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Undergraduate ThesIs Feport

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Anthony Kahl

SubmItted for the degree,

8achelor of EngIneerIng (Honours)
n the dIvIsIon of ElectrIcal EngIneerIng.

0epartment of InformatIon TechnoIogy and
EIectrIcaI EngIneerIng

UnIversIty of ueensIand

Dctober 2002

declare that the work submItted In thIs thesIs Is my own, except as

acknowledged In the text and footnotes, and has not been prevIously
submItted for a degree at the UnIversIty of Queensland or any other

Anthony KahI

I wouId IIke to thank 0r Ceoff WaIker for hIs tIme and guIdance
throughout thIs year. HIs enthusIasm for the topIc matter was aIways
refreshIng. He couId be counted on to gIve vaIuabIe Input at crucIaI tImes
or when progress had staIIed, aIthough somethIng about '...goose chase'
keeps comIng to mInd.


0evelopment of clean, renewable, economIc energy sources has been
central to research conducted by many engIneers and scIentIsts worldwIde,
partIcularly In the last few decades. As current technologIes Improve and
manufacturIng costs fall more doors are beIng opened to researchers In the
fIeld of renewable energy productIon. Dne of these technologIes Is solar
energy, In partIcular photovoltaIc (P7) power generatIon.

The UnIversIty of Queensland currently has a 12 panel, 720W P7 array
Installed on the roof of Its central engIneerIng buIldIng. ThIs project
concerns the InterconnectIon of such an array to an exIstIng utIlIty grId. ThIs
Involves conversIon of 0C P7 power to AC power of suItable qualIty to be
Injected Into the grId. ssues of grId protectIon, power factor and power
poInt trackIng also demand regard.

Project CoaI - To research, desyn and construct a Low Power Crd
Connected Power lnverter jor Photovoltac alcatons.

8asIc DperatIon of the Inverter Is accomplIshed In two stages. They Involve
the conversIon of the 12 - 240C7 P7 output to J500C7 followed by InversIon
to 2407AC. The unIt also electrIcally Isolates the panel from the grId vIa a
hIgh frequency power transformer and optIcally Isolated feedback

TabIe of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1
1.1 THE SUN'S POWER ................................................................................................ 1
1.2 SOLAR ENERGY LOGISTICS AND FEASIBILITY....................................................... 2
1.2 Cost................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 PJ Lifetime ....................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Grid Connection ............................................................................................... 2

2.0 PV POWER HANDLING.................................................................................... 3
2.1 FOCUS................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES........................................................................................... 4
2.3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FEASIBILITY........................................................................ 5
Technical specifications ......................................................................................... 5
Efficiencv ................................................................................................................ 5
Si:e.......................................................................................................................... 6
Reliabilitv ............................................................................................................... 6
Cost......................................................................................................................... 7
Grid Connection ..................................................................................................... 7
Australian Standards .............................................................................................. 8

3.0 PV TECHNOLOGY BACKGROUND............................................................... 9
3.1 PHOTOVOLTAICS................................................................................................... 9
Cell/Panel Characteristics ..................................................................................... 9
J-I Relationship...................................................................................................... 9
3.2 POWER CONVERSION .......................................................................................... 11
Switch-mode Technologv...................................................................................... 11
Tvpical Solution.................................................................................................... 11
Isolation................................................................................................................ 11
DC-DC Conversion .............................................................................................. 12
DC-AC Inversion.................................................................................................. 14
Converter Control ................................................................................................ 16

4.0 CONVERTER DESIGN..................................................................................... 18
4.1 TOPOLOGY SELECTION ....................................................................................... 18
4.2 POWER STORAGE ................................................................................................ 19
4.3 HALF BRIDGE DUAL ........................................................................................... 20
Isolation................................................................................................................ 21
Isolated Control Options ...................................................................................... 22
Switch Selection.................................................................................................... 30
Gate Drive ............................................................................................................ 32
Over-voltage Snubber........................................................................................... 32
Inductor Selection................................................................................................. 33
Power Transformer .............................................................................................. 34
4.4 FULL BRIDGE INVERTER ..................................................................................... 36
Switch Selection.................................................................................................... 36
Gate Drive ............................................................................................................ 37
Output Filter......................................................................................................... 38
4.5 CURRENT AND VOLTAGE SENSING...................................................................... 38
DC Bus Joltage .................................................................................................... 38
AC Bus Joltage..................................................................................................... 39
AC Current ........................................................................................................... 40
Offset Reference Joltage ...................................................................................... 41
4.6 CONVERTER MASTER CONTROL ......................................................................... 42
Processor Selection .............................................................................................. 43
RS485 Interface .................................................................................................... 44
Software................................................................................................................ 44
4.7 POWER SUPPLIES ................................................................................................ 45
PJ Side ................................................................................................................. 45
Grid Side............................................................................................................... 45
4.8 PHYSICAL LAYOUT ............................................................................................. 46
Strav Inductance................................................................................................... 46
Surface Mount Devices......................................................................................... 47

5.0 CONVERTER PERFORMANCE..................................................................... 48
5.1 DC-DC CONVERTER OPERATION....................................................................... 48
Boost Operation.................................................................................................... 48
Gate Drive ............................................................................................................ 48
SG2524 and PWM Filter Operation..................................................................... 49
Efficiencv .............................................................................................................. 49
5.2 CONTROLLER OPERATION................................................................................... 51
5.3 DC-AC INVERTER OPERATION........................................................................... 51
5.4 COST................................................................................................................... 52
5.5 SIZE .................................................................................................................... 52

6.0 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 53
6.1 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION............................................................................. 53
6.2 FUTURE WORK ................................................................................................... 53
Efficiencv .............................................................................................................. 53
Code Development................................................................................................ 54

7.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 56

8.0 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 58

TabIe of FIgures

Figure 1. PJ Window Shades 1

Figure 2. Converter Prototvpe 3
Figure 3. PJ J-I Characteristics 10
Figure 4. Tvpical Conversion Svstem 11
Figure 5. Push-Pull Converter 13
Figure 6. Resonant Half Bridge Dual Converter 13
Figure 7. Full Bridge Inverter 14
Figure 8. Converter Block Diagram 18
Figure 9. Half Bridge Dual 20
Figure 10. PWM Oscillator 24
Figure 11. Feedback Solution 26
Figure 12. PWM Filtering 27
Table 1. PWM Filter Response 29
Figure 13. PWM Control 30
Figure 14. ETD Series Core 34
Figure 15. Full Bridge Inverter 36
Figure 16. DC Joltage Sensing 39
Figure 17. AC Joltage Sensing 39
Figure 18. AC Current Sensing 40
Figure 19. Reference Joltage 41
Figure 20. Master Controller 42
Figure 21. PJ Side Power 45
Figure 22. Grid Side Power 46
Figure 24. SMD Placement 47
Figure 25. Secondarv Winding Output 48
Figure 26. MOSFET Gate Drive 49
Figure 27. Converter Efficiencv 50
Figure 28. Primarv Winding Inputs 51
Figure 29. Converter and Junction Box 52


Solar Energy, In partIcular photovoltaIc (P7) power generatIon, wIll become
an Important alternatIve to tradItIonal power generatIon In the years to
come. ThIs technology utIlIses the sun's power dIrectly, hence elImInatIng
emIssIons and allowIng for very hIgh potentIal effIcIencIes.

1.1 The Sun's Power

8esIdes the obvIous envIronmental benefIts, other advantages of P7
generatIon over conventIonal power generatIon are:

Source to sInk proxImIty - P7 arrays
can be Integrated Into both urban
and rural areas, meanIng the source
of power Is relatIvely close to the
consumer. The maIn benefIt of thIs
beIng a decrease In transmIssIon
losses and an Increase In power
qualIty. Dne example Is a SwIss
buIldIng that Incorporates P7 panels
Into Its wIndow shades (fIgure 1).
Figure 1. PV Window Shades

SmaII, UnobtrusIve InstaIIatIons - As opposed to large centralIsed
power statIons and theIr assocIated resource extractIon facIlItIes.

SoIeIy EIectrIcaI - A P7 system Is essentIally comprIsed of only
electrIcal systems, thIs elImInates movIng parts, chemIcal processes
and the contInual maIntenance requIred by these.

1.2 SoIar Energy LogIstIcs and FeasIbIIIty

1.2 Cost

Cost, as always Is a major concern when consIderIng a product that Is so
wIdely used, and produced so competItIvely. PhotovoltaIc cells contInue to
be the major stIckIng poInt when It comes to the cost of P7 generatIon.
WIth tIme thIs cost has come down and contInues to do so, we are now
nearIng the borderlIne of economIc vIabIlIty.

1.2 P7 LIfetIme

The operatIonal lIfetIme of a P7 cell Is by no means InfInIte. ThIs means
that cells In longterm InstallatIons have to be replaced, addIng to energy
productIon costs. The detrIment to a cell's effIcIency to the poInt of
ImpractIcalIty depends on both the process used to manufacture the cell
and the condItIons In whIch It has been operated. ContInual Improvements
In P7 cell productIon wIll reduce thIs problem In the future.

1.2 CrId ConnectIon

The Issue of dIstrIbutIng power generated by P7 unIts Is becomIng more
pressIng as the use of P7 generatIon Increases. Femote and rural areas
currently tend to use offgrId systems, however central and resIdentIal
generatIon means that connectIon to the tradItIonal power grId Is necessary.
ThIs poses problems such as the Increased need for relIabIlIty and the
qualIty of the power beIng Injected Into the network. An addItIonal problem
termed 'IslandIng' Is becomIng a contentIous Issue as power generatIon
authorItIes struggle to produce approprIate guIdelInes and polIcIes.


