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&ywe&*rcnfiz6*g Hmlrfi#* wff#* Se&mee

? '- n E _;.

-&4 ;

F'. ','r.rr.:: ?'2 "' ,'.:.


{ ,,.....r1*?4



What are cells

Apa itu sel
Cells are the basic component units of all living

things and are the smallest living systems that can survived independently.The human body is formed by roughly 60 trillion cells.


ffiffia-l,n 86. Ht S6!r4q+.{i, E 6gf6r4 H! ffi ,J' F.l Hfr fi tf . {Sr! H 6orts+

Sel merupakan unit asas semua organisma dan

sistem kehidupan yang paling kecil dan boleh


sendiri. Badan manusia terbentuk

daripada lebih kurang 60 trilion sel.

What is it said that cells have to be healthy before human

h4+ LiV tEffiIt#R^W A?.fi#ffi? Menqapa dikatakan sel perlu sihat terlebih dahulu sebelum badan manusia sihat ?
Human body is formed by cells and that is just like raising 60 trillion small lives inside the organism. When every small life is healthy and lively, the human body certainly, as the big living organism, can also be healthy. l'''l4t E fr ,H fE tf? Fxfr+t,

&,,ff t /\.16H!^f ft g *tjia{lcF.

i.iitf ft iIt.fAEfEt # 7


f 4'S. ft' . E t4't


Badan manusia terbentuk daripada sel dan 60 trilion sel itu hidup di dalam organisma. Jika kesemua kehidupan kecil (sel) ini sihat, sudah tentu badan manusia sebagai kehidupan yang besar (gabungan kehidupan-kehidupan kecil) ini mestilah
akan sihat.

tersebut adalah sihat?
The essence of a cell is that it posses the ability


growth and division to produce new cells, Every

day the human body has cells that die and also at the same time give birth to new ones. The stronger the ability of the normal metabolism of this kind of cell is, indicates the healthier the cell is.

n . /r''fAtrX A$tr4tffir?:u, lEl F.f & #f HttHflE itCS. j8ff; ,HflEEHtFFf; ,{tirff H! 6E n rut&, f,

Outer Membrane
(Adipose Tissue)

lnner Membrane



Membran Luar
(Tisu Adipos)


boleh bertumbuh dan membagi

yang lebih tinggi pada sel ini menunjukkan

tersebut lebih

menghasilkan sel-selyang baru. Setiap hari, badan akan mempunyai sel-sel yang mati If baru pada masa yang sama. Kadar metabolisma I t

untuk sel-sel dan sel

\ /





Scientific discovery: Nucleic Acid (DNA, RNA) is the kernel substance of cell. is the genetic genes noumenon. lt controls protein (proteinase) composition and dominates the metabolism of cell - substantial metabolism and energetic metabolism, deciding each cell and even the healthy condition of the living things.

FE r)i

EFtr (tE) HIAFI, *+*rffiEEH!+fiFh,ftHt EH

tZHf (nun,


EtEflEAlJllr'b+rnffi, EiE,fEtr HIA.fA, EEEBE






fi #.

Penemuan saintifik asid nukleik (DNA, RNA) ialah kandungan utama dalam sel dan merupakan bahan asas genetic. la mengawal komposisi protein {proteinase) dan metabolisma sel. Hasil dan tenaga daripada metabolisma menentukan jenis dan kesihatan sel.

What is Nudeic


Apa itu Asid



Nucleic Acid is the kernel substance of cove cell and is one of the important life macromolecules inside the cell. Because it shows acidity, therefore it is called Nucleic Acid. Nucleic Acid is the original substance that controls life from birth to death and dominates the metabolism of cell, thereby called by modern science as the'brigin of life'i

+ ufrE frffifr'r+'b+nffi

FI UFt)+ M " +AEf E gEBt ft iEt EtJnE fr+r^;E '{tiBf rfirfi,ftf++f,It "Efrz-iR" .

EtEflEEEE H\*-fr

^h+2- i+E ffi.,



E fiE Ht +fi


Asid Nukleik ialah kandungan utama pada pusat sel dan merupakan salah satu makromolekul penting dalam sel. oleh sebab ia berasid, maka ia dinarnakan asid

nukleik. Asid nukleik ialah bahan asas yang mengawal kehidupan dan menyumbang kepada metabolisma sel. Maka ia juga dikenali sebagai "Dasar
Kehidupan" dalam bahasa sains moden.

How many kinds is the Nucleic Acid divided into

Asid Nukleik dapat dibahagikan kepada berapa jenis

The nucleic acid is divided into two kinds: One kind is called the deoxyribonucleic acid and DNA is the

abbreviation in English. Another kind is called ribonucleic acid, its English abbreviation is RNA.
DNA and RNA all are the basic Nucleic Acids that we

commonly refer to.

tfr&j}hffi*' -*Fq Eitfi tr*tfFlr*Wfi., 44ffi gorun ;

5 RNA.

E#yWA#EI*M., HY.

+ HFf





'F Asid Nukleik terdiri daripada 2 jenis: deoxyriboNucleic acid (DNA) dan rlboNukleik
acid {RNA). DNA dan RNA adalah asas asid nukleik yang kita rujuk.







Why it is said that the nucleic acid is the kernel substance of cove cell ?

h t* ttiil F M +
pusat sel

ffi F, L' tttt ffi ? Mengapa asid nukleik dikatakan sebagai kandungan utama
Because the division and production of new cell are completed under the guidance and participation of nucleic acid and among them, DNA is the "commander" and RNA is the"executioner'iThey jointly wield the division and metabolism of cell.

*'" ,

tr h


*ft E +fi ,E flE#F EE +AsA H! +F+f r A -5 T + fi H!, E + DNAE RNAE "+ t1a" , E,fil+lEl+Jl+gtffiffih\*[f.,fti$t.

" tF+E

Disebabkan pembezaan sel dan pertumbuhan sel baru berlaku di bawah pemantauan dan penglibatan asid nukleik dan kandungan mereka, DNA ialah
"Komander"dan RNA ialah "penguatkuasa". la bekerjasama mengawal pembezaan
dan rnetabolisma sel.



the component unit of nucleic acid (or called monomer) of

acid inside the human bodv ? #fH+fi*tffii4rH dF.H{n ( EqHU+{6



) -q \{6r^r+tfiaffirH Eq+{f

Adakah unit kornponen asid nukleik {monomer} pada

haiwen dan manusia adalah sama
ldentical. Just because of being identical, thus the nucleic acid after hydrolysis and digestion inside the intestines is broken into monomer to be absorbed again in order to form the nucleic acid in cells of human body. And this is the reason that the nucleic acid can nourish the genes.

,H fl

ft hrtMNA,

jg & EtAEa 62r& i-n# &WH! jEIE


5ama. Disebabkan persarnaan tersebut, maka selepas hidrolisis dan penghadaman

di dalam usus, asid nukleik akan dibentuk kepada rnonomer untuk diserap semula dan membentuk asid nukleik daiam sel badan rnanusia. Sebab itulah asid nukleik boleh memperkayakan gen.

Apa itu gen

Genetic genes, called for short as"genes"are part of the DNA's molecule. There are countless


synthersize the realization of "inhereditary feature" by guiding the synthesis of many

proteins. The differences between races in their hair, color of skin, eyes and noses all are caused

in the

DNA's molecule and they

by differences in gene between the different races. The so-called saying that is 'bne plants melon gets the melon, one plants beans gets
the beans'i is also determined by the differences
in their genes.


AFI*'{6I4, "i'f'l'+{

fdf,fiEtr, Eot't Ah\ VH+JH ffi . onn +4 fi*tH! 8 tr, JE JI*F+iE & EE ffiHIJ flT.


EtJ#'+FfrW.. FfiE "f+/n{+J11, f+E f+g "





Gen adalah bahagian molekul DNA. Terdapat

ribuan gen dalam molekul DNA dan badan

mensintesiskan " maklumat keturunan" dengan mernantau sintesis pelbagai protein. Kaum yang berbeza mempunyai rambut, warna kulit, mata dan hidung yang berlainan disebabkan gen-gen yang berbeza d: antara kaum. Pepatah "tanam buah dapat buah, tanam bijih dapat bijih"juga disebabkan oleh gen yang berbeza.

Where are the genes?

