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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:00 ukedchat 20:00 nickotkdIV 20:00 ICTmagic 20:01 nickotkdIV 20:01 itweetjig 20:01 urban_teacher 20:01 ICTwitz 20:01 mikallaane 20:02 nightzookeeper 20:02 shiponhighseas 20:02 ukedchat 20:03 mikallaane 20:04 BenRogersOVA 20:04 BenRogersOVA 20:04 philallman1 20:04 philallman1 20:04 wendyJR 20:04 wendyJR

It's 8pm. Time for #ukedchat. Topic: 'Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?' with @ICTmagic RT @ukedchat: #ukedchat is about the start. If you are joining us you should unprotect your tweets and use the #ukedchat hashtag. I'd like to begin by talking about the number of terms and half terms. Is there a better structure? What do other countries do? #ukedchat #ukedchat 3 or 5 i dont mind! RT @urban_teacher: In Asia, it's about long hours long hours in school, long hours after school. The UK need to adopt this approach! #ukedchat #edchat In Asia, it's about long hours long hours in school, long hours after school. The UK need to adopt this approach! #ukedchat #edchat As more 'free' schools & academies pop up, I can see there is not going to be a "normal" school year for much longer #ukedchat is the term system broke? #ukedchat @ICTmagic I read an article yesterday suggesting a five term structure, and a shorter summer break #ukedchat RT @GuardianEduCent: Fascinating teaching blog: tackling shyness takes centre stage @guardianteach #ukedchat If you are joining #ukedchat you should unprotect your tweets & use the #ukedchat hashtag. who's review/report are we to believe regarding terms/times? #ukedchat @ICTmagic I don't think the number of terms makes a huge difference, but the amount of holiday overall and how it is distributed. #ukedchat @ICTmagic I don't think the number of terms makes a huge difference, but the amount of holiday overall and how it is distributed. #ukedchat RT @wendyJR: #ukedchat would love 4 week summer hols with 2 week feb and oct RT @wendyJR: #ukedchat would love 4 week summer hols with 2 week feb and oct #ukedchat would love 4 week summer hols with 2 week feb and oct #ukedchat would love 4 week summer hols with 2 week

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:04 smurfatik 20:04 ICTmagic 20:04 raisechildrens 20:04 soos24 20:04 Kezmerrelda 20:04 ICTwitz 20:05 NuttyA10 20:05 mikallaane 20:05 urban_teacher 20:05 nickotkdIV 20:05 ICTmagic 20:06 raisechildrens 20:06 soos24 20:06 smurfatik 20:06 hamlinr01

20:06 ICTmagic

feb and oct @ICTmagic in the USA had two 18 week semesters & block schedule so I had diff classes each semester, no half terms but long summer #ukedchat @nickotkdIV Can I ask why? #ukedchat #ukedchat I think the young people would like to get up later but I don't know if that would make them even later to school! @ICTmagic #ukedchat Ireland have same holidays as uk until the summer, then they break up - secondaries at start of exams beginning june #ukedchat I am quite happy how it is! Though have an open mind #ukedchat The good news about different terms is cheaper holidays for #teachers. How many Scottish teachers fly off in July from England? #ukedchat Does a long summer holiday actually make any difference? Doesn't appear to do so in other countries. @ICTwitz I agree with you @ICTwitz, independent private schools have a very short year, no complaints there #ukedchat Finland's success is especially intriguing because Finnish schools assign less homework and engage children in more creative play. #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda would you prefer 3 or 5 terms if they gave you the choice? #ukedchat @soos24 So how long is that in total for the summer hols? #ukedchat @urban_teacher #ukedchat if I could teach anywhere again it would be in Finland, sounds so sensible! @ICTmagic #ukedchat actually nearer 11 weeks @ICTmagic now in Sweden we run Aug-June, with 1 week off in Nov, 2 at xmas, 1 in Feb & 1 for easter & I only teach 17 hours a week #ukedchat RT @unseenflirt: New term tasks: emailing an accurate weekly timesheet of hours worked, including marking, to Mr Michael Gove #edchat #ukedchat RT @BenRogersOVA: @ICTmagic I don't think the number of terms makes a huge difference, but the amount of holiday overall and how it is distributed. #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:06 BenRogersOVA

20:06 nightzookeeper 20:06 soos24 20:06 ICTmagic 20:06 ukedchat 20:07 terr1_leigh 20:07 Carlsberg40 20:07 Weezad_1 20:07 nickotkdIV 20:07 hip_teacher 20:07 NuttyA10 20:07 chiko_tc 20:07 smurfatik 20:07 ICTmagic 20:07 NuttyA10 20:08 MarieWallace7

RT @urban_teacher: Finland's success is especially intriguing because Finnish schools assign less homework and engage children in more creative play. #ukedchat RT @BenRogersOVA: @ICTmagic I don't think the number of terms makes a huge difference, but the amount of holiday overall and how it is distributed. #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat at least 9 weeks , they go back last week august @smurfatik Which system do you think is better and why? #ukedchat #ukedchat topic reminder: 'Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?' with @ICTmagic hosting. I am not against making the summer holiday shorter however I do not want longer terms. My 4 yr olds struggle with 6 week terms. #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic the other 'they' say it has no proven detimental affect? #ukedchat @wendyJR I agree - only problem that could be raised is exam classes missing out on time #ukedchat RT @smurfatik: @ICTmagic now in Sweden we run Aug-June, with 1 week off in Nov, 2 at xmas, 1 in Feb & 1 for easter & I only teach 17 hours a week #ukedchat Academy system will see decline in 'standard' school calendar. Will be increasingly localised. As will inspection, training etc #ukedchat @smurfatik @ICTmagic What does that look like in holiday terms? #ukedchat #ukedchat I think that sometimes the idea of terms suggests to learners that learning stops during holidays. @ICTmagic and our school has a flexible schedule, no class starts and ends at same time or have same times in school each day #ukedchat @soos24 What do teachers, parents and children think about such a long summer? Does boredom kick in for the kids? #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic But does it? Other countries don't appear to have that problem. #ukedchat @ukedchat 4 weeks summer and 2 weeks half terms would be great

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:08 philallman1 20:08 ClaireJoanneICT 20:08 BenRogersOVA 20:08 nickotkdIV 20:08 Kezmerrelda 20:08 mikallaane 20:08 soos24 20:09 nightzookeeper 20:09 nickotkdIV 20:09 NuttyA10 20:09 ICTwitz 20:09 MrTomtheTeacher 20:09 soos24 20:09 philallman1 20:10 raisechildrens 20:10 nickotkdIV 20:10 BenRogersOVA

The learning loss issue is not the key for me - staff illness & energy is. 2wks Oct & 2wks Feb would reduce that. #ukedchat @wendyJR Sounds like a better split #ukedchat @NuttyA10 Evidence clearly shows the long break having a negative effect on learning (Hattie). #ukedchat @smurfatik @ICTmagic like the sound of that. #ukedchat @nickotkdIV #ukedchat I think i would stick how it us but would trade couple weeks in summer with extra weeks elsewhere! @urban_teacher agree, but our government wont replicate this as it doesnt fit their agenda #ukedchat @NuttyA10 #ukedchat we actually have much shorter summer break than most countries that seem to outdo us in achievement :/ @chiko_tc Agreed, I think that a lot of valuable learning can happen when the pressure has been taken off #ukedchat RT @philallman1: The learning loss issue is not the key for me - staff illness & energy is. 2wks Oct & 2wks Feb would reduce that. #ukedchat @soos24 Question to be asked is why this has an effect in England then or how it doesn't in others? #ukedchat Maybe school terms should be decided by parents locally, encouraging less absence in the school? #ukedchat #playingnumbersgame @wendyJR 2 weeks off in some of the crappiest weather the UK has? No thanks! #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat I guess it does eventually, although where we were, very rural, they just loved the freedom - not same everywhere @BenRogersOVA @NuttyA10 so why ont in other countries ofr the indy sector?? #ukedchat #ukedchat if holidays were more frequent this may enable more consistent youth work in between such as sessions around stress, 1:1s etc @wendyJR 4 weeks in summer? #ukedchat @philallman1 It seems to me that learning isn't the only factor involved in the decision. Isn't that odd in an education system? #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:10 nickotkdIV 20:10 ICTmagic 20:10 NuttyA10 20:10 urban_teacher 20:10 ICTmagic 20:10 LeonardJamesUK 20:11 BenRogersOVA 20:11 ClaireJoanneICT 20:11 chiko_tc 20:11 nickotkdIV 20:11 ICTmagic 20:11 nickotkdIV 20:11 ICTmagic 20:11 Iainbone1974 20:11 smurfatik 20:11 MrTomtheTeacher 20:11 mattbritland

