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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The main objectives of project is to compare the image from the image class set, method used to compare the image from the image set is done through the canonical correlation angle. Canonical angle is defined as the angle between two dimensional sub-spaces. This is the first time where canonical angle are used for the comparison. Previously comparison was based on the method Linear Discriminate analysis. In proposed system is to be developed through the canonical correlation process .Canonical correlation means perspective view of images i.e. capturing the image in different view and taking the Eigen value of the images from the principal component values of all the images and the value is compared with the source image .Image present in database will be captured under different angle and under the different condition the value of the entire image will be taken similarly to the source value also .the benefits of the canonical angle is robust, efficiency, accuracy. The proposed face recognition system is based on extracting the dominating features of a set of human faces stored in the database and performing mathematical operations on the values corresponding to them. Hence when a new image is fed into the system for recognition the main features are extracted and computed to find the distance between the input image and the stored images.We address the problem of comparing sets of images for object recognition, where the sets may represent variations in an objects appearance due to changing camera pose and lighting conditions. Canonical Correlations (also known as principal or canonical angles), which can be thought of as the angles between two d-dimensional subspaces, have recently attracted attention for image set matching.



2.1 Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System In this project, a graphical password system with a supportive sound signature to increase the remembrance of the password is discussed. In proposed work a click-based graphical password scheme called Cued Click Points (CCP) is presented. In this system a password consists of sequence of some images in which user can select one click-point per image. In addition user is asked to select a sound signature corresponding to each click point this sound signature will be used to help the user in recalling the click point on an image. System showed very good Performance in terms of speed, accuracy, and ease of use. Users preferred CCP to Pass Points, saying that selecting and remembering only one point per image was easier and sound signature helps considerably in recalling the click points.[1]

2.2 Audiovisual Synchronization and Fusion Using Canonical Correlation Analysis It is well-known that early integration (also called data fusion) is effective when the modalities are correlated, and late integration (also called decision or opinion fusion) is optimal when modalities are uncorrelated. In this paper, we propose a new multimodal fusion strategy for open-set speaker identification using a combination of early and late integration following canonical correlation analysis (CCA) of speech and lip texture features. We also propose a method for high precision synchronization of the speech and lip features using CCA prior to the proposed fusion. Experimental results show that i) the proposed fusion strategy yields the best equal error rates (EER), which are used to quantify the performance of the fusion strategy for open-set speaker identification, and ii)

precise synchronization prior to fusion improves the EER; hence, the best EER is obtained when the proposed synchronization scheme is employed together with the proposed fusion strategy. We note that the proposed fusion strategy outperforms others because the features used in the late integration are truly uncorrelated, since they are output of the CCA analysis.[2]

2.3 Discriminative Learning and Recognition of Image Set Classes Using Canonical Correlations Many computer vision tasks can be cast as learning problems over vector or image sets. In object recognition, for example, a set of vectors may represent a variation in an objects appearance be due to camera pose changes, non rigid deformations, or variation in illumination conditions. The objective of this work is to classify an unknown set of vectors to one of the training classes, each also represented by vector sets. More robust object recognition performance can be achieved by efficiently using set information rather than a single vector or image as input. Whereas most of the previous work on matching image sets for object recognition exploits temporal coherence between consecutive images, this study does not make any such assumption. Sets may be derived from sparse and unordered observations acquired by multiple still shots of a threedimensional object or a long term monitoring of a scene, as exemplified, e.g., by surveillance systems, where a subject would not face the camera all the time. By this, training sets can be more conveniently augmented in the proposed framework. [3]




The proposed system is consist of the canonical correlation.The system exhibits very good accuracy as well as other attractive properties such as low computational matching cost and simplicity of feature selection. In the proposed project the image is detected using the canonical correlation the input can be given as number of but in orthogonality of subspaces that is in orthogonal sub space method it is a restrictive condition, when the number of classes or the image set is large.LDA has been recognized as a powerful method for face recognition based on a single face image as input and it is restrictive when image sets are large that is handled by our project.When they are directly applied to set classification based on sample matching, they inherit the drawbacks of the classical nonparametric sample-based methods


In the existing system comparison was based on the method Linear Discriminate analysis.Parametric distributed based(model based) and Nonparametric sampled base , constrained mutual sub-space method,

Orthogonal sub-space method Whereas most of the previous work on matching image sets for object recognition exploits temporal coherence between consecutive images.



