMENT 8egment_name;

NULL_SEGMENT 8egment_name;
All oI the attributes accepted by one or more oI the segment directives are described below.
ALICN Attribute {LUADSECMENT only]
The ALIGN attribute is used to speciIy the alignment Ior a loadable segment. The value speciIied
is set in the p_align Iield oI the program header corresponding to the segment. Segment
alignment is used in calculating the virtual address oI the beginning oI the segment.
The alignment speciIied must be a power oI 2. By deIault, the link-editor sets the alignment oI a
segment to the built-in deIault. This deIault diIIers Irom one PU to another and might even be
diIIerent between soItware revisions.
The ALIGN attribute is mutually exclusive to the PADDR and VADDR attributes, and cannot be used
with them. When PADDR or VADDR is speciIied, the p_align Iield oI the corresponding program
header will be set to the deIault value.
ASSIGN_SECTIJN speciIies a combination oI section attributes, such as section name, type, and
Ilags, that collectively qualiIy a section Ior assignment to a given segment. Each such set oI
attributes is called an entrance criterion. A section matches when the section attributes match
those oI an entrance criterion exactly. An ASSIGN_SECTIJN that does not speciIy any attributes
matches any section that criterion is compared to.
Multiple ASSIGN_SECTIJN attributes are allowed Ior a given segment. Each ASSIGN_SECTIJN
attribute is independent oI the others. A section will be assigned to a segment iI the section
matches any one oI the ASSIGN_SECTIJN deIinitions associated with that segment. The link-
editor will not assign sections to a segment unless the segment has at least one ASSIGN_SECTIJN
The link-editor uses an internal list oI entrance criteria to assign sections to segments. Each
ASSIGN_SECTIJN declaration encountered in the mapfile is placed on this list, in the order
encountered. The entrance criteria Ior the built-in segments discussed in PredeIined Segments
are placed on this list immediately Iollowing the Iinal mapfile deIined entry.
The entrance criterion can be given an optional name (assignname). This name can be used in
conjunction with the IS_JRDER attribute to speciIy the order in which input sections are placed in
the output section.
To place an input section, the link-editor starts at the head oI the entrance criteria list, and
compares the attributes oI the section to each entrance criterion in turn. The section is assigned to
the segment associated with the Iirst entrance criterion that matches the section attributes exactly.
II there is no match, the section is placed at the end oI the Iile, as is generally the case Ior all
non-allocable sections.
ASSIGNSETION accepts the Iollowing.
These attributes allow the selection oI sections based on the path (ILE_PATH), basename
(ILE_BASENAME), or object name (ILE_JBJNAME) oI the Iile they come Irom.
File paths are speciIied using the standard Unix slash delimited convention. The Iinal
path segment is the basename oI the path, also known simply as the filename. In the case
oI an archive, the basename can be augmented with the name oI the archive member,
using the Iorm archive_name(component_name). For example,
/lib/libfoo.a(bar.o)speciIies the object bar.o, Iound in an archive named
ILE_BASENAME and ILE_JBJNAME are equivalent when applied to a non-archive, and
compare the given name to the basename oI the Iile. When applied to an archive,
ILE_BASENAME examines the basename oI the archive name, while ILE_JBJNAME
examines the name oI the object contained within the archive.
Each ASSIGN_SECTIJN maintains a list oI all ILE_BASENAME, ILE_PATH, and
ILE_JBJNAME values. A Iile match occurs iI any one oI these deIinitions match an input
Input section name.
SpeciIies an ELF sectiontype, which can be any oI the SHT_ constants deIined in
<sys/elf.h, with the SHT_ preIix removed. (e.g. PRJGBITS, SYMTAB, NJBITS).
The LAGS attribute uses section1lags to speciIy section attributes as a space separated
list oI one or more oI the values given in Table 97, which correspond to the SH_ values
deIined in <sys/elf.h. II an individual Ilag is preceded by an exclamation mark (!),
that attribute must explicitly not be present. In the Iollowing example, a section is deIined
allocable and not writable.
Flags not explicitly in a section1lags list are ignored. In the above example, only the
value oI ALLJC and WRITE are examined when matching a section against the speciIied
Ilags. The other section Ilags can have any value.
1able 97 SecLlon lLCS values
Flag Value Meaning
Section is allocable
Section is writable
Section is executable
Section can be larger than 2GB
DISABLE Attribute
The DISABLE attribute causes the link-editor to ignore the segment. No sections will be assigned
to a disabled segment. The segment is automatically re-enabled when reIerenced by a Iollowing
segment directive. Hence, an empty reIerence suIIices to re-enable a disabled section.
segment 8egment_name;
FLACS Attribute {LUADSECMENT only]
The LAGS attribute speciIies segment permissions as a space separated list oI the permissions in
Table 93. By deIault, user deIined segments receive READ, WRITE, and EXECUTE permissions.
The deIault Ilags Ior the predeIined segments described in PredeIined Segments are supplied by
the link-editor, and in some cases can be platIorm-dependent.
There are three Iorms allowed.
LAGS = 8egment_flag8...;
LAGS += 8egment_flag8...;
LAGS -= 8egment_flag8...;
The simple '= assignment operator replaces the current Ilags with the new set, the '+= Iorm
adds the new Ilags to the existing set, and the '-= Iorm removes the speciIied Ilags Irom the
existing set.
ISURDER Attribute
The link-editor normally places output sections into the segment in the order they are
encountered. Similarly, the input sections that make up the output section are placed in the order
they are encountered. The IS_JRDER attribute can be used to alter this deIault placement oI input
sections. IS_JRDER speciIies a space separated list oI entrance criterion names (assignname).
Sections matched by one oI these entrance criteria are placed at the head oI the output section,
sorted in the order given by IS_JRDER. Sections matched by entrance criteria not Iound in the
IS_JRDER list are placed Iollowing the sorted sections, in the order they are encountered.
When the '= Iorm oI assignment is used, the previous value oI IS_JRDER Ior the given segment
is discarded, and replaced with the new list. The '+= Iorm oI IS_JRDER concatenates the new
list to the end oI the existing list.
The IS_JRDER attribute is oI particular interest when used in conjunction with the xF option to
the compilers. When a Iile is compiled with the xF option, each Iunction in that Iile is placed in
a separate section with the same attributes as the text section. These sections are called
For example, a Iile containing three Iunctions, main(), foo() and bar(), when compiled with
the xF option, yields a relocatable object Iile with text Ior the three Iunctions being placed in
sections called .text%main, .text%foo, and .text%bar. When the link-editor places these
sections into the output, the % and anything Iollowing the % are removed. Hence, all three oI these
Iunctions will be placed in the .text output section. The IS_JRDER attribute can be used to Iorce
them to be placed in a speciIic order within the .text output section relative to each other.
onsider the Iollowing user-deIined mapfile.
$mapfile_version 2
ASSIGN_SECTIJN text_bar , IS_NAME = .text%bar ,;
ASSIGN_SECTIJN text_main , IS_NAME = .text%main ,;
ASSIGN_SECTIJN text_foo , IS_NAME = .text%foo ,;
IS_JRDER = text_foo text_bar text_main;
No matter the order in which these three Iunctions are Iound in the source code, or encountered
by the link-editor, their order in the output object text segment will be foo(), bar(), and
By deIault, the link-editor will allow a segment to grow to the size required by the contents oI
the segment. The MAX_SIZE attribute can be used to speciIy a maximum size Ior the segment. II
MAX_SIZE is set, the link-editor will generate an error iI the segment grows beyond the speciIied
NUHDR Attribute {LUADSECMENT only]
II a segment with the NJHDR attribute set becomes the Iirst loadable segment in the output object,
the ELF and program headers will not be included within the segment.
The NJHDR attribute diIIers Irom the top level HDR_NJALLJC directive in that HDR_NJALLJC is a
per-segment value, and only has an eIIect iI the segment becomes the Iirst loadable segment.
This Ieature exists primarily to provide Ieature parity with the older mapIiles. See Appendix E,
System V #elease 4 (Version 1) MapIiles Ior more details.
The HDR_NJALLJC directive is recommended in preIerence to the segment NJHDR attribute.
USURDER Attribute
The link-editor normally places output sections into the segment in the order they are
encountered. The JS_JRDER attribute can be used to alter this deIault placement oI output
sections. JS_JRDER speciIies a space separated list oI output section names (sectionname). The
listed sections are placed at the head oI the segment, sorted in the order given by JS_JRDER.
Sections not listed in JS_JRDER are placed Iollowing the sorted sections, in the order they are
When the '= Iorm oI assignment is used, the previous value oI JS_JRDER Ior the given segment
is discarded, and replaced with the new list. The '+= Iorm oI JS_JRDER concatenates the new
list to the end oI the existing list.
PADDR Attribute {LUADSECMENT only]
The PADDR attribute is used to speciIy an explicit physical address Ior the segment. The value
speciIied is set in the p_addr Iield oI the program header corresponding to the segment. By
deIault, the link-editor sets the physical address oI segments to 0, as this Iield has no meaning Ior
user mode objects, and is primarily oI interest non-userland objects such as operating system
RUUND Attribute {LUADSECMENT only]
The RJUND attribute is used to speciIy that the size oI the segment should be rounded up to the
given value. The rounding value speciIied must be a power oI 2. By deIault, the link-editor sets
the rounding Iactor oI a segment to 1, meaning that the segment size is not rounded up.
The SIZE_SYMBJL attribute deIines a space separated list oI section size symbol names to be
created by the link-editor. A size symbol is a global-absolute symbol that represents the size, in
bytes, oI the segment. These symbols can be reIerenced in your object Iiles. In order to access
the symbol within your code, you should ensure that symbolname is a legal identiIier in that
language. The symbol naming rules Ior the programming language are recommended, as such
symbols are likely to be accessible Irom any other language.
The '= Iorm oI assignment can be used to establish an initial value, and can only be used once
per link-editor session. The '+= Iorm oI SIZE_SYMBJL concatenates the new list to the end oI
the existing list, and can be used as many times as desired.
The VADDR attribute is used to speciIy an explicit virtual address Ior the segment. The value
speciIied is set in the p_vaddr Iield oI the program header corresponding to the segment. By
deIault, the link-editor assigns virtual addresses to segments as the output Iile is created.
SEMET*ORER irective
The SEGMENT_JRDER directive is used to speciIy a non-deIault ordering Ior segments in the
output object.
SEGMENT_JRDER accepts a space separated list oI segment names.
SEGMENT_JRDER = 8egment_name...;
SEGMENT_JRDER += 8egment_name...;
When the '= Iorm oI assignment is used, the previous segment order list is discarded, and
replaced with the new list. The '+= Iorm oI assignment concatenates the new list to the end oI
the existing list.
By deIault, the link-editor orders segments as Iollows.
1. Loadable segments with explicit addresses set with the VADDR attribute oI the
LJAD_SEGMENT directive, sorted by address.
2. Segments ordered using the SEGMENT_JRDER directive, in the order speciIied.
3. Loadable segments without explicit addresses, not Iound in the SEGMENT_JRDER list.
4. Note segments without explicit addresses, not Iound in the SEGMENT_JRDER list.
5. Null segments without explicit addresses, not Iound in the SEGMENT_JRDER list.

ELF has some implicit conventions that must be Iollowed by a well Iormed object.
O The Iirst loadable segment is expected to be read-only, allocable, and executable, and
receives the ELF header and program header array. This is usually the predeIined text
O The Iinal loadable segment in an executable is expected to be writable, and the head oI
the dynamic heap is usually located immediately Iollowing within the same virtual
memory mapping.
MapIiles can be used to create objects that violate these requirements. This should be avoided, as
the result oI running such an object is undeIined.

Unless the HDR_NJALLJC directive is speciIied, the link-editor enIorces the requirement that the
Iirst segment must be a loadable segment, and not a note or null segment. HDR_NJALLJC cannot
be used Ior userland objects, and is thereIore oI little practical use. This Ieature is used when
building operating system kernels.
STACK irective
The STACK directive speciIies attributes oI the process stack.
LAGS = 8egment_flag8...;
LAGS += 8egment_flag8...;
LAGS -= 8egment_flag8...;
The LAGS attribute speciIies a white space separated list oI segment permissions consisting oI
any oI the values described in Table 93.
There are three Iorms allowed. The simple '= assignment operator replaces the current Ilags
with the new set, the '+= Iorm adds the new Ilags to the existing set, and the '-= Iorm removes
the speciIied Ilags Irom the existing set.
The deIault stack permissions are deIined by the platIorm ABI, and vary between platIorms. The
value Ior the target platIorm is speciIied using the segment Ilag name STACK.
On some platIorms, the ABI mandated deIault permissions include EXECUTE. EXECUTE is rarely iI
ever needed and is generally considered to be a potential security risk. #emoving EXECUTE
permission Irom the stack is a recommended practice.
The STACK directive is reIlected in the output ELF object as a PT_SUNWSTACK program header
The SYMBJL_SCJPE and SYMBJL_VERSIJN directives are used to speciIy the scope and attributes
oI global symbols. SYMBJL_SCJPE operates within the context oI the unnamed base symbol
version, while SYMBJL_VERSIJN is used to gather symbols into explicitly named global versions.
The SYMBJL_VERSIJN directive allows the creation oI stable interIaces that support object
evolution in a backward compatible manner.
SYMBJL_VERSIJN has the Iollowing syntax.
SYMBJL_VERSIJN ver8ion_name ,

8ymbol_name ,
AUXILIARY = 8oname;
ILTER = 8oname;
LAGS = 8ymbol_flag8...;
SIZE = value;
TYPE = 8ymbol_type;
VALUE = value;
, inherited_ver8ion_name...,;
SYMBJL_SCJPE does not accept version names, but is otherwise identical.
In a SYMBJL_VERSIJN directive, versionname provides a label Ior this set oI symbol deIinitions.
This label identiIies a version de1inition within the output object. One or more inherited versions
(inheritedversionname) can be speciIied, separated by white space, in which case the newly
deIined version inherits Irom the versions named. See hapter 5, Application Binary InterIaces
and Versioning.
symbolscope deIines the scope oI symbols in a SYMBJL_SCJPE or SYMBJL_VERSIJN directive.
By deIault, symbols are assumed to have global scope. This can be modiIied by speciIying a
symbolscope Iollowed by a colon (:). These lines determine the symbol scope Ior all symbols
that Iollow, until changed by a subsequent scope declaration. The possible scope values and their
meanings are given in the Iollowing table.
1able 98 Symbol Scope 1ypes
Scope Meaning
default /
Global symbols oI this scope are visible to all external objects. #eIerences to
such symbols Irom within the object are bound at runtime, thus allowing
interposition to take place. This visibility scope provides a deIault, that can be
demoted, or eliminated by other symbol visibility techniques. This scope
deIinition has the same aIIect as a symbol with STV_DEAULT visibility. See
Table 720.
hidden /
Global symbols oI this scope are reduced to symbols with a local binding.
Symbols oI this scope are not visible to other external objects. This scope
deIinition has the same aIIect as a symbol with STV_HIDDEN visibility. See
Table 720.
Scope Meaning
protected /
Global symbols oI this scope are visible to all external objects. #eIerences to
these symbols Irom within the object are bound at link-edit, thus preventing
runtime interposition. This visibility scope can be demoted, or eliminated by
other symbol visibility techniques. This scope deIinition has the same aIIect as
a symbol with STV_PRJTECTED visibility. See Table 720.
Global symbols oI this scope are visible to all external objects. #eIerences to
such symbols Irom within the object are bound at runtime, thus allowing
interposition to take place. This symbol visibility can not be demoted, or
eliminated by any other symbol visibility technique. This scope deIinition has
the same aIIect as a symbol with STV_EXPJRTED visibility. See Table 720.
Global symbols oI this scope are visible to all external objects. #eIerences to
such symbols Irom within the object are bound at runtime, and ensure that only
one instance oI the symbol is bound to Irom all reIerences within a process.
This symbol visibility can not be demoted, or eliminated by any other symbol
visibility technique. This scope deIinition has the same aIIect as a symbol with
STV_SINGLETJN visibility. See Table 720.
Global symbols oI this scope are hidden. Their symbol table entries are
eliminated. This scope deIinition has the same aIIect as a symbol with
STV_ELIMINATE visibility. See Table 720. Note that local symbols can also be
eliminated by using the link-editor redlo.sym option.
A symbolname is the name oI a symbol. This name can result in a symbol deIinition, or a
symbol reIerence, depending on any qualiIying attributes. In the simplest Iorm, without any
qualiIying attributes, a symbol reIerence is created. This reIerence is exactly the same as would
be generated using the u option discussed in DeIining Additional Symbols with the -u option.
Typically, iI the symbol name is Iollowed by any qualiIying attributes, then a symbol deIinition
is generated using the associated attributes.
When a local scope is deIined, the symbol name can be deIined as the special ' auto-reduction
directive. Symbols that have no explicitly deIined visibility are demoted to a local binding within
the dynamic object being generated. Explicit visibility deIinitions originate Irom mapfile
deIinitions, or visibility deIinitions that are encapsulated within relocatable objects. Similarly,
when an eliminate scope is deIined, the symbol name can be deIined as the special ' auto-
elimination directive. Symbols that have no explicitly deIined visibility are eliminated Irom the
dynamic object being generated.
II a SYMBJL_VERSIJN directive is speciIied, or iI auto-reduction is speciIied with either
SYMBJL_VERSIJN or SYMBJL_SCJPE, then versioning inIormation is recorded in the image
created. II this image is an executable or shared object, then any symbol reduction is also
II the image being created is a relocatable object, then by deIault, no symbol reduction is applied.
In this case, any symbol reductions are recorded as part oI the versioning inIormation. These
reductions are applied when the relocatable object is Iinally used to generate an executable or
shared object. The link-editor's B redu.e option can be used to Iorce symbol reduction when
generating a relocatable object.
A more detailed description oI the versioning inIormation is provided in hapter 5, Application
Binary InterIaces and Versioning.

