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Those who I feel are really making a difference I can can look up to is people that are both using

social media driven technology positively to advance the causes of the global social movement as a spiritual transformational tool that goes beyond oppression and victim mentality and take action by directly communicating, participating by dissent and allowing the spirit to quiet the dominant paradigm mindset, the should and shouldnt and focus on following Creator and Ancestors and Inner Guidance within. I am curious to speak with more Grandmothers and Grandfathers about how the world came to be the way that it came to be. As I proceed in my life confidently and envision my friendships growing strongly in this capacity and accepting of death and birth as part of the great cycle of life and taking their teachings in to my heart and learning to be more active in the lives of those who I love. To re-imagine the landscape of intellectual preoccupation with the egoistic identifying with the mind is to walk the red road, to re align our spirit, heart, body, with the mind as awareness and conscious living. The choices daily we make and ask ourselves is the little choices and our priorities. Are we living in accordance to the principles of good stewardship of the Earth that is in accordance with the Ancestors that we all share and collectively have forgotten. The necessity to withdraw our consent from an individualistic and hyper consumption model of going about life that is passive and contributing to the addictions that we all are experiencing as we are all participating in the drain on the Earths resources. Its so important to tell stories, to empower our voices, to have our hands holding each other as we come together in grassroots people powered mobilization to take direct action that is living from the heart in every moment with creativity and openness. Now more than ever its time to change the propaganda to recognize the limits of the Earth. Its highly important to not give in to psychic fears and cultivate spiritual protection by smudge and meditation practice daily to create a personal and collective change to become more conscious. Energetically its so important to stay balanced and stay the course to the visions and dreams that drive me. I am put on this Earth to learn the lessons of my ego and fearful prejudiced complex and learn to be more humble, grateful, generous and be the love warrior full of courage to be the Higher Aquarian Self that I know in my heart that I am. As an evolutionary agent of change its important to find allies and truly trust and love and accept myself so I may be able to do the same for my friends and mentors. My passion for life goes beyond the personality of the ego and its charm and what really matters is the spiritual dimension of Love that is the driving force behind my personal devotion to the environmental movement, Indigenous issues and politics and my gratitude for wisdom to not allow myself to burn out rather to allow all the developments to be further awakening my soul more deeply. All My Relations/Namaste, Angel

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