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Optimal location of shunt FACTS devices in long transmission lines


Abstract: FACTS devices are now recognised as a viable solution for controlling transmission voltage, power flow, dynamic response, etc. and represent a new era ror transmission systems. It has been proved that the centre 01-midpoint of a transmission line is the optimal location for shunt FACTS devices or reactive power support and the proof is based on the simplified line model. The validity of the above optimal location of shunt FACTS devices is investigated, when the actual model of the line is considered. It is found that the FACTS device needs to be placed slightly off-centre to get the highest possible benefit. Both the power transfer capability and stability of the system can further be improved if the shunt FACTS device is placed at the new optimal point instead of at the midpoint of a line having some resistance. This finding contradicts the previous results found for the simplified line model.


The flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) has received much attention in the last two decades. It uses high-current power electronic devices to control the voltage, power flow, stability etc. of a transmission system. Some forms of FACTS devices are already available for prototype installation [l, 21 and others are still under development. FACTS devices can be connected to a transmission line in various ways, such as in series, shunt or a combination of series and shunt. For example, the static VAr compensator (SVC) and static synchronous coinpensator (STATCOM) are connected in shunt; static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) and thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) are connected in series; thyristor controlled phase shifting transformer (TCPST) and unified power flow controller (UPFC) are connected in a series and shunt combination. The terms and definitions of various FACTS devices are described in a recent IEEE article [3]. The pressure associated with economical and environmental constraints has forced the power utilities to meet the future demand by fully utilising the existing resource of transmission facilities without building new lines. FACTS devices are very effective and capable of increasing the power transfer capability of a line, if the thermal limit permits, while maintaining the same degree of stability [4-71. In fact, Kinibark [8] has proved that the steady-state power transfer capability of a line can be doubled when a shunt capacitor is placed at midpoint to support the voltage. This technique can double the power transfer capability at a much lower cost than building a second line of the same capacity. The main role of the shunt capacitor is to supply adequate reactive power to support the voltage and it can
0IEE, 2000 IEE Proceedings online no. 20000412 DOL 10.1049/ip-gtd:20000412 Paper lint received 24 November 1999 and in icviscd fomi 23 Fcbrimy 2000 The author is with the School of Elecliical and Electronic Engineeiing, Nanyang Tcchnological University, Naiiyang Avenue, Singapore

easily be replaced by a shunt FACTS device that has very smooth control of reactive power over a wide range. However, the proof of doubling the power transfer capability is based on the simplified model of the line that neglects the resistance and capacitance. Based on this simplified model, many researchers determined the performance of midpoint siting FACTS devices [5, 9-11]. However, when the actual model of the line is considered, the results may deviate significantly from those found for the simplified model. This paper investigates the erfects of considering the actual line model on the power transfer capability and stabilily when a shunt FACTS device is connected to the line. The paper consists of the comparison of various results found for the simplified and actual models of the line. The discrepancies observed between the results of these two models are discussed with appropriate mathematical justifications. It is found that some of the results obtained or conclusions made for the simplified line model are not valid for the actual line model, especially when the FACTS device is placed at the midpoint.

's Ps+lQs


transmission line

Transmission line model

In this study, it is considered that the transmission line parameters are uniformly distributed and the line can be modelled by a two-port, four-terminal network as shown in Fig. 1. This represents the actual model of the line. The relationship between the sending end (SE) and receiving end (RE) quantities of the line can be written as
v y =

(2) The ABCD constants of a line of length 4,having a series

+ BIR 1.5 = cvn + D1n



impedance of zSl/km and shunt admittance of yS/kni are given by

A = D = cosh(yl)

B = Z c sinh(y!)

C = sinh(yt)/Zc: (3) where y = dzy and Zc: = ddy The active and reactive power flows at the SE and RE of the line can be written as [ I21
r,y =

series reactances of lcxe and (1 k)xt, respectively. It is considered that the rating of thc shunt FACTS device is large enough to supply the reactive power required to maintain a constant voltage magnitude at bus m and the device does not absorb or supply any active power.

transmission line



= CI sin@ -

+ 6) N ) - C, sin(j3' + 6)

c COS(/9 2



PR == Ca (:Os([)
&I< =

6)- Cs cos(h'

- 0)

Ca sin(p - 6) - C3 sin(P - a ) (7) wherc C, = AV?IB, C2 = VyVR/B, C, = AVR2/Band A =

A L a , B = BLP, Vi<= Vi<LO,VLy= V s i S It is clear from eqn. 6 that the RE powcr P , reachcs the maximum value when the angle 6 becomes P. However, the SE powcr Ps of eqn. 4 becomes maximum at S = (x- p). For the simplified model of the line, the resistance and capacitance are neglected. For such a model, the ABCD constants of the line becomc