To ensure interIace deIinition stability, no wildcard expansion is provided Ior deIining symbol

A symbolname can be listed by itselI in order to simply assign the symbol to a version and/or
speciIy its scope. Optional symbol attributes can be speciIied within } brackets. Valid attributes
are described below.
Indicates that this symbol is an auxiliary Iilter on the shared object name (soname). See
Generating Auxiliary Filters.
FILTER Attribute
Indicates that this symbol is a Iilter on the shared object name. See Generating Standard Filters.
Filter symbols do not require any backing implementation to be provided Irom an input
relocatable object. ThereIore, use this directive together with deIining the symbol's type, to
create an absolute symbol table entry.
FLACS Attribute
symbol1lags speciIy symbol attributes as a space separated list oI one or more oI the Iollowing
1able 99 Symbol lLC values
Flag Meaning
Flag Meaning
Indicates that this symbol should be directly bound to. When used with a symbol
deIinition, this keyword results in any reIerence Irom within the object being built
to be directly bound to the deIinition. When used with a symbol reIerence, this
Ilag results in a direct binding to the dependency that provides the deIinition. See
Appendix D, Direct Bindings. This Ilag can also be used with the PARENT Ilag to
establish a direct binding to any parent at runtime.
Indicates that this symbol should be included in a sort section. See Symbol Sort
Sections. The symbol type must be STT_UNC, STT_JBJECT, STT_CJMMJN, or
Indicates the symbol is deIined externally to the object being created. This
keyword is typically deIined to label callback routines. UndeIined symbols that
would be Ilagged with the defs option are suppressed with this Ilag. This Ilag
is only meaningIul when generating a symbol reIerence. Should a deIinition Ior
this symbol occur within the objects combined at link-edit, then the keyword is
silently ignored.
Indicates that this symbol acts an interposer. This Ilag can only be used when
generating a dynamic executable. This Ilag provides Ior Iiner control oI deIining
interposing symbols than is possible by using the interpose option.
Indicates that this symbol should not be directly bound to. This state applies to
reIerences Irom within the object being created and Irom external reIerences. See
Appendix D, Direct Bindings. This Ilag can also be used with the PARENT Ilag to
prevent a direct binding to any parent at runtime.
Indicates that this symbol should not be included in a sort section. See Symbol
Sort Sections.
Indicates the symbol is deIined in the parent oI the object being created. A parent
is an object that reIerences this object at runtime as an explicit dependency. A
parent can also reIerence this object at runtime using dlopen(3). This Ilag is
typically deIined to label callback routines. This Ilag can be used with the DIRECT
or NJDIRECT Ilags to establish individual direct, or no-direct reIerences to the
parent. UndeIined symbols that would be Ilagged with the defs option are
suppressed with this Ilag. This Ilag is only meaningIul when generating a symbol
reIerence. Should a deIinition Ior this symbol occur within the objects combined
at link-edit, then the keyword is silently ignored.
SIZE Attribute
Sets the size attribute. This attribute results in the creation oI a symbol deIinition.
TYPE Attribute
The symbol type attribute. This attribute can be either CJMMJN, DATA, or UNCTIJN. CJMMJN
results in a tentative symbol deIinition. DATA and UNCTIJN result in a section symbol deIinition
or an absolute symbol deIinition. See Symbol Table Section.
A data attribute results in the creation oI an JBJT symbol. A data attribute that is accompanied
with a size, but no value creates a section symbol by associating the symbol with an ELF section.
This section is Iilled with zeros. A Iunction attribute results in the creation oI an UNC symbol.
A Iunction attribute that is accompanied with a size, but no value creates a section symbol by
associating the symbol with an ELF section. This section is assigned a void Iunction, generated
by the link-editor, with the Iollowing signature.
void ()(void)
A data or Iunction attribute that is accompanied with a value results in the appropriate symbol
type together with an absolute, ABS, section index.
The creation oI a section data symbol is useIul Ior the creation oI Iilters. External reIerences to a
section data symbol oI a Iilter Irom an executable result in the appropriate copy relocation being
generated. See opy #elocations.
VALUE Attribute
Indicates the value attribute. This attribute results in the creation oI a symbol deIinition.
Predefined Segments
The link-editor provides a predeIined set oI output segment descriptors and entrance criteria.
These deIinitions satisIy the needs oI most linking scenarios, and comply with the ELF layout
rules and conventions expected by the system.
The text, data, and extra segments are oI primary interest, while the others serve more
specialized purposes, as described below.
O text
The text segment deIines a read-only executable loadable segment that accepts
allocable, non-writable sections. This includes executable code, read-only data needed by
the program, and read-only data produced by the link-editor Ior use by the runtime linker
such as the dynamic symbol table.
The text segment is the Iirst segment in the process, and is thereIore assigned the ELF
header, and the program header array by the link-editor. This can be prevented using the
HDR_NJALLJC mapIile directive.
O data
The data segment deIines a writable loadable segment. The data segment is used Ior
writable data needed by the program, and Ior writable data used by the runtime linker,
such as the Global OIIset Table (GOT), and the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT), on
architectures such as SPA# that require the PLT sections to be writable.
O extra
The extra segment captures all sections not assigned elsewhere, directed there by the Iinal
entrance criterion record. ommon examples are the Iull symbol table (.symtab), and the
various sections produced Ior the beneIit oI debuggers. This is a null segment, and has no
corresponding program header table entry.
O note
The note segment captures all sections oI type SHT_NJTE. The link-editor provides a
PT_NJTE program header entry to reIerence the note segment.
O lrodata / ldata
The x8664 ABI deIines small, medium, and large compilation models. The ABI requires
sections Ior the medium and large models to set the SH_AMD64_LARGE section Ilag. An
input section lacking the SH_AMD64_LARGE must be placed in an output segment that
does not exceed 2GB in size. The lrodata and ldata predeIined segments are present
Ior x8664 output objects only, and are used to handle sections with the
SH_AMD64_LARGE Ilag set. lrodata receives read-only sections, and ldata receives the
O bss
ELF allows Ior any segment to contain NJBITS sections. The link-editor places such
sections at the end oI the segment they are assigned to. This is implemented using the
program header entry p_filesz and p_memsz Iields, which must Iollow the Iollowing
p_memsz = p_filesz
II p_memsz is greater than p_filesz, the extra bytes are NJBITS. The Iirst p_filesz
bytes come Irom the object Iile, and any remaining bytes up to p_memsz are zeroed by the
system prior to use.
The deIault assignment rules assign read-only NJBITS sections to the text segment, and
writable NJBITS sections to the data segment. The link-editor deIines the bss segment as
an alternative segment that can accept writable NJBITS sections. This segment is disabled
by deIault, and must be explicitly enabled to be used.
Since writable NJBITS sections are easily handled as part oI the data segment, the beneIit
oI having a separate bss segment may not be immediately obvious. By convention, the
process dynamic memory heap starts at the end oI the Iinal segment, which must be
writable. This is usually the data segment, but iI bss is enabled, bss becomes the Iinal
segment. When building a dynamic executable, enabling the bss segment with an
appropriate alignment can be used to enable large page assignment oI the heap. For
example, the Iollowing enables the bss segment and sets an alignment oI 4MB.

Users are cautioned that an alignment speciIication can be machine-speciIic, and may not
have the same beneIit on diIIerent hardware platIorms. A more Ilexible means oI
requesting the most optimal underlying page size may evolve in Iuture releases.

Mapping Examples
The Iollowing are examples oI user-deIined mapIiles. The numbers on the leIt are included in the
example Ior tutorial purposes. Only the inIormation to the right oI the numbers actually appears
in the mapfile.
Example: Section to Segment Assignment
This example demonstrates how to deIine segments and assign input sections to them.

Example 9-1 Basic Section to Segment Assignment

1 $mapfile_version 2
2 LJAD_SEGMENT elephant ,
5 ILE_PATH=peanuts.o;
6 ,;
9 ILE_JBJNAME=popcorn.o;
10 ,;
11 ,;
13 LJAD_SEGMENT monkey ,
14 VADDR=0x80000000;
15 MAX_SIZE=0x4000;
17 TYPE=progbits;
19 ,;
22 ,;
23 ,;
25 LJAD_SEGMENT donkey ,
27 ALIGN=0x1000;
30 ,;
31 ,;
33 LJAD_SEGMENT text ,
34 VADDR=0x80008000
35 ,;

Four separate segments are manipulated in this example. Every mapfile starts with a
$mapfile_version declaration as shown on line 1. Segment elephant (lines 2-11) receives all oI
the data sections Irom the Iiles peanuts.o or popcorn.o. The object popcorn.o can come Irom
an archive, in which case the archive Iile can have any name. Alternatively, popcorn.o can
come Irom any Iile with a basename oI popcorn.o. In contrast, peanuts.o can only come Irom
a Iile with exactly that name. For example, the Iile /var/tmp/peanuts.o supplied to a link-edit
does not match peanuts.o.
Segment monkey (lines 13-23) has a virtual address oI 0x80000000, and a maximum length oI
0x4000. This segment receives all sections that are both PRJGBITS and allocable-executable, as
well as all sections not already in the segment elephant with the name .data. The .data sections
entering the monkey segment need not be PRJGBITS or allocable-executable, because they match
the entrance criterion on line 20 rather than the one on line 16. This illustrates that and and
relationship exists between the sub-attributes within a ASSIGN_SECTIJN attribute, while an or
relationship exists between the diIIerent ASSIGN_SECTIJN attributes Ior a single segment.
The donkey segment (lines 25-31) is given non-deIault permission Ilags and alignment, and will
accept all sections named .data. However, this segment will never be assigned any sections, and
as a result, segment donkey will never appear in the output object. The reason Ior this is that the
link-editor examines entrance criteria in the order they appear in themapfile. In this mapfile,
segment elephant accepts some .data sections, and segment takes any that are leIt, leaving none
Ior donkey.
Lines 33-35 set the virtual address oI the text segment to 0x80008000. The text segment is one oI
the standard predeIined segments, as described in PredeIined Segments, so this statement
modiIies the existing segment rather than creating a new one.
Example: Predefined Section Modification
The Iollowing mapfile example manipulates the predeIined text and data segments, header
options and section within segment ordering.

Example 9-2 Predefined Section Manipulation and Section to Segment Assignment

1 $mapfile_version 2
5 VADDR=0xf0004000;
7 JS_JRDER=.text .rodata;
12 ,;
13 ,;
15 LJAD_SEGMENT data ,
17 ALIGN=0x1000;
18 RJUND=0x1000;
19 ,;

As always, the Iirst line declares the mapIile language version to be used. The HDR_NJALLJC
directive (line 2) speciIies that the resulting object should not include the ELF header or program
header array within the Iirst allocable segment in the object, which is the predeIined text
The segment directive on lines 4-13 set a virtual address and permission Ilags Ior the text
segment. This directive also speciIies that sections named .text sections should be placed at the
head oI the segment, Iollowed by any sections named .rodata, and that all other sections will
Iollow these. Finally, allocable, non-writable PRJGBITS sections are assigned to the segment.
The segment directive on lines 15-19 speciIies that the data segment must be aligned on a
boundary oI 0x1000. This has the eIIect oI aligning the Iirst section within the segment at the
same alignment. The length oI the segment is to be rounded up to a multiple oI the same value as
the alignment. The segment permissions are set to read, write, and execute.
Link-Editor Internals: Section and Segment
The internal process used by the link-editor to assign sections to output segments is described
here. This inIormation is not necessary in order to use mapIiles. This inIormation is primarily oI
interest to those interested in link-editor internals, and Ior those who want a deep understanding
oI how segment mapIile directives are interpreted and executed by the link-editor.
Section To Segment Assignment
The process oI assigning input sections to output segments involves the Iollowing data
O Input Sections
Input sections are read Irom relocatable objects input to the link editor. Some are
examined and processed by the link-editor, while others are simply passed to the output
without examination oI their contents (e.g. PRJGBITS).
O Output Sections
Output sections are sections that are written to the output object. Some are Iormed Irom
the concatenation oI sections passed through Irom the input objects. Others, such as
symbol tables and relocation sections are generated by the link-editor itselI, oIten
incorporating inIormation read Irom the input objects.
When the link-editor passes an input section through to become an output section, the
section usually retains the input section name. However, the link-editor can modiIy the
name in certain circumstances. For instance, the link-editor translates input section names
oI the Iorm name%XXX, dropping the % character and any characters Iollowing Irom the
output section name.
O Segment Descriptors
The link-editor maintains a list oI known segments. This list initially contains the
predeIined segments, described in PredeIined Segments. When a LJAD_SEGMENT,
NJTE_SEGMENT, or NULL_SEGMENT mapIile directive is used to create a new segment, an
additional segment descriptor Ior the new segment is added to this list. The new segment
goes at the end oI the list Iollowing other segments oI the same type, unless explicitly
ordered by setting a virtual address (LJAD_SEGMENT), or by using the SEGMENT_JRDER
When creating the output object, the link-editor only creates program headers Ior the
segments that receive a section. Empty segments are quietly ignored. Hence, user
speciIied segment deIinitions have the power to completely replace the use oI the
predeIined segments deIinitions, despite the Iact that there is no explicit Iacility Ior
removing a segment deIinition Irom the link-editor list.
O Entrance riteria
A set oI section attributes required in order to place that section in a given segment is
called an entrance criterion Ior the segment. A given segment can have an arbitrary
number oI entrance criteria.
The link-editor maintains an internal list oI all deIined entrance criteria. This list is used
to place sections into segments, as described below. Each mapfile inserts the entrance
criterion created by the ASSIGN_SECTIJN attribute to the LJAD_SEGMENT, NJTE_SEGMENT,
or NULL_SEGMENT mapIile directive at the top oI this list, in the order they are
encountered in the mapfile. The entrance criteria Ior the built-in segments discussed in
PredeIined Segments are placed at the end oI this list. ThereIore, mapfile deIined
entrance criteria take precedence over the built in rules, and mapIiles at the end oI the
command line take precedence over those Iound at the beginning.
For each section written to the output object, the link-editor perIorms the Iollowing steps to place
the section in an output segment.
1. The attributes oI the section are compared to each record in the internal entrance criteria
list, starting at the head oI the list and considering each entrance criterion in turn. A
match occurs when every attribute in the entrance criterion matches exactly, and the
segment associated with the entrance criterion is not disabled. The search stops with the
Iirst entrance criterion that matches, and the section is directed to the associated segment.
II no Entrance riterion match is Iound, the section is placed at the end oI the output Iile
aIter all other segments. No program header entry is created Ior this inIormation. Most
non-allocable sections (e.g. debug sections) end up in this area.
2. When the section Ialls into a segment, the link-editor checks the list oI existing output
sections in that segment as Iollows.
II the section attribute values match those oI an existing output section exactly, the
section is placed at the end oI the list oI sections associated with that output section.
II no matching output section is Iound, a new output section is created with the attributes
oI the section being placed, and the input section is placed within the new output section.
This new output section is positioned within the segment Iollowing any other output
sections with the same section type, or at the end oI the segment iI there are none.

