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Users Manual Version 2.2-1

iBlacklistforiPhoneUsersManual 2

1.1IBLACKLISTMAINFEATURES 1.2IBLACKLISTINSTALLATION 3 4 5 6 6 7 9 10 12 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 33 35 36 38 40 49



iBlacklistforiPhoneUsersManual 3

1. Overview
WefromiDevBrTeamarepleasanttointroducetoyou ourtoolforcallsandsmsselection. Yes, this tool can keep you unreachable to certain people, from who you dont want to receive calls or be botheredbymessages. Thistooloffersyouahighqualitysolutionataverylow cost (LIFETIME License), comparing to how much a carrier chargesyouforthesameservice(permonth). Basically,iBlacklistisasoftwaredevelopedexclusively to operate on iPhones running any firmware, and its main job is to search on lists for number to be blocked (when using blacklist concept), or search for numbers to be accepted (when using whitelist concept). Based on those lists, the software will check its setup and let calls/sms go throughorbeblocked. It has independent settings for calls and messages, wichletyousetitupasyourneedsforbothtypesofevents. It also has some special features like Privacy, where youcansetittoremovethepopupsthatareplacedonlock screen when a message arrives or an sms reaches your device. It has the Parental Control feature, where also the calls originated from the device will be blocked based on activelists. Its important to cite that, when you install it on your device, its an unregistered version, wich has some limitations compared to a registered version (fully operational). These limitations will be explained in further sectionsofthismanual. ThefollowingisalistforthemainfeaturesofiBlacklist.

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1.1. iBlacklistmainfeatures Easiestwaytooperateandsetup.Veryintuitive. Individualcalldisconnectionsetupforeachcontact; CallBlockingfacility(IncludingUnknown/Restricted IDcallers); SMSblocking/filteringfacility; Popup removal from lock screen for lost events (Privacy),keepingthesound/vibrationnotifications; ProtectsyourprivacybyPassword; MultipleActiveLists(RegisteredOnly); Unlimited number of contacts per list (Registered Only); IndividualSchedulerforeachlist; Workswithblackandwhitelistsconcept; ForBlacklists,youcanindividuallysetmanyoptions likecalldisconnectiontype,theeventtypeyouwant toblock/filterfromthatcontactandifthatcontactis eligibletoreceiveanautoreplysms; AutoReplySMSforCALLSfeature,wherethesystem will send your custom sms text to blocked callers; (RegisteredOnly) Auto Reply SMS for SMS feature, where the system willsendyourcustomsmstexttofilteredmessages. This feature is completely independent from the previous(RegisteredOnly); You can add contacts to any list from your Address Book,RecentCallsorRecentSMShistory; Independent history, where blocked/filtered events will be stored for later visualization. Please note your setup needs to be correct in order to store recordsonthishistory; Four (4) typer of action for calls, wich varies from sendthecallertovoicemailtocompletelyignore. Useofstatusbaricons,sound/vibrationnotifications fullyconfigurable; ParentalControlwithsilentrecordstorage.

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1.2. iBlacklistInstallation One of the most common questions we receive about iBlacklistis:HowdoIinstallitonmydevice? Theansweris:Cydia!!! IfyoudontevendreamabouttoknowwhatCydiais,it meansyoudontownajailbrokeniPhone. Thejailbreakisatermusedtorefertodevicesthatcan freely install and run whatever application the user might wantorneed. PleaseunderstandthatJAILBREAKISNOTUNLOCKING yourdevice.Itsariskfreeprocesswhereyouwillopenthe OS to install and run whatever applications. Also, you can ALWAYS restore your device to the factory state using iTunes,wichwillvanishthejailbreakmodifications. Everything that was working before this process will continue to work, including all the default applications and pre installed softwares like AppStore and its applications. Youwilljustopenanotherdoorforyoutochooseapath. Once you jailbreak your device, you will have a software called Cydia, wich is a third parties application installer. To install iBlacklist, please do this (requires a jailbrokendevice): Make sure you have a data connection ON, like 3G, EdgeorWifi; OpenCydia; Waitforittoload; ClickonSections; ScrolltheviewtoUtilitiesandselectit; Scroll the view to the i letter, there will be the iBlacklistpackage; SelectitandInstallit

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2. iBlacklistViews
WellstartatouroniBlacklistviewsonthissection. Basically each view will be followed by a detailed explanationabouteachpresentedoption. 2.1. PasswordView

If you just installed the application, you shall not see this view, since the password protection is disabled by a defaultinstallation. Ifyouenabledthepasswordprotection,youshallseeit every time you launch the application. Just touch the passwordfield,informyourpasswordandhittheredbutton toaccesstheapplicationsmainview. Thedefaultpasswordis1,soifyoudidntchangeit,it mustworkbydefault.

