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WHY I AM COMMITTED to a HOUSE of PRAYER 7 Reasons I Am Committed to a House of Prayer

Why am I committed to being a part of a House of Prayer? Why engage God in 3 - 4 hours of corporate prayer and worship per day in addition to the extensive Kingdom work of teaching, serving the broken, evangelizing, administrating, counseling and loving my family & my neighbors? 7 Reasons I Am Committed to a House of Prayer 1. Being a part of a House of Prayer is A WAY FOR ME TO REDRESS the IMPOVERISHED, SPIRITUAL CONDITIONS that exist within me and the western church culture that I am a part of. Saying yes to the House of Prayer involves resisting the temptation to engage in business as usual Christianity" so I may do what is necessary to fruitfully stand with Him (and help others stand with Him) in love and delity at the end of this age. 2. Committing to the House of Prayer REGIMEN is A STATEMENT TO MY UNRULY SELF that acknowledges: I need a DISCIPLINE of being all-present to God (with and without others). Daily being in the furnace of prayer is a disciplined way to keep my wayward heart focused on Jesus and His purposes. I WANT the STRICTURE of daily exchanging my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8,9) for His thoughts and receiving a heart of esh where I once had a heart of stone. (Ezekiel 11:19,20) 3. JESUS HAS BEEN INVITING ME to be a part of the House of Prayer movement, through dreams, and prophetic words for nearly 10 years. My yes to a House of Prayer is also a yes to WHO JESUS HAS CALLED ME TO BE: a friend of the Bridegroom; a bright and shining lamp (John 5:35) watching & preparing the way for the return of Jesus Christ. 4. The House of Prayer is a STATEMENT of CORPORATE and PERSONAL WEAKNESS. Its a lifestyle that declares, WE DESPERATELY NEED GOD! The Bride is unable to walk in, much less advance the Kingdom unless we are in intimate, humble and prayerful communion with the Holy Spirit. It is also A PERSONAL STATEMENT TO MY SELF-WILLED EGO that no matter how much I learn, I AM WEAK and am unable to perform and/or persevere in godliness in my own strength. In prayer, I am perpetually reminded of Who He is, and how much I need His breath (John 20:22) to empower every movement of my spirit. 5. Keeping trust with a House of Prayer is an ENCOURAGEMENT and STATEMENT OF FIDELITY WITH OTHER BELIEVERS to maintain a koinonia that is inextricably rooted in Acts 1:14 watching, praying, and beholding Jesus.


6. Commitment to a House of Prayer is AN EXPRESSION OF MY CORPORATE VOICE (with other believers, to God). I am not only individual. My autonomy is not unfettered. I am also corporate; part of one single Bride that sings and prays and serves and belongs to Jesus. My yes to a House of Prayer is a statement of AGREEMENT to BE A PART OF THE PROPHETIC IDENTITY that Jesus has given to the Church (Mark 11:17). This agreement involves ultimately identifying myself as a part of a universitas House of Prayer, that the Holy Spirit is raising up around the world.


JSB June, 2011 __________________

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