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9.1 Electromagnetic Waves (e.m.w.)

Definition is defined as the transportation of energy because of the disturbance in electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves constitute one of the most common phenomena in nature. The existence of electromagnetic waves was predicted theoretically, in the second half of the 19th century by the English physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Electromagnetic wave phenomena can be described by using Maxwells equations (in vacuum) :

r r d (9.1c) E dl = - B dt r r dE B dl = 0 I enc +0 0 dt

r r q E dA = enc 0 r r B dA = 0

(9.1a) (9.1b)

(Gausss law) (Gauss (Gausss law for (Gauss magnetism) (Faradays law of (Faraday induction) (Ampere(9.1d) (Ampere-Maxwell law)

They can be summarized in words : A generalized form of Coulombs law relating electric field to its source, electric charges.

The same for the magnetic field, except that if there are no magnetic monopoles, magnetic field lines are continuous they do not begin or end (likes a closed loop). An electric field is produced by a changing magnetic field. A magnetic field is produced by an electric current or by a changing electric field. Electromagnetic wave is also known as electromagnetic radiation. radiation 9.1.1 The properties of the e.m.w. The e.m.w. is produced by the accelerating electric charges. For example, radio waves produced in a radio antenna are a result of the electrons in the antenna undergoing acceleration when an a.c. flows in an antenna. The e.m.w. can be represented by using the figure 9.1a.

r E

r B

r B
Fig. 9.1a Properties of electromagnetic waves are :

r E


The electric E and magnetic B fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of motion of the wave. wave 3

Electric E and magnetic B fields are in phase to each other and vibrates at the same frequency, the frequency of the e.m.w. frequency All e.m.w. travel at the same speed in vacuum, 2.998 x 108 m s-1. vacuum E.m.w.s travel in straight lines. lines Electromagnetic waves are transverse wave only and they are capable of being polarized. polarized All electromagnetic waves are experience the phenomena below : Reflection Refraction Interference Diffraction. Diffraction 9.1.2 Equation of Electromagnetic Waves (Wave functions) Since the electromagnetic wave consists of vibrations of electric field, E and magnetic field, B, hence the e.m.w. can be represented by using the wave functions in magnitude form: form Valid for sinusoidal e.m.w. only e.m.w.

E = E0 sin (t kx )

(9.1e) (9.1f)

B = B0 sin (t kx )

The meaning of

E.m.w. propagates in E.m.w. x-axis E.m.w. propagates in positive x-axis E.m.w. x-

(t kx )

Wave functions can also being written in vector form: form

r E = E0 sin (t kx ) j

Perpendicular to each r other.

B = B0 sin (t kx )k

where : angular frequency(velocity)

(9.1g) Electric field E vibrates along the y-axis y(9.1h) Magnetic field B vibrates along the z-axis z-

To determine the direction of e.m.w. propagation, the Poynting vector is used where its formula in a vacuum is given by Poynting vector Right hand grip rule

B0 : amplitude (maximum value) of the magnetic field E0 : amplitude (maximum value) of the electric field 2 k : wave number = Wavelength of e.m.w. e.m.w.

r 1 r r S= EB 0


Direction of e.m.w. propagation (cross e.m.w. Important product between E and B) Thumb Direction of e.m.w. propagation e.m.w. Four fingers pointing along vector E and then 5 wrapped into the vector B. wrapped


Note that the direction of poynting vector is in the direction of e.m.w. propagation. Example 1 : A sinusoidal electromagnetic wave of angular frequency travels in vacuum in the +z-direction. The magnetic field B is parallel to the yaxis and has amplitude of B0. The electric field E has amplitude of E0. a. Write down the wave functions in vector form for that e.m.w. b. Sketch the e.m.w. Solution: a. Given the e.m.w. propagates in +z-direction and vibration of B +zparallel to the y-axis. y- axis Therefore r wave functions in vector form are the

