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Gi v nhn DataTable qua Socket trong C#

Phng thc ny dng Serialize mt i tng bt k thnh mng byte

1 public byte[] SerializeData(Object o) 2{ 3 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 4 BinaryFormatter bf1 = new BinaryFormatter(); 5 bf1.Serialize(ms, o); 6 return ms.ToArray(); 7}

Phng thc ny dng DeSerialize mt mng byte thnh i tng bt k

1 public object DeserializeData(byte[] theByteArray) 2{ 3 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(theByteArray); 4 BinaryFormatter bf1 = new BinaryFormatter(); 5 ms.Position = 0; 6 return bf1.Deserialize(ms); 7}

To Solution
Bn to 1 solution c tn chng hn l SocketInCSharp. 1. u tin l server: Add 1project, t tn l SocketServer, thm 1 form v trn form thm 1 nt c tn Start. Kt qu nh sau:

Source code nh sau:

01 using System; 02 using System.Collections.Generic; 03 using System.ComponentModel; 04 using System.Data; 05 using System.Drawing; 06 using System.Text; 07 using System.Windows.Forms; 08 using System.Net; 09 using System.Net.Sockets; 10 using System.Runtime.Serialization; 11 using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 12 using System.IO; 13 namespace SocketServer 14 { 15 public partial class Form1 : Form 16 { 17 private Socket sock = null; 18 public Form1() 19 { 20 InitializeComponent(); 21 } 22 23 private void startButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 24 { 25 startButton.Text = "In process..."; 26 Application.DoEvents(); 27 28 IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 5656); sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, 29 ProtocolType.IP); 30 sock.Bind(ipEnd); 31 sock.Listen(100); 32 Socket clientSock = sock.Accept(); 33 DataTable table = getdata(); 34 clientSock.Send(SerializeData(table));

35 36 sock.Close(); 37 clientSock.Close(); 38 startButton.Text = "&Start Server"; 39 Application.DoEvents(); 40 } 42 public byte[] SerializeData(Object o) 43 { 44 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 45 BinaryFormatter bf1 = new BinaryFormatter(); 46 bf1.Serialize(ms, o); 47 return ms.ToArray(); 48 } 50 /* y ti to 1 bng d liu th. 51 Bn c th kt ni csdl v load d liu ln*/ 52 private DataTable getdata() 53 { 54 55 57 58 59 DataTable dt = new DataRow dr; dt.Columns.Add(new dt.Columns.Add(new dt.Columns.Add(new DataTable(); DataColumn("IntegerValue", typeof(Int32))); DataColumn("StringValue", typeof(string))); DataColumn("DateTimeValue", typeof(DateTime)));

60 dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("BooleanValue", typeof(bool))); 62 for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) 63 { 64 dr = dt.NewRow(); 65 dr[0] = i; 66 dr[1] = "Item " + i.ToString(); 67 dr[2] = DateTime.Now; 68 dr[3] = (i % 2 != 0) ? true : false; 70 dt.Rows.Add(dr); 71 } 72 73 74 75 return dt; } } }

Bin dch chng trnh sau m th mc bin/Debug chy tp tin SocketServer.exe. Nhn nt Start Server bt u chy server. Mi ln gi xong phi nhn nt start mt ln. Bn c th dng

Threading cho n chy lin tc, tuy nhin bn s phi xem n phng thc SendAsync ca socket. 2. pha Client: Bn Thm 1 project khc c tn SocketClient vo Solution. Thm vo 1 textbox nhp server address, mt nt nhn nhn d liu. Thit k nh sau

Source code cho form ny nh sau:

01 using System; 02 using System.Collections.Generic; 03 using System.ComponentModel; 04 using System.Data; 05 using System.Drawing; 06 using System.Text; 07 using System.Windows.Forms; 08 using System.IO; 09 using System.Net; 10 using System.Net.Sockets; 11 12 using System.Runtime.Serialization; 13 using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 14 15 namespace SocketClient 16 { 17 public partial class Form1 : Form 18 { 19 public Form1() 20 {

