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v2.34 changes Various security vulnerability fixes. v2.33 changes Added ability to create .

md5 files from the shell extension. Slight speedup on files less than 1GB in size. Slight speedup on .sfv files with more than approximately 1000 files. Also sped up sorting the result columns. v2.32 changes Fixed a bug when an '=' character existed in the path or filename. Added ability to create .md5 files from the shell interface. v2.31 changes Fixed creating/verifying files over 1GB in size on Win9x platforms. v2.3 changes: Fixed a buffer overflow in creating .sfv files when the path was longer than allowable under Windows. Improved file reading speed which improves both creation and verification speeds. Added CRC in feedback window. Changed about screen to reflect new URL for QuickSFV. v2.22 changes: Relaxed the character matching logic when searching for missing filenames during verification. Fixed a bug when reading .sfv files that wrapped filenames with a double quote. Fixed a bug relating to compatibility with Windows XP's Start Menu. Made the OUTPUT:filename.ext function deny requests to other apps that attempt to open the file for reading to help signal to other apps when QuickSFV has finished verifying. v2.21 changes: Fixed saved window position on multiple monitor systems. Fixed verifying individual files within any files other than .PAR files. v2.2 changes:

Removed Maximize box from main window. Fixed moving of files where .sfv name and new directory used older 8.3 file naming conventions. (Thanks Windows for giving me the 8.3 names instead of the REAL ones!) Allow for reparenting during the verification process instead of having to wait for the current process to finish. Added preliminary support for .PAR files. QuickSFV can verify files that have been protected using the PAR mechanism. With support from the PAR file specification, QuickSFV can use the same Previously Checked Database to skip files that have previously been verified. This version only supports verifying files. It does not recover bad or missing files. This is planned for a future release as well as the initial creation of .PAR files. v2.1 changes: Added support for reading .CSV files. Added a right-click menu option for "reparenting" a .sfv file. This will allow you to open a .sfv file, but verify files that are located in a different subdirectory, such as a CD-ROM. Added a right-click menu option for moving all good files into a subdirectory. The subdirectory will be named after the .sfv filename and all good files as well as the actual .sfv file will be moved into the new subdirectory. Any existing failed files will be left in the original subdirectory. This option is not available when the .sfv file has been reparented to a different subdirectory. Added the option to select which files to associate QuickSFV with during installation. Fixed the UI sorting routines. Having a large number of files would cause the sort routines to overrun the stack. New methods were written to sort faster and be able to handle near unlimited number of files. v2.0a changes: Fixed: JPEGSheriff file reading. In an effort to count the number of items in the file, it was not repositioning the file pointer correctly for JPEGSheriff crc files. Fixed: Opening files under Win9x. In an effort to open more shared files, I used a flag only supported by Windows NT which failed under Windows 9x. v2.00 changes: Updated GUI to include graphics representing good and bad files. Also displays current totals while processing. QuickSFV now uses sortable columns so you can resize them to see the information you need.

Increased processing speed by up to 2x. New disk access routines and other optimizations produced almost double the processing speed. Increases are for both creating .SFV files and verifying them. Added a Menu to allow opening of other .SFV files from the main window. For those who like the clean look, you can specify ShowMenu=FALSE in the .INI file to hide the menu. Added an expiration function for the Previous Verified DB. This is an .INI setting allowing you to specify the maximum date of the DB before assuming it is old and reverifying all of the files. It defaults to no expiration, but you can specify it in days, hours minutes and seconds. e.g. ExpireTime=1d 3h 15m 20s would expire the DB in 1 day 3 hours, 15 minutes and 20 seconds. You can enter something as simple as ExpireTime=30d to specify 30 days. The Last Verified Time is always written to the .SFV. This means that your expire time needs to elapse from the LAST time you verified it. Not the first time. e.g. If your expire time is set to 5 days, but you verify the .SFV every day, your DB will never expire. 5 days would have to pass without verifying the .SFV before the DB would be considered expired. Added ability to add subdirectories into the .SFV file. This will include all files in the selected subdirectory AND all files and subdirectories below it. Added right-click menu option to automatically select all bad files. This can then be used to COPY all the bad filenames to the clipboard. Added right-click menu option to delete selected files. Added right-click menu option to remove all Previously Verified DB info from the current .SFV file. Added logic that detects when a file is newer than the last time the .SFV file was checked and reverifies the file regardless of the Previous Verified DB data. Added ability to 'Skip All' when creating .SFV files when selected files are unable to be opened. v1.71 changes: Fixed a bug in the OUTPUT: command line option that could cause verifying to fail on many systems when outputting the results to a text file. Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause QuickSFV to crash while verifying zero-length files. Fixed a bug in the installer that could report a successful install of QuickSFV even though some of the files may not have copied due to them already running in memory. Added an about screen to the system menu of QuickSFV.exe. The about screen does not exist in the Verify Individual File window's system menu. This was done to keep the size of the DLL down.