B = B0 sin (t kz ) j r x E = E0 sin (t kz )i



r E



r B


9.1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Definition is defined as the range of wavelengths over which electromagnetic radiation extends. extends Figure 9.1b shows the electromagnetic spectrum. Wavelength decreases

Frequency increases Fig. 9.1b There is no clear cut boundaries between different types of e.m. waves. There is overlapping of wavelengths between two neighbouring types of e.m. waves. Although they have different value of wavelengths and frequencies but they travel with the same speed in vacuum, c.
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Table 9.1a shows the e.m. waves and their sources. Range of Spectrum Source wavelength (m) Radio waves Microwaves Infrared (IR) Table 9.1a Visible light X-rays Gamma rays Electronic oscillators Magnetron tube Hot objects Incandescent objects, discharge tubes X ray tubes Nuclear radioactivity 105 10-3 10-3 10-6 10-6 10-7 4x10-7 7x10-7 10-7 10-9 10-9 10-11 10-11 10-14

Ultraviolet (UV) Sun

Table 9.1b shows the colour of the visible light.

Visible light Red Orange Yellow Range of wavelength (nm) 625 700 600 625 560 600 520 560 500 520 450 500 400 450

Table 9.1b

Green Blue Indigo



9.2 Relation of 0, 0 and c

E = cB

By solving the Faradays law of induction (eq. 9.1c), we get (9.2a)

E0 = cB0 B = 0 0 cE


By solving the Ampere-Maxwell law (eq. 9.1d), we get (9.2c)

By substituting eq. (9.2c) into eq. (9.2a), thus the e.m.w. speed in a vacuum c is given by


1 0 0



0 : permittivity of free space = 8.85 10 12 F m 1 0 : permeability of free space = 4 10 7 H m 1

Substituting the values of 0 and 0 into eq. (9.2d),


(8.85 10 )(4 10 )
12 7

c = 3.00 10 8 m s 1

which equal to the speed of light in the vacuum

The importance of eq. (9.2d) is that it shows light is a type of eq. electromagnetic wave. The speed of light in vacuum, 3.00 x 108 m s-1 wave had been determined before Maxwell made known his equation. The e.m.w. speed in the vacuum also can be determined by using equation below :

c = f
9.3 Relation of , and v


Electromagnetic waves may propagate not only in a vacuum but also in other media. The properties of electromagnetic waves, especially their propagation speed are strongly influenced by the type of medium in which the waves propagate.
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The speed v of electromagnetic waves in a medium is given by :



the medium : permeability of the medium Since = 0 and = r 0 then eq. (9.3a) can be written as
v= v=

where : permittivity of

(0 )( r 0 )
1 0 0
c r

1 r


1 =c 0 0


@ r : relative permittivity(dielectric constant) r : relative permeability



Rearranging eq. (9.3b), we get

r =

c v


r = n


c v

where n : refractive index of the medium Example 2 : An electromagnetic wave of wavelength 435 nm is travelling in a vacuum in the z direction. The electric field has amplitude of 2.70 x 10-3 V m-1 and is parallel to the x-axis. a. Calculate i. the frequency , ii. the magnetic field amplitude of the e.m.w. b. Write down the vector equations for E and B. (Given the speed of e.m.w. in the vacuum, c =3.00 x 108 m s-1)
(Young&Freedman, pg.1243,no.32.4)


=435x10-9 m, E0=2.70x10-3 V m-1 a. i. By using the equation relates the c, f and in the vacuum, hence c = f 12 f = 6.90 x10 14 Hz

ii. By using the equation relates the E0, B0 and c in the vacuum, hence E0 = cB0 b. Given - the e.m.w. propagates in z direction - the vibration (oscillation) of E parallel to the x-axis. x- axis

