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Yale University:

A Devils Workshop?

By William P. Litynski


Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. partners appear for a formal portrait in 1959. E. Roland Harriman former !e"retary of #efense Ro$ert %. Lo&ett 'ni(ht Woolley )ohn B. *adden and !tephen +. Hord were mem$ers of SKULL & BONES. )ohn C. West was a mem$er of SCROLL & KEY. *orea, #. Brown and -homas *"Can"e were mem$ers of WOLFS HEAD. .!o,r"e/ Fleshing Out Skull & Bones $y 'ris *ille(an0

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. partners .from left to ri(ht0 -hat"her *. Brown Ray *orris H. #. Pennin(ton Pres"ott !. B,sh -homas *"Can"e and 'ni(ht Woolley pose for the "amera at their offi"e in 1ew +ork City in ),ly 1925. Ray *orris Pres"ott !. B,sh and 'ni(ht Woolley were mem$ers of SKULL & BONES at +ale 3ni&ersity. -hat"her *. Brown and -homas *"Can"e were mem$ers of WOLFS HEAD at +ale 3ni&ersity. .Photo/ Her$ert 4ehr5-ime Life0

+ale (rad,ates in"l,de 4eor(e H.W. B,sh Porter 4oss and R. )ames Woolsey .(rad,ate of +ale Law !"hool0. .!o,r"e/ At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA $y 4eor(e -enet0

6ormer C7% #ire"tor R. )ames Woolsey .left0 listens as 3.!. !enator )oe Lie$erman .#8C-0 talks to the press on Capitol Hill in Washin(ton #.C. on ),ly 9: 9::2. Woolsey is a (rad,ate of +ale Law !"hool. .Photo $y *ark Wilson54etty 7ma(es0

%&erell Harriman .left0 and !e"retary of #efense Ro$ert %. Lo&ett ."enter0 "hat with !e"retary of !tate #ean %"heson in )an,ary 1951. .Photo $y Lisa Larsen5-ime Life Pi"t,res54etty 7ma(es0

1ew +ork City *ayor Ro$ert 6. Wa(ner )r. .left0 talks with %&erell Harriman ."enter0 and Pennsyl&ania 4o&ernor #a&id L. Lawren"e .ri(ht0 in Los %n(eles California in ),ly 19;:. Ro$ert 6. Wa(ner )r. was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey at +ale 3ni&ersity< %&erell Harriman was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones at +ale 3ni&ersity. .Photo/ 4rey =illet5Life *a(a>ine0

Left to ri(ht/ !e"retary of !tate #ean %"heson 3.!. %rmy 4eneral #wi(ht #. Eisenhower .the !,preme %llied Commander of E,rope0 !e"retary of #efense Ro$ert Lo&ett and Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations dire"tor W. %&erell Harriman stand to(ether in 1959. %ll fo,r men in that photo were mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. #ean %"heson was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. Ro$ert Lo&ett and W. %&erell Harriman were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. .!o,r"e/ Partners in Banking: A Historical Portrait of A reat Pri!ate Bank Bro"n Brothers Harriman & Co#$ %&%&'%()& $y )ohn %. 'o,wenho&en0

Clo"kwise left to ri(ht/ %m$assador8at8Lar(e %&erell Harriman President Lyndon B. )ohnson 6ord 6o,ndation President *"4eor(e B,ndy 3.!. %m$assador to the !o&iet 3nion Llewellyn E. -hompson !e"retary of !tate #ean R,sk !e"retary of #efense Ro$ert *"1amara and 1ational !e",rity %d&isor Walt Rostow meet pri&ately at the 4lass$oro !,mmit Conferen"e in 4lass$oro 1ew )ersey on ),ne 95 19;?. %&erell Harriman *"4eor(e B,ndy and Walt Rostow (rad,ated from +ale 3ni&ersity. .Photo/ +oi"hi R. @kamoto Lyndon B. )ohnson Presidential Li$rary0

%rmy Chief of !taff 4en. Harold '. )ohnson !e"retary of the %rmy !tanley Resor 1ational !e",rity %d&isor *"4eor(e B,ndy President Lyndon B. )ohnson and !e"retary of #efense Ro$ert *"1amara meet to dis",ss the =ietnam War on ),ly 99 19;5. !tanley Resor is a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. *"4eor(e B,ndy was a mem$er of !k,lll & Bones. .Photo/ Lyndon B. )ohnson Presidential Li$rary0

President Lyndon B. )ohnson .left0 meets with Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations mem$ers Walt Rostow William B,ndy Cyr,s =an"e and former President #wi(ht Eisenhower a$oard %ir 6or"e @ne on %pril 1A 19;A. Walt Rostow William B,ndy and Cyr,s =an"e were (rad,ates of +ale 3ni&ersity.

*or(an $ankers Harold !tanley .left0 4eor(e Whitney ."enter0 and R,ssell Leffin(well dis",ss $ankin( matters in 19B9. %ll three men were mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. Harold !tanley was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones. Harold !tanley and R,ssell Leffin(well were (rad,ates of +ale 3ni&ersity.

6rom left to ri(ht/ Philip Ha$i$ Cyr,s =an"e 4en. %ndrew 4oodpaster %&erell Harriman President Lyndon B. )ohnson and William )orden walk in the Rose 4arden on *ay A 19;A. Cyr,s =an"e was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey and %&erell Harriman was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones.

President Ronald Rea(an poses with his Ca$inet on )an,ary 9: 19A2. .Photo/ Ronald Rea(an Presidential Li$rary0 6ront row left to ri(ht/ #onald Re(an !e"retary of the -reas,ry< =i"e President 4eor(e H.W. B,sh< President Ronald Rea(an< 4eor(e !h,lt> !e"retary of !tate< Caspar Wein$er(er !e"retary of #efense !e"ond row left to ri(ht / -errel Bell !e"retary of Ed,"ation< )eane 'irkpatri"k 3.!. Representati&e to the 3nited 1ations< #a&id !to"kman #ire"tor @ffi"e of *ana(ement & B,d(et< William 6ren"h !mith %ttorney 4eneral< Eli>a$eth #ole !e"retary of -ransportation< #onald Hodel !e"retary of Ener(y< *ar(aret He"kler !e"retary of Health & H,man !er&i"es -hird row left to ri(ht/ )ohn Blo"k !e"retary of %(ri",lt,re< Raymond #ono&an !e"retary of La$or< *al"olm Baldri(e !e"retary of Commer"e< !am,el Pier"e !e"retary of Ho,sin( & 3r$an #e&elopment< William Clark !e"retary of the 7nterior< William Casey #ire"tor Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y< Edwin *eese 777 Co,nselor to the President< William Bro"k 3.!. -rade Representati&e +ale 3ni&ersity (rad,ates in"l,de 4eor(e H.W. B,sh .a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones0 *al"olm Baldri(e .a mem$er of WolfCs Head0 and Edwin *eese 777.

)ohn 1e(roponte .left0 the #ire"tor of 1ational 7ntelli(en"e wat"hes President 4eor(e W. B,sh .ri(ht0 shakes hands with Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y #ire"tor Porter 4oss ."enter0 in the @&al @ffi"e on 6riday *ay 5 9::; after Porter 4oss anno,n"ed his resi(nation. %ll three men (rad,ated from +ale 3ni&ersity. .White Ho,se photo $y Eri" #raper0

3.!. !enator )oseph Lie$erman .78C-0 .L0 a s,pporter of presidential "andidate 3.!. !enator )ohn *"Cain .R8%D0 de$ates with 3.!. !enator )ohn 'erry .#8*%0 .9nd L0 a s,pporter of presidential hopef,l !en. Bara"k @$ama .#87L0 as moderator -om Brokaw .R0 looks on d,rin( a tapin( of E*eet the PressE at the 1BC st,dios in Washin(ton #.C. on %,(,st B 9::A. Lie$erman and 'erry dis",ssed iss,es related to the presidential ele"tions in 1o&em$er 9::A. )oseph Lie$erman and )ohn 'erry are (rad,ates of +ale 3ni&ersity. .Re,ters0

3.!. !enator )ohn 'erry .#8*%0 .R0 and #1C Chairman Howard #ean talk prior to the first of three presidential de$ates $efore the 9::A presidential ele"tion in the 4ertr,de Castellow 6ord Center at the 3ni&ersity of *ississippi in @Fford *ississippi on !eptem$er 9; 9::A. )ohn 'erry and Howard #ean are (rad,ates of +ale 3ni&ersity. .4etty 7ma(es0

)ohn #. 1e(roponte ."enter0 shakes hands with !en. )oe Lie$erman .78C-0 .ri(ht0 while !en. -ed !te&ens .R8%'0 .left0 stands near$y d,rin( 1e(roponteGs "onfirmation hearin( for his nomination as 3.!. #ep,ty !e"retary of !tate $efore the 3.!. !enate 6orei(n Relations Committee on Capitol Hill in Washin(ton #.C. on )an,ary B: 9::?. )ohn #. 1e(roponte and )oe Lie$erman are (rad,ates of +ale 3ni&ersity. .4etty 7ma(es0

-he first #ire"tor of the Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y Porter 4oss (reets President 4eor(e W. B,sh at C7% HeadH,arters .Photo/ Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y0

Left photo/ !enator )oe Lie$erman !enator Hillary Clinton and President 4eor(e W. B,sh. Hillary Clinton is a (rad,ate of +ale Law !"hool. Ri(ht photo/ Bill Clinton hired 4@P &eteran #a&id 4er(en in 199B to steer White Ho,se "omm,ni"ations after the tra&el offi"e firin(s. #a&id 4er(en is a (rad,ate of +ale 3ni&ersity. Bill Clinton (rad,ated from +ale Law !"hool. .%sso"iated Press0

!tandin( from left to ri(ht/ Con(ressman Chris !mith .R81)0 Con(ressman Porter 4oss .R86L0 Con(ressman -imothy ). Roemer .#8710 !enator )oseph Lie$erman .#8C-0 and Henry 'issin(er wat"h President 4eor(e W. B,sh si(n the 7ntelli(en"e %,thori>ation %"t in the Roose&elt Room of the White Ho,se on 1o&em$er 9? 9::9. -he two men standin( on the far left are ,nidentified. Lie$erman and 'issin(er are mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations< 4oss was a mem$er of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. President B,sh appointed Henry 'issin(er .ri(ht0 as the "hairman of an independent non8partisan "ommission to st,dy the fa"ts from the terrorist in"idents on !eptem$er 11 9::1. .!tephen )affe5%6P54etty 7ma(es0

President 4eor(e W. B,sh presents a medal to Lewis Pa,l Bremer 777 the former o"",pational administrator of 7raH at the White Ho,se on #e"em$er 12 9::2. B,sh and Bremer are (rad,ates of +ale 3ni&ersity. .!o,r"e/ http/55www.mona8lisa.or(53!%.htm0

President Bill Clinton and !enator Hillary Clinton &isit President8ele"t 4eor(e W. B,sh at the White Ho,se in )an,ary 9::1. .Photo/ http/$.n"s,.ed,5eFhi$its5dianawalker5hi(hli(hts.html0

+ale President %. Whitney 4riswald ."enter0 presents Honorary #e(ree %wards to .left to ri(ht0 1orman !. B,"k !enator Pres"ott !. B,sh President )ohn 6. 'ennedy and former !e"retary of !tate #ean %"heson .far ri(ht0 at +ale 3ni&ersity. Pres"ott !. B,sh was a mem$er of SKULL & BONES. #ean %"heson was a mem$er of SCROLL & KEY. 4riswold was a mem$er of WOLFS HEAD. .Photo $y Bo$ 4omel55-ime Life Pi"t,res54etty 7ma(es0

4o&ernor 1elson %. Ro"kefeller appears with %l$any *ayor Erast,s Cornin( 777 ."enter0 in the 1ew +ork !tate Capitol Rot,nda at the ,n&eilin( of the ar"hite"tGs model of the 3ptown Camp,s in ),ne 19;9. Erast,s Cornin( 777 was a mem$er of WOLFS HEAD at +ale 3ni&ersity. .3ni&ersity at %l$any Li$rary %r"hi&es Photo(raph Colle"tion I1B190

Pennsyl&ania 4o&ernor William W. !"ranton .left0 listens to Rhode 7sland 4o&ernor )ohn H. Chafee d,rin( a meetin( in 1o&em$er 19;B. )ohn H. Chafee was a mem$er of SKULL & BONES at +ale 3ni&ersity. William W. !"ranton is a mem$er of BERZELIUS at +ale 3ni&ersity. .Photo $y Bo$ 4omel5-ime Life Pi"t,res54etty 7ma(es0

President #wi(ht Eisenhower .ri(ht0 is seen "hattin( with "ommission "hairman Claren"e Randall as he poses with the "ommission on forei(n e"onomi" poli"y at the White Ho,se Rose 4arden on !eptem$er 9B 195B. !e"ond row .from left0/ )esse W. -app< Rep. )on =orys @hio< !en. Pres"ott B,sh Conne"ti",t. -hird row/ )ohn R. Williams< #a&id ). *"#onald and )ohn Hay Whitney. 6o,rth row/ Rep. )ere Cooper -ennessee< !en. Walter 4eor(e 4eor(ia< !en. E,(ene *illiken Colorado. 6ifth row/ Rep. La,rie Battle %la$ama< Cola 4. Parker< Rep. #aniel Reed 1ew +ork< Lamar 6lemmin( and !en. Harry Byrd =ir(inia. )ohn =orys and Pres"ott B,sh were mem$ers of SKULL & BONES at +ale 3ni&ersity. )ohn Hay Whitney was a mem$er of SCROLL & KEY. .Bettmann5C@RB7!0

President Lyndon B. )ohnson is Joined $y se&eral of his top ad&isors to dis",ss the =ietnam War at Camp #a&id on %pril 9 19;A. 6rom left to ri(ht/ 3.!. %m$assador to !o,th =ietnam Ellsworth B,nker President Lyndon B. )ohnson %&erell Harriman !e"retary of !tate #ean R,sk and Chairman of the )oint Chiefs of !taff 4eneral Earle Wheeler. %&erell Harriman was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones at +ale 3ni&ersity. Ellsworth B,nker and %&erell Harriman (rad,ated from +ale 3ni&ersity. .Wally *"1amee5C@RB7!0

!tandin( with three "o8defendants famed pediatri"ian #r. BenJamin !po"k .se"ond from left0 talks to news reporters on ),ne 12 19;A after they were "on&i"ted $y a federal J,ry of "onspirin( to "o,nsel yo,n( men to e&ade the draft. Left to ri(ht are/ a,thor *it"hell 4oodman !po"k *i"hael 6er$er and Re&. William !loane Coffin )r. Chaplain of +ale 3ni&ersity. % fifth defendant *ar",s Raskin was a"H,itted. BenJamin !po"k was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey< William !loane Coffin )r. was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones. .Bettmann5C@RB7!0

Left to ri(ht/ 1ew +ork City mayoral "andidates #emo"rati" Party "andidate %$e Beame Conser&ati&e Party "andidate William 6. B,"kley and Li$eral Rep,$li"an "andidate )ohn =. Lindsay pose for photo(raphers prior to 1o&em$er ele"tions in 1ew +ork City in @"to$er 19;5. William 6. B,"kley )r. was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones< )ohn =. Lindsay was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. .Bettmann5C@RB7!0

)ane Coffin Childs *emorial 6,nd for *edi"al Resear"h esta$lished 19B?. -his endowment f,nd initially &al,ed at KB.5 million dollars has lon( pro&ided f,nds for "an"er resear"h to +ale and other instit,tions. 7t was esta$lished in 19B? $y a (ift in tr,st to +ale 3ni&ersity $y !tarlin( W. Childs and %li"e C. Coffin in memory of their da,(hter )ane Coffin Childs who died of "an"er. -he (rant re"ipients were sele"ted $y a Board of !"ientifi" %d&isors ,nder the dire"torship of !tanhope Bayne8)ones. 7n its first three years the 6,nd made (rants for "an"er resear"h totalin( K1BA :::. -oday the )ane Coffin Childs *emorial 6,nd whi"h is ho,sed in !terlin( Hall of *edi"ine awards fellowships for "an"er resear"h to re"ent *.#s and Ph.#s. -he photo(raph shows the *ana(ers of the 6,nd in 19BA. 6irst row/ 6rederi" C. Wal"ott 3.!. !enator from Conne"ti",t< !tarlin( W. Childs fo,nder of the 6,nd< Charles !eymo,r President of +ale. !e"ond row/ Christie P. Hamilton< !tanhope Bayne8)ones first #ire"tor of the 6,nd and #ean of the *edi"al !"hool< 4eor(e Parmly #ay !e"retary of +ale. 6rederi" C. Wal"ott Charles !eymo,r and !tanhope Bayne8)ones were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. 4eor(e Parmly #ay was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. .!o,r"e/ http/,5li$rary5eFhi$its5yalemed9519B181921.html0

-he Red Cross War Co,n"il meets d,rin( World War 7. 6ront row left to ri(ht/ Ro$ert W. #e6orest President Woodrow Wilson former President William Howard -aft and Eliot Wadsworth. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ Henry P. #a&ison Col. 4rayson *.P. *,rphy Charles #. 1orton and Edward 1. H,rley. Ro$ert W. #e6orest Eliot Wadsworth 4rayson *.P. *,rphy Charles #. 1orton and Edward 1. H,rley were mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. Ro$ert W. #e6orest was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey at +ale 3ni&ersity. William Howard -aft was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones at +ale 3ni&ersity.

Bill Clinton spoke to the Yale Law School community on the occasion of his 35th Yale Law School (YLS) reunion at the Woolsey Hall at Yale Uni ersity on !cto"er #$ %&&'( ()hoto* +lickr)

Hillary Clinton a (rad,ate of +ale Law !"hool.

Howard #ean a (rad,ate of +ale 3ni&ersity .,nder(rad,ate0.