2.1 Focus

The IncreasIng push for a renewable energy solutIon Is stokIng Interest In
research and attractIng Industry support. ThIs project has focused on a small
part of the larger P7 generatIon pIcture, the research and desIgn of a devIce
to Interface P7 arrays wIth the exIstIng power grId.

The focus of thIs project was to desIgn and buIld specIfIc hardware (and
software) to convert power from a P7 panel (or array) Into a form suItable
for InjectIon Into a commercIal power grId. ThIs prImarIly means the
conversIon of a 0C source provIded by the P7 panel to a 2407AC output.
Fesearchers and manufacturers are evaluatIng both a per array (8 to 16
panels In serIes) Inverter system and a per panel approach. ThIs project has
focused on the latter Ie. an Inverter desIgned to convert power from a
sIngle P7 panel; a pIcture of the fInal prototype can be seen In fIgure 2.

Figure 2. Converter Prototype

2.2 PrImary DbjectIves

There were a number of objectIves InItIally set for the project, these focus
maInly on hardware and Include:

HIgh EffIcIency - thIs Is obvIously an Important factor In the desIgn of
the converter. The relatIvely low effIcIencIes of P7 panels need not
be compounded by poor converter effIcIency.

SmaII SIze - t Is possIble that many of these unIts wIll operate wIthIn
a small area thus large bulky devIces are ImpractIcal. The per panel
approach Increases the Importance of thIs Issue somewhat.

PeIIabIIIty - These unIts wIll be expected to last the lIfetIme of the
P7 panel, perhaps longer. The Issue of component qualIty Is an
Important one.

Power uaIIty - LImIts are placed upon the amount of "dIrty" power
seen by the grId. ThIs concerns harmonIcs and 0C components on the
output of the Inverter.

Cost All of the above factors essentIally comes down to a comprIse
when compared to cost, good desIgn can only allevIate thIs fact only
so far. Cost was consIdered to be an Important desIgn factor.

IsIandIng - Dne further Issue concernIng local P7 generatIon Is the
phenomenon of 'IslandIng'. Put sImply thIs Is term for the sItuatIon
where a local part of the grId Is dIsconnected from the maIn supply,
local P7 systems may stIll provIde power to thIs Isolated part of the
grId creatIng potentIal problems for grId maIntenance workers. |uch
research Is beIng conducted on controllIng P7 systems so that
IslandIng does not occur however It was not a prImary focus of thIs

project. However suItable hardware was desIgned for antIIslandIng
functIons to Implemented.

2.3 SpecIfIcatIons and FeasIbIIIty

TechnIcal specIfIcatIons

nput (P7 panel output) - 60120W @ 12247

Dutput - 2407AC @ 50Hz


EffIcIency Is very tIghtly bound to the overall economIcs of the system as
dIscussed In sectIon 2.J.5. t was expected that the fIrst IteratIon of thIs
desIgn would not be cuttIng edge In terms of effIcIency; thIs Is due maInly
to the fact that no soft swItchIng methods were consIdered. Current
effIcIencIes for productIon model P7 converters of thIs power ratIng stand at
8994, however a challengIng fIgure of 85 for thIs system was set. ThIs
meant that constructIon of the prototype Itself requIred specIal attentIon In
order to mInImIse stray Influences and thus power losses.

Power losses can essentIally be splIt onto four contrIbutors:

Cate 0rIve Losses - Power needed to drIve the gates of the swItches.
0ependent on gate capacItances (semIconductors factors) and swItchIng

ControIIer ConsumptIon - Power consumed by control and sensIng
cIrcuItry eg. mIcrocontrollers.

SwItchIng Losses - SemIconductor swItches have nonzero turn on/off
tImes, thIs means that as current and voltage swItch state power Is
dIssIpated wIthIn the devIce. A technIque called resonant or 'soft'
swItchIng can reduce thIs loss consIderably.

ConductIon Losses - "Dn" state resIstIve power dIssIpatIon. 0ependent
upon semIconductor parameters and passIve devIce resIstances.


The per panel Inverter approach means that many of these unIts may be
used In an InstallatIon and thus sIze becomes and Important factor. t Is
lIkely that a unIt such as thIs would eIther be posItIoned on the back of the
solar panel Itself (requIrIng a low profIle) or contaIned wIthIn a junctIon box
of some sort. t was a desIgn parameter that thIs converter would fIt wIthIn
a '8P Solar' junctIon box.


FelIabIlIty of the unIt as In any system Is determIned by the "weakest" lInk.
The qualIty of components used Is obvIously related to cost, there are
however ways of IncreasIng relIabIlIty wIthout substantIal Increases In cost.
Components can be mIldly overrated, In the case of semIconductors thIs
brIngIng very lIttle cost penalty. The use of dIfferent types of components
also effects relIabIlIty, for example replacIng electrolytIc capacItors wIth
other capacItIve alternatIves may requIre careful cIrcuIt desIgn but wIll
Increase cIrcuIt lIfe substantIally. n thIs prototype stage justIfIcatIon of
Increased costs beyond reason In order to Increase relIabIlIty and lIfetIme
does not exIst.


The cost of a system such as thIs can be justIfIed In many ways. Currently
capItal cost of solar energy stands at around S6S10 per watt. A system of
thIs sIze Is lIkely to be at the hIgher end of that range. DbvIously the most
costly component of any P7 system are the panels themselves. Power
converters tend to contrIbute around 15 of the total cost of a P7 system. f
we set a target of S1 per watt for power conversIon then the proposed unIt
should be produced commercIally for around S100. Another perspectIve Is to
relate Inverter effIcIency wIth the cost per watt of the overall system. n a
100W system each percentage Increase In Inverter effIcIency Is essentIally
worth S6S10, therefore an Increase In Inverter cost can be justIfIed If a
proportIonal gaIn In effIcIency Is obtaIned. t was a goal that the overall cost
of thIs prototype would be no more than S150.

CrId ConnectIon

Power qualIty dIffers from the other stated objectIves In the fact that there
are legal lImIts on what can be done. f these lImIts are not constraIned to
then the project Is certaInly not feasIble. That beIng saId the lImIts on
current dIstortIon and 0C InjectIon are quIte achIevable. The proposed
system would use actIve 0C control to keep wIthIn the legal lImIt. The use
of unIpolar swItchIng of the Inverter stage coupled wIth output fIlterIng
would reduce harmonIc content to a suItable level. The Input termInals of
the converter are also electrIcally Isolated from the 240AC grId as per
AustralIan Standards [12], a summary of whIch follows.

AustralIan Standards

Harmonc Content


Harmonic order number

Limit for each individual harmonic
based on percentage of fundamental
2 - 9 4"
1 - 15 2"
1 - 21 1.5"
22 - 33 ."
Even harmonics 25" of equivalent odd harmonics
Total harmonic distortion (to the 50th

AS 4777.2 SectIon 4.5.

Power Factor

'The power ]cctor o] the nverter, consdered cs c locd ]rom the
perspectve o] the yrd, shcll be n the rcnye ]rom 0.8 leadny to 0.95
layyny ]or cll outputs ]rom 20 to 100 o] rcted voltcmperes. These lmts
shcll not cpply ] the nverter s cpproved by the relevcnt electrcty
dstrbutor to control power ]cctor outsde ths rcnye ]or the purpose o]
provdny voltcye support.' AS 4777.2 SectIon 4.4.

0C lnecton
'ln the ccse o] c snylephcse nverter, the d.c. output current o] the
nverter ct the c.c. termncls shall not exceed 0.5X oj ts rated outut
current or 5 mA, whchever s the yrecter.' AS 4777.2 SectIon 4.10.


'An solcton devce shcll be provded between the eneryy source cnd the
nverter unless the nverter s physcclly nteyrcl wth the eneryy source.'
AS 4777.1 SectIon 5.4.

3.1 PhotovoItaIcs

PhotovoltaIcs Involves the use of sIlIcon based semIconductor cells. The
electrons flowIng across the junctIons of these cells are of an energy level
that Is subject to IncIdent (fallIng) photons. Solar cells are desIgned In such
a way that they are 'tuned' to the frequencIes of radIatIon emItted by the

Cell/Panel CharacterIstIcs

A P7 panel consIsts of a number of cells. ndIvIdual cells are usually square
and can vary In sIze from about 1 cm to about 10 cm across. Cenerally a cell
produces only about 1 or 2 watts. 0ependIng on how these cells are
arranged dIfferent voltage and current outputs can be obtaIned. Usually
IndIvIdual P7 panels produce between 60 and 120 Watts at voltages rangIng
between 12 and J6 volts. Panels can then be arrayed to produce hIgher
array termInal voltages, as more and more panels are connected In serIes
problems arIse from varIances In operatIng poInts (power poInts) between

7 FelatIonshIp

t Is a fact that P7 cells are far from Ideal current sources. P7 panels
operatIng under varyIng InsolatIon (IncIdent sunlIght exposure) and or
varyIng temperature wIll also vary In theIr current/voltage characterIstIc
(FIgure J). n order to extract the maxImum possIble power from the panel
one must modIfy the load such that the operatIng poInt remaIns at the
maxImum power load lIne or "knee poInt" of the 7 curve. There are a
number of dIfferent methods of sensIng and controllIng a converter In order
to ensure the panel Is operatIng at thIs poInt and hence producIng maxImum
Figure 3. PV V-I Characteristics

possIble power at Its termInals. ThIs Is called |axImum Power PoInt

TrackIng (|PPT) and Is dIscussed further In sectIon J.2.