21 InitializeComponent(); 22 } 23 24 public object DeserializeData(byte[] theByteArray) 25 { 26 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(theByteArray); 27 BinaryFormatter bf1 = new BinaryFormatter(); 28 ms.Position = 0; 29 return bf1.Deserialize(ms); 30 } 31 32 private void receiveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 33 { 34 try 35 { 36 IPAddress[] ipAddress = Dns.GetHostAddresses(serverTextBox.Text); 37 IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""),5656); 38 Socket clientSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);

39 clientSock.Connect(ipEnd); 40 byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 5000]; 41 clientSock.Receive(data); 42 DataTable dt = (DataTable)DeserializeData(data); 43 dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; 44 clientSock.Close(); 45 } 46 catch (Exception ex) 47 { 48 49 50 51 52 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } }

Kt qu sau khi nhn nt nhn d liu

Full Source Code: download here Em p dng Threading cho Server c th kt ni vi nhiu Server v khng lm cho lp giao din b treo. Nhng v v k thut Threading em cha nm r lm, ni chung l cn rt km. Khi em nhn nt Start th n s sinh ra Thread ch yu cu ca Client. V Thread ny em mun dng kt ni vi nhiu Client nn em trong vng lp while(true), c th nh sau:
public partial class StartServer : Form { ..................................................... private void btstart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new Thread(new ThreadStart(Listening)).Start(); } private void Listening() { IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 2011); TcpListener server = new TcpListener(ip); server.Start(); while (true) { TcpClient client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); new SocketServer(client);

} } } class SocketServer { private TcpClient client; public SocketServer(TcpClient client) { this.client = client; new Thread(new ThreadStart(Processing)).Start(); } private void Processing() { // // X l trao i d liu vi Client // } } 01 using System; 02 using System.Threading; 03 04 public class Worker 05 { 06 // This method will be called when the thread is started. 07 public void DoWork() 08 { 09 while (!_shouldStop) 10 { 11 Console.WriteLine("worker thread: working..."); 12 } 13 Console.WriteLine("worker thread: terminating gracefully."); 14 } 15 public void RequestStop() 16 { 17 _shouldStop = true; 18 } 19 // Volatile is used as hint to the compiler that this data 20 // member will be accessed by multiple threads.

21 private volatile bool _shouldStop; 22 } 23 24 public class WorkerThreadExample 25 { 26 static void Main() 27 { 28 // Create the thread object. This does not start the thread. 29 Worker workerObject = new Worker(); 30 Thread workerThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork); 31 32 // Start the worker thread. 33 workerThread.Start(); 34 Console.WriteLine("main thread: Starting worker thread..."); 35 36 // Loop until worker thread activates. 37 while (!workerThread.IsAlive); 38 39 // Put the main thread to sleep for 1 millisecond to 40 // allow the worker thread to do some work: 41 Thread.Sleep(1); 42 43 // Request that the worker thread stop itself: 44 workerObject.RequestStop(); 45 46 // Use the Join method to block the current thread 47 // until the object's thread terminates. 48 workerThread.Join(); 49 Console.WriteLine("main thread: Worker thread has terminated."); 50 } 51 }

Thy gip dm em,em lm bi tp chat gia client,em thy ti liu no cng nh code trn,nhng khi em chy v nhn button listen th bo dng newsock.Bind(iep
001 public class RationalNumber

002 { 003 private int numerator, denominator; 004 005 //----------------------------------------------------------------006 // Constructor: Sets up the rational number by ensuring a nonzero 007 // denominator and making only the numerator signed. 008 //----------------------------------------------------------------009 public RationalNumber(int numer, int denom) 010 { 011 if (denom == 0) 012 denom = 1; 013 014 // Make the numerator "store" the sign 015 if (denom < 0) 016 { 017 numer = numer * -1; 018 denom = denom * -1; 019 } 020 021 numerator = numer; 022 denominator = denom; 023 024 reduce(); 025 } 026 027 //----------------------------------------------------------------028 // Returns the numerator of this rational number. 029 //----------------------------------------------------------------030 public int Numerator 031 { 032 get 033 { 034 return numerator; 035 } 036 } 037

