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Reflection Journal


The success of the reflective process in education is not a standalone course of action as it encapsulates planning (which is done in the form of lesson plans) and implementation (lesson plans) which then leads to reflection (also referred to in some scholarly articles as evaluation (Eggen et al, 2006)) on the overall success or pitfalls of implementation (Frudden and Stow, 2001). With these vital components in mind (planning and implementation) the planning process began with the writing of lesson plans. The point was made by Borich (2000, p.111) that planning for education is the systematic process of deciding what and how your students learn; while Freiberg & Driscoll (2005, p. 22) describe it as the thread that weaves the curriculum, or the what of teaching, with the instruction, or the how of teaching. There are several lesson plan formats that are utilized in the educational arena to date; but the one that was chosen for this task was recommended by a trained teacher/colleague who has also been through the same process. The components/layout of the plan is as follows: LESSON PLAN DATE: DURATION OF LESSON: AGE GROUP: COURSE: NO. OF STUDENTS: TOPIC: OBJECTIVES: AT THE END OF THE LESSON STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: The objectives of the lesson should all three domains where possible (cognitive, psychomotor and affective) TEACHING STRATEGIES These can range from question and answer, lecture, collaboration, peer group, project base learning, brainstorming etc TECHNOLOGY/MATERIALS Computers, books, multi-media, overhead projectors, lecture notes

SET INDUCTION How will the lesson be pitched to the students within the first 5-7 minutes of the lesson to grasp the attention of the students? This can be done via a video clip, presentation, skit, question any innovative way to motivate the students from the beginning of the session LEARNING EXPERIENCES This describes all the steps the teacher will utilize to execute the lesson .CLOSURE How the teacher concludes the lesson to ensure that all concepts are consolidated ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Students should be tested individually via a written assessment which covers all the objectives delivered. No new information should be added in the assessment. This can take the form of multiple choice, short answers etc. The completed lesson plans that were delivered for the task can be viewed in the Appendices. SELECTION OF CANDIDATE AND CHECKLIST The next part of the preparation process dealt with the selection of a competent candidate and it was necessary for the success of this journey to be critiqued by an individual who understands the teacher training process. Ms. Makeda Hart is a trained teacher with eleven years experience in the educational arena with the last five years spent in tertiary education. It was felt that her expertise would be beneficial to this task; thus her recommendations on the lesson plan format and the framework for the classroom critique were adhere to. The assessor designed the criteria for the classroom observation which we then discussed to clarify any discrepancies. The components/layout of the observation criteria is somewhat a reflection of the lesson plan with a checklist to indicate the objectives met. The basic layout for the checklist is as follows: OBSERVATION CRITERIA/CHECKLIST DID THE OBJECTIVES ADDRESS ALL THREE DOMAINS? WERE THE TEACHING STRATEGIES SUITABLE FOR THE LESSON? WERE THE TEACHING MATERIALS SUITABLE FOR THE LESSON? WAS THE SET INDUCTION/INTRODUCTION APPROPRIATE FOR THE LESSON? WERE THE LEARNING EXPERIENCES CLEAR AND CONCISE?


WAS THERE EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT? DID THE LESSON CLOSE? DID THE ASSESSMENT REFLECT THE OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON? Please see Appendix B for detailed layout CONCLUDING REMARKS My assessor and I met face to face on two occasions to finalize lesson plans, the checklist and the two dates for assessment. It was decided that a debriefing session would take on completion of the first session to allow for effective feedback for the second assessment. The evaluator stated that any bad habits and weaknesses would be emphasized to ensure that there is improvement for the second session. It must be noted that the preparation process was in fact a learning curve. It was felt that a lot was obtained from my colleague especially in the area of lesson planning particularly in achieving the three domains. Albeit the process was somewhat of a crash course I felt more confident in my ability to deliver the two sessions expected for the task.


