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T<ys+ 23 e] 2011

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(Continued...from Last Issue.)
12. Birds of a feather flock together
It is the common trait of people that bring
them together. Go to the Chambal Valley, you
find dacoits. To see the old men flocking toget
her in the morning in the parks, in the evening
of their lives, is a common sight. The good wo
uld unite to bring relief to the poor while the
fundamentalists would come together to dep
rive Muslim women of their right. They wou
ld cross the party lines for they share the male
chauvinism in considering women to be liv-
ing at their mercy. Mafias would flock togeth-
er in the ruling party while psychopants wou
ld flock round the leader. It may look a bit qu
eer that the sense of flocking together is more
common among the vice than among the
13. Law is the Custodian of Democracy
Two wings of democracy have a tendency
to be arbitrary. If a coterie has been able to
win the elections with overwhelming majori-
ty it takes the dumb driven cattle - members
of parliament - under its sway and legislates
as it wishes. Thus, besides he executive contr
olled by the coterie, the Parliament too serves
the interest not of all but those patronized by
the ruling party. The two combine themselves
to crush the voice the people and to suffocate
the opposition. Democracy becomes shame
for the poor and the undergo. The government
loses its ears to listen to the bemoaning of the
working women, its eyes to see the cruelty on
bonded labour, the plight of the rural poor. It
is only law that comes to the rescue of the
common man. If is law that comes to the res-
cue of a Shah Bano. The Parliament brings
bills to crush her. Democracy builds its man-
sion on the will of the people - the public
opinion. Law stands a guard to let the jour-
nalist raise his voice to form it.
14. Man is the Architect of his own fate
'Man is the architect of his own fate' means
that he can either make or mar his fortune. If
he makes a proper division of his time and
does his duties accordingly, he is sure to impr
ove and prosper in life to improve and prosper
in life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure to
repent when it is too late. He will have to drug
out a miserable existence from day to day. To
kill time is as culpable as to commit suicide,
for our life is nothing but the sum-total of ho
urs, days and years. Youth is the golden sea-
son of life. In youth the mind is soft and can
be moulded in any form we like. If we lose the
morning hours of life. If we sow a seed, we sh
all reap a good harvest when we grow up. In
this sense man is the architect of his own fate.
15. No Pains - No Gains
In this life there are no gains without pains.
Life, indeed, would be dull if there were no
difficulties. Games lose their zest if there is no
real struggle.
Both the winner and the loser enjoy a
game most if it is closely contested. No victo-
ry is a real triumph unless the foe is worthy of
the steel. Whether we like it or not, life is one
continuous competitive examination.
16. AThing of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Beauty stirs the soul in man and takes him
above the world of petty material gains.
The snow clad peaks kissing the blue sky,
the sun rising from the roaring sea where if
meets the blue heaven beyond Kanyakumari
which blesses the three oceans that touch the
feet of mother India, the unending rows of
coconut trees by the sea beaches in Goa and
Kerala are scenes that fill the heart with joy -
a heavenly pleasure that lasts as long as life
The rice fields stretching their golden flow
to the edge of the earth in the month
November, the fragrant pink rose peeping out
of its thorny abode, the countless lotus flow-
ers shimmering out of water in the morning
sun are scenes that soothe the heart.
They flash on the screen of mind when
one feels lonely and give him a blessed com-
pany. Abeautiful child beaming with a naught
smile and the face of a lovely maid lost in her
dreams give perennial bliss and joy that is
beyond the worldly pleasure. Athin of beauty
has permanent abode on
the emotional horizon of
(to be continued..)
K.Venkata Ramana
Director K.V.R. Spoken English
Cell: 9959 310 234
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.. . B . c . A . : . - .
. . : Finger Prints ASI - 2010.
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[25/(100+25)] x 100 %
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= (2500/125)% = 20%
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.. . B . c . A. : . - . . . :
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--- . .c. . . .. . ,. . . ..
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Shortcut :
[x/(100-x)] x 100%
. -. .. _... . .. .. . x = 20
[20/(100-20)] x 100% = (20/80) x 100%
= (2000/80) % = 25%
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ev -. e . :. - . . c . . . -
. - . . . . -. . : RRB, S.I, APPSC.
Shortcut :
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[20-10(200/100)]% = (20-10-2)%
= (20-12)% = 8%
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/100)]% = [20+(100/100)]%
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,. . : Corporation Bank PO - 2004.
Shorcut: 10% ---------> . - s
---------> . :
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.. . x = 10%, n = 2 .
1,00,000 x (100+10/100)
= 100000 x
= 100000 x (12100/10000)
= 1210000000/10000 = 121000
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-.. . -.. ;. . :.. . : (Syndicate
Bank P.O - 2004)
Shortcut :
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.. . x .. . ... .. . .. . - . .. y
. . ... .. . .. . - . .... . .-.. .. .
. .. . .. s/
.... .. . .. - (3/5) x (100+25/100+20)
= (3/5) x (125/120) = 375/360 = 5/7
. . .. .... .. . .. .... /. . .. .
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..-. . . c. ;. . s/s . . .. -. .
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c. ss /s
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s. + ... .
s. ++
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.. s/+
XeTT\ ( Percentage)
. . : . . :.:
.. . .. ... .. _...
.. ssss.c+

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