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Senses Unit Plan

By: Alise Farrell Background Information: Prior to this unit students will have a basic understanding that the human body has five different senses. Students should be familiar with the concept that in order to function, humans use these senses to interpret the world around them. It will be expected that the students have little or no in depth knowledge of each sense, but will know the basic process of each one. Students should also know what the words smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch mean and how those words relate to everyday life and activities. Rationale: This unit was designed to let students explore with their five senses while incorporating different interactive experiences with other students in the class. The unit lets students explore the world around them while understanding the process of how their body takes it in. The unit was designed so that students will learn that each of the five senses has a specific purpose. Students will learn that our tongues are for taste, our ears are for hearing, our eyes are to see, fingers are for feeling, and our nose is for smelling. This unit was designed with the mindset that it is important that children learn and appreciate their senses at an early age in life in order for them to understand how much we rely on them within our everyday life. Description of the Unit: This unit is made up of five lessons. Each lesson explores one of the five senses individually, except for the last day when students are exploring taste and smell together, and was designed so that the students are exploring each sense in a variety of ways, whether it is on their own or with other classmates. Our very first lesson is direct instruction where the students are learning to classify adjectives that describe each of the five senses. This lesson was designed as an introduction to the next four lesson plans, so that students will become familiar with how to describe each one of the senses. The second lesson plan is our presentation with an advance organizer, this lesson teaches students about our first senses which is sight. Students will focus on the lens of the eyes, and will gain an understanding that this is what we use to see. Our third lesson is concept attainment. For this lesson students are exploring the sense sound and its process by making and using a sound wave tunnel. For the fourth lesson, students will be cooperatively learning about touch by constructing a touch and feel box. This lesson is neat because it will be holding the kids mostly accountable for the lesson and gives them the opportunity to explore with peers. The last lesson is our problem-based/inquiry lesson, where students will be exploring our last two senses: taste and smell. Students will be exploring what

condiment is missing at a classroom picnic, making them use both taste and smell to see which condiments are present and which one is not. Bulletin Board: Also included in the unit is an interactive bulletin board that gives students the opportunity to match a description with a sense. This is a great tool for students to practice their knowledge about the five senses and also is a good way to informally assess the stuents.

Advance Organizer Lesson Plan

Ms. Alise Farrell Subject: Science Grade Level: First Grade Lesson Title: How we see, using the lens of our eye Materials Needed: Arthurs Eyes by Marc Brown Magnifying glasses Old lenses (from binoculars, cameras, watch faces, eyeglasses) Student Journals

Prerequisite Skills: Students will need to know that there are five human senses; sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Students will have been given an example of a human eye and focus on the lens. Students will need to know the purpose for the lens in a humans eye. ABCD Lesson Objective: After observing five objects in the classroom, first grade students will be able to answer the following questions in their journals with 100% accuracy. Questions: 1. How do the objects look with the lenses compared to how they look without them? 2. How does the magnifying glass make objects appear larger? Present Objective: After reading the book Arthurs Eyes (Brown) students will observe different objects around the classroom with one of the lenses and describe it, then observe the object without the lens and describe it and record it in their journal. Students will do their observations with each of the five different lenses using five different objects. Present Advance Organizer: (Time: 5 minutes) Today we will be learning about and using our first sense which is sight, but before we do I have a question for everyone. How many of you know someone who wears glasses? Or do any of you have glasses? We know that our eyes control our sight and that we can see many different objects in the world. We also know that some people have trouble seeing so they use glasses as a way to help them see. But how do they do this? Demonstrate knowledge or skill: (Time: 30 minutes) On the overhead is an example of a human eye (overhead diagram is attached). One of the main parts of a persons eye is the lens. The lens job is to focus light rays that come into the eye to make images or what we are looking at clear (Websters dictionary), and that is how we use our first sense, sight. (Read Arthurs Eyes to the class) Some peoples eyes