Y,L- U./0-1S/2Y )H!2!S

6ormer +ale President -imothy #wi(ht .left0 3.!. President William Howard -aft and +ale President %rth,r -winin( Hadley walk to(ether d,rin( a "ommen"ement at +ale 3ni&ersity on ),ne 91 1911. %ll three men were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. .!o,r"e/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation on @"to$er ? 195: 6ront row left to ri(ht/ Wilmarth !. Lewis Henry 'noF !herrill 6. -r,$ee #a&ison Re&. %rth,r Howe Bradford %. Whitney 4riswold .president0 Ro$ert %. -aft #ean 4. %"heson 4eor(e =an !ant&oord *orris Hadley. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ )onathan B. Bin(ham Lewis H. Weed Charles #. #i"key Edwin 6. Blair Re&. *or(an Phelps 1oyes 7r&in( !. @lds ),an -. -rippe Ro$ert -. B. !te&ens. 6. -r,$ee #a&ison Re&. %rth,r Howe Bradford !en. Ro$ert %. -aft *orris Hadley )onathan B. Bin(ham and Edwin 6. Blair were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Wilmarth !. Lewis #ean 4. %"heson Lewis H. Weed and Charles #. #i"key were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. %. Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in @"to$er 195; 6ront row left to ri(ht/ *orris Hadley Wilmarth !. Lewis Henry 'noF !herrill %. Whitney 4riswold .president0 #ean 4. %"heson 4eor(e =an !ant&oord *or(an Phelps 1oyes. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ !tanhope Bayne8)ones )ohn Hay Whitney L,"i,s 6. Ro$inson Charles #. #i"key Edwin 6. Blair ),an -. -rippe 4eor(e H. Walker )r. Charles *. !pofford. *issin(/ Pres"ott !. B,sh and 4ardiner *. #ay. *orris Hadley !tanhope Bayne8)ones Edwin 6. Blair 4eor(e H. Walker )r. Charles *. !pofford and !enator Pres"ott !. B,sh were mem$er of !k,ll & Bones. Wilmarth !. Lewis #ean 4. %"heson and )ohn Hay Whitney were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. %. Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head. 4eor(e =an !ant&oord was a Rhodes !"holar.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation mem$ers in 1o&em$er 195A 6ront row left to ri(ht/ *orris Hadley Wilmarth !. Lewis Henry 'noF !herrill %. Whitney 4riswold .president0 #ean 4. %"heson 4eor(e =an !ant&oord *or(an P. 1oyes. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ B. Brewster )ennin(s L,"i,s 6. Ro$inson )r. 4ardiner *. #ay Charles #. #i"key Edwin 6. Blair ),an -. -rippe 4eor(e H. Walker )r. Charles *. !pofford. %$sent/ )ohn Hay Whitney. *orris Hadley Edwin 6. Blair 4eor(e H. Walker )r. and Charles *. !pofford were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Wilmarth !. Lewis #ean 4. %"heson B. Brewster )ennin(s and )ohn Hay Whitney were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. %. Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation on 1o&em$er ? 1959 6ront row left to ri(ht/ Edwin 6. Blair 4eor(e =an !ant&oord #ean 4. %"heson %. Whitney 4riswold .president0 Wilmarth !. Lewis *orris Hadley Charles #. #i"key. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ ). 7rwin *iller Her$ert 6. !t,rdy Charles *. !pofford Re&. 4ardiner *. #ay ),an -. -rippe 4. Her$ert Walker B. Brewster )ennin(s ). Ri"hardson #ilworth Re&. %mos 1. Wilder. %$sent/ )ohn Hay Whitney. Edwin 6. Blair *orris Hadley Charles *. !pofford 4. Her$ert Walker and ). Ri"hardson #ilworth were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. #ean 4. %"heson Wilmarth !. Lewis Charles #. #i"key B. Brewster )ennin(s and )ohn Hay Whitney were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. %. Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in %pril 19;9 6ront row left to ri(ht/ ),an -erry -rippe Charles #enston #i"key Wilmarth !. Lewis %. Whitney 4riswold .president0 *orris Hadley Edwin 6oster Blair Re&. 4ardiner *,mford #ay. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ William P,tnam B,ndy Re&. %mos 1i&en Wilder )oseph Ri"hardson #ilworth BenJamin Brewster )ennin(s )ohn Hay Whitney Charles *er&ille !pofford Her$ert 6ran"is !t,rdy )oseph 7rwin *iller Harold Howe 77 -homas 'eith 4lennan. *orris Hadley Edwin 6oster Blair William P,tnam B,ndy )oseph Ri"hardson #ilworth Charles *er&ille !pofford and Harold Howe 77 were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Charles #enston #i"key Wilmarth !. Lewis BenJamin Brewster )ennin(s and )ohn Hay Whitney were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. %. Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in *ar"h 19;2 6ront row left to ri(ht/ )ohn Hay Whitney ),an -. -rippe Wilmarth !. Lewis 'in(man Brewster .president0 Edwin 6. Blair Re&. 4ardiner *. #ay B. Brewster )ennin(s. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ Caryl P. Haskins William *"Chesney *artin Re&. %mos 1. Wilder ). Ri"hardson #ilworth Her$ert 6. !t,rdy ). 7rwin *iller Harold Howe 77 -. 'eith 4lennan William P. B,ndy 6rank @. H. Williams. Edwin 6. Blair ). Ri"hardson #ilworth Harold Howe 77 and William P. B,ndy were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. )ohn Hay Whitney W7lmarth !. Lewis and B. Brewster )ennin(s were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. William *"Chesney *artin .)r.0 was the Chairman of the 6ederal Reser&e Board.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in 19;5 6ront row left to ri(ht/ ). Ri"hardson #ilworth Re&. 4ardiner *. #ay Edwin 6. Blair 'in(man Brewster .president0 ),an -. -rippe )ohn Hay Whitney ). 7rwin *iller. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ Rt. Re&. Pa,l *oore )r. )ohn =. Lindsay Caryl P. Haskins -. 'eith 4lennan Harold Howe 77 William *"Chesney *artin 6rank @. H. Williams 6rederi"k B. %dams )r. William Horowit>. %$sent/ William P. B,ndy. ). Ri"hardson #ilworth Edwin 6. Blair Harold Howe 77 6rederi"k B. %dams )r. and William P. B,ndy were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. )ohn Hay Whitney and )ohn =. Lindsay were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. William *"Chesney *artin .)r.0 was the Chairman of the 6ederal Reser&e Board.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in %pril 19;A 6ront row left to ri(ht/ )oseph 7rwin *iller )ohn Hay Whitney Edwin 6oster Blair 'in(man Brewster )r. -he Re&erend 4ardiner *,mford #ay )oseph Ri"hardson #ilworth and Harold Howe 77. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ William Warren !"ranton -he Ri(ht Re&erend Pa,l *oore )r. )ohn =liet Lindsay William *"Chesney *artin )r. William P,tnam B,ndy Caryl Parker Haskins 6rederi"k Baldwin %dams )r. William Horowit> and !pen"er #,maresH *oseley. %$sent/ %rth,r 'ittred(e Watson. Edwin 6oster Blair )oseph Ri"hardson #ilworth Harold Howe 77 William P,tnam B,ndy 6rederi"k Baldwin %dams )r. and !pen"er #,maresH *oseley were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. )ohn Hay Whitney and )ohn =liet Lindsay were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. -he Ri(ht Re&erend Pa,l *oore )r. was a mem$er of WolfCs Head.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in 19?9 6ront row left to ri(ht/ Lan"e *al"olm Lie$man Rt. Re&. Pa,l *oore )r. ). Ri"hardson #ilworth %. Bartlett 4iamatti .president0 William P,tnam B,ndy William !perry Beine"ke )ohn Be"kwith *adden. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ =ernon Ree"e Lo,"ks )r. Bar$ara !"ott Preiskel Bayless *annin( *aFine 6rank !in(er Re&. #a&ie 1apier !tro$e -al$ott )oseph Hill Williams 4il$ert *el&ille 4ros&enor Harold Edward Woods,m. %$sent/ #a&id Charles 4rimes. ). Ri"hardson #ilworth William P,tnam B,ndy )ohn Be"kwith *adden =ernon Ree"e Lo,"ks )r. and Harold Edward Woods,m are .or were0 mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. %. Bartlett 4iamatti was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey.

*em$ers of the +ale Corporation in 19A1 6ront row left to ri(ht/ *aFine 6rank !in(er Cyr,s Ro$erts =an"e Rt. Re&. Pa,l *oore )r. %. Bartlett 4iamatti .president0 William !perry Beine"ke Lan"e *al"olm Lie$man )ohn Be"kwith *adden. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ !tanley Ro(ers Resor =ernon Ree"e Lo,"ks )r. )oseph Hill Williams Bayless *annin( !tro$e -al$ott Bar$ara !"ott Preiskel 4il$ert *el&ille 4ros&enor Harold Edward Woods,m 6rederi"k Baily #ent. Cyr,s =an"e Pa,l *oore )r. %. Bartlett 4iamatti William !. Beine"ke !tanley R. Resor )oseph H. Williams Bayless *annin( and !tro$e -al$ott are .or were0 mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. !tro$e -al$ott is a Rhodes !"holar. )ohn B. *adden and =ernon R. Lo,"ks )r. are .or were0 mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Cyr,s R. =an"e %. Bartlett 4iamatti !tanley R. Resor and 6rederi"k B. #ent are .or were0 mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

+ale Corporation mem$ers )ohn C. #anforth .left0 Hanna Hol$orn 4ray and William Henry #onaldson meet with +ale President 'in(man Brewster .ri(ht0. William Henry #onaldson is a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones< William Henry #onaldson ser&ed as the Chairman of the !e",rities and EF"han(e Commission ,nder President 4eor(e W. B,sh.

President8ele"t %lfred Whitney 4riswold .left0 talks to President Charles !eymo,r shortly after the anno,n"ement of Professor 4riswoldCs ele"tion to the top +ale post. 4riswold and !eymo,r are standin( on Blo,nt %&en,e on Cross Camp,s on 6e$r,ary 19 195:. Charles !eymo,r was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones. %lfred Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head.

President 'in(man Brewster and honorary de(ree re"ipients stand on the steps of Wood$rid(e Hall on ),ne 15 19;2. 6ront row left to ri(ht/ -he Re&erend *artin L,ther 'in( )r. LL.#.< 3.!. !enator )ohn !herman Cooper .R8'+0 LL.#.< William %&erell Harriman LL.#.< President 'in(man Brewster< Lynn 6ontanne L.H.#..< Philip Caryl )ess,p LL.#.< and Winfred Ernest 4arrison #.#. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ Philip Ha,(e %$elson !".#.< Edm,nd !a(endorph *ason LL.#.< =i"tor 6rederi"k Weisskopf !".#.< %lfred L,nt L.H.#.< Ro$ert !ar(ent !hri&er )r. LL.#.< ),lian Parks Boyd #.H.L.< and Edo,ard %leFandre !ta"kpole *.%.H. 3.!. !enator )ohn !herman Cooper and William %&erell Harriman who was ser&in( as the 3nder !e"retary of !tate for Politi"al %ffairs were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Ro$ert !ar(ent !hri&er )r. was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey.

+ale !e"retary Re,$en Holden holds the +ale PresidentCs Collar while Howard !ayre Wea&er holds the +ale *a"e and the fo,r ,ni&ersity keys in front of a portrait of Elih, +ale in Wood$rid(e Hall in %pril 19;2. Re,$en Holden and Howard !ayre Wea&er were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones.

!t,dents of the +ale Class of 1A;9 pose for a (ro,p portrait on the steps of the @ld Conne"ti",t !tateho,se on the 1ew Ha&en 4reen in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t in 1A;9. .*an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity0
Prominent st,dents of the +ale Class of 1A;9 in"l,de/ Wilson !hannon Bissell .B.%. +ale 1A;9 !k,ll & Bones0 L Postmaster 4eneral of the 3nited !tates .1A9B81A950 Corneli,s -homas #ris"oll .B.%. +ale 1A;9 LL.B +ale 1A?10 L Corporation Co,nsel of 1ew Ha&en .1AAB81AA9 1A9181A950 %,stin !"ott .B.%. +ale 1A;90 L President of R,t(ers Colle(e .1A91819:;0< *ayor of 1ew Br,nswi"k 1ew )ersey .191B819150 )ohn R. -hayer .B.%. +ale 1A;90 L *em$er of the 3.!. Ho,se of Representati&es .#emo"rat8*assa"h,setts 1A99819:50 Eli Whitney )r. .B.%. +ale 1A;9 !"roll & 'ey0 L *em$er .1A9181A920 and President .1A9?819:90 of 1ew Ha&en Board of Ed,"ation

!t,dents of +ale Class of 1A?A appear on the 6en"e fa"in( Chapel !treet in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t. B,ildin(s $ehind the st,dents were !o,th Colle(e .1?9B81A9B0 and the %thenae,m .1?;181A9B0 also known as 6irst Chapel. .Photo/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity0
Prominent st,dents of the +ale Class of 1A?A in"l,de/ Howard C. Hollister .B.%. +ale 1A?A !"roll & 'ey0 L ),d(e of the 3.!. #istri"t Co,rt for the !o,thern #istri"t of @hio .191:819190 Henry *. Hoyt )r. .B.%. +ale 1A?A !"roll & 'ey0 L !oli"itor 4eneral of the 3nited !tates .19:B819:90 *errill *oores .B.%. +ale 1A?A0 L 3.!. Con(ressman .Rep,$li"an87ndiana 1915819950 )ames P. Pi(ott .B.%. +ale 1A?A LL.B. +ale 1AA:0 L 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat8Conne"ti",t 1A9B81A950 %lfred Lawren"e Ripley .B.%. +ale 1A?A !"roll & 'ey0 L Chairman of the $oard of *er"hants 1ational Bank of Boston .19998192B0 William Howard -aft .B.%. +ale 1A?A !k,ll & Bones0 L President of the 3nited !tates .19:98191B0< Chief ),sti"e of 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1991819B:0< 3.!. !e"retary of War .19:2819:A0

-he 199: +ale 1ews Board ma(a>ine editorial staff 6ront row left to ri(ht/ 6ran"is -hayer Ho$son mana(in( editor Henry R. L,"e "hairman Briton Hadden C. !t,art Heminway assi(nment editor William #. Whitney. Ba"k row P.7. Prenti"e Cal&in -row$rid(e %lan *a(ee !"aife #onald Rentert Lo,is !heridan. 6ran"is -hayer Ho$son Henry R. L,"e and Briton Hadden were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. C. !t,art Heminway and William #. Whitney were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. Henry R. L,"e was the fo,nder of -ime and Life ma(a>ines.

+ale $ase$all team of 1A?2 Ba"k row/ E,(ene Ernest @s$orn PhB 1A?2< 4eor(e 6ran"is Bentley B% 1A?B< Charles Hammond %&ery B% 1A?5< Cortes *aFwell B% 1A?5< Walter 7r&in( Bi(elow B% 1A??. 6ront row/ 6rank Wade 6oster B% 1A?2< Edward C,rtis !mith B% 1A?5< )ohn Lewis !",dder B% 1A?2< %l$ert Hot"hkiss non8 (rad,ate 1A?5< and %leFander Brown 1e&in B% 1A?2. Charles Hammond %&ery Walter 7r&in( Bi(elow and Edward C,rtis !mith were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones.

+ale 3ni&ersity "rew team of 1A9? !tandin( left to ri(ht/ 4eor(e -. *arsh 1A9A< William E.!. 4riswold 1A99< )ames C. 4reenway 19::. !eated on "hairs/ Henry 4. Camp$ell 1A9?< Pa,l #. *ills !heff 1A9?< Payne Whitney 1A9A< Phillip H. Bailey "aptain 1A9?< 4eor(e Lan(ford !heff 1A9?< 6red W. %llen 19::< #a&id 6. Ro(ers 1A9A. !eated in front/ Lo,is 6. 4reene "oFswain non8(rad,ate 1A99. William E.!. 4riswold )ames C. 4reenway Payne Whitney Phillip H. Bailey 6red W. %llen #a&id 6. Ro(ers were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones.

+ale Crew -eam of 1AA9 Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ Charles 6. Ro(ers !heff 1A9:< 4eor(e !. Brewster 1A91< 6airfaF Harrison 1A9:< William Her$ert Cor$in 1AA9< %sh$el Barney 1ewell 1A9:< )ohn Hartwell !heff 1AA9< and E. L. Caldwell stroke. *iddle row left to ri(ht/ Philip %llen !heff 1A9:< 4eor(e Washin(ton Woodr,ff 1AA9 "aptain< and Charles @tis 4ill 1AA9. 6ront row/ Ralph -hompson 1A9: "oFswain. 6airfaF Harrison William Her$ert Cor$in 4eor(e W. Woodr,ff and Charles @tis 4ill were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. 4eor(e !. Brewster and %sh$el Barney 1ewell were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

-he +ale foot$all team of 191; 6ront row left to ri(ht/ Heyli(er Ch,r"h 191?< )oseph *i"hael 1e&ille 191A< Harold #ear$orn Carey 191A!. !e"ond row left to ri(ht/ Chester )ames LaRo"he 191A!< Emile )a"H,es 191?!< Lawran"e We$ster 6oF )r. 191?!< Howard *al"olm Baldri(e 191A< %rtem,s Lam$ 4ates 191A< Clinton R,therford Bla"k )r. "aptain 191?!< Harry William Le4ore 191?< 4eor(e Clark *oseley 191?!< Charles %loysi,s Comerford 191A!< )ohn -imothy Callahan 191A!. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ )ames *adison Braden 191A< Charles L,nt 4alt 1919< %l$ert W. @lsen mana(er 191?< Charles Phelps -aft 9nd 191A< Re(inald Lo&ett H,t"hinson 191A!. -he foot$all team re"ord was 18A that year. Howard *al"olm Baldri(e %rtem,s Lam$ 4ates Harry William Le4ore and %l$ert W. @lsen and Charles Phelps -aft 9nd were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Charles L,nt 4alt was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey.

-he ori(inal (ro,p of the first +ale 3nit at Palm Bea"h 6lorida appear to(ether "ir"a 191A81919.
6ront row left to ri(ht/ Wellesley La,d Brown Ella .mas"ot do(0 and Henry P. #a&ison )r. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ )ohn *. =orys %rtem,s L. 4ates %l$ert ). #itman )r. %llan W. %mes #a&id *"C,llo"h .instr,"tor of the (ro,p0 6. -r,$ee #a&ison Ro$ert %. Lo&ett and Erl C. B. 4o,ld. -his photo(raph appears on pa(e BB of Ralph #. PaineGs $ook E-he 6irst +ale 3nit E &ol. 7. Henry P. #a&ison )r. )ohn *. =orys %rtem,s L. 4ates %llan W. %mes 6. -r,$ee #a&ison and Ro$ert %. Lo&ett were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Erl C. B. 4o,ld was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. .!o,r"e/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

+ale P,ndits Class of 19B? 6ront row left to ri(ht/ %l$ert Bee"her Crawford .B% 191B *% 1991 Ph# 199A0 William Lyon Phelps .B% 1AA? Ph# 1A910 Potter !tewart )ohn de'. %lsop. !e"ond row left to ri(ht/ Peter H. Behr Ri"hard L. Linkro,m Carter C. Hi((ins Lo,is -. !tone )r. Harold *. -,rner and W. Cary Potter. Potter !tewart Lo,is -. !tone )r. and Harold *. -,rner were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. %l$ert Bee"her Crawford )ohn de'. %lsop and W. Cary Potter were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

% +ale ),nior Promenade Committee appears to(ether in 19B?. 6ront row left to ri(ht/ #,dley =. !,tphin )ohn W. 6ield Potter !tewart .-reas,rer0 Howard %l$ert %,stin )r. ."hairman0 6rederi" Hiester Brooke )r. .floor mana(er0 Corneli,s B. Watson )r. )oseph H. Bas"om. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ -homas 4. B,rke Ro$ert !. Carey Har"o,rt 6. !"h,t> Ro$ert !. 7n(ersoll Ro$ert H. Be"kwith. )ohn W. 6ield Potter !tewart and 6rederi" Hiester Brooke )r. were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. #,dley =. !,tphin .front row far left0 and Ro$ert H. Be"kwith .$a"k row far ri(ht0 were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

!ri3inal mem"ers of the Whiffenpoofs pose for a 3roup portrait in 454&( Left to ri3ht* 6ea7e 6inni3ero7e$ 8eor3e )omeroy$ 9enton +owler$ :ames Howar7$ an7 Carl Lohmann( :ames Howar7 an7 Carl Lohmann were mem"ers of Skull ; Bones( ()hoto* http*<<www(whiffenpoofs(com<)

-he 19:9 +ale =arsity M,artet from left to ri(ht/ *eade *inni(erode 4eor(e Pomeroy )ames Howard and Carl Lohmann. -he 19:9 =arsity M,artet added #enton 6owler in early 191: and $e"ame the Whiffenpoofs. )ames Howard and Carl Lohmann were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones.

