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This textbook of Statics explains a difficult subject using relatively simple mathematics. The text is extremely oriented toward problem solving, but most of the calculations can be accomplished with algebraic equations, geometry, linear equation, and trigonometry. Calculus is not required. The first chapter reviews the pertinent topics in mathematics that will be utilized in the text. The student should use this chapter as a review.

Solving Linear Algebraic Equations of one and two variables: Algebra is used in this course. Students should have knowledge to solve a linear equation with one variable and two variables.

Example 1-1 + 4 = 8, Find ? Solution: Moving 4 to other side with opposite sign, we write: = 8 - 4 Therefore Example 1-2 12 +
2 69 3

= 4 ans.

= 4,

Find value of ?

Solution: Multiply both sides by 3: 36 + 2(6-9) = 12 Multiply thru 2: 36 + 12 + 18 = 12 Move the constant numbers to another side with opposite sign: 18 = 12 36 12 Therefore 18 = -36 Divide both sides by 18 to get value of : So: = -2 ans.

A different situation exists if there are two equations, each with two unknowns. Consider :

+ y = 12
2 - y = 0

Each of the equations has many possible solutions, but the solution that satisfies both equations is unique. Throughout this text, the method that will be used for this situation involves solving one of the equations for one of the solutions in terms of the other, then substituting this relation into the other equation to eliminate that variable. This is the method of substitution.

Example 1-3
Find x and y if + 4 = 8
1 4

(a) (b)

+ 4 = 1

From (a) x = 8 4y

Substitute into (b)

1 4

(8 - 4y) + 4y = 1

Simplifying 2 - y + 4y = 1 and collecting like terms 2 + 3y = 1 3y = -1 Then y=

1 3

Substituting this result into one of the original equations x = 8 4( ) =

1 3 28 3

Non-linear equation solving by quadratic equation: Using Quadratic formula can be found a value of 1 and 2. Quadratic formula is: =
2 4 2

Example 1-4 Find the value(s) of x that satisfy

x2+ 3.5x+1.8=0
Using the quadratic formula with a = 1, b = -3.5, and c = 1.8

3.5 3.52 4(1)(1.8) 2

= 2.87, .625

Trigonometry: Trigonometry, or the mathematics of angles, is used for most statics problems. A statement of plane geometry concludes that a triangle can be determined by one side and two angles. In other words, one side of a triangle and two angles in triangle, the other two sides and the remaining angle is given fixed. This is true because of the basic laws of trigonometry indicates that the sum of the angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees:

a + b + c = 180

Furthermore for the special case of a right triangle (one angle being 90 degrees), the sides adjacent to the right angle are called the rise and the run (A and B in the diagram below) and the opposite side is called the hypotenuse (C). The Pythagoras theorem states that A2 + B2 = C2

Furthermore, the functions sine and cosine of the angle can be defined as below:

Example 1-5

In a shown figure determine the value of h? Solution: =

From which = 12 75 = 11.591

The sine and cosine of any angle can be found by calculator. Therefore is logical the inverse of these functions (sin -1 called arc sin or inverse sine) should also be defined, as seen in the following example. Example 1-6 Find value of: Sin ( + 15) = 0.5 Solution: Define the inverse of the Sine function to be: ( + 15) = Sin-1 0.5 ( + 15) = 30 Therefore:

= 15


Before start next chapters, we should know how to convert units:

Unit Converter Table: Length converter table: To inches millimeters inches centimeters feet meters yards meter miles kilometers sq inches From millimeters inches centimeters inches meters feet meters yards kilometers miles Multiply by multiply inches by 0.0394 multiply inches by 25.4 multiply centimeters by 0.3937 multiply inches by 2.54 multiply meter by 0.3048 multiply feet by 0.3048 multiply meter by 1.094 multiply yards by 0.9144 multiply kilometers by 0.6214 multiply miles by 1.609

sq centimeters multiply sq centimeters by0.15 multiply sq inches by 6.452 multiply sq meters by 10.76 multiply sq feet by 0.0929 0.0929

sq centimeters sq inches sq feet sq meters sq meters sq feet

Volume converter table: From To Multiply by 0.01639

cu inches liters liters

cu inches 61.03

pints liters

liters pints

0.5682 1.76 0.47311 2.114 3.785

US pints liters liters US pints

US gallon liters liters gallons

US gallons 0.2642 liters 4.546

Mass converter table: From grains grams ounces grams pounds grams pounds To grams grains grams ounces grams pounds Multiply by 0.0648 15.43 28.35 0.03527 453.6 0.002205

kilograms 0.4536 2.205

kilograms pounds tons

kilograms 1016.05 0.0009842

kilograms tons


CHAPTER 1 Problems:
1-1 Find value of x when: 4(3+x)=0 1-2 Find value of x when:


1-3 Find x and y when: 3y+4x=2 6y-x =4 1-4 solve equations:

a- 5x - 3 = 3x - 4 b- 5x - 4 = 3x - 8 c- 2(3x - 4) + 3 (3 x + 2) = 6 (7 x + 8) + 2

1-5 Find value of x when: x2 + 0.7x + 3.4 =0 1-6 Find :

7m 4m 2m

1-7 Find Value of A:


20 3m

1-8 Find value of x : cos(x+12)= 0.25


1-9 convert: 9m to ft 1-10 convert: 29N to lb 1-11 60 mi/hr to mi/sec 1-12 10 km/m to m/sec 1-13 1050 mm to in 1-14 320cm to ft 1-15 250m to ft 1-16 50 mi/hr to km/sec


Statics is one of the first courses taken in an engineering curriculum, and one of the most valuable. The principles of statics stay with an engineer though their whole career. Statics is about forces. A force is something that is capable of causing an object to move. It is a strength or work brought to bear against an object. Forces are a part of nature and are caused by a variety of natural consequences. Although the concept of force is difficult to define, the causes of force are quite limited in number and easy to list. For example, weight caused by gravity is a force. Gravity tends to make an object fall; tends to make it move, therefore it is a force. The weight force is calculated from the mass of the object through the equation W = m a Rigid materials, such as wood or steel, can provide a force to any object that is placed upon it. These are called restraining forces. A wrecking ball has weight which tends to make it fall, but it is restrained by a cable. The force of the cable, called tension, is tending to make the ball rise. Similarly, an apple placed on a table has a restraining force of the table exerted on it. Restraining forces are sometimes called normal forces because they push in a direction that is perpendicular to the restraining surface. In the figure the carton on the incline has the force of gravity on it, pushing down, and has a restraining force due to the material of the incline, pushing normal (perpendicular) to the surface of the incline. Another type of force is those that are converted from some form of energy. In this category, and force generated by a person against an object would be due to a conversion of food energy to work. The force of heavy machinery is due to the combustion of gasoline. Another force is friction or drag. These are phenomena of two surfaces sliding over each other. There is a molecular resistance to this motion which results in a force that impedes the motion. Typically the friction is greater for heavier objects and the equation to calculate this force is Ffriction = m N, where is N is the normal force between the sliding surfaces. In the case of drag (air), the friction force is more dependent on the velocity of the object relative to the air, F = mv or F = m v1/2.