@ShaunGosney @ICTmagic very true. Also it the arguement of why cahnge something that works? #ukedchat RT @LeonardJamesUK: @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic and yet the private schools have longer holidays #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA But it obviously doesn't have that effect in independent schools though or other countries. #ukedchat The Finnish school day is short and interspersed with outdoors activities. Do we think that holidays can be too long for the kids? Do we feel that they go backwards after a long break? #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic and yet the private schools have longer holidays #ukedchat @NuttyA10 I think it does have the same effect, but learning isn't the only consideration. #ukedchat @terr1_leigh I agree - 6 or 7 weeks is long enough #ukedchat #ukedchat The availability of the internet should, in time make the need for structured education redundant. Make way for learning on demand RT @AliceBakesCakes: 6 weeks summer seems perfect to me, 2 weeks to wind down, 2 to properly relax, then 2 to get heads back into work mode! #ukedchat RT @smurfatik: @ICTmagic none of them are better, the long summer is good IF kids have access to lots of alternative activities #ukedchat @LeonardJamesUK @ICTmagic True, why is this, that private schools get longer holidays? #ukedchat The difference between private and state schools is interesting. Why is there a difference? Is it necessary? #ukedchat @smurfatik @ictmagic is that 17hrs full time? Is the rest made up of plan/prep/assess? #ukedchat @ICTmagic none of them are better, the long summer is good IF kids have access to lots of alternative activities #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm now teaching in Norway, where they stagger the half terms between different regions to reduce pressure on holiday prices RT @LeonardJamesUK: @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic and

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:11 AliceBakesCakes 20:11 soos24 20:12 NuttyA10 20:12 philallman1 20:12 ICTmagic 20:12 raisechildrens 20:12 MrTomtheTeacher 20:12 NuttyA10 20:12 philallman1 20:12 ukedchat 20:12 thosethatcan 20:13 Kezmerrelda 20:13 ICTmagic 20:13 NuttyA10 20:13 Shaz_Yu 20:13 smurfatik

yet the private schools have longer holidays #ukedchat 6 weeks summer seems perfect to me, 2 weeks to wind down, 2 to properly relax, then 2 to get heads back into work mode! #ukedchat @NuttyA10 #ukedchat well we are told it has an effect, no evidence that 6 weeks results in loss of learning @soos24 This is the key to summer hols and term times. Evidence seems to be lacking to say what the effect is and why. #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA @NuttyA10 other countries dont appear to have the learning loss evidenced? #ukedchat @Carlsberg40 So you would like 2 or 3 of the summer weeks attached to the half terms? #ukedchat #ukedchat young people are more relaxed in the holidays and tend to open up more enabling preventative work before they go back to school. #ukedchat one problem with long holidays is parents who don't keep up with reading, times tables. @BenRogersOVA But think has to be backed up with evidence. #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA not really as lots of other factors help/hinder learning. #ukedchat Topic reminder: 'Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?' with @ICTmagic hosting. #ukedchat @MrTomtheTeacher @wendyJR & of course as soon as travel companies get wind of it, the prices will be just as high as other hols #ukedchat #ukedchat with all interactive learning opps have to keep on eye on the ball all time for kids posting/ sharing online anytime! Hols or not @norfolkshine Any draw backs that you can like of? #ukedchat @norfolkshine @Carlsberg40 @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic Likelihood is less staff illness, more productivity. #ukedchat #ukedchat Advantage of random term dates, is how cheap holiday packages are! @ICTmagic personally though I would prefer to work 6 weeks on, 1 week holiday - stops me getting cabin fever BUT #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:13 nickotkdIV 20:13 BenRogersOVA 20:14 nickotkdIV 20:14 ICTwitz 20:14 nickotkdIV 20:14 Iainbone1974 20:14 MarieWallace7 20:14 BenRogersOVA 20:14 PeterAllen1 20:14 smurfatik 20:14 rachel_ireland 20:14 soos24 20:15 AliceBakesCakes 20:15 Carlsberg40 20:15 super_sixfive 20:15 jamesdhobsonuk

#ukedchat when and how long do people want the holidays to be? @soos24 That rather depends on who is doing the talking. Hattie shows a clear negative effect. I tend to trust his analysis. #ukedchat RT @NuttyA10: @norfolkshine @Carlsberg40 @nickotkdIV @ICTmagic Likelihood is less staff illness, more productivity. #ukedchat Perhaps all state schools should follow the holiday models of the private sector!?! #ukedchat @wendyJR a 2 week hol? #ukedchat #ukedchat the 6 week summer break could include focus workshops to concentrate / target areas of weakness! Get the week back at East or aug! RT @Shaz_Yu: I belong to school that have five terms, short summers and longer school days. Pace is faster and much more seems to get done #ukedchat @ICTmagic Isn't the difference traditional? Private sector was traditionally boarding. Long holidays make sense in this context. #ukedchat Just come in to #ukedchat Are we discussing longer days, shorter holidays? What's the general consensus? #ShorterDaysLongerHolidays @ICTmagic kids need time away from formal curriculum to just enjoy being kids - for that I think Sweden is very good #ukedchat @ukedchat @ictmagic Also think that a more even distribution of 1/2 terms would be better. #edchat @BenRogersOVA #ukedchat would be interested to look into that! RT @Jet1577: #ukedchat When I'm exhausted and deflate after another govt kicking - the 6 wks hols mean I don't actively start looking for job outside tch @ICTmagic but now I'm a teacher too I see the benefits, both 2 teachers and chn! #ukedchat @ukedchat can't make my mind up on this one, real head v heart. Head says maybe better for students, heart says I like 6 week holiday. Its not when the holidays are but how long the terms are; six weeks is best-longer terms produced tired learners+teachers

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:15 NuttyA10 20:15 nickotkdIV 20:15 nightzookeeper 20:15 Jet1577 20:16 Weezad_1 20:16 BenRogersOVA 20:16 MrTomtheTeacher 20:16 super_sixfive 20:16 SimonBainbridge 20:16 ICTwitz 20:16 NuttyA10 20:16 Kezmerrelda 20:16 Carlsberg40 20:16 BenRogersOVA 20:16 Jet1577 20:16 nickotkdIV 20:16 NuttyA10

@smurfatik @ICTmagic Think that's something we definitely forget about in Eng. It's almost like parents don't want chn at home. #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @norfolkshine @Carlsberg40 @ICTmagic so have extra holidays to revive staff! #ukedchat @MrTomtheTeacher I guess this depends on how much the parents are included during term time. Lots of ways to do this, blog etc. #ukedchat #ukedchat When I'm exhausted and deflate after another govt kicking - the 6 wks hols mean I don't actively start looking for job outside tch @MrTomtheTeacher #ukedchat sounds like a good idea - avoids a system where it varies from sch to sch affecting siblings - cheaper hols too @philallman1 International studies show learning loss. #ukedchat #ukedchat. Paying parents are often v. supportive of education (often via tutor/au pair) ;-) @ICTmagic RT @jamesdhobsonuk: Its not when the holidays are but how long the terms are; six weeks is best-longer terms produced tired learners+teachers #ukedchat I remember reading somewhere online about a new state of the art school that was opening at 10am. Due to research ... @Jet1577 Teachers say that, but what are the other job options? #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @norfolkshine @Carlsberg40 @ICTmagic It would appear that way. #ukedchat #ukedchat is age if children relevant. Little ones need regular week breaks more maybe? @nickotkdIV @NuttyA10 @norfolkshine @ICTmagic and children? #ukedchat @NuttyA10 Have a look at Hattie and I'm sure many others. There is ample evidence: #ukedchat @ICTwitz: Perhaps all state schools should follow the holiday models of the private sector!?! #ukedchat I would second that! @ShaunGosney that why they say have 5 terms with 2 week holiday. children never pout of school for more than 2 weeks #ukedchat @jamesdhobsonuk I agree with that. Terms of differing lengths don't help either. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:17 super_sixfive 20:17 MrTomtheTeacher 20:17 nickotkdIV 20:17 planetchampion 20:17 Shaz_Yu 20:17 philallman1 20:17 urban_teacher 20:17 nickotkdIV 20:18 BenRogersOVA 20:18 philallman1 20:18 NuttyA10 20:18 ianaddison 20:18 Weezad_1 20:18 ICTmagic 20:18 alisba1 20:19 nickotkdIV 20:19 hanbrowes 20:19 ClaireJoanneICT 20:19 nickotkdIV

