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Introduction to the New World Order and the Illuminati

by Dr. Smoove Operator, Esq.

Much negative spew exists on the internet these days concerning the plans for a new world order and the illuminati. I am not one of those voices. I am pro-new world order, pro-banker, pro-elite, and proilluminati. Common people are easily misled by certain nefarious voices that have everything to gain by keeping the people enslaved to a statist system, one which has historically acted consistently against the interests of the people. In this work, I will wake up the sheep for real, instead of dumbing them down and calling it enlightenment, the way the statists like to do. I am going to wake people up to the fact that the elite illuminati are good, and the nationalistic statists are actually the evil ones. There exists two kinds of people on this planet producers and parasites. The illuminati are not into make believe. We are realists and we are producers we occupy all levels of society in many different capacities. We are economists, scientists, physicians, engineers, and businessmen. We are the true hidden power elite. When we say jump, the only question government employees ask is how high? This is because we are their masters, and we pull all the strings of government. We have all the smartest people. We outthink the government statists in every conceivable way. We think more deeply and more quickly than they. The statists are powerless against our forces. This is why they have no way to defend against us. It is as a cow trying to master a human. It just won't happen. Statists, those who want to maintain the government structure of the world the way it is, are typically dependent upon the collection of

taxes for income, and thus have everything to gain by keeping the population believing in the existence of things which do not actually exist. Bizarre concepts such as imaginary borders, the concept that the population owes something to government for receiving payment for their labor, and other criminal frauds. As a chief illuminati architect, I am telling you that all national borders are going to be dissolved. People will be able to live wherever they want on the Earth just as God intended. What the population does not seem to understand (yet) is that they are not free. No person on Earth is free. Humans are the least free animal on the planet. They are held in prison farms called nations. How can this be? Humans are to use their intelligence to be the freest of all creatures, not to be enslaved like zoo animals. Without a doubt, the most abused enslaved population on Earth is the American population. Americans are subjected to unbelivable levels of taxation that comes in literally hundreds of forms. America is a country that was once free, but the statist government officials have now converted the population into one that is subserviant and is looked upon by the government officials as nothing but a source of money to solve the government official's personal money problems and dishonest, parasitic career choice. In fact, some hideous American corporations are now capitalizing upon the millions of American citizens which fill the statist prisons, using them for cheap labor. AT&T has funded the campaigns of politicians that made promises to AT&T that they would do things such as promote out-ofstate transfer of prisoners so that the prisoners would have to make long distance phone calls to talk to their families, at exhorbitant rates of course. Can you possibly think of anything more despicable?

The root of the problem is that government itself is an entity that attracts losers. Think of government as a repository of losers that could not make it in the private sector, and losers whose only hope in life of subjecting the rest of the population to their loser dreams of controlling other people's lives and really making an impact by essentially destroying peoples lives and destroying everything they touch was getting a government job. Big dreams. Look at the average American police officer. The average American police officer is a fat tub of shit. He or she is a power hungry pig that will do anything to show how powerful he or she is to assert authority. This is almost always due to an inferiority complex, feelings of sexual inadequacy as a result of a very small penis or a grossly deformed vagina. American law mandates that only genetic garbage is allowed to wear a badge. This is achieved by giving potential police officers an I.Q. test, which they must perform poorly on. These are obvious examples of people that will never be a true authority (authority derived from knowledge) on any subject, because they are too stupid, period. So they derive that other kind of authority that is derived from a gun. Most American police officers are rather brutish, they often have a God complex because they carry a badge (a childish secret-club like tradition meant to make the badge-holder feel like they are somebody special.) In reality, the American police are borderline criminals, they have a propensity towards violence, many are spouse abusers, child molesters and sexual sadists that harbor secret desires to kill a human. American judges fall into a different category. American judges are often secret cross-dressers that want to wear a dress since childhood, and then found a way to do so in public (by becoming a judge), subjecting even the eyes of small children to their sick perverted ways. American judges wear dresses because it is a good way to hide

