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1 Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations as a Mechanism for Quantum Correlation Transportation Richard Bradford and Gordon Rogers DRAFT for

Peer Review Abstract

Quantum fluctuations couple to a pair of quantum-correlated particles/waves. A pair of quantum-correlated particles/waves impresses the quantum correlation to a quantum fluctuation in the vacuum at each of their locations. Correlation between the two particles/waves carries by a process using a mechanism based on the Stckelberg-Feynman recipe having self-correlation describable by oscillations of time and energy having positive and negative amplitudes. Upon state reduction by interacting with a measuring device of one of the pair, the result of the state reduction appears at the other particle/wave by this mechanism, which is independent of spatial separation between the two correlated particles/waves. The entire process occurs within the Heisenberg Uncertainty of time governing the quantum vacuum fluctuation.

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As argued in the first paper, Space-time from Quantum Entanglement by Richard Bradford and Gordon Rogers, a constant finite speed measured with some space-time values for the transmission of quantum information from one correlated particle/wave to the other was untenable. In addition, having an infinite speed or action at a distance without some sort of mechanism to connect quantum-correlated particles/waves at different space-time points is also untenable. First, infinite speed is unphysical in that properties of physical entities that are involved in determining a speed have finite values. Secondly, action at a distance is as if a movement of a particle on one face of a box affects movement of another on the opposite face when there is absolutely nothing in the box, which is also unphysical. A viable method proposed is one where a speed of quantum information transmission between two quantum-correlated particles/waves is a variable, unbounded, but finite, that physical properties describing the transportation of correlated values between two quantum-correlated particles have finite values, and the method contains physically correct relationships among physical solutions. A mechanism that involves an untraceable quantum correlated path of correlated linked vacuum fluctuations, each occurring at specific space-time locations with finite time durations and spatial extent, is a Stckelberg-Feynman recipe for virtual particle-antiparticle pair representations in the vacuum that are correlated together in sync with a coherent time and energy wave. The mechanism explained below. A state reduction on one of a pair of quantum-correlated particles/waves due to a measuring device occurs in a finite region, is local, is unitary, and has an uncertainty of time associated with it. Thus, exchanges of virtual particles in the measuring process are involved. The measurement process during a state reduction impresses a particular state with some probability on a set of input correlated particles/waves that have random states. The interaction of one of a pair of correlated particles/waves with the measuring device is local and unitary in order to have causality as a condition required in quantum field theory. The information of a measurement result on one of the pair of quantum-correlated particles/waves appears at the other regardless of spatial separation by the mechanism mentioned above. Thus, by the same mechanism, the free correlated particles/waves are in contact regardless of spatial separation, but the state of the correlated particles/waves before measurement is unknown. The interaction, thus, appears non-local but the net result of the interaction given by the mechanism is local. Each of a pair of particles/waves quantum correlated by an emission from a source or from interacting with one another are in contact with virtual particle/wave and anti-particle/wave pairs whose production and annihilation in the vacuum governed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. The energy of the pair of virtual particles/waves and /2 determine the time of existence. The time of existence is finite and thus can couple to each of the pair of quantum-correlated particle/waves. Since finite times are involved in measurement and virtual particle/wave pair production and annihilation, there is a coupling of measurement of the correlated particle/wave to the state reduced correlated particle/wave to one of the virtual particle-antiparticle pair that inherent the result of the measurement. There is also a virtual particleantiparticle pair at the other quantum-correlated particle that receives the result from one particle of the virtual pair. The information of state reduction from a measured correlated particle/wave to the other passes along an untraceable path of quantum correlated connected virtual particle-antiparticle pairs created and annihilated in the vacuum. The mechanism is as follows. The Stckelberg-Feynman recipe states, as quoted from Gauge Field Theories; An Introduction with Applications by Mike Guidry, Negative-energy particle solutions propagating backward in time may be replaced by positive-energy antiparticles solutions propagating forward in time. Positive-energy particles propagate only forward in time; negative-energy particles propagate only backward in time. Due to this recipe, Feynman diagrams represent the production and annihilation of particle/wave and antiparticle/wave forward and