-he Whiffenpoofs of 192? sin(in( in front of a firepla"e in the Berkeley Colle(e 6ellowCs Lo,n(e. -he Lo,n(e was formerly the playroom in the *asterGs Ho,se of the "olle(e. 6rom left/ Wally Collins 192A !kip White G2? 6let"her Ri"hards G2? Bo$ Diesin( G2? Bart !mith G2? Phil -oohey G2? Bill @ler G2? #i"k 'oehne G2? Wol"ott Ely G2? 4eor(e Holmes G2? Bo$ Williams G2? -ee Hemenway G2? Clarke @ler G29 and L,"i,s Bi(low G2A. L,"i,s Bi(low was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones.

-he Whiffenpoofs of 1915 Left to Ri(ht/ !heldon NRolloO Eliot Hoadley PhB 1915< 4eor(e NPatO Patterson Crandall B% 1915< %rth,r N%rtO 6arwell -,ttle B% 1915< Barnes NBarneyO 1ew$erry B% 1915< 'enneth N-oadO #,ryee H,ll B% 1915< 1orman N1ormyO 6ranklin -hompson B% 1915< Winthrop NWinnieO Holley Brooks B% 1915 Harold NP,nyO %rmstron( P,mpelly B% 1915. Harold NP,ntyO %rmstron( P,mpelly was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones. %rth,r N%rtO 6arwell -,ttle and 'enneth N-oadO #,ryee H,ll were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

-he Whiffenpoofs of 191? Left to Ri(ht/ NE"kO *arkle @li&er B. C,nnin(ham Lawren"e 1ew$old *,rray NWoodyO Ward 'enneth @CBrien Pres"ott !. B,sh Ri"hard Bentley and !t,art Holmes Clement. @li&er B. C,nnin(ham and Pres"ott !. B,sh were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. Lawren"e 1ew$old *,rray 'enneth @CBrien Ri"hard Bentley and !t,art Holmes Clement were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey. .Photo/ +ale 3ni&ersity *an,s"ripts and %r"hi&es0

+ale #e$ate -eam of +ale Class of 19;; #e$ate -eam President William B. !tan$erry )r. .front row "enter0< #e$ate -eam =i"e8President #,n"an Camp$ell .,nidentified0< *em$er at lar(e/ *i"hael %&ery .,nidentified0. Class of 19;?< *ana(er/ Bradford C. !nell .,nidentified0< !e"retary/ Lois Wiley .,nidentified0. )ohn 6or$es 'erry .$a"k row third from left0 and Rollin 4. @sterweis #ire"tor of #e$atin( and P,$li" !peakin( .$a"k row first from left0 appear in this photo. William B. !tan$erry )r. Bradford C. !nell and )ohn 6or$es 'erry are mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones.

*em$ers of the +ale %,relian Honor !o"iety Class of 19;2 6ront row left to ri(ht/ )ames 4. !peth -homas #. Rowe )r. %n(,s C. *a"$eth !tra"han #onnelley and %nthony W. *orris. !e"ond row left to ri(ht/ Byron '. H,ffman )r. =al L. 'orom>ay )ohn 6. *ei(s #a&id L. !herman )oseph 7. Lie$erman and 4eor(e *. H,mphrey 77. Ba"k row left to ri(ht/ !tephen 6. 6einstein !tephen #. 'ahn Walla"e C. Winter Wendell %. *ottley and Howard 6. 4illette )r. 1ot pi"t,red are Pieere H. Can, Philip !. #eloria #on C. 6iren>e and Ro$ert 4. 'aiser. -homas #. Rowe )r. and Howard 6. 4illette )r. are mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. )ames 4. !peth and -homas #. Rowe )r. are Rhodes !"holars. )ames 4. !peth and )oseph 7. Lie$erman are mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. Byron '. H,ffman )r. and 4eor(e *. H,mphrey 77 are mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

+ale 3ni&ersity #ramati" %sso"iation 19:A819:9. P,$lished in N+ale Banner and Pot8Po,rri O 19:A819:9. Catalo(ed as +(11 BB &. 1 pa(e 95:. 6ront row/ %rth,r %mory 4ammell< -homas Hewes< H,$ert *"#onnell< and 6ran"is Bayard Ri&es. !e"ond row/ Ro$ert *allory )r.< *atthew 4riswold Ely< 6rank Lea !hort< 6ran"is Pea$ody B,tler< *aFwell @swold Parry< %rth,r *owry Hartwell< -homas Lawrason Ri((s< Ed(ar *ontillion N*ontyO Woolley< and Charles Pas"al 6ran"hot. -hird row/ Lindell -heodore Bates< %leFander Camp$ell -ener< Edward @tis Pro"htor< !tephen *errell Clement )r.< Loomis Ha&emeyer< %leFander Comsto"k 'irk< William #e6orest *ani"e< and Ro$ert Lo,is Le&y. 6o,rth row/ #a&id )ay Ely< Howard Clifton Baker< Harold @$erna,er< Charles =ir(il Hi"koF< Philip Ro$erts< and Harry #aniel 4i$$ons. %rth,r %mory 4ammell Charles Pas"al 6ran"hot and %leFander Camp$ell -ener were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. -homas Hewes 6ran"is Bayard Ri&es Ro$ert *allory )r. -homas Lawrason Ri((s and !tephen *errell Clement )r. were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey.

Left to ri(ht/ +ale 3ni&ersity President )ames Rowland %n(ell desi(nated +ale 3ni&ersity President Charles !eymo,r 4rad,ate !"hool #ean Ed(ar !. 6,rniss and 3ni&ersity !e"retary Carl %l$ert Lohmann attend President !eymo,rGs ina,(,ration at +ale 3ni&ersity on @"to$er A 19B?. Charles !eymo,r and Carl %l$ert Lohmann were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. .Photo/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

Left to ri(ht/ )ames Rowland %n(ell .in"omin( President of +ale 3ni&ersity0 %rth,r -. Hadley .o,t(oin( President of +ale 3ni&ersity0 %nson P. !tokes .!e"retary of +ale 3ni&ersity0 Williston Walker .Pro&ost of +ale 3ni&ersity0 E&erett Lake .4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t0 and 4eor(e Parmly #ay .-reas,rer of +ale 3ni&ersity0 walk to(ether at +ale 3ni&ersity in 1991. .Photo/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

President Charles !eymo,r of +ale 3ni&ersity who retires on ),ne B: after 1B years as head of +ale was "ompletely s,rprised at +aleGs 929th "ommen"ement eFer"ises on ),ne 19 195: when he was presented with the honorary de(ree of do"tor of laws. -he presentation followed the awardin( of ele&en other honorary de(rees. Left to ri(ht are/ .front0 Edward Cal&in 'endall who (ot a do"tor of s"ien"e< president !eymo,r< Helen Ro(ers Reid do"tor of h,mane letters< )ohn *arin do"tor of fine arts< .$a"k0 R,ssell Cornell Leffin(well do"tor of laws< 4eor(e 6rost 'ennan do"tor of laws< Pa,l 4. Hoffman do"tor of laws< )ohn *arH,and do"tor of letters< L,ther %llan Wei(le do"tor of di&inity< )ohn Henry Reisner master of arts< and )oseph Edwin !madel master of s"ien"e.

3.!. !enator Pres"ott !. B,sh former !e"retary of !tate #ean %"heson and President )ohn 6. 'ennedy re"ei&e their honorary de(rees at +ale on ),ne 11 19;9.

Re"ipients of honorary de(rees at +aleGs "ommen"ement eFer"ises at 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t on ),ne 99 19BA are pi"t,red (ro,ped a$o,t Charles !eymo,r the ,ni&ersity president on the steps of Woolsey Hall where they re"ei&ed their shee*skins# Left to ri(ht in front are/ *aitland 4rie(s< no&elist -homas *ann< 4o&ernor W.L. Cross of Conne"ti",t< President !eymo,r< Lord -weedsm,ir 4o&ernor 4eneral of Canada< and Re&erend Endi"ott Pea$ody. !e"ond row left to ri(ht< Professor William Lyon Phelps< Wendell !tanley< Walt #isney "reator of *i"key *o,se< pianist !er(e 'o,sse&itsky and the Re&erend *or(an 1oyes. 7n the rear left to ri(ht are ),sti"e !tanley Reed< E,(ene Landis of the !EC< and )ames *"Cona,(hy president of Wesleyan 3ni&ersity. .Bettmann5C@RB7!0

Citations and honorary de(rees awarded at +ale 3ni&ersityGs "ommen"ement eFer"ises in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t on ),ne 91 1929 were "onferred $y +ale President Charles !eymo,r .in "enter of (ro,p0. Re"ei&in( honorary de(rees are .from left0/ !ewall Wri(ht #o"tor of !"ien"e< Erwin #ain Canham #o"tor of H,mane Letters< L,"i,s #,Bi(non Clay #o"tor of Laws< 3ni&ersity President !eymo,r< )ohn ). *"Cloy #o"tor of Laws< 1orman B,rdett 1ash #o"tor of #i&inity< Payton Ro,s #o"tor of !"ien"e< Ri"hard *er&in Bissell )r. *aster of %rts< Carl P,rin(ton Rollins #o"tor of H,mane Letters< !am,el Eliot *orison #o"tor of Letters< Bayard #od(e #o"tor of Laws< %ero !aarinen *aster of %rts. .Bettmann5C@RB7!0

Honorary de(ree re"ipients and President %. Whitney 4riswold on the steps of Wood$rid(e Hall at +aleGs 9;:th "ommen"ement on ),ne 19 19;1. 6ront row left to ri(ht/ 4eor(e =an !ant&oord L.H.#.< )ames !kelly Wri(ht LL.#.< 6eliF 6rankf,rter LL.#.< President %. Whitney 4riswold< )ean *onnet LL.#.< -homas !. 4ates )r. LL.#.< and *"4eor(e B,ndy L.H.#. !e"ond row left to ri(ht/ Henri !eyri( L.H.#.< the Re&erend *illar B,rrows #.#.< !ir %leFander Ro$ert,s -odd !".#.< Ri"hard C. Lee *.%.< 6riend %llen !herk *.%.< %l$ert Hewett Coons !".#.< and 6ranklin E(erton L.H.#. *"4eor(e B,ndy was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones at +ale 3ni&ersity. .Photo/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

Left to ri(ht/ Claren"e Whittlesey *endell Carl %l$ert Lohmann +ale 3ni&ersity President %. Whitney 4riswold and Re&. *or(an Phelps 1oyes appear at the "eremony for the re8openin( of Conne"ti",t Hall in 6e$r,ary 1952. *endell .B% 19:2 and Ph# 191:0 was a professor of Latin Lan(,a(e and Literat,re Lohmann .B% 191:0 was a !e"retary of the 3ni&ersity 4riswold .B% 1999 and Ph# 19BB0 was President of the 3ni&ersity from 195: to 19;B and 1oyes .B% 19120 was a !,""essor -r,stee of the +ale Corporation. .Photo/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

)ohn !herman Cooper !enator Ro$ert %. -aft +ale 3ni&ersity President Charles !eymo,r *ar&in ). Cole and !e"retary of !tate #ean %"heson so"iali>e at a +ale %l,mni #inner at the *ayflower Hotel in Washin(ton #.C. Cooper -aft and !eymo,r were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones. %"heson was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey.

+ale President 'in(man Brewster listens as +ale 3ni&ersity Chaplain William !loane Coffin .at the podi,m0 deli&ers a spee"h some time d,rin( the *ay #ay !trike and the Bla"k Panther -rials in the sprin( of 19?:. William !loane Coffin is a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones.

+ale 3ni&ersity President %. Whitney 4riswold and !enator Pres"ott !. B,sh sin( the +ale E%lma *aterE and wa&e handker"hiefs d,rin( a "eremony at +ale 3ni&ersity in @"to$er 19;:. Pres"ott !. B,sh was a mem$er of !k,ll & Bones and %. Whitney 4riswold was a mem$er of WolfCs Head. .Photo/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

6ormer +ale President 'in(man Brewster )r. .left0 newly ina,(,rated President %. Bartlett 4iamatti and former %"tin( President Hanna Hol$orn 4ray stand to(ether d,rin( the ina,(,ration of the new +ale President on @"to$er 12 19?A. 4ray is a mem$er of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations while Brewster and 4iamatti were mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. %. Bartlett 4iamatti was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey and former Commissioner of *aJor Lea(,e Base$all.

!enator Ro$ert %. -aft +ale President Charles !eymo,r and #ean %"heson attend a +ale Corporation meetin( on )an,ary A 1929. #ean %"heson wo,ld $e"ome the !e"retary of !tate thirteen days later on )an,ary 91 1929. -aft and !eymo,r were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones< %"heson was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey.

Presidents of +ale Colle(e .left to ri(ht0/ -heodore #wi(ht Woolsey )eremiah #ay Re&. -imothy #wi(ht .elder0. %ll three menCs sons or (randsons were mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones.

Left to ri(ht/ )onathan Edwards .B.%. 1?9:0 Ro(er !herman 1oah We$ster .B.%. 1??A0 Eli Whitney .B.%. 1?99< in&entor of the "otton (in0 -imothy #wi(ht .!&B 1A290 who ser&ed as President of +ale 3ni&ersity from 1AA; to 1A99 was Re&erend )onathan EdwardsC (reat8(reat8 (randson. %t least 91 mem$ers of !k,ll & Bones in"l,din( former 3.!. !enator William *aFwell E&arts .!&B 1AB?0 PRo(er !hermanCs (randsonQ are dire"t des"endants of former 3.!. !enator Ro(er !herman. Eli Whitney )r. .!&' 1A;90 was the (randson of "otton (in in&entor Eli Whitney and Re&erend )onathan EdwardsC (reat8(reat8(randson. Ro$ert We$ster #ay .!&B 1A?50 was 1oah We$sterCs (reat8(randson.

)eremiah #ay .left0 +ale President -heodore #wi(ht Woolsey ."enter0 and BenJamin !illiman on Commen"ement #ay at +ale 3ni&ersity on ),ly 9; 1A;:. .Pi"t,re/ *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity Li$rary0

)rominent Yale Stu7ents (Un7er3ra7uates)

William Howard Taf B.%. +ale 1A?A President of the 3nited !tates .19:98191B0< Chief ),sti"e of 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .19918 19B:0< !e"retary of War .19:2819:A0

!o"# C$ Cal"o%# B.%. +ale 1A:2 =i"e President of the 3.!. .1A9581AB90< 3.!. !e"retary of War .1A1?81A950< 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .1A2281A250

Al&"o#'o Taf B.%. +ale 1ABB 3.!. !e"retary of War .1A?;0< 3.!. %ttorney 4eneral .1A?;81A??0< 3.!. *inister to R,ssian Empire .1AA281AA50

()or*) H)r+)r Wal,)r B%'" B.%. +ale 192A President of the 3nited !tates .19A98199B0< =i"e President of the 3.!. .19A1819A90< #ire"tor of Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y .19?;819??0

William A-)r)ll Harrima# B.%. +ale 191B 3.!. %m$assador to the !o&iet 3nion .192B8 192;0< 3.!. %m$assador to Britain .192;0< 4o&ernor of 1ew +ork .19558195A0< 3.!. !e"retary of Commer"e .192;8192A0

()or*) Wal,)r B%'" B.%. +ale 19;A President of the 3nited !tates .9::189::90< 4o&ernor of -eFas .199589:::0

Ca$inet !e"retaries

@li&er Wol"ott )r. B.%. +ale 1??A !e"retary of the -reas,ry .1?9581A::0

4ideon 4ran(er B.%. +ale 1?A? Postmaster84eneral of the 3nited !tates .1A:181A120

Henry L. !timson B.%. +ale 1AAA !e"retary of War .19118191B 192:819250< 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .1999819BB0

6ranklin *a"=ea(h B.%. +ale 1A;9 !e"retary of the -reas,ry .19:98191B0

1i"holas 6. Brady B.%. +ale 1959 !e"retary of the -reas,ry .19AA8199B0< Chairman and CE@ of #illon Read & Co. .19A9819AA0

William *. E&arts B.%. +ale 1AB? 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .1A??81AA10< 3.!. %ttorney 4eneral .1A;A81A;90

#ean 4. %"heson B.%. +ale 1915 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .19298195B0

Cyr,s R. =an"e B.%. +ale 19B9 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .19??819A:0

)ohn 6or$es 'erry B.%. +ale 19;; 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .9:1B8present0< 3.!. !enator .#8*ass. 19A589:1B0

Les %spin B.%. +ale 19;: 3.!. !e"retary of #efense .199B819920

*al"olm Baldri(e B.%. +ale 1922 !e"retary of Commer"e .19A1819A?0

6rederi"k B. #ent B.%. +ale 1922 !e"retary of Commer"e .19?B819?50

Edwin *eese 777 B.%. +ale 195B 3.!. %ttorney 4eneral .19A5819AA0

#i"k -horn$,r(h B.E. +ale 1952 3.!. %ttorney 4eneral .19AA819910

)ohn #. %sh"roft B.%. +ale 19;2 3.!. %ttorney 4eneral .9::189::50

!tanley R. Resor B.%. +ale 19B9 !e"retary of the %rmy .19;5819?10

Walt W. Rostow B.%. +ale 19B; 1ational !e",rity %d&isor .19;;819;90

*"4eor(e B,ndy B.%. +ale 192: 1ational !e",rity %d&isor .19;1819;;0

Porter ). 4oss B.%. +ale 19;: #ire"tor of Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y .9::289::;0