II the input section has a user-deIined section type value between SHT_LJUSER and
SHT_HIUSER, the section is treated as a PRJGBITS section. No method exists Ior naming
this section type value in the mapfile, but these sections can be redirected using the other
attribute value speciIications (section Ilags, section name) in the entrance criterion.

Mapfile irectives for Predefined Segments and Entrance
The link-editor provides a predeIined set oI output segment descriptors and entrance criteria, as
described in PredeIined Segments. The link-editor already knows about these sections, so
mapIile directives are not required to create them. The mapIile directives that could be used to
produce them are shown Ior illustrative purposes, and as an example oI a relatively complex
mapfile speciIication. MapIile segment directives can be used to modiIy or augment these built
in deIinitions.
Normally, section to segment assignments are done within a single segment directive. However,
the predeIined sections have more complex requirements, requiring their entrance criteria to be
processed in a diIIerent order than the segments are laid out in memory. Two passes are used to
achieve this, the Iirst to deIine all the segments in the desired order, and the second to establish
entrance criteria in an order that will achieve the desired results. It is rare Ior a user mapfile to
require this strategy.
# Predefined segments and entrance criteria for the Jracle Solaris
# link-editor
$mapfile_version 2

# The lrodata and ldata segments only apply to x86-64 objects.
# Establish amd64 as a convenient token for conditional input
$if _EL64 && _x86
$add amd64

# Pass 1: Define the segments and their attributes, but
# defer the entrance criteria details to the 2nd pass.
$if amd64
LJAD_SEGMENT lrodata ,

# Pass 2: Define ASSIGN_SECTIJN attributes for the segments defined
# above, in the order the link-editor should evaluate them.

# All SHT_NJTE sections go to the note segment
$if amd64
# Medium/large model x86-64 readonly sections to lrodata
LJAD_SEGMENT lrodata ,

# text receives all readonly allocable sections

# If bss is enabled, it takes the writable NJBITS sections
# that would otherwise end up in ldata or data.

$if amd64
# Medium/large model x86-64 writable sections to ldata

# Any writable allocable sections not taken above go to data

# Any section that makes it to this point ends up at the
# end of the object file in the extra segment. This accounts
# for the bulk of non-allocable sections.
Appendix A Link-Editor Quick Reference
The Iollowing sections provide a simple overview, or cheat sheet, oI the most commonly used
link-editor scenarios. See Link-Editing Ior an introduction to the kinds oI output modules
generated by the link-editor.
The examples provided show the link-editor options as supplied to a compiler driver, this being
the most common mechanism oI invoking the link-editor. In these examples cc(1) is used. See
Using a ompiler Driver.
The link-editor places no meaning on the name oI any input Iile. Each Iile is opened and
inspected to determine the type oI processing it requires. See Input File Processing.
Shared objects that Iollow a naming convention oI, and archive libraries that Iollow a
naming convention oI libx.a, can be input using the l option. See Library Naming
onventions. This provides additional Ilexibility in allowing search paths to be speciIied using
the L option. See Directories Searched by the Link-Editor.
Over time, the link-editor has added many Ieatures that provide Ior the creation oI high quality
objects. These Ieatures can enable the object to be used eIIiciently and reliably in various
runtime environments. However, to ensure backward compatibility with existing build
environments, many oI these Ieatures are not enabled by deIault. For example, Ieatures such as
direct bindings and lazy loading must be explicitly enabled. The link-editor provides the
guidance option to help simpliIy the process oI selecting which Ieatures to apply. When
guidance is requested, the link-editor can issue warning guidance messages. These messages
suggesting options to use, and other related changes, that can help produce higher quality
objects. Guidance messages might change over time, as new Ieatures are added to the link-editor,
or as better practices are discovered to generate high qualiIy objects. See ld(1).
The link-editor basically operates in one oI two modes, static or dnamic.
Static Mode
Static mode is selected when the d n option is used, and enables you to create relocatable
objects and static executables. Under this mode, only relocatable objects and archive libraries are
acceptable Iorms oI input. Use oI the l option results in a search Ior archive libraries.
Creating a Relocatable Object
To create a relocatable object use the r option.

$ ld r o temp.o file1.o file2.o file3.o .....
Creating a Static Executable

ote -
The use oI static executables is limited. See Static Executables. Static executables usually
contain platIorm-speciIic implementation details that restrict the ability oI the executable to be
run on an alternative platIorm, or version oI the operating system. Many implementations oI
Oracle Solaris shared objects depend on dynamic linking Iacilities, such as dlopen(3) and
dlsym(3). See Loading Additional Objects. These Iacilities are not available to static

To create a static executable use the d n option without the r option.

$ .. dn o prog file1.o file2.o file3.o .....
The a option is available to indicate the creation oI a static executable. The use oI d n without
a r implies a.
namic Mode
Dynamic mode is the deIault mode oI operation Ior the link-editor. It can be enIorced by
speciIying the d y option, but is implied when not using the d n option.
Under this mode, relocatable objects, shared objects and archive libraries are acceptable Iorms oI
input. Use oI the l option results in a directory search, where each directory is searched Ior a
shared object. II no shared object is Iound, the same directory is then searched Ior an archive
library. A search only Ior archive libraries can be enIorced by using the B stati. option. See
Linking With a Mix oI Shared Objects and Archives.
Creating a Shared Object
O To create a shared object use the option. d y is optional as it is implied by deIault.
O The use oI the link-editor guidance option is recommended. Guidance messages oIIer
suggestions Ior link-editor options and other actions that can improve the resulting object.
O Input relocatable objects should be built Irom position-independent code. For example,
the compiler generates position-independent code under the pi. option. See
Position-Independent ode. Use the text option to enIorce this requirement.
O Avoid including unused relocatable objects. Or, use the ignore option, which
instructs the link-editor to eliminate unreIerenced ELF sections. See #emove Unused
O Application registers are a Ieature oI the SPA# architecture which are reserved Ior use
by the end user. SPA# shared objects intended Ior external use should use the
xregs=no%appl option to the compiler in order to ensure that the shared object does
not use any application registers. This makes the application registers available to any
external users without compromising the shared object's implementation.
O Establish the shared object's public interIace by deIining the global symbols that should
be visible Irom the shared object, and reducing any other global symbols to local scope.
This deIinition is provided by the option together with an associated mapfile. See
Appendix B, Versioning Quick #eIerence.
O Use a versioned name Ior the shared object to allow Ior Iuture upgrades. See
oordination oI Versioned Filenames.
O SelI-contained shared objects oIIer maximum Ilexibility. They are produced when the
object expresses all dependency needs. Use the defs to enIorce this selI containment.
See Generating a Shared Object Output File.
O Avoid unneeded dependencies. Use ldd with the u option to detect and remove
unneeded dependencies. See Shared Object Processing. Or, use the ignore option,
which instructs the link-editor to record dependencies only to objects that are reIerenced.
O II the shared object being generated has dependencies on other shared objects, indicate
they should be lazily loaded using the layload option. See Lazy Loading oI
Dynamic Dependencies.
O II the shared object being generated has dependencies on other shared objects, and these
dependencies do not reside in the deIault search locations, record their path name in the
output Iile using the R option. See Shared Objects With Dependencies.
O II interposing symbols are not used on this object or its dependencies, establish direct
binding inIormation with B dire.t. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings.
The Iollowing example combines the above points.

$ .. . o foo.o pi. xregs=no%appl foo..
$ .. mapfile o text defs B dire.t layload \
ignore R /home/lib foo.o L. lbar l.
O II the shared object being generated is used as input to another link-edit, record within it
the shared object's runtime name using the h option. See #ecording a Shared Object
O Make the shared object available to the compilation environment by creating a Iile
system link to a non-versioned shared object name. See oordination oI Versioned
The Iollowing example combines the above points.

$ .. mapfile o text defs B dire.t layload \
ignore R /home/lib h foo.o L. lbar l.
$ ln s
O onsider the perIormance implications oI the shared object: Maximize shareability, as
described in Maximizing Shareability: Minimize paging activity, as described in
Minimizing Paging Activity: #educe relocation overhead, especially by minimizing
symbolic relocations, as described in #educing Symbol Scope: Allow access to data
through Iunctional interIaces, as described in opy #elocations.
Creating a namic Executable
O To create a dynamic executable don't use the , or d n options.
O The use oI the link-editor guidance option is recommended. Guidance messages oIIer
suggestions Ior link-editor options and other actions that can improve the resulting object.
O Indicate that the dependencies oI the dynamic executable should be lazily loaded using
the layload option. See Lazy Loading oI Dynamic Dependencies.
O Avoid unneeded dependencies. Use ldd with the u option to detect and remove
unneeded dependencies. See Shared Object Processing. Or, use the ignore option,
which instructs the link-editor to record dependencies only to objects that are reIerenced.
O II the dependencies oI the dynamic executable do not reside in the deIault search
locations, record their path name in the output Iile using the R option. See Directories
Searched by the #untime Linker.
O Establish direct binding inIormation using B dire.t. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings.
The Iollowing example combines the above points.

$ .. o prog R /home/lib ignore layload B dire.t L. \
lfoo file1.o file2.o file3.o .....
Appendix B Versioning Quick Reference
ELF objects make available global symbols to which other objects can bind. Some oI these
global symbols can be identiIied as providing the object's public interface. Other symbols are
part oI the object's internal implementation and are not intended Ior external use. An object's
interIace can evolve Irom one soItware release to another release. The ability to identiIy this
evolution is desirable.
In addition, identiIying the internal implementation changes oI an object Irom one soItware
release to another release might be desirable.
Both interIace and implementation identiIications can be recorded within an object by
establishing internal version definitions. See hapter 5, Application Binary InterIaces and
Versioning Ior a more complete introduction to the concept oI internal versioning.
Shared objects are prime candidates Ior internal versioning. This technique deIines their
evolution, provides Ior interIace validation during runtime processing (see Binding to a Version
DeIinition), and provides Ior the selective binding oI applications (see SpeciIying a Version
Binding). Shared objects are used as the examples throughout this appendix.
The Iollowing sections provide a simple overview, or cheat sheet, oI the internal versioning
mechanism provided by the link-editor and runtime linker as applied to shared objects. The
examples recommend conventions and mechanisms Ior versioning shared objects, Irom their
initial construction through several common update scenarios.
aming Conventions
A shared object Iollows a naming convention that includes a major number Iile suIIix. See
Naming onventions. Within this shared object, one or more version definitions can be created.
Each version deIinition corresponds to one oI the Iollowing categories.
O It deIines an industry-standard interIace (Ior example, the Sstem V Application Binar
O It deIines a vendor-speciIic public interIace.
O It deIines a vendor-speciIic private interIace.
O It deIines a vendor-speciIic change to the internal implementation oI the object.
The Iollowing version deIinition naming conventions help indicate which oI these categories the
deIinition represents.
The Iirst three oI these categories indicate interIace deIinitions. These deIinitions consist oI an
association oI the global symbol names that make up the interIace, with a version deIinition
name. See reating a Version DeIinition. InterIace changes within a shared object are oIten
reIerred to as minor revisions. ThereIore, version deIinitions oI this type are suIIixed with a
minor version number, which is based on the Iile names major version number suIIix.
The last category indicates a change having occurred within the object. This deIinition consists
oI a version deIinition acting as a label and has no symbol name associated with it. This
deIinition is reIerred to as being a weak version deIinition. See reating a Weak Version
DeIinition. Implementation changes within a shared object are oIten reIerred to as micro
revisions. ThereIore, version deIinitions oI this type are suIIixed with a micro version number
based on the previous minor number to which the internal changes have been applied.
Any industry standard interIace should use a version deIinition name that reIlects the standard.
Any vendor interIaces should use a version deIinition name unique to that vendor. The
company's stock symbol is oIten appropriate.
Private version deIinitions indicate symbols that have restricted or uncommitted use, and should
have the word 'private clearly visible.
All version deIinitions result in the creation oI associated version symbol names. The use oI
unique names and the minor/micro suIIix convention reduces the chance oI symbol collision
within the object being built.
The Iollowing version deIinition examples show the possible use oI these naming conventions.
DeIines the Sstem V Application Binar Interface standards interIace.
DeIines an Oracle Solaris OS public interIace.
DeIines an Oracle Solaris OS private interIace.
DeIines an Oracle Solaris OS internal implementation change.
efining a Shared Object's Interface
When establishing a shared object's interIace, you should Iirst determine which global symbols
provided by the shared object can be associated to one oI the three interIace version deIinition
O Industry standard interIace symbols conventionally are deIined in publicly available
header Iiles and associated manual pages supplied by the vendor, and are also
documented in recognized standards literature.
O Vendor public interIace symbols conventionally are deIined in publicly available header
Iiles and associated manual pages supplied by the vendor.
O Vendor private interIace symbols can have little or no public deIinition.
By deIining these interIaces, a vendor is indicating the commitment level oI each interIace oI the
shared object. Industry standard and vendor public interIaces remain stable Irom release to
release. ou are Iree to bind to these interIaces saIe in the knowledge that your application will
continue to Iunction correctly Irom release to release.
Industry-standard interIaces might be available on systems provided by other vendors. ou can
achieve a higher level oI binary compatibility by restricting your applications to use these
Vendor public interIaces might not be available on systems provided by other vendors. However,
these interIaces remain stable during the evolution oI the system on which they are provided.
Vendor private interIaces are very unstable, and can change, or even be deleted, Irom release to
release. These interIaces provide Ior uncommitted or experimental Iunctionality, or are intended
to provide access Ior vendor-speciIic applications only. II you want to achieve any level oI
binary compatibility, you should avoid using these interIaces.
Any global symbols that do not Iall into one oI the above categories should be reduced to local
scope so that they are no longer visible Ior binding. See #educing Symbol Scope.
Versioning a Shared Object
Having determined a shared object's available interIaces, the associated version deIinitions are
created using a mapfile and the link-editor's option. See SMBOLSOPE /
SMBOLVE#SION Directives Ior an introduction to this mapfile syntax.
The Iollowing example deIines a vendor public interIace in the shared object

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1 , # Release X.
$ .. o h text mapfile foo..
The global symbols foo1 and foo2 are assigned to the shared object's public interIace SUNW_1.1.
Any other global symbols supplied Irom the input Iiles are reduced to local by the auto-reduction
directive '*. See #educing Symbol Scope.

ote -
Each version deIinition mapfile entry should be accompanied by a comment reIlecting the
release or date oI the update. This inIormation helps coordinate multiple updates oI a shared
object, possibly by diIIerent developers, into one version deIinition suitable Ior delivery oI the
shared object as part oI a soItware release.