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2.2. MainView

When you gain access to the application, you will see this view. Please note the Unregistered Version button on the bottom of the view. When it is pressed, you will be redirected to the register view. Once you successfully registertheapplication,thisbuttonwontbeshowedagain. Before we proceed, its very important to explain the differencebetweenblacklistandwhitelistconcepts. Blacklist: Is a list where contacts added to it will be blocked.Ifthecallerdoesnotmatchtoanycontactpresent onlist,itwillbeACCEPTED.Restricted/UnknownIDcallers do not apply to this list, since its based on numbers. To block them, go to Call Settings and set the Restricted NumberoptiontoON. Whitelist: Is a list where contacts added to it will be accepted.Ifthecallerdoesnotmatchtoanycontactpresent onlist,itwillbeBLOCKED.

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The following are the options presented on this view. Toaccessthem,justclickovertherowyouwanttocheck. Enabled:TurnthesystemON/OFF.Iftheswitchhas its state toggled, a respring will happen when exitingtheapplication. BlackList:Givesyouaccesstoyourblacklists,soyou cancreate,editordeletethem. WhiteList: Gives you access to your whitelists, so youcancreate,editordeletethem. View History: Presents the history of blocked calls/sms, offering you a complete report and reply possibilities. Active List: Shows you the current active lists. You canalsochangethecurrentactivelistsaccessingthis option. Action Setup: Presents the 4 types of actions for calls. Note this apply to Whitelists only. Since Blacklists have individual action setup for each contact, this option does not apply to them, unless you ENABLE the switch to extend the setup to blacklist. CallSettings:Showsyouallthesettingsavailablefor Calls. You can configure the systems behavior for calleventsusingthisoption. SMSSettings:Showsyouallthesettingsavailablefor SMS. You can configure the systems behavior for SMSeventsusingthisoption. Scheduler: Gives you access to scheduler for each list, so you will be abled to setup the scheduled operationindividuallyforeachlistyouhave. Extras:RedirectstheusertotheExtrasview,where the Privacy, Parental Control and Signaling options canbeset. Password:Redirectstheusertothepasswordsetup view.

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2.3. BlackListView

When you click over the BlackList row in the main view,youwillberedirectedtothisview.Hereyoucanseeall yourblacklists. Click on the red circle, on the left side of each row, to animatethedeletionoptiontoappear.Clickagainoveritto dismissthedeletebutton.Ifyouclickoverthedeletebutton, therespectivelistwillbedeleted. Ifyouselectonerowofthepresentedtable,youwillbe redirectedtotheContactsViewofthespecificlist. By hitting the red button (Create) on the navigation bar, a popup will appear and you will be abled to type the newlistsname,thencreateit.

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2.4. BlackListsContactsView

AfterclickingoverarowintheBlacklistview,youwill beredirectedtothecontactsviewofthatspecificlist. On this view, a lot of information is displayed. Each rowisacontactyouaddedtothatlist. Ontheleftsideofeachrow,theresroomfor2typesof icons. One for calls and one for sms. When these icons are visible, it means that event will be BLOCKED for that contact. To be clear, when you see the red icon for calls, it meansthecallsfromthatcontactwillbeblocked.Whenyou seetherediconforsms,itmeansthesmsfromthatcontact willbefiltered. Rightbesidetheicons,youwillseethecontactsname andnumberyouinformed.

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Ontherightside,youcanseeifthatcontactiseligible to receive the auto reply sms, by a label informing AutoReply. Youalsocanseewichdisconnectiontypeisappliedto each contact., by another label, above the AutoReply label, with4options: Voicemail Busy(BusySignal) Hangup(AcceptandHangup) NoAction When you click over a contacts row, an action sheet will appear and you will be abled to choose from many options: Makeacall Sendansms EditContact DeleteContact Cancel(dismisstheactionsheet) Toaddacontact,youmustclickontheredbutton(+) presented in the navigation bar. It will redirect you to the BlacklistsAddView. If you press the back button, you will be redirected to thepreviousview.