Another force is created by a spring. This force is created when a spring is compressed a distance s. The force generated is calculated as Fspring = k s where k is a factor of the spring itself (whether the spring is stiff or loose.) This list of forces is actually quite short but it is a complete one for working in statics. What hasnt been mentioned specifically here is that a force not only has a magnitude, but it also is pushing in a specific direction. To describe a force both magnitude and direction is necessary. This implies that a force is a vector. In the simplest manner, vectors may be described as left and right, or up and down (see Example 2-1) Example 2-1 15 KN

10 KN Find Fx and Fy? Solution: Fx = 15 KN Fy = -10 KN

A mush more precise method would be to define a cartesian (x-y) coordinate system. As the figure shows , this implies a description in the form


F = F x i + Fy j

Example : The weight of an object is 25 lbs. This weight is a force. What is the vector description of this force?

Solution: W = 0 i - 25 j

When multiple forces are exerted on the same object, they sum to give a resultant force. This is called vector addition. To add two vectors, add their individual directions components and assign this total to that direction. Example: What is the resultant sum of the two forces F1 = 3 i + 4 j and F2 = -1 i + 6j ?

Solution: R = F1 + F2 = (3-1) i + (4 + 6) j Notice from the figure that the resultant sum of the two vectors is the same as a vector created by mounting the two vectors end to tip. Often the description of a force or a vector may not be in cartesian coordinates but rather in by some other means, such as its magnitude and angle relative to the x-y (i-j) coordinates. When this is done, it may take some trigonometry to convert the description into the Cartesian form F = F x i + Fy j This requires an understanding of the sine and cosine functions.
y- direction 90- F X direction


in X-direction, so will be cosine in X direction Fx = F Cos Fy = F Sin or Fy= F Cos (90 )

Example 2-2

y- direction

10 N 30 X direction

Find Fx and Fy ? Solution: the 30 in X-direction so Fx = F Cos = (10N) Cos 30 = 8.66 N


Fy = (10N) Sin 30 =5N


Fy = (10N) Cos (90 30 )

Forces can be resolved into the x- and y- axis with trigonometry, and two vectors man be added component by component. The resulting vector (force) has magnitude and direction.

The magnitude of force can be determined from below equation: F2 = Fx 2 + F y 2 And angle can be determined: = tan-1

And depends on force vector in which quartet, the angle direction in standard position:


Second quadrant = 180 -

First quadrant =

Third Quadrant = 180 +

Fourth quadrant = 360 - or = -

Example 2-3

35 4 kips Find the force in x-direction, y-direction, and the direction of angle? Solution: first we have to drawing a free body diagram: Y-direction



F= 4 Kips


The 4Kips is the resultant of force in x-direction and y-direction and it located in the forth quadrant. Because it located in forth quadrant, we should used equation: = 360 - = 360 - 35 = 325 (or -35) Ans.

located between the resultant force and x-direction, so that cosine should be in Fx equation and Sine will be in Fy equation. We get Fx= F cos = (4kips) cos 325 = + 3.276 kips Fy= F sin = (4kips) sin 325 = -2.294 kips To check your answer: F2= Fx2+ Fy2 F= 16 =4 = resultant force Check Ans. Ans.


Example 2-4 The rectangular components of forces F are given (Fx and Fy). Determine the magnitude and direction of the forces? Y Fx= -20lb F Fy= -40 lb Solution: using magnitude of the force equation: F2 = Fx2 + Fy2 = (-20 lb)2 + ( -40 lb)2 F= 2000 = 44.721 lb Ans X

= tan-1 = tan-1

20 40

= 26.56 The force victor is in the third quadrant. We should use equation: = 180 + = 180 + 26.56 = 206.56 Ans


Example 2-5 Determine the resultants of the four forces are shown below in the figure by using rectangular components. F2= 10kips F3= 3 kips
10 35

F1= 8 kips

F4= 2 kips Solution: first of all we have to solve each one separately then, we take sum of forces and add it together. First, for x-direction: we assume each vector sign to east direction positive and west direction negative. For (Fx)1 = ( 8 kips ) cos 25 = 7.25 kips (Fx)2 =- ( 10 kips ) sin 35 = -5.735 kips

(Fx)3 = 3 kips because no angle its on x-direction (Fx)4 = -( 2kips ) cos 10 = -1.969 kips Now we can find Rx which is equal to sum of forces:

Rx = Fx = (Fx)1

+ (Fx)2

+ (Fx )3

+ (Fx)4

= 7.25kips + (-5.735 Kips) + (-3 kips) + ( -1.969 Kips) = -3.454


The same thing can be done in the y-direction by changing the sine to cosine or cosine to sine, with same values. But dont forget Fy3 equal to zero because the force is just in x-axis, therefore is zero in y-axis. The vector which is in north direction positive and the vector in south direction negative.

Ry = Fy = (Ry)1 + (Ry)2 + (Ry)3 + (Ry)4 = (8kips) sin 25 + (10kips) cos 35 + 0 + (-2kips) sin 10 = 3.38 kips + 8.19 kips + 0 0.347 kips = 11.223 kips

Now we can find the resultant by using formula: R2= Rx2 + Ry2 R2= (-3.454)2 + (11.223)2 R= 137.885 = 11.742 kips Ans. Then, determine value of : = tan = tan-1

11.223 3.454

= 72.89


The resultant of forces equal 11.742 kips. When you calculate the forces and add it together you observe 11.742 in second quadrants because 8 kip in the first quadrant so 11.7 kips in the second quadrant. So we should use: = 180 - = 180 - 72.89 = 107.11 Ans.


Chapter 2

2-1 what is the different between Statics and dynamics 2-2 What does restraining forces mean 2-3 What does resultant force mean 2-4 Find Fx and Fy

y- direction

10 N 60 X direction

2-5 A force of 45N and 60N acting at ( 20,40). Determine: the force resultant and the magnitude direction. 2-6 Determine the force resultant and the magnitude direction of:

35 10 30

24 2-7 Determine forces direction:

7 2 4 1 2 3 2 4


This chapter extends the information on forces and force addition to the case of an object that has several forces acting on it, all in static equilibrium. To visualize these forces, and the equilibrium they provide, an important technique called free body diagrams will be used.

It was Isaac Newton that determined that the concept of force was the key to learning how objects move or why they are stationary. We looked at a variety of forces in the last lesson. We also saw that forces often act on a body in conjunction with other forces. There are a multitude of forces and force types that are controlling the motion, or lack of motion of an object. In order to put Newtons concepts to good use, all of the forces on an object must be accounted, both in magnitude and direction. To do this, is best to make a picture of the forces involved; a force diagram or sometimes referred to as a free-body diagram (FBD).

For example, a wrecking ball hanging from a cable has two forces on it; its weight and the support of the cable. Furthermore the weight is directly down and the cable force, called the tension in the cable, is directly up.

