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******************************************************** PageLines Framework Release Notes: ******************************************************** How version numbers work (Notation: A.B.

C) - "A" releases are "Major Releases" - Big day! Huge rewrites with tons o f new features, optimizations - "B" releases are "Major Minor Releases" - Cool new features + rewrites , sometimes prone to issues due to new code. - "C" releases are "Minor Releases" - Contain bug fixes and improvements to code ******************************************************** Version 2.1.3 - HotFix - Static Height Mode - Feature Slider Version 2.1.2 - New - Callout Options (alignment, CSS button) - New - Facebook Like Image uses 'Featured Image' (if available) - New - Advanced option - Current Install <body> class - New - Boxes options - More link & individual class - New - Add Open Graph options - New - Show active templates in page list - New - Show featured image in post/page list - New - Carousel gets auto scrolling - New - Special body class option - New - Developer libs added - New - Sharebar under post titles - New - Features are now responsive - CORE - Widget areas always loaded - CORE - Store items loaded by date - CORE - New action pagelines_loop_before_excerpt - CORE - New action pagelines_loop_after_excerpt - Bugs - Change action time for sidebar loading - Bugs - Fix HTML5 validation - Bugs - Re-add youtube link - Bugs - Escape JS in feature titles Version 2.1.1 - Bugs - IE8 <img> css - Section Tweaks - Highlight Version 2.1 - NEW - Global default meta options - NEW - BuddyPress and bbPress Extensions - NEW - Sharebar Section Rewrite (dynamic buttons) - NEW - Hashtag option (Used in social media) - NEW - Dynamic search field (CSS3 Search Field) - NEW - Sidebar load priority - NEW - Widget - Special Recent Posts - CORE - Color handling system - CORE - Meta defaults - CORE - Updates LESS system - CORE - Custom CSS now loaded last - CORE - New debug system - CORE - New template naming - Bugs - Better license handling

- Bugs - Fix importer trying to set a null array - Bugs - Category is not an archive - Bugs - Use main layout for posts/pages - Bugs - JS not loading for a clone. - Store - Better filesystem handling 100% WP functionality - Twitter Section - @ and # links made clickable - PostNav Section - Allow cloning - Feature Section - New sort functions + all posts - Boxes Section - New sort functions ------------------------------------Version 2.0.2 - Template Name Convention Change - Modifications for free version ------------------------------------Version 2.0.1 - Feature Section - Responsive Background Images! - Bug fix - Meta on blog page - Better background handling - Posts category mode, uses featured images - Carousel Section - Taxonomy select, tweaks - Performance - Post Saving - Changed hook - Multisite - Added support for 'blogs' folder in customize plugin - Bugs - Remove css3 media queries js ( broken ) - Features - Category mode now pulls in featured image ------------------------------------- Date: 12-22-2011 Version 2.0.0 Official Release 2.0.0! - Special Thanks to - Chris Johnston (Awesome New Documentation) - Beta Tester Team (Mike Zielonka, Ian Sterne, Posey Gaines) Hotfixes - Nav Enhancement - Better highlighting - Store - Remove integration buttons for non-dev Release Candidate Four - Bugs - Screenshot url fix. - Fix sandbox urls. - MU - multisite fixes and css tweaks. Release Candidate Three - Localization - Translation fixes. - Bugs - Layout bug fixed. - Docs - Inline help added (chris). - Bugs - Screenshot url fix. - Bugs - base_url fix. Release Candidate Two - Welcome Screen Changes - Fixed Layout Management Bug - Add class to feature link - Misc improvements Release Candidate One - Integrations - Special Settings fixed.

- Section - Refined Carousel - Bugs - Fixed special option handling - Store - New interface BETA - 32 - Store - Error Fix BETA - 31 - Integrations Special Settings. - IE Handling. BETA - 30 - Extension - Added new footer hooks. BETA - 29 - Localization - i18n fixes - Option - new 'fonts' option. BETA - 28 - Various fixes - Store refining - Upgrade paths added BETA - 27 - Refactoring BETA - 26 - Store refactored. BETA - 25 - Refined the 'store' - Bug fixes - Integrations. BETA - 24 - LESS CSS - New Color Api for Section Extension ( - Integrations - Add Vanilla Theme. - Integrations - Add MediaWiki Theme. BETA - 23 - Bug Fix - wamp has curl disabled by default props Chris. - Bug Fix - various. BETA - 22 - Equalizer Script - New Child Theming Refinements - Bug Fixes and Refinements - Child Theme panel hiding functions added. BETA - 21 - Huge memory savings. - New theming options. BETA - 20 - Add sections to sandboxing. - Extend - Implement version checking for sections. - Bug Fix - UTF8 html escape. - Add user level support. - Cloning fixes - Memory leak discovered in section handling.