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2.5. BlackListsAddView

After clicking on the red button (+) presented in the previousview,youwillberedirectedtotheaddview,where youcanconfigurethenewcontactyouwanttoadd. Youhave4optionstoselect: AddfromContacts(AddressBook); AddfromRecentCalls(MobilePhonehistory); AddfromRecentSMS(MobileSMShistory); Manuallyinformthenameandnumber. The first 3 options redirect you to a specific contacts list view. The address book is presented in the regular format, respecting your preferences setup for ordering and

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sorting your contacts. For contacts with more than one numberassociated,ispossibletoaddthemallatonce. To add a contact using the first 3 options, access the option you want and select the specific contact row. An actionsheetwillappearandwillpresentbuttonswitheach numbertoadd.Clickontheoptionyouwantandfinishthe contactssetuppresentedonthiscurrentview. To add a contact manually, just click on the field you want to type and the keyboard will show. Type both informations (Display and Number). To dismiss the keyboard,hittheReturnkey. Nowyouneedtofinishthecontactsconfiguration. Thereisarowwitharedcalliconfollowedbyaswitch. If this switch is set to ON, this contact will have its calls blocked, otherwise no action will be performed when receiving calls from this contact, and the call will be accepted. Thesamegoesforthenextrow,withtheredsmsicon. IftheswitchisON,thesmsfromthiscontactwillbefiltered, otherwiseitwillbeaccepted. The next row is the AutoReply SMS setup for that contact.SwitchitONtomakethatcontacteligibletoreceive an auto reply sms when any related event is blocked or filtered. By switching it OFF, that contact wont receive the autoreplysmswhenthatfeatureisactive. Finally,youmustsettheactiontobeperformedwhena call is received from that contact. Click on the row and anotherviewwillpresentyou4options: Voicemail BusySignal AnswerandHangup(Wontleaveyouvoicemail) NoAction(thecallisnotdisconnectedbutalsodoes notringyourdevice)

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Just select the option you want and click on the Back buttonpresentedinthenavigationbar. Nowyoursetupisready,youneedtoaddthatcontact tothelist.Theonlywaytodoitistoclickontheredbutton sayingAddtolist. TOADDTHECONTACTCLICKONTHEREDBUTTON
Important InUREGISTEREDMODE,only2contactscanbeaddedtoalist. Toremovethelimitations,pleaseregisterwithus.

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2.6. WhiteListView

When you click over the WhiteList row in the main view,youwillberedirectedtothisview.Hereyoucanseeall yourwhitelists. Click on the red circle, on the left side of each row, to animatethedeletionoptiontoappear.Clickagainoveritto dismissthedeletebutton.Ifyouclickoverthedeletebutton, therespectivelistwillbedeleted. Ifyouselectonerowofthepresentedtable,youwillbe redirectedtotheContactsViewofthespecificlist. By hitting the red button (Create) on the navigation bar,apopupwillappearandyouwillbeabletotypethenew listsname,andfinallycreateit.

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2.7. WhiteListsContactsView

AfterclickingoverarowintheWhiteListview,youwill beredirectedtothecontactsviewofthatspecificlist. On this view, a lot of information is displayed. Each rowisacontactyouaddedtothatlist. Ontheleftsideofeachrow,theresroomfor2typesof icons. One for calls and one for sms. When these icons are visible, it means that contact will be ACCEPTED for that event. To be clear, when you see the green icon for calls, it meansthecallsfromthatcontactwillbeaccepted.Whenyou see the green icon for sms, it means the sms from that contactwillbeaccepted.Ifyoudontseeoneoftheseicons, itmeanstheeventwillbeblockedforthatcontact. Rightbesidetheicons,youwillseethecontactsname andnumberyouinformed.

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Different from blacklists, here you will accept the numbers,sotheresnowaytosetwhoiseligibletoreceive theautoreplysms,sinceyoudontknowwhoyouwillblock. When you click over a contacts row, an action sheet will appear and you will be abled to choose from many options: Makeacall Sendansms EditContact DeleteContact Cancel(dismisstheactionsheet) Toaddacontact,youmustclickontheredbutton(+) presented in the navigation bar. It will redirect you to the WhitelistsAddView. If you press the back button, you will be redirected to thepreviousview.

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2.8. WhitelistsAddView

After clicking on the red button (+) presented in the previousview,youwillberedirectedtotheaddview,where youcanconfigurethenewcontactyouwanttoadd. Youhave4optionstoselect: AddfromContacts(AddressBook); AddfromRecentCalls(MobilePhonehistory); AddfromRecentSMS(MobileSMShistory); Manuallyinformthenameandnumber. The first 3 options redirect you to a specific contacts list view. The address book is presented in the regular format, respecting your preferences setup for ordering and sorting your contacts. For numbers with more than one numberassociated,ispossibletoaddthemallatonce.