Shunt connected FACT clevicw SVC
transmission line

C=O (8) Hcre x is the series reactance of the line in Wkm. In this case, the line is represented by only it lumped series reacbecome maximum at S tance X = x4,and both Ps and P,< = 90". Such a simplified model may provide reasonably good results for a short linc for which the power transfer capability is normally dictated by its thermal limit. When it FACTS device is connected to a long line to increase the power transfer capability, the use of simplified line model may provide erroneous results. In this study, a 345kV, single circuit transmission line of length 450kni is considered. It is assumed that each phase of the line has a bundle of two conductors of size one million c-mils each and the conductors are fully transposed. The tower configuration of the line is considered as 3P1 [13].The series impedance and shunt admittance of the line are found to be z = (0.02986 + ,j0.2849)SZ/km and y = ,j3.989 x 10-6S/km, respectively, at 50Hz. The parameters are obtained by using the software given in [14]. The results of the line are presented in p.u. on a IOOMVA, 345kV base.

A = D = 110" B=z!i9O0

multipulse inverter


Fig. 4

Shunt connected FACT devices STATCOM

Maximum power transfer capability

First consider that the line is represented by its simplified model and there is no FACTS device connected to the line. For such a case, the power transfer through the line, for given values of SE and RE voltage magnitudes, can be written as
(9) Here the maximum power p"z is VsVR/X and it occurs at an angle 8" = 90". When a shunt FACTS device is connected to the line, both P"' and 6" are increased and their , values depend on the k factor. For k = 0.5 and V = V , = V,,, both P" and 6" become double or increase to 2VsVR/X and 180", respectively [8]. When k exceeds 0.5, both Pn' and 8" decrease after reaching the maximum value. It is an established fact that, for the simplified line model, the optimal location of shunt FACTS device or reactive power support is at the midpoint (k = 0.5). However, for the actual line model, the power flow is given by eqns. 4 and 6, instead of eqn. 9, and thus the above results may not be considered as accurate. One of the objectives of this paper is to find the maximum power and the corresponding location of the shunt FACTS device when the actual line model is considered. A sophisticated computer program has been developed to determine the various characteristics of the system of Fig. 2 using both the simplified and actual models of the line sections. The constraint of the same RE power of section 1 and SE power of section 2 (PRI = Pa) is incorporated into the program. In all cases, V, = VR = Vn,= 1.0 p.u. is used unless it is specified. The maximum power P" I and the corresponding angle 6 are first determined for " various values of k. Figs. 5 and 6 show the variation of P' and 8", respectively, against k. It can be noticed in Fig. 5 that the maximum SE power (PLY)for the simplified line model is the same as the maximum RE power (P;)

P = P"sin6

section 1



section 2

2. I

Transmission line with a shunt FACTS

Consider that the line is transferring power from a large generating station to an infinite bus and equipped with a shunt FACTS device at point (or bus) n as shown in z Fig. 2. A parameter IC is used to show the fraction of line length at which the FACTS device is placed. The shunt FACTS device may be a SVC or STACOM and is usually connected to the line through a stcpdown transformer a s shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The transmission line is divided into two sections (1 and 2) and each section is represented by a separate two-port, four-terminal network (similar to Fig. 1) with its own ABCD constants. For the simplified line model, sections I and 2 are represented by lumped
Ihb. PIOC -Gcnri
Ticiiivn Dirliih

V d 147, N o 4 J u ~ J2000 ,

because the line is lossless. The nuxiinurn power increases from 9.3p.u. (for lr = 0) to its double value (for k 0.5) as expected. However, for tlie actual line model, Pg' > P;i' because of tlie loss in the line. The value of P; increases as tlie value of k is increased from zero and reaches tlic highest value of 22.8p.u. at k = 0.45 (but not 0.50). The highest value of 9:' for the actual line model IS much higher than the corresponding value foulid for the simplified line model (1 X.6p.u. at k = 0.5). For the actual hie model, the slope of the Pi' curve suddenly changes at k = 0.45 and tlic value of P,? decreases when k > 0.45. A similar pattern can also be observed for the Pg curve. It may be meiitioiied here that the value or Pg is important in determining the power delivering capability of the line at the inliiiite bus. However, the value of PLY is equally important in cletermining the stability of the generator that depends 011 the power that can be delivered at its terminal.

both the power and angle curves at k = 0.45. This itnexpected pattern of powcr and angle curves is hrther investigated through the powcr-angle characteristics of the line.