BETA - 19 - Add support for profiles section. - Add plugins sandboxing. BETA - 18 - Bug Fix - Meta not saving. BETA - 17 - Bug Fix - Sections all had same ID. - Bug Fix - Windows sections all had same icon. - Extend screenshots all round. - New payment system, no more iframe! - Metapanel refresh. - New profiles API. BETA - 16 - Massive sections upgrade! - New license check system BETA - 15 - Whole admin is now fully translatable. - Multisite 'fixes' for extend: * Update notifications disabled for non super-admin. * Install/Delete disabled for non super-admin. - cache clean on theme switch. BETA - 14 - Extend system uses wp_filesystem if needed. - Lots of translation fixes. BETA - 13 - *New Fixed Background Option - CPT Handling - Advanced Layout Functions BETA - 11, 12 - Auto registering page templates - Developer Features - Security Enhancements - SSL PageLines API BETA - 9, 10 - PageLines Extend - Usability improvements BETA - 8 - Special Handling - Meta Handling - Feature Refinements - Section Refinements BETA - 7 - Clone Options BETA - 6 - Design Control - Color Math - Text Shadows - Extension Refinements BETA - 5 - Special Page Handling - Graphical Selectors - Themes Extension BETA - 4 - Section Control Rewrite

- Fixes issues with hiding same sections - Metapanel rewrite - Cloning & Meta Options BETA - 1, 2, 3 - Sections Cloning - Admin Rewrite - Responsive Design - Advanced Template Selector - Improved Graphics - Updated JS Libs - Rewrote Option Engine Version 1.5.0 - Bug Fix - Using categories for feature slider - API - Use WordPress updates system - ShareBar - Use PageLines shortener - Filters - pagelines_before_sharebar - Filters - pagelines_after_sharebar - Filters - pagelines_feature_autostop - Filters - pagelines_branding_rssurl - Nav - SuperFish fix - Admin - Custom Post Types meta support added - I18n - Rebuild translation files - Sections - Fix twitter url - Admin - Don't show meta if main blog page Version 1.4.0 - Refactoring Release - ShareBar Section - Fixed API Bug - Feature - Upgraded JS Library - Sections - Added Tax ID as Class - Security - Dynamic CSS Handling - Bug Fix - Cufon Loading - Speed - Page Load Enhancements - Theming - Improved CSS file overriding - Code - Optimized file structure and globals - API - Check for latest version from PageLines server. - Admin - Fixed notification bug - Code - Debug option and Debug tab. ------------------------------------- Date: 5-4-2011 Version 1.3.5 - Bug Fix - Multisite get_plugins() function not available error ------------------------------------- Date: 3-29-2011 Version 1.3.4 - Bug Fix - Social Icons - Bug Fix - Cufon Loading ------------------------------------- Date: 3-28-2011 Version 1.3.3 - SEO - Conditional <TITLE> with filter 'pagelines_meta_title'. - Add proper file error checking and media manager support for images. Also dupl icate files are deleted on the fly. - Security - Sanitize user input, options needing html/js/css are whitelisted, f ilter included 'pagelines_settings_whitelist'. - i18n - Updated main po and mo files. - Fix - Banners not showing on pages. - Fix - Undefined notice on 404 page. - Fix - Wrong options id. - Hooks - Hooks improvements

- CSS - Consolidated Files ------------------------------------- Date: 3-25-2011 Version 1.3.2 - Caching - Additional caching and CDN improvements - Box Section - Display Only Thumbs - Bug Fix - Feature Section - Thumb and Feature Name Display - Bug Fix - Layout - Accounted for Script/Firefox bug (-24 px issue) - Banners - Rewrote for extension - CSS Enhancements - Hooks Enhancements ------------------------------------- Date: 3-14-2011 Version 1.3.1 - Typography Enhancements - Filter (Hook) for adding fonts - 'pagelines_foundry' - Additional Google Fonts - Major Caching Fixes - Resolved caching issues on base.css on some servers - Resolved caching issues on dynamic.css on some servers - New option-> Misc Settings: inline dynamic CSS. - Fixed Thumbnail Bug in IE ------------------------------------- Date: 3-1-2011 Version 1.3.0 - New Feature Set - Typography - Font Preview, New Fonts, Seamless Google Font API integration - Set Weight, Kerning, Transform, Style, and Variant - New Feature and API - MetaPanel handling of Meta options - Consolidates all meta options to a single panel. - New Navigation and Menu Features - New Section! - BrandNav (Branding/Nav On One Line) - New Section! - Secondary Navigation (i.e. Sub Navigation) - CSS Refinement - Made Nav Menus Easier To Style - New Developer Features - Child Theming and Extension - Section Template Override, Creating New Templates, Create New Option T ypes - RTL Localization - RTL Language Support Added (Special Thanks to Sourena Parha m - - WordPress 3.1 Fixes - Carousel, CSS - Feature Section - Feature Media Shortcodes, Refactored Code, Title Tag On Link s (Uses Feature Name) - Carousel Section - Animation Speed Setting - 3.1 Fix, Fixed limit bug, - Added new hook mode for image lists + integration - New Option - Excerpt Tags (Control Stripping tags) - Usability - Disable AJAX Saving - Usability - Editor Styles For Creating Pages/Posts - Usability - Cookies For Storing Most Recently Edited Tab - Usability - Inline links to Docs and Videos - Bug Fixes - Banner limit, Search Form Positioning, 404 issues - Other Improvements - Styling refinements on additional tags - Improved Search URL - Moved Dynamic.css to Wp Uploads Dir - Update To Latest WP Best Practices (new functions etc..) - Added New "content_width" Handling for large images. - Removed Old Google API Handling Options - Rearranged Some Options