are not as good as others eyes so they have to use an artificial kind of lens, such as glasses. Many objects we look through use lenses like our lens in our eye to help them see and focus on an image. We are going to demonstrate how the lens of an eye works so that people can see by using five different lenses to explore objects in our classroom. We will be working with a magnifying glass, and lenses from binoculars, cameras, watch faces and a real pair of glasses. Check for understanding and provide student feedback: (Time: 10 minutes) Prior to beginning exploration give the students an opportunity to ask questions and clear up any confusion they might have about lenses and how humans see. Observe students while they are exploring objects in the classroom and provide them with feedback on their work. Students will be released to explore as many different objects as they can using all five of the lenses. Now that we have had time to explore many different objects in the classroom please write sentences about the different objects you found and answer the questions on the overhead in your journals. (If needed refer students back to the adjectives we learned about in our classifying lesson plan.) Students will write a sentence about an object they observed for each of the five lenses they used in their journal as another thrilling thought and will answer the two questions on the overhead (put the attached questions on the overhead as students explore in the classroom). Assessment/closure: (Time: 5 minutes) When you go home today try and count how many people you know that wear glasses. I hope now we all have a better understanding of our sight and how lenses are the main part of our eye that makes us see. Please make sure to turn in your journals when you are done with them so I can check your answers to the following questions: 1. How do the objects look with the lenses compared to how they look without them? 2. How does the magnifying class make objects appear? I look forward to also reading the sentences you came up with. (Provide students with appropriate feedback on their answers to the overhead questions.) Adaptation for students who need extra help, time, or attention: Students who have a hard time writing will be given the opportunity to take their journals home with them and write their five sentences. Students who struggle with reading will be allowed to have teacher or another student read a loud the questions posted on the overhead. Extension for students of high ability: Students who have already gained a great knowledge on sight and how the eye works and are interested in finding out more information, will be given the opportunity to take one of the lenses home and compare and contrast five more objects they find in their home. (If students choose to do this, make sure lenses are checked out so we keep track of where they are.)

TOTAL LESSON TIME: 50 minutes References: Lens. (2010). Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Website; http://www.merriam- Porteous, Diane. Teacher Created Materials. (200). A Guide for Using Arthurs Eyes in the Classroom. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from Teacher Created Materials Website; Brown, Marc. Arthurs Eyes. (May 1993). Retrieved February 9, 2010, from Barnes and Noble Website; Brown/e/9780316113380/ Picture: National Eye institute. (October 2008). Diagram of the Eye. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from National Eye Institute Website; Directory Journal Web Dictionary. (2007-2009). Google Image. Retrieved February 9, 2010, from Directory Journal Web Dictionary Website;

Alise Farrell Subject: Science Grade: 1st Materials: - - - - - - - - Balloons Scissors to cut balloon Soup can with both ends taken off Rubber bands Tape Pieces of mirror (1 cm square) Flashlight Wall space Title: Exploring Sound

Prerequisite: Students will need prior background knowledge on a humans five senses and have an understanding of the process of sound. Objective: Students will be able to see the process, and thus better understand, the concept of sound. Concept Label: Sound Critical Attributes: Yes Howling Wind Rain Clapping Splashing Waves Claps of Thunder Running Raging River Scratching Popping Popcorn Definition of Concept: Sound can be defined as the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium (Dictionary). No Sunshine Clouds Window Carpet Mime Shirt Color Silence

Interaction with Students

Providing examples for class: On the board you will see two columns. The first column is labeled yes and the second column is labeled no. You will notice that there are two words under each one. In the yes category we see that the words wind and waves are in it. In the no category we see that the words sunshine and flashing light are in it. I will keep adding words to each column, but as we go, keep all of your thoughts about what I am trying to describe to yourself. Add the rest of the words to each column that they belong in. Make sure to rotate between the two columns each time when putting up a word to get the students to think. Stop after adding one or two words to each column to give students time to think and try to make connections between the words in each column. Test for Attainment: After adding one or two words to each column stop and ask the students; How many of you think you know what the category is? While still keeping your thoughts to yourself show me by giving me a thumbs up if you think you know what it is, a thumb sideways if you have an idea but are not 100% sure, and a thumbs down if you do not have any idea what the category is. Analyze students: Those of you who have a good idea of what the subject is may come up to the board and add a word of your own in either category. (Allow this to happen after all the words have been added to each column. This will provide students with their thumbs up come to the board and write an example of their own that they think belongs in either the yes or no column to help their classmates try and figure out what the subject is. ) After a few students have gone, once again, have them repeat putting their thumbs up, sideways, or down. Once over 50% of the class has their thumbs up call on students to share their idea of what the subject is. Clarifying lesson objectives: From the examples provided we learned that everything in the yes column makes a noise and that everything in the no column are all things we can not hear. The world is full of things that we can and cannot hear. Today you will be able to identify and learn about the process of sound by creating a sound wave tunnel.