Slightly more interesting is the case of two cables, supporting a single weight, each attached at an angle to the weight. To draw the force diagram you have to understand one fact about cables; they can only

26 generate a force in the direction of the cable. Therefore the tension in each cable is drawn on the FBD at the same angle as the cable (see TL and TR on Figure).

If an object is stationary (static) then Newton not only indicated that forces were the key to determining why but also that when summing the forces on a stationary object, they will total to zero. To be clear, since force is a vector quantity, this implies that the sum of the forces in all directions will be zero. This is a fundamental statute of statics.

F = 0.
As you will see in a later course, Newton actually implied that the sum of the forces on an object will be zero if is stationary or traveling at a constant velocity (not accelerating). The case of a constant velocity is handled in precisely the same manner as a stationary object so there are few problems that deal with this situation (Problem 2- is one). If we apply the fact that forces sum to zero in all directions for a stationary object, we get a greater appreciation for brackets and shelves. The figure to the left illustrates that the wrecking ball has been placed on a shelf and is now stationary. Therefore a FBD will show that the weight of the ball is being supported by the shelf. This implies that the direction of the force provided by the shelf is perpendicular to the shelf. Unlike a cable, a rigid material can support forces in all directions. If the wrecking ball is now placed on a table, the FBD at the ball itself looks exactly like it did with the shelf. However we could draw a FBD that includes the legs of the table, rather than the top of the table. If this were the case, we see that the weight of the table is supported by the four legs, and that the restraining force of the leg is not perpendicular to

27 the leg but rather in the same direction. Rigid materials can support forces in any direction. This illustrates that FBD can be drawn with different perspectives for the same situation. Draw a circle around the situation and whatever forces cross the circle should be shown on the FBD and ones that do not cross the circle need not be considered.

Example 3-1: The figure shows a roadway bridge made up of a log spanning the gorge. The bridge is supported by the ground on both sides of the water. If the weight of the bridge and all vehicles on it is W, what is the total supporting force of the ground? What force must the horizontal beams of the bridge support? W



Solution: In the first case the control surface should be drawn around the bridge in such a way that it cuts through the abutments. Then it is clear that the weight of the bridge must be supported completely by the ground under the abutments. When w tion becomes F1 + F2 - W = 0 The second free body diagram cuts the bridge at a point and eliminates the left abutment. The supporting force from the left side must come from the beam material. This is an internal force in the material (it better not break!).

The example illustrates two important features. First, the forces in the problem were not applied at the same point. Even though the weight and the supporting forces were located far apart, the sum of their x and y components had to net zero. Second, it illustrated that there are hidden forces in the problem. Although overall, the weight of the bridge is supported at the abutments, the forces are transmitted to the abutments by internal farces in the material itself. The next example illustrates more forces that are hidden, that is they are not obvious. A free body diagram may be what is necessary to find them.

28 Example 3-2: A 30 kg crate is sitting on a ramp inclined at an angle (20 degrees). Describe the forces on the crate.

Solution: Draw the FBD for the crate. It includes two forces, gravity(W) and the supportive (normal) force of the ramp (N). The normal force is perpendicular to the incline (see Lesson 1). Once the FBD has been draw, check out the sum of the forces in the x direction: Fx = Nsin (the angle between N and W is also ) Since neither N nor sin is zero, it is impossible for this component sum to be zero. In particular, the normal force has an x-component which is not balanced by any other force component (weight has no xcomponent). Therefore the crate cannot remain stationary on the ramp. What is the problem here? Has a force been left out? What force would this be? Friction is a candidate. If friction were included, it would be in a direction that impede and prospective motion, therefore it would be pointed up along the direction of the incline (see figure). If friction were included, then the x-component of the normal force can be balanced by the x-direction of friction. The example shows more than the fact that friction may have been forgotten. It demonstrates that, according to the laws of statics, that a crate will not stay motionless on an incline unless there is friction. This implies that if a ramp is frictionless (perfectly smooth) it will NEVER support a crate half way up. By taking this a step further, it presents the amazing result that if the incline were just 1 degree, or indeed ANY angle at all, the crate will still slide all the way to the bottom if the ramp is perfectly frictionless. By the way, perfectly frictionless is not impossibility. A conveyor line built with ball bearing rollers is almost frictionless, and a crate will not stay on any incline on such a roller belt. FRICTION: For any two surfaces, say steel on steel or rope on wood, the maximum frictional force that can be developed is dependent only on the normal force and is proportional to it, so friction can be described as F = sN Where F = maximum frictional resistance N = normal force between the surfaces s is the coefficient of static friction and is dependent on the two materials and on their finishes. Approximate values of s , taken from various sources, are tabulated in the following table.


Surfaces Hard steel on hard steel Mild steel on mild steel Brass on steel Copper on steel Aluminium on steel Wood on steel Wood on wood Rope on wood Rubber on solids Teflon on steel Teflon on teflon Nylon 6/6 on nylon 6/6

Coefficient of Static Friction, s 0.42 0.65 0.51 0.53 0.5 0.4 0.45 0.7 1 to 4 0.04 0.04 0.09

Example 3-3 For Example 3-2, what is the least value of s that will keep the crate from sliding down
the ramp? Solution: The free body diagram to the left shows the addition of friction to the problem. It is directed up the surface of the plane for two reasons. First, without friction the x-component of N (-) is unresolved, that is, it has no force that opposes it. Therefore, the opposing force (friction) must have a component in the +x direction. F then must be drawn going up the slope. The second reason is that friction opposes the motion of the object. Since the tendency of the crate is to slide down, the friction will act in an upward direction. From the free body diagram, resolve the forces into components: Fx = - N sin 20 + F cos 20 = 0 Fy = -W + N cos 20 = 0 N =
= 20

30 * cos 20 = 312.8 Newton

20 = 20


Therefore from the first equation above: F = N

113.8 N

Based on a friction equation F = sN = 113.N this gives s =

113.9/312.8 = .36

30 In the above example, the frictional force was directed upward. When setting up problems in statics, careful thought must be given to the forces involved and what it takes for equilibrium. Here is an example that might be surprising. Example 3-4: An object with mass of 30 kg is being pulled up a 20o incline with a rope. The coefficient of friction is s = .10 . If the pulling force of the rope is P, what value of P will just get the object moving? Solution: First, look at the free body diagram for the right and notice two things. The normal force is now drawn with its tail touching the connection of all forces rather than the arrow. Both techniques are the same; both are correct. One may be better than another to view the angles involved. The second thing to notice is that the friction vector has been drawn in the opposite direction to the previous Example. But in the last example, the tendency of the object was to slide down the incline, and friction was helping to keep it up. In this case, the object is tending to be pulled up the incline, and friction is resisting with a downward force. Fx = - N sin 20 - F cos 20 + Pcos 20= 0 Fy = -W + N cos 20 F sin 20 +P sin20 = 0 But F = sN So -(1+ s ) N sin20 + P cos 20 = 0 ( cos 20 - s sin 20)N + P sin 20 = W This represents two equations with two unknowns and solves to give N = 283 newtons P = 113 newtons


The description of static equilibrium as stated in the previous chapter (F = 0) is insufficient if the forces on the object do not all pass through one point. In particular, if the object is long (called a finite body), then forces on its left and right may cause it to rotate, a violation of static equilibrium.