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To add a contact using the first 3 options, access the option you want and select the specific contact row. An actionsheetwillappearandwillpresentbuttonswitheach numbertoadd.Clickontheoptionyouwantandfinishthe contactssetuppresentedonthiscurrentview. To add a contact manually, just click on the field you want to type and the keyboard will show. Type both informations (Display and Number). To dismiss the keyboard,hittheReturnkey. Nowyouneedtofinishthecontactsconfiguration. There is a row with a green call icon followed by a switch. If this switch is set to ON, this contact will have its callsaccepted,otherwise,thecallswillbeblocked. The same goes for the next row, with the green sms icon.IftheswitchisON,themessagesfromthiscontactwill beaccepted,otherwisetheywillbefiltered. TOADDTHECONTACTCLICKONTHEREDBUTTON
Important InUREGISTEREDMODE,only2contactscanbeaddedtoalist. Toremovethelimitations,pleaseregisterwithus.

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2.9. HistoryView

When you select the View History option, in the main view,youwillberedirectedtotheiBlacklisthistory. Eachrowinthistableisaneventrecord.Thenewestis alwaysshownontop,asthefirstrow. Ontheleftsideofeachrow,therewillbeanicon.This iconsrepresentthetypeofeventthatwasregisteredbythe system. Theredcalliconinformstherowisrelatedtoablocked call. Theredsmsiconinformstherowisrelatedtoafiltered message. Because the system also filters themessage you send, theredsmsiconwillhave2typesofarrows.Thegreenone, pointing to the right, is related to messages you sent. The

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magenta arrow pointing to the left is related to messages youreceived. By clicking on any row, you will be abled to call them back,readthemessageyoureceived/sent,orreplytothem. Also,thereisabuttonbaratthebottomoftheview.It presents 3 options to visualize the history. The first option presents all the records available. The second one presents only blocked calls and the third one presents only filtered messages.Clickovereachbuttoninthisbuttonbartotoggle thehistorytothemodeyouwant.

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2.10. ActiveListView

After clicking on the Active List row presented in the previousview,youwillberedirectedtotheActiveListview, where you can configure your active list in unregistered mode,ormultipleactivelistsinregisteredmode. Basicallyitwillpresentallyourlistsasrowsinatable. By selecting on row, you will toggle the state of that list, meaningifitwassettoactive,youwilldeactivateitandvice versa. Whenthesoftwareisunregistered,onlyonelistcanbe setasactiveatagiventime.Asaresult,whenyouselecta listtobeactive,alltheotherlistswillbecomeinactive. The registered mode let you add as many active lists youwant.

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Important InUREGISTEREDMODE,onlyonelistcanbeactive. Toremovethelimitations,pleaseregisterwithus. Press the Save button present in the navigation bar to save your new active lists, otherwise the changes wont be saved.

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2.11. ActionSetupView

AfterclickingontheActionSetuprowpresentedinthe previous view, you will be redirected to the Action Setup view. Here you will be abled to set the call disconnection typeforwhitelists,butalsothereisthepossibilitytoexpand itforblacklistuse. Basically, because the blacklists contacts have the individual action for calls, this setup is, at first, only applicable to whitelists. Remember, whitelists are lists of accepted numbers, so you dont know who you will block and there is no need to setup individual actions since the contactswillbeaccepted. This view is a global setup for actions related to whitelists.Itpresents4actions:

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Voicemail BusySignal AnswerandHangup(Wontleaveyouvoicemail) NoAction(thecallisnotdisconnectedbutalsodoes notringyourdevice)

Click over a row and the option will be selected. A checkmarkwillappear. The last row presents the option to extend the setup above to all blacklists, disconsidering the individual action setupforeachcontact.Itsaquickwaytoswitchtheaction for blacklists at once. The previous individual setup isnt actually overridden, it remains as it was, so toggle this switch to OFF will bring the same individual setup you had before. Press the Save button on the navigation bar to store thisnewsetup.

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2.12. CallSettingsView

AfterclickingontheCallSettingsrowpresentedinthe previous view, you will be redirected to the Call Settings view. Herearetheglobalactionssetupforblockedcalls.Set things up correctly in this view is the key for iBlacklist to workasyouexpect. Thefollowingaretheoptionspresentedinthisview: SaveHistory:IfthisswitchissettoON,thesoftware will store each blocked call as a new record on history. When set to OFF, no records will be stored forblockedcalls; Delete Recent Calls: If this switch is set to ON, the software will perform the deletion of the just blocked call on the default MobilePhone history,

