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AWPA PACHA 124 Contentsi

Number 1, 1963
Urban settlements in ancient Peru (1:127, 1 plate) John Howland Rowe Preceramic art from Huaca Prieta, Chicama Valley (1:2934, 4 plates) Junius B. Bird Early Horizon ceramics in the Caete Valley of Peru (1:3538, 1 plate) Dwight T. Wallace New evidence for preceramic maize on the coast of Peru (1:3941, 1 plate) David H. Kelley and Duccio Bonava B. Some new finds at San Nicols (1:4345, 1 plate) Gary S. Vescelius; with a discussion of the cultural relationships of the San Nicols industry by Edward P. Lanning An early ceramic style from Ancn, central coast of Peru (1:4759, 6 plates) Edward P. Lanning The methods of Peruvian archaeology (1:6171) A. L. Kroeber

Number 2, 1964
Style and time in the Middle Horizon (2:1105, 9 plates) Dorothy Menzel Slip casting: a ceramic technique invented in ancient Peru (2:107111, 1 plate) Lawrence E. Dawson Changing settlement patterns on the central Peruvian coast (2:113123) Thomas Carl Patterson and Edward P. Lanning

Number 3, 1965
From Monumental to Proliferous in Nasca pottery (3:192, 16 plates) Richard Paul Roark

Stoneroofed chambers in Chibcha territory, Colombia (3:93106, 4 plates) Sylvia M. Broadbent A preceramic stone tool collection from Visachani, Bolivia (3:107113, 2 plates) Thomas Carl Patterson and Robert F. Heizer Moche ceramic technology (3:115134, 4 plates) Christopher B. Donnan

Number 4, 1966 (published in 1967)

The site of Chibcha Bogot (4:113, 1 plate) Sylvia M. Broadbent A preliminary seriation of the Chimu pottery style (4:1530) Harry Scheele and Thomas C. Patterson Innovation through archaism; the origins of the Ica pottery style (4:3161, 6 plates) Patricia J. Lyon The role of Chincha in late pre-Spanish Peru (4:6376, 1 plate) Dorothy Menzel and John H. Rowe The pottery of Chincha (4:77144, 10 plates) Dorothy Menzel Early cultural remains on the central coast of Peru (4:145153, 2 plates) Thomas C. Patterson

Number 5, 1967 (published in 1968)

Textiles from Hacha, Peru (5:113, 10 plates) Anna Hadwick Gayton Late Ica figurines in the Uhle collection (5:1538, 10 plates) Dorothy Menzel El abrigo de Caru y sus relaciones culturales con tres sitios tempranos del sur del Per (5:39 57, 13 lminas) Rogger H. Ravines Snchez What kind of settlement was Inca Cuzco? (5:5976, 1 plate) John Howland Rowe

Number 6, 1968 (published in 1969)

A Middle Horizon tomb, Pinilla, Ica Valley, Peru (6:16, 7 plates) Allison Clement Paulsen A redefinition of the Pinilla style (6:714, 4 plates) Patricia Jean Lyon An association of Middle Horizon Epoch 2A specimens from the Chicama Valley, Peru (6:1518, 2 plates) Christopher Bruce Donnan Un depsito de ofrendas del Horizonte Medio en la sierra central del Per (6:1945, 14 lminas) Rogger H. Ravines Snchez New data on the Huari empire in Middle Horizon Epoch 2A (6:47114, 13 plates) Dorothy Menzel Late preceramic and early ceramic cultures of the central coast of Peru (6:115133) Thomas Carl Patterson and Michael Edward Moseley A prehistoric field system in Chibcha territory, Colombia (6:135148, 6 plates) Sylvia Marguerite Broadbent

Number 78, 19691970 (published in 1971)

Pucara style pottery designs (78:116, 18 plates) John Howland Rowe and Catherine Terry Brandel Six bags with woven pockets from pre-Columbian Peru (78:1728, 3 plates) Ina VanStan A huaqueros discard: eleven associated molds from Huaca Facho, Peru (78:2939, 4 plates) Joel Warren Grossman The Burr Frieze; a rediscovery at Chan Chan (78:4158, 5 plates) Margaret Ann Hoyt and Michael Edward Moseley A fluted lanceolate point from El Inga, Ecuador (78:5964, 1 plate) William James Mayer-Oakes and William R. Cameron Stylistic affinities between the Quimbaya gold style and a little-known ceramic style of the middle Cauca Valley, Colombia (78:6583, 6 plates) Karen Olsen Bruhns