Two cables spread at an angle and supporting a wrecking ball is a perfect example of a static equilibrium in which all forces go though one central point. If the two cables instead support the ends of a long rod that the ball is sitting on, then something unusual happens. The statics law of forces predicts that the sum of the forces in the end cables (TL + TR) must match the weight of the ball, but it does not state how much each cable must support. In fact, of one cable supported all the weight of the ball and the other supported none, the law of static forces would be very much satisfied. But of course, it is not possible to cut one cable and keep the wrecking ball up. The problem here is that the forces on the rod do not go through a common point. The rod has sufficient length that it is very possible to separate the forces to apply at much different points. The rod is a finite body. We know that if one of the cables attached to the finite body is cut, then the rod-ball will be held by the other cable but the rod will rotate away from its unsupported end. A finite body can rotate, whereas an object with all forces going through a point, cannot. Rotation, or the tendency to rotate, is caused by forces that are applied to a finite body and these forces do not go through the point of rotation. The figure to the right illustrates what happens if the right cable support on the rigid body is cut. Rotation will start about the left support and this rotation is caused by the weight force which is applied in a direction that does not go through the point of rotation. The amount of rotational force, or torque, is


determined by the multiplication of the out-of-balance force times the distance from the rotational point. This is called a torque or a moment: M= F x The moment not only has a magnitude but also a sign + or - . If the moment or the body rotates with clock wise direction, the moment is negative. If anti clock direction, the moment is positive. The illustration below shows a moment F
Seems like there should be no right + vertical force here


The moment due to F in this example is negative sign because the body rotates with clock wise. Here the force shown in the figure

tends to rotate the bar around A with clock wise direction. Now the moment equation is M= -F x Example 4-1 Children are playing on a teeter totter (quite dangerously). The girl on the left weights 15 kg and is standing 2 meters from the support point. On the right, the boy weights

12 kg and is standing 3 meters from the support point. What is the moment caused by each, what is the total moment, and which direction is the board likely to be rotating. Solution: ML = + 15kg (9.8 ) 2 m = 294 M = = Newton-m MR = - 12 (9.8) 3 = -352.8 N-m

Motion is


The tetter totter in the above example is rotating, but the field of statics is concerned with objects that have no motion. Therefore a legitimate question of statics would be: If the teeter board is 5 meters long and is supported directly at its middle, and the boy is positioned at the end of the board, how far from the support should the girl stand to balance the boy? Example 4-2 presents a similar statics problem. Example 4-2 A 40 kg weight is placed on a 12 m beam (assume weightless) at a distance 4 m from the right side. What will be the supporting forces TR and TL. Solution: This is the problem that we were unable to solve at the beginning of this chapter. F = TL + TR - 40 (9.8) = 0 -------------(1) ML = 40 (9.8) (8) - TR (4) = 0 Notice that the moments were summed about the left support and since the beam was not rotating, these moments were set = 0. The moments could have just as easily been summed around the right support, and the solution would have been the same. Notice that this is two equations with two unknowns, but the solution is quite easy: TR = 784 N From eq.1 we got TL= -392N


Forces on Beams In engineering, we are often solving problems concerning forces on machine elements. In their simplest form, we can consider them to be beams. Example 4-3 illustrates a typical problem involving beams. Example 4-3 A 12 meter beam is supported at each end, and in turn supports a 40 kg weight that is located 4 meters from the right side. What are the forces provided by each of the supports, RR and RL? Solution: F = RL + RR - W = 0 ML = - W (8) + RR (12) = 0 Since W= mg= 40 * 9.81= 392.4 N Solving RR = 261.6N RL = 130.8 N

Notice that his beam solution was identical to the solution to Example 4-2 Beams may support multiple loads at different points on the beam. In this case, the approach is the same but the mathematics gets more complicated.


Example 4-3 At the beam shown below, determine the reaction forces at the supports.

7 KN 0.5m 0.5m 1m

3 KN 1m

A 15 KN

Solution: we will first draw the free body diagram (FBD).

7 KN 0.5m 0.5m 1m

3 KN 1m


15 KN



Then write equilibrium equations to determine the reaction forces. Fx=0 : (RA)x= 0 Fy=0: (RA)y + 15 KN + (RB)y -3 KN 7 KN = 0

(RA)y + (RB)y = - 5 KN

MA= 0: (7KN)(0.5m) + (3KN)(2m) (15KN)(1m) (RB)y (3m)= 0 (RB)y= 1.833 N From equation number 1 (RA)y + 1.833 KN = -5 KN (RA)y = -6.833 KN Check the results: Fy=0: -6.833KN + 15KN + 1.833KN -3KN-7KN =0



In the above Examples, the beam was supporting loads that were applied at one distinct points on the beam. The figure to the right shows beams that support a series of bricks. These weights are not applied at a point but rather over a span of the beam. In the first case above, the weight is evenly distributed over that section of the beam, whereas in the second figure above, the weight is increasing on the beam, to the right. These are called distributed loads. Distributed loads that are constant or uniform (first case above) are called


uniform distributed loads or uniform line loads, and are described by w (newtons/meter). Linear line loads, such as the second case above are described by an equation W(x) = a x How are they handled in the force equation for statics and in the moment equation? The force equivalent of a distributed line load is equal to the total force of the load applied at the middle of the line load (see FR on figure right). For a linear line load, the equivalent force is equal to the total force applied 2/3 of the distance from the beginning of the line load.

Example 4-4 A 12 m beam carries a load of bricks that are stacked starting at the right support, all the way to the middle of the beam. The linearly increasing weight is given by the equation W(x) = 3x where x is define form the right and W(x) is in newtons. What are the supports TL and TR for the beam? Solution: The average weight of the load that goes from zero to 3(6) = 18 newtons/m is 9 n/m (w in the Figure above). Therefore the total weight is the average times the length of application FR = wL/2 = 9 (6/2) = 27 newtons. It is applied 4 meters (2/3 (6) ) from the right end. Therefore F = RL - 27 + RR = 0 MR = 27 (4) - RL (12) = 0 RL = 9 N For uniform loads: F=wb which is high time bass, that is acting through the midpoint of length For triangular load: F= 0.5wb which acting through the center of the triangle


Example 4-2 In figure below, determine force resultant and moment at point C.