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leavingnottraceofthiscallonthedefaultsoftware. IfitssettoOFF,thejustblockedcallwillgeneratea newrecordonthedefaultMobilePhoneapplication; Restricted Number: If this switch is set to ON, the softwarewillalsoblockcallerswithIDrestrictedor unknown. When its set to OFF, all calls with restricted/unknownIDwillbeaccepted; Address Book Only: If this switch is set to ON, the software will automatically accept only people present in your Address Book, and reject who isnt there.Pleasenotetheactivelisthasprecedenceover it.Thisfeatureisdisabledinunregisteredmode. ShowStatusbarIcon:SetitONtoplaceastatusbar icon for blocked calls. If its set to OFF, no icon will beplacedonthestatusbarwhenacallisblocked; Sound Notify: Set it to ON makes the system play a sound notification when a call is blocked. Set it to OFF to dont use sound notifications for blocked calls; Vibrate:WhenitsON,thesystemwillvibrateduring a short period of time when a call is just blocked. WhenitsOFF,novibrationistriggered. AutoReplySMS:Clickonthisrowtoberedirectedto theAutoReplySMSviewforCALLS.Onthisviewyou willhaveaswitchtosettheAutoReplySMSfeature ONandatextfieldtotypeyourcustommessage.This featureisdisabledinunregisteredmode.

Dont forget to hit the Save button present on the navigationbartoeffectivelystoreyoursettings.

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2.13. SMSSettingsView

AfterclickingontheSMSSettingsrowpresentedinthe previous view, you will be redirected to the SMS Settings view. Herearetheglobalactionssetupforblockedmessages. SetthingsupcorrectlyinthisviewisthekeyforiBlacklistto workasyouexpect. Thefollowingaretheoptionspresentedinthisview: SaveHistory:IfthisswitchissettoON,thesoftware will store each blocked sms as a new record on history. When set to OFF, no records will be stored forblockedsms; Delete SMS: If this switch is set to ON, the software willperformthedeletionofthejustblockedsmson the default MobileSMS history, leaving not trace of

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thissmsonthedefaultsoftware.IfitssettoOFF,the just blocked sms will generate a new record on the defaultMobileSMSapplication; Address Book Only: If this switch is set to ON, the software will automatically accept only people present in your Address Book, and reject who isnt there.Pleasenotetheactivelisthasprecedenceover it.Thisfeatureisdisabledinunregisteredmode. ShowStatusbarIcon:SetitONtoplaceastatusbar iconforblockedsms.IfitssettoOFF,noiconwillbe placedonthestatusbarwhenasmsisblocked; Sound Notify: Set it to ON makes the system play a sound notification when a sms is blocked. Set it to OFFtodontusesoundnotificationsforblockedsms; Vibrate:WhenitsON,thesystemwillvibrateduring a short period of time when a sms is just blocked. WhenitsOFF,novibrationistriggered. AutoReplySMS:Clickonthisrowtoberedirectedto the Auto Reply SMS view for SMS. On this view you willhaveaswitchtosettheAutoReplySMSfeature ONandatextfieldtotypeyourcustommessage.This featureisdisabledinunregisteredmode.

Dont forget to hit the Save button present on the navigationbartoeffectivelystoreyoursettings.

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2.14. SchedulerViews

After clicking on the Scheduler row presented in the previousview,youwillberedirectedtotheselectionview. On this view you will see all your lists presented in a table. By selection any row of that table, you will be redirectedtotheSchedulerViewofthatlist. Basically, this scheduler view will present you a table with all the days of the week labels on the left side of each row.Ontherightsidetherewillbeatextinformingyouthe start/endtimesetfortheday. Byselectinganyrowofthatlist,youwillberedirected totheSetRulesviewforthedayoftheweekyoujustchose.

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OntheSetRulesview,youwillbeabletoconfigurethe startandthefinishtimefortheday,byselectingoneofthe first two rows. A date picker will show and you can select theexacthourandminutesyoumightneed. This is the first step to correctly configure the scheduledoperationfortheday. The second, and very important, step is set the active state. Next section of the table presents 3 options for the activestate: InsideInterval OutsideInterval Disabled WhatdoesthisIntervalmeans? Itmeansthetimeintervalbetweenthestartandfinish time. Yes, the ones you just set on the 2 options above this table. By selecting the Inside Interval option, you are telling thesoftwaretooperate(blockcalls/sms)fromthestarttime to the finish time, and dont operate (accept everything) from00:00tostarttimeandfromfinishtimeto23:59onthe day. ByselectingtheOutsideIntervaloption,youaretelling the software to operate in the opposite interval. It means youwantittoblockcallsandmessagesfrom00:00tostart time,thenstopoperatingfromstarttimetofinishtime,and startblockingcalls/smsfromfinishtimeto23:59ontheday. By selecting the Disabled option, you are telling the software to not use the scheduler on that day, so it will be operating (blocking calls/sms) during the entire day, from 00:00to23:59. Hit the Save button on the top navigation bar to effectivelystoreyournewsettingsforthatday.

