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1 ENGLISH CLASS LESSON PLAN School Subject/ Topic Class Semester Meeting Date : SMAN 71 Jakarta : English/ Expression

of Pain, Relief and Pleasure : XI :1 :1 :


STANDARD COMPETENCE: Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

II. BASIC COMPETENCE Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure. III. INDICATOR Students are able to guess the expression of relief, pain and pleasure that is used Students are able to identify the expression of relief, plain and pleasure Students are able to create their own expression of relief, plain and pleasure Students are able to express the expression of relief, plain and pleasure IV. OBJECTIVES Students can guess the expression of relief, pain and pleasure that is used Students can identify the expression of relief, plain and pleasure Students can create their own expression of relief, plain and pleasure Students can express the expression of relief, plain and pleasure



Procedures Elicitation Teacher Students Explaining agenda Teacher Teacher gives brief explanation the activity and the rule of the lesson for today. Teacher Teacher gives the reading passage and give instruction for students to take notes of it. Students Students pay attention to the teachers explanation.

Durat ion

Resource 3s/ Materials

Reading Students Students are asked to take notes from the reading passage given

Post 1 Students can identify the expression of relief, plain and pleasure Teacher Teacher will divide the class into groups. One group consists of 4 students. Grouping technique: teacher delivers a part of picture to students and asks them to arrange it into complete picture by finding other parts in his/ her friends. Teacher delivers the dialogue sheet. Teacher asks students to underline the expression of relief, pain and pleasure in the dialogue. Teacher gives example before students do the exercise. Post 2 Teacher Students Post 3 Teacher Students Students Students seek for their group and then they will get a dialogue sheet. They underline words that shown expression of relief, pain and pleasure. Students present their findings into the class discussion. 10 Paper for grouping Dialogue text



Lesson Material Rubric assessment

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