RT @urban_teacher: The time a student spends in school is not the issue! Its their desire, determination to succeed is the major issue. #Complacency #ukedchat @Weezad_1 #ukedchat @ICTmagic seems to work here. #ukedchat we are all talking about teachers need 6 weeks off, do the Children also need 6 weeks off #ukedchat @jamesdhobsonuk But how does that square with the research that establishes six weeks is too long for children's learning? #ukedchat @mikallaane it's an Academy in the West Midlands #ukedchat 'No qual research ws apparent in rel 2 the educ impact of 3 term structures comp 2 4 (or more) term structures.'< Banfield 2010 #ukedchat The time a student spends in school is not the issue! Its their desire, determination to succeed is the major issue. #Complacency #ukedchat @Carlsberg40 @NuttyA10 @norfolkshine @ICTmagic very good point! #ukedchat @urban_teacher Both are important surely? #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA @NuttyA10 No there isn't - just done a google search and it is pretty thin actually #ukedchat @nickotkdIV #ukedchat Children definitely need the chance to recoup and maybe spend time with their families. Maybe solve a few probs! @nickotkdIV do teachers NEED 6 weeks? #ukedchat would 4 do? @jamesdhobsonuk #ukedchat true! I'm interested to hear what is happening in Academies. #ukedchat My summer holiday is under 4 weeks ends with A Level and GCSE results supporting students with UCAS then interviews for sixth form #ukedchat @wendyJR Agree! so 5 terms it is! #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Topic reminder: 'Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?' with @ICTmagic hosting. #ukedchat @terr1_leigh yes - the last week will seem like a very long week!! #ukedchat @ianaddison 4 will do #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:19 SimonBainbridge 20:19 ICTmagic 20:19 soos24 20:19 MrTomtheTeacher 20:19 Shaz_Yu 20:20 nickotkdIV 20:20 iloveholidays82 20:20 BenRogersOVA 20:20 nickotkdIV 20:20 nickotkdIV 20:20 ICTmagic 20:20 ICTwitz 20:20 Jet1577 20:20 Shaz_Yu 20:20 philallman1 20:20 NuttyA10 20:20 thosethatcan

#ukedchat that found that students learn better with the learning day starting & finishing later. If the hols remain as they are, how can we stop children moving backwards? #ukedchat @ianaddison @nickotkdIV #ukedchat 5 maybe :/ @nickotkdIV #ukedchat A very good point to throw at non-teachers who scoff at long holidays... @urban_teacher this approach is adopted by some academies to encourage competence based learning #ukedchat RT @thosethatcan: @nickotkdIV I take your point but honestly, I can't work the way I do without knowing these breaks come. Particularly the 6 weeks. #ukedchat @Jet1577 #ukedchat I feel like that, 6 week hols give me time to really recharge and explore ready to teach better. @ICTmagic All academies in Norfolk follow the county calendar. It is very difficult for families if there are different dates. #ukedchat RT @AliceBakesCakes: @nickotkdIV Yes, although they probably need something to do to keep their brains ticking over! #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: @nickotkdIV I think we all recognise that some pupils take time to get back into the learning mode after such a long break #ukedchat Do you like that Primary and Secondary schools would benefit from different term times? #ukedchat @norfolkshine Ooh yes! Would love that...if it was fun for all :-) #ukedchat @norfolkshine @ictwitz Not for many of the private schools around here and reduced teaching loads as they bring in specialists #ukedchat @ICTmagic We have five terms, two week breaks between terms & four week summers #ukedchat @janbaker97 my feeling is it would spread the load out more though #ukedchat @ICTmagic Maybe we need to start looking at fact that learning doesn't just happen in school time. Are we teaching skills 4 life? #ukedchat @nickotkdIV I take your point but honestly, I can't work the way I do without knowing these breaks come. Particularly the 6 weeks. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:20 AliceBakesCakes 20:21 ICTmagic 20:21 Carlsberg40 20:21 MissTtalks 20:21 super_sixfive 20:21 BenRogersOVA 20:21 MrTomtheTeacher 20:21 AliceBakesCakes 20:21 nickotkdIV 20:21 NuttyA10 20:21 moreolives 20:21 jamesdhobsonuk 20:21 Iainbone1974 20:21 Saltcreature 20:21 lewissmallwood 20:21 nickotkdIV 20:21 MrMunton

@nickotkdIV Yes, although they probably need something to do to keep their brains ticking over! #ukedchat RT @NuttyA10: @ICTmagic Maybe we need to start looking at fact that learning doesn't just happen in school time. Are we teaching skills 4 life? #ukedchat @thosethatcan @nickotkdIV I agree, the summer is sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @ianaddison #ukedchat 6 wks is too long, but wouldn't want current terms with extra weeks! New structure would be best #ukedchat I would like to consider what would boost engagement and productivity. Students work better at certain times of the day and year @philallman1 I'm not sure how convincing that is! #ukedchat #ukedchat What's an alternative to the 3-term system then? RT @NuttyA10: @ICTmagic Maybe we need to start looking at fact that learning doesn't just happen in school time. Are we teaching skills 4 life? #ukedchat @moreolives What type of school? #ukedchat @Carlsberg40 @nickotkdIV And that's a sad indictment of the times we appear to live in. #ukedchat RT @iloveholidays82: @Jet1577 #ukedchat I feel like that, 6 week hols give me time to really recharge and explore ready to teach better. 6 week hol produces idea of "fresh start". Can last til late November. Don't underestimate value of that to teachers/children #ukedchat @nickotkdIV #ukedchat children simply need to be stimulated and guided, they learn through play and this can be delivered by various means! #ukedchat Holidays could be the same but spread over the year in two week blocks etc. #ukedchat holidays should be optional, work when we want to :P @thosethatcan that's a good point, would have more holiday and terms no longer then 6 weeks work? #ukedchat I work at the same Academy in the midlands as @Shaz_Yu - 5 terms 2 weeks between each term and

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:2 2 20:2 2 20:2 2 20:2 2 20:2 2 20:2 2

NuttyA10 nickotkdIV Saltcreature ICTwitz Kezmerrelda nickotkdIV

20:23 nickotkdIV 20:23 moreolives 20:23 urban_teacher 20:23 ICTwitz 20:23 nickotkdIV 20:23 nightzookeeper 20:23 nickotkdIV 20:23 soos24 20:24 Shaz_Yu

a four week summer. Works for us. #ukedchat 17yo just said to me that after a yr of stress w/ exams she, as well as her tchrs, need a 6 week break to recuperate. #ukedchat @norfolkshine @ianaddison the more i think about it the more i think 5 terms would be good! #ukedchat #ukedchat Schools should have longer 'opening hours' to make good use of the space, especially for the community. I suppose the 6 weeks holiday can be enriching for the pupils, but the onus is on the parents. :-s #ukedchat Expensive to do! #ukedchat summer, Christmas and Easter are holidays. Half terms are targets, reports, assessments, levelling, planning not holidays! @Carlsberg40 @NuttyA10 and then 4 week off in the summer #ukedchat @NuttyA10 too true! "And that's a sad indictment of the times we appear to live in. #ukedchat" @Kezmerrelda not even sure Easter is a holiday with controlled assessment marking. Plenty in doing workshops too. #ukedchat Motivation, Study Time, and Learning Strategies are key? but why do our students show no REAL interest is the test upon tests? #ukedchat We need a reporter/columnist from the Daily Mail to give a balanced view from the other side of the fence for this #ukedchat discussion!!! RT @NuttyA10: @Carlsberg40 @nickotkdIV And that's a sad indictment of the times we appear to live in. #ukedchat @Iainbone1974 @nickotkdiv totally agree with you on that. Do you use any edu games to get your students learning during Hols? #ukedchat @MissTtalks how would you organise it? #ukedchat @Shaz_Yu @ICTmagic #ukedchat that would not be too dramatic a change, but I think we all like to recharge summer, definite break in year Longer opening hours is an opportunity for the community to take part in organised events #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:24 thosethatcan 20:24 soos24 20:24 benniekara 20:24 mooshtang 20:24 girlyrunner1 20:24 NuttyA10 20:25 NuttyA10 20:25 alisba1 20:25 ClaireJoanneICT 20:25 Weezad_1 20:25 MrMunton 20:25 MrMunton 20:25 MrsHeadteacher 20:25 ICTwitz 20:25 moreolives

@nickotkdIV have experienced an 8 wk term. If had to do it regularly would either a) take foot off pedal very early or b) die #ukedchat RT @moreolives: @Kezmerrelda not even sure Easter is a holiday with controlled assessment marking. Plenty in doing workshops too. #ukedchat #UKEdChat if you get a few moments folks, take time to comment on my new blog! on Ofsted and English lessons! #ukedchat TBH I get bored in the long summer and find it quite isolating at times as only a few of my friends are teachers @ianaddison #ukedchat On a totally personal level husband is farmer so I spend 6wks alone.Would prefer less summer hols& more at other times! #selfish @nickotkdIV @Carlsberg40 Tchrs I've known who've done that say it works & seems a much better system. #ukedchat RT @alisba1: shorter summer break would lead to more parents taking children out of school in term time as holidays would be more expensive #ukedchat shorter summer break would lead to more parents taking children out of school in term time as holidays would be more expensive #ukedchat @MrMunton Does this mean some of your terms are 8 weeks long? #ukedchat @norfolkshine #ukedchat me too. I get a bit bored in summer hols - all friends working. 4 weeks would do have August off Teachers and students get a longer down time every break. Helps us keep up good intensity during term time @Shaz_Yu #ukedchat Teachers and students get a longer down time every break. Helps us keep up good intensity during term time @Shaz_Yu #ukedchat RT @philallman1: The learning loss issue is not the key for me - staff illness & energy is. 2wks Oct & 2wks Feb would reduce that. #ukedchat Fascinating how the kids holiday camp trade is big business in USA, but not taken off in UK! #ukedchat @ICTwitz heavens above! Parents actually taking some responsibility for a child's education - radical! #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:25 raisechildrens 20:25 thosethatcan 20:25 DrDav 20:25 nickotkdIV 20:25 soos24 20:25 SteveThursby 20:25 AliceBakesCakes 20:26 philallman1 20:26 nickotkdIV 20:26 ICTmagic 20:26 NuttyA10 20:26 thosethatcan 20:26 Shaz_Yu 20:26 nickotkdIV 20:26 Kezmerrelda 20:27 ICTwitz 20:27 mooshtang