Di manakah gen-gen berada?
The genes are right inside the DNA's molecule. Also it can be said that the nucleic acid is the noumenon of genetic genes because DNA is a kind of important nucleic acid. One can see clearly the existence of DNA's macromolecule under the electron

microscope. The gene

macromolecule chain.

is a respective part of various functions on


E tr FJi E 0 n h + + " tr jb DN A E - f + E g ffi +A ffi , Ffr b\ & pt L\iit +t ffi i?fi E jE,{t E tr H! A'16 " E H+ ft:ffi+rtT, trI t){ E ;FDNA* r} T A+rGE, ffi E tr EIr EDNA^ ,)+fiSt H!6fUrf,EHfffi"

Gen berada di dalam molekul DNA. Disebabkan DNA adalah asid nukleik yang pentinE, maka, asid nukleik juga dikatakan asas genetic. Molekul DNA jelas dapat dilihat di bawah mikroskop. Gen ialah bahagian-bahagian yang mempunyai pelbagaifungsi pada tali makromolekul DNA.
DNA, gene groups of human beings are formed accordingly

by 4 kind of nucleotides, they are A(adenine), C(cytosine), T(thymine) and G(guanine), appearing as double spiral structure, the genetic codes of human beings are stored in

i :,:'

formed up accordingly by the letters of A,C,T,G. Among them, there are 30 thousand units lined up to determine
genetic code, that

gene atlas of human being.







'-':':aF,:- GUANTNE

A. C. T. I+86\, EIA*EEtr.

E rg

- E H! lrlFl+
FJr fl


ExI 4Hffi #fA, /. + H! iE U fi5 t*-" +A Ff iE E tr tr i*'.dr E + GHI+1F'il9EA. H+3N++TNFF'|JREJE


) . c GEIBITtAHffi . G(grHr+iiHM) Ef++aH

ttj ffi Ft Ht,



@ ttttr"t

DNA terbentuk daripada A(adenosin), C(sitosin), T{thimin) dan G(guanin) yang mempunyai struktur berpusar ganda dua. Kod genetic disimpan dalam sturuktur ini. Pelan gen

terbentuk daripada gabungan A,lC dan G. Antaranya terdapat susunan 30 ribu unit di mana ianya menentukan
kod genetic iaitu pelan genetik manusia.

What relation exists between gene and replenishment of nucleic acid ? Apakah perhsbungan antara gen dan pertambahan asid nukleik ?
The gene is part of DNA's molecule. DNA's molecule is formed by one kind of mononucleotide chain linking up with phosphodiester.To draw an analogy, DNA is the house and a mononucleotide is the brick. The DNA house has broken down and needs repairs and renewal. That has to depend on the mononucleotide. The nucleic acid that the human body is replenished with, after digestion and absorption, becomes mononucleotide.These mononucleotides are used to mend and renew the DNA's molecules.Therefore, replenishing with the nucleic acid means nourishing the

E tr EDNAT\+ Ht H ffi " DNAA 7 H 4f+ +tZ # EAjE U{4f gA= EEflgiet*Ifl Ft +T tLE-, DNAEE+, 4+AEHAFTEfiI. DNAE+fifi7EPTEEF.*N, Fiig#++AE ffi . ,^.{A,il l' fi H+r lfaM.1.6,iY ll.W'lf tr g ++iS HA, i*,eb + +Ztr m?E H T {t,i I' E +fi DNA'\T, Ffi D)+IftI1VWEI E;iE#E tr .

. f

Gen merupakan sebahagian daripada molekul DNA yang dibentuk daripada sejenis

rantai rnononukleotide yang bergabung dengan dua fosfoester.


rnenggambar analogy, DNA merupakan 'rumah'dan mononukleotide adalah 'batai 'rumah' DNA telah rosak dan perlu dibaiki dan dibaharui. la adalah bergantung

kepada mononucleotide. Asid nukleik yang bertambah dalam badan manusia, selepas penghadaman dan penyerapan nrenjadi nucleotide. Mononukletide ini diEunakan untuk membaikpulihkan molekul-molekul DN,A. Oleh itu, penambahan
asid nukleik bermaksud penggandaan gen.



lr/lengapa dikatakan bahawa "ribuan penyakit adalah

Majority of diseases of human beings is owing to the fact that the genes become unusual and being caused by damaged genes. Genetic abnormality and damaged genes can cause the expressed functional changes of proteins or enzymes and thus led to cancers. The most dreadful types of "ruir"r" aiso originate from changes in cancer genes or cancer repressing genes. lt is so said that thousands of diseases are all due to genetic illness.

EtrF+F*IJE ItgFfi#itHlEHFEt$ fr\thfl?*.ft., trmE I frE&,l6. F trItfi H! " tafr." &,i8. T'E E tr Eti +'IJ'E"* E tr H! g IT., Ffr " + ffiN ffi H'E E tr'fi " . '\iT.

trTA#H!*,frt*IJHTEtrFH. EtrE+FFfitr" Etr+H.

Kebanyakan penyakit dalam badan manusia dinyatakan sebagai gen yang ganjil dan disebabkan kemusnahan gen. Ketidaknormalan genetic dan kemusnahan gen

boleh menyebabkan perubahan fungsi protein atau enzim dan sekaligus

menyebabkan kanser. Kesan yang paling teruk daripada jenis kanser juga berasal daripada perubahan dalam gen kanser atau penindasan gen. Maka sebab itulah dikatakan bahawa "ribuan penyakit adalah disebabkan oleh kesakitan gen,'.

Replenish with nucleic acid regularly. since the nucleic acid is the grain'of genes, genes need nucleic acid just like men need to have meals every day.


f6Hvffr.+*E|" Ah&MF,JrEEtrHt "#f,"

EEEg./lhM.iftl IXSF

Sentiasa mengambil asid nukleik,

lni disebabkan asid nukleik adalah sumber rnakanan untuk gen, gen memerlukan asid nukleik seperti manusia yang
memerlukan rnakanan setiap hari.




What is the answer to the riddle of human beings desiring to have a healthy long life ?





F.f+A ?

Apakalr rahsia dalam pemanjangan jangka hayat manssia

The nucleic acid is the origin of life and when the gene is healthy, the human body will be safe. When the genes are damaged and the human body will be surrounded by hundred diseases. But when nucleic acid is sufficient, the genes will be healthy, but when nucleic acid lacks, the genes will suffer damages. By"nutrition of the origin of life'i nucleic acid is used to feed the genes to be healthy to maintain human life. lt can be used to prevent and cure illness, resist the pace of getting old and feeble to achieve the aim of prolonged life.

MWfrEfr2jF, Etr{iCH, A.{:Ffi#, EEtrE}8, Hffiffi*" fr+*Mfr,E, [{Etr{i*F, trrF6.EZ, fliltsEg]E" iEjif fir'^'H! "*;lfrH#" t*ffi*F.lHtfi ,E+F E tr{F, EI tji Ft{fi i6 ffiliia-.Z, iEsil tE + ffi # Ht H H! .
Asid Nukleik merupakan sumber kehidupan. Jika gen sihat maka badan pun sihat. Jika gen rosak,
maka badan pun jadi sakit. Apabila

asid nukleik mencukupi, gen akan

sihat dan begitulah


Dengan 'nutrisi dasar kehidupani asid nukleik boleh membela gen

yang sihat supaya kesihatan

terpelihara, la dapat digunakan untuk mencegah dan merawat penyakit, melambatkan penuaan dan dengan ini sekaligus dapat
memanjangkan usia.


Berapakah kitar hayat manusia

Modern science research proves that according to the calculation on the division cycle and dividing frequency of cell, the natural life-span of man should be 120
years-160 years old.

rn,ft fjl + fff f; iE HF, +tFAtH ft.1204, -160r.


ri\ g{


ffi +E t} #)R*!i+



H! A

+ rn

Penyelidikan sains rnoden kini membuktikan bahawa mengikut kiraan pernbezaan

kitar dan frekuensi pembezaan sel, hayat semulajadi manusia sepatutnya 120
tahun*1 60 tahun"

Why most men can not achieve natural life-span?

The number of men and women who genuinely die naturally is extremely few. The reasons are chiefly the threat of diseases and in the final analysis,

originate from organism lacking nucleic acid. This leads to the ability of gene renewal and restoration becoming feeble and eventually causing the genes to suffer damages.

EIiEfr,, iHEI.lRJTE;F+f/t.{A+*8ft4 ffi'{FE F#fr 5 XreA+rAEh ;FiEt, rfi E tr F +F.