As dIscussed prevIously panels connected In serIes may exhIbIt dIfferent
operatIng poInts. ThIs Is due to InconsIstencIes In the manufacturIng process
and the fact that large arrays are spread over wIde physIcal areas and hence
may be subject to dIfferIng temperatures and level of IsolatIon. A result of
thIs problem Is that the effIcIencIes of some panels In the array may drop
consIderably as they are forced to operate at a poInt that Is not theIr
maxImum power poInt.

ThIs leads to one dIstInct advantage of low power per panel Inverters. n an
array usIng per panel Inverters the confIguratIon Is parallel by nature, thIs
means that each panel can operate freely at It's own power poInt wIthout
affectIng the effIcIency of other panels.

3.2 Power ConversIon

SwItchmode Technology

8asIc S|T Involves the use of actIve components (semIconductor swItches)
and passIve components (Inductors and capacItors) to Increase or decrease a
gIven voltage be It 0C or AC. ThIs Is usually done vIa hIgh frequency
swItchIng of currents through the passIve devIces. All of the cIrcuIt
topologIes mentIoned here use some form of swItch mode technIque.

Figure 4. Typical Conversion System

TypIcal SolutIon

FIgure 4 shows a typIcal low power P7 conversIon system, It consIsts of a
0C0C conversIon stage to boost the P7 output voltage to a level suItable for
InversIon to 2407AC. n hIgher power converters the Input may be a strIng
connected P7 array, thIs means the Input voltage Is suffIcIent for InversIon
and thus the boost stage may be elImInated. ThIs fact, among others, makes
lower power converters more complIcated.

As stated In sectIon 2.J grId connected P7 systems of thIs type must exhIbIt
a level of galvanIc IsolatIon from the grId. ThIs Is usually achIeved wIth some
sort of power transformer. There are two maIn choIces regardIng the
confIguratIon and frequency of thIs transformer:

Low frequency (50Hz)

& 0Irectly connected to the grId.
& All sensIng and control may be on the P7 sIde of the
IsolatIon boundary.
& FelatIvely large and expensIve.

HIgh Frequency (kHz)

& |ay be Incorporated Into 0C0C converter (hIgh frequency
& FequIres control on both sIdes of the IsolatIon boundary.
& Small, potentIally a low cost system.

0C0C ConversIon

The 0C conversIon In thIs partIcular P7 applIcatIon requIres the Input
voltage to be boosted from 122470C to around J5070C.There are many 0C
boost cIrcuIt topologIes avaIlable, some tradItIonal and some new and
InnovatIve, but only a few are suItable for a low power hIgh boost
applIcatIon such as thIs. We wIll focus on two topologIes that have proven
suItable for 0C0C converters sImIlar to the one that wIll be Implemented
here. 8oth of the followIng topologIes are based on swItchmode conversIon
Current-Fed Push-Pull Converter

ThIs converter topology Is rather tradItIonal and Is suItable for low power
applIcatIons requIrIng IsolatIon. t has also been successfully used In P7

Figure 5. Push-Pull Converter

applIcatIons [6], thIs paper outlInes a system that Is quIte common. t Is
possIble to swItch thIs topology at relatIvely hIgh frequencIes thus reducIng
thIs sIze and cost of the IsolatIon transformer requIred. Advantages of thIs
medIum power topology Include common swItch drIve poInts and small
transformer cores. Problems Include hIgh voltage stress on swItches and
transformer core saturatIon Issues caused by 0C Imbalances [2]. The latter
problem Is reduced In a varIatIon of the converter [7]; thIs paper offers the
novel concept of combInIng a pushpull converter wIth a flyback

Resonant Halj rdye 0ual Converter
Figure 6. Resonant Half Bridge Dual Converter
ThIs rather new and InnovatIve converter topology offers some potentIal
advantages In P7 applIcatIons [5]. ThIs AustralIan paper presents an 85watt
module Integrated converter (|C). A poInt of specIal Interest In thIs desIgn
Is that the converter has been evaluated at a swItchIng frequency of 1|Hz,
reasonable effIcIency was obtaIned.

Fesonant swItchIng technIques allow swItchIng transItIons to occur at zero
voltage and/or zero current crossIngs. ThIs means swItchIng power losses
are reduced dramatIcally (theoretIcally to zero). Hence these types of
converters can be operated at very hIgh frequencIes wIth lIttle compromIse.
ThIs leads to smaller passIve components, contrIbutIng to the goals of low
cost and sIze.

0CAC nversIon

0CAC conversIon can be achIeved In a number of ways usIng a number of
dIfferent components for swItch realIsatIon. nverters can eIther be lIne
commutated or selfcommutated, and use thyrIstors, 8JTs (8Ipolar JunctIon
TransIstors), |DSFETs (|etal DxIde SemIconductor FIeld Effect TransIstors)
or C8Ts (nsulated Cate 8Ipolar TransIstors) as swItches.

Full rdye lnverter
Figure 7. Full Bridge Inverter
Vdc Vac

The basIc topology used for most 0C to AC conversIon applIcatIons Is a
relatIvely sImple full8rIdge Inverter. There are many control methodologIes
for the fullbrIdge and varIatIons such as the multIlevel converter add

Full rdye Swtchny Schemes

A Full brIdge Inverter can be operated usIng a number of basIc swItchIng
modes. The sImplest of these produces a square wave output, thIs Is
however unsuItable for most applIcatIons and naturally has an extremely
hIgh total harmonIc dIstortIon (TH0). A converter wIth a pulsewIdth
modulated (PW|) output also has a relatIvely hIgh TH0, however the
harmonIcs that cause TH0 are of much hIgher frequencIes and can be largely
removed by sImple fIlterIng. Two dIstInct advantages of PW| as stated In [2]
are reduced output fIlter requIrements and output voltage control vIa
modulatIng waveforms. There are two maIn types of PW|, unIpolar and
bIpolar, [1] E [2] provIde excellent explanatIons of these. There are also
some varIatIons on PW| In the quest to reduce undesIrable output
components. A brIef explanatIon of PW| technIques follows:

IpoIar SwItchIng - The unfIltered output voltages swItches between
-7dc and +7dc.

UnIpoIar SwItchIng - The output voltage swItches between -7dc and
zero then zero and +7dc. ThIs offers the benefIt over bIpolar
swItchIng of a reductIon In selected harmonIcs at the expense of
more complex swItch control

0uaI Frequency UnIpoIar SwItchIng - n thIs scheme one set of
swItches (one leg of the Inverter) operates at the carrIer frequency
whIlst the other set operates at the reference frequency; thIs
sImplIfIes swItch control wIth lIttle detrIment to the output
characterIstIcs [2].

*1< - Pulse Space modulatIon [4] overcomes the modulatIng error
Introduced by low frequency Input Inductor current rIpple. ThIs In
turn reduces Input harmonIcs and hence reduces the value of Input
Inductor requIred for a partIcular applIcatIon. The paper presents a
controlled comparIson of PS| and both optImIsed and unoptImIsed

Converter Control

Phase control and Synchronsaton

There are some InterestIng Inverter control methods emergIng for
applIcatIons such as thIs. [J] Presents a fuzzy logIc ImplementatIon of a
control scheme known as predIctIve current control. ThIs type of control
essentIally calculates the approprIate PW| sIgnals each perIod based on a
reference value derIved from the lIne voltage. t has proven to be effectIve
In Inverters of thIs type and the fuzzy logIc ImplementatIon reduces
computatIonal load on the controller.

Another control solutIon Is presented In [8]. t InvestIgates varIous unIpolar
swItchIng optIons and combInes thIs wIth hysterIc current control. 8oth of
the above methodologIes provIde Inherent synchronIsatIon to the grId and
InjectIon at near unIty power factor.

Maxmum Power Pont Trackny

There are a number of ways In whIch |PPT can be Implemented In a
converter vIa dIgItal control means. [9] Presents an experImental
comparIson between the most common |PPT technIques. The two most
favourable of these are the Incremental conductance and the perturb and
observe (PED) method. [10] Dffers yet another |PPT optIon. An overvIew of
each follows:

PD - PerIodIcally the output voltage of the converter Is shIfted up or
down by a small amount, the power output of the panel Is then
observed and hence It Is found to Increase or decrease. The next
perturbatIon Is then produced Is such a dIrectIon as to Increase
power. Two dIsadvantages of thIs method are It's slow speed and
oscIllatIon around the |PP.

IncrementaI Conductance - ThIs technIque use the fact that at the
|PP, dP/d7 = 0 leadIng to d/d7 = /7, from thIs relatIonshIp the
dIrectIon of the requIred perturbatIon can be found. ThIs overcomes
the two problems of PED, but Is more computatIonally expensIve.

CraphIcaI InterpretatIon [10] - ThIs method sImply makes use of
known parameters of a partIcular P7 panel, It then approxImates a
maxImum power 7 relatIonshIp. The accuracy of thIs method Is
dependent on the accuracy and avaIlabIlIty of P7 panel


FIgure 8 gIves an overvIew of the fInal converter desIgn; It follows the
typIcal solutIon based on the "boost then Invert" technIque. The followIng
sectIons descrIbe the selectIon of power electronIcs topologIes and the
control, sensIng and fIlterIng requIred In the converter.

