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Session (2010-12)

MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT ON Customer Retention Strategy of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore

A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of Degree of MBA

Guided by:
Dr. P.N. Mishra

Submitted by:
Abhishek Tiwari MBA FULL TIME


I am thankful to Dr. Rajendra Singh, Director Institute Of Management Studies IMS (DAVV) Indorefor providing me the opportunity to carry out the research on Customer Retention Strategy Of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore.

I express my deepest and most sincere thanks to my mentor Dr. P.N. Mishra of Institute of Management Studies IMS (DAVV), Indore for providing the guidance and helping me in conducting the research.

The project would not have completed without the hearty support and guidance of Mr. Shafeequddin Khan, Relationship Manager Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore.

I also take this opportunity to thank all the employees and customers of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore, without their Co-operation the project would have not been completed.

Abhishek Tiwari Institute Of Management Studies, Indore


I hereby declare that the research entitled Customer Retention Strategy Of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore is the result of my sincere effort. This major research project report is being submitted by me alone, at Institute of Management Studies, Indore, for the partial fulfillment of the course MBA (FULL TIME) and the report has not been submitted to any other educational institution for any other purpose.




This is to certify that Mr. Abhishek Tiwari, student of MBA (Full Time) program of Institute Of Management, Indore has completed his major research project on Customer Retention Strategy Of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore. and prepared this report under my guidance.

Dr. P.N. Mishra (Faculty Guide)































The project is based on th e Customer Retention Strategy of Banking Organizations with special reference to KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK a n d t h e c u s t o m e r s a s w e l l a s e m p l o ye e s p e r c e p t i o n a b o u t t h e s a m e . First and Foremost, the purpose of KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK is to fulfill the needs for investment under one roof with an equal blend of Standardization along with Customization . This project shows the importance of customer retention as a strategy for the success of a banking organization. It gives the d etail view of the various parameters that a bank should keep under consideration in order to ensure customer retention. The focus is on the fact that ensuring maximum customer s a t i s f a c t i o n a n d e a r n i n g t h e i r l o ya l t y i s t h e k e y t o s u c c e s s i n t h e h i g h l y c o m p e t i t i v e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y. The project depicted the importance of various parameters and also tried to fill the knowledge gap regarding the fact ors that e n s u r e b e t t e r s e r v i c e q u a l i t y a n d c u s t o m e r l o ya l t y. T h e p r o j e c t a l s o e m p h a s i z e d t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f a n e m p l o ye e customer participatory process with customer satisfaction as a p e r f o r m a n c e e v a l u a t i o n c r i t e r i o n f o r a n e m p l o ye e o f t h e organization. The project clearly depicts that the customer satisfaction level of Kotak Mahindra Bank is quite impressive and hence it has been able to enjoy life time membership of its existing members and hence is having a clear cut competitive advantage of customer l o ya l t y o v e r i t s c o m p e t i t o r s w h i c h i s t h e m a i n d r i v e r f o r i t s h u g e s u c c e s s s t o r y o n l y i n a p e r i o d o f 8 ye a r s o f i t s i n c e p t i o n .

Further to this, project proceeds with the research designed in the light of the core objectives of the study along with the sub objectives that are given due consideration throughout the research. It also enlists all the data sources as to by which means the study has gained momentum. The data has been collected by virtue of questionnaires a n d w e b s i t e s , r e s p e c t i v e l y. T h e s c o p e o f t h e s t u d y i s s u g g e s t e d i n favor of the companies st riving to emerge as super power drawn out by t h e s u r v e y. H e n c e , t h e c o m p a n y c a n f i n e t u n e i t s p r o s p e c t i v e s t r a t e g y of customer retention and can grab the opportunities of transforming the weakness of other into its own strength.



In this study, I have conducted a research on the customer satisfaction level of Kotak Mahindra Bank through a descriptive study conducted in the Indore branch of Kotak Mahindra Bank. A structured questionnaire is used to generate the feedback from the customers, employees and other marketing intermediaries. On the analysis of this structured questionnaire, i am able to draw a conclusion regarding the customer retention strategy and its effectiveness in creating and sustaining customer satisfaction by Kotak Mahindra Bank.

MOTIVATION FOR THE TOPIC:In the present scenario, banking sector in India is
emerging as the most developing sector of the economy with all the Multinational banks entering the country. Hence, being a prospective manager with my field of interest in the banking industry and the tremendous growth potential in the banking industry of our country, I got motivated to work on a topic that can result into an effective learning of this country. The main motivation for the topic lies in the fact that:-

The banking industry is highly competitive, with banks not only competing among each other but also with non-banking and other financial institutions. Most bank product developments are easy to duplicate and when banks provide nearly identical services, they can only distinguish themselves on the basis of price and quality. Therefore, customer retention is potentially an effective tool that banks can use to gain a strategic advantage and survive in todays everincreasing banking competitive environment.

EXPLAINATION OF CONCEPTS ENTAILED: -The main concept entailed in our

study is that customer retention is more profitable strategy rather than new customer acquisition. It is more economical to keep existing customers than to acquire new ones. The cost of acquiring customers to replace those who have been lost are high. This is because the expense of acquiring customers is incurred only in the beginning stages of the customer relationship. In addition, longer term customers buy more and, if satisfied, may generate positive word of mouth promotion for the company. Additionally, long term customers also take less of the company time and are less sensitive to price changes. Customer retention refers to keeping a clients business rather than have the client use competitors services or products. Business want to reduce customer defections to their competitors because a reduction in their market share and profits could result. Customer service retention is a popular marketing strategy as it involves focusing on meeting or exceeding clients expectations in order to maintain their loyalty. When people feel loyal to a certain brand or business, they are less likely to be persuaded by a competitors ads and offers. Maintaining customer retention through loyalty programs is a method commonly used by many businesses today. The structured questionnaire is prepared on the basis of the concept given by Parasuraman.


