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ntroduction to ArcGS

088on 1: ntroduction to ArcGS 9.x (9.1 and 9.2)

Objective: Th0 main obj0ctiv0 of thi8 a88ignm0nt i8 to mak0 th0 8tud0nt g0t
familiar with th0 ba8ic compon0nt8 of th0 8oftwar0 and g0tting hand8 on th0

What You'll Learn: how to:
-Start ArcMap -Cr0at0 a n0w map
-Add data lay0r8 -Pan and zoom
-Chang0 data 8ymbology
-Add l0g0nd8 titl08 North arrow8 and oth0r 0l0m0nt8
-Print a map to a PDF

Data for thi8 0x0rci80 ar0 locat0d in th0 1 8ubdir0ctory in C:/My Docum0nt8.

What You'll Produce: Two map8 on0 of lak08 and road8 and on0 of w0tland8.

Background: Thi8 i8 th0 fir8t in a 80ri08 of introductory 0x0rci808 for ArcGS/ArcMap.

Starting ArcGIS, adding data and creating your first map
Fir8t find th0 ArcMap icon 8hown to th0 right. Th0 icon i8 oft0n locat0d
1) a8 a d08ktop or ta8kbar 8hortcut


2) in an ArcGS fold0r

n Window8 XP it may oft0n by found by l0ft clicking on th0 Start button in th0 low0r l0ft
of th0 8cr00n and 80l0cting Program8 ArcGS ArcMap.

Doubl0 l0ft click on th0 ArcMap icon and b0 pati0nt whil0 a 8tart bann0r di8play8.

N0xt a window 8hould op0n that i8
8imilar to that b0low. You can
0l0ct to cr0at0 a n0w 0mpty map
or op0n a t0mplat0 or an old map.

You indicat0 your choic0 by l0ft
clicking on th0 op0n radio button
filling it a8 8hown.

Now 8ingl0 l0ft click on th0 OK
button in th0 low0r right corn0r of
th0 popup window.

ntroduction to ArcGS


Data Vi0w window
Tabl0 of
window pan0
Thi8 will op0n th0 main ArcMap window 8imilar to that di8play0d b0low. Not0 th0r0 i8 a
%abIe of Contents window pan0 a mo8tly blank ar0a forming th0 l0ft part of th0 ar0
variou8 icon8 and m0nu bar8 0ach of which allow8 you to p0rform 8om0 action.

0ft click on th0 Add Data button in th0 top c0nt0r of th0 window fram0 to add data
lay0r8 (al8o call0d th0m08).

You will 800 a dialog box to 80l0ct a lay0r or lay0r8 for th0 map.

Click on th0 di8play triangl0 to th0 right of th0 "ook in: 8ub window and navigat0 th0
dir0ctory tr00 clicking up and down until you 800 your data locat0d in th0 8ub-dir0ctory
nam0d 088on\1.

Doubl0 l0ft click on th0 fil0 nam0d lakes.shp.

Thi8 will add thi8 data lay0r to your map.

Not0 that th0 Lakes.shp lay0r data ar0 di8play0d in th0 data vi0w pan0 and data nam08
ar0 li8t0d in th0 tabl0 of cont0nt8 pan0 on th0 l0ft.

R0p0at th0 proc088 to add th0 roads.shp data lay0r.

ntroduction to ArcGS

!anning and Zooming
ArcMap allow8 you to chang0 th0 magnification and ar0a that you
vi0w in your data pan0. Th0r0 i8 a clu8t0r of zoom button8 mo8t
0a8ily id0ntifi0d by plu8 (+) and minu8 (-) magnifying gla8808 (800 at
right). B0cau80 th0 toolbar8 ar0 "dockabl0 or movabl0 about th0
main ArcMap window th0 may b0 in on0 of 80v0ral plac08.Th0y ar0
typically n0ar th0 tabl0 of cont0nt8 pan0 or along th0 top of th0

0ft clicking on th0 zoom and pan icon8 chang0 th0 cur8or function. For
0xampl0 l0ft clicking on th0 plu8 (+) magnifying gla88 chang08 it to a "zoom in
cur8or. Wh0n you hav0 activat0d thi8 cur8or clicking on th0 data pan0 will zoom
in on a point.