- Quick Fixes - - Fixed box content, Renamed JS file, Fixed Nav w Pages ------------------------------------- Date: 2-27-2011 Version 1.2.3 - SEO - Removed H1 Tags On Site Name w/ No Logo (Best Practice) - Refinement - Filters for Logo & Branding - Refinement - Unique IDs on Feature Boxes - Refinement - Removed Hook Parsing. Caused too many random issues. - Debugging - Checking for PHP Safe Mode ------------------------------------- Date: 1-28-2011 Version 1.2.2 - Refinement - Bylines and Post Titles - Fix - Author Pages - Post Author Info - SEO - Post Titles 'H1' on Single Pages - Fix - Webkit Display Issues - Refinement - Additional Filters - Fix - Fix Highlight Section Display ------------------------------------- Date: 1-20-2011 Version 1.2.1 - Option - Reddit Sharing Icon - Fix - Multisite Dynamic.css handling - Feature - Toggle Section Desciptions (Easier Use) - New Section - Posts Info (Moved From Loop Template) - Refinement - Preparations for Version 1.3.0 Features ------------------------------------- Date: 1-4-2011 Version 1.2.0 - "Design Control Release" - New Features + Options - PageLines Color Control - New Option - Background Image - New Design Mode - Canvas Mode - Admin - AJAX Option Saving - Meta Option - Max Banner Posts - Optimization - CSS - Refinement - Button Appearance - Refinement - Comments - Refinement - Built In Fix for FlickRSS bug - Refinement - Menu locations and naming ------------------------------------- Date: 1-1-2011 Version 1.1.5 - New Feature & Option - TypeKit Support - - Bug Fix - Disqus comments number fix - Refinement - Thumb handling (In Clips) - Refinement - Excerpt Continue Reading Link - Localization - Localized arrows (&rarr;), Added Class for hiding - Bug Fix - Horizontal Scroll Issue - Bug Fix - Hide Default Sidebar - Clarifications ------------------------------------- Date: 12-6-2010 Version 1.1.4 - New Option - Feature Stage Height (Feature Options) - New Plugin - Disqus Commenting Support Added (Pro) - Fixed Callout section bug - Changed "Clip" Width Handling (%) - Fixed IE6 Issue - Function: comment_number handling fixed

- New Option Type: css_option ------------------------------------- Date: 11-20-2010 Version 1.1.3 - CSS Polishing (Content Sidebar, etc...) - Highlight Section - Image Position - Soapbox Section - Link text and class on posts pages - Fixed font file issue with Cufon (Sorry about that!) - Add link option for Boxes and Soapboxes - Fixed relative link bug Version 1.1.2 - BuddyPress Support Enhancements - Switched out deprecated functions - Added default primary sidebar - Fixed PHP 4 checking so site doesn't crash Version 1.1.1 - Improved load order of stylesheets (improves custom css) - Fixed Mixx Icon - More array checking (warnings on some systems) - Page and Body Background Color Option - Posts Page Content Layout Option - Category Select for Carousel, Controls on Post Pages Version 1.1.0 - Feature Section - Feature Name Bug - Array checking - Custom Post Types - Server FOpen Checking with TinyUrl Version 1.0.9 - Fixed Image Removal Bug - Fixed Callout Section Link Bug - Fixed Installation & Template Map Issue - Added Writable Permissions Checking for dynamic CSS - Changed Image Uploading Protocol Version 1.0.8 - Fixed images - Blog/Posts page options Version 1.0.7 - 404 Handling - Soapbox Section Version 1.0.6 - Section Control Options Version 1.0.5 - Improved Child Theme Support - Base Child Support Version 1.0.4 - Improved & Upgraded JS - Cleaned Up Images & Graphics - Supported Re-Order Plugin Version 1.0.3 - Query/Performance Fixes - Platform Child Theme Support

- Free Version Support - SEO Improvements - Security Improvements Version 1.0.2 - Nav Fixes - Image improvements Version 1.0.1 - Server config fixes - Error checking, etc.. Version 1.0.0 - Hi! This marks the first release candidate for the theme. - For a feature overview please see us at

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