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2.15. ExtrasView

After clicking on the Extras row presented in the previousview,youwillberedirectedtotheselectionview. Thisviewwillpresentyouatablewith3sections. The first section is the Notification Privacy, and presents3rows: Call Privacy: Switch ON to remove the popup of missedcallsfromyourlockscreen; SMSPrivacy:SwitchONtoremovethetextpreview popupofrecentsmsfromyourlockscreen,andstill keepthevibration/soundnotification; Call Forward Privacy: Switch ON to remove the popup of Call Forwarding Active and Outgoing Call Forwarded,ifyouhavethem(Thisoptionrequiresa respring);

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ThesecondsectionistheSingaling.Ithasasinglerow caller Use Badge. Set it to ON and iBlacklist will place a badge (red circle) on its SpringBoard icon when a call or a smsisblocked. Thebadgewillbeinthefollowingformat: X/Y Where: X=numberofnewblockedcalls Y=numberofnewblockedmessages To clean up the badge, just open iBlacklist and check thehistory. The last section is the Parental Control. It presents 2 rows: Enable: Switch ON to enable the parental control mode Save History: Switch ON to store the blocked outgoingcallrecordsoniBlacklisthistory. The Parental Control is an operation mode where iBlacklist will also block outgoing calls. The user wont be abletoreceiveANDcallnumbers,everythingbasedonlists. Tomakesureyoursonswillonlytalktotherightpeople,use thisfeaturealliedtoawhitelistandyoubegoodtogo.

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2.16. SetPasswordView

After clicking on the Password row presented in the previousview,youwillberedirectedtothePasswordview. The first row is the enable switch for the password protection. Set it to ON to force password protection to access the software. Protect your privacy by using this option. The following 2 rows are the Password and Confirm fields,whereyouneedtotypeyourpasswordandconfirmit. Onlynumberareacceptedtoformyournewpassword. HittheSavebuttontostorethenewsetup.
Important Thedefaultpasswordis1

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2.17. RegisterView

Clickingontheredbutton,presentonthebottomofthe mainviewofiBlacklist,youwillberedirectedtotheregister view. Youwillseetworows.ThefirstoneiscalledRegister Key, and will present a 22 characters number. This is a uniquenumberforyourdevice,andwillNEVERchangedue toarestoreorupdate. Thesecondfieldistheactivationkey,wichisblankand isthecorrectplaceforyoutotypeyouractivationcode. Toregisterwithus,pleaseclickontheredbutton(Buy Now)presentonthenavigationbartoopensafariandgoto ourwebsite,orpleasevisitourwebsiteforthispurposeon Once you register your device, you will receive your activationkey,wichalsoisalwaysthesameforyourdevice.

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Soyouwillbeabletorestoreorupdateasmanytimesyou mightneedandstillreusethesameactivationkey. Youwillreceiveyouractivationkeyin24/48hours. Pleasetypeitinthesecondfieldpresentedinthisview and hit the red button saying Confirm Code to successfully registerandunlockiBlacklist.Afterthis,isnecessarytoquit theapplicationtofullyunlockthesystem.

Important Whenpurchasingalicense,pleasedontforgettoinformyour registerkey.Itsimpossibletogenerateyourlicensewithout thisnumber,andwilltakelongerforyoutoreceivethe activationkey.

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3. MultipleActiveLists
Inthissectionyouwillfindtheexplanationabouthow tousethemultipleactivelistsfeature. When you set two or more lists to be active, you will seeintherightsideofeachactivelistrowatextinforming itspriorityregardingtoothersactivelists. Thispriorityissetwhenyoudefinethelisttobeactive, anditsdonebytheselectionorder. As an example, if you already had one list as active, it shallinformyouthepriority1forthatlist.Whenyouselect onemorelisttobeactive,thepriorityofthisnewselection willbe2. Theprioritytellsthesystemwhatlistmustbesearched first. The priority number reflects the order the system get the liststo perform the search. As an example, the list with prioritysetto1willbethefirstlisttobeusedonthesearch. Ifthecallerdoesnotmatchtothislist,thesystemwillsearch onthelistwithpriority2,then3 Attheendoftheallactivelists,ifnomatchoccurs,the call or sms will get through. If the match occurs, the call or smswillbeblocked. NotethemainpurposeofiBlacklististoBLOCKCALLS AND SMS. For this reason, when you set a Whitelist to be active,thislistwilldetermineifthecallwillbeacceptedor blocked, no matter how more lists you have set as active afterthiswhitelist.Thishappensbecauseawhitelistisalist of accepted people, and if there is a match, the call or sms mustgothroughasyouexpect,butifthereisntanymatchto thatlist,obviouslythecallorsmsneedstobeblocked.Asa result, the lists with priority set after this whitelist will neverbeconsulted.