Bilangan rnanusia yang mati secara semula jadi adalah sangat kurang. lni disebabkan oleh ancaman penyakit" Kekurangan asid nukleik dalam badan manusia menyebabkan keupayaan pemulihan dan pembaharuan gen menurun
dan akhirnya menyebabkan kerosakan gen.


|ar! tl

* .#


#$ ;



Bolehkah pengambilan asid nukleik yang berterusan

memanjangkan umur

is possible. The lnternational Health Organization has forecasted that by the 2l st century, the life-span of the human beings
will prolong somewhat. The main basis is
that the discovery of gene and nutrition of


nucleic acid.

* Hlt'ft 1+' Ffire&, igtd'.+E ft.frrnr EtrfEEEH# - +AW." ]+8trA1,1K,8 +'tH!ilnJAtitr* 7 j5-,fi , +(##5CH HATAffi H! , +,rE E1FH E= H! * F .
Pertubuhan kesihatan sedunia (WHO) menjangkakan bahawa pada abad ke




ini, jangka hayat manusia akan bertambah. lni adalah kerana gen dan nutrisi gen

asid nukleik telah ditemui. Kebanyakan negara juga membuktikan kebenaran fakta ini. Pemanjangan umur berkaitrapat dengan pengambilan bahan yang kaya dengan asid nukleik.


of entirety

Yes. Because

the replenished nucleic acid after digestion and absorption can form DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). lt can also synthesize ATP

and crp(cytosine triphosphate). form cAMP (cyclic Adenosine monophosphate) and cGMp (cyclic Guanosine monophosphate) These above mentioned substances influence organic functions from all facets, therefore the effect of replenished nucleic acid is efficLncy
in its entirely.

(Adenosine triphosphate); GTP (Guanosine triphosphate)

EHt. trt,i'l'ftfrt+ EaaiH.ftw&trElfrdurun







, crp(=fiiim_q#) &cTp(={iEffiEEH) ;
) u-ti*$r










EH.f4(,1$ H! .

ini disebabkan pertambahan asid nukleik selepas penghadaman dan penyerapan akan menbentuk DNA dan RNA" ia juga boleh mensintesiskan ATp, 6Tp dan crp membentuk cAMP dan cGMP. Semuanya dinyatakan diatas mempengaruhi fungsi organik daripada kesemua sudut, oleh itu kesan pertambahan asid nukleik berkesan keseluruhnya.



still lack nucleic acid ?

sedangkan setiap hari kita mengambil makanan daripada unsure turnbuh-tumbuhan dan haiwan ?
The formation of nucleic acid inside the human body depends on of way namely "synthesis from the beginning" and "remedial synthesis'i After 20 years of age, the nucleic acid gained from these two ways by men cannot satisfy the need of their body. For example, adults through their daily food intakes can only absorb 0.5 1 gram of nucleic acid, but the normal metabolism needs the quantity of 2.5 grams or so. Nucleic acid gained by food intake is "remedial synthesis" . While "remedial synthesis" is becoming inadequate and "synthesis from the beginning" getting

weak and reduced with increasing of age, thus most men lack nucleic acid. Especially the old, feeble and sick, owing to the lowering of their digestive and
absorptive functions, are easily conditioned to lack the nucleic acid.

i* ffi t# i&17f..1+ #J trhEf.T ft?tffi Ef/1,f4 Ht ffi g " til ip rt z\ X iE E +, \e?ww+4tr.o. 5 1 H, mfi H,{ti$l#*Et 2. , a+nil'frf'Eylirw F{ E,ill' f,t A FI . ?l' *t A FI 7F E, m,|l' * A fi x [i6 #'f,.Efr g {< m F }JEt, Ffi t;) + ff+ H! *. ffi E " ++ frl fr.* Elffi A, H T ;H.{t Wrl ftA eUIftT D)&i#)Jit *AffiirrBd.ff.z. ^fr*zrfi.M.



Pembentukan asid nukleik dalam badan manusia bergantung kepada 2 cara iaitu, sintesis awal dan sintesis gantian. Selepas 20 tahun, asid nukleik daripada kedua-dua cara ini tidak dapat memberi bekalan yang mencukupi. Contohnya, orang dewasa biasanya memperolehi 0.5 - 1.0 g asid nukleik melalui

makanan, tetapi metabolisma memerlukan lebih

kurang 2.5g. Maka pengambilan asid nukleik daripada makanan dinamakan sintesis gantian.
Apabila sintesis gantian tidak mencukupi dan sintesis

awal merosot akibat peningkatan umur, maka kebanyakan orang kekurangan asid nukleik
terutamanya orang tua disebabkan penyerapan dan
penghadaman yang merosot.


':;.:W-&tA:IsAlt AS I b N A KLEt K

ls there nucleic acid in the cells of plantq


tffi+tn4frffi#+hAfrrMH9? Adakah Asid Nukleikdalam sef tumbuhan

Nucleic acid is the original substance of all living things and certainly that also include the plants. Plants are also formed by the cells. The nucleic acid in the plant cell possesses very good compatible property of living things and its function is the same as that of nucleic acid in the animal cell.,ffi, Ef,i\t E*fi +H+rr " +H+rnfr,E*sHFEfEfi Hq, tfr ffi +A\&AAE'R.lrHit+nffi E++,5"rt+,rtfr frE+t*W.Htrrrte2ft.-t+H!.


Asid Nukleik ialah Kandungan semula jadi bagi semua benda hidup termasuk tumbuhan, tumbuh-tumbuhan juga terdiri daripada sel. Asid l{ukleik dalam tumbuh-tumbuhan boleh kompatible dengan benda hidup lain, Fungsinya sarna
seperti yang terdapat pada sel haiwan.


.\{tE 9fr


The human body possess the ability of "synthesis from the beginning", but the ability of synthesizing nucleic acid by "synthesis from beginning" is limited. Especially after 20 years old, this kind of synthesizing ability can goes down year
after year.


/'I * A W.Ert Ae h,'f E,li ik A Fri tfrM.ArJ Ee h E Ef+AEIH2h*E+""




. ++ frl 820 E t)) tr

Bandan boleh melakukan sintesis awal tetapi keupayaannya yang semakin merosot keupayaannya terhad khususnya selepas umur 20.





What are the symptoms for lack of Nucleic Acid

Adakah simptom-simptom kekurangan Asid Nukleik
The fingernail is not glossy and smooth, brown pots of skin appear early, white hairs

grow early, hair drops off easily, being dreadful of wind and feel chilly, prone to catching common cold and easily get tired. Often feeling dizy, has anemia phenomenon, hand and foot becoming numb, sleeping problem, poor appetite etc and lots of people suffering from diseases. All these symptoms are caused by lack of
nucleic acid inside the body for a long period.

*FFTjE;F. Efli:iEIiI+Ifl. H&+f . +,k*Anfi,,*. +HJtt+H)+. EtsE. affi-#. ,rH*F, Hafrrn#... +EJffi^. HSHRIHfi+. eiT{++, '\&.1R * E#ffi #ttE,f t4+(HE+*2+AEAFfiEf. " ^E+,
Kuku jari yang tidak licin, pigmentasi awal yang berlaku, rambut putih, rambut mudah gugut tidak tahan kesejukan, mudah demam dan letih, pening, anemia, tangan dan kaki kebas, insomnia, kurang selera makan. semua di atas disebabkan oleh kekurangan asid nukleik yang berpanjangan.



What are the major effects of nucleic acid Apakah kesan utama asid nukleik
The nucleic acid chiefly has six great matrix: i. Reinforce the self repairing ability of genes;

2. Promote blood circulation and improves micro circulation; 3. lmprove brain function, nourishing the brain 5. Enhance immunity

to benefit wisdom;

4. Promote metabolism and energy metabolism and resist tiredness;

to prevent infectious disease; Activate skin cells and moisturizing the skin to improve looks.

)fhM.A\f.9.E,.=tri-d, 1. rg5EEtr eilggazh. 2. .{,Eitfti&tEw, It*'ffitF$ " 3" tl#fl&+.IIf,E, {ieflEffig" 4.,{ Ff;,fti9{, .{Eff HEE,ttlrt. fit:ffifr 5. +8H4,&h, ffiftiilF*.ffi. 6. ;fr'ftEfitrHBg, ;tltfiit#.


