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Survey : Academic dishonesty and cheating Part I : Demographic information Gender, ethnicity, age, state residency, full or part-time

status, family income, years of school completed beyond high school, academic major. Part II : Instances 1. based on your experience, list instances of cheating that you have seen, done, or heard about at UPI. (cheating doesn t occur during exams. List at least five instances in some detail. Make the last one be the most or elaborate instance of academic dishonesty you ve ever heard of. Part III : Issues 2. have you observed other students cheating at UPI during the past semester? If so, about how many times ? 3. what kind of cheating seems to occur most often ? 4. what particular kinds of cheating are associated with specific department ( for example English, engineering, math, psychology) ? 5. are there harmful effect to a person s character when they cheat ? ( for example, getting into the habit of cheating might make it easier to lie about other thing). Describe what these effect might be and whom they would mostly affect. 6. what are you feeling about cheating ? 7. under what circumstances, if any, is it OK to cheat? Why? 8. have you ever been a victim of cheating ? did a cheating use your work or your ideas any way in order to get a better grade ? if so, please describe the circumstances. 9. did you cheating during this past semester ? If so, about how many times ? would you say that is more, less, or the same as other student ? 10. how does your personal interest in a topic impact the likelihood of you cheating ? 11. are there specific situations in which you would be more or less likely to cheat ? 12. some universities have a policy that states that students who help others cheat are just as guilty as those who do the cheating. ( an example woud be giving your answear to another student during an exam). Are those who help other to cheat just as guilty ? why or why not ? 13. some universities have a policy that requires students who witness cheating to report it. Do you think that this is a good policy? How would you respond if this policy was implemented at UPI, sort of a code among students ?

14. are you aware of UPI policy for handling instance of cheating ? if so, where did you learn about it ? 15. what are some penalties for cheating at UPI ? please list several and explain the circumtances when each might be approriate. 16. how do instructor respond to instances of cheating ? 17. list at least five detailed reasons people cheat. 18. do you think cheater are bad people ? why or why not ? 19. do you think there is spesific type of person who is a cheater ? what are some characteristic of cheaters ? 20. what steps does the university take to discourage cheating ? and what steps do departements take to discourage cheating ? for each step you list, describe how effective you think that step is. 21. what other things could be done to discourage students from cheating ? 22. it is cheating if during a test a student looks at their notes just to get the right spelling of a term (and that test, spelling counts)? Why or why not? 23. some students say they cheat because a course is not important to them (like an engineering stundent who has to take a literature elective). Please describe your feeling about this. 24. some students say they cheat because the course is very important to them (like a course in their major in which they must get at least a B). Please describe your feeling about this. 25. everyone who cheats on a midterm gets an A. You choose not to cheat and get a C. Please describe your feelings about this and describe what you might do, if anything. 26. during an exam, a professor sees someone cheating and looks the other way. How do you feel about this ?

Part IV : Suggestions 27. if it were up to you, how would you find out more about cheating at UPI ?

AN INITIAL EXPLORATION OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (CHEATING) INTERVIEW PROMPTS Part 1 : general questions 1. how does your personal interest in a topic impact the likelihood of cheating ? 2. are there spesific situations in which you would be more likely to cheat ? less likely to cheat ?

Part 2 : questions related to the sub-categories situational aspects 1. does the kind of assignment or task given by the instructor influence the likelihood of cheating ? 2. if the content of the course is not relevant to a student s program might they be more likely to cheat ? 3. are students more likely to cheat if they don t know or understood the material ? 4. when students feel pressured to get good grades are they more likely to cheat ? 5. are there any situations related the physical space of the classroom that might lead to cheating ? 6. are there things about an instructor or instructor behaviours in the classroom that encourage cheating ? 7. do certain personal or social situations of students increase the likelihood of cheating ? 8. do financial considerations play a role in cheating ? Personal interest aspects 1. when students like the subject, are they less likely to cheat ? 2. when students are interested in the topic, are they less likely to cheat ? 3. when students like the instructor, are they less likely to cheat ?

Part 3 : list A. Student are more likely to cheat during : 1. group projects 2. in-class assignment 3. on-libe course

4. test 5. take-home exams 6. classes that are unimportant B. students are more likely to cheat when : 1. they don t know the material 2. in math and engineering because the answers are specific 3. school is hard 4. a class is way too difficult and a good grade is needed 5. professors expect too much 6. they are pressured to perform at a high level 7. grades affect the ability to get into a program or stay in a program 8. there isn t enough space between students during exams 9. they know they can t get caught 10. ID s aren t checked during finals for large classes 11. everyone in class helps each other by getting a copy of previous exams 12. they don t have time to study 13. they have procrastinated 14. they are stressed 15. the teacher helps you cheat by giving answers to a standardized test 16. the teacher isn t paying attention 17. the professor is bad 18. professor don t change the exams/essays from semester to semester 19. there are pressures from work 20. they are overload with tests 21. deadlines are approaching

22. they are lazy 23. they aren t smart enough to pass without cheating 24. they have low confidence 25. they don t go to classes 26. they don t like the subject 27. they think that cheating is inevitable and that everyone does it C. Students are less likely to cheat when : 1. classes are straightforward and easy 2. test are easy 3. professors are more observant 4. in-class reviews are provided 5. they are interested in the topic 6. they are good at the subject 7. the classes are part of their major

