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# Please Read the Users Manual # The Manual is located at http://openkore.sourceforge.

net/manual/ ######## Login options and server-specific options ######## master Philippines - pRO: server 0 username password 17loginPinCode char sex bindIp # For an overview of all servertypes please go to the following URL: # serverType mRO # 1 = hook into RO client, 2 = Act as stand-alone proxy, proxy = act as true pro xy XKore 0 XKore_silent 1 XKore_bypassBotDetection 0 XKore_exeName ragexe.exe # XKore 2 / Proxy configuration XKore_listenIp XKore_listenPort 6901 XKore_publicIp # It is not advised to set secureAdminPassword if you're using Xkore 2 secureAdminPassword adminPassword callSign commandPrefix ; pauseCharServer 0 pauseMapServer 0 ignoreInvalidLogin 0 secureLogin_requestCode message_length_max 80 ######## Main configuration ########

==================================== sub positionNearPlayer { return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $players{$_}{pos_to}) <= $dist); my $dist = shift; my $dist = shift; foreach (@playersID) { next if existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name}); next if existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name}); $char->{party}{users}{$_}; next if existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name});

return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $players{$_}{pos_to}) <= $dist); } alias_heal sp 28 allowedMaps allowedMaps_reaction 1 attackAuto 3 attackAuto_party 0 attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0 attackAuto_followTarget 0 attackAuto_inLockOnly 0 attackDistance 1 attackDistanceAuto 1.5 attackMaxDistance 1 attackMaxRouteDistance 20 attackMaxRouteTime 4 attackMinPlayerDistance 2 attackMinPortalDistance 4 attackUseWeapon 1 attackNoGiveup 0 attackCanSnipe 0 attackCheckLOS 0 attackLooters 0 attackChangeTarget 1 aggressiveAntiKS 0 autoMoveOnDeath 1 autoMoveOnDeath_x autoMoveOnDeath_y autoMoveOnDeath_map attackEquip_topHead attackEquip_midHead attackEquip_lowHead attackEquip_leftHand attackEquip_rightHand attackEquip_leftAccessory attackEquip_rightAccessory attackEquip_robe attackEquip_armor attackEquip_shoes attackEquip_arrow autoBreakTime { startTime stopTime } autoConfChange { minTime varTime lvl joblvl } autoMakeArrows 0 autoRestart 0

autoRestartMin 10800 autoRestartSeed 3600 autoRestartSleep 1 autoSleepMin 900 autoSleepSeed 900 autoResponse 0 autoSpell avoidGM_near 0 avoidGM_near_inTown 0 avoidGM_talk 0 avoidGM_reconnect 1800 avoidGM_ignoreList avoidList 1 avoidList_inLockOnly 0 avoidList_reconnect 1800 cachePlayerNames 1 cachePlayerNames_duration 900 cachePlayerNames_maxSize 100 clientSight 20 dcOnDeath 0 dcOnDualLogin 0 dcOnDisconnect 0 dcOnEmptyArrow 0 dcOnMaxReconnections 0 dcOnMute 0 dcOnPM 0 dcOnZeny 0 dcOnStorageFull 1 dcOnPlayer 0 follow followTarget followFaceDirection 0 followDistanceMax 1 followDistanceMin 1 followLostStep 12 followSitAuto 0 followBot 0 itemsTakeAuto 1 itemsTakeAuto_party 0 itemsGatherAuto 0 itemsMaxWeight 1800 itemsMaxWeight_sellOrStore 48 itemsMaxNum_sellOrStore 99 cartMaxWeight 7900 itemsTakeAuto_new 0 useSelf_item yellow potion,piece of cake,bread,milk,aloe leaflet,white potion,br ead,fresh fish,apple,orange potion,red potion { hp <50% }