An archaeological sequence from the vicinity of Buga, Colombia (78:85103, 6 plates) Warwick Michael Bray and Michael Edward Moseley

Number 9, 1971 (published in 1972)

La Cumbre; a preliminary report on research into the early lithic occupation of the Moche Valley, Peru (9:116, 8 plates) Paul P. Ossa and Michael Edward Moseley Excavation of a cave at Los Castillos in the valley of the Ro Huenque in southern Peru (9:1722, 6 plates) Peter S. Gelling Dos nuevas estatuas de estilo Pucara halladas en Chumbivilcas, Per (9:2332, 4 lminas) Juan Vctor Nez del Prado Bjar A Chanapata figurine from Cuzco, Peru (9:3340, 2 plates) Edward Bridgman Dwyer Cultural change and adaptation in the central Atacama Desert of northern Chile (9:4164, 4 plates) Gordon Clark Pollard Modeled anthropomorphic figurines from northern Chile (9:6586, 8 plates) Delbert Leroy True and Lautaro Nez Atencio The wrappings from a child mummy from Ancon, Peru (9:87112, 6 plates) Ina VanStan

Number 1012, 19721974 (published in 1975)

A new chronology of the Valdivia ceramic complex from the coastal zone of Guayas Province, Ecuador (1012:132, 7 plates) Betsy Dupuis Hill Early Formative Period of coastal Ecuador: Where is the evidence? (1012:3348) Patricia Jean Lyon Some problems in the quantitative analysis of vegetable refuse illustrated by a Late Horizon site on the Peruvian coast (1012:4960) Mark Nathan Cohen An archaeological survey of the lower Aguayta River, eastern Peru (1012:6189, 8 plates) Thomas Perkins Myers

Bin style ceramics from Iparia (1012:91107, 12 plates) Warren Richard DeBoer Early Intermediate Period and Middle Horizon 1B ceramic assemblages of Huamachuco, north highlands, Peru (1012:109127, 11 plates) John Pemberton Thatcher, Jr. On the ethnozoology of the guinea pig (1012:129134) David Henry Andrews The scoria at Chan Chan; non-metallurgical deposits (1012:135170, 15 plates) Heather Lechtman and Michael Edward Moseley

Number 13, 1975 (published in 1976)

Papers on early sculpture from the Lake Titicaca Basin (13:12) John Howland Rowe The Arapa and Thunderbolt stelae: A case of stylistic identity with implications for Pucara influences in the area of Tiahuanaco (13:325, 10 plates) Sergio Jorge Chvez Two new Pucara style stela fragments from Yapura, near Capachica, Puno, Peru (13:2734, 6 plates) Margaret Ann Hoyt The Donahue discovery, an ancient stela found near Ilave, Puno (13:3543, 4 plates) John Howland Rowe and John Michael Donahue A carved stela from Taraco, Puno, Peru, and the definition of an early style of stone sculpture from the altiplano of Peru and Bolivia (13:4583, 8 plates) Sergio Jorge Chvez and Karen Lynne Mohr Chvez The Paijn complex, Pampa de Cupisnique, Peru (13:8596, 8 plates) Claude Chauchat A fluted fishtail point from La Cumbre, Moche Valley, Peru (13:9798, 1 plate) Paul Peter Ossa A dated sequence of building and pottery at Las Haldas (13:99112, 8 plates) Terence Grieder

Number 14, 1976 (published in 1977)

El arte religioso del Cuzco en el Horizonte Temprano (14:120, 10 lminas) John Howland Rowe The Moon Animal in northern Peruvian art and culture (14:2139, 4 plates) Karen Olsen Bruhns Notes on pottery making in highland Peru (14:4159, 8 plates) Lila Morris ONeale Mat impressed pottery from Yarinacocha, Peru (14:6167, 1 plate) Thomas Perkins Myers A projectile point from the Department of Quindo, Colombia (14:6971, 2 plates) Karen Olsen Bruhns, Oscar Osorio Gmez, Ole Christiansen Archaism, form and decoration: An ethnographic and archaeological case study from the Peruvian montaa (14:7394, 4 plates) Peter Guy Roe The Moche sources of archaism in Chimu ceramics (14:95104, 4 plates) Richard Lewis Burger Open letter to colleagues in the Institute of Andean Studies (14:105) Clair Cameron Patterson Note on: A dated sequence of building and pottery at Las Haldas (14:106) Terence Grieder