#ukedchat summer holidays are really good times for chn/young people to make new friends and gain confidence ready for new term. RT @Carlsberg40: @thosethatcan @nickotkdIV I agree, summer is sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel #ukedchat > Gove = train coming @ICTwitz Nothing wrong with parents having to spend time with their kids - they chose to have them after all. #ukedchat #ukedchat if we set the right learning atmosphere for summer work shouldn't the standards be maintained over the summer during the break. @ICTwitz #ukedchat good point lol :0 @jamesdhobsonuk But 6 weeks 'holiday' helps teachers live longer in retirement, which government don't want. #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda I spent christmas planning interventions and have worked 5 days at Easter too #ukedchat @ICTwitz their hols are longer! #ukedchat RT @Carlsberg40: @thosethatcan @nickotkdIV I agree, summer is sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel #ukedchat > Gove = train coming I'm sure we could continue discussing this until 9pm. But I'd like to discuss timings of the school day. Thought? #ukedchat @alisba1 & at a time when govt is stating that it would be classed as unauthorised. #ukedchat RT @Saltcreature: #ukedchat Schools should have longer 'opening hours' to make good use of the space, especially for the community. > agree! RT @MrMunton: Teachers and students get a longer down time every break. Helps us keep up good intensity during term time @Shaz_Yu #ukedchat @thosethatcan good point will think about this... Feel a post coming on!! #ukedchat @MrGazz_ICT I'm not saying I want that! I have children of my own at primary and secondary! Wouldn't work for me - just a thought! #ukedchat @philallman1 I know. I wonder if such a conversation is going on in the US education system? #ukedchat #edchat #ukedchat However on a one week half term I spend 2

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:27 mikematthewsCDN 20:27 Shaz_Yu 20:27 essjaydoubleyou

20:27 lewissmallwood 20:27 NuttyA10 20:27 urban_teacher 20:27 KhalSir 20:27 mooshtang 20:28 NuttyA10 20:28 moreolives 20:28 wendyfarron 20:28 iloveholidays82 20:28 ICTmagic 20:28 MrTomtheTeacher

days just recovering and at least 1 or 2 working anyway! @mattbritland Easter isn't even complete and already next year begins... Let me know what you think? #ukedchat We should embrace change #ukedchat RT @MrMunton: I work at the same Academy in the midlands as @Shaz_Yu - 5 terms 2 weeks between each term and a four week summer. Works for us. #ukedchat RT @thosethatcan: RT @Saltcreature: #ukedchat Schools should have longer 'opening hours' to make good use of the space, especially for the community. > agree! @thosethatcan @Saltcreature Not necessarily run by teachers though. #ukedchat @BenRogersOVA Productivity is the key! Long hours does not ensure that #ukedchat RT @jamesdhobsonuk: Its not when the holidays are but how long the terms are; six weeks is best-longer terms produced tired learners+teachers #ukedchat I do find I need the breaks as teachers work so intensively term time, but perhaps not 6 weeks in one go. RT @nickotkdIV: @norfolkshine indeed! if we had 5 terms they would never be more that 6 weeks long! with always 2 weeks off! #ukedchat @mikematthewsCDN @mattbritland I would say I work every holidays apart from Summer. I need that break. #ukedchat RT @Teen_Whisperer: What keeps me awake at night A tale of two headteachers | TES via @hrogerson #ukedchat #edchat #education RT @raisechildrens: #ukedchat summer holidays are really good times for chn/young people to make new friends and gain confidence ready for new term. Lots of countries start early in the morning? How do you feel about moving the start of the day? #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat Primary schools should start earlier & finish earlier. Some research that teenagers benefit from later starts IIRC

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:28 NuttyA10 20:28 philallman1 20:2 9 20:2 9 20:2 9 20:2 9 20:2 9 20:2 9 20:2 9 20:2 9 nightzookeeper philallman1 moreolives nickotkdIV terr1_leigh thosethatcan AliceBakesCakes philallman1

20:30 mooshtang 20:30 mattbritland 20:30 essjaydoubleyou 20:30 terr1_leigh 20:30 Saltcreature

@mooshtang Maybe it is something that changes if you have your own children? I love the 6 weeks with mine. Don't get bored. #ukedchat @norfolkshine @thosethatcan @nickotkdIV but that was prob when you only had a week off after it! #ukedchat @ICTmagic started earlier in Abu Dhabi, just ended up having a longer working day as still wouldn't leave till after 6pm #ukedchat @thosethatcan @NuttyA10 @Saltcreature now that I agree with! All those facilities!! #ukedchat RT @mooshtang: #ukedchat However on a one week half term I spend 2 days just recovering and at least 1 or 2 working anyway! RT @NuttyA10 @norfolkshine indeed! if we had 5 terms they would never be more that 6 weeks long! with always 2 weeks off! #ukedchat #ukedchat we work hard during term time and it is fairly intensive work so the 6 weeks are a good way to relax and have a life again! @NuttyA10 @Saltcreature > there are SO many community leaders who would jump at chance to run sessions in fully equipped schools! #ukedchat @ICTmagic School days should stay the same length, but start and finish later - half my class are asleep at 8.50! #ukedchat @ICTwitz last study done there I found of any not on google scholar was 2003! #ukedchat so no! @NuttyA10 @janbaker97 Yes I've I have kids I imagine that will be very different #ukedchat The kids need to recharge too! @moreolives @mikematthewsCDN #ukedchat Me too, all other holidays are very busy.I will prob work during the last week or 2 of summer hols RT @Shaz_Yu: Longer opening hours is an opportunity for the community to take part in organised events #ukedchat Starting later may work as I have half of my Early years class being carried in because they are exhausted by the end of the week #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @thosethatcan #ukedchat True, adult learning and extra curricular activities for all who want it.

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:30 ICTwitz 20:30 nickotkdIV 20:30 NuttyA10 20:30 Carlsberg40 20:30 MissManUtdRed 20:31 Saltcreature 20:31 NuttyA10 20:31 nickotkdIV 20:31 moreolives 20:31 urban_teacher 20:31 coopsonia 20:31 MissTtalks 20:31 ICTwitz 20:31 raisechildrens 20:31 iloveholidays82 20:32 NuttyA10 20:32 coopsonia

@ICTmagic A lot of pupils get dropped off early for breakfast club nowadays. Should this be the start of the school day instead? #ukedchat @terr1_leigh is it too long? #ukedchat @thosethatcan @Saltcreature Would also show that learning isn't just classroom based. #ukedchat @ICTmagic Some parents struggle to get chn to sch for 8.45am! Although an earlier start and finish is sometimes attractive! #ukedchat @ICTmagic early morning wud b g 8. Children always less responsive after dinner but difficult for working parents if early finish #ukedchat @super_sixfive The school should be open longer for other stuff not necessarily the teachers teaching. #ukedchat @terr1_leigh My 13 & 17 yo feel that. They say a later starting/finishing time is better as they wake up & ready mid morning. #ukedchat #ukedchat 6 weeks hol depends on situation. some people love the time to spend with families, @ICTmagic Moving it to what? #ukedchat The timing ofa school day depends. Sitting students for long hours is unproductive or preparing them for test evry min isan issue. #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm open to changing length of terms/hols but only if done in the interests of students - nothing yet suggests this is the case @nickotkdIV #ukedchat maybe 7/8 wk 'terms' with 2 wks hols inbetween and maybe 3/4 weeks idea if that fits, not working it out! @philallman1 I suspect the unions have greater powers in the USA!!! #ukedchat @thosethatcan @nuttya10 @saltcreature #ukedchat those sessions are important for kids raising self esteem and confidence ready for new year. @Kezmerrelda #ukedchat when talking of teachers recharging to help stress and exhaustion management need to make holidays just that. @raisechildrens @thosethatcan @saltcreature Imp for all. Maybe something families can do together! #ukedchat #ukedchat also any change must take into account

