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Critical analysis for the audit Findings Carrying out an effective audit to address the issues stated above

requires accessing information. good information will help us measure, manage and assess the degree of risk involved in making business and marketing decisions, (McKee et al, 2009). Leads MC Internal marketing information comes from many sources such as; the internal survey which holds data relating to staff preferences and needs, as well as an access database which holds data relating the annual appraisal form, customer satisfaction surveys Staff attitude section- and customer complains. Moreover, an the audit for the marketing function , company strategy , internal marketing mix enable the audit to take place. The audit findings revealed a number of issues as outlined below: This is no system to support and encourage the communications between the managers and subordinates. Employees turnover rate is high and has reached %15 in 2011 due to headhunting and market competition Leads MC has a prestigious building equipped with the latest Hardware products Leads MC strategy supports the internal marketing and has adopted a good budget for the training. A budget of 30,000 was adopted in 2011 to execute the program. Management style varies from autocratic to sometimes permissive. Leads MC offers a good salaries and medical insurance Due to multitude tasks deadlines not always met Employee's loyalty high in the managerial levels where it's not guaranteed in the lower levels. Leads MC has a professional staff of 25 consultant hold MBA and CIM degree in the marketing and have and experience between 10 : 20 year in the market Managerial incompetence in terms of time management, communicating with the subordinate , motivating them and keep them up to date with companies achievements. . Conflict between departments makes due to miscommunication. Manager are not listening to subordinate staff and don't share the information with them. Employees feel they are treated like any other tools of the business.

Customer complains record shown that in 2011 Leads MC received 11 written complaints from existing customer to complain from the staff attitude. Moreover, customer satisfaction survey shown that that %37 of our clients had a problem with the Telephone support, %20 has a are not satisfied from the on-site support due to timedelay, and %17 thins that the Consultants have a big ego and deal with them as if they are their students. Employees in the different departments are not aware of other department work.

Overview / Internal Marketing Management Process

Leads marketing Consulting doesn't implement the internal marketing professionally and continuously. It was seen by the manager as a leisure activities due to the work pressure. Managers dont consider internal marketing one of the work priorities.

Leads MC is split into separate departments, and although these departments operate in under the same company and some tomes works with the same client separately. It is vital that everyone in the organization undertakes effective cross-selling with their client. This cross-selling cannot take place if the staff separate department is unaware of the services that the whole company can offer , or have lack knowledge on the individual skills available

Leads MC Employees are grouped - Senior consultants - Consultants - Business Associates - Juniors - Other functions - Part-time or project basis Consultant This segmenting a wide and hinder the internal activities to be concentrated. Therefore re-segmenting these groups to less group will help. staff will be into sub groups by lifestyle characteristics and seniority level . For example the administrative staff may be more motivated by a social activity rather than a more formal activity for senior managers.

Leads MC internal strategy was to communicate a simple message with its staff, "Together, we grow-up". It seems that this message is vague and didn't communicate clearly with the staff. Leads MC strategy should work to raise the awareness of the department activities, the visibility of the department internally. It's clear that without positive attitude to internal marketing and business development some parts of business could have remained isolated.

The types of internal communications that targeting the employees are: Annul lunch at Four Seasons hotel. Business skills training Annual Giveaways Internal Surveys

However, not all of the activities has been applied. whilst Leads MC successfully made its annual lunch ,the training session plan didn't compete due to the Egyptian revolution, management ignorance and time bounds. The annual giveaways were cancelled due to the budget shrinkage and the internal survey had a low response rate. The interview with marketing manager identified that the delay in pushing these activities can be attributed to lack of time of senior management, who have been focusing on other areas of the business.

Employee loyalty/satisfaction
The conducted employees' satisfaction survey last 2011 showed that %67 of the responders were satisfied with their jobs. % 45 expressed concern about the amount of time required to fulfill their roles. %36 had communication problems with the other department. The survey revealed a lack of clarity on the overall objectives of the company %39 of the responders failed to define Leads MC objectives. They were also unsure of their deliverables and how their own performance would be evaluated.


The management should encourage creativity, innovation, allowing initiatives and accountability and responsibility of their decisions. To help the employees feel they belong to the company , Leads MC should encourage them to participate the hiring new employees by reference them, and create a Team-fit meeting where the candidate will be asked to have a friendly meeting with the team Develop an incentive plan to reward the remarkable employees. Establishing an officers' fund. This fund will be used to support the employee in case of hard times difficult moments like death of the near family members. Designing an annual questionnaire to measure the employees' awareness, satisfaction, needs and problems. Hold a quarterly meeting in a cozy or friendly place outside the company. In this meeting a presentation about projects progress, market opportunity, expansion plans should be addressed. Moreover, the employees will be encourages to present their problems and needs Develop a New employee orientation programs for the new comers and people in the entry level. This program also should be simplified in order to be delivered to other department, such as, Human resources and IT. Hold training sessions that focus on internal operations and emphasize the links to marketing issues Develop an Internal intranet to encourage and facilitate the social internal communication between teams and individuals. It's recommended to be integrated with social media such as Facebook Create an internal advisory board and e-Newsletter that Positions top performers as internal consultants on new marketing messages or HR issues. It will also tickle the progress in the running projects

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