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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

1. Introduction..2-2 2. Volume Calculations3-7 2.1. Volume of vessel at any height..3 2.2. Volume of liquid below the lower limit5 2.3. Volume of liquid above the higher level.6 2.4. Volume of usable liquid.....7 2.5. Total mass of usable liquid......7 3. Linear Scaling.8-11 3.1. Input analogue to digital converter.8 3.2. Output digital to analogue meter.8 3.3. Graphical linear scale9 3.4. Linear Scale Equation.10 3.6. Height Factor10 4. Programming11-21 4.1. OB1.11 4.2. FC4013 4.3. Vat-1..21 5. Testing.22-24 5.1. Program results..22 5.2. Calculated Results.23 6. Conclusion25-25 7. Appendix26

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

As part of the module for Advanced Plant Automation it is required for each student to complete an individual assignment that involves all the learning outcomes covered in the module during the semester.

The project that has to be completed involves creating a program using the Simatic software by Siemens to represent the outlined process. The program to be designed will calculate the volume of a certain liquid in the vessel shape given and the formula for the volume value must be explained in full. It may be assumed that the analogue to digital converter has a resolution of eight bits and the sensor is calibrated to give 0 to 10 volts between the empty bottom of the vessel and the top.As well as the volume calculation, the weight of the substance must be calculated with the given density value. Once all calculations have been done the program must be represented as a single function block that may be called in OB1. To display that the program is functioning as it should, outputs will be used to show when the vessel given is one third, two thirds and full.

The tank level must be displayed by means of a moving coil of 0 to 5V connected to the analogue output. The 0V in this case will represent the specified low level of the vessel and the 5V will represent the specified highest point of the vessel. It may be assumed that for the digital to analogue meter that it has a resolution of twelve bits. Linear scaling will have to be done to ensure the counts and volume ratios produce the required output. The diagrams below show the vessel that the program has to be developed for.
L = 6M

B = 6M

A = 5M

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

This chapter will cover all the calculations based around the volume of the vessel. These calculations will be required to be done a function block may be created. It must be noted that the counts coming in from the analogue to digital converter will be the height the sensor is reading. The calculations will all be done in meters unless otherwise specified. 2.1. Volume of Vessel at Any Height The shape of the vessel that the program must be created for is called a triangular prism. The volume of the triangular prism whose length is L meters, and whose triangular cross section has a base of A units and height of H units has a volume given by: 1 2

To be able to use the equation shown above for the total volume of the triangular prism the perpendicular height must be determined as this is the only unknown. This may be completed as shown below.

B = 6M H

A = 5M

The height may be calculated using the theorem of Pythagoras. By halving the length of A the height H may be calculated as follows:

1 2
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Advanced Plant Automation =6 1 5 2

Individual Assignment 2011/12

= 36 6.25 = 5.45435 Having the height calculated, the total volume of the triangular prism may be found but the problem that has to be solved is that the equation stated above is for the total volume of the triangular prism but if the height that is detected by the sensor changes frequently then the basic equation will not do. This is due to the fact that the side named A will vary in length depending on the height detected. Therefore a formula for the side A using the height H at any time and a constant must be created to allow the volume to be calculated at any height of liquid in the vessel. This calculation is performed below.

B = 6M H = 5.454M A = 5M

The angle shown in the diagram above will have to be determined as this will be constant for any height H. The side B is given as 6m and the height H for the triangular prism was calculated previously and thus the angle may be calculated using the right angled triangle from the above diagram.

= = = = 65.368 5.454 6 5.454 6 1.14

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

Now that the angle has been calculated a general formula for the length of A may be determined so with any height the formula will give the volume of liquid in the triangular prism. This calculation is detailed below and the calculation is done using the angle in radians.

