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What is Sustainable Government Resource Planning?

April 16, 2012 Doug Hadden VP Products

GOVERNMENT RESOURCE PLANNING Version 7 section [GRP] Version 7 section

Budget-centric software designed to meet brief discussion resource management requirements (financial and non financial) Sometimes referred to as Integrated Financial Management Information Systems (IFMIS) Covers all aspects of government budgeting, revenue, expenditures

GRP SUSTAINABILITY 7 section Version

Version 7 section by Systems must be financially sustainable

governments brief discussion Environmentally sustainability Financially sustainability linkage Sustainability is particularly important in developing countries

PRESENTATION GOAL 7 section Version

Show characteristics of GRP financial brief discussion sustainability Align financial sustainability with Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) concept Align financial sustainability with environmental sustainability

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Version 7 section
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1. Financially Sustainable Prerequisite: GRP must be operational

Version 7 section GRP is in use

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Version 7 section delivered on budget

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Version 7 section delivered on time

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Version 7 section achieves expectations

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Version 7 section demonstrably improves processes

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Estimates range (depending on definition) from 20 to 40% for large IT projects brief discussion Enterprise Resource Planning projects tend to have high cost overruns in public and private sector Large IT project failure rate thought to be higher in government than in private sector Hard for GRP to be financial sustainable long term if failed to meet objectives in first place

Version 7 section Yet, Failure is not Uncommon Version 7 section

Version 7 section 2. Flexibility

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Context: GRP more subject to Version 7 section Version 7 section change than ERP
1. Cannot adopt many best practices because brief discussion requires legal reform that takes time 2. Many argue that there are few best practices but many good practices 3. It is considered a good practice to sequence public financial management reform 4. Elections result in new governments with different priorities

ability to Version 7 section roll-out to all government entities without difficulty

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Version 7 section adaptable to change

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supports public Version 7 section financial management modernization

Version 7 section without need for consultants

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Version 7 section Context Version 7 section

Government self-sufficiency is a critical theme in brief discussion GRP sustainability Initial success in first phase often difficult to replicate as software rolls out to the periphery of the organization

Version 7 section 3. Financially Sustainable Version 7 section

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Version 7 section low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

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= low cost to 7 section Version upgrade to next version

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= low training costs

Version 7 section = low staff and staff retention brief discussion costs

Version 7 section Context Version 7 section

brief discussion Staff, upgrade, ongoing consultant costs rarely calculated in GRP projects i.e. World Bank methodology typically covers 5 Year TCO but not upgrade or staff retention costs

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4. Environmentally Sustainable

Version 7 section power brief discussion required to run GRP in data centre can be substantial

software may require Version 7 section significant amounts of hardware

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why is software7 section to data Version material centre power consumption?

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software bloat: poorly implemented Version 7 section code

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featurities: too many unused features taking memory, CPU, disk

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including requiring many database tables

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and using legacy, obsolete computer languages that require more hardware resources (rust)

Version 7 section not to mention: proprietary software languages and middleware requiring expensive brief discussion consultants and extensive certification

Version 7 to discover you may be shockedsection how much old & inefficient old client/server software code is still brief discussion operating in the latest version of modern software

Version 7 section not

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mentioning any names

so, dont be Version 7 section fooled by all the hype

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Version 7 section putting legacy code in the cloud can brief discussion improve efficiencies somewhat, but still does not optimize the power footprint


Version 7 section Conclusions:section Linkages Version 7

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Environmentally sustainable GRP reduces running costs The total cost of ownership for public financial management often much higher than software & maintenance $$$

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