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The Editorial crew of the

New Kingdom Trumpet
apolO{jzes fOr the mix-up
of the news story on the
front page of our AUgust
Edition.. The headline,
Uf=aJsehood J4ttractsAu
tOfl1etic Ex..-communica-
.("-1;i"'-:-A I#,r..u.-.,ent
:-'0__, it ....,..1 I IlC>U a '-Ill 111
nie story
I,!..' if pub
It"s.h<JA;j Ra:'>f . .)II..

eader (J. o. Obu.,
the founder and sus
tainer ofthe Brothethood of
the Cross and Star haS eta-:
dared that the exact pun-.
ish.nent for telti ng lieS is
automatiC:' e.)([X)l1ltnunica
tion from the fold. Making
" ,
this declaration in the 34Arit>o
Great HailrecentlYJ The Sole
Spiritual Head c:J the Universe .
sad "aJ) calfusialists, trooble
makers and vessels c:J false
hood shall no longer be aI
Jowed to operate in this fold;
the exact punishment for such
is automatice)([X)01fTlJ
nicatioo .... Without mincing
words, the Father said YAlo
, ever meets \Vith misfortune,as'
a resuU (I his expulsion from
the fold has himself to blame.
Expressing His disap
pointment over the WfrI some
bret:hrm pJ'Cfll9tefaJsehood in
fofd, the rtoly Fathel reaf
firm h'ow a brother .from
America paid So to cane
to N"Jgeria to perpetrate,fSlf$8
hood. He then queried, -what
does this brother now
that ,he is e><peUed from the.
fold on ar-....count rI bearing
false 'witness?- He admat
, ..
ished that nobody should
bring perdition upqn. himself
'becaJse of.lust fOr moneYand
ThSok Ypu Father.
Why Orthodox Churches fail
The failure of ortho
dox churches, organisa
tions and groups have
been attributed to their
formation and opera
tions bC'ing hased on
The Sole Spiritual
H\!ad. Leader O. O. Obu
in an early morning alter
tlfiel sak: lllat ;:ny
establishment that has or
regards falsehood. se8re
gation. env Y jealuusy. I
impatience and vices as
virtue. is bound to fail
Quoting Malachi 4: 1-6
to show how falsehood
and wickedness is a mark
the failure.
He said that it is only
an prganisation, church,
or group built on truth,
love. peace, joy, mercy,
patience, oneness and
equality that can stand,
prosper and .
He therefore warned
all to be contented
with positions, they
occupy and stay there
because, "be you a
Pastor, a
an elder. a clerk, a
cleaner or managing
director. you arc a unit
in .1 machinery and if
the unit badt}' fi.\cd
,or lit tcd. III,' machinery
t';.J.unot fune,tion or per
'form. "
He that
arc all links that ,assure
progress warning
against ing that
"my contribution is
greater than that of the
other man, rather,
all should work in unison
and 10 love for' our
master who has the ori
ginal-master plan."
"Whatever you are.
given, be they children,
money, vision, healing.
or power to preach. do'
not boast but in all
humility. use such
gifts to do something
for God, afterall. all
things work together to.
give glory to God
almighty and for the
edification ,of many. II
the Holy Father said.
He urged all to allow
t he Holy Spirit to
and ,our affairs'
at an times.

Leader O. O. Obu
Pr.... Ud. Jo4 Ambo SttNt. P. O. Box CIt, Ag. Editor Brother EtOP 'ft'
(ISSN 07943040) 1O-108i
ProblemwithO'rfhodox' Churches of
The Sok Spt' ri tUAl
He ad of Br otherhood . or
the CrClS and Sur b.ea
der 0.0. abu h. said
thlt the cause of the un
dang unCrtg the churches
of the Christendom is the
carnal cCrtsidendoo of
'WtIo lead who.
}-k said lhat the Cath
oUes would not want to
see the protestants neither
would those of the Apa;..
tooc faith agree 'With the
Me thodst and vice-vena.
The Holy Father mac):
the:lle assertion Mille add-
I"C:!sing members of the
fcld in an early morning
a.ltar briefrecendy.
uaoer Obu described
I ucrefore, and
mg t th F the 01.._
o e aUlCr,
ooJy that is from
God IS Brotherhood
f th CdS
o e ross an tar
whose teaching are the reo
coodite wisdom of God.
'The divine injunction
of BCS is love one another
and in view of this. wtlere.
do we keep the pcXyga
nusts, me pagans, the na
tive doctors etc? Do we
throw them away?- the
Father querried.
Continuing, the Father
enjdned tnose present to
know that what is para
mount for any Brother
hood member is righteous-
Ress adding that
11 unfortunate the .si Abraham base and Ja
ruatioo whereby, even, the
Moslems 'know Him
t><:tter than the
and asked what would be
the pa;ition jf aD shol,lld
lmaJgamate and recognise
t.he presence 01 the
50nirled Holy Spirit on
He 'M!nt on to s.ay that
rTUny religions who have.
Q'Y'er the yeal1, realised
their nakedness are now
groping in thousandln
search of the true Identity
and uadertup.
The Holy Fa ther cited
the Ba.tu! faith u the
ooly religioo tlut h.u
officiaDy recognised and
accepted the doct:riJte of
BCS as being in ccnformi
ty with their doctrine.
but >aid that their pro-
cob macicd more than
cne wifa. we
:U1ouJd not judge people in
terms of marriage or reli
The Father w.ed the
occasion to remind the en
tire Brotherhood world
t.iult their duty is to
preach lhe gClipd of Our
Lord Jesus Christ and not
to tell people that Leader
Obu is Jesus Quist. God
and the Holy Spirit.
"Tell them what you
know about the CospeJ of
Jesus Christ and anow the
Father to do His work"
The Father asserted.
lie l'nU'mattd the pe"
f h
pIe of the act t a\
obody would go to the
market naked to buy a
I th rather he puts
blem stiD remain that, dress chan'
they have not ges as soCrt as he/she has
Jesus the Chnst.... acquired the new one.
their Saviour,
Similarly. the F.a ther
went on 8 sinner is not
changed but
gI8duaUy adding that
when a native doctor is
healed of his infumi.
ties, he would accept God
Cod and ilow appreru.
tion to Him out of h.i3 YO'"
N',ain, and Jt jJ
recorded in Psalm 82 :6,
Man is Cod even though
the or1hodox churches are
of lhe coo Ira ry ric w.
They are yet to beliew
that Cod created man In
His o>Vl11mage.
Also, the orthodox
churches hayg.
quite a lot of thingi from
the BCS. For instance,
various church clergymen
now pu t on wh.i te gar
ments otherwise caJled
!!Outane. They also ccle
brate love feast and un
dergo fasting and prayers
JUSI as art' perfunlled in
I3rotherhood of the \;')
and Star,
These similarities are
not without their dirferen
ces. rOf ooe, the Pastors.
popes and Apa;iles of
the worldJy Churches do
not receiv(.' baptism of wa
ter and the spirit (John
3:5), which is complete
immersion in water, an d not
sprinkling of water on the
forehead. These sort of
c1argv th F' h
,... men. eat r.r revell.
kd are worst than pagans
o-f H
LX: ore e pro ye d H.t s
""ac d bl '
r- e an esslngs [0
rema.i.n and abide With the
en tire won d t u.. ade r
O:>u s.aid that this is Lhe
era 0( tile personified
Holy Spiril and Lhat all
thos.c who want tife
bow and haD Holy
No me 0 I Cod.
Thank you

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