BRIEF HISTORY REGARDING THE TOPIC: - Previous studies have identified

the benefits that customer retention delivers to an organization (Colgate, 1996; Reicheld and Sasser, 1990; Storbacka; 1994) For Example: - The longer a customer stays with an organization, the more utility the customer generates (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). This is an outcome of a number of factors relating to the time the customer spends with the organization. These include the higher initial costs of introducing and attracting a new customer, increases in both the value and number of purchases, the customers better understanding of the organization, and positive word of mouth promotion. Apart from the benefits that the longevity of customers bring, research findings also suggest that the costs of customer retention activities are less than acquiring new customers. For Example, Rust and Zahorik (1993) argue the financial implications of attracting new customers may be five times as costly as keeping existing customers. Customer satisfaction leads to customer retention. As a consequence, retaining customer becomes a priority. In the banking industry, many banks are providing more or less the identical products for nearly the same price. Unless a bank can extend its product quality beyond the core service with a additional and potential service features and value, it is unlikely to gain a sustainable competitive advantage (Chang, Chan, and Leck, 1997)


MY MOTIVATION FOR THE TOPIC: -I have chosen this topic as a dissertation for
Major Research Project because of my interest in the banking industry and the realization of the importance of customer retention as a strategy in a banking industry. I got motivated to choose Kotak Mahindra Bank for the study because of the tremendous and substantial growth of Kotak Mahindra Bank since its inception in 2003. Kotak Mahindra Bank has emerged as one of the fastest growing bank and among the most admired financial institutions in India. The major strategy implemented by Kotak Mahindra Bank down the years have been customer retention and hence the customers appreciate the services and products offered by the bank and are willing to recommend the bank to their acquaintances. Hence, through this study, with the help of the success story of Kotak Mahindra Bank, I would like to signify the importance of customer retention as a strategy in case of banking institutions.


OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To analyze the Customer Retention Strategy of Kotak Mahindra

1. To analyze the customers attitude and satisfaction level towards Kotak Mahindra Bank. 2. To identify the needs of customers for customer- bank relationship improvement. 3. To know the preferences and problems of customers of the bank. 4. To ensure the satisfaction level of services provided by the bank. 5. To get the views about the changing customer needs.




LITERATURE SURVEY:Previous studies have identified the benefits that customer

retention delivers to an organization (Colgate et. al, 1996; Reichheld and Sasser, 1990;Storbacka et. al, 1994) The longer a customer stays with an organization, the more utility the customer generates (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). This is an outcome of a number of factors relating to the time the customer spends with the organization. These include the higher initial costs of introducing and attracting a new customer, increases in both the value and number of purchases, the customers better understanding of the organization, and positive word of mouth promotion. Apart from the benefits that the longevity of customers brings, research findings also suggest that the costs of customer retention activities are less than acquiring new customers. For Example, Rust and Zahorik (1993) argue the financial implications of attracting new customers may be five times as costly as keeping the existing customers. Customer satisfaction leads to customer retention. As a consequence, retaining customers becomes a priority. Previous research shows, however, that longevity does not automatically leads to profitability (Colgate, Stewart, and Kinsella, 1996). In a highly competitive market, the shortest route to differentiation is through the development of brands and active promotion to both intermediaries and final consumers (Parasuraman, 1997). In the long run, however, branding, targeting, and positioning would all be much more effective if the supplier had some tangible advantage to offer to consumers (Baker, 1993). This is evident in the banking industry, where many banks are providing more or less the identical products for the same price. Unless a bank can extend its product quality beyond the core service with additional and potential service features and value, it is unlikely to gain a sustainable competitive advantage (Chang, Chan and Leck, 1997). Thus, the most likely way to both retain customers and improve profitability is by adding value via a strategy of differentiation (Baker, 1993) while increasing margins through higher prices. In businesses, where the underlying products have become commodity-like, quality of service depends heavily on the quality of its personnel. This is well documented in a study by Leeds (1992), who documented that approximately 40 percent of customers switched banks because of what they considered to be poor service. Leeds further argued that nearly three- fourth of the banking customers mentioned tellers courtesy as a prime

consideration in choosing a bank. The study also showed that increased use of service quality and professional behaviors (such as formal greetings) improved customer satisfaction and reduced customer attrition.

Although a huge amount of work has been done in the field of depicting the importance of customer retention as one of the most important strategy in case of organizations especially service institutions like banks, and a lot of research has been conducted to find out that service quality and professional behavior at the work place are the two most critical elements in ensuring customer satisfaction and as a result customer retention, but still there is a knowledge gap about the important parameters that can result into enhancing both the service quality as well as professional behavior at work place in order to ensure customer retention for a banking organization.

Hence, I have carried out this research with a motive of filling this knowledge gap by identifying the key parameters that influences the service quality and professional behavior of the employees by conducting a study on such 19 possible parameters and then analyzing the impact and its extent of these parameters in enhancing the customer retention of Kotak Mahindra Bank.





A. Research type
Descriptive - Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when andhow?

Collection of data Primary data.

Data Collection Tool I have used a Non Disguised structured questionnaire based on the concept of Parasuraman in order to collect the data from the respondents. Sample size - I have calculated the sample size using the formula of: Sample Size = (k2C2)/r2, where k = 19/20 i.e., 1 approximately, c = coefficient of variation and r = percentage of variation which we allow to be permitted. I have taken r = 5%. Hence, our Sample size on calculation comes out to be 70.

B. Population : As I am conducting the survey on the customers, employees, marketing

intermediaries of Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indore, hence, all these together constitutes the population for my research.

Sources of secondary data.Internet.

C. Tools for data analysis: I have used SPSS 16 Software as a tool for data analysis under which I have analyzed the data using: Pie chart: For the analysis of demographic variables especially. Chi- square test: For the analysis of other non- parametric variables



INTRODUCTION Think Investment Think Kotak

Banks like Kotak Mahindra, standard chartered, ICICI, HDFC, and Citibank now bring your Bank Account and Debit card to your fingertips. With Mobile commerce, you can perform a wide range of query-based transactions from your Mobile Phone, without even making a call.

Kotak Mahindra is one of India's leading financial institutions, offering complete financial solutions that encompass every sphere of life. From commercial banking, to stock broking, to mutual funds, to life insurance, to investment banking, the group caters to the financial needs of individuals and corporate. The group has a net worth of over Rs.1, 800 crore and employs over 4,400 employees in its various businesses. With a presence in 82 cities in India and offices in New York, London, Dubai and Mauritius, it services a customer base of over 5, 00,000.

Kotak Mahindra has international partnerships with Goldman Sachs (one of the world's largest investment banks and brokerage firms) and Old Mutual (a large insurance, banking and asset management conglomerate).

The Kotak Mahindra Group was born in 1985 as Kotak Capital Management Finance Limited. This company was promoted by Uday Kotak, Sidney A. Pinto and Kotak & Company. Industrialists Harish Mahindra and Anand Mahindra took a stake in 1986, and that's when the company changed its name to Kotak Mahindra

Finance Limited. Since then it's been a steady and confident journey to growth and success.