10 KN/m 8KN/m 4KN/m B



3m 8KN/m A

Solution: First we have to think what the shape look is. There are four shapes in the figure we have to replace forces in one force at the center in each shape. Here the shapes.
F2 F1

F3 F

Now we can write a dimension of each shape and determine the area with equal the force when forces in the center:


F2 F4 3m F3 3m 4KN/m 8KN/m 2m

8KN/m 4KN/m = 4KN/m F1 10KN/m 5m-2m=3m Now determine each force:

F1= (10KN/m) (3m) =30 KN F2= (3) (2m) (8KN/m) = 10.666 KN F3= (4KN/m) (3m) = 12 KN F4= (3) (4KN/m) (3m) = 4 KN Now draw the free body diagram
1 2

F2= 10.666KN 1.333m F3= 12 KN F4= 4 KN

F1= 30KN 2.5m C

0.66m 2.5m

1.5m 2m

Mc= (30 KN) (2.5 m) + (10.666 KN) (2.5 + 0.66m) + (4 KN) (2m)


= 98.826 N.m

Chapter 4 problems: 4-1 Find reaction force:


1 m 1 m



4-2 Find the reaction forces:

51 N/m


4-3 Find moment and reaction forces:

6 m





The structure of a support to hold a load is often not just one element, such as a leg of a chair. Sometimes it is a complicated device consisting of a series of elements. In this chapter we are going to look at the benefits of making supports


Frames - External Forces Objects are supported by tables, and cables, and shelves and any number of other methods. These supporting members provide the resistive force to make the object motionless (they dont fall). It is clear (with a free body diagram) to see how a table with four legs provides a stable resistive force for the weights that are on it. In this case, forces are provided on all sides of the book and table; left, right, front, and back. However the figure right shows a weight supported by a shelf. The first diagram shows that the weight is offset by the force of the shelf. The reason this force exists is that the self material is rigid. If the shelf were made of flimsy rubber, there would be no supporting force, therefore this force is internal to the material. This internal force is transmitted to the wall, and the shelf supports. The support the wall gives the shelf is an external force (middle figure). This force is vertical in this case because F = 0 indicates that it is needed only to offset a vertical force. Furthermore the free body diagram clearly shows that the supporting force at the wall is equal to the book weight (if the shelf weight is insignificant). However, if the moment around the support point is calculated, Ma = W x = (mg)x

It is clear that this moment is not equal to zero and is not offset by any other force. This implies that wall not only provides a supporting force, but also supports a moment. The wall support is not only supporting the vertical force, but it is also resisting the rotation of the shelf. Example 5-1 : A 1.5 meter shelf supports a 10 kg ball that is positioned at the tip of the shelf. What is the supporting force at the wall holding the shelf, and what is the supporting moment? Solution: F = Ra - 10 (9.8) = 0 M = 98 (1.5) = 147 N-m Ra = 98 newtons

45 If the bracket were hinged to the wall, a different situation would occur. The hinge (called a pin, see above) will support the vertical force of the shelf (you will see this clearly in the next paragraph), but it will not support a moment. With a hinge, the shelf will fall. A rod support under the shelf (middle figure) , however , makes everything stable again. In this case there are no net moments because all the connections are pin connections. The right figure indicates what the possible external forces there are on the shelf, with reaction forces at the upper supporting pin (a) and the lower supporting pin (b). A pin-connected structure as shown above is called a frame. The benefit of pin connections is that none of the members of the frame will be supporting a moment. In fact, if the loads on a frame are located at the pin connections, then the members of the frame will only have to support a load along their primary axis (axial forces) , and never perpendicular to it. Perpendicular forces (transverse) tend to bend members and often materials do not support bending well. Axial forces are either compressing forces (compression) or stretching forces (tension), and materials typically are better in tension and compression than they are in bending. If supports are built as frames, they can be lightweight and strong. Pin connections are not the only possible connections for frames. They can be a roller connection, or a sliding connection, which will only support a force perpendicular to the rolling/sliding direction. They can be cable connections, which support only tension and not compression.

Example 5-2 : A pinned shelf supports a 10 kg ball at a position 1.5 meters from the wall (see diagram). It is braced with a support that makes a 60 degree angle with the wall and is pinned attached to the shelf directly below the weight. The brace is supported by a cable.

46 What is a) the supporting force at the wall holding the shelf (Rax, Ray) force of the pin (Rbx, Rby) ? Solution: The exteral forces on the frame are shown in the diagram. Fy = Ray - 10 (9.8) = 0 Fx = Rax + Rbx = 0 Ma = 0 = -10(9.8) (1.5) + Rbx (1.5/tan 60) = -147 +.866 Rbx Therefore Rax = - 169.7 newton Rbx = 147/.866 = 169.7 newton Ray = 98 newton b) What is the supporting

FRAMES Internal Forces Once we have the ability to solve for the external forces on a frame, it is also of interest to calculate some of the internal forces on each member. It was said that frame elements only have to support tension and compression; these are the internal forces. To calculate the internal forces, the member needs to be (mentally) isolated from the frame and all forces on the element drawn. For example, the brace in Example 5-2 can be isolated and the forces on it would be as shown to the right. Equations must be created to determine C (the cable force), and Px, Py (the pin force). We can make this calculation much easier on ourselves if we utilize the rule that frame elements will only support axial forces. This implies that the resultant of Rbx and C must be in the direction of the support or Rbx/C = tan 60 Similarly Py/Px = tan 60

Example 5-3 Determine the forces that are applied to the support bar in Example 5-2 and determine whether the bar is in compression or tension.

Solution: Since Rbx = 169.7 newton, C = Rbx/tan 60 = 98.0 Also since on this element Fx = 0 then Px = Rbx = 169.7 Fy = 0 then Py = C = 98.0 newton The bar is obviously is compression. The figure to the right illustrates tht the resultant forces on the element are axial (blue) and the internal

47 forces pushing back (red) are axial. An element with internal forces pushing out is the sign of compression.

Example 5-4: What is the compression force on the brace? Solution: The force at one end of the brace is P and the magnitude of P is = 2 + 2 = 169.72 + 982 = 192.6

The external force at the other end of the brace is the combinatin of Rbx and C and Rbx = 169.7 and C is 98 so this force is the same as P. The compresive force on the brace is 192.6 newtons

Example 5-5: Determine the interior force of the horizontal element of the frame above. Solution: The forces on each end of of this element are shown. The net on the left is a horizontal force of and the net on the right is a horizontal force of

Example 5-6 Show that the internal forces of the horizontal member in Examples 5-2 and 3 are axial. Is it compression or tension? Solution: To find the net force on theleft of the member, add C and Ray and Rax Fleft x = Rax = -169.7 , Flefty = Ray C = 98 98 = 0 On the right, add the vector P with the weight Frightx = Px = 169.7 , Frighty = Py 98 = 98 98 = 0

This demonstrates that the only forces on this member are axial (x direction). All transverse forces (y direction) are zero.

Examples 5-2 thru 6 represents a complete analysis of of that frame. To the right is a similar frame, but one that eliminates the cable in favor of a pinned joint where the brace meets the wall. Is this basically the same frame as above?