a) What was your initial response to task #1? Attempt to explain why you responded the way you did? Teaching is a very subjective profession that is guided by and underpinned by personal philosophies that many individuals hold very firm too. My initial thoughts about this exercise were uncomfortable because simply put, my teaching was never put under scrutiny before; thus my initial response was what is the purpose of this exercise? There are habits and teaching styles that have become a part of daily routine that may have to change as a result of being observed and I was not very sure I was truly prepared to be placed under the microscope; but the overall goal of the exercise was understood and the literature was very clear in noting not reflection cannot be achieved though a close mind (Brookfield, 1995). b) How reluctant or eager were you to have a colleague/peer to observe your lessons? The politically correct answer would be that I was open to the idea of being observed by a peer/colleague as this would only be for my long term benefit. However such was not the case as this exercise placed me in a peculiar situation. As I am not presently in the classroom setting, I was faced with the challenge of creating my own classroom in order to complete the task. It was decided that a focus group of ten students /colleagues from within the organization would be an effective way of completing the task. This process was very challenging as I had to choose persons that were interested and open to the idea, combined with the fact that a colleague had to evaluate my performance. It was a lot of pressure to deal with initially but as my assessor showed me the steps that should be taken to achieve this goal; I was able to mentally and physically prepare myself to teach my colleagues in addition to being critique by a collaborator that was more than keen to be a part of this process. c) How difficult/easy was it to find a colleague/peer to observe your lesson? How did that colleague respond to your request? This was in fact the easiest part of the entire process. As it was noted earlier the person selected was available yet competent and very keen to be a part of the process as she was also a past student of teacher training. Her expertise and knowledge were seamless throughout this

task and I truly believe that I was fortunate to be given the type of assistance in order to complete the assignment. d) How different /similar was the feedback from observations and how did you respond to your colleague/peers feedback on the two lessons? This was a very humbling experience as I able to see where my strengths and weaknesses lie. Being able to actually hear the critique on the lesson aided me in connecting the dots on the importance of planning, how implementation can be successful or fail and why it is important to reflect on the classroom experience. The first observation revealed that my strengths were as follows: Good understanding of lesson plan Practical objectives that addressed the three domains were achieved Knowledgeable in subject area Good explanation of concepts during the session Systematic linkages from one concept to the next was well done Excellent real life examples linked to theoretical concepts Well prepared for session Excellent use of power-point presentations The use of diagrams and other visuals were well posited and executed for the visual leaner Good classroom management Weaknesses Objectives were not clearly conveyed to the audience Set induction was too long and did not grasp the audience The entire lesson was carried in single tone The students needed to be more active in the lesson (was overpowered by lecturing) Not enough use of pausing to allow students to make points Needs to utilize more praise to keep students motivated The lesson closed abruptly These were just some of the additional comments that were highlighted by the evaluator after the first session. The appraiser further advised that I review my weaknesses and improve on them for

the next session. By the next class I was more comfortable in my delivery. I was able to read my participants better; the session was more interactive as more question and answer techniques and prompting to consolidate concepts were utilized. Most of the weaknesses outlined from the first session were reduced, but the assessor pointed out that the single tone approach and the inability to pace the class in accordance to the time allotted for the session are still present but it is felt that improvement will occur in the future. e) What did you discover about yourself as a teacher from this exercise? I would consider myself as a transitional teacher at this point in time; and I use the term transition because it was noted by the assessor that the traditional approach to teaching and learning is heavily utilized in my classroom. This traditional approach has been described in the literature as chalk and talk, the sage on the stage and the passive way of teaching and learninglecturing (Mackey, 2009; Sheikh, 2005). Arguably it has been noted that the traditional approach to teaching and learning can still be effective to date but teachers are being taught now to be student-centered rather than teacher centered (Ornstein, 1990) as the diverse learner needs to be catered too. This exercise uncovered many gaps that needs to be filled in my teaching journey such as being able to teach to the needs of all students where possible, the importance of writing and implementing effective lesson plans and more importantly the importance of critical reflection after sessions to improve on personal development for wider goals. The entire process has been an enlightening one and there is still a lot more that needs to the accomplished but I am confident that the transitional process will be an edifying one.