3.1 Power-angle characteristics and stability The power-angle characteristics of thc system of Fig. 2 arc shown in Figs. 7 and 8 for the simplified and actual inodCIS o f tlie line, respectivcly. The cliaractcristics arc plotted for various values of k (0-0.5). Note that for k = 0, the shunt device is located at the SE of the line where the voltage magnitude is considered to be constant. In this case, the shunt dcvice has no cufect on the line characteristics and the line can be considered as totally uiicompcnsated. The results for the simplified liiic model of Fig. 7 are very obvious and well presented in [8]. I1 can be noticed in Fig. X that tlie maximum powcr PJii increases a s the value of Ir is increased. However, an unusual pattern of thc P-6curve can be observed for k = 0.5. For k 5 0.4, all P-6 curves approach the point y (191.8" at zero power). But for /z = 0.5, the P-6 curve is shifted towards left after reaching the maxiinuiii power and approaches the point .x (167" at zero powcr). The above change in the pattern of the P-6curve signilicantly affects the stability of tlie system. It inay be iiieiitioned here that, for a given initial operating power (< P"') and fault clearing aiiglc, the area between tlie P-6 curve and the initial operating power line is a measure of the decelerating area. This area is used in determining the stability of the system by the method of eclual-~~re~i-criterioii 112, 141. For a given initial operating power, it can easily be found in Fig. 7 that the decelerating area for /z = 0.5 is



0.10 0.15 0.20

0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 value of k


I h i r r / i o r i qftlie ir/or.\.i/iiuii / J O ~ I W (I/ SE a i d (/ SE aiitl R E (P;) powcr lor tlic simplilicd liiic modcl / I SE powcr (p!J for tlic actual liiic modcl r R E power ( 1 ~ ; ; )Ihr tlic actual liiic iiiodcl


6 3














20 Q


In Fig. 6, it can be observed that the angle 8''at the maximum SE power increases from 90" (at k = 0) to 180" (at k = 0.5) for the simplified line model. Howcvcr, the value of ST*for k = 0.5 is only 152.5" for thc actual liiic model. The highest value of angle (8,' 176.1') again = occurs at k = 0.45. Figs. 5 and 6 clearly indicate that, for a given value of k, both the maximum power and the corrcspoilding angle depend on the iiiodel of the line used. For the actual line model, a sudden changc in slope occurs for









180 200

much larger than that for k = 0.4. T h ~ the system can be s considered a s more stable for /C = 0.5 than for /r = 0.4. However, even though the niaxiniuiii power for /C = 0.5 is Iiiglier than that for k = 0.4 in Fig. 8, the system is less stable for lc = 0.5. This happens becausc of the smaller decclerating area caused by the shift of the P-6 ciirvc towards the left. Thus, when the stability of the system is compared between these two linc models for IC= 0.4 aiid 0.5, a contradictory result can be found. The reason for shifting the P-6 curve, is further investigated and a search is carried out to find the optiinal location of the shunt FACTS device that provides the maximum bcndit in terms ol' the system stability when the actual liiic model is considcl-cd.

3.2 Optimal location of shunt FACTS devices Fig. 9 shows thc P-6 curve of the halr-length ( U 2 ) of the line using the actual line iiiodcl. Both SE and RE powers are shown in the Figure. It can be noticed in Fig. 9 that when the angle 6 increases from zero, both the SE and RE powers are increased. The R E power first reaches the m i x imuni valuc (point a) at an angle /-I followed by the niaximum SE power (point /?) at an angle (n /)). These inaximuni power points c i i i i easily be Found from eqns. 4 and 6. Wlicn the angle 6 is further increased, both the R E and SE powers decrease and ultimately reach zero values at angles and ay, respectively. The values of 6, and 6,. can also be determined from eqns. 6 and 4, respectively.