4.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS : Any Processor above 733 MHzs : 512MB. : 40 GB. : 602 MB. : Standard Keyboard and Mouse. : VGA and High Resolution Monitor. : 550MHz : 512KB : Color Monitor

Processor Ram Hard Disk Compact Disk Input device Output device Clock speed Cache Memory Monitor


Operating System Techniques Front End

: Windows XP : JDK 1.6 : Java, swing












Fig.No 5.3 Use Case Diagram



Fig.No 5.4 Activity Diagram




CHAPTER 6 METHODOLOGY The ultimate aim of the proposed system is to provide service to the customers. They need to get trained to use the newly proposed system. Hence developing a system without the users feedback will lead to discard of the system. So Rapid Application model was used to develop the system. A rough interface of the system is given to the users for their feedback and suggestions. Then the modifications are done. But as the system evolved and after a series of interactions and demonstrations, the user felt comfortable with the newly developed system. The system went through the following stages: The software request is evaluated Product requirements are collected Design specification for the prototype is prepared Prototype software is developed, tested and refined Prototype is given to the user, who tested the system any gave suggestions for further refinement


The process during the development of the software using the RAD model is

Fig.No 6.1 Requirement Analysis 6.1 PCA Algorithm Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method under the broad title of factor analysis. The purpose of PCA is to reduce the large dimensionality of the data space (observed variables) to the smaller intrinsic dimensionality of feature space (independent variables), which are needed to describe the data economically. This is the case when there is a strong correlation between observed variables. The jobs which PCA can do are prediction, redundancy removal, feature extraction, data compression, etc. Because PCA is a known powerful technique which can do something in the linear domain, applications having linear models are suitable, such as signal processing, image processing, system and control theory, communications, etc. The main idea of using PCA for face recognition is to express the large 1D vector of pixels constructed from 2-D face image into the compact principal

components of the feature space. This is called eigenspace projection. Eigenspace is calculated by identifying the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix derived from a set of fingerprint images (vectors). 6.2 Eigenface Method The most common method to perform face recognition is the eigenface method. It can be broken down into a few relatively simple steps. 1. First, the system is generally trained with a database of sample images. All of the training images are converted to grayscale. These training images are then averaged on a pixel-by-pixel basis (or cell-by-cell basis), in order to come up with a single average face, or temple face: of the same size as the training images. 2. Second, the training images are each compared to the template face to calculate the eigen face for each of the training images. Eigenface (or sometimes eigenvector) is really just a fancy mathematical name for the differences between the template face and training image. These eigenfaces are stored in an array to be accessed later, during the comparison step. 3. Third, the image to recognize is input and converted to gray scale. An eigenface for this image is calculated and passed into the final step. 4. Finally, the program compares the test eigenface to all of the stored training eigenface. The difference between each pixel of the respective eigenfaces in accumulated into a single number called the eigenface difference. The training image with the lowest eigen difference is selected as the most likely match to the input image.


6.3 JAVA Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. It is modeled after C++, and was designed to be small, simple, and portable across platforms and operating systems at the source level and at the binary level. Java programs, which include applets and applications, can therefore run on any machine that has the Java Virtual Machine, JVM, installed. 6.3.1 ADVANTAGES OF JAVA Java has significant advantages over other languages and environments that make it suitable for just about any programming task.The advantages of Java are as follows: Java is easy to learn. Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Java is object-oriented. This allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. Java is platform-independent. One of the most significant advantages of Java is its ability to move easily from one computer system to another. The ability to run the same program on many different systems is crucial to World Wide Web software, and Java succeeds at this by being platform-independent at both the source and binary levels. Because of Java's robustness, ease of use, cross-platform capabilities and security features, it has become a language of choice for providing worldwide Internet solutions.