useSelf_item { inInventory } useSelf_item Awakening Potion { whenStatusInactive Awakening Potion inLockOnly 1 notWhileSitting 1 notInTown 1 timeout 1800 } lockMap lockMap_x 162 lockMap_y 56 lockMap_randX 166 lockMap_randY 85 route_escape_reachedNoPortal 1 route_escape_randomWalk 1 route_escape_shout route_avoidWalls 1 route_randomWalk 2 route_randomWalk_inTown 0 route_randomWalk_maxRouteTime 20 route_maxWarpFee route_maxNpcTries 5 route_teleport 0 route_teleport_minDistance 150 route_teleport_maxTries 0 route_teleport_notInMaps route_step 15 runFromTarget 0 runFromTarget_dist 6 saveMap payon saveMap_warpToBuyOrSell 1 saveMap_warpChatCommand shopAuto_open 0 shop_random 0 sitAuto_hp_lower 30% sitAuto_hp_upper sitAuto_sp_lower 10% sitAuto_sp_upper 0 sitAuto_over_50 0 sitAuto_idle 0 sitAuto_look sitAuto_look_from_wall statsAddAuto 0 statsAddAuto_list statsAddAuto_dontUseBonus 0 statsAdd_over_99 0

skillsAddAuto 0 skillsAddAuto_list tankMode 0 tankModeTarget teleportAuto_hp teleportAuto_sp 0 teleportAuto_idle 0 teleportAuto_portal 0 teleportAuto_search 0 teleportAuto_minAggressives 0 teleportAuto_minAggressivesInLock 0 teleportAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0 teleportAuto_maxDmg teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock 0 teleportAuto_deadly teleportAuto_useSkill teleportAuto_useChatCommand teleportAuto_allPlayers 0 teleportAuto_atkCount 0 teleportAuto_atkMiss teleportAuto_unstuck 0 teleportAuto_lostTarget 0 teleportAuto_dropTarget 0 teleportAuto_dropTargetKS 0 teleportAuto_attackedWhenSitting 0 teleportAuto_totalDmg 0 teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock 0 teleportAuto_equip_leftAccessory teleportAuto_equip_rightAccessory teleportAuto_lostHomunculus teleportAuto_useItemForRespawn dealAuto 0 dealAuto_names partyAuto 0 partyAutoShare 0 guildAutoDeny 0 verbose 1 showDomain 0 squelchDomains pRO-Valkyrie Server, pm/sent, info verboseDomains beepDomains beepDomains_notInTown logChat 0 logPrivateChat 0 logPartyChat 0 logGuildChat 0 logSystemChat 1 logEmoticons logConsole 0 logAppendUsername 0 chatTitleOversize 0 shopTitleOversize 0 sleepTime 10000

ignoreAll 0 itemHistory 0 autoTalkCont 0 noAutoSkill 0 portalRecord 2 missDamage 0 tankersList repairAuto 0 repairAuto_list removeActorWithDistance ######## Mercenary Support ######## mercenary_attackAuto 3 mercenary_attackAuto_party 1 mercenary_attackAuto_notInTown 1 mercenary_attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0 mercenary_attackDistance 15 mercenary_attackMaxDistance 15 mercenary_attackMaxRouteTime 4 mercenary_attackCanSnipe 1 mercenary_attackCheckLOS 0 mercenary_attackNoGiveup 0 mercenary_attackChangeTarget 1 mercenary_followDistanceMax 4 mercenary_followDistanceMin 3 mercenary_route_step 20 mercenary_tankMode 0 mercenary_tankModeTarget mercenary_teleportAuto_hp 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_maxDmg 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_deadly 1 mercenary_teleportAuto_unstuck 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_dropTarget 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_dropTargetKS 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_totalDmg 0 mercenary_teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock 0 ######## Homunculus Support ######## homunculus_attackAuto 2 homunculus_attackAuto_party 1 homunculus_attackAuto_notInTown 1 homunculus_attackAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0 homunculus_attackDistance 1.5 homunculus_attackMaxDistance 2.5 homunculus_attackMaxRouteTime 4 homunculus_attackCanSnipe 0 homunculus_attackCheckLOS 0 homunculus_attackNoGiveup 0 homunculus_attackChangeTarget 1