Asid Nukleik mempunyai6 kesan utama iaitu: 1. Menguatkan daya pemulihan gen; 2. Menggalakkan peredaran darah; 3. Memperbaiki fungsi otak, menambahkan daya cerdas otak; 4. Menggalakan metabolisma dan mencegah keletihan. 5. Menguatkan daya ketahanan badan untuk mengelakkan penyakit; 6. Mengaktifkan sel kulit dan memperkayakan kulit supaya kelihatan cerah.




Why it is said that nucleic acid is not medicine but it is more effective than medicine ?

ll ttt# *VWIT F-?f., b?,frF E *'t,?

Mengapa asid nukleik dikatakan bukan ubat tetapi lebih efektif daripada ubat?
Owing to its ability to nourish and restore genes, the nucleic acid genetic nutrient is therefore a kind of functional food that possesses the ability to prevent. cure sickness and resist getting old and feeble. ln foreign countries, nucleic acid is sold as medicines and moreover its efficiency is very surprising. lts mystery rests on the fact that most diseases and getting old and feeble all originate from damaged genes, leading to cell's pathological changes and aging. Nucleic acid as the noumenon of the genes is beneficial to the genes making self restoration. Why does starfish after its leg is broken off is still able to grow a new leg? Why does the wound injured on one's body is able to heal itself automatically?This is the"natural healing power"formed by living things in the course of their longterm evolutions. Nucleic acid as noumenon of gene justly by its self mending power, realizes the effects of preventing, curing sickness and resisting getting old and feeble.This is the reason of "nucleic acid being not medicine but is more effective than medicine'i

ttEAEtrH#FHTtFE#HEtr, It EEA, trftEE-fFt6rr{fit6lfi+nF Z #rrh A?'trE# fr , trtl Eh+Eti,.MIE h26 F"frC, FE Dr i{+ r}l'F ,,\, E +

rtE Z IN., MWAIE E tr H!6,f4 frl E W A EffiWfrl;{Ztr, tr trI U +< S -t+fi H! h I+ L;tr nE*? hI+ L+t'fll9-L+*6fi A+r{rfitr* F atfiA ? g.iiifrE+tnEKg;Afr.k frrt?+frt FxA\ " A?* " 'ff zEtr7F WHIJ+*W., EEiEilr.iEtr H! H,irhflr=+e?iJT1iiffi ie'ffi+ii*.*A\(Effi , trFJrE " +*MTftti, 1LZiF-AW HtiEIE. Arr

Wtil E +


* * ittFffiru F Z #tl rF + E tr g +F, B fi tH flE,fi g



Asid Nukleik dapat membekalkan nutrien kepada sel dan memulihkan gen yang rosak. maka ia adalah bahan nutrien yang mengandungi daya pencegahan penyakit dan anti penuaan. la telah dijual sebagai ubat di luar negara dan mempunyai kesan yang amat ketara. Rahsianya, kebanyakan penyakit dan penuaan disebabkan kerosakkan pada Een. Mengapa tapak Sulaiman boleh tumbuh semula meskipun telah diputuskan. Mengapa luka boleh sembuh dengan sendirinya? lnilah kuasa pemulihan semualajadi akibat evolusi. Asid nukleik sebagai asas genetic dapat mencegah penuaan dan penyakit melalui pemulihan gen-gen dengan sendirinya. lnilah yang dimaksudkan "asid nukleik bukan ubat malah lebih berkesan daripada





which diseases does the nucleic acid suit

Apakah penyakityang bersesuaian dengan asid nukleik

ln the aspect of strengthening the self restoration ability of gene, nucleic acid is suitable for applications against diabetes, high blood fat, fatty liver and diseases that are inherited and prevents and improves the various cancers. ln the aspect of promoting blood circulation, is suitable for celebral thrombus, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and vasculitis etc. ln the aspect of improving the brain function, it is suitable for dementia of old aga, epilepsy, parkinson disease and neurasthenia syndrome such as dizziness and insomnia,


forgetfulness and inability

skin disease, gastritis, degeneration of sexual function, wound and bone fracture healing after surgical operation, poor appetite, exhaustion and weak in strength etc.


it is suitable for anemia, anti-fatigue,



In the aspect of promoting






, T4FE5'TEf+'E

Itr. ftfiEitfri&IE iEffi+Efim+A fi,}fiF'ft. [i]tr+. AttEfifr+Jl AU.frffi ^r.ffi,

l'+r#*ft. ffi,ft. ilHaiFEftr){&*tr. *HR. {ieB . fEt Z-e + +nfrtaF^.EE RAft . E'f,? [f; ,fti$tE-ffi , jEHTAfi. +iiffi_fr. Efii,fi. Htr. ttriHE)JEtic

, ffiffi+Z+

. 8,1.ffi.


. fitrfnB+nIfiatuA,


Dari segi pemulihan gen, asid nukleik sesuai untuk pencegahan penyakit
diabetes, cerebral thrombosis, penyakit koronari, arteriosklerosis, vaskulitis dan lain-lain. Dari segi membaiki fungsi otak, asid nukleik sesuai untuk demensia,

sawan babi, penyakit parkinson dan pening, insornnia, hilang ingatan dan
gangguan perhatian.

Dari segi penumpuan metabolisrna, ia sesuai untuk anemia, mencegah keletihan, penyakit kulit, gastritis, kurang daya seks, luka, pernulihan selepas
pernbedahan dan patah tulang, hilang selera, keletihan dan lain{ain.



ln the aspect of enhancing immunity and preventing infectious disease, it is suitable for preventing common cold and fear symptoms caused by cold, drop in white blood cell count after chemotherapy treatment against the various tumors and diseases caused by virus and bacteria infection such as hepatitis, liver sclerosis, myocard itis, enteritis etc.

ln the aspect of activating skin cell and moistening the skin for
improvement, it
is chiefly suitable

facial for hair loss and early alpearance of white hair,

preventing and reducing wrinkles and removing darken spots etc.


tsfr.r*TF+, tr,ffE. lEH,l+t**fitElftgHlETtr. ETfiF,ft.,t'Eftft . nLft+{Fffi " E"frTN.E.EX'Hfl8. ;iE;F]=6D-Ei, +EJEH + b.Efr#. H &+I4. IsDgE)FIgE

h. inFi.f*,fif,tr, trffi TiRtsitdFE. B*tF.




Dari segi peningkatan sistem pertahanan dan pencegahan penyakit, ia sesuai untuk pencegahan deman, takut kesejukan, pengurangan WBC selepas kemoterapi,
hepatitis, sclerosis, myocarditis dan enteritis disebabkan jangkitan yirus dan lain-lain.






Why is nucleic acid notably effective in the treatment of celebral thrombus sequelae ?

cerebral thrombosis

The formation of celebral thrombus while going through middle and old age under

the circumstance of sclerosis of the ."lJbr"iurt"ru, ntnn tr""J r., ,"J ir""i viscosity getting higher, the artery walls are being damaged, the interior membranes becoming rough and adding to them blood viscosity becoming stagnant, flow velocity slowing down, platelet gathering to form embolus on the damaged artery walls. The choked artery cavities stop the corresponding blood supply to the brain tissues making some partial brain tissues gradually losing their

functions because of insufficient blood supplies.

All these cause sensory barriers, imbalance in mutual organic support, serious hemiplegia, loss of linguistic ability and even incontinence. The replenishment of nucleic acid firstly improves circulation, improving the blood supply to the whole brain and the pathologically changed part also can get the improvement by tributary circulation; activating the fibrous protein soluble enzyme system, promoting the softening, dissolving and absorbing of the thrombus to promote
the overall metabolism. At the same time, it improves the metabolism of brain cells

and restoring the cerebrum function. Therefore treatment of cerebral thrombus sequelae.


has notable effectiveness in

lifr + * +|e,n8.-Eh Ei<fr*.k. H fr BF. fr #fi lg 1g H H! tH )E T, tt fl,j(EE finHg{+fE+E, trn2fr;,t#At#. ;fii8g. fi.4'iFRF, EtfrEfrttrhtJ E E Lfrt ftt+ + | ra #-r E E4 ; [E ffi 7 tE lU H& 98ttr, H! ft i{t,f* lU, {F js*l],{r}fl &aH !,tr. tr'f^rE 7F /e mi6t+fi & *r, eE " jEFII*H FHfi+. *,* * rE . FiH m. * iFE E :lr 4'{E * H.,i l' tiAEAE ft79.8'{rtr', ttE#+fl& H! mi&{+&,,fi g *[,fntE trI iE ilfiU EflEtIfBFtJ /t E ; ;El ;E r+rE tr H,, .f,E i$mffi H! +i.ft . t#ft4. !fi &,e E ag.ftiHf , tE F.l&#flErHEE H!.{ti$t,,ffi tfl&r, eE, tr tbrffririmi+ tr
m iA frt




Pembentukkan cerebral thrornbosisdi kalangan orang'dewasa dan olang tua dalam keadaan sclerosis pada arteri otakr:lernaktinggidan viskosi,ti darah tinggi, pengaliran

darah menjadi lambat, penggumpalan platlel membentuk embolus pada dinding arteti yang rosalq menyekat saluran darah dan rnemutuskan penyaluran .darah kepada otak menyebabkan kekurangan nutrien dan akhirnya tidakdapat berfungsi" Akibatnya, gangguan sensori, herniplegia yang serius, hilang daya bercakap dan
keradangan berlaku.