038 //----------------------------------------------------------------039 // Returns the denominator of this rational number. 040 //----------------------------------------------------------------041 public int Denominator 042 { 043 get 044 { 045 return denominator; 046 } 047 } 048 049 //----------------------------------------------------------------050 // Returns the reciprocal of this rational number. 051 //----------------------------------------------------------------052 public RationalNumber reciprocal() 053 { 054 return new RationalNumber(denominator, numerator); 055 } 056 057 //----------------------------------------------------------------058 // Adds this rational number to the one passed as a parameter. 059 // A common denominator is found by multiplying the individual 060 // denominators. 061 //----------------------------------------------------------------062 public RationalNumber add(RationalNumber op2) 063 { 064 065 066 067 068 069 return new RationalNumber(sum, commonDenominator); 070 } 071 072 //----------------------------------------------------------------073 // Subtracts the rational number passed as a parameter from this int int int int commonDenominator = denominator * op2.Denominator; numerator1 = numerator * op2.Denominator; numerator2 = op2.Numerator * denominator; sum = numerator1 + numerator2;

074 // rational number. 075 //----------------------------------------------------------------076 public RationalNumber subtract(RationalNumber op2) 077 { 078 079 080 081 082 083 return new RationalNumber(difference, commonDenominator); 084 } 085 086 //----------------------------------------------------------------087 // Multiplies this rational number by the one passed as a 088 // parameter. 089 //----------------------------------------------------------------090 public RationalNumber multiply(RationalNumber op2) 091 { 092 int numer = numerator * op2.Numerator; 093 int denom = denominator * op2.Denominator; 094 095 return new RationalNumber(numer, denom); 096 } 097 098 //----------------------------------------------------------------099 // Divides this rational number by the one passed as a parameter 100 // by multiplying by the reciprocal of the second rational. 101 //----------------------------------------------------------------102 public RationalNumber divide(RationalNumber op2) 103 { 104 return multiply(op2.reciprocal()); 105 } 106 107 //----------------------------------------------------------------108 // Determines if this rational number is equal to the one passed 109 // as a parameter. Assumes they are both reduced. int int int int commonDenominator = denominator * op2.Denominator; numerator1 = numerator * op2.Denominator; numerator2 = op2.Numerator * denominator; difference = numerator1 - numerator2;

110 //----------------------------------------------------------------111 public override bool Equals(object obj) 112 { 113 RationalNumber op2 = (RationalNumber)obj; 114 return (numerator == op2.Numerator && 115 denominator == op2.Denominator); 116 } 117 118 //----------------------------------------------------------------119 // Returns this rational number as a string. 120 //----------------------------------------------------------------121 public String toString() 122 { 123 String result; 124 125 if (numerator == 0) 126 result = "0"; 127 else 128 if (denominator == 1) 129 result = numerator + ""; 130 else 131 result = numerator + "/" + denominator; 132 133 return result; 134 } 135 136 //----------------------------------------------------------------137 // Reduces this rational number by dividing both the numerator 138 // and the denominator by their greatest common divisor. 139 //----------------------------------------------------------------140 private void reduce() 141 { 142 if (numerator != 0) 143 { 144 int common = gcd(Math.Abs(numerator), denominator); 145

146 numerator = numerator / common; 147 denominator = denominator / common; 148 } 149 } 150 151 //----------------------------------------------------------------152 // Computes and returns the greatest common divisor of the two 153 // positive parameters. Uses Euclid's algorithm. 154 //----------------------------------------------------------------155 private int gcd(int num1, int num2) 156 { 157 while (num1 != num2) 158 if (num1 > num2) 159 num1 = num1 - num2; 160 else 161 num2 = num2 - num1; 162 163 return num1; 164 } 165 }

thy cho em hi: em lm game c vua chi qua mng client bng wpf, em to mng client chat c vi nhau.nhng khi n new game th n b n doi hm Case khng nhn ra cu lnh m . em gn gi tri khi n new game =sendPacket(N). thy c th sa cho em c khg ah private void SendData(IAsyncResult iar) { Socket remote = (Socket)iar.AsyncState; int sent = remote.EndSend(iar); } public void sendPacket(string packet) { try { byte[] Sent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(packet); socket.BeginSend(Sent, 0, Sent.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendData), socket);