Procedures: - - - - Have each one of the students cut the neck off a balloon with scissors and then stretch it over on end of the can. Have them then tape the edge of the balloon to the can to keep it from falling off. Glue the 1 cm mirror facing out to the balloon about one third of the way in from the edge of the can. Have students lay the can on its side by a wall, with the balloon facing it. While the teacher is shinning the flashlight on the mirror (at an angle so that there is a reflection of the mirror on the wall) ask the student to sing or shout into the open end of the can.

Assessment/Closure: While doing this project have the students pay close attention to the spot on the wall. What happens when the student sings into the can? - The spot of light on the wall should vibrate because when the sound waves from the student singing or yelling hit the balloon, it makes the balloon vibrate. This then causes the mirror and the light reflecting on it to vibrate too. After each student has had the opportunity to sing or yell into their can have them go back to their seats and write a one paragraph paper about the process they just witnessed. Students will also need to write one paragraph of things they know make sounds and things they know do not make sound and explain why. Differentiation: a. For students who need extra time making the sound tunnel allow them to take it home and finish constructing it with their familys help. They will need to bring the finished product to class the next day to complete the actual experiment with the teacher. b. Students who feel they would like more practice with sound can be assigned a letter of the alphabet, and will be instructed to find objects that begin with that letter that make noise or do not make noise. a. This is a really cool learning experience for the child and the rest of the class, because for our next lesson students will be doing an activity where they guess the items each student brought back in a can and guess what they are based on what type of sound they make. References: CanTeach: Science: Physical Science - Make a Sound Viewer." CanTeach - Resources for Educators. AtoZTeacherStuff. Web. 10 Mar. 2010. <>. Definition of sound:

Example of what the Sound Tunnel will look like against the wall
Where students yell in to Reflection on the wall Flashlight

Length of paragraph (x2)



Paragraph was 2 or less complete sentences.

Paragraph was Paragraph was 3 to more than 5 4 complete complete sentences. sentences.

Describing the process of sound

Student gave multiple details and clearly described the process of sound.

Student described the process of sound, but did not give any details.

Student did not describe or provide details of the process of sound.

Describing Items

Student gave 2 or more examples of objects that make sound and do not make sound.

Student gave one example of objects that make sound and do not make sound.

Student did not give any examples of objects that make or do not make sound.

Alise Farrell

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Grade Level: 1st Grade

Subject: The Five Human Senses Lesson Title: Classifying Our Five Senses Materials Needed: Overhead projector Overhead marker Pencils Five Senses worksheet Individual classroom journals

Prerequisite Skills: Students will need prior background knowledge on a humans five senses and have an understanding of the process of classifying objects. ABCD Lesson Objective: Given a worksheet with 10 different pictures, each first grade student will match the objects to one of the five senses. This will help students gain an understanding of the five senses and gain a better understanding of classifying objects with no more than three errors total. 1. Provide objective: (2 minutes) On the board are words that describe each one of the five senses called adjectives, adjectives are describing words. Please take the time to recognize what types of words describe each one of the different senses. (Attached is the overhead sheet with the descriptive words.) Seeing- Bright, dull, colorful, black, white, tall, short, big, little, Hearing- Loud, soft, goofy, sad, happy, scared, musical, boring, Touching- Hard, soft, rough, smooth, fuzzy, fluffy, wet, dry, hot, cold

2. Demonstrate knowledge of skill: (10 minutes) Humans have five senses which help them feel and perceive different aspects of life. The five human senses as we can see from the overhead are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Lets see if we can come up with a few examples for each. (Have students share at least two examples of what they might encounter with each of the five senses. Do this by having individuals come up to the overhead and list the objects.) Example; 3. Provide Guided Practice: (10 minutes) Now that we have come up with some ideas as a class I want you all to complete this worksheet. The worksheet is asking that we classify the pictures and figure out which sense they belong to. Classifying means putting things together that go together or are alike. Sight: See the color blue, Identify a tree Hearing: Loud clapping, soft singing Touch: Smooth rock vs. rough rock Smell: Popcorn, candles, garbage Taste: Cupcake, broccoli, macaroni