= = 2 tan (1.14)

The multiplication by two must be added to the equation because previously the triangle was halved to make the right angled triangle needed to form the required values. Now all the parameters required to generate a formula for the volume of the triangular prism have been calculated and the finalised formula is shown below for any height detected by the sensor. 1 2 2 tan (1.14)

The total volume of the triangular prism is shown below. 5.454 6 5.454 tan (1.14) = 82.03 2.2. Volume of Liquid below the Lower Limit This volume may be calculated using the volume formula derived previously for the triangular prism but with the height value changed. The height of the complete vessel was calculated to be 5.454m and the height of the lower limit is 0.25m. Knowing this the height that must be added to the volume formula to calculate the lower limit volume will be the total height subtracting the lower limit height. This volume will then have to be subtracted from the total volume to produce the volume of the lower limit below the valve.
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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

H = 5.454-0.25 = 5.204m H = 5.454 Lower Limit 0.25m

r) =

( ( (

1 5.204 2 6 5.204 2 tan (1.14)

) = 82.03 74.68 ) = 7.35

2.3. Volume of Liquid above the Higher Level The volume of the triangular prism above the higher level may to be calculated using the derived formula. Here the height will be the total height of the triangular prism subtracting the height of the higher level as shown in the diagram below.

High Limit = 0.25m H = 5.454-3.25 = 2.204m

The volume of the triangular prism above the higher limit is calculated below. 1 2.204 2 6 2.204 2 tan (1.14) ( ) = 13.39
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( ) =

Advanced Plant Automation 2.4. Volume of Usable Liquid

Individual Assignment 2011/12

The volume of the total usable volume of liquid may now be calculated as follows: = ( ) ( ) ( )

= 82.03 13.39 7.35 = 61.29 2.5. Total Mass of Usable Liquid The total mass of the liquid in the triangular prism vessel is calculated just for the usable volume amount. This is done by using the specified density ratings given in the project brief.

Material Type Name Density Liquid Liquid Argon 1390 kg/m3

= 61.29 1390 = 85193.1

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

3. Linear Scaling
3.1. Input Analogue to Digital Converter The analogue to digital converter used for this project is to be assumed to have a resolution of 8 bits. The input counts have to be calculated for the total triangular prism and for the higher level and lower level points of the vessel. This is detailed below: = 2 1 = 255 = = 255 = 151.95 = = 255 = 11.68 3.25 5.454

0.25 5.454

These calculated count values are for the input analogue to digital converter. The same must be done for the calculation of the output resolution to be able to determine the output representation of the level in the tank using the coil meter.

3.2. Output Digital to Analogue Meter The digital to analogue meter used for the project is said to be assumed to have a resolution of 12 bits. The output resolution calculation is calculated below. =2 1 = 4095

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

Using the output resolution calculated, this will represent the input resolution at the higher level point and 0 will represent the input counts at the lower level of the triangular prism vessel. This is explained more in depth in the graphical linear scale representation section.

3.3. Graphical Linear Scale

The Linear scaling graph shown above details the input counts against the output counts. The next step is to derive the equation for this graph that will determine the output counts in relation to input counts which can be converted to a volume figure.

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Advanced Plant Automation 3.4. Linear Scale Equation = Slope Calculation: = = +

Individual Assignment 2011/12

151.95 11.68 4095 0 = 0.0342

For the equation of the line shown above, the slope m is now known and the constant C is the value where the line meets the Y axis which in this case is 11.68 counts. Therefore the output counts value may be determined for any input counts. This is shown below.

For an input of 140 counts the output counts is: = +

140 = 0.0342 + 11.68 = 3752.05

3.6. Height Factor The height factor to be calculated will determine the number of counts that will represent the height. This is done to allow the height to be determined at any count value and allow further calculations to be made.

= 255 = 46.7547 5.454

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

4. Programming
The programme created in FC1, OB1 and the vat table are described step by step in this chapter. The programme in FC1 uses all the formulas calculated previous in the report and performs them in FC1. OB1 allows the inputs used by FC1 to be varied depending on the dimensions of the vessel and produces outputs based on the calculations performed and the input counts read by the PLC. 4.1. OB1 In the organization block OB1 the function FC40 has been created. This block allows allows all the inputs to be varied depending on the dimensions of the triangular prism vessel used. The outputs can be seen here when the PLC is running. The functon has been created so that no matter what size the triangular prism used is the inputs may be changed and the programme will perform all the required calculations. This is one of the benefits of this programme design that it will facilitate and traingular prism dimensions of if the valve height were to be changed.

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Advanced Plant Automation Inputs

Individual Assignment 2011/12

Height Counts: This is the counts that represent the height that the sensor reads.

Input Resolution: This is the resolution calculated for the input analogue to digital converter. This may be changed if there was a different input resolution to be added.

