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8ock ueformaLlon

O @e name for Le processes LaL collecLlvely produce a mounLaln sysLem ls orogenes|s LarLs less dense crusL ls belleved Lo floaL on Lop of Le denser
rocks ln Le manLle muc llke wooden blocks floaLlng ln waLer @ls concepL of a floaLlng crusL ln gravlLaLlonal balance ls called |sostasy As eroslon
lowers Le peaks of mounLalns |sostat|c ad[usLmenL gradually ralses Le mounLalns ln response
O 8ocks LaL are sub[ecLed Lo sLresses greaLer Lan Lelr own sLrengL begln Lo deform usually by o|d|ng or ractur|ng uurlng e|ast|c deormat|on a
rock beaves llke a rubber band and wlll reLurn Lo nearly lLs orlglnal slze and sape wen Le sLress ls removed Cnce Le e|ast|c ||m|t ls surpassed
rocks elLer deform plasLlcally or fracLure |ast|c deormat|on resulLs ln permanenL canges ln Le slze and sape of a rock Lroug foldlng and
O @e mosL baslc geologlc sLrucLures assoclaLed wlL rock deformaLlon are o|ds (flaLlylng sedlmenLary and volcanlc rocks benL lnLo a serles of wavellke
undulaLlons) and au|ts (fracLures ln Le crusL along wlc appreclable dlsplacemenL as occurred) @e Lwo mosL common Lypes of folds are
ant|c||nes formed by Le upfoldlng or arclng of rock layers and sync||nes wlc are downfolds or Lrougs MosL folds are Le resulL of orlzonLal
compress|ona| stresses lolds may be symmetr|ca| asymmetr|ca| or lf one llmb as been LllLed beyond Le verLlcal overturned Domes (upwarped
sLrucLures) and bas|ns (downwarped sLrucLures) are clrcular or somewaL elongaLed folds formed from verLlcal dlsplacemenLs of rocks
O laulLs are fracLures ln Le crusL along wlc appreclable dlsplacemenL as occurred laulLs ln wlc Le movemenL ls prlmarlly verLlcal are called d|p
s||p au|ts ulpsllp faulLs lnclude boL norma| and reverse au|ts Lowangle reverse faulLs are also called thrust au|ts ln str|kes||p au|ts orlzonLal
movemenL causes dlsplacemenL along Le Lrend or sLrlke of Le faulL normal faulLs lndlcaLe tens|ona| stresses LaL pull Le crusL aparL Along Le
spreadlng cenLers of plaLes dlvergence can cause a cenLral block called a graben bounded by normal faulLs Lo drop as Le plaLes separaLe 8everse
and LrusL faulLlng lndlcaLe LaL compress|ona| orces are aL work A [o|nt ls a fracLure along wlc no appreclable dlsplacemenL as occurred
O Jlc one of Le followlng ls nC@ a form of rock deformaLlon?
Answer eroslon
O Crogenesls refers Lo Lose processes LaL collecLlvely produce ____________
Answer a mounLaln sysLem
O A fracLure wlL orlzonLal dlsplacemenL parallel Lo lLs surface Lrend ls called a(n) ____________ faulL
Answer sLrlkesllp
O @e rock lmmedlaLely above a faulL surface ls commonly called Le ____________
Answer anglng wall

O loldlng ls usually Le resulL of ____________
Answer compresslonal forces

O As eaL and pressure lncrease plasLlc deformaLlon ____________
Answer becomes more llkely

O Jlc one of Le followlng palrs ls properly maLced?
Answer normal faulL Lenslonal forces

O @e mosL lmporLanL dlfference beLween faulLs and [olnLs ls LaL [olnLs ____________
Answer ave no dlsplacemenL

O lL ls assumed LaL many of Le Lerranes found ln Le norL Amerlcan Cordlllera were once crusLal fragmenLs scaLLered LrougouL Le easLern
____________ ocean basln
Answer aclflc
O @e San Andreas faulL sysLem ls a wellknown example of a(n) ____________ faulL
Answer Lransform
O laulLs were Le movemenL ls prlmarlly verLlcal are called ____________ faulLs
Answer dlpsllp

O Jlc one of Le followlng mounLaln ranges as formed were conLlnenLal crusLs ave converged?
Answer Plmalaya MounLalns
@rue or lalse
O As eroslon lowers Le peaks of mounLalns lsosLaLlc ad[usLmenL gradually lowers Le mounLalns ln response
Answer lalse