Example 5-7

Determine the reactions Rax, Ray, Rbx, and Rby and contrast the results to the frame of Example 5-2. Solution: In order to solve this frame, we must use some of the principles that we have learned in the previous examples. In particular, since all of the frames are pins or rollers, and all loads are applied at a joint, then all elements will support only axial forces. Furthermore, a free body diagram at every joint must demonstrate a force balance. Therefore if we isolate the join below the 10 kg load, the force diagram looks like the figure right, where forces P and F are the supporting forces of the brace and the horizontal element and they are drawn in the axial direction of their member. Fy = Py - 10 (9.8) = 0 Py = P sin 30 = 98 P = 98/sin30 = 196 newton tan 30 = Py/Px ; Px = Py / tan 30 = 98/tan 30 = 169.7 newton Fx = Px - F ; F = Px = 169.7 newton Now since we know P, we can apply it (in the opposite direction) at the other end of the brace (see figure). Then it is obvious that Rby = P cos 60 = 196 cos 60 = 98 newton

Rbx = P sin60 = 196 sin 60 = 169.7 newton To find the reaction force at A, draw the free body diagram on the complete frame (see diagram previous page). Then Ray + Rby = 98 newton Rax + Rbx = 0 newton Ray = 98 98 = 0 Rax = -169.7

Notice the difference in the two frames. In the first design, pin A took the full vertical load of the weight (98 newtons) while in the second design it took no weight at all. Rather, Pin B took all of the load weight in the second design.


The internal loads in each member are the same in both designs.

Advanced Frames Frames are structures. Before solving any problems, we should first determine the reaction forces in the supports. Then, plot the free body diagram. After that should determine all force members. Make sure in all pins there are reaction forces. So, reaction forces are in the pins and supports.


In the figure is a good example. The reaction forces are in the supports which are in point A and F. Also, the reaction forces in the pins which are in point B, C, and D. After found all forces, we have to calculate forces in each direction separately.


Example 5-8 Determine the member forces of the A-frame figure shown below. C 4ft 2kips
1 ft

3 kips 3ft D 1ft E


6 ft

Solution: First we have to determine the reaction forces at supports. Fx=0: 2Kips (RA)x=0 (RA)x= 2 kips MA=0: (-2Kips)(1ft) + (6ft) (RF)y (3kips)(4ft)=0 (RF)y= 2.333 Kips Fy=0: -(RA)y + (2.333Kips) (3Kips)= 0 (RA)y = 0.667 kips


Determine internal force by take each part alone.






D 1ft E

MD=0: (By)(3ft) (3kips)(1ft)=0 By= 1kips Ans. MB= (Dy)(3ft) (3Kips)(4ft)=0 Dy= 4 kips Ans. For member ABC part.

Cy Cx 4ft Bx 2kips Ay 1ft By


MC= 0: (-Bx)(3ft) + (2kips)(4ft) - (2kips) (5ft)=0 Bx=- 0.666 kips MB=0: (-Cx)(3ft)- (2kips)(1ft) +(2kips)(3ft)=0 Cx= 1.333 kips Fy=0: Cy -0.667 kips + 1 Kips =0 Cy= -0.337 kips

Machines Frames that are not supported by walls or floors are called machines. Often they have moving parts and often they are more like tools than machines. The pliers to the right is a typical machine. It has a pin; the center hinge pin. There are no permanent supports bit when a hand grabs both handles, forces are applied. Problems dealing with machines may involve determining the magnitude of the jaw force, or the force at the pin, or the internal forces of each member. The difficulties are that the members are not straight, and indeed can be quite curvy and irregular. Machines are not like frames in that loads are often not applied at joints, therefore members in machines Example 5-9 The diagrams show the dimensions of the pliers and the application of forces. If the gripping force is 200 newtons, what is the force exerted by the clamps and what is the force (including direction) on the pin?


Solution: The figure below isolates one handle of the pliers and demonstrates the pin force, P, and the clamping force which is applied by the object clamped. Using MP = - F (3) + C (1.5) = 0 C = 3/1.5 F = 2(200) = 400 n F = C + F - P = 0 p = C + F = 400 + 200 = 600 newton


In the previous chapter we saw that objects that support can be designed as frames and that each element of the frame will support only an axial force. Before that, In Chapter 4, we saw what can be described as the opposite situation. Beams appear to be objects that have little axial forces and support primarily by providing transverse support. Yet we have observed that transverse support is not as effective for most materials than axial support, so how can a beam be made out of a frame?

55 It appears that a beam is about the opposite of a frame in that a lot of weight is being supported by tranverse forces along the beam. Is is possible that a beam could be made into a frame; consisting of a lot of light elements that only support an axial force. The answer to this is yes, and the result is a truss. A truss provides the same support as a beam but with mush less weight. A framework composed of members joined at their ends to form a rigid structure is known as a truss. Bridges, roof supports, derricks, and other such structures are common examples of trusses. Structural members used are I-beams, channels, angles, bars, and special shapes which are fastened together at their ends by welding, riveted connections, or large bolts or pins. When the members of truss lie essentially in a single plane, the truss is known as a plane truss. Plane trusses, such as those used for bridges, are commonly designed in pairs with one truss panel placed on each side of the bridge and connected to the other by cross beams which support the roadway and transfer the applied loads to the truss members. The basic element of a plane truss is the triangle. Three bars joined by pins at their ends, Fig. 4/2a, constitute a rigid frame. Structures which are built from a basic triangle in the manner described are known as simple trusses. The design of a truss involves the determination of the forces in the various members and the selection of appropriate sizes and structural shapes to withstand the forces. We also assume in the analysis of simple trusses that all external forces are applied at the pin connections. This condition is satisfied in most trusses. In bridge trusses the deck is usually [aid on cross beams which are supported at the joints. METHOD OF JOINTS This method for finding the forces in the members of a simple truss consists of satisfying the conditions of equilibrium for the forces acting on the connecting pin of each joint. The method therefore deals with the equilibrium of concurrent forces, and only two independent equilibrium equations are involved. With the joints indicated by letters, we may designate the force in each member by the two letters defining the ends of the member. The proper directions of the forces should be evident for this simple case by inspection. The free-body diagrams of portions of members AF and AB are also shown to clearly indicate the mechanism of the action and reaction. The member AB actually makes contact on the left side of the pin, although the force AB is drawn from the right side and is shown acting away from the pin. Thus, if we consistently draw the force arrows on the same side of the pin as the member, then tension (such as AB) will always be indicated by an arrow away from the pin, and compression (such as AF) will always be indicated by an arrow toward the pin. The magnitude of AF is obtained from the equation

56 F, = 0 and AB is then found from = 0. Joint F may be analyzed next, since it now contains only two unknowns, EF and BF. Joints B, C, E, and D are subsequently analyzed in that order. The free-body diagram of each joint and its corresponding force polygon which represents graphically the two equilibrium conditions = 0 and !F5 = 0 are shown in Fig. --

Example 4-2 In the free body diagram shown below, determine the force in each member of the truss. 200 lb D





B 800lb


C (Rc)y

Solution: first we have to determine the reaction forces. Fx=0: (RA)x = 0 Fy=0: (RA)y -800lb 200lb + (Rc)y =0 (RA)y + (Rc)y= 1000 lb (1)

MA=0: (-800lb)(3ft) + (5ft) (Rc)y (200lb)(4ft)=0 (Rc)y = 640 lb


From equation 1, we got, (RA)y= 360 lb Now we apply a method of joint. We will take each joint separately.