6.3.2 JDBC API JDBC is a set of java API for executing SQL statements. This API consists of a set of classes and interfaces to enable programmers to write pure Java Database applications. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) provides a database-programming API for Java programs. Java Soft created the JDBCODBC bridge driver that translates the JDBC API to the ODBC API. It is used with ODBC drivers. The JDBC API is a java API for accessing virtually any kind of tabular data. JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. The JDBC API consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the java programming language that provides a standard API for tool/database developers and makes it possible to write industrial strength database applications using an all-java API. The JDBC API makes it easy to send SQL statements to relational database systems and supports all dialects of SQL. But the JDBC 2.0 goes beyond SQL, also making it possible to interact with other kinds of data sources, such as files containing tabular data. The value of the JDBC API is that an application can access virtually any data source and run on any platform with a java virtual machine. In other words, with the JDBC API, it isnt necessary to write one program to access a Sybase database, another program to access on Oracle database, another program to access an IBM DB2 database and so on. One can write a single program using the JDBC API and the program will be able to send SQL or other statements to the appropriate data source. And, with an application written in the java programming language, one doesnt have to worry about writing different applications to run on different platforms. The combination of the Java platform and the JDBC API lets a programmer write once and run anywhere, anytime.



The JDBC API supports three-tier model for database access. In the three-tier model, commands are sent to a middle tier of services, which then sends the commands to the data source. The data source processes the commands and sends the results back to the middle tier, which then sends them to the user. JDBC URLs allow driver writers to encode all necessary connection information within them. This makes it possible, for example, for an applet that wants to talk to a given database to open the database connection without requiring the user to do any system administration chores. JDBC URLs allow a level of indirection. This means that the JDBC URL may refer to a logical host or database name that is dynamically translated to the actual name by a network naming system. This allows system administrators to avoid specifying particular hosts as part of the JDBC name. There are a number of different network name services such as DNS, NIS and DCE and there is no restriction about which ones can be used.




CHAPTER 7 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working system. At this stage the main work load and the major impact on the existing system shifts to the user department. If the implementation is not carefully planned and controlled, it can cause chaos and confusion. Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new one. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automated system or it may be a major modification to an existing system. Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the organization requirements. The process of putting the developed system in actual use is called system implementation. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and it is found to be working according to the specifications. The system personnel check the feasibility of the system. The most crucial stage is achieving a new successful system and giving confidence on the new system for the user that it will work efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation. The system implementation has three main aspects. They are education and training, system testing and changeover. The implementation stage involves following tasks. Careful planning Investigation of system and constraints Design of methods to achieve the changeover. Training of the staff in the changeover phase Evaluation of the changeover method

7.1 Implementation Procedures Implementation of software refers to the final installation of the package in its real environment, to the satisfaction of the intended users and the

operation of the system. The people are not sure that the software is meant to make their job easier. In the initial stage they doubt about the software but we have to ensure that the resistance does not build up as one has to make sure that. The active user must be aware of the benefits of using the system Their confidence in the software built up Proper guidance is impaired to the user so that he is comfortable in using the application Before going ahead and viewing the system, the user must know that for viewing the result, the server program should be running in the server. If the server object is not running on the server, the actual processes will not take place. 7.2 User Training To achieve the objectives and benefits expected from the proposed system it is essential for the people who will be involved to be confident of their role in the new system. As system becomes more complex, the need for education and training is more and more important. Education is complementary to training. It brings life to formal training by explaining the background to the resources for them. Education involves creating the right atmosphere and motivating user staff. Education information can make training more interesting and more understandable.