i. Why is it necessary for teachers to engage in critical reflection? Critically reflective teachers learn from the past but live in the present with an eye to the future. Because they know that every class has its own dynamic, they cease to rely on methods and activities that have worked well in the past, (Brookefield, 1995:51). This is just one of the plethoras of powerful phrases posited by Brookefield, but asserted by other scholars such as Ebby and Martin, 2001 and Larrivee, 2000 that critical reflection allows for the continuous growth necessary for educational development. Brookefield (1995) further highlighted six reasons why teachers should engage which mentioned informed action (achieving the consequence intended which can be individual, organizational or societal); rationale for practice (the proof is in the pudding); the alleviation of self-blame and anxiety of failure; emotional grounding (why am I doing everything right, yet I receive poor results?); democratic student-teacher environment (teacher is open about to criticism?) and lastly an trust worthy environment for both teacher and student. Ebby (2001) further went on to insinuate in her article that teachers are able to build withitness as critical reflection leads to an understanding of a non-static classroom environment. The six reasons put forward by Brookfield in conjunction with Ebbys support can be nicely summed up through Larrivee (2000) thoughts as he simply states that critical reflection brings the student and not the teacher to the core of the curriculum. With the diverse learner at the core of the teaching and learning environment the teacher is then equipped to investigate, hypothesize, invent and to provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of critical reflection Case et al (1999:8) emphasized three types of reflective process that teacher can engage which are reflection in action; reflection for action and reflection on action. It must be noted that this concept was quite new to me but after scanning the literature it was apparent that I engaged in reflection for action especially in the second session where the weaknesses that were pointed out by the assessor was taken into consideration for the second session. One example that can be given was the use question and answer and prompting to encourage students to critically think and test themselves on what they think they may not know but they actually may know but may require some prompting which allows them to think. The two other reflective practices mentioned in the text would be definitely utilized for future.


Cultural Barriers Brookefield (1995:33) outlined three barriers to critical reflection that is plaguing educations institutions to date. He states that the culture of silence, individualism and secrecy are responsible for underdevelopment of teachers engaging in critical reflection. There were some crucial points highlighted under each barrier which arguably is truly embedded into most or all educational organizations to date. It was mentioned earlier in the paper that I am no presently attached to an organization thus my contribution made to this argument is based on two previous institutions that I taught at six years ago. Richert (1992) cited in Brookefield (1995) assert that teachers are overworked, not highly respected and they teach simply for the end result (a passing grade) which ignores the effective process of how the end result can be reached. This is definitely a high point that existed within a past educational institution as teachers are too bogged down with administrative duties and daily duties to be too bothered with becoming student centered. The entire culture of silence is widely accepted because many teachers feel that they are truly the experts in their field and really there is nothing more to be learnt; thus the problems that arise are seen and treated as another common problem as there is no need to further investigate. The clich saying no man is an island cannot be applied to some educational establishments as many educators see themselves as islands. As a young educator there was never a system of mentorship present within the establishment to show unstrained teachers the correct way to deliver. The culture that resonated throughout those institutions was simply everyman is for himself. The senior or untrained teachers would always display their years of experience by dictating how things should be done without any empirical evidence as to why things are the way they are. You simply fell into the culture of you will live and learn. I am confident that those same institutions are still underpinned by individualism. If you are a trained teacher with a first degree or higher how can things go wrong in your classroom? There is no room for error because you are the expert and you will know how to fix the issues with every child as they occur. My past establishments never created a culture where teachers would openly express classroom issues etc. On many occasion teachers would confide in close colleagues they trust as a way of venting but the culture of secrecy outlined by Brooke was very much evident in those institutions. It is rather unfortunate that educational establishments even to date are still guilty of these barriers highlighted but it is felt that such will continue until the key stakeholders along with teachers truly embrace concept of reflective thinking for educational reform.


Brookefield (1995:37) made suggestions on how institutions can achieve critical reflections intrinsically by pointing out reward systems for those educators/administrators that engage in the process; reflection being integrated through the top down approach beginning with administrators; teachers truly emulating the reflective process to those who may be more resistant in addition to providing solid illustrations. Although these propositions appear practical (supported by empirical data) and sensible unfortunately they were nonexistent in my past educational establishments. The previous question that addressed the barriers to critical reflection are the reasons why institutions even to date are still behind on engaging teachers and administrators in the reflective process. This assessment offered much insight theoretically and practically. The process of critical reflection was very new prior to this course; but the task has demonstrated its usefulness but it is felt that there is still room for growth as more time is spent within the classroom setting.


Borich, G. D. (2000). Effective teaching methods (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Brookefield, S. (1995). Becoming a critically reflective teacher (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco.

Ebby,J. & Martin D. (2001). Reflective planning, teaching and evaluation for the elementary: A relational approach (3rd ed.). N.J: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Case,C.; Case K & Reagan, T. (1999). The professional teacher: the preparation and nurturance of the reflective practitioner. Agenda for Education in a Democracy, 4, 1-27.