backward in time. The process is governed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which is E* T /2 where E is the total energy of the pair and T is the time of existence. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle also allows the same virtual particle/wave and antiparticle/wave production and annihilation to occur backward in time. The energy is negative and the particle s time of existence is negative but the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation is invariant: (- E)*(- T) /2 = E* T /2. The two processes are mirror images of each other across a time and energy axis. Since the vacuum has no time preference and there is the phenomenon of particle/wave quantum correlation, all positive and negative time virtual particles/waves-antiparticles/waves pairs in the universe must correlate with each other. When one virtual pair is positive time, the adjacent virtual pair is negative time and is representable by a wave that oscillates from positive time amplitude to an equal but opposite negative amplitude. For example, combining these elemental diagrams, which are forward and backward in time, for electron-positron pair production and annihilation, a chain of interconnected diagrams can be put together where the adjacent pieces of each diagram cancel leaving only two end pieces, one of each, that are in contact with each of the pair of the quantum correlated particles/waves pair. This is due to all virtual electron-positron pair production and annihilation diagrams correlating. Since the interior regions of the virtual particle pair production and annihilation cancel due to opposite energy, time direction, and charge along the whole chain, the overall effect is the sum of the elemental diagrams, leaving only two end pieces that together form one net elemental diagram that obeys the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. The action and correlation is constant throughout the process, however. In conclusion, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle allows quantum correlation to occur while the StckelbergFeynman recipe provides for a mechanism for vacuum virtual particle pair correlation. The virtual particle pair chain can have any number of elemental diagram links so it is independent of space-time separation between two correlated particles/waves. A finite constant time given by the Uncertainty Principle is involved since there is only one net virtual particle pair and locality preserves. The path of the chain of virtual particle pair production and annihilation is not determinable. The finite time involved is independent of spatial separation giving a variable noncompact but non-infinite speed. The other parameters involved are all finite. There is physical linkage along with proper physical solutions. Thus, the mechanism is viable for solving the problems mentioned above. As an example, the figures on page 5 illustrate the equivalent electron and positron pair production and annihilation forward and backward in time using Feynman diagrams. The wiggly line represents a photon present during the electromagnetic interaction between the particles. The electrons carry negative electric charge while the positrons carry positive electric charge. An electron and positron moving forward in time is equivalent to its mirror image moving backward in time since it is immaterial which side the electron or positron is located. The next diagram below on page 5 illustrates the correlated chain of elemental diagrams in synch with a time and energy wave that oscillates from a positive time equal to T and energy E to the opposite negative values. The last diagram on page 5 illustrates the vacuum fluctuation connection from the state reduction of one of the correlated particles at the measuring device to the other correlated particle. The first and last diagrams near the correlated particle are of positive time and energy in order to correspond with the real particles that move forward in time. The diagrams alternate from positive to negative time directions. The center adjacent portions of the Feynman diagrams contain particle segments that travel oppositely in time as well as having opposite energy and charge giving a cancellation. The net result is one virtual pair fluctuation comprised of the two unpaired ends of the chain connecting the two quantum correlated particles. The overall correlation and action conservation remains throughout the chain. Figure 2 on page 6 illustrates the cancellation region as well as the net result.

An experiment is possible. Take two correlated electrons and bond them with two cold stationary protons each forming a hydrogen atom. Each electron cascades through energy levels of the atom until it reaches the lowest energy state. The change from a higher to lower energy level necessitates by a perturbation from vacuum fluctuations. If one electron is correlated with the other and changes from a higher to lower energy level necessitates by a perturbation from vacuum fluctuations on one of the electrons, then the electromagnetic waves emitted from both atoms should be synchronous and hence in phase. The Lamb shift may also be possible by comparing the phases of radio waves emitted during the stimulation of the electrons making transitions from the P to S levels. Having one of a pair of correlated electrons jostled by vacuum fluctuations would by this mechanism result in the other electron jostled in concert.

Time and energy waves extend along a spatial axis. The action /2 along with the information of correlation is constant along the spatial axis. Amplitude is the time duration of existence of the virtual electron-positron pair, + T and The wavelength is the 2XCompton value for the electron and positron. The frequency of the net result is 1 /2 t. T.

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