Versioning an Existing (on-versioned) Shared Object
Versioning an existing, non-versioned shared object requires extra care. The shared object
delivered in a previous soItware release has made available all its global symbols Ior others to
bind with. Although you can determine the shared object's intended interIaces, others might have
discovered and bound to other symbols. ThereIore, the removal oI any symbols might result in
an application's Iailure on delivery oI the new versioned shared object.
The internal versioning oI an existing, non-versioned shared object can be achieved iI the
interIaces can be determined, and applied, without breaking any existing applications. The
runtime linker's debugging Iacilities can be useIul to help veriIy the binding requirements oI
various applications. See Debugging Facility. However, this determination oI existing binding
requirements assumes that all users oI the shared object are known.
II the binding requirements oI an existing, non-versioned shared object cannot be determined,
then you should create a new shared object Iile using a new versioned name. See oordination oI
Versioned Filenames. In addition to this new shared object, the original shared object must also
be delivered so as to satisIy the dependencies oI any existing applications.
II the implementation oI the original shared object is to be Irozen, then maintaining and
delivering the shared object binary might be suIIicient. II, however, the original shared object
might require updating then an alternative source tree Irom which to generate the shared object
can be more applicable. Updating might be necessary through patches, or because its
implementation must evolve to remain compatible with new platIorms.
&pdating a Versioned Shared Object
The only changes that can be made to a shared object that can be absorbed by internal versioning
are compatible changes. See InterIace ompatibility. Any incompatible changes require
producing a new shared object with a new external versioned name. See oordination oI
Versioned Filenames.
ompatible updates that can be accommodated by internal versioning Iall into three basic
O Adding new symbols
O reating new interIaces Irom existing symbols
O Internal implementation changes
The Iirst two categories are achieved by associating an interIace version deIinition with the
appropriate symbols. The latter is achieved by creating a weak version deIinition that has no
associated symbols.
Adding ew Smbols
Any compatible new release oI a shared object that contains new global symbols should assign
these symbols to a new version deIinition. This new version deIinition should inherit the
previous version deIinition.
The Iollowing mapfile example assigns the new symbol foo3 to the new interIace version
deIinition SUNW_1.2. This new interIace inherits the original interIace SUNW_1.1.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2 , # Release X+1.
, SUNW_1.1;
SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1 , # Release X.
The inheritance oI version deIinitions reduces the amount oI version inIormation that must be
recorded in any user oI the shared object.
Internal Implementation Changes
Any compatible new release oI the shared object that consists oI an update to the implementation
oI the object, Ior example, a bug Iix or perIormance improvement, should be accompanied by a
weak version deIinition. This new version deIinition should inherit the latest version deIinition
present at the time the update occurred.
The Iollowing mapfile example generates a weak version deIinition SUNW_1.1.1. This new
interIace indicates that the internal changes were made to the implementation oIIered by the
previous interIace SUNW_1.1.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1.1 , , SUNW_1.1; # Release X+1.

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1 , # Release X.
ew Smbols and Internal Implementation Changes
II both internal changes and the addition oI a new interIace have occurred during the same
release, both a weak version and an interIace version deIinition should be created. The Iollowing
example shows the addition oI a version deIinition SUNW_1.2 and an interIace change
SUNW_1.1.1, which are added during the same release cycle. Both interIaces inherit the original
interIace SUNW_1.1.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2 , # Release X+1.
, SUNW_1.1;

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1.1 , , SUNW_1.1; # Release X+1.

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1 , # Release X.

ote -
The comments Ior the SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.1.1 version deIinitions indicate that they have
both been applied to the same release.

Migrating Smbols to a Standard Interface
Occasionally, symbols oIIered by a vendor's interIace become absorbed into a new industry
standard. When creating a new standard interIace, make sure to maintain the original interIace
deIinitions provided by the shared object. reate intermediate version deIinitions on which the
new standard, and original interIace deIinitions, can be built.
The Iollowing mapfile example shows the addition oI a new industry standard interIace
STAND.1. This interIace contains the new symbol foo4 and the existing symbols foo3 and foo1,
which were originally oIIered through the interIaces SUNW_1.2 and SUNW_1.1 respectively.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
, STAND.0.1 STAND.0.2;

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.2 , # Release X+1.
, STAND.0.1 SUNW_1.1;

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1.1 , , SUNW_1.1; # Release X+1.

SYMBJL_VERSIJN SUNW_1.1 , # Release X.
, STAND.0.2;
# Subversion - providing for
# Subversion - providing for

The symbols foo3 and foo1 are pulled into their own intermediate interIace deIinitions, which
are used to create the original and new interIace deIinitions.
The new deIinition oI the SUNW_1.2 interIace has reIerenced its own version deIinition symbol.
Without this reIerence, the SUNW_1.2 interIace would have contained no immediate symbol
reIerences and hence would be categorized as a weak version deIinition.
When migrating symbol deIinitions to a standards interIace, any original interIace deIinitions
must continue to represent the same symbol list. This requirement can be validated using pvs(1).
The Iollowing example shows the symbol list oI the SUNW_1.2 interIace as it existed in the
soItware release X+1.

$ pvs ds N SUNW_1.2
Although the introduction oI the new standards interIace in soItware release X+2 has changed the
interIace version deIinitions available, the list oI symbols provided by each oI the original
interIaces remains constant. The Iollowing example shows that interIace SUNW_1.2 still provides
symbols foo1, foo2 and foo3.

$ pvs ds N SUNW_1.2
An application might only reIerence one oI the new subversions. In this case, any attempt to run
the application on a previous release results in a runtime versioning error. See Binding to a
Version DeIinition.
An application's version binding can be promoted by directly reIerencing an existing version
name. See Binding to Additional Version DeIinitions. For example, iI an application only
reIerences the symbol foo1 Irom the shared object, then its version reIerence is to
STAND.0.2. To enable this application to be run on previous releases, the version binding can be
promoted to SUNW_1.1 using a version control mapfile directive.

$ .at prog..
extern void foo1();

$ .. o prog prog.. L. R. lfoo
$ pvs r prog (STAND.0.2);

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. mapfile o prog prog.. L. R. lfoo
$ pvs r prog (SUNW_1.1);
In practice, you rarely have to promote a version binding in this manner. The introduction oI new
standards binary interIaces is rare, and most applications reIerence many symbols Irom an
interIace Iamily.
Appendix C Establishing ependencies with
namic String Tokens
A dynamic object can establish dependencies explicitly or through Iilters. Each oI these
mechanisms can be augmented with a runpath, which directs the runtime linker to search Ior
and load the required dependency. String names used to record Iilters, dependencies and runpath
inIormation can be augmented with the Iollowing reserved dynamic string tokens.
The Iollowing sections provide examples oI how each oI these tokens can be employed.
Capabilit Specific Shared Objects
The dynamic token $CAPABILITY can be used to speciIy a directory in which capability speciIic
shared objects exist. This token is available Ior Iilters and dependencies. As this token can
expand to multiple objects, its use with dependencies is controlled. Dependencies obtained with
dlopen(3), can use this token with the mode RTLD_IRST. Explicit dependencies that use this
token will load the Iirst appropriate dependency Iound.

ote -
The original capabilities implementation was based solely on hardware capabilities. The token
$HWCAP was used to select this capability processing. apabilities have since been extended
beyond hardware capabilities, and the $HWCAP token has been replaced by the $CAPABILITY
token. For compatibility, the $HWCAP token is interpreted as an alias Ior the $CAPABILITY token.

The path name speciIication must consist oI a Iull path name terminated with the $CAPABILITY
token. Shared objects that exist in the directory that is speciIied with the $CAPABILITY token are
inspected at runtime. These objects should indicate their capability requirements. See IdentiIying
apability #equirements. Each object is validated against the capabilities that are available to the
process. Those objects that are applicable Ior use with the process, are sorted in descending order
oI their capability values. These sorted Iiltees are used to resolve symbols that are deIined within
the Iilter.
Filtees within the capabilities directory have no naming restrictions. The Iollowing example
shows how the auxiliary Iilter can be designed to access hardware capability

$ LD_OPTIONS='f /opt/ISV/lib/.ap/CAPABILITY' \
.. o pi. h R. foo..
$ elfdump d | egrep 'SONAE|AUILIARY'
2, SJNAME 0x1
$ elfdump H /opt/ISV/lib/.ap/*


Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap
Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x1000 SSE2 ,


Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap
Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x40 MMX ,


Capabilities Section: .SUNW_cap
Jbject Capabilities:
index tag value
0, CA_SUNW_HW_1 0x800 SSE ,
II the Iilter is processed on a system where the MMX and SSE hardware capabilities
are available, the Iollowing Iiltee search order occurs.

$ .. o prog prog.. R. lfoo
$ LD_DEBU=symbols prog
01233: symbol=foo; lookup in EL ,
01233: symbol=foo; lookup in file=cap/ EL ,
01233: symbol=foo; lookup in file=cap/ EL ,
Note that the capability value Ior is greater than the capability value Ior is not a candidate Ior inclusion in the symbol search, as the SSE2
capability is not available.
Reducing Filtee Searches
The use oI $CAPABILITY within a Iilter enables one or more Iiltees to provide implementations
oI interIaces that are deIined within the Iilter.
All shared objects within the speciIied $CAPABILITY directory are inspected to validate their
availability, and to sort those Iound appropriate Ior the process. Once sorted, all objects are
loaded in preparation Ior use.
A Iiltee can be built with the link-editor's endfiltee option to indicate that it is the last oI
the available Iiltees. A Iiltee identiIied with this option, terminates the sorted list oI Iiltees Ior
that Iilter. No objects sorted aIter this Iiltee are loaded Ior the Iilter. From the previous example,
iI the Iiltee was tagged with endfiltee, the Iiltee search would be as Iollows.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols prog
01424: symbol=foo; lookup in EL ,
01424: symbol=foo; lookup in file=cap/ EL ,
Instruction Set Specific Shared Objects
The dynamic token $ISALIST is expanded at runtime to reIlect the native instruction sets
executable on this platIorm, as displayed by the utility isalist(1). This token is available Ior
Iilters, runpath deIinitions, and dependencies. As this token can expand to multiple objects, its
use with dependencies is controlled. Dependencies obtained with dlopen(3), can use this token
with the mode RTLD_IRST. Explicit dependencies that use this token will load the Iirst
appropriate dependency Iound.

ote -
This token is obsolete, and might be removed in a Iuture release oI Oracle Solaris. See apability
SpeciIic Shared Objects Ior the recommended technique Ior handling instruction set extensions.

Any string name that incorporates the $ISALIST token is eIIectively duplicated into multiple
strings. Each string is assigned one oI the available instruction sets.
The Iollowing example shows how the auxiliary Iilter can be designed to access an
instruction set speciIic Iiltee

$ LD_OPTIONS='f /opt/ISV/lib/ISALIST/' \
.. o pi. h R. foo..
$ elfdump d | egrep 'SONAE|AUILIARY'
2, SJNAME 0x1
Or alternatively the runpath can be used.

$ LD_OPTIONS='f' \
.. o pi. h R'/opt/ISV/lib/ISALIST' foo..
$ elfdump d | egrep 'RUNPATH|AUILIARY'
4, RUNPATH 0xa2 /opt/ISV/lib/$ISALIST
In either case the runtime linker uses the platIorm available instruction list to construct multiple
search paths. For example, the Iollowing application is dependent on and executed
on a SUNW,Ultra-2.

$ ldd ls prog
find; required by ./
search path=/opt/ISV/lib/$ISALIST (RPATH from file ./
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv9+vis/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv9/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv8plus+vis/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv8plus/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv8/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv8-fsmuld/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv7/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparc/
Or an application with similar dependencies is executed on an MMX conIigured Pentium Pro.

$ ldd ls prog
find; required by ./
search path=/opt/ISV/lib/$ISALIST (RPATH from file ./
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/pentium_pro+mmx/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/pentium_pro/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/pentium+mmx/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/pentium/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/i486/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/i386/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/i86/
Reducing Filtee Searches
The use oI $ISALIST within a Iilter enables one or more Iiltees to provide implementations oI
interIaces deIined within the Iilter.
Any interIace deIined in a Iilter can result in an exhaustive search oI all potential Iiltees in an
attempt to locate the required interIace. II Iiltees are being employed to provide perIormance
critical Iunctions, this exhaustive Iiltee searching can be counterproductive.
A Iiltee can be built with the link-editor's endfiltee option to indicate that it is the last oI
the available Iiltees. This option terminates any Iurther Iiltee searching Ior that Iilter. From the
previous SPA# example, iI the SPA#V9 Iiltee existed, and was tagged with endfiltee,
the Iiltee searches would be as Iollows.

$ ldd ls prog
find; required by ./
search path=/opt/ISV/lib/$ISALIST (RPATH from file ./
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv9+vis/
trying path=/opt/ISV/lib/sparcv9/
Sstem Specific Shared Objects
The dynamic tokens $JSNAME, $JSREL, $PLATJRM and $MACHINE are expanded at runtime to
provide system speciIic inIormation. These tokens are available Ior Iilters, runpath, or
dependency deIinitions.
$JSNAME expands to reIlect the name oI the operating system, as displayed by the utility
uname(1) with the s option. $JSREL expands to reIlect the operating system release level, as
displayed by uname -r. $PLATJRM expands to reIlect the underlying platIorm name, as
displayed by uname -i. $MACHINE expands to reIlect the underlying machine hardware name, as
displayed by uname -m.
The Iollowing example shows how the auxiliary Iilter can be designed to access a
platIorm speciIic Iiltee

$ LD_OPTIONS='f /platform/PLATFOR/lib/' \
.. o pi. h R. foo..
$ elfdump d | egrep 'SONAE|AUILIARY'
2, SJNAME 0x1
This mechanism is used in the Oracle Solaris OS to provide platIorm speciIic extensions to the
shared object /lib/
Locating Associated ependencies
Typically, an unbundled product is designed to be installed in a unique location. This product is
composed oI binaries, shared object dependencies, and associated conIiguration Iiles. For
example, the unbundled product ABC might have the layout shown in the Iollowing Iigure.
Figure C-1 &nbundled ependencies

Assume that the product is designed Ior installation under /opt. Normally, you would augment
the PATH with /opt/ABC/bin to locate the product's binaries. Each binary locates their
dependencies using a hard-coded runpath within the binary. For the application abc, this runpath
would be as Iollows.

$ .. o ab. ab... R/opt/ABC/lib L/opt/ABC/lib lA
$ elfdump d ab. | egrep 'NEEDED|RUNPATH'
0, NEEDED 0x1b5
4, RUNPATH 0x1bf /opt/ABC/lib
Similarly, Ior the dependency the runpath would be as Iollows.

$ .. o pi. A.. R/opt/ABC/lib L/opt/ABC/lib lB
$ elfdump d | egrep 'NEEDED|RUNPATH'
0, NEEDED 0x96
4, RUNPATH 0xa0 /opt/ABC/lib
This dependency representation works until the product is installed in some directory other than
the recommended deIault.
The dynamic token $JRIGIN expands to the directory in which an object originated. This token is
available Ior Iilters, runpath, or dependency deIinitions. Use this technology to redeIine the
unbundled application to locate its dependencies in terms oI $JRIGIN.

$ .. o ab. ab... 'RORIIN/../lib' L/opt/ABC/lib lA
$ elfdump d ab. | egrep 'NEEDED|RUNPATH'
0, NEEDED 0x1b5
4, RUNPATH 0x1bf $JRIGIN/../lib
The dependency can also be deIined in terms oI $JRIGIN.

$ .. o pi. A.. 'RORIIN' L/opt/ABC/lib lB
$ elfdump d lib/ | egrep 'NEEDED|RUNPATH'
0, NEEDED 0x96
II this product is now installed under /usr/local/ABC and the user's PATH is augmented with
/usr/local/ABC/bin, invocation oI the application abc result in a path name lookup Ior its
dependencies as Iollows.

$ ldd s ab.
find; required by abc
search path=$JRIGIN/../lib (RUNPATH/RPATH from file abc)
trying path=/usr/local/ABC/lib/ = /usr/local/ABC/lib/

find; required by /usr/local/ABC/lib/
search path=$JRIGIN (RUNPATH/RPATH from file
trying path=/usr/local/ABC/lib/ = /usr/local/ABC/lib/
ependencies Between &nbundled Products
Another issue related to dependency location is how to establish a model whereby unbundled
products express dependencies between themselves.
For example, the unbundled product XYZ might have dependencies on the product ABC. This
dependency can be established by a host package installation script. This script generates a
symbolic link to the installation point oI the ABC product, as shown in the Iollowing Iigure.
Figure C-2 &nbundled Co-ependencies

The binaries and shared objects oI the XYZ product can represent their dependencies on the ABC
product using the symbolic link. This link is now a stable reIerence point. For the application
xyz, this runpath would be as Iollows.

$ .. o xy xy.. 'RORIIN/../lib:ORIIN/../ABC/lib' \
L/opt/ABC/lib l lA
$ elfdump d xy | egrep 'NEEDED|RUNPATH'
0, NEEDED 0x1b5
1, NEEDED 0x1bf
2, NEEDED 0x18f
5, RUNPATH 0x1c9
and similarly Ior the dependency this runpath would be as Iollows.