(Pass out worksheet I have created for the students. Have the students pair up with a partner sitting next to them to read the directions and complete the worksheet together.) 4. Check for understanding and provide student feedback: (During Guided Practice) As students complete the worksheets with their partner, walk around the room. Check students progress and provide feedback on their work. 5. Provide extended practice and transfer: (15 minutes) Now you will reflect in your journal and write one thrilling thought about what you have learned for each of the five senses. Give an example of a personal experience you have had with the five senses, so when you are finished you will have 5 sentences written in your journal. (Explain to the students that this can be a wide variety of experiences, and provide them with one experience of your own. For example; I burnt my finger on the stove. That is an example of touch.) 6. Assessment/Closure: (3 minute) Please pass in your worksheets and journals when you are finished. I look forward to reading about your own personal experiences with the five senses (The worksheets will be used as an assessment document and comments are encouraged to be made on the students journaling as another form of assessing students work.) 7. Adaptation for students who need extra help, time, or attention: Allow students that need extra time to take the worksheet home and finish the assignment. Also allow students who may have trouble writing their journal entries to draw a picture instead of writing a sentence of an experience they have had with each of the senses. They will however, have to orally explain what their picture and or experience was, as an exception to writing. Extension for students of high ability: Students will be given the opportunity to find five different objects at home that all relate to each of the senses that we will use in class the rest of the week. TOTAL LESSON TIME: 40 minutes

8. References Consulted: Exum, Bambi. A to Z Teacher Stuff. (May 6, 1997). Classifying the Five Senses. Retrieved February 1, 2010, from A to Z Teacher Stuff Website; ml Pictures; Retrieved February 1, 2010, from Google Image Website; =1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi

Alise Farrell Subject: Science Grade: 3rd

Lesson Title: Touch and Feel Box Materials Needed: Any type of box (shoe box, hat box, etc.) Black stretchy material (spandex material) Black paint to paint the inside of the boxes Paint brushes Scissors Exacto-knife Glue Stapler Objects that have distinctive textures: o Rocks o Feathers o Pinecones o Leaves o Nuts

Prerequisite Skills: Student should understand the concept of the five senses. Students should know the procedure and concept of touch, which is the fourth sense we are focusing on for this unit. Lesson Objective: a. Third grade students will identify and describe objects through their sense of touch. This will enable students to develop their description skills. b. Students will take turns and follow group procedure having every member of the group participate and have a role. Each student will be aware of what their role requires and how to fulfill those requirements. Cooperative Learning Grouping Structure: Jigsaw

Interaction with Students:

Objectives (5 minutes): Today we are going to learn about our fourth sense, which is touch and practice taking turns and following group procedures. You will be working in a group with three other students to create a touch box. In your group you will all have different roles. Depending on which role you are assigned you will be fulfilling the task it

requires to create a box with one mysterious object in it for the rest of the class to explore. Students will then be asked to figure out what is in each box based off of its texture and what they feel. Our main task and focus will be the process of making a touch box for each group. Information for Academic Goal (20 minutes): Each one of you will be given a role. Your job in each group will be to construct the boxes following these following steps. Note: each group member will be taking turns and doing different things to contribute to the process. 1. Paint the inside of the boxes black 2. Cut a hole in the box big enough for a student's hand to fit through. a. The hole may be made on the end, front or top cover. 3. Cut stretchy fabric into a square. This can go outside the box and cover the hole. 4. Glue and staple the fabric around the outside of the hole so students cannot look through the hole and see the object. 5. Attach the fabric on three sides leaving one edge open. 6. Place an object inside the box and close the cover. Each group will work collaboratively. After each box is created, the groups will use one of the objects given to them to place inside the box. Once all the groups have completed this task all the students will be given the chance to explore the other groups boxes and record what they believe is in each of them. They will record it in their writing log. Students will be expected to write descriptive words in order to figure out what is in each box. Organize Students into Learning Teams (10 minutes): a. While constructing the box students will take turns creating each step and contributing to recording what is inside of them. b. Students will be placed into groups randomly by numbering off 1 to 4 while seated in their assigned desks. c. Within their group students will volunteer to be assigned a specific group role. The roles students can choose from are as follows: i. Coach: Instructs each group member and helps prepare them with the materials and instructions they need to complete this project (student who prepares all of the materials) ii. Captain: Oversees the entire group project and comes up with the idea and design of the box. Also reads aloud the directions/steps for creating the box. iii. Player: Student who does most of the constructing of the box itself. iv. Referee: Student who assists the player in creating the box and helps make decisions about the construction of the box.