Eggen, P.; Jacobsen, D. & Kauchak, D. (2006). Methods for teaching (7th ed.). N.J: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Freigberg, H., & Driscoll, A. (2005). Universal Teaching Strategies (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education Inc.

Frudden, S. J. & Stow, S. B. (2001). Eight elements of effective pre-instructional planning. Journal of Education, 106(2), 218-222.

Larrivee, B. (2000). Transforming teaching practice: becoming the reflective teacher. Reflective Practice, 1 (3), 293-307.

Mackey, Dr. R. (2009). Teaching strategies that promote high levels of student engagement and teacher enjoyment! Presentation designed specifically for: 2009 School Year Opening Worship and Faculty Orientation, Youngstown Christian School, Youngstown, OH. Retrieved October 2, 2011 from

Ornstein, A. (1990). Strategies for Effective Teaching. N.Y. Harper and Row.

Sheikh, Dr. U.H. (2005). Student motivation and good teaching. Bugshan/Bell Lab Chair in Telecommunications Electrical Engineering Department. King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KFUPM Box 5038, Dhahran 31261, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Retrieved October 2, 2011, from




Lesson Plan 1 Date: 30thSeptember, 2011 Duration of Lesson: 2Hrs Age group: 16-30 Course: Computing Fundamentals No. of Students: 10 Topic: Computer Software Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to: Identify how software and hardware work together to perform computing tasks, and how software is upgraded. Manipulate and control the Windows Desktop. Identify how to change system settings, install and remove software Identify common on-screen elements of Windows application Show appreciation for the importance of computer hardware and software Key Terms Control Panel Desktop Theme Debugging Software Updates Anti-Virus Software Computer Virus Operating System Software

Teaching Strategies Brainstorming Interactive lecture Question and Answer Technology/Materials Computer with Multi- media Projector Work Sheets Lecture notes Set Induction The class will commence with the students observing Computer Software and how it works with Computer Hardware on a PC. Discussion and a brief demonstration will take place on

how to control the Windows Desktop; how to change system settings; how to add and remove software; how to create and change folders; and we will talk about software updates and anti-virus software. Learning Experiences Activity 1 Demonstration and Discussion Give students copies of Activity 1. Instruct them to not use computers. If student computers are on, have them shutdown. 1. Ask students to write their name and date on page 1. 2. Using Instructor Computer with Projector, ask Question 1 and 2, and then demonstrate how to display Control Panel. Have students write down answers. 3. Demonstrate how to Add or Remove Software. 4. Ask Question 3, and demonstrate how to change Desktop Theme. Have students write down answer. 5. On page 2, ask students to read information about Files and Folders, and write down answers to Questions 4-6. 6. Ask students what their answers are, and give corrections if necessary. 7. When finished, collect pages from students. Activity 2 Demonstration and Discussion Give students copies of Activity 2. Instruct them to not use computers. If student computers are on, have them shutdown. 1. Ask students to write their name and date on page 1 of Activity 2, and circle the correct answer for each question. They may refer to the information in the column on the right to help with the answer. 2. Give them about 10 minutes to complete, and then review each question with group. 3. When finished, collect pages from students. Closure Review objectives accomplished in this lesson from the presentation. Assessment/Evaluation Students will be given points according to the following criteria: Activity 1 Using an operating System 0 40 pts Activity 2 Computer Software 0 50 pts Participates in Group Discussion 0 10 pts

Total Introduction = 10 40 pts

100pts Developing = 41 60 pts Proficient = 61 100pts

Activity 1 Using an Operating System Windows XP, Page 1 Windows Desktop Display the Control Panel: 1. What is the Windows Control Panel? 2. On the Windows Desktop, what is the procedure for displaying the Control Panel?

Changing the Desktop Theme: 3. How do you select a different desktop theme?


Activity 1 Using an Operating System Windows XP, Page 2 Files and Folders Overview: Most Windows tasks involve working with files and folders Windows uses folders to provide a storage system for the files on your computer, just as you use manila folders to organize information in a filing cabinet. Folders can contain many different types of files, such as documents, music, pictures, videos, and programs. You can copy and move files from other locations, such as another folder, computer, or the Internet, to folders you create. You can even create folders within folders. For example, if you are creating and storing files in the My Documents folder, you can make a new folder within My Documents to contain the files. If you decide that you want to move the new folder to a different location, you can easily move it and its contents by selecting the folder and dragging it to the new location. 4. How do you create a New Folder in the My Documents Folder on the Desktop? 5. How do you move a Folder on the Desktop? 6. How do you rename a Folder on the Desktop?