1986 : Kotak Mahindra Finance Limited starts the activity of Bill Discounting 1987 1990 : Kotak Mahindra Finance Limited enters the Lease and Hire Purchase market : The Auto Finance division is started

1991 : The Investment Banking Division is started. Takes over FICOM, one of Indias largest financial retail marketing networks 1992 1995 : Enters the Funds Syndication sector : Brokerage and Distribution businesses incorporated into a separate company -

Kotak Securities. Investment Banking division incorporated into a separate company Kotak Mahindra Capital Company 1996 : The Auto Finance Business is hived off into a separate company - Kotak

Mahindra Primus Limited. Kotak Mahindra takes a significant stake in Ford Credit Kotak Mahindra Limited, forfinancing Ford vehicles. The launch of Matrix Information Services Limited marks the Groups entry into information distribution. 1998 : Enters the mutual fund market with the launch of Kotak Mahindra Asset

Management Company. 2000 : Kotak Mahindra ties up with Old Mutual plc. for the Life Insurance business.

Kotak Securities launches - its on-line broking site. Formal


commencement of private equity activity through setting up of Kotak Mahindra Venture Capital Fund. 2003 : Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. Converts to bank


COMPANYS PROFILE Established in 1984, The Kotak Mahindra Group has long been one of Indias most reputed financial organizations. In Feb 2003, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd., the groups flagship company was given the license to carry on banking business by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).This approval creates banking history since Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd is the first company in India to convert to a bank. The license authorizing the bank to carry on banking business has been obtained from the RBI in tune with Section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act 1949. KMBL was promoted by Mr. Uday.S.Kotak, Kotak and Company Ltd and Mr. Sidney &A.A.Pinto under the name of Kotak Capital Management Finance Ltd on 21st Nov 1985 and obtained a Certificate of Commencement of Business on 11th Feb 1986. The bank customers have access to entire VISA network of 4500 ATMS in India and 800000ATMS worldwide accepted in more than 56000 establishments across India and 10 million worldwide. The customer also has access to over 800 ATMs with sharing arrangements with UTI BANK, of these 125 are in the NCR.

Key group companies and their businesses

Kotak Mahindra Bank The Kotak Mahindra Group's flagship company, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd which was established in 1985, was converted into a bank- Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd in March 2003 becoming the first Indian company to convert into a Bank. Its banking operations offer a central platform for customer relationships across the group's various businesses. The bank has presence in Commercial Vehicles, Retail Finance, Corporate Banking, Treasury and Housing Finance. Kotak Mahindra Capital Company

Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited (KMCC) is India's premier Investment Bank. KMCC's core business areas include Equity Issuances, Mergers & Acquisitions, Structured Finance and Advisory Services. Kotak Securities Kotak Securities Ltd. is one of India's largest brokerage and securities distribution houses. Over the years, Kotak Securities has been one of the leading investment broking houses catering to the needs of both institutional and non-institutional investor categories with presence all over the country through franchisees and coordinators. Kotak Securities Ltd. offers online and offline services based on well-researched expertise and financial products to non-institutional investors. Kotak Mahindra Prime Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited (KMP) (formerly known as Kotak Mahindra Primus Limited) has been formed with the objective of financing the retail and wholesale trade of passenger and multi utility vehicles in India. KMP offers customers retail finance for both new as well as used cars and wholesale finance to dealers in the automobile trade. KMP continues to be among the leading car finance companies in India.

Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company (KMAMC), a subsidiary of Kotak Mahindra Bank, is the asset manager for Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund (KMMF). KMMF manages funds in excess of Rs 20,800 crore and offers schemes catering to investors with varying risk-return profiles. It was the first fund house in the country to launch a dedicated gilt scheme investing only in government securities.

Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited

Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited is a joint venture between Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. and Old Mutual plc. Kotak Life Insurance helps customers to take important financial decisions at every stage in life by offering them a wide range of innovative life insurance products, to make them financially independent.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. K.M.Gherda Executive Chairman Mr. Uday Kotak Executive Vice Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Anand Mahindra Co Promoter of Kotak Mahindra Bank and Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Mahindra and Mahindra Mr. Cyril Shroff Co Promoter Mr. Pradeep N Kotak Agri Division of Kotak and Company Limited Dr. ShankerAcharya Mr. Shivaji Dam Managing Director Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Limited Mr. C.Jayaram Executive Director Mr. Dipak Gupta Executive Director


Product Detail

Kotak Mahindra Bank is one of the prominent subsidiaries of Kotak Mahindra group. The activities of the company being parallel to its objective are very wide and cover all the components of a Bank. The

Basic area of Operations is the Banking business, oth er products are meant for the regular revenue generation. Being a Banking house, the company is in regular touch with Banking Accounts, Investment

Services, Convenience Banking and Other Services.

They offer complete solutions that address all your financial requirements, whether you're an individual or a firm. From everyday banking to long term investments their offering covers it all. This wide range of products is delivered to you with a genuine understanding of your specific need and warm, personalised service.

Kotak Mahindra Bank, it's not about selling you many different products it's about working out a holistic, pragmatic solution that addresses your financial needs. Through their varied products,they commit themselves to becoming banker to the customer rather than being asset financier to our customers.


Banking Accounts

There are three types of banking account:

Savings Account Current Account Term Deposit

SAVINGS ACCOUNT Choose from our range of Savings Accounts

KOTAK MAHINDRA has got a variety of options of savings accounts to choose from for its customers according to their convenience and requirements .These savings accounts offer attractive returns along with personalized banking services at three convenient average quarterly balances(AQB)levels of Rs. 10000 (KOTAK EDGE SAVINGS ACCOUNT),Rs. 20000 (KOTAK PRO SAVINGS ACCOUNT) and at Rs75000(KOTAK ACE SAVINGS ACCOUNT).The average quarterly balance levels as well the corresponding services and benefits try to ensure the various customer needs and requirements.

Thus the three account opening options in savings account are as mentioned above: EDGE SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Kotak Mahindra Banks Edge Savings Account is a complete financial package customized to suit individual banking needs. Its constant endeavour is to enable regular financial transactions through online platform so that most of payments can be made directly through your account or card.

Features & Benefits


Wide ATM access through the Kotak Mahindra Bank Debit Card One can walk into any KOTAK or HDFC Bank ATMs to withdraw cash or enquire balance at no extra charge! Multiple Access Channels Access An account through phone, mobile phone or internet to get information about account balance or track transactions. One can even transfer funds through Phone Banking or Net Banking. Financial payments facilitated through the savings account Use the free Payment Gateway to make online payments for utility bills, credit cards, online trading of shares or even online shopping.

Quick and easy funds transfer Quick funds transfer to a third party account with another Bank is available across 15 locations through Net Banking. Also get a multi-city cheque book so that money from account is received by the beneficiary in the fastest possible time. Free investment account One can open an investment account, and use the Net Banking facility to purchase/redeem mutual funds online while directly debiting / crediting your Bank Account. Besides this you get a consolidated view of all your mutual fund investments across schemes with updated returns status, latest NAV information and research reports. Attractive returns Earn better returns in your savings account, with our 2-Way Sweep facility that automatically sweeps out idle funds, above a threshold, from your account into Term Deposits. These Term


Deposits sweep back into your account to meet fund requirements when your withdrawals exceed the balance available in your account, thereby providing you maximum liquidity.


