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AGradua A ationStor ryofFarz zFoundat tionsMu urabahaC Client.

binaIjaz MemberName:Rob W/O:IjazAhmad Address:ChungiAmur rSidhuLahore ePakistan.

Historyofgrowth h.
Farz Helped Me To Establish My Busin H T h ness

My name is Rubina wife of Ejaz Ahmed and I live in Ch e w d hungee Amar Sidhu Laho My husb r ore. band is earning only Rs 2, 000 as a dri g iver in a fact tory. I used to work at a be eauty parlor as an assista I was ma ant. aking some money, but could not m meet nses. We hav three chil ve ldren and cou not affor their educ uld rd cation. I was taking loan s ns my expen without knowing how I would re k w epay them. I had no idea how I could get rid of th vicious d his circle. On day my fr ne riend who was working at some othe Parlor, tol me about the Farz w er ld Foundati which le ion, ends assets and gives bus a siness trainin to women so that they could be s ng n selfsufficient I visited where there was a training session be t. w w eing held by the Farz Fou undation. Th I here met Nom mana sister, a trainer at Farz Foundation. I had a five-day cou of busin urse ness developm ment. There we were tau w ught that to be self-sustai ined and we need to start our own t business. And we als need a bus . so siness educa ation to be su uccessful. They taught us book keeping, pre eparation of feasibility a estimatio of income and expens f and on e ses. After the training the offered ce e ey ertain produc ctive assets t us to start our busines I wanted to to ss. establish my own bea auty parlor. They bough me assets w ht worth Rs 10,000 . I start a little pa ted arlor from my own home. dance with th education given by th Farz Foun he n he ndation, I int troduced my beauty parlor in y In accord the neigh hboring area. Within one month I shi . e ifted my bea auty parlor to an indepen o ndent place. N Now

I look forward to further development of my business. I now earn about Rs 15,000 to 20,000 a month and can easily meet my expenses, including school fee for my children, apart from paying my installments to the Farz Foundation. Thank you Farz foundation.

ThehomewasmortgagedforRs.80000anditwas inabadcondition Threechildrenweregoingtotheschool;twowere studyinginclassfifthandoneinclassone.Their feewasRs.1000whichwasdifficulttobepaid. EarlierIhadtoborrowmoneyduringthehourof need. Ihadalimitedincomewhenmyparlorwashome based. EarlierIwasnotpoolinganycommittee.

NowIhavemortgagedabetterhomefor Rs.165000Itisinagoodcondition. Evennowthreekidsareattendingschool.Twoare inclasssevenwhileoneisinclass3.TheirfeeisRs. 2500whichIcaneasilypay. NowIhaveresourcestodealwithanyeventuality. Nowmyparlorisinthemarket.InthefirstyearI earneduptoRs.20000andthesecondyearupto Rs25000. Now,throughlearningfromtheFarzFoundation,I poolcommittee.InthefutureIwillbuymyhome throughcommitteeearnings

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