William C. Whitney B.%. +ale 1A;B !e"retary of the 1a&y .1AA581AA90

3.!. %m$assadors

Winston Lord B.%. +ale 1959 3.!. %m$assador to Comm,nist China .19A5819A90

)ames R. Lilley B.%. +ale 1951 3.!. %m$assador to Comm,nist China .19A9819910

Clark -. Randt )r. B.%. +ale 19;A 3.!. %m$assador to Comm,nist China .9::189::90

4ary Lo"ke B.%. +ale 19?9 3.!. %m$assador to Comm,nist China .9:118present0

%mos Parker Wilder B.%. +ale 1AA2 3.!. Cons,l84eneral in !han(hai China .19:9819120

William Walter Phelps B.%. +ale 1A;: 3.!. *inister to 4ermany .1AA981A9B0

-heodore R,nyon B.%. +ale 1A29 3.!. %m$assador to 4ermany .1A9B81A9;0

H,(h Ro$ert Wilson B.%. +ale 19:; 3.!. %m$assador to 1a>i 4ermany .19BA0

E$en %leFander B.%. +ale 1A?B 3.!. *inister to 4ree"e .1A9B81A9?0< 3.!. *inister to !er$ia .1A9281A9?0

E,(ene !"h,yler B.%. +ale 1A59 3.!. *inister to Romania .1AA181AA20< 3.!. *inister to !er$ia .1AA981AA20

William Christian B,llitt B.%. +ale 1919 3.!. %m$assador to !o&iet 3nion .19BB819B;0

Chester Bowles B.%. +ale 1992 3.!. %m$assador to 7ndia .19518195B 19;B819;90

Ellsworth B,nker B.%. +ale 191; 3.!. %m$assador to !o,th =ietnam .19;?819?B0

)ohn #. 1e(roponte B.%. +ale 19;: 3.!. %m$assador to 7raH .9::289::50< 3.!. %m$assador to *eFi"o .19A98199B0

L. Pa,l Bremer 777 B.%. +ale 19;B 3.!. %m$assador to the 1etherlands .19AB819A;0< Pro8Cons,l of 7raH .9::B89::20

)ames Ro"kwell !heffield B.%. +ale 1AA? 3.!. %m$assador to *eFi"o .19928199?0

!tanley Woodward B.%. +ale 1999 3.!. %m$assador to Canada .195:8195B0

)ohn Hay Whitney B.%. +ale 199; 3.!. %m$assador to 4reat Britain .195?819;10

Raymond R. 4,est B.%. +ale 19B1 3.!. %m$assador to 7reland .19;5819;A0

Warren Dimmermann B.%. +ale 195; 3.!. %m$assador to +,(osla&ia .19A9819990

E&an 4riffith 4al$raith B.%. +ale 195: 3.!. %m$assador to 6ran"e .19A1819A50

Walter ).P. C,rley )r. B.%. +ale 1922 3.!. %m$assador to 6ran"e .19A98199B0

Ro$ert H. Pelletrea, )r. B.%. +ale 195? 3.!. %m$assador to E(ypt .19918199B0

%leFander R. =ersh$ow B.%. +ale 19?2 3.!. %m$assador to R,ssia .9::189::50

-homas @. Enders B.%. +ale 195B 3.!. %m$assador to !pain .19AB819A;0

Winthrop 4. Brown B.%. +ale 1999 3.!. %m$assador to !o,th 'orea .19;2819;?0

R. !ar(ent !hri&er )r. B.%. +ale 19BA 3.!. %m$assador to 6ran"e .19;A819?:0

Charles !. Whiteho,se B.%. +ale 192? 3.!. %m$assador to Laos .19?B819?50

#o,(las *a"%rth,r 77 B.%. +ale 19B1 3.!. %m$assador to %,stria .19;?819;90< 3.!. %m$assador to 7ran .19;9819?90

*arshall 4reen B.%. +ale 19B9 3.!. %m$assador to 7ndonesia .19;5819;90

)ohn H.6. !hatt,"k B.%. +ale 19;5 3.!. %m$assador to C>e"h Rep,$li" .199A89:::0

4eor(e Her$ert Walker 777 B.%. +ale 195B 3.!. %m$assador to H,n(ary .9::B89::;0

=i"tor H. %she B.%. +ale 19;? 3.!. %m$assador to Poland .9::289::90

Ro$ert #. *"Call,m )r. B.%. +ale 19;A 3.!. %m$assador to %,stralia .9::;89::90

#a&id Hoadley -horne B.%. +ale 19;; 3.!. %m$assador to 7taly .9::989:1B0

)ohn R. Bolton .B.%. +ale 19?: 3.!. Representati&e to the 3nited 1ations .9::589::;0

!amantha Power B.%. +ale 1999 3.!. Representati&e to the 3nited 1ations .9:1B8present0

@(den Ro(ers Reid B.%. +ale 1929 3.!. %m$assador to 7srael .1959819;10

Ros"oe !. !,ddarth B.%. +ale 195; 3.!. %m$assador to )ordan .19A?8199:0

)oseph =erner Reed )r. B.%. +ale 19;1 3.!. %m$assador to *oro""o .19A1819A50

3.!. !enators and Con(ressmen

!tephen R. Bradley B.%. +ale 1??5 3.!. !enator .#R8=ermont 1?9181?95< 1A:181A1B0

)ames Hillho,se B.%. +ale 1??B 3.!. !enator .68Conn. 1?9;81A1:0

!am,el W. #ana B.%. +ale 1??5 3.!. !enator .68Conn. 1A1:81A910

Christopher Ellery B.%. +ale 1?A? 3.!. !enator .#R8Rhode 7sland 1A:181A:50

Ray 4reene B.%. +ale 1?A2 3.!. !enator .68Rhode 7sland 1?9?81A:10

!imeon @l"ott B.%. +ale 1?;1 3.!. !enator .681ew Hampshire 1A:181A:50

)ames Watson B.%. +ale 1??; 3.!. !enator .681ew +ork 1?9A81A::0

#a&id #a((ett B.%. +ale 1?AB 3.!. !enator .68Conn. 1A1B81A190

BenJamin -allmad(e B.%. +ale 1??B 3.!. Con(ressman .68Conn. 1A:181A1?0

)ohn Cotton !mith B.%. +ale 1?AB 3.!. Con(ressman .68Conn. 1A::81A:;0< 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1A1981A1?0

)ohn #a&is B.%. +ale 1A19 3.!. !enator .Whi(8 *assa"h,setts 1AB58 1A21 1A2581A5B0

%sher Ro$$ins B.%. +ale 1?A9 3.!. !enator .Whi(8Rhode 7sland 1A9581AB90

Ro(er !herman Baldwin B.%. +ale 1A11 3.!. !enator .Whi(8Conn. 1A2?81A510< 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1A2281A2;0

4eor(e Edm,nd Bad(er B.%. +ale 1A1B 3.!. !enator .Whi(81orth Carolina 1A2;81A550

)ohn *. Clayton B.%. +ale 1A15 3.!. !enator .Whi(8 #elaware 1A9981AB;< 1A2581A29< 1A5B81A5;0

-r,man !mith B.%. +ale 1A15 3.!. Con(ressman .Whi(8Conne"ti",t 1AB98 1A2B 1A2581A290< 3.!. !enator .1A2981A520

)a$e> W. H,ntin(ton B.%. +ale 1A:; 3.!. !enator .W8Conn. 1A2:81A2?0

7saa" Chapman Bates B.%. +ale 1A:9 3.!. !enator .Whi(8*ass. 1A2181A250

!am,el !. Phelps B.%. +ale 1A11 3.!. !enator .Whi(8=ermont 1AB98 1A51 1A5B81A520

),li,s Ro"kwell B.%. +ale 1A9; 3.!. Con(ressman .Whi(8*assa"h,setts 1A2B81A510< 3.!. !enator .1A5281A550

William Barrett Wash$,rn B.%. +ale 1A22 3.!. Con(ressman .R8*ass. 1A;B81A?10< 4o&. of *assa"h,setts .1A?981A?20

@rris !. 6erry B.%. +ale 1A22 3.!. !enator .R8Conn. 1A;?81A?50

Constantine C. Esty B.%. +ale 1A25 3.!. Con(ressman .R8*ass. 1A?981A?B0

Henry C. #emin( B.%. +ale 1AB; 3.!. Con(ressman .R8Conn. 1A;B81A;?0

William Walla"e Crapo B.%. +ale 1A59 3.!. Con(ressman .R8*ass. 1A?581AAB0

%,(,st,s Brande(ee B.%. +ale 1A29 3.!. Con(ressman .R8Conn. 1A;B81A;?0

Roswell Hart B.%. +ale 1A2B 3.!. Con(ressman .R81ew +ork 1A;581A;?0

Ri"hard #. H,$$ard B.%. +ale 1AB9 3.!. Con(ressman .#8Conn. 1A;?81A;90

)ohn %ndrew Peters B.%. +ale 1A29 3.!. Con(ressman .R8*aine 1A;?81A?B0

Ri"hard ). Haldeman B.%. +ale 1A51 3.!. Con(ressman .#8Penn. 1A;981A?B0

!tephen W. 'ello(( B.%. +ale 1A2; 3.!. Con(ressman .R8Conn. 1A;981A?50

Ellis Henry Ro$erts B.%. +ale 1A5: 3.!. Con(ressman .R81ew +ork 1A?181A?50

BenJamin -,"ker Eames B.%. +ale 1A2B 3.!. Con(ressman .R8 Rhode 7sland 1A?181A?90

Charles 1ewell 6owler B.%. +ale 1A?; 3.!. Con(ressman .R8 1ew )ersey 1A95819110

6ran"is B,rton Harrison B.%. +ale 1A95 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat81ew +ork 19:B819:5 19:?8191B0

William 'ent B.%. +ale 1AA? 3.!. Con(ressman .R8California 19118191?0

)ames William H,sted B.%. +ale 1A99 3.!. Con(ressman .R81ew +ork 19158199B0

Her$ert Parsons B.%. +ale 1A9: 3.!. Con(ressman .R81ew +ork 19:5819110

!"h,yler *erritt B.%. +ale 1A?B 3.!. Con(ressman .R8Conne"ti",t 191?8 19B1 19BB819B?0

)ames W. Wadsworth )r. B.%. +ale 1A9A 3.!. Con(ressman .R81ew +ork 19BB819510

4eor(e P. Wetmore B.%. +ale 1A;? 3.!. !enator .R8Rhode 7sland 1A958 19:? 19:A8191B0

Cha,n"ey *. #epew B.%. +ale 1A5; 3.!. !enator .R81ew +ork 1A99819110

LeBaron Bradford Colt B.%. +ale 1A;A 3.!. !enator .R8Rhode 7sland 191B819920

6rank B. Brande(ee B.%. +ale 1AA5 3.!. !enator .R8Conn. 19:5819920

6rederi" C. Wal"ott B.%. +ale 1A91 3.!. !enator .R8Conn. 1999819B50

0 %nthony Hi((ins B.%. +ale 1A;1 3.!. !enator .R8#elaware 1AA981A950 6red -homas #,$ois B.%. +ale 1A?9 3.!. !enator .R #87daho 1A9181A9? 19:1819:?0 Ro$ert %. -aft B.%. +ale 191: 3.!. !enator .R8@hio 19B98195B0 Randall Lee 4i$son B.%. +ale 1A5B 3.!. !enator .#8Lo,isiana 1AAB81A990 Hiram Bin(ham 777 B.%. +ale 1A9A 3.!. !enator .R8Conn. 1992819BB0

-homas 6. Bayard )r. B.%. +ale 1A9: 3.!. !enator .#8#elaware 1999819990

)ohn %nthony #anaher B.%. 199: 3.!. !enator .R8Conne"ti",t 19B9819250

)ohn !herman Cooper B.%. +ale 199B 3.!. !enator .R8'ent,"ky 192;81929 195981955 195;819?B0

W. !t,art !ymin(ton B.%. +ale 199B 3.!. !enator .#8*isso,ri 195B819?;0

Peter H. #omini"k B.%. +ale 19B? 3.!. !enator .R8Colorado 19;B819?50

)ames L. B,"kley B.%. +ale 1922 3.!. !enator .1ew +ork 19?1819??0

)ohn H. Chafee B.%. +ale 192? 3.!. !enator .R8Rhode 7s. 19?;819990

Henry )ohn Hein> 777 B.%. +ale 19;: 3.!. !enator .R8Penn. 19??819910

)ohn =. -,nney B.%. +ale 195; 3.!. !enator .#8California 19?1819??0

Lowell P. Wei"ker B.%. +ale 195B 3.!. !enator .R8Conn. 19?1819A90

-hr,ston B. *orton B.%. +ale 1999 3.!. !enator .Rep,$li"an8'ent,"ky 195?819;A0< $rother of Ro(ers C.B. *orton

William ProFmire B.%. +ale 19BA 3.!. !enator .#emo"rat8Wis"onsin 195?819A90

Ro$ert -aft )r. B.%. +ale 19B9 3.!. !enator .Rep,$li"an8@hio 19?1819?;0

#a&id L. Boren B.%. +ale 19;B 3.!. !enator .#8@kla. 19?9819920< President of 3ni&ersity of @klahoma .19928present0

)oseph Lie$erman B.%. +ale 19;2 3.!. !enator .#8Conn. 19A989:1B0

Bill 1elson B.%. +ale 19;5 3.!. !enator .#86lorida 9::18present0

!heldon Whiteho,se B.%. +ale 19?A 3.!. !enator .#8Rhode 7sland 9::?8present0

!herrod Brown B.%. +ale 19?2 3.!. !enator .#8@hio 9::?8present0

%my 'lo$,"har B.%. +ale 19A9 3.!. !enator .#8*innesota 9::?8present0

)ames *. )effords B.!. +ale 195; 3.!. !enator .78=ermont 19A989::?0

)ames C. %,"hin"loss B.%. +ale 19:A 3.!. Con(ressman .R81ew )ersey 192B819;50

)ohn *artin =orys B.%. +ale 191A 3.!. Con(ressman .R8@hio 19B9819590

)onathan B. Bin(ham B.%. +ale 19B; 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat81ew +ork 19;5819AB0

-homas NL,dO %shley B.%. +ale 192A 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat8@hio 1955819A10

William !. *ailliard B.%. +ale 19B9 3.!. Con(ressman .Rep,$li"an8California 195B819?20

William !. *oorhead )r. B.%. +ale 1925 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat8Pennsyl&ania 1959819A10

#onald )ay 7rwin B.%. +ale 1951 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat8Conne"ti",t 1959819;1 19;5819;90

!heila )a"kson8Lee B.%. +ale 19?9 3.!. Con(ressman .#8-eFas 19958present0

Lamar !. !mith B.%. +ale 19;9 3.!. Con(ressman .R8-eFas 19A?8present0

)ohn +arm,th B.%. +ale 19;9 3.!. Con(ressman .#emo"rat8'ent,"ky 9::?8present0

!tate 4o&ernors

)ohn -readwell B.%. +ale 1?;? 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1A:981A110

William Wol"ott Ellsworth B.%. +ale 1A1: 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1ABA81A290

Charles R. 7n(ersoll B.%. +ale 1A2: 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1A?B81A??0

!imeon E. Baldwin B.%. +ale 1A;1 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1911819150

)ames L. *"Cona,(hy B.%. +ale 19:9 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .192?8192A0

Ret,rn ). *ei(s )r. B.%. +ale 1?A5 4o&ernor of @hio .1A1:81A120

#aniel H. Cham$erlain B.%. +ale 1A;9 4o&ernor of !o,th Carolina .1A?281A?;0

Edward C,rtis !mith B.%. +ale 1A?5 4o&ernor of =ermont .1A9A819::0

4ifford Pin"hot B.%. +ale 1AA9 4o&ernor of Pennsyl&ania .199B8199? 19B1819B50

Ro$ert #a&is Carey B.%. +ale 19:: 4o&ernor of Wyomin( .19198199B0

#a&id !holt> B.%. +ale 1912 4o&ernor of 6lorida .19BB819B?0

William W. !"ranton B.%. +ale 19B9 4o&ernor of Pennsyl&ania .19;B819;?0

William 4rawn *illiken B.%. +ale 192; 4o&ernor of *i"hi(an .19;9819AB0

Ri"hard 6. Celeste B.%. +ale 1959 4o&ernor of @hio .19AB819910

Ro$ert #. @rr B.%. +ale 192: 4o&ernor of 7ndiana .19A1819A90

Pete Wilson B.%. +ale 195; 4o&ernor of California .1991819990

Howard B. #ean 777 B.%. +ale 19?1 4o&ernor of =ermont .199189::B0

4eor(e Pataki B.%. +ale 19;? 4o&ernor of 1ew +ork .199589::;0

Bo$ -aft B.%. +ale 19;B 4o&ernor of @hio .199989::?0

*ark #ayton B.%. +ale 19;9 4o&ernor of *innesota .9:118present0

Colle(e Presidents

Re&. -imothy #wi(ht B.%. +ale 1?;9 President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1?9581A1?0

Re&. )eremiah #ay B %. +ale 1?95 President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1A1?81A2;0

Re&. -heodore #wi(ht Woolsey B.%. +ale 1A9: President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1A2;81A?10

Re&. -imothy #wi(ht B.%. +ale 1A29 President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1AA;81A990

%rth,r -winin( Hadley B.%. +ale 1A?; President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1A99819910

Charles !eymo,r B.%. +ale 19:A President of +ale 3ni&ersity .19B?8195:0

%lfred Whitney 4riswold B.%. +ale 1999 President of +ale 3ni&ersity .195:819;B0

'in(man Brewster )r. B.%. +ale 1921 President of +ale 3ni&ersity .19;B819??0

%n(elo Bartlett 4iamatti B.%. +ale 19;: President of +ale 3ni&ersity .19?A819A;0

Benno C. !"hmidt )r. B.%. +ale 19;B President of +ale 3ni&ersity .19A;819990

Re&. )onathan Edwards B.%. +ale 1?9: President of Prin"eton 3ni&ersity .1?5A0

Edward #orr 4riffin B.%. +ale 1?9: President of Williams Colle(e .1A9181AB;0

Bennet -yler B.%. +ale 1A:2 President of #artmo,th Colle(e .1A9981A9A0

Heman H,mphrey B.%. +ale 1A:5 President of %mherst Colle(e .1A9B81A250

William *aFwell B.%. +ale 1A:9 President of Hampden8 !ydney Colle(e P=ir(iniaQ .1ABA81A250

%$raham B. Has$ro,"k B.%. +ale 1A1: President of R,t(ers Colle(e .1A2:81A5:0

%,(,st,s B. Lon(street B.%. +ale 1A1B President of 3ni&. of *ississippi .1A2981A5;0

6rederi"k %.P. Barnard B.%. +ale 1A9A President of Col,m$ia 3ni&ersity .1A;281AA90< President of 3ni&ersity of *ississippi .1A5;81A5A0