Figure 8. Converter Block Diagram

4.1 TopoIogy SeIectIon

The converter consIsts of two maIn power electronIcs cIrcuIts. 0C0C
conversIon Is accomplIshed wIth a versIon of the Half 8rIdge 0ual converter
as descrIbed before (fIgure 9). ThIs converter Is hard swItched; work on thIs
topIc In the future may Include development of soft swItchIng technIques
such as resonance. The half brIdge Is |DSFET swItched and Includes an over
voltage snubber to reduce swItch stresses and thus allow for less expensIve

The 0CAC component of the converter consIsts of a basIc sIngle level
|DSFET swItched full brIdge Inverter (FIgure 15). ThIs confIguratIon Is well
suIted to the low current, hIgh voltage condItIons under whIch thIs Inverter
wIll operate. ThIs stage also exhIbIts a common/dIfferentIal mode output

4.2 Power Storage

StatIc InversIon of the 0C voltage to the AC grId results In an Input power
rIpple at a frequency of twIce the fundamental output frequency, that Is:

H: f
H: f
f f
) (Australia 50

n order to fIlter the rectIfIed 0C converter output and supply the necessary
current for thIs power rIpple capacItIve storage Is requIred. ThIs rIpple could
be allowed to reflect through the 0C converter to the P7 termInals however
capacItIve storage would then be requIred at thIs poInt. n terms of
capacItor sIze, for a gIven charge storage, hIgh voltages wIll mean a smaller
capacItor may be used. Therefore the power storage for the Inverter rIpple
Is done at the hIgher 0C voltage as opposed to the lower one. CIven an
allowable voltage rIpple the capacItor sIze Is calculated as follows:

345 and 375
30 , 360

1 1
, 100
) ( ). ( ) (

T T t W P
time t power P energv E

uF uF
Joules E
47 2 . 46
) 345 375 (
) (

) - (
5 . 0
. 100
2 2 2 2
2 2 2

t Is possIble to use the 0C bus voltage level In feed forward technIques
wIthIn Inverter control loops, thIs means the 0C bus voltage may rIpple
quIte sIgnIfIcantly as long as It remaIns above a suItable InversIon voltage Ie.
J407 plus component voltage drops. A 4007, 47uF capacItor Is quIte
reasonable as long as It has a suItable current rIpple ratIng, the current
rIpple demands are quIte low due to the low F|S currents flowIng through
the Inverter, therefore thIs Is not a crItIcal Issue.

Figure 9. Half Bridge Dual

4.3 HaIf rIdge 0uaI

The half brIdge dual was chosen maInly for Its suItabIlIty to hIgh current,
hIgh voltage boost applIcatIons. ts potentIal for applIcatIons such as these
Is great and thus the project was a chance to gIve It further opportunIty to
be tested.

The swItchIng process In the half brIdge Inherently doubles the voltage
before It Is even applIed to the prImary wIndIng termInals, thus the voltage
transfer equatIon as derIved from the regular half brIdge Is as follows [5]:

)> /@





Where 0 Is the actual duty cycle of the swItches Ie. 50. As can be seen
from the equatIon the transformer turns ratIo should be selected to gIve 50
duty cycle at the hIghest Input voltage.


The major desIgn problem to be encountered In thIs project was always
goIng to be the IsolatIon boundary requIred between two controlled and
connected poInts, that Is, the P7 sIde swItches/sensIng/control and the grId
sIde equIvalent. solatIon of the prImary power path Is achIeved vIa a hIgh
frequency power transformer. A number of dIfferent methods for Isolated
control/sensIng/feedback were developed before the fInal desIgn was

solated Control DptIons

There are a number of requIrements for the control of the converter. These
must be addressed when desIgnIng for Its Isolated boundary

CrId sIde current and voltage sensIng - thIs Is requIred for Inverter
control, 'IslandIng' preventIon etc.

SuffIcIent sensIng to provIde feedback for |PPT - 8oth a current
and voltage at a poInt In the cIrcuIt must be measured for Input to
the |PPT control loop.

PreventIon of 0C bus overshoot - The converter must be able to
keep busses, In partIcular the hIgh voltage 0C bus wIthIn
component ratIngs Ie. the 0C bus must stay wIthIn the 4007 ratIng
of the 47uF capacItor.

LogIc and drIver power supplIes - 0erIvatIon of these supplIes Is
also a sIgnIfIcant factor.

|DSFET swItchIng sIgnals - There are |DSFETs on both sIdes of the
boundary that requIre gate drIve sIgnals.

Crd/PV Sde Cate Control

ThIs method Involves a sIngle controller placed on eIther sIde of the
IsolatIon boundary. The are a number of problems wIth both
ImplementatIons of thIs solutIon. f the controller Is on the P7 sIde of the
boundary, logIc supply can be lInearly regulated from the low voltage P7
source, thIs Is good.

The controller must swItch the four full brIdge swItches, and receIve three
sensIng sIgnals from the other sIde of the boundary, also a gate drIve supply
must be derIved for the grId sIde |DSFETs, thIs Is therefore not a good
solutIon. f the controller Is placed on the grId sIde, the number of sIgnals
crossIng the IsolatIon boundary decreases however there Is a further

n a sImple solutIon only two sIgnals need to cross the boundary to control
the half brIdge Ie. the two gate drIve sIgnals. The gate drIve for the P7 sIde
(half brIdge) |DSFETs must be able to startup by themselves, that Is, the
only power supply on the grId sIde before startup Is the grId Itself.
Therefore the maIn problem wIth thIs solutIon Is that It requIres the
controller logIc power to be derIved from the 2407AC grId, thIs would
obvIously mean the use of a 60Hz transformer or some other 'of the shelf'
solutIon, thIs Is sImply not practIcal In a converter of thIs sIze.

n summary, the use of a sIngle controller to provIde all gate drIve sIgnals
dIrectly Is not a vIable solutIon. All of the followIng solutIons consIst of a
master controller sItuated on the grId sIde of the IsolatIon boundary. ThIs Is
due to the fact that the sensIng and swItchIng requIrements of thIs sIde are
much greater than those of the P7 sIde.

Fxed PWM

The second solutIon Is based on a rather prImItIve but somewhat unIque
Idea. 0erIvIng P7 sIde |DSFET drIve sIgnals usIng a sImple oscIllator
combIned wIth a logIc 'delay' cIrcuIt gIves two 180 degree out of phase
50+ duty cycle waveforms. FIgure 10 shows the sImple cIrcuIt used for thIs.
ThIs cIrcuIt has no Input and thus no feedback, the PW| sIgnal Is then
essentIally fIxed In both frequency and duty cycle. The turns ratIon of the
transformer Is used to set the output voltage based on the voltage gaIn
equatIon for the half brIdge at 50 duty. The power for the cIrcuItry Is
derIved from the P7 source and Is selfstartIng; thIs allows the grId sIde

logIc to be powered by a
voltage derIved from
transferred P7 power as
opposed to the 2407AC grId as
In the prevIous solutIon.

Dne partIcular problem wIth
thIs method Is the range of
Input voltages seen by the
converter; cool, open cIrcuIt
P7 panels rated at 177 may
produce up to 257 under
these condItIons. Panels
Figure 10. PWM Oscillator obvIously drop to very low
voltages as well therefore
operatIon down to low voltages, although not crItIcal, would be benefIcIal.
The dual half brIdge must obvIously be able to produce J507+ wIth a gIven
Input voltage, If thIs voltage were to Increase the hIgh voltage 0C bus would
Increase proportIonally. There comes a poInt when thIs Is ImpractIcal wIth
regards to component ratIngs. A solutIon to thIs problem mIght be to put an
overvoltage snubber on the 0C bus; thIs obvIously wastes power and Is not
In lIne wIth the effIcIency goals for the converter.

The full brIdge Inverter usIng current and voltage control methods would
provIde |PPT In the case of thIs control solutIon; the P7 termInal voltage
reflects exactly what Is happenIng on the hIgh voltage 0C bus. Therefore If
the 0C bus voltage were varIed, the P7 power poInt would change also. ThIs
Is obvIously an extremely InflexIble control solutIon, however It IndIcates
that no potentIal solutIon was overlooked.

Course PWM

To combat the problems In the prevIous solutIon a course control method
could be used. 8y ImplementIng the P7 sIde control In a small
mIcrocontroller or PL0 course control could be provIded by way of opto

Dptocouplers are C (Integrated cIrcuIt) chIps that provIde an IsolatIon
'brIdge' by way of lIght. They use an Internal lIght source (controlled vIa the
Input sIgnal) to control the gate of a transIstor on the output. 8y usIng one
or two optocoupler channels In a dIgItal fashIon a number of operatIng
states can be represented.

Upon startup the grId sIde controller would not be powered therefore no
sIgnal through the optocoupler would IndIcate that the P7 sIde controller
should be In a 'soft start' mode, thIs would provIde enough voltage to
powerup the grId sIde controller and allow It to take control. The grId sIde
controller would then sIgnal the P7 sIde controller that the Inverter was
operatIonal and the grId (load) was present. ThIs state would mean that the
P7 sIde controller could gIve full voltage boost. The other states could be
used for error or overvoltage IndIcatIon. Although thIs solutIon allows
greater flexIbIlIty It Is known that there are more comprehensIve ways to
use optocouplers In feedback networks.

