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AnLolneLLe Sung l3A (16/30)

Llly Lee l3L (7/17)
Sam !ade uck Llena young Sam young !ade Sam and !ade's parenLs Lhe uemon
and Mr SylvesLer

Mr SylvesLer
(1be cottolo ls stlll closeJ)
(1be soooJ of tbooJetstotm stotteJ tbeo soJJeoly stoppeJ)
An unknown person (ln lLA8) nC LLASL nC nCnC
(1bete ls tbe soooJ of Joq botkloq looJ)
1he unknown person nnnnnnnnCCCCCCCCCCC

CharacLers !ade and Sam
SeLLlng !ade and Sam's home
(Cpens Lhe curLaln)
5om ooJ IoJe two teeooqe qltls 5om ls weotloq clotbes lo o tock o toll style 5be
ls lyloq oo o cbolt ooJ eotloq oo opple IoJe ls weotloq clotbes lo o vety qltllsb style
IoJe ls teoJloq tbe oewspopet
Sam l'm boreddddd (8lLes Lhe LomaLo)
!ade Pey Sam! Look aL Lhls!! (olnLs Lo her newspaper)
Sam (Coes and slLs behlnd !ade) WhaL !ade?? Well [usL anoLher person dead ln Lhe
clLy 1haL always happens (8lLes Lhe LomaLo)
!ade nCCCCC 1haL ls Mr SylvesLer Pe dled and we know hlm!! Cn Lop of LhaL Lhls
Llme Lhere are wlLnesses clalmlng LhaL Lhey see a shadow of a ClAn1 black dog
lnSluL 1PL PCuSL!! 8uL we all know Mr SylvesLer doesn'L have a dog!!
Sam Sooooo whaL do you wanL Lo say?
!ade Well you are bored now aren'L you?
Sam hmhum
!ade ?ou are a really good slsLer and you love your llLLle sls me rlghL?
Sam !ade [usL Lell me whaL you wanL okay?
!ade Maybe we can flnd ouL Lhe LruLh behlnd Mr SylvesLer's deaLh!! 1CCL1PL8!!
(olnL Lo herself and Sam repeaLedly)
Sam !ade l'm noL golng Lo do Lhls okay (blLes her LomaLo)
!ade leaseeeeee (Looklng aL her slsLer wlLh her blg round eyes and pouLed)
Sam (Look aL her and blLes her LomaLo)
(5lleoce fot two secooJs)
Sam Ckay you wln
!ade ?ay now leL's flnd nerdy pucky now
Sam (ln a quesLlon Lone) nerdy ucky?? 1he LolleL boy?
!ade !usL goooooooooo (urags Sam wlLh her and exlL Lhe scene)

