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Senior Science Year 12 Assessment Task 3 Weighting 25% The World of Communications

Outcomes: H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H10 H13 H14 H16 Introduction: Transmission of information from place to place is advancing at a rapid pace. Demands are being placed on information systems to handle a large amount of material at an ever-increasing pace by the media industry, the armed forces, civil service, and private industry. Many of the new communication technologies have become so common place that our perception is that they have been always part of our everyday lives, whereas in reality, they have only been with us for a decade or more.

TASK You are required to undertake a research task to gather and process information from secondary sources such as the library, internet, text books, and any other helpful information source to: Develop a Timeline of ONE form of Communication system introduced into society in the past 100 years. For example you might wish to Timeline the development of Radio, or TV. The choice is yours. Use the information that you have gathered to Analyse and Discuss the impact that the communication system has had on society over the past 100 years. Predict possible future directions that this communication system may take and discuss the possible implications for society. Your Research Task must be on A4 paper and no more than 5 pages long. DO NOT PUT INDIVIDUAL PAGES IN PLASTIC SLEEVES AS THIS MAKES MARKING DIFFICULT! Include diagrams and photographs, and if you include any text sources in your work, then please follow the rules for referencing such material. Follow the attached Marking Guidelines to help check off the requirements needed to gain a pass mark. BUT REMEMBER THAT THIS MARKING GUIDELINE SHEET MUST BE ATTACHED TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT SO IT CAN BE MARKED!

Year 12 Assessment Task 3 Information Systems


Neatness. Topic discussion logical. Quality of diagrams, photographs, and artwork. Required assignment inf ormation completed. Bibliography indicates a v ariety of secondary resources used. Bibliography resources sited or mentioned in assignment discussions. Timeline is logical and set out appropriately . Timeline construction ref lects appropriate detail in outline and discussion. Timeline contains appropriate detail. Indication of the use of Internet, Library , and other relev ant secondary resources. Discussion is logical. Discussion contains appropriate detail. Discussion describes impact on society by chosen Communication Sy stem. Analy sis of gathered inf ormation appropriate. Analy sis is logical and ref lects detail. Prediction of f uture trends or directions appropriate. Predictions of f uture trends or directions indicate possible implications f or society . H1. discusses adv ances in scientif ic understanding and technology that hav e changed the direction or nature of scientif ic thinking. H2. applies the processes that are used to test and v alidate models, theories and laws, to inv estigations. H3. assesses the contribution of scientif ic adv ances on the dev elopment of technologies. H4. assesses the impacts of applications of science on society and the env ironment. H5. describes possible f uture directions of scientif ic research. H10. discusses way s in which dif f erent f orms of energy and energy transf ers and transf ormations are used. H13. uses terminology and reporting sty les appropriately and successf ully to communicate inf ormation and understanding. H14. assesses the v alidity of conclusions f rom gathered data and inf ormation. H16. justif ies positiv e v alues about and attitudes towards both the liv ing and non-liv ing components of the env ironment, ethical behav iour and a desire f or a critical ev aluation of the consequences of the applications of science.




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