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Name: _______________________________________________ Choose the letter of the best answer.

Date: __________

____ 1. Which one of the following was a Renaissance painter and sculptor? A. Michelangelo B. Brunelleschi C. Machiavelli D. Cervantes

____ 2. Which of the following views did Martin Luther hold? A. People need the clergy to interpret the Bible. B. Salvation can be gained through good works. C. One's fate is not predestined by God. D. The Bible is the only source of religious truth.

____ 3. What was the main economic activity in New France? A. finding gold and spices B. finding religious freedom C. creating long-term colonial investments D. building a fur trade

____ 4. How did Italy's location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance? A. Ideas could be spread easily by means of Italy's fleet. B. Italy had access to Roman ruins and ancient manuscripts from Constantinople. C. The bubonic plague had not reached the southern tip Europe. D. Italy was protected from the rest of Europe by the Alps.

____ 5. In what way did Leonardo da Vinci represent the Renaissance Man? A. He lived in Italy during the 1500s. B. He painted the Mona Lisa while holding scientific discussions. ____ 6. Who was the author of the Ninety-Five Theses? A. Roger Williams B. King Philip IV C. John Calvin D. Martin Luther C. He was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist.

D. He used perspective in all of his drawings and painting

____ 7. Which of the following was one of Luther's main beliefs? A. All people with faith were equal. B. Good works were required for salvation. C. Christians needed to be baptized again as adults. D. Men and women are naturally sinful.

____ 8. What does it mean to be a "Renaissance man"? A. to speak many languages B. to excel in many fields C. to stand out as an artist D. to be well versed in classical literature

____ 9. Which Renaissance-era invention had the greatest impact? A. the long-bow B. the plow C. trebuchet D. the printing press

____ 10. Protestants called their movement of opposition to the Catholic Church A. the Reformation. B. the Protestant Revolution. C. the Enlightenment. D. the Great Schism.

____ 11. What did Vasco da Gama succeed in gaining for Portugal? A. a sea route between Portugal and China B. a sea route between Portugal and India C. control of the Spice Islands D. profitable trade with the Philippine Islands

Renaissance, Reformation & Discovery, Version: 1

____ 12. In Greek, the word utopia means A. "no place." B. "everywhere." C. "highest." D. "an ideal place."

____ 13. Humanism is a way of thought that focuses on which of the following? A. the human potential for achievement B. the doctrines of the Christian Church C. the needs of the group over the individual D. the works of medieval writers

____ 14. Which of the following most accurately describes reaction in Europe to Marco Polo's reports from China? A. worry about exposure to new cultures B. alarm about foreign competition and possible job loss C. excitement over the potential of greater trade D. reluctance to believe Marco Polo's stories were real

____ 15. Martin Luther was A. a German monk who challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. B. a Roman pope who created confusion and doubt among followers. ____ 16. What does the term Renaissance mean? A. remodel B. rebirth C. love of knowledge D. love of the arts C. a Dutch philosopher who criticized Catholic Church officials for neglecting Christian values. D. an English priest who questioned the pope's right to levy taxes and appoint Catholic Church officials.

____ 17. What was one of John Calvin's major teachings? A. humanism B. predestination C. adult baptism D. indulgences

____ 18. What was the purpose of most of the joint-stock companies of the 1500s and 1600s? A. funding colonies in the Americas B. paying for the building of slave ships C. funding the digging of gold mines D. financing wars in Africa

____ 19. The technique known as perspective is most useful in the creation of A. drama. B. two-dimensional art. C. the sonnet form in poetry. D. sculpture.

____ 20. What kind of person represented the ideal of the "Renaissance man"? A. someone who enjoyed worldly pleasures B. someone who excelled in many areas of study C. someone who supported and appreciated the arts without creating art

D. someone who specialized in a particular field of study

____ 21. Where did the Renaissance begin? A. in Italy B. in northern Europe C. in Spain D. in France

____ 22. The followers of John Knox became known as A. Quakers. B. Lutherans. C. Presbyterians. D. Amish.

____ 23. For what is the Medici family famous? A. for being rulers and supporters of the arts B. for being religious reformers C. for being writers D. for being artists

Renaissance, Reformation & Discovery, Version: 1

____ 24. The Peace of Augsburg ended a war between the supporters of which two groups? A. Roman Catholics and Anglicans B. French Catholics and Huguenots C. England and Spain D. Catholic and Protestant German princes

____ 25. John Calvin believed in A. predestination. B. free will. C. indulgences. D. reformation.

____ 26. The best synonym for secular is A. religious. B. humane. C. new. D. worldly.

____ 27. Which of the following occurred in Elizabethan England? A. Scientists discovered a cure for the plague. B. Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press. C. William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. D. Dante Alighieri wrote The Divine Comedy.