Selepas pengambilan asid nukleik pengedaran darah bertambah baik, otak mendapat bekalan darah yang mencukupi, segala perubahan patologi diperbaiki

dengan pengedaran tributary, mengaktifkan "fibrous protein Soluble enzyme"

menggalakkan kelembutan, melarut dan menyerap thrombus untuk menggalakkan metabolisma keseluruhan. Pada masa yang sama, ia memperbaiki metabolisma sel

otak dan mengembalikan fungsi serebrum. Maka, ia berkesan terhadap rawatan

komplikasi cerebral thrombosis.


Why is nucleic acid effective in treating coronary heart


Mengapa asid nukleik berkesan dalam merawat penyakit koronari ?
The coronary heart disease is caused by coronary arteriosclerosis and artery cavity

becoming narrow. ln addition certain branch embolisms cause cardiac arrest and chronic blood flow deficiency which leads to coronary angina and even to lead to the cardiac muscle blood deficient necrosis, arrhythmia and heart degeneration

After consuming its replenishment, nucleic acid promotes cell division; renders
blood production to become vigoroul improves the sclerosis condition if coronary artery and assures the provision of blood and oxygen to the cardiac muscle. lt also improves cardiac muscle nutrition and energy supply. It normalizes nucleic acid metabolism and strengthens the ability to elirninate free radicals and reduces absorption of endotoxins inside the intestines ways. lt improves and coordinates the organic functions related to circulation, as well as lighten the heart burden for creating the condition for overall irnprovernent for cardiac function.

E,L',fr E H TEltatfi?lfiF'ft. nE g E, EEH-AETA S E I *EHI,L.FJTF.,IE,I'+{^IT fr.T +, F5t,blilEEE+Ef ,*fr 1'+

lTW, ,L"t#*.H, ,L'FS " +l'fr,t*, IE #.T tHEEh\#, fr.i&S.FIEIH, lf-ET fr It 4t E?l H! fiE IX.\ilF. , I*|E-T ,L' E/l'f^n fin-'f^ri fi, , &E7,L.EJtH#li,E,fnfr961^n1..4-. + M '{ti$tEH, iH[AH HEAEn j=d98,, )l-il,]7
En..Fi* H! W'lf , 5 fl-Fr iE *A"eHi/LgE HiTIEEtt'ijfl , X)Jdi,*i 7,u'nEft lE, z,u' f;Eri gg sq *r^tt grl E 7 *'f+.



Penyakit koronaridisebabkan oleh koronari arteriosclerosis dan kaviti arteri menjadi

sempit. Tambahan pula, sesuatu cabang embolisma menyebabkan kegagalan

jantung dan kekurangan penyaluran darah kronik dan yang membawa kepada sakit

jantung dan nekrosis otot jantung kekurangan darah, arrhythmia dan degenerasi
jantung dan lain-lain.
selepas pengambllan asid nukleilq ia menggalakkan pembezaan ser, mengurangkan kepekatan darah, memperbaiki keadaan sclerosis arteri koronari dan menjamin bekalan darah dan oksigen kepada otot jantung. la juga memperbaiki bekalan nutrien dan tenaga untuk ototjantung.

mengawal metabolisma asid nukleik dan menguatkan keupayaan untuk menyingkir radikal bebas dan mengurangkan penyerapan endotoxin ke dalam usus. la juga memperbaiki dan memantau fungsi organic berkaitan dengan peredaran darah dan mengurangkan beban jantung untuk mewujudkan keadaan keseluruhan yang baik untuk fungsijantung,




ii n ucleiG Acid effective, ih improvinq livei: function? JFrffi h 4+ Lfi ei #E+r\ A? A H h+ R? "+t

Mengapa asid nskleiklberkesan dalam memperbaiki fungsi hati ?

The various viral hepatitis, fatty liver etc all can cause defective liver function, liver cell death, degeneration, fibrous tissue hyperplasia and even develop liver sclerosis.

Nucleotide has very good anti-virus function and thus has the function to inhibit hepatitis virus. Replenishment of nucleic acid promotes the remedial synthesis of
nucleic acid and reduces the synthesis of nucleic acid from the beginning (synthesis from the beginning is an important work of liver cell and it needs a large amount of energy). lt can also lighten the burden of liver cellto enable the liveito get rests. Therefore, it benefits the restoration function of the liver.

+T)]H24R, ET'HEiT N, g.ffi.,'+#N +fr*.It " +rE WE lEH !r H! +n,fi E,ft H, tr m if f f (,t E +tl#llFffi " hl'fttrrw., .fE EtaEa Ht,i l.f{ aFI, ldL,y w.att ^,fr FI EFT3H BE Ht E gI.'ff , H t E Ht F'g E ) E {F EIrH flE fi\+Etilfil#', F+i+ sil.l,H-, ^*AFI trtt'fllTETrhE?,l&E" +f+,fr ltET







Viral hepatitis, asid lemak hati dan lain-lain boleh menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati, kematian sel hati, degenerasi, fibrous tisu hyperplasia dan jua sclerosis hati. Nekleotida mempunyai fungsi anti-virus yang sangat bagus. Maka, ia boleh mencegah viral hepatitis. Pengambilan asid nukleik menggalakkan pemulihan sintesis asid nukleik dan mengurankan sintesis asid nukleik dari sintesis awal

(sintesis awal adalah penting untuk



mernerlukan tenaga). la juga meringankan beban sel hati supaya hati boleh berehat. Jadi, asid nukleik mengembalikan fungsi hati.


Mengapa asid nukleik berkesan mengatasi diabetes

Diabetes is the excessive blood sugar resulting from relative or absolute deficiencies in insulin secretion inside the body. But such excessive blood sugar surpasses the kidney cutting off value, whereby the glucose follows with the urine discharge to show urine sugar. Nucleic acid can promote the synthesis of insulin acceptor, to be able to enhance the immunity of the organism. Therefore, it is effective against diabetes.

E'fr E tr T .fA fi NF E *'} ;'/' TE I.T EIi'6 1I 7F E ET fi F g * E,f4\ A FI T E T[ F'T H! fEiEH, tEiJ'5 rA'fH, ffi HfEll RfiF H, H rfl Fr< #E . +vM Ft U'{E itflF H * &fiF,H H E'ffi AFI, e\WffiH+ntfiftE h, Ffi D)tt'ihtrx,fi if "


Diabetes ialah kelebihan gula dalam darah akibat daripada kekurangan atau tiada

perembesan insulin dalam badan. Kandungan yang telalu tinggi melebihi had ketahanan pinggang dan glukosa dikumuhkan dalam kencing. Asid nukleik boleh mengalahkan sintesis insulin, reseptor insulin dan meningkatkan system pertahanan badan. Maka ia berkesan terhadap rawatan diabetes.