O SLrlkesllp faulLs LaL are assoclaLed wlL plaLe boundarles are called Lransform faulLs
Answer @rue
O Dnder surface condlLlons rocks LaL exceed Lelr elasLlc llmlL beave llke a brlLLle solld and fracLure
Answer @rue
O MosL mounLaln bulldlng occurs ln Lenslonal envlronmenLs
Answer lalse
O Jere Le axls of an anLlcllne descends Lo Le ground Le fold ls sald Lo be plunglng
Answer @rue
O ln large baslns LaL conLaln sedlmenLary rock sloplng aL low angles Le oldesL rocks are found near Le cenLer of Le sLrucLure
Answer lalse

O MosL ma[or eplsodes of mounLaln bulldlng ave occurred along dlvergenL plaLe boundarles
Answer lalse

O laulLblock mounLalns are common ln Le 8asln and 8ange rovlnce of Le souLwesLern DnlLed SLaLes
Answer @rue
O @errane refers Lo any crusLal fragmenL wose geologlc lsLory ls dlsLlncL from LaL of ad[olnlng fragmenLs
Answer @rue
O @e Appalaclans resulLed from colllslons beLween norL Amerlca Lurope and norLern Afrlca
Answer @rue
O AleuLlanLype subducLlon zones occur were Lwo oceanlc plaLes converge
Answer @rue
O MosL folds resulL from compresslonal sLresses ln Le crusL
Answer @rue

A Craben
8 PorsL
A normal faulL
8 8everse faulL
C @rusL faulL
u SLrlkesllp faulL

A AnLlcllne
8 Syncllne

O arthquakes are vlbraLlons of LarL produced by Le rapld release of energy from rocks LaL rupLure because Ley ave been sub[ecLed Lo sLresses
beyond Lelr llmlL @ls energy wlc Lakes Le form of waves radlaLes ln all dlrecLlons from Le earLuakes source called Le ocus @e
movemenLs LaL produce mosL earLuakes occur along large fracLures called au|ts LaL are assoclaLed wlL plaLe boundarles
O @wo maln groups of se|sm|c waves are generaLed durlng an earLuake 1) surace waves wlc Lravel along Le ouLer layer of LarL and 2) body
waves wlc Lravel Lroug LarLs lnLerlor 8ody waves are furLer dlvlded lnLo pr|mary or waves wlc pus (compress) and pull (dllaLe) rocks ln
Le dlrecLlon Le wave ls Lravellng and secondary or S waves wlc sake Le parLlcles ln rock aL rlgL angles Lo Lelr dlrecLlon of Lravel waves
can Lravel Lroug sollds llulds and gases llulds (gases and llulds) wlll noL LransmlL S waves ln any solld maLerlal waves Lravel abouL 1 Llmes
fasLer Lan S waves
O @e locaLlon on LarLs surface dlrecLly above Le focus of an earLuake ls Le ep|center An eplcenLer ls deLermlned uslng Le dlfference ln veloclLles
of and S waves
O @here |s a c|ose corre|at|on between earthquake ep|centers and p|ate boundar|es @e prlnclpal earLuake eplcenLer zones are along Le ouLer
margln of Le aclflc Ccean known as Le c|rcumac||c be|t and Lroug Le worlds oceans along Le ocean|c r|dge system
O LarLuake |ntens|ty depends noL only on Le sLrengL of Le earLuake buL on oLer facLors suc as dlsLance from Le eplcenLer Le naLure of
surface maLerlals and bulldlng deslgn @e Merca||| |ntens|ty sca|e assesses Le damage from a uake aL a speclflc locaLlon Dslng Le k|chter sca|e
Le magn|tude (a measure of Le LoLal amounL of energy released) of an earLuake ls deLermlned by measurlng Le amp||tude (maxlmum
dlsplacemenL) of Le largesL selsmlc wave recorded wlL ad[usLmenLs of Le ampllLude made for Le weakenlng of selsmlc waves as Ley move from
Le focus as well as for Le senslLlvlLy of Le recordlng lnsLrumenL A logarlLmlc scale ls used Lo express magnlLude ln wlc a Lenfold lncrease ln
recorded wave ampllLude corresponds Lo an lncrease of one on Le magnlLude scale Lac unlL of 8lcLer magnlLude euaLes Lo rougly a 30fold
energy lncrease
O @e mosL obvlous facLors LaL deLermlne Le amounL of desLrucLlon accompanylng an earLuake are Le magn|tude of Le earLuake and Le
prox|m|ty o the quake to a popu|ated area Structura| damage aLLrlbuLable Lo earLuake vlbraLlons depends on several facLors lncludlng 1)
|ntens|ty 2) durat|on of Le vlbraLlons 3) nature o the mater|a| upon wlc Le sLrucLure resLs and 4) Le des|gn o the structure Secondary eects
of earLuakes lnclude tsunam|s |ands||des ground subs|dence and |re
O SubsLanLlal researc Lo predlcL earLuakes ls underway ln !apan Le DnlLed SLaLes Clna and 8usslacounLrles were earLuake rlsk ls lg no
conslsLenL meLod of sorLrange predlcLlon as yeL been devlsed Longrange forecasLs are based on Le premlse LaL earLuakes are repeLlLlve or
cycllcal SelsmologlsLs sLudy Le lsLory of earLuakes for paLLerns so Lelr occurrences mlgL be predlcLed
O As lndlcaLed by Le beavlor of and S waves as Ley Lravel Lroug LarL Le four ma[or zones of LarLs lnLerlor are Le 1) crust (Le very Lln ouLer
layer) 2) mant|e (a rocky layer locaLed below Le crusL wlL a Llckness of 2883 kllomeLers) 3) outer core (a layer abouL 220 kllomeLers Llck wlc
exlblLs Le caracLerlsLlcs of a moblle lluld) and 4) |nner core (a solld meLalllc spere wlL a radlus of abouL 1216 kllomeLers)
O @e cont|nenta| crust ls prlmarlly made of gran|t|c rocks wlle Le ocean|c crust ls of basa|t|c compos|t|on U|trama|c rocks suc as per|dot|te are
LougL Lo make up Le manLle @e core ls composed malnly of |ron and n|cke|
O @e locaLlon on Le surface dlrecLly above Le earLuake focus ls called Le ____________
Answer eplcenLer
O @e cool rlgld layer of LarL LaL lncludes Le enLlre crusL as well as Le uppermosL manLle ls called Le ____________
Answer llLospere

