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November 2007


Prepared for
The Asian Development Bank

www. t er i i n. or g The Energy and Resources Institute

TIe Energy und Resources nsLILuLe zoo;

Suggested format for citation

T E R . zoo;
RepIuce LIIs IIne wILI LIe LILIe oI LIe reporL
New DeIII: TIe Energy und Resources nsLILuLe.

For more information
ProjecL MonILorIng CeII
T E R Tel zq68 z1oo or zq68 z111
DurburI SeLI BIock I-muil pmcLerI.res.In
HC CompIex, odII Roud Iux zq68 z1qq or zq68 z1q
New DeIII - 11o oo Web www.LerI I
ndIu ndIu +q1 DeIII (o) 11


AIkuIIne eIecLroIyLe IueI ceII (uIc)........................................................................................ q
dIrecL meLIunoI IueI ceII (dmIc) ......................................................................................... q
pIospIorIc ucId IueI ceII (puIc)...........................................................................................
moILen curbonuLe IueI ceII (mcIc) .......................................................................................
soIId oxIde IueI ceII (soIc).................................................................................................... 6
Hydrogen Energy And ueI CeII TecInoIogy n ndIu........................................................ 6
PrIorILIes And TurgeLs..........................................................................................................;
Hydrogen ProducLIon & Coz CupLure And SLoruge..............................................................;
Hydrogen SLoruge, TrunsporLuLIon And DIsLrIbuLIon ........................................................ 8
AppIIcuLIons n C EngInes And ueI CeIIs......................................................................... q
Hydrogen SuIeLy And Codes And SLundurds ...................................................................... q
OvervIew oI Iydrogen und IueI ceII IndusLry In IndIu........................................................1o
LecInoIogIes- currenL sLuLus und deveIopmenL LurgeLs In IndIu ........................................1z
InLernuLIonuI LurgeLs und r&d ucLIvILIes In Iydrogen und IueI ceII LecInoIogy..................1q
SLuLIonury Power AppIIcuLIon............................................................................................1q
VeIIcuIur AppIIcuLIons...................................................................................................... zo
Hydrogen ProducLIon And SLoruge TecInoIogIes ............................................................ zq
Key PIuyers WorkIng On Hydrogen And ueI CeII TecInoIogy n ndIu ......................... z8
Benurus HIndu UnIversILy (BHU)..................................................................................... zq
BIuruL Heuvy EIecLrIcuIs ImILed (BHE) ....................................................................... zq
ndIun nsLILuLe OI TecInoIogy (T)................................................................................ zq
SouLIern PeLrocIemIcuI ndusLrIes CorporuLIon ScIence ounduLIon (SPC-S) ........... zq
NuLIonuI CIemIcuI uboruLory (NC), Pune: ................................................................... zq
ndIun OII CorporuLIon ImILed........................................................................................ o
ndIun nsLILuLe OI ScIence (Isc), BunguIore And CenLruI GIuss & CerumIc ReseurcI
nsLILuLe (CGCR), KoIkuLu ............................................................................................... o
MuIIndru & MuIIndru Ld................................................................................................ o
TuLu MoLors....................................................................................................................... o
TeIecommunIcuLIons ConsuILunLs ndIu Ld (TC) ........................................................ o
Key nLernuLIonuI PIuyers And TIeIr ProjecLs On Hydrogen And ueI CeII TecInoIogy:.1
RuIIwuys .............................................................................................................................1

Aerospuce And Spuce.........................................................................................................1
Two- And TIree- WIeeIed VeIIcIes .................................................................................
orkIIIL And ndusLrIuI VeIIcIes ....................................................................................... q
UnIversILy And AcudemIc nsLILuLIons..............................................................................
ReIerences......................................................................................................................... 6


ueI ceIIs ure In LIe eurIy sLuges oI deveIopmenL us un eIIIcIenL
power generuLIon sysLem. Use oI IueI ceIIs In power generuLIon
promIses Lo greuLIy reduce greenIouse gus emIssIons LIrougI ILs
reIuLIve eIIIcIenL operuLIon (wIen compured Lo convenLIonuI
LecInoIogIes). n uddILIon, u IueI ceII sysLem wILI IewJno movIng
purLs oIIers u IowJ noIse-Iree operuLIon und cun operuLe on u
vurIeLy oI IueIs, LIereIore oIIerIng severuI beneIILs wIIIe used In
severuI oI LIe IdenLIIIed uppIIcuLIons Loduy.

n 1q;o`s, IueI ceIIs were used us power generuLIon sysLems In
ApoIIo spuce mIssIons. Toduy, upurL Irom spuce uppIIcuLIons IueI
ceIIs ure beIng used In sLuLIonury und veIIcuIur power
uppIIcuLIons. uLure uppIIcuLIons beIng InvesLIguLed Loduy IncIude
IupLops, mobIIe pIones und oLIer remoLe communIcuLIon

Figure 1: Comparison of power overall efficiency vs. plant
capacity (Source: Fuel Cells for Distributed Generation, A
Technology and Marketing Summary, March 2000, Energy Centre of
Wisconsin, U.S)
2 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
A IueI ceII consIsLs oI un eIecLroIyLe sundwIcIed beLween un
unode und cuLIode. TIe unode und cuLIode Iorm LIe eIecLrodes oI
LIe IueI ceII. n u LypIcuI IueI ceII, IueI Is Ied conLInuousIy Lo LIe
unode (neguLIve eIecLrode) und un oxIdunL (oILen oxygen Irom uIr)
Is Ied conLInuousIy Lo LIe cuLIode (posILIve eIecLrode). TIe
eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons Luke pIuce uL LIe eIecLrodes Lo produce
un eIecLrIc currenL LIrougI LIe eIecLroIyLe, wIIIe drIvIng u
compIemenLury eIecLrIc currenL LIuL perIorms work on LIe Ioud.
AILIougI u IueI ceII Is sImIIur Lo u LypIcuI buLLery In muny wuys, IL
dIIIers In severuI respecLs. TIe buLLery Is un energy sLoruge devIce
In wIIcI uII LIe energy uvuIIubIe Is sLored wILIIn LIe buLLery ILseII
(uL IeusL LIe reducLunL). TIe buLLery wIII ceuse Lo produce
eIecLrIcuI energy wIen LIe cIemIcuI reucLunLs ure consumed (I.e.,
dIscIurged). A IueI ceII, on LIe oLIer Iund, Is un energy
conversIon devIce Lo wIIcI IueI und oxIdunL ure suppIIed
conLInuousIy. n prIncIpIe, LIe IueI ceII produces power Ior us
Iong us IueI Is suppIIed. TIe workIng oI u IueI ceII cun expIuIned
wILI LIe beIow governIng equuLIons,

AL unode,
zHz qH+ + qe

AL cuLIode,
Oz + qe
+ qH+ zHzO

TIereIore overuII reucLIon Is,

Hz + Oz HzO
AL LIe unode, LIe IueI (Iydrogen) Is oxIdIzed Lo produce eIecLrons
und H+ Ions (or proLons) und LIe oxIdunL (oxygen) Is reduced Lo
Iorm wuLer uL LIe cuLIode, I.e. LIe oxygen moIecuIes reucL wILI
LIe eIecLrons Irom LIe unode und H+ Ions Irom LIe eIecLroIyLe Lo
Iorm wuLer. TIe eIecLrons LruveI LIrougI un exLernuI cIrcuIL,
wIIIe LIe proLons LruveI LIrougI LIe Ion-conducLIng eIecLroIyLe.
TIe reucLIons occur sImuILuneousIy und proceed conLInuousIy uL
LIe eIecLrode surIuces us Iong us LIe guses ure suppIIed und LIe
movemenL or mIgruLIon oI e- und H+ Ions Is noL resLrIcLed.

3 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Figure 2: Components of a fuel cell (Source: Gokul Ramamurthy, Validation of a novel approach of
evaluating PEM catalysts, KTH Applied Electrochemistry, 2006)

ReseurcI und deveIopmenL ucLIvILIes on IueI ceII LecInoIogy Ior
LIe IusL coupIe oI decudes IoIIowIng ILs use In LerresLrIuI
uppIIcuLIons Ius prImurIIy Iocused on deveIopmenL und unuIysIs
oI u key pIysIcuI componenL, LIe cuLuIysL. TIe cuLuIysL, usuuIIy,
PIuLInum (PL) pIuys un ImporLunL In LIe eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons
LIuL Lukes pIuce InsIde u IueI ceII. PL cuLuIysL ucLs us u promoLer oI
LIe ORR wIIcI Is u sIuggIsI eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIon In
compurIson Lo LIe HOR occurrIng uL LIe unode. ReseurcI wILI
regurd Lo IueI ceII cuLuIysL Ius concenLruLed on Lwo key ureus-
deveIopmenL oI newer cuLuIysLs (uIIoys LIuL ure compuruLIveIy
cIeuper) und PL cuLuIysL sIze reducLIon. OLIer ureus oI currenL
reseurcI concenLruLIon IncIude deveIopmenL oI sLubIe eIecLroIyLe
und curbon supporL muLerIuI, eIIIcIenL wuLer und gus LrunsporL
InsIde LIe IueI ceIIs.

BeIow u brIeI descrIpLIon oI LIe dIIIerenL Lypes oI IueI ceIIs Is

4 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Alkaline electrolyte fuel cell (AFC)

TIe eIecLroIyLe oI un uIkuIIne IueI ceII cun be eILIer sodIum
IydroxIde or poLussIum IydroxIde. PoLussIum IydroxIde Is used
quILe oILen us LIe eIecLroIyLe due ILs sLubIe cIurucLerIsLIcs. TIe
operuLIng LemperuLure Is ubouL zooC wILI un eIecLroIyLe
concenLruLIon oI 8wL% (und <1zooC wILI u concenLruLIon oI -
owL %)

An uIkuIIne IueI ceII Ius LIree muIn udvunLuges, 1) LIe ucLIvuLIon
over voILuge uL LIe cuLIode Is Iower LIuL LIuL oI u PEM IueI ceII, z)
L uses reIuLIveIy cIeup eIecLroIyLes und eIecLrodes muLerIuIs, )
demunds Iess wuLer munugemenL LIen u PEM IueI ceII. TIe
eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons occurrIng uL LIe eIecLrodes ure,

Anode: zHz + qOH- qHzO + qe

CuLIode: Oz + qe
+ zHzO qOH

However, LIe oxIdunL (usuuIIy uIr) und LIe IueI Iuve Lo be Iree
Irom ImpurILIes. Even u smuII umounL oI curbon dIoxIde cun
desLroy LIe IueI ceII.