} catch (SocketException e) { state = StateConnection.Breaken; } } private void ReceiveData() { int recv; string packData = ; try { while (true) { recv = socket.Receive(data); packData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, recv); if (packData.ToString().Equals()) return; if (packData.StartsWith(@)) { AddChatMessage(packData.ToString()); } else { switch (packData.ToString()) { case N: { SetStatusMessage1(Ngi chi sn sng!); batdau(); } break; case X: { SetStatusMessage1(Ngi chi thot game!); //oat();

state = StateConnection.Breaken; } break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { SetStatusMessage(ReceiveData + ex.Message.ToString()); } }

C# Lp trnh Socket giao tip TCP client/server

Th T, Thng Su 22, 2011 Yin Yang 3 Votes

Trong lp trnh, Socket l mt API (Application Programming Interface) cung cp cc phng thc giao tip thng qua mng. Trc khi bt u tm hiu v vit mt v d n gin v socket, bn c th tham kho bi vit Networking Mt s khi nim c bn c ci nhn s lc v nhng khi nim c bn trong lp trnh mng.

Cc lp .Net c bn trong lp trnh mng

Cc lp ny c cung cp trong hai namespace System.Net v System.Net.Sockets. Hai namespace ny cha rt nhiu lp dng trong lp trnh mng, nhng trong phm vi bi vit ta ch quan tm n cc lp sau:: Class IPAddress IPEndPoint TcpListener Socket TcpClient NetworkStream Namespace System.Net System.Net System.Net.Sockets System.Net.Sockets System.Net.Sockets System.Net.Sockets Desciption Provides an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Represents a network endpoint as an IP address and a port number. Listens for connections from TCP network clients. Implements the Berkeley sockets interface. Provides client connections for TCP network services. Provides the underlying stream of data for network access.

Kt ni Server-Client vi TCP/IP
Khi c chy, server cn c xc nh r a ch IP v s lng nghe trn mt port c th. Server s nm trong trng thi ny cho n khi client gi n mt yu cu kt ni. Sau khi c server chp nhn, mt connection s hnh thnh cho php server v client giao tip vi nhau. C th hn, cc bc tin hnh trn server v client m ta cn thc hin s dng giao thc TCP/IP trong C# (c th chy server v client trn cng mt my): Server:

1. 2.
3. 4.

To mt i tng System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener bt u lng nghe trn mt i v chp nhn kt ni t client vi phng thc AccepSocket(). Phng thc ny tr Thc hin giao tip vi client. ng Socket.

cng cc b. v mt i tng System.Net.Sockets.Socket dng gi v nhn d liu.

Thng thng quy trnh ny s c t trong mt vng lp (lp li bc 2) chp nhn nhiu kt ni cng lc (s dng Thread) hoc cc kt ni ln lt. Client:


To mt i tng System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient Kt ni n server vi a ch v port xc nh vi phng thc TcpClient.Connect()

3. 4. 5.

Ly lung (stream) giao tip bng phng thc TcpClient.GetStream(). Thc hin giao tip vi server. ng lung v socket.

Quy trnh ny c th c minh ha theo m hnh sau:

Example v1: Gi nhn d liu dng byte[]

Lp NetworkStream v Socket cung cp cc phng thc gi v nhn d liu dng mng byte. V vy bn cn phi thc hin cc bc chuyn i d liu sang dng byte v ngc li. Trong v d sau ti s dng d liu dng vn bn ASCII trong console, v dng cc lp trong namespace System.Text chuyn i. C hai cch bn c th p dng: - Dng cc static property ca lp abstract System.Text.Encoding vi cc phng thc GetString() v GetBytes(). - To i tng c kiu XXXEncoding (tha k t System.Text.Encoding). V d: UTF8Encoding, ASCIIEncoding, Mt v d gi nhn d liu n gin nht s dng TCPListener, Socket (pha server) v TCPClient, NetworkStream (pha client) dng mng byte vi a ch loop-back trn cng mt my. To hai d n console l Y2Server v Y2Client vi ni dung sau:

Y2Server.cs (v1):
view source print?