Height of the Tank: This is the total height of the tank given in meters. This may be changed if a vessel of different height were to be used.

Length of Side B: This is the length of the side labelled B on the project description. This side of the vessel may be varied if a different vessel were to be used.

Length of Side L: This is the total length of the triangular prism vessel given in meters. This may be varied for different vessel dimensions.

Upper Level Height: This is the height of the vessel specified in the project description that is the highest limit for usable liquid. This value may be changed if a different height was needed.

Lower Level Height: This is the lowest height of the vessel for usable liquid in the vessel. Any liquid below this height is not usable. This value may be varied depending on the required valve height.

Output Resolution: this is the calculated resolution for the output digital to analogue meter. This resolution may be changed according to the output devices resolution.

Argon Density: This is the density of the liquid argon that is the liquid being used for this particular project. This density may be changed depending on the material stored in the tank.

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Advanced Plant Automation Outputs

Individual Assignment 2011/12

Total Volume of the Vessel: This is the total volume of the vessel calculated by the developed program given in meters cubed.

Total Usable Volume: This is the calculated usable volume of the vessel given in meters cubed.

Output Counts: This is the output counts given after scaling has taken place.

Density of Usable Liquid: This is the weight of the usable liquid once the volume has been determined. This value is given in kilograms.

4.2. FC40 The first process in the function FC1 is to convert the height counts that are read by the PLC to a real number. This is done to allow all the calculation in the process to be performed. The heights come in and moved to an integer. This this integer is converted to a double integer. This double integer is then converted to a a real format.

Network two calculates the height factor as done in part 3.6. This height factor is calculated by using the input resoultion and divides it by the height of the tank to produce the height factor that will be used in equation further in the programme.

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

Network three calculates the angle that will be constant for the triangular prism shape. This is done to allow the volume calculation for any size triangular prism vessel to be calculated. First the height of the tank is divided by the length of the side labelled B. Then using this output answer the next block calculates the inverse SIN of it which then produces the constant angle. This calculation is done in part 2.1 of the report.

The height counts that were converted to a real number and dividing this by the height factor calculated previous. This calculation ten produces the output height counts.

Network five calculates the height counts the sensor actually observes. This is due to the sensor being above the tank and thus the output height counts calculated previously must be subtracted from the total height of the vessel to produce the height the sensor determines.

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

Network six is the beginning of the formula for the volume calculation. The first step is to calculate the TAN of the constant angle calculated in network three. The first block in the network does this and gives out the constant TAN of the angle. The next block divides the height the sensor determines by the TAN of the constant angle to produce an answer that will be multiplied by other factors in the next network.

tan (1.14)

Network seven uses the previous networks answer, multiplies it by the height the sensor determines and then produces another answer. This answer is then multiplied by the length of the vessel which is an input which may be changed depending on the size of the vessel being used. These calculations produce the total volume above the liquid in the vessel as the height is what the sensor determines which is the height of the volume above the liquid in the tank.

tan (1.14)

Network eight calculates the total volume of the vessel without the volume above the liquid in the tank. This is done by using the total volume of the tank calculated in the next network and subtracting the volume above the liquid. This will produce the total volume minus the volume above the liquid.

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

Network nine calculates the maximum volume of the vessel. This is done by taking the full height and dividing it by the TAN of the constant angle which produces an answer called a factor. This factor is multiplied by the height of the tank then the length of the vessel to produce the maximum volume of the vessel.

Network ten calculates the height the sensor reads that refers to the upper level height. This is done by taking the total tank height and subtracting the upper level height which is a constant input and produces the height to the upper level. Using this answer the same steps are used in the previous networks to calculate the volume of the tank above the upper level limit.

Network eleven finishes off the calculation of the volume above the upper level limit. The output volume is the total volume subtracting the volume above the upper level height.

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

Network twelve is created to calculate the volume below the lower level height. This is done by first subtracting the constant lower level height from the total height of the vessel. This gives the height the sensor reads to the lower level height from the top of the tank. This new height is used in the calculation of the volume as done in the previous two networks.

Network thirteen finishes off the calculation of the volume up to the lower level height. This is done by subtracting the total volume above the lower limit from the total volume of the vessel to give the total volume below the lower level limit.