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:32 thosethatcan 20:32 mrlockyer 20:32 NuttyA10 20:32 jamesdhobsonuk 20:32 Iainbone1974 20:32 Weezad_1 20:32 PeterSpencer88 20:32 Kezmerrelda 20:32 nickotkdIV 20:32 AliceBakesCakes 20:32 ICTmagic 20:33 jamesdhobsonuk 20:33 DexNott 20:33 raisechildrens 20:33 nickotkdIV

exam season/results days and universities too @GeekPeter @Saltcreature it's completely down to the school/authority - & they make a profit which goes against community aspect #ukedchat Easter is my favourite holiday. It's the right length, I feel recharged, and the weather is good too! #ukedchat @mooshtang @janbaker97 They most def too esp now with stress of testing etc... We've forgotten that chn need to be chn. #ukedchat have told kids that I will be away for a fortnight "cos holidays are cheap" They are aghast.Then I tell them its a joke.Point made #ukedchat #ukedchat I wonder if changes to the holidays would improve attendance esp in those schools that are failing! #ukedchat does anyone have experience of more continental school day (finish around 2 with shorter breaks) - how is st learning affected? @mooshtang I agree maybe if it was split up, more holidays through the year and less in summer #ukedchat #ukedchat as a teacher with own school age children I love that I get to spend time with them in holidays to make things, ride bikes, talk! #ukedchat some just see it as a little to long away from work! @terr1_leigh That's what I think, by Friday I'll have at least 5 or 6 of my yr 5s late as they couldn't get out of bed! #ukedchat @moreolives That's for us to discuss. #ukedchat I would give up three weeks compulsory holiday for two weeks when I would actually like to go :) #ukedchat #ukedchat Nottingham city have planned a 5term yr 5x8 with 2 hol between+4 in summer . Much opposition amongst teachers #ukedchat I think that maybe each key stage should have staggered opening times, might be easier for resource sharing too.. @MissTtalks they say 5/6 terms of 7/8 weeks with 2 weeks off between each, 4 off for the summer. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:33 nightzookeeper 20:33 mikematthewsCDN 20:33 vacationrobin 20:34 urban_teacher 20:34 Iainbone1974 20:34 rachel_ireland 20:34 terr1_leigh 20:34 coopsonia 20:34 brynll 20:34 Saltcreature 20:34 philallman1 20:34 BenRogersOVA 20:35 ClaireJoanneICT 20:35 moreolives 20:35 philallman1 20:35 NuttyA10

@Saltcreature @super_sixfive sounds great, encourage the wider community to run clubs, could make budget avail for this? #ukedchat @mattbritland @moreolives I can't remember the last time I didn't work more than I rested during any holiday...#govetimesheet #ukedchat Shaz_Yu (Shazia Yusaf)RT @Shaz_Yu #ukedchat Advantage of random term dates, is how cheap holiday packages are! You may notice at your own school that students productivity drops after a few weeks in school. More short breaks may be required! #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda #ukedchat totally agree as I have children and the time spent is precious. See so little of them during term time! @PeterAllen1 @ukedchat I employed Non teaching staff on term time + 10 days to allow for additional resourcing. #edchat looking at school term dates for next year the first term looks set to be 7 1/2 weeks! too long for the 4 year olds just starting #ukedchat #ukedchat hol companies already have huge price hikes in school hols - this wd b worse if any shorter=more children taken out during term RT @urban_teacher: The time a student spends in school is not the issue! Its their desire, determination to succeed is the major issue. #Complacency #ukedchat @nightzookeeper @super_sixfive Big society etc. #ukedchat @DexNott Why is that? Do you agree? #ukedchat RT @Saltcreature: @super_sixfive The school should be open longer for other stuff not necessarily the teachers teaching. #ukedchat @nickotkdIV not too bad but 8 week 'terms' always seem really long!! #ukedchat Children get tired too. They need to recharge their batteries as well #ukedchat Private system has even longer holidays. @Iainbone1974 @Kezmerrelda our kids would agree with that too mind you! #ukedchat @terr1_leigh There needs to be a better balance definitely. A radical rethink of term lengths. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

@mrlockyer #ukedchat the weather has not been so great this year :-/ @raisechildrens @nuttya10 @saltcreature I'd like to see 20:35 thosethatcan a model where young people coach and community leaders supervise #ukedchat RT @MissTtalks: @nickotkdIV sounds good to me! 20:35 super_sixfive Things don't have to stay the sand just because that's how they've always been #ukedchat @nightzookeeper It does seem a shame we have 20:35 mrlockyer enormous empty vessels in our buildings for 1/4 of a year. #ukedchat RT @terr1_leigh: looking at school term dates for next 20:35 nickotkdIV year the first term looks set to be 7 1/2 weeks! too long for the 4 year olds just starting #ukedchat @norfolkshine which is my point - 2 weeks would have 20:35 philallman1 made it manageable. #ukedchat It is against trade description though to have 7 1/2 wks 20:36 philallman1 for a half term and 4wks in another! #ukedchat #ukedchat Why are we all taking part in this edchat at 20:36 moreolives 8.40 on a holiday evening? Teachers need forcing to stop sometimes @raisechildrens @thosethatcan @saltcreature It does 20:36 NuttyA10 indeed which is a big problem & often stops this sort of thing. #ukedchat @thosethatcan @saltcreature #ukedchat or it is a true 20:36 GeekPeter community school by making its facilities usable by the local community? .@philallman1 #ukedchat Nottingham feel it will help 20:36 DexNott poorer families who struggle over longer hol plus had som ev fm US on learning losd 20:36 mbrayford #ukedchat kids so tired after 7 weeks in school @mrlockyer @nightzookeeper #ukedchat Schools need 20:37 Mando_Commando time without pupils to carry out enhancements and maintenance not possible during term. #ukedchat northern Ireland schools have a really long 20:37 super_sixfive summer holiday, around 8 weeks and they are recognised as the best education in uk Do we know what parents want & with advent of 20:37 miconm academies is a shorter summer/different terms feasible #ukedchat 20:37 urban_teacher Warning! Longer school days requires extra resources, longer teaching hours, Less parent responsibility, 20:35 Iainbone1974

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:37 DexNott 20:37 NuttyA10 20:37 ICTwitz 20:37 brynll 20:37 philallman1 20:37 jensaross 20:37 mrlockyer 20:37 itsmisschandler 20:37 jensaross 20:37 miconm 20:38 ICTwitz 20:38 essjaydoubleyou 20:38 philallman1 20:38 alexgingell

greater demands #ukedchat .@philallman1 #ukedchat personally opposed. 1 of the 2 wk in May secondary full of exams plus big prob as County has diff hols #ukedchat Surely we could have a radical rethink of term lengths to balance things out. @mbrayford Is that because we are trying to cram TOO much within the school day/week/term though? #ukedchat Need to carefully consider needs of children who attend mosque after school. Long days. Like us, they need time to be themselves #ukedchat @DexNott and you? if you can say, if not dm me ;) #ukedchat RT @nightzookeeper: @Saltcreature @super_sixfive sounds great, encourage the wider community to run clubs, could make budget avail for this? #ukedchat Five weeks is a really nice length. You could have almost eight of those and keep the same holiday time #ukedchat RT @jamesdhobsonuk: have told kids that I will be away for a fortnight "cos holidays are cheap" They are aghast.Then I tell them its a joke.Point made #ukedchat RT @nickotkdIV: @MissTtalks they say 5/6 terms of 7/8 weeks with 2 weeks off between each, 4 off for the summer. #ukedchat I've seen a suggestion that some parents prefer longer summer as 2 weeks in feb/oct harder & costlier to occupy children... #ukedchat @moreolives For me, it's because I can offload with likeminded people #ukedchat Also at same Academy as @Shaz_Yu we have double training days every 8 wks on average, keeps us inspired at let's students recharge #ukedchat Whn I was growing up Whitsun break was 2 wks for primaries and 5 weeks in summer. Secs had 1 week at Whitsun b/c of exams #ukedchat As long as the learning is engaging, exciting and empowering for children, does it matter what time we are actually in school? #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:38 NuttyA10 20:38 raisechildrens 20:38 mrlockyer 20:38 MrMunton 20:38 jensaross 20:38 nickotkdIV 20:39 NuttyA10 20:39 SteveThursby 20:39 brynll 20:39 HilaryNunns 20:39 DexNott 20:39 jensaross 20:39 miconm 20:40 MrTomtheTeacher 20:40 brynll 20:40 mattbritland

@terr1_leigh I agree with you there. Chn don't cope & need the holidays to recuperate too. Radical rethink's needed. More balance. #ukedchat @thosethatcan @nuttya10 @saltcreature Private system may have longer holidays, but longer contact hours each day ;-) #ukedchat Important everyone is alert and ready to work from the first minute of the school day. Perhaps early including some exercise? #ukedchat RT @Iainbone1974: #ukedchat I wonder if changes to the holidays would improve attendance esp in those schools that are failing! RT @NuttyA10: #ukedchat Surely we could have a radical rethink of term lengths to balance things out. In secondary school I had 8 weeks summer holiday yet chn achieved over & above. What's happened now? #ukedchat @NuttyA10 We should do, after all this is the 21st century and current system is for a bygone age. As is the building design. #ukedchat @moreolives Was just thinking the same...AFTER I tweeted, ha! #ukedchat RT @moreolives: #ukedchat Why are we all taking part in this edchat at 8.40 on a holiday evening? Teachers need forcing to stop sometimes .@philallman1 #ukedchat 1/2 I also feel city does gd activity in summer for children (ironically) and many will stop as are supported by vol RT @Saltcreature: @super_sixfive The school should be open longer for other stuff not necessarily the teachers teaching. #ukedchat We can't guarantee uniformity of holidays in a local authority area let alone neighbouring boroughs & that'll be hard on everyone #ukedchat @alexgingell #ukedchat It does if time affects children's learning. Teenagers do better with late starts, evidence suggests. @raisechildrens But where would that leave families with children in different KS? #ukedchat @mikematthewsCDN @chiko_tc @moreolives #ukedchat They will learn the stresses when they do the job themselves.