Number 15, 1977

Excavaciones en el Templo Antiguo de Chavn (sector R); informe de la sexta campaa (15:138, 20 lminas) Luis Guillermo Lumbreras Chavn butterflies; a tentative interpretation (15:3947, 1 plate) Karen Olsen Bruhns Excavaciones en Ayapata, Huancavelica, Per (15:49100, 10 lminas) Rogger Hernn Ravines Snchez A Middle Horizon 1B cache from Huamachuco, north highlands, Peru (15:101110, 3 plates) John Pemberton Thatcher, Jr. The totora in Colta Lake; an object lesson on rapid cultural change (15:111116, 2 plates) Sylvia Helen Forman

Un vase portrait de femme mochica (15:117121, 2 planches) Anne Marie Hocquenghem Les reprsentations de chamans dans liconographie mochica (15:123130) Anne Marie Hocquenghem Une interpretation des vases portraits mochicas (15:131139, 6 planches) Anne Marie Hocquenghem

Number 16, 1978 (published in 1979)

The revolutionary weaving inventions of the Early Horizon (16:112, 6 plates) William J Conklin Preparing a mummy bundle, note on a late burial from Ancon, Peru (16:1322, 2 plates) Karen Elizabeth Stothert; technical analysis by Eve Yarberry Archaeological plant remains from the central coast of Peru (16:2350, 1 plate) Mark Nathan Cohen Additional observations on the Paijn complex (16:5164, 1 plate) Claude Chauchat Highland Inca architecture in adobe (16:6594, 16 plates) Elisabeth L. Moorehead Female supernaturals in ancient Peru (16:95140, 8 plates) Patricia Jean Lyon

Number 17, 1979 (published in 1980)

An account of the shrines of ancient Cuzco (17:180) John Howland Rowe A Huari ceramic tapir foot? (17:8186, 2 plates) J. Scott Raymond The whole hog (as it were) (17:8790, 1 plate) Karen Olsen Bruhns Early ceramic assemblages from Huamachuco, north highlands, Peru (19:91106, 12 plates) John Pemberton Thatcher, Jr. Addendum to Early Intermediate Period and Middle Horizon 1B ceramic assemblages of Huamachuco, north highlands, Peru (19:107108) John Pemberton Thatcher, Jr.

El complejo Bagua y el sistema de establecimientos durante el Formativo en la sierra norte del Per (17:109142, 12 lminas) Ruth Shady y Hermilio Rosas Una punta en cola de pescado procedente de la costa norte del Per (17:143146, 1 lmina) Claude Chauchat y Jorge Zevallos Quiones

Number 18, 1980 (published in 1981)

An identification of anthropomorphic mythological personages in Moche representations (18:126, 2 plates) Yuri E. Berezkin A class of anthropomorphic supernatural females in Moche iconography (18:2748, 2 plates) Anne Marie Hocquenghem and Patricia Jean Lyon Pumamarca; a Late Intermediate Period site near Ollantaytambo (18:4962, 2 plates) Susan Allee Niles Squiers Palace of Ollantay revisited (18:6372, 8 plates) Alan Reed Sawyer Further inquiries into the case of the Arapa-Thunderbolt Stela (18:7380, 4 plates) Sergio Jorge Chvez and David Bruce Jorgenson Textiles from the burial platform of Las Avispas at Chan Chan (18:81148, 16 plates) Ann Pollard Rowe

Number 19, 1981 (published in 1982)

The Spotted Cat and the Horrible Bird; stylistic change in Nasca 15 ceramic decoration (19:162) Elizabeth Farkass Wolfe Les mouches et les morts dans liconographie mochica (19:6369) Anne Marie Hocquenghem Les vases mochica: formes et sujets (19:7178) Anne Marie Hocquenghem Notes on some stone sculpture from the northern Lake Titicaaca Basin (19:7991) Sergio Jorge Chvez Escultura antropomorfa de Minaspata (Cuzco) (19:9397) Alfredo Valencia Zegarra