O Jlc earLuake body wave as Le greaLesL veloclLy?
Answer wave
O @e belL from abouL 103 Lo 140 degrees away from an earLuake were no waves are recorded ls known as Le ____________
Answer sadow zone

O @e dlfference ln ____________ of and S waves provldes a meLod for deLermlnlng Le eplcenLer of an earLuake
Answer veloclLles

O Jlc one of Le followlng reglons as Le greaLesL amounL of selsmlc acLlvlLy?
Answer Le clrcumaclflc belL

O ln areas were unconsolldaLed maLerlals are saLuraLed wlL waLer earLuakes can Lurn sLable soll lnLo a fluld durlng a penomenon called
Answer lluefacLlon

O @e eplcenLer of an earLuake ls locaLed uslng Le dlsLances from a mlnlmum of ____________ selsmlc sLaLlons
Answer Lree

O @e ad[usLmenLs of maLerlals LaL follow a ma[or earLuake ofLen generaLe smaller earLuakes called ____________
Answer afLersocks

O Jlc of Le earLuake body waves cannoL be LransmlLLed Lroug flulds?
Answer S wave
O An earLuake wlL a magnlLude of 63 releases ____________ Llmes more energy Lan one wlL a magnlLude of 33
Answer 30

O LarLuake eplcenLers are mosL closely correlaLed wlL ____________
Answer plaLe boundarles

@rue or lalse
O LarLuakes wlL a 8lcLer magnlLude less Lan elgL are usually noL felL by umans
Answer lalse
O MosL of our knowledge of LarLs lnLerlor comes from Le sLudy of earLuakes
Answer @rue
O LarLuake body waves are dlvlded lnLo Lwo Lypes called prlmary () waves and secondary (S) waves
Answer @rue
O no rellable meLod of sorLrange earLuake predlcLlon as yeL been devlsed
Answer @rue

O llulds (gases and llulds) cannoL LransmlL waves
Answer lalse

O waves arrlve aL a recordlng sLaLlon afLer S waves
Answer lalse

O @e boundary LaL separaLes LarLs crusL from Le underlylng manLle ls known as Le sadow dlsconLlnulLy
Answer lalse
O MosL earLuakes occur along faulLs assoclaLed wlL plaLe boundarles
Answer @rue
O @e llLospere ls slLuaLed below Le asLenospere
Answer lalse
O LarLs lnner core ls a solld meLalllc spere
Answer @rue
O @e manLle ls solld because boL and S waves Lravel Lroug lL
Answer @rue