._ 20 $


increasc in 6 , . Note that (S2 caiinot increase because of the constraint P,, = PLs2 P,, cannot suddenly junip from and point c to cJ (in Fig. 9). In ract, decreases when 6, > PI to satisfy the sanic power constraint. Thus at higher angles, section I operates in the iiiistable region wliilc section 2 operates in the stable region. It can also be noticed in Fig. 9 that the power at the midpoint ( P R l and PLs2) reduces to zero when 6, = 6, and ( 0". Thus at higher 8 anglcs or for unstable operation, the midpoint power reaches the zero value when the total angle (6, + 6J is about 6, (= 168.2") which is very close to the corrcsponding valuc (1 67") found at point s in Fig. 8 for k = 0.5. Note that when the power at the midpoint is zero, both sides of the linc feed some power to cover the loss in the linc and that causes the above discrepancy of 1.2". For lower values of k, the maximum RE power of section 1 increases while tlic maxiiiiuni SE power of section 2 dccreases. Thus the point I / in Fig. 9 moves upwards and point h goes downwards. when the point L/ is higher than point / I , section 2 (but not section 1) operates in the unstable region if the system operation crosscs the maximum possible power point during the transient period. In this case, zero power at bus 117 occurs when 6, 0 and a2 = a,,. Thus the overall P-6 curve approaches the angle 6, + d2 = d,, = 191.9" (but not to 6., = 168.2") its can also be seen in ; : , Fig. 8 for /c 5 0.4. Thus, when P;;; > { section 2 operates in the iinstablc region at higher anglcs and the P-6 curve approaches a,,. However, when Pi;; < P ; scctioii 1 ', operates in the uiistablc region and tlie P-6 curve approaches 6,. The transition of shifting the P-6 curve q' takes place when the condition PiI; = C, is satisfied and it always occurs for lr < 0.5 when the loss of the line is considered.
~ i :
~ i :


. c



21 I .


() I

Consider that the shunt FACTS device is now placed at the midpoint of the line (lc = 0.5) of Fig. 2. For such ii case, Fig. 9 also represents the power-angle characteristics of both the line sections I and 2 (half-length). It may again be mentioned here that the FACTS device does not absorb 01deliver any active power. Thus thc RE power of section 1 must be equal to the SE power of scction 2. Consider that section I delivers the maximum power at its receiving end (bus nz). This situation can be represented by the point where the angle 6, = PI (= 84.1"). The corresponding operating point of section 2 can be represented by the point c (at the same power level) and the angle at that point is (= 58.4"). Thus tlie total transmission angle at the niaxiniiini power point is 8" = 6, + (= 142.5'). Note that even though section 2 is capable of tl-ansferriiig more power through its SE (up to point /I), section 1 is unable to deliver that power at its RE. Thus, the maximum power transfer capability of the system is limited by the maximuin RE power of section 1. When thc transmission angle is further increased (6 > 8" = 142.5") during the transient period, the power transfer through the line decreases because of the
1LE Proi,.-Gnirr. TI~IIII,VII. Di.stdi., Vol. 147, N ~ J . . / r i l l , 2000 4,

Fig. IO shows the variation of the maximuin RE power of section 1 (P,':; ) and the niaxiniuin SE power of section 2 (lT;") against the valuc of k . I t can be seen iii Fig. 10 that thc inaxiinuiii power curves cross at k = 0.447 and the crossing point is the transition point. T ~ L toSget the highI est benefit in terms of the power transfer capability and stability, the shunt FACTS device must be placed at k = 0.447 which is slightly off-centre. Note that Figs. 5 and 6 weie plotted for an incremental value of k of 0.01, aiid thus the tl'ansition was found at lc = 0.45. The optimal location o f the shunt FACTS device depends on the line resistance or loss aiid hence the IZIX ratio of the linc. Fig. I 1 shows the variation of the optimal off-ccntre location of the shunt FACTS device against the R/X ratio of the line for various values of V,,,. It can be obscrved in Fig. 11 that the optimal
22 1

off-centre location increases linearly as the value of RIX ratio of the line is increased. The slope of the line is about 0.5% for Vn,= l.0p.u.
._ >


1.I 1.o


ratio of the line is increased. Both the powcr transfer capability and stability of the system can be further improved if the shunt FACTS device is placed at the new optimal location instead of at the midpoint of a line having nonzero resistance. However, when thc line carries power in both directions, the optimal location of shunt FACTS devices may be considered at the midpoint. The results found in this papcr would be very useful in selecting the best location for various shunt FACTS devices to gct the highest possible benefit when the pattern of power flow of the line is known.

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4 6 line R/X ratio, %




Fig. 11 Vrriution of the optimul o j k n t r e loccition cf device uguinst the lUX rrtio qf the line


It is worth mentioning here that the line capacitance is found to have a very insignificant effect on all the results shown in this paper. However it slightly affects the amount of reactive power supplied by the shunt FACTS device.



It is a common practice to consider the centre or midpoint of a line as the optimal location of reactive power support or shunt FACTS devices. This is true only when the simplified line model is considered. This paper investigates the effects of the actual line model on the optimal location of shunt FACTS devices to get the highest possible benefit. Various results found for both the simplified and actual models of a 345kV, 450km line are compared and the discrepancies observed are discussed with appropriate justification. It has been found that the shunt FACTS device may need to be placed slightly off-centre to get the highest possible benefit when the power flows in a particular direction. The optimal location from the centre point depends on the line resistance, and it increases almost linearly as the RIA

8 9


11 12 13 14


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