B0 = 9.00 x10 12 T

r B = B0 sin (t + kz ) j

r E = E0 sin (t + kz )i

r E

r B

x E0



The angular frequency is = 2f and the wave number of the e.m.w. is

= 4.34 x10 15 rad s -1


Therefore the vector equations for E and B are given by

k = 1.44 x107 m -1


r E = 2.70 x10 3 sin 4.34 x10 15 t + 1.44 x107 z i r 12 15 7 B = 9.00 x10 sin 4.34 x10 t + 1.44 x10 z j


Example 3 : An electromagnetic wave has an electric field given by r

E = 2.30 x10 5 V m 1 sin 1.45 x10 14 rad s 1 t kx j

The wave propagates in a vacuum. a. Determine the direction of the e.m.w. propagation. b. Calculate the wavelength of the wave. c. Write down the vector equation for magnetic field. (Given the speed of e.m.w. in the vacuum, c =3.00 x 108 m s-1) Solution:

) [(

r E = 2.30 x10 5 V m 1 sin 1.45 x10 14 rad s 1 t kx j r compare with E = E0 sin [ t kx ] j 14 1 5 1 , we get = 1.45 10 rad s and E0 = 2.30 10 V m

) [(

a. By using the equation given :

r E = 2.30 x10 5 V m 1 sin 1.45 x10 14 rad s 1 t kx j

) [(

The e.m.w. propagates in +x e.m.w. direction. b. The frequency of the e.m.w. is


= 2f

f = 2.31 10 13 Hz


Then the wavelength of the e.m.w. is

c = f = 1.30 10 5 m


The magnetic field amplitude is

and the wave number is

E0 = cB0 B0 = 7.67 10 4 T

z E0

r B

k = 4.83 10 5 m 1

Therefore the vector equation for B is r B = B0 sin [ t kx ]k r B = 7.67 104 T sin 1.45 1014 rad s 1 t 4.83 105 m1 x k

r E

) [(

) (




Example 4 : An electromagnetic wave propagates in a dielectric material. At the frequency of the light, the dielectric constant of the material is 1.83 and the relative permeability is 1.36. If the magnetic field amplitude is 4.80 x 10-9 T, calculate the electric field amplitude. (Given 0=8.85x10-12 F m-1 and 0=4x10-7 H m-1)

=1.83,r=1.36, B0=4.80x10-9 T By using the equation relates the , and v in the material, thus



= r 0


= 0


1 r 0 0

v = 1.90 10 8 m s -1
Hence the electric field amplitude is

E0 = vB0 E0 = 0.912V m1 @ N C 1
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9.4 Intensity of Electromagnetic Wave

Definition is defined as the rate of energy flow across unit area perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation propagation. Mathematically,


U At or P A


Since P

U t



I : intensity of the e.m.w. U : energy of the e.m.w. A : surface area P : power of e.m.w. source t : time

It is scalar quantity and its unit is W m-2.

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Since the e.m.w. consists of varying electric and magnetic fields then the instantaneous energy density (energy per unit volume) stored in e.m.w. also associated with an electric and magnetic field. It is given by Instantaneous energy stored per unit volume associated with an electric field, U field 1 E (9.4c) = 0 E 2 (derivation of eq. 9.4c- refer to Physics for scientists and Engineers , Serway & Jerway, 6th edition, pg. 807-808) Instantaneous energy stored per unit volume associated with an magnetic field, U field 1 B2 B (9.4d) =

(derivation of eq. 9.4d- refer to Physics for scientists and Engineers , Serway & Jerway, 6th edition, pg. 1011-1012) Consider a light beam (e.m.w.) propagates in a vacuum in time t as shown in figure 9.4a. ct

2 0

Fig. 9.4a


From the fig. 9.4a the energy volume of the e.m.w. is given by By rearranging the eq. (9.4c) and eq. (9.4d), we get Energy stored in electric field E :

V = Act

UE = UB =

Energy stored in magnetic field B :