You can al8o hold down on a l0ft click and drag to d0fin0 a zoom to ar0a.

Th0 minu8 cur8or zoom8 out ba80d on a point click and th0 "arrow8 in and
"arrow8 out cur8or8 zoom th0 0ntir0 pan0 by a fix0d amount.

To 0xit th0 pan in or out cur8or8 click on th0 arrow zoom button in clu8t0r
of th0 pan and zoom tool8.

Th0r0 i8 al8o a glob0 zoom button (at right) that zoom8 to th0 ar0a cov0r0d
by or Ext0nt of your data. B0low thi8 i8 a button that zoom8 to your pr0viou8

Finally th0r0 i8 a "pan button a hand that do08 not chang0 th0
magnification but allow8 you to po8ition th0 data up down l0ft or right.

Exp0rim0nt with th080 cur8or8.

Changing the appearance of the Data Layers
W0 can cu8tomiz0 a lay0r'8
app0aranc0. 0ft doubl0-click on
a 8ymbol icon th0 color0d
patch b0low th0 nam0 of th0
lak08 data lay0r in th0 tabl0 of

ntroduction to ArcGS


Th0 SymboI SeIector window will

You can 80l0ct a 8ymbol typ0 from
th0 0xampl08 on th0 l0ft of th0
window and chang0 th0 prop0rti08
with th0 control8 on th0 right of thi8

0ft click on th0 blu0 patch (8hown
highlight0d in th0 figur0) or anoth0r
that 8uit8 your fancy and l0ft click
on th0 OK n0ar th0 low0r right.

R0p0at thi8 proc088 for th0 Road8

Your map 8hould look
8om0thing lik0 th0 pictur0 to th0

Within th0 data pan0 th0r0 can
b0 two "vi0w8 on th0 data. W0
hav0 b00n working with th0
Data View. Thi8 i8 an
unclutt0r0d vi0w u80d primarily
wh0n w0'r0 working with our
data. Th0r0 i8 al8o a Layout
View u80d to pr0par0 map8 for
output. A layout vi0w allow8
you to add a north arrow
8cal0bar and oth0r 0l0m0nt8
w0 u8ually 0xp0ct to find on a
print0d or oth0r publi8h0d map.

You 8witch b0tw00n th0 Data
Vi0w and th0 ayout Vi0w by
two icon8 n0ar th0 low0r l0ft of
th0 Data window pan0

ntroduction to ArcGS


&sing the Layout View, Adding a Legend and North Arrow
0ft click on th0 ayout Vi0w button (th0 8h00t of pap0r icon on th0 right 8id0) to
pr0par0 your map for printing. Th0 glob0 button mov08 you back to th0 data vi0w.

Mak0 8ur0 you hav0 80l0ct0d th0 ayout Vi0w and
80l0ct Insert from th0 li8t at th0 top of th0 main
ArcMap m0nu (800 figur0 at th0 right).

0ft click to 80l0ct %itIe from th0 drop down m0nu.
A t0xt box for typing a titl0 app0ar8 on th0 layout
vi0w pag0. Typ0 in 8om0thing logical for 0xampl0
"ak08 and Road8 in Hugo Minn08ota.

Aft0r you hav0 typ0d in your titl0 l0ft click and hold
ov0r th0 titl0 and drag th0 mou80 to r0po8ition it.

Doubl0 l0ft click on th0 titl0 to di8play a prop0rti08
dialog box 8imilar to th0 on0 on th0 right. H0r0 you
can mak0 oth0r chang08 for 0xampl0 "Chang0
Symbol i8 th0 button for incr0a8ing th0 t0xt 8iz0 or
changing font8. Exp0rim0nt with th0 80tting8.

R0turn to th0 n80rt M0nu (a8 you did with th0 titl0
abov0) to add a North Arrow.

S0l0ct a north arrow d08ign from th0 popup m0nu
and th0n l0ft click OK.

Th0 north arrow i8 put on th0 pag0 with a box
around it. You may r0po8ition it a8 with th0 titl0
and you may incr0a80 th0 8iz0 by dragging a

U80 th0 n80rt M0nu to add a ScaIe Bar. D0tail0d in8truction8 ar0n't provid0d but th0
806u0nc0 i8 8imilar to adding a north arrow.

ntroduction to ArcGS


Add a Legend from th0 n80rt
M0nu. Thi8 will op0n a 0g0nd
Wizard (figur0 at right).