Kotak Mahindra Banks Pro Savings Account is an account packed with powerful features to provide a superior banking experience at a very comfortable balance requirement. They provide a relationship manager who will specifically take care of banking and investment needs. Features & Benefits Free ATM access all domestic VISA ATM network Walk into any VISA ATM in India to check balance or withdraw cash absolutely free. no longer have to worry about locating your Bank or Partner Bank ATM Use the first VISA ATM that you spot, for cash withdrawal or balance enquiry transactions. Multiple access channels Access your account through phone, mobile phone or internet to get information on your account balance or track your transactions. You can even transfer funds through Phone Banking or Net Banking. Free investment account One can open an investment account, and use the Net Banking facility to purchase/redeem mutual funds online while directly debiting / crediting bank account. Besides this get a

consolidated view of all the mutual fund investments across schemes with updated returns status, latest NAV information and research reports.


Financial payments facilitated through the savings account Use our free Payment Gateway to make online payments for utility bills, credit cards, online trading of shares or even online shopping. Quick and easy funds transfer Quick funds transfer to a third party account with another Bank is available across 15 locations through Net Banking. Also get a multi-city cheque book so that money from account is received by the beneficiary in the fastest possible time Attractive returns Earn better returns in your savings account, with our 2-Way Sweep facility that automatically sweeps out idle funds, above a threshold, from your account into Term Deposits. These Term Deposits sweep back into your account to meet fund requirements when your withdrawals exceed the balance available in your account, thereby providing you maximum liquidity. Dedicated relationship manager You get a one point contact for all your banking related queries and transactions. Your relationship manager will also help you with financial planning and sound investment decisions.

Free banking transactions You can issue demand drafts or send cheques for collection on branch locations without any charge to your account.



Kotak Mahindra Bank's Ace Savings Account has been designed as a gateway to a world of financial benefits and privileged banking transactions. The account carries benefits ranging from personal investment advisory services to concierge services to free banking transactions. Onewill find that this package of services and privileges is unmatched by any other savings account in the market. Features & Benefits

Free access at all domestic and international VISA ATMs No longer have to worry about locating your Bank or Partner Bank ATM - Use the first VISA ATM that you spot, for free cash withdrawal or balance enquiry transactions. So walk into any VISA ATM in India or abroad to withdraw cash or for balance enquiry. Multiple access channels Access the account anytime through land line, mobile phone or internet to get information on account balance or track transactions. One can even transfer funds through Phone Banking or Net Banking. Financial payments facilitated through the savings account Use the free Kotak Payment Gateway to make online payments for utility bills, credit cards, online trading of shares or even online shopping. All this at the click of a mouse!

Quick and easy funds transfer Transfer funds easily and with speed, to a beneficiary account at another bank. One can avail of this facility by walking into any of branches or by simple logging on to Net Banking. Also get a free multi-city cheque book so that money from your account is transferred to the beneficiary's account at any of branch locations, in the fastest possible time. Free banking transactions One can issue demand drafts or send cheques for collection at all branches for no extra charge. Attractive returns Earn better returns in your savings account, with our 2-Way Sweep facility that automatically sweeps out idle funds, above a threshold, from your account into Term Deposits. These Term Deposits sweep back into account to meet fund requirements when withdrawals exceed the balance available in the account, thereby providing maximum liquidity.


Kotak Mahindra Bank offers unparalleled advantages with its three Current Account offerings. Whether small/ mid size business or an enterprise spread across multiple locations in the country, would find a Current Account that's just designed for you. These Current accounts offer attractive returns along with personalized banking services at three convenient average quarterly balances(AQB)levels of Rs. 25000 (KOTAK EDGE SAVINGS ACCOUNT),Rs. 50000 (KOTAK PRO SAVINGS ACCOUNT) and at Rs250000(KOTAK ACE SAVINGS


ACCOUNT).The average quarterly balance levels as well the corresponding services and benefits try to ensure the various customer needs and requirements. With features ranging from Free DDs, Free Cheque Collection, Free At -Par Cheque facility to Free Trading Account & free Demat Account, and more!

Thus the three account opening options in savings account are as mentioned above:

Edge Current Account In need of a well equipped bank account to keep pace in all the business endeavors. They offer the Kotak Edge Current Account, armed with Kotak 2-Way Sweep and the entire gamut of Banking Privileges, providing that extra edge to get ahead. The feature rich Kotak Edge Current Account is the ideal way to make money work harder. Features & Benefits Multi City Banking Current account/s with Kotak Mahindra Bank will be recognized in every other branch. One can just walk into a Kotak Mahindra Bank branch in any of our branches across country to satisfy all the banking needs. 2 - Way Sweep* : Term Deposit linked Current Account Kotak 2-Way Sweep ensures that money never stops working for you. Daily balances, above a threshold level, in Current Account are automatically swept out into Term Deposits (TD). This 'swept out amount' is brought back into account to meet fund requirements when withdrawals exceed the balance available in the account (or when the account balance goes below the specified threshold level.) With Kotak 2-Way Sweep you enjoy the twin advantages of attractive returns & maximum liquidity. Free Demand Drafts and Pay Orders

Enjoy the benefit of our free Demand Drafts, payable at Kotak Mahindra Bank Branch location in India. At-par Cheques Get free At-par Cheques that are treated as 'local clearing' cheques across all branch locations. All these at nominal costs.

Cheque Collection All Outstation cheques, drawn on any of branch locations, are collected 'at nominal charge' for you. The strong network of correspondent banks enables us to collect cheques from 1600 locations across India at faster speed and minimal cost

Mobile Banking and Alerts Our Mobile Banking & Alerts service enables to access bank account on Mobile Phone. One can access all your standing instructions (SI), any large credits or debits, available balance, balance below AQB, any SI failure and SIs successfully executed will be intimated to you via SMS

PRO Current Account You need a well equipped bank account to keep pace with you in the ever changing business scenario. We offer you the Kotak Pro Current Account, armed with Kotak 2-Way Sweep, as well


as an entire gamut of Banking Privileges and 'user-friendly' Convenience Banking facilities. The feature rich Kotak Pro Current Account is the ideal way to make your money work harder.