Analoyue Feedback

t was dIscovered that by far the most sImple and cost effectIve way to
Implement the hIgh frequency swItchIng sIgnals for the 0C0C swItches was
vIa an analogue feedback PW| Integrated cIrcuIt. CenerIc chIps such as the
TL494 and the SC2J24 have been on the market for quIte a few years yet
they are stIll extremely flexIble and robust by today's standards. These
chIps offer two channels that can be confIgured to suIte the half brIdge dual
Ie. overlappIng and 180 degrees out of phase. They also contaIn two error
amplIfIers, an Internal voltage regulator and other varIous features.
0edIcated PW| Cs are also self startIng Ie. they wIll startup at a set duty
cycle (usually 50) untIl they receIve a feedback sIgnal.

The basIc operatIon of these chIps Is quIte sImple; they receIve an analogue
feedback sIgnal scaled from the output of the converter. ThIs sIgnal Is
compared wIth a voltage dIvIder network and the duty cycle of the sIgnal
output by the chIp Is adjusted untIl there Is zero error (zero dIfference).
PassIng an analogue sIgnal across an IsolatIon boundary Is sImple but not

An optocoupler wIth a 8JT (8Ipolar JunctIon TransIstor) output can be used.
The 8JT Is bIased In Its lInear regIon, the varyIng InsolatIon provIded by the
Internal lIght source transfers the scaled analogue sIgnal to the 8JT gate.
The current through the LE0 Is controlled by the scaled feedback sIgnal. The
8JT output Is then sent to the PW| C error amplIfIer Input. ThIs solutIon Is
relatIvely sImple and easy to Implement however It Is lImIted In flexIbIlIty
due to the output voltage beIng fIxed In hardware. An extensIon of thIs
method and the fInal solutIon Is presented next.

0ytal/Analoyue Hybrd Feedback

An overvIew of the fInal Isolated feedback solutIon can be seen In fIgure 11.

Figure 11. Feedback Solution
As can be seen the feedback loop termInates wIth a PW| C, however thIs Is
where the sImIlarItIes wIth the prevIous solutIon end. n order to create
greater flexIbIlIty wIth regards to 0C voltage control the feedback sIgnal Is
constructed vIa the grId sIde (master) controller. ThIs allows voltage control
vIa software as opposed to a voltage dIvIder network (hard wIred). The
master controller senses the hIgh voltage 0C bus vIa A0C (Analogue to
0IgItal ConversIon), from thIs a PW| sIgnal Is generated. ThIs sIgnal Is sent
through a sIngle optocoupler In a dIgItal fashIon. The P7 sIde cIrcuIt
Includes a 4
order butterworth fIlter (FIgure 12), thIs fIlter converts the
PW| feedback sIgnal to a 0C voltage suItable for dIrect Input to the
compensatIon pIn of the PW| C.

Figure 12. PWM Filtering

The PW| C to be used In thIs desIgn Is the SC2524, for full range operatIon
thIs chIps requIres between 17 and 47 on Its compensatIon pIn to gIve 50
to 100 duty cycle on Its output. The fIlter In fIgure 12 has been desIgned to
gIve 07 to 47 output over the full range of Input PW|. The PW| sIgnal
enterIng the fIlter wIll operate at a frequency of around 16kHz, thIs Is the
maxImum PW| frequency that Is comfortably avaIlable from the chosen
master controller. DperatIng at thIs relatIvely hIgh frequency also means
that components such as capacItors wIthIn the fIlter can be smaller. The
butterworth fIlter comprIses two cascaded sallenkey cIrcuIts. The
component values of whIch can be approxImately calculated as follows [1J]:


Where F Is the value of the resIstors on the nonInvertIng Input of the op
amp and C Is the value of all of two fIlter capacItors. The values for the
resIstors that make up the dIvIder network on the output of the opamp are
based upon a fIxed value determIned by the order of the fIlter and the stage
In questIon. For a 4
order fIlter wIth two stages the correspondIng
constants (called K values) are 1.152 and 2.2J5 for each stage respectIvely.
The bottom resIstor In the network Is somewhat arbItrarIly chosen, the top
resIstor Is then calculated by the followIng formula:

- . K R R

The 0C gaIn (K
) In a fIlter of thIs type happens to be determIned by the
same component values that control the cutoff frequency. Therefore we
sImply desIgn the fIlter usIng a frequency cutoff spec and then place a
voltage dIvIder on the output to reduce the voltage to a level suItable for
the SC2524. These values are used as a startIng poInt; the cIrcuIt Is then
fInetuned In SPCE (a cIrcuIt sImulatIon program). Table 1 shows the
sImulatIon results after the fInal component value selectIon.


PW| 0uty
Cycle ()

FesultIng FIlter Dutput
7oltage (7)
0 0
25 0.95
50 1.9
75 2.84
100 J.79

Table 1. PWM Filter Response

SC2524 0eraton

The frequency of the |DSFET drIve sIgnal Is determIned by a sImple FC
resonant cIrcuIt Incorporated Into the SC2524. The outputs of the SC2524
are confIgured to be out of phase, due to the Internal cIrcuItry thIs means
that the oscIllator frequency needs to be twIce that of the desIred swItchIng
frequency. t was chosen to swItch the half brIdge at an approxImate
frequency of 100kHz; thIs Is typIcal of converters of thIs type. The
oscIllatIon frequency must then be 200kHz, the values to create such an
oscIllatIon are as follows:



Is selected to be quIte small, 1nF, thIs allows F
to also be small resultIng
In a strong oscIllatIon.

7 . 4 5000
10 1 . 200000
1 1

These values result In an oscIllatIon of around 210kHz, thIs Is quIte

Figure 13. PWM Control

The outputs of the SC2524 are noncommItted opencollector and emItter

8JTs. They are wIred In such a fashIon that the sIgnals seen at the gate
drIver Inputs are Inverted from typIcal PW| operatIon, thIs Is a requIrement
of the half brIdge dual, the normal half brIdge requIres nonoverlappIng
PW|. The error amplIfIers of the SC2524 are not use and are thus dIsabled
by applyIng a posItIve voltage to theIr InvertIng Inputs.

SwItch SelectIon

There are essentIally two sets of swItches used In the half brIdge converter.
The actIve swItches that form the brIdge of the converter are controlled vIa
the PW| C descrIbed prevIously. The output of the secondary wIndIng of
the transformer Is rectIfIed to 0C. The swItches used In the rectIfIer are

Prmary Sde Swtchny

FequIrements of the prImary sIde half brIdge swItch:

0rIvable from 1070C - 107 Is supplIed to the drIver of the

Able to handle the maxImum Input current - 100W at 177 gIves
an Input current of around 6A, thIs means the swItches wIll have o
handle JA each. ThIs Is a mInImum value, the dIfference In cost
between swItches In the 1A to 10A ratIng Is mInImal, therefore a
swItch wIth a hIgher ratIng may be worthwhIle In terms of

8e rated to twIce the Input voltage - 7oltage overshoot may
Increase thIs requIrement as well. The use of a snubber reduces
thIs effect somewhat. The swItches however, wIll be rated to at
least 607.

|DSFETs are best suIted to thIs sItuatIon, there are a multItude of these
avaIlable that meet the above crIterIa. Therefore the selectIon was based
maInly on cost. The FFZ14 from InternatIonal rectIfIer are quIte
InexpensIve. They are rated at 10A and 607. They come In a standard TD220
package and therefore have suffIcIent standalone heat dIssIpatIon.

Secondary Sde Rectjcaton

FequIrements of the rectIfIcatIon devIces:

Fast recovery - The dIodes must be of the hIgh frequency type,
they wIll be rectIfyIng a 100kHz+ waveform. ThIs hIgh frequency
swItchIng can mean large losses wIll be Induced If the dIodes do
not recover quIckly.

Able to handle peak forward currents of around 1A - ThIs
absolutely the hIghest current the dIodes wIll endure.

Have a reverse breakdown voltage greater than the 0C bus voltage
- The devIces wIll be 6007 dIodes, thIs Is one advantage of the
half brIdge dual over Its brother. The rectIfIer works Into a
capacItIve fIlter, thIs means It Is clamped to the voltage on the
capacItor. ThIs In turn lowers the reverse voltage seen by the

Dnce agaIn the selectIon comes down to a matter of cost. The generIc
UF4005 Is an ultra hIgh frequency low current dIode. They are 6007 devIces
prIced at under S2.

Cate 0rIve

FIgure 9 on page 22 shows the half brIdges |DSFET drIver C. ThIs Is a
generIc 8pIn devIce. t Is capable of up to 4A of drIve current and can
operate off a wIde range of voltages. The devIce used In thIs cIrcuIt Is a
UCC27J24 from Texas nstruments; thIs C contaIns two nonInvertIng
drIvers. ThIs C wIll comfortably drIve the FFZ14 at hIgh speed and wIll
result In fast swItchIng tImes.

