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SEQUESTERED STRAINS OF HUMANITY In this world which is so full of rampant corruption, unlawful activities, immoral consumption and incessant

bigotry, man has barely retained the purpose of what his life was all supposed to be. Science and technology has eradicated the barriers of distance and communication and still geographically it is the same world, the same issues, the same borders, the same customs and the same prejudices. These differences are very unsavory, very divisive and very separatist, making humans who are already aware of their separateness from other human beings even more conscious. I am an Indian I am Chinese or I am an arab is what we are compelled to declare in our passports. With these daily identity that we have to hang onto we forget that we are all infact a large group of people living in one house-Earth our planet, living our lives surviving with the help of the now ceasing inane interdependency among ourselves. In todays world, our social political economical outlook has sequestered us from one another. The disparity only grows. The attack on the world trade centre on 9/11 was not an attack on a certain sect of people, it was a deep poisonous gash on humanity. Every day we have new leaders rising, giving tirades of how they live to serve us, new policies that will prove beneficial to you and me and our progeny. What are they but fallacies that blind us from the heart wrenching reality that we are still were we

were ages ago. Mankind is plagued with religious prejudices. We still fight wars in the name of religion, land and gold which implies oil these days. It is safe to say that we are born as human beings but die as animals because our surroundings is geared to ambition, towards success at the cost of everything else, it makes us rapacious, greedy, promotes the killer instinct. We are not seeking balance we are trying to dominate everything else in the world. The purpose of expressing my disappointment with the happenings in this world, with the society I live in and most importantly the disappointment I feel in myself is that there is only one way to make this place a better place to live in. change the world by changing myself! Change the world by changing yourself. We have often heard that little drops of water makes the mighty ocean. If each of us as an individual make an earnest effort to accept one another, respect every religion and ideology and inculcate the basic morals we have been taught from our anscestors, we could all help the situation. By complaining about the state of affairs, or writing about it we are not being a part of the solution and you know not being a part of the solution makes us a part of the problem. As individuals, we can exercise the rights that we have as a citizen of our country, make the right decisions for the others and for ourselves.

We must not disfigure our inner self, mutilate it and sacrifice it at the so called altar of economic prosperity and political freedom, superiority of one race over another. So friends I really hope I have convinced each one of you to forget our little differences and embrace each other and spread the joy of being Human Beings and save this world from being suffocated in the dark murky waters of bigotry, selfishness and blood.

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