$ .. o pi. .. 'RORIIN:ORIIN/../ABC/lib' \
L/opt/ABC/lib lY lC
$ elfdump d | egrep 'NEEDED|RUNPATH'
0, NEEDED 0x96
1, NEEDED 0xa0
II this product is now installed under /usr/local/XYZ, its post-install script would be required
to establish a symbolic link oI.

$ ln s ../ABC /usr/
II the user's PATH is augmented with /usr/local/XYZ/bin, then invocation oI the application
xyz result in a path name lookup Ior its dependencies as Iollows.

$ ldd s xy
find; required by xyz
search path=$JRIGIN/../lib:$JRIGIN/../ABC/lib (RUNPATH/RPATH from file
trying path=/usr/local/XYZ/lib/ = /usr/local/XYZ/lib/

find; required by xyz
search path=$JRIGIN/../lib:$JRIGIN/../ABC/lib (RUNPATH/RPATH from file
trying path=/usr/local/XYZ/lib/
trying path=/usr/local/ABC/lib/ = /usr/local/ABC/lib/

find; required by /usr/local/XYZ/lib/
search path=$JRIGIN:$JRIGIN/../ABC/lib \
(RUNPATH/RPATH from file /usr/local/XYZ/lib/
trying path=/usr/local/XYZ/lib/ = /usr/local/XYZ/lib/

find; required by /usr/local/XYZ/lib/
search path=$JRIGIN:$JRIGIN/../ABC/lib \
(RUNPATH/RPATH from file /usr/local/XYZ/lib/
trying path=/usr/local/XYZ/lib/
trying path=/usr/local/ABC/lib/ = /usr/local/ABC/lib/

find; required by /usr/local/ABC/lib/
search path=$JRIGIN (RUNPATH/RPATH from file
trying path=/usr/local/ABC/lib/ = /usr/local/ABC/lib/
In a secure process, the expansion oI the $JRIGIN string is allowed only iI it expands to a trusted
directory. The occurrence oI other relative path names, poses a security risk.
A path like $JRIGIN/../lib apparently points to a Iixed location, Iixed by the location oI the
executable. However, the location is not actually Iixed. A writable directory in the same Iile
system could exploit a secure program that uses $JRIGIN.
The Iollowing example shows this possible security breach iI $JRIGIN was arbitrarily expanded
within a secure process.

$ .d /worldwritable/dir/in/same/fs
$ mkdir bin lib
$ ln ORIIN/bin/program bin/program
$ .p ~/ lib/
$ bin/program
.... using
ou can use the utility crle(1) to speciIy trusted directories that enable secure applications to use
$JRIGIN. Administrators who use this technique should ensure that the target directories are
suitably protected Irom malicious intrusion.
Appendix irect Bindings
As part oI constructing a process Irom a dynamic executable and a number oI dependencies, the
runtime linker must bind symbol reIerences to symbol deIinitions. By deIault, symbol deIinitions
are discovered using a simple search model. Typically, each object is searched, starting with the
dynamic executable, and progressing through each dependency in the same order in which the
objects are loaded. This model has been in eIIect since dynamic linking was Iirst introduced.
This simple model typically results in all symbol reIerences being bound to one deIinition. The
bound deIinition is the Iirst deIinition that is Iound in the series oI dependencies that have been
Dynamic executables have evolved into Iar more complex processes than the executables that
were developed when dynamic linking was in its inIancy. The number oI dependencies has
grown Irom tens to hundreds. The number oI symbolic interIaces that are reIerenced between
dynamic objects has also grown substantially. The size oI symbol names has increased
considerably with techniques such as the name mangling used to support languages such as .
These Iactors have contributed to an increase in startup time Ior many applications, as symbol
reIerences are bound to symbol deIinitions.
The increase in the number oI symbols within a process has also led to an increase in namespace
pollution. Multiple instances oI symbols oI the same name are becoming more common.
Unanticipated, and erroneous bindings that result Irom multiple instances oI the same symbol
Irequently result in hard to diagnose process Iailures.
In addition, processes now exist where individual objects oI the process need to bind to diIIerent
instances oI multiply deIined symbols oI the same name.
To address the overhead oI the deIault search model while providing greater symbol binding
Ilexibility, an alternative symbol search model has been created. This model is reIerred to as
direct binding.
Direct binding allows Ior precise binding relationships to be established between the objects oI a
process. Direct binding relationships can help avoid any accidental namespace clashes, by
isolating the associated objects Irom unintentional bindings. This protection adds to the
robustness oI the objects within a process, which can help avoid unexpected, hard to diagnose,
binding situations.
Direct bindings can aIIect interposition. Unintentional interposition can be avoided by employing
direct bindings. However, intentional interposition can be circumvented by direct bindings.
This chapter describes the direct binding model together with discussing interposition issues that
should be considered when converting objects to use this model.
Observing Smbol Bindings
To understand the deIault symbol search model and compare this model with direct bindings, the
Iollowing components are used to build a process.

$ .at main..
extern int W(), X();

int main() , return (W() + X()); ,

$ .at W..
extern int b();

int a() , return (1); ,
int W() , return (a() - b()); ,

$ .at w..
int b() , return (2); ,

$ .at ..
extern int b();

int a() , return (3); ,
int X() , return (a() - b()); ,

$ .at x..
int b() , return (4); ,

$ .. o pi. w..
$ .. o pi. W.. R.
$ .. o pi. x..
$ .. o .so.1 pi. .. R.
$ .. o prog1 R. main.. .so.1
The components oI the application are loaded in the Iollowing order.

$ ldd prog1 = ./ = ./ = ./ = ./
Both Iiles and deIine a Iunction that is named a(). Both Iiles and deIine a Iunction that is named b(). In addition, both Iiles and reIerence
the Iunctions a() and b().
The runtime symbol search, using the deIault search model, together with the Iinal binding, can
be observed by setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable. From the runtime linkers diagnostics,
the bindings to the Iunctions a() and b() can be revealed.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols,bindings prog1
17375: symbol=a; lookup in file=prog1 EL ,
17375: symbol=a; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `a'
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=prog1 EL ,
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `b'
17375: symbol=a; lookup in file=prog1 EL ,
17375: symbol=a; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `a'
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=prog1 EL ,
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
17375: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `b'
Each reIerence to one oI the Iunctions a() or b(), results in a search Ior the associated symbol
starting with the application prog1. Each reIerence to a() binds to the Iirst instance oI the
symbol which is discovered in Each reIerence to b() binds to the Iirst instance oI the
symbol which is discovered in This example reveals how the Iunction deIinitions in and interpose on the Iunction deIinitions in and The existence
oI interposition is an important Iactor when considering the use oI direct bindings. Interposition
is covered in detail in the sections that Iollow.
This example is concise, and the associated diagnostics are easy to Iollow. However, most
applications are Iar more complex, being constructed Irom many dynamic components. These
components are Irequently delivered asynchronously, having been built Irom separate source
The analysis oI the diagnostics Irom a complex process can be challenging. Another technique
Ior analyzing the interIace requirements oI dynamic objects is to use the lari(1) utility. lari
analyzes the binding inIormation oI a process together with the interIace deIinitions provided by
each object. This inIormation allows lari to concisely convey interesting inIormation about the
symbol dependencies oI a process. This inIormation is very useIul when analyzing interposition
in conjunction with direct bindings.
By deIault, lari conveys inIormation that is considered interesting. This inIormation originates
Irom multiple instances oI a symbol deIinition. lari reveals the Iollowing inIormation Ior

$ lari prog1
2:2ES,: a(): ./
2:0,: a(): ./
2:2E,: b(): ./
2:0,: b(): ./
In this example, the process established Irom prog1 contains two multiply deIined symbols, a()
and b(). The initial elements oI the output diagnostics, those elements that are enclosed in the
brackets, describe the associated symbols.
The Iirst decimal value identiIies the number oI instances oI the associated symbol. Two
instances oI a() and b() exist. The second decimal value identiIies the number oI bindings that
have been resolved to this symbol. The symbol deIinition a() Irom reveals that two
bindings have been established to this dependency. Similarly, the symbol deIinition b() Irom reveals that two bindings have been established to this dependency. The letters that
Iollow the number oI bindings, qualiIy the binding. The letter 'E indicates that a binding has
been established Irom an external object. The letter 'S indicates that a binding has been
established Irom the same object.
LD_DEBUG, lari, and the process examples built Irom these components, are used to Iurther
investigate direct binding scenarios in the sections that Iollow.
Enabling irect Binding
An object that uses direct bindings maintains the relationship between a symbol reIerence and
the dependency that provided the deIinition. The runtime linker uses this inIormation to search
directly Ior the symbol in the associated object, rather than carry out the deIault symbol search
Direct binding inIormation Ior a dynamic object is recorded at link-edit time. This inIormation
can only be established Ior the dependencies that are speciIied with the link-edit oI that object.
Use the defs option to ensure that all oI the necessary dependencies are provided as part oI
the link-edit.
Objects that use direct bindings can exist within a process with objects that do not use direct
bindings. Those objects that do not use direct bindings use the deIault symbol search model.
The direct binding oI a symbol reIerence to a symbol deIinition can be established with one oI
the Iollowing link-editing mechanisms.
O With the B dire.t option. This option establishes direct bindings between the object
being built and all oI the objects dependencies. This option also establishes direct
bindings between any symbol reIerence and symbol deIinition within the object being
The use oI the B dire.t option also enables lazy loading. This enabling is equivalent to
adding the layload option to the Iront oI the link-edit command line. This attribute
was introduced in Lazy Loading oI Dynamic Dependencies.
O With the dire.t option. This option establishes direct bindings Irom the object being
built to any dependencies that Iollow the option on the command line. This option can be
used together with the nodire.t option to toggle the use oI direct bindings between
dependencies. This option does not establish direct bindings between any symbol
reIerence and symbol deIinition within the object being built.
O With the DIRECT mapfile keyword. This keyword provides Ior directly binding
individual symbols. This keyword is described in SMBOLSOPE /
SMBOLVE#SION Directives.

ote -
Direct bindings can be disabled at runtime by setting the environment variable LD_NJDIRECT to a
non-null value. By setting this environment variable, all symbol binding within a process is
carried out using the deIault search model.

The Iollowing sections describe the use oI each oI the direct binding mechanisms.
&sing the B dire.t Option
The B dire.t option provides the simplest mechanism oI enabling direct binding Ior any
dynamic object. This option establishes direct bindings to any dependencies, and within the
object being built.
From the components used in the previous example, a directly bound object,, can be

$ .. o pi. W.. R. Bdire.t
$ .. o prog2 R. main.. .so.1
The direct binding inIormation is maintained in a symbol inIormation section, .SUNW_syminfo,
within This section can be viewed with elIdump(1).

$ elfdump y
6, DB <self a
7, DBL 1, b
The letters 'DB indicates a direct binding has been recorded Ior the associated symbol. The
Iunction a() has been bound to the containing object The Iunction b() has been bound
directly to the dependency The letter 'L indicates that the dependency should
also be lazily loaded.
The direct bindings that are established Ior can be observed using the LD_DEBUG
environment variable. The detail token adds additional inIormation to the binding diagnostics.
For, this token indicates the direct nature oI the binding. The detail token also provides
additional inIormation about the binding addresses. For simpliIication, this address inIormation
has been omitted Irom the output generated Irom the Iollowing examples.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols,bindings,detail prog2
18452: symbol=a; lookup in file=./ EL ,
18452: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `a' (direct)
18452: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
18452: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `b' (direct)
The lari(1) utility can also reveal the direct binding inIormation.

$ lari prog2
2:2ESD,: a(): ./
2:0,: a(): ./
2:2ED,: b(): ./
2:0,: b(): ./
The letter 'D indicates that the Iunction a() deIined by has been bound to directly.
Similarly, the Iunction b() deIined in has been bound to directly.

ote -
The direct binding oI to Ior the Iunction a() results in a similar eIIect as would
be created had the B symboli. option been used to build However, the B symboli.
option causes reIerences such as a(), that can be resolved internally, to be Iinalized at link-edit
time. This symbol resolution leaves no binding to resolve at runtime.
Unlike B symboli. bindings, a B dire.t binding is leIt Ior resolution at runtime. ThereIore,
this binding can be overridden by explicit interposition, or disabled by setting the environment
variable LD_NJDIRECT to a non-null value.
Symbolic bindings have oIten been employed to reduce the runtime relocation overhead incurred
when loading complex objects. Direct bindings can be used to establish exactly the same symbol
bindings. However, a runtime relocation is still required to create each direct binding. Direct
bindings require more overhead than symbolic bindings, but provide Ior greater Ilexibility.

&sing the dire.t Option
The dire.t option provides a mechanism oI establishing direct bindings to any dependencies
that Iollow the option on the link-edit command line. Unlike the B dire.t option, no direct
bindings are established within the object that is being built.
This option is well suited Ior building objects that are designed to be interposed upon. For
example, shared objects are sometimes designed that contain a number oI deIault, or Iall back,
interIaces. Applications are Iree to deIine their own deIinitions oI these interIaces with the intent
that the application deIinitions are bound to at runtime. To allow an application to interpose on
the interIaces oI a shared object, build the shared object using the dire.t option rather than
the B dire.t option.
The dire.t option is also useIul iI you want to be selective over directly binding to one or
more dependencies. The nodire.t option allows you to toggle the use oI direct bindings
between the dependencies supplied with a link-edit.
From the components used in the previous example, a directly bound object can be

$ .. o .so.2 pi. .. R. dire.t
$ .. o prog3 R. main.. .so.2
The direct binding inIormation can be viewed with elIdump(1).

$ elfdump y .so.2
6, D <self a
7, DB 1, b
The Iunction b() has been bound directly to the dependency The Iunction a()is deIined
as having a potential direct binding, 'D, with the object, but no direct binding is
The LD_DEBUG environment variable can be used to observe the runtime bindings.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols,bindings,detail prog3
06177: symbol=a; lookup in file=prog3 EL ,
06177: symbol=a; lookup in file=./ EL ,
06177: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `a'
06177: symbol=b; lookup in file=./ EL ,
06177: binding file=./ to file=./ symbol `b' (direct)
The lari(1) utility can also reveal the direct binding inIormation.

$ lari prog3
2:2ESD,: a(): ./
2:0,: a(): ./
2:1ED,: b(): ./
2:1ED,: b(): ./
The Iunction a() deIined by continues to satisIy the deIault symbol reIerence made by However, the Iunction b() deIined in has now been bound to directly Irom the
reIerence made by
&sing the DIRECT mapfile Keword
The DIRECT mapfile keyword provides a means oI establishing a direct binding Ior individual
symbols. This mechanism is intended Ior specialized link-editing scenarios.
From the components used in the previous example, the Iunction main() reIerences the external
Iunctions W() and (). The binding oI these Iunctions Iollow the deIault search model.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols,bindings prog3
18754: symbol=W; lookup in file=prog3 EL ,
18754: symbol=W; lookup in file=./ EL ,
18754: binding file=prog3 to file=./ symbol `W'
18754: symbol=X; lookup in file=prog3 EL ,
18754: symbol=X; lookup in file=./ EL ,
18754: symbol=X; lookup in file=./ EL ,
18754: binding file=prog3 to file=./ symbol `X'
prog3 can be rebuilt with DIRECT mapfile keywords so that direct bindings are established to
the Iunctions W() and ().

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o prog4 R. main.. .so.2 mapfile
The LD_DEBUG environment variable can be used to observe the runtime bindings.

$ LD_DEBU=symbols,bindings,detail prog4
23432: symbol=W; lookup in file=./ EL ,
23432: binding file=prog4 to file=./ symbol `W' (direct)
23432: symbol=X; lookup in file=./ EL ,
23432: binding file=prog4 to file=./ symbol `X' (direct)
The lari(1) utility can also reveal the direct binding inIormation. However in this case, the
Iunctions W() and () are not multiply deIined. ThereIore, by deIault lari does not Iind these
Iunctions interesting. The a option must be used to display all symbol inIormation.