CharacLers !ade Sam and uck
SeLLlng uck's aparLmenL

IoJe koocks tbe Joot ooJ tbe Joot ls opeoeJ by o boy wltb cotly ooJ messy bolt
!ade (wlLh a blg smlle) Pey ucky can we come ln? We have a llLLle favor Lo ask
(1he boy nods and opens Lhe door)
5om ooJ IoJe weot loto locks opottmeot 1be toom ls fllleJ wltb toos of books ooJ
woll Jecototloo All of tbem ote oboot sopetoototol llke vompltes wetewolves ooJ
block moqlc lock bos cotly ooJ messy bolt ooJ weot o polt of oetJy qlosses lo tbls
sceoe be ls weotloq o 1sbltt poloteJ wltb o vomplte beoJ ooJ woto oot jeoos
blotloq tbot be ls obsesseJ wltb sopetoototol ltems
!ade (ln fear) Sam Lhls room Clves me chllls
Sam (rolled her eyes) !ade ?Cu are Lhe one who brlng us here
lock totos otoooJ
uck So whaL are you glrls dolng here? l have already glven all Lhe
money Lo you and your gang Sam l have no money lefL Why are you guys here??
(SLares aL Sam ln fear)
Sam Look nerdy llLLle boy l'm noL here Lo geL your money My slsLer here says LhaL
you are obsessed wlLh supernaLural sLuff and all Lhose Lhlngs rlghL?
uck (sLlll ln a fear sLaLe) ?es
Sam So we wanL you Lo commenL on Lhls llLLle plece of news
IoJe qove tbe oewspopet to lock lock stoJleJ tbe oews fot o momeot
uck Ch yes l have read Lhls Ch yes Lhe black dog
!ade (ln a glrllsh volce) well yes Lhe glanL dog We llved only a sLreeL away from Mr
SylvesLer's aparLmenL and we all know LhaL he doesn'L have a dog uo you have any
ldea abouL whaL lL ls?
uck Well 1here are many research abouL a glanL black dog walL a sec
lock left tbe stoqe ooJ come bock wltb o tblck Josty book
uck Clrls please look aL Lhls (opened Lhe book)
5om ooJ IoJe qotbeteJ to bls slJe ooJ teoJ tbe book
uck A black dog ls Lhe name glven Lo a belng found prlmarlly ln Lhe folklores of Lhe
8rlLlsh lsles lL ls ofLen sald Lo be assoclaLed wlLh Lhe uevll and lLs appearance was
regarded as a porLenL of deaLh lL ls supposed Lo be larger Lhan a normal dog and
ofLen has large glowlng eyes And Look aL Lhls
uck (he conLlnues) lL ls ofLen assoclaLed wlLh sLorms and also wlLh crossroads
places of execuLlon and anclenL paLhways
Sam (shrugged) does any of Lhe news menLlon a sLorm or crossroads?
uck (fllpped Lhrough Lhe news) well LhaL news dld menLlon a sudden sLorm
!ade Sammy l'm scared
Sam (snapped) don'L call me Sammy
Sam (read Lhe book) hey you (polnLlng aL uck) whaL ls Lhls symbol?
Sam polnLed Lo Lhe symbol(LomaLo)
uck1he LomaLo ls rumoured Lo be Lhe favourlLe frulL of Lhe demon
!ade why do you ask? uoes lL look famlllar?
Sam Well l have Lhe same symbol on my hand (Show lL Lo !ade and uck)
uck buL you shouldn'L have Lhls symbol Lhls only appears on Lhose who made a
deal wlLh Lhe demon
!ade A deal wlLh Lhe demon?
uck ?es don'L you waLch supernaLural?
Sam (snlckered) we are noL nerds llke you
AC1 lCu8
CharacLers !ade Sam uck and Llena
SeLLlng uck's aparLmenL

A oew cbotoctet joloeJ tbe ctowJ 5be ls o qltl wltb o pooytoll 5be weots o looq block
kobe ooJ joloeJ lo tbe tbtee cbotoctets wltb o wlckeJ smlle
1he new glrl Wow ucky l'm surprlsed 1hls ls Lhe flrsL Llme you have lnvlLed glrls Lo
your home
uck Ch Llena uon'L call me ucky
Sam (eyed Llena and asked her rudely) who are you?
Llena l'm Llena uck's slsLer l [usL woke up and l heard LhaL you have a mysLerlous
symbol on your hand rlghL?
Sam lL's none of your buslness WhaL's Lhe maLLer wlLh your famlly? Are Lhere
anyone normal ln your famlly?? (ulrecLs Lo uck)
leoo soJJeoly qtobs 5oms otm ooJ cbeck bet otms
Llena Ch llLLle glrl you are ln greaL Lrouble
!ade (confused) whaL ls golng on? My sls ls ln Lrouble??
Llena SamanLha whaL happened Lo you Lens years ago?
Sam (ln a dangerous Lone) uCn'1 CALL ML SAMAn1PA M? nAML lS SAM
Llena (repeaLed her quesLlon and her volce becomes louder) SAM WPA1 PALnLu
1C ?Cu 1Ln ?LA8S ACC?
Sam (looked aL Llena ln Lhe eyes) l was only flve years old WhaL could have
happened Lo me?
!ade (ln a small volce) our parenLs wenL mlsslng flve years ago
Llena (holds Sam's arms LlghLly) C cheerful yellow eneLraLe my mlnd lmprove my
memory Clve me powers of greaL observaLlon
Sam Ch WhaL are you dolng??(Suddenly falnLed)
1be llqbts weot off lock oskeJ leoo wbot boppeoeJ ooJ IoJe scteoms
AC1 llvL
1he 1
glrl(young [ade) 1he 2
glrl(young Sam) Lhelr parenLs and Lhe uemon
SeLLlng Sam and !ade's house

