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Computer Graphics(ecomputernotes.


What are Graphics

Graphics are the Most important tools for displaying Results after Processing the data which is given by a user . Graphics are those which produces the Results in Pictorial form for better easily understand. When a User Provides some input to the System for Processing then System will gives results in the Form of images or in the Form of Graphics. So Graphics are those which describe Some information in Graphical Manner. Graphics Provides us interface between the user and Hardware . When a user his Program by using any Application Program then the Results those are produced after Processing are Shown to the Screen in Graphics Form , A Graphic may a Single Picture, Multiple Pictures, Any box etc. Everything Which you saw on the Screen is Called as Graphic. Always Remember that Graphics are Always Made through As inputs provided by user . Every Input of a User will Cause the Output or Display of the Picture.

Interactive Graphics
Generally a Graphics is shown by user When he Requests for Some Application Program .But Interactive Graphics Provide a Facility to Represent any Graphics which a user Wants . Interactive Graphics are those which are Made by user , Means all the Attributes of a Graphics are depend upon the user input. Application Model Provides this Features for Changing Display of a Graphic and Many Times a Programmers wants to Made his Graphic Means he wants to Made a Graphic which is According to his needs and A Programmer may also Create or Change or Modify any Graphic,

Application Modeling
Application Model is a collection of all the data , Objects and their Relationship of a Single Graphics those are Responsible for Making a Single Graphics. The Application Models are used for Preparing Weather Reports, Population Model and also for Building Computations Application Model Contains Some Powerful Programs Like Painting Programs There are also Some Application Models those are based on the data Models Like Various data Models are used for Measuring Complex Computations and also There is Some Situation when we wants to Represents the Data in the Form of Network and Relational database. And Models also Provides Some Additional Graphics Like 2D which contains Simple Lines, Points and Some Polygons for displaying a Computational Graphics and Model Also Provides Some 3D Graphics Which provides Some Free Form Graphics Objects. There are Many Models those are also Called as Geometric and NonGeometric Graphics and also Some Directed Graphs those are used for Displaying

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objects in Graphical Form In Geometric Form as we discussed like Labels , Boxes, Lines etc. and in Non-Geometric Graphics Include Some Textual Information and Also Some Numeric data or a user inputs.

Graphics System as a General View:Graphics Systems are generally viewed as Portion of a Whole Graphics. as We know that a Single Graphic is Made though Some Parts of a Graphics. So that Application Program Provides a Description for a Portion of a Model to be Viewed as internal Representation in the Form of Geometry Means As we Saw A Graphics or there is a Image or a Picture then this will looks Like But in Actual a Graphics is Made from a Geometric Components. For Displaying any Graphic First the Application Program will store the Portion of Graphic which we wants to see then with the Help of Geometric Models and with the Help of a Pan or Zoom we can See any Portion of a Single Graphic. Many Times we wants to display data from database in Graphically then For this First Data which is needed a user will Retrieve through a Single Query then data will be Represents in the Pictorial form either by using 2D or by 3D objects. There are Also Some Advanced Graphics like PHIGS stands for Polynomials higher Degrees which are used for Displaying Some Additional Free Form Graphics. PHIGS are used when a Graphic Model is not Capable for displaying Graphics which are in the Form of Additional Graphics Then PHIGS provides a Features for Displaying any Additional Graphic by Collecting or Tessellating Many other Polygons and also Provides Some other Features like Rotating , Changing in Positions and Many other Features . Generally a Graphics System Typically Contains a set of Subroutines or we can also call them as Functions those are used for displaying primitive Elements those are built in Graphics Like Lines, Rectangles , Polygons etc. For displaying any primitive Graphic, Graphics System Provides Feature of calling them in any Language . Means we can call a Function of any Graphic System in C , C++ and any other Language Which Contains Functions for Graphics. Graphics System provides Abstraction Means Without Taking any Detail Knowledge of a Single Graphic we can Call that Graphic. And there are Also Some Graphical Devices which Provides input for displaying Graphic and then the Input of the user converts into the Output in Graphic Form.

Interaction Handling
Interaction Handling Refers to the various states of a Graphic. Interaction Provides Various types of Events those are Provides by Graphic System for Displaying a Graphic. Basically a Interaction Handling Refers to the Various Types of Events which Change the State of a Single Graphic into some another Form. When a Graphics is going to be displayed there are Many Events those may occur by user or by Application Program When an Event has Occur then the State of a Graphic May Change For Example in Simple Computing When we Clicks on any icon this will Open up a Application as Same When Timer of System has Changed Some

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Graphics are displayed on your Screen as Time Changes the Shape of Graphic May Change . Events are used for Changing internal State of Graphic , it is not the jod of Graphics System to Respond the Event But When an Event has Occur then Geometric System will Change the Shape of a Graphic after Supplying Some inputs.