Why is nucleic acid able to improve stomach and intestines functions ?

lr W I.r 4+ /^A? e+ # E Efirh A?.?

dan usus ?
Bifidophilus in improving the stomach

commonly called "human body street cleaner'i while the nucleic acid is the growth factor of bifidophilus. lt can enable bifidophilus to
grow at double rate inside the body, while adjusting micro-balance inside the intestines ways at the same time promote the restoration of cell functions inside the intestines ways. Nucleic acid can promote

bowel function



energy metabolism. With energy, it promotes stomach and intestines

wriggling and assimilation functions.

irfg{+HEtiEF',fifr2+, #E "/',fA;FiE* " 2f,7, m&EAn|JExr tit+H

IEfrE trtfrffifi




E,ftit{, 7 f,,g E fl tE fr7

E nA Hnffidl

Bisidophilus memperbaiki fungsi perut, dikenali sebagai penyapu jalan dalam badan manusia dan asid nukleik adalah faktor pertumbuhan bifidophilus. la membolehkan pertumbuhan bifidophilus sebanyak dua kali ganda dalam badan dan mengawal keseimbangan mikro dalam usus dan pada masa yang sama
menggalakkan pemulihan fungsi sel dalam usus. Asid nukleik boleh menggalakkan metabolisma tenaga. Denga adanya tenaga ia memperbaiki asimilasi penyerapan


Vllhy'is nucleic acid fatigue and restore physical stiqngth quickly ?'

ftEf*,f*zr4i3iFiH FAIEF,,F{fit

Mengapa asid nukleik menqhilangkan.kelesuan dan memulihkan kesegaran dengan segera ?

The metabolism of the man depends mainly on
energy supply, but 950/o of the energy depends on the hundreds and thousands of mitochondria in every cell

of the organism. When nucleic acid is lacking, the

injury of gene system of the mitochondria could not be restored in time and can not assures the nature and

mitochondria, then the sugar etc consumed just cannot be fully converted into energy.



When the replenished nucleic acid promotes the synthesis and the restoration of mitochondria, all
"electric generators"inside the cells of the whole body

will be started. The energy metabolism strengthens and the body feels relaxed and strong, mentally
vigorous and energetic.

E {^ft JU' m 6 g E F! e 5 % rlrj ='{fK E'{& # tIL'f4\ E ,H fE + FI tr -t + H! fi,fl '{n'fA " 4 rfi.M. fi* Z F.J, rt +n'{4\ E tr F fr, HtJ +:^ Ifi T eU.&.Bt 16 E, 4 6E{*itr4i*n,fa H! E 5 E, tF 2\ H! fE +itire2fr.h\F+ fr9fr+ft?. I,]'frtr*M,'{,8 it 7 rtXft '{6 H+J#-F| E IgE,
,,\. H! +'fi f,fi







h, fHi+*+t$t.

Metabolisma bergantung kepada bekalan tenaga tetapi 95olo daripada tenaga bergantung kepada ribuan mitokondria dalam setiap sel organisma. Apabila kekurangan asid nukleik, kecederaan system genetic granultidak sempat dipulihkan dan mengganggu kuantiti mitokondria, maka glukosa yang diserap tidalC ia dapat bertukar kepada tenaga. Dengan pengambilan asid nukleik, ia menggalakkan sintesis dan pemulihan mitokondria, semua penjana elektrik dalam sel seluruh badan akan bermula. Metabolisma tenaga dikuatkan dan badan rasa lega, kuat dan



a :i : : ::. !..: i. :,::t :.:j.


F M j: It

tz, A7.v+ #EfiHFc?


Mengapa asid nukleik boteh bantu dalam menidur

After the nucleic acid goes in the human body, Adenosine, its by-product possess a very strong lulling effect on the nerve center system. At the same time, it benefits

the normal metabolism of pineal body which regulates the body biological clock.
Therefore, nucleic acid has a notable efficiency in improving insomnia


T rf

Et B.lflj


H + lalltrPltl "fi,RH i,f + tE i fi E*tft,RE?R t& H!{EHR,{f rfzw$t* HRE E {A+.+2+EiJ*J +f H!+ F{4r H! E H.fti,Hf , Fft



Selepas asid nukleik larut dalam badan manusia, hasil sampingannya ?denosine" dapat memberi kesan "tidur" kepada pusat sistem saraf. pada masa yang sama, ia

boleh memberi manfaat kepada metabolisma jasad pineal di mana jam biorogi dapat berjalan dengan sihat. Jadi, asid nukleik memberi kesan baik yang ketara
dalam menidur.


Why is nucleic acid effective in enhancing genitality

Mengapa asid nukleik beikesan dalam.meningkalkan system reprodukftif ?

Sexual function is mainly related to the amount

of sperm synthesized. Sperm cells are formed

and synthesized by nucleic acid. The testis needs

nucleic acid the most. Since the body lacks

nucleic acid inside, that causes the testis function

to decrease. Cell division becomes not vigorous, thus reducing the synthesis of sperms and genitality being degenerated. Nucleic acid
replenishments promote synthesis of proteins in

order to synthesize more vigorous sperm. Genitality will naturally be restored and

++AZLEE-5#HTH trL ffi7rEEE -sft frt&#F*WA FI H! E *L E EE&WF. Z Etr El|




mfFf +.FItJiiJ;lr','ltt/t

+-dlg,z H!ErffiHlfE+

++e?h H ftiff+5|J,t&

Keupayaan seks biasanya berkaitan dengan bilangan sperma yang dihasilkan. Sperma dibentuk dan disintesis oleh asid nukleik. Testis merupakan organ yang

paling memerlukan asid nukleik. Apabila badan kekurangan asid nukleik, fungsi
testis akan menurun. Pembezaan sel akan menjadi lambat. Maka, sintesis sperma terganggu dan fertility menurun. Pengambilan asid nukleik menggalakkan sintesis protein untuk menghasilkan lebih sperma yang aktif. Maka, fertiliti akan dipulihkan dan ditingkatkan.



Why is nueleic acid able to eliminate cold symptoms caused by cold ?

Jtt+l.zitrMEtl't ;HIIAFI#?
Mengapa asid nukleik mampu menghilangkan simptom kesejukkan ?
During wintet some people feel colder than others and these people are the
sufferers of cold symptoms caused by cold. This is the symptoms of lowering of energy metabolism of organism and regression of cell vitality inside the body. Fully energetic cells are able to produce sufficient cold with standing energy. Once the cells age, thermal energy produced will decline. Nucleic acid can strengthen energy metabolism, activate cells, to make the cells more active, so that the body can feel warm.




IL, Ft fiEET ;fr ffi, Ffi UHT?FIKEHFII

E tffiEEZ
H! l,*


flE;f; iAfE Jg F iE H!,{* {tr

E i.ti+ T l]+ . &EAEI u)ld-tF 6E E.{t igt, -ffi ft.tfrEq, IF.tfr

)EBE "

+ A if; EX E+rtF,ffi ,


eEW fr.h\




Semasa musim sejuk, sesetengah orang berasa

lebih sejuk daripada orang lain dan ini dikatakan mengalami simptom kesejukan. Simptom ini adalah simptom penurunan kadar metabolisma dan kekurangan keaktifan sel. Sel yang aktif dan bertenaga mampu menghasilkan daya tahan kesejukan. Apabila sel menjaditua, tenaga haba yang dihasilkan akan berkurangan. Asid nukleik boleh menguatkan metabolisma tenaga, mengaktifkan sel untuk menjadikan sel lebih aktifsupaya badan berasa panas.




Why is nucleic acid able to prevent the common cold

The common cold is caused by various different kinds filterable virus. Any person whose resistance is weak will easily suffer from the common cold. Nucleic acid possesses the ability to resist virus and infection and enhance the function of immunity. Nucleic acid is able provide the power for all cells in the body, strengthens the resistance against filterable virus. Once


resistance is strengthened, one common cold easily.

will not catch the

E I *sHt

H E E fr



F +nffi E

igiEr'lEiH{$,ft8H!**,fiih "'ft+nt JESET, FftTAE

ffi * . tEH ft'E h #) 9r e2, frW.e?f& IX?h I tfr +


i3'ltffi E



55 H!

,^., ft 6 5,F.t H E .






Selsema boleh disebabkan oleh pelbagai virus. Sesiapa yang mempunyai sistem pertahanan badan yang lemah, senang menghidapi selsema. Asid nukleik berupaya

menentang virus dan jangkitan dengan meningkatkan system ketahanan badan. Asid nukleik mampu membekalkan kuasa kepada semua sel dan menguatkan rintangan terhadap virus. Sekiranya rintangan dikuatkan, seseorang tidak akan
mudah mendapat selsema.


THE ttilRACLt$.i6F-


Scientific studies confirmed that the causes of cancer are due to the arousing of cancer gene and the loss of vitality of cancer suppressing genes. Cancer genes and cancer suppressing genes are parts of the DNA's molecule. Their arousal loss of vitality is owing to change and variation in alkali base or single nucleotide. This is also known as gene damage. Acid nucleic can help in aviod cancer.