$ lari a prog4
1:1ED,: W(): ./
2:1ED,: X(): ./

ote -
The same direct binding to and, can be produced by building prog4 with the B
dire.t option or the dire.t option. The intent oI this example is solely to convey how the
mapfile keyword can be used.

irect Bindings and Interposition
Interposition can occur when multiple instances oI a symbol, having the same name, exist in
diIIerent dynamic objects that have been loaded into a process. Under the deIault search model,
symbol reIerences are bound to the Iirst deIinition that is Iound in the series oI dependencies that
have been loaded. This Iirst symbol is said to interpose on the other symbols oI the same name.
Direct bindings can circumvent any implicit interposition. As the directly bound reIerence is
searched Ior in the dependency associated with the reIerence, the deIault symbol search model
that enables interposition, is bypassed. In a directly bound environment, bindings can be
established to diIIerent deIinitions oI a symbol that have the same name.
The ability to bind to diIIerent deIinitions oI a symbol that have the same name is a Ieature oI
direct binding that can be very useIul. However, should an application depend upon an instance
oI interposition, the use oI direct bindings can subvert the applications expected execution.
BeIore deciding to use direct bindings with an existing application, the application should be
analyzed to determine whether interposition exists.
To determine whether interposition is possible within an application, use lari(1). By deIault,
lari conveys interesting inIormation. This inIormation originates Irom multiple instances oI a
symbol deIinition, which in turn can lead to interposition.
Interposition only occurs when one instance oI the symbol is bound to. Multiple instances oI a
symbol that are called out by lari might not be involved in interposition. Other multiple
instance symbols can exist, but might not be reIerenced. These unreIerenced symbols are still
candidates Ior interposition, as Iuture code development might result in reIerences to these
symbols. All instances oI multiply deIined symbols should be analyzed when considering the use
oI direct bindings.
II multiple instances oI a symbol oI the same name exist, especially iI interposition is observed,
one oI the Iollowing actions should be perIormed.
O Localize symbol instances to remove namespace collision.
O #emove the multiple instances to leave one symbol deIinition.
O DeIine any interposition requirement explicitly.
O IdentiIy symbols that can be interposed upon to prevent the symbol Irom being directly
bound to.
The Iollowing sections explore these actions in greater detail.
Localizing Smbol Instances
Multiply deIined symbols oI the same name that provide diIIerent implementations, should be
isolated to avoid accidental interposition. The simplest way to remove a symbol Irom the
interIaces that are exported by an object, is to reduce the symbol to local. Demoting a symbol to
local can be achieved by deIining the symbol 'static, or possibly through the use oI symbol
attributes provided by the compilers.
A symbol can also be reduced to local by using the link-editor and a mapfile. The Iollowing
example shows a mapfile that reduces the global Iunction error() to a local symbol by using
the local scoping directive.

$ .. o pi. error.. a.. b.. ...
$ elfdump sN.symtab | fgrep error
36, 0x000002d0 0x00000014 UNC GLJB D 0 .text error
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o pi. mapfile error.. a.. b.. ...
$ elfdump sN.symtab | fgrep error
24, 0x000002c8 0x00000014 UNC LJCL H 0 .text error
Although individual symbols can be reduced to locals using explicit mapfile deIinitions,
deIining the entire interIace Iamily through symbol versioning is recommended. See hapter 5,
Application Binary InterIaces and Versioning.
Versioning is a useIul technique typically employed to identiIy the interIaces that are exported
Irom shared objects. Similarly, dynamic executables can be versioned to deIine their exported
interIaces. A dynamic executable need only export the interIaces that must be made available Ior
the dependencies oI the object to bind to. Frequently, the code that you add to a dynamic
executable need export no interIaces.
The removal oI exported interIaces Irom a dynamic executable should take into account any
symbol deIinitions that have been established by the compiler drivers. These deIinitions originate
Irom auxiliary Iiles that the compiler drivers add to the Iinal link-edit. See Using a ompiler
The Iollowing example mapfile exports a common set oI symbol deIinitions that a compiler
driver might establish, while demoting all other global deIinitions to local.

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
ou should determine the symbol deIinitions that your compiler driver establishes. Any oI these
deIinitions that are used within the dynamic executable should remain global.
By removing any exported interIaces Irom a dynamic executable, the executable is protected
Irom Iuture interposition issues than might occur as the objects dependencies evolve.
Removing Multipl efined Smbols of the Same ame
Multiply deIined symbols oI the same name can be problematic within a directly bound
environment, iI the implementation associated with the symbol maintains state. Data symbols are
the typical oIIenders in this regard, however Iunctions that maintain state can also be
In a directly bound environment, multiple instances oI the same symbol can be bound to.
ThereIore, diIIerent binding instances can manipulate diIIerent state variables that were
originally intended to be a single instance within a process.
For example, suppose that two shared objects contain the same data item errval. Suppose also,
that two Iunctions a.tion() and inspe.t(), exist in diIIerent shared objects. These Iunctions
expect to write and read the value errval respectively.
With the deIault search model, one deIinition oI errval would interpose on the other deIinition.
Both Iunctions a.tion() and inspe.t() would be bound to the same instance oI errval.
ThereIore, iI an error code was written to errval by a.tion(), then inspe.t() could read, and
act upon this error condition.
However, suppose the objects containing a.tion() and inspe.t() were bound to diIIerent
dependencies that each deIined errval. Within a directly bound environment, these Iunctions
are bound to diIIerent deIinitions oI errval. An error code can be written to one instance oI
errval by a.tion() while inspe.t() reads the other, uninitialized deIinition oI errval. The
outcome is that inspe.t() detects no error condition to act upon.
Multiple instances oI data symbols typically occur when the symbols are declared in headers.

int bar;
This data declaration results in a data item being produced by each compilation unit that includes
the header. The resulting tentative data item can result in multiple instances oI the symbol being
deIined in diIIerent dynamic objects.
However, by explicitly deIining the data item as external, references to the data item are
produced Ior each compilation unit that includes the header.

extern int bar;
These reIerences can then be resolved to one data instance at runtime.
Occasionally, the interIace Ior a symbol implementation that you want to remove, should be
preserved. Multiple instances oI the same interIace can be vectored to one implementation, while
preserving any existing interIace. This model can be achieved by creating individual symbol
Iilters by using a ILTER mapfile keyword. This keyword is described in SMBOLSOPE /
SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
reating individual symbol Iilters is useIul when dependencies expect to Iind a symbol in an
object where the implementation Ior that symbol has been removed.
For example, suppose the Iunction error() exists in two shared objects, and To
remove the symbol duplication, you want to remove the implementation Irom However,
other dependencies are relying on error() being provided Irom The Iollowing example
shows the deIinition oI error() in A mapfile is then used to allow the removal oI the
error() implementation, while leaving a Iilter Ior this symbol that is directed to

$ .. o pi. error.. a.. b.. ...
$ elfdump sN.dynsym | fgrep error
3, 0x00000300 0x00000014 UNC GLJB D 0 .text error
$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
error , TYPE=UNCTIJN; ,;
$ .. o pi. mapfile a.. b.. ...
$ elfdump sN.dynsym | fgrep error
3, 0x00000000 0x00000000 UNC GLJB D 0 ABS error
$ elfdump y | fgrep error
3, 0, error
The Iunction error() is global, and remains an exported interIace oI However, any
runtime binding to this symbol is vectored to the Iiltee The letter ' indicates the Iilter
nature oI this symbol.
This model oI preserving existing interIaces, while vectoring to one implementation has been
used in several Oracle Solaris libraries. For example, a number oI math interIaces that were once
deIined in are now vectored to the preIerred implementation oI the Iunctions in
efining Explicit Interposition
The deIault search model can result in instances oI the same named symbol interposing on later
instances oI the same name. Even without any explicit labelling, interposition still occurs, so that
one symbol deIinition is bound to Irom all reIerences. This implicit interposition occurs as a
consequence oI the symbol search, not because oI any explicit instruction the runtime linker has
been given. This implicit interposition can be circumvented by direct bindings.
Although direct bindings work to resolve a symbol reIerence directly to an associated symbol
deIinition, explicit interposition is processed prior to any direct binding search. ThereIore, even
within a direct binding environment, interposers can be designed, and be expected to interpose
on any direct binding associations. Interposers can be explicitly deIined using the Iollowing
O With the LD_PRELJAD environment variable.
O With the link-editors interpose option.
O With the INTERPJSE mapfile keyword.
O As a consequence oI a singleton symbol deIinition.
The interposition Iacilities oI the LD_PRELJAD environment variable, and the interpose
option, have been available Ior some time. See #untime Interposition. As these objects are
explicitly deIined to be interposers, the runtime linker inspects these objects beIore processing
any direct binding.
Interposition that is established Ior a shared object applies to all the interIaces oI that dynamic
object. This object interposition is established when a object is loaded using the LD_PRELJAD
environment variable. Object interposition is also established when an object that has been built
with the interpose option, is loaded. This object model is important when techniques such
as dlsym(3) with the special handle RTLD_NEXT are used. An interposing object should always
have a consistent view oI the next object.
A dynamic executable has additional Ilexibility, in that the executable can deIine individual
interposing symbols using the INTERPJSE mapfile keyword. Because a dynamic executable is
the Iirst object loaded in a process, the executables view oI the next object is always consistent.
The Iollowing example shows an application that explicitly wants to interpose on the exit()

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
exit , LAGS = INTERPJSE ,;
$ .. o prog mapfile exit.. a.. b.. ...
$ elfdump y prog | fgrep exit
6, DI <self exit
The letter 'I indicates the interposing nature oI this symbol. Presumably, the implementation oI
this exit() Iunction directly reIerences the system Iunction _exit(), or calls through to the
system Iunction exit() using dlsym() with the RTLD_NEXT handle.
At Iirst, you might consider identiIying this object using the interpose option. However,
this technique is rather heavy weight, because all oI the interIaces exported by the application
would act as interposers. A better alternative would be to localize all oI the symbols provided by
the application except Ior the interposer, together with using the interpose option.
However, use oI the INTERPJSE mapfile keyword provides greater Ilexibility. The use oI this
keyword allows an application to export several interIaces while selecting those interIaces that
should act as interposers.
Symbols that are assigned the STV_SINGLETJN visibility eIIectively provide a Iorm oI
interposition. See Table 720. These symbols can be assigned by the compilation system to an
implementation that might become multiply instantiated in a number oI objects within a process.
All reIerences to a singleton symbol are bound to the Iirst occurrence oI a singleton symbol
within a process.
Preventing a Smbol from being irectl
Bound to
Direct bindings can be overridden with explicit interposition. See DeIining Explicit Interposition.
However, cases can exist where you do not have control over establishing explicit interposition.
For example, you might deliver a Iamily oI shared objects that you would like to use direct
bindings. ustomers are known to be interposing on symbols that are provided by shared objects
oI this Iamily. II these customers have not explicitly deIined their interpositioning requirements,
their interpositioning can be compromised by a re-delivery oI shared objects that employ direct
Shared objects can also be designed that provide a number oI deIault interIaces, with an
expectation that users provide their own interposing routines.
To prevent disrupting existing applications, shared objects can be delivered that explicitly
prevent directly binding to one or more oI their interIaces.
Directly binding to a dynamic object can be prevented using one oI the Iollowing options.
O With the B nodire.t option. This option prevents directly binding to any interIaces that
are oIIered by the object being built.
O With the NJDIRECT mapfile keyword. This keyword provides Ior preventing direct
binding to individual symbols. This keyword is described in SMBOLSOPE /
SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
O As a consequence oI a singleton symbol deIinition.
An interIace that is labelled as nodirect, can not be directly bound to Irom an external object. In
addition, an interIace that is labelled as nodirect, can not be directly bound to Irom within the
same object.
The Iollowing sections describe the use oI each oI the direct binding prevention mechanisms.
&sing the B nodire.t Option
The B nodire.t option provides the simplest mechanism oI preventing direct binding Irom any
dynamic object. This option prevents direct binding Irom any other object, and Irom within the
object being built.
The Iollowing components are used to build three shared objects,, and
The B nodire.t option is used to prevent Irom directly binding to However, can continue to establish direct bindings to using the dire.t option.

$ .at a..
extern int o(), p(), x(), y();

int a() , return (o() + p() - x() - y()); ,

$ .at o..
extern int x(), y();

int o() , return (x()); ,
int p() , return (y()); ,

$ .at x..
int x() , return (1); ,
int y() , return (2); ,

$ .. o .so.1 pi. x..
$ .. o pi. o.. Bnodire.t dire.t R. .so.1
$ .. o pi. a.. Bdire.t R. .so.1
The symbol inIormation Ior and can be viewed with elIdump(1).

$ elfdump y
1, DBL 3, x
5, DBL 3, y
6, DL 1, o
9, DL 1, p
$ elfdump y
3, DB 0, x
4, DB 0, y
6, N o
7, N p
The letter 'N indicates that no direct bindings be allowed to the Iunctions o() and p(). Even
though has requested direct bindings by using the B dire.t option, direct bindings
have not be established to the Iunctions o() and p(). can still request direct bindings to
its dependency using the dire.t option.
The Oracle Solaris library is built with the B nodire.t option. Users oI this
library are expected to provide their own call back interIaces Ior many oI the libproc Iunctions.
#eIerences to the libproc Iunctions Irom any dependencies oI libproc should bind to any user
deIinitions when such deIinitions exist.
&sing the NODIRECT mapfile Keword
The NJDIRECT mapfile keyword provides a means oI preventing a direct binding to individual
symbols. This keyword allows Ior more Iine grained control over preventing direct binding than
the B nodire.t option.
From the components used in the previous example, can be built to prevent direct
binding to the Iunction o().

$ .at mapfile
$mapfile_version 2
$ .. o pi. o.. mapfile dire.t R. .so.1
$ .. o pi. a.. Bdire.t R. .so.1
The symbol inIormation Ior and can be viewed with elIdump(1).

$ elfdump y
1, DBL 3, x
5, DBL 3, y
6, DL 1, o
9, DBL 1, p
$ elfdump y
3, DB 0, x
4, DB 0, y
6, N o
7, D <self p only declares that the Iunction o() can not be directly bound to. ThereIore, is
able to directly bind to the Iunction p() in
Several individual interIaces within the Oracle Solaris libraries have been deIined to not allow
direct binding. One example is the data item errno. This data item is deIined in This
data item can be reIerenced by including the header Iile stdio.h. However, many applications
were commonly taught to deIined their own errno. These applications would be compromised iI
a Iamily oI system libraries were delivered which directly bound to the errno that is deIined in
Another Iamily oI interIaces that have been deIined to prevent direct binding to, are the
malloc(3) Iamily. The mallo.() Iamily are another set oI interIaces that are Irequently
implemented within user applications. These user implementations are intended to interpose
upon any system deIinitions.

ote -
Various system interposing libraries are provided with the Oracle Solaris OS that provide
alternative mallo.() implementations. In addition, each implementation expects to be the only
implementation used within a process. All oI the mallo.() interposing libraries have been built
with the interpose option. This option is not really necessary as the mallo.() Iamily within have been labelled to prevent any direct binding
However, the interposing libraries have been built with interpose to set a precedent Ior
building interposers. This explicit interposition has no adverse interaction with the direct binding
prevention deIinitions established within

Symbols that are assigned the STV_SINGLETJN visibility can not be directly bound to. See
Table 720. These symbols can be assigned by the compilation system to an implementation that
might become multiply instantiated in a number oI objects within a process. All reIerences to a
singleton symbol are bound to the Iirst occurrence oI a singleton symbol within a process.
Appendix E Sstem V Release 4 (Version 1)

ote -
This appendix describes the original System V #elease 4 mapIile language (version 1). Although
this mapIile syntax remains supported, the version 2 mapIile language described in hapter 9,
MapIiles is recommended Ior new applications.

The link-editor automatically and intelligently maps input sections Irom relocatable objects to
segments in the output Iile being created. The option with an associated mapfile enables you
to change the deIault mapping provided by the link-editor. In addition, new segments can be
created, attributes modiIied, and symbol versioning inIormation can be supplied with the

ote -
When using a mapfile option, you can easily create an output Iile that does not execute. The
link-editor knows how to produce a correct output Iile without the use oI the mapfile option.

