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Date Time Class Number of pupils Subject Theme Learning Area Topic Learning objectives Learning outcomes

: 9th January 2012 (Thursday) : 7.15 8.45 am (90 minutes) :3 : 8 pupils : Science : Learning About Living Things : Plants. : What Plants Look Like? : At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to observe and recognize external features of plants. : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: State orally at least two external features of plants. Identify at least two external features of plants Make a list of the external features of a plant. Record the external features of plants in a table.

Pre-requisite knowledge Scientific / Thinking skills

: Pupils have seen a plant (balsams plant) and know its parts. : Brainstorming, observing, communicating and attributing.

Scientific attitudes & noble values : Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment, being honest and accurate in recording and validating data, being responsible about safety of oneself, others and the environment, being thankful to God, dare to try, being confident and independent and being cooperative. Teaching & Learning Resources : Picture of plant (mango tree), real parts of plants (soft stem, woody stem, flowering plants, non-flowering plants, oval-shaped leaf, long leaf, irregular-shaped leaf, colored leaf (red, yellow and green) and shinny and smooth leaf), table (worksheet) and Science Activity Book Year 3 (pg 8 and 9).

Phase / Time


Teaching & Learning Activities Teacher Pupils Teacher asks pupils to stand up. Teacher asks pupils to spell words given by the teacher. Every correct word spelled by pupil, they will get a star. the words: a) Plant b) Flower c) Tree d) Woody e) Root f) Stem g) Leaves


Orientations (10 minutes)

Spelling games.

SA & NA: Pupils stand up. Pupils try to spell the words Daring to try asked by the teacher. Being confident independent


Eliciting ideas (10 Minutes)

Name of plants: Mango tree External features are the parts of something/someone which we can see. External features of plants are the parts of plants which we can see. Examples of external features of plants: a) Woody stem b) Soft stem c) Flowering

Teacher asks the pupils what is the definition of external features. Teacher shows one picture of plant to the pupils. Teacher asks the pupils what is the name of the plants. Teacher asks the pupils what are the external features of plants that they know. Teacher asks the pupils what are the external features of plants that they see on the pictures.

Pupils give the definition of external features. Pupils give the definition of external features of plants. Pupils observe the picture. Pupils state the name of the plant. Pupils give some examples of external features of plants that they know. Pupils state the external features of plant that they observed.

SPS: Communicating Brainstorming Observing SA & NA : Daring to try Being confident independent


d) Non-flowering e) Surface of leaves (shinny and smooth or dull and rough leaves) f) Color of leaves (red, yellow, green) g) Shape of leaves (oval, irregular, long) External features of mango tree: a) Woody stem b) Oval shaped leaves c) Flowering tree d) Green leaves e) Dull and rough leaves

Questions to pupils: a) What is the name of this plant? b) What are external features? c) What are external features of plants? d) Can you state some of the external features of plants? e) Can you state the external features of plants that you can see from this picture?

Reconstructing ideas (40 Minutes)

Examples of external features of plants: a) Woody stem b) Soft stem c) Flowering d) Non-flowering e) Surface of leaves (Shinny and smooth or dull and rough leaves) f) Color of leaves (red, yellow, green) g) Shape of leaves (oval, irregular, long) Presentation of groups works.

Teacher takes out and arranges parts of plants that show different external features on a table. a) Soft stem b) Woody stem c) Flowering plants d) Non-flowering plants e) Oval-shaped leaf f) Long leaf g) Irregular-shaped leaf h) Colored leaf i) Shinny and smooth leaf j) Dull and rough leaf. Teacher distributes a cards that written on with different

Pupils observe the parts of plants that shown by the teacher. Pupils match the card with the correct parts of plants based on their external features.

SPS: Observing, Attributing SA & NA : Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data. Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and the environment. Being cooperative. Daring to try Being confident and independent

external features of plants to each of the pupils. Each pupil has to match the card with the correct part of plants. Teacher checks the answers together with all the pupils. Then, teacher asks pupils to sit in pair. Teacher gives instructions of what they have to do. Teacher asks each of the group to find and choose one plant around them and tick all the external features of plants that they can observe on the table given by the teacher. After that, teacher asks each of the pair to present what they have observed. Before they go out, teacher reminds the pupils about safety and their behavior. Teacher brings the pupils to outside of the class. Teacher monitors the pupils movement and guides them during the activity. Teacher corrects the pupils mistakes directly. Pupils will sit and works in pair. Each of the pupils will be given a table of external features of plants to tick on. In pair, pupils will find and choose one plant around them. Then, they will observe the plant, discuss and tick the external features of the plants on the table given. Pupils then present their observation in the class. Pupils present about the plant that they observed and the external features of the plant.

T&LR: Plants in nature Table *Refer Table 1

Application of ideas ( 15 minutes)


Teacher asks pupils to open up their Science Activity Book Year 3 at page 8 and 9. Teacher asks them to answer the questions. Teacher checks and corrects the pupils mistakes directly.

Pupils will answer the questions. Pupils will be guided and monitored by the teacher. Chosen pupils will present their works to the class.

SPS: Communicating SA & NV: Daring to try Being confident independent


T&LR: Science Activity Book Year 3 (page 8 and 9)

Reflection (5 minutes)

Conclusion. External features of plants: a) Woody stem b) Soft stem c) Flowering d) Non-flowering e) Surface of leaves (Shinny and smooth or dull and rough leaves) f) Color of leaves (red, yellow, green) g) Shape of leaves (oval, irregular, long) Without plants, human and animals will not have the sources of food. So, we must be thankful to God.

Teacher asks the students on what they have learnt on that day. Teacher randomly asks pupils to state two external features that they have learnt. Teacher tells the pupils that they should be thankful to God because without plants, human and animals will not have the sources of food.

Pupils tell what have they learnt today. Pupils state the some examples of the external features of plants. Pupils say their praise to God based on their own religion.

SPS: Communicating SA & NV: Daring to try Being thankful to God.

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