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ID. No.


Marks Obtained:

2:00 PM 2:50 PM, 02/12/2011 (Friday) Max. Marks = 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: There are total 10 questions printed on one side of the paper. All are multiple choice questions. Select the most appropriate answer and mention its letter against the space provided in the box. Each question carries THREE marks. Overwriting will be treated as invalid. No negative marks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. No. Ans.

1 A

2 B

3 B

4 D

5 A

6 A

7 D

8 C

9 D

10 C

(1) Two bars of different materials are of the same size and are subjected to same tensile forces. If the bars have their elongations in the ratio of 4:7, then the ratio of moduli of elasticity of the two materials is A) 7:4 B) 4:7 C) 49:16 D) 16:49 (2) A point in a strained body is subjected to a tensile stress of 1000 kg/cm2 on one of the plane and the tensile stress of 500 kg/cm2 on a plane at right angle to it. If these planes are carrying shear stresses of 500 kg/cm2, then the principal stresses are inclined to the larger normal stress at an angle B) tan-1(2) A) tan-1 (2) D) tan-1(1/3) C) tan-1(2/3) (3) If a cantilever beam carries a uniformly distributed load over its entire length, then shapes of shear force diagram and bending moment diagram respectively are A) Quadratic parabola and cubic parabola B) Triangle and quadratic parabola C) Rectangle and triangle D) Quadratic parabola and triangle (4) A beam of rectangular crosssection is 100mm wide and 200mm deep. If the section is subjected to a shear force of 20kN, then the maximum shear stress in the section is B) 1.125 N/mm2 A) 1 N/mm2 2 D) 1.5 N/mm2 C) 1.33 N/mm (5) Force in the member AD of the pin jointed frame shown in figure below is A) Zero B) P/2 C) P D) P2

(6) The ratio of strain energy stored by a hollow shaft of external diameter D and internal diameter d and strain energy stored by a solid shaft of diameter D is B) (D2 - d2 )/D2 A) D4 /(D4 d4) 4 4 4 D) D2/(D2 - d2 ) C) (D d )/D (7) A simply supported beam of span L carries over its full span a load varying linearly from zero at either ends to w/unit length at midspan. The maximum bending moment occurs at A) quarter points and is equal to wL2/8 B) quarter points and is equal to wL2/12 C) midspan and is equal to wL2/8 D) midspan and is equal to wL2/12 (8) A cantilever beam carries a uniformly distributed load from fixed end to the centre of the beam in the first case and a uniformly distributed load of same intensity from centre of the beam to the free end in the second case. The ratio of deflection at free end in the two cases is A) 1/2 B) 3/11 C) 7/41 D) 15/24 (9) A simply supported beam with rectangular crosssection is subjected to a central concentrated load. If the width and depth of the beam is doubled, then the deflection at the center of the beam will be reduced to A) 50% B) 25% C) 12.5% D) 6.25% (10) For a plane stress state as (60, 40, 0 MPa), the maximum yield strength according to Von-Mises criteria is (A) 60.0 MPa (B) 74.8 MPa (C) 52.9 MPa (D) 26.4 MPa

2:00 PM 5:00 PM, 02/12/2 0 2011 (Friday) ) Max Marks = 9 x. 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note There are total 5 quest e: tions. Start e each questio from a fre page. Assume suitab data wherever necess on esh A ble sary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q.1 If a tensile l load of 5000 kN is applie to a solid cylindrical s 0 ed shaft as show in Figure 1, find the te wn ensile stress. If a . twisting mo oment of 500 kN-m is also applied, find the shea stress. Du to combin effect of twisting mom 0 f ar ue ned ment and tensile load, find th state of pl he lane strain (z, , z). Al find the p lso principal stra using M ains Mohr Circle. (E = 200 GPa, = 0.3). [15 M]

Figure 2

Figur 1 re

Q.2 In Figure 2, the aluminu rod AB ( = 27 GPa is bonded to the brass rod BD (G = 39 GPa). K um (G a) Knowing tha the at portion CD of the brass rod is hollow with an inn diameter of 40 mm, determine the angle of tw at A. [15 M] w ner r d wist 5 Q.3 A column o circular cross section o 400 mm diameter and 4 m long is of of d clamped at left side and hinged at r d right as show in Figure 3. At the wn e right end o the colum there is an expansio gap of 5 mm. The of mn, on column is m made of a spe ecial refracto material with = 4x10-5 /0C and ory E = 800 GPa. If this co olumn is exp posed to a higher tempe h erature, find the tempera [15 M] ature rise at w which buckli will occu ing ur.

Figure 3

Q.4 A rigid bar BDE is wel r lded at point B to the ste beam AC (E = 200 G t eel C GPa). Beam AC has a re ectangular cr ross section with 20 mm wi h idth and 30 m depth. For the load mm ding as show in Figure 4, using sin wn ngularity function [20 M] method, det termine (a) t slope at p the point A and (b) the deflec ( ction at point B. t
100m mm 30mm

20KN/m B A D 1m 1m m E 40KN 1m C mm 30m

30mm 250mm

m 50mm 300m mm

4KN A O 2m 2m

W B C 2m

Figure 4

Figu 5a ure

Figure 5b

Q.5 A simply su upported bea of unsym am mmetrical I s section (Figu 5a) with an overhang supports th load syste as ure g he em shown in F Figure 5b. D Determine the maximum value of loa W at whi the shear stress and the compressive e ad ich r bending stress will not exceed their allowable values 3 MPa and 7 MPa respectively Draw the SFD and B r v a a y. e BMD. Specify the location at which maxim w mum tensile bending stre occurs for the given lo ess r oading. Spe ecify whether it is r at the bottom surface or the top surf m r face. [25 M]

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