Sample mapIiles provided on the system reside in the /usr/lib/ld directory.
Mapfile Structure and Sntax
ou can enter the Iollowing basic types oI directives into a mapfile.
O Segment declarations.
O Mapping directives.
O Section-to-segment ordering.
O Size-symbol declarations.
O File control directives.
Each directive can span more than one line and can have any amount oI white space, including
new lines, as long as that white space is Iollowed by a semicolon.
Typically, segment declarations are Iollowed by mapping directives. ou declare a segment and
then deIine the criteria by which a section becomes part oI that segment. II you enter a mapping
directive or size-symbol declaration without Iirst declaring the segment to which you are
mapping, except Ior built-in segments, the segment is given deIault attributes. Such segment is
an implicitl declared segment.
Size-symbol declarations and Iile control directives can appear anywhere in a mapfile.
The Iollowing sections describe each directive type. For all syntax discussions, the Iollowing
notations apply.
O All entries in constant width, all colons, semicolons, equal signs, and at () signs are
typed in literally.
O All entries in italics are substitutable.
O ... }* means 'zero or more.
O ... } means 'one or more.
O | ... ( means 'optional.
O section_names and segment_names Iollow the same rules as identiIiers, where a
period (.) is treated as a letter. For example, .bss is a legal name.
O section_names, segment_names, file_names, and symbol_names are case sensitive.
Everything else is not case sensitive.
O Spaces, or new-lines, can appear anywhere except beIore a number or in the middle oI a
name or value.
O omments beginning with # and ending at a newline can appear anywhere that a space
can appear.
Segment eclarations
A segment declaration creates a new segment in the output Iile, or changes the attribute values oI
an existing segment. An existing segment is one that you previously deIined or one oI the Iour
built-in segments described immediately Iollowing.
A segment declaration has the Iollowing syntax.
segment_name = ,segment_attribute_value,;
For each segment_name, you can speciIy any number oI segment_attribute_values in any
order, each separated by a space. Only one attribute value is allowed Ior each segment attribute.
The segment attributes and their valid values are as shown in the Iollowing table.
Table E1 MapIile Segment Attributes
Attribute Value
segment_type LJAD | NJTE | NULL | STACK
segment_flags . E, N, J, R, W, X,
Four built-in segments exist with the Iollowing deIault attribute values.
O text LJAD, .RX, no virtual_address, physical_address, or length speciIied.
alignment values are set to deIaults per PU type.
O data LJAD, .RWX, no virtual_address, physical_address, or length speciIied.
alignment values are set to deIaults per PU type.
O bss disabled, LJAD, .RWX, no virtual_address, physical_address, or length
speciIied. alignment values are set to deIaults per PU type.
O note NJTE.
By deIault, the bss segment is disabled. Any sections oI type SHT_NJBITS, which are its sole
input, are captured in the data segment. See Table 75 Ior a Iull description oI SHT_NJBITS
sections. The simplest bss declaration is suIIicient to enable the creation oI a bss segment.
bss =;
Any SHT_NJBITS sections is captured by this segment, rather than captured in the data segment.
In its simplest Iorm, this segment is aligned using the same deIaults as applied to any other
segment. The declaration can also provide additional segment attributes that both enable the
segment creation, and assign the speciIied attributes.
The link-editor behaves as iI these segments are declared beIore your mapfile is read in. See
MapIile Option DeIaults.
Note the Iollowing when entering segment declarations.
O A number can be hexadecimal, decimal, or octal, Iollowing the same rules as in the
O No space is allowed between the V, P, L, R, or A and the number.
O The segment_type value can be either LJAD, NJTE, NULL or STACK. II unspeciIied, the
segment type deIaults to LJAD.
O The segment_flags values are R Ior readable, W Ior writable, X Ior executable, and J Ior
order. No spaces are allowed between the question mark (.) and the individual Ilags that
make up the segment_flags value.
O The segment_flags value Ior a LJAD segment deIaults to RWX.
O NJTE segments cannot be assigned any segment attribute value other than a
O One segment_type oI value STACK is permitted. Only the access requirements oI the
segment, selected Irom the segment_flags, can be speciIied.
O Implicitly declared segments deIault to segment_type value LJAD, segment_flags value
RWX, a deIault virtual_address, physical_address, and alignment value, and have
no length limit.

ote -
The link-editor calculates the addresses and length oI the current segment based on the
previous segment's attribute values.

O LJAD segments can have an explicitly speciIied virtual_address value or
physical_address value, as well as a maximum segment length value.
O II a segment has a segment_flags value oI . with nothing Iollowing, the value deIaults
to not readable, not writable, and not executable.
O The alignment value is used in calculating the virtual address oI the beginning oI the
segment. This alignment only aIIects the segment Ior which the alignment is speciIied.
Other segments still have the deIault alignment unless their alignment values are also
O II any oI the virtual_address, physical_address, or length attribute values are not
set, the link-editor calculates these values as the output Iile is created.
O II an alignment value is not speciIied Ior a segment, the alignment is set to the built-in
deIault. This deIault diIIers Irom one PU to another and might even diIIer between
soItware revisions.
O II both a virtual_address and an alignment value are speciIied Ior a segment, the
virtual_address value takes priority.
O II a virtual_address value is speciIied Ior a segment, the alignment Iield in the
program header contains the deIault alignment value.
O II the rounding value is set Ior a segment, that segment's virtual address is rounded to the
next address that conIorms to the value that is given. This value only eIIects the segments
that the value is speciIied Ior. II no value is given, no rounding is perIormed.

ote -
II a virtual_address value is speciIied, the segment is placed at that virtual address. For the
system kernel, this method creates a correct result. For Iiles that start through exec(2), this
method creates an incorrect output Iile because the segments do not have correct oIIsets relative
to their page boundaries.

The .E Ilag allows the creation oI an empty segment. This empty segment has no sections
associated with the segment. This segment can be a LJAD segment or a NULL segment. Empty
LJAD segments can only be speciIied Ior executables. These segments must have a speciIied size
and alignment. These segments result in the creation oI memory reservations at process startup.
Empty NULL segments provide Ior adding program header entries that can be used by post-
processing utilities. These segments should have no additional attributes speciIied. Multiple
deIinitions Ior LJAD segments and NULL segments are permitted.
The .N Ilag enables you to control whether the ELF header, and any program headers are
included as part oI the Iirst loadable segment. By deIault, the ELF header and program headers
are included with the Iirst segment. The inIormation in these headers is used within the mapped
image, typically by the runtime linker. The use oI the .N option causes the virtual address
calculations Ior the image to start at the Iirst section oI the Iirst segment.
The .J Ilag enables you control the order oI sections in the output Iile. This Ilag is intended Ior
use in conjunction with the xF option to the compilers. When a Iile is compiled with the xF
option, each Iunction in that Iile is placed in a separate section with the same attributes as the
.text section. These sections are called .text1unctionname.
For example, a Iile containing three Iunctions, main(), foo() and bar(), when compiled with
the xF option, yields a relocatable object Iile with text Ior the three Iunctions being placed in
sections called .text%main, .text%foo, and .text%bar. Because the xF option Iorces one
Iunction per section, the use oI the .J Ilag to control the order oI sections in eIIect controls the
order oI Iunctions.
onsider the Iollowing user-deIined mapfile.
text = LJAD .RXJ;
text: .text%foo;
text: .text%bar;
text: .text%main;
The Iirst declaration associates the .J Ilag with the deIault text segment.
II the order oI Iunction deIinitions in the source Iile is main, foo, and bar, then the Iinal
executable contains Iunctions in the order foo, bar, and main.
For static Iunctions with the same name, the Iile names must also be used. The .J Ilag Iorces the
ordering oI sections as requested in the mapfile. For example, iI a static Iunction bar() exists in
Iiles a.o and b.o, and Iunction bar() Irom Iile a.o is to be placed beIore Iunction bar() Irom
Iile b.o, then the mapfile entries should read as Iollows.
text: .text%bar: a.o;
text: .text%bar: b.o;
The syntax allows Ior the Iollowing entry.
text: .text%bar: a.o b.o;
However, this entry does not guarantee that Iunction bar() Irom Iile a.o is placed beIore
Iunction bar() Irom Iile b.o. The second Iormat is not recommended as the results are not
Mapping irectives
A mapping directive instructs the link-editor how to map input sections to output segments.
Basically, you name the segment that you are mapping to and indicate what the attributes oI a
section must be in order to map into the named segment. The set oI
section_attribute_values that a section must have to map into a speciIic segment is called
the entrance criteria Ior that segment. In order to be placed in a speciIied segment oI the output
Iile, a section must meet the entrance criteria Ior a segment exactly.
A mapping directive has the Iollowing syntax.
segment_name : ,section_attribute_value, : ,file_name,+,;
For a segment_name, you speciIy any number oI section_attribute_values in any order,
each separated by a space. At most, one section attribute value is allowed Ior each section
attribute. ou can also speciIy that the section must come Irom a certain .o Iile through a
file_name declaration. The section attributes and their valid values are shown in the Iollowing
Table E2 Section Attributes
Section Attribute Value
Any valid section name
section_type $PRJGBITS
section_flags . !,A, !,W, !,X,
Note the Iollowing points when entering mapping directives.
O ou must choose at most one section_type Irom the section_types listed previously.
The section_types listed previously are built-in types. For more inIormation on
section_types, see Sections.
O The section_flags values are A Ior allocatable, W Ior writable, or X Ior executable. II an
individual Ilag is preceded by an exclamation mark (!), the link-editor checks that the
Ilag is not set. No spaces are allowed between the question mark, exclamation marks, and
the individual Ilags that make up the section_flags value.
O file_name can be any legal Iile name, oI the Iorm filename, or oI the Iorm
archive_name(component_name), Ior example, /lib/libc.a(printf.o). The link-
editor does not check the syntax oI Iile names.
O II a file_name is oI the Iorm filename, the link-editor determines the basename(1) oI
the Iile Irom the command line. This base name is used to match against the speciIied
file name. In other words, the filename Irom the mapfile only needs to match the last
part oI the Iile name Irom the command line. See Mapping Example.
O II you use the l option during a link-edit, and the library aIter the l option is in the
current directory, you must precede the library with ./, or the entire path name, in the
mapfile in order to create a match.
O More than one directive line can appear Ior a particular output segment. For example, the
Iollowing set oI directives is legal.
Entering more than one mapping directive line Ior a segment is the only way to speciIy
multiple values oI a section attribute.
O A section can match more than one entrance criteria. In this case, the Iirst segment
encountered in the mapfile with that entrance criteria is used. For example, iI a mapfile
reads as Iollows.
the $PRJGBITS sections are mapped to segment S1.
Section-Within-Segment Ordering
By using the Iollowing notation you can speciIy the order that sections are placed within a
segment_name | section_name1;
segment_name | section_name2;
segment_name | section_name3;
The sections that are named in the above Iorm are placed beIore any unnamed sections, and in
the order they are listed in the mapfile.
Size-Smbol eclarations
Size-symbol declarations enable you to deIine a new global-absolute symbol that represents the
size, in bytes, oI the speciIied segment. This symbol can be reIerenced in your object Iiles. A
size-symbol declaration has the Iollowing syntax.
segment_name @ symbol_name;
symbol_name can be any legal identiIier. The link-editor does not check the syntax oI the
File Control irectives
File control directives enable you to speciIy which version deIinitions within shared objects are
to be made available during a link-edit. The Iile control deIinition has the Iollowing syntax.
shared_object_name - version_name version_name ... ,;
version_name is a version deIinition name contained within the speciIied
Mapping Example
The Iollowing example is a user-deIined mapfile. The numbers on the leIt are included in the
example Ior tutorial purposes. Only the inIormation to the right oI the numbers actually appears
in the mapfile.

Example E-1 &ser-efined Mapfile

1. elephant : .data : peanuts.o popcorn.o;
2. monkey : $PRJGBITS .AX;
3. monkey : .data;
4. monkey = LJAD V0x80000000 L0x4000;
5. donkey : .data;
6. donkey = .RX A0x1000;
7. text = V0x80008000;

Four separate segments are manipulated in this example. The implicitly declared segment
elephant (line 1) receives all oI the .data sections Irom the Iiles peanuts.o and popcorn.o.
Notice that popcorn.o matches any popcorn.o Iile that can be supplied to the link-edit. The
Iile need not be in the current directory. On the other hand, iI /var/tmp/peanuts.o was
supplied to the link-edit, it does not match peanuts.o because it is not preceded by an .
The implicitly declared segment monkey (line 2) receives all sections that are both $PRJGBITS
and allocatable-executable (.AX), as well as all sections not already in the segment elephant
with the name .data (line 3). The .data sections entering the monkey segment need not be
$PRJGBITS or allocatable-executable because the section_type and section_flags values are
entered on a separate line Irom the section_name value.
An 'and relationship exists between attributes on the same line as illustrated by $PRJGBITS
'and .AX on line 2. An 'or relationship exists between attributes Ior the same segment that
span more than one line, as illustrated by $PRJGBITS .AX on line 2 'or .data on line 3.
The monkey segment is implicitly declared in line 2 with segment_type value LJAD,
segment_flags value RWX, and no virtual_address, physical_address, length or
alignment values speciIied (deIaults are used). In line 4 the segment_type value oI monkey is
set to LJAD. Because the segment_type attribute value does not change, no warning is issued.
The virtual_address value is set to 0x80000000 and the maximum length value to 0x4000.
Line 5 implicitly declares the donkey segment. The entrance criteria are designed to route all
.data sections to this segment. Actually, no sections Iall into this segment because the entrance
criteria Ior monkey in line 3 capture all oI these sections. In line 6, the segment_flags value is
set to .RX and the alignment value is set to 0x1000. Because both oI these attribute values
changed, a warning is issued.
Line 7 sets the virtual_address value oI the text segment to 0x80008000.
The example oI a user-deIined mapfile is designed to cause warnings Ior illustration purposes.
II you want to change the order oI the directives to avoid warnings, use the Iollowing example.
1. elephant : .data : peanuts.o popcorn.o;
4. monkey = LJAD V0x80000000 L0x4000;
2. monkey : $PRJGBITS .AX;
3. monkey : .data;
6. donkey = .RX A0x1000;
5. donkey : .data;
7. text = V0x80008000;
The Iollowing mapfile example uses the segment-within-section ordering.
1. text = LJAD .RXN V0xf0004000;
2. text | .text;
3. text | .rodata;
4. text : $PRJGBITS .A!W;
5. data = LJAD .RWX R0x1000;
The text and data segments are manipulated in this example. Line 1 declares the text segment
to have a virtual_address oI 0xf0004000 and to not include the ELF header or any program
headers as part oI this segment's address calculations. Lines 2 and 3 turn on section-within-
segment ordering and speciIy that the .text and .rodata sections are the Iirst two sections in
this segment. The result is that the .text section have a virtual address oI 0xf0004000, and the
.rodata section immediately Iollows that address.
Any other $PRJGBITS section that makes up the text segment Iollows the .rodata section. Line
5 declares the data segment and speciIies that its virtual address must begin on a 0x1000 byte
boundary. The Iirst section that constitutes the data segment also resides on a 0x1000 byte
boundary within the Iile image.
Mapfile Option efaults
The link-editor deIines Iour built-in segments (text, data, bss and note) with deIault
segment_attribute_values and corresponding deIault mapping directives. Even though the
link-editor does not use an actual mapfile to provide the deIaults, the model oI a deIault
mapfile helps illustrate what happens when the link-editor encounters your mapfile.
The Iollowing example shows how a mapfile would appear Ior the link-editor deIaults. The
link-editor begins execution behaving as iI the mapfile has already been read in. Then the link-
editor reads your mapfile and either augments or makes changes to the deIaults.
text = LJAD .RX;
text : .A!W;
data = LJAD .RWX;
data : .AW;
note = NJTE;
note : $NJTE;
As each segment declaration in your mapfile is read in, it is compared to the existing list oI
segment declarations as Iollows.
1. II the segment does not already exist in the mapfile but another with the same segment-
type value exists, the segment is added beIore all oI the existing segments oI the same
2. II none oI the segments in the existing mapfile has the same segment_type value as the
segment just read in, then the segment is added by segment_type value to maintain the
Iollowing order.
3. II the segment is oI segment_type LJAD and you have deIined a virtual_address value
Ior this LJADable segment, the segment is placed beIore any LJADable segments without a
deIined virtual_address value or with a higher virtual_address value, but aIter any
segments with a virtual_address value that is lower.
As each mapping directive in a mapfile is read in, the directive is added aIter any other mapping
directives that you already speciIied Ior the same segment but beIore the deIault mapping
directives Ior that segment.
Internal Map Structure
One oI the most important data structures in the ELF-based link-editor is the map structure. A
deIault map structure, corresponding to the model deIault mapfile, is used by the link-editor.
Any user mapfile augments or overrides certain values in the deIault map structure.
A typical although somewhat simpliIied map structure is illustrated in Figure E1. The 'Entrance
riteria boxes correspond to the inIormation in the deIault mapping directives. The 'Segment
Attribute Descriptors boxes correspond to the inIormation in the deIault segment declarations.
The 'Output Section Descriptors boxes give the detailed attributes oI the sections that Iall under
each segment. The sections themselves are shown in circles.
Figure E-1 Simple Map Structure