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)

MeLIunoI cun be used dIrecLIy us u IueI In u IueI ceII wILI uny kInd
oI eIecLroIyLe. ProbIems oI sLoruge oI Iydrogen cun be eIImInuLed
wILI LIIs Lype oI IueI ceII. n uddILIon, LIe compIexILy oI LIe
sysLem Is reduced us dIrecL IeedIng oI LIe IueI Is possIbIe.

However, muny oLIer dIsudvunLuges cIuIIenge LIe wIdespreud
usuge oI LIIs Lype oI IueI ceII. TIe oxIduLIon oI meLIunoI uL LIe
unode Is u compIex LIree-sLep process LIuL reduces LIe overuII
perIormunce oI LIe DMC IueI ceII consIderubIy. n uddILIon Lo
LIIs dIsudvunLuge, IueI crossover uIso poses unoLIer mujor
probIem. TIe eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons occurrIng uL LIe
eIecLrodes ure,

Anode: CHOH + HzO 6H+ + 6e
+ COz

CuLIode: 1 Oz + 6H+ + 6e

5 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)

PIospIorIc ucId IueI ceII Is one oI LIe mosL deveIoped IIgI
LemperuLure IueI ceIIs. TIe operuLIng LemperuLure runges Irom
1o-zzoo C. TIe eIecLroIyLe Is PIospIorIc ucId (HPOq), wIIcI Is
un InorgunIc, IIgIIy sLubIe eIecLroIyLe wILI very Iow voIuLIIILy. TIe
eIecLroIyLe soIuLIon Is conLuIned InsIde u sIIIcon curbIde muLrIx.
TIe PIospIorIc ucId IueI ceII, even LIougI IL operuLes u reIuLIveIy
IIgI LemperuLure, requIres u subsLunLIuI umounL oI nobIe meLuI
cuLuIysLs. TIe cuLuIysL muLerIuIs used Iere Iuve Lo be proLecLed
uguInsL poIsonIng IIke In uny oLIer Iow-LemperuLure IueI ceIIs.
TIe eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons occurrIng uL LIe eIecLrodes oI u
PAC, sImIIur Lo PEM IueI ceII reucLIons ure,

Anode: Hz zH++ ze

CuLIode: Oz + zH+ + ze

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC)

TIe eIecLroIyLe oI LIIs Lype oI IueI ceII Is u mIxLure oI uIkuII meLuI
und curbonuLe (usuuIIy, u bInury mIxLure oI IILIIum und
poLussIum or IILIIum und sodIum curbonuLe). AL IIgI operuLIng
LemperuLures, LIe uIkuII curbonuLes Iorm u IIgIIy conducLIve
soIuLIon wILI curbonuLe CO z- Ions provIdIng LIe IonIc
conducLIon. TIe eIecLroIyLe soIuLIon Is conLuIned In u muLrIx oI

TIe operuLIng LemperuLure oI u moILen curbonuLe IueI ceII Is In
LIe runge oI 6oo-;oo C. n u moILen curbonuLe IueI ceII, COz gus
Is suppIIed uIong wILI Oz uL LIe cuLIode sIde. mporLunL
udvunLuges oI LIIs Lype oI IueI ceII ure, nobIe meLuI cuLuIysLs ure
noL requIred, und u wIde runge oI IueIs cun be uLIIIzed. or
exumpIe, Iydrocurbons und even curbon monoxIde ure used, us
LIey cun be InLernuIIy reIormed Lo produce Hz or CO gus. TIe
eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons occurrIng uL LIe eIecLrode ure,

Anode: zHz + zCO zHzO + zCOz + qe

CuLIode: Oz + zCOz + qe

6 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)

Here LIe eIecLroIyLe consIsLs oI un Ion-conducLIng cerumIc
muLerIuI, ZIrconIu doped wILI 8-1o moIe% oI yLLrIu (yLLrIu-
sLubIIIzed zIrconIu). TIe ceII operuLes uL u LemperuLure oI ubouL
1oooo C und LIe IonIc conducLIon Lukes pIuce wILI LIe uId oI
oxygen Ions. SoIId oxIde IueI ceII Is sImpIer In concepL und desIgn,
even wIen compured Lo MCC. RecycIIng oI COz Is noL requIred.
VurIous Iydrocurbons und curbon monoxIde cun be used us u
IueI. TIe eIecLrocIemIcuI reucLIons occurrIng uL LIe eIecLrodes

Anode: zHz + zO zHzO + qe

CuLIode: Oz + qe

Hydrogen energy and Fuel Cell technology in India

or over u decude, LIe MInIsLry oI New und RenewubIe Energy
(MNRE) Ius supporLed reseurcI und demonsLruLIon ucLIvILIes Lo
deveIop Iydrogen und ueI CeII LecInoIogIes und LIeIr
uppIIcuLIons In LIe counLry. TIe MInIsLry recenLIy seLup LIe
NuLIonuI Iydrogen Bourd Lo druIL LIe NuLIonuI Hydrogen Energy
Roud Mup und presenLed LIe sume Lo key sLukeIoIders durIng u
NuLIonuI MeeLIng on q
June zoo; In New DeIII. TIe muIn
objecLIve oI LIe NuLIonuI Hydrogen Energy Roud Mup Is Lo
IdenLIIy LIe puLI LIuL wouId Ieud Lo u gruduuI InLroducLIon oI
Hydrogen Energy In LIe counLry. TIe Roud Mup uIso uIms Lo
ucceIeruLe commercIuIIzuLIon eIIorLs und IucIIILuLe creuLIon oI
Hydrogen Energy nIrusLrucLure In LIe counLry.

TIe NuLIonuI Hydrogen Energy Roud Mup wIII provIde u
compreIensIve upproucI Lo LIe deveIopmenL oI LIe componenLs
oI LIe Iydrogen energy sysLem, rungIng Irom producLIon, sLoruge,
LrunsporL, deIIvery, uppIIcuLIons, suIeLy und sLundurds, educuLIon
und uwureness umong oLIers. TIe Roud Mup recommends LIuL u
sLrong pubIIc-prIvuLe purLnersIIp coverIng LIe LoLuI Iydrogen
energy sysLem Ior LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI ILs proposuI be

7 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Priorities and targets
ndIu Ius IdenLIIIed Lwo mujor projecLs In LIe IIeId oI LrunsporL
und power generuLIon Ior LIe deveIopmenL oI Iydrogen und IueI
ceII LecInoIogIes; (1) Green nILIuLIve Ior uLure TrunsporL (GT)
und (z) TIe Green nILIuLIve Ior Power GeneruLIon (GP). TIe
GT progrumme uIms Lo deveIop und demonsLruLe Iydrogen
powered C engIne und IueI ceII bused veIIcIes (Irom smuII zJ
wIeeIers Lo Ieuvy veIIcIes) und LIe GP progrumme uIms Lo
deveIop und demonsLruLe Iydrogen powered C engIneJLurbIne
und IueI ceII bused decenLruIIzed power generuLIng sysLems
rungIng Irom smuII mIIIIwuLL cupucILy Lo MW sIze sysLems
LIrougI dIIIerenL pIuses oI LecInoIogy deveIopmenL und

TIe GT progrumme wIII InvoIve exLensIve reseurcI und
deveIopmenL In Iydrogen powered C engIne und IueI ceII
veIIcIes. TIe IIrsL pIuse oI deveIopmenL wouId concenLruLe on
pubIIc LrunsporL veIIcIes sucI us cILy-buses, LIree wIeeIers, vuns
und LuxIs. TIe nexL pIuse oI deveIopmenL wouId cover pussenger
veIIcIes. n LIe LIIrd pIuse LIe number oI veIIcIes on roud wouId
be subsLunLIuIIy expunded, wIIIe InLensIve R&D work Improves
LIe cosL compeLILIveness oI Iydrogen IueI producLIon und sLoruge.
TIe GP progrumme wIII InvoIve LIe deveIopmenL und
demonsLruLIon oI smuII cupucILy generuLors (o-1oo kW) und IueI
ceII power pucks. uLer us LIe LecInoIogy deveIops, IIeId-LesLIng
oI sLund-uIone und grId InLerucLIve IueI ceII power pIunLs wIII be
underLuken. TIe C engIne bused generuLors wouId conLInue Lo be
used Ior ruruI, remoLe und congesLed IocuLIons. WILI LIe
deveIopmenL oI couI gusIIIcuLIon LecInoIogy, nLegruLed
GusIIIcuLIon CombIned CycIe (GCC) LecInIque wouId be used Ior
power generuLIon usIng LurbInes wILI Iydrogen us u IueI. L Is
expecLed LIuL by zozo un uggreguLe cupucILy oI 1,ooo MW wouId
be seL up In LIe counLry, wIIcI wIII use Iydrogen us LIe IueI.