Key Features

Dedicated Relationship Manager Free Demand Drafts & Pay Orders> Free At Home Services Better Forex rates and Efficient Trade Services

ACE Current Account

In the need of a well equipped bank account to keep pace with you in the ever changing business scenario. They offer you the Kotak Ace Current Account, armed with Business benefits and exclusive Ace Privileges and an entire gamut of banking conveniences especially designed for you. The feature rich Kotak Ace Account is the ideal way to make money work harder

Term Deposits

Key Features

Ease and convenience of operation

Liquidity through overdraft or sweep-in facility


No penalty on pre-mature encashment

Nomination facility available

Give your portfolio stability of returns and safety and liquidity. Invest in Kotak Bank Term Deposit. It offer attractive returns on term deposits and investing in them is really simple and convenient. Features & Benefits Ease and convenience of operation For the first time in India, New to Bank customer can also apply onlinefor term deposit. An existing customer,can place a term deposit through Phone Banking or Net Banking. What's more, one can even renew this deposit by placing an instruction over phone. Needless to mention, he can do all this and more by walking across into any of branches.

Liquidity through overdraft or sweep-in facility Deposit will be available to you should you need them in case of an emergency. One can avail upto 85% overdraft against term by paying 2% above deposit rate. This facility is available for deposits above Rs.50,000 for a tenure of 181 days or more. One can also choose to link term deposit to savings / current account, whereby if need be, term deposit will automatically be encashed to meet withdrawal requirement.

No penalty on pre-mature encashment


In case term deposit is pre-maturely encashed,one will earn interest at the rate prevailing on the date of deposit for the withdrawn amount. Nomination facility available One can avail this facility for each & every account that open with us i.e. nominate different persons for different term deposit accounts can choose to change the nominee through a declaration in the appropriate form to revise the nomination during the term of the deposit.


Making your money grow At Kotak Mahindra Bank,canrecognise that financial needs vary, not just amongst individuals, but across the different stages of your life. They have years of experience in helping people put together an investment portfolio that works best for them.



Key Features

Efficient depository services that allow you to hold your shares in convenient, "demat" formats

Leverage opportunities in the stock-market when you spot them

It offers streamlined, efficient depository services that allow to hold shares in the convenient "demat" formats and leverage opportunities in the stock-market when you spot them Being a brokerage house, the company is in regular touch with the share market and its relative indexes like NSE &BSE, NCDEX. NSDL, CSDL. L e t s u n d e r s t a n d t h e r e l a t i v e t e r m s :

SEBI (Stock Exchange board of India) I t c h e c k o u t o n N S E a n d B S E a n d a l l t yp e o f s h a r e t r a d i n g ( B o t h p r i m a r y and secondary market)

N S E & B S E : - Kotak Mahindra Bank a l l o w s t o c o s t u m e r t o t r a d e i n s h a r e w i t h NSE and BSE both (in primary and secondary market both). In BSE costumer can trade in 2452 stocks and in NSE costumer can trade in 933 companies. The index of NSE is Nifty a nd for BSE Sensex

NSDL AND CSDL Kotak Mahindra Bank a l l o w t o c o s t u m e r t o i n v e s t i n m u t u a l f u n d a n d b o n d s . NSDL (National security depository limited) and CSDL (Central security depository limited check out on this type of investment



Kotak Mahindra Bank a l s o a l l o w t o c o s t u m e r t o t r a d e i n c o m m o d i t y b y M C X (Multi Commodity exchange) and NCDEX (National Commodity daily ex change. In NCDEX 55 commodit y are to trade


The following are the various products of Kotak Mahindra Bank: DEMAT & ON LINE TRADING ACCOUNT: The 3-in-1 account integrates your banking, broking and demat accounts. This enables you to trade in shares without going through the hassles of tracking settlement cycles, writing cheques and Transfer Instructions, chasing your broker for cheques or Transfer Instructions etc.


In the above products we have discussed investment in equity through secondary markets .another way of investing in equity markets is through the primary market route .whenever a company comes out with an initial p u b l i c o f f e r i n g yo u m a y c h o o s e t o a p p l y f o r t h e s h a r e . B a s e d o n n u m b e r of valid application received, the company would then allot the share to applicants.

The offline way of investing in an IPO is b y filling physical application forms, cheques. And submitting the forms through your broker. With


K O T A K M A H I N D R A B A N K a l l yo u h a v e t o d o i s f i l l i n g n u m b e r o f s h a r e on the site and submit. DERIVATIVES

C u s t o m e r s w i t h d i f f e r e n t t yp e s o f r i s k p r o f i l e c a n u s e d e r i v a t i v e s . Hedging the cash market position ideal for low risk profile. Taking advantage of arbitrage opportunity in equity and derivatives markets ideal for low risk profile Taking a view on stock/index for as long as 3 mont h period medium risk profile Speculative trading-high risk profile

KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK offers online investment in future and option, w i t h b e n e f i t o f a u t o m a t e d s e t t l e m e n t s a n d o n l i n e r i s k m o n i t o r i n g s ys t e m

Mutual Funds Key Features

Assitance at every step of the investment process An experienced research team to analyse and research the Mutual Funds available in the market

Portfolio assistance

Team analyses and researches the Mutual Funds available in the market, helping you make more informed decisions. The recommendations take into account all relevant factors including the investment philosophy of the Asset Management Company, portfolio quality, risk-adjusted returns and market trends.


The Mutual funds on advisory list range form Debt to Equity funds and are drawn from top performing schemes of renowned Mutual Fund houses like Franklin Templeton, Kotak, Reliance, Prudential ICICI etc.Relationship Manager will recommend the funds that suit the investment objectives. I n s t e a d o f b u yi n g s h a r e s movements performance of different of the companies tracking the price growth prospects of the

c o m p a n y,

i n d u s t r i e s e t c . a n d t h e n t a k i n g yo u r o w n b u y/ s e l l d e c i s i o n , yo u m a y c o n s i d e r m a k i n g i n v e s t m e n t i n e q u i t y/ d e b t m a r k e t t h r o u g h t h e m u t u a l fund route. Mutual fund is a SEBI registered entity that pools the money of many individuals investors to purchase the stocks, bond or other financial instruments .professional

Management and diversification are the two primary benefits of mutual fund investing. For b eginners, or for customer who are unable to spend time on researching stocks themselves, mutual fund is an ideal route for a

investment in equity. Investing in mutual funds offline involves, tracking down the agents appointed by the mutual funds AMCs, fi lling lengthy forms, writing cheque, rushing to the office of the agents before the cut off timing to ensure that the desired NAV is allotted

Bancassurance They offer a range of carefully selected insurance policies across the entire spectrum of life insurance products Relationship managers will analyze your insurance needs and develop the solution that works best for you.


KOTAK INSURANCE has a wide array of insurance plans that have been designed with the philosophy that different individuals are bound to have differing insurance needs. The ideal insurance plan is one that addresses the exact insurance needs of the individual that will depend on the age and life stage of the individual apart from a host of other factors.