Cyr,s 1orthrop B.%. +ale 1A5? President of 3ni&ersity of *innesota .1AA2819110

4eor(e E. =in"ent B.%. +ale 1AA5 President of 3ni&ersity of *innesota .19118191?0< President of Ro"kefeller 6o,ndation .191?819990

)onathan #i"kinson B.%. +ale 1?:; ina,(,ral President of Prin"eton 3ni&ersity .1?2?0

Re&. #r. !am,el )ohnson B.%. +ale 1?1; ina,(,ral President of Col,m$ia 3ni&ersity .1?5281?;B0

Re&. Elea>ar Wheelo"k B.%. +ale 1?BB ina,(,ral President of #artmo,th Colle(e .1?;981??90

%aron B,rr !r. B.%. +ale 1?B5 President of Prin"eton 3ni&ersity .1?2?81?5?0

William !am,el )ohnson B.%. +ale 1?22 President of Col,m$ia 3ni&ersity .1?A?81A::0

%$raham Baldwin B.%. +ale 1??9 ina,(,ral President of 3ni&ersity of 4eor(ia .1?A;81A::0< 3.!. !enator .#R84eor(ia 1?9981A:?0

)eremiah %twater B.%. +ale 1?9B ina,(,ral President of *iddle$,ry Colle(e .1A::81A:90< President of #i"kinson Colle(e .1A:98 1A150

%ndrew #. White B.%. +ale 1A5B ina,(,ral President of Cornell 3ni&ersity .1A;;81AA50

#aniel C. 4ilman B.%. +ale 1A59 7na,(,ral President of )ohns Hopkins 3ni&ersity .1A?5819:10

William Preston )ohnston B.%. +ale 1A59 7na,(,ral President of -,lane 3ni&ersity .1AA281A990

Charles )aneway !tille B.%. +ale 1AB9 Pro&ost of 3ni&ersity of Pennsyl&ania .1A;A8 1AA:0

Henry #,rant B.%. +ale 1A9? ina,(,ral President of 3ni&ersity of California at Berkeley .1A?:81A?90

)ohn Wesley )ohnson B.%. +ale 1A;9 ina,(,ral President of 3ni&ersity of @re(on .1A?;81A9B0

William Rainey Harper Ph.#. +ale 1A?5 ina,(,ral President of the 3ni&ersity of Chi"a(o .1A91819:;0

Ro$ert *aynard H,t"hins B.%. +ale 1991 President of the 3ni&ersity of Chi"a(o .1999819250

!te&en 'napp B.%. +ale 19?B President of 4eor(e Washin(ton 3ni&ersity .9::?8present0

*ar&in 'rislo& B.%. +ale 19A9 President of @$erlin Colle(e .9::?8present0

). M,i(( 1ewton )r. B.%. +ale 19BB President of 3ni&ersity of Colorado .195;819;B0< *ayor of #en&er Colorado .192?819550

Edward -. 6oote 77 B.%. +ale 1959 President of 3ni&ersity of *iami P6loridaQ .19A189::10

Ray Loren>o Heffner )r. B.%. +ale1925 President of Brown 3ni&ersity .19;;819;90

Wall !treet Bankers and 6ederal Reser&e Bankers

Pierre )ay B.%. +ale 1A99 Chairman of the 6ederal Reser&e Bank of 1ew +ork .19128199;0

4eor(e L. Harrison B.%. +ale 191: President of the 6ederal Reser&e Bank of 1ew +ork .199A8192:0

William *"C. *artin )r. B.%. +ale 199A Chairman of the 6ederal Reser&e .1951819?:0

%lfred Hayes B.%. +ale 19B: President of the 6ederal Reser&e Bank of 1ew +ork .195;819?50

)ohn Perrin B.%. +ale 1A?9 Chairman of the 6ederal Reser&e Bank of !an 6ran"is"o .1912819950

%lfred L. %iken B.%. +ale 1A91 President of the 6ederal Reser&e Bank of Boston .19128191?0

Ro$ert %. Lo&ett B.%. +ale 191A Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19B18 192: 192;8192? 19298 195: 195B819A;0

Pres"ott !. B,sh B.%. +ale 191? Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19B18 19?90< 3.!. !enator .R8Conn. 1959819;B0

E. Roland Harriman B.%. +ale 191? Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19B1819?A0

'ni(ht Woolley B.%. +ale 191? Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19B1819A90

R,ssell C. Leffin(well B.%. +ale 1A99 Partner of ).P. *or(an & Co. .199B8195:0

)ames !. Ro"kefeller B.%. +ale 1992 Chairman of 1ational City Bank of 1ew +ork .Citi$ank0 .1959819;?0

4eor(e !. *oore B.!. +ale 199? Chairman of the $oard of 6irst 1ational City Bank of 1ew +ork .19;?819?:0

Harold !tanley B.%. +ale 19:A Partner *or(an !tanley & Co. .1921819550

#o,(las %. Warner 777 B.%. +ale 19;A Chairman and CE@ of ).P. *or(an & Co. .199589:::0

%leFander -. Er"klent> B.%. +ale 1959 Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19?A8present0

@tto -. Bannard B.%. +ale 1A?; Chairman of the $oard of 1ew +ork -r,st Company .191;819910

!tephen %. !"hwar>man B.%. +ale 19;9 Chairman and CE@ of -he Bla"kstone 4ro,p .19A58present0

Her$ert *. %llison )r. B.%. +ale 19;5 Chairman and CE@ of -7%%8CRE6 .9::989::A0

William H. #onaldson B.%. +ale 195B Chairman of the $oard of 1ew +ork !to"k EF"han(e .1991819950

Prominent Corporate EFe",ti&es and Wall !treet Lawyers

)oseph 6. C,llman 777 B.%. +ale 19B5 Chairman of the $oard and CE@ of Philip *orris Company .19;?819?A0

Henry )ohn Hein> 77 B.%. +ale 19B1 Chairman of the $oard of H.). Hein> Company .1959819A?0

E,(ene *eyer B.%. +ale 1A95 Chairman of the 6ederal Reser&e .19B:819BB0< Chairman of the $oard of -he Washin(ton Post Co. .192?819590

). 7rwin *iller B.%. +ale 19B1 Chairman of the $oard of C,mmins En(ine Co. .1951819??0

),an -erry -rippe Ph.B. +ale 1991 Chairman and CE@ of Pan %meri"an World %irways 7n". .19;2819;A0

Charles B. )ohnson B.%. +ale 1952 Chairman of the $oard of 6ranklin Reso,r"es 7n". Plater 6ranklin -empleton 7n&estmentsQ .19;98pres.0

B. Brewster )ennin(s B.%. +ale 199: President of !o"ony8*o$il @il Co. .1922819550

W. )ames *"1erney )r. B.%. +ale 19?1 Chairman and CE@ of Boein( .9::58present0

)effrey Bewkes B.%. +ale 19?2 Chairman and CE@ of -ime Warner .9::98present0

)ohn E. Pepper )r. B.%. +ale 19;: Chairman of the $oard of -he Walt #isney Co. .9::?89:190

)ohn 6. %kers B.!. +ale 195; Chairman and CE@ of 7B* .19A;8199B0

Henry B. !"ha"ht B.!. +ale 195; Chairman and CE@ of C,mmins En(ine .19??819950

6rederi"k W. !mith B.%. +ale 19;; Chairman and CE@ of 6edEF Corp. .19?58pres.0

-homas B. Wheeler B.%. +ale 195A President and CE@ of *assa"h,setts *,t,al Life 7ns,ran"e Co. .19AA819990

Charles *. !pofford B.%. +ale 1992 *em$er of #a&is Polk & Wardwell Plaw firmQ .192:8195: 1959819?B0

)ohn W. !terlin( B.%. +ale 1A;2 Co86o,nder and *em$er of !hearman & !terlin( .1A?B8191A0

Henry Waters -aft B.%. +ale 1AA: Partner of Cadwalader Wi"kersham & -aft Plaw firm in 1ew +ork CityQ .1A99819250

6rank L. Polk B.%. +ale 1A92 *em$er of #a&is Polk Wardwell Plaw firm in 1ew +ork CityQ .19128192B0

%llen Wardwell B.%. +ale 1A95 *em$er of #a&is Polk Wardwell .19:98195B0

-homas #. -ha"her B.%. +ale 19:2 Partner of !impson -ha"her & Bartlett Plaw firm in 1ew +ork CityQ .19BB8192B0

3.!. !,preme Co,rt ),sti"es and @ther Politi"ians

Henry Baldwin B.%. +ale 1?9? ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1AB:81A220

William !tron( B.%. +ale 1A9A ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1A?:81AA:0

*orrison R. Waite B.%. +ale 1AB? Chief ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1A?281AAA0

William B,rnham Woods B.%. +ale 1A25 ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1AA181AA?0

4eor(e !hiras )r. B.%. +ale 1A5B ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1A99819:B0

#a&id )osiah Brewer B.%. +ale 1A5; ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1AA98191:0

Henry Billin(s Brown B.%. +ale 1A5; ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .1A91819:;0

!tanley 6. Reed B.%. +ale 19:; ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .19BA8195?0

Potter !tewart B.%. +ale 19B? ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .195A819A10

Ro(ers C.B. *orton B.%. +ale 19B? !e"retary of Commer"e .19?5819?;0< !e"retary of the 7nterior .19?1819?50

Carter Henry Harrison B.%. +ale 1A25 *ayor of Chi"a(o .1A?981AA? 1A9B0

Ri"hardson #ilworth B.%. +ale 1991 *ayor of Philadelphia .195;819;90

Ro$ert 6. Wa(ner )r. B.%. +ale 19BB *ayor of 1ew +ork City .1952819;50

)ohn =. Lindsay B.%. +ale 1922 *ayor of 1ew +ork City .19;;819?B0

',rt L. !"hmoke B.%. +ale 19?1 *ayor of Baltimore .19A?819990

Charles P. -aft 77 B.%. +ale 191A *ayor of Cin"innati @hio .19558195?0

%nthony %. Williams B.%. +ale 19?9 *ayor of Washin(ton #.C. .199989::?0

*i"hael #a&id Hess B.%. +ale 19;9 Corporation Co,nsel of 1ew +ork City .)an,ary 1 199A8 #e"em$er B1 9::10

William -orrey Harris B.%. +ale 1A5A 3.!. Commissioner of Ed,"ation .1AA9819:;0

Harold Howe 77 B.%. +ale 192: 3.!. Commissioner of Ed,"ation .19;5819;A0


Lewis N!"ooterO Li$$y B.%. +ale 19?9 Chief of !taff to the =i"e President of the 3.!. .9::189::50

#a&id R. 4er(en B.%. +ale 19;B C11 politi"al analyst< Co,nselor to the President of the 3.!. .199B819920

!tro$e -al$ott B.%. +ale 19;A President of -he Brookin(s 7nstit,tion .9::98present0

Ro$ert NBo$O Woodward B.%. +ale 19;5 Washin(ton Post reporter .19?18present0 and $est8 sellin( a,thor

%nderson Cooper B.%. +ale 19A9 C11 reporter .9::18 present0< an"hor of An+erson Coo*er ,)-. .9::B8present0

Ro$ert W. 'a(an B.%. +ale 19A: Col,mnist for /he 0ashington Post< Co8 6o,nder of ProJe"t for the 1ew %meri"an Cent,ry

6areed Dakaria B.%. +ale 19A; Editor of 1ewsweek 7nternational .9:::8present0

Lloyd 1. C,tler B.%. +ale 19B; Partner of Wilmer C,tler Pi"kerin( .19;9819?9 19A18199:0

Lloyd Wheaton Bowers B.%. +ale 1A?9 4eneral Co,nsel of Chi"a(o & 1orthwestern Railway Co. .1A9B819:90

)ames *,lford -ownsend B.%. +ale 1A?2 4eneral Co,nsel of E.7. d, Pont de 1emo,rs Powder Co. .19:B8191B0

Henry R. L,"e B.%. +ale 199: Editor8in8Chief of /ime ma(a>ine .199B819;20

William 6. B,"kley )r. B.%. +ale 195: Editor8in8Chief of 1ational 2e!ie" ma(a>ine .19558199:0

William !loane Coffin )r. B.%. +ale 1929 Chaplain of +ale 3ni&ersity .195A819?;0

%r"hi$ald *a"Leish B.%. +ale 1915 Li$rarian of Con(ress .19B9819220

William P. B,ndy B.%. +ale 19B9 %ssistant !e"retary of !tate for East %sian and Pa"ifi" %ffairs .19;2819;90

Philip L. 4eyelin B.%. +ale 1922 Editorial Pa(e Editor of /he 0ashington Post .19;A819?90

Ri"hard *. Bissell )r. B.%. +ale 19B9 #ep,ty C7% #ire"tor for Plans .1959819;90

Cord *eyer )r. B.%. +ale 192B %ssistant #ep,ty C7% #ire"tor of Plans .19;?819?B0

)ames )es,s %n(leton B.%. +ale 1921 Chief of C7% Co,nterintelli(en"e !taff .1952819?20

)ohn '. )ess,p B.%. +ale 199A Chief Editorial Writer of 3ife ma(a>ine .1951819;90

William Li&in(ston B.%. +ale 1?21 4o&ernor of 1ew )ersey .1??;81?9:0

Philip Li&in(ston B.%. +ale 1?B? *em$er of 1ew +ork !tate %ssem$ly .1??;0< 1ew +ork !tate !enator .1???0

Lyman Hall B.%. +ale 1?2? 4o&ernor of 4eor(ia .1?AB81?A20

@li&er Wol"ott B.%. +ale 1?2? Lie,tenant 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1?A;81?9;0< 4o&ernor of Conne"ti",t .1?9;81?9?0

Lewis *orris B.%. +ale 1?2; 1ew +ork !tate !enator .1???81?A1 1?A281?AA0

E>ra LCHommedie, B.%. +ale 1?52 *em$er of Continental Con(ress .1ew +ork 1??981?AB 1?AA0

Re&. 1aphtali #a((ett B.%. +ale 1?2A President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1?;;81??A0

Re&. E>ra !tiles B.%. +ale 1?2; President of +ale 3ni&ersity .1??A81?950

Re&. !am,el Hopkins B.%. +ale 1?21 *inister of the 6irst Con(re(ationalist Ch,r"h in 1ewport Rhode 7sland .1??:81A:B0

1athan Hale B.%. +ale 1??B Continental %rmy spy< eFe",ted $y the British %rmy in 1ew +ork City on !,nday !ept. 99 1??;

%$raham )ar&is B.%. +ale 1?;1 Protestant Epis"opal Bishop for the Epis"opal #io"ese of Conne"ti",t .1?9?81A1B0

)ared 7n(ersoll B.%. +ale 1?;; %ttorney 4eneral of Pennsyl&ania .1?9:81?99 1A1181A1?0

)ohn !. Ho$art B.%. +ale 1?5? ),sti"e of the !,preme Co,rt of the !tate of 1ew +ork .1???81?9A0

)oel Barlow B.%. +ale 1??A 3.!. *inister to 6ran"e .1o&em$er 1? 1A118 #e"em$er 9; 1A190

William H,ll B.%. +ale 1??9 4o&ernor of *i"hi(an -erritory .1A:581A1B0

Lan"e Lie$man B.%. +ale 19;9 #ean of Col,m$ia Law !"hool .19918199;0

#a&id *. !"hi>er B.%. +ale 199:< ).#. +ale199B #ean of Col,m$ia Law !"hool .9::28present0

Bayless *annin( B.%. +ale 192B #ean of !tanford Law !"hool .19;2819?10

*ary Eli>a$eth *a(ill B.%. +ale 19AA #ean of !tanford Law !"hool .9:198present0

E,(ene =. Rostow B.%. +ale 19BB #ean of +ale Law !"hool .1955819;50

)rominent Stu7ents of Yale Law School

Bill Clinton .).#. +ale 19?B0 Hillary Clinton .).#. +ale 19?B0

Byron R. White .LL.B. +ale 192;0 Claren"e -homas .).#. +ale 19?20 !am,el %lito .).#. +ale 19?50 !onia !otomayor .).#. 19?90

4erald R. 6ord .LL.B. +ale 19210 %rlen !pe"ter .LL.B. 195;0 Ro$ert E. R,$in .LL.B. +ale 19;20 R. )ames Woolsey .LL.B. 19;A0

Henry H. 6owler 4ordon 4ray -homas Lowe H,(hes Ri"hard 1. 4ardner )ames B. !tein$er(

Left to ri(ht/ !tephen ). Hadley 4ary Hart 4erhard Casper *i"hael B. *,kasey Ro$ert B. Rei"h

Left to ri(ht/ %$raham !. 4oldstein %nthony -. 'ronman *artha *inow 4ordon Cro&it> Cory %. Booker +ale Law !"hool 4rad,ates Ri"hard 1. 4ardner .).#. 19510 L 3.!. %m$assador to 7taly .19??819A10< 3.!. %m$assador to !pain .199B8199?0 -homas Lowe H,(hes .).#. 19590 L President of Carne(ie Endowment for 7nternational Pea"e .19?1819910 !tephen ). -ra"hten$er( .).#. 19;90 L President of 4eor(e Washin(ton 3ni&ersity .19AA89::?0 4ary Hart .).#. 19;20 L 3.!. !enator .19?5819A?0 !tephen ). Hadley .).#. 19?90 L 1ational !e",rity %d&isor .9::589::90 Bill Clinton .).#. 19?B0 L President of the 3nited !tates .199B89::10< 4o&ernor of %rkansas .19?9819A1 19AB819990 Hillary Clinton .).#. 19?B0 L 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .9::989:1B0< 3.!. !enator .9::189::90< 6irst Lady of the 3nited !tates .199B89::10 Ro$ert B. Rei"h .).#. 19?B0 L 3.!. !e"retary of La$or .199B8199?0 Claren"e -homas .).#. 19?20 L ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .19918present0 !am,el %lito .).#. 19?50 L ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .9::;8present0 %nthony -. 'ronman .).#. 19?50 L #ean of +ale Law !"hool .199289::20 Ro$ert C. Post .).#. 19??0 L #ean of +ale Law !"hool .9::98present0 )ames B. !tein$er( .).#. 19?A0 L #ep,ty 3.!. !e"retary of !tate .9::989:110 !onia !otomayor .).#. 19?90 L ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt ),sti"e .9::98present0 *artha *inow .).#. 19?90 L #ean of Har&ard Law !"hool .9::98present0 4ordon Cro&it> .).#. 19A;0 L P,$lisher of /he 0all Street 4ournal .9::;8present0 Cory %. Booker .).#. 199?0 L *ayor of 1ewark 1ew )ersey .9::;8present0 Philip C. )ess,p !r. .LL.B. 19920 L ),d(e of the 7nternational Co,rt of ),sti"e .19;1819?:0 Henry H. 6owler .LL.B. 19B90 L !e"retary of the -reas,ry .19;5819;A0< Partner of 4oldman !a"hs & Co. .19;9819A10 4ordon 4ray .LL.B. 19BB0 L 1ational !e",rity %d&isor .195A819;10< !e"retary of the %rmy .19298195:0 6rederi"k !. Bee$e .LL.B. 19BA0 L Chairman of the $oard of -he Washin(ton Post Co. .19;1819?B0 4erald R. 6ord .LL.B. 19210 L President of the 3nited !tates .19?2819??0 Byron R. White .LL.B. 192;0 L ),sti"e of the 3.!. !,preme Co,rt .19;98199B0 Henry Weeks -rim$le )r. .LL.B. 192?0 L 4eneral Co,nsel and !e"retary of 7B* .195;819?:0 Lo,is Heilprin Pollak .LL.B. 192A0 L #ean of +ale Law !"hool .19;5819?:0 %$raham !. 4oldstein .LL.B. 19290 L #ean of +ale Law !"hool .19?:819?50 %rlen !pe"ter .LL.B. 195;0 L 3.!. !enator .19A18present0 4erhard Casper .LL.B. 19;90 L President of !tanford 3ni&ersity .199989:::0 Ro$ert E. R,$in .LL.B. 19;20 L !e"retary of the -reas,ry .1995819990< Partner of 4oldman !a"hs & Co. .19?1819990 *i"hael B. *,kasey .LL.B. 19;?0 L 3.!. %ttorney 4eneral .9::?89::90 R. )ames Woolsey .LL.B. 19;A0 L #ire"tor of Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y .199B819950