Hydrogen production & Co2 capture and storage
AL presenL, Iydrogen Is produced on u Iurge scuIe In IerLIIIzer und
peLroIeum reIInIng IndusLrIes ucross LIe counLry. TIe producLIon
oI Iydrogen Is muInIy bused on sLeum reIormIng oI nupILIu und
nuLuruI gus. Hydrogen Is uIso produced us u by-producL In LIe
cIemIcuI IndusLry. SeveruI meLIods oI Iydrogen producLIon sucI
us bIomuss gusIIIcuLIon, dIssocIuLIon oI meLIunoI or ummonIu,
LIermo-cIemIcuI und eIecLrocIemIcuI spIILLIng oI wuLer,
bIoIogIcuI pIoLosynLIesIs or IermenLuLIon eLc., ure sLIII uL
dIIIerenL sLuges oI deveIopmenL In LIe counLry. ProducLIon oI
8 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Iydrogen LIrougI uvuIIubIe non-renewubIe energy resources Ius
been IdenLIIIed us un ImporLunL sLep Lowurds ensurIng energy

TIe roud mup suggesLs LIuL upurL Irom seLLIng up oI cenLruI
Iydrogen producLIon IucIIILIes, LIe LecInoIogy Ior on-sILe
generuLIon oI Iydrogen by reIormuLIon oI Iydrocurbons needs Lo
be IurLIer Improved und demonsLruLed, us LIIs wouId reduce LIe
IIgI cosL oI LIe Iydrogen IueI In LIe sIorL Lo medIum Lerm. L
uIso recommends LIuL suILubIe poIIcIes ure IormuIuLed Lo supporL
reseurcI, LecInoIogy deveIopmenL und demonsLruLIon oI vurIous
Iydrogen producLIon LecInoIogIes In u cosL eIIecLIve munner Lo
enubIe LIe deveIopmenL oI Iydrogen producLIon neLwork und
InIrusLrucLure In LIe counLry.

ReuIIzIng LIuL couI wIII pIuy u mujor roIe In LIe energy mIx oI LIe
counLry, IL wus envIsuged LIuL reseurcI work Ius Lo be underLuke
Lo deveIop LecInoIogy Ior producLIon oI Iydrogen Irom couI.

Hydrogen storage, transportation and distribution
ueI sLoruge, LrunsporLuLIon und dIsLrIbuLIon ure LIe buckbone Ior
LIe energy sysLem oI u counLry. Ls eIIIcIency, suIeLy, reIIubIIILy,
eLc, ure us crILIcuI us energy securILy ILseII. AL presenL LIe IImILed
InIrusLrucLure Lo LrunsporL und suppIy Iydrogen IueI In ndIu In u
cosL eIIecLIve, suIe und reIIubIe munner Is u mujor burrIer Lo LIe
Iurge-scuIe InLroducLIon oI Iydrogen us un energy currIer. TIe
exIsLIng pIpeIInes ure unreIIubIe und LIus LIe Roud Mup
recommends LIuL new LrunsporLuLIon und deIIvery IucIIILIes be

TIe roud mup IdenLIIIes LIuL deveIopmenL oI suILubIe Iydrogen
pIpeIInes us LIe key Lo LIe depIoymenL oI Iydrogen LecInoIogy In
LIe counLry. L recommends LIuL udvunced reseurcI eIIorLs be
currIed ouL Lo deveIop LIe necessury LecInoIogy und IuLer
demonsLruLe LIe LecInoIogy.

TIe Roud Mup envIsuges LIuL LIe Iocus sIouId be on soIId
sLoruge. L recommends LIuL on-sILe producLIon oI Iydrogen und
deIIvery sysLems be deveIoped. Advunced sLoruge meLIods sucI
us IIgI compressIon sLoruge In cyIIndersJLunks, IydrIdes, curbon
nunosLrucLures wIII Iuve Lo be deveIoped Lo ucIIeve sysLem
sLoruge eIIIcIency oI > q weIgIL percenL, reduce over uII sIze,
Improve recycIe IIIe und ensure suIe LrunsporLuLIon und

9 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Applications in IC engines and fuel cells
Across LIe worId, IueI ceII LecInoIogIes ure sLIII In LIe eurIy sLuges
oI deveIopmenL. SeveruI LecInoIogIcuI Issues concernIng cIoIce oI
muLerIuIs, ImprovemenLs In desIgn und perIormunce oI IueI ceII
sLucks und sysLems ure yeL Lo be IuIIy resoIved. Advunced
reseurcI, LecInoIogy deveIopmenL und demonsLruLIon oI IueI ceII
LecInoIogy Is requIred ndIu.

TIe Roud Mup recommends LIuL pubIIc-prIvuLe purLnersIIps be
esLubIIsIed Lo move Irom LIe reseurcI Iubs Lo IndusLrIes Ior
evenLuuI commercIuIIzuLIon oI dIIIerenL LecInoIogIes In ndIu. n
uddILIon, IL uIso recommends LIuL demonsLruLIon projecLs ure
quIckIy Luken up wIIcI wouId noL onIy provIde operuLIng
experIence In key Iydrogen uppIIcuLIons sucI us decenLruIIzed
power generuLIon und use In uuLomobIIes, buL uIso IucIIILuLe
creuLIon oI supporL InIrusLrucLure LIrougI pubIIc-prIvuLe
purLnersIIp. SucI demonsLruLIon projecLs wouId uIso IucIIILuLe
deveIopmenL oI Iow cosL, suIe und reIIubIe LecInoIogIes Ior
producLIon oI Iydrogen, ILs sLoruge und suIe LrunsporL und

Hydrogen safety and codes and standards
TIe use oI Iydrogen us un energy currIer Is yeL Lo be expIoILed In
LIe counLry. However, LIe IndusLrIuI use oI Iydrogen Ius been
LukIng pIuce Ior u Iong LIme. As u resuIL severuI suIeLy codes und
sLundurds Iuve been deveIoped. TIese sLundurds ure concerned
wILI LIe IndusLrIuI uppIIcuLIons oI Iydrogen. And LIe presenL
reguIuLIons ure Iocused on LrunsporLuLIon oI Iydrogen Lo und
Irom LIe sILes. TIe Bureuu oI ndIun SLundurds (BS) Ius Issued
specIIIcuLIon Ior compressed guseous Iydrogen sLoruge (S -
1oqo). TIe DepurLmenL oI ExpIosIves Is enLrusLed wILI LIe
udmInIsLruLIon oI ExpIosIves AcL, 188q, PeLroIeum AcL, 1qq,
nIIummubIe AcL, 1qz und oLIer ruIes Irumed under LIese ucLs
wIIcI uIso IncIudes sLuLIc und mobIIe pressure vesseI (unIIred)
ruIes, 1q81 und LIe gus cyIInder ruIes, 1q81. TIe OII ndusLry
SuIeLy DIrecLoruLe (OSD) Ius IormuIuLed und coordInuLed
ImpIemenLuLIon oI u serIes oI seII-reguIuLory meusures uImed uL
enIuncIng LIe suIeLy In oII und gus IndusLry In ndIu
However, wILI LIe ubsence oI reIevunL codes und sLundurds, IL Is
IeIL LIuL LIe uccepLunce und commercIuIIzuLIon oI new
LecInoIogIes sucI us IueI ceIIs deveIopmenL oI codes und
sLundurds ure ImperuLIve. TIe Roud mup recommends LIuL codes
und sLundurds Ior LIe enLIre runge oI Iydrogen energy be
deveIoped. n uddILIon, LIe Roud mup suggesLs LIuL reIevunL ucLs
10 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
concernIng LrunsporL secLor, envIronmenL und uIr quuIILy wIII
requIre umendmenLs Lo encouruge suIe use oI Iydrogen.
Overview of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell industry in India

A mujorILy oI R&D ucLIvILIes on Hydrogen und ueI CeII
LecInoIogIes Is beIng underLuken by pubIIc reseurcI InsLILuLIons
IIke CSR, BHE Ld und some reIuLIveIy Iew prIvuLe IndusLrIuI
Iouses sucI us SPC (SouLIern PeLrocIemIcuI ndusLrIuI

Figure 3: Organization those involved in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technologies (by type) (Source: Fuel
Cells in India: A survey of current developments, 2007, Fuel Cells Today)

n LIe ndIu conLexL, u Iurge umounL oI reseurcI Is Iocused on
deveIopIng smuII sLuLIonury uppIIcuLIons usIng IueI ceIIs, wIIcI
oIIers LIe greuLesL poLenLIuI uL presenL. ndusLrIuI users Iuve Iong
used convenLIonuI sources Lo suppIy LIeIr own dIsLrIbuLed power
und ure now IookIng Lowurds IueI ceIIs Lo provIde eILIer
sLuLIonury buckup power or LIe muIn source oI power In IuLure.
WILI LIe prevuIenL sILuuLIon oI IrreguIur suppIy oI power, power
ouLuges even In mujor cILIes, sLuLIonury IueI ceII sysLems couId
IeIp meeL LIe necessury demund eIIecLIveIy. TIe uuLomoLIve
secLor Is LIe nexL mosL common uppIIcuLIon Iocus oI IueI ceII
munuIucLurers In ndIu.

11 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Figure 4: Application focus of Indian industries and research institutions. (Source: Fuel Cells in India:
A survey of current developments, 2007, Fuel Cells Today)

Over LIe IusL Iew yeurs ucLIvILIes In LIIs Ius reusonubIy Increused.
TIIs yeur, LIree sepuruLe worksIops on IueI ceIIs Look pIuce In
ndIun nsLILuLes oI TecInoIogy (Ts). ueI ceII LecInoIogy Is
LuugIL us u subjecL uL severuI ndIun unIversILIes, uILIougI LIere
Is perceIved Lo be u skIIIs sIorLuge, purLIcuIurIy Ior IueI ceII
munuIucLure und muInLenunce. However, despILe LIe sLrong R&D
buse In ndIun unIversILIes, LIere Is currenLIy IILLIe IueI ceII
munuIucLurIng experLIse. SeveruI compunIes In LIe sLuLIonury
power und uuLomoLIve secLors ure suId Lo be IookIng Ior
InLernuLIonuI coIIuboruLIons on IueI ceIIs Ior dIsLrIbuLed
generuLIon und LrunsporL uppIIcuLIons.

TIe DepurLmenL oI ScIence und TecInoIogy (DST) Ius
esLubIIsIed u CenLre Ior ueI CeII TecInoIogy (CCT) In CIennuI,
TumII Nudu wILI LIe specIIIc objecLIve oI demonsLruLIng und
vuIIduLIng commercIuI uppIIcuLIons oI PEM IueI ceIIs In
coIIuboruLIon wILI nuLIonuI und InLernuLIonuI IndusLry. CCT Ius
creuLed 1-1o kW sLucks Ior remoLe power generuLIon wIIcI ure
expecLed Lo be uvuIIubIe Ior commercIuIIzuLIon beIore LIe
projecL`s end In eurIy zooq. TIe CouncII Ior ScIenLIIIc und
ndusLrIuI ReseurcI (CSR), un IndusLrIuI R&D urm oI DST
comprIsIng oI dIIIerenL InsLILuLes IncIudIng LIe NuLIonuI
CIemIcuI uboruLory (NC) und LIe CenLruI GIuss & CerumIc
ReseurcI nsLILuLe (CGCR), ure ucLIveIy InvoIved In reseurcIIng
PEM und oLIer C LecInoIogy.