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WARNING Anywhitelistsetasactivewilldeterminetheendofthelist searchingprocesstoidentifyifthecallerneedstobeblocked. Theuserneedstopayattentiontotheschedulersetup ofeachlist.Whenmultiplelistsarescheduledtorunduring thetimethecallorsmsarrived,theywillbeconsultedbyits priority,asexplainedbefore. If the list is not scheduled to run during the time the call or sms arrived, it wont be searched and the software will skip to the next active list. This able the user to set a whitelist as active but still use other lists as active with priority set after the whitelist, when this whitelist is scheduledtonotrun.Asaresult,thelaterlistswillbeused onthesearchbecausethewhitelistwasntscheduledtorun, soitcantbeusedtoblockoracceptanyone.

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4. FAQs
Inthissectionyouwillfindtheexplanationabouthow tosetupiBlacklisttooperateasyourneeds. Question:HowdoIaddacontacttoablacklist? 1) SelectBlackListrowonthemainview; 2) Selectthelistyouwanttoaddacontact; 3) Clickonthe+buttononthenavigationbar; 4) Choose one of the three options to add a contact (from AddressBook, call log or sms log) or type the nameandnumber; 5) Setifyouwanttoblockcalls,smsorboth; 6) SetifthecontactiseligibletoreceivetheAutoReply SMS; 7) Setthecallactionforthatcontact; 8) Clickontheredbuttontoeffectivelyaddittothelist. Question:HowdoIaddacontacttoawhitelist? 1) SelectWhiteListrowonthemainview; 2) Selectthelistyouwanttoaddacontact; 3) Clickonthe+buttononthenavigationbar; 4) Choose one of the three options to add a contact (from AddressBook, call log or sms log) or type the nameandnumber; 5) Setifyouwanttoacceptcalls,smsorboth; 6) Clickontheredbuttontoeffectivelyaddittothelist.

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Question:HowdoIreturnacalltoablockedcalleron myhistory? 1) SelectHistoryrowonthemainview; 2) Selecttherowofthecalleryouwanttocall; 3) Clickonthebuttonwiththenumberofthecallerto makeacall. Question:HowdoIclearallmyhistory? 1) SelectHistoryrowonthemainview; 2) Clickontheclearbuttoninthenavigationbar; 3) ClickontheClearAllHistorybutton. Question:HowdoIclearasinglerowinmyhistory? 1) SelectHistoryrowonthemainview; 2) Clickontheclearbuttoninthenavigationbar; 3) ClickontheDeleteIndividualbutton. 4) Click on the red circle positioned in the left part of therowyouwanttodelete; 5) Click on the delete button on the right side of the rowyouwanttodelete; 6) ClickontheDonebuttontoexitthedeletionmode.

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Question: How do I read the blocked sms from my history? 1) SelectHistoryrowonthemainview; 2) Selecttherowwiththeblockedsms. Question: How do I reply to a blocked sms from my history? 1) SelectHistoryrowonthemainview; 2) Selecttherowwiththeblockedsms; 3) Clickonthereplybuttoninthenavigationbar. Question:HowdoIsetalisttobeactive? 1) SelectActiveListrowonthemainview; 2) Selecttherowoflistyouwanttosetasactive; Question:HowdoIsetalisttobeinactive? 1) SelectActiveListrowonthemainview; 2) Selecttherowoflistyouwanttosetasinactive;

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Question: How do I set the system to remove the blockedcallfromdefaulthistory? 1) SelectCallSettingsrowonthemainview; 2) SettheDeleteRecentCallstoON; 3) ClickonSave. Question:HowdoIsetthesystemtostoretheblocked calloniBlacklisthistory? 1) SelectCallSettingsrowonthemainview; 2) SettheSaveHistorytoON; 3) ClickonSave. Question:HowdoIblockunknown/restrictedcallers? 1) SelectCallSettingsrowonthemainview; 2) SettheRestrictedNumbertoON; 3) ClickonSave. Question: How do I accept only people in my address book? 1) SelectCallSettingsrowonthemainview; 2) SettheAddressBookOnlytoON(OnlyinRegistered Version); 3) Setanemptyblacklistastheonlyactivelist; 4) ClickonSave.

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Question:Whatisthedifferencefromtheunregistered versiontotheregisteredversion? 1) Youcanaddonly2contactstoalist; 2) YoucantusetheAutoReplySMSfeatures; 3) Nomultipleactivelistsispossible,onlyonelistcan beactive; 4) YoucantusetheAddressBookOnlyoptions. Question: How do I set the system to remove the blockedsmsfromdefaulthistory? 1) SelectSMSSettingsrowonthemainview; 2) SettheDeleteSMStoON; 3) ClickonSave. Question:HowdoIsetthesystemtostoretheblocked smsoniBlacklisthistory? 1) SelectSMSSettingsrowonthemainview; 2) SettheSaveHistorytoON; 3) ClickonSave.