homunculus_followDistanceMax 10 homunculus_followDistanceMin 3 homunculus_route_step 15 homunculus_tankMode 0 homunculus_tankModeTarget homunculus_teleportAuto_hp 10 homunculus_teleportAuto_maxDmg 500 homunculus_teleportAuto_maxDmgInLock 0 homunculus_teleportAuto_deadly 1 homunculus_teleportAuto_unstuck 0 homunculus_teleportAuto_dropTarget 0 homunculus_teleportAuto_dropTargetKS 0 homunculus_teleportAuto_totalDmg 0 homunculus_teleportAuto_totalDmgInLock 0 # intimacyMax / Min sets a threshhold of when not to feed your homunculus # If intimacy is HIGHER than the minimum or LOWER/EQUAL to the max, we wont feed . homunculus_intimacyMax 999 homunculus_intimacyMin 911 # How long should we wait between feeding? default: random between 10 and 60 sec onds homunculus_hungerTimeoutMax 60 homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin 10 # Turn on/off homunculus autofeeding homunculus_autoFeed 1 # In Wich maps should we allow feeding? (leave empty for any map) homunculus_autoFeedAllowedMaps # Feed homunculus between MIN and MAX value (example: between 11 and 25) homunculus_hungerMin 11 homunculus_hungerMax 24 ######## Block options ######## # You can copy & paste any block multiple times. So if you want to # configure two attack skills, just duplicate the attackSkillSlot block. attackSkillSlot { lvl 10 dist 15 maxCastTime 0 minCastTime 0 hp sp spirit 5 timeout 2 disabled 0 monsters mummy, martyr, drainliar, verit, mimic notMonsters maxAttempts 1 maxUses 0 }

useSelf_improve enchant poison { lvl 10 sp >10 spirit <= 1 stopWhenHit 1 inLockOnly 0 disabled 0 } attackSkillSlot { lvl 10 dist 15 sp >20% inLockOnly 1 notInTown 1 monsters Mummy, Martyr, Mimic, drainliar, verit maxUses 2 }

attackSkillSlot sonic blow { lvl 10 dist 15 maxCastTime 0 minCastTime 0 hp sp >20% homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives previousDamage stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 monsters notMonsters maxAttempts 0 maxUses 0 target_whenStatusActive target_whenStatusInactive target_deltaHp inInventory isSelfSkill 0 equip_topHead equip_midHead equip_lowHead equip_leftHand equip_rightHand equip_leftAccessory equip_rightAccessory

equip_robe equip_armor equip_shoes equip_arrow manualAI 0 } attackComboSlot { afterSkill waitBeforeUse dist 15 isSelfSkill 1 target_deltaHp } doCommand { hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout disabled 0 inInventory inCart inMap manualAI 0 } monsterSkill Lex Aeterna { target 2 sp > 5 timeout 3 } useSelf_skill Heal { lvl 10 hp < 50% sp > 5 } useSelf_skill Blessing { lvl 10 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Blessing,Cursed,Curse }

useSelf_skill Increase AGI { lvl 10 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Increase AGI stopWhenHit 1 } #useSelf_skill Assumptio { lvl 10 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Assumptio stopWhenHit 1 } useSelf_skill Assumptio { lvl 10 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Assumptio stopWhenHit 1 } useSelf_skill Magnificat { lvl 6 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Magnificat stopWhenHit 1 timeout 100 } useSelf_skill Angelus { lvl 10 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Angelus stopWhenHit 1 } useSelf_skill gloria { lvl 5 sp > 10 whenStatusInactive Gloria stopWhenHit 0 } useSelf_skill_smartHeal 1 partySkill { lvl 10 maxCastTime 0 minCastTime 0 hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive

whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 manualAI 0 target target_hp target_isJob target_isNotJob target_whenStatusActive target_whenStatusInactive target_aggressives target_monsters target_timeout 0 target_deltaHp target_dead 0 inInventory isSelfSkill 0 } partySkill Heal { lvl 10 target target_hp < 40% } partySkill Blessing { lvl 10 stopWhenHit 1 target target_whenStatusInactive Blessing,Cursed,Curse timeout 120 } partySkill Increase AGI { lvl 10 target timeout 120 target_whenStatusInactive Increase AGI } partySkill Assumptio { lvl 5 target timeout 120 target_whenStatusInactive Assumptio } #partySkill Kyrie Eleison { lvl 10 target timeout 120 target_whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison

} partySkill Impositio Manus { lvl 5 target timeout 120 target_whenStatusInactive Impositio Manus } partySkill Resurrection { lvl 4 target target_dead 1,2,3,4,0 } party_skill_smartHeal 1

autoSwitch_default_rightHand autoSwitch_default_leftHand autoSwitch_default_arrow