12 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
TIe WorkIng Group on R&D Ior LIe 11LI Ive Yeur PIun recenLIy
recommended LIuL reseurcI sIouId be currIed ouL on sysLem us
weII us muLerIuIs deveIopmenL Ior Iow LemperuLure IueI ceIIs
(uIkuIIne und PEMC); IIgI LemperuLure IueI ceIIs (MCC und
SOC); IIgI LemperuLure reversIbIe IueI ceIIs; und DMCs. n
purLIcuIur membrunes, bIpoIur pIuLes, cuLuIysLs und eIecLrodes
need Lo be reseurcIed. OLIer muLerIuIs LIuL ure beIng proposed
Ior deveIopmenL ure Iow cosL Iydrogen sensors und IeuL

TIere ure pIuns uL LIe ndIun nsLILuLe oI TecInoIogy (T)
Mudrus und VeIIore nsLILuLe oI TecInoIogy (VT) Lo deveIop
PEMC bused LecInoIogy Ior decenLruIIzed power generuLIon. AL
LIe CenLruI GIuss und CerumIcs ReseurcI nsLILuLe (CGCR), u
new generuLIon oI IIgI LemperuLure SOCs Is under
deveIopmenL. TIe nsLILuLe Is workIng on SOCs und Is pIunnIng
ucLIvILIes In coIIuboruLIon wILI BIuruL Heuvy EIecLrIcuI Ld., one
oI ndIu`s IeudIng compunIes. ndIun nsLILuLe oI ScIence,
BunguIore Is workIng on LIe deveIopmenL oI uIkuIIne und DMCs.
TIe CouncII Ior ScIenLIIIc und ndusLrIuI ReseurcI Ius u mIssIon
projecL InvoIvIng u number oI IuboruLorIes IncIudIng LIe NuLIonuI
CIemIcuI uboruLory (NC), Pune, CenLruI EIecLrocIemIcuI
ReseurcI nsLILuLe (CECR), KuruIkudI und oLIers. NC und
CECR Iuve deveIoped u PEMC sLuck wIIcI LIey reporL Is seL Ior

Technologies- current status and development targets in India

TIe LubIe beIow provIdes u deLuIIed descrIpLIon oI LIe LurgeLs und
proposed LIme-Irume Lo ucIIeve LIe LurgeLs seL by MNRE.
Table 1: Technologies- current status and development targets (Source: National Hydrogen Energy Road
Map, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government f India, 2007)
Technology International Status National Technology Gaps Proposed
Time Frame
for bridging
the gaps
By-product is hydrogen is
available from chemical
By-product hydrogen is
available from chemical industry
Purification, pressurization and storage
of by-product hydrogen
Steam Reformation
(natural gas naptha
Technology is proven and
commercially available
Used in oil refineries and
fertilizer industry
- Indigenisation of technology
- Efficiency improvement
- Hydrogenpurity (>99.9%)
- Carbon sequestration
13 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Technology International Status National Technology Gaps Proposed
Time Frame
for bridging
the gaps
Electrolysis of
Technology is proven and
commercially available
Technology is proven and
commercially available
Improvement in efficiency and
reduction in energy consumption
through development of new materials,
components, sub-systems etc. for
conventional alkaline and PEM
electrolysers including high
temperature electrolysis, using
renewable energy sources like small
hydro and wind energy etc.
Gasification of coal
and heavy residues
Technology is
commercially available
Efforts under-way for
development of technology
- R & D for pilot scale FBG for
producing hydrogen through coal
gasification for Indian coal
- Gas clean-up technology
- CO2 separation (PSA &
- Conversion to methanol (Fischer
Tropsh process)
- Integrated Gasification Combined
- Carbon sequestration

In pre-commercial stage In R & D stage R & D for pilot scale gasifiers for
producing hydrogen through biomass
Biological Routes In pre-commercial In pre-commercial - Scale up
- Purification recovery

Stage Stage - Compression
- Screening of microbes
- Bio-reactor design Specific energy
In R & D stage In R & D stage

splitting of water
using nuclear/ solar
In R & D stage In R & D stage Thermo-chemical process:
- Technology development for
reactions & separations etc.
- Materials, Catalyst, Membranes
- Development of Special processing
methods & equipment
- Measurement and control
instruments & methods
- Close loop operations and stability
- Solar thermal assisted thermo
chemical splitting of water
- Integration with Nuclear reactor

High temperature nuclear reactors:

- Special materials development
- Corrosion and oxidation resistant
coatings development

14 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Technology International Status National Technology Gaps Proposed
Time Frame
for bridging
the gaps
- High temperature & High
performance fuel related
- Technology development for
passive reactor safety system
- Technology development for
passive reactor safety system
- Technology development for
passive high flux heat removal
- Liquid metal related technologies
- High temperature instrumentation
High Pressure
Gaseous Storage
Several companies
involved in development
of high pressure gaseous
storage (350-700 bar)
No high pressure gaseous
storage technology exists in the
Indigenous development of high
pressure gaseous storage
Liquid hydrogen Technology is
commercially available
Liquid hydrogen plant is
installed near Trivandrum by
ISRO, used in space
No experience of using liquid hydrogen
for vehicular transport power
Hydrides R & D efforts are in
progress in Japan, USA
and other countries.
Hydrogen storage
capacity 1.5-2.o wt% for
ambient conditions and 5-
6 wt% for high
temperature hydrides
Research groups at BHU, IIT,
Madras and ARCI, Hyderabad
engaged in development.
Hydrides with 2.42wt% storage
capacity developed.
Hydrides with (a) storage capacity up
to 3 through 6 to 9wt%, and (b) cycle
life of greater than 1500 are required to
be developed for transport application.
Other new
Hydrogen Storage
Materials and
complex hydrides
(carbon nanotubes,
sodium alanates,
In R & D stage In R & D stage. BHU, IITM and
other upcoming institutions
R & D efforts need to supported and
Unusual Routes Efforts being made on
several unusual routes
such as storage in
zeolites, glass
microspheres, chemical
R & D efforts to be initiated.
Geological Survey of India to
map out depleted mined
R & D exploration efforts to be initiated 2005-2020
Hydrogen use in IC
CNG-Hydrogen blends
used in IC engines
In R & D and initial
demonstration stage
- To gain experience in CNG-
hydrogen blending for use in IC
- To overcome problems of per-
15 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Technology International Status National Technology Gaps Proposed
Time Frame
for bridging
the gaps
ignition, backfire and reduced
- To develop an IC engine suitable
for hydrogen
Fuel Cells
Phosphoric Acid
Fuel Cell (PAFC)
Commercially available.
More than 200 units of
200 kW capacity each
deployed world over.
Technology for development of
units up to 25 kW capacity
developed and demonstrated
by BHEL.
The Expert Group on Power Generation has indicated
that there is declining interest in this technology world
over. However, the relevance of PAFC has to be
assessed in the context of requirements in the
country and our experience and achievements in it so
Polymer Electrolyte
Membrane Fuel Cell
Commercially available.
Number of companies are
engaged in manufacturing
such fuel cells.
Fuel Cell stacks up to 5 kW
developed and demonstrated
by SPIC Science Foundation
(SSF). SSF and BHEL are
presently involved in
- To develop indigenous low cost
proton exchange membrane.
- To develop low cost bipolar plates
(graphite based, high conductivity,
impervious) preferably with flow
grooves incorporated during
moulding itself. Assembled stacks
with imported materials for
performance data.
- To develop higher CO-tolerant
anode catalyst
- To develop cheaper cathode
- To develop cheaper cathode
- To develop electrode support
substrate (graphite paper)

Alkaline Fuel Cell
Mature technology for
space application
In R & D stage. CECRI worked
in this area earlier. Currently
BHEL is working on
development and supply of a
500 W power pack.
- To develop compact, low power
electrolyte re-circulation system.
- To develop low cost CO2 scrubber
& alkali-water heat exchanger.
- To develop low cost catalysts (Ni-
Co spinel, MnO2 /C).
- To develop suppliers for low cost
resin based mono-plates/ cell
Solid Oxide Fuel
Cell (SOFC)
In R & D and
demonstration stage
In initial stages of R & D
engaged in development
- To generate long term performance
data & operational experience.
- To develop indigenous sources for
raw materials required for SOFC
Molten Carbonate
Fuel Cell (MCFC)
Technology developed in
USA. Presently in
demonstration and early
commercialization phase
In early R & D stage. CECRI
was involved in development.
NTPC is keen to pursue this
Technology yet to be developed in
India even in R & D stage.
Technological gaps can be identified
after some progress is achieved in R &
D efforts