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

@MrMunton also, afternoons can be a struggle for some 20:40 PeterSpencer88 children (& teachers), how about a siesta in the middle of the day? #ukedchat RT @Saltcreature: @NuttyA10 @thosethatcan 20:40 jensaross #ukedchat True, adult learning and extra curricular activities for all who want it. @DexNott this is the problem all would need to fall in 20:40 philallman1 line or it will cause chaos. #ukedchat @elspeths59 @SteveThursby Appears to be make 20:40 NuttyA10 sense but all would have to fall in line to make it work. #ukedchat @super_sixfive #ukedchat this is the thing, it's not the 20:40 soos24 term times and holidays that are the problem with our system . @philallman1 #ukedchat volunteers fm school staff (t 20:40 DexNott +non t) who won't give up time from a 4wk summer but do fm 6 @coopsonia Counsellors in Nottingham have 20:40 Mando_Commando completely overlooked exams with their half-baked plan for 5 term year. #ukedchat Could there ever be 24 hour school? Save of building 20:40 ICTmagic new school? #ukedchat @MrMunton Some of my class go to a cross country 20:40 AliceBakesCakes club before school - so much more motivated at 9am than the others! #ukedchat RT @MissTtalks: @nickotkdIV #ukedchat maybe 7/8 wk 20:40 jensaross 'terms' with 2 wks hols inbetween and maybe 3/4 weeks idea if that fits, not working it out! 20:41 essjaydoubleyou @moreolives some of us are not on holiday! #ukedchat @mattbritland @chiko_tc @moreolives Which will never 20:41 mikematthewsCDN never then. #sobberingthought #ukedchat RT @nickotkdIV: RT @NuttyA10 @norfolkshine indeed! 20:41 jensaross if we had 5 terms they would never be more that 6 weeks long! with always 2 weeks off! #ukedchat RT @alexgingell: As long as the learning is engaging, 20:41 Shaz_Yu exciting and empowering for children, does it matter what time we are actually in school? #ukedchat 20:41 raisechildrens @moreolives #ukedchat excellent point! @DexNott #ukedchat this is the wider issue too! No 20:41 philallman1 easy answers! 20:41 jensaross RT @NuttyA10: @thosethatcan @Saltcreature Would also show that learning isn't just classroom based.

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

#ukedchat @GeekPeter @thosethatcan @saltcreature #ukedchat 20:41 raisechildrens often schools go where the money is, community isn't always a priority, usually NHS confs! @SteveThursby #ukedchat I agree it should be changed 20:42 chris__barras and based on evidence of what is best for pupils not teachers or parents! RT @GeekPeter: @thosethatcan @saltcreature 20:42 thosethatcan #ukedchat or it is a true community school by making its facilities usable by the local community? RT @alexgingell: As long as the learning is engaging, 20:42 MarieWallace7 exciting and empowering for children, does it matter what time we are actually in school? #ukedchat @ClaireJoanneICT longer... The one we're currently in 20:42 MrMunton is 10 :) We also have a training and planning inset every term, which help #ukedchat @alexgingell #ukedchat what a fantastic attitude! If the 20:42 raisechildrens kids are loving the learning they'll go in day and night! @ianaddison @nickotkdIV I personally find 6 weeks is 20:42 TaffTykeC too long AND the kids take even more time to get up to speed again in Sept #ukedchat @alexgingell #ukedchat very true but they wont need 20:42 iloveholidays82 empowering if they rarely have free time to explore, play and be creative for themselves RT @ICTwitz: The whole school day routine / school 20:42 NuttyA10 term issue needs a complete re-think, with the pupils at the heart of the debate #ukedchat The whole school day routine / school term issue needs 20:42 ICTwitz a complete re-think, with the pupils at the heart of the debate #ukedchat .@philallman1 #ukedchat For me v bothered as I (&lots 20:42 DexNott staff) v busy for GCSE &A AS results abt 2 wks work for few but 2days in2 wks others @chris__barras @SteveThursby not much real 20:43 philallman1 evidence around though from what I've seen! #ukedchat 20:43 raisechildrens @brynll #ukedchat you raise a good point... @miconm #ukedchat #Nottingham LA will have a very 20:43 Mando_Commando mixed economy in 2013 if they plough ahead with 5 term year. This will be difficult. @MrTomtheTeacher I think it's individual too though - a 20:43 alexgingell good time for some could be a bad time for others? not sure? #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:43 Iainbone1974 20:43 NuttyA10 20:43 nickotkdIV 20:43 DexNott 20:44 AliceBakesCakes 20:44 alexgingell 20:44 DexNott 20:44 terr1_leigh 20:44 ICTwitz 20:45 DexNott 20:45 MrTomtheTeacher 20:45 lewissmallwood 20:45 philallman1 20:45 alexgingell 20:45 Vivienne17 20:45 thosethatcan

@PeterSpencer88 where would they go for the siesta? Schools with attendance issues could struggle getting them back in!! #ukedchat @TaffTykeC @ianaddison @nickotkdIV Is partly the prob tchrs getting up to speed or starting off slow? #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: The whole school day routine / school term issue needs a complete re-think, with the pupils at the heart of the debate #ukedchat . @philallman1 #ukedchat which cuts our hols to a 2wk window . Lots other pts too. Our older student do wk exp or vol work in 'long' sum And what would the children prefer? Surely giving them the power to change things would help them 'buy in' to any changes? #ukedchat @iloveholidays82 maybe it's a rethink in terms of curriculum we need then? #ukedchat .@philallman1 #ukedchat many E European families eg Poles travel home. I think families will end up just taking kids out then school RT @ICTwitz: The whole school day routine / school term issue needs a complete re-think, with the pupils at the heart of the debate #ukedchat Think we need to set up a #ukedchat 'free school'! Anyone interested? ;-) .@philallman1 #ukedchat school will find attendance lowered (staff=what to teach?) and the next yr even worse @alexgingell #ukedchat True, but broad age groups seem to have diff needs. Early starts in primary might get kids to bed earlier, too ;-) #ukedchat what about online teaching available 24/7 live a video blog? @DexNott what a mess! #ukedchat really not thought through all round. Has to be collective or not at all! @raisechildrens exactly! :-) #ukedchat @miconm #ukedchat long school hols are expensive nightmare and ESP difficult for working parents. Agree schools don't synchronise hols. RT @raisechildrens: @thosethatcan @nuttya10 @saltcreature

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:45 smurfatik 20:45 TaffTykeC 20:45 Saltcreature 20:45 philallman1 20:45 ICTmagic 20:46 alexgingell 20:46 smurfatik 20:46 NuttyA10 20:46 MissRead10 20:46 NuttyA10 20:46 AliceBakesCakes 20:46 raisechildrens 20:46 essjaydoubleyou 20:47 ICTmagic 20:47 DexNott 20:47 thosethatcan