)ohn C. #anforth William Rainey Harper 7saiah Bowman Ri"hard C. Le&in Ernesto Dedillo H.H. ',n( @ther +ale 4rad,ate !t,dents William Rainey Harper .Ph.#. 1A?50 L first President of the 3ni&ersity of Chi"a(o .1A91819:;0 %ndrew !ledd .Ph.#. 19:B0 L President of 3ni&ersity of 6lorida .19:2819:90 7saiah Bowman .Ph.#. 19:A0 L President of )ohns Hopkins 3ni&ersity .19B58192A0 )ohn !"ott E&erton .Ph.#. 19BA0 L 3.!. %m$assador to B,rma .19;1819;B0 6ran"is !heldon Ha"kney .Ph.#. 19;B0 L President of 3ni&ersity of Pennsyl&ania .19A18199B0< President of -,lane 3ni&ersity .19?5819A:0 %ndrew %. !orensen .Ph.#. 19?10 L President of 3ni&ersity of %la$ama .199;89::90< President of 3ni&ersity of !o,th Carolina .9::989::A0 )anet L. +ellen .Ph.#. 19?10 L =i"e Chairman of 6ederal Reser&e .9:1:8pres.0< President 6ederal Reser&e Bank of !an 6ran"is"o .9::281:0 Ri"hard C. Le&in .Ph.#. 19?20 L President of +ale 3ni&ersity .199B89:1B0 Ernesto Dedillo .Ph.#. 19A10 L President of *eFi"o .199289:::0 )ohn C. #anforth .B.#. 19;B0 L 3.!. Representati&e to the 3nited 1ations .9::289::50 3.!. !enator from *isso,ri .19?;819950 H.H. ',n( .*.%. 19:?0 L 4o&ernor of the Central Bank of China .19BB819250< *inister of 6inan"e of the Rep,$li" of China .19BB819250

1ota$le +ale #ropo,ts

Left to ri(ht/ #i"k Cheney Winthrop Ro"kefeller ),dah P. BenJamin !am,el ). -ilden #i"k Cheney L =i"e President of the 3.!. .9::18present0 !e"retary of #efense .19A98199B0 Winthrop Ro"kefeller L 4o&ernor of %rkansas .19;?819?10 ),dah P. BenJamin L Confederate !e"retary of !tate .1A;981A;50 Confederate !e"retary of War .1A;181A;90 Confederate %ttorney 4eneral .1A;10 3.!. !enator from Lo,isiana .1A5B81A;10 !am,el ). -ilden L 4o&ernor of 1ew +ork .1A?581A?;0< Presidential "andidate for the #emo"rati" Party in 1A?;

Presidents of +ale 3ni&ersity

1e ( -lisha Williams$ 1e ( .aphtali 9a33ett$ 1e ( -=ra Stiles$ 1e ( 2imothy 9wi3ht /0 (el7er)

1e ( :eremiah 9ay$ 1e ( 2heo7ore 9wi3ht Woolsey$ 1e ( .oah )orter$ 1e ( 2imothy 9wi3ht$

,rthur 2winin3 Ha7ley$ :ames 1owlan7 ,n3ell$ Charles Seymour$ ,( Whitney 8riswol7

>in3man Brewster :r($ ,n3elo Bartlett 8iamatti$ Benno C( Schmi7t :r($ 1ichar7 C( Le in 6issin3* 1e ( ,"raham )ierson$ 1e ( Samuel ,n7rew$ 1e ( 2imothy Cutler$ 1e ( 2homas Clap

Yale Uni ersity 6ana3ement

)1-S/9-.2S !+ Y,L- U./0-1S/2Y .ame* Year* .otes* 1e ( ,"raham )ierson (B(,( Har ar7 4??') 4@&4A4@&@ 9ie7 in office 1e ( Samuel ,n7rew (B(,( Har ar7 4?@5) 4@&@A4@45 1e ( 2imothy Cutler (B(,( Har ar7 4@&4) 4@45A4@%? 1e ( -lisha Williams (B(,( Har ar7 4@44) 4@%?A4@#& 1e ( 2homas Clap (B(,( Har ar7 4@%%) 4@#&A4@?? 1ector until 4@#5$ then )resi7ent from 4@#5A4@?? 1e ( .aphtali 9a33ett (B(,( 4@#') 4@??A4@@' 1e ( -=ra Stiles (B(,( 4@#?) 4@@'A4@55 1e ( 2imothy 9wi3ht (el7er) (B(,( 4@?5) 4@55A4'4@ 9ie7 in officeB 8ran7father of 2imothy 9wi3ht (S;B 4'#5) 1e ( :eremiah 9ay (B ,( 4@55) 4'4@A4'#? 9ie7 in officeB 8ran7father of 2homas 2hacher (S;B 4'@4) 1e ( 2heo7ore 9wi3ht Woolsey (B(,( 4'%&) 4'#?A4'@4 +ather of 2heo7ore Salis"ury Woolsey (S;B 4'@%) 1e ( .oah )orter (B(,( 4'34) 4'@4A4''? 1e ( 2imothy 9wi3ht (B(,( 4'#5) 4''?A4'55 Skull ; Bones ,rthur 2winin3 Ha7ley (B(,( 4'@?) 4'55A45%4 Skull ; Bones :ames 1owlan7 ,n3ell 45%4A453@ Charles Seymour (B(,( 45&') 453@A455& Skull ; Bones ,lfre7 Whitney 8riswol7 (B(,( 45%5) 455&A45?3 WolfCs Hea7B 9ie7 in office >in3man Brewster$ :r( (B(,( 45#4) 45?3A45@@ Hanna Hol"orn 8ray ()h(9( Har ar7 455@) 45@@ ,ctin3 )resi7ent ,n3elo Bartlett 8iamatti (B(,( 45?&) 45@'A45'? Scroll ; >ey Benno C( Schmi7t$ :r( (B(,( 45?3) 45'?A455% WolfCs Hea7 Howar7 1( Lamar ()h(9( 4554) 455% ,ctin3 )resi7ent 1ichar7 C( Le in ()h(9( 45@#) 4553A%&43 )eter Salo ey ()h(9( 45'?) %&43Apresent

+-LL!WS !+ 2H- Y,L- C!1)!1,2/!.

+!U.9/.8 21US2--S ,.9 2H-/1 SUCC-SS!1S +oun7in3 2rustees 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@&4 !cto"er 4? 4@3' :anuary %# 4@&5 ,pril 4 4@&3 6arch 4# 4@%# 6ay %4 4@45 9ecem"er 3& 4@4# .o em"er %% 4@&@ 6arch 5 4@43 9ecem"er 3 4@3% Septem"er 45 4@3% 6ay 4 Samuel ,n7rew 2homas Buckin3ham /srael Chauncy Samuel 6ather :ames .oyes :ames )ierpont ,"raham )ierson .oa7iah 1ussel :oseph We"" 2imothy Woo7"ri73e

Successors to the +oun7in3 2rustees

4@&4 .o em"er 44 4@&3 6arch 4@ 4@4& Septem"er ? 4@4# Septem"er ' 4@45 Septem"er 4# 4@4? !cto"er 4@ 4@%& :une ' 4@%# 6ay %4 4@%' Septem"er 44 4@3& Septem"er 5 4@3& Septem"er 5 4@34 Septem"er ' 4@3% 9ecem"er %& 4@3% Septem"er 43 4@3% Septem"er 43 4@3% Septem"er 43 4@35 Septem"er 4& 4@3' Septem"er 4@ 4@#& ,pril % 4@#& Septem"er 4& 4@#3 Septem"er 43 4@#5 Septem"er 44 4@#? ,pril 4? 4@#? Septem"er 3 4@#' ,pril ? 4@#5 Septem"er 43 4@5% Septem"er %& 4@55 Septem"er 4& 4@5' Septem"er ? 4@?& Septem"er 4& 4@?4 :uly %4 4@?3 :une %' 4@?3 :une %' 4@?5 !cto"er 4@ 4@?5 Septem"er 43 4@@4 Septem"er 44 4@@% Septem"er 5 4@@3 ,pril %@ 4@@# Septem"er 4# 4@@# Septem"er 4# 4@@? !cto"er %3 4@@@ ,pril 4 4@@@ Septem"er 44 4@@@ Septem"er 44 4@'& Septem"er 43 4@'@ Septem"er 4% 4@'' 6arch # 4@'' Septem"er 4& 4@5& Septem"er ' 4@54 Septem"er 43 4@5' Septem"er 4% 4'&4 Septem"er 4& 4'&4 Septem"er 4& 4'&# Septem"er 43 4'&@ Septem"er ' 4'&' Septem"er 43 4'&' Septem"er 43 4'&5 Septem"er 4% 4'4& Septem"er 44 4'4% Septem"er ' 4'43 ,u3ust 34 4'4# Septem"er 43 4'4? Septem"er 4& 4@3& Septem"er 5 4@%5 .o em"er 4& 4@%' :une 4 4@34 +e"ruary 5 4@34 .o em"er 45 4@35 Septem"er 4& 4@#& Septem"er 4& 4@#? Septem"er 3 4@35 !cto"er 34 4@3% :anuary %3 4@?3 ,pril %% 4@#5 Septem"er 43 4@5% ,pril 45 4@#3 Septem"er 43 4@#? ,pril 4? 4@#5 Septem"er 44 4@?4 :une 4# 4@?& Septem"er ? 4@#5 6ay 5 4@@% Septem"er 5 4@#@ .o em"er 4% 4@?4 :une 4 4@5% Septem"er %& 4@@& .o em"er %& 4@@# Septem"er 4# 4@?5 Septem"er 43 4@@3 9ecem"er ? 4@5' ,u3ust ? 4@@@ Septem"er 44 4@@% :uly %& 4@@? !cto"er 4% 4@@@ Septem"er 44 4@?5 !cto"er 4@ 4@'' ,pril # 4'&4 Septem"er 4& 4@'& Septem"er 43 4@'@ 9ecem"er 4% 4@'? .o em"er ' 4@@? 9ecem"er 34 4'&& 9ecem"er 5 4@5@ .o em"er %4 4@5& Septem"er ' 4@54 :une 4' 4'&# Septem"er 43 4'&' Septem"er 43 4'4& Septem"er 44 4'4? +e"ruary 4? 4'&' Septem"er 43 4'4@ Septem"er 5 4'&@ Septem"er ' 4'4% ,u3ust 4' 4'4% Septem"er ' 4'%& Septem"er 4% 4'&5 Septem"er 4% 4'%3 6ay @ 4'%? Septem"er 4% 4'4# :uly %% 4'%3 Septem"er 5 4'%@ Septem"er 44 4'%# 9ecem"er 4@ 4'4' Septem"er ' 4'%4 Septem"er 44 4'4' Septem"er ' Samuel 1ussel 6oses .oyes 2homas 1u33les :ohn 9a enport 2homas Buckin3ham Stephen Buckin3ham -liphalet ,7ams Samuel Whitman -lisha Williams :oseph 6oss :are7 -liot -"ene=er Williams Samuel Whittelsey Samuel Woo7"ri73e Samuel Cooke :onathan 6arsh :oseph .oyes ,nthony Sto77ar7 2homas Clap BenDamin Lor7 9aniel Wa7sworth William 1ussell .athaniel Chauncey 2homas 1u33les -lnathan Whitman Solomon Williams .oah Ho"art ,sh"el Woo7"ri73e 6oses 9ickinson :ames Lockwoo7 -7war7 -ells 8eor3e Beckwith :onathan 6errick Warham Williams -liphalet Williams 1ichar7 Salter :ohn 2rum"ull Stephen :ohnson .oah Welles .athanael 2aylor -li=ur 8oo7rich 6oses 6ather Samuel Lockwoo7 2imothy )itkin -noch Huntin3ton :osiah Whitney 9a i7 -ly .athan Williams He=ekiah 1ipley Le i Hart :ames 9ana .oah Bene7ict :ohn 6arsh .athan Stron3 ,n7rew Lee :oseph Stron3 ,chilles 6ansfiel7 Benoni Upson ,mos Bassett :ohn -lliott )eter Starr -liDah )arsons /saac Lewis

4'4@ Septem"er 5 4'4' Septem"er ' 4'4' Septem"er ' 4'%& Septem"er 4% 4'%4 Septem"er 44 4'%% Septem"er 4& 4'%3 6ay @ 4'%3 Septem"er 5 4'%# Septem"er ' 4'%5 6ay %# 4'%? Septem"er 4% 4'%@ Septem"er 44 4'%5 Septem"er ' 4'3# ,u3ust 45 4'3@ ,u3ust 45 4'35 !cto"er %3 4'#? ,u3ust 45 4'#? !cto"er %& 4'#? !cto"er %& 4'#@ ,u3ust 4@ 4'#5 ,u3ust 4# 4'#5 ,u3ust 4# 4'#5 ,u3ust 4# 4'5# 6ay 4& 4'?4 :uly %3 4'?4 :uly %3 4'?% :uly %5 4'?# :uly %? 4'?? :uly %# 4'?@ :uly 4? 4'?@ :uly 4? 4'?' :uly %4 4'@4 !cto"er 44 4'@% :uly 5 4'@# :une %# 4'@5 :une %5 4'@5 :une %5 4''& !cto"er %? 4''% 6arch 4# 4''% 6arch 4# 4''# !cto"er 5 4''5 !cto"er %5 4''5 !cto"er %5 4''@ :une %@ 4''@ .o em"er 4 4''' .o em"er 5 4''5 :une %# 4'55 .o em"er 4% 4'5? 6ay 34 4'55 :une %@ 4'55 :une %@ 45&% .o em"er %# 45&5 :une %@ 45&? .o em"er 45 454& 9ecem"er 4@ 454& +e"ruary 45 4543 +e"ruary 4@ 454? ,pril 4@ 454@ +e"ruary 45 4545 !cto"er %& 45%& +e"ruary 4# 45%% :anuary 43 45%% :anuary 4# 45%5 !cto"er 4&

4'%% :uly %5 4'#? :une 44 4'%5 6ay 5 4'#? !cto"er %& 4'?4 :uly %3 4'%# ,pril %4 4'35 Septem"er %3 4'?% :uly %5 4'#5 :uly 45 4'#5 :une 43 4'?& Septem"er @ 4'#5 :anuary %@ 4'3# ,pril %5 4'3@ ,u3ust 45 4'#@ ,u3ust 4@ 4'#? !cto"er %& 4'53 ,u3ust %5 4'?@ :une 5 4'?@ :uly 4? 4'@5 6arch 34 4''' 6arch %5 4'?# :uly %? 4'@# ,pril 4@ 4'?' 6arch %% 4'@5 ,pril 3& 4'?? :uly %# 4'@% 6arch 5 4''4 9ecem"er %# 4''% 6arch 4# 4''@ :une 4% 4''5 :uly 5 4'@& !cto"er %& 4''5 !cto"er %5 4''& ,u3ust 34 4543 :anuary %& 4'55 :une %@ 4''# !cto"er 5 454& .o em"er %4 4''@ !cto"er 43 4''5 +e"ruary 4' 454? ,u3ust 4' 45&& 6arch 4? 454? 6arch 4? 45&5 :une %' 4'55 :une %@ 4'5' ,pril 5 4'55 !cto"er %? 4545 !cto"er %& 45&? :une %5 45%4 :une %% 45%5 !cto"er 4% 45%# :une 4' 45%% :anuary 4# 454& :anuary @ 45%5 :une 4@ 45%5 :une 4@ 453' :une %% 45%& :anuary 4& 453# :une %& 45#& !cto"er 4% 4535 :une 45 453? 6ay 4 45#5 :une %% 455% :une 5

William Brintnall 1ipley 9aniel Smith ,n7rew -liot Cal in Chapin 9a i7 Smith 6oses Cook Welch 6atthew .oyes .oah )orter 9aniel 9ow ,aron 9utton ,"el 6c-wen 9io7ate Brockway Luther Hart Laurens )erseus Hickok Samuel 1o3ers ,n7rew Leonar7 Bacon 2heophilus Smith :oel Hawes :eremiah 9ay :oseph -l7ri73e 8eor3e :effrey 2illotson 8eor3e ,l"ion Calhoun -7win 1an7olph 8il"ert :oel Her ey Linsley 9a is Smith Brainer7 :ohn )utnam 8ulli er -lisha Cowles :ones Leonar7 Bacon Hiram )helps ,rms Samuel 8eor3e Willar7 6yron .ewton 6orris 8eor3e 1ichar7s 2heo7ore 9wi3ht Woolsey !li er -llsworth 9a33ett :oseph Hopkins 2wichell :oseph Willes Backus ,mos Sheffiel7 Chese"rou3h Charles 1ay )almer .athaniel :u7son Burton La alette )errin :oseph ,n7erson Bur7ett Hart :ames Wesley Cooper 2heo7ore 2hornton 6un3er 8eor3e Leon Walker 8eor3e Bushnell -7war7 ,lfre7 Smith -7win )on7 )arker ,u3ustus +iel7 Bear7 .ewman Smyth .ewell 6eeker Calhoun Charles -7war7 :efferson )ayson 6errill William 1o3ers 1ichar7s Clarence Hill >elsey Charles Hopkins Clark Howell Cheney Harry 8oo7year 9ay William ,7ams Brown +re7 2owsley 6urphy Samuel Her"ert +isher 8eor3e 8rant 6ason Henry Sloane Coffin ,rthur Howe Bra7for7