16 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Table 2: Targets and activities (Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India)
Area Year Activities
Hydrogen production &
Co2 capture and
FY 2005-2007 - Estimation of by-product hydrogen for meeting the immediate requirement for
demonstration projects.
- Pilot demonstration plant for hydrogen production from hydrocarbons (Natural gas
etc.) dedicated for emerging applications as energy carrier
- Pilot scale reactors for production of hydrogen through biological, biomass routes
- R&D on electrolysers including high pressure electrolysers
- R&D on small reformers suitable for onsite and on-board reformation
- R&D on gasification of coal for hydrogen production
- R&D on carbon dioxide sequestration
- R&D on thermo chemical methods of hydrogen production (Nuclear, Solar)
- R&D on emerging methods of hydrogen production
- Improvements in electrolysis process
- Demonstration of small reformers
FY 2007-2012 - Centralized hydrogen production from hydrocarbons
- Pilot plant production of hydrogen production from renewable methods for on-site
hydrogen production with a cost of Rs. 160 per kg at the production plant from
electrolysis and Rs. 125 per kg from biomass
- Design and development of coal gasification plant for hydrogen production
- Carbon dioxide sequestration demonstration projects suitable for Indian conditions
FY 2012-2017 - Large centralized hydrogen production facilities from hydrocarbons, cost of
hydrogen to be progressively reduced to Rs. 70 / kg at the fuelling station or actual
point of use
- Hydrogen production using locally available renewable sources including on-site
hydrogen production
- Hydrogen Production from Electrolysis
- Production of hydrogen reformers suitable for different feed stocks
- Development and demonstration of thermo chemical water splitting methods
- Hydrogen production through coal gasification
- Large scale carbon dioxide sequestration
FY 2017-2020 - Large scale production of hydrogen from centralized plants, and decentralized /on-
site generation through several cost effective methods
- Large scale use of small reformers suitable for different feed stocks
- Large scale carbon dioxide sequestration
- Choice of technologies for commercial production of hydrogen
Hydrogen storage,
transportation and
FY 2005-07 - Pilot plant for production of Intermetallic hydrides
- R&D for improving hydride storage efficiency to 3 weight %, cycle life- 1,000
- R&D in other novel solid-state storage materials like carbon nanostructures.
- R & D on complex hydrides like Alanates, Amides, Clatherates etc.
- R & D on liquid hydrides, glass microspheres, zeolites, etc.
- Development of high pressure hydrogen storage tanks and their testing ( 300 Bar)
FY 2007-2012 - Large scale production of intermetallic hydrides
- R&D for improving solid state storage efficiency to 5 weight %, > 1,000 cycles
- Development of Nano and other Storage Systems (Carbon and other nano-
17 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Area Year Activities
materials, Alanates, Amides, Clatherates etc
- Development of liquid hydrides
- Demonstration of other hydrogen storage systems
- Enlarging network of hydrogen pipeline linked to hydrogen production plants to
areas having concentrated users of hydrogen
- Production of high pressure hydrogen storage tanks (> 300 bar) for transportation
of hydrogen
- Use of other solid state hydrogen storage systems for vehicular application
FY 2012-2017 - Expanding production facilities for metal hydrides
- R&D for improving storage efficiency to 7.5 weight %, cycle life - 1500
- Enlarging network of hydrogen pipeline linked to hydrogen production plants to
areas having concentrated users of hydrogen
- Production of high pressure hydrogen storage tanks (300 700 bar) for
transportation of hydrogen
- Use of other solid state hydrogen storage systems for vehicular application
FY 2017-2020 - R&D for improving storage efficiency to 9 weight %, cycle life > 1500
- Enlarging network of hydrogen pipeline linked to hydrogen production plants to
areas having concentrated users of hydrogen
- Production of high pressure hydrogen storage tanks (up to 700 bar) for
transportation of hydrogen
- Production and large scale use of other solid state hydrogen storage systems (up
to 9 wt%) for vehicular application
Applications in IC
engines and fuel cells
FY 2005-2007 - Extensive testing of hydrogen based IC Engine for evaluating their performance
and limited demonstration for (i) in automotive engines, (ii) decentralized power
generation; in selected locations
- Demonstration of CNG-Hydrogen blend in three/four wheelers and buses
- Development and demonstration of PEMFC for automotive and decentralized
power generation
- Development and demonstration of PAFC for decentralized power generation
- Demonstration of PEM fuel cell-battery hybrid vehicles (vans/mini-buses)
- R&D in other types of fuel cells (both low and high temperature type)
- Development of micro fuel cells for power supplies of air-borne systems
FY 2007-2012 - Expanded demonstration of hydrogen based IC Engine in automobiles and for
decentralized power generation in areas having hydrogen supply or on site
hydrogen production facilities
- Widening the user base of CNG-Hydrogen blend in four wheelers and buses
- Improvements in performance and cost of PEMFC for automotive and
decentralized power generation
- Expanded demonstration programme on fuel cell systems for decentralized power
- Demonstration of fuel cell-battery hybrid vans/mini-buses and large buses
- Development and demonstration of fuel cell vehicles
- Development and demonstration of other fuel cell technologies for combined heat
and power application and also of DMFC and DEFC
- Demonstration of fuel cell systems for mobile applications
18 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Area Year Activities
FY 2012-2017 - Expanded demonstration of hydrogen based IC Engine in automobiles and for
decentralized power generation in areas having hydrogen supply or on site
hydrogen production facilities
- Expanding the user base of CNG-Hydrogen blend in three/four wheelers and buses
- Improvements in performance and reduction in cost of PEM fuel cells for
automotive applications to Rs. 5,000 per kW
- Improvements in performance and reduction in cost of fuel cells for decentralized
power generation to Rs. 40,000 per kW with >50,000 operating hours
- Expanded demonstration programme on high temperature fuel cell systems for
decentralized power generation and heat management
- Demonstration and large scale use of fuel cell vehicles
- Improvements in performance and reduction in cost of other fuel cell technologies
for combined heat and power application and also of DMFC and DEFC
- Expanding the use of fuel cells for mobile applications
- Commercial production of IC engines/turbines suitable for hydrogen fuel
FY 2017-2020 - Large scale use of hydrogen based IC Engine and fuel cells in automobiles and for
decentralized power generation
- Production of fuel cell systems for automotive and decentralized power generation
to increase their demand.
- Large scale use of hydrogen based IC Engine and fuel cells for (i) decentralized
power generation, and (ii) automobiles
- One million vehicles on road by 2020
- 1,000 MW aggregate capacity for power generation
Hydrogen safety and
codes and standards
FY 2005-2007 - Study the specific safety requirements for hydrogen production, transport, storage
and applications
- Develop safety devices, sensors and systems for various hydrogen applications
- Study the present Indian standards and international standards and identify the
areas where additional / new standards are required
FY 2007-2012 - Study the specific safety requirements for hydrogen production, transport, storage
and applications
- Develop safety devices, sensors and systems for various hydrogen applications
- Study and incorporation of international safety standards for Indian conditions to
improve existing standards
- Development of new standards and codes
FY 2012-2017 - Develop and adopt new standards and codes in harmony with international
standards and codes
- Develop and adopt safety regulations for vehicles
- Publish documentation for all stake holders on recommended practices on safety
FY 2017-2020 - Develop and adopt standards and codes in harmony with international standards
and codes

19 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
International targets and R&D activities in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell

Stationary Power Application

Over LIe IusL yeur, LIe IueI ceII sysLems In Iurge sLuLIonury
uppIIcuLIons secLor Iuve moved Iorwurd. nLernuLIonuIIy, LIe
muIn deveIopmenLs Iuve Iocused uround LIe drIve Lo
commercIuIIzuLIon. AImosL uII compunIes In LIIs secLor Is
specIIIcuIIy deveIopIng Iurge (>1okW) IueI ceIIs Ior sLuLIonury use.
TIIs Lrend Is seL Lo conLInue over LIe nexL Iew yeurs wILI
deveIopers sucI us ueI CeII Energy, UTC ueI CeIIs und SIemens
movIng InLo LIe muILI-MW murkeL.

Figure 5: Annual and cummulative new units (Source: 2007 Large Stationary Survey, 2007, Fuel Cells

20 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Figure 6: Purcell Mode 200 Power Solution (Source:, 11491, 0104, 00.html)

NorLI AmerIcu Is sLIII domInunL, und wILIIn IL CuIIIornIu und
ConnecLIcuL uccounL Ior ureus wILI u Iurge mujorILy oI InsLuIIed
cupucILy In LIe counLry. WILIIn AsIu, IncIudIng Jupun, IL Is onIy
Koreu LIuL Ius uny reuI Iocus on Iurge sLuLIonury unILs. CIInu und
Jupun ure boLI more InLeresLed In LrunsporL und smuII sLuLIonury

Figure 7: Region of operation (Source: 2007 Large Stationary Survey, 2007, Fuel Cells Today)

Vehicular Applications
TIe LrunsporL secLors Iuve Iud unoLIer very posILIve yeur. A
IundIuI oI compunIes Iuve been mukIng commercIuI sLrIdes.
21 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
TecInoIogIcuI udopLIon conLInues Lo be vurIed wILI LIe IuII suILe
oI eIecLroIyLes beIng used In vurIous cupucILIes. n recenL yeurs,
severuI more counLrIes ure udopLIng IueI ceIIs In nIcIe LrunsporL
uppIIcuLIons. TIe reusons Ior LIIs InLeresL IncIude: Iower burrIers
Lo enLry LIuL mosL oLIer uppIIcuLIons, LIe ubIIILy oI LIe IobbyIsL
Lo muke u reuI conLrIbuLIon, IncreusIng IegIsIuLIon drIvIng muny
ureus Iorwurd und economIcs oI udopLIon IILLIng sweeL spoLs.

n Lerms oI numbers oI unILs produced LIere Ius been u decIInIng
Lrend. TIere Ius been un Increuse In LIe deveIopmenL oI IorkIIILs
und IIoor-sIop crunes by severuI compunIes In LIe U.S und EU.
DeveIopmenL oI LruIns, uILIougI beIng un ureu oI IncreusIng
Iocus, IIke uerospuce, IL Is noL un uppIIcuLIon wIere new projecLs
wIII see new unILs quIckIy. TIIs yeur Ius been ubouL LIe Increuse
In InLeresL und guInIng u beLLer undersLundIng oI LIe cosLs und
beneIILs ruLIer LIun new Iurdwure. TIereIore uILIougI LIe ucLuuI
numbers ure noL us IIgI us expecLed, IL Is sLIII very posILIve.

Figure 8: New Units installed in 2007 (Source: 2007 Niche Transport Survey (!), Fuel Cell Today)

22 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Figure 9: Fuel cell Technologies in 2007 (Source: 2007 Niche Transport Survey (!), Fuel Cell Today)

Figure 10: HyFish-Jet (Source: Horizon Fuel Cells)

23 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Figure 11: H2 Truck and refuelling Station from H2 Logic

n Lerms oI udopLIon, NorLI AmerIcu (USA und Cunudu
combIned) sLIII domInuLes LIIs secLor. TIIs Ius been expIuIned Lo
be becuuse oI LIe deveIopmenL und LesLIng oI IorkIIIL, us ILs suIe Lo
LIe IndusLrIuI Is expecLed Lo kIckIng oII by LIe end oI LIIs yeur.
ConverseIy scooLers und oLIer Lwo- und LIree-wIeeIed veIIcIes
uppeur Lo be oI very IImILed InLeresL In AmerIcun conLInenL, wIIIsL
oI IIgI InLeresL Lo counLrIes IIke CIInu und Jupun. Some gouIs
und proposed R&D ucLIvILIes oI LIe Europeun UnIon und U.S. Is
provIded In LIe LubIe beIow.