7.3 Training on the Application Software After providing the necessary basic training on the computer awareness, the users will have to be trained on the new application software. This will give the underlying philosophy of the use of the new system such as the screen flow, screen design, type of help on the screen, type of errors while entering the data, the corresponding validation check at each entry and the ways to correct the data entered. This training may be different across different user groups and across different levels of hierarchy. 7.4 Operational Documentation Once the implementation plan is decided, it is essential that the user of the system is made familiar and comfortable with the environment. A documentation providing the whole operations of the system is being developed. Useful tips and guidance is given inside the application itself to the user. The system is developed user friendly so that the user can work the system from the tips given in the application itself.




APPENDIX 1 SAMPLE CODE // import java.lang.*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; class FaceRecog extends JFrame implements ActionListener { static Icon[ ] Cfaces = { new ImageIcon("images\\train\\face16a.jpg"), new ImageIcon("images\\train\\face17b.jpg"), new ImageIcon("images\\train\\face12b.jpg"), new ImageIcon("images\\train\\face15a.jpg"), new ImageIcon("images\\train\\face13a.jpg"), }; JFrame frmMain=new JFrame("Face Recognition "); JLabel lblTestPath=new JLabel("TestPath:"); JTextField txtTestPath=new JTextField("images\\test\\face16d.pgm"); String s1=txtTestPath.getText();

JButton btRecognize=new JButton("Recognize"); JLabel lblResult=new JLabel("Result:"); JTextArea txtResult=new JTextArea("",4,80); String som=txtResult.getText(); JScrollPane spResult=new JScrollPane(txtResult); String Indo; String sd1; String sd2; String tan; String lis; int NumFaces; int MaxFaces=100; int FaceTemplate[][]; int Faces[][][]; int PcaFaces[][][]; String FaceFileNames[ ]; String tResult=""; //constructor public FaceRecog() {


frmMain.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); frmMain.setResizable(true); frmMain.setBounds(0,0,1024,750); frmMain.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(5,1)); //frmMain.getContentPane().setLayout(); JPanel p1=new JPanel(); //lblTestPath.setBounds(17,15,100,20); frmMain.getContentPane().add(p1); //txtTestPath.setBounds(15,35,170,20); //frmMain.getContentPane().add(checkTestPath); JPanel p2=new JPanel(); //lblTestPath.setBounds(17,15,100,20); p2.add(lblTestPath); p2.add(txtTestPath); p2.add(btRecognize); frmMain.getContentPane().add(p2); //txtTestPath.setBounds(15,35,170,20); //frmMain.getContentPane().add(txtTestPath); JPanel p3=new JPanel(); p3.add(lblResult);


p3.add(spResult); frmMain.getContentPane().add(p3); txtResult.setEditable(false); btRecognize.addActionListener(this); frmMain.setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if(evt.getSource()==btRecognize) { tResult=""; txtResult.setText(""); train(); test(); } } //methods public void addResultText(String tStr) { tResult=tResult+tStr;


txtResult.setText(tResult); //try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(Exception err) { } } public void train() { int xBase,yBase,xSub,ySub; int xLow,xHigh,yLow,yHigh; int GrayLevel; int CellSum,CellAvg; int i,j; int xDiv,yDiv; int BlockWidth,BlockHeight; int StartX,StartY; int SizeX,SizeY; //set system parameters SizeX=80; SizeY=80; xDiv=20; yDiv=20; BlockWidth=SizeX/xDiv;


BlockHeight=SizeY/yDiv; FaceTemplate=new int[xDiv][yDiv]; Faces=new int[xDiv][yDiv][MaxFaces]; PcaFaces=new int[xDiv][yDiv][MaxFaces]; FaceFileNames=new String[MaxFaces]; NumFaces=0; addResultText("Training..."); PGM pgm1=new PGM(); for(i=1;i<=17;i++) { for(j=97;j<=98;j++)//'a' to 'b' { NumFaces=NumFaces+1; FaceFileNames[NumFaces]="images\\train\\face"+i+(char)j+".pgm; PGM_ImageFilter imgFilter=new PGM_ImageFilter(); imgFilter.set_inFilePath(FaceFileNames[NumFaces]); imgFilter.set_outFilePath("temp.pgm"); imgFilter.resize(SizeX,SizeY); pgm1.setFilePath("temp.pgm"); pgm1.readImage();