,EtrF AB14fri'+^itr*E

H T,EE tr H!tBltf;Eti+tn,E E tr H!*'f; Ffi Ef ,'EE tr &+'IJ'EE tr *[JEDNA'}+H!_ gt],lri, Erff ;Edt * tfr E H TFIEdI++Z# ffi H! g +Ff Ei,

!ilEEi+ +*E-M., irk*.H* frl9tFf ifi, " A Ert + Ig FE tr" Ffi t:)Eft.ffiMM-tri t){in Fiffi,f .
El, Ht

Penyelidikan membuktikan bahawa punca barah adalah disebabkan oleh pengaktifan gen barah dan kehilanEan keupayaan gen penceEah barah. Gen barah dan gen pencegah barah adalah sebahagian daripada molekul

DNA. Pengaktifan dan kehilangan keupayaan


disebabkan oleh perubahan dalarn bes atau nukleotida tunggal. lnijuga dinamakan kerosakan gen. Penambahan
bekalan asid nukleik dapat membantu.


Why nucleic acid is able to increase your skin elasticity, enable your skin to appear qlossy ?

Mengapa asid nukleik mamplf meningkat elastisiti kulit dan membolehkan kulit kelihatan cerah ?
The reasons for skin aging, in the final analysis are the result of functional degeneration of cell metabolism of skin tissues. Therefore, for restoration of skin elasticity and glossiness, the prerequisite is to enable those weak cells, particularly

skin cells of the "base strata" to be revitalized. Nucleic acid possesses the
efficacy of revitalizing skin cells.
E-A*.ZFfi D)Z'|.L, if ElJ Jfr tji fr E flXrF,txtH nE+fi Irf; {t U #rt eeF*1t htt# R, E tL,'ffi g E fli H! 5F'ltf E F ;+, tt)**'f+ E F EtfrrJ4frEF, /EE E & Ei " & IR F= " tfrffiF.'tL tE ;Ji'ft . +iEA tti t {H E fir$ EEE Jg if; ;Ji'{t H! Ur if .

* Gf
ti ,Fj


Punca penuaan sel kulit adalah disebabkan oleh degenerasi fungsi metabolisma kulit tisu. Maka, untuk memulihkan elastisiti dan kecerahan kulit, sel-sel kulit yang lemah khususnya sel kulit pada lapisan dasar hendak dihidupkan. Asid nukleik berkesan untuk menghidupkan sel kulit.


Why it is said that nucleic acid is the"Protection God"of "intellectual genes" ?

i'f+Aid+nE6+tfrE -gHHE"
untuk"qen biiak"

Hi{R+FiH? Mengapa dikatakan asid nukleik adalah dewa pelindung

Replenished nucleic acid after being absorbed by the small intestines, will chiefly be synthesized in the brain and marrow. Therefore, brain and marrow that firstly received the benefits will not only directly nourish the intellectual genes through remedial way, moreover, but also benefit the restoration of damaged intellectual

fr Effi , 7F{n. trI r)UE iJ,irt'ttia f4H+*H # tfl& H HE ,4 g +fi H! E H FtrhID)]'E "
H! flfi

trh+l'fr,+rw, iEiJ4'EZ!/lr&tr, fgEEEfrEffE+a fix, FfiL\,


m.E H

#T lt


Apabila Asid Nukleik diserap dalam usus, ia akan terkumpul terutama di otak dan sumsum tulang. Maka otak dan sumsum tulang yang paling awal menerima manfaat. ia bukan sahaja memperkayakan 'gen pandai" di otak, malah memberi faedah dalam pemulihan gen otakyang rosak.




senile dementia ? MM *: t* tz4?.ffiFfi Efr#ffi 4;lbrfrF.? Mengapa*asid nqkleik boleh menceg?h degenerasi otak dan senile demensia ?


After a person becomes an adult, his or her cerebrum cells decrease progressively. Those younger than 50 years old lost 100,000 daily, 50 years and older, lost 200,000
daily, by 60 years old, brain cells decreased by 130/o.The brain undertakes information storage, retrieval, synthetical processing of information, the instructing and issuing of information inside and outside the body. The high nerve center metabolism rate is

decided by the heavy cerebrum tasks. The material base for brain metabolism is protein and enzyme. The synthesize of protein and enzyme requires sufficient DNA and RNA. Nucleic acid can promote cell division of the cerebrum cognitive system, prolong the life cycle of brain cells. Therefore, nucleic acid is able to prevent brain
degeneration and occurrence of senile dementia.

H! +4

/\ t

f fr




"Fl'} iJA U. i=,-F.9,+4tur.,ffr flJ60fr F&rHEEiFlr'l 3%. ^ ,ft ti{ g4,ft ^fie7E(+E.1H,8.{i*6. H! {+ * )* E H!, fi ,I''{E*F.+F + &.h6, + tE,i+ irHt 4 H E H flfi gE frfi

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EEfiff EE E ffi fsfE, E

E 5$E


dt'tfrA fr,E Hforun. RNA. tAEa trI U e ffi ^

Apabila semakin dewasa, sel otak seseorang semakin berkurangan. Mereka yang berumur kurang daripada 50 tahun akan kehilangan 100,000 sel setiap hari, lebih daripada 50 tahun hilang 200,000 sehari. Menjelang urnur 60 tahun, sel otak berkurangan sebanyak 13olo. Otak berfungsi untuk menyimpan maklumat, mengarah dan melaksanakan maklumat di dalam dan luar badan. Metabolisma sistern saraf pusat dikawal oleh sereberum. Bahan asas untuk metabolisma otak ialah protein dan enzim. Sintesis enzim dan protein rnemeriukan DNA dan RNA yang mencukupi. Asid nukleik boleh mengalakkan pembezaan sel pada serebrum dan memanjangkan kitaran hidup sel otak. Maka, asid nukleik boleh mencegah degenerasi otak dan


Although the brain cell is not the same as other cells and does not divide after maturity (there is a new theory that nucleic acid replenishments can restore brain cell's vitality), but nucleic acid can promote cerebrum blood circulation, assure
sufficient oxygen supply to the brain. This in a considerable degree, suppresses the decline of brain function and prevents senile dementia. Moreover, the RNA3 nucleic acid and the brain has a close relationship. This is the newest research achievement that British Neurologist Alan in his discovery of the "wisdom gene". Therefore, nutritionists recommlnded that when old people choose the nucleic acid products, they should pay attention on the content of RNA.





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= " i*EEr4,*frfi "




-++, li+ztrF+ilgt (tE'#fiiit, +|fr+ Wr't r\ ft il 7 fi&t l 6E F+'fft , tF Fifl& ffi F. " fr tl, RNAfim -5 * ffr B
HE tr




F Et?fi%#^E

ffi H.},


-" frl F*f fifi f; FIF " trgtiH-TRNAHt aE.


Walaupun sel otak tidak sama dengan sel lain dan ia tidak boleh membeza, selepas matang (teori

baru mengatakan bahawa pengambilan


Tetapi asid nukleik boleh memperbaiki peredaran darah serebrum dan menjamin
bekalan oksigen yang mencukupi kepada otak.
Secara tidak langsung, ia menyekat penurunan

nukleik boleh memulihkan keaktifan sel otak).

fungsi otak dan mencegah demensia. Di samping itu, RNA juga berkaitrapat dengan otak, menurut penyelidikan Ahli Neurologi British yang menemui 'gen bijak" dalam otak. Oleh itu, pakat

nutrisi mengesyorkan warga tua menumpukan

perhatian dalam kandungan RNA apabila

memilih produk asid nukleik.


:*stp/,:t{ttKL,E K

Can fegular replenishments of nucleic acid prolong life ,4 H * l' ++tfie4,t i EI t" 3[ fi # # [-q ?

Bolehkah pengambilan asid nukleik yang berterusan memanjangkan umur ?

It is possible. The lnternational Health Organization has forecasted that by the 21st century, the life-span of the human beings will prolong somewhat. The main basis is that the discovery of gene and nutrition of gene - nucleic acid.