Figure 12: New units by country of manufacture (Source: 2007 Niche Transport Survey (!), Fuel Cell

ndusLry Iocus Ius IeuvIIy cenLered on LIe deveIopmenL oI
IorkIIILs, LIe uppIIcuLIon LIuL Is beIIeved Lo be cIosesL Lo
commercIuI. L Is expecL LIuL LIere wIII u sLeudy growLI In mosL
ureus wILI IorkIIILs sIowIng IusLer upLuke und LruIns uLLrucLIng
24 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Increused poIILIcuI InLeresL. TIe mIIILury Is u key udopLer, und
drIver, In LIIs ureu, especIuIIy In LIe UAV secLor.

Hydrogen production and storage technologies

L Is esLImuLed LIuL more LIun q% oI generuLed Iydrogen Is
produced by reIormIng convenLIonuI Iydrocurbon IueIs or Irom
couI. EIecLroIysIs - LIe spIILLIng oI wuLer usIng eIecLrIcILy,
uccounLIng Ior LIe remuInIng %, Is LIe oIdesL oI LIe Iydrogen
producLIon LecInoIogIes. TIIs LecInoIogy Ius IuII bIown
commercIuI sysLems Ior IndusLrIuI use. TIe cIemIcuI eIecLroIyLe
used In LIe eIecLroIysIs Is beIng repIuced by proLon excIunge
membrune (PEM). PEM eIImInuLes LIe need Ior mecIunIcuI
compressIon Lo ucIIeve desIrubIe pressure IeveIs.

UnIIke LIe convenLIonuI IueIs, LIe InIerenL properLIes oI
Iydrogen muke IL u dIIIIcuIL commodILy Lo produce, sLore und
IundIe on u Iurge scuIe. However severuI compunIes und
reseurcIers uL Lop UnIversILIes ure IncIIng uIeud by proposIng
soIuLIons Lo LIe probIems In Hydrogen LecInoIogIes. Toduy LIe
LecInoIogIes Ior Iydrogen producLIon und sLoruge ure uL vurIous
sLuges oI commercIuI deveIopmenL. Some compunIes ure
conLempIuLIng on usIng soIur power Lo breuk LIe wuLer moIecuIe
Lo IIberuLe Iydrogen. PEM eIecLroIysIs und LIe soIur Iydrogen
producLIon ure In LIe puLIwuy Lo commercIuIIzuLIon. TIese
Iydrogen producLIon LecInoIogIes IInd uppIIcuLIons sucI us buck
up power sources und Lo power uuLomobIIes wIen used In concerL
wILI u IueI ceII. TIere ure LecInoIogIes wIIcI produce Iydrogen
usIng eIecLroIysers In uuLomobIIes Lo Ieed InLernuI combusLIon
engInes uIong wILI LIe convenLIonuI Iydrocurbon IueIs. TIIs
LecInoIogy eIImInuLes LIe need Ior IueI ceIIs us Iydrogen Is
generuLed us und wIen requIred by LIe uuLomobIIes.

Compressed und guseous Iydrogen sLoruge LecInoIogIes ure
unLIcIpuLed Lo seL Lrends In IueIIIng sLuLIons or Ior on bourd
veIIcIe sLoruge. However, LIe success oI LIese LecInoIogIes
depends on LIe deveIopmenL oI Iydrogen InIrusLrucLure und LIe
deveIopmenL oI InLernuI combusLIon engInes Ior uuLomobIIes.
MeLuI IydrIde und cIemIcuI IydrIde Iydrogen sLoruge
LecInoIogIes ure proposed Ior porLubIe uppIIcuLIons IIke mobIIe
pIones, IupLops personuI dIgILuI ussIsLunLs eLc.

TIe meLuI IydrIde LecInoIogIes Iuve Lo compeLe on LIe
compucLness und LIe cIemIcuI IydrIdes sLoruge LecInoIogIes
25 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Iuve Lo prove ILs envIronmenL IrIendIIness wIIIe recycIIng LIe
reucLed cIemIcuIs buck us ruw muLerIuIs.
TIe reseurcI communILy Is on ILs InnovuLIve puLI Lo propose
soIuLIons In Iydrogen producLIon sucI us soIur reucLors Ior co-
producIng Iydrogen und curbon bIuck, oxIduLIve reIormIng oI
eLIunoI over pIuLInum cuLuIysLs, soIId sLuLe reucLIons, und soIur
energy. Hydrogen sLoruge reseurcIers ure workIng on muLerIuIs
sucI us boron nILrIde, curbon nunoLubes, dry sodIum
boroIydrIde, nonporous orgunIc muLerIuIs, nunoscuIe muLerIuIs
und nIckeI mugnesIum IydrIde buLLerIes

By zoo8, we sIouId see u IoL oI uuLomobIIes usIng Iydrogen
(produced by eIecLroIysIs) uIong wILI LIe convenLIonuI
Iydrocurbon IueIs In LIe InLernuI combusLIon engInes oI veIIcIes.
Buckup power sources usIng eIecLroIysIs und mIIILury porLubIe
uppIIcuLIons wouId become cosL compeLILIve by zo1o. TIe
IoIIowIng IIgure sIows LIe LIme IIne oI LIe evoIuLIon oI vurIous
Iydrogen powered uppIIcuLIons. ApurL Irom

Table 3: International targets and R&D activities
Country Goal Proposed R&D activities
United States of
A hydrogen fuel Cell Vehicle
equal to or less than the
competitive gasoline vehicle in
Reduce the cost of distributed production of hydrogen from natural gas to
$2.50/gge (delivered, untaxed) at the pump (without carbon sequestration)
by 2010; and reduce the cost of distributed hydrogen production from
biomass-derived renewable liquids to $2.00 - $3.00/gge (delivered, untaxed)
at the pump by 2015.

Verify grid-connected distributed water electrolysis at a projected delivered
hydrogen cost of $2.85/gge by 2010, and by 2015, verify central hydrogen
production from renewable energy sources at a projected cost of $2.75/gge

Reduce the cost of hydrogen produced from biomass to $1.60/gge at the
plant gate ($2.60 delivered) by 2015.

Develop advanced renewable photo-electrochemical and biological
hydrogen generation technologies. By 2015, verify the feasibility of these
technologies to be cost-competitive in the long term.

Research and develop high-temperature thermo-chemical cycles driven by
concentrated solar power processes to produce hydrogen with a projected
cost of $3.00/gge at the plant gate ($4.00 delivered) by 2015

Hydrogen Delivery:

By 2010, develop technologies to reduce the cost of hydrogen delivery from
26 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Country Goal Proposed R&D activities
central and semi-central production facilities to the gate of refuelling stations
and other end users to <$0.90/gge of hydrogen and to reduce the cost of
compression, storage and dispensing at refuelling stations and stationary
power facilities to <$0.80/gge of hydrogen.

Develop enabling technologies to reduce the cost of hydrogen delivery from
the point of production to the point of use in vehicles or stationary power
units to <$1.00/gge of hydrogen by 2015.

Hydrogen Storage:

By 2010, develop and verify on-board hydrogen storage systems achieving
2 kWh/kg (6 wt%), 1.5 kWh/L, and $4/kWh. By 2015, 3 kWh/kg (9 wt%), 2.7
kWh/L, and $2/kWh.

Fuel Cells:

Develop a 60% peak-efficient, durable, direct hydrogen fuel cell power
system for transportation at a cost of $45/kW by 2010 and $30/kW by 2015.

Develop a distributed generation polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel
cell system operating on natural gas or liquid petroleum gas that achieves
40% electrical efficiency and 40,000 hours durability at $400-$750/kW by

Technology Validation:

Validate hydrogen vehicles that have greater than 250-mile range and
2,000-hour fuel cell durability, with hydrogen infrastructure that results in a
hydrogen production cost of less than $3.00/gge (delivered, untaxed).
By 2015, vehicles that have 300+ mile range and 5,000 hours fuel cell
durability, with a hydrogen production cost of $2.50/gge (delivered,
Validate an Electrolyzer that is powered by a wind turbine at a capital cost
of the Electrolyzer of $400/kWe and 65% efficiency, including compression
to 5,000 psi, (when built in quantities of 1,000) by 2008.

Validate an integrated biomass/wind or geothermal Electrolyzer system to
produce hydrogen for $2.85/gge at the plant gate (untaxed) by 2011.

Codes and Standards:

Support and facilitate the drafting and adoption of model building codes for
hydrogen applications by the National Fire Protection Association and the
ICC by 2007.
Support and facilitate the completion of the ISO standards for hydrogen
refuelling and on-board storage by 2007.
Support and facilitate development of Global Technical Regulations (GTR)
for hydrogen vehicle systems by 2010.
By 2015, ensure necessary codes and standards are completed that
27 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Country Goal Proposed R&D activities
support the commercialization of hydrogen technologies.

Advanced Energy Initiative:
The Advances Energy Initiative proposes significant new investments and
policies in three promising areas: (1) advanced batteries; (2) cellulosic
ethanol; and (3) hydrogen vehicles.

European Union
year % new
car on
on H2
2020 5 2
2030 25 15
2040 35 32
Short and medium term (to 2010):

Intensify the use of renewable energy sources for electricity, which can be
used to produce hydrogen by electrolysis or fed directly into electricity
supply grids.

Improve the efficiency of fossil-based technologies and the quality of fossil-
based liquid fuels.

Increase the use of synthetic liquid fuels produced from natural gas and
biomass, which can be used in both conventional combustion systems and
fuel-cell systems.

Introduce early applications for hydrogen and fuel cells in premium niche
markets, stimulating the market, public acceptance and experience through
demonstration, and taking advantage of existing hydrogen pipeline systems.