O @o locaLe an eplcenLer Le dlsLance from Lree or more dlfferenL selsmlc sLaLlons musL be known
Answer @rue
O @e farLer a sLaLlon ls from an earLuake Le greaLer Le dlfference ln arrlval Llmes of Le and S waves
Answer @rue
O @e conLlnenLal crusL ls mosLly made of granlLlc rocks
Answer @rue
O LarLuakes ln Le cenLral and easLern DnlLed SLaLes occur more freuenLly Lan along Le global plaLe boundary areas
Answer lalse

A Surface waves
8 llrsL wave
C llrsL S wave

|ate @ecton|cs
O ln Le early 1900s |red Wegener seL forL ls cont|nenta| dr|t hypothes|s Cne of lLs ma[or LeneLs was LaL a superconLlnenL called angaea began
breaklng aparL lnLo smaller conLlnenLs abouL 200 mllllon years ago @e smaller conLlnenLal fragmenLs Len drlfLed Lo Lelr presenL poslLlons @o
supporL Le clalm LaL Le nowseparaLe conLlnenLs were once [olned Jegener and oLers used Le |t o South mer|ca and r|ca d|str|but|on o
anc|ent c||mates oss|| ev|dence and rock structures
O Cne of Le maln ob[ecLlons Lo Le conLlnenLal drlfL ypoLesls was lLs lnablllLy Lo provlde an accepLable mecanlsm for Le movemenL of conLlnenLs
O @e Leory of p|ate tecton|cs a far more encompasslng Leory Lan conLlnenLal drlfL olds LaL LarLs rlgld ouLer sell called Le ||thosphere
conslsLs of seven large and numerous smaller segmenLs called p|ates LaL are ln moLlon relaLlve Lo eac oLer MosL of LarLs se|sm|c act|v|ty
vo|can|sm and mounta|n bu||d|ng occur along Le dynamlc marglns of Lese plaLes
O A ma[or deparLure of Le plaLe LecLonlcs Leory from Le conLlnenLal drlfL ypoLesls ls LaL large plaLes conLaln boL conLlnenLal and ocean crusL and
Le enLlre plaLe moves 8y conLrasL ln conLlnenLal drlfL Jegener proposed LaL Le sLurdler conLlnenLs drlfLed by breaklng Lroug Le oceanlc
crusL muc llke lce breakers cuL Lroug lce
O @e Lree dlsLlncL Lypes of plaLe boundarles are 1) d|vergent boundar|eswhere p|ates move apart 2) convergent boundar|eswere plaLes move
LogeLer as ln ocean|ccont|nenta| convergence ocean|cocean|c convergence or cont|nenta|cont|nenta| convergence and 3) transorm
boundar|eswere plaLes sllde pasL eac oLer
O @e Leory of plaLe LecLonlcs ls supporLed by 1) pa|eomagnet|sm Le dlrecLlon and lnLenslLy of LarLs magneLlsm ln Le geologlc pasL 2) Le global
dlsLrlbuLlon of earthquakes and Lelr close assoclaLlon wlL plaLe boundarles 3) Le ages of sed|ments from Le floors of Le deepocean baslns and
4) Le exlsLence of lsland groups LaL formed over hot spots and provlde a frame of reference for Lraclng Le dlrecLlon of plaLe moLlon
O Several models for Le drlvlng mecanlsm of plaLes ave been proposed Cne model lnvolves large convect|on ce||s wlLln Le manLle carrylng Le
overlylng plaLes AnoLer proposes LaL dense ocean|c mater|a| descends and pulls Le llLospere along no slngle drlvlng mecanlsm can accounL for
all of Le ma[or faceLs of plaLe moLlon
O @e general Lerm LaL refers Lo Le deformaLlon of LarLs crusL and resulLs ln Le formaLlon of sLrucLural feaLures suc as mounLalns ls ____________
Answer LecLonlcs
O MosL of LarLs selsmlc acLlvlLy volcanlsm and mounLaln bulldlng occur along ____________
Answer plaLe boundarles
O @e apparenL movemenL of LarLs magneLlc poles over Llme ls referred Lo as ____________
Answer polar wanderlng
O Complex mounLaln sysLems suc as Le Alps Appalaclans and Plmalayas are Le resulL of ____________
Answer conLlnenLalconLlnenLal convergence
O @e Lype of plaLe boundary were plaLes move LogeLer causlng one of Le slabs of llLospere Lo be consumed lnLo Le manLle as lL descends
beneaL an overrldlng plaLe ls called a ____________ boundary
Answer convergenL