TEtrfiEtrH# - ta6." i+8 tr*$+<F+tHtiJBAd'i,E*7ix-,f;, X#85

H A+48ftfr\A+,nHE]




Pertubuhan kesihatan sedunia (WHO) menjangkakan bahawa pada abad ke-21 ini, jangka hayat manusia akan bertambah. Ini adalah kerana gen dan nutriengen - asid nukleik telah ditemui. Kebanyakan negara juga membuktikan kebenaran fakta ini. Pemanjangan umur berkaitrapat dengan pengambilan bahan yang kaya dengan asid



Why nucleic acid is able to strengthen the memory

Mengapa asid nukleik boleh menguatkan daya ingatan


Memory can fair when the brain lacks nucleic acid. Rats, 5 hours after being injected RNA's synthesis retarding chemical preparation in their brains, could not just the mouse holes. Nucleic acid gene nutrient not only is rich in DNA, but also in RNA. It gives significant and lasting efficiency in strengthening cerebrum memory.

FEfi+RNAAFIT{, 54' H.}ir.t*t4 StJ *ffi 7 " +AEAEtr H#*T{I,HADNA, T, 'IEJ HARNA, ].f Jg'&IBfi iE,IZ' **EEIJ FF Effi'}+

I ;i

Daya ingatan merosot apabila kekurangan asid nukleik. 5 jam selepas disuntik dengan bahan penghalang sintesis RNA ke dalam

otak, tikus tidak dapat mencari lubang

masuknya. Bahan nutrien asid nukleik bukan sahaja kaya dengan DNA malah .!uga dengan RNA. la memberi kesan yang ketara dan efektif dalarn menguatkan daya ingatan.


Why nucleic acid is able to make white hair return to black

t MhI+LA?.IFHft+

*8. +yr#.#,*ftF?

Mengapa asid nukleik mampu menghitamkan rambut putih dan menumbuhkan rambut baru apda kepala yang botak ?
Human hair can grow 0.3 milimeter in length per day and in a month it can be 1 centimeter in length. There is no any other brgan'inside the human body that grows quicker than the hair. But if the active ability of hair follicle cells declines, the cell division speed slows down and even stops. This can lead to massive hair loss resulting in hair becoming sparse, withered, fragile, dry and even bald head and white hair appearing at early age and one's look appears to be older. Same as in other cells, this is because some men after consuming nucleic acid, their white hairs turn black and new hairs grow on their bald heads.


E FILjt+<o.



6g+<-JErK. I,f4(t4,:t{+{Fi;FE



Ui, ,^'iilie g EE Z " fi H'f&rHnE-i+, iii E tr E EBFIE EE iE i7 Hrr+AM+*. ZFfrEf. " -.,& z\EFH tiW.ZE, H A gH, 4lF1( H *f &, EiT.tT61'* 7 .

gf5ff;frft. ffiHfrnfrt*, EEHr4,F+f*_5E

sel folikel rambut menurun, pembezaan

Rambut manusia boleh tumbuh 0.3 mm sehari dan 'l cm selama sebulan. Tiada organ lain yang tumbuh lebih cepat daripada rambut tetapi sekiranya keaktifan

diperlambatkan atau berhenti. Akibatnya, rarnbut

gugur, layu, rapuh, kering dan mungkin botak.

Seseorang yang rambut putih pada umur yang muda

menyebabkannya kelihatan lebih tua. lni adalah kerana sel folikel kekurangan asid nukleik yang mengawal aktiviti sel. Maka, tidak hairanlah sekiranya
rambut seseorang menjadi hitam semula dan rambut

tumbuh pada kepala yang botak selepas mengambil

asid nukleik"


Bagaimanakah asid nukleik membolehkan seseorang

kelihatan muda dari segi dalaman dan luaran

Nucleic acid replenishments revitalize the skin cells to increase skin whiteness, remove dark spots and wrinkles, to enable a person looks younger and have vigor.

rl'fr,t*w, ;8.{t&fltrEfiE, rgE. +*rir*3fi



f;frh "

Pengambilan asid nukleik mengaktifkan sel kulit, memutihkan kulit, menghilangkan pigmentasi dan kedut muka supaya kelihatan muda dan


Mengapa asid nukleik mampu mencegah katarak

Cataract, a common eye ailment found among old people is a kind of gene damage mainly caused by the free radicals. Nucleic acid possesses resistance against free radicals and the function to restore damaged genes. Therefore, nucleic acid is able to

prevent cataract. At the same time, cataract is also a result of functional degeneration of the crystalline metabolism. Nucleic acid replenishments strengthen crystalline metabolism. Nucleic acid replenishments strengthen crystalline metabolism and thus able to prevent cataract.

HnAtrZ+^H fi[+E-f+EEtr+fi'ff,,fi,
E fr E+TI'Effi ,f'E tr,ff ffi ,

f gEH H HSEFlHtr, t"]silHFfiie


fiElitEE H!


IAEA{F ffi

.tlt H! '\A?ffir,ii .{ti${tg +.f [f;



d E ffi ,IA,{A,ftiBf tF, tr m HEiR Fi H fi llF "





Katarak, penyakit yang sering dihidapi oleh warga tua. la adalah sejenis kerosakan gen yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas. Asid nukleik mampu menentang radikal besar dan berfungsi memulihkan gen rosak. Jadi, asid nukleik mampu mencegah katarak. Pada masa yang sama, katarak juga akibat degenerasi metabolisma kristalin. Pengambilan asid nukleik menguatkan metabolisma kristalin dan mencegah katarak.



Please eat alkali food when consuming the Nucleic Acid

Scientific research considers the fact that in the process of becoming old, the human body is going through an acidifying process, with diseases such is tumors, diabetes, cerebral thrombus sequelae, neurotic diseases, arthritis and liver sclerosis etc and when feeling tired, the body fluid is in fact inclined to acidity. Scientists also found that when the body fluid is inclined to alkalinity, the intelligence quotient is high. Therefore, when middle aged people and various types of patient are taking nucleic acid, if they can eat more alkali food, they will enhance the restoration efficiency to return them to good health.


*hEn ffi




fr++^hw, /\,{6EjE,^.+Z

H! H{,frF, +Eiilfilffi HEAEft#, BeEIEffi+,H. #EFr<lffi. E,bilm . *ftftsrfrffiH\EL" $f.ti.,Ln" HI${EF dEtrT9{ Et!:Tffiltfi#" FIH.Jlel, f++ g 9'f6Et!:+0dj1t{t#fEtr, e ffi tE *[iZmffiH. EItb, g++sttfr,^tEEflEH ^&,b-rn, )aEA, Ifr,IneEiE i1fiFi1't p'o H! il' t *tE H A I Ig E, AEh+El*HlEfi.

Mengambil makanan beralkali semasa mengambil asid nukleik ?

Penyelidikan telah membuktikan proses penuaan boleh menyebabkan badan mengalami proses keasidan. Penyakit seperti barah, diabetis, serebral thrombosis, penyakit nekrotik, artritis, sclerosis hati dan lain-lain. Apabila badan letih, cecair badan akan menjadi lebih berasid. Saintis juga mendapati bahawa apabila cecair badan menambahkan kealkaliannya, otak menjadi lebih cerdas. Maka, apabila warga tua dan pesakit mengambil asid nukleik, mereka dinasihatkan rnemakan makanan yang lebih beralkali supaya pemulihan kesihatan lebih berkesan.


':i::: t.. :




ll 4


Nobel Prize Winners are Nucleic Acid Researcherq


++t#Hi *,,{i f+# F +F+*+E+H

+F-i# ril fi

Nowadays, 41 Nobel Prize winners have successfully researched and proved that Nucleic Acid possesses unique healing results. one of the greatest breakthroughs ever made in the medicallcience field in this 20th century.-Nucleic Acid is the basic substance for all genes, where genes are the herediata ,y furtor.

ir,i, i,

e * rn ( 41 E ) t+x# zt\fttiri itr +uHa H!r4++tfi ,?if R . Ed =+, E+# H!l+t *fifi . +*MEE tr A+H!6 W <+tln#rnt ), E tr E+A

E20E rE :arcln^".

D]f,EHIDNAHITI. Kini, terdapat 41 orang pemenang Anugerah Nobel telah berjaya menyelidik serta membuktikan bahawa Asid Nukleik mempunyai kesan-kesan pemulihan yang unik. lni merupakan salah satu penemuan baru yang berjaya dikaji dalam abad ke 20 ini. Asid Nukleik merupakan struktur asas gen, di mana gen membawa faktor warisan.


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