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1. Discuss briefly about the basic functional units of a computer.

2. What must an instruction set specify?
3. Draw the block diagram of a 2's complement Adder/Subtractor.
4. With the help of a common layout, explain briefly the representation of a
floating–point number.
5. The address of a memory location to be accessed is in register R1 and the
memory data are to be loaded into register R2. Specify the sequence of
operations involved.
6. Briefly discuss the basic organization of a microprogrammed control unit.
7. What are the different types of ROMs? Discuss.
8. Explain the concept of virtual memory.
9. Summarize the sequence of events in handling an interrupt request from a
single device. Assume that the interrupts are enabled.
10. What is a synchronous bus? Draw the timing diagram for an input transfer
on this bus.
PART B — (5 ? 16 = 80 marks)
11. Explain the various addressing modes available for the basic computer
12. (a) (i) Multiply the following pair of signed 2's complement numbers using
the Booth algorithm :
A = 010111 (Multiplicand)
B = 110110 (Multiplier) (12)
(ii) Discuss anyone technique for speeding up the multiplication
operation. (4)
(b) With the help of a logic diagram, explain the operation of a floating point
adder–subtractor unit. (16)
13. (a) Explain with a block diagram, the organization of a hardwired–control
unit. (16)
(b) (i) Give the structure of an m–stage pipeline. (4)
(ii) Explain with a neat sketch, a 2–stage pipelined microprogram
control unit. (12)
14. (a) Explain the following mapping procedures for the organization of
Cache–memory :
(i) Associative mapping (8)
(ii) Direct mapping. (8)
(b) (i) Explain with a suitable example, the relocation of memory blocks
using compaction method. (8)
(ii) Discuss any two useful page replacement policies. (8)
15. (a) Explain the following data transfer schemes with neat diagrams :
(i) Interrupt driven data transfer. (8)
(ii) DMA data transfer. (8)
4. Explain instruction set and instruction sequencing. (10)
5. Explain in detail the different types of instructions that are supported in a typical processor. (10)
6. Registers R1 and R2 of a computer contain the decimal values 1200 and 2400 respectively.
What is the effective address of the memory operand in each of the following instructions?
(1) Load 20(R1), R5
(2) Add –(R1), R5
(3) Move #3000, R5
(4) Sub (R1)+, R5
(5) Store R5, 30(R1, R2) (6)
13. Write notes on instruction formats (4)
14. List the various addressing modes. Give a brief explanation of each of them with an example
15. Describe the organization of a stack (4)
16. Describe the organization of a queue (4)
11. Write the Basic Performance equation of a computing system.
12. What is meant by pipelining?
13. What is the difference between pipelining and superscalar execution?
14. Compare CISC and RISC.
15. What is SPEC rating?

ii unit

1. What is the disadvantage in using a Ripple Carry Adder? (4)

2. Design a 4-bit carry look ahead adder and explain its operation with an example. (8)
3. Design a binary multiplier using sequential adder. Explain its operation. (8)
4. Explain in detail the principle of Carry Look Ahead adder. Show how 16 bit Carry Look Ahead
adder can be constructed from 4 bit adders. (12)
5. Draw the diagram of a Carry Look Ahead adder and explain the Carry Look Ahead principle.
6. Write about the CSA method of fast multiplication. Prove how it is faster with an example (8)
7. Draw the circuit for integer division and explain. (8)
8. Discuss the Restoring and non restoring division algorithm (8)
9. Perform the division of the 5 bit unsigned integer using non restoring / restoring division. (4)
10101 / 00101
10. Perform the multiplication of the signed 2’s complement numbers using bit pair recoding of
multipliers. A=010111 B=101100 (4)
11. Give the block diagram of the hardware implementations of addition and subtraction of signed
number and explain the operations with flow chart. (10)
12. Explain the representation of floating point numbers in detail. (6)
13. Explain the working of a floating point adder / subtractor. (12)
14. Explain the floating point add / subtract, multiply and divide rules with example. With a
detailed flow chart explain how floating point addition / subtraction are performed. ? (16)

