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A study on customers perception towards Internet Banking in Rajkot City

This survey is designed to understand the perception of the customers about Internet banking, their experience with Internet banking, and their expectations on Internet banking services. Only summary measures and conclusions from this survey will be reported. Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated. PART-1
1. (a) Do you have saving account in a bank? Yes { } No { }

(b) Please mention the name of the bank 2. Do you use following facilities provided by your bank? Yes y Phone banking { } y Mobile banking { } y Net banking { } y Electronic fund transfer { } y ATM { } 3. Since how long you are using Net Banking facility? { } Less than 6 month { } 1 3 year { } 6 month 1 year { } more than 3 year No { { { { { } } } } }

4. From where you heard about NET BANKING for the first time? { } Friend { } News paper { } Leaflets of bank { } Internet { } Relatives { } Magazine { } Bank employee { } other specify .

5. How did you learn to use the NET BANKING? { } Self { } From website of bank { } Other specify . 6. Please mention the reason due to which you started using NET BANKING? { } Because it saves time. { } Because it is safe & secure. { } Because I can use it any where. { } Because I dont have time to go to the bank. { } Friend { } From bank staff

7. For which purpose you do net banking? { } View account balance. { } Download account statement. { } Transfer fund to other bank accounts. { } Book fixed deposits. { } Pay utility bill. { } Cheque status enquiry. { } Request stop payment of cheque. { } Cheque book request. { } Tax deduction at source enquiry. { } Request for demand draft. { } Buy/Sell securities.

8. Please tick against the safety precaution you follow? { } I never respond to email that request personal information. { } Keep my password top secret & change it often. { } Use special character like #, $, @ etc. in password. { } Do not use same password for other online account. { } Never use cyber cafes to access my online account. { } I have installed antivirus software to keep my computer secure. { } Ensure that site is running in secure mode. { } Disable auto complete function to prevent internet browser for remembering password. { } Always logout to terminate the session. { } Incase of suspicion, report the matter to customer care. 9.(a) Are you satisfied with your internet banking experience? { } Yes { } No

(b) If no, state reason ...

10. Please rate the following online features Excellent Good Bill payment E-alerts Wire Transfer Stop Payment Balance Inquiry Check Image Retrieval Ordering Cash Retrieving Bank Statement 11. Please give suggestion for improvement in internet banking facility provided by different banks. Average Poor Very poor

1. Demographic Information a. Nameb. c. Age groupbelow 25 male 26-35 36-45 46-55 above 55

c. Sex-

female under graduate graduate post graduate

d. Educational Qualificatione. Employment status-



self-employed 5000>=10000 10000>=20000

f. Monthly personal income-

less than Rs.5000 20000>= 30000

above 30000 Doctor Egg.

g. Occupation-

Entrepreneur Academic


Govt. employee

Others (specify)

Thank you for your time!



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