At joint A
5 3


Fy=0: FAD +360=0


FAD= -450 lb



Fx=0: 4 (-450lb) + FAB=0 FAB= 337.5lb Ans.

At joint B Fx=0: FBC- 337.5lb=0 FBC= 337.5lb Ans. Fy=0: -800lb + FBD=0 FBD= 800lb Ans.
FBA=-FAB=- 337.5lb 800lb FBD FBC


At joint C FCD FcB=-FBC= -337.5lb 1



Fy=0: 2.23FCD + 640lb=0 FCD= -640lb Ans.

640 lb

SAMPLE PROBLEM 6-1 Compute the force in each member of the loaded cantilever truss by the method of joints. Solution: If it were not desired to calculate the external reactions at D and E, the analysis for a cantilever truss could begin with the joint at the loaded end. However, this truss will he analyzed completely, so the first step will be to compute the external forces at D arid B from the free-body diagram of the truss as a whole. The equations of equilibrium give = 0 = 0 = 0 5 20 5 30 10 = 0 80.0 30 = 0 = 80.0 = 69.3 = 10.0

80.0 30 + 20 30 = 0

Next we draw free-body diagrams showing the forces acting on each of the connecting pins. The correctness of the assigned directions of the forces is verified when each joint is considered in sequence There should be no question about the correct direction of the forces on joint A. Equilibrium requires = 0 = 0 0.866 30 = 0 = 34.6

0.5 34.6 = 0 = 17.32


where T stands for tension and C stands for compression. Joint B must be analyzed next, since there are more than two unknown forces on joint C. The force BC must provide an upward component, in which case BD must balance the force to the left. Again the forces are obtained from = 0 = 0 0.866 0.866(34.6) = 0 2(0.5) 34.6 = 0 = 34.6 = 34.6

Joint C now contains only two unknowns, and these are found in the same way as before: = 0 0.866 0.866 34.6 20 = 0 = 57.7 = 0 = 63.5 Finally, from joint E there results = 0 And the equation Fx = 0 checks. METHOD OF SECTIONS In the previous section on the analysis of plane trusses by the method of joints, we took advantage of only two of the three equilibrium equations, since the procedures involve concurrent forces at each joint. We may take advantage of the third or moment equation of equilibrium by selecting an entire section of the truss for the free body in equilibrium under the action of a nonconcurrent system of forces. This method of sections has the basic advantage that the force in almost any desired member may be found directly from an analysis of a section which has cut that member. Thus, it is not necessary to proceed with the calculation from joint to joint until the member in question has been reached. The method of sections will now be illustrated for the truss in Fig. --, which was used in the explanation of the previous method. The truss is shown again in Fig. -- for ready reference. The external reactions are first computed as before, considering the truss as a whole. Now let us determine the force in the member BE, for example. An imaginary section, indicated by the dotted line, is passed through the truss, cutting it into two parts, Fig. --. This section has cut three members whose forces are initially unknown. In order for the portion of the truss on each side of the section to remain in equilibrium, it is necessary to apply to each cut member the force which was exerted on it by the member cut away. These forces, either tensile or compressive, will always be in the directions of the respective members for simple trusses composed of two-force members. The left-hand section is in equilibrium under the action of the 0.866 = 10.0 = 11.55 17.32 0.5 34.6 0.5 (57.7) = 0

60 applied load L, the end reaction R1, and the three forces exerted on the cut members by the right-hand section which has been removed.

Example 6-2


m F 2KN


In the figure, used method of sections to determine FCD, FCF, FGF.

Solution: Before we start cut a body, we have to determine reaction forces at the supports. Then, draw a free body diagram.


2 KN (RA)y

2KN (RE)y

Fx=0: (RA)x = 0

Fy=0: (RA)y 2KN - 2KN + (RE)y= 0 (RA)y + (RE)y = 4KN (1)

MA=0: (-2KN) (3m) (-2KN)(6m) + 9m (RE)x= 0 (RE)y=

12 / 9

(RE)y= 1.3333 KN


From equation (1), we got: (RA)y + 1.3333 KN= 4KN (RA)y= 2.6667KN

In this step we will make a cut section of the body at m-m:

FCD 1 1 2 FCF FGF 3m 2.6667KN 3m 3m




We found the slope 1:1 because the high is 3 and the length 3. Therefore, 3:3= 1:1 Now we will find the inner forces: Fx=0: FCD +
1 2

FCF + FGF =0
1 2

(1) FCF= 0

Fy=0: 2.6667KN 2KN -

FCF= 0.3771 KN Ans. MC=0: -6m(2.6667KN) + (3m)(2KN) + (3m)(FGF) =0 FGF= 3.3333KN From equation 1, we got: Ans.

1 2


(0.3771KN) + 3.3333KN =0 Ans.

FCD= -3.6KN

Sample Problem 6-3 Calculate the force in member DJ of the Howe roof truss illustrated. Neglect any horizontal components of force at the supports. Solution: It is not possible to pass a section through DJ without cutting four members whose forces are unknown. Although three of these cut by section 2 are concurrent at J and therefore the moment equation about J could be used to obtain DE, the force in DJ cannot be obtained from the remaining two equilibrium principles. It is necessary to consider first the adjacent section 1 before analyzing section 2. The free-body diagram for section 1 is drawn and includes the reaction of 18.33 kN at A, which is previously calculated from the equilibrium of the truss as a whole. In assigning the proper directions for the forces acting on the three cut members, we see that a balance of moments about A eliminates the effects of CD and JK and clearly requires that CJ be up and to the left. A balance of moments about C eliminates the effect of the three forces concurrent at C and indicates that JK must be to the right to supply sufficient counterclockwise moment. Again it should he fairly obvious that the lower chord is under tension because of the bending tendency of the truss. Although it should also be apparent that the top chord is under compression, for purposes of illustration the force in CD will he arbitrarily assigned as tension. By the analysis of section 1, CJ is obtained from = 0 0.707 12 10 4 10 8 = 0 = 14.14

In this equation the moment of CJ is calculated by considering its horizontal and vertical components acting at point J. Equilibrium of moments about J requires = 0 0.894 6 + 18.33 12 10 4 10(8) = 0 = 18.63


The moment of CD about J is calculated here by considering its two components as acting through D. The minus sign indicates that CD was assigned in the wrong direction. Hence, = 18.63 From the free-body diagram of section 2, which now includes the known value of CJ, a balance of moments about G is seen to eliminate DE and JK. Thus, = 0 12 + 10 16 + 10 20 18.33 24 14.14 0.707 (12) = 0 = 16.67 . Again the moment of CJ is determined from its components considered to be acting at J. The answer for DJ is positive, so that the assumed tensile direction is correct. An alternative approach to the entire problem is to utilize section 1 to determine CD and then use the method of joints applied at D to determine DJ.