Passive Graphics :- As we know that for Changing Shape of Graphic a user

have to Supply Some Information But there are Some System Graphics those are displayed without any user input or without user intervention. For Example all the Icons of System are displayed without user inputs Like What will be the Height and Width of Graphic object will determine by the System not by user.

Advantages of Interactive Graphics:1) Interactive Graphics Provide Information to be displayed in the Form of Natural Communication by Using 2D and 3D we can Communicate Graphically with other Systems Means we can Represent Data in Pictorial Form. 2) Graphics are used by Scientific Visualization for displaying Quantities of data in the Form of Graphs. 3) Information which is in the Form of Graphic may Say thousands of Words and Graphics Provides information Easy to understand and producing Pictures in low Cost because Code May Take Larger Cost but a Single Picture may represent all the needed information. 4) With the Help or Advent of interactive Graphics a user can change the Shape of Graphic Like Color of Graphic, Height and Width and Also display Style of Graphics Object. 5) Dynamic Graphics displays Pictures in the Form of some Animation Effects and Also in Some Motion effects. And With the Help of Dynamic Graphics we can create a Graphic with Motions and Collection of Pictures can be arranged into the Frames those are displayed one by one on your Screen when Some Event has occurred. 6) With the Help of Interactive Graphics, Any Portion of Single Object can be viewed and Any Portion can also be modified with the Help of Interactive Graphics. 7) Interactive Graphics Provides 2D, 3D and 4D Graphics System. As we know that 2D graphics are used for displaying Lines, Rectangle etc and 3D Graphics are used for Creating Some Free Form Graphics but 4D graphics are used for Representing A Graphic Object is used in Mathematical Surfaces ands we can also say in Survey Results. 8) With the Advent of interactive Graphic System we can Create Graphics According to the user inputs, In the Interactive Graphic a user can set the Speed and events for Moving the Objects of Graphics. 9) Interactive Graphics Also Provides Some Mathematical information Like Total distance Convert from a Specific Point and How must distance a user

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have to travel till to the end. All these information can be Retrieved from the Interactive Graphic Systems.
10) With

the Advent of Digital Signal Processing, Interactive Graphics Provides More Sophisticated Results , Means information of Graphic System can Easily Converted into the Audio Form. Like interactive System will Provides you information in the Audio Format after Seeing the Graphs and This will tell you the Information in Some Audio Format after Measuring data of Graphic System.

Applications of Computer Graphics or Uses of Computer Graphics

As we know that in todays World all the Work is done in Graphical Nature and All the Areas Like Business, Government and Education are using Computers day by day so that Graphics are become Common for displaying information. There are following Areas which uses Graphics Along with Some Reasons :1) User interfaces :- User interface in todays World includes Graphical Features like Click or Select . Now Graphics Systems Provides a Windows with a Collection of icons for displaying information in Pictorial Form and a user has a facility to choose any Option which is Available for a user , and a user just have to use Some Clicks For Performing his Operation. 2) Any Information :- With the Help of Graphics System information can be Represented either in the Form of Pictures or either in the Form of Textual due to Some Drawing Softwares. 3) Graphics Forms :- Graphic Provides Many 2D and 3D Graphics Like Lines, Bar Chart , Pie Charts for displaying information in Many Forms as a user wants. 4) Office Automation :- Now Graphics are also used in Many Organization for Preparing their Documents like Sale Document, Purchase Document etc. Office Automation Provides to Create documents which includes information either in Text Format or in the Form of images etc. 5) CAD or Computer Aided Design :- Interactive Graphics are used in Design Components of Automobiles Bodies, in Electronically Machines, and Airplanes etc. With the Advent of Computer Graphics Some Organization build their test Models Which Looks Same like Real Model 6) Simulators :- Simulators are also Provides by Computer Graphics . Simulators are used for Preparing Animation Graphics and with the Advent of Interactive Graphics we can also change the Attributes of a Graphic Object Like Color and Shape of Graphic Object. And Cartoons are also developed by using Some Animation interactive Graphics. And The Simulated Graphics Also Provides Some Mathematical Models and Time Varying Models those are based on Changing Time Frames. As Cartoons are based on Time Varying Systems. 7) Art and Commerce :- As we know that with the Advent of Interactive Graphics those are based on Events those are occurred by user and A user can easily change the Behavior of the Graphic Object . and Graphics may also used in Business , Shopping via teletext and videotext terminals which Provides Some Choices for Making any Sale or Purchase.

Computer Graphics( 8) Process Control :-As we interactive


Graphics provides Changing the State of Graphics Object. So that we can say that Process Control Means that overall Control of Display of Single Graphic will Depends upon the user inputs and With the Help of Process Control a user can change the way of information Retrieval and A user can Control all the Movements of Graphic Object like all the information may be Retrieved from graphics Object. Cartography :- Graphics provides to produce information by using Geographic Graphs, Break Points or Relief Maps , and Examination Maps or Exploration Maps and Oceanographic Charts. And Also Weather Graphics and Line Graphs or Contour and Also provides Population Varying Graphs.

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