A moo ooJ o womoo ote otqoloq 1wo llttle qltls stoteJ ot tbem lo feot
1he 1
glrl Sammy why are daddy and mummy flghLlng?
1he 2
glrl Ch [adey lL's alrlghL (aLLed her head) 1hey [usL had a llLLle
dlsagreemenL (SLared aL her parenLs wlLh haLred)
5oJJeoly o womoo wltb o looq teJ Jtess qoes oo stoqe 5be motlooeJ tbe 2
qltl to
qo ovet bet slJe
1he 2
glrl (look aL Lhe woman curlously) Are you daddy and mummy's frlend? Why
are you ln my house? l remember LhaL no one has knocked Lhe door
1he woman (smlled) Ch SamanLha ?ou are very much annoyed by your parenLs
1he 2
glrl (sLared aL her flghLlng parenLs Lhen looked aL Lhe woman ln Lhe eye) ?LS!!
l wanL Lhem Lo sLop 1hey are scarlng my llLLle sls
1he woman Well l can sLop your parenLs from flghLlng 8uL we made a deal here
Ckay?? l sLop your parenLs from flghLlng 8uL you need Lo glve me someLhlng 10
years laLer
1he 2
glrl WhaL do you wanL?
1he woman l need you Lo be my llLLle company and came Lo me 10 years laLer My
cuLe llLLle dogs wlll gulde you
1he 2
glrl AlrlghL we have a deal lnky promlses?
1he woman Ch LhaL doesn'L work SamanLha Clve me your arms
1he 2
glrl (glves Lhe woman her lefL arm and screamed ln paln 1he woman lefL a
mysLerlous symbol on her hand Per parenLs are no longer argulng All lefL ls Sam's
AC1 Slx
CharacLers !ade Sam uck and Llena
SeLLlng uck's aparLmenL

5om woke op wltb o scteom ooJ bteotbeJ beovlly
!ade Sammy whaL's golng on? WhaL happened?
Sam (abouL Lo Lell !ade whaL happened) !adel
5oJJeoly llqbts oot ooJ o mystetloos womoo volce oppeoteJ)
1he volce (creepy) SamanLha remember your promlse M y dogs wlll come aL
mldnlghL and you and l shall be reunlLed
!ade (closed Lo crylng) whaL ls happenlng?
1be foot of tbem lookeJ ot eocb otbet (llCn15 Ou1)
CharacLers !ade Sam uck and Llena
SeLLlng uck's aparLmenL

!ade (ln a hlghplLched volce) how could you do Lhls? So you are Lelllng me LhaL our
parenLs are mlsslng because of you?
Sam ?ou were scared aL LhaL Llme and l only wanLed Lhem Lo sLop flghLlng l never
wanLed Lhem Lo dlsappear (8ecomes emoLlonal and angry) Llena glrl you musL
know someLhlng abouL Lhls don'L you?
Llena l only felL LhaL Lhe symbol ls demon's work 1he spell l casLed on you ls Lo leL
you Lo reLrleve Lhe mlsslng memory
Sam (furlous) you musL know someLhlng don'L you?
!ade (broke down) Ch Sam uon'L make any excuses ?ou know lL ls ?Cu8 faulL LhaL
we have no parenLs now lL's your faulL!!! (SLorms off Lhe sLage)
uck 1hen whaL should we do now?
Sam (Lry Lo remaln calm) Llena do you have any ways LhaL can keep me from Lhe
Llena (wlLh an apologeLlc smlle) Sorry Sam 1here ls noLhlng we can do ?ou musL
follow whaL ls ln your desLlny noLhlng can change Lhe fuLure
uck WalL See accordlng Lo Lhe book lL says LhaL lf we casL Lhls spell Lhen you can
call a demon Maybe we can Lalk Lo Lhe uemon?
Llena 1alk? ?ou wanL Lo Lalk Lo Lhe demon?
Sam ?eah l'm golng Lo do Lhls
Llena 8lghL uck and l are noL golng Lo mess around wlLh Lhls LogeLher wlLh you !usL
do lL yourself (LefL Lhe scene wlLh uck followed)
CharacLers !ade Sam uck Llena and Lhe uemon
SeLLlng uck's aparLmenL