Po88ibl0 map lay0r8 ar0 8hown in
a pan0 on th0 l0ft and tho80 to b0
di8play0d ar0 8hown in a pan0 on
th0 right. You mov0 lay0r8
b0tw00n th0 po88ibl0 and
di8play0d with th0 arrow box08 in
b0tw00n th0 two pan08

0ft click th0 Next button (low0r
right of th0 Legend Wizard) to
acc0pt th0 d0fault valu08. A8 you
add th0 l0g0nd you will b0 a8k0d
80v0ral 6u08tion8 about th0
numb0r of column8 box08 8tyl0
and oth0r opton8.

Click Next 80v0ral tim08 to acc0pt th0 d0fault8 through th0 8ucc088iv0 window8 and
th0n Fini8h. Th0 0g0nd app0ar8 on th0 pag0.

Finally u80 th0 %ext 80l0ction from th0 n80rt M0nu to add a t0xt box to th0 ayout with
a d08criptiv0 titl0 and your nam0 and th0 dat0.

Onc0 you hav0 typ0d in your t0xt 80l0ct
th0 t0xt box by l0ft clicking on th0 box on
th0 map. A right click will bring up a
m0nu 80l0ct !roperties. U80 Change
SymboI to incr0a80 th0 font p0rhap8 to
18. S0l0ct OK and AppIy and OK.
Mov0 th0 t0xt to a logical plac0 on th0

Notic0 that th0 nam08 abov0 th0 l0g0nd box08 ar0 th0 fil0 nam08. You can modify
th080 nam08 in th0 tabl0 of cont0nt8.
ntroduction to ArcGS


Switch to th0 data vi0w (click th0 glob0 in th0 low0r l0ft of th0 data pan0)

0ft click on th0 lay0r nam0 "ak08 in th0 tabl0 of cont0nt8 (a dark blu0 box app0ar8).

Right click on th0 blu0 box

S0l0ct !roperties from th0 drop-down box
with a l0ft click.

S0l0ct th0 tab lab0l0d "G0n0ral and chang0
th0 lay0r nam0 from "ak08 to "Hugo ak08
and click OK.

Similarly chang0 th0 road8 lay0r to "Hugo

Notic0 th0 lay0r nam08 in th0 l0g0nd chang0
"on th0 fly a8 you chang0 th0m in th0 tabl0
of cont0nt8 th0y ar0 chang0d on your layout.

You map 8hould look 8om0thing lik0 th0
imag0 to th0 right.

f your
to a
print0r you may cr0at0 a hardcopy of thi8 map by
r0turning to th0 main ArcMap m0nu and 80l0cting
FiIe !rint.

f your comput0r i8 not conn0ct0d to a print0r you
may 80l0ct FiIe xport Map (800 figur0 at l0ft).

Thi8 will op0n an 0xport window (800 th0 graphic

ntroduction to ArcGS


Typically you r08trict th0 output
to th0 graphic 0xt0nt (ch0ck box
in th0 0xtr0m0 low0r l0ft of th0
0xport window).

PDF fil08 ar0 oft0n cho80n wh0n
th0 map pag0 i8 to b0
di8tribut0d. On0 of th0 graphic
format8 (0.g. .TF .JPG) ar0
80l0ct0d wh0n th0 graphic i8 to
b0 incorporat0d into anoth0r

Saving Your !roject
Sav0 th0 proj0ct 8o that you may op0n it lat0r by u8ing
th0 main ArcMap m0nu window
FiIe Save.

You'r0 u8ually b08t 80rv0d wh0n 8aving th0 map in th0 l088on dir0ctory that contain8
th0 a88ociat0d data fil08 in thi8 ca80 our 1 dir0ctory. Th0 map i8 8av0d with th0 fil0
0xt0n8ion .mxd.
ntroduction to ArcGS


P 2
Cr0at0 a 80cond map u80 FiIeNew or th0 N0w Map
con th0 8h00t of pap0r in th0 top l0ft of th0 main
ArcMap window (800 figur0 at right).