The various plans offered by KOTAK INSURANCE are as follows:

Kotak Smart Advantage Plan Kotak Eternal Life Plans Kotak Headstart Child Plans Kotak Safe Investment Plan II Kotak Flexi Plan Kotak Easy Growth Plan Kotak Capital Multiplier Plan Kotak Term Plan Kotak Preferred Term Plan


Anywhere, Anytime Banking

In today's day and age time is money. You work hard and have a busy schedule. Doing banking should be easy and convenient and not add to worries.


Kotak Mahindra Bank realize this and have specially tailored a wide range of value added products and services to make money work for you. These, coupled with the highest standard of customer care will make life simpler and easier.

Multiple Banking Channels

Today the technology driven banks are finding various means to reduce costs and reach out to as many customers as possible spread over a diverse area. This has led to using multiple channels of delivery of their products.

ATM (Automatic Teller Machine):

An ATM is basically a machine that can deliver cash to the customers on demand after authentication. However, nowadays we have ATMs that are used to vend different FMCG products also. An ATM does the basic function of a banks branch, i.e., delivering money on demand. Hence setting of newer branches is not required thereby significantly lowering infrastructure costs. Cost reduction is however possible only when these machines are used. In India, the average cash withdrawal per ATM per day has fallen from 100 last years to 70 this year. Though the number of ATMs has increased since last year, it is not in sync with the number of cards issued. Also, there are many dormant cardholders who do not use the ATMs and prefer the teller counters. In spite of these odds, Indian banks are increasing the number of ATMs at a feverish pace. These machines also hold the keys to future operational efficiency Account holders of Kotak Mahindra Bank Saving Account having Visa Electron Debit Card can access other Banks ATM machines unlimited times per month for free, after that the Account


holder has to pay nothing for the transaction. But also holders of ATM cards cannot access machines belonging to other Banks. The number of ATM machines installed by Kotak Mahindra Bank is 20 in Delhi and the All India tally is 156 machines. When this figure is compared to ICICI Bank which has thrice the number of machines in Delhi or HDFC Bank which has nearly twice the number of machines in Delhi, this is worrying for Kotak Mahindra Bank.






560 625 350 160 103 40 507 250

112 66 43 22 21 13 20

The Table below shows the number of ATM machines belonging to various banks in India:-

From the above table we can clearly see that HDFC Bank is the Bank which has highest number of ATM machines on All India basis, this is followed by ICICI Bank, then UTI. When we look at the concentration of machines in the Delhi Region we see that out of ICICI Banks 560 Machines 112 are located in Delhi representing 20%. The corresponding figure for Kotak Mahindra Bank is 14.2%. HDFC Bank is 11.8%, IDBI Bank is 12.3%, and CITIBANK is 13.75%.


Net Banking:

Net banking means carrying out banking transactions via the Internet. Thus the need for a branch is completely eliminated by technology. Also this helps in serving the customer better and tailoring products better suited for the customer. A customer can view his account details, transaction history, order drafts, electronically make payments, transfer funds, check his account position and electronically communicate with the bank through the Internet for which he may have wanted to visit the bank branch. Net banking helps a bank spread its reach to the entire world at a fraction of the cost

Phone Banking:

This means carrying out of banking transaction through the telephone. A customer can call up the banks help line or phone banking number to conduct transactions like transfer of funds, making payments, checking of account balance, ordering cheques, etc. This also eliminates the customer of the need to visit the banks branch.

Mobile Banking:

Banks can now help a customer conduct certain transactions through the Mobile Phone with the help of technologies like WAP, SMS, etc. This helps a bank to combine the Internet and telephone and leverage it to cut costs and at the same time provide its customer the convenience. Thus it can be seen that tech savvy banks are tapping the entire above alternative channels to cut costs improve customer satisfaction

SMS Banking


Kotak Mahindra Bank's SMS Banking service enables you to access your bank account, investment account and demat account on your Mobile Phone. Now get latest update on your account balance, salary credits, large debits, large credits, holding value and much more, on your mobile anytime.



The Internet banking is changing the banking industry and is having the major effects on banking relationships. Internet banking involves use of Internet for delivery of banking products & services. It falls into four main categories, from Level 1 - minimum functionality sites that offer only access to deposit account data - to Level 4 sites - highly sophisticated offerings enabling integrated sales of additional products and access to other financial services- such as investment and insurance.


Advantages previously held by large financial institutions have shrunk considerably. The Internet has leveled the playing field and afforded open access to customers in the global marketplace. Internet banking is a cost-effective delivery channel for financial institutions. Consumers are embracing the many benefits of Internet banking. Access to one's accounts at anytime and from any location via the World Wide Web is a convenience unknown a short time ago.

The primary drivers of Internet banking are: Improve customer access Facilitate the offering of more services Increase customer loyalty Attract new customers




14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 0 0 7

0 Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Internet Banking is the most technological advanced means to do Banking. Through this medium the Account holder can do various types of transactions without having to leave his Office/Residence. The Account holder has the convenience to do transaction no matter where he is in the world at any time of the day. Internet is the most cost effective medium of Banking from the point of view of the Banks; it costs a fraction to the Bank as compared to other mediums like Branch Banking or ATM. But this medium is not as favored a medium as it in the west , the reasons for this is that firstly , this is a relatively new concept in India , secondly , general perception that this is not safe , thirdly , computers and internet are not widely spread all over the country.



In a survey conducted by the Online Banking Association, member institutions rated security as the most important issue of online banking. There is a dual requirement to protect customers' privacy and protect against fraud.

1. A multi-layered security architecture comprising firewalls, filtering routers, encryption and digital certification ensures that account information is protected from unauthorized access: Firewalls and filtering routers ensure that only the legitimate Internet users are allowed to access the system.

2 Encryption techniques used by the bank (including the sophisticated public key encryption) would ensure that privacy of data flowing between the browser and the Infinity system is protected.

3 Digital certification procedures provide the assurance that the data you receive is from the Infinity system.



The Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT), a group established by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1996, has planned to set up a national switch to hook up all of the country's 10,000-odd ATMs. The idea of establishing ATM interconnectivity through a national switch has been approved by the information chiefs of various Banks. The expected cost of transactions routed through the switch is to be under 10 rupees (21 cents U.S.) each, due to the high volumes of transactions -- almost 100,000 per day.


It is an Alliance between Citibank, Industrial Development Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank and UTI Bank. This is the country's first independent shared ATM network. IDBI Bank received permission from the Reserve Bank (RBI) to serve as the network's settlement bank. Cash net will give access to more than 1,300 ATMs for more than 6 million debit cardholders of the member banks. The Alliance would constitute about a third of the total card base and 15 percent of the ATM base in the country.