for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { StartX=xBase*BlockWidth; StartY=yBase*BlockHeight; xLow=StartX; xHigh=StartX+BlockWidth-1; yLow=StartY; yHigh=StartY+BlockHeight-1; CellSum=0; for(xSub=xLow;xSub<=xHigh;xSub++) { for(ySub=yLow;ySub<=yHigh;ySub++) { GrayLevel=pgm1.getPixel(xSub,ySub); CellSum=CellSum+GrayLevel; } } CellAvg=CellSum/(BlockWidth*BlockHeight);


Faces[xBase][yBase][NumFaces]=CellAvg; } } } } for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { CellSum=0; for(i=1;i<=NumFaces;i++) { CellSum=CellSum+Faces[xBase][yBase][i]; } CellAvg=CellSum/NumFaces; FaceTemplate[xBase][yBase]=CellAvg; } } for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) {


for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { for(i=1;i<=NumFaces;i++) { PcaFaces[xBase][yBase][i]=Faces[xBase][yBase][i]FaceTemplate[xBase][yBase]; } } } PGM pgm2=new PGM(); pgm2.setFilePath("template.pgm"); pgm2.setType("P5"); pgm2.setComment(""); pgm2.setDimension(SizeX,SizeY); pgm2.setMaxGray(255); for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { StartX=xBase*BlockWidth; StartY=yBase*BlockHeight;

xLow=StartX; xHigh=StartX+BlockWidth-1; yLow=StartY; yHigh=StartY+BlockHeight-1; for(xSub=xLow;xSub<=xHigh;xSub++) { for(ySub=yLow;ySub<=yHigh;ySub++) { GrayLevel=FaceTemplate[xBase][yBase]; pgm2.setPixel(xSub,ySub,GrayLevel); } } } } pgm2.writeImage(); addResultText("done."); } public void test() { JLabel pp;


int eq1,eq2; int xBase,yBase,xSub,ySub; int xLow,xHigh,yLow,yHigh; int GrayLevel; int CellSum,CellAvg; int i,j; int xDiv,yDiv; int BlockWidth,BlockHeight; int StartX,StartY; int SizeX,SizeY; //set system parameters SizeX=80; SizeY=80; xDiv=20; yDiv=20; BlockWidth=SizeX/xDiv; BlockHeight=SizeY/yDiv; int TestFace[][]=new int[xDiv][yDiv]; int TestPcaFace[][]=new int[xDiv][yDiv]; int PcaDiff;


int MinPcaIndex; double TotalPcaDiff,MinPcaDiff; addResultText("\nTesting..."); PGM pgm1=new PGM(); pgm1.setFilePath(txtTestPath.getText()); pgm1.readImage(); for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { StartX=xBase*BlockWidth; StartY=yBase*BlockHeight; xLow=StartX; xHigh=StartX+BlockWidth-1; yLow=StartY; yHigh=StartY+BlockHeight-1; CellSum=0; for(xSub=xLow;xSub<=xHigh;xSub++) { for(ySub=yLow;ySub<=yHigh;ySub++)


{ GrayLevel=pgm1.getPixel(xSub,ySub); CellSum=CellSum+GrayLevel; } } CellAvg=CellSum/(BlockWidth*BlockHeight); TestFace[xBase][yBase]=CellAvg; } } PGM pgm2=new PGM(); pgm2.setFilePath("diff.pgm"); pgm2.setType("P5"); pgm2.setComment(""); pgm2.setDimension(SizeX,SizeY); pgm2.setMaxGray(255); for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { StartX=xBase*BlockWidth;