Dvervoltage Snubber

The task of any snubber Is essentIally to reduce or negate effects caused
usually by transIent currents and voltages wIthIn a cIrcuIt. A sImple
dIssIpatIve overvoltage snubber Is Included on to clamp the |DSFETs draIn
voltage to a level wIthIn the ratIng of the swItches. FIgure 9 on page 22
shows the four components that make up the snubber, the dIodes and
capacItor. The snubber makes use of a 257 zener dIode, thIs dIode wIll
dIssIpate power once the draIn voltage rIses above the P7 voltage plus 257.
Therefore the draIn voltage wIll never rIse above 7
+ 25, thIs keeps the
voltage wIthIn the 607 ratIng of the |DSFETs. The use of the snubber could
be elImInated by greatly overspecIfyIng the |DSFETs, thIs Is lIkely to add
mInImal cost to the swItches and would Increase effIcIency of the converter.

nductor SelectIon

The converter Is to be run In CC| (Constant ConductIon |ode) thIs means
that the current flowIng through the Inductors never falls to zero under
normal operatIon. These Inductors then have to be of suffIcIent value to
operate In CC|. The Inductors, lIke the |DSFETs, also have to be able to
handle of the total Input current Ie. JA to 5A. To keep the converter In
CC| under all load condItIons a mInImum Inductance value must be set. The
InItIal calculatIons are based on a 120W, 177 P7 Input. The swItchIng
frequency has already been chosen to be 100kHz. UsIng the equatIon for
voltage across and Inductor:

uH uS A J L
dt di J L
dt di J L dt di L J
24 ) 5 5 . 3 /( 17
5 . 3
17 2
100 2
) /(
) /( ) (

Therefore an Inductor wIth a mInImum value of 24uH and a mInImum
current ratIng of J.5A needs to be selected. DbvIously the hIgher the actual
values are above these the better, In terms of both effIcIency and
flexIbIlIty. The Inductors used In the fInal desIgn were selected from the
CoIlcraft range, they are rated at 4A and have an Inductance of 47uH. ThIs
Is obvIously well above the mInImum requIred.

Power Transformer

Dne partIcular dIsadvantage of the half brIdge dual Is that by Its nature It Is
very susceptIble to transformer leakage Inductance. ThIs means the
transformer needs to be tIghtly coupled and have a hIghgrade ferrIte core.
ThIs Is obvIously a compromIse wIth cost, the grade chosen for thIs
converter was JC90, better grades are avaIlable and perhaps that could be a
development step In the future.

Core Selecton

The type of core Is also Important In
power applIcatIons, a common type
that suIts thIs applIcatIon Is the ET0
serIes of cores (fIgure 14). These cores
are relatIvely small for theIr power
ratIng and have a low profIle. They
come In a number of dIfferent power
Figure 14. ETD Series Core ratIngs (sIzes), It Is an advantage to
over specIfy transformer cores to some
degree. WIth thIs In mInd the ET0J9 was chosen, thIs core Is rated to J507A
under unIpolar swItchIng condItIons, much hIgher under bIpolar. ConsIderIng
the transformer wIll only have to process 100W under normal condItIons It Is
somewhat overspecIfIed.


TheIr are many factors to be consIdered when wIndIng a power transformer.
The maIn three are the turns ratIo, number of wIndIngs and the ratIngs of
the wIndIngs. The turns ratIo for the half brIdge dual Is calculated by settIng
the desIred output voltage at the maxImum Input voltage for 50 duty

)> /@



SettIng a maxImum Input voltage of 257 for an output voltage of J507 we




[1] Shows that a prImary wIndIng of between 6 and 12 turns Is suItable for a
converter of thIs power ratIng usIng an ET0 core, the prImary wIndIng wIll
then be 12.5 turns. The prImary turns ratIon Is selected to the half turn for
ease of wIndIng. ThIs means that the secondary wIndIng wIll be (6.5 by 7)
87.5 turns. The prImary wIndIng Is wound usIng two wIndIngs of enamelled
wIre wIth a gauge of 1mm, the secondary uses a sIngle 0.4mm wIndIng. The
prImary wIndIng Is further Insulated from the secondary by a paper dIvIder,
each layer of secondary wIndIng Is also Insulated from Itself by the same
means. The secondary wIndIng Is 'sandwIched' between the two prImary
wIndIngs, thIs Is In an effort to Increase couplIng.

4.4 FuII rIdge Inverter

Figure 15. Full Bridge Inverter

The controllable full brIdge confIguratIon was chosen for the InversIon stage
of the converter for Its sImplIcIty and flexIbIlIty. The use of the full brIdge
also allows experImentatIon wIth PW| technIques In order to Increase
power qualIty and reduce output fIlter requIrements.

SwItch SelectIon

The level of control requIred for varIous tasks wIthIn thIs converter means
that fully controlled swItches are the better alternatIve. n convertIng 0C
voltages and power of the magnItude seen In thIs converter |DSFETs can be
seen as the most cost effectIve choIce. Low current, hIgh voltage |DSFETs
are relatIvely cheap.

Cate 0rIve

Dne partIcular Issue that must be consIdered when drIvIng full brIdge
swItches Is the fact that the upper swItches are not referenced to ground.
|DSFETs requIre a gate voltage that Is referenced to theIr source voltage
before they wIll turn on. TheIr sources are connected to the output and
hence the drIve sIgnal has to be offset by the varyIng output voltage. The
gate drIve voltage level then has to be:

J v J

Therefore the applIed gate voltage may have to be any where up to J607.
Fortunately there are specIalIsed brIdge drIver Cs that offer a ground
referenced drIve sIgnal (for the lower swItch) as well as a chargepumped
hIgh voltage drIve sIgnal for the upper swItch. The C chosen for thIs
applIcatIon Is the L6J84 from ST. t only requIres a sIngle external capacItor
for Its charge pump cIrcuItry. Four factors have to be consIdered when
selectIng the value of the boot capacItor:

7oltage drop due to transfer of charge to the |DSFET gate.

7oltage drop due to the chargIng of the boot capacItor vIa the
Internal 0|DS transIstor.

7oltage drop caused by steady onstate |DSFET gate leakage - the
Inverter In thIs case Is beIng swItched at a relatIvely hIgh
frequency thus gate leakage problems can be Ignored.

Feference voltage frequency when compared to boot capacItance
- Ie. the capacItor can not be too large.

f a C
value of 1uF Is selected we can generally avoId the effects
mentIoned above. ThIs Is a usual value and Is suItable for thIs applIcatIon.

Two of these Cs are requIred, one for each leg of the full brIdge. They
feature an Inverted lower swItch output, thIs means only a sIngle PW|
sIgnal per leg Is requIred from the master controller.

Dutput FIlter

FIlterIng of the Inverters output Is essentIal to meet the total harmonIc
dIstortIon standards. A typIcal confIguratIon of a common mode suppressIon
coIl followIng by a dIfferentIal mode maIns rated capacItor Is used (fIgure
15). ThIs fIlter, coupled wIth unIpolar PW| technIques wIll result In an
output power qualIty that meets the AustralIan standard (SectIon 2.J).

4.5 Current and VoItage SensIng

There are three sensIng requIrements for the converter, the voltage on the
J5070C bus, the output voltage (grId voltage) and the output current. All of
these quantItIes must be condItIoned before than can be Input to analogue
to dIgItal converters.

0C 8us 7oltage

The 0C bus voltage Is requIred for control of the 0C boost converter, the
control of the boost wIll be achIeved vIa Isolated PW| as dIscussed
prevIously. The 0C bus voltage may also be used In feed forward Inverter
control technIques. The natural power rIpple on the 0C bus can also be left
'as Is' to enable automatIc perturbatIon for power trackIng. n thIs case the
0C voltage would also be used as an Input to the |PPT algorIthm. FIgure 16
shows that the sensIng cIrcuIt Is sImply a voltage dIvIder followed by an op
amp cIrcuIt confIgured as a voltage follower. Extra protectIon Is provIded
for the opamp termInals by two separate resIstors connected In serIes wIth
the hIgh voltage bus. The voltage follower offers a degree of IsolatIon for
the A0C Inputs.

Figure 16. DC Voltage Sensing

AC 8us 7oltage

7oltage sensIng on the AC bus Is a lIttle more complIcated, the cIrcuIt Is a
dIfferentIal amplIfIer confIguratIon (fIgure 17). The opamp wIll output a
sIgnal based upon the dIfference between the two Inputs as opposed to a

Figure 17. AC Voltage Sensing

neutral referenced sIgnal. ThIs reduces noIse and hence Increases accuracy
In the readIng. An offset voltage must be applIed In order to convert the bI
polar AC sIgnal Into a 07 to +57 sIgnal suItable for A0 conversIon. ThIs offset
voltage Is 2.57 and Is applIed to the 'ground' of the nonInvertIng voltage
dIvIder network.

ProtectIon dIodes are Included at the termInals of the opamp, these are
sImply backtoback dIodes. 0urIng power off the opamps termInals would
be subject to AC grId voltages, enough to destroy the C, the dIodes reduce
thIs voltage to 0.67 (the voltage drop across a forward bIas dIode).

AC Current

The current flowIng out of the converter Is perhaps the most dIffIcult
quantIty to measure. The low currents Involved allow sense resIstors to be
used wIth mInImal power loss. However measurIng such small voltages
across these resIstors wIthIn such a large common mode sIgnal (240AC)
presents some dIffIcultIes. t Is for thIs reason that dIrectly sensIng current
flowIng out of the converter Is a not a vIable solutIon.

Figure 18. AC Current Sensing

Another approach Is to measure the current flowIng through each leg of the
full brIdge Inverter durIng theIr 'on' state. ThIs Is done by placIng a small

sense resIstor between the source of the lower |DSFET and ground on both
legs (fIgure 15). ThIs means that the voltage measured across thIs resIstor Is
essentIally referenced to ground and thus wIll not be swamped by hIgh
common mode voltages.