Activity 2 Computer Software, Page 1 1. Which type of software is responsible for direct control and management of the computer hardware? a. Application software b. Operating system software c. Word Processing d. Software utilities 2. Which term describes the process of finding and correcting errors or defects in software code? a. Programming b. Debugging c. Compression d. Upgrading 3. Updates refer to the option of receiving notices from the software vend or regarding upcoming new versions of the software. a. True b. False 4. You should always update your anti-virus software a. True b. False 5. Before you purchase new software, you should always wa1tacouplemonthsafterthesoftwareisreleased. a. True b. False 6. Software programs are created to help the user perform tasks on the computers hardware. a. True b. False


Lesson Plan 2 Date :05thOctober, 2011 Duration of Lesson: 2Hrs Age group: 16-30 Course: Computer Applications No. of Students: 10 Topic: Computer Network Systems Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to: Identify network fundamentals and the benefits and risks of network computing. Compare the relationship between computer networks, other communication networks (like the telephone network) and the Internet. Identify how computers are used indifferent areas of work, school and home Categorize the risks of using computer hardware and software. Explore the requirements for a career in Computer Networking. Show appreciation for the use of networks in homes, schools and businesses Teaching Strategies Brainstorming Interactive lecture Question and Answer Technology/Materials Computer with Multi- media Projector Work Sheets Lecture notes Handouts

Set Induction The students will look at a diagram illustrating computer networks. Through question and answer the tutor will extract information on how networks are used, the risks of using networks at school work and home Learning Experiences Handout 1/Discussion - Computer Networking at School, Work and Home We will also investigate a career in Computer Networking. It is one of the fastest growing careers in todays market place. We will look at the requirements and training you need, and what skills and abilities are needed to be successful.










Communications Analyst with students. Ask students to say what they see as the number of jobs in 2004 and 2006? What percent of increase is that? What hourly wage? What education required? Review Job Description and Tasks with students, and then repeat for Computer Software Engineers. Activity 1 Compare and Contrast Jobs - Hand out copies of Activity 1 - Compare and Contrast Jobs, and have students put their name and date on the page. Then using Handout 2 as a reference, ask students to circle the correct answer for all seven questions by identifying which occupation best fits the answer. Each correct answer will be worth 5 pts. When finished, collect the Activity page and Handout 2 from each student. Handout 3Occupational Brief - Point out the main sections of the handout, but do not read all the information (Job Description, Interests, Tasks, Skills, Knowledge, Education, School Programs, Job Outlook, and Similar Jobs). Activity 2 Occupational Brief - Hand out copies of Activity 2, and have students put their name and date on the page. Then using Handout 3 as reference, ask students to complete all seven questions on their own. Each correct answer will be worth 5 pts. When finished, collect the Activity page and Handout 3 from each student. Closure Review objectives accomplished in this lesson from the presentation. Assessment/Evaluation Students will be given points according to the following criteria: Activity 1 Using an operating System 0 40 pts Activity 2 Computer Software 0 50 pts Participates in Group Discussion 0 10 pts Total 100pts Introduction = 10 40 pts Developing = 41 60 pts Proficient = 61 100pts


Handout 1 Computer Networking at School, work and Home Having different students and read sections in order Student 1: A computer network is a group of computers connected to each other, using a special network operating system, such as Novell or Windows NT. Cables connect the computer sand other equipment, such as printers and scanners, on a network. New technology is making it possible to have wireless networks. A network interface card connects each computer on the network, and controls the flow fin formation between the network and the computer. The term INTERNET stands for Interconnected Network, and refers to at least two networks connected together. The Internet is referred to as The Information Super Highway a world-wide system of connected networks. These networks, are connected by various communication methods, such as telephone lines (Dial-Up), optical fibers (DSL and Cable), and wireless (Satellite). Student 2: General Benefits of Computers and Networking: o Faster access to more information o Online business, banking, shopping, travels arrangements, etc. o Improved communication and collaboration o Ability to do extensive research without going o More convenient access to software tools to a library o Assistance to disabled and those with mobility problems Student 3: Benefits at Schools: o Students will be better prepared for future jobs in industry. o Students can share files faster and more reliably than they can use floppy disks. o Students can more easily collaborate on group projects using network software applications. o Central printers can be made accessible to students more conveniently. o Teachers are able to complete better online lesson plans and forms from a variety of locations.