Network fourteen calculates the total volume of usable liquid in the vessel. This is done by subtracting the volume up to the lower level height from the volume up to the upper level height which will produce the total volume of usable liquid for a triangular prism vessel.

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

Network fifteen calculates the total usable volume for any dimensioned triangular vessel. This is done by using the volume of the vessel calculated earlier for the volume of the vessel without the volume above the upper level height and subtracting the volume of the area of below the lower level height of the vessel.

Network sixteen calculates the scaling of the output for the usable volume of the vessel. The first block produces the volume of the usable liquid in the vessel. This is the divided by the output resolution and then multiplied by the output resolution to produce the output value of usable volume of liquid.

Network seventeen calculates the output counts for any input counts so that the volume of the vessel may be acuratly scaled to produce the requied output for the input height counts.

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

Network 18 produces the output counts that will be shown in the outputs of OB1.

Network 19 begins the calculation for the weight of the liquid in the vessel. The first block uses the constant input value of the density of argon and multiplies it by the usable volume in the vessel to produce the maximum density of the usable volume. The next blocks and network twenty scale the density for the weight of the usable liquid in the triangular vessel.

Network 21 uses a compare block to show when the volume of liquid in the tank is more than one third full the output Q1.0 will come on to verify this. This is done by calculating one

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

third of the usable volume in the vessel and using the compare to determine if the volume is greater than this value.

Network twenty two uses the same basis as the previous block but in this case the output Q0.2 will light up when two thirds of the usable liquid is in the vessel.

Network twenty three determines when the volume of the useable liquid is full. The output Q0.3 will light once the volume is filled.

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Advanced Plant Automation 4.3. VAT_1

Individual Assignment 2011/12

The vat table shown above was created to allow the simulation of the programme to happen. The input counts may be inserted manually to witness the results. In other words VAT_1 simulates a PLC with the FC40 programme. This table was used to perform the tests in the next chapter to verify the programme functions as outlined in the project brief. The VAT-1 screen also shows when the outputs come on representing when the tank is at various fill levels.

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

5. Testing
Testing of the created program has been done by using the program to determine the outputs at empty, one third, two thirds and full levels. To determine are these values are the required outputs calculations for the same input values has been done to compare the values.

5.2. Program Results The tables below show the outputs from the program with the specified fill limits.

Vessel Empty
Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 12 7.52 m3 0.19 m3 12.7 264.87 kg

Vessel 1/3 Full

Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 58 32.99 m3 25.66 m3 1711 35671.6 kg

Vessel 2/3 Full

Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 105 53.51m3 46.18 m3 3079 64201.7 kg

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

Vessel Full
Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 152 68.48 m3 61.15 m3 4077 85003.2 kg

5.3. Calculated Results The tables shown below are the calculated results found for the various fill levels.

Vessel Empty
Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 11.68 0 m3 0 m3 0 0 kg

Vessel 1/3 Full

Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 58 27.78 m3 20.43 m3 1365 28297.7 kg

Vessel 2/3 Full

Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 105 48.21 m3 40.86 m3 2730 56795.4 kg

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Individual Assignment 2011/12

Vessel Full
Input Counts Total Volume of Vessel Total Usable Volume Output Counts Weight of Usable Liquid 151.95 68.64 m3 61.29 m3 4095 85193.1 kg

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12

6. Conclusion
The program created for this project has been developed to cater for any tank that is a triangular prism shape but it may be any dimensions. This is an advantage as the program will cover a vast number of situations such as the lower level height of the valve changing which means only the new value of height has to be inserted for this. Upon first inspection of the completed program it was concluded the program functions as required by the project brief and covers the requirement set out.

Testing of the program has shown that for all the various fill levels the outputs are what are expected of the program. There are slight variations between the program outputs and the calculated outputs and this is due to the way in which the program functions. There have been decimal points left out in the program to allow it to function while in the hand calculations there were no decimal points left out and thus there are very slight differences which can be seen in the test tables in chapter five.

Understanding the project and what was required posed some bit of misunderstanding but taking the time to think about what was required and how to set about getting the results proved to be the most important part as a logical thinking approach was needed to have any idea of concluding this project. The project completes the project brief in all topics that were required to be done.

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Advanced Plant Automation

Individual Assignment 2011/12


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