The link-editor perIorms the Iollowing steps when mapping sections to segments.
1. When a section is read in, the link-editor checks the list oI Entrance riteria looking Ior a
match. All speciIied criteria must be matched.
In Figure E1, a section that Ialls into the text segment must have a section_type
value oI $PRJGBITS and have a section_flags value oI .A!W. It need not have the name
.text since no name is speciIied in the Entrance riteria. The section can be either X or
!X in the section_flags value because nothing was speciIied Ior the execute bit in the
Entrance riteria.
II no Entrance riteria match is Iound, the section is placed at the end oI the output Iile
aIter all other segments. No program header entry is created Ior this inIormation.
2. When the section Ialls into a segment, the link-editor checks the list oI existing Output
Section Descriptors in that segment as Iollows.
II the section attribute values match those oI an existing Output Section Descriptor
exactly, the section is placed at the end oI the list oI sections associated with that Output
Section Descriptor.
For instance, a section with a section_name value oI .data1, a section_type value oI
$PRJGBITS, and a section_flags value oI .AWX Ialls into the second Entrance riteria
box in Figure E1, placing it in the data segment. The section matches the second
Output Section Descriptor box exactly (.data1, $PRJGBITS, .AWX) and is added to the
end oI the list associated with that box. The .data1 sections Irom fido.o, rover.o, and
sam.o illustrate this point.
II no matching Output Section Descriptor is Iound but other Output Section Descriptors
oI the same section_type exist, a new Output Section Descriptor is created with the
same attribute values as the section and that section is associated with the new Output
Section Descriptor. The Output Section Descriptor and the section are placed aIter the
last Output Section Descriptor oI the same section type. The .data2 section in Figure E
1 was placed in this manner.
II no other Output Section Descriptors oI the indicated section type exist, a new Output
Section Descriptor is created and the section is placed in that section.

ote -
II the input section has a user-deIined section type value between SHT_LJUSER and
SHT_HIUSER, it is treated as a $PRJGBITS section. No method exists Ior naming this
section_type value in the mapfile, but these sections can be redirected using the other
attribute value speciIications (section_flags, section_name) in the entrance criteria.

3. II a segment contains no sections aIter all oI the command line object Iiles and libraries
are read in, no program header entry is produced Ior that segment.

ote -
Input sections oI type $SYMTAB, $STRTAB, $REL, and $RELA are used internally by the link-editor.
Directives that reIer to these section types can only map output sections produced by the link-
editor to segments.
Appendix F Linker and Libraries &pdates
and ew Features
This appendix provides an overview oI the updates and new Ieatures that have been added to
releases oI the Oracle Solaris OS.
Oracle Solaris 11 Express
O The link-editor can provide guidance in creating high quality objects using the
guidance option. See ld(1).
O Local auditors can now receive la_preinit() and la_a.tivity() events. See #untime
Linker Auditing InterIace.
O A more robust model Ior testing Ior the existence oI Iunctionality is provided with
deIerred dependencies. See Testing Ior Functionality and Providing an Alternative to
O A new mapIile syntax is provided. See hapter 9, MapIiles. This syntax provides a more
human readable, and extensible language than the original System V #elease 4 language.
Full support Ior processing original mapIiles is maintained within the link-editor. See
Appendix E, System V #elease 4 (Version 1) MapIiles Ior the original mapIile syntax
and use.
O Individual symbols can be associated with capability requirements. See IdentiIying
apability #equirements. This Iunctionality provides Ior the creation oI a Iamily oI
optimized Iunctions within a dynamic object. See reating a Family oI Symbol
apabilities Functions, and apabilities Section.
O Objects that are created with the link-editor, and contain Oracle Solaris speciIic ELF
data, are tagged with ELJSABI_SJLARIS in the e_identEI_JSABI, ELF header.
Historically, ELJSABI_NJNE has been used Ior all objects. This change is primarily oI
inIormational value, as the runtime linker continues to consider ELJSABI_NJNE and
ELJSABI_SJLARIS to be equivalent. However, elIdump(1), and similar diagnostic tools,
can use this ABI inIormation to produce more accurate inIormation Ior a given object.
O elIdump(1) has been extended to use the value oI e_identEI_JSABI, ELF header, or
the new O option, to identiIy ELF data types and values that are speciIic to a given ABI,
and to use this inIormation to provide a more accurate display oI the object contents. The
ability to display ABI-speciIic inIormation in objects Irom the Linux operating system
has been greatly expanded.
O The segment mapping inIormation Ior an object that is loaded with a process can be
obtained using the dlinIo(3) Ilags RTLD_DI_MMAPCNT and RTLD_DI_MMAPS.
O 64bit processes can be restricted to the lower 32bit address space by encoding a
soItware capabilities attribute. See SoItware apability Address Space #estriction
O The link-editor recognizes a number oI GNU link-editor options. See ld(1).
O The link-editor provides cross linking Ior SPA# and x86 targets. See ross Link-
O The link-editor now provides Ior merging SH_MERGE | SH_STRING string sections. See
Section Merging.
O The merging oI relocation sections when creating executables and shared objects is now
the deIault behavior. See ombined #elocation Sections. This behavior used to require
the link-editor's .ombrelo. option. The no.ombrelo. is provided to disable this
deIault behavior, and preserve the one-to-one relationship with the sections to which the
relocations must be applied.
O ELF objects can be edited with the new utility elIedit(1).
O Additional symbol visibility attributes are provided. See the exported, singleton and
eliminate attribute descriptions under SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION
Directives and Table 720.
O The link-editor, and associated ELF utilities have been moved Irom /usr/ccs/bin to
/usr/bin. See Invoking the Link-Editor.
O Symbol sort sections have been added, that allow Ior simpliIied correlation oI memory
addresses to symbolic names. See Symbol Sort Sections.
O The symbol table inIormation that is available with dynamic objects has been extended
with the addition oI a new .SUNW_ldynsym section. See Symbol Table Section and
Table 75.
O The Iormat oI conIiguration Iiles that are managed with crle(1) has been enhanced Ior
better Iile identiIication. The improved Iormat ensures that the runtime linker does not
use a conIiguration Iile generated on an incompatible platIorm.
O New relocation types have been added that use the size oI the associated symbol in the
relocation calculation. See #elocation Types (Processor-SpeciIic).
Obsolete Feature
The Iollowing items have been made obsolete. These items provided internal, or seldom used
Ieatures. Any existing use oI the associated ELF deIinitions is ignored, however the deIinitions
can still be displayed by tools such as elIdump(1).
This dynamic section tag identiIied runtime Ieature requirements. See Dynamic Section.
This tag provided the Ieature Ilags DT_1_PARINIT and DT_1_CJNVEXP. The
DT_EATURE_1 tag and the associated Ilags are no longer created by the link-editor, or
processed by the runtime linker.
Solaris 10 &pdate 10 Release
O The res.annow, re.anstart, and res.anend options provide additional
Ilexibility in speciIying archive libraries to a link-edit. See Position oI an Archive on the
ommand Line.
Solaris 10 5/08 Release
O Global auditing can now be enabled by recording an auditor within an application
together with the link-editor globalaudit option. See #ecording Global Auditors.
O Additional link-editor support interIaces, ld_open() and ld_open64() have been added.
See Support InterIace Functions.
Solaris 10 8/07 Release
O Greater Ilexibility in executing an alternative link-editor is provided with the link-editor
altexe.64 option, and the LD_ALTEXEC environment variable.
O Symbol deIinitions that are generated using mapIiles can now be associated to ELF
sections. See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
O The link-editor and runtime linker provide Ior the creation oI static TLS within shared
objects. In addition, a backup TLS reservation is established to provide Ior limited use oI
static TLS within post-startup shared objects. See Program Startup.
Solaris 10 1/06 Release
O Support Ior the x64 medium code model is provided. See Table 74, Table 78, and
Table 710.
O The command line arguments, environment variables, and auxiliary vector array oI the
process, can be obtained using the dlinIo(3) Ilag RTLD_DI_ARGSINJ.
O Greater Ilexibility in prohibiting direct binding Irom external reIerences is provided with
the link-editor B nodire.t option. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings.
Solaris 10 Release
O x64 is now supported. See Table 75, Special Sections, x64: #elocation Types, x64:
Thread-Local Variable Access, and x64: Thread-Local Storage #elocation Types.
O A restructuring oI the Iilesystem has moved many components Irom under /usr/lib to
/lib. Both the link-editor and runtime linkers deIault search paths have been changed
accordingly. See Directories Searched by the Link-Editor, Directories Searched by the
#untime Linker, and Security.
O System archive libraries are no longer provided. ThereIore, the creation oI a statically
linked executable is no longer possible. See Static Executables.
O Greater Ilexibility Ior deIining alternative dependencies is provided with the A option oI
O The link-editor and runtime linker process environment variables speciIied without a
value. See Environment Variables.
O Path names used with dlopen(3), and as explicit dependency deIinitions, can now use
any reserved tokens. See Appendix , Establishing Dependencies with Dynamic String
Tokens. The evaluation oI path names that use reserved tokens is provided with the new
utility moe(1).
O An optimal means oI testing Ior the existence oI an interIace is provide with dlsym(3)
and the new handle RTLD_PRJBE. See Providing an Alternative to dlopen().
Solaris 9 9/04 Release
O Greater Ilexibility in deIining the hardware and soItware requirements oI ELF objects is
provided with the link-editor and runtime linker. See apabilities Section.
O The runtime link auditing interIace la_objfilter() has been added. See Audit InterIace
O Shared object Iiltering has been extended to provide Iiltering on a per-symbol basis. See
Shared Objects as Filters.
Solaris 9 4/04 Release
and SHT_SPARC_GJTDATA are supported. See Table 75.
O The analysis oI runtime interIaces is simpliIied with the new utility lari(1).
O Greater control oI direct bindings is provided with the link-editor options dire.t and
nodire.t, together with the DIRECT and NJDIRECT mapIile directives. See
SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives, and Appendix D, Direct
Solaris 9 12/03 Release
O PerIormance improvements within ld(1) can signiIicantly reduce the link-edit time oI
very large applications.
Solaris 9 8/03 Release
O dlsym(3) symbol processing can be reduced using a dlopen(3) handle that is created
with the RTLD_IRST Ilag. See Obtaining New Symbols.
O The signal used by the runtime linker to terminate an erroneous process can be managed
using the dlinIo(3) Ilags RTLD_DI_GETSIGNAL, and RTLD_DI_SETSIGNAL.
Solaris 9 12/02 Release
O The link-editor provides string table compression, that can result in reduced .dynstr and
.strtab sections. This deIault processing can be disabled using the link-editor's
no.ompstrtab option. See String Table ompression.
O The ignore option has been extended to eliminate unreIerenced sections during a
link-edit. See #emove Unused Material.
O UnreIerenced dependencies can be determined using ldd(1). See the U option.
O The link-editor supports extended ELF sections. See ELF Header, Table 75, Sections,
Table 710 and Symbol Table Section.
O Greater Ilexibility in deIining a symbols visibility is provided with the protected
mapIile directive. See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
Solaris 9 Release
O Thread-Local Storage (TLS) support is provided. See hapter 8, Thread-Local Storage.
O The option provides greater Ilexibility in speciIying archive libraries to a
link-edit. See Position oI an Archive on the ommand Line.
O The ld32 and ld64 options provide greater Ilexibility in using the link-editor
support interIaces. See 32Bit Environments and 64Bit Environments.
O Additional link-editor support interIaces, ld_input_done(), ld_input_se.tion(),
ld_input_se.tion64() and ld_version() have been added. See Support InterIace
O Environment variables interpreted by the runtime linker can be established Ior multiple
processes by speciIying these variables within a conIiguration Iile. See the e and E
options oI crle(1).
O Support Ior more than 32,768 procedure linkage table entries within 64bit SPA#
objects has been added. See 64-bit SPA#: Procedure Linkage Table.
O An mdb(1) debugger module enables you to inspect runtime linker data structures as part
oI process debugging. See Debugger Module.
O The bss segment declaration directive makes the creation oI a bss segment easier. See
Segment Declarations.
Solaris 8 07/01 Release
O Unused dependencies can be determined using ldd(1). See the u option.
O Various ELF ABI extensions have been added. See Initialization and Termination
Sections, Initialization and Termination #outines, Table 73, Table 78, Table 79,
Group Section, Table 710, Table 720, Table 732, Table 733, and Program Loading
O Greater Ilexibility in the use oI link-editor environment variables has been provided with
the addition oI _32 and _64 variants. See Environment Variables.
Solaris 8 01/01 Release
O The symbolic inIormation that is made available Irom dladdr(3) has been enhanced with
the introduction oI dladdr1().
O The $JRIGIN oI a dynamic object can be obtained Irom dlinIo(3).
O The maintenance oI runtime conIiguration Iiles that are created with crle(1) has been
simpliIied. Inspection oI a conIiguration Iile displays the command line options used to
create the Iile. An update capability is provided with the u option.
O The runtime linker and its debugger interIace have been extended to detect procedure
linkage table entry resolution. This update is identiIied by a new version number. See
rd_init() under Agent Manipulation InterIaces. This update extends the
rd_plt_info_t structure. See rd_plt_resolution() under Procedure Linkage Table
O An application's stack can be deIined non-executable by using the new mapIile segment
descriptor STACK. See Segment Declarations.
Solaris 8 10/00 Release
O The environment variable LD_BREADTH is ignored by the runtime linker. See Initialization
and Termination #outines.
O The runtime linker and its debugger interIace have been extended Ior better runtime and
core Iile analysis. This update is identiIied by a new version number. See rd_init()
under Agent Manipulation InterIaces. This update extends the rd_loadobj_t structure.
See Scanning Loadable Objects.
O ou can validate displacement relocated data in regard to its use, or possible use, with
copy relocations. See Displacement #elocations.
O 64bit Iilters can be built solely Irom a mapIile by using the link-editor's 64 option. See
Generating Standard Filters.
O The search paths used to locate the dependencies oI dynamic objects can be inspected
using dlinIo(3).
O dlsym(3) and dlinIo(3) lookup semantics have been expanded with a new handle
O The runtime symbol lookup mechanism used to relocate dynamic objects can be
signiIicantly reduced by establishing direct binding inIormation within each dynamic
object. See Appendix D, Direct Bindings.
Solaris 8 Release
O The secure directory Irom which Iiles can be preloaded is /usr/lib/secure Ior 32bit
objects, and /usr/lib/secure/64 Ior 64bit objects. See Security.
O Greater Ilexibility in modiIying the runtime linker's search paths can be achieved with the
link-editor's nodefaultlib option, and runtime conIiguration Iiles created by the
new utility crle(1). See Directories Searched by the #untime Linker and onIiguring the
DeIault Search Paths.
O The new EXTERN mapIile directive enables you to use defs with externally deIined
symbols. See SMBOLSOPE / SMBOLVE#SION Directives.
O The new $ISALIST, $JSNAME, and $JSREL dynamic string tokens provide greater
Ilexibility in establishing instruction set speciIic, and system speciIic dependencies. See
Dynamic String Tokens.
O The link-editor options p and P provide additional means oI invoking runtime link
auditing libraries. See #ecording Local Auditors. The runtime link auditing interIaces
la_a.tivity() and la_objsear.h() have been added. See Audit InterIace Functions.
O A new dynamic section tag, DT_CHECKSUM, enables you to coordinate ELF Iiles with core
images. See Table 732.

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