01 using System; 02 using System.Text; 03 using System.Net; 04 using System.Net.Sockets; 05 06 public class Y2Server { 07 08 private const int BUFFER_SIZE=1024; 09 private const int PORT_NUMBER=9999; 10 11 static ASCIIEncoding encoding=new ASCIIEncoding(); 12 13 public static void Main() { 14 try { 15 IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(""); 16 17 TcpListener listener=new TcpListener(address,PORT_NUMBER); 18 19 // 1. listen 20 listener.Start(); 21 22 Console.WriteLine("Server started on "+listener.LocalEndpoint); 23 Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection..."); 24 25 Socket socket=listener.AcceptSocket(); 26 Console.WriteLine("Connection received from " + socket.RemoteEndPoint); 27 28 // 2. receive 29 byte[] data=new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; 30 socket.Receive(data); 31 32 string str=encoding.GetString(data);

33 34 // 3. send 35 socket.Send(encoding.GetBytes("Hello "+str)); 36 37 // 4. close 38 socket.Close(); 39 listener.Stop(); 40 41 } 42 catch (Exception ex) { 43 Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); 44 } 45 Console.Read(); 46 } 47 }
Y2Client.cs (v1):
view source print?

01 using System; 02 using System.IO; 03 using System.Net; 04 using System.Text; 05 using System.Net.Sockets; 06 07 public class Y2Client{ 08 09 private const int BUFFER_SIZE=1024; 10 private const int PORT_NUMBER=9999; 11 12 static ASCIIEncoding encoding= new ASCIIEncoding(); 13 14 public static void Main() { 15 16 try { 17 TcpClient client = new TcpClient(); 18

19 // 1. connect 20 client.Connect("",PORT_NUMBER); 21 Stream stream = client.GetStream(); 22 23 Console.WriteLine("Connected to Y2Server."); 24 Console.Write("Enter your name: "); 25 26 string str = Console.ReadLine(); 27 28 // 2. send 29 byte[] data=encoding.GetBytes(str); 30 31 stream.Write(data,0,data.Length); 32 33 // 3. receive 34 data =new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; 35 stream.Read(data,0,BUFFER_SIZE); 36 37 Console.WriteLine(encoding.GetString(data)); 38 39 // 4. Close 40 stream.Close(); 41 client.Close(); 42 } 43 44 catch (Exception ex) { 45 Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); 46 } 47 48 Console.Read(); 49 } 50 }
kim tra v d, bn chy server trc, ca s console ca server s hin th: Server started on Waiting for a connection Tip n cho chy client, nu kt ni thnh cng, server s hin th thm dng thng bo tng t nh sau: Connection received from

Chuyn qua ca s console ca client v nhp tn ca bn vo, nu nhn c d liu, server s gi tr li dng thng ip Hello [Your Name] Connected to Y2Server. Enter your name: Yin Yang Hello Yin Yang Ngay sau bc ny, c server v client u thc hin ng kt ni.

Example v2: S dng StreamReader v StreamWriter

S tin li hn nu ta s dng StreamReader v StreamWriter gi nhn d liu m khng cn bc chuyn i qua li mng byte. Cc i tng StreamReader v StreamWriter c th c khi to trc tip t NetworkStream. Thuc tnh AutoFlush ca StreamWriter thng c t l true t ng gi d liu m khng cn i b m y hoc bn phi gi th cng phng thc Flush(). V d sau s dng vng lp thc hin gi nhn d liu lin tc gia server/client cho n khi client nhp vo chui exit: Y2Server.cs (v2):

01 using System; 02 using System.IO; 03 using System.Net; 04 using System.Net.Sockets; 05 using System.Text; 06 07 public class Y2Server { 08 09 private const int BUFFER_SIZE=1024; 10 private const int PORT_NUMBER=9999; 11 12 static ASCIIEncoding encoding=new ASCIIEncoding(); 13 14 public static void Main() { 15 try { 16 IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(""); 17 18 TcpListener listener=new TcpListener(address,PORT_NUMBER); 19 20 // 1. listen 21 listener.Start(); 22 23 Console.WriteLine("Server started on "+listener.LocalEndpoint); 24 Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection...");

25 26 Socket socket=listener.AcceptSocket(); 27 Console.WriteLine("Connection received from " + socket.RemoteEndPoint); 28 29 var stream = new NetworkStream(socket); 30 var reader=new StreamReader(stream); 31 var writer=new StreamWriter(stream); 32 writer.AutoFlush=true; 33 34 while(true) 35 { 36 // 2. receive 37 string str=reader.ReadLine(); 38 if(str.ToUpper()=="EXIT") 39 { 40 writer.WriteLine("bye"); 41 break; 42 } 43 // 3. send 44 writer.WriteLine("Hello "+str); 45 } 46 47 48 49 // 4. close stream.Close(); socket.Close(); listener.Stop();