1 1 0 E 2V = 0 E 2 ( Act ) 2 2

Total energy of e.m.w. is given by

1 B2 1 B2 V = ( Act ) 2 0 2 0

U = UE +UB 1 1 B2 U = 0 E 2 ( Act ) + ( Act ) 2 2 0 2 Act B 2 (9.4e) 0 E + U= 2 0



Rearrange eq. (9.4e), we get the instantaneous intensity of the e.m.w. is 2


U =I and At c B2 (9.4f) 0 E 2 + I= 2 0 1 2 2 , we get B = 0 0 E E = cB and c = 0 0 I= c E2 0 E 2 + 0 0 2 0 2 I = c0 E (9.4g)


U c B = 0 E 2 + At 2 0

then eq. (9.4f) can be written as

The average intensity of the e.m.w in a vacuum is given by

I av = c0 E 2

E2 =

1 2 E0 2


I av =

1 c0 E02 2


I av =

1 cB02 2 0


1 E0 = cB0 and c = 0 0 B02 = 0 0 E02 B02 2 E0 = 0 0

The average intensity of the e.m.w in a medium is given by

1 I av = vE02 2

1 vB02 I av = 2


An electromagnetic wave propagates the source in all directions, hence it is a three-dimensional wave and is said to be a spherical wave as shown in figure 9.4b. Consider two points at distances r1 and r2 from the source ( power, P is constant), then P

I1 =


2 1


I2 =

P 4r22


Fig. 9.4b

I 2 r12 = I 1 r22


Example 5 : A sinusoidal electromagnetic wave emitted by a cellular phone has a wavelength of 35.4 cm and an electric field amplitude of 5.40 x 10-2 V m-1 at a distance of 250 m from the antenna. Calculate a. the frequency of the wave. b. the magnetic field amplitude. c. the intensity of the wave. (Given c=3.00x108 m s-1, 0=8.85x10-12 F m-1 and 0=4x10-7 H m-1)
(Young&Freedman, pg.1243,no.32.18)

=35.4x10-2 m, E0=5.40x10-2 V m-1 a. By using the equation relates the c, f and , thus c = f

f = 8.48 x10 8 Hz

b. The magnetic field amplitude is

E0 = cB0 B0 = 1.80 10 10 T

c. The intensity of the wave is


1 I av = c0 E02 2 6

I av = 3.87 x10 W m2

1 cB02 I av = 2 0


Example 6 : (exercise) An electromagnetic wave with frequency of 5.70 x 1014 Hz propagates with a speed of 2.17 x108 m s-1 in a certain piece of glass. Calculate a. the wavelength of the wave in the glass. b. the wavelength of a wave of the same frequency propagating in air. c. the refractive index n of the glass. d. the dielectric constant of the glass if the relative permeability is unity ( 1). (Given c=3.00x108 m s-1, 0=8.85x10-12 F m-1 and 0=4x10-7 H m-1)
(Young&Freedman, pg.1243,no.32.11)


Ans. : 3.81 x10-7 m, 5.26 x10-7 m,1.38, 1.90 Example 7 : (exercise) A monochromatic light source with power output 60.0 W radiates light of wavelength 700 nm uniformly in all directions. Calculate the maximum electric field and maximum magnetic field at a distance of 5.00 m from the source. (Young&Freedman, pg.1243,no.32.19) (Given c=3.00x108 m s-1, 0=8.85x10-12 F m-1 and 0=4x10-7 H m-1) Ans. : 12.0 V m-1, 4.00 x 10-8 T Example 8 : (exercise) For waves propagating in air, calculate the wavelength in metres of a. gamma rays of frequency 6.50 x 1021 Hz. b. visible light of frequency 5.75 x 1014 Hz. 23 Ans. :4.61 x 10-14 m, 5.21 x 10-7 m

9.5 Comparison between EM wave and Mechanical Wave.

E.M. Wave Produced by the vibration of E and B. Transverse wave only It can propagate in the vacuum. Mechanical Wave Produced by the vibration of the medium particles. Transverse and longitudinal wave It needs a medium to propagate.



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