Kotak Mahindra Bank and India and Kotak Mahindra Bank have entered into an alliance to provide online and offline banking and related services to the Indian consumer. The alliance will enable information on the entire range of the banks consumer banking products to be made available to the 6.4 million online customers of

The services offered include detailed information on various deposits, loans and mortgages, credit cards, mutual funds and insurance products of the bank. Users will be able to directly interact with the bank and request for products online




Kotak Mahindra Bank Account holders have been able to infer that Branch Banking is the second most Frequent Point of Interaction with the Bank. The Average Banking Hours is a very important aspect associated with any Bank. In todays fast paced life where people who hold Accounts with the Bank are busy working it is important that they can find a way to visit the Bank without having to miss out on work.

The Average Banking Hours of Kotak Mahindra Bank is from 9am to 7pm, the Bank is open to the public for ten hours. These timings are convenient for especially those Account holders who are working, these people can visit the Bank after their Office finishes. Apart from the Average Banking Hours Kotak Mahindra Bank offers to its Account holders 24 Hour Branch, 365 Days Branch and the facility of Sunday Banking.

Kotak Mahindra Bank is the only Bank which offers a 24 Hour Branch in India, this is a big boon for people who cannot take the time out to visit the Bank during the normal working hours and is also very handy during emergencies.

The 365 Day Branch of Kotak Mahindra Bank is also unique and the only other Bank offering this service is ABN Amro , this Branch is open regardless of the fact that it is a Sunday or a public holiday.

Sunday Banking is very useful for people who are busy throughout the week and the only day when they find the time is Sunday. Other Banks offering this service apart from Kotak Mahindra Bank are ABN Amro and CITIBANK.

Best Compliments Card the perfect gift


Introducing Best Compliments Card - the prepaid card from Kotak Mahindra Bank. It lets your loved ones choose their own gift or shop or enjoy at any place that accepts Visa cards, be it a shopping mall, a restaurant or a multiplex. So go ahead and give someone the perfect gift! No Kotak Mahindra Bank account required Not restricted to a single brand or outlet - accepted at over 3 lakhs merchant establishments in India that accept Visa cards Can be used at your convenience - no need to spend the entire value in a single purchase Attractively packaged and ready-to-gift Available at all Kotak Mahindra Bank branches Valid for two years from date of issue of card









Valid Missing

70 0

70 0

70 0

70 0

Frequency Table




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent



42 28 70

60.0 40.0 100.0

60.0 40.0 100.0

60.0 100.0




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


15-25 YEARS 26-35 YEARS 36-45 YEARS 46 YEARS AND ABOVE Total

34 16 16 4 70

48.6 22.9 22.9 5.7 100.0

48.6 22.9 22.9 5.7 100.0

48.6 71.4 94.3 100.0





Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent



9 14 28 19 70

12.9 20.0 40.0 27.1 100.0

12.9 20.0 40.0 27.1 100.0

12.9 32.9 72.9 100.0




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


1 LAC- 1.5 LACS 1.5 LACS- 2.5 LACS 2.5 LACS- 5 LACS 5 LACS AND ABOVE Total

4 8 39 19 70

5.7 11.4 55.7 27.1 100.0

5.7 11.4 55.7 27.1 100.0

5.7 17.1 72.9 100.0


Pie Chart





Descriptive Statistics


Std. Deviation




70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

3.7571 3.6429 3.4571 3.8143 3.7000 3.9000 3.6286 3.6000 3.6429 3.5857 3.6571 3.7857 3.8714 3.8571

.57573 .66016 .65244 .90558 .95326 .78297 .74545 .76896 .90146 .75167 .69960 .79660 .84992 .87287

3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00






70 70 70 70

3.6714 3.8143 3.6000 3.8143

.86345 .76694 .90730 .68721

1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00

5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00


Chi-Square Test



Observed N

Expected N



22 43 5 70

23.3 23.3 23.3

-1.3 19.7 -18.3

Chi-square: 31.057 Degrees of Freedom: 2 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



1 29 34 6 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-16.5 11.5 16.5 -11.5

Chi-square: 46.229 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



3 35 29 3 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-14.5 17.5 11.5 -14.5

Chi-square: 49.086 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



6 18 29 17 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-11.5 .5 11.5 -.5

Chi-square: 15.143 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.002



Observed N

Expected N



7 24 22 17 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-10.5 6.5 4.5 -.5

Chi-square: 9.886 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.020



Observed N

Expected N



3 16 36 15 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-14.5 -1.5 18.5 -2.5

Chi-square: 32.057 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



4 25 34 7 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-13.5 7.5 16.5 -10.5

Chi-square: 35.486 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



4 28 30 8 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-13.5 10.5 12.5 -9.5

Chi-square: 30.800 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



2 2 27 27 12 70

14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0

-12.0 -12.0 13.0 13.0 -2.0

Chi-square: 45.000 Degrees of Freedom: 4 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



4 28 31 7 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-13.5 10.5 13.5 -10.5

Chi-square: 33.429 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



3 24 37 6 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-14.5 6.5 19.5 -11.5

Chi-square: 43.714 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



3 22 32 13 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-14.5 4.5 14.5 -4.5

Chi-square: 26.343 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



5 15 34 16 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-12.5 -2.5 16.5 -1.5

Chi-square: 24.971 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



5 17 31 17 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-12.5 -.5 13.5 -.5

Chi-square: 19.371 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



1 2 22 39 6 70

14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0

-13.0 -12.0 8.0 25.0 -8.0

Chi-square: 76.143 Degrees of Freedom: 4 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



1 4 23 31 11 70

14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0

-13.0 -10.0 9.0 17.0 -3.0

Chi-square: 46.286 Degrees of Freedom: 4 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



3 19 36 12 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-14.5 1.5 18.5 -5.5

Chi-square: 33.429 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



2 3 27 27 11 70

14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0

-12.0 -11.0 13.0 13.0 -3.0

Chi-square: 43.714 Degrees of Freedom: 4 Asymp. Significance: 0.000



Observed N

Expected N



2 18 41 9 70

17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5

-15.5 .5 23.5 -8.5

Chi-square:49.429 Degrees of Freedom: 3 Asymp. Significance: 0.000


ANALYSIS: We have formulated a null hypothesis, H0, for all the above mentioned 19
variables and then taking 5% as the level of significance we have tested all these 19 hypotheses on the basis of the fact that: If, p<0.005(level of significance), then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis, HA is accepted. All the 19 variables have their null hypotheses and alternate hypotheses formed on the underlying concept: H0 = The concerned variable does not has a significant role to play in enhancing the customer retention of Kotak Mahindra Bank. HA = The concerned variable has a significant role to play in enhancing the customer retention of Kotak Mahindra Bank.