O @e Lyplcal raLe of spreadlng along rldges ln Le ALlanLlc Ccean ls esLlmaLed Lo be from 2 Lo __________ cenLlmeLers
Answer 20

O @e name glven by Alfred Jegener Lo Le superconLlnenL e belleved exlsLed prlor Lo Le currenL conLlnenLs was ____________
Answer angaea
O 8eneaL LarLs llLospere Le oLLer weaker zone known as Le ____________ allows for moLlon of LarLs rlgld ouLer sell
Answer asLenospere
O @e 8ed Sea ls belleved Lo be Le slLe of a recenLly formed ____________
Answer dlvergenL boundary

O @e Lype of plaLe boundary were plaLes move aparL resulLlng ln upwelllng of maLerlal from Le manLle Lo creaLe new sea floor ls a ____________
Answer dlvergenL

O LarLs rlgld ouLer sell ls called Le ____________
Answer llLospere
O @e age of Le deepesL sedlmenL ln an ocean basln ____________ wlL lncreaslng dlsLance from Le oceanlc rldge
Answer lncreases
O uurlng oceanlcconLlnenLal convergence as Le oceanlc plaLe slldes beneaL Le overrldlng plaLe a(n) ____________ ls ofLen produced ad[acenL Lo Le
zone of subducLlon
Answer deepocean Lrenc
O @e caln of volcanlc sLrucLures LaL exLends from Le Pawallan lslands Lo Mldway lsland and Len conLlnulng norLward Loward Le AleuLlan Lrenc
ave formed over a(n) ____________ as Le aclflc plaLe moved
Answer oL spoL
O @e AleuLlan Marlana and @onga lslands are examples of ____________
Answer volcanlc lsland arc
@rue or lalse
O @e llLospere conslsLs of boL crusLal rocks and a porLlon of Le upper manLle
Answer @rue
O @ransform faulLs [oln Lwo segmenLs of a mldocean rldge
Answer @rue
O @e raLe of plaLe movemenL ls measured ln kllomeLers per year
Answer lalse

O ln norL Amerlca Le Cascade 8ange and Slerra nevada sysLem are conLlnenLal volcanlc arcs assoclaLed wlL Le subducLlon of oceanlc llLospere
Answer @rue
O @e 8lng of llre ls an area of earLuake and volcanlc acLlvlLy LaL enclrcles Le aclflc Ccean basln
Answer @rue
O @o explaln conLlnenLal drlfL Jegener proposed LaL Le conLlnenLs broke Lroug Le oceanlc crusL muc llke lce breakers cuL Lroug lce
Answer @rue
O Seafloor spreadlng ls Le mecanlsm LaL as produced Le floor of Le ALlanLlc Ccean durlng Le pasL 163 mllllon years
Answer @rue
O Accordlng Lo Le resulLs of your neL Searc Le !CluLS rogram offlce ls locaLed aL Le Joods Pole Cceanograplc lnsLlLuLlon
Answer @rue
O @e superconLlnenL of angaea began breaklng aparL abouL 200 mllllon years ago
Answer @rue
O LlLosperlc plaLes are LlckesL ln Le ocean baslns
Answer lalse

O @e uneual dlsLrlbuLlon of eaL lnslde Le LarL generaLes some Lype of Lermal convecLlon ln Le crusL wlc ulLlmaLely drlves plaLe moLlon
Answer lalse

A Cceanlc crusL
8 @renc
C ConLlnenLal llLospere
u SubducLlng oceanlc llLospere
L AsLenospere