____ 28. What did the encomienda system provide for New Spain? A. more settlers B. military protection C. more land D. a cheap labor source

____ 29. Which nation did Prince Henry help to take the lead in overseas exploration? A. Spain B. Portugal C. Italy D. the Netherlands

____ 30. What was an important effect of the invention of the printing press? A. It led to a renewed study of Latin and Greek. B. Gutenberg used his wealth from the invention to support artists. ____ 31. What did someone who bought an indulgence receive? A. the right to commit a sin B. the right to attend church C. a pardon for a sin D. a blessing from the Vatican C. It led to the development of public libraries. D. It increased literacy and the use of the vernacular.

____ 32. The printing press was invented by A. Jan van Eyck. B. Peter Bruegel the Elder. C. Hans Holbein the Younger. D. Johann Gutenberg.

____ 33. Predestination was one of the main doctrines of A. Calvinism. B. the Catholic Reformation. C. Lutheranism. D. theocracy.

____ 34. Which of the following men began the Reformation in Europe? A. Henry VIII B. John Wycliffe C. Martin Luther D. Desiderius Erasmus

____ 35. Which religious leader made predestination a central part of his belief system? A. St. Ignatius of Loyola B. William Tyndale C. John Calvin D. Martin Luther

Renaissance, Reformation & Discovery, Version: 1

____ 36. How did Bartolem de Las Casas affect race relations in the Americas? A. He started a colony in present-day Arizona based on equality of all men. B. protest the treatment of Native Americans. ____ 37. Who conquered the Aztec empire? A. Hernando Corts B. Vasco Nez de Balboa C. Francisco Pizarro D. Ferdinand Magellan C. of Native Americans. proposed using African laborers.

He visited the king of Spain to protest the treatmen

He led a well-organized uprising against the Spanish to D. He urged better treatment of Native Americans but

____ 38. Why did Europeans see Africans as a better a source of labor than Native Americans? A. Africans had complete immunity to all diseases, so they wouldn't die off. B. Africans were already Christians, so they didn't have to be converted. ____ 39. Why was the invention of the printing press so important? A. It embodied the spirit of the Renaissance. B. It spurred the invention of the telescope. C. It made books available to a wider audience. D. It made Johann Gutenburg famous. C. Africans had no experience in farming, so they wouldn't try to do things their way. D. Africans were strangers in the Americas, so they wouldn't have allies or places to hide.

____ 40. Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. What was that practice? A. Clergy members bought indulgences to reach higher offices. B. Indulgences permitted priests to marry and have children. C. way to earn a way to heaven. D. The clergy sold pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins.

Charles V told his people that buying indulgences was

____ 41. Bartolomeu Dias captained the first European ship to sail what route? A. across the Indian Ocean to India B. around the southern tip of Africa C. west across the Atlantic Ocean D. along the West Coast of Africa

____ 42. Who created the Church of England? A. Martin Luther B. Pope Clement V C. Henry VIII D. John Calvin

____ 43. What was the main reason for Henry VIII's split with the Roman Catholic Church? A. his religious beliefs B. his treatment of Catherine of Aragon C. his unwillingness to pay Church taxes D. his desire for a male heir

____ 44. Who declared himself the head of the English Church? A. Emperor Charles V B. Henry VIII C. Martin Luther D. John Knox

____ 45. Henry VIII established the Church of England because A. the pope would not allow him to divorce his wife. B. he accepted the ideas of Martin Luther. C. country. D. he opposed the selling of indulgences.

he had always wanted England to become a Protestan

____ 46. Which of the following correctly matches the author with something he wrote? A. Desiderius Erasmus and Gargantua and Pantagruel B. Thomas More and Utopia C. Christine de Pizan and Hamlet D. William Shakespeare and The Praise of Folly

Renaissance, Reformation & Discovery, Version: 1

____ 47. Which of the following areas was originally founded as a settlement by the Dutch? A. Montreal B. New York C. Quebec D. Massachusetts

____ 48. What European nation profited most from trade with the East in the years directly following the Crusades? A. France B. England C. Italy D. Spain

____ 49. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of? A. good health after the plague B. Christian devotion C. chivalry and tournaments D. art and learning

____ 50. What was one result of the loss of native lives to disease? A. fewer battles between the colonists and natives over land B. a severe shortage of labor in the colonies C. a growing tolerance between the colonists and the natives

D. the ruin of several tobacco and sugar cane plantation

Renaissance, Reformation & Discovery, Version: 1

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