Skull ; Bones

Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones

45%5 !cto"er 4& 45%5 !cto"er 4& 453& :anuary 44 453# 9ecem"er ' 4535 !cto"er 4% 453? !cto"er 4& 453' +e"ruary 4% 453' !cto"er ' 45#& .o em"er 5 45#5 :uly %@ 45#? !cto"er 4' 45#@ 9ecem"er 43 45#@ :anuary 44 455% !cto"er 4& 4553 :an 4& 4555 4555 4555 45?4 45?4 45?% 45?% 45?# 45?# 45?@ 45?' 45@4 45@4 45@4 45@3 45@# 45@5 45@5 45@@ 45@@ 45@5 45'4 45'% 45'# 45'? 45'@ 45'@ 45'@ 45'' 45'5 45'5 455& 4554 455# 455# 4555 455? 455@ 4555 4555 %&&& %&&& %&&4 %&&% %&&? %&&? %&&? %&&' %&&'

45#@ :anuary 44 453@ 9ecem"er 3& 45#? :une %# 4555 :une ' 45#@ :une 4? 45?4 :une 4% 45?# !cto"er 4& 45?& :une 43 45?% :une 44 4555 :une ' 45?% :une 44 4555 :une 43 455% 9ecem"er %4 45?' :une 4& 45?@ :une 4% 45@3 45?# 45@@ 45'& 45@& 45@# 45'@ 45@4 4554 45@& 45@# 45@# 45'% 45'3 45@5 45@' 45'@ 455& 45'5 45'5 45'' 45'@ 455# 45'@ 4553 4555 4555 4555 455@ 455# %&&% %&&& 4555 %&&? %&&4 %&&@ %&&' %&&@ %&44 %&44 %&4% %&&' %&43 %&4# %&4% %&4% %&4%

-7war7 Bel7en 8reene +rancis )arsons 2homas Walter Swan Henry >noE Sherrill :ames Lee Loomis 9ean 8oo7erham ,cheson Wilmarth Shel7on Lewis 8eor3e 0an Sant oor7 6orris Ha7ley 6or3an )helps .oyes Charles 9enston 9ickey /r in3 San7s !l7s Lewis Hill Wee7 8ar7iner 6umfor7 9ay :uan 2erry 2rippe :ohn Hay Whitney 1e eren7 ,mos .i en Wil7er :oseph /rwin 6iller William )utnam Bun7y -7win +oster Blair Caryl )arker Haskins :oseph 1ichar7son 9ilworth +re7erick Bal7win ,7ams$ :r( 1e eren7 )aul 6oore$ :r( Harol7 Howe$ // William 6cChesney 6artin$ :r( Hanna Hol"orn 8ray William Sperry Beinecke Lance 6alcolm Lie"man William Henry 9onal7son Cyrus 1o"erts 0ance :ohn Beckwith 6a77en 6aEine +rank Sin3er :oseph Hill Williams Bar"ara Scott )reiskel Harol7 Woo7sum$ :r( Cyrus 1o"erts 0ance Si7 1ichar7son Bass :ames 8eral7 Hirsch 0ernon 1eece Loucks$ :r( :ose ,l"erto Ca"ranes Henry Brewer Schacht 1ichar7 :ames +ranke 9a i7 Lyle Boren +re7erick )hineas 1ose >urt Li7ell Schmoke 9iana 9wyer Brooks 1o"ert Woo7 Lynn Susan 6( Crown :aime Serra 1i3ht 1e eren7 0ictoria 6atthews :ohn -nnis )epper$ :r( Charles 9aniel -llis Barrin3ton 9aniel )arker$ :r( Holcom"e 2ucker 8reen$ :r( 8eor3e Leonar7 Baker$ :r( 8erhar7 Casper -7war7 )erry Bass /n7ra .ooyi +aree7 1( Fakaria :effrey Lawrence Bewkes 9onna Lee 9u"insky )aul L( :oskow 9ou3las ,( Warner ///

Scroll ; >ey Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Scroll ; >ey Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones WolfCs Hea7 Skull ; Bones

Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones

Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones

Skull ; Bones WolfCs Hea7

Scroll ; >ey

Source* http*<<www(li"rary(yale(e7u<mssa<YH!<foun7ers(html

,lumni +ellows
4'@% 4'@% 4'@% 4'@% 4'@% 4'@% 4'@3 4''4 4''% 4''# 4''5 4''' 4''5 4'54 4'54 4'5% 4'55 4'55 45&4 45&% 45&? 454& 4544 4543 4545 45%& 45%% 45%5 45%' 4534 4534 453% 4533 453? 45#& 45## 45#? 45#5 45#5 455& 4554 455% 4553 4553 455# 455? 455? 455@ 455' 4555 4555 45?& 45?4 45?% 45?3 45?# 45?5 45?? 45?@ 45?@ 45?' 45@& 45@4 4''% 4''4 4''5 4'54 4'@3 4'5% 4''# 4'55 4''' 45&% 4''5 45&? 4'5& 45&& 4'5' 454& 4533 4544 4545 45%& 4543 45%' 4534 453? 45%% 453% 45%5 4534 45#& 45#5 4553 45## 45#5 4553 45#? 455& 455% 455% 4554 455? 4555 455' 4555 45?4 45?& 45?3 455@ 455' 45?# 45?5 45?% 45?? 45?@ 45?' 45?@ 45@& 45@4 45@% 45@# 45@3 45@# 45@? 45@@ ,lphonso 2aft William Barrett Wash"urn Henry Bal7win Harrison William 6aEwell - arts :oseph -arl Sheffiel7 William Walter )helps 6ason Youn3 +re7erick :ohn >in3s"ury 6orrison 1emick Waite 2homas 8ray Bennett William Whitman +arnam Chauncey 6itchell 9epew 2homas Chalmers Sloane Buchanan Winthrop -7war7 8ay 6ason Henry -lias Howlan7 ,lfre7 Lawrence 1ipley Henry +arnam 9imock -li Whitney Henry Bra7for7 Sar3ent William Howar7 2aft !tto 2remont Bannar7 :ohn 0illiers +arwell 0ance Criswell 6cCormick 2homas Wells +arnam -7win 6usser Herr William Howar7 2aft Clarence Blakeslee 6ortimer .orton Buckner 2homas 9ay 2hacher +re7erick 2ru"ee 9a ison -7war7 Larne7 1yerson 1ee e Schley 1o"ert ,lphonso 2aft :ohn Wesley Hanes )rescott Shel7on Bush -7win +oster Blair :uan 2erry 2rippe :onathan Brewster Bin3ham 1o"ert 2en Broeck Ste ens Gui33 H:amesI .ewton )rescott Shel7on Bush Lucius +ranklin 1o"inson$ :r( -7win +oster Blair 8eor3e Her"ert Walker$ :r( Charles 6er ille Spoffor7 Stanhope BayneA:ones ,lan 6a3ee Scaife BenDamin Brewster :ennin3s Her"ert +rancis Stur7y :oseph 1ichar7son 9ilworth Harol7 Howe$ // 2homas >eith 8lennan William 6cChesney 6artin$ :r( +rank !wen Heywoo7 Williams :ohn 0liet Lin7say William Horowit= Spencer 9umaresJ 6oseley ,rthur >ittre73e Watson William Warren Scranton Cyrus 1o"erts 0ance , Leon Hi33in"otham$ :r( 6arian Wri3ht -7elman Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Skull ; Bones

Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones Ber=elius Scroll ; >ey

45@% 45@' :ohn Hu""ar7 Chafee 45@3 45@5 :ohn Cla33ett 9anforth 45@# 45'& 9a i7 Charles 8rimes 45@5 45'& 1e eren7 9a ie .apier 45@? 45'% Stro"e 2al"ott 45@@ 45'3 Bayless ,n7rew 6annin3 45@' 45'# 8il"ert 6el ille 8ros enor 45@5 45'5 0ernon 1eece Loucks$ :r( 45'& 45'? Stanley 1o3ers 1esor 45'4 45'@ +re7erick Baily 9ent 45'% 45'' -leanor .orton 45'3 45'5 9e"orah Lynn( 1ho7e 45'# 455& William Hutchinson Cowles /// 45'5 4554 )aul -fthemios 2son3as 45'? 455% -llen ,sh )eters 45'@ 4553 William Lee >issick 45'' 455# Cal in 6arshall 2rillin 45'5 4555 :oseph 8rafton 8all 455& 4553 Lin7a >och Lorimer 4554 455@ William H( 9raper /// 455% 455' 1u"y )uryear Hearn 4553 4555 :ohn :oseph Lee$ :r( 455# 455? ,l in .( )uryear 455# %&&& William >ane 1eilly 4555 %&&4 +rances Beinecke 455? %&&% 9a i7 1ichmon7 8er3en 455@ %&&3 BenDamin Solomon Carson$ Sr( 455' %&&# Lin7a ,nne 6ason 4555 %&&5 1olan7 Whitney Betts %&&& %&&? :anet Louise Yellen %&&4 %&&@ 2heo7ore )in3 Shen %&&% %&&' 6aya Yin3 Lin %&&3 %&&5 :effrey )owell >oplan %&&# %&4& 6ar3aret Hilary 6arshall %&&5 %&44 William /rwin 6iller %&&? %&4% 6ar3aret 8arrar7 Warner %&&@ %&43 6imi 8ar7ner 8ates Source* http*<<www(li"rary(yale(e7u<mssa<YH!<alumnifellows(html

Skull ; Bones

Skull ; Bones Scroll ; >ey Scroll ; >ey

Scroll ; >ey Skull ; Bones

Secret Societies at Yale University

Book and !nake se"ret so"iety tom$ at +ale 3ni&ersity on 4ro&e !treet in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t.

-he !k,ll & Bones headH,arter at +ale 3ni&ersity on ;2 Hi(h !treet near the interse"tion of Chapel !treet and Hi(h !treet in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t.

-he !"roll and 'ey se"ret so"iety tom$ at +ale 3ni&ersity lo"ated at 222 Colle(e !t. in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t.

-he main $,ildin( of Ber>eli,s a se"ret so"iety at +ale 3ni&ersity

WolfCs Head $,ildin( at +ale 3ni&ersity. WolfCs Head is a se"ret so"iety at +ale 3ni&ersity.

SC1!LL ; >-Y

-he headH,arters of !"roll & 'ey is lo"ated at 222 Colle(e !treet in 1ew Ha&en Conne"ti",t at +ale 3ni&ersity.

-he 'in(sley -r,st %sso"iation also known as !"roll & 'ey is a se"ret so"iety lo"ated at +ale 3ni&ersity. !"roll & 'ey was fo,nded $y )ohn %ddison Porter and other +ale st,dents in 1A29. !"roll & 'ey is the se"ond8oldest se"ret so"iety at +ale< its ri&al is !k,ll & Bones the oldest se"ret so"iety at +ale. 6ifteen +ale st,dents are NtappedO ea"h year< the inner se"rets and initiation rit,als of !"roll & 'ey remains a se"ret. !"roll & 'ey has $een r,mored to ha&e %dolf HitlerCs sil&erware in its ar"hi&es. !e&eral mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey are related to &ario,s power$rokers. !"roll & 'ey mem$er 4ordon %,"hin"loss married NColonelO Edward *. Ho,seCs da,(hter< 4ordon %,"hin"loss was NColonelO Edward *. Ho,seCs son8in8law. !"roll & 'ey mem$er !ar(ent !hri&er is married to former President )ohn 6. 'ennedyCs sister. !ar(ent !hri&erCs da,(hter *aria !hri&er is married to California 4o&ernor %rnold !"hwar>ene((er. !"roll & 'ey mem$er Pa,l *ellonCs father was former -reas,ry !e"retary %ndrew W. *ellon. !"roll & 'ey mem$er Corneli,s =ander$ilt )r.Cs father was the infamo,s railroad $aron Corneli,s =ander$ilt. 1ota$le mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey in"l,de former !e"retary of !tate #ean %"heson former !e"retary of !tate Cyr,s =an"e former *ayor of 1ew +ork City Ro$ert 6. Wa(ner )r. former President of +ale and *aJor Lea(,e Base$all Commissioner Bart 4iamatti former Ro"kefeller 6o,ndation President 4eor(e E. =in"ent C7% a(ent Cord *eyer )r. and William %dams #elano the ar"hite"t who desi(ned the Harold Pratt Ho,se.

!"roll & 'ey mem$ers #ean %"heson .left0 and Cyr,s =an"e .ri(ht0 were mem$ers of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations. Both #ean %"heson and Cyr,s =an"e ser&ed as 3.!. !e"retary of !tate.

William %dams #elano the ar"hite"t of the Harold Pratt Ho,se was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey at +ale 3ni&ersity and a mem$er of the Co,n"il on 6orei(n Relations.

#ep,ty !e"retary of #efense Cyr,s =an"e 3nder !e"retary of !tate 4eor(e W. Ball #ean %"heson and 3.!. %m$assador to 6ran"e Charles E. Bohlen meet pri&ately at the White Ho,se in *ar"h 19;;. Cyr,s =an"e and #ean %"heson were mem$ers of !"roll & 'ey at +ale 3ni&ersity. .Photo/ Lyndon B. )ohnson Presidential Li$rary< 5ean Acheson: /he Col+ 0ar Years %(6,'7% $y #o,(las Brinkley0

1ew +ork City *ayor )ohn =. Lindsay "hats with 1elson %. Ro"kefeller 4o&ernor of 1ew +ork in the $a"kyard of 4ra"ie *ansion in 1ew +ork City. )ohn =. Lindsay was a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. .Photo/ )ohn #ominis5Life *a(a>ine0

President )ohn 6. 'ennedy .ri(ht0 walks with Pea"e Corps #ire"tor R. !ar(ent !hri&er )r. ."enter0 on %,(,st 9A 19;1. R. !ar(ent !hri&er )r. is a mem$er of !"roll & 'ey. President )ohn 6. 'ennedy was R. !ar(ent !hri&er )r.Cs $rother8in8law< R. !ar(ent !hri&er )r. married )ohn 6. 'ennedyCs sister E,sta"e 'ennedy.

R. !ar(ent !hri&er )r. is seen "ele$ratin( with his wife E,sta"e 'ennedy .left0 his da,(hter *aria !hri&er .ri(ht0 and his son8in8 law California 4o&ernor %rnold !"hwar>ene((er.

.!2,BL- 6-6B-1S !+ W!L+CS H-,9 ,2 Y,L- U./0-1S/2Y

6oreau 9( Brown$ 2hatcher 6( Brown$ ,( Whitney 8riswol7$ Benno Schmi7t :r($ 1(L( /relan7 ///$ 2homas 6cCance

1o3ers C(B( 6orton$ 2hruston B( 6orton$ 9ou3las 6ac,rthur //$ 6alcolm Bal7ri3e$ 6ark 9ayton$ >urt L( Schmoke

William Clay +or7 Sr($ 1o"ert 6( Hutchins$ :ohn B( 1hinelan7er$ 1ashi7 >hali7i$ )aul 6oore :r($ -rastus Cornin3 //$ 1o"ert +iske :r($ William H(2( Bush
-ha"her *. Brown .WH 1A9?0 L Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19B1819520 *orea, #elano Brown .WH 199;0 L Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19B9819?20 -homas *"Can"e .WH 19950 L Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .1925819?90 R.L. 7reland 777 .WH 19290 L Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. .19;:8".19920 William Clay 6ord !r. .WH 192A0 L former @wner of #etroit Lions< Henry 6ordCs (randson Philip W. Pills$,ry .WH 19920 L Chairman of the $oard of -he Pills$,ry Co. .1959819;50 )ohn 7. Howell .WH 19B90 L former Chairman of the $oard of ). Henry !"hroder Bankin( Corp. William W. Boes"henstein .WH 195:0 L Chairman and CE@ of @wens8Cornin( 6i$er(lass Corp. .19A18199:0 *al"olm Baldri(e .WH 19220 L 3.!. !e"retary of Commer"e .19A1819A?0 Ro(ers C.B. *orton .WH 19B?0 L 3.!. !e"retary of the 7nterior .19?1819?50< 3.!. !e"retary of Commer"e .19?5819?;0 -hr,ston B. *orton .WH 19990 L 3.!. !enator .195?819;A0< Chairman of Rep,$li"an 1ational Committee .1959819;10 *ark #ayton .WH 19;90 L 3.!. !enator .9::189::?0 Edwin %. *erritt .WH 1AA20 L *em$er of the 3.!. Ho,se of Representati&es .1919819120 #o,(las *a"%rth,r 77 .WH 19B10 L 3.!. %m$assador to )apan .195?819;10< 3.!. %m$assador to 7ran .19;9819?90 )ohn *. Walker )r. .WH 19;90 L Chief ),d(e of the 3.!. Co,rt of %ppeals for the !e"ond Cir",it .9:::89::;0 1orman !. Pa,l .WH 192:0 L 3nder !e"retary of the %ir 6or"e .19;5819;?0 )ohn B. Rhinelander .WH 19550 L 3nder !e"retary of Ho,sin( and 3r$an #e&elopment .19?5819??0 ',rt !"hmoke .WH 19?10 L *ayor of Baltimore *aryland .19A?819990 Erast,s Cornin( 77 .WH 19B90 L *ayor of %l$any 1ew +ork .1921819AB0 Ro$ert *. H,t"hins .WH 19910 L President of 3ni&ersity of Chi"a(o .1999819250 %. Whitney 4riswold .WH 19990 L President of +ale 3ni&ersity .195:819;B0 Benno C. !"hmidt )r. .WH 19;B0 L President of +ale 3ni&ersity .19A;819990 Ro$ert 6iske .WH 19590 L former independent "o,nsel who in&esti(ated Whitewater ,nder President Bill Clinton Rashid 7. 'halidi .WH 19?:0 L Edward !aid Professor of %ra$ !t,dies at Col,m$ia 3ni&ersity William H.-. B,sh .WH 19;:0 L 4eor(e H.W. B,shCs $rother< President 4eor(e W. B,shCs ,n"le Lewis E. Lehrman .WH 19;:0 L President of Rite %id Corp. .19;9819??0 Pa,l *oore )r. .WH 19210 L Epis"opal Bishop of #io"ese of 1ew +ork .19?9819A90

6o,nders of Book and !nake so"iety in 1A;5. *em$ers enrolled in the !heffield !"ientifi" !"hool. !o"iety was fo,nded as !i(ma #elta Chi.

6ormer 3.!. Con(ressman Les %spin .left0 and former 3.!. Con(ressman Porter 4oss were mem$ers of Book and !nake. Les %spin was the !e"retary of #efense ,nder President Bill Clinton< Porter 4oss was the #ire"tor of Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y ,nder 3.!. President 4eor(e W. B,sh. Whitelaw Reid former Chairman of the Board of 1e" York Heral+ /ri8une was a mem$er of Book & !nake at +ale 3ni&ersity.