Add th0 lay0r "w0t_land.8hp to you n0w Map (r0m0mb0r all data ar0 from th0 1
8ubdir0ctory). Thi8 lay0r 8how8 polygon8 that d0pict th0 w0tland8 of th0 Hugo USGS
6uadrangl0 in Minn08ota.

Aft0r adding th0 data l0ft click on th0 nam0 of th0 lay0r (w0t_land or w0tland.8hp) and
right click to 80l0ct Prop0rti08.

Thi8 op0n8 a ay0r Prop0rti08
window with 80v0ral action8 you
can b0gin by activating tab8 along
th0 top of th0 window (800 th0
graphic at right).

U80 th0 G0n0ral tab (furth08t to
th0 l0ft) to chang0 th0 Nam0 of
th0 lay0r to Hugo W0tland8.

0ft click on th0 Symbology tab
(locat0d n0ar th0 top c0nt0r of th0
tab8). Thi8 will op0n a window
8hown at right.

1) n th0 upp0r l0ft 80l0ct
Cat0gori08 th0n Uni6u0 Valu08.

2) S0l0ct W0tland_ty u8ing th0 down arrow n0xt to th0 Valu0 Fi0ld.

3) Click on th0 Add All Valu08. All th0 w0tland typ08 will now b0 8hown. Unch0ck th0
box to th0 l0ft of th0 "all oth0r valu08.

4) Chang0 th0 color 8ch0m0 for th0 map to color8 you pr0f0r.

Sinc0 th0 U valu0 (which m0an8 Upland8) i8 8uch a larg0 part of th0 map l0t'8 mak0 it
blank to mak0 th0 map mor0 r0adabl0.

ntroduction to ArcGS

0ft click twic0 6uickly on th0 color0d box to th0 l0ft of th0 U valu0.

S0l0ct Hollow from th0 8ymbol 80l0ctor window and th0n OK.

Finally S0l0ct Apply and th0n OK.
A8 b0for0 8witch to th0 Print ayout Vi0w
and add a Titl0 0g0nd Scal0 Bar North
Arrow and your nam0/dat0. Practic0
80l0cting th0 map titl0 l0g0nd and r08izing
0ach it0m. Mov0 th080 obj0ct8 around into
a pl0a8ing arrang0m0nt. Your map 8hould
look 8imilar to th0 imag0 at th0 right.

Finally 8av0 thi8 map a8 a map proj0ct fil0
FiIe Save As. Not0 th0 dir0ctory you ar0
8aving to a8 b0for0 that with 8impl0
proj0ct8 it i8 u8ually a good id0a to 8av0 th0
proj0ct with or n0ar th0 data it contain8.

You will 8p0cify a map proj0ct nam0 and
ArcMap will add an .mxd 0xt0n8ion wh0n it
8av08 th0 fil0.

An important not0 on 8aving map proj0ct
fil08 and data:

Th0r0 ar0 a coupl0 of confu8ing a8p0ct8 of
8aving map8. ArcGS docum0ntation
8om0tim08 r0f0r8 to th080 a8 map fil08 8om0tim08 a8 proj0ct fil08 and 8om0tim08 a8
map proj0ct fil08. G0n0rally th080 r0f0r to a fil0 with a nam0 you 8p0cify and a mxd
extension. Ju8t r0m0mb0r that wh0n you 800 th080 thr00 diff0r0nt nam08 th0y ar0
oft0n talking about th0 8am0 thing but 8om0tim08 not. Map proj0ct fil0 i8 p0rhap8 th0
cl0ar08t way to d08crib0 an .mxd fil0.

A 80cond mor0 confu8ing a8p0ct of map proj0ct fil08 i8 that th0y do not contain any
8patial data. Thi8 can cau80 probl0m8 if you ar0 not car0ful.

For 0xampl0 if 8av0 th0 "map cr0at0d abov0 into th0 fil0 "HugoW0tland8.mxd on a
portabl0 di8k driv0 and mov0 it to a diff0r0nt comput0r op0ning HugoW0tland8.mxd will
8how my my data 80t8 in a tabl0 of cont0nt8 but my data vi0w and layout vi0w will b0

Thi8 i8 b0cau80 th0 fil0 HugoW0tland8.mxd do08n't hold th0 data. t only hold8 th0
in8truction8 on wh0r0 to find th0 data and what 8ymbol8 to u80 wh0n di8playing th0
data among oth0r information. f hav0n't al8o mov0d my data to th0 n0w comput0r
th0n th0r0 will b0 nothing for th0 map proj0ct fil0 to di8play
ntroduction to ArcGS


Think of th0 .mxd fil0 a8 th0 r0cip0 and th0 data a8 th0 ingr0di0nt8. You n00d both to
mak0 a map. f you 8av0 th0 .mxd in th0 8am0 dir0ctory a8 th0 data th0n you can 0a8ily
mov0 both th0 .mxd map proj0ct and th0 data th0 8am0 tim0.