A ulvergenL boundary
8 ConvergenL boundary
C @ransform boundary

PlsLorlcal Ceology
O Un|orm|tar|an|sm one of Le fundamenLal prlnclples of modern geology was formulaLed by ames nutton ln ls publlsed work @heory o the arth
ln Le laLe 100s lL sLaLes LaL Le pyslcal cemlcal and blologlcal laws LaL operaLe Loday ave also operaLed ln Le geologlc pasL @e ldea ls ofLen
summarlzed as Le presenL ls Le key Lo Le pasL PuLLon argued LaL processes LaL appear Lo be slowacLlng could over long spans of Llme
produce effecLs LaL were [usL as greaL as Lose resulLlng from sudden caLasLroplc evenLs Catastroph|sm on Le oLer and sLaLes LaL LarLs
landscapes ave been developed prlmarlly by greaL caLasLropes S|r Char|es Lye|| (mld1800s) ls glven Le mosL credlL for advanclng Le baslc
prlnclples of modern geology wlL Le publlcaLlon of Le eleven edlLlons of ls greaL work r|nc|p|es o Geo|ogy
O @e Lwo Lypes of daLes used by geologlsLs Lo lnLerpreL LarL lsLory are 1) re|at|ve dates wlc puL evenLs ln Lelr proper sequence o ormat|on and
2) numer|ca| dates wlc plnpolnL Le t|me |n years wen an evenL Look place
O 8elaLlve daLes can be esLabllsed uslng Le |aw o superpos|t|on pr|nc|p|e o or|g|na| hor|zonta||ty pr|nc|p|e o crosscutt|ng re|at|onsh|ps |nc|us|ons
and unconorm|t|es
O Corre|at|on Le maLclng up of Lwo or more geologlc penomena ln dlfferenL areas ls used Lo develop a geologlc Llme scale LaL applles Lo Le wole
O oss||s are Le remalns or Lraces of prelsLorlc llfe Some fosslls form by petr||cat|on rep|acement or carbon|zat|on CLers are |mpress|ons casts or
ave been preserved |n amber losslls can also be lndlrecL evldence of prelsLorlc llfe suc as tracks or burrows @e speclal condlLlons LaL favor
preservaLlon are rap|d bur|a| and Le possesslon of hard parts suc as sells bones or LeeL
O losslls are used Lo corre|ate sed|mentary rocks LaL are from dlfferenL reglons by uslng Le rocks dlsLlncLlve fossll conLenL and applylng Le pr|nc|p|e
o oss|| success|on @e prlnclple wlc ls based on Le work of W||||am Sm|th ln Le laLe 100s sLaLes LaL fossll organlsms succeed one anoLer ln a
deflnlLe and deLermlnable order and Lerefore any Llme perlod can be recognlzed by lLs fossll conLenL @e use of |ndex oss||s Lose LaL are
wldespread geograplcally and are llmlLed Lo a sorL span of geologlc Llme provldes an lmporLanL meLod for maLclng rocks of Le same age
O Lac aLom as a nucleus conLalnlng protons (poslLlvely carged parLlcles) and neutrons (neuLral parLlcles) CrblLlng Le nucleus are negaLlvely carged
e|ectrons @e atom|c number of an aLom ls Le number of proLons ln Le nucleus @e mass number ls Le number of proLons plus Le number of
neuLrons ln an aLoms nucleus Isotopes are varlanLs of Le same aLom buL wlL a dlfferenL number of neuLrons and ence a dlfferenL mass number
O kad|oact|v|ty ls Le sponLaneous breaklng aparL (decay) of cerLaln unsLable aLomlc nuclel @ree common Lypes of radloacLlve decay are 1) emlsslon of
alpa parLlcles from Le nucleus 2) emlsslon of beLa parLlcles (or elecLrons) from Le nucleus and 3) capLure of elecLrons by Le nucleus
O An unsLable rad|oact|ve |sotope called Le parent wlll decay and form sLable daughter products @e lengL of Llme for onealf of Le nuclel of a
radloacLlve lsoLope Lo decay ls called Le ha|||e of Le lsoLope lf Le alfllfe of Le lsoLope ls known and Le parenL/daugLer raLlo can be
measured Le age of a sample can be calculaLed Carbon14 Le radloacLlve lsoLope of carbon LaL ls absorbed by llvlng maLLer ls used Lo daLe very
recenL evenLs AlLoug Le procedure ls ulLe complex radlomeLrlc daLlng as vlndlcaLed Le ldeas of PuLLon uarwln and oLers wo ave lnferred
LaL geologlc Llme musL be lmmense
O @e geo|og|c t|me sca|e dlvldes LarLs lsLory lnLo unlLs of varylng magnlLude lL ls commonly presenLed ln carL form wlL Le oldesL Llme and evenL
aL Le boLLom and Le youngesL aL Le Lop @e prlnclpal subdlvlslons of Le geologlc Llme scale called eons lnclude Le nadean rchean roterozo|c
(LogeLer Lese Lree eons are commonly referred Lo as Le recambr|an) and beglnnlng abouL 344 mllllon years ago Le hanerozo|c @e
anerozolc (meanlng vlslble llfe) eon ls dlvlded lnLo Le followlng eras a|eozo|c (anclenL llfe) Mesozo|c (mlddle llfe) and Cenozo|c (recenL
O @e prlmary problem ln asslgnlng numerlcal daLes Lo unlLs of Llme ls LaL not a|| rocks can be dated rad|ometr|ca||y A sedlmenLary rock may conLaln
parLlcles of many ages LaL ave been weaLered from dlfferenL rocks LaL formed aL varlous Llmes Cne way geologlsLs asslgn numerlcal daLes Lo
sedlmenLary rocks ls Lo relaLe Lem Lo daLable lgneous masses suc as volcanlc as beds
O @e pyslcal cemlcal and blologlcal laws LaL operaLe Loday ave also operaLed ln Le geologlc pasL ls a sLaLemenL of Le docLrlne of
Answer unlformlLarlanlsm
O @e Lask of maLclng up rocks of slmllar ages ln dlfferenL reglons ls known as ____________
Answer correlaLlon
O losslls LaL are wldespread geograplcally and are llmlLed Lo a sorL span of Llme are referred Lo as ____________ fosslls
Answer lndex

