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Ngh nail ngh ch yu ca ngi Vit ti M nh hng Tu i vi ngi Vit ngc ngoi

Cch pht m ting M

Posted on 10.01.2011 by songtra Bi vit cch pht m ting M ny, ti tm gn li hu ht nhng hng dn v pht m ting M, nm trong 4 chng u ca cun sch Mastering the American Accent. Ti khng lp li nhng g trnh by trong bi Mo vt hc ting Anh. Cc bn c gng luyn thng xuyn: c ng v sau l c va ng va nhanh. Cng luyn nhiu th ming li ca bn s sm t c s t nhin, khng cn cm thy vng v v khng chm chp hay mt mi. Lc ny th t ng ging ni ting M, ting Anh ca bn (cng nhng ch quen thuc y) s dn dn thay i, khc hn lc trc d nhin l hay hn. V d: nu move ci li ca bn chm hay khng ng ch th bn kh pht m ng hay phn bit c gia wall v war. ** - Ngi British khng quan trng m r nh ngi M, nht l i vi nhng ch c r tn cng nh l: for, more, far. here, sure, four, her, culture, car, teacher, etc. C 2 cch pht m cho m r: un cong u li ng thi ko v pha sau, hay nng cao phn sau ca li ln cao chn c hng li (khng cn un cong u li cho trng hp sau). - Cch pht m mt nguyn m thng thay i khi c mt r theo sau. Chng ta cn phi pht m // lt nh qua trc m r. V d: fire c c l fai // + r. Tng t cho nhng ch sau: fear, clear; far, hard; sour, power; hire, ireland; four, more; hair, there, care, etc.

- Khi pht m w ta phi chm trn mi li nh lc hut gi. V d: well, what, always, work, swim, etc. - Nhiu trng hp ngi M pht m u th ngi Anh c l yu (hoc ju tu t in). V d: attitude, costume, due, duty, introduce, tube, studio, Tuesday, student, new, produce, etc. - Trong cch pht m ting M ch g (//) ca nhng ch tn cng l ing lun nn c pht m, bng cch nng cao phn sau ca li ln, v d: doing, sing, going, etc. Dont release your tongue when you pronounce /g/, or just release it slightly. - Pht m v chnh xc, khi bt u bi, mi di ng vo hm rng trn. - Trng hp held t (t cm) sau y l mt trng hp hay gp khi nghe ngi M ni chuyn. Nhng t c t theo sau l n th m t l m t cm. C ngha l a li ng pha sau hm rng trn ri gi lun khi ta c m /n/. V d: certain c l s(t)n. Tng t cho butten, gotten, lighten, Britain, cotton, written, etc. - Khi t nm sau n th t ny l silent t. Thay v c internet ngi M thng c innernet v this is fairly standard speech. Tng t cho interview, twenty, accountable, dentist, quantity, plenty, center, Santa Monica, international, disadvantage. Note: Hai trng hp va trnh by ch nhm mc ch gip cc bn d nhn bit nhng cch c khc l ca ngi M, ch ti khng khuyn s bt chc. * * * - Gia hai t khc nhau, nu t u kt thc bng mt vowel + t v t k tip bt u bng mt vowel th ngi M thng c ni t v nguyn m ca t k tip. tuy nhin m t c bin thnh fast /d/. This is a standard American accent. V d: It_is = i dis, get_up = ge dup, try it_on = try i don, Wait_a minute, at_eleven, put_it_off, etc. - Khng ch c th kt ni /t/ cui m /d/ hay ed cui cng ging vy.