Data Frames
Wh0n you fir8t 8tart0d ArcGS it automatically cr0at0d a working ar0a call0d a "Data
Fram0. t nam0d thi8 fir8t working ar0a "ay0r8 a8 8hown by th0
y0llow 8tack in th0 tabl0 of cont0nt8

t i8 p0rhap8 0a8i08t to think of thi8 data fram0 a8 analogou8 to a d08ktop onto which
you plac0 data lay0r8. Ju8t a8 you may hav0 80v0ral d08k8 in a room you may hav0
80v0ral data fram08 in an ArcMap proj0ct.

To carry thi8 analogy furth0r you may plac0 diff0r0nt data on 0ach "d08ktop
r0pr080nt0d by 0ach data fram0. You may al8o di8play a diff0r0nt ar0a u80 diff0r0nt
8ymbology and diff0r0nt coordinat0 8y8t0m8 for 0ach "d08ktop or data fram0.

A map may hav0 80v0ral DATA FRAMES. Wh0n you add data lay0r8 to a map th0 data
will b0 plac0d in th0 "activ0 fram0 by d0fault thi8 i8 activ0 fram0 i8 call0d "ay0r8.
Thi8 0x0rci80 0 will only u80 th0 d0fault DATA FRAME call0d "ay0r8.

Setting Data Frame !roperties
To control DATA FRAME option8 u80 th0 tabl0 of cont0nt8 pan0 (r0m0mb0r th0
narrow v0rtical 8ub window on th0 l0ft 8id0 of th0 main ArcMap window):

0ft click twic0 on "ay0r8 with th0 y0llow 8tack icon n0ar th0 top of th0 tabl0 of
cont0nt8 di8play:

Thi8 will di8play a Data Frame !roperties
window (800 at right). Variou8 tab8 control
variou8 prop0rti08 for a data fram0 8uch a8
th0 nam0 th0 8iz0 of th0 fram0 and di8tanc0
unit8 r0port0d wh0n m0a8uring or making
oth0r calculation8.

B0for0 l0aving th0 data fram0 prop0rti08
8cr00n 80l0ct 8om0 of th0 oth0r tab8 (800
what op0ration8 th0y control).

From th0 Coordinat0 Sy8t0m tab notic0 th0
"Curr0nt Coordinat0 Sy8t0m. To l0av0 th0
data fram0 prop0rti08 window l0ft click on th0

ntroduction to ArcGS


You may wond0r about th0 data lay0r8 you hav0 ju8t u80d for your two map8 Lakes
Roads and wet_land. Th080 lay0r8 ar0 8hap0fil08 a 8p0cial fil0 typ0 d0fin0d by ESR
for 8toring 8patial data. Shap0fil08 ar0 a group of fil08 that 8har0 a fil0 nam0 but hav0
diff0r0nt 0xt0n8ion8 8uch a8 .8hp or .dbf or .prj.

ESR 8ub806u0ntly cr0at0d a mor0 compl0x data 8tructur0 call0d a Geodatabase.

You typically cr0at0 th0 g0odataba808 (or th0 8impl0r/old0r 8hap0fil08) in ArcCatalog a
program that 8upport8 th0 cr0ation filing and docum0nting of data lay0r8.

You 8tart ArcCatalog on0 of two way8: in
ArcMap click th0 fil0 cabin0t icon (800
right). Or 8tart from th0 ArcGS progam
group8 on th0 Window Start M0nu and
80l0ct !rograms ArcGIS ArcCataIog.

ArcCatlog 8hould 8tart with a 8cr00n
8om0thing lik0 thi8:

Notic0 that to th0 l0ft th0r0 i8 a
dir0ctory tr00 and on th0 right a
d0tail pan0. A8 you chang0
dir0ctori08 by clicking on fil08 in th0
l0ft pan0 th0 contain0d
8ubdir0ctori08 or fil08 ar0 di8play0d
in th0 window pan0 on th0 right.