O A(n) ____________ ln Le rock record represenLs a long perlod durlng wlc deposlLlon ceased eroslon removed prevlously formed rocks and Len
deposlLlon resumed
Answer unconformlLy
O @e process by wlc aLomlc nuclel sponLaneously break aparL (decay) ls Lermed ____________
Answer radloacLlvlLy
O @e greaLesL expanses of geologlc Llme are referred Lo as ____________
Answer eons
O @e docLrlne of ____________ was puL forL by !ames PuLLon ln ls monumenLal work 1beoty of tbe ottb
Answer unlformlLarlanlsm
O @e Lype of daLe LaL places evenLs ln proper seuence ls referred Lo as a(n) ____________ daLe
Answer relaLlve
O uendrocronology ls Le sysLemaLlc sLudy of ____________
Answer Lree rlngs
O ALoms wlL Le same aLomlc number buL dlfferenL mass numbers are called ____________
Answer lsoLopes
O MosL layers of sedlmenLs are deposlLed ln a orlzonLal poslLlon ls a sLaLemenL of Le prlnclple of ____________
Answer orlglnal orlzonLallLy

O leces of one rock unlL conLalned wlLln anoLer are called ____________
Answer lncluslons
O LarL ls abouL ____________ years old
Answer 43 bllllon

O @e prlnclple of fossll ____________ sLaLes LaL fossll organlsms succeed one anoLer ln a deflnlLe and deLermlnable order
Answer successlon
O nlcolaus SLeno proposed Le mosL baslc prlnclple of relaLlve daLlng Le law of ____________
Answer superposlLlon

@rue or lalse
O @e enLlre geologlc Llme scale was creaLed uslng numerlcal daLes
Answer lalse
O AccepLance of Le concepL of unlformlLarlanlsm means Le accepLance of a very sorL lsLory for LarL
Answer lalse

O @o sLaLe LaL a rock ls 120 mllllon years old ls an example of applylng a numerlcal daLe
Answer @rue

O 8apld burlal and Le possesslon of sofL parLs are necessary condlLlons for fosslllzaLlon
Answer lalse
O @e raLes of geologlc processes ave undoubLedly varled Lroug Llme
Answer @rue
O All rocks can be daLed radlomeLrlcally
Answer lalse
O CaLasLroplsLs belleved LaL LarL was only a few Lousand years old
Answer @rue
O @e wldespread occurrence of abundanL fosslls LaL documenL ma[or evoluLlonary Lrends marks Le beglnnlng of Le anerozolc eon
Answer @rue
O no place on LarL as a compleLe seL of conformable sLraLa
Answer @rue
O An accuraLe radlomeLrlc daLe can only be obLalned lf Le maLerlal remalns ln a closed sysLem durlng Le enLlre perlod slnce lLs formaLlon
Answer @rue

A oungesL
8 Second youngesL
C @lrd oldesL
u Second oldesL
L CldesL

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