Develop hydrogen-fuelled IC engines for stationary and transport
applications, supporting the early deployment of a hydrogen infrastructure,
provided they do not increase the overall CO2 burden;

In the medium term (to 2020):

Continue increasing the use of liquid fuels from biomass.
Continue using fossil based liquid and gaseous fuels in fuel cells directly
and reforming fossil fuels (including coal) to extract hydrogen. This enables
transition to a hydrogen economy, capturing and sequestering the CO2. The
hydrogen thus produced can then be used in suitably modified conventional
combustion systems, hydrogen turbines and fuel cell systems, reducing
greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions.

Develop and implement systems for hydrogen production from renewable
electricity, biomass; continue research and development for other carbon-
free sources, such as solar thermal and advanced nuclear.

In the medium to long term (beyond 2020):

Demand for electricity will continue to grow, and hydrogen will complement
it. Use both electricity and hydrogen together as energy carriers to
progressively replace the carbon based energy carriers by the introduction
of renewable energy sources and improved nuclear energy.

Expand hydrogen distribution networks. Maintain other environmentally
28 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Country Goal Proposed R&D activities
benign options for fuels.
Japan The Japan Hydrogen & Fuel
Cell Demonstration Project
(JHFC) aims to demonstrate
the every-day usability of fuel
cell cars
The project is funded by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Industry and
Trade (METI) and supported by the Japan Automobile Research Institute
(JARI) and the Engineering Advancement Association of Japan.

Several vehicle manufacturers, including Toyota, Hino, Mitsubishi, Honda,
Nissan, DaimlerChrysler, Suzuki and General Motors (GM) are running their
cars and buses to gain important information. Furthermore, utility, energy
and oil companies are supporting the project by installing and running
various hydrogen filling stations across Japan. Companies include Nippon
Oil (ENEOS), Cosmo Oil, Showa Shell, Tokyo Gas, Iwatani International,
Japan Air Gases (joint-venture of Air Liquide and Osaka Sanso Kogyo),
Nippon Sanso, Nippon Steel, Kurita Water Industries, Sinanen, Itochu Enex,
Idemitsu Kosan and Babcock-Hitachi.

Fuel cell introduction targets:

Year 2010 2020 2030
Fuel cell
50,000 5 million 15 million
Stationary Fuel
Cell Systems
2100 MW 10,000 MW 12,500 MW

Development of Fundamental Technologies in the Safe Utilization of

A follow-up project after Phase II of WE-NET project called the Development
of Fundamental Technologies in the Safe Utilization of Hydrogen is
envisioned to last until 2020 and focus on the gradual diffusion and
penetration of the hydrogen energy infrastructure in Japan.

Key players working on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell technology in India

A brIeI descrIpLIon oI LIe eIIorLs underLuken by boLI pubIIc und
prIvuLe secLor orgunIzuLIons In LIe deveIopmenL oI IueI ceII und
Iydrogen LecInoIogIes Is provIded beIow.
29 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Benaras Hindu University (BHU)

BHU Is curryIng ouL R&D ucLIvILIes on meLuI IydrIde sLoruge
sysLems Ior Iydrogen und uIso LIe use oI Iydrogen In InLernuI
combusLIon engInes. n zoo1, BHU Ius conducLed IIeId LrIuI und
LesLIng oI 1o moLorcycIes. RecenLIy In zooq, IIeId LrIuIs on u
LIree-wIeeIer runnIng on Iydrogen were conducLed.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)

BHE Ius been workIng on LIe deveIopmenL oI PAC und MCC
LecInoIogIes Ior dIsLrIbuLed power generuLIon. TIe compuny uIso
Iocuses on deveIopIng cuLuIysLs und IueI reIormers Ior use In IueI
ceII power pIunLs. A recenL deveIopmenL perLuIns Lo LIe work
beIng done on LIe deveIopmenL oI o kW sLuck PAC LecInoIogy.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

ndIun nsLILuLe oI TecInoIogy (T), Mudrus Is InvoIved In LIe
deveIopmenL oI u zo wuLL DMC sLuck. T Mudrus Ius
conducLed udvunced sLudIes on Iydrogen sLoruge In curbon nuno-

ExLensIve work Is beIng underLuken uL T Mudrus on LIe
deveIopmenL oI new cuLuIysLs, cuLuIysLs meLuI-uIIoys und
membrunes Ior use In PEM IueI ceIIs.

ndIun nsLILuLe oI TecInoIogy (T), Bombuy Is InvoIved In LIe
deveIopmenL oI CD modeIs oI IueI ceII sysLems.

Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Science Foundation (SPIC-

SouLIern PeLrocIemIcuI ndusLrIes CorporuLIon ScIence
ounduLIon (SPC-S) Is enguged deveIopmenL oI PEMC
LecInoIogy Ior uppIIcuLIons LIuL runge Irom sLuLIonury (UPS
sysLems, eLc), porLubIe und LrunsporLuLIon. TIe cenLre Is uIso
InvoIved In desIgnIng PEM eIecLroIyser und Iydrogen sensors.
TIey Iuve uIso demonsLruLed u IueI ceII buLLery IybrId veIIcIe
usIng u 1o kW PEM power pIunL.

National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune:

30 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
NC Ius synLIesIsed proLon-conducLIng membrunes usIng
surIuce IIcLIonuIIzuLIon. Membrunes IuvIng good proLon
LrunsporL beIuvIour Iuve been IdenLIIIed Ior use us eIecLroIyLes In
buLLerIes und IueI ceIIs.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited

ndIun OII CorporuLIon Is purLIcIpuLIng In u projecL Lo InLroduce
Iydrogen-CNG bIends on u LrIuI busIs In exIsLIng CNG veIIcIes In
LIe cupILuI cILy. TIe compuny operuLes u Iydrogen dIspensIng
IucIIILy uL ILs R&D cenLre In urIdubud. TIe proposed projecL uIms
Lo opLImIse LIe Iydrogen-CNG bIend Ior muxImum perIormunce
und mInImum emIssIons In mujor ndIun cILIes.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and Central Glass & Ceramic
Research Institute (CGCRI), Kolkata

Sc und CGCR ure InvoIved In deveIopIng SOC LecInoIogy Ior
sLuLIonury uppIIcuLIons. A meLIunoI reIormer wus deveIoped und
InLegruLed wILI u IueI ceII sysLem by Sc, BunguIore. Work on
deveIopIng u DMC Is underwuy uL Sc.

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd

MuIIndru & MuIIndru Ld Is LIe second IurgesL uuLomoLIve
munuIucLurer In ndIu. TIe compuny Is currenLIy workIng on
uILernuLIve IueI LecInoIogIes Ior uuLomoLIve uppIIcuLIons. L Is
beIIeved LIuL LIey ure uIso workIng on IueI ceII und IybrId

Tata Motors

TuLu MoLors, ndIu`s LIIrd IurgesL muker oI pussenger curs, Is
currenLIy In LuIks wILI munuIucLurers oI IybrId engInes und IueI
ceIIs, sucI us BuIIurd Power SysLems Ior InLroducIng IueI ceII
LecInoIogIes In LIeIr pussenger cur modeIs.

Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd (TCIL)

TeIecommunIcuLIons ConsuILunLs ndIu Ld (TC) Ius enLered
InLo u non-excIusIve ugreemenL wILI US IueI ceII munuIucLurer
31 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
PIug Power Lo murkeL, dIsLrIbuLe und servIce PIug Power`s
GenCore producL IIne Lo governmenL enLILIes und compunIes
requIrIng LeIecoms power In ndIu.

Key international players and their projects on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell

BeIow u brIeI descrIpLIon oI projecLs by key InLernuLIonuI pIuyers
Is provIded. TIe descrIpLIon beIow Is cuLegorIzed by uppIIcuLIon.


East Japan Railway, Japan

EusL Jupun RuIIwuy Ius unnounced LIe LesL runs oI ILs newIy
desIgned IueI ceII-powered LruIn. TIIs evenL Is expecLed Lo Luke
pIuce IuLer LIIs yeur (zoo;). TIe LruIn wIII be LesLed on LIe rouLe
ucross LIe YuLsuguLuke mounLuIn runge In cenLruI Jupun. TIIs
LruIn wIII be LIe IIrsL Iydrogen-IueIIed LruIn Lo LruveI on u reguIur
pussenger LruIn Lruck.

The National Science and Technology Museum, Taiwan

TIe NuLIonuI ScIence und TecInoIogy Museum successIuIIy
LesLed u mInI-LruIn usIng power generuLed by u Iydrogen IueI ceII.
TIe LruIn Is one oI LIe IIrsL oI ILs kInd In LIe worId und Iorms purL
oI LIe museum`s eII orLs Lo promoLe envIronmenLuI proLecLIon.

Japans Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), Japan

TIe nsLILuLe unnounced LIuL IL conducLed u LrIuI run oI wIuL Is
cIuImed Lo be LIe worId`s IIrsL IueI ceII-powered ruIIwuy veIIcIe.
AccordIng Lo LIe InsLILuLe, u 1oo kW IueI ceII sysLem wus LesLed
IoIIowIng Lwo yeurs oI deveIopmenL. TIe proLoLype LruIn used u
poIymer eIecLroIyLe IueI ceII (PEC) munuIucLured by US-bused
Nuveru ueI CeIIs.

Aerospace and Space

32 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
Aerospuce Is consIdered us LIe mosL cIuIIengIng uvenue Ior IueI
ceII bused uppIIcuLIons. However, wILI IncreusIng pressure beIng
puL on LIe uIrIIne IndusLry Lo decreuse ILs curbon IooLprInL LIIs
IndusLry Is ucLIveIy IookIng uL uII ILs opLIons.


AerovIronmenL Ius unnounced LIuL IL Is Lo run IurLIer LesLs on ILs
IueI ceII-powered unmunned pIune us purL oI ILs eII orLs Lo
Improve mobIIe communIcuLIons. TIe IIrm wIII LrIuI LIe
LecInoIogy us purL oI un InILIuLIve bucked by LIe Jupunese
governmenL und LIe Europeun UnIon, us IL expIores LIe poLenLIuI
Ior IIgI-uILILude pIuLIorm (HAP) LecInoIogy.