Changed the Verify Individual File system to look for each filename in all of the existing .SFV, .CRC and .CKZ files in the same directory. V1.70 would only look in a .SFV file if it had the same filename as the selected file. v1.70 changes: Fixed a bug that caused QuickSFV to crash when creating a .SFV file with files that have no extension. Corrected an issue where QuickSFV would place the files in the .SFV in the order that they were given by Windows Explorer instead of by alphabetical order. Fixed a display bug in the Windows Explorer Status Bar under Windows 9x systems. Fixed a reporting bug when verifying. If a file could not be opened, QuickSFV would report that the file failed but still might report 'All files OK' at the end. The file is now considered to be "Bad". Corrected an issue where QuickSFV will now add the .SFV file extension if no extension is given during .SFV creation. Added the ability to verify individual files from the Windows Explorer interface, bypassing the Previously Verified Database that might exist in the related .SFV file of each individual file selected. Just select one or more files you wish to verify, then right click and select the 'Verify Individual Files' option. QuickSFV will attempt to locate the related .SFV file of each file chosen and verify the file. Added an INI setting for the default .SFV file name. The setting is DefaultFilename= and can be set to any filename. Do not include any folder/path info. This setting will override QuickSFV's suggestion for the .SFV filename. If no INI setting exists, QuickSFV will still suggest a suitable .SFV filename based on the files selected. Added an INI setting to bypass the 'Done' dialog at the end of creating a .SFV file. The setting is ShowDoneCreate= and should be set to 0 (zero) to bypass the notice. If this setting is 1 or does not exist, QuickSFV will show the notice. Added a WIN-SFV32 compatibility mode so that .SFV files created with QuickSFV can be verified by WIN-SFV32. This setting is persistent across multiple .SFV creations. Modified the File Read routines to help increase the I/O throughput to help increase the overall speed. Tests have shown a 30% increase in overall speed on some Windows 98 systems. v1.61 changes: QuickSFV now supports files whose lengths are greater than 4GB.

QuickSFV now remembers the last window position it was in and restores that the next time it is launched. Added a progress bar in the .SFV File Creation status window to indicate the progress of the current file. Enhanced speed on some multi-processor systems. (Your mileage may vary) Closing QuickSFV while verifying large files will now cause QuickSFV to exit immediately. Previous versions would continue to verify the file until it reached the end of the file. Canceling .SFV File Creation will now cause QuickSFV to exit immediately. Previous versions would continue processing until it reached the end of the current file. v1.60 changes: A unique signature is now recorded within the Previously Checked Files database to keep track of whether the database was created by the current user or a different user. This will help when SFV file creators verify the files and leave the Previously Checked Files database in place when uploading the SFV file. This signature is simply a random number and contains no specific information to the machine it is running on. It is generated during install or if the corresponding INI setting is missing. Upgrading will maintain this signature as long as you install to the same folder as the existing version of QuickSFV. Installing to a new folder will reset this signature causing QuickSFV to ignore the Previously Checked Files database when verifying. Uninstalling QuickSFV will erase the signature. QuickSFV now has a command-line option for sending the results of the verify process to a text file. The option's format is: OUTPUT:<filename> where <filename> is the name of the file you wish to send the results to. If this file already exists, it will be overwritten without warning. You can enclose the filename in quotes if you have spaces in your filename. i.e. OUTPUT:"My Results.txt" To verify an SFV and send the results to a text file, you can use something like: QuickSFV.exe thefile.sfv OUTPUT:results.txt When sending the results to a file, the QuickSFV window will not appear on the screen. QuickSFV now supports CRC files generated by JPEG Sheriff. This code is new and may not work with EVERY CRC file generated by JPEG Sheriff. It also will NOT recurse subdirectories searching for the files unlike JPEG Sheriff with the 'Recurse subdirectories' option on. v1.51 changes:

Added an UpdateDB configuration option. From the Window menu of the QuickSFV verify window, you can check or uncheck the 'Update DB' option. When Update DB is not checked, QuickSFV will not keep track of which files it has previously verified. The option is stored in QuickSFV.ini in the same directory as the QuickSFV.exe file. If an SFV file already has an existing DB embedded in it, QuickSFV will use it but not update it or remove it. Added a new installation dialog allowing users to not install the Shell Extension or not update the Previously Checked database during install. To install the Shell Extension at a later time, the user will have to reinstall QuickSFV. v1.50b changes: After verifying files, you can now select lines in the QuickSFV window and use CTRL-C to copy the filenames to the clipboard as text to be pasted into other applications. QuickSFV will now handle text files that use only a CR at the end of each line instead of a LF or CRLF. A small bug was fixed when the last line of an .SFV file did not end with a CR or LF. The "Previously Checked Files" database would be tacked on to the end of that line instead of on a line by itself. The "Create .SFV File" menu option does not appear now when you rightclick on an .SFV file. This was done to keep the menu clutter down. v1.50a changes: Fixed a stack overflow bug in shell extension under Windows 98. Pressing the Escape key now aborts and/or closes the QuickSFV window. Installation now checks for newer versions of the files already installed in the selected destination directory and asks if you want to keep them or install over them. v1.50 changes: QuickSFV now allows you to create .SFV files by integrating into the Windows Explorer Shell interface. Just select the files you wish to include in the .SFV file, right-click on them and choose 'Create .SFV File'. It will ask you for the .SFV filename. The default name will be the first file name but with the extension switched to .SFV. QuickSFV now remembers which files in an .SFV file have been successfully verified and does not check them on subsequent checks. You can override this functionality by right-clicking on the .SFV file in Explorer and choosing the 'Verify All' option. This functionality only works with .SFV files. (Not .CRC or .CKZ) QuickSFV now supports the .CKZ v2 format. QuickSFV Installation now gives the end user a choice of installation directories. It defaults to your current Windows

Program Files directory. v1.02 changes Previous versions were reporting missing files as 'bad' instead of 'missing'. v1.01 changes: Now reports version number at the top of the list. Fixed spaces in filenames. It now assumes the last space on each line is the separating space. It will ignore all whitespace between this point and the last non-whitespace character before it. Tries to resolve filenames with odd characters. If a file does not exist in the folder under the given name, every character other than alphanumerics, dashes, and periods are converted to '?' and a list of all matching files is obtained. If only 1 matching file is found, it uses that file. If more than 1 or no files are found, it reports an error. Binary CRC files are now supported. It was my assumption and mistake that .crc files were the same as .sfv files. I'm not certain that I have the format supported completely but it works with the two CRC files I currently have. v1.00 Initial release

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