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THE THEOREMS OF BETTI, MAXWELL, AND CASTIGLIANO CE 131 Theory of Structures Henri Gavin Fall, 2002

Bettis Theorem: Consider a structure with a set of coordinates, i = 1, 2, , n, n + 1, , N .

Consider two systems of forces, {Pi }, (i = 1, , n) and {Qi }, (i = n+1, , N ).

Suppose that the {P } system is applied to the structure alone, producing displacements {DP }, stresses {P }, and strains { P }. The internal work is equal to the external work: 1 1 n T (1) P i DP i {P } { P } dV = 2 V 2 i=1

CE 131 Theory of Structures Duke University Fall 2002 H.P. Gavin

Instead, suppose that the {Q} system is applied to the structure alone, producing displacements {DQ }, stresses {Q }, and strains { Q }. Equating internal work and internal work, 1 2

{Q }T { Q } dV =

1 N Q i DQ i 2 i=n+1


Now, with the {P } system of forces acting, apply the {Q} system of forces. The internal and external work done by the {Q} forces must be equal. 1 2

{Q }T { Q } dV +

{P }T { Q } dV =

n 1 N P i DQ i Q i DQ i + 2 i=n+1 i=1


Substituting equation (2) into equation (3) gives


{P }T { Q } dV =

P i DQ i


Instead, with the {Q} system of forces acting, apply the {P } system of forces. The internal and external work done by the {P } forces must be equal. 1 2

{P }T { P } dV +

{Q }T { P } dV =

N 1 n P i DP i + Q i DP i 2 i=1 i=n+1


Substituting equation (1) into equation (5) gives


{Q } { P } dV =

Q i DP i


Bettis Theorem1 (1872) For a linear elastic structure, equations (6) and (4) are equivalent. Proof: In linear elastic structures stress is proportional to strain. We can write this fact for all six of our stress and strain components as {P }61 = [S]66 { P }61 , {Q }61 = [S]66 { Q }61 ,

where the material stiness matrix [S] is symmetric. Substituting, {P }T { Q } = {P }T [S]1 {Q },


{Q }T { P } = {Q }T [S]1 {P }.

Betti, E., Il Nuovo Cimento. Series 2, Vols 7 and 8, 1872.

The Theorems of Betti, Maxwell, and Castigliano

The right hand sides of these two equations are equal to each other. {P }T [S]1 {Q } = {Q }T [S]T {P } = {Q }T [S]1 {P } Therefore,

{Q }T { P } dV =


{P }T { Q } dV, Q i DP i


P i DQ i =
i=1 i=n+1


Maxwells Theorem2 (1864) ... a special case of Bettis theorem. The exibility matrix is symmetric. Proof: Assume that there is only one force, Pi = 1 acting at coordinate i in the {P } system, and one force Qj = 1 acting at coordinate j in the {Q} system.

Bettis Theorem states that 1 D Q i = 1 D Pj or D Q i = D Pj or fij = fji

where fij is the displacement at i due to a unit force at j, and fji is the displacement at j due to a unit force at i. That is, fij is a exibility coecient. In other words, the exibility matrix is symmetric. QED
Maxwell, J.C., On the Caclulation of the Equilibrium nad Stiness of Frames, Philosophical Magazine, vol. 27, pp. 294299, 1864.

CE 131 Theory of Structures Duke University Fall 2002 H.P. Gavin

Castiglianos Deection Theorem: (1873) The partial derivative of the strain energy of a linearly elastic system with respect to a selected force acting on the system gives the displacement of that force along its direction. U = Di Fi Recall that 1 U = 2 1 2
2 2 1 My 1 Mz N2 dl + dl + dl + l EA 2 l EIz 2 l EIy Vy2 1 1 T2 Vz2 dl + dl + dl. l G(A/z ) 2 l G(A/y ) 2 l GJ

So U = Fi
N N Fi dl + l EA

Mz Miz F dl + l EIz

My Miy F dl + l EIy
T T Fi dl. l GJ

Vz Vzi F dl + l G(A/z ) Notes:

1. The terms
M Fi

Vy Vy Fi dl + l G(A/y )

correspond to the virtual force terms in the principle of virtual work.

2. Castiglianos Theorems as presented here require a linear elastic system. The principle of virtual work does not. Therefore the principle of virtual work is more general. 3. Generalizations of Castiglianos Theorems for nonlinear elastic systems exist, and are described by T. Au, Elementary Structural Mechanics, (Prentice Hall, 1963).

The Theorems of Betti, Maxwell, and Castigliano

Proof of Castiglianos Theorem Consider a structure subjected to a set of forces Fi , i = 1, , N . The internal strain energy created by these forces is a (positive) function of these forces. 1 U= {}T { } dV = U (F1 , F2 , , Fk , FN ). V 2

If all of these forces increase by a small amount, Fi , then the change in the internal strain energy, U , will be U U U U F1 + F2 + + Fk + + FN , U = F1 F2 Fk FN or if only force k were changed by an amount Fk , then the change in the internal strain energy would be U Fk . U = Fk So the total internal strain energy from all forces Fi (i = 1, , N ), plus an extra force Fk is 1 U U + U = Fk . {}T { } dV + 2 V Fk Now if Fk is applied rst, it does a little bit of external work, 1 Fk Dk 2 (assuming linear elastic properties). This is so small that it can be neglected. Next, when the rest of the forces Fi , (i = 1, , N ) are applied, the small force, Fk , moves through a displacement Dk , and the total external work from all the forces (Fk plus all the Fi s) equals (again assuming linear elasticity), 1 N WE + WE = Fi Di + Fk Dk . 2 i=1 Setting U + U equal to WE + WE , and noting that U = WE , we get U U = WE , or, Fk Fk = Fk Dk , or, U = Dk . Fk QED

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