# NOTE: In the case of two handed weapons, or no Shield, # duplicate the weapon name for 'rightHand' # To attack with bare hands, specify "[NONE]" (without the quotes) for rightHand autoSwitch { rightHand leftHand arrow distance useWeapon } equipAuto fire arrow { topHead midHead lowHead leftHand rightHand leftAccessory rightAccessory robe armor shoes arrow monsters weight 0 whileSitting 0 hp sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive

whenStatusInactive whenFollowing spirit aggressives stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 inInventory manualAI 0 } useSelf_item { hp > 10% sp homunculus_hp homunculus_sp homunculus_dead onAction whenStatusActive whenStatusInactive awakening poyion whenFollowing spirit aggressives monsters notMonsters stopWhenHit 0 inLockOnly 0 notWhileSitting 0 notInTown 0 timeout 0 disabled 0 inInventory manualAI 0 } ######## Autostorage/autosell ######## buyAuto orange potion { npc standpoint 1 distance 5 price 27500 minAmount 0 maxAmount 50 } sellAuto 0 sellAuto_npc sellAuto_standpoint sellAuto_distance 5 storageAuto 0 storageAuto_npc payon 181 104 storageAuto_distance 5 storageAuto_npc_type 0 storageAuto_npc_steps c r1 n storageAuto_password 191411

storageAuto_keepOpen 1 storageAuto_useChatCommand relogAfterStorage 0 minStorageZeny 0 npcTimeResponse getAuto fire arrow quiver { minAmount maxAmount 15 passive 1 } ######## Debugging options; only useful for developers ######## debug 0 debugPacket_unparsed 0 debugPacket_received 0 debugPacket_ro_sent 0 debugPacket_sent 0 debugPacket_exclude debugPacket_include debugPacket_include_dumpMethod debugDomains macro_orphans terminate storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79, 0x0202C179, 0x0E20120, 0x04FA43E3, 0x0179B6C8, 0x0 5973DF2, 0x07D8D6B, 0x08CB9ED9 gameGuard 1 charBlockSize 116 serverEncoding Tagalog ##### Battle Grounds Config ##### Battle_Map Battle_AI 1 Battle_Random 0 killSteal 1 ------------------------------------===================================== ------------------------------------openkore/control/timeouts.txt from your timeouts.txt change this ai_attack_waitAfterKill 0.7 to ai_attack_wait AfterKill 0.1 ------------------------------------===================================== ------------------------------------openkore/src/ edit your add this line "return 0 if ($config{'rabidDog'} the line must look like $config{'killSteal'});"

sub objectInsideSpell { return 1; my $spell = $spells{$_}; my $spell = $spells{$_}; foreach (@spellsID) { my $spell = $spells{$_}; if ($spell->{sourceID} ne $accountID && $spell->{pos}{x} == $x && $spell ->{pos}{y} == $y) { return 1; } } ==================================== sub objectIsMovingTowardsPlayer { return 1; my %vec; my %vec; $ignore_party_members = 1 if (!defined $ignore_party_members); if (checkMovementDirection($obj->{pos}, \%vec, $players{$_}{pos}, 15)) { # Monster is still moving, and there are players on screen my %vec; getVector(\%vec, $obj->{pos_to}, $obj->{pos}); foreach (@playersID) { next if (!$_ ($ignore_party_members && ($char->{party} && $char->{party}{users}{$_}) (existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name}) && $players{$_}{name} ne 'Unknown')) $players{$_}{statuses}{"GM Perfect Hide"}); if (checkMovementDirection($obj->{pos}, \%vec, $players{$_}{pos}, 15)) { return 1; } } } ==================================== sub checkMonsterCleanness { return 1; return 1; my $monster = $monsters{$ID}; return 1; my $monster = $monsters{$ID}; # If party attacked monster, or if monster attacked/missed party if ($monster->{'dmgFromParty'} > 0 $monster->{'dmgToParty'} > 0 onster->{'missedToParty'} > 0) { return 1; } ==================================== sub positionNearPlayer { return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $players{$_}{pos_to}) <= $dist); my $dist = shift; my $dist = shift; foreach (@playersID) { $m

next if existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name}); next if existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name}); $char->{party}{users}{$_}; next if existsInList($config{tankersList}, $players{$_}{name}); return 1 if (distance($r_hash, $players{$_}{pos_to}) <= $dist); } ################################# wx_map_route 1 wx_captcha 1 wx_npcTalk 1

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