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How to Transport Cut Flowers

Maintaining the correct temperature and controlling the growth oI bacteria are important
considerations when transporting Ilowers.
One key to cut Ilower longevity is how the Ilowers are transported. This is an important
consideration Ior growers as well as consumers who buy Ilowers wholesale Ior weddings and
other special events. One option Ior transporting cut Ilowers is to place them in buckets oI water.
This method is best Ior short distances. For long distances, the best method is oIten dry packing
the Ilowers. Cleanliness and maintaining the correct temperature are important Ior both methods.
Things You'll Need
O Buckets Bleach Water Flower preservative Paper towel Ice or dry ice Ice chest Bubble
Transporting in Water
4 1
DisinIect buckets with a bleach solution oI one part bleach mixed with nine parts
water. Rinse buckets.
4 2
Fill buckets with Iresh water to a depth that will allow stems to be in water, but
not the leaves. Mix in a Ilower preservative solution that contains a biocide to
control bacteria and Iungus. Flower preservative is available at most Ilorists and
home and garden centers.
4 3
Secure buckets to prevent tipping. Transport Ilowers in a reIrigerated vehicle or
keep Ilowers as cool as possible. The ideal temperature Ior transporting Ilowers is
between 32 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit.
ry Packing
4 1
Pulse Ireshly cut Ilowers by placing them in water containing a Ilower
preservative Ior several hours.
4 2
Remove Ilowers Irom water and dry stems with paper towels.
4 3
Pack ice chips or dry ice in the bottom oI a waterprooI box or ice chest. Cover ice
with bubble wrap or other waterprooI packing material.
Place Ilowers on top oI packing material, taking care to protect blossoms.
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How to Transport Roses or Flowers
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Whether you need to deliver one bouquet or many, proper transportation oI the Ilowers is very
important. Ensure that the Ilowers remain vertical Ior the journey and that they are being
nourished and watered so they remain Iresh. The Ilowers can be properly prepared Ior
transportation by using a Iew items that can be purchased at home improvement and gardening
Things You'll Need
O Shears
O 5-gallon bucket
O Powdered Ilower preservatives
4 1
Cut the bottom edge oI the stems Irom the Ilowers to be transported. old the
shears at a slight angle so that the stems are not cut straight across.
4 2
Place the Ilowers upright in a 5-gallon bucket.
4 3
Fill the bucket with enough water to submerge the bottom oI the stems without
drowning the leaves.
Add powdered Iloral preservatives in the amount speciIied on the back oI the
4 5
Load the buckets into a climate-controlled vehicle Ior transportation. Place the
buckets in a secure position so they don't jostle or tip over during the ride.

The Best Method of Transportation for Fresh
By Rose Brown, eow Contributor
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Buying an assortment oI colorIul and Iragrant Iresh-cut Ilowers is a pleasure. Transporting them
to a new location, however, can be a challenge. Many Ilowers are Iragile, and easily bruised,
broken or otherwise damaged during transportation. It is important to pack them in such a way
that they arrive at their destination in the same pristine condition they were in when you chose
them. Use this strategy to properly transport Iresh cut Ilowers.
Have the Proper Vehicle
4 Drive either a mini- or Iull-sized van with most, iI not all, oI the back seats
removed. The amount oI room you will require ultimately depends on how many
Ilowers you must transport. Make sure the van has air conditioning, and use it in
the back where the cut Ilowers will be placed; the cool air will help to maintain
their Ireshness. An air-conditioned van is usually adequate iI you will be driving
the Ilowers Ior 12 hours or Iewer. II you have a longer trip to make and many
Ilowers to move, consider renting or borrowing a reIrigerated van, which will
keep the Ilowers at an ideal temperature oI about 30 degrees Fahrenheit.
&se Water-Filled Buckets
4 Fill several heavy-duty, plastic, 5- to 6-gallon buckets with water. The water
should Iill about halI to three-quarters oI each bucket. Place the cut Ilowers
upright in the buckets. II your journey will take more than two hours, trim oII the
bottom 2 inches oI the Ilowers' stems beIore placing them in the water-Iilled
buckets, so they can drink during transport. Distribute the Ilowers among the
buckets according to height and type. Keep tall Ilowers in one bucket, short ones
in another and delicate ones in another. Keep the buckets somewhat Iull oI
Ilowers to prevent the blooms Irom being jostled around during the drive, but
avoid Iorcibly cramming the Ilowers together because this will cause their petals
to be bent, bruised or removed.
eep the Buckets Stable
4 Place small, 10- to 20-pound sand bags around the bases oI the buckets containing
tall cut Ilowers to prevent them Irom tipping over, should you have to break hard
or turn Iast while driving. Another way to prevent the buckets Irom tipping is to
cluster them close together in the back oI the van. Position sand bags around the
perimeter oI the cluster oI buckets to prevent it Irom sliding or tipping.
eep it Simpler for Shorter Trips
4 Lay the bunches oI cut Ilowers gently on their sides iI you do not have access to a
van in which you can place buckets, or iI you only have to drive Ior one hour or
less. To transport Ilowers in a car, lay them on their sides on the back seat. Stack
the bunches on top oI each other, taking care not to crush their petals. Flowers
with petals that break easily, such as lilies, should be laid on top oI less-
vulnerable Ilowers, such as awaiian ginger. Use the air conditioner to keep them
Move Arrangements with Care
4 Place Ilowers that have already been arranged in vases, baskets or other
containers into smaller, 3- to 5-gallon buckets. The buckets will keep the
arrangements stable while you drive. Surround the buckets with small sand bags iI
needed Ior extra stability.