V d: made_it, add_on, hid_it, fed_up. Stayed in = stay din, turned on = turn don, needed a = nee de da, liked it = like dit, cleaned it = clean dit, developed a = develop ta (ed thm vo sau p th e cm v d bin thnh t) - c ng m th cn phi a li ra pha trc, nm gn gia v qu 2 hm rng mt t, ng cn li hay nhn mnh li vo nhng rng trn. Khi pht m th ci tip ca li rung ng t xu v mt ln hi c thi ra t gia li v rng trn. Nhiu ngi c m th ging nh t, v d: thank = tank, bath = bat. Cng c ngi lm ln gia th v d, v d: they = day, breathe = breed. - Cn phi c lt qua m /t/ to ensure a smooth transition to the /s/ cho nhng ch: its, thats, states, lasts, whats, doubts, etc. - c c /d/ (c lt ) ln /z/ cho needs, sends, decades, friends, kids, cards, etc. - A double c (cc) thng c pht m nh x hay /ks/. Nu nh ci vowel theo sau x l m nhn, nh trng hp examine v exist, th x c pht m /gz/. Nhng trng hp x c theo sau bi mt consonant hay nm cui t th c /ks/, v d: expert, tax, next. - Prefix dis is pronounced as /s/ and not as /z/, v d: disagree, disorder, disappear, disobey, etc. - Nhng ch quen thuc sau y tn cng bng s nhng c pht m /z/: was, is, as, his, hers, these, those, whose, goes, does, always, because. - Khi c m /b/ nh t boat, ta ch cn chm nh hai mi vo nhau, tng t nh khi pht m /m/. Tuy nhin, pht m /p/, nh t pat, your lips come together and close shut. Vng, phi mm mi li vi nhau v khi pht m /p/ th ming bt m, ng thi mt lung hi thi ra tht mnh. Note: bn tay trc ming xem th mnh c ng m /p/ cha (m th cng vy). - Trng hp d c r theo sau, th m /d/ bin thnh gn nh l m /dz/ nh ch judge. V d: drink, drop, syndrome, hundred, laundry, dream, cathedral, etc. * * * Sau y l 15 main vowel sounds ca ting M:

1. Common Spelling Pattern for /i:/ ee : nh trong: meet, feel, see, free. ea : team, reach, mean, sea. ie & ei : belief, piece, neither, receive. Final e : me, we, she, he. e + consonant + e : Vietnamese, Japanese, Peter, Steve. final y : city, duty, country, ability. endings with ique : unique, boutique, critique. Lips: Slightly smiling, tense, not round. Tongue: Tense, high and far foward near the roof of the mouth. Practice sentences: Please eat the meat and the cheese before you leave. The employees agreed to meet at eight fifteen. 2. Common Spelling Patterns for /i/ i (most common) : sit, give, this, dinner. ui : build, quit, quick, guilty. y between 2 consonants : system, gym, symbol, hymn. Lips: Slightly parted, relaxed. Tongue: Relaxed, high, but not as high as for /i:/. Sides of the tongue touch upper back teeth. Sentences for practice: Linda will live in the big city. Kim visits her big sister in Virginia. 3. Common Spelling Patterns for /ei/ a + cnsonant + e : late, came, take, save. ai : rain, wait, pain, aim. ay : say, away, play, monday. ey : they, survey, obey. eigh : weight, eight, neighbor, freight Less common : april, alien, apron, angel. Lips: Not rounded, relaxed. Tongue: Tense, moves from the mid-high to high position. 4. Common Spelling Patterns for /e/

e : get, end, next, general. ea : heavy, head, read, measure. Exceptions : said, says, again, against, any, many. Lips: Farther apart than for /ei/ and relaxed. Tongue: Relaxed, mid-high position. 5. Common Spelling Pattern for // a : hat, apple, man, answer. Lips: Open, not rounded. Tongue: Flat on the floor of the mouth. 6. Common Spelling Patterns for // u : but, fun, summer, drunk. o : love, done, come, son. ou : cousin, country, enough. Lips: Completely relaxed, slightly parted. Tongue: Relaxed. middle position. 7. Common Spelling Patterns for // o : hot, stop, modern, job. a : father, watch, dark, want. Lips: Apart, as if you are yawning. Not rounded. Tongue: Relaxed, flat at the floor of the mouth. * * * 8. Common Spelling Patterns for // aw : saw, law, awful, awesome. au : author, August, applaud, audition. al : small, walk, tall, always. ought : bought, thought, fought. aught : daughter, caught. o : gone, off, long.

Lips: Apart, very slighty rounded, oval shape. Tongue: Slightly tense, dn near the floor of the mouth. Note: Trong ting M // v // (#7 & #8) c pht m rt ging nhau ti nhiu ni ca nc M. C vi nh ngn ng cho rng chng l same sound. V vy, ng nu bn khng th phn bit c s khc nhau gia hai m. 9. Common Spelling Patterns for // o : no, dont, home, only. oa : road, coat, boat ow : own, slow, window. ought : thought, althought. Lips: Very rounded and tense. Tongue: A bit tense, moves from mid to high position. 10. Common Patterns for // oo : good, look, childhood, understood. u : push, pull, full, sugar. ould : would, could should. Exception : woman sounds like wumun Lips: Very slightly rounded. Tongue: Relaxed, back is raised, higher than for // 11. Common Patterns for /u:/ oo : too, food, school, tool. ue : true, blue, avenue. o : do who, lose, prove. ew : new, blew, drew. u : super, rule, duty, student Lips; Tense, rounded, as if blowing a balloon Tongue: Slightly tense, high. Note: Nhng ch c oo (#10 & #11) chng ta phi hc thuc tng ch mt nh ch no pht m u ngn, ch no u: di . 12. Common Spelling Patterns for /:/ er : her, mercy, mother, were. ear : heard, learn, earth. ir : first, girl, firm.