!ym$ol and names of mem$ers of Book and !nake !o"iety Class of 19;:. P,$lished in the 19;: +ale Banner .+(11 RBB &. 119 pa(e ;B0. Les %spin was the !e"retary of #efense ,nder President Bill Clinton< Porter 4oss was the #ire"tor of Central 7ntelli(en"e %(en"y ,nder President 4eor(e W. B,sh.

*em$ers of the Book and !nake .Cloister0 Cl,$ in 1AAA

Ber>eli,s mem$ers Class of 19B9. Ba"k Row .left to ri(ht0/ Pa,l Edward Ro"he< %$$ott Widdi"om$e< )ohn Lawren"e 6earey< )ohn 4arrison *erserea,< Harold 1elson Willard< 6rederi" Charles Hirons )r.< Her$ert Elmer Pi"kett )r.< William Emery Littlefield. 6ront Row .left to ri(ht0/ %l$ert Peter #ewey< Ro$ert !eelye Rei(el,th< 1orman Camp$ell Cross< William Warren !"ranton< #onald *"Bride )r.< Harrie Waldo Bird )r.< William 4ra&es Harris. William Warren !"ranton is a former 4o&ernor of Pennsyl&ania.

Elih, Cl,$ ho,se 1?5 Elm !treet.

1ota$le mem$ers of the Elih, Cl,$ in"l,de !enator )oseph Lie$erman .left0 and former !enator !t,art !ymin(ton.


/ntersection of Chapel Street (east an7 west) an7 Hi3h Street (north an7 south)( 2he Skull ; Bones hea7Juarter$ known as K2he 2om"L is locate7 on the left si7e of Hi3h Street$ 7irectly "ehin7 the arch( 2he +e7-E 7eli ery truck is parke7 in front of the Skull ; Bones hea7JuartersB the Chairman an7 C-! of +e7-E is +re7erick W( Smith$ a mem"er of Skull ; Bones( ()hoto* +lickr)

E% =iew of the B,ildin(s of +ale Colle(e at 1ew Ha&en.E P,$lished %pril ;th 1A:? $y %. #oolittle & !on 5 Colle(e !treet 5 1ew Ha&en. #rawn and en(ra&ed $y %. B. #oolittle. B,ildin(s left to ri(ht/ 3nion Hall .!o,th Colle(e0 6irst Chapel .%thenae,m0 !o,th *iddle Colle(e .now Conne"ti",t Hall0 Conne"ti",t Ly"e,m and Berkeley Hall .1orth *iddle Colle(e0. @nly Conne"ti",t Hall still stands. !t,dents playin( foot$all on the 1ew Ha&en 4reen. .*an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity0

Chapel !treet lookin( west from Colle(e !treet 1A?:s. @n the ri(ht portions of 3nion Hall .!o,th Colle(e0 and %rt B,ildin( .later named !treet Hall0 on @ld Camp,s. !tat,e of %$raham Pierson ere"ted in 1A?2 stands $etween the two $,ildin(s. .Photo(raphs of +ale and 1ew Ha&en $y C. %. 4,lli&er 1A?:81A9: .in"l,si&e0. *an,s"ripts & %r"hi&es +ale 3ni&ersity0

Yale Law School ()hoto* +lickr)

Harkness 2ower at Yale ()hoto* +lickr)

Statue of ,"raham )ierson$ the first )resi7ent of Yale( ()hoto* +lickr)

Statue of ,merican 1e olutionary spy .athan Hale( ()hoto* +lickr)

President of China Visits Yale

President Hu Jintao of China and President Richard C. Levin both said that cultural and education exchanges among young people are key to developing stronger ties between ale and China.

Looking out at the young faces in the audience gathered in Sprague Memorial Hall for his lecture on April 21 Chinese President Hu !intao said "#f time could go $ack se%eral decades # &ould really like to $e a student of Yale 'ust like you(" Hu)s declaration ** echoing as it did the am$ition of Yale)s first Chinese graduate Yung +ing o%er 1,- years ago ** &as an affirmation of the close academic ties that flourished since then $et&een Yale and China( Hu)s %isit to the .ni%ersity the first $y any president of China &as indicati%e of the &ays that those ties are continuing to strengthen and e/pand( 0he Yale campus &as the final stop on Hu)s trip to the .nited States his first since $ecoming president of the People)s 1epu$lic of China( Hu had earlier %isited Seattle &here he toured Microsoft head2uarters &ith founder 3ill 4ates and +ashington 5(C( &here he met &ith President 4eorge +( 3ush( A ,,*car motorcade $rought the Chinese delegation from 3radley #nternational Airport to campus( 3ecause of security concerns the area around Sprague and +ood$ridge Halls had $een closed off $ut cro&ds of people $earing $anners of $oth &elcome and protest lined the perimeter( Supporters and detractors had also gathered on the 6e& Ha%en 4reen and on 7ld Campus &hich &as opened to student protesters for the first time in Yale)s history( 0he Chinese officials &ere formally &elcomed to the .ni%ersity $y President 1ichard C( Le%in and the Yale delegation at a ceremony held in +ood$ridge Hall)s Corporation 1oom so named $ecause that)s &here the .ni%ersity)s trustees meet( 8See "A Meeting of 5elegations"(9

President Hu Jintao signs the guest book at the formal welcoming ceremony in !oodbridge Hall. "itting beside him and President Richard C. Levin are their wives Liu ong#ing and Jane Levin. "tanding behind Hu and Levin are ale genetics professor $ian %u and Paul &ewirt'( director of ale)s China Law Center.

*n exchange of gifts After a $rief pri%ate meeting Le%in and Hu took part in a formal gift*e/change ceremony &here the memory of Yung +ing &as also e%oked( Le%in presented Hu &ith a portrait of Yung +ing &ho $ecame the first Chinese citi:en to earn a degree from a 6orth American uni%ersity &hen he graduated from Yale in 1;,< as &ell as a $ook once o&ned $y the historic alumnus( Yung +ing after returning to his homeland launched a program to send other young Chinese to Yale and other .(S( colleges of higher education and he &as one of the first Chinese diplomats to the .nited States( #n 1;=; the alumnus ga%e his personal $ook collection of 1 2;- %olumes to the .ni%ersity for its >ast Asia Li$rary( 0hat collection has no& gro&n to o%er =-- --- %olumes and is considered one of the finest outside of China( 0he $ook that Le%in presented to Hu part of Yung +ing)s original gift &as a compilation of Confucian teachings representati%e $oth of the types of %olumes common in the alumnus) lifetime and of those no& held $y Yale( #n presenting the gift Le%in hailed the academic ties that ha%e $rought o%er < --- Chinese students to Yale to study as &ell as the current and emerging li$rary colla$orations $et&een the .ni%ersity and China( 0he latter include a ne& program of li$rarian internships &ith the People)s 1epu$lic of China &hich has already $rought the first t&o Li$rarian ?ello&s from Sun Yat*sen .ni%ersity to the Yale .ni%ersity Li$rary as &ell as a ne& pro'ect for the organi:ation and partial digiti:ation of a special >ast Asia Li$rary collection containing Chinese historical documents( Le%in also presented Hu &ith a collection of the si/ %olumes pu$lished 'ointly during the last decade $y the Yale .ni%ersity Press and the China #nternational Pu$lishing 4roup as part of a colla$oration $y scholars from China and around the &orld to pu$lish &orks in $oth Chinese and >nglish a$out ma'or aspects of Chinese culture and ci%ili:ation( 0he pu$lications to date are de%oted to Chinese architecture sculpture society and politics archaeology philosophy and painting(

Levin and Hu examine one of the +(,-. volumes that the Chinese leader presented to ale for use by its faculty and students. Looking on are /from left0 1awn !ang( assistant 2niversity secretary for international affairs3 4hou Ji( China)s minister of education3 1ox 1ellow &uoyou "ong3 and Jessica Leight( a ale College senior ma5oring in economics who will be visiting China this summer.

#n a gesture that echoed Yung +ing)s gift Hu presented Yale &ith 1 @<A %olumes in $oth Chinese and >nglish to $enefit the .ni%ersity)s students and faculty( 0he gift from China includes titles in a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and together they comprise a comprehensi%e and systematic introduction to Chinese scholarship and learning( 0he Yale .ni%ersity Li$rarian for the Chinese Collection Chi*&ah Chan in his initial perusal of the $ooks said "0his gift &ill add important %olumes to our >ast Asia Li$rary and # am particularly delighted $y the many &ays it &ill fill in gaps in our contemporary holdings("

"prague Hall speech ?ollo&ing the gift*e/change ceremony the Yale and Chinese representati%es &ent to Sprague Hall &here an audience of Yale faculty students and other in%ited guests had gathered to hear an address $y Hu( +hile &aiting for the Chinese president)s arri%al the audience had $een treated to a concert of music $y students from the School of Music( #t included performances $y Ming:hu +ang a first*year Master of Music 8M(M(9 student on fluteB 1omie 5e4uise*Langlois a second*year M(M( student on clarinetB +ayne Lin a third* year Artist 5iploma student on %iolinB and Scott 3org a second*year Artist 5iploma student and Matthe& 1ohde a Yale College senior in the 3(A(CM(M( program at the School of Music on guitar( 0he program concluded &ith traditional Chinese folksongs performed $y !ie 4ong a first*year composition student( 0he Sprague Hall address &as history making on se%eral fronts( #t &as the first speech $y a Chinese head*of* state e%er $roadcast li%e $ack to ChinaB it &as also the first speech at Yale to $e &e$*streamed li%e campus* &ide( 8A &e$*stream of the e%ent is still a%aila$le at &&&(yale(eduCopa(9 0he e%ent &as also $roadcast li%e on the Yale Ca$le ser%ice $oth in >nglish and in Chinese and the >nglish %ersion &as ca$lecast $y Citi:ens 0ele%ision and Comcast of 6e& Ha%en( Mem$ers of the audience in Sprague Hall &ere a$le to listen to Chinese or >nglish %ersions of Le%in)s and Hu)s remarks %ia special headphones( #n his introductory remarks Le%in praised China)s "ancient tradition of re%erence for education " addingD "5uring the past decade you ha%e made massi%e in%estments in your uni%ersities strengthening the most e/cellent of those institutions &hile $roadening access to higher education from less than ,E to more than 1,E of your college*age population( "Your nation)s focus on education has contri$uted su$stantially to your historically unprecedented success in lifting more than 2-- million of your citi:ens out of po%erty in the past 2uarter*century( +e admire these achie%ements and like most Americans &e are hopeful that the de%elopment of your economy &ill $e accompanied $y continued e/pansion of the rule of la& and strengthening the rights of indi%iduals(" 0he con%ersations that ha%e taken place in recent years $et&een Yale officials and leaders of Chinese uni%ersities ha%e re%ealed "deep differences on important 2uestions of %alues and national policy " noted Le%in( "3ut &e also share %alues in common chief among them the $elief that only through education can one ac2uire the capacity to think creati%ely and independently and thus contri$ute to scientific and material progress as &ell as to the humanistic and artistic e/pression that enriches society( "+e also agree on the po&er of personal encounter to deepen mutual understanding among those &ho start from different traditions norms and %alues " said Le%in( "7ur e/perience mirrors that of thousands of .(S( and Chinese scientists and scholars and tens of thousands of students &hose interactions &ith one another can $e a foundation for a lasting peace $et&een our nations(" 80he complete te/t of Le%in)s address can $e found at &&&(yale(eduCopa(9 #n his speech Hu also hailed the importance of the ties $et&een Yale and China noting "Yale)s motto )Light and 0ruth ) &hich is a calling for human progress represents the aspiration of e%ery moti%ated young man and &oman( ((( 0he &ords of 6athan Hale an American hero and Yale alumnus )# only regret that # ha%e $ut one life to lose for my country ) ha%e also inspired me and many other Chinese(" Hu &ent on to discuss recent strides that China has made $oth economically and socially( He noted &ith pride that China)s 4ross 5omestic Product 845P9 gre& from F1<=(@ $illion in 1G=; to F2(22,= trillion in 2--, $ut pointed out that "despite the success in its de%elopment China remains the &orld)s largest de%eloping country &ith per capita 45P ranking $ehind the 1--th place( 0he Chinese people are yet to li%e a &ell*off life and China still faces daunting challenges in its de%elopment endea%or(" 7%er the ne/t 1, years Hu said China &ill pursue a "scientific outlook on de%elopment that makes economic and social de%elopment people*oriented comprehensi%e $alanced and sustaina$le(" Hu stressed that "putting people first" is an especially important component of this approach saying "6othing is more %alua$le in the uni%erse than human $eings( ((( +e &ill %igorously promote social and economic de%elopment protect people)s freedom democracy and human rights according to la& achie%e social fairness and 'ustice and ena$le the 1(@ $illion Chinese people to li%e a happy life("

1egarding his nation)s international relations Hu told the audienceD "0oday China holds high the $anner of peace de%elopment and cooperation( ((( #t genuinely &ishes to enter into e/tensi%e cooperation &ith other countries( #t is inclusi%e and is eager to dra& on the strength of other ci%ili:ations to pursue peace and de%elopment through cooperation and play its part in $uilding a harmonious &orld of enduring peace and common prosperity(" 6oting that .nited States and China $oth ha%e %ast territories and di%erse cultures &ithin their $orders Hu saidD "Closer China*.(S( cooperation ser%es the fundamental interests of our t&o countries and peoples and is also of far*reaching significance for peace and de%elopment of the &hole &orld( ((( 4lo$al peace and security no& face ne& challenges such as fighting international terrorism pre%enting the proliferation of &eapons of mass destruction protecting the en%ironment and human ha$itat and com$ating transnational crimes( And it is e/actly in these fields that &e share important strategic interests( ((( # am confident that our relations &ill mo%e ahead in a healthy and steady manner and contri$ute to the &ell*$eing of our t&o peoples and $ring greater hope to people around the &orld(" 5escri$ing cultural di%ersity as "an important dri%ing force for human progress " Hu said "As history has sho&n in the course of interactions $et&een ci%ili:ations &e not only need to remo%e natural $arriers and o%ercome physical isolation &e also need to remo%e o$stacles and o$structions of the mind and o%ercome %arious pre'udices and misunderstandings( ((( >/changes in culture and education and among young people ser%e as a $ridge for increasing mutual understanding $et&een our t&o peoples( 0hey are also a ma'or dri%ing force for the healthy and sta$le gro&th of China*.(S( relations( Yale is a forerunner in conducting China*.(S( educational e/changes and pro%ides an important platform for cultural e/changes $et&een our t&o countries(" Yale has accepted o%er < --- Chinese students in the past 2- years noted Hu and no& has more than ;- 'oint pro'ects &ith China in culture science and technology and education( "Last summer " he said "Yale sent the first group of students to China for internships and some among them $ecame the first foreign interns to &ork &ith China)s Palace Museum( ((( "0o enhance mutual understanding $et&een young people and educators of the t&o countries " continued Hu "# announce &ith pleasure here that &e ha%e decided to in%ite 1-- Yale faculty mem$ers and students to %isit China this summer( #)m sure you can look for&ard to an en'oya$le e/perience in China(" 85etails of the summer program &ill $e finali:ed in the upcoming &eeks(9 Hu concluded $y 2uoting the old Chinese sayingD "As in the Yangt:e 1i%er &here the &a%es $ehind dri%e on those $efore so a ne& generation al&ays e/cels the last one(" He addedD "Young people represent the hope and future of the &orld( 0hey are full of %itality ne& ideas and creati%ity( # sincerely hope that the young people in China and the .nited States &ill 'oin hands and &ork to enhance friendship $et&een our t&o peoples and together &ith people of other countries create a $etter &orld for all(" 80he full te/t of the Chinese president)s speech is a%aila$le at &&&(yale(eduCopa(9

Hu laughs at 6rnesto 4edillo)s suggestion that the Chinese leader would make a great

ale professor.

7uestions from the audience Prior to the address mem$ers of the Sprague Hall audience had $een in%ited to su$mit 2uestions for Hu( 0hese &ere presented $y >rnesto Hedillo director of the Yale Center for the Study of 4lo$ali:ation and former president of Me/ico( 5ue to time constraints Hedillo only had time to pose t&o 2uestions ** &hich he said reflected common topics raised $y audience mem$ers( 6oting that there is "much discussion and little agreement" in the .nited States as to &hether China represents a "threat" or an "opportunity " Hedillo askedD "#s there agreement in your go%ernment Mr( President a$out &hat the .(S( represents for ChinaI" Hu replied in partD "3oth China and the .nited States ha%e come to $e of significant influence in today)s &orld and $oth countries shoulder important responsi$ilities for &orld peace and common de%elopment( ((( 7ur t&o countries should not only $e stakeholders all the more &e should $ecome parties of constructi%e cooperation( "#)m sure this %ie& of mine &ill certainly &in the support and endorsement of the Chinese people(" #n posting his second 2uestion Hedillo $egan $y noting the rapid economic gro&th that China has e/perienced o%er the past 2uarter century due to economic freedoms $y reforms initiated $y the nation)s leaders in 1G=;( He addedD "0here is al&ays the 2uestion of &hether or not a system that allo&s economic freedom &hile restricting political freedom &ill encounter serious pro$lems of social unrest in the long run( #s this a concern for the Chinese go%ernmentI 5oes the Chinese leadership ha%e a strategy to enhance ci%il li$erties and religious freedom in ChinaI" #n his response Hu said he didn)t $elie%e it &as fair to say that China)s recent achie%ements are due merely to economic reform noting that the nation has also seen political cultural and other changes( China)s "sustained and rapid" economic de%elopment he declared "in itself has demonstrated the fact that China)s political system suits its economic de%elopment( "#n the future " Hu said "&e &ill continue to make efforts in the light of China)s national traditions and the &ill of the Chinese people to acti%ely prudently and appropriately mo%e for&ard the political restructuring and de%elop a socialist democracy( "#n the future &e &ill make efforts to further enrich the formats of democracy and e/pand the orderly participation in the political field $y our Chinese citi:ens and &e are also going to further implement the strategy of running the country according to la&( +e &ill continue our efforts to ensure that the Chinese people $etter e/ercise their rights of democratic election democratic decision*making democratic management and democratic super%ision as pro%ided for in the la&(" Ho&e%er Hu concluded &hile China may learn from o$ser%ing other countries) political de%elopment "J+Ke &ill not simply copy the political models of other countries(" At the conclusion of the 2uestion*and*ans&er session the motorcade $earing Hu and the other Chinese delegates &hisked off to $egin the 'ourney home( Later that day Yale faculty offered their thoughts on Hu)s remarks at a panel discussion titled "China 0oday(" See $elo& for a story on that e%ent( -- By LuAnn Bishop
8ay 9( :;;. < =olume ,-( >umber :? < $wo@!eek Assue

Source* http*<<www(yale(e7u<opa<arcAy"c< 3#(n%'<story5(html

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