The sensIng cIrcuItry Is now made quIte sImple (fIgure 18), two of these
cIrcuIts are requIred, one for each leg. The opamp Is wIred as a non
InvertIng hIgh gaIn amplIfIer. ThIs cIrcuIt elImInates the need for an offset
voltage, posItIve and negatIve goIng currents are represented by a
respectIve leg of the full brIdge.

Dffset Feference 7oltage

The offset voltage requIred by the AC voltage measurIng cIrcuIt Is provIded
by a reference voltage C, the L|2J6 (fIgure 19). The output If thIs C Is also
Input to a spare A0C channel, the readIng can be dIrectly subtracted from
the voltage sensIng Input. ThIs sImplIfIes the voltage calculatIon In the
mIcrocontroller as well as IncreasIng accuracy In the readIng.

Figure 19. Reference Voltage

4.6 Converter haster ControI

As can be seen In fIgure 8 on page 19 a central controller Is used to provIde
the majorIty of the functIonalIty In the converter. Two maIn optIons were
consIdered for thIs controller, a standard mIcrocontroller or a 0SP (0IgItal
SIgnal Processor). A 0SP Is essentIally a hardware extended mIcroprocessor,
It contaIns addItIonal hardware to speed up common functIons used In
control and sIgnal processIng applIcatIons. t was decIded that the addItIonal

Figure 20. Master Controller

cost of a 0SP was sImply not warranted. 0SPs also consume a consIderable
amounts of power, around 20 tImes that of a mIcrocontroller, they are also
physIcally larger than most mIcrocontrollers.

Processor SelectIon

Two mIcrocontrollers were found to be suItable for the task, a low power
chIp from Texas nstruments and a proven controller from Atmel's range. t
was eventually decIde to use the 90S85J5 from Atmel, ease of access to
development tools and programmers was a factor In thIs choIce. The 85J5
contaIns 8K of flash memory, enough to comfortably develop control and
functIonalIty of the converter. ts perIpherals Include A0Cs, PW| functIons
and a UAFT channel. The cIrcuItry for the controller can be seen In fIgure

A0C Channels

The 85J5 contaIns an 8 channel, 10bIt A0C. ThIs level of resolutIon Is

suffIcIent for all of the sensIng applIcatIons, 5 out of the 8 channels are

PWM Caabltes

The 85J5 has one 8bIt and one 16bIt counter that can be used In PW|
control. The chIp also has an addItIonal 8bIt counter that can be used for
tImIng functIons. The 16bIt counter offers suffIcIent resolutIon for unIpolar
swItchIng of the full brIdge, It also features two outputs referenced from
the same counter. FunnIng the 85J5 at Its rated speed of 8|Hz allows a
PW| swItchIng speed of around 16kHz, quIte suItable for the full brIdge.
The PW| sent to the half brIdge controller Is also at 16kHz and Is produced
usIng the 8bIt PW| enabled counter.

ln System Proyrammny

The Atmel chIp features SP (n System Programmable) capabIlItIes, thIs
allows code to be downloaded dIrectly to the C vIa an 0C connector. ThIs
In turn aIds development of code and allows a surface mount versIon of the
chIp to be used thus reducIng the physIcal space used.

Reset Control

Although the 85J5 features a poweron reset tImer an addItIonal reset
controller was added to the cIrcuIt. ThIs Is to ensure error free startup and
mInImIse data corruptIon, thIs Is partIcularly Important due to the noIsy
envIronment In whIch the processor wIll work. The reset C sImply holds the
85J5 In reset untIl the supply voltage has reached a satIsfactory level.

FS485 nterface

An Industry standard FS485 Interface was Included In the desIgn for

Increased flexIbIlIty. 0ebug InformatIon can be receIved from thIs port
durIng code development. The port can also be networked wIth other
converters to monItor power flow and error condItIons In a large system.


Code for the Atmel, can be compIled from C source. ThIs allows fast
development tImes and ease of software maIntenance. ntegratIng the CNU
CCC compIler wIth Atmels own A7F StudIo creates a powerful development
system and allows ease of programmIng.

4.7 Power SuppIIes

The derIvatIon of logIc and gate drIve power supplIes Is not always a trIvIal
task. 0ue to the low amount of power used In the controllIng devIces of the
converter lInear regulators are used exclusIvely.

P7 SIde

Dnly a sIngle regulator was requIred on the P7 sIde of the IsolatIon
boundary. The P7 voltage Is regulated to 107, thIs voltage Is supplIed to the
gate drIve C, fIlter opamps as well as the Internal regulator of the PW| C
(fIgure 21). ThIs Internal regulator outputs 57 to supply the logIc wIthIn the
C, It can also be used externally and Is used as the supply for the logIc level

Figure 21. PV Side Power

CrId SIde

The grId sIde supply Is slIghtly more complIcated. The logIc and gate drIve
supply Is derIved from a second, secondary wIndIng on the hIgh frequency
power transformer. ThIs wIndIng consIsts of three turns, the voltage Is
rectIfIed usIng small 1n4148 dIodes and Input to a fIlter capacItor (fIgure
22). The resultIng voltage In then Input to two separate lInear regulators,
one 107 and the other 57. These regulators supply the gate drIve Cs,
sensIng cIrcuItry, the optocoupler and the mIcrocontroller. A number of 1uF
capacItors are placed near 7cc pIns of the varIous components In order to
reduce transIent effects.


Figure 22. Grid Side Power

4.8 PhysIcaI Layout

n order to meet set sIze lImIt of the converter much car was taken In the
placement and routIng of components on the PC8 (PrInted CIrcuIt 8oard).
|any of the devIces used were S|0s (Surface |ount 0evIces) thIs allow hIgh
component densIty and placement on both sIdes of the board. Dne
partIcular layout Issue relevant to power electronIcs Is the effect of stray
Inductances and capacItances, thIs Is due to the PC8 tracks themselves
exhIbItIng capacItance and Inductance. The entIre PC8 can be seen In
appendIx A at the end of thIs document.

Stray nductance

As mentIoned prevIously the half brIdge dual Is

partIcularly susceptIble to stray Inductance
effects. n order to mInImIse thIs problem one can
easIly reduce loop Inductance, thIs essentIally
means reduces the physIcal sIze of loops In the
hIgh frequency swItchIng path. FIgure 2J shows
how the half brIdge swItches are routed between
the prImary termInals of the transformer and the
Figure 23. Loop Routing feedIng Inductors. 8y keep tracks close together
and placIng the ground track on the bottom the
swItchIng loop can be mInImIsed. Stray Inductance can also be produced by
the track Itself, therefore mInImIsIng track length Is also Important.

Surface |ount 0evIces

Surface mount devIces offer many

advantages In terms of routIng and
component densIty. FIgure 24 shows an
example of S|0 placement, these are
Figure 24. SMD Placement the full brIdge |DSFET gate drIvers, they
are placed on the bottom of the board.
ThIs allows room for larger passIve components on the top of the board
such as the 0C bus storage capacItor.


5.1 0C-0C Converter DperatIon

8oost DperatIon

FIgure 25 shows the output voltage of the converter prIor to rectIfIcatIon, It
can be seen that thIs voltage Is approxImately 4007 peak to peak. The
rIngIng seen on the transItIons Is one of the undesIred effects of extremely
hard swItchIng.

Figure 25. Secondary Winding Output

Cate 0rIve

FIgure 26 shows the actual |DSFET gate drIve waveforms of the half brIdge
dual, as can be seen these are quIte suffIcIent and relatIvely clean. The
mInImum overlap can also be seen, thIs Is therefore the lowest duty cycle
that the |DSFETs wIll see. The frequency of thIs swItchIng Is around


Figure 26. MOSFET Gate Drive

SC2524 and PW| FIlter DperatIon

As shown prevIously the PSpIce analysIs of the PW| fIlter revealed that It
gave a smooth response from 0 to 100 duty cycle Input. The actual cIrcuIt
dIffered only In the fact that full range output actually occurs wIthIn a
smaller range of PW| duty cycle. ThIs essentIally means that control of the
boost of the converter Is not as fIne as was desIgned. ThIs presents no real
problem. The SC2524 PW| controller performs as expected, through full
range error Input the output duty cycle ranges between 52 and 97. ThIs
means that full range control of the boost converter Is avaIlable to the
master controller.


FIgure 27 shows a plot of converter effIcIency versus load as a percentage of
rated load Ie. 100W. As can be seen the converter reaches a maxImum
effIcIency of 80.5. Although lower than hoped thIs fIgure Is stIll quIte
respectable for an Isolated converter. The converter performs poorly at low
loads, although thIs Is to be expected thIs area obvIously needs ImprovIng
for P7 specIfIc applIcatIons. The effIcIency test was carrIed out at a duty
cycle of 50 wIth an ohmIc load varyIng between 1k and 10k ohms. 0etaIled
results of the effIcIency test can be seen In table 1 In the appendIces.
Figure 27. Converter Efficiency

Transjormer leakaye

Few problems were observed relatIng to transformer leakage and other
stray Inductances. 7oltage overshoot was mInImal thus the overvoltage
snubber dIssIpates very lIttle power. FIgure 28 shows the Input waveforms to
the prImary wIndIng of the transformer, these measurements were taken
wIth an Input voltage of 207. The snubber In thIs case was dIsabled to see
actual swItchIng voltages. As can be seen the maxImum voltage at the
termInals of the transformer (also the voltage across the |DSFETs) reaches
a maxImum of 527. ThIs Is well wIthIn the |DSFETs ratIng of 607.