Boeing, U.S.

BoeIng reseurcIers und IndusLry purLners LIrougIouL Europe
pIun Lo conducL experImenLuI IIIgIL LesLs In zoo; oI u munned
(sIngIe seuL) propeIIer-drIven uIrpIune powered onIy by u IueI ceII
und IIgILweIgIL buLLerIes.

TIe sysLems InLegruLIon pIuse oI LIe ueI CeII DemonsLruLor
AIrpIune reseurcI projecL Ius been compIeLed. TIe BoeIng
demonsLruLor uses u ProLon ExcIunge Membrune (PEM) IueI
ceIIJIILIIum-Ion buLLery IybrId sysLem Lo power un eIecLrIc moLor,
wIIcI Is coupIed Lo u convenLIonuI propeIIer. TIe IueI ceII
provIdes uII power Ior LIe cruIse pIuse oI IIIgIL. DurIng LukeoII
und cIImb, LIe IIIgIL segmenL LIuL requIres LIe mosL power, LIe
sysLem druws on IIgILweIgIL IILIIum-Ion buLLerIes. TIe proposed
IIIgIL LesLs wIII Luke pIuce In SpuIn.

Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies, Singapore

SIngupore-bused HorIzon ueI CeII TecInoIogIes unnounced LIe
successIuI demonsLruLIon oI ILs newIy-deveIoped Iydrogen IueI
ceII-powered jeL. TIe unmunned uIrcruIL compIeLed u LesL IIIgIL
neur Bern In SwILzerIund IoIIowIng 18 monLIs oI deveIopmenL.
DesIgned prImurIIy Ior LIe Unmunned AerIuI VeIIcIe (UAV)
murkeL, LIe uIrcruIL wus deveIoped In cooperuLIon wILI LIe
Germun AIr und Spuce CenLre uIong wILI oLIer InLernuLIonuI
purLners. TIe veIIcIe Ius been numed LIe HyIsI, und Ius u LoLuI
weIgIL oI 6 kg, wILI u IuseIuge IengLI oI onIy 1.z meLres.
33 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI)

srueII Aerospuce ndusLrIes deveIoped LIe nLer-CILy AIrcruIL
(EnIIcu). TIe uIrcruIL Is powered by IueI ceIIs und Ius been
deveIoped In conjuncLIon wILI LIe Europeun UnIon und
IndependenL uerospuce IIrms.

Protonex, U.S.
ProLonex Is joInLIy deveIopIng u IueI ceII sysLem Ior Iong-
endurunce UAV mIssIons. TIe compuny, u conLrucLor Ior LIe US
AIr orce ReseurcI uboruLory Is deveIopIng u UAV power sysLem
LIuL wIII InLegruLe Iydrogen buLLery LecInoIogy wILI u IIgI power
IueI ceII sysLem desIgned Lo Increuse currenL UAV IIIgIL LImes
Irom under Lwo Iours Lo over sIx Iours.

Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies, U.S.

QuunLum ueI SysLems TecInoIogIes Is deveIopIng u IueI sLoruge
sysLem desIgned Ior u sLruLospIerIc uIrsIIp uppIIcuLIon. TIe
compuny wIII deveIop Iydrogen und oxygen IueI sLoruge Lunks
cupubIe oI wILIsLundIng exLreme condILIons.

Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.

SundIu NuLIonuI uboruLorIes und BoeIng ure joInLIy reseurcIIng
LIe possIbIIILy oI usIng u poIymer eIecLroIyLe membrune (PEM)
IueI ceII us u source oI buck-up power In uIrcruIL.

Two- and Three- Wheeled Vehicles

Two- und LIree- wIeeIed veIIcIes ure once LIougIL Lo be LIe mosL
IIkeIy cundIduLe Ior LIe IIrsL commercIuI uppIIcuLIons oI IueI ceII

GR Grafica, Italy

GR GruIIcu, un LuIIun compuny, Is currenLIy deveIopIng u new
Iydrogen IueI ceII-powered scooLer. TIe compuny`s HysyrIder Is
currenLIy In LIe reseurcI und deveIopmenL sLuge.

Masterflex Brennstoff zellentechnik, Germany

34 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies
TIe compuny Ius deveIoped u IueI ceII-powered curgobIke. TIe
bIke, wIIcI Is desIgned Ior use In cILy-bused IogIsLIcs Lusks sucI
us posLuI deIIvery und sLreeL cIeunIng, operuLes on u zoW IueI
ceII sysLem wIIcI provIdes uuxIIIury power Ior IIgILIng und oLIer
purposes us weII us drIve power.

Valeswood, U.K

VuIeswood reIeused u IueI ceII power ussIsLed bIcycIe InLo LIe UK
murkeL In eurIy zoo;. TIe H-BIke Is u reLroIIL eIecLrIc bIke wIIcI
Ius been ImporLed Irom CIInu und IILLed wILI u HydroCeII
uIkuIIne IueI ceII.


YumuIu IuuncIed ILs new C-AQE In zoo6. TIe new versIon oI
ILs bIke C-me runs` In compressed Iydrogen und Is u IybrId.
ApurL Irom sIowIng LIIs new veIIcIe IL uppeurs LIuL LIe eurIIer
opLImIsLIc commercIuIIsuLIon LImeLubIe Is sIowIng down und
movIng ouLwurds Irom ILs orIgInuI zoo; duLe.

Forklift and Industrial Vehicles

TIe pIuyers In LIe ueI CeII powered IorkIIILs urenu Iuve seen u
Iurge umounL oI movemenL LIIs yeur

Energy Conversion Devices (ECD Ovonics)

Energy ConversIon DevIces (ECD OvonIcs) Is deveIopIng u
Iydrogen-powered uIrporL Low LrucLor. TIe compuny Is expecLed
Lo IurLIer deveIop ILs OvonIc meLuI IydrIde IueI ceII LecInoIogy.
ECD OvonIcs wIII deveIop und demonsLruLe LIe Iydrogen-
powered LrucLor, IeuLurIng on-bourd Iydrogen sLoruge, desIgned
Ior use In US uIrporLs.

H2logic, Denmark

As weII us workIng on LruIns und uuLomobIIes LIey Iuve been
curryIng on LIe work on LIe Hz Truck. TIe LesL projecL Ius seen
seven oI LIe Lrucks senL Lo vurIous orgunIzuLIons wILIIn Demurk
Ior duy-Lo-duy runnIng.
35 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies

University and Academic Institutions

Imperial College, London

TIe mperIuI CoIIege, ondon seL up u muILIdIscIpIInury LeucIIng
projecL Lo desIgn und buIId u IueI ceII IybrId go-curL. TIe
unIversILy unnounced ILs mperIuI HybrId RucIng progrumme, u
LeucIIng projecL uL LIe unIversILy`s ucuILy oI EngIneerIng uImed
uL creuLIng LIe zero emIssIons go-curL usIng u buLLery und u super
cupucILor LogeLIer wILI u IueI ceII In zoo6.

Ohio State College of Engineering

A IueI ceII-powered Iund speed rucIng cur uLLempLed u new Iund
speed record Ior eIecLrIc veIIcIes In zoo;. TIe Buckeye BuIIeL z
cur, desIgned und buIIL by sLudenLs uL OIIo SLuLe CoIIege oI
EngIneerIng seL ouL Lo beuL LIe Iund speed record oI ILs buLLery-
powered predecessor, currenLIy sLundIng uL 1 mpI.

Georgia Institute of Technology

ReseurcIers bused uL LIe GeorgIu nsLILuLe oI TecInoIogy Iuve
conducLed new reseurcI InLo IueI ceII-powered uIrcruIL. UsIng
grunLs Irom NASA und LIe US DeIence DepurLmenL, LIe reseurcI
engIneers Iuve spenL LIe IusL Lwo yeurs consLrucLIng und LesLIng u
Iydrogen IueI ceII-powered uIrcruIL.

Tennessee Tech University, U.S

ReseurcIers uL LIe Tennessee TecI UnIversILy ure pIunnIng Lo
deveIop IueI ceII-bused dIsLrIbuLed generuLIon sysLems Ior
mIIILury sIIps und oLIer nuvuI wur IIgILIng pIuLIorms. undIng
Ior LIe progrumme Is Lo be provIded by LIe OIIIce oI NuvuI

Polytechnic of Turin, Italy

TIe PoIyLecInIc oI TurIn Ius been InvoIved In un InLernuLIonuI
InILIuLIve Lo deveIop u new Iorm oI unmunned uerIuI veIIcIe
(UAV) cuIIed LIe HeIIpIuL. TIe HeIIpIuL wIII be powered by boLI
soIur puneIs und IueI ceIIs, runnIng on soIur power by duy und on
IueI ceII power by nIgIL. TIe veIIcIe, desIgned us u surveIIIunce
pIune, wIII be ubIe Lo run Ior up Lo Iour monLIs wILIouL sLops.
36 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies


1. NuLIonuI Hydrogen Energy Roud Mup, NuLIonuI Hydrogen Energy Bourd, MInIsLry oI
New und RenewubIe Energy, GovernmenL oI ndIu, zoo6
z. ReporL on NuLIonuI SemInur on CIuIIenges In ueI CeII TecInoIogy: ndIu`s
PerspecLIve, DepurLmenL oI ScIence und TecInoIogy, MInIsLry oI ScIence und
TecInoIogy, GovernmenL oI ndIu
. zoo; NIcIe TrunsporL Survey (1), ueI CeII Toduy
q. zoo; NIcIe TrunsporL Survey (z), ueI CeII Toduy
. ueI CeIIs In ndIu: A survey oI currenL deveIopmenLs, zoo;, ueI CeIIs Toduy
6. HorIzon ueI CeIIs (ueI CeII munuIucLurer),
;. UTC Power (ueI CeII munuIucLurer)
8. ueI CeII (ueI CeII und Hydrogen consuILuncy orgunIzuLIon),
q. Hydrogen ProducLIon und SLoruge, R&D prIorILIes und Gups, EA- Hydrogen Co-
ordInuLIon Group, zoo6

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