Survei: ketidakjujuran dan kecurangan Akademik

Bagian I: Informasi demografis Jenis kelamin, suku bangsa, usia, Bagian II: Contoh 1. berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, kecurangan seperti apa yang telah Anda lihat, lakukan, atau anda dengar di UPI ? Bagian III: Isu 2. pernahkah Anda mengamati siswa lain yang melakukan kecurangan di UPI selama semester lalu? Jika demikian, sudah berapa kali anda melihat ? 3. Kecurangan yang seperti apa yang sering terjadi? 5. Apakah ada efek berbahaya bagi karakter seseorang ketika mereka melakukan kecurangan ? (Misalnya, seseorang yang memiliki kebiasaan berbuat curang mungkin membuatnya lebih mudah untuk berbohong tentang hal lainnya). Jelaskan apa efek ini mungkin terjadi ? 6. Bagaimana perasaan anda terhadap kecurangan yang terjadi ? 7. dalam keadaan seperti apa kecurangan menjadi sah untuk dilakukan ? Mengapa ? 8. apakah Anda pernah menjadi korban kecurangan? Misalnya, sebuah kecurangan yang menggunakan ide atau jawaban Anda dengan cara apapun untuk mendapatkan nilai yang lebih baik? jika demikian, jelaskan bagaimana perasaan anda ? 9.apakah anda melakukan kecurangan selama semester ini? Jika demikian, berapa kali anda melakukan kecurangan? 11. situasi seperti apa yang membuat anda akan menjadi lebih atau kurang mungkin untuk melakukan kecurangan? 12. beberapa universitas memiliki kebijakan yang menyatakan bahwa siswa yang membantu melakukan kecurangan sama bersalahnya dengan mereka yang melakukan kecurangan. (Contoh, siswa yang memberikan jawaban kepada siswa lain saat ujian). Apakah mereka yang membantu siswa lain sama bersalah? Mengapa ? 13. beberapa universitas memiliki kebijakan yang mengharuskan siswa yang menyaksikan kecurangan untuk melaporkannya. Apakah Anda berpikir bahwa ini adalah kebijakan yang baik? Bagaimana Anda menanggapi jika kebijakan ini diterapkan di UPI? 15. apakah ada hukuman yang diberikan pihak universitas bila siswa melakukan kecurangan? Hukuman seperti apa ? 16. bagaimana pihak universitas/dosen menanggapi kasus kecurangan yang terjadi? Apa saja langkah yang sudah diambil universitas untuk mencegah terjadinya kecurangan ? seberapa efektif ? 17. Berikan sedikitnya lima alasan orang melakukan kecurangan ? 18. Menurut Anda, apakah seorang yang melakukan kecurangan adalah orang jahat? mengapa ? 21. Menurut anda, Hal lain apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah siswa melakukan kecurangan? 25. setiap orang yang curang saat ujian semester karena ingin mendapat nilai A. Anda memilih untuk tidak curang dan mendapatkan nilai C. Jelaskan perasaan Anda tentang hal ini ? dan apa yang akan anda lakukan ?

26. selama ujian, seorang dosen melihat kecurangan seseorang namun dosen tersebut seolah-olah tidak melihatnya. Bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang hal ini?

EKSPLORASI AWAL ketidakjujuran akademis (PENIPUAN) WAWANCARA Anjuran Bagian 2: pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan sub-kategori situasional aspek 1. apakah jenis tugas atau tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen mempengaruhi kemungkinan melakukan kecurangan ? 2. jika isi dari materi kuliah tidak relevan dengan ujian apakah menjadi lebih mungkin untuk curang? 3. mahasiswa lebih mungkin untuk curang jika mereka tidak tahu atau memahami materi? 4. ketika siswa merasa tertekan untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus mereka lebih mungkin untuk menipu? 5. apakah ada situasi terkait ruang fisik dari ruang kelas yang dapat mengakibatkan kecurangan? 6. Apakah ada hal-hal tentang dosen atau perilaku dosen di kelas yang mendorong kecurangan? Pribadi bunga aspek 1. ketika siswa tertarik dengan suatu mata kuliah, apakah mereka akan jarang melakukan kecurangan? 2. ketika siswa tertarik pada suatu materi, apakah mereka akan jarang melakukan kecurangan? 3. ketika siswa tertarik dengan cara mengajar suatu dosen apakah mereka akan jarang melakukan kecurangan? Bagian 3: daftar Mahasiswa A. lebih mungkin untuk curang selama: 1. Tugas kelompok 2. Tugas dikelas 4. ujian 5. Ujian yang dibawa pulang 6. Materi kuliah yang tidak penting B. siswa lebih mungkin untuk menipu ketika: 1. mereka tidak tahu materi 3. Pelajaran yang sulit dan nilai yang didapat harus bagus 5. dosen berharap terlalu banyak pada mahasiswa 6. mereka tertekan karena harus menjadi yang terbaik di kelas 7. nilai mempengaruhi kemampuan untuk masuk ke program atau tetap dalam sebuah program 8. tidak ada ruang yang cukup antara siswa selama ujian 9. mereka tahu mereka tidak akan dihukum saat melakukan kecurangan 11. semua orang di kelas membantu satu sama lain dengan mendapatkan salinan ujian sebelumnya 12. mereka tidak punya waktu untuk belajar 13. mereka telah menunda pekerjaan (prokartinasi)

14. mereka stres 15. dosen membantu anda memanipulasi dengan memberikan jawaban atas tes standar 16. dosen tidak memperhatikan 18. dosen tidak mengubah soal ujian dari semester ke semester lainnya 19. ada tekanan dari pekerjaan 20. Soal yang terlalu banyak 22. mereka malas 23. mereka tidak cukup pintar untuk berhasil tanpa melakukan kecurangan 24. mereka memiliki kepercayaan diri rendah 26. mereka tidak menyukai pelajarannya Mahasiswa C. cenderung menipu ketika: 2. tes yang mudah 3. dosen lebih jeli 4. di kelas tinjauan disediakan 5. mereka tertarik pada pelajarannya 6. mereka baik subjek 7. kelas adalah bagian dari utama mereka

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