FINDINGS:-On the basis of our analysis we have found that for all the 19 variables, the value
of p calculated with the help of chi-square is less than 0.005, hence the null hypotheses formulated with respect to all the 19 variables have been rejected and hence all the 19 respective alternate hypotheses of the respective 19 variables are accepted. Hence, it is found that on the basis of the value of chi-square the importance of the important variables that enhances the customer retention of Kotak Mahindra Bank in the order of their priority is as follows: 1. Customer Loyalty Programs 2. Overall Experience 3. Competitiveness of the banks products and services 4. Personal Attention paid to the customers 5. Quality of products and services being offered 6. Accessibility 7. Grievance Handling and Settlement 8. Pricing 9. Convenience 10. Serviceability 11. Staff availability 12. Responsiveness 13. Banking Hours 14. Creditworthiness 15. Security 16. Distinctiveness 17. Service speed 18. Security architecture of online banking




CONCLUSION: Hence, on the basis of a detailed analysis of all the important parameters
taken under consideration for their significant roles in enhancing customer retention strategy of Kotak Mahindra Bank, I arrive at the conclusion that Customer Loyalty Programs are the best way to ensure and to enhance customer retention in a banking organization because of the fact that in case of service industries like banking organizations, the product is of highly intangible nature and the whole confidence of the consumer over the performance of the product depends upon the trust of the organization with the customer. Hence, in order to provide the customer a strong bonding of trust and loyalty towards the customer, it is necessary to conduct customer loyalty programs for the existingcustomers of the organization in order to ensure the benefits of customer retention. Apart from this, one more important conclusion from the above study that can be drawn is that in case of banking sector, the customer should be provided with an overall satisfactory experience through standardized service in a personalized manner with the bank employee having an equal blend of sales orientation as well as service orientation with a proper attitude to serve. It can be finally concluded that Kotak Mahindra Bank is having a very high degree of customer satisfaction due to which it has been able to successfully retain its existing customers and hence enjoying the competitive advantage of customer loyalty over its other competitors.


RECOMMENDATIONS: I would like to make the following recommendations:

1. More emphasis should be given towards the integration of Customer Loyalty Programs with the performance evaluation of the employees of the bank in order to increase their willingness to perform these programs. 2. The bank should look forward to start loyalty programs for its marketing intermediaries. 3. The bank should look forward to increase the frequency of customer rater scale evaluation of its employees in order to keep a regular check on the customers satisfaction level with the bank employees. 4. The bank should should emphasize on more customized services to its premium customers. 5. The bank should focus on a proper training program for all its employees in order to acquaint them with an attitude to serve.




Despite of all my sincere and honest efforts to ensure maximum comprehension, the study could not be made that comprehensive due to time constraints. Some customers feel uncomfortable to reveal some personal information relating to income, Privacy etc. it might have happened that some more essential information could have been collected.

Time constraint. Biases and non-cooperation of the respondents. Financial constraint leading to inability to provide some motivational hampers to the respondents to ensure proper response. Geographical selectivity in study limiting to Indore city only. People are not interested in giving personal opinions.



Dear Respondent, I am a student of MBA [(FULLTIME) MAJOR- MARKETING] from INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (IMS) DAVV; INDORE.I am undertaking a major research project work on Customer Retention Strategy of Kotak Mahindra Bank. I would be grateful if u you could spare a few minutes to complete this structured questionnaire in order to help me in completing my research work .Whatever the personal information would be provided by you will be kept confidential and used for research purpose only.

Name: Contact No. : Address (optional):

1. Please specify your Gender:1. Male


2. Please specify the age group which you belong to:1. 15-25 years 2. 26-35 years 3.36-45 years 4. 46 and above

3. Please specify your occupation:1. Agriculture 5. Others 4. Please specify your reason for visit to the branch:87

2. Business

3.Government Job

4. Private Sector

1. Enquiry

2. Deposit/Withdrawal

3. Loan

4. Other Services

5. Please specify your annual income (optional):1. 1 lac to 1.5 lac 2. 1.5 lac to 2.5 lac 3.2.5 lac to 5 lac 4. 5 lac and above

6. Please specify your status with the bank:1. Employee 2. Customer 3. Market Intermediary 4. Visitor

Please tick the appropriate number to indicate your degree of satisfaction on the 5 pointer scale given Where: - 5 = Excellent 4 = Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Poor 1 = Very Poor

7. How do you rate the responsiveness of the bank employee in dealing with you? 1 2 3 4 5

8. How do you rate the products and services offered and did they meet your needs and expectations regarding quality and performance? 1 2 3 4 5

9. How do you rate the competitiveness of the products and services offered and do they present best value of total cost of lifetime ownership? 1 2 3 4 5

10. How do you rate the banking staff on their knowledge about the products and services offered by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

11. How do you rate the speed of service offered to you by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

12. How do you rate the availability of staff in the bank?


13. How do you rate the availability of differentiated products and services of the bank in the crowded market? 1 2 3 4 5

14. How do you rate the convenience offered by the bank in branch banking as well as through its various points of interaction with the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

15. How do you rate the accessibility of multiple banking channels offered by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

16. How do you rate the serviceability of multiple banking channels offered by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

17. How do you rate the pricing of various products and services offered by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

18. How do you rate the banking hours provided by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

19. How do you rate the security of the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

20. How do you rate the security architecture of net banking facility of the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

21. How do you rate the customer loyalty programmes offered by the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

22. How do you rate the personal attention provided to you by the bank through all of its banking channels? 1 2 3 4 5


23. How do you rate the creditworthiness of the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

24. How do you rate the grievance handling and settlement activity of the bank? 1 2 3 4 5

25. How do you rate the overall experience with the bank? 1 2 3 4 5





There was immense need and flow of the information while conducting the analysis as well as while writing the thesis report, which was gathered through various sources mentioned below:




Various Magazines and Newspapers

Outlook- Sept 2011 edition, page no. 28-29 Financial Times- January 2012 edition, page no. 45 The Times of India- February 8, 2012 The Hindustan Times- February 22, 2012

Internet (data collected on 3rd march and 11th April 2012)



JOURNALS: 1. Indian Journal of Finance, January 2012 edition

2. Journal of Indian Bank Association, august 2011 edition 3. IUP Journal of Business Strategy, November 2011 edition Brochures and various other documents gathered and collected from bank and various other sources such as ATM centers and associates.

BOOKS:- Kothari C.R; Research Methodology, New Age International Publishers,
8TH Edition, 2010







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