Read more: The Best Method oI Transportation Ior Fresh Flowers ,

How to Transport Plants & Cut Flowers
From the Market to the Florist Shop
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Fresh cut Ilowers are a perishable product. ot only does a Iresh Ilower need to transported Iresh
Irom the market to the Ilorist shop where it will be sold, it needs to be in excellent condition
when purchased and then look good Ior another Iour to seven days. DiIIerent types oI Ilowers
have diIIerent processing requirements, but the most common Ilowers sold can be kept Iresh
using the same care procedures.
Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need
O Sterilized bucket or container that will hold Ilowers
O Floral preservative
O Water
O Scissors or Ilorist shears
Choosing and Transporting Flowers
4 1
Prepare your receiving area, Ior example a van cargo area, by Iilling sterilized
buckets with water to the point where one-third oI the Ilower stems will be
covered. Add the correct amount oI commercial Iloral preservative and mix well.
ave enough buckets so that the Ilowers can stand upright but not lay over where
the stem contacts the edge oI the bucket or container. One bounce and the stems
may snap. Some Ilower buckets have a grid placed over the top to hold Ilowers
4 2
Choose the Ireshest Ilowers available by asking the market representative when
the Ilowers arrived. Many times the Ireshest Ilowers are in the back oI the
presentation rack or cooler. You always want the Ireshest Ilowers available in the
market. Discounted Ilowers are rarely the Ireshest.
4 3
AIter choosing the Ilowers, inspect careIully. Wholesale Ilowers are usually
placed in a plastic sleeve and roses are oIten wrapped in cardboard with only halI
oI them visible. This makes is very diIIicult to see iI there are rot and mildew
problems on some oI the inner stems and Ilowers.
Stay in the market vicinity to unwrap the Ilowers in case you see problems with
mildew, rot or broken stems. Many wholesalers don't allow reIunds once you
leave the premises or aIter 2 hours.
4 5
Remove the outer wrapper and cut oII a portion oI the stems to expose Iresh tissue
beIore placing in solution. You can take oII more Irom longer stem Ilowers such
as lilies. owever, you can only take a halI-inch or so oII some small short-
stemmed Ilowers such as grape hyacinth or lily oI the valley. This allows the
Ilowers to begin hydrating in Iresh water with new preservative. Cut and hydrate
roses, but don't remove their cardboard sleeves.

How to Transport Cut Flowers
Edited byFlickety and 1 other
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II you need to transport cut Ilowers to market, a wedding, a Iunction, as a giIt etc., it can be
helpIul to know how to do this without damaging the cut Ilowers.
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Edit Steps
1. 1
Wrap the stems of the cut flowers in wet cotton wool.
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aluminium easy peel ends
easy to peel,saIe,convenient suitable Ior dry and retort Iood
2. 2
Wrap plastic bags around the cotton wool and tie with a twist tie or a rubber band.
3. 3
ay them flat in shallow boxes and transport them either by hand or vehicle.
Try carrying cut flowers in containers. This is another alternative that permits you to
keep the Ilowers standing upright. This is good Ior Iragile Ilowers. Use a vase Ior a Iew
Ilowers or a bucket Ior a lot oI Ilowers.
5. 5
Support the containers well. II your transporting by vehicle be sure that you prop them
up against Ialling over when stopping, turning and going downhill or uphill.
6. 6
When you are traveling by a vehicle, keep the environment in the vehicle cool and
shaded. Cool, shaded conditions will help prolong the best condition oI the cut Ilowers.
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Edit Tips
O II you are sending Ilowers by bus, train, or plane to another location and you won't be
accompanying them, use a box that is high enough to cover the Ilowers and instead oI a
lid, cover in clear cellophane. This makes the contents instantly viewable and handlers
will know to keep it right side up. Add a label "Fragile" too.

Florida Beauty Flora Express
Fresh Cut Flower Transportation
FBFE is all about the transportation oI Iresh cut Ilowers. It is all we do and we have done
it Ior over 25 years and we are very good at the business oI Iresh Ilower transportation.
We know what you need and most importantly how you need it. Our Ileet oI late model
tractors and reIrigerated air ride trailers (all top notch quality equipment) are perIectly
matched with tracking and monitoring devices and then operated by trained, experienced
and Iriendly personnel.

We know 'Flora products and how they need to be treated to ensure your products
reaches its destination in the best possible condition . allowing Ior the optimum shelI
liIe. Knowing the Iloral industries as well as we do, we are aware oI the accessorial
products and transportation needs.

Florida Beauty Flora Express delivers it all greens and lads Irom ALL oI the growing
regions. We can ship your dry products right along with your Iresh cuts.

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