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By:Tanay Reddy. J

Human Resource Management(HRM) Human resource management is planning, organizing, directing, controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources at the end to achieve individual, organizational, societal goals.

Recruitment And Selection Of Employees Recruitment of staff should be preceded by, In case of replacement staff a critical questioning of the need to recruit. Effectively, selection is buying an employee, hence bad buys can be very expensive. For that reason some firms use external expert consultants for recruitment and selection.

The main source of recruitment are : Internal promotion and internal introductions Careers officers University appointment boards Agencies for the unemployed Advertising

EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP :An organization needs human beings who work together and perform to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The human beings working together towards a common goal at a common place are called employees. The success and failure of any organization is directly proportional to the labour put by each and every employee. The employees must share a good rapport with each other and strive hard to realize the goal of the organization.

HIRING :The practice of finding, evaluating and establishing a working relationship with future employees, interns, contractors or consultants. You cant make a decision about adding employees without knowing what its going to cost to hire them. Salaries and benefits are the obvious costs of having additional employees and theyre the most important ones.

OBJECTIVES : To know how big a part communication skills play in todays world. To understand the tough process of the hiring team while asking questions. To determine how people react to different interview questions. To determine how the interviewees scale. To know the applicants and employees mind set towards the organization. To know how important the role of performance plays in salary incentives.

Opinion Yes No Total

No.Of Respondents 23 7 30

Percentage 76.66% 23.33% 100%

Do You think GENPACT can provide you good growth

23% Yes No


Opinion Yes No Total

No.Of Respondents 13 17 30

Percentage 43.33% 56.66% 100%

Are you satisfied with the package you are been provided





Opinion Yes No Total

No.Of Respondents 22 8 30

Percentage 73.33% 26.66% 100%

Do you think the organization has to increse the percentage of incentives

27% Yes No


Opinion Yes No Total

No.Of Respondents 14 16 30

Percentage 46.66% 53.33% 100%

Are you satisfied with the transport allowances given by the organization

47% Yes 53% No

Opinion Yes No Total

No.Of Respondents 25 5 30

Percentage 83.33% 16.66% 100%

Are you fine with the work shifts provided by the organization




Opinion Yes No Total

No.Of Respondents 27 3 30

Percentage 90% 10% 100%

Does the relation between your piers subordinate and your superior are good




Thank you

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