Our 0x0rci808 will primarily u80
8hap0fil08 b0cau80 th0y ar0
ad06uat0 for d0mon8trating mo8t ba8ic conc0pt8. How0v0r w0'll at l0a8t introduc0 how
to cr0at0 a g0odataba80 and d08crib0
8om0 of th0 thing8 you may do with th0m.

S0l0ct FiIe > New > !ersonaI
Geodatabase from th0 ArcCatalog main

Not0 that you ar0 a8k0d to nam0 th0
g0odataba80 and that it ha8 an .mdb
0xt0n8ion. Al8o not0 that th0 typ0 i8 li8t0d
a8 p0r8onal g0odataba80. Typ0
8om0thing in for th0 nam0 0.g. your
nam0 or "t08tba80.

ntroduction to ArcGS

Doubl0 l0ft click on th0 g0odataba80 in th0 right window pan0. Notic0 it go08 blank and
th0 l0ft window pan0 8how8 th0 p0r8onal
g0odataba80 you ju8t cr0at0d.

You will now cr0at0 fil08 to hold data
lay0r8 data tabl08 or oth0r information.

S0l0ct FiIe > New from th0 main
ArcCatalog m0nu to op0n a window (800

Thi8 li8t8 th0 typ08 of n0w data 80t8 or
oth0r con8truct8 you may cr0at0 and
8tor0 within a g0odataba80.

Cr0ation of f0atur0 data80t8 f0atur0
cla8808 and tabl08 ar0 th0 mo8t
common action8.

n ESR'8 parlanc0 a Feature Dataset i8 a coll0ction of r0lat0d 8patial data u8ually
data lay0r8 and oth0r g0om0tric con8truct8. You may want to hold clu8t0r8 of data
tog0th0r for 0xampl0 data lay0r8 on riv0r location8 lak08 along tho80 riv0r8 and dam8
a88ociat0d with 0ach lak0. Th0 riv0r lak0 and dam data ar0 Feature CIasses, and
additional tabl08 and n0twork conn0ction8 may al8o b0 8tor0d in th0 f0atur0 data80t.

You may cr0at0 a n0w f0atur0 data80t f0atur0 cla88 or tabl0 by 80l0cting Fil0 > N0w
th0n th0 g0odataba80 it0m you'd lik0 to cr0at0. You'll b0 prompt0d by a 80ri08 of m0nu8
a8king you to 8p0cify th0 charact0ri8tic8 of th0 it0m.

For 0xampl0 to cr0at0 a 8tand-alon0 f0atur0 cla88 (on0 not contain0d in a f0atur0
data80t) you could 80l0ct
FiIe > New > Feature CIass and
would g0t a window (800 right) to:

Nam0 th0 f0atur0 cla88.

Ent0r a nam0 and click Next.

ntroduction to ArcGS

Sp0cify th0 d0fault 8torag0

Click Next

Sp0cify th0 data fi0ld8 for th0 f0atur0
cla88. Obj0ctD and SHAPE ar0
typically d0fin0d by d0fault for ba8ic
f0atur0 cla8808. You may add n0w
fi0ld8 (variabl08) that hold information
about 0ach f0atur0. For 0xampl0 for
a 8tr0am f0atur0 cla88 could d0fin0
th0 8tr0am_8iz0 ord0r typ0 nam0
0tc. would 8p0cify an appropriat0
data typ0 for 0ach 0.g. 8tr0am_8iz0
a8 a long int0g0r ord0r a8 a 8hort
int0g0r typ0 and nam0 a8 t0xt 0tc.

Click Finished.

Wh0n you click fini8h you 8hould
now g0t a vi0w that 8how8 your
n0w f0atur0 cla88 in a
g0odataba80 a8 on th0 right. Th0
f0atur0 cla88 do08n't hav0
anything in it (w0 will cov0r data
0ntry in anoth0r l088on) and thi8
i8 only th0 8impl08t 8ort of f0atur0
cla88 a8 it i8 not in8id0 a f0atur0
data80t but it i8 a n0w 0mpty
lay0r into which you may add

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