StartY=yBase*BlockHeight; xLow=StartX; xHigh=StartX+BlockWidth-1; yLow=StartY; yHigh=StartY+BlockHeight-1; for(xSub=xLow;xSub<=xHigh;xSub++) { for(ySub=yLow;ySub<=yHigh;ySub++) { GrayLevel=TestFace[xBase][yBase]; pgm2.setPixel(xSub,ySub,GrayLevel); } } } } for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { TestPcaFace[xBase][yBase]=TestFace[xBase][yBase]FaceTemplate[xBase][yBase];

} } MinPcaDiff=2147483647; //2^32 MinPcaIndex=-1; for(i=1;i<=NumFaces;i++) { TotalPcaDiff=0; for(xBase=0;xBase<=xDiv-1;xBase++) { for(yBase=0;yBase<=yDiv-1;yBase++) { TotalPcaDiff=TotalPcaDiff+java.lang.Math.abs(TestPcaFace[xBase][yBa se]-PcaFaces[xBase][yBase][i]); System.out.println("min="+MinPcaDiff); System.out.println("total="+TotalPcaDiff); } } if(MinPcaDiff>TotalPcaDiff) { MinPcaDiff=TotalPcaDiff; MinPcaIndex=i;

} } pgm2.writeImage(); PGM pgmMatched=new PGM(); pgmMatched.setFilePath(FaceFileNames[MinPcaIndex]); pgmMatched.readImage(); pgmMatched.setFilePath("matched.pgm"); pgmMatched.writeImage(); addResultText("done."); //set result if(MinPcaDiff>15000) { addResultText("not Found"); } else{ addResultText( "\n\nMatched:"+FaceFileNames[MinPcaIndex]); sd1=FaceFileNames[MinPcaIndex]; lis=sd1.replace("pgm","jpg"); System.out.println(lis); recyc();


} } public void recyc( ) { JButton jb1 = new JButton("", Cfaces[4]); String s1="images\\train\\face16a.jpg"; String s2="images\\train\\face17b.jpg"; String s3="images\\train\\face12b.jpg"; String s4="images\\train\\face15a.jpg"; String s5="images\\train\\face13a.jpg"; lis=sd1.replace("pgm","jpg"); System.out.println(lis); boolean beam1=lis.equals(s1); //System.out.println("hell:"+beam); System.out.println("helloo:"+beam1); if(lis.equals(s1)) jb1.setIcon(Cfaces[0]); else if(lis.equals(s2)) jb1.setIcon(Cfaces[1]); else if(lis.equals(s3))


jb1.setIcon(Cfaces[2]); else if(lis.equals(s4)) jb1.setIcon(Cfaces[3]); else if(lis.equals(s5)) jb1.setIcon(Cfaces[4]); else jb1.setLabel("Not Found"); JPanel p4=new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); p4.add(jb1); frmMain.getContentPane().add(p4); } public static void main(String args[]) { new FaceRecog(); } }

















CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION Our system is proposed to use Principle Component Analysis in Face Recognition which eliminates the flaws in the existing system. This system makes the faces to reduce into lower dimensions and algorithm for PCA is performed for recognition. The application is developed successfully and implemented as mentioned above.


8.1 FUTURE ENHANCEMENT The project entitled Face recognition helps to recognize the faces. This system is effective in finding matched face. In future, the application can be modified by capturing live faces and more precise identification for better results. The matching accuracy could even be set to higher value for more matched results. Discrimination and dimension, reducing the dimension of image and reducing the noise ratio in image Identifying the noise in images and removal of image noise Implementing the RGB images for source part.


BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. H. Hotelling, Relations between Two Sets of Variates, Biometrika, vol. 28, no. 34, pp. 321-372, 1936. 2. A. Bjorck and G.H. Golub, Numerical Methods for Computing Angles between Linear Subspaces, Math. Computation, vol. 27,no. 123, pp. 579-594, 1973. 3. T. Kailath, A View of Three Decades of Linear Filtering Theory, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 146-181, 1974. 4. E. Oja, Subspace Methods of Pattern Recognition. Research Studies


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