5om flolsbeJ mottetloq bet spell ooJ tbe womoo oppeoteJ
1he woman WhaL a pleasanL uo you wanL Lo come Lo me so early?
Sam you wlsh (Cleared her LhroaL) l wanL 1C 1ALk
1he woman WhaL do you wanL Lo Lalk abouL Lhen?
Sam Well flrsL Lhlng flrsL l wanL Lo know whaL happens Lo Mr SylvesLer
1he woman oh l gave hlm someLhlng he deslres very much Len years ago now he
needs Lo reLurn Lhe favor and leL's [usL say LhaL l gave hlm as a Loy for my cuLe llLLle
Sam ?ou're dlsgusLlng
1he woman (wlcked smlle) no no no you [usL don'L undersLand ?ou have made a
promlse and you can'L break lL ?ou [usL need Lo come wlLh me lL's your desLlny
you [usL have Lo accepL Lhe LruLh and face Lhe reallLy LhaL wlll be good Lo everyone
Sam ?eah llke l should llsLen Lo a demon who ls Lrylng Lo glve me advlces
1he woman uemonlc or noL ?ou know Lhe LruLh !usL leL lL go
(IoJe toos lo ftoot of 5om)
!ade (flrm Lone) l won'L leL you Lo Lake Sam away!
Sam !ade why are you here? lL's dangerous Co home !usL don'L forgeL me okay?
!ade ?ou're my slsLer and noLhlng can change lL even lf you have made an exLremely
sLupld declslon Pavlng a slsLer ls llke havlng a besL frlend you canL geL rld of ?ou
know whaLever you do Lheyll sLlll be Lhere Anu l'm Lhls bug you can never geL rld
of (Smlled afLer Lalklng)
1he woman Pow Louchlng 8uL my cuLe llLLle doggle already here Lhls ls reallLy
(5oooJ of qloot Joqs botkloq oppeoteJ ooJ tbete ls soooJ of oo electtlc
Sam l love you Loo !adey Leave now LLAvL! (Per eyes geL Leary)(auses for a
momenL) !ade forglve me okay? l never wanL our parenLs Lo dlsappear or leave l
[usL wanL
!ade lL's okay and l'm noL leavlng l love you and l forglve you
(1be Jemoo cooqbeJ oqolo)
Sam and !ade (hugged each oLher) l love you!!!!
1he demon (coughed) arghhhhh!!!!!!
(1be Jemoo collopses)
(1be soooJ of tbe qloot Joqs JlsoppeoteJ ooJ tbete ls oo slqo of o tbooJetstotm)
(IoJe ooJ 5om lookeJ otoooJ ooJ tbe Jemoo wos oo looqet tbete)
!ade Where ls Lhe demon?? WalLwe are sLlll allve!!
Sam (relleve) ?eah l can'L belleve l am sLlll allve
(lock ooJ leoo eotets tbe stoqe)
uck (unbellevable) Ch you guys are sLlll allve?? l LhoughL l had goL rld of Sam for
!ade Well l guess Lhe superman ls rlghL Love can defeaL LvL8?1PlnC When slsLers
sLand shoulder Lo shoulder who sLands a chance agalnsL us?
Sam (sarcasLlc) 1hank you Shakespeare
Llena Well noLhlng can change your fuLure nobody can help you Lo defeaL Lhe
demon only you only famlly only love bravery and forglveness can defeaL lL
Sam Pow nlce LhaL u dldn'L say LhaL earller
Llena l CAnnC1!! 1he wlLch resLrlcLlon says LhaL
!ade (lnLerrupLed) l don'L care abouL Lhe demon now Why don'L we [usL appreclaLe
Lhe facL LhaL we are sLlll allve?? Come on leL's have a group hug (1ry Lo hug oLhers)
uck Sorry glrly l don'L hug glrls
Sam no !ade l really won'L wanL Lhls
Llena Should we run?
!ade CCML Cn (hug Lhe oLhers)
1PL Lnu

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