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Y o u r N a m e Matt Albano R e s e a r c h Q u e s t i o n ( s ) How has apple created a monopol y with the release of the new iPhone and how

does this affect the ways in which we live sociall y? W o r k i n g T h e s i s By combining aspects of many other cellular devices, apple has attracted a the majorit y of consumers in the market for cell phones and transformed the way in which we as humans interact. P o s s i b l e M a i n P o i n t s i n S u p p o r t o f Y o u r T h e s i s ( i . e . , y o u r c l a i m s , r e a s o n i n g , a n d e v i d e n c e ) : 1) Apple has combined many aspect of both Blackberry and Android phones, which has ultimately attracted more customers and created a monopoly. Evidence to support this point The concept of blackberry messaging was stolen, the And roid communication bar was stolen, and the touch screen is now as sensitive as that of an Android device. 2) New methods of communication are also attracting customers and taking business from other mobile carriers. Evidence to support this point Blackberry and Androids stock has fallen since the release, apples stock has improved, enhanced facetime, new iphone to iphone messaging, and a faster and easier facebook which now allows users to participate in facebook chats. 3) _ Users will be moving away from face to face encounters and more towards electronics as a mean of communicating. Evidence to support this point _ Communication is new easier with facetime. Users can also use facebook, twitter, tumblr, sms texting, mms texting, email, iPhone to iPh one chat, and call one another. This variet y of mediums of communication allows one to hide behind a wall and mask their true selves. This can be both dangerous and beneficial. P o s s i b l e O b j e c t i o n s t o Y o u r T h e s i s ( o r a n y o f t h e p o i n t s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e ) :

1) If it was a monopol y, the government would have already stepped in. Evidence that might be used to support this CA: Antitrust laws. Acts of Congress in the past. Flaws in/response to this CA: There has not been enough time for such actions to take place. It takes time. More of an exaggeration to prove a point. 2) Blackberry and Android have not been able to change the landscape of communication with the features the iPhone has stolen. Evidence that might be used to support this CA: _ BBM, facebook, twitter, sms texting, mms texting, email, and calling is all available on other mobile devices. Flaws in/response to this CA: Apple has added on to this with facetime and facebook chat that now gives iPhones the upper hand. A F e w P o s s i b l e S o u r c e s ( g i v e s p e c i f i c t i t l e s / a u t h o r s ) : 1) e/inde x.html (online feed of iphone news published by the new york times) (New iPhone arrives; Rivals beware by David Pouge) 2) /apple_iphone_5/index.htm (Apples Big iPhone by David Goldman) 3) Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business By Erik Qualman

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