1. Define ALU. What are the various operations performed in ALU

2. Draw the symbolic representation of the full adder and give the expression for Sum and Carry.
3. Draw the full adder circuit using two half adders.
4. Draw a full adder circuit and give the truth table.
5. What are the various ways of representing signed integers in the system?
6. Discuss the principle of operation of a Carry Save Adder.
7. Discuss the principle of operation of a Carry Look Ahead Adder
8. Give the Booth recoding and bit pair recoding of the given binary number. 1000111101000101
9. What are the advantages of the Booths multiplication technique?
10. What are the advantages of Bit Pair Recoding technique?
9. Explain how the performance of the instruction pipeline can be improved. (10)
11. Describe the organization of micro programmed control unit.(4)
12. Design a 4-stage pipeline and show how its performance is improved over sequential
execution. (8)
13. Highlight the solutions of Instruction hazards. (8)
14. Highlight the solutions of Data hazards. (8)
15. Discuss the various hazards that might arise in a pipeline. What are the remedies commonly
adopted to overcome / minimize the hazards? (16)
What is the function of TLB? 3. What do you understand by Hit Ratio?
4. Define locality of reference? What are its types?

(ii).Explain various mechanisms of mapping main memory address into cache memory addresses.
14.(b).(i).Explain how the virtual address is converted into real address in a paged virtual memory
(ii).Describe the working principle of a typical magnetic disk.

15.(a).Draw the typical block diagram of a DMA controller and explain how it is used for direct
data transfer between memory and peripherals.
15.(b).(i).Describe the working principles of USB.
(ii).Briefly compare the characteristics of SCSI with PCI.
(ii).Explain various mechanisms of mapping main memory address into cache memory addresses.
14.(b).(i).Explain how the virtual address is converted into real address in a paged virtual memory
(ii).Describe the working principle of a typical magnetic disk.

15.(a).Draw the typical block diagram of a DMA controller and explain how it is used for direct
data transfer between memory and peripherals.
15.(b).(i).Describe the working principles of USB.
(ii).Briefly compare the characteristics of SCSI with PCI.
14. (a) Define Cache Mapping Functions. Explain the methods.
(b) How does a virtual address gets translated into a physical address. Explain in detail with a
neat diagram. Explain the use of TLB.

15. (a) Explain the use of DMA Controllers in a computer system with a neat diagram.

Answer all the questions:

2. PART A-(10 X 2=20 marks)

1.When will you say an algorithm efficient? Give the notations for time complexity.
2.What is a ‘top-down’ design? Is ‘C’ language a top down design? Justify your
answer.3.Why is linked list used for polynomial arithmetic?
4.Write the role of stack in function call.
5.What is the minimum number of nodes in an AVL tree of height 5?
6.What is the use of sentinel value in binary heap?
7.Which is the best way of choosing the pivot element in quick sort?
8.Merge sort is better than insertion sort. Why?
9.Define a graph. How it differs from tree?
10.What is minimum spanning tree? Name any two algorithms used to find MST.
PART B-(5 X 16=80 marks)
11.(a).(i).Given two lists L1 and L2, write the routines to compute L1 n L2 using basic
(ii).Write the routines for inserting and deleting elements from a queue. Check for the
conditions Q-empty and Q-full.
1.(b).(i).How would you implement a stack of queues? Write routines for creation and
inserting of elements into it.
(ii).Write routines to insert heterogeneous data into the list.
12.(a).(i).Write the routines to insert and remove a node from Binary Search Tree.
(ii).A full node is a node with two children. Prove that the number of full nodes plus one is
equal to the number of leaves in a binary tree.
12.(b).(i).Show the resulting of inserting 2,1,4,5,9,3,6,7 into an empty AVL tree.
(ii).Write the procedure to implement single and double rotations while inserting nodes in
an AVL tree.
13.(a).Explain with suitable examples the basic heap operations and algorithms for the
13.(b).How will you resolve the collisions, while inserting elements into the hash table
using separate chaining and linear probing? Write the routines for inserting, searching
and removing elements from the hash table using the above mentioned techniques.
14.(a).(i).Write the routine for sorting n elements in increasing order using heap sort.
(ii).Sort 3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6 in decreasing order using heap sort.
14.(b).(i).Explain with example about the insertion sort.
(ii).What is external sorting? Discuss the algorithms with proper examples.
15.(a).(i).Discuss and write the program to perform topological sorting.
(ii).What is single source shortest path problem? Discuss Dijikstra’s single source shortest
path algorithm with an example.
15.(b).(i).Write an algorithm to find the minimum cost spanning tree of an undirected,
weighted graph.
ii).Find the MST for the following graph.

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