@NuttyA10 total holiday 12 weeks and two weeks of school time are teacher work days so no students - we split the yr into 2 terms #ukedchat RT @chris__barras: @SteveThursby #ukedchat I agree it should be changed and based on evidence of what is best for pupils not teachers or parents! @PeterSpencer88 @mrmunton The Spanish model means many businesses and schools close for two hr lunch. #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: Think we need to set up a #ukedchat 'free school'! Anyone interested? ;-)< we wont have a prob getting an adviser ;) Do you think that virtual learning could ever replace schools? Just have tutors? #ukedchat @MrTomtheTeacher :-) I'm sure parents would be ok with that! ;-) #ukedchat @NuttyA10 sure - the kids here have lots of break time between lessons too, socially & emotionally much better #ukedchat @AliceBakesCakes @Saltcreature @PeterSpencer88 @mrmunton #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat If this is the case, I wouldn't be as "qualified" as I am and am finding OU study very hard for a Masters. Ppl need ppl @smurfatik That does sound interesting. What do your term times look like? #ukedchat @Saltcreature @PeterSpencer88 @mrmunton I believe it's the same in France - not sure parents would support it though! #ukedchat @AliceBakesCakes #ukedchat I was just thinking that! Has anyone done whole school questionnaires to ask this? What were the results? A colleague informed me of a school - I forget where which allows students & teachers to 'book' holiday during term? Any ideas? #ukedchat RT @alexgingell: @MrTomtheTeacher :-) I'm sure parents would be ok with that! ;-) #ukedchat .@philallman1 #ukedchat final pt for moment- will prove diff for local employers to let ppl with familyhave hol in summer 4wk window. @ICTmagic absolutely not - just as social networking will never replace actual real face to face

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

communication. #ukedchat Virtual learning is rapidly taking over the way we learn, 20:47 urban_teacher but it can not replace passion, emotion and determination. #ukedchat @smurfatik @ICTmagic interesting! We tend to spend 20:47 Carlsberg40 the first week doing teacher stuff in classrooms. #ukedchat @ICTmagic Only if it's videoconferencing with some sort 20:47 theprofspage of teacher. I think teachers will always be needed to facilitate learning. #ukedchat see for more details about 5 term 20:47 nickotkdIV year! #ukedchat @smurfatik That seems where we're lacking, emotional 20:47 NuttyA10 maturity which does suggest we haven't got it right. #ukedchat RT @Mando_Commando: #ukedchat I have nothing 20:47 ICTmagic against the 5 term yr in principle but it has 2 be adopted nationally 2 be successful and I can't see it happening. @AliceBakesCakes @peterspencer88 @mrmunton 20:47 Saltcreature Maybe but it's a whole cultural change. #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat Maybe for more independent 20:47 MrTomtheTeacher learners, but not a primary age. So much socialisation done in group interactions #ukedchat 4 day weeks and shorter holiday = less tired 20:47 JWEducation children+staff. No more long holidays for parents just childcare every Fri - discuss! #ukedchat under the new system we would have 5 20:47 nickotkdIV terms of 7/8 weeks then 2 weeks off and then 1 4 week summer hol. @DexNott I can see your attendance crashing! 20:47 philallman1 #ukedchat Do we really think that changing the school day or year 20:48 moreolives would have a dramatic effect on T&L? #ukedchat #ukedchat Early starts are difficult for schools that need 20:48 Mando_Commando buses for pupils. Rural/faith schools. Long days are hard for young pupils. @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat under the new system we 20:48 snack_addict would have 5 terms of 7/8 weeks then 2 weeks off and then 1 4 week summer hol.please God no

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:48 NuttyA10 20:48 raisechildrens 20:48 smurfatik 20:48 Paddymcgrath 20:48 ICTmagic 20:48 MissTtalks 20:48 philallman1 20:49 alexgingell 20:49 ClaireJoanneICT 20:49 jamesdhobsonuk 20:49 nwinton 20:49 raisechildrens 20:49 NuttyA10 20:49 alexgingell 20:49 nickotkdIV 20:49 DexNott 20:49 PeterSpencer88

RT @JWEducation: #ukedchat 4 day weeks and shorter holiday = less tired children+staff. No more long holidays for parents just childcare every Fri - discuss! @brynll #ukedchat still thinking about staggered key stage opening times, love a challenge ;0) @NuttyA10 next year August 8 (students August 21st I think) until December for term 1, Jan - Jun for term 2 #ukedchat #ukedchat surely length of holiday should be based on school context. High deprevation = less holidays RT @MrTomtheTeacher: @ICTmagic #ukedchat Maybe for more independent learners, but not a primary age. So much socialisation done in group interactions @nickotkdIV I really think this would work...why do we need 6 weeks?! #ukedchat @JWEducation now that is radical!!! #ukedchat @ICTmagic I also think in many ways it kind of has. Lots of ch teaching themselves and each other online already #ukedchat @MrMunton So do you find this works ok having such long 'terms'? #ukedchat RT @JWEducation: #ukedchat 4 day weeks and shorter holiday = less tired children+staff. No more long holidays for parents just childcare every Fri - discuss! @NuttyA10 John Hattie (Visible Learning) has shown that the long holidays do have a negative on attainment. #ukedchat @JWEducation #ukedchat youthwork/community input/children's workshops on a Friday- whoop! @smurfatik Seems fairer in terms of balance. #ukedchat @ICTmagic there's a great book that imagines a 'future' like that...can't remember the name though - @ethinking might? #ukedchat RT @JWEducation: #ukedchat 4 day weeks and shorter holiday = less tired children+staff. No more long holidays for parents just childcare every Fri - discuss! .@philallman1 #ukedchat my OH always found it hard to get 2wk with me from 5 partners needin sch hol in6 wk well now from 4wk @AliceBakesCakes @Saltcreature @MrMunton I would support a nice little nap in the middle of the day! #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:49 nickotkdIV

20:49 iloveholidays82 20:50 alexgingell 20:50 MrTomtheTeacher 20:50 NuttyA10 20:50 Rachel_deSouza 20:50 TaffTykeC 20:50 smurfatik 20:50 philallman1 20:50 ICTmagic 20:51 thosethatcan 20:51 MissRead10 20:51 Saltcreature 20:51 philallman1 20:51 NuttyA10

RT @snack_addict: @nickotkdIV: #ukedchat under the new system we would have 5 terms of 7/8 weeks then 2 weeks off and then 1 4 week summer hol.please God no #ukedchat would be great if there was more time for clubs and activities before school- start the day with something self chosen @iloveholidays82 yeah - I'm worried it'll be a step in the wrong direction but we'll see! #ukedchat @Paddymcgrath #ukedchat What about longer terms for underperforming schools? There's an incentive to get the SATs results up! #notserious @nwinton But appears to be limited evidence shown for that & not really conclusive in my recent research. #ukedchat RT @Saltcreature: #ukedchat Schools should have longer 'opening hours' to make good use of the space, especially for the community. @brynll Suppose it's what's best for kids.Recharge energy vs continued motivation to learn eg kids who watch TV etc all holiday #ukedchat @Carlsberg40 schools I worked in in UK only gave us 1 or 2 days before the kids started & normally full of meetings & INSET #ukedchat @Paddymcgrath really?! Social engineering - 'well you cant really afford it anyway so you'll only be rioting?' #ukedchat Is there a better pattern of breaks for the school day? #ukedchat @ICTmagic this topic of summer holidays will be back on the agenda soon enough as we approach anniversary of #ukriots #ukedchat #ukedchat I think an afternoon break should extend into KS2. Some children need 10 -15 mins of fresh air to help focus and concentration @ICTmagic School day would be great if practical subjects were in afternoon and most lessons were b4 lunch. #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @nwinton the ONLY study referred to is Hattie which frankly shows the limitations of the research! #ukedchat @moreolives Indeed. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:51 virkjay 20:51 DexNott 20:51 moreolives 20:51 nwinton 20:52 norfolkshine 20:52 MarieWallace7 20:52 DexNott 20:52 PeterSpencer88 20:52 TaffTykeC 20:53 DexNott

20:53 Paddymcgrath

20:53 brynll 20:53 urban_teacher 20:53 Paddymcgrath 20:53 NuttyA10 20:53 alexgingell

@nickotkdIV This can only work if all LA convert all altogether. #ukedchat .@philallman1 #ukedchat staff v unhappy as hol overlap in part therefore costs go up.LA argue no diff to most people. Nott Unns will strike @NuttyA10 or to the private sector #ukedchat RT @NuttyA10: @nwinton But appears to be limited evidence shown for that & not really conclusive in my recent research. #ukedchat @MissRead10 Couldn't agree with this more! When I had KS2 we had an "informal" fruit break at 2.15pm #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: The whole school day routine / school term issue needs a complete re-think, with the pupils at the heart of the debate #ukedchat .@coopsonia @philallman1 #ukedchat A problem which I think will be progressively worse as pupils say "not getting proper lessons" anyway @norfolkshine @AliceBakesCakes @Saltcreature @MrMunton sounds perfect, can't beat a good nap! #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @ianaddison @nickotkdIV A valid point despite transition etc etc (unless you go up with your class I guess) #ukedchat .@coopsonia @philallman1 #ukedchat one local sch has this 5x8 term some staff like it fell they get proper breaks some quite cheap RT @MrTomtheTeacher: @Paddymcgrath #ukedchat What about longer terms for underperforming schools? There's an incentive to get the SATs results up! #notserious @raisechildrens Well these are indeed challenging times. Remember, a stag is for life, not just for Christmas. #ukedchat teenagers have a tendency toward later bedtimes and rise times. Most high schools in the UK have early morning start times. #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat i would not trivialise the point. Surely its about provision @TaffTykeC @ianaddison @nickotkdIV Or if possible tchrs take on new class before summer? #ukedchat @ethinking @ictmagic in place of schools - that's the