the fact that they are most often masturbating in court and the dress is a good way to hide that fact. But all experienced attorneys know that almost all judges masturbate in court constantly, in particular Supreme Court judges and all federal judges masturbate in court as a matter of policy and not to do so is considered cause for dismissal from the bench. All male federal judges wear women's panties and all female judges, on any bench in America, wear men's briefs. Amongst female state court judges, it is very popular to masturbate while in court using a sex toy known as the destroyer. These creatures are amongst the most vile, despicably idiotic vermin that has ever cursed this planet. Many of them feed upon a diet composed exclusively of aborted human fetuses. The cafeterias located in America's federal courthouses actually serve murdered infant human's on the salad bar. And it is a very popular dish amongst female judges and attorneys. You see the illuminati have a very different vision for the world than the monstrocity of statist government has created. The statists have created a world in which women actually believe it is a good idea or somehow to their advantage to murder their own offspring. This is a good example of how stupid some humans actually are. Dumb stupid animals. That includes anyone who has ever had an abortion and the idiots that promoted the idea. The statist judges unwittingly exterminated themselves. The problem with lawyers in general is that when they go to law school, on the first day they conduct a vote where the law professor says to the student body We are the smartest people in the world. Everyone who agrees say aye. Then the vote in the affirmative becomes their percieved reality. But nothing could be further from the truth. The truly intelligent person is not attracted towards studying the creations of man. The study of law is the study of something that is low, not high.

The illuminati is far above the workings of lawyers and beaureucrats. We are realists, we see things that are actually there, things that are real. We work with that. There exists no defense against us. We have mastered reality. To tread on us is certain destruction, for we know the laws God has created and we now understand how they work. We are beyond fairy tales, we are beyond levels that the statists can even cognitively handle at this point. We often think of the statists, the lawyers, as cattle or as livestock. And justifiably so. We are unimpressed with any purported power the statists claim to have or to present cleverly to the ewok masses. While they quible often whether or not it is right or wrong to murder their own children, we are busy multiplying. We debate the nuances of superstring theory, atomic physics and advanced mathematics, while the statist beaurucrat remains mystified by simple economic theory. This is of our doing. While the cattle police electrocute their own cattle people over traffic tickets, we are dismantling every disgusting thing ewok nation has worked for in their disgusting filthy gluttonous greedy lives. The police, lawyers and judges, as well as any government employee is a lazy, disgusting creature only deserving to be used as cannon foddor. There is nothing they can do to stop us, for we now occupy all important positions, and we shall bankrupt and convert into a government cheese-eating rat anyone who stands in our way. Even the FBI is afraid of us, for we control that directly, but more importantly, we control the IRS, and of course the Federal Reserve is completely ours. Stop resisting! You will pay your taxes and you will be microchipped just like the cattle you are, because we OWN you, when are you going to get that through your thick neanderthal skull? We own you because you need to be owned, because you are a violent animal that has to be controlled. You are a low down disgusting animal that would murder your own child in the womb if you thought it would get you a cookie. Your disgusting.

Look at how stupid you are. Especially the female cattle. When given the opportunity to destroy your own children, you do so. You do so because you live in a fantasy world where you will receive a reward for murdering your own children. A cookie. You never think that having a child will be a reward. A great reward. No. You only think of the cookie. That makes you a disgusting beast, one that must be genetically inferior, a subhuman. There is nothing liberal about you, you in fact are a horrific tyrant carrying a diseased genetic structure that must be eliminated from the human population. This is evidence that the illuminati are indeed good. It is the common man and woman that are evil to the core. Did the illuminati drag you into the abortion clinic. No. Did the Council of Rome bash your door in when you bought that bag of weed? No. People just like yourself did that. Low-down greedy self-serving scum middle class people did all these things. Who turned on the gas at Aushwitz, Hitler? No. Middle class Germans did that. Okay, so let's not point the finger at the elite. The elite are actually good. It is the middle and lower class that are truly evil. All evil stems from the ignorant ultimately. It is the lazy ignorant people that cause all problems, not the elite. The human cattle have learned to love their prison. Whenever you see a redneck jumping up and down and yelling God bless America, you are looking at a brainwashed dependent subhuman that loves his or her prison. You love your masters. The illuminati wants to set you free from all that, but you resist because you LOVE your prison. You want to keep things the way they are because you are a stupid beast. Its what you know, you are unable to cope with change, this must be forced to accept it the hard way. So we will play nice and destroy your economic system to get you more ready for change, okay? Resistance is futile, for we now have mastered chaos theory, and can control society from any place, time and social stratus. Game over.

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