This chapter helps you to find the resultant forces in x ,y, and z directions


Force acting at points By using 3-D equation, when the force acting through points at X, Y, and Z direction. We can find the tension or forces. There are three steps to solve problems when force acting only through two points. Let assume the distance between any two points is k. So the components of dx, dy, and dz be determine: dx= Xk2 Xk1 dy= YK2 Yk1 dz= Zk2 Zk1 Next step, we have to determine the length by using: d2= dx2 + dy2 + dz2 Then, determine the direction: cos x= dx/d cos y= dy/d cos z= dz/d Last step, we can determine the forces which acting through x, y, and z direction. Fx= (dx/d) (F) Fy= (dy/d) (F)


Fz= (dz/d) (F) Example: 5-1 The figure below, Determine the resultant of forces P and Q applied at point A. y A

P= 4 N

B 0.3m

0.6 m

1.4 m x
0.5m Q= 5 N

1m Z

Solution: At force p act from A to B. we have determine the points from each points at x, y, and z direction. B (0, 0.3, 0.2) A (0.6, 1.4, 0) ----------------------------dx= 0 0.6= -0.6 dy= 0.3 1.4= -1.1


dz= 0.2 0= 0.2 dAB2= d2x + d2y + d2z dAB= 1.61 = 1.26 m Then, Px=
0.6 1.26

(4N)= -1.9 N

Py= 1.26 (4) = -3.5 N Pz= 1.26 (4N)= +0.63 N Force Q act at points A to C C (1, 0, 0.5) A (0.6, 1.4, 0) ----------------------------dx= 1 0.6= +0.4 dy= 0 1.4= -1.4 dz= 0.5 0=+ 0.5 dAC2= d2x + d2y + d2z dAC= 2.37 = 1.539 m



Qx= 1.539 (5N)= +1.3 N Qy=1.539 (5) = -4.5 N Qz= 1.539 (5N)= +1.62 N Then, to determine the components of the resultant, we have to add Q to P Forces: Rx= Px + Qx= -0.6 N Ry= Py + Qy= -8.0 N Rz= Pz + Qz= 2.12 N No we can determine the magnitude of resultant, by using: R2= Rx2 + Ry2 + Rz2 R= 68.8 = 8.3 N Now, we can find the direction. x= cos-1 (Rx/R)= cos-1 y= cos-1 (Ry/R)= cos-1
0.6 8.3 0.5 1.4

= 94.1

8.0 8.3

= 164.5

z= cos-1 (Rz/R)= cos-1

+2.12 8.3

= 75.2


Example: 5-2 The figure below, Determine the resultant of forces P and Q applied at point A. y A

B 0.3m

0.6 m

1.4 m x
Q 0.5m

1m Z

Solution: At force p act from A to B. we have determine the points from each points at x, y, and z direction. B (0, 0.3, 0.2) A (0.6, 1.4, 0) ----------------------------dx= 0 0.6= -0.6 dy= 0.3 1.4= -1.1 dz= 0.2 0= 0.2


dAB2= d2x + d2y + d2z dAB= 1.61 = 1.26 m Then, Px= 1.26 (P)= -0.476 P Py= 1.26 () = -0.873 P Pz= 1.26 (P)= +0.158 P Force Q act at points A to C C (1, 0, 0.5) A (0.6, 1.4, 0) ----------------------------dx= 1 0.6= +0.4 dy= 0 1.4= -1.4 dz= 0.5 0=+ 0.5 dAC2= d2x + d2y + d2z dAC= 2.37 = 1.539 m Qx= 1.539 (Q)= +0.26 Q
0.4 0.2 1.1 0.6


Qy=1.539 () = -0.9 Q Qz= 1.539 (Q)= +0.324 Q Then, to determine the components of the resultant, we have to add Q to P Forces: Fx=0: -0.476 P + 0.26 Q= TAB Fy=0: -0.873 P 0.9 Q= TAB Fz=0: 0.158 P + 0.324 Q=0 Q= 5.2 N P= 4.4 N





Regards to the Table, we can calculate the centroid coordinates X and Y by using: X= A1x1 + A2x2 + ..+ AnXn Y= A1y1+ A2y2+.+ Anyn Example 6-1

6 in

9 in
3 in 2.5in

7 in Find the centriod of the shape. Solution: First we have to calculate the area, we observe there are two area in the shapes. 6 in

A 1= R 2 = (62)
7 in

9 in

= 113 in2 A2 = 7 * 9 = 63 in2 Now we have to determine x and y which are half distance of the shapes.


X1= 3 in X2= 7in/2 = 3.5 in Y1= 2.5 in Y2= 9in/2= 4.5 in X= x1A1 + X2A2/ A1+A2 = (3in) (113in2) + (3.5 in) (63 in2) / ( 113 + 63) = 3.17 in Y = (2.5)(113) + (4.5)(63)/ (113 + 63) = 3.21 in Therefore, the cemtroid is ( 3.17, 3.21)


For rectangle:

Ix= 1/12 * bh3

h c b x

Iy= 1/12 * hb3 Area = bh

For circle:

y r

Ix = Iy = 1/4 r4 = 1/64 d4
x d

Area = 1/4 d2 = r2 If we have a semicircle we can defined Ix=Iy= Ixcircle/2 If we have quarter circle Ix=Iy=Ixcircle/4


For Triangle:


Ix= 1/36 bh3

c h/3

Area= 0.5 bh

For All shapes: Ixtotal= Ix+Ad2 = [ I+A(y1-y)2] Example1

8in Thichness=1in

2in 4in

From figure we will determine moment of inertia Step 1: we will determine y for three shapes which equal Y=
11+22+33 1+2+3

Simply y1 or y2 or y3= h/2 from bottom Here we have 3 shapes First shape


A1= 2*4=8 4 y1= h1/2 = 2/2=1in I1= bh3/12= 4*(23)/12= 2.666in Ix= [ I+A1(y1-y)2]= [2.666 Second shape

Area= bh= 8*1 = 8 in

h= 8in 1 in

Y2= h1 + h2/2 = 2 + (8/2) = 6 in I2= bh3/12= 1*(83)/12= 42.666 in

Third Shape:

2 in 4 in

Area= bh = 4*2= 8in Y3 = h1+h2+ (h3/2)= 2+8+(2/2) = 11 in I3= bh3/12= 4(23)/12=2.666in

Now Ytotal= (8*2)+(8*6)+(8*11)/(8+8+8) = 6.333 in Last step we will determine Ix Ix= [ I+A(ytotal-y)2] Ix1= [ I1+A1(yTotal-y1)2]= [2.666+8(6.333-1)2] = 230.19 in4 Ix2= [ I2+A2(yTotal-y2)2]= [42.666+8(6.333-6)2] = 43.55 in4 Ix3= [ I3+A3(yTotal-y3)2]= [2.666+8(6.333-11)2] = 176.91 in4 Now Ix= 230.19+43.55+176.91= 450.6 in4


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