o Teachers can carry out their day-to-day communications with each other more efficiently through email and messaging. News and class project information can be easily disseminated to students. Discussion - Canyouthinkofanyother benefits toschools? Student 4: Benefits at Work: o Increasedcommunication-accessingotherusersfiles,usingcentralizeddatabasesandemail communication. o Share equipment-printers and scanners. o Workgroup-email, group editing, shared access to common database. o Centralizedcontrol-sharingnewreleaseofsoftwareandreducedcostofpurchasingnetwork licenses, instead of single user licenses. Discussion Can you think of any other benefits to the workplace? Student 4: Risks of using Computers and networks: o Initial expense of hardware, software, and setup time. o Cost for networks to be managed on an ongoing basis. o Care must be taken to keep information, confidential records and ot her file protected from identity theft. Potential loss of privacy and security.


Activity 1 Compare and contrast the jobs of Network Systems and Data Communication Analyst and Computer Engineers. Name: Date:

Referring to the Fastest Growing Occupations Handout, answer the following questions. Circle the occupation that best fits each question. If both are correct, circle both. 1. Who receives a higher median hourly wage? Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts


Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

2. Whose job description includes working with local area networks (LAN) and/or wide area networks (WAN)? Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts AND/OR Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 3. Which occupation applies the principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis? Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts AND/OR Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software Which occupation requires a minimum of a Bachelors Degree from a college or university? Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts AND/OR Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software


5. Who consults with engineering staff to evaluate the interface between hardware and software and operational and performance requirements of the overall system. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts AND/OR Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 6. Who performs network modeling, analysis, and planning? Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 7. Who may supervise computer programmers? Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts


Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software


Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software

Activity 2 Referring to the Occupational Brief Handout on Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts, answers the following questions. Name: 1.In the section on Job Description, the acronym, LAN is used what does it mean? 2.The acronym, WAN is also mentioned what does it mean? 3.In the section on Interests of this occupation, the term, Investigative is used what does this mean? 4.The following information came from the website, When you view this site and look under Interests, they state that, Work environments can be divided into six broad interest areas. These can be combined in many different ways. Knowing your unique combination of interests can assist you in determining jobs that suit you best. Circle at least 2 of the following interest areas, and indicatein what kind of a job you think you would be interested. Artistic Jobs involving artistic, innovative or intuitive abilities in an unstructured creative situation Social Working with people to inform, help, train, enlighten, develop or cure Enterprising Jobs working with people to influence, perform, persuade or lead Conventional Jobs that involve working with data, clerical tasks or numerical ability Realistic Jobs that require athletic or mechanical ability, working with objects, machines, tools, plants, or animals and working outdoors Investigative Jobs with people who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate or solve problems Based on above interests, I think I would like to work as a: Date:


5.Back on the Occupational Brief Handout, in the section on Skills, why do you need to have ReadingComprehension? 6.In the section on Knowledge, what kind of Math do you need to know?

7.Write below what a person in this occupation needs to know about the following: a. Sales and Marketing b. Education and Training c. Telecommunications d. Computers and Electronics e. Public Safety and Security f. English Language




COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 3. WERE THE TEACHING MATERIALS SUITABLE FOR THE LESSON? YES NO

COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 4. WAS THE SET INDUCTION/INTRODUCTION APPROPRIATE FOR THE LESSON? YES NO

COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 5. WERE THE LEARNING EXPERIENCES CLEAR AND CONCISE? YES NO

COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 6. DID THE TEACHER UTILIZE ADDITIONAL STRATEGIES SUCH AS: PAUSING: PACING: Y ES Y ES NO NO





COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 7. WAS THERE EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT? YES NO

COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 8. DID THE LESSON CLOSE? YES NO

COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ 9. DID THE ASSESSMENT REFLECT THE OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON? YES NO

COMMENTS____________________________________________________________________ OVERALL COMMENTS

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


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