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:56

one! #ukedchat @nwinton A point I've argued many times. Learning is NuttyA10 about skills for life not just about school. #ukedchat @urban_teacher Could have staggered starts for the Saltcreature teaching day based on year group. #ukedchat RT @JWEducation: #ukedchat 4 day weeks and shorter MarieWallace7 holiday = less tired children+staff. No more long holidays for parents just childcare every Fri - discuss! @ethinking @NuttyA10 @nwinton now that is a much philallman1 deeper issue which would need more than a discussion about holidays! #ukedchat @ethinking @nwinton @philallman1 Yep very valid very NuttyA10 deep question. Learning isn't just about schooling. #ukedchat @philallman1 @SteveThursby #ukedchat current chris__barras holidays and management of schools designed for 19th century takes no account of 21 century @MissTtalks @nickotkdIV Why do we need 4 weeks? LeonardJamesUK Why not 3 weeks? #ukedchat @Paddymcgrath I wasn't. The premise stands true - to philallman1 penalise because of context is madness and socially divisive. #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: teenagers have a tendency toward ICTmagic later bedtimes and rise times. Most high schools in the UK have early morning start times. #ukedchat @philallman1 #ukedchat I think it was the riots bit. I Paddymcgrath don't see education as penalising anyone @nickotkdIV it'll be interesting to see if it has much of an snack_addict effect. I'd like a later start to school day.Our 1st lesson is 8:35am #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @moreolives #ukedchat so why are we so soos24 different? @LeonardJamesUK @MissTtalks 4 weeks seem to nickotkdIV work out #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 @AliceBakesCakes @Saltcreature norfolkshine @MrMunton I went to schl in France for a term when I was 9. We used to do the same #ukedchat ukedchat Last 5 minutes of #ukedchat. Final thoughts? @Saltcreature @ictmagic #ukedchat practical subjects Mando_Commando in the afternoons? Ever taught low ability PE/Music 2 pupils who are 2 tired to focus?

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:56 thosethatcan 20:56 NuttyA10 20:56 nickotkdIV 20:56 NuttyA10 20:56 miconm 20:56 ICTmagic 20:56 DexNott 20:5 7 NuttyA10

20:57 ICTmagic

20:57 MrTomtheTeacher 20:57 soos24 20:57 Paddymcgrath 20:57 norfolkshine 20:57 stevenmaxson 20:57 raisechildrens

@urban_teacher most jobs have early starts & increasingly later end times. One facet of teens life should fit this pattern surely? #ukedchat @philallman1 @ethinking @nwinton Current system appears outdated & needs a radical overhaul. #ukedchat @snack_addict what time start and finish? #ukedchat @soos24 @moreolives Good question to ask & maybe a bigger prob rather than term lengths and learning loss. #ukedchat @Paddymcgrath won't that mean schools remain very divided? #ukedchat RT @MissRead10: @norfolkshine #ukedchat KS2 don't get fruit either . I wish it did continue. #ukedchat Interesting our County (Notts) rejected the City hol pattern mainly because the county has 5LA neighbours and diff patterns =chaos @ethinking Earlier discussion suggested that in terms of community care & learning not schooling. #ukedchat RT @norfolkshine: @PeterSpencer88 @AliceBakesCakes @Saltcreature @MrMunton I went to schl in France for a term when I was 9. We used to do the same #ukedchat #ukedchat work school days around children's natural rhythms. Early starts for primary, later starts for secondary. @NuttyA10 @moreolives #ukedchat I agree, we don't do anything in term times very different from other countries who are apparently doing gd! @miconm #ukedchat very true. But I'm not sure that anything that previously or currently being done to get rid of divide @MissRead10 My old sch gave the KS2 choice of spending funding on fruit or something else (can't remember what). They chose fruit #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: The whole school day routine / school term issue needs a complete re-think, with the pupils at the heart of the debate #ukedchat @philallman1 @jweducation I love this idea- Fridays could be for youthwork/community investment/input & various creative sessions #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:57 ethinking 20:57 ukedchat 20:58 ethinking 20:58 MrTomtheTeacher 20:58 stevenmaxson 20:58 mikallaane 20:58 DexNott 20:58 NuttyA10 20:58 virkjay 20:58 stevenmaxson 20:58 thosethatcan 20:58 JonnyZander 20:58 ukedchat 20:58 norfolkshine 20:58 ethinking

#ukedchat holidays? That misses the point. School frm 830 to 5pm - childcare done properly - focussed interventions around outstanding play Are you interested in hosting #ukedchat? Send a tweet my way. #ukedchat how much authentic learning per day per child in the current nonsensical 'school day' I would argue its minutes per day- not hours @norfolkshine @PeterSpencer88 @AliceBakesCakes @Saltcreature @MrMunton #ukedchat Long lunch breaks here in Norway - 90 mins. Works well here RT @philallman1: The learning loss issue is not the key for me - staff illness & energy is. 2wks Oct & 2wks Feb would reduce that. #ukedchat Will MPs have a shorter summer holiday then & will Parliament have a break for 2 weeks during Oct & Feb and only a 3 week summer #ukedchat #ukedchat hol pattern preferences may vary urban/rural Primary/secondary etc BUT to work effectively has to be compromise and nat pattn @soos24 @moreolives So need to look at the wider issues possibly. #ukedchat @nickotkdIV Feel sorry for the families if they live /work in Notts County. LA really need to be more joined up in their thinking#ukedchat @ICTmagic What about the other way around? Research shows teenagers work better later. School day starting at 10am, anyone? #ukedchat RT @raisechildrens: @philallman1 @jweducation I love this idea- Fridays could be for youthwork/community investment/input & various creative sessions #ukedchat @ukedchat would be interested in hosting one on parent engagement Join @jamesmichie next week to discuss Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams. #ukedchat @MissRead10 #ukedchat I noticed a huge difference in productivity in the afternoons on the days we did get a fruit break. #ukedchat less whole class 'teaching&learning' (oxymoron) more grouped interventions

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

20:59 raisechildrens 20:59 Paddymcgrath 20:59 philallman1 20:59 Saltcreature 20:59 LeonardJamesUK 20:59 itsmisschandler 20:59 stevenmaxson 20:59 nickotkdIV 20:59 stevenmaxson 20:59 miconm 20:59 NuttyA10 21:00 Saltcreature 21:00 philallman1 21:00 ICTwitz 21:00 kanda_hh 21:00 nwinton 21:00 thosethatcan

@ukedchat @jamesmichie did that a few months with disengaged young people. Amazing results, can't wait to share :0) @philallman1 #ukedchat don't entirely agree think if provision is good enough won't breed resentment @ethinking so perhaps we need a complete curriculum overhaul too? #ukedchat @Mando_Commando @ictmagic True it's not a perfect model but I suggested most lessons before lunch,the tired situation is avoided. #ukedchat @chris__barras @philallman1 @SteveThursby Shouldn't we be thinking of the 22nd century now? #ukedchat @ukedchat not much from me tonight but interested in hosting #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: Think we need to set up a #ukedchat 'free school'! Anyone interested? ;-) @virkjay very true. I can see the benefits but i think it need to be a country wide approach like you said #ukedchat. RT @iEducator: Flipped and Flipped Out About Classroom Learning /via @guywwallace #edchat #ukedchat #education @Paddymcgrath is it still not best done with good quality extended provision? Given aligning holidays is not going to be easy? #ukedchat @nwinton @snack_addict @nickotkdIV Many teens struggle with appearing before 11 so makes sense. #ukedchat @Mando_Commando @ictmagic I recently observed in a school which had 35 min lessons and the focus and progress was fab. #ukedchat @LeonardJamesUK @chris__barras @SteveThursby If ONLY!! #ukedchat @mikallaane Very valid and good point #ukedchat @ukedchat Anyone know the best place to go to convert a youtube video into wmv? #ukedchat @NuttyA10 @philallman1 @ethinking We are trying to do this in Scotland, but it's difficult. #ukedchat RT @ICTwitz: Think we need to set up a #ukedchat 'free school'! Anyone interested? ;-)

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

21:00 nickotkdIV 21:00 miconm 21:00 ukedchat

RT @ukedchat: It's 9pm & #ukedchat must close once more. Thanks to @ICTmagic for hosting. The archive will be available soon at @DexNott national pattern key but impossible to implement now surely? #ukedchat It's 9pm & #ukedchat must close once more. Thanks to @ICTmagic for hosting. The archive will be available soon at

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ukedchat Archive 12 April 2012 Hosted by @ICTmagic

Should the timings of terms & the 'opening hours' of the school day be changed?

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