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Question: How do I set the system to place icons on statusbarforblockedevents? 1) SelectCallSettingsforcallsorSMSSettingsforsms onthemainview; 2) SetShowStatusbarIcontoON; 3) ClickonSave. Question: How do I set the system to play a sound for blockedevents? 1) SelectCallSettingsforcallsorSMSSettingsforsms onthemainview; 2) SetSoundNotifytoON; 3) ClickonSave. Question: How do I set the system to vibrate for blockedevents? 1) SelectCallSettingsforcallsorSMSSettingsforsms onthemainview; 2) SetVibratetoON; 3) ClickonSave.

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Question: How do I configure the Auto Reply SMS for blockedcalls? 1) SelectCallSettingsonthemainview; 2) ClickonAutoReplySMS; 3) SettheEnableswitchtoON; 4) Typeyourcustommessage; 5) ClickontheBackbutton. Question: How do I configure the Auto Reply SMS for blockedsms? 1) SelectSMSSettingsonthemainview; 2) ClickonAutoReplySMS; 3) SettheEnableswitchtoON; 4) Typeyourcustommessage; 5) ClickontheBackbutton. Question:HowdoIschedulealist? 1) SelectScheduleronthemainview; 2) Selectthelistyouwanttoschedule; 3) Selectthedayoftheweekyouwanttosetup; 4) Setthestarttime; 5) Setthefinishtime; 6) Inform if the system will run inside the startfinish interval, outside the startfinish interval or if the schedulerisdisabledforthatday(worksfulltime); 7) HittheSavebuttonandrepeatfortheotherdays.

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Question:HowdoIdisablethepopuponlockscreenfor missedcalls? 1) SelectExtrasonthemainview; 2) SettheCallPrivacytoON; 3) HittheSavebutton. Question:HowdoIdisablethesmspreviewforrecent sms,andstillhavevibrationandsoundnotifications? 1) SelectExtrasonthemainview; 2) SettheSMSPrivacytoON; 3) HittheSavebutton. Question:HowdoIdisabletheannoyingCallForward ActiveandOutgoingCallForwardedpopups? 1) SelectExtrasonthemainview; 2) SettheCallForwardPrivacytoON; 3) HittheSavebutton. Question:HowdoImakeiBlacklistplacearedcircleon itsiconforblockedevents? 1) SelectExtrasonthemainview; 2) SettheUseBadgetoON; 3) HittheSavebutton.

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Question: How do I block outgoing calls based on lists (EnableParentalControl)? 1) SelectExtrasonthemainview; 2) SettheEnableswitchtoON; 3) HittheSavebutton. Question:HowdoIalsostoreoutgoingblockedcallson iBlacklisthistoryforParentalControl? 1) SelectExtrasonthemainview; 2) SettheEnableswitchtoON; 3) SettheSaveHistorytoON; 4) HittheSavebutton. Question:HowdoIpasswordprotectiBlacklisttoavoid unwantedpeopletoaccessit? 1) SelectPasswordonthemainview; 2) SettheStartupPasswordswitchtoON; 3) Informyourpassword; 4) Confirmyourpassword; 5) HittheSavebutton.

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5. Troubleshooting
This section will briefly explain how to troubleshoot theapplication. Question:Whyitsnotblockingcallsandmessages? 1) Check if you have MobileSubstrate properly installed; 2) Checkiftheapplicationisenabled; 3) Checkifthelistisnotdisabledbythescheduler. Question:Whyitsnotblockingmessages? 1) CheckifyouhavetheSMSSettings>DeleteSMSset toON. Question: The application crashes everytime I try to openit? 1) Probably the database file got corrupted. Try to uninstall and reboot the device. Then reinstall the application. 2) If this does not help, try to uninstall it, SSH and manually delete this path: /var/mobile/Library/iBlacklist. Reboot and reinstall.

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Question:Igotastrangemessageonapopupinforming awrongdatabasewasdetected.NoweverytimeItrytoopen theapplicationitcrashes? 1) Surely the database file AND folder got corrupted. TrytouninstalliBlacklist,openanSSHconnectionto your device and manually delete this path: /var/mobile/Library/iBlacklist. 2) Rebootandreinstall. If this section did not help you, please get in contact with oursupportbythisemailaddress: ThankyouforusingiBlacklist. iDevBrTeam

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