or : doctor, word, worry, work. ur : occur, curtain, jury, hurt. ure : insecure, culture. ar : grammar, collar. Lips: Slightly rounded. Tongue: Tense, mid-level position. Tip is curled up a bit and pulled back. 13. Common Spelling Patterns for /ai/ y : fly, sky, apply, style. i : nice, kind, fine, sign. igh : light, fight, sight, night. ie : lie, tie, tried. Lips: Open, not rounded, closing a bit when moving to the /i/ position. Tongue: Relaxed, moves from flat to high position. 14. Common Spelling Patterns for /a/ ou : found,loud, around, thousand. ow : now, down, crowd, vowel. Lips: Start not rounded, but as you move toward //, lips begin to close and become tense. Tongue: Moves from relaxed, low to high position for the //. 15. Common Spelling Patterns for /i/ oi : avoid, oil, moist, join. oy : enjoy, toy, employ, royal. Lips: Moves from slightly rounded, oval position to relaxed, slightly parted position. Tongue: Relaxed, move from mid-high to high position. This entry was posted in Ngn ng. Bookmark the permalink. Ngh nail ngh ch yu ca ngi Vit ti M nh hng Tu i vi ngi Vit ngc ngoi Like Be the first to like this post.

One Response to Cch pht m ting M

1. le thanh says:

16.01.2011 lc 2:15 chiu tnh c bit blog ca bn, xin cm n bn v mt s bi vit rt hay, thng tin b ch v xin php bn c copy cc bi vit v kinh nghim hc ting anh ca bn. Chc bn mnh khe, c thm nhiu bi vit chia x trn blog hn na L Thnh Tr li

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o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Mt s iu cn khi tip xc vi ngi Ty Tn ngng ca ngi u M Ci tnh k th mu da, tn gio ca ngi Ty Ni chuyn v Canada nh hng Tu i vi ngi Vit ngc ngoi Cch pht m ting M Ngh nail ngh ch yu ca ngi Vit ti M Lch s ngh nail ca ngi Vit ti M suy ngh v nhng thi quen xu ca ngi Vit Chuyn l y v Cng gio v l Ging sinh Nhng ngi Vit bt hnh trn t Thi Lan Trinh tit ca ngi con gi Chuyn tnh dc ca ngi Ty Vua Cn Long v ci ly ngc Ci yu ca du lch Vit Nam Th gii ngi da en Ngi M da en Vn ho sao chp i nt v tnh hnh ngi Vit ti Cambodia Nn cp dun Nhng sinh hot ca ngi Vit T khi Cambodia c lp Vit kiu Cambodia Mo vt hc ting Anh Chuyn nh chuyn ln Suy ngh su sc H Ni 1000 nm Beijing Forbidden City and a Vietnamese architect C Vng Bnh Lun bi vit Nhng CP khng Cng Sn. Nhng chnh ph khng Cng Sn ti VN, 1945-1975 (tt) Nhng chnh ph khng Cng Sn ti VN, 1945-1975 L Tng Hm i M gh Vit Nam Kin Thc Du Lch Nn C V t Nc Vit Nam You v I ca ting Vit Tn ring Latin Bnh Lun Con ngi Du Lch Lch S Linh Tinh Ngn ng Vit Kiu

Chuyn mc

Vn Ho ng k ng nhp Dng thng tin cho bi vit Dng thng tin cc phn hi.

o o o o o

Bi nhiu ngi c
o o o o o o o o

Suy ngh su sc Ngi Vit Cambodia Nhn hm i M gh Vit Nam Kin Thc Du Lch Nn C V t Nc Vit Nam Mo vt hc ting Anh L Tng You v I ca ting Vit Bnh Lun bi vit Nhng CP khng Cng Sn.

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