21 36 67.2 100.7 63 126 120 138
Percentage of FuII Load (100W)


Figure 28. Primary Winding Inputs

5.2 ControIIer DperatIon

The small amount of code wrItten for the master controller was prImarIly
for testIng the SP of the Atmel and the general operatIon of the
mIcrocontroller Itself. The SP hardware Is operatIonal; a small LE0 was
perIodIcally flashed to IndIcate controller operatIon. ThIs LE0 also IndIcates
that the prImary sIde power supply (derIved from the transformer) Is also
operatIonal. The test code lIstIng can be found on page 1 of the appendIces.

5.3 0C-AC Inverter DperatIon

Unfortunately at the tIme If wrItIng no code had been developed for the
control of the Inverter swItches. ThIs means that both the effIcIency of the
Inverter and the performance of the output fIlter had not been evaluated.

5.4 Cost

An aIm of thIs project was to construct prototype hardware for less than
150AU0. The total component cost of the prototype was approxImately
1J0AU0. Although well wIthIn the set target thIs cost could be reduced
sIgnIfIcantly If the converter was to be produced commercIally.

5.5 SIze

Dne of the stated goals of the desIgn was to be able to construct a
converter that would fIt wIthIn a '8P Solar' P7 panel junctIon box. ThIs was
essentIally achIeved, although the transformer heIght became a problem.
ThIs would be allevIated by usIng a newer, low profIle transformer bobbIn.
The fInal prototype can be seen In fIgure 29 sIttIng In the P7 junctIon box.

Figure 29. Converter and 1unction Box


6.1 Summary and EvaIuatIon

As suggested In sectIon 2 thIs project was focused prImarIly on the desIgn

and constructIon of the hardware related to a low power grId connected P7
Inverter. 0evelopment of software was secondary and was maInly to be
done for hardware testIng purposes. Unfortunately very lIttle code was
wrItten due to tIme constraInts and thus some hardware remaIns untested.
That beIng saId, all of the hardware tests and sImulatIons carrIed out
IndIcate that the Inverter Is quIte capable of meetIng all requIrements for
grId connectIon and would provIde effIcIency comparable to commercIally
avaIlable Inverters of thIs type. The work done on thIs project has certaInly
moved toward the objectIve, however much work stIll needs to be done to
produce a fully functIonal, marketable product.

6.2 Future Work


EffIcIency of the Inverter, In partIcular the 0C0C conversIon stage, wIll

requIre further attentIon If development of the product Is to contInue. |any
optIons exIst In the quest to reduce converter losses, the two most
technIques to reduce swItchIng losses (one of the major causes of power loss
In swItchIng converters) are:

LossIess snubbers - these cIrcuIts allows voltage and swItchIng
transIents to be suppressed whIlst dIssIpatIng mInImal power.
They store snubbed energy In capacItIve or InductIve cIrcuIts. ThIs
power Is then reIntroduced to the converter durIng a dIfferent
part of the swItchIng cycle.

Zero VoItagelZero Current SwItchIng - Fesonant technIques can
be used to ensure that stress on a swItch are mInImal durIng
swItch on and swItch off. ThIs means that swItchIng losses (such as
those seen In |DSFETs) are essentIally reduced to zero.

8oth of these methods requIre a comprehensIve knowledge of power
electronIcs and are quIte advanced.

Code 0evelopment

The majorIty of the future work on thIs topIc Is lIkely to be focused on the
development of code for the functIonalIty requIred of the Inverter. The
followIng are the crItIcal areas that requIre attentIon:

oost ControI - A control algorIthm wIll be needed to dIrect the
boost converter vIa the Isolated feedback loop. ThIs algorIthm
would use the A0C sIgnal from the 0C bus as It's Input. The output
would be In the form of a PW| channel.

Inverter SwItch controI - Two channels of PW| are requIred for
the control of the four Inverter swItches. The PW| regIster wIll be
controlled by a number of Inputs. SwItchIng technIques desIgned
to mInImIse harmonIcs would also need to be Implemented.

CrId SynchronIsatIon - SensIng of the grId wIll be used to
synchronIse the Inverter output to the grId. ThIs also Involves
control of power factor among other thIngs.

hPPT - Power poInt trackIng wIll be Implemented usIng the
current and voltage outputs of the Inverter. ThIs means that the
|PPT algorIthm wIll track the maxImum power poInt of the entIre

system as opposed to the panel Itself; trackIng the power poInt of
the panel does not ensure maxImum power at the output of the

AntI-IsIandIng - CrId detectIon technIques such as frequency and
voltage dItherIng must be Implemented to ensure that IslandIng
never occurs. SpecIfIc requIrements of thIs functIon are outlIned
In the AustralIan Standards documents.

AddItIonal functIonalIty and control technIques could also be Implemented

to Improve the overall value of the Inverter. ThIs product would greatly
benefIt from the Input of future thesIs students and thus Is a worthwhIle
project to undertake.

[1] N. |ohan, T.|. Underland, W.P. FobbIns, "Power Electroncs -
Converters, Applcctons cnd 0esyn", John WIley and Sons nc.,

[2] 0. W. Hart, "lntroducton to Power Electroncs", PrentIce Hall, 1997.

[J] S. Premrudeepreechacharn, T. Poapornsawan, "Fuzzy Loyc Control
o] Predctve Current Control ]or 6rd Connected Snyle Phcse
lnverter", 26
EEE Annual Conference of the EEE ndustrIal
ElectronIcs, 2000, pp. 1715 - 1718.

[4] A. NakajIma, S. |otegI, A. |aeda, "Compcrson o] the Chcrccterstcs
between 8uck cnd 8uck8oost HyhPowerFcctor Converters wth
PulseSpcceModulcton", EEE ECDN, 1999. pp. 168 - 17J.

[5] Q. LI, P. Wolfs, "A Resoncnt Hcl] 8rdye 0ucl Converter", AUPEC,
2002, pp. 2J6 - 268.

[6] 0.C. |artIns, F. 0emontI, "lnterconnecton o] c Photovoltcc Pcnels
Arrcy to c SnylePhcse 0tlty Lne From c Stctc Converson
System", 26
EEE Annual Conference of the EEE ndustrIal
ElectronIcs, 2000, pp. 1207 - 1211.

[7] 0. A. FuIzCaballero, .8arbI, "A New FlybcckCurrentFed PushPull
0C0C Converter", 24
EEE Annual Conference of the EEE ndustrIal
ElectronIcs, 1998, pp. 10J6 - 1041.

[8] F. Sharma, "Anclyss o] c PWM Hysterc Control 0npolcr
Trcns]ormerless lnverter ]or 0tlty Connected P\ Applcctons,
AUPEC, 2002, pp. 195 - 198.

[9] 0. P. Hohm, |. E. Fopp, "Compcrctve Study o] Mcxmum Power
Pont Trcckny Alyorthms 0sny cn Expermentcl, Proyrcmmcble,
Mcxmum Power Pont Trcckny Test 8ed", 26
EEE Annual
Conference of the EEE ndustrIal ElectronIcs, 2000, pp. 1699 - 1702.

[10] C. Pan, J. Chen, C. Chu, Y. Huang, "A ]cst Mcxmum Power Pont
Trccker ]or Photovoltcc Power Systems", 25
EEE Annual
Conference of the EEE ndustrIal ElectronIcs, 1999, pp. J90 - J9J.

[11] Q. LI, P. Wolfs, S. SenInI, "The Applccton o] the Hcl] 8rdye 0ucl
Converter to Photovoltcc Applcctons", AUPEC, 2001.

[12] AustralIan Standards 0ocuments (AS 4777.1, AS 4777.2, AS 4777.J),
"6rd Connecton o] Eneryy Systems vc lnverters".

[1J] Allan F. Hambley, "Electroncs", Second Ed., PrentIce Hall 2000.


8.1 AT|EL C Code LIstIng

TItle: SP test
Author: Anthony Kahl
0ate: 09/2002
Software: A7FCCC to compIle
Hardware: ATS90S85J5

#Include uart.h
#Include Io.h
#Include sIgnal.h
#Include Interrupt.h
#Include progmem.h

u08 cnt;
u08 cnt1;
u08 ledDn;

Int maIn(voId)

outp((1TDE0), T|SK); /* enable TCNT0 overflow */
outp(0, TCNT0); /* reset TCNT0 */
outp(J, TCCF0); /* count wIth cpu clock/1024 */

cnt = 0;
cnt1 = 0;
ledDn = 1;
seI(); /* enable Interrupts */

for (;;) []


SCNAL(SC_D7EFFLDW0) /* sIgnal handler for tcnt0 overflow Interrupt


If (cnt 250) [
cnt = 0;

If ((cnt1 4) EE (!ledDn)) [
cnt1 = 0;
ledDn = 1;

If ((cnt 2) EE (ledDn)) [
cnt = 0;
ledDn = 0;

outp(0, TCNT0); /* reset counter to get thIs Interrupt agaIn */
8.2 EffIcIency Fesults Table

8.J PW| and Controller SchematIcs

8.4 SensIng CIrcuItry SchematIcs

8.5 Power ElectronIcs SchematIcs

8.6 Converter PC8

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