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Environment and Market Economics

by Joshua Konov

There should be close relation between any economic discussions, theories, practices and the issues of the Earth Environment clearly when listening to CNN and Al-Jazeera you may well hear about the economic situation in Europe, or Africa e.g., how important is to pursue a high-productivity and low taxes approach thus Transnational Corporations and International Investors could be attracted.. to prompt employment and have this country, region grow! However, when talking about Environment and Pollutions problems the issues are well separated from the main stream ones..? Alike we are leaving in two different worlds, so the Earth exhausting recourses, the pollution, and the deforestation of Africa and Amazon are not related to industrial and other development of areas and regions. The governments are putting all the effort in lowering taxes and restrictions to prompt economic growth national debt, bond prices, the value of their currencies reflect these developments to the point, therefore when we are discussing Earth Environment we somehow are becoming enemy of the state, of development and progress? However, non of the practiced particularly neo-liberal economics since the 70s has brought substantial economic stability to any market and country the way such was predicted, instead for the last 20 years the US middle class has not benefited at all, and the European Union has accumulated debt and market imbalance (Greece, Spain, e.g. are examples at the least), the very few taking advantage from the current system of Economics are China and Germany, and partially Brazil and India, whereas the global economic slump will reach them too sooner or later, Hence, the contemporaneous causation speaks loud about neoliberalism as an inconsistent and inept to the current global market possibilities system of economics. The reliance of the trickle down wealth concentration and on the business cycles to prompt and establish such economic growth is incoherent, based more on ideology than on the reality..! Governments elsewhere are grossly interfering with this system by monetary injections and quantitative measures, for once to show that the system is not performing! Hence, in the beginning of the upheaval (2007-09 Recession) is not just the messed up financial system, or the national debt accumulated by many countries, as much it is the not properly working economies/markets experiencing huge imbalances of Demand-to-Supply? To fix such imbalances the neo-liberalism which is founded on big business represented by the Transnational corporations and shady financial exchanges and business practices should evolve into fair market competition of under the Rule of Law marketplace in where Small and Medium Enterprises and Investors would compete under such fair conditions, but even farther what was good for a production based economy in which high productivity and less regulations prompt economic growth to a more comprehensive economics of a complex business and markets, in which Environmental Earth preservation is to become part of the markets Demand-to-Supply that prompts market development, contrary to the recent economics.

By Joshua Konov, 2011 To continue:

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