50 } 51 catch (Exception ex) { 52 Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); 53 } 54 Console.Read(); 55 } 56 }

Y2Client.cs (v2):

01 using System; 02 using System.IO; 03 using System.Net; 04 using System.Text;

05 using System.Net.Sockets; 06 07 public class Y2Client{ 08 09 private const int BUFFER_SIZE=1024; 10 private const int PORT_NUMBER=9999; 11 12 static ASCIIEncoding encoding= new ASCIIEncoding(); 13 14 public static void Main() { 15 16 try { 17 TcpClient client = new TcpClient(); 18 19 // 1. connect 20 client.Connect("",PORT_NUMBER); 21 Stream stream = client.GetStream(); 22 23 Console.WriteLine("Connected to Y2Server."); 24 while(true) 25 { 26 Console.Write("Enter your name: "); 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 // 2. send 34 writer.WriteLine(str); 35 36 // 3. receive 37 str=reader.ReadLine(); 38 Console.WriteLine(str); 39 if(str.ToUpper()=="BYE") 40 break; string str = Console.ReadLine(); var reader=new StreamReader(stream); var writer=new StreamWriter(stream); writer.AutoFlush=true;

41 } 42 43 44 45 46 47 catch (Exception ex) { 48 Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); 49 } 50 51 Console.Read(); 52 } 53 }

Bn chy v d ny ging nh v d u tin v g exit vo client thot ng dng

// 4. close stream.Close(); client.Close(); }

SocketTCP - Chat qua l i gi a Client v Server. Chy trn cng mt my nh. Nu 2 my tnh chnh IPEnpoint li. Trn client g date server tr v ngy thng nm. G byby thot server v client Server: Code:
using using using using using System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Text; System.Net; System.Net.Sockets;

namespace SocketServer { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------Server-----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" Chuong trinh chat 2 may voi nhau "); Console.WriteLine(" Luu y: 1 ben goi va ben kia phai tra loi moi goi tiep duoc"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("");

//tao soc ket IPEndPoint ipserver = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5302); Socket server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp); //bind server.Bind(ipserver); //listen server.Listen(10); Console.WriteLine("Chuan bi ket noi!"); Socket client = server.Accept(); Console.WriteLine("Chap nhan ket noi tu: {0}",client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()); // string s; byte[] data = new byte[1024]; string s = "Ket noi thanh cong den Server. Bat dau chat"; //Chuyen chuoi s thanh mang byte //byte[] data = new byte[1024]; data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s); client.Send(data,data.Length,SocketFlags.None); string input; while (true) { data = new byte[1024]; int nhan = client.Receive(data);

s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data,0,nhan); if (s.Equals("byby")) break; Console.WriteLine("Client: {0}",s); input = Console.ReadLine(); data = new byte[1024]; data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input); client.Send(data, data.Length, SocketFlags.None); } client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); client.Close(); server.Close(); } } }

Client: Code:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace SocketClient { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("------------------------Client------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" Chuong trinh chat 2 may voi nhau "); Console.WriteLine(" Luu y: 1 ben goi va ben kia phai tra loi moi goi tiep duoc"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); //int a; //int p; IPEndPoint ipenpointclient = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""),5302); //IPEndPoint ipenpointclient = new IPEndPoint(a, 5302); //Console.WriteLine("Moi nhap ip server: "); //Console.ReadLine(IPAddress.Parse(a)); Socket client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); client.Connect(ipenpointclient); byte[] data = new byte[1024]; int nhan = client.Receive(data); // data = "Chao client"; string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data,0,nhan); Console.WriteLine(s); string input; string ngay; while (true) { input = Console.ReadLine(); data = new byte[1024]; data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input); client.Send(data,data.Length,SocketFlags.None); data = new byte[1024]; nhan = client.Receive(data); s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, nhan);

if (s.Equals("getdate")) { input = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); data = new byte[1024]; data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input); client.Send(data, data.Length, SocketFlags.None); } if (s.Equals("byby") || input.Equals("byby")) break; Console.WriteLine("Server: {0}",s); } client.Disconnect(true); client.Close(); } } }

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