Construction and labor organization in the Chimu empire (19:99114) Carol Joy Mackey and Alexandra Marie Ulana Klymyshyn Chimu socio-economic organization: recent data from Manchan, Casma Valley, Peru (19:115128) Jerry Dennis Moore A late burial from Cerro Azoguini, Puno (19:129154) Catherine Jean Julien Ceramics from the Hacienda Tarapoto, Department of San Martn, Peru (19:155166) Thomas Perkins Myers A discontinuous warp and weft textile of Early Horizon date (19:167176) Donna Marie Garaventa Corrections for the published descriptions of a Late Horizon mummy bundle from Ancon (19:177188) Karen Elizabeth Stothert Note on: Further inquiries into the case of the Arapa-Thunderbolt Stela (19:189191) Sergio Jorge Chvez

Number 20, 1982 (published in 1983)

Pjoc and Waman Wain: two Early Horizon villages in the Chavn heartland (20:340) Richard L. Burger The symbolism of Paracas turbans: a consideration of style, serpents and hair (20:4160) Anne Paul Polities in the Lurn Valley, Peru, during the Early Intermediate Period (20:6182) Thomas C. Patterson, John P. McCarthy, and Robert A. Dunn Territoriality in the Early Intermediate Period: the case of Moche and Recuay (20:8396) Donald A. Proulx Dance in Moche art (20:97120) Christopher B. Donnan Quimpiri, a ceramic style from the Peruvian montaa (20:121146) J. Scott Raymond The measurement and meaning of stylistic diversity (20:147162) Warren R. DeBoer and James A. Moore Style and function in Inca agricultural works near Cuzco (20:163182) Susan A. Niles

Tower Hill, Water of Life and the Black Pool (20:183189) Donald E. Thompson

Number 21, 1983 (published in 1985)

Pucara and Tiahuanaco tapestry: Time and style in a sierra weaving tradition (21:144, 1 color plate) William J Conklin Demographic change and economic transformation in the south-central highlands of preHuari Peru (21:45126) Joel Warren Grossman La agricultura en lagunas del altiplano (21:127152) Jorge Anbal Flores Ochoa y Magno Percy Paz Flores Chan Chan: A case study of urban change in Peru (21:153182) John Richard Topic and Michael Edward Moseley Inca quarrying and stone cutting (21:183214) Jean-Pierre Protzen

Number 2223, 19841985 (published in 1987)

Funerary offerings from a Middle Horizon context in Pomacanchi, Cuzco (2223:148) Sergio Jorge Chvez The Middle Horizon ceramic offerings from Conchopata (2223:4990) Anita Gwynn Cook Conchopata, ideological innovator in Middle Horizon 1A (2223:91126) William Harris Isbell Preliminary site survey of the Punkuyoq Range, southern Peru (2223:127160) Stuart White Traditional pottery of Raqchi, Cuzco, Peru: A preliminary study of its production, distribution, and consumption (2223:161210) Karen Lynn Mohr Chvez Archaeological evidence from Achual Tipishca, Lower Huallaga River, Peru (2223:211 224) Thomas Perkins Myers Mixed media; a problem in archaeological nomenclature (2223:225227) Karen Olsen Bruhns

Number 24, 1986 (published in1990)

The ancient pottery from Pucara, Peru (24:130) Edward M. Franquemont Nasca pottery construction (24:3148) Patrick H. Carmichael The building of Sacsahuaman (24:4960) Vincent R. Lee A group of grave tablets and shirt fragments from Pachacamac (24:6172) Helen Engelstad Cerro de Media Luna; an Early Intermediate Period site in the Chilln Valley, Peru (24:73 98) Jeffrey Quilter The Paijan occupation of the Casma Valley, Peru (24:99110) Michael A. Malpass The site of Pumpuentsa and the Pastaza Phase in southeastern lowland Ecuador (24:111 124) J. Stephen Athens

The contents listed here include only substantive articles. Other items, such as publications of interest to readers, corrections to previous issues, information for authors, etc., may be found in the tables of contents of specific numbers.

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