Assist teamwork and study (Occurs throughout the entire lesson): a. Monitoring academic progress of the students will occur through the attached group rubric I have created for the creation of the touch boxes. b. Monitoring social goals: While groups are constructing their boxes I will monitor their progress by walking around the room and provide feedback to the students if needed. Provide Recognition (Occurs throughout the entire lesson): Students will be given verbal feedback throughout the entire group lesson about their individual and group performance both academically and socially. Students will also be graded with two rubrics for individual and group work, of which they will receive a copy of with a grade on it. Assessment/Closure (5 minutes): I hope everyone enjoyed making their boxes! We all did a great job working together. Does anyone have any questions about the project we just did? Do any of you have any comments or ideas about taking turns that you found to be helpful? (Answer any questions if any) Tomorrow I will be passing back the individual and group rubrics for you to look over. Differentiation: a. Students or groups who will need extra help, time, or attention will be given the choice to stay in during their recess period to ask questions and gain extra time to construct their boxes. b. Students with high ability will be given the opportunity to have a more dominant role and a more leadership role during the group project verses a student who may need extra help. For instance a student of higher abilities may be the captain during the project so that they can help instruct and lead to group progress. Total Lesson Time: 45 minutes

Alise Farrell Problem Based/Inquiry Lesson Plan Subject: 5 Senses- Smell/Taste Grade Level: 1st Grade

Lesson Title: Whats Missing From Dinner? Materials: - - - - - - - - - Hotdog Ketchup Mustard Relish Onion Peppers Blindfold Paper Bowls List of substances to be tasted for students

Prerequisite Skill: Students will need prior knowledge about how to create the perfect hotdog. They will do this by discussing their experiences with grilling out and making hotdogs with all the different types of condiments one would use as toppings. Logistics: If students have any food allergies, they can be appointed to special helper and assist the teacher/aid outside to help prepare the picnic area before the rest of the class comes out to enjoy it. Lesson Goal: Third grade students will be able to use two of their 5 senses: smell and taste, to figure out what is missing from our picnic. 1. Post the attached sign to the white board as students come back from Recess. a. Sign Reads: i. ATTENTION STUDENTS: While at lunch there was a fuzzy situation And we need YOU to help us figure out What went missing! b. Discuss that for lunch we will be having a picnic, but while we were at recess one of our condiments went missing, and we need the students help to discover what was taken. 2. Organization: a. Size of group: 3-4 students b. Formation of Groups: Number off at assigned seats c. Transition from large group to small group work:

3. Assist independent and group investigation: a. Ask two students to come to the front of the classroom and assist you with modeling how to taste the foods while blind folded. Each student will get blindfolded as well as the teacher. The three of us will example how to taste the different condiments by dipping a spoon into the bowl in front of us. i. Now that we have seen how to be very careful with each condiment each group will finish out the mission to figure out which condiment we are missing! b. Have each group take the taste/small test. Each student will sit down at the table, in front of two covered substances. Once each student has their blindfold on they will open their bowls and taste what is in one bowl and smell what is in the other. This will give the students a chance to figure out and guess what is in each one. c. Once all condiments are tasted each student will make a check mark on the list provided for them. i. After each group has filled this out they will hopefully find out that the condiment that is missing is mustard! 4. Develop and Present artifacts/exhibit: a. Once each group has tasted and smelled each condiment they will collaboratively figure out the answer to their problem, which will be what condiment is missing for our picnic! 5. Analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process: a. Where there any condiments that you first thought were different at the beginning the first time you tasted it verses the second time you tasted it. 6. Assessment/Closure: a. Appoint a small group of students to compile the results of each taste testing. i. How many groups had the correct identifications of each missing condiment? b. Discuss the results with the class, leading students to infer that smell and taste are linked. i. Now that we have discovered the missing condiment we can have our cookout! 1. Proceed outside, where there will be a set up picnic for the entire class to enjoy! 7. Differentiation a. Students who need extra attention can choose to help the groups with making sure no one sills, instead of actually carrying out the task of tasting and smelling the condiments. b. Students of high ability can help during the picnic by helping apply the condiments to each childs hotdogs, and can assist the teacher and the aids with any necessary help to make the picnic flow more smoothly. 8. References:

"Good Senses - Lesson Plan Library." Discovery Education Classroom Resources. Web. 07 Apr. 2010. < perception/>.

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